The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685.
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William Freeman, 'Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 133-158', in The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685, ed. David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
William Freeman, 'Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 133-158', in The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685. Edited by David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
William Freeman. "Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 133-158". The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685. Ed. David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 133-158
133. Robert Helme [Nevis]
[London, August 29, 1679]
Itt's now the 29th of August. The pr.misses is a coppy of our last to which we
referr. I have since receivd severall from your brother adviseing of your being
gon to M.tsarratt and Antigua, which am somewhat troubled att (though it may
be to our advantage) that you should hazzerd yourself att that dangerous season
to pass amongst the islands. What I have now to add is to advise you to declyn
rather the buying the freight negroes and to make home what possible you cann
of our effects out of that concerne of comission negroes, which I think more
prudent now you are comeing off then to run up a multitude of debts & to draw
noething from itt after soe many yeares mannadgment, as you will finde what
we have drawen to be very inconsiderable, the sloop being paid for. Which
please to take into a serious consideration. And I am sure you will [p. 141] be
of my oppinion when you have well weighed itt that a man heer cannot valew
himself anything upon debts in the West Indies, espetially considering the vast
debts we of necessety must have there upon the acco.t of trade. That I hope you
will also indevor to draw inasmuch as you cann before you. And for our goods
now sent, if you could finde some trusty carefull men to put part in their hands
to dispose upon Antigua and M.tsarratt, it might be a means not only to dispose
our goods the more speedely but alsoe to make us something considerable the
next yeare in returne. Which wee referr wholly to your discretion. Pray faile
not to stock our own plant. very well with good slaves & to settle our interest
in George Liddels plant., I meane our halfe part of itt, soe as that he may not
have the power of the disposition of the pr.duce to lay it out upon the plant. but
that it may be shipt as made. You will not finde that satisfaction in any interest
there when you are heer, as now you have itt under your owne eye, as experience hath taught mee by mine in M.tsarratt I can well tell. I only give you this
caution to take time to settle all thinges well beforehand and not to leave all
things to be done at the last when its possible you may not finde time to doe itt
as it should bee. Pray pr.caution your brother, and whoever elce you intrust
with the disposition of our goods, that they may be very carefull of makeing
bad debts. But rather keep our goods by such as are salvant men. Let them not
spare to trust, but what are like to be long debts. Rather lett them be upon Nevis
then any other islands. But shall not send any other goods but wines and servants heerafter. The latter we hope may purchase ready payment when disposed
by the Masters of the shipps. ...
134. Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, September 2, 1679
My brother Baxter & self haveing taken into consideration the weightyness of
our business, which wee judge too greate for any single p.rsons mannidgm.t
and that it will lie wholly upon your brother, espetially at your comeing off,
wee have thought fitt to make Tho. Westcote a pr.position to mannidge part of
itt, either upon St. Kitts or Antigua. Which if you acquiest with us in, would
have you to draw Articles to the same effect betwixt us & him. & If he settles
upon St. Christophers, if you can finde any trusty p.rson upon Antigua and
M.tsarratt to make the same agreement with them. For our designe is that your
brother should make sale of as much as he can this next ensueing yeare and,
after that, would have him make itt his sole business to compass our debts that
he hath already contracted, & would have him to have noething to make sale
off that might anywayes put a stop to his pr.ceedings. Wee being resolved now
to send noething more but wines, servants or horses. And if you approve of
imploying some other p.rsons this way, would have you put into each of their
hands a p.rcell of our goods last sent, reserving in your brothers hands what
you judge he may be capable of vending this next yeare. And at Xtmass Next
some 12 mo., desire whatever of our goods remaines in his hands undisposed
may be putt in some one or any of their hands as you may judg convenient to
dispose [p. 142] off. To which end, leave necessary instructions with him at
your comeing off that soe he may have noething to doe that ensueing yeare but
to gather in our debts. And whoever you contract with, bee sure to bind them
that they may have noe advantage by coopridge or any other way but what our
allowance is which is to draw 10 p.r c.t upon returnes, but noe comission on
sales. If you have coopers of our own or can bring up any to the trade to supply
them, it will doe best. And when you come home, we will consider of some
way to advance your brother upon his own accompt. Which you may give him
assurance off for his incouridgm.t for the good serviss he hath done us. For I
know it's your desire as well as mine to doe something for him, which you
shall never find me backward in. With whomsoever you contract, I referr it to
you to come to an agreement with them for what allowance may be convenient
for the gathering in of such of our debts as are already contracted, which I judg
5 p.r ct. for comission & storidge sufficient, & is what they may be content
with. ...
135. [p. 143] Henry Carpenter & Robert Helme [Nevis]
[London,] September 14, 1679
The foregoeing is a coppy of my last since which I have received the caske of
onotto, but what to doe with it I know not, being a comodety I doe not understand. The most I am yett pr.ferred for itt is 2s p.r pounde, it being very bad as
they tell me, if it were good and weare worth 4s 6d or 5s p.r pounde. Hereinclosed you have a receipt for the booke that cost 30s which is in Capt.
Lawrence his owne custody. The sloop is pritty forward and will be ready to
sayle by the last of this moneth. I shall not be heer to dispatch her, being goeing
into the country, but have taken order that nothinge may be wanting to dispatch
her, and shall leave orders with the Master Mr. W.m Helmes to sayle with the
first faire winde. I wish she may awnswer your expectations. Shee will come
to a great deale of money, I pr.sume, more then you expected. I have noething
to add but my serviss, & to tell you that it's much to be doubted the R.
Companyes charter will fall. Wherfore I thinke it not convenient for you to be
forward in seizures; but if you make any, to keep the full effects in your own
hands. Two Capt.s of the Kings shipps that took [p. 144] severall interlopers
off Barbados have been arrested, and have been forced to give bayle. & Upon
a heareing before the King and Councell, it was ordered they should stand their
tryall att law, which is not yett come to a heareing, but will in a little time. They
were forced to pr.vide their own bayle; neither K. nor Company would defend
them. & It's very much to be doubted they will come by the worst, and generally believed the trade wil be laide open. Keep this to yourselves, & mannadge
your business with discretion. I give it onely as a hint, knoweing you may
expect that severall interlopers wil be about the islands this yeare upon this late
incouridgment they have had.
As for your buying the comission or freight negroes off what shipps you have to come, unless you buy them extraordinary cheape, I am rather against medling with them, being now desirous to reape some of the fruits of those comissions, which hitherto hath been soe inconsiderable what we have drawen off, that it amounts to a very small matter, as you will find by the last accompt sent you.
