Special Inquest into Purprestures: January 1246 (nos 348-486)

The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.

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'Special Inquest into Purprestures: January 1246 (nos 348-486)', in The London Eyre of 1244, ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum (London, 1970), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol6/pp136-153 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Special Inquest into Purprestures: January 1246 (nos 348-486)', in The London Eyre of 1244. Edited by Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum (London, 1970), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol6/pp136-153.

"Special Inquest into Purprestures: January 1246 (nos 348-486)". The London Eyre of 1244. Ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol6/pp136-153.

In this section

January 1246 (nos 348–486)

348. Capitulum XXXI. (fn. 1) De purpresturis factis super dominum regem sive in terra sive in aqua sive in libertate Civitas respondit: Dicunt quod nullam purpresturam factam super dominum regein de libertate sciunt set de aliis purpresturis nolunt inquirere, set unusq lisque aldermannus in warda sua, et sic factum fuit.

Article XXXI. Of purprestures made upon the ling whether by land or water or in the liberty of the City. The City answered that they knew of no purpresture made on the king concerning the liberty but they do not wish to enquire of other purprestures except by each alderman and his ward and thus it had been done.

[Special Inquest into Purprestures, January 1246]

349. Justiciarii autem de illa inquisicione non conterti circiverunt Civitatem cum maiore et civibus ad videndum et ad inqurendum de omnimodis purpresturis que subnotate sunt et que postea terrmainate fuerunt in festo Sancti Hillarii et in crastino. set in die dominica sequenti et postea in die Martis et Mercurii ante conversionem Sancti Pauli anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis xxx° apud Sanctum Martinum Magnum coram domino Willelmo de Eboraco, Johanne filio Galiridi, justiciariis domini regis assignatis et aliis fidelibus domini regis.

But the justices not content with this inquest walked around the City with the mayor and the citizens to inspect and enquire concerning all the different purprestures which are noted below and which were afterwards terminated on the feast of St. Hilary and morrow [13–14 Jan. 1246] and on the Sunday following [21 Jan.] and afterwards on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the Conversion of St. Paul 30 Henry III [23–4 Jan.] at St. Martin le Grand before William of York, John fitz Geoffrey, justices appointed by the king and others of the king's faithful.

350. Warda Henrici de Frowyke (fn. 2) extra. Quedam fabrica stans in medio vici regis ex opposite Novi Templi et reddit per annum domino regi xij d. per manus militum Novi Templi. Capiatur in manum domini regis.

Ward of Henry de Frowyk without [Farringdon Ward Without]. A forge stands in the middle of the king's highway opposite the New Temple and renders yearly to the king 12d. by the hands of the knights of the New Temple. Let it be taken into the king's hand.

351. Quedam alia fabrica stat in vico regio ex opposite venelle de Solande que reddit per annum domino regi vj d. per [manus] (fn. 3) dictorum fratrum. Capiatur in manum domini regis.

Another forge stands in the king's highway opposite Shoe Lane which renders to the king yearly 6d. by the hands of the same brethren. Let it be taken into the king's hand.

352. Quidam porticus Petri de Bodintone in venella de Solande. Petrus summonitus non venit.

A certain porch of Peter of Boddington in Shoe Lane. Peter being summoned does not come.

353. [m. 9] Quedam purprestura est quam Templarii fecerunt super Fletam Thamisie ex opposite domus abbatis de Favrisham et episcopi Sarisberiensis. Ad quam congregati fuerunt xij viri fidedigni et seniores illius visneti simul cum aldermanno de quibus fuit requisitum, utrum in illa flota naves usualiter transire solebant antiquitus, et utrum Templarii illam obstruxerunt. Qui super librum jurati dixerunt quod naves antiquitus semper solebant per illam flotam transire ad quandam portam aquaticam stantem inter flotam illam et magnam flotam molendini Templariorum quam portam Templarii obturaverunt. Similiter dicunt quod Templarii illam flotam estreciaverunt cum sallicibus ibi plantatis et quod ad alia placita corone, anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis x°, conquestum fuit de [eadem] (fn. 4) purprestura et quod tunc erat preceptum quod salices delerentur unde per veredictum dictorum virorum similiter preceptum est. (fn. 5) Et sciendum quod maior semper calumpniavit ne xij viri ad veritatem illam dicendam electi, aliquod sacramentum facerent nisi per fidem in qua tenentur domino regi. Et quod fuit semper consuetude Civitatis in tali casu, set nichil profuit quin dicti viri onerati essent per sacramentum ad veredictum illud dicendum. Emendatum est.

There is a certain purpresture which the Templars made upon the Fleet of the Thames opposite the house of the abbot of Faversham and the bishop of Salisbury at which there were assembled welve trustworthy and senior men of the neighbourhood together with the alderman of whom it was enquired whether in that channel ships used of old usually to pass and whether the Templars have obstructed it; they swcre upon the book that ships anciently always used to pass by that channel to a certain water-gate standing between that channel and the great channel of the Templars' mill and the Templars obstructed that water-gate. Likewise they say that the Templars narrowed the channel with willows planted there and that at the other pleas of the crown in 10 Henry III [1226] complaint was made of the same purpresture and it was then ordered that the willows should be cut down and it is likewise ordered by the verdict of the said twelve. And be it known that the mayor always denied that the twelve chosen to tell the truth should take any oath save in the faith in which they were bound to the king; and that it was always the custom of the City in such case but it was of no avail that the men should not be burdened by oath to tell the truth. It is amended.

