Accounts: December 1575 - December 1577

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1575 - December 1577', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 19 February 2025].

'Accounts: December 1575 - December 1577', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed February 19, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1575 - December 1577". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 19 February 2025.

December 1575 - December 1577

THE ACCOMPTE of John Trotte and Willyam Worteley Churchward[ens] of the Paroche of Sct Martines in the ffeildes by Charinge Crosse, in the Countie of Midd', Chosen [&] appoynted for the terme of twoo Whole yeares endinge [in] the ffeaste daie of the birthe of or Lorde god, 1577. [in] the xxtie yeare of the Raigne of or Sou'aigne ladie Eliza[beth] the Queenes maiestie that nowis, aswell of the[ir] Receiptes, as Paymtes and other Chardges by them receyved and paid in the said twoo yeares, as p'ticul[arly] in this accompte devyded into twoo partes (that is to[say] the firste yeare and seconde yeare seu'allie more at lardge is expressed as hereafter followeth viz'

John Hunte Notarie wryte............

The ffirste yeare. 1575.


Sct Martines in the feildes The said Accomptantes chardge them selves wth the Receipte of xijli, vjs, xjd, by them Receyved of Richarde Darlowe and Thomas Browne late Churchewardens of the Parrishe aforesaid at their ffirste entrie into their Office of Churchewardenshippe xijli vjs xjd
Item Receyved of Mr Doctor Huicke for ij yeares rente for the Chamb'r ou' the churche laine due at xp'mas 1575 xiijs iiijd
It'm Rec' for ij long torches, iiij shorte torches, and vij shorte staffe torches Weyinge iiijxx, xli, at ob' q' the lij vs vijd ob'
It'm Rec' by gatheringe for the Clarke and Sextons wages, ffor Pewes and rep'ac'ons of the Churche ixli xvjs ixd ob'
It'm Rec' more for half of the Token money xlijs xjd ob'
Som'e of the p'celles abovenamed Receyved in the firste yeare only xxvli vs vijd ob'

Receiptes for Burialles, knelles, and sutche like, in this or firste yeare as ensueth

Christemas quarter.

December Inprimis the xxviijth of Decemb'r, 1575, was buried a poore boy that died in the streate Nic'
Item Rec' the xxixth of December for the buriall of John Beven the Chawndelers childe, a Crysome Nihil.
January It'm Rec' the iiijth of Januarie, 1575, for the buriall of Salomon Harman ijd
It'm Rec' the vth of Januarie, for the buriall of Alice Tether wief of John Butler al's Tether xvjd (fn. 1)
It'm Rec' the xvijth of Januarie, for the buriall of Mr Anthony (fn. 2) the Ladie of Sussex sonne in the [Churche ixs
p It'm Rec' the xviijth of Januarie for the buriall of Howell Gryffin ijd
It'm Rec' the xxvjth of Januarie for the buriall of Thomas Cooper from the Parke (fn. 3) Nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxixth of January for the buriall of a Stranger (fn. 4) from Goodman ffox Nihil
It'm Rec' the xxxth of Januarie for the buriall in the Quyre of Mrs Katherine fforteskew iijs iiijd
ffebruary It'm Rec' the xijth of ffebruarie, 1575, for the buriall of Elizabeth Hawnce a childe Nihil.
Marche p Item Rec' for the buriall of Thomas Asale s'u'nt to Will'm Phillippes on the seconde daie of [marche Nihil.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Richarde Peter Nihil.
It'm Rec' the seconde of Marche for the buriall of Will'm Bingham sonne of Harrolde Bingham Nihil.
It'm Rec' the thirde daie of Marche for the buriall of Anne Hubert the waxechaundelers daught' Nihil.
It'm Rec' the viijth of Marche for the buryall of Theofila ffox Nihil.
It'm Rec' the xijth of Marche for the buriall of a poore servingman whoe s'ued the Quenes Mates Lawnderer and was torned owte beinge sick (as it is reported) Nihil.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Edmonde Gentles s'u'nte ijd
p It'm Rec' the xviijth of Marche for the buriall of Elizabeth Phillippes daught' of wm Phillipp Nihil.
pp It'm Rec' the xixth of Marche for the buriall of Sara Phillippes & Thomas Edmondes s'u'nte to the said Willyam Phillippes Nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxth of Marche for the buriall of Henrie Kempe s'u'nte to Edmonde Gentle ijd
It'm Rec' the xijth of Marche for the buriall of Henrie Cocket from Richarde Ludforde Nihil.
pIt'm Rec' the xxiiijth of Marche for the buriall of Avies Davies, whoe died in Childebed wth her litle childe Nihil.
Som'e of the Receiptes for burialles in this our firste quarter amowntethe to the Som'e of xiiijs iiijd
Sum'a Pag'—xxvli xixs xjd ob' verte foliu'