I sent noe paper by reason I sent a p.rcell p.r Mr. Clayton out of which Mr. Helmes may furnish you with what you desire, at the price currant heer of its coste and charge. Soe that it's needless to send. ...
136. Randoll Hull [Cork]
London, September 9, 1679
Since I saw you I have discoursed Mr. John Bawdon, and have acquainted him
with your pr.posall to mee of ladeing the horses upon the creditt of our deale,
bords, & we have come to a resolution to alter our intended consignation to Mr.
Seely, and have heerwith sent you an order to Capt. John Ashly, Comander of
the said shipp, to deliver the said cargo of bords to yourself. & For your incouridgment we are content to remitt you 200£ towards the p.rchaseing a ladeing
of horses, to be put on bord said ship with pr.vitions and all other necessaryes
for them, which we conceive may be about 60 or 70 horses, be it more or less.
Would have as many put on board as she can conveniently carrye & upon your
first notice [p. 145] to use of the shipps arrivall there, we will remitt you the
same. Or if you finde a conveniency of excha. that you judge may be to our
advantage at 6, 8 or 10 p.r c.t, I allow you may draw upon us for the same.
Now, Sir, you are to observe that Mr. Bawden haveing corresponded with Mr.
Seely about this affaire & ordered him to pr.pare water caske in a readiness, the
more fairely to come off with him, I have formally bought Mr. Bawdon's halfe
part of the cargo & upon noe tearmes would not have you discover to him or
any other p.rson anything to the contrary that might give him any seeming
disgust. And to this effect Mr. Bawdon doth now write Mr. Seely for confirmation, & hath pr.pounded to him to deliver you all such water caske as he may
have pr.vided upon this accompt, which we doe oblidge you to receive of him
at the rates he hath agreed to pay he workemen for the same. & In case of his
refusall, it wil be convenient for you to pr.pare forthwith as many as may be
Sir, God sending the shipp to arive in safety, its our request that you forthwith repaire on board the said shipp, & consult with the Master of said shipp how many horses she can take in & reasonably stow & carry. & Haveing dewly considered the same, then forthwith to buy soe many good, serviceable & young horses, rather then old, fitt for labor cheefly, viz. draft or carridge, which rather have a respect to than to their shapes. & Be carefull that none of them may be diseased, but such as you judge to be sound & hardy. & For their prices would have such as may be bought from 40s price to 3£ 10s or 4£, but would not willingly have any to exceed that price. And also we desire your care in pr.pareing hay, corne & all other thinges necessary for their pr.vender or ought elce that may be convenient for them dureing that voyage. That much wee committ wholly to your care. And if possible you cann pr.cure any lusty men servants to put on bord, you will oblidge us, but request you to make itt your business to pr.cure 3 or 4 lusty stout fellowes at least that may be serviceable on borde in looking after the horses. & If possible you can pr.cure any pr.vitions that may be put on board upon freight, though you take it in on moderate tearmes, it wil be a great conveniency to us.
Now, Sir, you must observe that by Charter Party we are oblidged to pay the Master 60£ in part of his freight there, which please to supply him with & charge your bills upon us for the same. & We are further oblidged to supply the Master with what more his occations may require for the victualling his shipp which we desire you to supply him with alsoe & take his bills upon Mr. Gregory Page, merchant in this citty, for the same payable to us.
Sir, Pray be watchfull when the shipp arrives imediatly to receive on borde the said shipp and deliver this our inclosed order to the Master, & look up the letter directed to Mr. Seely, wherin the Bills of Loading for the cargoe is, according to the contents of our order to him.
137. [p. 146] Robert Helme & William Helme [Nevis]
London, September 13, 1679
Since our last to you we have treated the Leverpoole refinors, who we finde
are not willing to come to any certein agreement with us untill they see our
sugars landed, alleadgeing that those they have had have pr.ved so bad that
they are not willing to come to any price untill they see how they proove. &
On those tearmes we think it not our advantage to send our goods to an
uncertein markett, where when they are arrived wee must be content to take
what price they will please to give us. Wherfore we judge itt convenient to
alter our designe of Mr. Rivetts returne with our ship Abraham to Leverpoole, but desire he may returne to London, with such sugars as you can lade
upon him for our owne accompts or upon freight as you shall judg convenient. But its our request & desire that you lade upon him or any other of our
shipps what possible you cann upon our own accompts, rather then upon
freight. I suppose we shall agree for a small vessell or two of sugars for West
Chester, of which we shall heerafter give you a further acco.t. I pr.sume we
shall not need to give you any orders to Mr. Rivett, this being sufficient. But
you may shew him this our letter, if he desire itt, by which he may see this
our order, which he is to observe, notwithstanding any former order given
him by us. Over leaf you have a coppy of ours relateing to a ship we have
hired to take in horses in Ireland, to which I referr you as to that
p.rticuler. ...
138. Colonel Phillip Warner [Antigua]
London, September 15, 1679
Honored Sir,
I have received yours by Mr. Bennett with 28 hhds. of sugar, which proved
very good, and am sorry the markett would not afforde a more considerable
price. I have sold them att 23s 6d p.r c.t, thats 6d or 9d p.r c.t beyound a comon
markett price, and that's the most I could reach for them.
I have also received yours of the 30th July with a duplicate of yours of the 24th of July, by the Wheel of Fortune who is not yett arrived. Neither Mr. Symmons with your sonns. As soone as please God they doe, I shall follow all your directions. & In the interim shall make 150£ insurance for you on the Wheel of Fortune, when please God she arrives. I cannot see any way to avoyd the payment of your dead freight, though I shall doe what I cann in itt to salve you; but I finde the freightors are in the same condition themselves. [p. 147] I cann give you noe good news, but what is. The Duke of Yorke is now att Windsor to the great satisfaction of the honest gentry & as much to the contrary of the factious party that now grow numerous & are countenancd by noe less a p.rson then the Duke of Monmouth, who begann to sett up to make himself popular. For which reason, His Majestye hath thought fitt to command all his comissions from him, & to depart the Kingdome in tenn dayes. The next month the new Parliment sitts. Pray God they may a healeing one, for certeinly this kingdome never stood more in need of a good one then at this conjuncture. That rebellion is publickly discoursed in every coffee howse. His Majestye hath been lately very ill, but pritty well recovered, whose long life we have all reason to pray for, as affaires now stands. ...
139. Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, September 15, 1679
I have received yours relateing to W.m Hearne, & one from himself, an answer
thereunto I heerinclosed send you open to p.ruse. (fn. 1) & If you thinke convenient,
you may shew it the Generall before you deliver itt to him. It's expressly
against the will of his relations that he should returne. And if he p.rsists in his
obstinacy, putt him upon the plant. and make him worke untill he knowes
himself better. Upon the result you gave use of your intentions to stay till the
next summer, wee have adventured largely, and are now out abundance of
money. And therfore desire you will see the fruits of the next cropp before you
or at least good part of itt. Which pray make itt your indevors that it may be as
large as possible, for this yeares returne hath been very inconsiderable to what
we might reasonably have expected.
I pr.sume you are not unsensible that Mr. Carpenter drew his pr.portion of money out of my hands to put out upon interest; and what you have lately drawen and ordered, I cannot be in disburse. Therfore pray take care to send home as much as charges upon that accompt. I have p.d Mr. Bartlett 150£ & he desires another 100£, which I pr.sume is upon the creditt Mr. Carpenter gave him, as he tells me. And to give you my oppinion I had rather draw off now than continue our stock there to improve to advantage, I haveing fixt my resolutions to withdraw from all trade as soone as I cann.
I shall not now expect to see you here untill June or July, by which time I hope you will doe somethinge considerably in poynt of returnes. In the interim, I heartily wish you all happiness, and hope to have a happy meeting with you the next summer. ...
140. William Hearne [Nevis]
London, September 15, 1679
I have received your confident lines, which none but an impudent servant
would have pr.sumed to have sent to a Master. And in awnswer thereunto, I
shall follow those directions your father gave me before he bound you to mee
if I doe not by my next from Mr. Helmes receive a better character of your
behaviour to him, and that you demeane yourself in my serviss as you ought
to doe, in dischargeing the trust that is committed to your care with faithfulness and dilligence. You may remember I tooke you my apprentice when
your father would not receive you in [p. 148] his howse nor admitt you in his
pr.sence, without a farthing of money with you, which is not usuall to take
servants & imploy them in that quallety. I have done you with nothinge, for
which I am like to be well rewarded. But to be short, your fathers order &
desire to mee was if you did not demeane yourself as a good & a faithfull
servant in my serviss that I should putt you upon my plant. to worke as an
ordinary servant, which you shall assuredly doe if you p.rsist in this way. You
cannot alleadge or pr.tend that I am anywayes oblidged to the contrary, since
it was your own fathers request, who would not have left you a penny if you
had not had good freinds to have interceded with him on your behalfe. And
what you have now to trust to from his estate is very inconsiderable. His will
being pr.ved according to law, your pr.portion which he left you is not worth
above 3 or 400£, which he hath expresly ordered in his will that you shall not
receive a penny off untill you arrive to the age of 23 yeares. & I am well satisfyed you have a brother in law that hath donn as much to see that right should
be done you, as your father could have done if he weare living, according to
the contents of his will. I am sorry you demeane yourself soe as to expect noe
imployment from me heerafter, which you should as soone have had as the
nearest of my relations if you have wanted itt. But you beginn too soone to
make tearmes with a Master. And now I doe expressly forbid your returne
from the place where you now are dureing the time of your indenture to me.
To which end I have given Mr. Helmes orders, who is a p.rson better knowne
to your relations then you render him to mee. & Since you take this course, I
will speedely take another with you, if I have not a better acco.t of your
behaviour. Which, on the contrary, if you follow your business as you ought
to doe, I shall remitt what is past & continue myself as you shall deserve from
your Master.
141. [p. 150] Henry Carpenter & Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, September 19, 1679
This serves to advise you that I have paid Mr. Thomas Bartlett two hundred
pounds upon the creditt you gave him & have taken his receipts with allowance
of interest for the same. Which he is content with, in regarde I have none of
your moneyes now in my hands, & doe myself allow interest to the Gen.ll for
money I have made use of his. Pray take care that the same may be repaide me
as soone as possible, for I have att pr.sent great occations for money. Your bill
p.r Thompson shall be paide. The sloope I hope will be ready in less then 20
dayes, will amount to neer 400£. I am resolved to withdraw from trade and
therfore desire that accompts may be made up and settelled betwixt us, & that
the pr.fitts of our comissions of negroes may be returned, & not disposed off
there though to advantage. ...
142. Robert Helme & William Helme [Nevis]
London, October 12, 1679
This serves to advise you that Mr. Bawdon haveing hired the shipp James,
John Ashly, Commander, for a voyage to Norway and from thence to Corke in
Ireland where she is to take in as many horses as she can carry & soe to pr.ceed
to Nevis, & to returne for London, we have come in the half part with Mr.
Bawdon in the freightment of the said shipp, and have ordered the horses to
goe consigned unto yourselves & Mr. John Prewett joyntly to dispose of the
rest. And as soon as you have disposed them to devide the debt equally, you
takeing the one half part therof upon our accompts, & he the other on Mr.
Bawdens. And likewise you are to dispatch the shipp according to Charter
Party, either upon freight or our own accompts, which you can best accomplish
within her time. Wee hope the deales she will deliver in Ireland wil bring
downe the freight pritty reasonable. Pray indevor to make us what returnes you
possibly can this yeare for we are out very largely. ...
143. [p. 151] Anthony Henthorne [Chester]
London, October 12, 1679
This serves to advise you that yesterday Mr. Danvers and ourselves settled the
price of our next shipp of sugars, which we conceive you may now expect in a
little time. The price agreed upon is 24s 9d p.r c.t, only my plant. sugars
excepted, which you are to land and draw them. & What in your consciences
you finde they deserve more then the p.rcell, you are to allow mee. Now, Sir,
when please God the shipp arrives, I desire you to give her a speedy discharge,
& both you and he to receive the goods and weigh them as they are landed,
which Mr. Danvers hath pr.mised me shal be done. And lett the p.rson be there
in a readyness to take the weights that soe noe time may be lost. I expect your
awnswer to my last in reference to the shipp you pr.posed might be hired there.
& I would intreat you or Mr. Cleveland to prepare 5 or 600 moulds to oure
sugar, to gett them made, if possible, a size less then the largest sort you make
use off, and bespeake them as for your owne use that they may be made of the
best. And if you have any packt caske, I would send them with that moulds on
the first shipp I send out from that port. ...
