Parishes: Tallaton - Templeton

Magna Britannia: Volume 6, Devonshire. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1822.

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Daniel Lysons, Samuel Lysons, 'Parishes: Tallaton - Templeton', in Magna Britannia: Volume 6, Devonshire( London, 1822), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

Daniel Lysons, Samuel Lysons, 'Parishes: Tallaton - Templeton', in Magna Britannia: Volume 6, Devonshire( London, 1822), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

Daniel Lysons, Samuel Lysons. "Parishes: Tallaton - Templeton". Magna Britannia: Volume 6, Devonshire. (London, 1822), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

In this section

Tallaton, or Talaton

TALLATON, or TALATON, in the hundred of Hayridge and in the deanery of Plymtree, lies about two miles and a half from Ottery St. Mary, and about six from Honiton. The village of Larkbeare is in this parish.

The manor of Tallaton belonged to the Peverells of Sandford, by whose co-heiresses it appears to have been alienated. In the reign of Edward III. it was in moieties between Denband and Brigham; in the succeeding reign between Sir Henry Percehay and Sir John Hill. The whole became the property of Franceis, of Combe Flory, partly by descent from Percehay, and partly by purchase from Hill. Before this union the moieties were called Tallaton Hill and Tallaton Percehay. These passed again into separate hands, and one of them became the property of the Chichesters, from whom it passed by marriage to Harward. They were a second time united in the family of Yonge. Sir William Yonge having purchased one of the moieties of Blanch Harris, in 1750, and Sir George Yonge the other in 1770, of John Harward, Esq., of Hayne. They are now, by purchase from the late Sir George Yonge, the property of Sir John Kennaway, Bart.

Escot, the seat of Sir John Kennaway, Bart., gave name to a family who possessed it in the thirteenth century. It belonged afterwards to the Beauchamps of Ryme, and was purchased of the co-heiresses of that family by Richard Channon, Esq. The heiress of Channon joined with her husband in the sale of this estate to Sir Walter Yonge, Bart., in 1680. Sir Walter soon afterwards began to build Escot House, which was the seat of his descendants till it was sold, in 1794, by the late Sir George Yonge, K. B. and Bart., (some time Secretary at War, and Governor of the Cape of Good Hope,) to Sir John Kennaway, Bart. Escot House, the seat of Sir John Kennaway, Bart., in which Sir George Yonge had the honor of entertaining their late Majesties, and three of the princesses, at dinner, on the 14th of August, 1789, was burnt to the ground on the 28th of December, 1808. The fire broke out while the family were at dinner, and the house, with all the furniture and most of the valuables, was consumed before eleven at night. Sir John Kennaway has ever since resided at a cottage at Fairmile, not far from the site of Escot House.

The manor of Larkbeare, partly in the parish of Whimple, and partly in this parish, was probably the Lavrochebere which was held at the time of the Domesday survey by Alured Brito: in the reign of King John, Larkbeare belonged to the Pipards, whose heiress brought it to Lisle. It was afterwards in the Courtenay family. In Sir William Pole's time it had been for some descents in the family of Haydon, who purchased it after the attainder of the Marquis of Exeter. (fn. n1) This manor is now the property and residence of the Rev. Thomas Clack, whose wife's father, Richard Stone, Esq., bought it of the Haydons.

The barton of Southcote, otherwise English Hayes, was for many descents in the family of English, from whom it passed by successive female heirs to Credy, Brimmer, and Michel. It was purchased of the latter by Sir William Pole, whose descendant, Sir J. W. de la Pole, conveyed it in exchange to the late Sir George Yonge, Bart. It is now the property of Sir John Kennaway, Bart.

It appears from a passage in Westcote, that Southcote was an occasional residence of Sir William Pole, the antiquary. "Of the now possessors (of estates in Tallaton), I know only the lord of Southcott who hath beautified yt with a howse far beyond a cottage. It is now the seat of the chiefest and most accomplished treasurer of the choice antiquities of this countye. And yf yt had pleased him also to have byn the illustrator, the worthe of the natives of this province, and his own sufficiencye, would have byn the more vulgarly expressed and known the one for the other. But he is seriously employed in matters of more importance and much more necessary. Yet yf wee shall meet him at his chiefest residence and at convenient leisure, wee will intreat him to vouchsafe us some dyrections for our travell the remainder of this journey, for our better proceeding, and he is so generous, affable, and courteous, so respecting to all lovers of antiquities, that he can deny them nothing they demand, yea, he holds yt a favor done to himself that they will be beholdinge unto him."

In the parish-church is a rich screen, and some memorials of the family of Eveleigh (fn. n2), who for several descents resided at Tallaton. The Rev. Robert Palk Welland is patron and incumbent of the rectory. Elizabeth Prideaux, in 1710, gave the interest of 33l. (1l. 13s. per annum) for instructing poor children. Tallaton is said to have been the birth-place of Thomas Spratt, Bishop of Rochester, the poet, but his epitaph at Beminster speaks of him as a native of Dorsetshire.

Tamerton Foliot

TAMERTON FOLIOT, in the hundred of Roborough and in the deanery of Tamerton, lies about five miles from Plymouth, and 13 from Tavistock. In the Chantry Roll of 1547 it is called a borough.

A market at this place on Monday, and a fair for three days at the festival of St. Dennis, were granted to the Lord of the Manor, in the year 1269. (fn. n3) There is now a cattle-fair on the third Wednesday in July.

Tamerton was one of the quarters of Prince Maurice's army, when he besieged Plymouth from October to December, 1643. (fn. n4)

At the time of the Domesday survey, Alured Brito held the manor of Tamerton in demesne: at an early period it belonged to the family of Foliot, whose heiress, in the reign of Henry III., brought it to Gorges. After continuing for six descents in that family, it passed by successive female heirs to Bonville, Coplestone, and Bampfylde. In 1741, it was purchased of the Bampfylde family by Walter Radcliffe, Esq., son of Walter Radcliffe, Esq., of Frankland, sheriff of Devon in 1696, and ancestor of the Rev. Walter Radcliffe, the present proprietor, who resides at Warleigh, the ancient seat of the lords of the manor. The manor of Langford, in this parish, belongs also to Mr. Radcliffe.

Martinstow, now called Maristow, the site of the ancient chapel of St. Martin, belonged to the canons of Plympton. (fn. n5) After the dissolution, it was granted (in 1544,) to the Champernownes, who in 1550, sold it to John Slanning, Esq., of Shaugh. Maristow, which is situated on the banks of the Tamer, is now the seat of Sir Masseh Manasseh Lopes, Bart., who purchased it, in 1798, of the co-heirs of the late John Modyford Heywood, Esq., the representative of the Slannings. On the 22d of August, 1789, their late Majesties, and three of the Princesses being then at Saltram, honoured Mr. Heywood with a visit at Maristow, and were so much delighted with the romantic scenery of the grounds and woods, that they repeated their visit on the 24th, and spent many hours in admiring their diversified beauties. The ancient chapel at Maristow has been rebuilt by Sir M. M. Lopes.

The barton of Cann, in this parish, belongs to E. H. Gennys, Esq.; Looseleigh, to J. Langmead, Esq.; Ashleigh, to Mr. William Smith.

In the parish-church is an ancient monument with the effigies of a knight in plate armour, probably one of the Gorges family; and the monument of Copleston Bampfylde, Esq., æt. 10. (second son of Sir Copleston Bampfylde,) 1669, with his effigies, represented in a gown and band, with a large bushy wig, his hand on a book. There is a monument also for the wife of Edward Calmady, Gent., 1617. The great tithes, which had been appropriated to the priory of Plympton, are vested in Jonathan Elford, Esq., of Oakhampton. The King is patron of the vicarage. Divine service is performed weekly in the domestic chapel at Maristow, by a minister appointed by Sir M. M. Lopes.

Mary Dean, in 1734, by deed, gave land for a school; and by will, the same year, the sum of 480l., producing an interest of 19l. 4s. The land now lets at about 60l. per annum.