The firste yeare 1576, Receiptes

Burialles in our Ladie daie quarter Receiptes

Marche Inpris Rec' the xxvjth of Marche for the buriall of Olyver s'u'nte to John Hopwood Nihil.
Aprill It'm Rec' the firste of Aprill for the buriall of mother Anthonie nihil.
pIt'm Rec' the xth of Aprill for the buriall of wm vincente s'u'nte to Olyver Hardinge nihil.
It'm Rec' the xjth of Aprill for the buriall of Katherine Ogle daughter of Widowe ogle nihill.
It'm R' the xijth of Aprill for the buriall of Robert Miller s'u'nte to Olyver Hardinge nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxiijth of Aprill for the buriall of Roberte Gisbie sonne of John Gisby nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxixth of Aprill for the buriall of Roger Shawe xijd
Maie It'm Rec' the ixth of Maie for the buriall of a poore man that died at Set Jeames nihil.
It'm Rec' the xjth of Maie for the buriall of Margaret Howell that came from the spittle at knightesbridge nih.
It'm Rec' the xxjth of Maie for the buriall of xp'ofer hudson s'u'nte to Mr Erpe nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxiijth of Maie for the buriall of Elizabeth Bromlyn daughter of Will'm Bromley nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxviijth of Maie for the buriall of Agnes Randall s'u'nte to wm Bromley nic'.
June It'm Rec' the xxiiijth of June for the burialles of Arthure Mathew and ffraunces Adames xvjd.
Sum'e of Rec' of or said Ladie daie q'tr—ijs iiijd (fn. 5) ex' (fn. 6)

Burialles in Midsomer quarter, 1576.

Julie In pris Rec' the seconde of Julie for the buriall of Joyce Dekempenire nic'.
It'm Rec' the iiijth of Julie for the buriall of Henrie burges nic'.
It'm Rec' the xviijth of Julie for the buriall of John Alcockes a crisome childe nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxxjth of Julie for the buryall of Marie Trowell from Mrs Holtons ijd.
Auguste It'm Rec' the iiijth of Auguste for the buriall of Edwarde lighte nic'.
It'm Rec' the xiiijth of Auguste for the buriall of Nightingale Bartlet nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxvjth of Auguste for the buriall of Thomas Baylie nic'.
September It'm Rec' the vijth of September for the buriall of John Morris a Chrisome childe nic'.
It'm Rec' the viijth of September for the buriall of Mrs Jane Morris in the Churche ixs.
pIt'm Rec' the xxiiijth of September for the buriall of Rob't Bakehowse from Neyles howse ijd
It'm Rec' the xvjth of Septemb'r for the buriall of Katherine Richardes nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxvjth of September for the buriall of Marie Hunte a childe nic'.
Sum'e Rec' of the said Mydsom' q'tr—ixs iiijd

Burialles in Mighelmas quarter, 1576.

October It'm Rec' the xth of October for the buriall of Rachell Barker nic'.
pIt'm Rec' the xjth of October for the burialles of Rebecca and Alice Neale in one grave ijd.
It'm Rec' the xxth of October (fn. 7) for the buriall of Migell bird' a poore childe that died in ye streat nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxijth of October for the buriall of Wynifrede Valmenon that died in Childebed, in the Churche buried viijs ijd
It'm Rec' the xxvth of October for the buriall of wm Moreton from Neales ijd
It'm Rec' the xxvijth of Octob'r for the buriall of Agnes Goodacres nic'
It'm Rec' the xxixth of octob'r for the buriall of Cicelie Morecocke from Quarrelles nic'.
Sum' Pag'—xxs ijd ex'

The firste yeare, 1576, Receiptes Burialles in Mighelmas q'tr.

Nouember Item Rec' the firste of November for the buriall of John Walles in the Churche viijs viijd
It'm Rec' the vth of November for the buriall of John Smithe Glasier ijs ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Wm watson in the Churche being s'u'nte to Mr Hopton xjs xd
It'm Rec' the vijth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Cicelie Haines a pore Wenche that died in the church howse nic'
It'm Rec' the viijth of Novemb'r for the burialles of Newman, and John Mr Wardors man ijs
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Agnes Deane Widdowe in the Quire ijs
It'm Rec' the xvth of Novemb'r for the buriall Richarde Johanes s'u'nte to Mr Gravener lyeng at Mr Whitnys ijd
It'm Rec' the xvijth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Mr Poulteneis crysome Childe vnchristened nic'
It'm Rec' the xixth of Novemb'r for the buriall of a Crisome childe of wm Shore nic'
Item Rec' the xxth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Anthonie Eyles (fn. 8) of Eberie farmein the Churche xs vjd
It'm Rec' the xxixth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Humfrie moote ijs
December It'm Rec' the xxxth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Thomas Moore s'u'nte to John Baker the Gonnemaker ijd
It'm Rec' the firste of December for the buriall of wm Bromley ijs
Som'e Rec' in the said Mighelmas q'tr—ls
Som'e Receiptes for burialles (fn. 9) in the said firste yeare—iijli xxd
Som'e totall of Receiptes in this their firste yeare, together wth the xijli vjs xjd rec' of the other Churchwardens at their first entrance into their said office amownteth to Wherof xxixli js