The marke of my plant. sugars is HF. I suppose there wil be 40 or 50 hhds. I never sold them under 12d p.r c.t beyound an ordinary markett price.
144. William Freeman & William Baxter to Robert Helme & John Pruet [Nevis]
London, October 14, 1679
This comes unto you by the ship James of London, Capt. John Ashly, by us
freighted from Ireland with horses where we calculate she will take in about 60
or 70 & wil be put aboard by our freind Mr. Randall Hull of Corke, for our
acco.t in equall halves & consigned to yourselves joyntly. The number our said
freind will advise you when she is arrived at Nevis. We recomend to you there
sales for our most advantage which we apprehend may be best p.rformed
joyntly. & After finishing there sales to devide the debts by lott or [p. 152] or
otherwise, as you shall agree between yourselves, to whom we referr itt. Please
to note the Master receives to himself the cabbin & round howse & eight tonn
of the shipps tonnidge. The rest we are oblidged you shall loade in 70 dayes.
All the sugers are to be fetched from the shore at the charge of the owners with
the shipps, boats or sloopes that the Master for that end must hyer. If any
indigo, ginger, or cotten wool be loaden, wee are not concerned therin, being
only oblidged to loade suger in butts, punch.ons & hhds., & would not willingly have other unsizable caske to avoyde disputes heare about the tunnidg.
However, if there be any such, we have agreed to reckon itt heer according to
custom we have in Doublin, Corke & 30 dayes demorage allowed in the whole.
But we have no doubt of your loading her at Nevis within the limited time
through your joynt indevors & industry. & What roome our owne sugers doe
not occupye, wee intreate you to pr.cure on the most advantageous tearmes
from others, & afford us an acco.t of all that is aboard & at what freights. The
shipp is a good strong vessell & the Master an injenious dilligent man. All
which we hope will tend to a quick dispatch at least within the time. The port
charges is to be paid 1/3 by the owners, 2/3 by us. It's like we shall have other
shipps att the same time for our p.rticuler acco.ts on whom you may loade the
unsizeable caske and nothing but butts, puncheons & hhds. aboard Ashly.
145. Robert Helme & William Helme [Nevis]
London, October 18, 1679
This serves to advise you that since our last order to you contradictory to our
first order by the Abraham (for her returne to Leverpoole), we have come to an
agreement with Mr. Anthony [p. 153] Henthorne, sugar baker in Chester, for
two shipps loadeing of sugars to be delivered him this next ensueing yeare.
And since we understand Mr. Rivett, Master of said shipp, is still in Scotland
or Ireland, & that he cannot reasonably arrive with you before after Xtmass, at
which time the season beginns for the next cropp, we have therfore entered into
contract that shee shall returne to the said port of Chester for one of the two
shipps. & In order thereunto, we now send this our request & order to you: to
loade the said shipp if possible upon our own accompts &, as soone as you
have dispatcht her, to give your instructions & orders to Mr. James Rivett,
Comand.r of the said shipp, to sayle to the port of Chester or as neer therunto
as she can conveniently come with her ladeing, and to deliver the same to the
aforesaid Mr. Anthony Henthorne or order. Which shall be our sufficient order
to Mr. Ja. Rivett for his soe doeing, notwithstanding any former order we may
have given him to the contrary. Pray what sugar you lade indevor it may be
good which hitherto wee have had great complaints off from that port. & Also
wee desire the shipp may be fully laden upon our owne acco.ts, except what
small quantetyes there may be from the plant. of W.F. & J. Bramly from
Mountsarratt, which you may send upp for & take in, as also from the plant. of
W.F. & Mr. Rob.t Helmes which is the remainder. If possible it can be accomplisht, pray let it be laden all upon our acco.ts in thirds, though you keep the
shipp soe much the longer. Our second ship for this port you may expect to
follow in 3 months after this. ...
146. Anthony Henthorne [Chester]
London, October 18, 1679
I have receivd both yours of the 11th and 14th Instant with the 2 bills for 200£.
& In awnswer to your former, your 207£ 7s is still unpaid, nor never like to be
paid by this man. Yesterday my man mett with him at his lodging who denied
himself to be the p.rson & told him he was gone out. But my servant understanding by some of the people of his lodging that he was the man, spoke with
him againe to his shame, but could gett noe awnswer from him whether he
would pay the money or not. Soe that by the circumstance you may judge what
he is. & I would advise you not to be kept out of your money longer. & Indeed,
it's but reasonable the drawer should pay interest for itt, it being 3 mo. since
the date of your bill, I beleive, which comes to 3£. When your other bills are
received, I shall advise therof. [p. 154] As to the hier of the vessell you advised
off, I shall not adventure to take any vessell p.r the month unless I could be
ascertained her burthen. & The rate they demand is much more then what I can
hyer for heer. And wee haveing taken the same into consideration that it wil
now be late before we can send out a shipp for your first supply & Mr. Rivett
being still in Ireland, & haveing stayd much longer then we expected he would,
must now come ther in a very seasonable time to loade home, both for dispatch
& good goods. Soe that we have this day sent our orders to Ireland to him, &
also to Nevis, that he shall pr.ceed as wee had first ordered him, that is to your
port for yourself. We judge the vessell you pr.posed to hyer might bring within
tenn tunns as much as shee can, which difference is not greate, & what we
doubt not but you can dispence with. & Soe we will order you only one vessell
more, which shall follow her about 3 mo. hence, or sooner or later, as you
desier. Therfore, pray let us know what time wil best sute your conveniency. &
As to the price, we apprehend it would be better to conclude it certein, if you
thinke fitt, att 24s 9d which cannot be to your disadvantage in regarde the
markett is now at the lowest of the yeare & cannot be expected to fall but rather
to rise. But this we referr to your discretion. & If you thinke not fitt to be soe
concluded, we are willing to referr itt to an indifferent p.rson heer to decyde,
adding 18d to the currant markett price at the time it arrives, & shal be content
to referr the price to Mr. John Fleet to decide betwixt us, who is the most
competent judge we know in London, and an indifferent p.rson betwixt us
both, he being the only great buyer in London, and a p.rson you may depend
upon will doe as equall justice. Pray take order with Mr. Cleveland that I may
have some sugar potts gott in a readyness to send out with my next vessell that
arrives. I shal not make anything of our contract knowne to Mr. Danvers, since
you desire the contrary. ...