354. Rogerus le Fundour levavit [quondam] (fn. 6) domum iuxta pontem de Flete que quidem domus purprestavit de vico regio in capite domus versus pontem vij pedes incipiendo a cornerio domus versus aquam et versus austrum quod cornerium debito modo stat et mensurando sit ex obliquo usque ad capud aquilonale domus ubi vij pedes de purprestura inveniuntur. Prosternantur vel det xij d. ad regem.

Roger le Fundour built a house next Fleet Bridge the which house encroached upon the king's highway on the end of the house next the bridge by 7 ft. beginning from the corner of the house next the stream and towards the south, the which corner is well and truly built and measures correctly obliquely as far as the northern side of the house where 7 ft. of purpresture are to be found. Let them be demolished or let him give 12d. to the king.

355. Stephanus de Cestrehunte tannator levavit quemdam murum in vico de Neugate cum intratur venellam de Sacolelane per quem murum estreciavit introitum dicte venelle. Et preceptum est quod prosternatur. Emendatum est.

Stephen of Cheshunt, tanner, built a wall in Newgate Street as one turns into Seacoal Lane by which wall he narrowed the entry to the said lane; it is ordered that it be demolished. It is amended.

356. Gradus celarii Willelmi le Fort apud Smedfeld continet in vico regio campi de Smedfeld v pedes. Det vj d. per annum domino regi.

The step of the cellar of William le Fort at Smithfield contains in the king's highway of the field of Smithfield 5 ft. He is to give 6d. yearly to the king.

357. Willelmus de Flete levavit quoddam solium ad barram de Smethefeld ad nocumentum transeimtium. Ricardus Saler levavit aliud ad idem nocumentum. Radulfus le Tannur levavit aliud ad idem nocumentum. Willelmus Monachus levavit aliud solium ibi ad idem nocumentum. In misericordia et emendentur.

William of Fleet built a solar at the Bar of Smithfield to the nuisance of passers-by. Richard Saler built another to the same nuisance. Ralph the Tanner built another to the same nuisance. William the Monk built another solar there to the same nuisance. They are to be in mercy and the purprestures are to be amended.

358. Galfridus de Pontefracto (fn. 7) tanner levavit quandam magnam purpresturam iuxta pontem de Holeborne ex opposite domus Fratrum Predicatorum iuxta aquam de Flete. Remaneat reddendo per annum domino regi ij s.

Geoffrey of Pontefract, tanner, built another great purpresture near Holborn Bridge, opposite the house of the Friars Preachers near the Fleet stream. Let it remain rendering 2s. a year to the king.

359. Willelmus Taillefer tenet unum travellum in vico regio ex opposito ecclesie Sancti Sepulchri pro quo reddit per annum ad socagium domini regis ij d. Prosternatur.

William Taillefer holds a travail [i.e. horse-enclosure] in the king's highway opposite the church of St. Sepulchre for which he renders 2d. to the king as sokage. Let it be demolished.

360. Warda eiusdem infra portam. Omnia stalla carnificium numerentur et inquiratur qui ea teneant et per quod servicium et de quo. Loquendum.

Ward of the same inside the gate [Farringdon Ward Within]. All the stalls of the butchers are to be numbered and it is to be asked who holds them and by what service and of whom. Let there be a discussion.

361. Wymarca tenet unum travellum ex opposito ecclesie Sancti Martini Magni de quo ij postes stant in vico regio. Det ij d. per annum regi vel postes prosternantur.

Wymarca holds a travail opposite the church of St. Martin le Grand of which two posts stand in the Icing's highway. She is to give 2d. to the king yearly or demolish the posts.

362. Ricardus Abel habet gradus duorum celariorum in Fridaistrete ad nocumentum transeuncium. Emendetur.

Richard Abel has the steps of two cellars in Friday Street to the nuisance of the passers-by. Let it be amended.

363. Margareta filia Ricardi Blundi tenet unui solarium levatum ad magnum nocumentum transeuncium in vico Sancti Augustini ad portam Sancti Pauli. Emendetur.

Margaret daughter of Richard Blund holds a solar built to the great nuisance of the passers-by in the street of St. Augustine [Old Change] leading to the gate of St. Paul's. Let it be amended.

364. Stephanus de Bockynge habet unum celarii et appenticium ultra gradus celarii ad nocumentum. Prosternatur.

Stephen of Bocking has a cellar and a pentice above the steps of his cellar to the nuisance. Let it be demolished.

365. Willelmus Marescallus tenet unum travellum ler servicium iiij or d. per annum ad socagium domini regis. Remaneat et Let vj d. per annum ad scaccarium domini regis.