The said Accomptantes Demaunde allowance, for ymploymtes and Chardges by them paid and disbursed, for thuse of the Churche and other ordinarie and extraordinarie chardges in this their firste yeare Anno 1576, as p'ticulerly in their seu'all places is recyted in the contentes hereof as followeth, That is to saie,

Paiemtes in Christmas quarter 1575. Inprimis paid to Mr Darloe for a thowsande of nayles xiiijd
It'm for a quire of Paper iiijd
It'm paid for a baudridge ijs ijd
It'm pd for a bell rope that wayd vijli and q'tr xxjd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Quenes Mates remove from Hampton Courte to Whitehall viijd
Item pd for a borde for a seate in the Quire iiijd
It'm pd for a grave pavinge in the sowthend of the churche viijd
It'm pd for a loode of sande viijd
It'm pd for a basket iiijd
It'm pd for a loode of lyme xiiijd
It'm pd for bromes for the Churche iijd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for Washinge of the Churche lyn'inge xvjd
It'm pd for burnishinge of the Com'union cuppe xvjd
It'm pd for iij yardes of Grene clothe for the Com'union table xs
It'm pd to Mrs ffowler for searchinge of the Crowne office ijs
It'm pd to the Sexton for a locke for the Churche Dore iiijs
It'm pd to the Glasier for mendinge the Westeside of the Churche viijd
It'm pd to the Carpenter for mendinge of iij Pewes and for stuffe to the same belonginge xviijd
It'm pd to the Register and Parrotor when we were sworne, and for or articles xijd
It'm pd at Set Clementes for awnsweringe of or Articles viijd
It'm pd for a Drinckinge at the Taverne for or Sidemen and or selves xxd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages this q'tr xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and for kepinge the Clocke this qrtr xjs viijd
Som'e Paymtes this xp'as q'tr Anno. 1575 iijli vs viijd

The firste yeare, 1576, Paiementes

Paiementes in or Ladie daie quarter, 1576.

Inprimis paid for a Locke and hinges for the lofte dore xxd
It'm paid for a rope to drawe vp the Clocke ijs iiijd
It'm paid for glasinge of the Northside of the Churche xviijd
It'm pd to Mr Bayliffe for searchinge of Mr Gibbes lease and copieinge of the same viijs iiijd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Quenes remove from Whitehall to Greenwch viijd
It'm pd for mendinge of the bell wheeles xvjd
It'm pd for a pinne for a baudridge ijd
It'm pd for a baudridge ijs ijd
It'm pd for pavinge of iij graves in the Churche ijs
It'm pd for washinge the Lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for broomes for the Churche iijd
It'm pd to the Parrator when we wente to take a longer daie (fn. 10) iiijd
It'm pd for or Dynners and the viccars the same daie xviijd
It'm pd when we wente to giue vp or p'sentmt iiijd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages this q'tr xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and keepinge the clocke xjs viijd
Som'e Paymtes this or Ladie q'tr—lvs xjd

Paiementes in Midsomer q'tr.

Inpris paid to the Tyler for tylinge the Churche xiiijd
It'm pd for a Di' C of tyles vijd
It'm pd for vj sackes of lyme xijd
It'm pd to Bellowes for mendinge the Pewes and stuffe to the same xvjd
It'm pd to the viccar for a diall iiijd
It'm paid for ringinge of her Highnes remove from Greenwch to Sct Jeames viijd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Quenes remove from Sct Jeames to Whitehall viijd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Queenes remove from Whitehall to Haveringe viijd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for bromes iijd
It'm for a rope for the forbell xvjd
It'm for Washinge the lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for aunsweringe of or Articles viijd
It'm pd to the Parrator When we gaue or presentemente vjd
It'm pd for a dynner for the Mrs of or p'ishe and the Sydemen xijs
It'm pd to the Shrief for the Coppie of the inditemt iiijd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages this q'tr xxs
It'm paid to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge the clocke this q'tr xjs viijd
Som'e Paymtes of this Midsomer q'tr liiijs xd
Sum'a Pag [£5 10s 9d]

The firste yeare, 1576, paiemtes.

