The Common Paper: Apprentices and servants, 1478-1573

Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1628 With A Continuation To 1678. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1968.

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'The Common Paper: Apprentices and servants, 1478-1573', in Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1628 With A Continuation To 1678, ed. Francis W Steer( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'The Common Paper: Apprentices and servants, 1478-1573', in Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1628 With A Continuation To 1678. Edited by Francis W Steer( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"The Common Paper: Apprentices and servants, 1478-1573". Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1628 With A Continuation To 1678. Ed. Francis W Steer(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Apprentices and servants, 1478-1573

[p. 17 calendar] The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 1) Masters
John Fordam* and Thomas Masse William Brampton'
Rowland Forster* and John Pycot* John Jacowe, servant John Grove
William Aston,* Thomas Hardyng, William Rown'* and Richard Nekke* Robert Bale
Robert Hedyngham* and Richard Ketrich* Richard Wyse,* servant Thomas Fermory

1478. The names of apprentices in the craft of writers of the court letter, 26 February, 18 Edward IV, in the time of John Morekok and Henry Wodecok, Wardens

Apprentices (fn. 1) Masters
[blank] Robert Spayne
William Baker Thomas Masse
Thomas Rows* William Slade
Edward Langford* and Nicholas Aylove William Camp'
Nicholas Goswell, Robert Colrede* and Robert Hampton' John Parker
John Wilkynson', Richard Masham, John Forster, John Clyfford* and Richard Clyfford* Thomas Clyfford
John Fawconer* William Pake
[p. 18] John Halmer, Thomas Toker* and Thomas Norwiche* Robert Leget
Hugh Molyneux,* John Logge* and William Gordon* William Plofeld
William Hubbard* and Robert Norham* Simon Lorymer

1481 The names of apprentices in the craft of the writers of the court letter, 2 June, 21 Edward IV, in the time of John Parker and Thomas Masse, Wardens

Apprentices (fn. 1) Masters
John Mose William Carkeke
William Hothersall and William Blakeney* Robert Leget
Thomas Appulton',* William Shawden,* Richard Rondon'* and Richard Staverton William Plofeld'
Thomas Davy* John Barkby
John Davson,* Richard Clerk,* Robert Hampton and Edward Hill* John Parker
William Bray* and Richard Masse* Thomas Masse
William Hubbard* Simon Lorymer

[p. 19 calendar] 1490 The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 5 Henry VII, in the time of Henry Wodecok and Edmund Tasburgh, Wardens

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 2) Masters
Morgan Willliams John Parker
Richard Brewster,* John Ledar, Nicholas Rutland* and Robert Lynton'* Henry Wodecok
John Turno' William Karkeke
John Myllet* and John Wregge* John Gardyner
Nicholas Bolle John Gerard
Henry Wilkyn' Robert Leget
Richard Policy* Edmund Tasburgh
William Bray,* servant William Derryvale
William Broun', filius, and John Style* Thomas Broun'
Robert Cook* John Barkeby
John Worsop John Mane
Richard Smyth* and John Patynson'* William Plofeld'
Robert Cressy* George Nicoll

[p. 20 calendar] 1559 The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of the writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 1 Elizabeth, in the time of Thomas Went and William Pierson', Wardens

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 3) Masters
William Squyer and Henry Trystram* Thomas Went
Thomas Browne and Robert Willsonn', servants; William Ownslowe, John Turner and Matthew Sheapard William Pierson'
William Seward John Hulsonn'
William Poole, servant; John Walker Bartholomew Brokesbye
Lambert Thomas and Richard Brend* John Dalton'
Roger Smythe* John Scampyon'
John Bennett* and Thomas Redforde Anthony Bonde
Gregory Astemer Robert Davyson'
William Fawdyn* John Lee, jun.
William Bradley* and Richard Tynes* Bernard Garter
Richard Galle Francis Brighte
Richard Blake William Browne
Edward Wynnyngton,* Stephen Playne and John Heathe Thomas Atkynson'
John Phylpott* and Thomas Shorte Thomas Wytton'
Jarvacius Grenehurst* and George Smythe Paul Pope
[p. 21] William Tysdall' and William Softley Humfrey Broke
Apprentices or Servants Masters
John Hendon and Richard Rookes* John Stubberde
Martin Francklyn, servant; John Thatcher Alexander Rotherforthe
Henry Flete* Nicholas Kyngston'
Thomas Howes* and John Grome* Mre Mannsell'
Richard Foster, Thomas Warren* and John Vavaso' Thomas Bradforthe
Richard Reason and William Searche Thomas Pierson
Edward Clarvys* and William Juxon* Augustus Darrys
William Laynge, servant; Simon Wrenche and John Coltherst* Thomas Brende
Wilfrid Lutie, servant; John Pratt,* William Beere* and Henry Alyson Peter Baker
William Darmer and John Pigbone Anthony Higgons
Peter Hardcastell* and Thomas Lane Edward Holme

[p. 22 calendar] 1561 The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 3 Elizabeth, in the time of John Norden and Bartholomew Brokesby', Wardens.