William the Marshal holds a travail by the service of 4d. a year paid as sokage to the king; it is to remain and he is to give 6d. a year to the king's exchequer.

366. Archidiaconus levavit quemdam murum lap deum versus Castellum Baynardi pro quo Robertus filius Johannis et aurencius de Frowyke congregaverunt visnetum. Qui dicunt quod diet is murus bene stat, set pillarii subpedientes murum stant in vico domini regis. Unde archidiaconus optulit dimidiam marcam domino regi set non ex tuditus fuit. Remaneant pillarii reddendo per annum domino regi vj d.

The archdeacon [of London] built a stone wall over against Castle Baynard before which Robert fitz John and Laurence de Frowyk gathered together the men of the neighbourhood. They say that the said wall is well built but the pillars supporting it stand in the king's highway. The archdeacon offered half a mark to the king but was net listened to. The pillars are to remain rendering 6d. a year to the king.

367. Johannes Vyel senior habet duo appenticia in Westchepe levata ad nocumentum transeuncium. Emendetur.

John Vyel senior has two pentices in Westcheip built to the nuisance of the passers-by. It is to be amended.

368. Gervasius Bran habet unum appenticium ad hostium domus sue ad nocumentum transeuncium.

Gervase Bran has a pentice at the door of his house to the nuisance of the passers-by.

369. Quedam staka stat apud Fissstrate [sic] ad cornerium ecclesie Sancte Marie Magdalene. Amoveatur.

A certain stake stands at [Old] Fish Street at the corner of the church of St. Mary Magdalene. It is to be removed.

370. Warda Fori. Johannes Tulesan, Adam de Basinges, Robertus Lutre, magister hospitalis Sancti Bartholomei, Edward us filius Rogeri Blundi,

Johannes Helyland. Omnes isti habent appenticia in Draperia levata ad nocumentum transeuncium per Forum. Emendentur.

Ward of Cheap. John Tulesan, Adam of Basing, Robert Lutre, the master of the Hospital of St. Bartholomew, Edward son of Roger Blund, John Helyland. All these have pentices built in the Drapery to the nuisance of those passing through Cheapside. Let them be amended.

371. In redditu monachorum Cantuarie est appenticium levatum ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

In the rent of the monks of Canterbury is a pentice built to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

372. Johannes Veylant, Laurencius Draperius, Petrus de Basingges, Bartholomeus le Ferrun, sanctimoniales de Haliwelle et prior Novi Hospitalis simul Willelmus Hervy, Felicia Colnere. Omnes isti habent appenticia ad nocumentum fori in Merceria. Emendentur.

John Veylant, Laurence the Draper, Peter of Basing, Bartholomew le Ferrun, the nuns of Haliwell and the prior of the New Hospital and also William Hervy, Felicia Colnere. All have built pentices to the nuisance of the market in the Mercery. Let them be amended.

373. Reginaldus le Hauberger levavit unum appenticium ultra celarium suum.

Reginald le Hauberger has built a pentice over his cellar.

374. Moniales de Clerkenwelle levaverunt unum appenticium ad nocumentum.

The nuns of Clerkenwell have built a pentice to the nuisance.

375. Rector ecclesie de Colecherche levavit quoddam appenticium ibidem.

The rector of Colechurch has built a pentice there.

376. Johannes Norman levavit duo appenticia.

John Norman has built two pentices.

377. Magister hospitalis Sancte Katerine levavit unum.

The master of St. Katherine's Hospital has built one.

378. Prior Sancte Trinitatis levavit unum.

The prior of Holy Trinity has built one.

379. Thomas de Budel' levavit unum.

Thomas of Budleigh has built one.

380. Ad seldam tannariorum levatum est unum. Emendentur.

At the seld of the Tanners one has been built.

Let them be amended [373–80].

381. Prior Sancti Bartholomei levavit unum.

The prior of St. Bartholomew has built one.

382. Prior Sancte Marie ultra Pontem levavit unum.

The prior of St. Mary beyond the Bridge has built one.

383. Margareta Adriani levavit unum.

Margaret the daughter of Adrian has built one.

384. Fratres Conversorum levaverunt unum.

The brothers of the House of Converts have built one.

385. Moniales de Clerkenwelle unum.

The nuns of Clerkenwell one.

386. Heres Willelmi Herlichun unum.

The heir of William Herlichun one.

387. Moniales de Haliwelle unum.

The nuns of Haliwell one.

388. Bartholomeus Specer unum.

Bartholomew the Spicer one.

389. Petrus filius Henrici filii Emme unum.

Peter son of Henry son of Emma one.

390. Hamo de Castello unum.

Hamo of the Castle one.

391. Robertus filius Johannis unum.

Robert fitz John one.

392. Simon de Crioil plura appenticia.

Simon de Crioil many pentices.

393. Gervasius Cordewaner unum.

Gervase the Cordwainer one.

394. Prior Sancti Bartholomei unum.

The prior of St. Bartholomew one.

395. Humfridus Duket habet unum. Preceptum est quod omnia ista appenticia emendentur.

Humphrey Duket has one.

