Examinations, 1733-1750: nos 41-60

Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1999.

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'Examinations, 1733-1750: nos 41-60', in Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766, ed. Tim Hitchcock, John Black( London, 1999), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp13-19 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Examinations, 1733-1750: nos 41-60', in Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Edited by Tim Hitchcock, John Black( London, 1999), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp13-19.

"Examinations, 1733-1750: nos 41-60". Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Ed. Tim Hitchcock, John Black(London, 1999), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp13-19.

Examinations, 1733-1750: nos 41-60

41. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. John Holmes of Chelsea in the county of Middlesex upon oath saith that it appears by the register book of the Waterman's Company, London, that on 17 July 1713 Samuel Mayhow was bound an apprentice for seven years to one Elizabeth Beck (by the name of Elizabeth Beck of St Margaret, Westminster, waterman's widow). And that it also appears by the said register book, on 24 Sept. 1714 the said Samuel Mayhow was turned over to one Seth Banford of St Mary, Lambeth in the county of Surrey, waterman, to serve the remainder of his term. Of which a certificate is given under the seal and signed by the clerk of the said company. And further saith not. John Holmes. Sworn at Chelsea, 26 Oct. 1736, before us. Peter Elers. Thomas de Veil. [See 40].

42. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Stephen Coney, husbandman, aged about 44 years, upon oath saith that he was born at Chelsea in the said county of Middlesex. And that on or about 22 years since he, this examinant, lived a servant hired by the year with one John Bond of Brompton in the parish of Kensington, in the said county, where he continued about the space of one year and half, and received his full wages of his said master for this said time after the rate of £7 a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And saith that at the time of quitting the said Bond, he married Susannah, his late wife, in the liberty of the Fleet, by whom he hath had four children (one of which only is living, vizt, Richard Coney, aged about 18 years). And further saith that his said son having lately fractured his arm by a cart wheel in Hogmore Lane in the parish of Kensington, aforesaid, and now under the care of a surgeon, [he] is not capable of paying the charge of the cure, or maintaining him without subsistence. And further saith that since he quitted the said service of the said Mr Bond he, this examinant, or his said son has not rented a house of £10 per annum, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of his, this examinant's, knowledge) whereby to gain a legal settlement. The mark of Stephen Coney. Sworn, 26 Oct. 1736, before us, Thomas de Veil, Peter Elers. [Richard Coney] passed to Kensington.

43. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. Jane Purchase, single woman, aged about 21 years upon oath saith that she was born at Battersea in the county of Surrey, and that about four years since she lived a servant hired by the year to Dr Smartt of Chelsea College, where she continued upwards of one year and half, and received her full wages for the said time. The first year £3, and the remainder of time after the rate of £4 a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And saith that she has not lived a whole year in any service but the said Dr Smartt since her birth, or done any act or thing, to the best of her, this examinant's, knowledge, to gain a settlement. [The mark of] Jane Purchase. Sworn at Chelsea, 2 Nov. 1736, before me, Peter Elers. Came with a pass from Battersea. [See 45].

44. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. Martha Cleasdon, single woman, aged about 23 years, born in St George Yard in King Street in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster, in the said county of Middlesex, upon oath saith that on 3 Jan. last, twelve month, was she, this examinant, became a hired servant to one Mrs Hunt of the parish of Fulham in the county aforesaid, widow. With whom she continued till the Monday before Lady Day last, being a year and upwards. And [she] received of her said mistress her full wages for the said time (meat, drink, washing and lodging) at the rate of £4 a year. And further saith that since she quitted the said service, [she] has not done any act or thing to gain a settlement. The mark of Martha Cleasdon. Sworn before us, 11 Nov. 1736, Peter Elers, Robert Mann. Passed to Fulham. [See 38].