147. Colonel Phillip Warner [Antigua]
London, October 19, 1679
Honored Freinde, Sir,
I have receivd severall of yours & in p.rticuler that by your sonns, but had not
the good fortune to be in towne when they arrived, though I staid somewhat
longer then my occations would p.rmitt on purpose to receive them. However,
I left directions with my brother Baxter for their reception, who hath punctually observed all your directions. & Blessed be God they are now both very
well, though your eldest sonn hath been yll since his arrivall, but very well
recovered. My Lady your mother is pleased to take the charge of both, & I wil
be carefull that dew payment shall be made for your youngest & all other
things fulfilld according to your desires, & those things you have given orders
for shal be sent p.r first. Sir, this may advise you that I have now removed my
habitation out of the citty, for which reason I cannot be soe serviceable to my
freinds as I would bee, & therfore have comitted your sugar to the care of my
brother Baxter to dispose, as also to make you the returnes according to desier,
who I doubt not but you will find dilligent. I am confident more capable then
myself. I doubt not but it will be to your satisfaction, in regarde he doth your
mothers & all other your relations buisness, who hath very well approved of
his actings. & Futurely, I desier you will please to let your consignations runn
to him or, if you are not sattisfyed in him, let them runn to me & him, & I wil
be answerable for what he doth. & If you can recommend any of your freinds
buisness to him, I shall take it as great a kindness as donn to myself. I have
comitted all my own concerns to his disposition. For indeed as long as I was in
the Citty, I had more buisness then I was able to mannidge, which made my life
uncomfortable. Soe that I have now taken resolutions to declyne all.
Your 12 hhds. of sugar p.r Symons pr.ves very bad to what the former did; is sold att 23s p.r c.t but not yett weighed off. The Wheel of Fortune arrived but not yett come up the River. As soon as the sugars out of her are landed & sold you will receive Acco.ts of Sales of both p.rcells from my brother, & an acco.t of the former 28 hhds. you shal have from myselfe as also your Acco.t Currant p.r next. & What remaines dew to your acco.t from me shall make good to my brother Baxter. I shall have a p.rticuler care of your sonns & for all other things I referr it to him to give you an acco.t. Your bill of 34£ to Capt. Symons I have p.d. This, with my hearty serviss & thankfullness for all your kind recomendations (which I desier you will please to continue to my brother Baxter), wishing yourself & family all prosperity, I conclude.
Sir, If anything offers worthy your notice, I shall not faile to advise therof as oft as is needful. Had I continued to trade, I should have gladly accepted your kind offer, & have sent you the coppers desired, but have taken resolutions to withdraw my small concernes & to desist from any further concerne.
148. [p. 156] William Fox [Montserrat]
London, October 20, 1679
Worthy Freind, Sir,
I have receivd yours of the 9th August with my plant. acco.ts which I have not
yett had time to p.ruse & compare with the former, but pr.sume those creditts
you mention are wanting, viz. the joyners worke, still howse & c., which I shall
heerafter advise. Neither have I any creditt for teaching Bando & c. One thing
more: I observe & desier the acco.t may be againe drawen out & rectifyed in
that p.rticuler, that is, it's without date, when it beginns or ends, nor noe dates
to any of the p.rticulers of goods bought or the sugars p.d away, which is noe
method in acco.t. Nor can any contradiction bee to any such acco.t. Another
thing I admire att: that my mony & goods should lye by undisposed off and
severall things bought & payments made for the plant. use. That I pr.sume are
since those arrived, which must needs be to my great pr.judice. & What is most
unreasonable – that I should not have the disposition of my own part, nor what
I can never allow off. Pray informe Capt. Bramley I intend to order some beef
that shal be made for the plant. use out of Ireland suddenly, & desier him to
resolve you whether he will accept itt upon our joynt acco.t & adventure for the
plant. use. If not, let him not pr.vide any for my part, for I shall order itt
whether he will soe accept itt or not to supply my own part. Also please to
informe him that Mr. Ball, who he consigned his sugar to for payment of mee,
as he writt me, is dead, but I have not receivd anything off itt. (fn. 2) Sir, I would
have sent you the sett of cases & wedges by this shipp, but there is not a sett of
18 made in towne, nor have any been brought this mo. from the mills. The
waters are soe out by the greate raines that none cann pass. I have bespoke
them &, as soon as they can be had, shall be sent you, which hope may be p.r
next. I have writt to Capt. Bramley to lade what sugar he cann upon our joynt
acco.t upon our shipp Abraham for Chester. If he approve not therof, pray lett
what you can be laden on my perticuler acco.t from the plant. or any other my
concernes. & Please to write to W.m Helmes to suplly you timely with account
for that purpose and to reserve soe much tunnidge as you can lade. Which
please to advise me of the quantety by some other conveyance. ...
149. General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, October 20, 1679
Honored Sir,
I have received severall of yours which I have omitted to answer haveing been
in the country &, since my returne, have been occupied with removeall into
another howse, which hath obstructed. But I shal be carefull to answer all your
demands. & This now serves to give you the good news of your Ladyes safe
delivery yesterday of a beabe daughter, & both very well, pleased be God.
Mad.m Russell & Mad.m Williams are both down with the smallpox, but upon
recovery. (fn. 3) All your children except W.m hath hitherto escaped them & are in
very good health. The Duke is now heer & suddenly intended for Edenbrough,
where he is to reside. (fn. 4) I shall send your acco.t as soone as I am settelled. This
is all time at pr.sent will admitt of from & c.
Sir, I have just now receivd both yours by Capt. Hare with the severall incloseds, which shall take care to deliver. I heartely thanke you for your care of my interest in case of warr, which we have noe great apprehensions of at pr.sent. Yet am of your oppinion that whenever they make warr, will beginn it in those parts &, in such case, I desier you to doe by my interest as you doe by your owne. & Whatsoever the success is, it shal be allowed off by mee, & alwayes acknowledged as a singuler favor. I have soe often represented to the King & Councell the same thing you now desier that it wil be to noe purpose to doe itt againe. & I am very sensible the Kings condition will not allow him to keep a fleet there constant as the French doth. Therfore, the Islands must pr.vide for their own safety & defence. & I very well approve of your designe to secure one island rather then loose the whole, which am of oppinion can never defend themselves. It's said that Count Esties is in France. What they mean by sending such fleets upon such errands constantly I cannot imagine. It's beyound my comprehension. Heer is no news but that the Parliment is pr.rogued till the 26th January. & When they meet, I fear will not answer the end the K. designes them for. The Lords are all still in the Tower and cannot be tryed till the Parliment sitts. ... [p. 157] I delivered yours to Sir Robert Southwell who tells me he hath receivd the money and cancelled the bill in my pr.sence. I am now trying what may be donn againe about your old arreares.