TAVISTOCK, in the hundred and deanery of that name, is a considerable market and borough town, 14 miles from Plymouth, 34 from Exeter, and 207 from London. (fn. n6)

The market, which is a great mart for corn and other provisions, is said to have been granted by King Henry I. It was held formerly on Saturday, now on Friday. Henry I.'s charter grants a fair on St. Rumon's day. When Brice's dictionary was published, there were four fairs, April 25, August 29, September 29, and November 30. The last is said to have been a great fair for cattle and horses. There are now five cattle fairs, January 16, (fn. n7) May 6, September 9, October 10, and December 11. There are great markets on the last Friday in June, and the first Friday in November. It has been resolved, that after the 1st of January, 1822, in lieu of these fairs and great markets, six fairs shall be held in the year, on the second Wednesday in January, May, July, September, October, November, and December.

Tavistock sent members to parliament as early as the reign of Edward I. The returns are regular from the reign of Edward III. The right of election is vested in freeholders of inheritance, inhabiting within the borough, who are about fifty in number. The town is governed by a portreeve, who is the returning officer. John Pym, one of the most distinguished republicans in the reign of Charles I., was several times returned for this borough, as was the unfortunate William Lord Russel, in that of Charles II. This town had formerly a very extensive manufactory of coarse serges established here at an early period. It is now on the decline. There is an iron foundery at Tavistock, and an edge-tool manufactory. Tavistock is one of the Stannary towns.

The summer assizes were held at Tavistock, in the year 1591, in the Abbey-green, on account of the plague raging at Exeter. Thirteen criminals were executed. The quarter sessions were also held there.

The town and parish of Tavistock contained, according to returns made to parliament in 1801, 3420; and in 1811, 4723 inhabitants. The parish is of great extent, containing nearly 14,000 acres, the greater part of which belongs to the Duke of Bedford. The principal villages in the out-parts of the parish, are Cudlipptown, Wilmington, and Crevor.

Tavistock gives the title of Marquis to the eldest son of the Duke of Bedford, whose ancestor was created Marquis of Tavistock and Duke of Bedford, in 1696.

Tavistock does not appear to have been garrisoned during the civil war; but it was at various times the quarters of some of the chiefs of the contending parties. Sir George Chudleigh was stationed there, in the beginning of the year 1643 (fn. n8); after the defeat of the parliamentary army at Bradock-down, it was for some time the quarters of Sir John Berkely. (fn. n9) In the month of July, 1644, the Earl of Essex took Sir Richard Grenville's house at Tavistock, with 150 prisoners, two pieces of cannon, 1000 stand of arms, and 3000l. in money. (fn. n10) The King was at Tavistock with his army on his march for Cornwall in the month of September, 1644, and from thence sent a message to parliament. (fn. n11) Prince Charles was at Tavistock for some time, the latter end of 1645, and the beginning of 1646. (fn. n12)

The abbey of Tavistock was founded, as some say, in the year 961, by Orgar, a noble Saxon, Earl of Devonshire; or as others, by his son Ordulph. The history of the foundation, as printed by Dugdale from the Chartulary of Tavistock, ascribes the foundation to Ordulph. Tavistock is said to have been the seat of Ordgar, the story of whose beautiful daughter, Elfrida, is well known. Tavistock Abbey was destroyed by the Danes, in 997, but was soon afterwards rebuilt. The abbey was amply endowed by the benefactions of the founder, his lady, and others. The revenues were valued, at the time of its dissolution, at 902l. 5s. 7d. per annum. Tavistock was, in 1458, made a mitred abbey; and in 1514, Richard Banham procured for himself and his successor what proved the short-lived honour of a seat in parliament (fn. n13); he procured also from Pope Leo X. a bull, by which it was exempted from episcopal jurisdiction, and from that of the metropolitan. (fn. n14)

There was a school for Saxon literature in this abbey, established not long before the Reformation. There was also in the abbey a printing-press, said to have been the second that had been set up in England. The productions of this press are extremely rare. (fn. n15) In the Abbey Church at Tavistock were buried, Edward, brother of Edmund Ironside; Earl Orgar, and his son Ordulph; St. Rumon, to whom the church was dedicated; Bishop Livingus; &c. John Courtenay, one of the abbots, was heir to the earldom of Devonshire, which honour he declined in favour of his next brother.

The tower and the ruins of the abbey church, which had been dedicated by Bishop Stapledon, in 1318, were pulled down about the year 1670, the materials having been given for the purpose of building a schoolhouse. Browne Willis tells us, that, in the early part of the last century, there remained the gate-house, then used as a prison for captive seamen; the Saxon school, used for husbandry purposes, as a granary, &c.; the walls of the kitchen and chapter-house, uncovered at top; and the refectory, then fitted up as a meeting-house for the Presbyterians. (fn. n16) Mr. E. A. Bray, the present vicar, supposes that this building was the abbots' hall, and that the refectory still remains, having been incorporated into the inn: it is a large room on the first floor, principally used for giving entertainments to the Duke of Bedford's tenants, and formerly was connected with what B. Willis calls the refectory, and which is on the ground-floor, by means of a gallery and staircase. Upon removing the ceiling some time ago, it being in a state of decay, the original vaulted roof was discovered, but much decayed; the windows of this room were restored by the direction of Mr. Bray. The gate-house still remains.

On the site of the abbey was a mansion, held on lease, under the Earls of Bedford, by the Maynard family, in which Serjeant Maynard was born about the year 1602. The present abbey-house was built about a century ago, by Mr. Saunders; this is now enlarging by the Duke of Bedford, for the purpose of being fitted up as an inn.

The site of Tavistock Abbey, with the manor and hundred of Tavistock, and the manors of Hurdwick, Morwell, Ogbear (fn. n17), Parswell, and Ottery, in this parish, and other large possessions, were granted by Henry VIII., in 1539, or 1540, to John Lord Russell, and are now the property of his descendant, the Duke of Bedford. The abbot of Tavistock had the power of inflicting capital punishment in the manor of Hurdwick. (fn. n18)

Morwell House, an ancient mansion, with a chapel, &c., now a farmhouse, is said to have been a country seat of the abbots of Tavistock.

The manor of Cudlipptown, within the manor of Hurdwick, belongs to the Rev. Edward Atkins Bray. It appears to have been in the Rolle family, in the seventeenth century, and afterwards successively in those of Sawle, and Fellowes. It was purchased in 1808, by the late Mr. Bray, of Peter Reddicliffe, yeoman, to whom it had been conveyed, in 1789, by Henry Arthur Fellowes, Esq. Fitzford, adjoining the town, was the seat of the ancient family of Fitz, which became extinct in the early part of the seventeenth century. It was afterwards in the Grenville family, and belonged to Sir Richard Grenville, at the time of the civil war: having passed by the will of Lady Howard, widow of — Grenville, Esq., to her relation, Sir William Courtenay: it was purchased of his descendant, the late Viscount Courtenay, by the grandfather of the Duke of Bedford, to whom it now belongs. The remains of the old mansion have been converted into a farm-house.

Kilworthy, some time a seat of the Glanvilles, which came to the Manatons by marriage with the daughter, and eventually heiress of the judge's eldest son, was purchased of the Rev. Mr. Butcher, who married one of the co-heiresses of Manaton, by John Duke of Bedford, and is now the property of his grandson, the present duke. Tavy-town, or Mount Tavy, has been for some time the property and residence of the Carpenter family, now of John Carpenter, Esq.

In the parish-church are the monument of Sir John Fitz, with the effigies of himself in armour, and of his lady; and of John Glanville, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, who died in 1600, with his effigies in his robes. There are monuments also of the Fortescues, of Buckland Filleigh (fn. n19); and Manaton, of Kilworthy. (fn. n20)

There was a chapel of St. Margaret, at Tavistock, and another of St. John, near the river Tavy. (fn. n21)

The Duke of Bedford is impropriator of the great tithes which belonged to the Abbey, and patron of the vicarage.

The Unitarians, Independent Calvinists, and Wesleyan Methodists, have meeting-houses at Tavistock.

Bishop Tanner mentions a house of Austin friars at Tavistock, on the authority of Pat. Rot. 8 Richard II. pt. 2. m. 29., and a hospital for lepers, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. The latter, which is mentioned in Bishop Brantingham's Register, under the year 1374 (fn. n22), has been converted into a poor-house.

