Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 11 July 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 11 July 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 11 July 1625". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.
In this section
DIE Lunæ, videlicet, 11 die Julii,
Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales, quorum nomina subscribuntur, præsentes fuerunt:
Subsidy by the Clergy.
HODIE 1a, 2a, et 3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Confirmation of the Subsidies granted by the Clergy.
Put to the Question, and Assented unto generally.
Sent to the Commons, by Mr. Justice Crooke and Mr. Justice Yelverton.
Returned from the Commons.
Message from the King, touching the Recess.
The Lord President reported, That His Majesty, according to the earnest Desires of both House, hath granted the Recess from Parliament to be on this Day.
Message sent to the Commons, by Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Serjeant Damport:
Message to the House of Commons for Conference, to impart the said Message.
That the Lords have received His Majesty's Answer, touching the Recess from Parliament, which they are willing to impart unto them by a Committee of Four; if the Commons shall think fit to appoint a Committee of their House to meet, for that Purpose, in the Painted Chamber, presently.
Their Committee shall attend their Lordships presently.
Committee for the Conference.
Lords appointed for the Committee:
Earl of Suffolk's Privilege. Haine's Arrest.
Upon the Reading of the Petition of Thomas Haine, Servant to the Right Honourable the Earl of Suffolke, desiring to be relieved against John Parham, Esquire, for putting him out of the Possession of his House and Lands (at Martin's Town, in the County of Dorsett), during the Time of Privilege of Parliament, a great Part of the said Land being then sown by him with Corn;
It is Ordered, That the Examination of Breach of Privilege be referred to the Lords Sub-committees for Privileges, etc. at the next Access; and that the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal do write unto Two of the next Justices of the Peace, to sequester the Crop of Corn sown by the Petitioner; and that the said Parham and Haine do appear before the said Lords Sub-committees at the next Access; and the Clerk to write unto the said Parham to appear accordingly.
Message from the King, touching further Subsidies for carrying on the War.
The Lord Conway signified unto the Lords, "That His Majesty takes Knowledge of the Two Subsidies now granted unto Him, which He doth most graciously accept of; but the Necessities of the present Affairs are such that they cannot rest there, but their further Counsels are to be had therein. The late King, of Famous Memory, was provoked, beyond His Nature, to undertake a War, by breaking of the Two Treaties of the Match and the Palatinate. It appeared then, by Computation, that the War to recover the Palatinate would cost Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds per Annum. Wherefore His Majesty, considering the Necessities to uphold The Low Countries, and to prevent the Enterprize of the Emperor from concluding with the Princes of Germany utterly to exclude his Son-in-Law, levied an Army, under Count Mansfeild, in which France, Savoy, and Venice joined, for a War of Diversion. This procured the Kings of Denmarke and Sweden, and the Princes of Germany, to levy another Army, wherein His Majesty joins. Much more Money hath been spent in these, and in preparing the Fleet, than the Subsidies now and formerly granted came to. And yet the Charges of Maunsfeild and Denmark's Armies, for the upholding of The Low Countries, and setting out of the Fleet, must be continued. Wherefore His Majesty, considering the Danger of this Place, hath granted a Recess, at their Requests; but His Necessities require their further Counsels herein."
All the Lords to attend at the next Access, to consider of the King's Demands.
The Lords, considering that His Majesty's Necessities (as was delivered by the Lord Conway) required so sudden an Access to Parliament again, for their further Counsels and Assistance therein, did Order, That the House be fully attended, by all the Lords in general, at the next Access; and Agreed, That the King be moved, not to grant Licence unto any to be absent; and declared their Opinion, That His Majesty's Proclamation, touching the Access, commanding the personal Appearance of the Lords at the Day and Place prefixed, determines all former Licences to be absent, and their Proxies.
Message to the Commons, by Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Serjeant Damport:
Message for the House of Commons to attend.
That His Majesty hath sent His Letters Patents of His Royal Assent unto the Acts past this Parliament; and a Commission for the Adjournment of the Parliament to a further Time.
That the Commons be pleased to come, with their Speaker, to hear them read.
They will send an Answer, by Messengers of their own.
Message from the Commons, by the Lord Cavendish and others:
Message from the House of Commons, concerning the Manner of the Adjournment.
That, whereas the Lords have sent them Word of His Majesty's Letters Patents, for the Royal Assent, and of His Commission to adjourn the Parliament, and required them to come to hear them read; they will most willingly attend, to hear the Letters Patents for the Royal Assent; and humbly desire, that they may not stay to hear the Commission read for the Adjournment; but that they may (without Offence unto their Lordships) depart, to adjourn themselves, according to their Use, and the Privilege of their House.
This said, the Messengers departed; and the Lords Agreed, That the Commons might freely depart after the Letters Patents for the Royal Assent is read.
The Commons being come, and their Speaker at the Bar; he said:
Speaker's Speech upon presenting Money Bills.
"May it please your Lordships,
"The Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament, as the First Fruits of their Love, do humbly present Two Subsidies granted unto His Majesty (whereof they crave Acceptance); together with divers Bills, unto which they desire His Majesty's Royal Assent."
