August 1643: An Ordinance concerning the late Rebellious Insurrection in the County of Kent.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'August 1643: An Ordinance concerning the late Rebellious Insurrection in the County of Kent.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].

'August 1643: An Ordinance concerning the late Rebellious Insurrection in the County of Kent.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,

"August 1643: An Ordinance concerning the late Rebellious Insurrection in the County of Kent.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.

August 1643

[16 August, 1643.]

Arms and Horses of all that took part in Rebellion to be seized.; How to be disposed of; Lands, Goods, etc., of all Insurgents who would-not lay down arms to be seized.; Minor Offenders to be compounded with.

Whereas divers ill-affected persons of the Countie of Kent have unlawfully and Trayterously assembled themselves together and in a Warlike and hostile manner, possessed themselves of divers Townes and places in that Countie, and have Trayterously and Rebelliously, levied Warre against the King and Parliament and robbed, killed, and spoyled divers of his Majesties Subjects; And notwithstanding, they were invited by an Ordinance of both houses of Parliament to lay downe their Armes, and every man to depart in Peace to their severall places of habitation, with an offer, not onely to passe by their offences then already committed by them, but to give redresse to any just grievance that they should in a peaceable and Parliamentary way present to the Parliament, yet they wilfully and contemptuously refused that favour offered unto them, and gave Battaile to those forces sent by Authority of both Houses to suppresse that Insurrection, where, by Gods great goodnesse they were wholly Routed, and a very great number taken Prisoners; Now to th'end, the like Inconveniences may bee prevented hereafter; and that the Peace of the Countie may bee better setled, It is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, that Sir Henry Vane senior, Sir John Sidley, Sir Anthony Welden, Sir Michaell Levesay, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Nut, Mr. Augustine Skinner, Mr. Thomas Blunt, Mr. Thomas Franklyn, Sir Edward Boyse, M. Brown, Sir William Springate, Sir Edward Master, Mr. John Boys, Mr. John Boyse, Sir Peter Wroth, Mr. Richard Lee, Sir Thomas Walsingham, Mr. Thomas Seyliard, and Sir John Robarts, or any three of them, shall forthwith seize upon all the Armes and Horses, of all those that have in person appeared in that insurrection and Rebellion, And of all such as have willingly assisted or countenanced the same: Or that have willingly relieved any of the said Rebells, with Armes, Ammunition, Money, or otherwise; Or that have refused to give their Assistance, (being thereunto required) to suppresse the said insurrection or Rebellion: And that the Horses that shall be so seized, shall be sent to the City of London, to the Commissarie for Horses there, to be entred and lysted for the service of the State; And that the Armes so to bee seized, shall be layd up in some place of safetie in that Countie; To th'end, the same may be distributed to the well affected Partie of that Countie, when occasion requireth; And it is further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Sir Henry Vane senior, Sir John Sidley, Sir Anthony Welden, Sir Michaell Levesay, Sir Henry Heyman, M. Nut, M. Augustine Skinner, M. Thomas Blunt, M. Thomas Franklyn, Sir Edward Boyse, M. Browne, Sir William Springate, Sir Edward Master, M. John Boyse, M. John Boyse, Sir Peter Wroth, M. Richard Lee, Sir Thomas Walsingham, M. Thomas Seyliard, and Sir John Robarts, or any three of them, shall have power, and are hereby authorized to enter upon, and seize all and singular the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and the Goods, Cattell, and Chattells, of all and singular the persons that were Actors, Countenancers, or Abettors in the said Rebellion, who did not submit to the said Ordinance, and immediately come in, lay downe their Armes, and repaire to their places of habitation, and to seize and imprison their persons, To the end, they be proceeded against according to the Law, and the merit of their offence; Provided alwaies, and it is further Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the said Sir Henry Vane Senior, Sir John Sidley, Sir Anthony Welden, Sir Michael Levesay, Sir Henry Heyman, M. Nut, M. Augustine Skinner, M. Thomas Blunt, M. Thomas Franklyn, Sir Edward Boyse, M. Browne, Sir William Springate, Sir Edward Master, M. John Boyse, M. John Boyse, Sir Peter Wroth, M. Richard Lee, Sir Thomas Walsingham, M. Thomas Seyliard, and Sir John Robarts, or any three of them, shall have power, and are hereby authorised to compound with such of the Persons aforesaid, as they shall thinke to be fit objects of such mercifull Proceedings, and to receive of them such sums of Money by way of Fine and Ransome, as they or any three of them shall thinke fit, having respect to the offence, and the Estate of the Person offending, and to certifie the names and sums received of everie Person, and return the same to the Guild-Hall, London, to the Treasurers appointed to receive monie and Plate upon the Propositions, and every Person that shall compound and pay their money according to this Ordinance, shall be freed in their Persons and Estates, and discharged from any further Prosecution for the Crimes and offences committed by them in that Rebellion and insurrection, and it is further Ordained that the said Sir Henry Vane Senior, Sir John Sedley, Sir Anthony Welden, Sir Michael Levesay, Sir Henry Heyman, M. Nut, M. Augustine Skinner, M. Thomas Blunt, M. Thomas Franklyn, Sir Edward Boyse, M. Browne, Sir William Springate; Sir Edward Master, M. Iohn Boyse, M. Iohn Boyse, Sir Peter Wroth, M. Richard Lee, Sir Thomas Walsingham, M. Thomas Seyliard, and Sir Iohn Robarts, and every of them shall be protected and saved harmelesse by the authoritie of both Houses of Parliament, for what they shall doe in pursuance of this Ordinance.