House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 5 November 1641

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 5 November 1641', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 5 November 1641', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 5 November 1641". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.


In this section

DIE Veneris, videlicet, 5 die Novembris.


Lord Howard's Letter, about Berwick and Ireland.

The Lord Keeper signified to this House, "That he had received a Letter, directed to him from the Lord Howard at Edenborough, dated the 30th of October 1641," which was commanded to be read. The Effect whereof was: "That, meeting with the Instructions of the Parliament beyond Anwicke, in his Return to London, his Lordship and Mr. Fynes returned back again to Edinborough, to present them to His Majesty; which having done, His Majesty told them, That, for the Business of Barwicke, He hoped by this Time the Parliament had received Satisfaction. Concerning the Rebellion in Ireland, His Majesty, upon the First Notice thereof, moved the Parliament of Scotland to take this Business in Consideration, which accordingly they did, and appointed a Committee for this very Purpose, which made Report, whereof a Copy is inclosed, together with a Ratification thereof in Parliament, wherein they have testified both their Affection and Respect to this Kingdom.

"The Report of the Committee in the Parliament of Scotland.

"Rege prœsente, 28 Octob. 1641.

Report of the Committee of the Parliament of Scotland, concerning Ireland.

"His Majesty produced an Letter written to him be the Viscount Chichester, anent some Commotions in Ireland, which was publiquely read, in Audience of the Kinges Majesty and Parliament; and His Majesty desired that some maye be appointed to thinke upon the Business, so far as may concern His Majesty and Kingedome. And the Estates nominated the Lord Chancellor, General Lord Lothians, Lord Amond, the Lardis of Wedderburne, Kinhalt, and Murthill, the Commissioners of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aire, to think upon some Course necessary to be done anent the said Letter, and what is incumbent to be done be this Kingedome thereupon, and report againe to the Parliament. To meete in the Generall his House, this Afternoone at Two Houris.

"28 Octobris 1641.

"This Daye in the Afternoone the Committee above nominated, appointed for taking to Consideration the Report of the Commotions in Ireland, being mett in the Lord Generall's House, and having red the Letter directed to the Kinges Majesty from the Lord Chichester, dated at Belfast, the 24th Octob. 1641, hes considered, that His Majesty, out of His Wisedome and Royall Cair of the Peace of His Kingedomes, hes already acquainted the Parliament of Ingland with the Intelligence from Ireland, and hes sent to Ireland to know the Certainty of the Commotions, and of the Faires of that Combination, which till it be perfectly knowne, thair can be no particular Course taken for suppressing thairof; and, the Kingdome of Ireland being dependant upon the Crowne and Kingdome of Ingland, the Inglish may conceive Jealousies, and mistake our Forwardnes when they shall hear of our Preparations without thair Knowledge in this, whairin they are first and more properly concerned; and, if the Insurrections be of that Importaince, as the British within Ireland ar not powerful enough to suppresse it without Assistances of greater Forces, nor thair Allies, and that His Majesty and Parliament of Ingland shall think our Aide necessary to join with thaim, we conceive that the Assistance which we can contribute, may be in Readiness as soon as Ingland; and if, after Resolution taken by His Majesty, with Advise of both Parliaments, it shall be found necessary that we give our present Assistance, we shall go about it with that Speede which may witnes our dutiful Respects to His Majesty's Servise, and our Affections to our Brethren, His Majesty's Loyall Subjects of Ingland and Ireland.

"29 die Octobris, 1641.

"Read in Audience of His Majesty and Estates of Parliament, who ordaines the same to be recorded in Parliament, ad futuram Rei Memoriam, as ane Testimony of their Affections to His Majesty's Servise, and the Good of the Neighbour Kingdomes, and appoints Thrie of the Baronis, and Thrie Borrowis to meet the Erle of Eglintoine, at Thrie Houris Afternoone, to take to thair Consideration, be Way of Estimation or Conjecture, the Nombre of Bottis or Timefaddis, which, in the Partis of this Kingdome lying opposite to Ireland, may be had in Readines, and what Nombre of Men maye be transported thairin, and to reporte againe to the Parliament.

"Vera Copia,


Letters from the Mayor of Chester, concerning Cremer's, &c. Examination about Magenes.