Message from the King, touching the Petition about Religion.
Then the Lord Keeper declared, "That he had a short Message from His Majesty, to deliver unto the Lords and Commons: That, whereas a Petition was lately delivered him from both Houses, touching Religion, unto which He gave a present Gracious Answer; He is now pleased to return a more particular Answer: videlicet, An Assurance of His Majesty's real Performance of every Part of that Petition."
Parliament to be adjourned to Oxford.
His Lordship also declared, "That the Parliament is to be adjourned this Day unto Oxford, on the First of August next."
The Clerk read His Majesty's Letters Patents, directed unto the Lords and Commons, for His Royal Assent unto the Bills now past, in hæc verba: videlicet,
Commission for the Royal Assent to Bills.
"Charles, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. To Our Right Trusty and Right Wellbeloved the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to Our Trusty and Well-beloved Our Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, Greeting.
"We have seen, and perfectly understood, divers and sundry Acts and Ordinances, annexed and affixed to these Presents, agreed and accorded on by you Our Loving Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this Our present Parliament assembled, and severally indorsed by you, as hath been accustomed; the Titles and Names of which Acts hereafter do particularly ensue: That is to say,
"An Act for punishing divers Abuses committed on the Lord's-day, called Sunday. An Act to enable the King's Majesty to make Leases of Lands, Parcel of His Highness's Dutchy of Cornewall, or annexed to the same. An Act for the Ease of the obtaining of Licences of Alienation, and in the Pleading of Alienations with Licence, or of Pardons of Alienations without Licence, in the Court of Exchequer, or elsewhere. An Act for the further Restraint of Tippling, in Inns, Alehouses, or other Victualing Houses. An Act for Settling and Confirmation of Copyhold Estates, and Customs of the Tenants, in Base Tenure, of the Manor of Cheltenham, in the County of Glouc. and of the Manor of Ashley, otherwise called Charleton Kings, in the said County, being holden of the said Manor of Cheltenham, according to an Agreement thereof made between the King's most Excellent Majesty, being then Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall and of Yorke, and Earl of Chester, Lord of the said Manor of Cheltenham, and Gyles Grevill, Esquire, Lord of the said Manor of Asheley, and the said Copyholders of the said several Manors. An Act for the Enabling and Confirmation of an Agreement, or Composition, made between the King's Majesty's Commissioners of Revenue, His Majesty being then Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, and Earl of Chester, on His Majesty's Behalf, and His Majesty's Copyholders of (fn. 1) His Highness's Manor of Macclesfeild, in the County of Chester; and of a Decree made in the Court of Exchequer at Chester, for the perfect Creation and Confirmation of certain Lands and Tenements, Parcel of the said Manor, to be Copyhold and Customary Lands, according to the Tenor of the same Decree. An Act for the Grant of Two Entire Subsidies, granted by the Temporalty. An Act for the Confirmation of the Subsidies granted by the Clergy. An Act, That this Session of Parliament shall not determine by His Majesty's Royal Assent to this and some other Acts.
And, albeit the said several Acts and Ordinances, by you Our said Subjects the Lords and Commons in this Our present Parliament assembled, be fully agreed and consented unto; yet, nevertheless, the same be not of Force and Effect in Law, without Our Royal Assent given and put to the same Acts and Ordinances. And forasmuch as, for divers great and urgent Causes and Considerations, We cannot conveniently, at this present, be personally, in Our Royal Person, in the Higher House of Our said Parliament, being the Place accustomed to give Our Royal Assent unto such Acts and Ordinances as have been agreed upon by Our said Subjects the Lords and Commons; We have therefore caused these Our Letters Patents to be made, and have signed the same; and, by the same, (fn. 2) do give and put Our Royal Assent to all and singular the said Acts and Ordinances, and to all Articles, Clauses, and Provisions, in them contained. And be it fully Agreed and Assented to all and singular the said Acts; willing that the said Acts, and every Article, Clause, Sentence, and Provision, in them contained, from henceforth, shall be of the same Strength, Force, and Effect, as if We had been personally present in the said Higher House, and had openly and publickly, in the Presence of you all, assented to the same, And We do, by these Presents, (fn. 3) declare and notify the same Our Royal Assent, as well to you the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons aforesaid, as to all others whom it may concern; commanding also, by these Presents, Our Lord Keeper of Our Great Seal of England, to seal these Our Letters Patents with Our Great Seal, and to declare and notify this Our Royal Assent, in Our Absence in the said Higher House, in the Presence of you the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in Our Parliament there to be assembled, for that Purpose. And the Clerk of Our Parliament to indorse the said Acts with such Terms and Words, in Our Name, as is requisite, and hath been accustomed for the same; and also to inroll these Our Letters Patents, and all and every the said Acts, in the Parliament Roll. And these Our Letters Patents shall be to either of them sufficient Warrants in that Behalf. And finally We declare and will, That, after this Our Royal Assent given and passed by these Presents, and declared and notified as aforesaid, That then immediately the said Acts, and every of them, shall be taken, accepted, and admitted, good, sufficient, and perfect Acts of Parliament, and Laws, to all Intents, (fn. 4) Constructions, and Purposes, and to be put in due Execution accordingly; the Continuance or Dissolution of this Our Parliament, or any other Use, Custom, Thing, or Things, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In Witness whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patents. Witness Ourself, at Westm. the Eleventh Day of July, in the First Year of Our Reign.
