Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 9 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 17 January 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 9 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed January 17, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 9 April 1645". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 17 January 2025.
In this section
Die Mercurii, 9 die Aprilis.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Clayton.
Answer from the H. C.
Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page return with this Answer to the Message sent Yesterday to the House of Commons:
That they have considered of the Message, and every Part of it, and do agree to every Part of it.
E. of Warwick desires Leave to resign his Post of L. Admiral.
The Earl of Warwicke signified to the House this Day, "That, as he had received the Honour from the Parliament to be Admiral of England, so he as willingly desired Leave of the Houses to surrender his Commission; which he desired might be with this Declaration following." (Here enter it.)
Sir J. Conyers, to export Horses.
Ordered, That Sir John Conyers shall have a Pass, to transport Two Geldings into Holland, for his own Use.
Papers from the Committee of both Kingdoms, about the Scots Army.
The Earl of Manchester reported divers Papers from the Committee of both Kingdoms, concerning the Scottish Army.
The said Papers were read, as followeth:
"Die Saturni, 5 Die Aprilis, 1645.
"At the Committee of both Houses appointed to treat with the Scottish Commissioners:
Committee of both House desire the Scots Commissioners, that their Army may march Southward.
"According to an Order of the House of Commons, of the Fourth of this Instant April, we do earnestly desire your Lordships, that the Scottish Army now in the North may speedily advance, according to our former Desires; there being effectual Care taken for the providing and furnishing the Remainder of the Thirty Thousand Pounds assigned to that Army, and likewise the Arms and Ammunition desired.
"By Command of the Committee of both Houses.
"Gualter Frost,
Secretary to the same Committee."
Scots Commissioners desire the Remainder of the Money may be paid to their Army; and that the Northern Army may be put in a proper Posture, to secure those Parts
"We shall send your Lordships Desires, contayned in your Paper of the 5th of this Instant, to the Comittee residing with the Scottish Army; and are confident that, upon Receipt of the Remainder of the Money, Armes, and Amunition, they will with all possible Speede take the Fields, and advance Southward (toward which they are preparing themselves); and will soe direct their Motions, by Advise of the Comittee of both Kingdomes, upon the Place, as may most promote the Publique Servise; and in respect the Troubles of Scotland, by Irish Rebells and Malignants (occasioned by the Engagement of that Kingdome in this Cause), are a Hinderance to the present strengthning and recrutinge of that Army from thence, and that upon their marching Southward there is a Necessity of leaving behind them such Forces as may secure the Garrisons there, we desire your Lordships to move the Honorable Houses, speedily to put the Northen Forces in such a Posture, as there may be a competent Strength for Defence of those Parts; and to joyne with the Scottish Army, for opposing the Enemy, in case their Forces shall draw Northward; and that the Armies in the North and South may with all possible Speede (fn. 1) be put in such a Condition and Readines to each other, for the active carrying on of the Warr, which, since the Disappointment of our Hopes in the late Treaty, seemes to be the only Meanes left us (for the present) for setling a blessed Peace: And we are desirous to consider with your Lordships the best Waies and Meanes, how, by the jointe Councells and Forces of both Kingdomes, the Servise may be promoted, and a happy Ende may be put to the destructive and unnaturall Warrs: All which wee desire may be made knowne to both Houses of Parliament.
By Comand of the Comissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.
8 April, 1645.
"Jo. Cheisly."
Scots Commissioners desire the Defalcation of 58. a Chaldron on Coals at Newcastle may be made good, for the Maintenance of their Army, and for Monies assessed upon the Northern Counties; and the Excise to be paid in.
"Upon the 14th of September last, wee delivered a Paper to your Lordships and these Gentlemen, to be reported to both Houses, wherein we did represent, that diverse Letters and Papers had bin comunicate to the Houses of Parliament by their Comissioners residing with the Scottish Army, without the Answeres of the Committee of Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland with whom they are appointed to treate; and did alsoe shew the manifold Prejudices, Mistakes, and Differences, might ensue, if nether the Comittee residing with the Armie nor we should be consulted about the Doubts and Objections might arise upon Consideration thereof; and thereupon did desire, that whatsoever Doubts should arise in ether House, upon Consideration of any Thinge propounded concerning the Scottish Armies in England or Ireland, the same might be re-comitted to your Lordships and these Gentlemen, that, after Debate, and full Understanding of our Meaning, the Results thereof might be reported to both Houses; which Desire was agreed unto by them, and ordered in the very same Words that are set downe in our Paper, as may appeare by the Votes of the 17th of October, 1644: Notwithstanding whereof, the Busines of the Coale beinge referred to this Comittee, and no Report as yet made thereof to the Houses, we understand by Letters from Newcastle, that an Ordinance of Parliament, for Diminution of Five Shillings of the Chaldron of Coale from the Price mutually agreed upon by the Comittee of both Kingdomes upon the Place, hath bin late sent thither, with which we have not bin acquainted: It is therefore our earnest Desire, if this Diminution, amoungting to the Halse of the Profitts that comes in upon the Coale, contrary to the Agreement of the Comittee of both Kingdomes upon the Place, and without their and our Knowledge, be, upon further Consideration, found necessary, that, before soe great a Desalcation be made of the Monthly Intertainment of that Army, some other solide and effectuall Way may be laid downe, for supplying that Defect; and we desire that the Twenty-four Thousand Pounds assessed upon the Counties and the Northerne Excise, by the late Ordinance, may be speedily and really brought in.
