Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 11 September 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 11 September 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 11 September 1643". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.
In this section
DIE Lunæ, 11 die Septembris.
Earl of Denbigh, Speaker this Day.
Answer from the H. C. about Justice Berkley's Sentence.
The Messengers sent to the House of Commons on Saturday last return with this Answer:
That they will come up this Day, and demand Judgement against Mr. Justice Berkley.
Thompson to attend, for threatening to seize the E. of Westmoreland's Horses.
Upon Information, "That, though the Earl of Westm. hath an Order of this House to protect his Horses which he doth ride abroad on to take the Air with, yet one Thompson, a Corporal to one Captain Whiting's Company, doth give out Speeches, That, notwithstanding the said Order, he will take away the Earl's Horses, and uses divers other uncivil Speeches of his Lordship:" Hereupon this House Ordered, The said Thompson shall appear before this House, to answer the same.
Report from the Committee, appointed to receive the Propositions from the Scotch Commissioners.
The Lord Viscount Say & Seale and the Lord Howard reported, "That, according to the Order of this House, they have, with the Committee of the House of Commons, been with the Scotts Commissioners, to receive Propositions from them; and First the Commissioners presented to their Lordships a Commission;" which was commanded to be read, which accordingly was done: videlicet,
Edenbrugh, 19th August, 1643. Sess. ib.
Commission from the General Assembly, empowering Commissioners to treat concerning Uniformitiy of Church Government.
"The Generall Assembly of the Kirke of Scotland, finding it necessary to send some Godly and Learned of this Kirke to the Kingdome of England, to the Effect underwritten; therefore gives full Power and Comission to Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. Rob't Douglas, Mr. Samuell Rutherford, Mr. Rob't Bailzie, and Mr. George Gillespie, Ministers, John Earle of Cassills, John Lord Maitland, and Sir Archbald Johnston of Waryston Knight, Elders, or any Three of them, whereof Two shall be Ministers, to repaire to the Kingedome of England, and there to deliver the Declaration sent unto the Parliament of England, and the Letter sent unto the Assembly of Divines now sitting in that Kingdome; and to propound, consult, treat, and conclude with that Assembly, or any Comissioners deputed by them, or any Committees and Commissioners deputed by the Houses of Parliament, in all Matters which may further the Union of this Iland, in One Forme of Kirk Government, One Consession of Faith, One Catechisme, and One Directory for the Worship of God, according to the Instructions whih they have receved from the Assembly, or sh afrom Tyme to Tyme hereafter, from the Com missioners of the Assembly, deputed for that Effect, with Power alsoe to them to convey to His Majesty the humble Answere sent from this Assembly to His Majesty's Letter, by such Occasion as they shall thinke convenient, and such like, to deliver the Assemblies Answere to the Letter sent from some well-affected Brethren of the Ministry there, and generally authorizes them to doe all Things which may further the somuch-desired Union and neerest Conjunction of the Two Kirkes of Scotland and England, conforme to their Instructions aforesaid.
Vera Copia,
John Don.
Sic subscribitur,
A. Jhonston, Cl's Eccl."
More Papers from Scotland.
Next, was read, "The Answer of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to the Declaration of the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, Eding. 19th of Aug. 1643." (Here enter it.)
Next, was read, "A Declaration of the Convention of Estates of Scotland, to the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, 26 Aug. 1643."
(Here enter.)
Their Lordships further reported, "That the Commissioners had a Declaration to the Assembly of Divines, which they desired might be delivered to such Persons as should be appointed."
Hereupon this House Ordered, That these Papers be communicated, at a Conference, to the House of Commons; and to desire them to join with this House, to send to the Assembly of Divines, that they would appoint some of the Assembly to receive the said Declaration.
Message to the H. C. for a Conference upon them.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edw. Leech and Doctor Aylett:
To desire a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, touching some Papers received from the Scotts Commissioners.
Ordered, That all the Lords now in Town shall have Notice to attend this House To-morrow Morning, with their Robe, to give Judgement against Mr. Justice Berckley.
Kayes to be instituted to the Rectory of Sandwich, on the Resignation of Dr. Hall.
Upon reading the Petition of John Kayes, Minister; shewing, "That whereas Doctor Hall, Resident upon Barking Church in Essex, and Rector of Sundrich in Kent, at the Instance of the Parishioners of Sundrich, was and is willing to resign his Rectory of Sundrich, so that the Petitioner might succeed him therein; but the Archbishop of Cant. refused to accept of the Resignation, and to collate the Rectory upon the Petitioner, albeit this Honourable House was pleased to make an Order that the Archbishop should, upon the Resignation, collate the said Rectory upon the Petitioner: Wherefore he humbly beseeches this Honourable House to authorize Sir Nathaniell Brent, the Archbishop's Vicar General, or any other whom it (fn. 1) may concern, upon the Resignation of the said Rectory, to give the Petitioner Institution and Induction thereunto, according to an Ordinance of Parliament, Die Sabbathi, 10 Junii, 1643, concerning the Rectory of Chartam, in Kent:"
Hereupon this House Ordered, That Sir Nath. Brent shall have a Copy of this Petition, and then take the Resignation and institute and induct the Petitioner, according to this Petition.