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 4) Masters
[blank] John Norden
John Walker Bartholomew Brokesbye
[blank] John Hulson
Lambert Thomas and John Baker John Dalton
Roger Smythe* and John Langham (fn. 5) John Scampyon
John Bennett* and Thomas Redforde Anthony Bonde
Gregory Astmer Robert Davison
William Fawdyn* John Lee, jun.
Richard Gale Francis Bright
[blank] William Browne
Stephen Pleyne, John Hethe, Edward Jones,* Michael Coke and Nicholas Clergyn Thomas Atkynson
Edward Wright* and Richard Holdernes* Paul Pope
William Dran* (fn. 6) and John Pygborne Anthony Higgyns
John Turn', Matthew Shepperde, Michael Butler* and Thomas Farrand William Pyreson
[p. 23] John Pratt,* Henry Alison and Lawrence Rotes [?]* Peter Baker
Simon Wrenche Thomas Brende
Richard Reason, William Searche and Jasper Stacye Thomas Pyreson
Apprentices or Servants Masters
Henry Evans* (fn. 7) Wilfrid Lutye
Thomas Lane and Edward Clarvys* Edward Hulme
Thomas Stapulton and Jasper Berde Thomas Wytton
William Softley and William Broke Humfrey Brooke
Humfrey Kyrry* (fn. 8) George Kevall'
[blank] William Tysdall'
John Thatcher* and Thomas Lawton Alexander Rotherforthe
Henry Flete* Nicholas Kyngston
Richard Galle Francis Bright
Roger Smyth'* and John Langham John Scampyon
[p. 24 blank.]

[p. 25 calendar] 1563. The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 5 Elizabeth, in the time of Thomas Pierson and Thomas Atkynson, Wardens

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 9) Masters
William Searche, Gaspar Stacye and [blank] Thomas Pierson
Stephen Playne, servant; Nicholas Clergye, John Forber and George Samuell Thomas Atkynson
John Walker, servant; Edward Henson' Bartholomew Brokesbie
Thomas Stapleton and Gaspar Bearde Thomas Wytton
Matthew Shepperd, Michael Butler,* Thomas Farrande and Thomas Gamall* William Pierson
John Bettes* not presented Thomas Wente
Thomas Redford, Christopher Cory and John Munslowe* [the said Munslowe not presented, deleted] Anthony Bonde
Lawrence Sutton* and Matthew Smythe William Charnocke
Henry Alyson, Thomas Hedd* and William Jackson Peter Baker
Simon Wrenche, servant; Lambert Osbolton (fn. 10) and William Sansburie* neither of these two be presented Thomas Brende
John Pighbon', Henry Evans, William Sparke and Nathaniel Dillon* Anthony Higgons
[p. 26] Robert Preston and Richard Hawkyns* [the said Richard is not presented, deleted] Thomas Bradforthe
John Baker and Andrew Turner, the said Turner is not presented John Dalton
William Shoftlay, William Broke and Eliachim Whall Humfrey Broke
Apprentices or Servants Masters
Ralph Garthe* and Thomas Martyn Nicholas Kyngston
Robert Gunsley* and Thomas Chapman, neither of them be presented John Lee, jun.
Richard Gall and Judas Alcocke, the said Judas is not presented Francis Bright
Thomas Brende and Robert Pedley* William Braynewood
Stansfelde Cooke* and Robert Awgar Francis Kydd
Peter Holmes, not presented Paul Pope
Jonas Fringg [not presented, deleted] and William Bonar Thomas Browne
Edward Prycharde,* not presented Barnard Garter
George Gunby George Kevall'
Thomas Layne Edward Holme
George Crakall,* Clemens Robynson* [Richard Lewtye and Edward Brachye the said Richard and Edward be not presented, deleted] Wilfrid Lewtie
Edward Hooper,* not presented Richard Dunkyn
[George Astment, deleted], Erasmus Sansburye* William Laynge
Ralph Holte and Edward Powell [neither of them presented, deleted] William Onslowe
Robert Richardes,* not presented Thomas Shorte
Francis Roffe,* not presented John Langham
[p. 27] William Cutler and William Nicolls, neither of them be presented Richard Reason
John Anderson* Thomas Hulson
Samuel Stronge,* not presented Lambert Thomas
John Cowper and Robert Pedley* John Hethe
William Flynte* Richard Thompson