Among eminent natives of this place may be reckoned; the celebrated Sir Francis Drake, said to have been born in or near Tavistock; Sir John Glanville, the Judge, his son, Sir John Glanville, a political writer; and William Browne, a poet, born in 1590, whose works were popular in his day; some of them, particularly the "Shepherd's Pipe," had become extremely rare: they were re-published in three volumes duodecimo, in 1772.

One of the Courtenay family gave 4l. per annum, to four widows in an ancient hospital, or almshouse, at Tavistock (fn. n23), restored by George Courtenay, Esq., of Wallredon, in the reign of William III., and 4l. per annum for the repair of the almshouse. (fn. n24) The widows now receive 2l. per annum each.

Sir John Glanville, in 1649, gave a tenement let at 8l. per annum, in 1786, for the maintenance of a boy at the grammar-school, and afterwards at the university. The rent is now 15l. per annum, and the house has been lately rebuilt. Nicholas Watts, in 1674, gave a moiety of certain rents, amounting now only to 2l. 4s., and a moiety of the fines for the renewal of leases, to be given to some sober hopeful youth, of the town of Tavistock, who shall be fitting himself for the university (fn. n25); the other moiety, to such religious maidens, as shall be of good report, for marriage-portions. Two houses, one in Tavistock and one in Beer Alston, at the conventionary rent of 18s., were given to be appropriated in moieties, together with the fines, one moiety for a youth preparing for the university, and the other for the purchase of good practical books of divinity, for poor householders. The same Nicholas Watts gave lands now let at 52l. 12s. per annum, to be thus appropriated: 3l. per annum each, for life, to two poor ministers; 2l. per annum each, to two others; the remainder, after allowing 1l. for the trustees' dinner, to be given to such godly and religious persons as the trustees shall think fit. The schoolmaster has now only a salary of 4l. 4s. per annum out of the annuity of 120l. per annum, mentioned below, to which the Duke of Bedford adds 20l. per annum, and a house for his residence. In the year 1761, all the parish estates were vested in the Duke of Bedford, for the yearly sum of 120l., excepting certain premises since converted into an almshouse for fifteen poor persons.

Mary Tavy, or Tavy St. Mary

MARY TAVY, or TAVY ST. MARY, in the hundred of Lifton and in the deanery of Tamerton, lies about three miles from Tavistock. The village of Horndon is in this parish.

At the time of the Domesday survey the manor of Tavy was held in demesne by Alured Brito. The manor and advowson of West Tavy have been a considerable time in the family of Buller, and now belong to John Buller, Esq., of Morval. The manor of Waven, or Warne, belongs to Arthur Edgecumbe and others. Weal Friendship copper-mine is in this parish.

Peter Tavy

PETER TAVY, in the hundred of Roborough and in the deanery of Tamerton, lies between two and three miles from Tavistock.

The manors of Peter Tavy and Huntingdon, in this parish, having been parcel of the possessions of the abbey of Tavistock, belong to the Duke of Bedford; the manor of Wilsworthy to John Buller, Esq. Sortridge, which has been for several descents the property and residence of the Pengelly family, now belongs to the Rev. Henry Pengelly.

In the parish-church is a memorial for the Rev. Thomas Pocock, 40 years rector (son of the learned Dr. Pocock), ob. 1722. The Bishop of Exeter is patron of the rectory. There is a chapel at Wilsworthy, which has been converted into a cow-house.


TAWSTOCK, in the hundred of Fremington and in the deanery of Barnstaple, lies about two miles and a half from Barnstaple. The villages of Chapeltown, Prustacott, Hiscott, Eastercomb, Westercomb, and St. John's Chapel, are in this parish. The three last are nearly adjoining to each other.

The manor belonged, in the reign of Henry II., to William Lord Brewer, who gave it in marriage with his daughter to Robert Earl of Leicester. The Countess of Leicester, having no children, gave it in her widowhood to her niece Matilda, the wife of Henry de Tracy. Risdon says that this was the seat of Henry de Tracy, Baron of Barnstaple, and a judge in the reign of Henry III. His heiress brought Tawstock to Nicholas Lord Martyn, from whom it descended through the families of Audley, Fitzwarren, and Hankford, to the Bourchiers, earls of Bath. Anne, the elder daughter and co-heiress of Edward Bourchier, Earl of Bath, brought this estate to Sir Christopher Wrey, the immediate ancestor of Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart., of Tawstock Park, the present proprietor. Tawstock House, which was nearly burnt down in 1787, was soon afterwards rebuilt from a design of Sir Bourchier Wrey's. An ancient gateway, with the arms and quarterings of that family, and the date of 1574, is all that remains of the old mansion of the Bourchiers. Tawstock Park abounds with beautiful scenery, and fine aged oaks: the high grounds command rich and extensive views over the bay and town of Barnstaple, &c. &c. Tawstock House was garrisoned by Sir Thomas Fairfax on the 19th of February, 1646. (fn. n26)

The manor of Hele, alias Templand or Templeton (fn. n27), in this parish, has belonged for some time to the Sturts, and is now the property of Henry Charles Sturt, Esq., of Dorsetshire.

Corfe belonged formerly to the Hearles, and came to the Northcote family by marriage with the daughter of Edward Lovett, Esq., who had married the heiress of Hearle. Sir Henry Northcote, Bart., a physician, resided at Corfe, and died there in 1730. This estate was exchanged, in 1790, for glebe land, and the present parsonage-house was built on the premises by the Rev. Bourchier William Wrey, now rector.

In the parish-church are several monuments of the Bourchiers (fn. n28), earls of Bath, the families of Wrey (fn. n29) (Baronet), Northcote (fn. n30), Rolle (fn. n31), Pagett (fn. n32), Lovett (fn. n33), Peter Bold, the last of the family of Bold of Upton, in Cheshire, 1665, &c. &c. (fn. n34) Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart., is patron of the rectory.

Margaret Pine, in 1758, gave 2l. per annum for the instruction of poor children of this parish.

Bishop's Tawton

BISHOP'S TAWTON, in the hundred of South Molton and in the deanery of Barnstaple, lies about two miles and a half from Barnstaple.

The manor was, at a very early period, given to the bishops of Devonshire, and was the original Bishop's See. Putta, the second bishop, removed the See to Crediton. The manor was alienated from the See by Bishop Veysey, who in 1550 conveyed it, by royal requisition, to John Lord Russell, afterwards Earl of Bedford: the conveyance was confirmed by the dean and chapter, by grant from the crown in the reign of Edward VI., and by an act of parliament in that of Elizabeth. It has continued ever since in this noble family, being now the property of the Duke of Bedford. The lords of this manor had formerly the power of inflicting capital punishment. (fn. n35)

The bishops had a palace at Bishop's Tawton many centuries after the See was removed. Some ruins of it are still to be seen.

The manor of Accot was given by a bishop of Exeter, soon after the Conquest, to the ancestor of Drugo de Teignton: it was afterwards in the Giffard family, and having been sold by the co-heiresses, and after some intermediate alienations, the several parts came, one by inheritance from Hall, and two by purchase, to the ancestor of Charles Chichester, Esq., of Hall, the present proprietor.

Hall, which is in this parish, gave name to a family whose heiress brought it to a younger son of the Chichester family, the founder of the Hall branch, and immediate ancestor of Charles Chichester, Esq., the present proprietor.

Pill gave name to a family who were succeeded by the Fowkes. From the latter it passed by successive female heirs to Perrot and Travers. The manor of Helmeston or Halmeston belonged, at an early period, to the family of Fowke or Fulke, one of whose co-heiresses brought it to the Aclands, and from them it passed by successive female heirs to Mules, Bennet, and Hawkey. Both these estates have passed, by purchase, into the Chichester family, and are now the property of Charles Chichester, Esq.

In the parish-church are monuments of Sir John Chichester of Hall, 1669; (Ursula, his wife, daughter of Sir William Strode, ob. 1635;) Francis Chichester, Esq., 1698; and John Mules, Esq., of Helmeston, (descended from Mules of Ernsborough,) 1633. The great tithes belong to the dean of Exeter (fn. n36), who is patron of the vicarage. In the church-yard are the ruins of an ancient building, called the Deanery, belonging to the dean of Exeter. The church is in the bishop's peculiar jurisdiction.

Newport, in this parish, about a mile from Barnstaple, on the turnpikeroad from South Molton, is said to have been anciently a borough-town, and to have been governed by a mayor. It had formerly a market on Monday, granted in 1294, together with a fair for three days at the festival of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. (fn. n37) There was formerly a chapel at Newport, the ruins of which were taken down about the middle of the last century.