Paiementes in Mighelmas q'tr, 1576.

Inprimis paid to Martine for makinge of the longe seate in the quire iiijs
It'm paid to Mr Waters for kepinge the Armoure xs
It'm pd to Tyse for kepinge of the Clocke vjs viijd
It'm pd for half a hundreth of pavinge tyles and twoo deale bordes vs vjd
It'm paid for cariadge of the said tyles from the waterside ijd
Item paid for ij baldridges iiijs iiijd
It'm paid for ringinge on the xvijth of Novemb'r in memorie of the Quenes mates Coronac' on & for Candles and a basquet iiijs vjd
It'm pd for pavinge of iiij graves in the middle space and north pace (fn. 11) of the Churche iijs iiijd
It'm pd for a loade of lyme and ij sackes xviijd
It'm paid for a loode of sande viijd
It'm paid for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for grease for the belles iijd
It'm pd for Bromes iijd
It'm pd for Washinge the churche lynnen xvjd
It'm paid for Holly, Ivie, Rosemarie, and bayes, xvjd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages this quartr xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge the Clocke this q'tr xjs viijd
Som'e Paiemtes of this Mighelmas q'tr—iijli xvs viijd
Som'e Totall of the firste yeares Receiptes wth the xijli vjs xjd rec' at thentring in of their office amountinge to the Som'e of xxixli xixd ob' (fn. 12)
Som'e generall of the Paymtes disbursed in this firste yeare amounteth to the som'e of xijli xijs jd
So resteth in or Handes vnaunswered for havinge receyved more this firste yeare, then haith ben ynployd otherwise in this or firste yeares accompte the iuste Som'e of xvjli ixs vjd ob'

The seconde yeare

Sct Martines in the ffeildes in Com: midd'

The accompte of John Trotte and Will'm Worteley, Churchwardens of the Parrishe of Sct Martines in the ffeildes, by Charinge crosse, in the Countie of Midd' for the seconde yeare of their Churchwardenshippe havinge Com'ensemt from the feaste of the birthe of our Lorde god Anno, 1576, and endinge on the same feaste of or Lorde god, 1577, aswell of Receiptes as paymtes by them receyved and exspended in the said seconde yeare as p'ticulerlie in this Accompte in their seu'all tytles natures and kyndes more fullie and plainely doth and maie appeare as ffolloweth viz


The said Accomptants chardge them selves wth xvjli ixs vjd ob' remayninge in their Handes vnaunswered in their firste yeares accompte as in their saide firste accompte is declared xvjli ixs vjd ob'


Inprimis R' of Mr Doctor Huicke for ij yeares rente for the Chamber over the Churche Laine Due at Christmas 1577 xiijs iiijd
It'm Rec' for the Clarkes and Sextons Wages for Pewes and reperrac'ons of the Churche ixli xvjs ixd ob'
It'm Rec' for half of the token mony this yeare as appeareth by a perticuler booke thereof made xlvs iijd
It'm Rec' towardes the setting forthe of the Souldiors ixli ixs viijd
It'm Rec' more backe againe of Anthonie harris that he had of the clarke of peace for the mony that [was] deliu'ed for souldiors (fn. 13) xliiijs viijd
Som'e—xxiiijli ixs viijd ob'
Som'e of theis parcelles abouenamed Receyved in our Seconde yeare riseth to xljli iiijs xd ob'

Receiptes The second yeare 1576. & 1577.

Receiptes for Burialles and knelles wth sutche like, in this seconde yeare.

Christemas quarter, 1576.

Decemb'r January Inprimis Rec' the xxvijth of December for the buriall of Widdowe Ogle xvijd
It'm Receyved the ixth of Januarie for the buriall of Margaret Edwardes s'u'nt to the Lady Cheek (fn. 14) ijs
It'm Rec' the xiiijth of Januarie for the buriall of Christian moote & Alice hartely a Childe ijd
It'm Rec' the xvjth of Januarie for the buriall of Lyonell Browne ijd
It'm Rec' the xviijth of Januarie for the buriall in the Churche of Nicholas Twydall the Quenes s'u'nte xijs iiijd
Item Rec' the xxjth of Januarie for the buriall of Abraham Willes Mr Kelsys prentice nihil.
It'm Rec' the xxviijth of Januarie for the buriall of one Thomas (fn. 15) s'u'nt to Baites the fardingalemaker (fn. 16) nic'.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of a poore woman that died in the feildes nic'.
February It'm Rec' the thirde of ffebruarie for the buriall of John Bevens childe Chrisom' nic'.
It'm Rec' the vijth of ffebruarie for the buriall of Rob't Meere, s'u'nte to Sr Henrie knevet (fn. 17) iijs
It'm Rec' the ixth of ffebruarie for the buriall of Margaret Whitehed nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxiiijth of ffebruarie for the buriall of Roger Stevans, a straingr ijs vjd
It'm Rec' the xxvjth of ffebruarie for the buriall of Wm Hawne Goldesmithe xijd
Marche It'm Rec' the firste of Marche for the buriall of Thomas Cowband a Chrisome nic'.
It'm Rec' the vjth of Marche for the buriall of Roger Reynolde from Beggeleys ijs
It'm Rec' the xixth of Marche for the buriall of Raphe vaughan gent the Lorde Hawardes (fn. 18) s'u'nt in ye churche xs iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxth of Marche for the buriall of Jeames Hollon a younge childe nic'.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Richarde Wedgewoode s'u'nt to Mr Rousewell, being slaine iijs xd
Som'e Receiptes for Burialles in this xp'as q'tr—xxxviijs ixd