It is ordered that all these pentices be amended [381–95].

396. Magister Thomas Eswy habet unum getticium in quodam solio suo in Ismongerelane ad nocumentum transeuncium. Emendetur.

Master Thomas Eswy has a jetty in his solar in Ironmonger Lane to the nuisance of the passers-by. Let it be amended.

397. Ricardus Marescallus tenet unum travellum iuxta Walebroke unde due postes stant in vico regio. Preceptum est ut due postes amoveantur.

Richard the Marshal holds one travail near the Walbrook of which two posts stand in the king's highway. It is ordered that the two posts be removed.

398. [? Slema] vidua soror Elie Episcopi levavit tria appenticia in Ismongerelane ad nocumentum. Emendentur, et quia ipsa mortua est, heredes sui in misericordia domini regis.

Sleme the widow, sister of Elias the Bishop, has built three pentices in Ironmonger Lane to the nuisance. Let them be amended, and because she is dead her heirs are in the king's mercy.

399. Mosceus judeus levavit appenticium ibidem. Hugo Piscenarius levavit unum ibidem. Emendentur.

Moses the Jew built a pentice there. Hugh the Fishmonger has built one there. Let them be amended.

400. Josceus de Cantuaria judeus levavit unum ibidem. Isaak de Paris judeus levavit unum aliud ibidem et Jacobus de Warewyk levavit aliud ibidem. Beliascez judea unum. Elyas judeus unum. Josceus de Oxonia judeus unum. Emendentur et inde in misericordia.

Joce of Canterbury the Jew built one there. Isaac of Paris the Jew built another one there and Jacob of Warwick built another there. Beliascez the Jewess one. Elias the Jew one. Joce of Oxford the Jew one. Let them be amended and they are in mercy.

401. Warda Johannis filii Alani. Benedictus Crespyn judeus obturavit quandam venellam inter vicum regium et Colecherche et viam qu e vocatur Lodebury. Aperiatur totum donee ostendat quo warranto, et in misericordia.

Ward of John fitz Alan [? Coleman Street Ward]. Benet Crispin the Jew has blocked up a lane between the king's highway and Colechurch and the street which is called Lothbury. Let it be opened completely until he shows his warrant and he is to be in mercy.

402. Walterus Steperanc tune tempore rector ecclesie Sancti Olavi in Judaismo obturavit quandam venellam inter dictam ecclesia m et Ismongerlane. Aperiatur de die et claudatur de nocte. Mortuu s est qui obturavit.

Walter Steperanc at that time rector of St. Olave in Jewry block ed a lane between that church and Ironmonger Lane. Let it be opened by day and closed by night. He has died.

403. Benedictus Crespyn judeus obturavit quandam venella m iuxta capellam Beate Marie de Cuneghop.

Benet Crispin the Jew has blocked up a lane next to the chapel of St. Mary Coneyhope.

404. Warda Roberti filii Johannis. (fn. 8) Henricus May de Sancto Paulo levavit quoddam appenticium ex opposite domus sue ad nocumentum.

Ward of Robert fitz John [Castle Baynard Ward]. Henry May of St. Paul has built a pentice opposite his house to the nuisance.

405. Uxor magistri Johannis de Terrewan levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

The wife of master John de Terrewan has built a solar to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

406. Radulfus de Norwyche fecit magnam purpresturam ante murum Civitatis inter domum suam et gardinum thesaurarii Sancti Pauli.

Ralph of Norwich has made a great purpresture before the City wall between his house and the garden of the treasurer of St. Paul's.

407. Magister Ricardus de Staunford habet unum solarium et unde porticum levatum ad nocumentum.

Master Richard of Stamford has a solar and a porch built to the nuisance.

408. Nicholaus de Heylesburia habet duo solaria ibidem eodem modo levata. Emendentur.

Nicholas of Aylesbury has two solars built in the same way.

Let them be amended [406–8].

409. Warda Stephani [Bukerel]. (fn. 9) Andreas Bukerelle levavit quendam murum terreum super vicum regium ad claudendum gardinum quem Johannes Renger modo tenet. Prosternatur.

Ward of Stephen Bukerel [Cripplegate Ward]. Andrew Bukerelle has built an earthen wall upon the king's highway to enclose the garden which John Renger now holds. Let it be demolished.

410. Robertus de Huntingdune habet unum solarium levatum ad nocumentum. Johannes de Lincolnia aliud solarium et Ricardus de Tottenesse aliud. Emendentur.

Robert of Huntingdon has built a solar to the nuisance. John of Lincoln has built another solar and Richard of Totnes another. Let them be amended.

411. Leo judeus habet duo solaria ad nocumentum levata. (fn. 10) Emendentur. Et in misericordia de dimidia marca aurea.

Leo the Jew has built two solars to the nuisance. Let them be amended. And he is in mercy to the extent of half a gold mark.