150. Robert Helme & William Helme [Nevis]
London, October 21, 1679
This serves to advise you of the receipt of yours p.r Capt. Hare yesterday, as
also that I have ordered Mr. Randoll Hull of Corke to loade upon the shipp
hired by Mr. Bawdon & myself 20 barrells of beef for the joynt acco.t of Mr.
Rob.t Helmes & myself for our owne plant. use, also 30 barrells beef for the
joynt acco.t of Capt. Bramley & myself for our plant. which, God sending in
safety, I desier your care in receiving itt, & sending up to M.tsarratt to Mr.
W.m Fox & s.d Capt. Bramley. Faile not to loade our shipp Abraham for
Chester according to our last advise & in conformety to our contract. Also I
desier Mr. William Helmes to loade upon him the returne of the pr.ceeds of the
small p.rcell of canvis I have ordered by Mr. Clayton. Pray write to Mr. Fox &
Capt. Bramley what sugars there is ready at my plant. there. Please to accomodate freight for by the Abraham & assist them with a sloope to fetch it down,
with a more carefull Master then the last was, if you cann. For what sugar made
at our plant. at Nevis, I referr it to Mr. Robert Helmes, his discretion to loade
in London or Chester. But our contract there is 2d p.r c.t better then this
markett price. Pray lade as good sugars as you can upon the Abraham for the
generall acco.t. Otherwise, you will discouridge our further dealeings that
way. ...
The ps. 8/8 I had pickt out of 20,000 & were the lightest I could pr.cure. I have only gott 10£ of Sir Richard Haddock, so that you & Mr. Carpenter must share stakes; the rest I believe lost. However, pray send both the orders of court attested p.r the Secretary.
I could not keep the papers if I would.
151. Henry Carpenter & Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, October 25, 1679
This accompanyes the sloop Africa, Mr. Willliam Helmes, Master, which I
hope will answer your expectations in sayleing, the builder haveing taken all
the care he cann according to your directions, and the best of his own skill, as
hee tells mee. I hope she will answer the end you assigne her for, but I doubt
will never earne the money shee stands, being a very [p. 158] chargeable
vessell, and of small burthern built altogether for sayleing. I would have had
her sheathed, but they p.rswade me it will hinder her sayleing. Soe you must
take the more care in turneing her keel upp often to keep her from the worme.
I cannot yett send you an acco.t of her cost & charge, haveing not yett made an
end with the carpenter, but I judg shee will come to neer 400£. I would advise
you to take care what you doe as to seizsures of interlopers least you should
come to damadge therby. This I only give you as a secrett hint, which keep to
yourselves, and mannidge your affaires in such cases with discretion. Wee
have drawen out a great deale of money more then you have made home this
two last yeares, which I doubt not but is laid out to good advantage. Yet I am
more inclynable to draw of my part then to improve itt there by letting itt lye
soe long, where wee cannot think it safe upon a rupture of warr, which we are
alwayes in feares of. Therfore, I desier you now to make home something of
our pr.fitts and not to hazzard all our seaven yeares trouble, which please to
take into consideration. ...
152. [p. 160] William Fox [Montserrat]
London, December 2, 1679
Worthy Freind, Sir,
My last to you was p.r Capt. Lawrence, wherin I advised of the receipt of yours
& should have sent you the cases & c. you desired by him could they then have
been pr.cured. The reason they were not then to be had I writt you, but they are
now on bord Winter who will be the first shippe for those parts, & I pr.sume
may sayle about fourteen dayes hence. (fn. 5) I also advised of the receipt of my
plant. accompt, which is soe imperfect being without any date, when it beginns
or ends, nor any date to any of the p.rticulers when goods bought or sugars paid
away, which is in effect noe accompt. Soe that I can make noe objection to
anything, though there should be sound reasons for itt. Wherfore I intreat you
to gett it drawen out anew, from the time that acco.t beginns to Christmass
Next, & send it me. & Before you send itt, please to p.ruse it well, & if any
errors or wrong charges to my pr.judice, pray adjust them with Mr. Bramley
before you send it me. For you know at this distance I cannot soe well judge of
things; or if I should object, they cannot be answered heere. But one thing I
take notice of that you hint: I find neither c.r for the stillhowse nor joyners
worke, & Mr. Bramley makes a charge for staves bought. Which I wonder
should be brought to accompt, when I have given such large suplyes for my
own use & found noe occasion therof, only for 20 hhds. all this yeare. Pray let
ther be an accompt given how the caske they made weare disposed. & Let my
own timber be wrought for my owne use, if not for our joynt accompt. I shall
not trouble you further on this subject untill I have an answer of my former
pr.posalls to Mr. Bramley. Only to desire you, if he accept therof, to see that a
just acco.t be put before Xtmass Next, & all debts discharged on my part, as I
have desired in the inclosed. Which please to p.ruse, seale & deliver. & If Mr.
Clayton lades att Mountsarratt, I desire that any my concernes may be laden on
him or on Mr. Rivett in the Abraham; which you judg convenient, it's equall to
mee. & I further intent you to advise alwayes what shipps you designe to loade
any my concernes upon. & If conveniencyes of freight be wanting at M.tsarratt
for London, pray write to W.m Helmes to take freight as is convenient at
Nevis. Pray favor me in loadeing what possible you cann of my concernes as
early in the yeare as possible. ...