Burialles in our lady day q'tr, 1577.

Aprill Inprimis Receyved the vjth of Aprill for the buriall of wm Manfeilde a childe nihil.
It'm Rec' the xjth of Aprill for the buriall of will'm fraunces a Chrisome childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xviijth of Aprill for the buriall of will'm More in the Churche ixs xd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of a pore woman that died at the L: of bedfordes gate nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxth of Aprill for the buriall in the quire of Mrs Irelande the viccars wief nic'.
It'm Rec' the xxixth of Aprill for the buriall of olde Margaret Maynarde viijd
Maie p It'm Rec' the seconde of Maie for the buriall of Dorothey Parrot wief of John Parrot iiijd
p It'm Rec' the thirde of Maie for the buriall of Margerie ffreeman mother of Dorothy parret iiijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall in the quire of Mrs Abingtons intralles (fn. 19) and for ringinge then vjs
It'm Rec' the viijth of Maie for the buriall in the Churche of Mr George middleton gent xijs ijd
It'm Rec' the ixth of Maie for the buriall in the Churche of Mrs Jesper viijs
It'm Rec' the xjth of Maie for the buriall of Wm Mattres from Ballardes ijd
It'm Rec' the xijth of Maie for the buriall of Jane Wardor a childe, in the Churche vjs viijd
It'm Rec' the xvjth of Maie for the buriall of olde Pattricke ffife iijs viijd
p It'm Rec' the xxvth of Maie for the buriall of Alice s'u'nte to Mr Crane gent ijd
It'm Rec' the xxvijth of Maie for the buriall of a poore woomans childe at Sct Jeames nic'.
June It'm Rec' the vth of June for the buriall of Judith s'u'nte to Mr Gilpyne nic'.
It'm Rec' the ixth of June for the buriall of Elizabeth Hunte s'u'nt to the poultr in kelsis howse nic'.
It'm Rec' the xvth of June for the buriall of Mr Petr pikas s'u'nte to mr Pockington at Mr Brownes ijs vjd
It'm Rec' the xvjth of June for the buriall of John Hues Wandelles maydes Childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xxth of June for the buriall of John Bates fardingalemaker (fn. 16) ijd
Som'e Receiptes for the burialles in or Ladie day q'tr—1s viijd

Sum' Pag [£4 9s 5d]

The second yeare, 1577.

Receiptes in midsomer quarter, 1577.

ffor burialles

June Item Receyved the xxvjth of June for the buriall of Thom's Rawlyns ali's younge Widow smithes sonne ijd
It'm Rec' the xxvijth of June for the buriall of olde father Morrice the Cobler ijd
It'm Rec' the xxixth of June for the buriall of Prudence Wreckes (fn. 20) ijd
Julie It'mRec' the xviijth of Julie for the buriall of Agnes younge from Sct Jeames barne nic'
It'm Rec' the xxijth of Julie for the buriall of Anne Pearson
Auguste It'm Rec' the vth of Auguste for the buriall of Henrie Palmer a Devonshire man from the blacke bull ijd
It'm Rec' the viijth of Auguste for the buriall of olde mother yeomans ijd
p It'm Rec' for the buriall of John Jesper, Mr Jespers sonne the xiiijth of Auguste xvjd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Johan Woodcocke a crisome childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xvjth of Auguste for the buriall of Alice Trippet wief of John Trippet ijd
p It'm Rec' the xxvijth of Auguste for the buriall of John Gillam s'u'nte to Mr Waters ijd
It'm Rec' the xxviijth of Auguste for the buriall of Thom's Spence ijd
p It'm Rec' the xxxjth of Auguste for the buriall of a poore woman (fn. 21) yt died in the feild nic'
Septemb'r It'm Rec' the firste of Septemb'r for the buriall of Cicelie twiste from Mr Jesper ijd
It'm Rec' the ixth of Septemb'r for the buriall of Cicelie knolden wief of John knolden viijd
p It'm Rec' the xjth of Septemb'r for the buriall of George gill from Mr Waters iiijd
It'm Rec' the xiiijth of Septemb'r for the buriall of Sara morris and her childe nic'
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Julian Alcocke a young childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xvth of September for the buriall of Sara from Mrs Golightly ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Alice Howe a younge childe nic'
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Richard Wilson s'u'nt to Mr Jesper ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Mrs hill in the quier wief of John hill iiijs viijd
p It'm Rec' the xixth of Septemb'r for the burialles (fn. 22) of Isbell Robinson al's Rowlande pp Widdowe, John Apowell and one Davie iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxiiijth of Septemb'r for the buriall in the quire of Mr
p Rob'te Wheathill (fn. 23) Esquire from Mr Androwe Weston's howse iiijs ijd
p It'm Rec' the xxixth of Septemb'r for the buriall of one Will'm s'u'nt to Bellowes nic'
Som'e Rec' for burialles this Midsomer q'tr xiijs iiijd