412. Willelmus de Haverhulle habet unum solarium. Emendetur. William of Haverhill has one solar. Let it be amended.

413. Josceus judeus habet gradum celarii ad nocumentum. Emendetur. Joce the Jew has a step to his cellar to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

414. Helyas Episcopus judeus habet duos postes coram hostio suo in vico regio. Prosternantur.

Elias the Bishop a Jew has two posts before his door in the king's highway. Let them be demolished.

415. Johannes le Minur habet unum porticum coram hostio suo in vico regio. Emendetur.

John le Minur has a porch before his door in the king's highway. Let it be amended.

416. Warda Johannis Vyel. (fn. 11) Martinus (fn. 12) de Excestre habet porticum et solarium levata ad nocumentum. Emendentur.

Ward of John Vyel [Bread Street Ward]. Martin of Exeter has built a porch and a solar to the nuisance. Let them be amended.

417. Warda Jacobi Blundi. (fn. 13) Prior Novi Hospitalis habet unum solarium super Lodeberiam ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

Ward of James Blund [Broad Street Ward]. The prior of the New Hospital has a solar in Lothbury to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

418. Abbas de Sancto Albano fecit quandam purpresturam in Bradestrate levando porticum et stabulum suum purprestantes de vico regio iiij pedes. xij d. per annum domino regi.

The abbot of St. Albans has made a purpresture in Broad Street by building there a porch and a stable encroaching on the king's highway by 4 ft. Twelve pence yearly to the king.

419. Solarium quod est ex opposito domus dicti abbatis quod canonicorum Sancti Pauli est ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

The solar which is opposite the house of the said abbot and which belongs to the canons of St. Paul's is to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

420. Jacobus aldermannus habet unum solium ad nocumentum. Emendetur vel det ij d. per annum.

James [Blund] the alderman has a solar to the nuisance. Let it be amended or let him pay 2d. yearly.

421. Henricus Monetarius levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendetur et in misericordia.

Henry the Moneyer has built a solar to the nuisance. Be it amended and let him be in mercy.

422. Radulfus de Leycestria habet duo solaria ad nocumentum. Emendentur. Ralph of Leicester has two solars to the nuisance. Let them be amended.

423. Randulfus le Ferrun habet duo solaria ibidem. Reddet iiij d. per annum.

Randolph le Ferrun has two solars there. Let him give 4d. a year.

424. Radulfus de Ely habet unum appenticium ad nocumentum. Emendetur. Ralph of Ely has one pentice to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

425. Warda Rogeri filii Rogeri. (fn. 14) Matilldis la Brune levavit unum porticum ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

Ward of Roger fitz Roger. [Cornhill Ward]. Maud le Brune has built a porch to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

426. Warda Roberti de Corahelle. (fn. 15) Thomas clericus levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum.

Ward of Robert of Cornhill [Lime Street Ward]. Thomas the Clerk has built a solar to the nuisance.

427. Radulfus le Palmere habet unum porticum ad nocumentum. Ralph le Palmere has a porch to the nuisance.

428. [Prior] Roffensis habet unum porticum ad nocumentum. Respice in dorso.

The prior of Rochester has a porch to the nuisance. The remainder on the dorse.

429. [m. 9d] Warda Thome de Dunolmia. (fn. 16) Fratres Pontis Londoniarum levaverunt unum appenticium apud Fancherche. Emendetur.

Ward of Thomas of Durham [Langbourn Ward]. The brethren of London Bridge have built a pentice at Fenchurch. Let it be amended.

430. Moniales de Sancta Elena levaverunt unum solarium stans super duos postes in vico regie. Prosternatur.

The nuns of St. Helens have built a solar standing on two posts on the king's highway. Let it be demolished.

431. Wulmarus Pistor habet unum solarium et unum porticum ad nocumentum.

Wulmar the Baker has a solar and a porch to the nuisance.

432. Priorissa de Sancta Elena habet unum solarium ad nocumentum. The prioress of St. Helens has a solar to the nuisance.

433. Willelmus Cumpere levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendentur.

William Cumpere has built a solar to the nuisance. Let them be amended [431–3].

434. Warda Radulfi Sperlinge. (fn. 17) Prior Sancte Trinitatis levavit unum travellum in vico regio. Reddet iiij d. per annum.

Ward of Ralph Sperlinge [Billingsgate Ward]. The prior of Holy Trinity has built a travail on the king's highway. Let him give 4d. a year.

435. Henricus Rufus pistor levavit unum appenticium et unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendentur.

Henry Rufus baker has built a pentice and a solar to the nuisance. Let them be amended.

436. Ricardus Marescallus tenet unum travellum de Johanne filio Alani in vico regio. Reddet ij d. per annum.

Richard the Marshal holds one travail of John fitz Alan in the king's highway. Let him pay 2d. a year.

437. Gilbertus Capellanus levavit unum solarium. Stet in pace. Gilbert the Chaplain has built a solar. Let it remain in peace.

438. Priorissa de Haliwelle habet unum solarium in Berkeruerelane. (fn. 18) Emendetur.

The prioress of Haliwell has a solar in Birchin Lane. Let it be amended.