By Comand of the Comissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.
8 Aprill, 1645.
"Jo. Cheislie."
States Ambassadors Audience.
The Speaker acquainted the House, "That The States Ambassadors desire their Lordships would give them Audience, that they might take their Leaves before they depart the Kingdom.3
Hereupon this House Ordered, To give them Audience To-morrow Morning, at Ten of the Clock.
Message to the H. C. about it;
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page:
To let them know, that their Lordships have received another Motion from The States Ambassadors, to desire Audience; and that this House hath Resolved to give them Audience To-morrow Morning, at Ten a Clock.
to expedite the Rutland Ordinance;
2. To desire Expedition in the Ordinance concerning Rutlandshire.
and with Beauchamp's Petition.
3. To recommend the Petition of Bcauchamp to them.
Needham to deliver Guns to Bishop.
Ordered, That Sir Tho. Needham shall deliver to John Bishopp the Muskets he hath in his Custody by Monday next, or else shew Cause to the contrary: And it is further Ordered, That the said Bishop shall have a Protection from this House, to preserve his Servants from Arrests and Pressing, they being employed in the Service of the State.
Lady St. John & al. a Pals.
Ordered, That the Lady St. Johns, with Mrs. Francis her Daughter, shall have a Pass, to go to Baith, for their Health, with such necessary Servants as she shall think fit to wait on her, with her Coach and Horses, and Saddles; and that they have Liberty to procure a Pass from the King, if she shall think fit.
E. of Warwick's Declaration, on resigning his Post of Ld. Admiral.
My Lords,
"Being lately in Kent, to speed out the Fleet, that an Easterly Wind might not prevent their seasonable getting forth of the River, and receiving Notice of an Ordinance of Parliament, whereby the Members of both Houses, holding Offices under their Authority, stand discharged after the End of Forty Days: I thought it my Duty (after my giving in Charge to Captains then in those Parts to be faithful in their Trusts) to make my Return back, that I might testify my chearful Compliance with the Houses Resolution.
"While I have had the Honour to serve the Parliament in the great Trust by them reposed in me, both since my being Lord Admiral and before, I have endeavoured to perform my Duty with Fidelity and Diligence, being acted therein by no other Design, but a Desire to advance God's Glory, and my Country's Service; and my Endeavours (though accompanied with those common Insirmities that are incident to Men) have (through the Blessing and Goodness of God) not been without some visible Advantage to the Public; being made instrumental to preserve the Parliament's Interests in the Fleet, when it was laboured with Letters and Commands under the Broad Seal, from His Majesty, to be turned against them; and some Service hath accrued to the State, by the relieving of our Friends, and Interception of Supplies intended to the Enemy; besides those less observable Preventions of Danger, which without a vigilant Eye might have infested the Kingdom.
But, as I did in Obedience to the Command of both Houses receive and hitherto manage that Employment, so did my Heart with all possible Readiness submit to their Pleasure, so soon as it was held forth in that Ordinance; and therefore, in Testification of that high and honourable Esteem that I owe and sincerely bear to their Wisdom, I do with all Humility and Chearfulness resign and surrender into their Hands the Office of Lord Admiral, wherewith they were pleased formerly to intrust me; and shall value it as my highest Honour and Contentment, next to my God, to be serviceable to them and my Country in any other Condition whereunto His Providence shall cast me; not counting my Person nor dearest Interests too precious to be laid out in Maintenance of that great Cause of Religion and Liberty wherein they are so justly engaged; and in all their Resolutions my faithful and ready Concurrence shall demonstrate to all the World, that my highest Ambition is no other than to contribute my best Endeavours for their Service; and that I am resolved to stand and fall with them, in the upholding of God's Truth, and the Public Liberty; knowing well, by many Years, that the Welfare of this Kingdom cannot subsist without God's Blessing in the Preservation and Safety of the Parliament; which I here present as the real and candid Expressions of a Mind full of Integrity, [ (fn. 2) Humility, and] Respect towards them; and I shall join my Prayers, together with my utmost Assistances, that, as God has thus far honoured them with doing of great Services to His Name, so He will continue to shine upon their Counsels, until this shaken Kingdom be established upon a lasting, honourable, and holy Foundation."
Williams, Gouge, & al Sufferers by Fire at Hauworth, Leave to collect Charitable Contributions.
Upon certain Information given this Day to the House, "That the Houses and Goods of George Williams, Thomas Goudge, Henry Blague, Peter Pynn, William Goswell, Nicholas Williams, and Henry Healy, Inhabitants of the Parish of Hanworth, in the County of Midd. were, by a lamentable Fire, happening on the Four and Twentieth Day of March last, burnt and consumed, by reason of a sudden and terrible Wind, to the Ruin and Undoing of the said Inhabitants:"
It is therefore Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the said George Williams, Thomas Goudge, & al. Inhabitants of Hanworth aforesaid, shall and may, by virtue of this Order, have full Power and Liberty to take and receive, collect and gather, the Charitable Benevolence and Contribution of well-disposed People, in the several Parish Churches and Chapels within the said County of Midd.; and the Money, so to be collected as aforesaid, to be paid and delivered into the Hands of Zac. Evans, Rector of Hanworth aforesaid, which is to be distributed and disposed of by the Direction and Privity of the Lord Viscount Say & Seale, Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, and Sir John Francklin Knight; the Collectors of the said Benevolence to be approved of by them. This Order to continue in Force for the Space of Six Months next after the Date hereof, and no longer.