[p. 28 calendar] The names of apprentice servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 7 Elizabeth, 1565, in the time of William Peyrsone and Stephen Alexsanndre Wardens

Apprentices (fn. 11) Masters
Thomas Hedd* and John Wyvas* Peter Baker
George Taillor* and Richard Mee Thomas Atkynsone
William Nicholles and William Cuttell* Richard Reassone
Peter Dewes and Clement Robynsone* Wilfrid Lewty
Bartram Chapman* and Robert Eastfelde Humfrey Broke
Lambert Osboltun and William Sandesbery* Thomas Brende
John Cumeforde'* and Richard Wetenhall;* Jerome Amery* John Heathe
Apprentices or Servants Masters
John Mounsloo* Anthony Bonde
William Benedic Paul Pope
Andrew Turner John Dalltune
Richard Hawkyns* Thomas Bradforde
William Webbster* Richard Clarvis
William Bonner Thomas Broune
Edward Howper* Richard Dunkyn
Francis Roulphe* John Langham
Gregory Astemer William Laynge
Henry Rowse* William Braynewoode
William Flynt* Richard Thomsone
[Edward Henson', deleted], Henry Beverley Bartholomew Brokesby
Henry Dwffe* William Annesloo
[p. 29] John Andersone* Thomas Hullsone
William Dodd William Dormer
Philip Bartun* Barnard Gartune
Henry Leventhorpe* Thomas Hullsone
Anthony Hyll* Edward Hollme
Stephen Gysborowe* George Kevalle
Ralph Rogers* Lambert Thomas
Samuel Stronge* Simon Wrenche
John Humfrey* Thomas Shorte
Roger Bothe* William Soffeley
Edward Jones* Stephen Playne
Samuel Stronge* Lambert Thomas
Richard Goldewell John Norden
Richard Williamsone* Stephen Playne
Robert Somerskale Henry Burre
William Jetter* Anthony Hyggons
Sallamon Cole* Thomas Went
Richard Clerke* Robert Wyllsone
Edward Nicholas* and William Brokebancke Thomas Persone
Henry Anthony Wilfrid Lewty
William Tilley* Thomas Raddford
[Edward Jones, deleted] [Stephen Playne, deleted]
William Eden Matthew Sharpe
Baldwyn Castelltun (fn. 12) Thomas Broune
David Lewes Simon Wrenche
Thomas Fynard* Francis Kydd
Humfrey Wylbloud* William Serche
William Hayes* John Hendun
William Glover* Stephen Playne
Thomas Waller* William Laigne
Robert Marshall* John Turner
Richard Williams* Thomas Wytton
[p. 30 blank.]

[p. 31 calendar] 1566. (fn. 13) The names of apprentices and servants allowed with writers of the court letter at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 9 Elizabeth, in the time of Thomas Wytton and Anthony Bonde, Wardens

Apprentices or Servants (fn. 14) Masters
Peter Dewes, Henry Anthony* and Edmund Brashey,* the said Brashey not presented Wilfrid Lewtye
Thomas Chapman and John Layton* John Lee
William Cutler and William Nicoll Richard Reason
Ralph Holt, Edward Powell* and Henry Dove* William Oneslowe
John Ormeshawe* Richard Dunkyn
Thomas Hedd,* William Jackson, John Vyneashe and John Petoe Peter Baker
William Bonner, Baldwin Castleton, John Shawe* and Jonas Fryngge Thomas Browne
Nicholas Hardy,* Paul Hopkins,* Andrew Turno' and George Kinge,* none of them presented Henry Alyson
Thomas Farrand and William Eden Matthew Sheppard
Richard Goldwell and Thomas Bacham,* the said Bacham not presented John Turno'
William Devet* Thomas Redforde
Richard Clerke* Robert Wilson
William Sparke, William Jetter* and Nathaniel Dillon* Anthony Higgens
[p. 32] William Benedick and Golding Fitche Paul Pope
John Anderson* and Henry Leventhorp* Thomas Hulson
Edward Henson, Henry Beverley and Thomas Rushbroke* Bartholomew Brokesbie
Ralph Rogers Lambert Thomas
William Flynt and John Williams* Richard Thompson
John Baker, Thomas Rochester,* Christopher Lambert and Thomas Mathew John Dalton
Philip Barton* and William Fulstowe* Bernard Garter
Richard Williamson and William Glover* Stephen Playne
John Cowper, Richard Whetenhall and John Parson John Heathe
Roger Bouthe and Robert Sandwiche William Softlaye
Bertram Chapman,* Robert Estfelde and Matthew Otes,* the said Otes not presented Humfrey Brooke
George Gonbye,* John Thompson and William Randall* George Kevall
Apprentices or Servants Masters
John Humfry* and Raynes Lawe* not presented Thomas Short
Richard Hawkins* and Thomas Wrightson Thomas Bradforthe
[p. 33] Ralph Garthe,* Thomas Marten and Robert Preston Nicholas Kingeston
Nicholas Atkins,* Judas Alcock* and John Craforthe* Richard Gall
Matthew Smythe and Thomas Fytche William Charnocke
David Lewes and Jasper Marshall* not presented Simon Wrentche
Robert Somerscall and William Somerscall* Henry Burre
Hugh Quernbye Robert Preston
John Cowlinge, not presented John Langham
Robert Auger Francis Kydd
William Dodd William Dermer
[blank] Thomas Wytton
Samuel Smythe Anthony Bonde
George Bellot* and William Atkinson* Thomas Godfraye
John Hayward William Searche
Henry Gruicking* Edward Holme
[p. 34 blank.]

