Friar Eryk de Vedica, c.1477

Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Originally published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1922.

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'Friar Eryk de Vedica, c.1477', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London, ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Friar Eryk de Vedica, c.1477', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Edited by C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Friar Eryk de Vedica, c.1477". Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

V. Friar Eryk de Vedica. C. 1477.

This document from Early Chancery Proceedings 66/397 must, from the fact that the Chancellor was Bishop of Lincoln, be assigned to 1475–1480 (Thomas Rotherham), or 1483–1485 (John Russell). For the reasons stated on p. 72 above the former period is the more likely.

To the right reverent ffader in God the Bysshop of Lincoln, Chaunceler of Englande.

Shewen to youre gode and gracioux lordship youre pore and Contynuell Oratours, James Walle, Warden of the hows of the Grayfrerys of London, and Eryk de Vedica, ffrere Menour, and obediencer of the same James, whiche Eryk hath sufficiaunt and lawfull auctorite to occupie and exercise the Crafte of Phisik: That where but late one Alice, the wife of one William Stede of London, vynter, a woman of grete age and havyng a grete disease and sikenes of swellyng in her body and also soo grete a disease in her lymmes that a grete parte of the fflessh of her legges was rotyn awey, sent unto the saide Eryk besechyng hym that he wolde come to see her and take her into his cure: And howe be it that whan he had sene her and understode her grete age and jubertous sikenes and soo lying more likly for to die than for to leve, he durst not nor wolde not by his gode wille have medeled with her, yit at her piteous desire and grete instaunce of suche her ffrendes as were a abowte her at that tyme he toke upon hym to doo his parte for to ease her as for that disease that was in her body as far as he cowde by his Crafte of Phisik, and avised her to take unto her a surgeon as for that disease that she hadde in her lymmes. And whan he had wayted upon her dayly by the space of v wekes and more mynystryng unto her gode and holsom medycynes and had soo doon his parte unto her that she thowght her self wele amended in her body, she cowde hym grete thancke and gave hym xx s. for his labour: ffor the takyng of whiche money the said William entendyng of pure malice for to trouble youre saide suppliauntes hath commensed an accion of trespas ayenst them before one of the Shrevis of London, supposing by his declaracion that they shulde have wrongfully taken awey from hym xxiij s. iiij d. to his dammage of x marcs, ayens all right and gode conscience. And yit by as moche as they can not preve that the said William commaunded or licenced his saide wife for to geve the saide money to the saide Erik, the same Erik is withoute remedy at the comen lawe, whiche supposeth every receyvyng of the husbondes goodys or money by the handes of his wife withoute his licence or commaundement to be a wrongfull taking awey from hym of the same. Wherfor your saide suppliauntes mekely beseche your gode and gracious lordship tendrely to considre the premysses and therupon to graunte unto them a writ of Certiorari directed to the Shrives of London commaundyng them to brynge the saide accion and causes therof before the King into his Chauncery at a certeyn day by your saide gode and gracious lordship to be lymytted, there to be examyned, jugged and demed according to verray right and conscience, and they shall be youre bedemen for evermore and pray to God for the gode state and prosperous contynuaunce and encrece of your saide gode and gracious lordship.


Coram domino Rege in cancellaria sua in Octabis sancti Hillarii proxime futuri.