Next, was delivered unto this House a Packet of Letters, directed to their Lordships in Parliament, sent from the Mayor of Chester, wherein was an Information upon Oath, taken by the Mayor and Aldermen, of one Thomas Cremer, of Graies Inn, Gentleman, dated the 30th of October last; "That he, meeting with a Gentleman that calleth himself by the Name of Magenes, Brother to the Lord Magenes, at the House of Widow Betson, in Neston; upon some Conference betwixt them, the said Magenes told the said Cremer, that he was to go for Ireland (being lately come from Spaine) to see my Lord Mackquere, and that he was sent for thither; and further said, that he hoped ere long that the Irish would drive out the Scotts out of Ireland; and that there is a Business that you would not think of; and said to the said Cremer, that he had returned Eight or Nine Hundred Pounds out of London into Ireland, for to raise up Forces for the King of Spaine: And also saith, That there was one other in the Company of the said Magenes, which called himself by the Name of Readmond, Yesternight in the Company of the said Cremer, who drank a Health, To the Confusion of the Protestants in Ireland; and that the aforesaid Magenes further said, That, since the Business was discovered, he would go to London along with the said Cremer, if he would leave him some Money: And further Cremer saith, That the said Magenes, hearing of the Rebellion in Ireland, said that he was very glad and joyful of the News, and that he liked well of it, and that he would give any Thing to be in Ireland, and did shew himself to be very angry with the Master of the Ship (in which he intended to go for Ireland) for neglecting the Wind, saying he might meet with him in Ireland, where a Man might be revenged on such Fellows; but afterwards the said Magenes, hearing that my Lord Mackquere was taken, seemed to be very sorrowful, and said to the said Cremer, that, since it is discovered, he would go to London along with him, if he would lend him (fn. 1) some Money.

"Thomas Cremer.
Tho. Cowper, Mayor,
Wm. Gamull,
Nic. Ince, etc."

Magenes and Comyn sent for.

Which Examinations and Information, with other Letters inclosed in the Packet, being read; it is Ordered, That the said Arthur Magenes and Readmond Comyn (being now under Restraint in the City of Chester) shall be forthwith brought in safe Custody by the Sheriffs of the said City, and appear before the Lords in Parliament, to answer the aforesaid Complaint; and then this House will give such further Order and Directions therein as shall be agreeable to Justice: And further it is Ordered. That the Consideration of the Letters is hereby referred to the Committees for the Irish Affairs.

Sir William Berkeley hath Leave to go to Virginia.

Upon hearing the Cause this Day between Sir William Berkeley, Knight, and Sir Fra. Wyatt, Knight, by Counsel on both Sides; and it appearing to their Lordships that Sir Wm. Berkeley had obtained Letters Patents, under the Great Seal of England, from His Majesty, to be Governor of Virginia; and that Sir Fra. Wyatt's Patent was but durante beneplacito; it is Ordered by this House, That the said Sir Wm. Berkeley shall take the Benefit of his said Letters Patents; and that he hath free Liberty (notwithstanding any former Restraint from this House) to depart presently for his Voyage unto Virginia.

Rejoicings for the Gunpowder Treason.

Upon Information given to this House, "That the Lord Mayor of the City of London, under Colour and Pretence of the Lord Chamberlain's Order, hath forbidden the making of Bonefires this Night in London;" it is hereupon Ordered, That Signification be given to the Lord Mayor, by Message from the Lord Chamberlain, as the Directions of this House, That he is not, by virtue of any Order of this House, nor by the Warrant from the Lord Chamberlain, to restrain or forbid the making of Bonefires this Night, which have been formerly made in Token of the Deliverance this Day from the Gunpowder Treason.

Examinations concerning the Marquis of Hamilton, et al.

After this, divers Examinations were read, concerning the Business in Scotland, touching the Marquis Hamilton, Earl of Argyle, and the Earl of Lannericke, which are referred until some other Time, to be communicated to the House of Commons.

The Lord Seymour reported to the House, "That he had, according to their Lordships Command, presented the Message from this House to the Queen, concerning Robert Phillips; and Her Majesty returns this Answer: videlicet,

"My Lords,

The Queen's Answer about Phillips.

"The Message I received from you by the Lord Seymour, I have taken into serious Consideration, and do not a little wonder that Father Phillips should so much forget himself as I find he hath done, by the Message sent unto Me; which I am so far from approving, as I cannot but be sorry he hath done it.

"I must acknowledge your Respects unto Me, in giving Me Satisfaction of your Proceedings herein: If I did not believe what is done by him is out of Simplicity, I should not speak for him: You all know how near he is unto Me by that Place which he holds; and, if it shall appear unto you that he hath not maliciously done any Thing against the State, if for My Sake you shall pass by his present Offence, I shall take it as a further Testimony of your further Respects unto Me, which I shall be ready to acknowledge upon all Occasions that shall be offered."

To be communicated to the Commons at a Conference.

Ordered, To have a Conference with the House of Commons, to acquaint them with this Answer of the Queen.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Sabbati, videlicet, 6m diem Novembris, 1641, hora 9a Aurora, Dominis sic decernentibus.


  • 1. Origin. so.