439. Warda Nicholai Bat. (fn. 19) Gilbertus Faber habet unum travellum in vico regio.

Ward of Nicholas Bat [Bishopsgate Ward]. Gilbert the Smith has a travail in the king's highway.

440. Albinus filius Alani habet j travellum in vico regio. Aubyn fitz Alan has a travail in the king's highway.

441. Stephanus Bukerel levavit unum travellum eodem modo. Quodlibet travellum reddet iiij d. per annum.

Stephen Bukerel has built a travail in the same way.

Each travail [439–41] to render 4d. a year.

442. Martinus le Blaeter levavit unum porticum in vico regio apud Garscherche. Postes illius prosternantur.

Martin le Blaeter has built a porch in the king's highway at Gracechurch. Let the posts thereof be demolished.

443. Warda Roberti Hardel. (fn. 20) Agnes Wilekyn levavit unum appenticium ad nocumentum.

Ward of Robert Hardel [Bridge Ward]. Agnes Wilekyn has built a pentice to the nuisance.

444. Hugo Pistor levavit aliud. Hugh the Baker has built another.

445. Andreas Draper habet cellarium cuius gradus continent iij pedes in vico regio. Idem Andreas habet porticum nocentem. Emendentur.

Andrew the Draper has a cellar the steps of which stand 3 ft. in the king's highway. The same Andrew has a porch which is to the nuisance. Let them be amended [443–5].

446. Loquendum de omnibus stallis carnificium et appenticiis eorum apud Estchepe, quot sint et qui ea teneant et de quibus et per quod servicium. (fn. 21)

Let there be a discussion about all the butchers' stalls and their pentices in Eastcheap how many they are and who holds them and of whom and by what service.

447. Rogerus Grassus tenet unum cellarium cuius gradus continet [sic] in vico regio iiij pedes et unum appenticium quod superpendit ad nocumentum transeuncium. Emendentur infra medium quadragesime.

Roger the Fat holds a cellar of which the steps encroach 4 ft. upon the king's highway and a pentice which overhangs to the nuisance of the passersby. Let them be amended before mid-Lent [14 March 1246].

448. Gradus cellarii Gervasii Rufi. Emendetur. The step of the cellar of Gervase Rufus. Let it be amended.

449. Relicta Ricardi Fethingewane habet unum solarium levatum ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

The widow of Richard Fethingewane has a solar built to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

450. Warda de Douegate. Loquendum de quadam purprestura ex opposito ecclesie Sancti Johannis de Walebroke et ecclesie Sancte Marie de Bothhawe, et datus est dies usque ad medium quadragesime.

Ward of Dowgate. Let there be discussion about a purpresture opposite the church of St. John Walbrook and St. Mary Bothaw and a day is appointed at mid-Lent.

451. Ricardus de Wyntonia levavit portas iuxta cimiterium Sancti Laurencii. Deponantur.

Richard of Winchester has built gates near St. Lawrence's churchyard. Let them be dismantled.

452. Warda Johannis Normanni. (fn. 22) Solarium Willelmi de Gipeswyche remaneat si est emendatum.

Ward of John Norman [Cordwainer Ward]. The solar of William of Ipswich is to remain if it is amended.

453. Magister hospitalis Sancti Bartholomei levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum.

The master of St. Bartholomew's Hospital has built a solar to the nuisance.

454. Walterus Bufle habet unum solarium et unum gradum cellarii ad nocumentum. Emendentur.

Walter Bufle has a solar and a step of his cellar to the nuisance. Let them be amended [453–4].

455. Gradus cellarii Gilberti le Bas emendentur, et in misericordia domini regis. Emendentur et in misericordia domini regis.

Let the steps of the cellar of Gilbert le Bas be amended and he is in the king's mercy. Let them be amended and he is in the king's mercy.

456. Gradus cellarii Johannis de Ely emendentur. Emendatum. Let the step of the cellar of John of Ely be amended. It has been amended.

457. Prior de Lewes habet unum sollarium. Maior et vicecomites videant et si necesse fuerit. Emendetur.

The prior of Lewes has a solar and the mayor and sheriffs are to see if it is necessary. Let it be amended.

458. Warda Nicholai Bat. Gradus celarii Roberti Bat remaneat in pace si sit emendatus.

Ward of Nicholas Bat [Bishopsgate Ward]. The cellar step of Robert Bat is to be left in peace if it is amended.

459. Travella Simonis Marescalli remaneant et reddent per annum iiij d.

The travails of Simon the Marshal are to be allowed to remain and are to render 4d. a year.

460. Ricardus de Molendino levavit unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendetur.

Richard of the Mill has built a solar to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

461. Warda Radulfi Sperlenge. Duo stapella ante portam Radulfi Sperlenge amoveantur. Amoveantur.

Ward of Ralph Sperlenge [Billingsgate Ward]. Two staples before the gate of Ralph Sperlenge are to be removed. Let them be removed.

462. Pencost Venditor bosci levavit solarium ad nocumentum. Pencost the Woodseller has built a solar to the nuisance.

463. Galfridus de Blemuster unum solarium ad nocumentum. Emendentur. Geoffrey de Blemuster a solar to the nuisance.

Let them be amended [461–3].