North Tawton

NORTH TAWTON, in the hundred of that name and in the deanery of Chulmleigh, lies about six miles and a half from Oakhampton, on the road to Crediton. It was anciently a market and borough town, and is still governed by a portreeve elected annually, who has a small field during his year of office. From its ancient appellation of Cheping Tawton, it is evident that it was a market-town long before the grant to John Valletort in 1270 (fn. n38), of a market on Wednesday, and a fair for three days at the festival of St. Nicholas. The market, which was afterwards held on Friday, was discontinued about the year 1720. There are now three cattle-fairs, the third Tuesday in April, Oct. 3., and Dec. 18. There was formerly a considerable woollen manufacture at North Tawton, but it has much declined: there is still a spinning-mill in the parish.

The manor of North Tawton, which had been ancient demesne of the crown, belonged, in the early part of Henry the Third's reign, to the Valletorts, among whose co-heirs it was divided after a few generations. Two of the co-heiresses married into the Champernowne family. Oliver Champernowne, the husband of one of these, died without male issue in the reign of Edward III. The Stapledons held the barton of Barton Babidge, in this parish, and the advowson of the rectory, of Egelina, who had been the wife of Oliver Champernowne, and from them it descended to the St. Legers. It is probable that the whole became centered in that family, the manor being now the property of the Honourable Newton Fellowes, whose ancestor, William Fellowes, Esq., purchased it, in 1718, of Adam Pierce, Esq., and others. (fn. n39)

Near the church is a moated site, called Court Green, supposed to have been the ancient seat of the Valletorts.

The manor of Crook Burnell, alias Stone, has belonged for a considerable time to the family of Sturt, being now the property of Henry Charles Sturt, Esq., of Dorsetshire. (fn. n40)

Ashridge, in this parish, was the seat of Richard Atwood, who married one of the co-heiresses of Oliver Champernowne. His descendants, by the name of Wood, alias Atwood, continued to possess and reside at Ashridge for many generations. It is now the property of Mr. John Skinner, in whose family it has been for a considerable time. The barton of Bath, which gave name to the family of Bath, or de Bathonia, is now the property of John Quick, Esq., of Newton St. Cyres. It was formerly in the Sladers, and afterwards in the Chichester family. (fn. n41)

The barton of Nicholas, or Nicholls Nymet, having been for a considerable time in the family of Hole, was sold by the Rev. T. Hole to the father of Mr. John Wreford, the present proprietor.

In the parish-church are memorials of William Kelland, Gent., 1781, and some children of Mr. John Prideaux, 1777—1801. The Rev. Thomas Hole is patron and incumbent of the rectory. There were formerly chapels at Bath barton, Nicholls Nymet, and at Crook Burnell. The chapel at Nicholls Nymet fell down about 1769; that at Crook Burnell was standing in 1772. (fn. n42)

There is an Independent meeting-house at North Tawton.

Henry Tozer, author of some devotional tracts, popular in their day, one of which, "Directions for a Godly Life," went through ten editions, was a native of this parish. He was expelled from Exeter College for his loyalty in 1648.

The charity-school at this place has an endowment in land of about 14l. per annum, chiefly arising from a benefaction of the Rev. Richard Hole in 1747. Charles Kelland, in 1758, gave the sum of 20l.


SOUTH-TAWTON, in the hundred of Wonford and in the deanery of Dunsford, lies about five miles from Oakhampton. The village of South Zeal, and part of Sticklepath, are in this parish.

The manor of South Tawton, which had been held in dower by Harold's mother, and afterwards fell to the crown, was given by King Henry I. to Roselm Beaumont, Viscount de Mayne, whose grand-daughter brought it to Roger de Tony. In the reign of Edward II., it belonged to Walter Tantifer, from whom it passed by successive heirs female to Chiseldon and Wadham. This manor, by the name of Black-hall, is now the joint property of the Honourable Charles Percy Wyndham, one of the representatives of Wadham, and of Mr. James Pitts, by purchase from William Helyar, Esq.

The manor of South-Tawton, alias East Ash, had belonged for some years to the Northmore family in 1711. The manor of Gooseford, was also in the Northmores: both these estates were afterwards the property of J. Bailey, Esq., of Whiddon Park, of whom it was purchased some years ago by the present possessors, Messrs. John and Thomas Moore: part of the manor of East Ash has been sold off. North Week, or Wike, in this parish, was the property and residence of the ancient family of Wike, or Weeks, who possessed also Cocktree, the ancient seat of the Burnells, which came to them by marriage with the heiress of that family; and the manor of Ilton. Francis Weeks, Esq., the last heir male, sold that manor with Cocktree, to Robert Hole, Esq., who married one of his sisters. Ilton is now, by marriage with the daughter of Mr. John Sture, the property of Mr. John Damarel: Great and Little Cocktree belong to the Rev. Thomas Hole. Mr. Weeks sold North Week, the ancient seat of his family, to Mr. George Hunt, who married another of his sisters: the co-heiresses of Mr. Hunt brought this estate to Clapp and Luxton; from which families it passed, by sale, to the late John Tickell, Esq., and Mr. Andrew Arnold, the latter of whom is still in possession. The old mansion of the Weeks' family, is dilapidated. West Week, which belonged to the Battishulls, and afterwards to the Oxenhams, is now the joint property of Thomas Acland, and his sister, Mrs. Hoare. (fn. n43) Week-town, or Wikington, was formerly the property and residence of the Milfords; it now belongs to Mr. John Westawar, by purchase from Lang. The old mansion on this estate is dilapidated, and now occupied as a farm-house.

Oxenham gave name to an ancient family, who possessed it at least from the time of Henry III. till the death of the late William Long Oxenham, Esq., in 1814. Captain John Oxenham, who had been the friend and companion of Sir Francis Drake, and who, having fitted out a ship on a voyage of discovery and enterprize on his own account, lost his life in an engagement with the Spaniards in South America, in 1575, is supposed to have been of this family. The family has been remarkable also for the tradition of a bird having appeared to several of its members previously to their death. Howell, who had seen mention of this circumstance on a monument at a stone mason's in Fleet-street, which was about to be sent into Devonshire, gives a copy of the inscription in one of his letters. It is somewhat curious that this letter proves the fact alleged by Wood, that Howell's work does not consist entirely of genuine letters, but that many of them were first written when he was in the Fleet prison, to gain money for the relief of his necessities. This letter, dated July 3. 1632, relates that, as he passed by the stone-cutter's shop, "last Saturday," he saw the monument with the inscription, relating the circumstance of the apparition. It appears, however, by a very scarce pamphlet (fn. n44) in the late Mr. Gough's collection, now in the Bodleian library, that the persons whose names are mentioned in the epitaph, given in Howell's letter, all died in the year 1635, three years after the date of his letter. The persons to whom the apparition is stated in the pamphlet to have appeared were John Oxenham, son of James Oxenham, gentleman, of Zeal Monachorum, aged twenty-one, and said to have been six feet and a half in height, who died September 5. 1635; a bird with a white breast having appeared hovering over him two days before; Thomazine, wife of James Oxenham, the younger, who died September 7. 1635, aged 22; Rebecca Oxenham, who died September 9., aged eight years; and Thomazine, a child in the cradle, who died September 15. It is added, that the same bird had appeared to Grace, the grandmother of John Oxenham, who died in 1618. It is stated also, that the clergyman of the parish had been appointed by the Bishop (Dr. Hall) to enquire into the truth of these particulars, and that a monument, made by Edward Marshall, of Fleet-street, had been put up with his approbation, with the names of the witnesses of each apparition.