The Messengers return with this Answer:
Answer from the H. C.
That the House of Commons will give a present Conference, as is desired, in the Painted Chamber.
The House was adjourned during Pleasure, and the Lords went to the Conference; which being ended, the House was resumed.
The Assembly to appoint a Committee to receive Papers from Scotland.
Ordered, That the Assembly of Divines shall hereby have Power to appoint a Committee, to receive such Papers of the Commissioners that are come from Scotland, that are sent to them from the Assembly of the Kingdom of Scotland; and the Lord Viscount Say & Seale and the Lord Wharton shall let the Assembly know the Pleasure of this House herein.
Ordered, That the Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Bollingbrooke, and the Lord Grey of Warke, are added, to be of the Assembly, in the Place of the Earls of Bedford, Holland, and the Lord Viscount Conway.
Message to the H. C. to concur in it.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Doctor Aylett:
To let them know, that whereas the Scotts Commissioners, having something to deliver to the Assembly of Divines from the Assembly of Scotland, desired that the Assembly here might have Power to nominate and appoint a Committee of their Members, to receive the same, that this House hath given the Assembly Power to that Purpose, and to desire the House of Commons will join herein; and likewise to let them know, that this House hath appointed the Earls of Denbigh and Bollingbrooke, and the Lord Grey of Warke; to be added Members of the Assembly; wherein their Lordships desire their Concurrence.
Message from thence; to the same Effect;
A Message was brought (fn. 2) from the House of Commons, by Sir John Clattworthy Knight:
To let their Lordships know, that the House of Commons thinks it fit to give Liberty to the Assembly of Divines, to nominate a Committee, to receive such Things, at the Hands of the Commissioners come from Scotland, as are sent to them from that Assembly; wherein they desire their Lordships Concurrence.
and to expedite the Covenant.
2. To desire their Lordships to give Expedition to the Covenant.
The Answer returned was:
That their Lordships do agree to give Liberty to the Assembly to nominate a (fn. 3) Committee, to receive the Papers from the Scotts Commissioners; and concerning the Covenant, their Lordships will send an Answer, by Messengers of their own, in convenient Time.
Edinburgh, 19th of August, 1643.
"The Answere of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the Declaration of the Honnourable Houses of the Parliament of England.
Answer of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the Declaration of both Houses.
"The Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, haveing receaved a Declaration from the Honnourable Houses of the Parliament of England, by theire Committees and Commissioners now resideing here, hath thought good to make knowne unto the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that all the Members of this Assembly, and others well-affected here, doe with most thankfull Respects take speciall Notice of the Expressions which they have bin pleased to make in the aforenamed Declaration, not only concerning theire Approbation of the Desires and Indeavours of the Generall Assembly of this Church, for the Reformation of the Church of England, and the Union of both Churches in Religion and Church Government, but alsoe concerning the Resolution of both Houses fully to concurre with them in those pious Intentions; with the same Thankfullnes and due Reverence, they acknowledge the high Respects expressed towards them by both Houses, in directing unto them theire Committees and Commissioners assisted by Two Reverend Divines, and in desireing of some of the Godly and Learned of this Church to be sent unto the Assembly sitting there.
The Assembly doth blesse the Lord, who hath not only inspired the Houses of Parliament with Desires and Resolutions of the Reformation of Religion, but hath advanced by severall Stepps and Degrees that blessed Worke; by which as they shall most approve themselves to the Reformed Churches abroad, and to theire Brethren of Scotland, soe shall they most powerfully drawe downe from Heaven the Blessings of Prosperity and Peace upon England; and, as it is the earnest Wish of theire Brethren heere, that the true State and Ground of the present Differences and Contraversies in England may bee more and more cleered to bee concerning Religion, and that both Houses may uncessantly prosecute that good Worke, first and above all other Matters, giveing noe Sleepe to theire Eyes, nor Slumber to theire Eye-lids, untill they finde out an Place for the Lord, an Habitation for the Mighty God of Jacob; whose Favor alone can make theire Mountayne stronge, and whose Presence in His owne Ordinances shall be theire Glory in the Middst of them; soe it is our Confidence, that the begun Reformation is of God, and not of Man; that it shall encrease, and not decrease; and that He to whome nothing is to hard, who can make Mountaynes Valleyes, crooked Things straight, and rough Wayes smoth, shall leade alonge and make perfect this most wonderfull Worke, which shal bee remembred to His Glory in the Church throughout all Generations.