Then, the Commons being gone, the Commission for the Adjournment was read, in hæc verba:
Commission for Adjournment.
"Carolus, Dei Gratia, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, etc. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri et Fideli Consiliario Nostro Georgio Archiepiscopo Cantuar. totius Angliæ Primati et Metropolitano, ac Reverendo in Christo Patri et Fideli Consiliario Nostro Johanni Episcopo Lincoln, Domino Custodi Magni Sigilli Nostri Angliæ, ac etiam Reverendissimo in Christo Patri Tobiæ Eborum Archiepiscopo, Angliæ Primati et Metropolitano, nec non Prædilecto et Fideli Consiliario Nostro Jacobo Domino Ley, Domino Thesaurario Nostro Angliæ, ac Charissimis Consanguineis et Consiliariis Nostris Henrico Vicecomiti Maundevill, Domino Præsidenti Concilii Nostri, Edwardo Comiti Wigorn, Domino Custodi Privati Sigilli Nostri, Georgio Duci Buckingham, Magno Admirallo Nostro Angliæ, Thomæ Comiti Arundell et Surr. Comiti Marescallo Nostro Angliæ, Willielmo Comiti Pembr. Domino Senescallo Hospitii Nostri, ac etiam Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Edwardo Comiti Dorsett, nec non Charissimo Consanguineo et Consiliario Nostro Philippo Comiti Mountgomery, Charissimoque Consanguineo Nostro Willielmo Comiti North'ton, Præsidenti Concilii Nostri infra Principalitatem et Marchias Walliæ, ac Charissimo Consanguinco et Consiliario Nostro Jacobo Comiti Carliol. nec non Charissimis Consanguineis Nostris Johanni Comiti de Clare, Henrico Vicecomiti Rocheford, ac etiam Reverendis in Christo Patribus Georgio Episcopo London, Ricardo Episcopo Dunelm. Reverendo in Christo Patri et Fideli Consiliario Nostro Lanceloto Episcopo Winton. nec non Reverendis in Christo Patribus Samueli Episcopo Norwicen. Willielmo Episcopo Meneven. ac Prædilectis et Fidelibus Consiliariis Nostris Edwardo Domino Conway, Uni Primariorum Secretariorum Nostrorum, Edwardo Domino Zouch, ac etiam Prædilectis et Fidelibus Nostris Emanueli Domino Scroope, Præsidenti Concilii Nostri in Partibus Borealibus, Thomæ Domino Wentworth, Edmundo Domino Sheffeild, Prædilectis et Fidelibus Consiliariis Nostris, Georgio Domino Carewe, et Fulconi Domino Brooke, Salutem.
"Cum nuper, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Angliæ et Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ concernentibus, præsens hoc Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. decimo octavo die Junii ultimo præterito, inchoari et teneri ordinaverimus; a quo die idem Parliamentum Nostrum tunc et ibidem tentum et continuatum fuerat usque instantem undecimum diem Julii: Sciatis, quod Nos, pro diversis urgentibus Causis et Considerationibus Nos specialiter moventibus idem Parliamentum Nostrum, ac omnes Causas et Materias inceptas et nondum terminatas, adjornandum duximus. De Fidelitate igitur, Prudentia, et Circumspectione, vestris plurimum confidentes, de Avisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, assignavimus vos Commissionarios Nostros, dantes vobis, et aliquibus tribus vel pluribus vestrum, tenore præsentium, plenam Potestatem et Auctoritatem, hoc instante die Lunæ, ad præsens Parliamentum Nostrum, ac omnia Negotia et Materias supradictas, adhuc, ut præfertur, non terminatas, Nomine Nostro, ad et in primum diem Augusti jam proxime futurum, usque Civitatem Nostram Oxon, adjornandum et continuandum, ibidemque tunc tenendum et prosequendum; et ideo vobis mandamus, quod circa præmissa diligenter intendatis, ac ea in forma prædicta effectualiter expleatis. Damus autem universis et singulis Archiepiscopis, Ducibus, Marchionibus, Comitibus, Vicecomitibus, Episcopis, Baronibus, Militibus, Civibus, et Burgensibus, et omnibus aliis quorum interest ad dictum Parliamentum Nostrum conventuris, tenore præsentium, firmiter in Mandatis, quod vobis, in præmissis faciendis, agendis, et exequendis, pareant, obediant, et intendant, prout decet. In cujus Rei Testimonium, has Literas Nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste Meipso, apud Westm. undecimo die Julii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
Ex. per Jo. Benbowe.
Parliament adjourned to Oxford.
Which being read, the Lord Keeper declared, That, according to this Commission, this Session is adjourned from this Eleventh of July, to the First of August next, unto Oxford.
The Commission sent to the Commons,
And the Commission was sent down to the Commons, by Mr. Justice Crooke and Mr. Baron Trevor.