Another proof that Howell's letter must have been written from memory is, that most of the Christian names are erroneous. The pamphlet adds, that those of the family who had been sick and recovered never saw the apparition. This tradition of the bird had so worked upon the minds of some of the members of this family, that it was supposed to have been seen by William Oxenham, who died in 1743. Mr. Chapple mentions having had the relation from Dr. Bent, who was brother-in-law to Mr. Oxenham, and had attended him as a physician. (fn. n45) The story told is, that when the bird came into his chamber, he observed upon the tradition as connected with his family, but added, he was not sick enough to die, and that he should cheat the bird; and that this was a day or two before his death, which took place after a short illness. It is proper to add, that there is no trace of the Oxenham family, nor of the monument before mentioned, either in the register, church, or church-yard of Zeal Monachorum, nor have I been able to learn that it exists at Tawton, or elsewhere in the county. The mansion at Oxenham has long been inhabited as a farm-house. The estate is now, in consequence of the marriage of the late Arthur Acland, Esq., with the daughter of William Oxenham, Esq., the joint property of Thomas Acland, Esq., and his sister the wife of Hugh Hoare, Esq.

In the parish church are memorials of the families of Northmore (fn. n46) and Oxenham (fn. n47); and some without inscription, (1592 and 1651,) which appear to have belonged to the family of Burgoyne. The dean and chapter of Windsor are appropriators of the great tithes and patrons of the vicarage.

South Zeal, in this parish, described in ancient records as a borough (fn. n48), had in ancient times a market on Thursday, granted, in 1298, to Robert de Tony, with two fairs for eight days each; one at the festival of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the other at the festival of St. Kalixtus the Pope. (fn. n49) There is now a cattle-fair at South Zeal on the Tuesday in the week following the festival of St. Thomas à Becket. The manor of South Zeal belongs to George Sydenham Fursdon, Esq.: it was formerly in the family of Tapson, from whom it passed to Mr. Fursdon's father, under the will of John Tapson, M. D., the last heir male of that family.

The Burgoynes, a younger branch of the Bedfordshire family of that name, had, for several descents, a seat at South Zeal: this estate was sold to the Oxenhams, about the year 1700, and now belongs to Mr. Acland and Mrs. Hoare. There was formerly a chapel at South Zeal, now used as a school-house.

Tedburne St. Mary

TEDBURNE ST. MARY, in the hundred of Wonford and in the deanery of Dunsford, lies about seven miles from Exeter. The villages of Taphouse and Upcott are in this parish. There is a cattle-fair at Tedburne, on the Monday before Michaelmas-day.

At the time of taking the Domesday survey, the manor of Tedbourne, (Teteborne,) was held by Ralph de Pomerai, under Baldwin de Sap. In the thirteenth century, it belonged to the family of Tedbourn; at a later period, to the Uptons of Lupton. It has been for a considerable time in the Tuckfield family, and is now the property of R. Hippisley Tuckfield, Esq. Hackworthy, in this parish, gave name to a family who possessed the manor for several descents, and became extinct in the reign of Henry VI. At a later period, it was in the Aclands; and in the early part of the last century, in the Harris family. It is now the property of Baldwin Fulford, Esq.; who possesses also the manor or barton of Melhuish in this parish. The barton of Huish is the property of John White, Esq.

In the parish-church are memorials of Edward Gee, rector, who published a popular manual of devotion, and died in 1613; Baldwin Acland, B. D., 1672, and William Copleston, Gent., 1705. The Rev. Charles Burn is patron and incumbent of the rectory. There was formerly a chapel at Hackworthy.

Teign-Grace, or Teyngrace

TEIGN-GRACE, or TEYNGRACE, usually written TEINGRACE, in the hundred of Teignbridge and in the deanery of Moreton, lies about two miles from Newton Abbot.

The manor, anciently called Teign Bruer, was held, at the time of the Domesday survey, by Ralph de Bruer, under Baldwin the Sheriff: one of the co-heiresses of the Bruer family married Graas, or Grace. One moiety of the manor, retaining the name of Teign Bruer, passed to Downe, and with a co-heiress of Downe, to Holcomb. The heiress of Graas brought the manor of Teign Grace to the Coplestons, from whom it passed to a branch of the Courtenay family. It was purchased, between 1760 and 1770, of one of the co-heiresses of Kelland Courtenay, Esq., by James Templer, Esq., grandfather of George Templer, Esq., the present proprietor. The lords of this manor had formerly the power of inflicting capital punishment. (fn. n50)

Stover Lodge, the seat of Mr. Templer, was built by his grandfather, of granite from High Tor, about the year 1781.

The parish-church was rebuilt in the year 1787, at the expense of three brothers of the Templer family (fn. n51), and is very handsomely fitted up. In the north transept, near the desk, is a large urn of Coade's manufactory, given by Sir John de la Pole, in 1794. At the east end, on each side the altar, over which is placed a painting of "Our Lady of Pity," by Barry, are monuments of James Templer, Esq., who died in 1782, and Mary, his wife, who died in 1784. On the north side is a cenotaph for Charles Templer, who perished in the wreck of the Halsewell East Indiaman, in 1786. (fn. n52) On the west wall is a handsome cenotaph in memory of the illustrious Nelson, "slain in battle October 21. 1805;" and the monument of Cornwallis, Lord Hawarden, who died in 1803. There are monuments also of James Templer, Esq., master of the crown-office, 1813; Jane, wife of the Rev. John Templer, 1813; Captain Richard Dunn, of the royal navy, 1813; and Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Line Templer, (who married Mary, daughter of Sir F. L. Rogers, Bart.,) 1818. George Templer, Esq., is patron of the rectory.

There is a school at Teign-grace, upon Dr. Bell's plan, supported by subscription.

The Teign-grace canal, projected about the year 1770, by James Templer, Esq., and completed by his son, the late Mr. Templer, has its line, of about four miles, chiefly through this parish; it was principally intended for the exportation of the pipe-clay and granite dug in this and the neighbouring parishes. (fn. n53)

East Teignmouth

EAST TEIGNMOUTH, in the hundred of Exminster and deanery of Kenne, lies on the sea-coast, about eighteen miles from Exeter: it is divided from West Teignmouth by a brook called the Tame.

This town had a charter for a market on Saturday, granted to the dean and chapter of Exeter, in the year 1253; together with a fair for three days, at the festival of St. Michael. The Hundred Roll, of the reign of Edward I., states that the Bishop had held a market at Teignmouth for the last seven years, on Saturday, in his manor, but that it ought to be in the borough. The market is now held on Saturday, for provisions of all sorts. A new market-place has lately been erected by Mr. Wm. Rolfe. The fairs are the third Tuesday in January, the last Tuesday in February, and the last Tuesday in September. Westcote mentions a much-frequented fair at Teignmouth on Good-Friday. (fn. n54)

Teignmouth is much frequented as a bathing place, and has all requisite accommodation for invalids. It appears to have become fashionable, and to have increased in buildings, about the middle of the last century. (fn. n55) Teignmouth has, for more than a century, carried on a considerable trade in the Newfoundland fishery, which has been abandoned by some of the towns on the north coast. Considerable quantities of granite, pipe, and potters' clay, manganese, timber, bark, cyder, &c., are exported from this place; and coal, culm, deals, iron, &c., besides groceries and various merchandize from London, imported. Teignmouth is within the port of Exeter. A large and commodious quay has lately been constructed on the east side of the river, in this parish, by George Templer, Esq., at whose expense, a rail-road for the conveyance of granite from Haytor, has also been made. There is a considerable fishery at Teignmouth for whiting, mackerel, pilchards, soles, turbot, &c., and for salmon in the river Teign. The parish of East Teignmouth contained, in 1811, about 1100; in 1821, 1466 inhabitants.

The dean and chapter of Exeter possessed the paramount manor of East Teignmouth from an early period till about the year 1803, when it was sold, under the powers of the land-tax redemption act, to Francis Webber, Esq. It was purchased of Mr. Webber by Lord Viscount Courtenay, who before possessed a manor held under it, called Teignmouth Courtenay, said to have been acquired by his ancestor, in the reign of Edward III.

The church was originally a chapel to Dawlish: it is now esteemed a daughter-church; the perpetual curacy being in the gift of the vicar of that parish.

There is a meeting-house of Independent Dissenters at this place.

Sir John Elwill, in 1724, gave the sum of 150l. for the instruction of four poor children of East, and eight of West Teignmouth. Captain John Colman, and Captain Thomas Colman, in 1731, gave 50l. for the education of poor children of East Teignmouth. A handsome school-room has, within these few years, been erected at West Teignmouth; in which the poor children of both parishes are educated, it being supported by a liberal voluntary subscription. There are now about 230 children in the school. (fn. n56)

West Teignmouth

WEST TEIGNMOUTH adjoins to East Teignmouth, on the sea-coast, being in the same hundred and deanery.