153. [p. 161] Colonel Abednego Mathew [St. Christopher]
London, December 17, 1679
I have writt you severall since I had the good fortune to receive any from you,
& in p.rticular one or two relateing to your sonn, who is a very ingenious &
hopefull young man. He still continues without imployment, though not
without some assurance & pr.mises of some considerable one, when any shall
fall. But in my oppinion, there is noe depending on pr.mises of that kind. As
cases now stand with His Majesty, who hath many that depend for imploy &
as few to oblidg them with. Which I referr to your consideration, & desire to
know your pleasure as to a supply for your sons meintenance. I have already
furnished him with one hundred pounds, & cannot see that he is anywayes
guilty or inclynable to any ill usance, but hath had some occations extraordinary by sickness, which we must all submitt too. Sir, I have weited a
considerable time, expecting the Generalls order for remittance of the soldiers
some money, haveing received 2 years pay since I sent them any bills for their
supply. But haveing not receivd one line from him to that effect, I pr.sume he
expected I should have done itt as formerly. & Considering their wants may
now be great & fearing least some complaints might come that may cause
some reflection upon their officers, it being common with some who makes it
their business to find out such occations, for the pr.vention therof, I have
thought fitt to send them a supply by bills which I have sent the Generall for
twelve hundred pounds charged upon Mr. Robert and Mr. W.m Helmes, at
sixty dayes sight. & If any futher cr. be desired have writt to them upon Sir
W.m Stapleton's or your owne request to supply itt. Your two comp. are in
areares of their pay, 12 mo. and as much as since July Last, which I am useing
all my indevors for. But the Kings necessityes are such that I fear it will be
some considerable time yet before I shall receive itt. If I could but gett it settled
on some good fund, I should thinke itt pretty well. I have also used my indevors for your old areares, but cannot yet accomplish itt. For news I referr you
to Capt. Crisp, who tells me he gives you an acco.t at large of all pr.ceedings.
The Generall informes me you are makeing choice of Coll. Gamiell for your
agent, which can be no wayes gratefull to him, he being next to Sir Charles
Wheeler [p. 162] the greatest enemy he hath in England, & only wants an
oppertunety to doe him some displeasure. (fn. 6) Which I thought fitt to give you a
hint of that please to keep to yourself. ...
154. William Helme [Nevis]
London, December 17, 1679
I have received yours of the 8th of purporting Capt. Tiddemans being
neer laden & that he would sayle in few dayes after. But as yet heare nothing of
his arrival. Which gives us some cause to doubt his welfare, it being now about
3 mo. since. Wee take notice of what you wrote relateing to the interloper, but are
sorry you did anywayes ingage yourself in that concerne, it being contrary to our
desires that you should medle in the least therwith, knoweing the consequence
therof must needs be very pr.juditiall to our concerne, by occationing the countryes disgust. & The factors being capable to manidg their own concerne in that
affaire, we hope futurely you will be more cautious in that concerne & mindfull
of the great concerne we have comitted to your care & manadgement. Which we
hope this yeare by your care & prudence to receive very considerable from, in
regarde hitherto our returnes hath been soe inconsiderable. & Indeed, if we
should this yeare faile of our expectations therein, we shal be driven to some
streights by our large adventures. Wherfore we intreat you to use your utmost
dilligence in hastening us returnes home. & In order therunto we have thought it
convenient to concerne ourselves the half part of a considerable shipp with Mr.
Bawden that is now ladeing horses in Ireland joyntly betwixt us & him. & Hope
you will not fayle to loade our half part of the shipp upon our own acco.ts togeather with what other freights you have, & shall take & pray be very carefull to
loade it all, if possible, in the largest hhds., well hooped & well filld, which will
be very much to our advantage. We have also taken upon this ship Brothers
Goodwill, William Winter, Commd.r, 20 tunns freight. The coppy of our
contract is heerinclosed, which we desire you will not faile to comply with, on
our own acco.ts, in large hhds. also. & Pray faile not to advise us alwayes timely
on what shipps you lade for our acco.ts & the quantety as neer as you cann. Wee
are sorry to heare that our beefe turns to noe better acco.t. We hope you may have
put it off though to loss. We alwayes esteemed it well timed for that comodety.
Pray endevor to vend what possible you can of our goods this yeare at any of the
Islands, we being resolved to continue our resolutions to send nothing more but
to call in our concernes. And therfore desire to dispose what we have already sent
with expedition, that there may be noething to hinder the pr.secution of our
adventure. Heerinclosed you have Bill of Loadeing for 7 thousand hoops &
bundles packt staves, which we would have cutt to large hhds. ... If Tho.
Westcot accept my pr.posalls to him, keep him supplyed with as much of our
goods and wines constantly as he finds vent for.
155. William Fox [Montserrat]
London, December 17, 1679
Deare Freind, Sir,
I have by this ship Brothers Goodwill, W.m Winter, Comand.r, sent you the
sett of cases with wedges & brasses according to order. I hope they will come
timely enough. Sooner they could not be sent. Sir, I intreat you to follow my
former requests in shipping the pr.ceeds of my plantation as fast as its made,
either for London or Leverpoole, either joyntly with Mr. Bramly or p.rticularly
as he pleases. And if our ship wherof Mr. Clayton is Master lades there, I desire
you to put what you can on borde him, either from my plantat.n [p. 163] or the
pr.ceeds of my goods. For if the ship lades there, I had rather have it shipt than
sent by sloopes to Nevis, to goe for Leverpoole, & I still intreate you to advise
me timely on what ship you lade any of my concernes, & the quantety as neer
as you cann. I hope I may now receive considerably from it being clear of all
debts. Pray indevor to lade what you can on such bottomes as may come from
thence by the last of June, but none after (without my p.rticuler order) before
the latter end of September.
Sir, I intreat you to discourse Mr. Bramly about my mony debt which I have now great occation for, & get his order for payment of itt. For it can be no advantage to him to pay me interest, & let his own money lye dead. & I have been constrained to take up money att interest to supply my own occations. I shal not write him p.r this oppertunety nor any other untill I receive his answere to my former. But please to comunicate the contents of this to him. ...
156. General Sir William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, December 19, 1679
Honored Sir,
I have receivd both yours of the 7th and 8th of September. The latter gives us
the ill news of youre brothers death, which I am as heartely sorrowfull as if he
had been my own brother, & doe assure you I have not a freind nor relation in
the world that I had a greater esteem for. (fn. 7) I doubt not but he is happy, where
God grant wee may all pr.pare to follow.
Sir, the King hath been pleased to conferr the honor of a barronett upon you, for which I am now passing the pattent, shall deliver your Lady as soon as effected. I take notice that the island of St. Xtophers is makeing choice of Coll. Gamiell for their agent, which I desire you to obstruct, for, I assure you, he is the greatest enemy you have in England, next Sir Charles Wheeler, & by what I have p.rceived by his discourse, only wants an oppertunety to doe you a diskindness, & Sir Charles his only creature. Hee in discourse told me that he would make complaint against you for not liveing on St. Christophers, which is the only obstruction of the settelment of that island. [p. 164] I gave him a short answer to it: you vallewed not his complaint, & bid him pr.ceede. I have hinted the same thing to Coll. Mathew. You need not take notice of what I write further then to make use of it as you judge requisite.