[p. 35 calendar] 1573. The names of apprentices and servants allowed in the craft of writers of the court letter of the City of London at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 15 Elizabeth, in the time of Thomas Wente and John Dalton', Wardens (fn. 15)

Bartholomew Brokesby,* Thomas Godfrey, Thomas Wente, John Norden, Geoffrey Caldwell,* William Bowland,* Anthony Bond,* Peter Baker,* Thomas Brend, sen.,* Anthony Higgyns, John Dalton',* Humfrey Broke,* Nicholas Kyngeston, Francis Kydde, [p. 36] Thomas Turno', Ralph Melsham', Paul Pope, Thomas Browne, (fn. 16) Thomas Staverton, George Kevall', Wilfrid Luty, William Onslowe, Hugh Whaplet, Thomas Shorte, Richard Reason, Thomas Hulson, William Squire, Lambert Thomas, John Langham, Richard Foster, [p. 37] Edward Clarvaux,* Richard Ruck, John Turno', John Walker, William Dermer,* Richard Thomson, Ralph Carkeke,* Simon Wrenche, William Softley, Thomas Redford, Robert Preston, Richard Dunkyns,* Henry Burre,* William Serche, Richard Gall', Henry Allyson,* Robert Mannsell', [p. 38] Emanuel Mannsell', John Tailo', Henry Evans, George Wapull', Thomas Brende, jun.,* Thomas Lane, George Cracall',* William Broke,* Jasper Stacy, John Pierson, Thomas Stapleton, George Gunby, Thomas Farrand, John Baker,* William Cutler,* Ralph Holte. [pp. 39–52 blank.]


  • 1. Unless noted as servant, the name is that of an apprentice. All the names have ticks or other symbols beside them; those marked with an asterisk have a small 'o' beside them which presumably indicates (except in the case of Richard Wyse) that these men were never admitted to the Company. The apprentices are noted as irrotulat' and the servants as allocat'.
  • 2. See footnote 1 on p. 12, but it is only in most cases on p. 19 of the text that the 'o' indicates that the man was never admitted to the Company.
  • 3. See footnote 1 on p. 12.
  • 4. See footnote 1 on p. 12. The entries on pp. 22 and 23 of the text are badly arranged, but by comparing them with those on pp. 20 and 21 the apprentices and masters have been correctly paired.
  • 5. Not shown as apprentices here, but are so described on p. 23 of the text.
  • 6. This name should be 'Darmer'; see entry on p. 21 of the text.
  • 7. This man was admitted, 26 Aug. 1567.
  • 8. No indication as to whether apprentice or servant.
  • 9. See footnote 1 on p. 12.
  • 10. In the left-hand margin, opposite this name, is the word 'not'.
  • 11. See footnote 1 on p. 12, but it is only in most cases on pp. 28 and 29 of the text that the 'o' indicates that the man was never admitted to the Company. Jerome Amery is the only name not designated an apprentice on p. 28 of the text.
  • 12. All the names previous to this on p. 29 of the text are marked as apprentice; this and the rest of the names on this page are not designated.
  • 13. This date is wrong: it should be 1567.
  • 14. See footnote 1 on p. 12. All the men listed on pp. 31–33 of the text are designated apprentices, but it is only in most cases on pp. 32 and 33 that the 'o' indicates that the man was never admitted to the Company.
  • 15. The names which follow are written on the right-hand sides of pp. 35–38 of the text and are those of scriveners who were already members of the Company. They are in order of seniority, Brokesby having been admitted in 1540 and Holte in 1571. All the names have a tick against them and those marked with an asterisk also have a cross. The left-hand sides of the pages, for the names of apprentices and servants, are blank.
  • 16. This name has a tick and a dash against it.