"And, least through any Defect upon the Generall Assemblyes Part, the Worke of Reformation (which hitherto, to the greate Greife of all the Godly, hath moved soe slowly) should bee any more retarded or interrupted, they have, according to the renewed Desires of both Houses of Parliament, and theire owne former Promises, nominated and elected Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. Rob't Douglas, Mr. Samuell Rutherford, Mr. Robert Bailzie, and Mr. George Gillaspie, Ministers of God's Word, and John Earle of Cassills, John Lord Maitland, Sir Archibald Johnston of Warystoun, Ruleing Elders, all of them Men much approved here, with Commission and Power to them, or any Three of them, whereof Two shal bee Ministers, to repaire unto the Assembly of Divines, and others of the Church of England, now sitting at Westm. to propound, consult, treate, and conclude with them, and with any Committees deputed by the Houses of Parliament (if it shall seeme good to the Honnourable Houses, in theire Wisdome, to depute any for that End), in all such Things as may conduce to the utter Extirpation of Popery, Prelacy, Heresy, Schisme, Superstition, and Idolatry, and for the setling of the soe-much-desired Union of this whole Island, in One Forme of Church Government, One Confession of Faith, One common Catechisme, and One Directory for the Worshipp of God, according to the Instructions which they have received, or shall receave, from the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly appointed to meete at Edenburgh, from Tyme to Tyme, with the Assemblyes Power to that End; and, as the Generall Assembly doth most gladly and affectionatly receive, and fully trust, the Committees and Divines sent hither, soe doe they hereby commend the aforenamed Commissioners not only to the like Affection and Trust of the Assembly there, but alsoe to the Favor and Protection of both Houses of Parliament.
"And, for the further Sattisfaction and Encouragment of theire Brethren of England, the whole Assembly in theire owne Name, and in Name of all the particuler Churches in this Kingdome whome they represent, doe hereby Declare, That, from theire Zeale to the Glory of God and Propagation of the Gospell, from theire Affection to the Happines of theire Native King and of the Kingdome of England, and from the Sense of theire owne Interest in the common Dangers of Religion, Peace, and Liberty, they are most willing and ready to bee united and associated with theire Brethren, in a neerer League and solemne Covenant, for the Maintenance of the truely Reformed Protestant Religion against Popery and Prelacy, and against all Popish and Prelaticall Corruptions in Doctrine, Discipline, Worshipp, or Church Government, and for the setling and holding fast of Unity and Uniformity betwixt the Churches of this Island, and with the best Reformed Churches beyond Sea; which Union and Covenant shall, by God's Assistance, bee seconded by your co-operating with theire Brethren in the Use of the best and most effectuall Meanes that may serve for soe good Ends; for the more speedy effectuating whereof, to the Comfort and Inlargment of theire distressed Brethren (whose Hope deferred might make theire Hearts to faint), the whole Assembly, with great Unanimity of Judgement and Expressions of much Affection, have approved (for their Part) such a Draught and Forme of a mutuall League and Covennant betwixt the Kingdomes, as was the Result of the joynt Debates and Consultations of the Commissioners from both Houses, assisted by the Two Reverend Divines, and of the Committees deputed from the Convention of the Estates of this Kingdome and from the Generall Assembly; expecting and wishing the like Approbation thereof by the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament, and by the Reverend Assembly there, that thereafter it may be solemly sworne and subscribed in both Kingdomes, as the surest and strictest Obligation to make both stand and fall togeather, in that Cause of Religion and Liberty. As the States of this Kingdome have often professed, in their former Declarations, the Integrity of their Intentions, against the common Enemies of Religion and Liberty in both Kingdomes, and their great Affection to their Brethren of England, by reason of so many and so neere Relations; soe doubtlesse, in this Tyme of Neede, they will not faile to give reall Proofe of what before they professed. A Freind loveth at all Tymes, and a Brother is borne for Adversity; neither shall the Assembly or their Commissioners bee wanting in exhorting all others to theire Duty, or in concurring soe farre as belongeth to theire Place and Vocation, with the Estates now conveened, in any lawfull and possible Course, which may most conduce to the Good of Religion and Reformation, the Honnor and Happines of the King's Majesty, the Deliverance of theire Brethren of England from theire present calamitous Condition, and to the perpetuating of a firme and happy Peace betwixt the Kingdomes.
"A. Jhonston, Cler. Eccl."
House adjourned till 10a cras.