I am now petitioning the Lords againe about your old concernes, & will skip no oppertunety according to the utmost of my endevors to get it settled for you on some good fund. For ready money it cannot be expected, there is noe such thing now to be had. The Kings necessetyes are such. I hope speedely to get your last years pay & sallery setled on the harth duty, but will not be receivd this 9 mo., there being already tallyes struck upon itt for the whole invoice to that time.
Sir, I expected your order for the reimburse of the soldiers pay before now. There have been two years pay receivd since I remitted any. Soe that I conceive they must be now very much necessitated. & I pr.sume the reason you have sent me no orders about it is you expected I should send you bills as formerly for it when received. Wherfore I have now adventured to send you bills for twelve hundred pounds, for release of the under officers & private soldiers. For your own & all the rest of the principall officers, their will remaine sufficient to make good their pay, which you may please to order as you see good. My bills are charged upon Master Rob.t & W.m Helmes, at sixty dayes sight, & I have writt them to give them what further creditt you shall please to order. If it be noe diskindness to yourself, I desire what you shall thinke fitt more to order for their pay; you will accept of by bills, which will now be a great courtesie to mee (if without pr.judice to yourself it may be done) in withdraweing part of my concernes from thence, that now is very greate there. & I have taken resolutions to leave of all trade, & to withdraw as much of my interest as I can, in regarde Mr. Helmes is comeing off. I hope hav.g so remitted may be no inconveniency to your p.rticular interest. If I thought it might, I should not have done itt. Nor will not returne any more by bills or any other way, [until] we have your p.rticular orders for itt. Which please to let me receive from time to time, as you see fitt. I admire you have not sent me an acco.t how many negroes falls short off the 72 that I might discount for them. If I have it not speedely, shall be forced to pay all the money. Wherfore pray doe not omitt itt by first by your Lady (who is now in good health & all your children). You shall not faile to receive your acco.t. Most of your money is upon interest now. & If you will take my oppinion, I would advise you to make some purchase, which if you please I will use the best of my endevors to find a good one for you with as much care as I would for myself. If you approve of my advise, send me your orders possitive & full to act for you in it. & I shall accordingly follow them.
Heer is noe news at pr.sent but all things in disorder & the people generally under great discontents for the pr.rogation of the Parliment till December Next. The Duke is in Scotland where he was rec.d with great splendor. The Duke of Monmouth is dismist of all his imployments & not admitted to the Kings sight for returneing into England without the Kings leave. What the issue of these will be I know not. ...
157. Monsieur Chevalier de La Pateri
London, December 19, 1679
I receivd yours of the 8th of July by Capt. Simons, accompanied with one from
Mr. Samuell Winthrop, with Bill of Loadeing for a p.rcell of sugar p.r said
shipp for your accompt. & Haveing removed my habitation out of the Citty, &
withdrawen myself from all concernes in that kinde, I comitted the disposition
of your goods to the care of my brother in law Mr. W.m Baxter who cheefly
mannadges my own concernes. & He, haveing disposed the same for your best
advantage, according to the quallety of your goods (which was very bad), hath
now rendered you an acco.t therof. & For what remaines dew to you, will
punctually observe your orders therin, and pay or dispose the same as you shall
please to direct. The pewter you sent orders for he hath now sent you, &
charged the same to your owne accompt. In regarde Mr. Samuell Winthrop
hath no concernes [p. 165] in my hands, it is consigned to said Winthrop, as
you were pleased to direct. I should be glad to serve you or any freind of Sir
W.m Stapletons, to whome I shall return thankefulness for his kinde recomendation, & assure yourself that whatever occation you may have to make use of
my aforesaid brother in law, in the way of merchandize, hee will serve you
with as much care, honesty & punctuallty as I am capable off. Soe that you
may make use of him at your pleasure. ....
158. William Baxter [Lisbon]
London, December 22, 1679
I have receivd yours of the 21th of November p.r the ketch Batchellor & take
notice of what you write as to each p.rticuler. As to the first, that you hope we
will take no demoridge for the 12 dayes, supposeing we have made an advantageous voyage, which am sorry wee cannot acquiess with you therin, in
regarde your supposition is groundless. For the acco.t of the voyadge being
made upp, we are loosers money out of pocket by the voyage. Yet have been
very favorable in that p.rticular to yours and have only taken soe much for
those dayes of demoridge as the mens victualling and wages amounts too for
soe many dayes, which is not above the half of what was our just dew. & Had
it been a gaineing voyadge (as you supposed), should have taken noething. We
thanke you for supplying half chests where whole ones would not stow. & In
requitall for that, have laded half a tun fr.t upon the wine & small chests.
As to the next p.rticuler, I have given you advice by 2 or 3 former letters what I had receivd in your acco.t which is 100 sterl. & 1,000 ps. 8/8 which shall alwayes be ready to answer your commands. And touching the last p.rticuler, which is what you have suplyed the Master with, wee are sorry your expectations cannot be answered in that p.rticuler & must needs blame your indiscretion for giveing soe young a man soe large a creditt for what he had occation for. The use of the ketch, as by his acco.t appeares, was not above 6 or 7 sterl., besides port charges, which by contract you are oblidged to pay 2/3 parts off. & All the rest you have given him creditt for was imployed in mine & other things on his owne p.rticuler adventure &, the fruite pr.veing rotten & that & other things comeing to an ill markett, will not neer pay the cost therof. & You cannot suppose that we would discount the Masters bills out of our freight for that vessell which would be to give away our own money to pay his debts. For that half part of the ketch that belongs to him, we received little or noething for itt, but by agreement are to receive it out of her first freights & his demurrages which will not this voyage amount to half our payment. Soe that if you come by dammadge therby, must blame yourself haveing noe order from us to give him any creditt. Nor is he anywayes capacitated to comply with his obligation to you. However, since it soe falls out, we are willing to be shearer with you in the loss & will pay 30£ sterl. in part of your bill, which is upwards of 20£ more then his disbursements were for the use of the ketch. & Indeed, what was really on that acco.t you ought to have discharged for us & charged to our acco.ts there in the money of that plant., as it was p.d haveing effects of ours in your hands to answer itt, & not to have charged us sterl. money at 7s 6d p.r milrs. But the summe being small, we shall make noe scruple theroff. We will endevor to serve the remainder of your bill for you by haveing a quarter part of the ketch made over for your securety untill the Master is able to pay you. & This is the utmost that we shal be able to doe you in itt. ...