London debates: 1783

London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1994.

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'London debates: 1783', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799, ed. Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'London debates: 1783', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Edited by Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"London debates: 1783". London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Ed. Donna T Andrew(London, 1994), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

879. January 2, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Ought the Bashful or the Impudent Man to succeed best in his pretensions to Love and Fortune?'

Parker's General Advertiser January 1

880. January 4, 1783 Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser
'Hostis honori invidia


When the Conductors of the AMICA COLLATIO ACADEMY, held at the Reverend Mr. Pennington's Chapel, Paul's-alley, Barbican first adopted the plan on which their new institution is formed; they were aware of the objections which the prejudiced and interested would raise against such a liberal establishment; but as they expect support only from the wise and judicious, they mean to act in such a manner as shall not disappoint the sanguine wishes of their friends; and while they regret the ungenteel behaviour of those concerned in a neighbouring Society, they find consolation in the assurances of the party alluded to, who have signified their intention of giving no further interruption to the Amica Collatio, provided their Monday debates were confined to religious subjects; they shall be obliged - therefore, for the future, every Monday will be appropriated for the purpose alluded to, by way of debate, comment and delineation; and in order to remove the jealousy of interested opponents, as well as to satisfy the wishes of those who minds are enlarged, every Thursday evening is fixed on for the discussion of Political and Miscellaneous Topics, by way of debate only; thus, by attending to approved and popular subjects, the same night that the opponents of this place transact their business, they cannot complain of an attempt to gain their devoted admirers; but should they lose any attendants, it is presumed they will have more sense than to shew any resentment at a preference given to merit. The conductors hire no speakers to prostitute their sentiments, or to tickle the ear for the sake of temporary applause, so that every person who attends will have liberty to speak his mind, and will also be heard with that candour becoming rational beings.

Next Monday, being Twelfth-Day, the question intended for that evening is postponed to the Monday following . . . Overtures on the organ. Galleries for the Ladies. Admittance 6d. Subscribers to the chapel pay half price.'

881. January 7, 1783 Amica Collatio Academy

'Is it right, at this crisis, for the Protestant Association to petition Parliament (or in any other manner to concern themselves with the laws) relative to Popery?'


882. January 9, 1783 Amica Collatio Academy

'Are parents justified in preventing their children from marrying agreeable to their inclination?

'N.B. For the future, Mondays will be appropriated for religious, and Thursdays for political and miscellaneous subjects. Please to note, a peculiar emulating encouragement is given to those who write approved pieces on any question . . . young people will be easily taught the manner of public speaking, and be freed from that awkward diffidence ever attending modest merit - an encouragement not to be found in any prejudiced or partial society.'

Gazetteer January 7

883. January 9, 1783 Coachmakers-Hall

'Which is the more injurious member of society, the busy fool, or the ingenious villain?'

Gazetteer January 7

884. January 13, 1783 Amica Collatio Academy
'At half price, for this evening only

"Which is the greatest foe to virtue, the disguised hypocrite; or the professed libertine?"

N.B. The conductors particularly invite all such as are, or may be prejudiced against this society (by false reports, malicious insinuations, and the artful suggestions of incendiaries, and disturbers of tranquillity) to attend, as some matters relating to certain individuals, will be explained, and every other satisfaction given that cannot fail to be highly acceptable to every candid and liberal mind. For this evening only, subscribers to the chapel will be admitted gratis, and every other person for three-pence.'


885. January 16, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Ought the Quakers, on account of their religious principles, to be excused from taking part in the defence of their country?'

Gazetteer January 14

886. January 20, 1783 Amica Collatio Academy

'Whether the Moral Writer, or the Divine Preacher, contributes more to the instruction and amendment of Society?

N.B. The Rev. Mr. Pennington, being unanimously elected perpetual President, will take his seat at eight precisely. It is also agreed, that ladies, as well as gentlemen, shall speak and vote in this Society; and that all who mean to support this institution, pay only threepence for admission. For the information of strangers, the late President will, at the conclusion of the debates, relate every particular of this Society from its commencement; explain the reasons for his own conduct, and impartially investigate the behaviors of certain persons, who have clandestinely opposed the proprietor of this place.'


887. January 23, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Are not Women made more abandoned by the Contempt of their own Sex after the slightest deviation from Virtue, than by the Inconstancy of the Men?'

Parker's General Advertiser January 22

888. January 30, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Was the Execution of King Charles Murder, or an Act of Justice?'

Parker's General Advertiser January 29

889. February 6, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Are the Conditions of Peace such as this country ought to accede to in its present situation?'