464. Willelmus Froske et Galfridus filius Pagani levaverunt porticum; maior et vicecomites videant. Et si necesse fuerit, emendatur [sic].

William Froske and Geoffrey the son of Payn have built a porch, the mayor and sheriffs are to inspect it and if necessary it is to be amended.

465. Porta retro ecclesiam Sancti Magni remaneat si est talis qualis esse debeat.

The gate behind the church of St. Magnus is to remain if it is as it should be.

466. Warda Michaelis Thovy. (fn. 23) Loquendum de Tentoriis versus Turrim.

Ward of Michael Thovy [? Tower Ward]. Let there be a discussion about the dyers near the Tower.

467. Alanus le Hurer habet unum appenticium ad nocumentum. Emendetur. Alan le Hurer has a pentice to the nuisance. Let it be amended.

468. Thomas de Basynge habet duo stapella contra hostia domus sue que fuit Radulfi Steperang. Prosternantur.

Thomas of Basing has two staples against the doors of his house which belonged to Ralph Steperang. Let them be demolished.

469. Ricardus de Hadestoke levavit duos postes qui subpediunt unum solarium. Amoveantur.

Richard of Hadstock has set up two posts which support a solar. Let them be removed.

470. Portsoken. Fabrica extra Alegate stans in vico regie que est prioris Sancte Trinitatis. Capiatur in manum domini regis.

Portsoken [Ward]. A forge belonging to the prior of Holy Trinity stands outside Aldgate on the king's highway. Let it be taken into the king's hand.

471. Travella Alani Marescalli sunt ad nocumentum Civitatis. Prosternantur.

The travails of Alan the Marshal are to the nuisance of the City. They are to be demolished.

472. Warda Thome filii Thome. (fn. 24) Magister Robertus de Ludelawe habet unum solarium quod spectat ad domum Roberti le Herre; domus Ricardi de Bekenham spectat ad predictam domum; Walterus le Brun levavit quandam portam ad nocumentum. Johannes de Colemore levavit aliam portam ad nocumentum. Maior et iiij aldermanni videant si possint stare sine nocumento: sin autem, deponantur.

Ward of Thomas fitz Thomas [? Queenhithe Ward]. Master Robert of Ludlow has a solar belonging to the house of Robert le Herre. The house of Richard of Beckenham belongs to the same house [483]. Walter le Brun has built a gate to the nuisance. John of Colemere has built another gate to the nuisance. The mayor and four aldermen are to inspect if they could remain without constituting a nuisance, if not they are to be dismantled.

473. Warda Roberti Hardel. Porta de.Ebbegate est estreciata. Preceptum est quod kayum emendetur per quod porta est estreciata ita quod transeuntes ibi possint ire et equitare sine detrimento.

Ward of Robert Hardel [Bridge Ward]. Ebbgate has been narrowed. It is ordered that the wharf by which the gate has been narrowed be amended so that passers-by can walk and ride there without detriment.

474. Gradus cellarii Johannis Hanun. Gradus Rogeri cissoris. Emendentur. The steps of the cellar of John Hanun; [and] the steps of Roger the Tailor; let them be amended.

475. Solarium Michaelis clerici remaneat in pace. The solar of Michael the Clerk is to be left in peace.

476. Warda Roberti de Cornhelle. Gradus celarii Roberti Hardel. Appenticium Radulfi Palomferi. Appenticium Prioris Roffensis. Emendentur.

Ward of Robert of Cornhill [Lime Street Ward]. The steps of the cellar of Robert Hardel; the pentice of Ralph Palomferi; [and] the pentice of the prior of Rochester; let them be amended.

477. Warda Simonis filii Marie. (fn. 25) Solarium Roberti de Wrotham in venella Sancti Swythini. Emendetur.

Ward of Simon fitz Mary [Walbrook Ward]. The solar of Robert of Wrotham in St. Swithin's Lane. Let it be amended.

478. Porticus et gradus ante ecclesiam Sancti Swythini remaneant in pace. The porch and steps before St. Swithin's church are to be left in peace.

479. Solarium Johannis de Iseldone iuxta Walebroke. Solarium Henrici Carpentarii. Emendentur.

The solar of John of Islington next the Walbrook [and] the solar of Henry the Carpenter. Let them be amended.

480. Preceptum est quod omnes gradus celarii qui sunt in vico regio ad nocumentum obstupentur vel emendentur.

It is ordered that all the steps of the cellars which are in the king's highway to the nuisance are to be blocked up or amended.

481. Item preceptum est quod omnia appenticia et getticia que sunt ad nocumentum emendentur infra medium quadragesime.

Item it is ordered that all pentices and jetties which are to the nuisance shall be amended before Mid-Lent.

482. Item preceptum est quod maior et vicecomites faciant removere tumberellum quod stat infra Newegate usque ad Horspole apud Smethefelde infra medium quadragesime et quod fossatum quod ibidem est obturetur infra dictum tempus.