1577 Receiptes for burialles in Mighelmas q'tr

October Item Receyved the seconde of October for the buriall of Edwarde Bradshawe for Wm Sowne hath xviijd therfore remayning in his handes wch is not paid us. nic'
It'm Rec' the same daie for the burialles of Isbell robinson (fn. 24) al's Rowland widowe and marie Rittington iiijd
It'm Rec' the thirde of October for the buriall of Henrie Allison ijd
It'm Rec' the iiijth of October for the buriall of John Hall from chadlys nic'
It'm Rec' the vjth of October for the buriall of goodman collins childe nic'
It'm Rec' the viijth of October for the buriall of John basset s'u'nt to Mr burges ijd
It'm Rec' the ixth of Octob'r for the buriall of the glasiers wief and childe xd
Sum' Pag' [14s. 10d.]

Receiptes in the seconde yeare. 1577.

Rec' for Burialles in Mighelmas quarter 1577.
October Item Receyved the xiiijth of october for the buriall of Androwe Westone a younge childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xvjth of October for the buriall of Thomas Horne s'u'nte to John Sussex ijd
It'm Rec' the xvijth of October for the buriall of Pawle Oblyn viijd
It'm Rec' the xxiiijth of October for the buriall of Rowlande Vaughan ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Susan Johnson & wm Gilbert a litle childe nic'
It'm Rec' the xxvjth of October for the buriall in the churche of Mr John Reades daughtr viijs iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxxth of October for the buriall of Izabell Hodges from Sct Jeames nic'
It'm R'c' the same daie for the burialles of Margaret Write from Mr Brownes of the Larder, and Henrie Hewes a litle childe sonne of Bartholomew Hewes nic'
It'm Rec' the xxxjth of October for the buriall of Johan breges a gearle from Mr Reades nic'.
Novemb'r It'm Rec' the vjth of Novemb'r for the buriall of John Combe from Mr Brians ijd
It'm Rec' the ixth Novemb'r for the buriall of Peter Sotten from Mr Woodlockes ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Elizabeth Reade daughtr of John Reade nic'
It'm Rec' the xijth of November for the buriall of margerie burges daughtr to John burges nic'.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Jane Ducket from Mr Reades howse nic'.
It'm Rec' the xiijth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Edmond Pawleoblin a boie nic'.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall in westm' of Elizabeth Pattenson fro' Mr brownes of ye lardr vs
It'm Rec' the xiiijth of November for the buriall of Margaret Armestronge widdowe ijd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Peter Jackson s'u'nt to John Hopwood nic'.
It'm Rec' the xvjth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Pawle oblin a boie nic'
It'm Rec' the xvijth of Novemb'r for the buriall of wm Goldinge from Pawle oblins house ijd
It'm Rec' the xviijth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Mr John Reade in the quire and Katherine his wief in the Churche xjs vjd
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of Agnes Menton from the spittle nic'
It'm Rec' the xxxth of Novemb'r for the buriall of Sara Tyan daughtr of Jeames Tyan nic'
December It'm Receyved the firste of Decemb'r for the buriall of George powell, Mr Trottes s'u'nte ijd
It'm Rec' the vjth of Decemb'r for the buriall of Elizabeth Whittle a gerle xxijd
It'm Rec' the ixth of Decemb'r for the buriall of Darbie Collelo (fn. 25) carpentr nic'
It'm Rec' the xijth of December for the buriall of Abigale Tian a wenche nic'.
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of ffrauncis Reade sonne of John Reade nic'
It'm Rec' the same daie for the buriall of John Canke ijs
It'm Rec' the xxiiijth of December for the buriall of Katherine, (fn. 26) wief of John Reade ijs
Som'e Receiptes in this mighelmas q'tr for burialles is xxxiiijs
Som'e Receiptes for burialles (fn. 27) in or seconde yeare is vjli xvjs ixd
Some Totall of Receiptes in this or seconde yeare together wth the xvjli xs jd ob' remayninge in or handes vnaunswered in or first yeares accompte is xlvijli xvjs


verte fol'