West Teignmouth was, at an early period, a celebrated haven, and sent members to a council at Westminster, in the reign of Edward I. Both Camden and Risdon say that the Danes first landed in England at West Teignmouth, in 787; but it appears to have been mistaken for Tynemouth, in Northumberland, which is certainly the Tinemutha of the Saxon Chronicle. The port of Teignmouth furnished seven ships and 120 mariners for the fleet of King Edward III., with which he undertook the expedition against Calais, in 1347. (fn. n57) Teignmouth was burned by a French pirate, in 1340. (fn. n58) It is said to have experienced the same fate in Queen Anne's wars: the editors of the Magna Britannia, published in 1720, observe, that the inhabitants having procured a brief (fn. n59), to which the public willingly contributed, were gainers by the event; their houses, which were old and mean, having been rebuilt and improved. The editors of the Magna Britannia have fallen into a mistake as to the date of the above event: it was in the year 1690 that Teignmouth was burnt by the French. In 1744, the principal inhabitants of East and West Teignmouth, and Shaldon, presented a petition to Sir William Courtenay, stating that the French had plundered and burnt the place, in the second year of William and Mary, and that they then threatened a second visit: they petition, therefore, that he would allow them to erect, at their own expense, a small battery on the beach within his manor of East Teignmouth, and that he would support their prayer to the Lords of the Admiralty for a supply of small arms, cannon, and ammunition. (fn. n60) This battery still exists. At this time, (1744,) East and West Teignmouth, with Shaldon, contained 800 houses, and at least 4000 inhabitants, and fitted out twenty ships of from 50 to 200 tons each for the Newfoundland trade.

The manor, which had belonged to the see of Exeter, was alienated, at the requisition of the crown, by Bishop Veysey, in 1549, to Sir Andrew Dudley, Knight. It was afterwards in the Cecil family. In 1614, it was purchased of William Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, by Richard Martyn, Esq.; from whose family it passed by marriage to that of Clifford, and is now the property of the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Clifford.

The parish-church is a large and handsome structure, lately erected on the site of the old church, under the powers of an act, passed in 1815, for enlarging and repairing the churches of East and West Teignmouth. In this church are, among others, the monuments of Lucy, daughter of the Honourable and Reverend Edward Townshend, Dean of Norwich, 1786; Mary, daughter of the Rev. F. H. Foote, of Charlton, in Kent, 1789; John Lucas, Esq., Captain in the East India Company's service, 1792; and Henry Chichley Michell, Esq., 1806. In the church-yard is the tomb of Elias Carter, incumbent of the benefice upwards of sixty-eight years, who died in 1766, aged 90. West Teignmouth is a daughter-church to Bishop's Teignton; and the minister, as perpetual curate, is appointed by the vicar of that parish. Previously to 1816 the two adjoining parishes had been from time immemorial served by the same curate, who was appointed alternately by the vicars of Dawlish and Bishop's Teignton.

There was formerly an hospital about a mile from the town, on the road to Dawlish, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. It has long been destroyed: the walls of the chapel had been standing in the early part of the last century. An estate is said to have been charged with a stipend to the minister for monthly service in the chapel. Robert Hayman gave land to the poor in the Maudlin-house, but I have not been able to procure any particulars of its value.

Bishop's Teignton

BISHOP'S TEIGNTON, in the hundred of Exminster and in the deanery of Kenne, lies about two miles from Teignmouth, and about fourteen from Exeter. Luton and Combe are villages in this parish.

The manor of Bishop's Teignton was anciently part of the demesnes of the see of Exeter. In 1549, at the requisition of the crown, Bishop Veysey alienated the manor, with the rectory and advowson of the vicarage, and the manor of Radway, to Sir Andrew Dudley. Soon afterwards it passed to the Cecil family: in 1614, it was sold by William, Earl of Salisbury, to Richard Martyn, Esq., from whose family this estate passed, by descent, to Lear. The heiress of Lear married Sir Thomas Tipping, Bart.; and afterwards Thomas Comyns, Esq., grandfather of the Rev. John Comyns, of Wood, in this parish; who possesses also the manors of Bishop's Teignton, and Radway. On the Radway estate was the palace, erroneously supposed to have been built by Bishop Grandisson, for himself and his successors, that they might have a place to lay their heads in, if the temporalities of the see should be seized. (fn. n61) The error appears to have originated from a passage in a letter from this prelate to Pope John XXII., written in the early part of his episcopate, in which he says, that there were fair buildings at Teignton, but that the temporalities of the see had been so often seized by the crown, and on such occasions the houses had been so injured and dilapidated, that the Bishop had not where to lay his head. (fn. n62) It had from ancient times been one of the country seats of the bishops. Bishop Bronscombe, is known to have occasionally resided there. (fn. n63) The site of the Bishop's palace at Radway, in which ordinations were occasionally held (fn. n64), is now called Old Walls: there are no remains of the building, except a small part of the chapel.

The manor of Luton, in this parish, belonged to the Martyns, one of whose co-heiresses brought it to Thomas, Lord Clifford, ancestor of Charles, Lord Clifford, the present proprietor. The manor of Lindridge belonged, successively, to the Martyns and Lears; and Lindridge House was their seat. Peter Lear, Esq., of this place, was created a baronet in 1683. After the death of Sir John Lear, the last baronet, in 1736, this place was sold by Thomas Comyns, Esq., who married his heiress, to Dr. Finney. By subsequent sales, it passed to the families of Baring and Line. Lindridge is now the property and seat of the Rev. John Templer, by purchase from the heirs of his brother, Colonel Henry Line Templer, devisee of John Line, Esq., who died in 1777. The present house is only the centre of the old mansion, which had an extended front, with two wings. A saloon, of large dimensions, remains as fitted up, in 1673, by Sir Peter Lear.

Wear, in this parish, is the property and residence of Mr. Edward Pidsley; Venn, of Mr. Thomas Narramore; and Green, of Mr. John Cove, whose family have resided there upwards of two hundred years.

In the parish-church are monuments of the Martyns (fn. n65), of Lindridge; Sir Peter Lear, Bart., 1683; and Samuel Cranston Goodall, Esq., admiral of the white, 1801. There are memorials also for the family of Cove. (fn. n66) John Risdon, "Sacerdotis septuagenarii, annos nati tantum non centenos (fn. n67)," 1684; and William Risdon, who was vicar only ten weeks, 1685. In the church-yard is a memorial for John Perryman, who was upwards of 100 years of age, 1794. The great tithes appear to have been appropriated to the Bishops of Exeter in Bishop Grandisson's time, ad mensam episcopi. The rectory and advowson, which were alienated with the manor, had been some time in the family of Balle, of whom they were purchased by Thomas Comyns, Esq., grandfather of the present proprietor. The church is a peculiar of the Bishop's. In the church-yard are the remains of a chapel, probably the sanctuary chapel, built by Bishop Grandisson. There was formerly a chapel at Venn.

Sir John Lear, Bart., who died in 1736, gave 100l. for educating children, which was laid out in the purchase of land, now producing 12l. per annum. Mr. Charles Colman, in 1729, gave 200l., to be laid out in land: the trustees laid out the sum of 357l. 10s., borrowing the deficiency, which has since been paid off. The estate now produces a rent of 40l. per annum.

Drew's Teignton

DREW'S TEIGNTON, in the hundred of Wonford and in the deanery of Dunsford, lies about eight miles from Crediton. Part of Crockernwell is in this parish, and the remainder in that of Cheriton Bishop.

This parish is supposed by some to have taken its name from the Druids; by others (fn. n68), with more probability, from Drogo or Drewe, who possessed the manor in the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., and called himself Drewe de Teignton. From this Drewe the manor passed to the Dabernons; in the reign of Henry VI. it was in the Dernfords: it was afterwards, for many generations, in the Carews of Anthony. In 1791 it was sold in lots by the Right Honourable Reginald Pole Carew. The manor now belongs to Messrs. Ponfords and Mr. John Pitts, whose families had been tenants of the estate. The lords of this manor had the power of inflicting capital punishment. (fn. n69)

The manor of Combehall, or Combe Hele, belonged to the ancient family of Knovill, and passed by successive female heirs to Archdekne, Luscot, and Lanherne. It afterwards belonged to the Fulfords. This manor also, and that of Fursham, are in parcels belonging to the families of Ponsford, Lambert, &c., resident farmers. The barton of Shilston, on which is the celebrated Cromlech, belongs to Mr. James Luke, of Exeter. The ancient family of Furse had lands in this parish before the reign of Richard I. (fn. n70)

The barton of Drascombe, on which a valuable tin-lode was lately discovered, belonged to the Rev. Simon Pidsley, lately deceased. The family of Ponsford are patrons of the rectory. This parish abounds with fine scenery of rocks and woods.