45. [n.p.] The examination of Jane Purchase, single woman, taken upon oath before us, Peter Elers and William Miller esqs . . . Middlesex, to wit. Who saith that on 1 Dec. last she was delivered of a male bastard child in the workhouse belonging to the parish of Chelsea in the said county, which is baptised and named Andrew Purchase. And was unlawfully begotten on her body by one Walter Goldsmith of Battersea in the county of Surrey, blacksmith, who had carnal knowledge of her body in or about the month of March last in his dwelling house at Battersea aforesaid, where this examinant lived a hired servant. And at no other time or place. And this examinant further saith that the said Walter Goldsmith is the true and only father of the said male bastard child. And further saith not. The mark of Jane Purchase. Sworn, 25 Jan. 1736/7, before us, Peter Elers, William Miller. [See 43].

46. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Rachel Miles, widow, aged about 34 years, upon oath saith that she was born in Chelsea in the said county, and that on or about sixteen years since was married to her late husband, Michael Miles, at the Tabernacle or Chapel belonging to the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the said county. And that her said husband served his apprenticeship to Mr Robert Abbott, painter, late of Chelsea, deceased. And saith that her said late husband, since such his servitude with Mr Abbott, has only lived in ready furnished lodgings, and has not done any act or thing, to the best of her knowledge, to gain a settlement elsewhere. Rachel Miles. Sworn at Chelsea, 29 Jan. 1736/7, before me, Peter Elers.

47. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. William Fry, single man, aged about 70 years, upon oath saith that he was born in a village called Sandhurst in Berkshire, and that about the year 1683 he was bound apprentice for seven years to one Mr James Herring, in Tuttle Street in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster in the said county, basket maker, with whom he served out his full time and had meat, drink, washing and lodging. And that since the time of serving such his apprenticeship has not done any act or thing to the best of his knowledge to gain a settlement elsewhere. The mark of William Fry. Sworn, 18 June 1737, before us, Peter Elers, Thomas Cotton.

48. [n.p.] The examination of Margaret Maver, single woman, taken upon oath before me, Peter Elers esq.... Middlesex, to wit. Who saith that she is now pregnant of a bastard child or children, which was unlawfully begotten on her body by one James Ogilvie, peruke maker, now living at Mrs Harrison's, a peruke maker in St Martin Le Grand in the city of London who had carnal knowledge of her body sometime before Christmas last at the house of Mr Gordon's in New North Street. And several times after in the said house. And further saith that the said James Ogilvie is the true and only father of the said child or children (when born). And further saith not. Margaret Maver. Sworn at Chelsea, 6 Aug. 1737, before me, Peter Elers. [See 54].

49. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Charles Rider, gardener, aged about 40 years, upon oath saith that he was born (as he is informed) at Battersea in the county of Surrey. And that about 25 years since he became a servant hired by the year to one Robert Peek, a baker at Battersea aforesaid, where he continued about the space of 1 year and upwards. And that he received for the said time, at the rate of £5 a year wages, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And saith that since he quitted the said service [he] has not rent[ed] a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of his knowledge) whereby to gain a legal settlement elsewhere. And further saith that about fourteen years since he was married to Mary, his present wife, in the parish church of Battersea, aforesaid. By whom he hath four children living, vizt, Charles, aged about 11 years, William, aged about 4 years, Anne, aged about 2 years, and [blank], an infant aged about [blank] months. And also saith that being out of business, [he] is not capable of supporting his said family without relief. [Blank]. Sworn, [blank] Aug. 1737, before us, [blank]. [See 65, 82, 230, 243].

50. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. Isabella Askin, alias Willett, widow, aged about 34 years, born at Kington in Herefordshire, upon oath saith that about thirteen years since she was married to one Henry Askin, saddler, deceased, in the liberty of the Fleet, by whom she hath one child now living, named Elizabeth, aged about 11 years. And saith that at the time she married the said Askin, he had a wife and child unknown to her. And also saith that about 2 years since she quitted the service of one Mrs Brown, a widow in Tuttle Street in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster in the said county, with whom she lived upwards of a year and received of her said mistress at the rate of £4 per annum, wages, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And further saith that since she quitted the said service [she] has not done any act or thing, to the best of [her] knowledge, to gain a settlement elsewhere. The mark of Isabella Askin. Sworn, 20 Aug. 1737, before us, Peter Elers, James Cardonnel.

51. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Anne Wiatt, widow, aged about 57 years, born at Brompton in the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex, upon oath saith that 32 years since she was married to John Wiatt, her late husband, deceased, in the liberty of the Fleet, by whom she hath one son living, named John, aged about 22 years. And saith that her said husband (as she, this examinant, hath been informed) before her marriage with him, lived a hired servant by the year to one Robert Severe of Brompton, in the parish of Kensington aforesaid, gardener, and that he continued in the said service a year and upwards. And this examinant further saith that since such her marriage, her said late husband, or this examinant has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of her knowledge) to gain a legal settlement elsewhere. The mark of Ann Wiatt. Sworn, 29 Aug. 1737, before us, Peter Elers, James Cardonnel. [See 52].

52. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Edward Woodhouse of the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex, gardener, upon oath saith that John Wiatt, gardener, deceased, about 36 years since became a servant hired by the year to one Robert Severe of Brompton in the parish of Kensington aforesaid, gardener, with whom he continued the space of a full year and quarter (being at the time impressed into the sea service). And that he received of his said master for the said time his full wages, at the rate of £5 a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And this examinant saith that he lived at the same time a fellow servant with the said John Wiatt. Edward Woodhouse. Sworn, 29 Aug. 1737, before us, Peter Elers, James Cardonnel. [See 51].

53. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Elizabeth Bracett, single woman, aged about 36 years, upon oath saith that she was born in the hamlet of Hammersmith in the parish of Fulham in the county of Middlesex aforesaid. And that her father (John Bracett, gardener) about 15 years since quitted a house and about seven acres of land which he had rented in the said hamlet for . . . about the space of 30 years, and paid parochial taxes for the same. And this examinant also saith that since the time of her living with her father, [she] has not rented a house of £10 per annum, or done any act or thing (to the best of her knowledge) whereby to gain a settlement elsewhere. The mark of Elizabeth Bracett. Sworn, 8 Oct. 1737, before us, James Cardonnel, Peter Elers.

54. [n.p.] The examination of Margaret Maver, single woman, taken upon oath before us, [blank] esqs ... Middlesex, to wit. Who saith that on 9 Sept. last she was delivered of a female bastard child in the workhouse belonging to the parish of Chelsea in the said county, which is baptised and named Elizabeth [blank]. And was unlawfully begotten on her body by one James Ogilvie, peruke maker, now or lately living at Mr Harrison's, a peruke maker in St Martin Le Grande in the liberty of the Westminster in the said county. Who had carnal knowledge of her body some short time before Christmas last, in the house of Mr Gordon's, in New North Street and several times after in the said house. And this examinant further saith that the said James Ogilvie is the true and only father of the said child. And further saith not. [Blank]. Sworn, [blank] Nov. 1737, before us, [blank]. [See 48].

55. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Edward Griffith, aged about 88 years, born at a place called Oswestry in Shropshire, upon oath saith that about 70 years since he, this examinant, was bound an apprentice for 7 years to one John Parry, a tailor, who then lived near the Axe and Gate in Aldermanbury, in the parish of St Mary Aldermanbury, London, with whom he continued and served 4 years and upwards (at which time his said master died). And about 2 years after the death of his said master he, this examinant, rented a house in Grubstreet in the parish of St Giles Cripplegate, London, for the space of eight years and upwards, and paid £8 per annum rent for the same and all parochial taxes. And saith that since he quitted the said house, [he] has not rented any other house of £10 per annum, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of his, this examinant's, knowledge) whereby to gain a legal settlement elsewhere. And this examinant further saith that about 8 years since he married Anne, his present wife, aged about 40 years, in the liberty of the Fleet. And further saith not. [Blank]. Sworn, [blank] Dec. 1737, before us, [blank]. He has a son-in-law in Grubstreet in Maidenhead Court, named Minton Bayley.

56. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. Robert Hardy, labourer, aged about 33 years, upon oath saith that seven years since he lived a servant hired by the year with one Mr John Akerman at the corner of Birchin Lane in the parish of St Michael Cornhill, London, cheyney man, where he continued and served for the space of two years and upwards, and received of his said master his full wages for the said time (one part of the time at the rate of £5 a year, and the other part of the time upwards of £5 a year) meat, drink, washing and lodging. And saith that since he quitted the service of the said Mr Akerman, [he] has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid parochial taxes, or done any act or thing to the best of his, this examinant's, knowledge whereby to gain a legal settlement elsewhere. And further saith that about 6 years since he was married to Mary, his wife, in the liberty of the Fleet, London, by whom he hath two children living, vizt, William, aged about 5 years, and Joseph, an infant, aged about 2 months. And also saith that being afflicted with the rheumatism, [he] has not been able to work for a considerable time past to support his family, and that they cannot subsist without relief. The mark of Robert Hardy. Sworn, 21 Jan. 1737/8, before us, Peter Elers, Robert Mann.

57. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Susanna Garlick, aged about 46 years (the wife of John Garlick, butcher) upon oath saith that on 18 Dec. 1723 she was married in the liberty of the Fleet to her said husband (John Garlick) by whom she has one child living named Sarah Garlick, aged about seven years. And saith that her said husband before her marriage was bound an apprentice for seven years to one Thomas Livintharp, a butcher in Hungerford Market in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the said county of Middlesex, with whom he continued and served between 3 and 4 years of his time and then went to sea. And this examinant further saith that since marriage her said husband has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of her knowledge) to gain a settlement elsewhere. And also saith that her said husband having absconded and left her for about a 12 month past, and [she] being very lame and infirm, [is] not capable of subsisting herself and child without relief. Susanna Garlick. Sworn, 6 Feb. 1737/8, before us, Peter Elers, Richard Farwell.

58. [n.p.] Middlesex sessions. Mary Jones, aged about 41 years (the wife of Daniel Jones, a gardener), upon oath saith that about 7 years since she, this examinant, was married to her said husband in the liberty of the Fleet, by whom she hath had three children, all living, vizt, Edward Jones, aged about 5 years, Bartholomew Daniel Jones, aged about 3 years, and Hester Jones an infant aged about 15 weeks. And saith that her said husband, about 15 or 16 years ago (which was before he married) lived a servant hired by the year to one Alexander Brand, a gardener at Brompton in the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, and continued in the said service for the space of one whole year and upwards, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And also saith that since her said husband quitted the said service of Mr Brand, [he] has not rented a house for £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of this examinant's knowledge) whereby to gain a legal settlement elsewhere. Mary Jones. Sworn, 28 Feb. 1737/8, before us, Peter Elers, Robert Mann.

59. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. Martha Ratcliff, single woman, aged about 69 years, born at Hendon in the said county of Middlesex, upon oath saith that about 26 years ago she became a hired servant by the year to one Mr Samuel Clark (afterwards Sir Samuel), merchant, in Mincing Lane in the parish of St Dunstan in the East, London, where she continued and served as cook for the space of 1 year and half, and received her full wages for the said time at the rate of £5 per annum, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And saith that since she quitted the said service [she] has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing, to the best of her knowledge, to gain a settlement. Martha Ratcliff. Sworn, 20 May 1738, before us, Peter Elers, Robert Mann.

60. [n.p.] Middlesex, to wit. June Davies, the wife of John Davies, fisherman, maketh oath that she, this examinant, was married about two years since to her said husband in the liberty of the Fleet, by whom she hath two children, both living: vizt, Elizabeth Davies, aged about 15 months, and Anne Davies, aged about 11 weeks. And saith that her said husband was bound out an apprentice by the parish of St George Hanover Square in the said county to William Pearce of the parish of Chiswick in the said county, fisherman (as appears by the counterpart of his indenture). And further saith that since she, this examinant has been married, her said husband has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act or thing (to the best of her knowledge) to gain a settlement since the time he quitted and left his said Master, William Pearce at Chiswick. And also saith that her said husband being entered in the sea service is not capable of supporting herself and the said two children without relief. Jane Davies, her mark. Sworn, 31 August 1738, before us, Peter Elers, George Abbott. Passed to Chiswick.