The seconde yeare. 1577. paimentes

The said Accomptantes

Demaunde allowance for disbursemtes and expences by them ymployed and exspended for thuse of the Churche and other ordinarie and extra ordinarie chardges in this their seconde yeare Anno 1576, and 1577, as p'ticulerlie in their seu'all places in the contentes hereof nowe followinge at lardge appeareth

(That is to saie)

Paiemtes in christmas quartr 1576 In primis paied for mendinge of the Easte Dore in the Church yarde xijd
It'm paid for a Proclamacon of reformacon of Apparrell (fn. 28) iiijd
It'm paid for mendinge of the beare xviijd
It'm paid for a quire of Paper iiijd
It'm paid for mendinge of a Pewe nexte to the ffonte xd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Quenes remove from Hampton court to Whitehall viijd
Item paid for ringinge at the Quenes com'inge from Essex the iijd of marche viijd
It'm pd for a grave in the north pace of the Churche, paving the same viijd
It'm pd for pavinge of a grave in the south pace of the Churche viijd
It'm pd for iij sackes of lyme vjd
It'm pd for washinge of the Churche lyninge xvjd
It'm pd for bromes for the Churche iijd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd to the Parrator iiijd
It'm pd for awnsweringe of or Articles viijd
It'm pd for A Dynner for our Sidemen and for or selves ixs vjd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages this q'tr xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge of the cloke this q'tr xjs viijd
Som'e Paymtes this xp'as q'tr—ljs iijd
Paiemtes in Ladie daie q'tr Anno, 1577. Item paid towardes the settinge forthe of the Souldiors xvijli js xd
It'm pd for Rishes (fn. 29) and strawing herbes when the bishoppe came in visitacon to ye church xijd
It'm pd for the new Articles xijd
It'm pd to the Bishoppes man for wrytinge of the Aunswere of or Articles xijd
It'm paid to the Parrator when we gave vp or presentemt iiijd
It'm pd to Mr Harmans man for [blank] at the Bishoppes visitacon vjd
It'm pd for boltes and staples vppon the East dore of the Churchyarde xviijd
It'm pd to Bartlet for mendinge the westside in the Churche and the windowes in the belfry iijs
It'm pd for a baldridge ijs ijd
It'm for ringinge at the Quenes remove from Whitehall to Greenwch the xxvjth of [Aprill viijd
It'm pd for ringinge at the Quenes com'inge from Lecestr howse (fn. 30) the ixth of Maie, and for ringinge at her dep'ture thence the xth of Maie xvjd
It'm pd to John Hunte Scrivenor for writinge thorders (fn. 31) of the churche & the borde vs vjd
It'm paid for bromes for the Churche iijd
It'm pd for Washinge of the Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd to the Clarke for his wages xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge of the Clocke xjs viijd
Som'e paiemtes this or Ladie Daie quartr