King's Teignton

KING'S TEIGNTON, in the hundred of Teignbridge and in the deanery of Moreton, lies two miles from Newton Abbot, between four and five from Teignmouth, and 13 from Exeter. The villages of Preston and Gappah are in this parish.

The manor, which had been part of the ancient demesnes of the crown, was given by Henry II. to Peter Burdon (fn. n71), with a moiety of the hundred of Teignbridge. The last heir male of this branch died in the reign of Henry IV., when this manor passed with its heiress to Thorpe. In 1509 the heiress of Thorpe brought it to Thomas Clifford, Esq., ancestor of Lord Clifford, the present proprietor. The lords of this manor had the power of inflicting capital punishment. (fn. n72)

Ware, in this parish, which was a seat of the Horwells, passed by successive marriages to Clifford and Bampfylde. It is marked in the maps of 1765 as a seat of the Bampfyldes, but is now a farm-house belonging to Lord Clifford. Babcombe, formerly a seat of the Heles, is now also a farm of Lord Clifford's. The manor of Gappah, or Gappey Bolhay, seems by its name to have belonged to the ancient family of Bolhay. At a later period it was in the Heles, whose heiress brought it to Trelawney: having passed by the same title as Stapledon to the daughters of the Honourable Rose Herring May, it was sold by them to the Right Honourable Lord Clifford, who is the present proprietor.

Whiteway, in this parish, was held, at the time of the Domesday survey, by Ralph, under Baldwin the Sheriff. Not long afterwards it belonged to to Fukery, whose heiress married De la Torre. A younger son of the last-mentioned family, in the reign of Henry II., took the name of Whiteway. From Whiteway it passed by successive female heirs to Hurst and Bodley. It was sold by the latter, in the early part of the seventeenth century, to Yarde of Bradley, who resided here many years. It is now a farm-house, the property of Hugh Yarde, Esq.

In the parish-church are monuments and inscribed grave-stones in memory of the families of Clifford (fn. n73); Horwell of Ware; Hele (fn. n74) of Badcombe; Nicholas Downing (fn. n75), vicar, 1666; Richard Adlam (fn. n76), vicar, 1670; and Christopher Beeke (fn. n77), 61 years vicar, 1798. Mr. Incledon's church notes, taken in 1769, mention memorials of the family of Yarde of Whiteway. (fn. n78)

The parishioners of High Week have a portion of the church-yard of King's Teignton, for which they pay an acknowledgment of 10s. per annum. The great tithes, with the manor of Preston, are appropriated to a prebendary of the church of Salisbury, who is patron of the vicarage. Theophilus Gale, a learned non-conformist divine of the seventeenth century, was son of Dr. Theophilus Gale, vicar of this parish, and was born at King's Teignton in 1628.

There is a meeting-house of dissenters at King's Teignton. The Chantry roll of 1547 (fn. n79) mentions an hospital at this place for five poor people, founded by John Gilbert, who gave 100l. to the mayor of Exeter to purchase land for its endowment, and settled a stipend of 3l. 6s. 8d. on a priest for officiating in the chapel. I cannot learn that there are any traces of this charitable institution in existence.


TEMPLETON, in the hundred of Tiverton and in the deanery of Tiverton, lies about five miles from Tiverton.

The manor belonged to the Templars, and afterwards to the Knights Hospitallers. After the dissolution it was granted to George Loosemore, who sold it to Sir William Periam, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Sir William Pole acquired it in marriage with the Chief Baron's eldest daughter, and it continued in his family till sold by his descendant, the late Sir John William De la Pole, to Charles Chichester, Esq., the present proprietor.

The church was, in 1335, called the chapel of Temple, and was then esteemed to be in the parish of Witheridge. The present church was dedicated in 1439. Templeton is now a rectory, of which Sir William Templer Pole, Bart., is patron. Mary Carwithen, in 1741, gave 10l., which produced 8s. per annum, for the teaching one poor child of Templeton, but this benefaction has been lost.