Item it is ordered that the mayor and sheriffs shall cause the tumbril which stands inside Newgate to be removed to Horsepool at Smithfield before Mid-Lent, and that the ditch which is there shall be stopped up at the same time.

483. Item preceptum est quod vicus qui vertit a Kingesgate usque ad domum Roberti le Heyrre ubi vina domini regis poni solebant, elargietur qui estreciatus est per domum magistri Roberti de Ludelawe ex una parte et domum Ricardi de Bekenham ex alia. Ita quod tarn largus sit sicut fuit tempore Henrici regis et predecessorum suorum.

Item it is ordered that the lane which runs from Kingesgate [ ? St. Peter's Hill] to the house of Robert le Heyrre where the king's wine used to be kept shall be widened. It was narrowed by the house of master Robert of Ludlow on the one hand and the house of Richard of Beckenham on the other [472]. It is provided that it be as wide as it was in the time of King Henry and his predecessors.

484. Item preceptum est quod maior certificet regem de ecclesiis quas presentaverunt apud Turrim que debent esse in donacione domini regis et vacaverint.

Item it is ordered that the mayor certify the king concerning the churches which they presented at the Tower and which ought to be in the king's gift and which are vacant.

485. Item preceptum est quod maior faciat emendare gutteram que est ad nocumentum domorum decani et capituli que exstendit a stallis carnificium usque ad Thamisiam.

Item it is ordered that the mayor cause to be amended the gutter which extends from the stalls of the butchers to the Thames and is to the nuisance of the houses of the dean and chapter [of St. Paul's].

486. Item presentatum est per aldermannos Civitatis quod omnia stalla carnificium et piscenariorum in Civitate (fn. 26) que sunt in vico regie fuerunt in manu regis Ricardi et quando dimisit vicecomitatum Londoniarum et Middelsexie ad firmam civibus Londoniarum dimisit eadem stalla dictis civibus tamquam pertinentia ad vicecomitatum. Ideo preceptum est civibus quod habeant cartam suam quam habent de rege Ricardo de vicecomitatu coram domino rege et earn illi ostendant. Et si testatur quod dicta stalla pertinent ad vicecomitatum habeant in pace. Sin autem, capiantur in manum domini regis.

Item it is presented by the aldermen of the City that all the stalls of the butchers and fishmongers in the City which are in the king's highway were in the hand of King Richard and when he demised the shrievalty of London and Middlesex to farm to the citizens of London he demised the same stalls to the said citizens as belonging to the shrievalty, therefore the citizens are ordered that they have their charter which they received from King Richard concerning the shrievalty before the king and show it to him and if it testifies that the said stalls belong to the shrievalty they are to have them in peace, if not, they are to be taken into the king's hand.


  • 1. XI in original.
  • 2. ? rectius Laurencii de Frowyke, see 82 n. 1 and 366.
  • 3. manum in original.
  • 4. eodum in original.
  • 5. In the absence of plea rolls of the last eyre, the refeence to the proceedings in 1226 by the memory of a neighbourhood jury is significant.
  • 6. quendam in original.
  • 7. Suggested by Pipe Roll, 31 Henry III, p. xxviii above, Pontefrigido in original.
  • 8. Castle Baynard Ward, according to Beaven, i, 371.
  • 9. Cripplegate Ward, according to Beaven i, 367 and 372.
  • 10. Margin: misericordia.
  • 11. Bread Street Ward, according to Beaven, i, 367 and 371.
  • 12. Entered in a later hand.
  • 13. Broad Street Ward, according to Beaven, i, 367 and 371.
  • 14. Cornhill Ward, according to Beaven, i, 373; see also 438n.
  • 15. Lime Street Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372; see also 476.
  • 16. Langbourn Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372; see also 438n.
  • 17. Billingsgate Ward, according to Beaven, i, 371; see also 438 and 461–5.
  • 18. Birchin Lane is in Langbourn and Cornhill wards.
  • 19. Bishopsgate Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372; see also 458–60.
  • 20. Bridge Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372; see also 473–5.
  • 21. Margin: Loquendum.
  • 22. Cordwainer Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372.
  • 23. Listed in Beaven, i, 372 with no specific ward indicated. Cf. area tentoreorum, tenter-grounds, where wet cloth was stretched, Cal. of Wills, ed. R. R. Sharpe (1889) i, 75 n. 6. The Pipe Roll for 31 Henry III (p. xxix above) reads tinctores, dyers.
  • 24. Possibly Queenhithe, according to Beaven, i, 373 and 406.
  • 25. Walbrook Ward, according to Beaven, i, 372.
  • 26. Cf. 360 and 466. The City's contention is not substantiated by the charters of Richard I and John. Richard I merely confirmed Henry II's charter without express reference to the shrievalty. John's charter of 1199 contains no provisions about the stalls of butchers and fishmongers. For a case at the eyre of 1321 in which one of the parties claimed that fees for butchers' stalls had been levied since John's reign, see Liber Custumarum, i, 411–15 and The Eyre of London, 14 Edward II, ed. H.M. Cam, i, pp. c-ci.