The seconde yeare. 1577. paiementes

Paiementesin Midsomer q'tr 1577. Inprimis paid when we gaue or presentmt vp to the Bishoppe Elmer (fn. 32) xijd
It'm pd for the Dynners of or Sydemen and or selves vijs viijd
It'm paid Ludforde for a Wheele for the forebell vjs
It'm pd to the Clarke of the peace for the Inditemt of the p'ishe iiijs
Item paid to Ludforde for rep'ac'ons aboute the Clocke ijs
It'm pd to wm Louckes for plates for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for a basket iijd
It'm pd for vj sackes of lyme xijd
It'm pd for a pynne for the seconde bell ijd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for bromes iijd
It'm pd for washinge the Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm for skowringe the swordes and pikes this q'tr paid to Mr Waters iiijs
It'm pd to the Clarke for his Wages this quarter xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge of the Clocke xjs viijd
Som'e Paymtes this quarter is— iijli
Paiemtesin Mighelmas q'tr [1577. Item paid for ij bell ropes iijs vjd
It'm paid the same tyme for a Baudridge ijs ijd
It'm pd for ringinge on the xvijth of Novemb'r in memorie of the Quenes Coronacon for a pownde of candles and a basket iiijs vjd
It'm paid to Mr Waters for keepinge cleane of the Armoure xs
It'm pd to Tyse for keepinge of the Clocke vjs viijd
It'm pd for bromes for the Churche iijd
It'm pd for oyle for the Clocke iiijd
It'm pd for Washinge the Churche lynnen xvjd
It'm pd for pavinge of ij graves in the crosse pace of the Churche before the quire xvjd
It'm pd for iiij sackes of lyme viijd
It'm pd for a loade of Sande viijd
It'm pd to Ludforde for makinge faste the Pulpet in the midle of the Churche ijd
It'm pd for hollie, Ivie, rosemarie, and baies for the Churche xvjd
It'm pd to the Parrator when We gave vp or p'ntemt vjd
It'm pd for a quier of paper iiijd
It'm paid to the Clarke for his wages this q'tr xxs
It'm pd to the Sexton for his wages and kepinge the clocke this q'tr xjs viijd
It'm lente to Goodman Spice (fn. 33) wth the consent of the Mrs of the p'ishe iijli
It'm paid to John Hunte Notarie for engrosinge of this or twoo yeares accompte xiijs iiijd
It'm paid for a drinckinge when we gave vp or accompte to the Mrs of the p'ishe xijs
Som'e Paymtes this q'tr—vijli xs ixd.
Som'e paicmentes of this seconde yeare xxxijli xvs vd
So remayneth in or handes redie to be deliu'ed to the New churchwardens at the yelding vp of or accompte. xvli vijd (fn. 34)
Som'e Totall of the Receiptes for theis twoo yeares amowntethe to the Some of lxli viijs jd (fn. 35)
Som'e generall of all Paymtes for the same tyme xlvli vijs vjd
And so remayneth in or Handes redie to be Delyu'ed to the newe Churche Wardens at the yeldinge vp of this or Accompte the Som'e of xvli vijd (fn. 36)

had & examined me p'sente Christofore heyward (fn. 37)
signu' Rob't [mark] Penithorne
Thomas ffowler
John Colbrand
Wyll'm Downes
Wyll'm Jesper
signu' Joh'is [mark] Erpe
ffranco haeck
signu' Davy [mark] Powell
signu' Ric'i [mark] Darloe
signu' will' [mark] waters
harold byngam
signu' Nichi [mark] xp'ian


  • 1. 90 lb. at ¾d. a pound.
  • 2. Mr Anthonius Wise, Gent. (R.)
  • 3. fro' ye spitle (R.) near Hyde Park.
  • 4. Mris Courtney (R.)
  • 5. Nov. 10(R.)
  • 6. i.e. examined by the Vestry.
  • 7. Ellis (R.)
  • 8. This list lacks over 20 names which are in the Register.
  • 9. The original total has been corrected.
  • 10. To ask for a later date on which to make their presentments.
  • 11. i.e. aisle.
  • 12. Originally written £28. 7s. 3½d.
  • 13. cf. p. 366. This probably alludes to an imprest made by the parish at the request of the Crown to "set forth the soldiers"; this was to be repaid to the parish by an "assignment" of the Tenth collected totally.
  • 14. Widow of Sir John Cheeke who died in 1557.
  • 15. Tho. Johnson (R.)
  • 16. The fardingale was the Elizabethan crinoline.
  • 17. Sir Henry Knevet (or Knyvet) of Charlton; his son Thomas was a prominent parishioner in the 17th century. It was this Thomas (knighted in 1604) who searched for the conspirators on Nov. 4, 1605, and to whom Guy Fawkes made his confession (Nat. Dict. Biog.)
  • 18. qy. Lord Howard. Perhaps Lord Howard of Effingham (commander of all forces for repelling the Armada). The Earls of Surrey, Norfolk, and Northampton were also Howards.
  • 19. Entrails; her body being buried elsewhere (cf. Machyn's Diary, p. 97).
  • 20. Weekes (R.)
  • 21. qy. Alice Williams, peste (R.)
  • 22. The word "from" has been inserted above the line.
  • 23. Tho: Whithell (R.)
  • 24. Payment now made probably, vide Sept. 19th.
  • 25. Coleto (R.)
  • 26. vide Nov. 18.
  • 27. There are only 14 specified as plague-dead (two of these are not in the above list); this leaves a large excess over the average total of healthy years.
  • 28. A most elaborate definition of the materials and garments allowed to persons of every rank. Dated 16 Feb., 1576–7.
  • 29. Rushes.
  • 30. vide Essex House in London Past and Present.
  • 31. Regulations and fees.
  • 32. John Aylmer, S. T. P.; appointed Bishop of London in March, 1576–7.
  • 33. vide note I, p. 207.
  • 34. First written £17. 6. 3.
  • 35. Originally written lixli xiijs ixd.
  • 36. Originally written xiiijli vjs iijd.
  • 37. Appointed in August, 1577; vide pp. 396, 400.