  • n1. Clevland's History of the Courtenay Family, p. 263.
  • n2. William Eveleigh, 1657; William Eveleigh, 1679.
  • n3. Cart. Rot. 54 Hen. III. m. 4.
  • n4. Narrative of the Siege.
  • n5. It is said that the chapel of St. Martin, with the fishery and pasture, was given to the canons of Plympton, residing at St. Martin's, in the thirteenth century, by William de Pin, and Sibella his daughter. See Polwhele's Devon, p. 448. note. The chapel of St. Martin de Blakestane is enumerated among the possessions of the prior and convent of Plympton in King Henry the First's charter, and it seems to have been given by Paganel. See Dug. Mon. vol. ii. p. 8. It may be observed, that Alured Brito, who was lord of Tamerton, held also the manor of Blackstane, at the time of the Domesday survey.
  • n6. By way of Moreton Hampstead, by way of Oakhampton, it is 212; and to Exeter by that road 39.
  • n7. This was the ancient fair of St. Rumon, to whom the Abbey was dedicated, formerly held for three days, beginning on the fourth of January. Mr. Oliver's Historic Collections, p. 40.
  • n8. Clarendon.
  • n9. Ibid.
  • n10. Vicars, iii. 296, 297.
  • n11. Walker's Historical Discourses, p. 81. and 85.
  • n12. Clarendon.
  • n13. See B. Willis's Mitred Abbies.
  • n14. Oliver's Historic Collections relating to the Monasteries of Devonshire.
  • n15. In Exeter College Library at Oxford is a copy of the Stannary Laws, printed at Tavistock: title: "Here folloyth the confirmation of the charter perteyninge to all the tynners wythyn the cou[n]tey of Devonshyre, with there statutes also made at Crockeryntorre by the hole asse[n]t and co[n]sent of al the sayd tynners yn the yere of our Soverayne Lord Kyng Henry ye VIII., the second yere." At the end—"Here endyth the statutes of the Stannary. — Imprinted in Tavystoke ye xx. day of August, the yere of ye reygne off our Soveryne Lord Kynge Henry ye VIII. the xxvi. yere." There is also a perfect copy of Boethius printed at the Tavistock press: title: "The boke of comfort called in Latin Boetius de Consolatione Philosophiæ, translated into Englesse tonge;" to which is added in old manuscript "by Walton;" and at the top of the page, in the same handwriting "Liber Gulielmi Ludovici, 1550." At the end, "Here endeth the boke of comfort, called in Latin Boecius de Consolatione Phi[losophia]e, emprented in the exempt Monastery of Tavestoke, in De[von]nshyre, by me Dan Thomas Rychard, monke of the sayde Monastery. To the instant desyre of the right worshyppful esquyer Mayster Robert Langdon. Anno D. MDXXV. Deo Gracias."
  • n16. Browne Willis's Notitia Parliamentaria.
  • n17. Or Okebeare. It gave name to a family who possessed it from the reign of Henry III., to that of Edward III.
  • n18. Hundred Roll.
  • n19. George Fortescue, who married the heiress of Fortescue, of Spriddleston, 1700.
  • n20. Robert Manaton, Esq. 1740; the Rev. Robert Manaton, his son, 1769.
  • n21. Oliver's Collections.
  • n22. Ibid.
  • n23. Westcote speaks of this hospital as founded by the Tremaynes.
  • n24. The estate from which the rent-charge is payable is situated at Lamerton.
  • n25. There is now about 150l. in the hands of the trustees for this purpose.
  • n26. Sprigge's England's Recovery, p. 196.
  • n27. This most probably was the third part of the manor of Tawstock, given by Lora, Countess of Leicester, to the nuns of Minchin Buckland. See Hundred Roll.
  • n28. Frances Lady Fitzwarren (daughter of Sir Thomas Kitson), 1586; Henry Earl of Bath, who died in 1654, with a sarcophagus resting on four hieroglyphic animals of white marble; a pedestal in memory of Rachel, his Countess, daughter of Henry Earl of Westmorland, ob. 1681. These are in the chancel.
  • n29. Sir Bourchier Wrey, K. B., 1696; Florence Lady Wrey, daughter of John Rolle, 1724; Mary Lady Wrey, 1751; a pyramidal monument of white marble for Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart., 1784; and his two wives; the second was co-heiress of Thresher; mural monuments for Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Palk, first wife of the present baronet, 1791; Anne, his second wife, daughter of John Osborne, Esq., 1813. The south transept is the burial-place of the Wrey family. The Rev. Chichester Wrey, 1756; Mrs. Anne Chilcot, his daughter, 1758.
  • n30. Henry Northcote, 1729.
  • n31. Alexander Rolle, 1684; Lady Rolle, wife of Sir John Rolle, K.B., 1705.
  • n32. William Pagett, Esq., 1648; others of Pagett; Elizabeth, his daughter, wife of Edward Lovett, (son of Sir Robert,) 1656.
  • n33. Edward Lovett, Esq., put up by himself in 1700, he being then 74 years of age; Joan, his wife, 1709; Robert Lovett, Esq., 1710.
  • n34. Thomas Hinson, Esq., 1614; Maria, daughter of Sir Anthony St. John of Bletsoe, wife of Christopher Hockin, Esq., of Torrington, 1631; William Skippen, Esq., 1633; Robert Wichalse, Gent., 1643; John Sloly, of Hele, 1728, &c. &c.
  • n35. Hundred Roll.
  • n36. The church of Tawton, with its dependencies, Landkey and Swimbridge, was appropriated to the dean in 1231 by Bishop Brewer. See Mr. Jones's paper, Archæologia, vol. xviii. p. 388.
  • n37. Cart. Rot. 23 Edw. I. No. 13.
  • n38. Cart. Rot. 55 Hen. III., m. 1.
  • n39. Trustees, probably, for the St. Leger family.
  • n40. At the time of the Domesday survey, the manor of Cruc was held in demesne by William, the King's hostiarius: it is probable that it was afterwards in the family of Burnell.
  • n41. Chapple's Collections.
  • n42. Chapple's Collections.
  • n43. See page 485.
  • n44. "A true Relation of an Apparition in the Likeness of a Bird with a white Breast, that appeared hovering over the Death-beds of some of the Children of Mr. James Oxenham, of Sale Monachorum, Gent." 4to. 1641; with a print of the persons mentioned in the pamphlet, in their beds; the bird on the wing hovering over them.
  • n45. Chapple's MS. Collections.
  • n46. John Northmore, Gent., 1671.
  • n47. William Oxenham, Gent., 1699; William Oxenham, Esq., 1743; George Oxenham, Esq., 1779.
  • n48. See Willis's Notitia Parliamentaria.
  • n49. Cart. Rot. 27 Edw. I. No. 13.
  • n50. Hundred Roll.
  • n51. The following inscription is on the west side of the tower: — "On this holy ground, consecrated for ages to the worship of God, and the illustration of his laws, now endeared to them as the last repository of their parents and family, the present edifice, dedicated to the same sacred service, is with humility and veneration erected, in the year of our Lord, 1787, by James Templer, Esq., George Templer, Esq., and the Rev. John Templer, vicar of Teigngrace."
  • n52. On this monument are the following lines: — "Stern ministers of death, ye winds, ye waves! Who, in your wild and pitiless career, Deaf to the cries of youth and innocence, With headlong rage your tender victims hurl'd On the rude rocks — could no less sacrifice Appease the king of terrors? Oh, forbear! 'Tis impious to repine — so Heaven ordained, Whose sovereign word the listening storms obey. 'Tis man's with meek submission to receive Affliction's bitter cup; so Heaven ordained! Father of all, we bow to thy decree, Severe yet merciful— thy will be done."
  • n53. See more of it under the head of Canals.
  • n54. MS. Survey in the British Museum.
  • n55. See Brice's Dictionary.
  • n56. I have been indebted to Mr. R. Jordan for several particulars relating to East and West Teignmouth.
  • n57. Hackluyt.
  • n58. Stowe's Annals.
  • n59. The following is a copy of this document: — "Address to the Public. "Sheweth,—That on the 13th day of July last past, (1690,) about four of the clock in the morning, the French fleet, then riding in Torbay, where all the forces of our county of Devon were drawn up to oppose their landing, several of their gallies drew off from their fleet, and made towards a weak unfortified place, called Teignmouth, about seven miles to the eastward of Torbay, and coming very near, and having played the cannon of their gallies upon the town, and shot near two hundred great shot therein, to drive away the poor inhabitants, they landed about 700 of their men, and began to plunder and fire the towns of East and West Teignmouth, which consist of about 300 houses, and in the space of three hours ransacked and plundered the said towns, and a village called Shaldon, lying on the other side of the river, and burnt and destroyed 116 houses; together with eleven ships and barks that were in the harbour. And to add sacrilege to their robbery and violence, they in a barbarous manner entered the two churches of the said towns, and in the most unchristian manner, tore the Bibles and Commonprayer books in pieces, scattering the leaves thereof about the streets; broke down the pulpits; overthrew the communion tables; together with many other marks of a barbarous and enraged cruelty. And such goods and merchandizes as they could not, or durst not stay to carry away for fear of our forces, which were marching to oppose them, they spoilt and destroyed; killing very many cattle and hogs, which they left dead behind them in the streets. And the said towns of E. and W. Teignmouth, and Shaldon, being in great part maintained by fishing, and their boats, nets, and other fishing craft, being plundered and consumed in the common flames, the poor inhabitants are not only deprived of their subsistence and maintenance, but put out of a condition to retrieve their losses by their future industry; the whole loss and damage of the said poor inhabitants, sustained by such an unusual accident, amounting to about 11,000l. as appeared to our justices, not only by the oaths of many poor sufferers, but also of many skilful and experienced workmen who viewed the same, and have taken an estimate thereof; which loss hath reduced many poor inhabitants, therefore, to a very sad and deplorable condition. "Witnesses, the 13th day of November, second year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, and in the year of our Lord, 1690.
    (Signed by) "Nic. Cove, Thos. Comyns,
    Thos. Balle, John Pidsley,
    Willm. Clifford Martyn, John Evelegh,
    Communicated by Mr. Oliver. And several Others."
  • n60. Communicated by Mr. Oliver from Lord Clifford's papers at Ugbrooke.
  • n61. See Godwin de Præsulibus.
  • n62. Mr. Oliver's notes from the Bishop's Register.
  • n63. Ibid.
  • n64. Mr. Oliver's notes from Bishop Lacey's Register.
  • n65. William Martyn, Esq., 1640; Richard Martyn, Esq., his brother, 1650.
  • n66. Michael Cove, Gent., 1671; Nicholas Cove, Esq., 1708.
  • n67. He was 94 years of age, and had been seventy years a priest.
  • n68. Westcote and Risdon.
  • n69. Hundred Roll.
  • n70. Risdon.
  • n71. Hundred Roll.
  • n72. Ibid.
  • n73. John Clifford, of Ware, 1685; he married a daughter of Horwell: the ancestor of Horwell married a co-heiress of Whiteway. John Clifford, the only son, died in 1681, æt. 19; the only daughter married Bampfylde.
  • n74. Thomas Hele, Esq., 1673.
  • n75. Called in his epitaph "Celeberrimus," but I have not been able to find any account of him.
  • n76. On his tomb is the following extraordinary and reprehensible inscription: Apostrophe ad Mortem. "Damn'd tyrant! can't profaner blood suffice? Must priests that offer, be the sacrifice. Go tell the Genii that in Hades lie Thy triumph o'er this sacred calvary. Till some just Nemesis avenge our cause, And teach this kill-priest to revere good laws."
  • n77. Put up by his son, Henry Beeke, D. D. Dean of Bristol.
  • n78. Richard Yarde, 1631; Hugh Yarde, 1683; James Yarde, 1683; Gilbert Yarde, 1689; Gilbert Yarde, 1751; Henry Yarde, 1759.
  • n79. In the Augmentation-office.