890. February 13, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Can a wife be reformed by correction?'


891. February 20, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Ought the King to have given Independence to America without the concurrence of the other branches of the Legislature?'


892. February 26, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Are the Arguments advanced against the Peace sufficient to arraign the Conduct of Ministers in acceding to it?'

Parker's General Advertiser February 25

893. March 3, 1783 Amica Collatio Academy for Universal Investigation

'In which of the sexes is the love of power most predominant?'

The Ladies (having the same liberty as the Gentlemen to speak and vote . . .)'

Admittance threepence.


894. March 6, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is not a Man culpable in making any Advances to the Fair Sex, if he has not Intention of Matrimony?'

Parker's General Advertiser March 5

895. March 10, 1783 Amica Collatio and Academy for Universal Investigation

'Which character causes the greatest increase of vice and irreligion, the Atheist who performs every moral duty, or the Professor of the Gospel who leads an immoral life?

A question that claims the attention of every age and description . . .'


896. March 13, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Would a sumptuary law to restrain different orders of the people with respect to diet and apparel (similar to that which has lately taken place in Denmark) be more beneficial for its prudent tendency, or detrimental on account of its arbitrary principle?'


897. March 17, 1783 Arnica Collatio

'Whether it is for the advantage of a state to suffer an unrestrained liberty in the press?'


898. March 20, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Are there any just grounds for supposing that the understandings of the female sex are in any respect inferior to those of the men?'


899. March 27, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is the present mode of reducing the price of Bread consistent with fair trade, and likely to produce any public good?'

Parker's General Advertiser March 26

900. March 31, 1783 Arnica Collatio

'Whether the doctrine of predestination or chance is most consistent with religion and reason?'


901. April 3, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Ought not the word obey to be expunged from the marriage ceremony?'


902. April 10, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is it probable that any good will be derived to this country from an Administration that differed so widely on essential constitutional points?'

Parker's General Advertiser April 9

903. April 17, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is it consistent with the Character of a Woman of Virtue to undertake the Profession of an Actress?'

Parker's General Advertiser April 16

904. April 24, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Has Methodism done more Good or Harm to this Country?'

Parker's General Advertiser April 23

905. May 1, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Has Methodism done more Good or Harm to this Country?'

Parker's General Advertiser April 30

906. May 5, 1783 Amica Collatio

'Whether the artist who occupies his trade and calling for the support of his family, or a clergyman who preaches on a Sunday, only for the sake of getting money, is the worse character?'


907. May 8, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Hath a parent the natural right to restrain a child's inclination to marriage?'


908. May 15, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Does the passion of love operate more powerfully in the male or female breast?'


909. May 22, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Can duelling be justified upon the principles of reason and true courage?'


910. May 29, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Was the Restoration of Charles the Second, on the 29th of May, such an event as will justify the keeping it a Festival?'


911. September 11, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Will not the Receipt Tax tend to interrupt the course of Commerce and promote litigious Suits at Law?'

Morning Post September 9

912. September 18, 1783 Coachmakers hall

'Is a Court of Law a fit place for an Officer to settle a point of honour?'

Morning Herald.

913. September 25, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is the excess of Dress and Fashionable Amusements more prejudicial to the Morals, or beneficial to the Commerce of this Country?'

Morning Herald

914. October 2, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Would a Law to prevent Persons divorced from marrying again, be a just and beneficial Measure?'

Morning Herald

915. October 9, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Ought not Women to be permitted to preach in our Churches as well as Men?'

Morning Herald

916. October 16, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Do Riches, independent of Vice, tend more to produce Happiness or Infelicity?'

Morning Herald

917. October 23, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Would punishing the crime of seduction with death be a just and beneficial measure?'


918. October 30, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Can Misfortune without the concurrence of Vice, effectually destroy our Happiness?'

Morning Herald

919. November 13, 1783 Coachmakers hall

'Is Love productive of Happiness equivalent to the anxiety ever inseparable from that Passion?'

Morning Herald

920. November 20, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Have the different Sectaries in this Country contributed more to Injure or promote the cause of Religion?'

Morning Herald

921. November 27, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Would it be consistent with Justice for Government to infringe upon the Charter of the East India Company?'

Morning Herald

922. December 4, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Would it be consistent with justice for Government to infringe upon the charter of the East-India Company?'


923. December 11, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Does money or merit tend more to recommend a lady to a husband?'


924. December 18, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Does Virtue tend more to promote or impede our success in life?'

Morning Herald

925. December 26, 1783 Coachmakers Hall

'Is not the interference of the Crown to influence the decisions of Parliament, an unconstitutional Measure?'

Morning Herald December 25, 1783