The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Originally published by Irish University Press, Shannon, Ireland, 1682.
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Simonds d'Ewes, 'Table to the Journal of the Commons', in The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth(Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].
Simonds d'Ewes, 'Table to the Journal of the Commons', in The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth(Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,
Simonds d'Ewes. "Table to the Journal of the Commons". The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. (Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.
An Alphabetical TABLE Directing to the principal matters contained in the JOURNAL OF THE House of COMMONS.
Absence of a Member from the House through sickness, or his being in service of Ambassage, &c. resolved to be no sufficient cause to remove him. p. 244. (unless the sickness in all likelihood be irrecoverable. p. 430) the like resolved, p. 307. but the contrary. p. 281, 282. especially if the absent Member desire that another may be chosen in his stead. p. 429. Members absent a whole Session, fixed by the House, the Knights 20l. the Burgesses, &c. 10l. a piece. p. 309. Any Member may be absent if he be licensed by Mr Speaker thereto. passim.
Additions may be made by the Commons to the Additions of the Lords, in any Bill. p. 354. vide Bill.
Adjournment of the House by the Queen, the manner of it. p. 345. In what Cases the Commons are not adjourned by the Adjournment of the Lords. p. 550, 551. 621, 622.
Adultery, a Bill against it rejected, and why p. 641
Ale-Houses, a Bill to suppress the multitude of them, dashed, and why. p. 676
Aliens, a Bill that they shall not sell Foreign Wares by Retail, with many Speeches pro and contra. p. 505------509
Alms given by the House at the end of one Session, how much. p. 135. vide Collection.
Alneager of Lancaster to seal the Cloaths made there, a Bill to that purpose. p. 91. Another that Alneagers seals shall be engraved by the Graver of the Mint. p. 134. but dashed. ibid.
Amendments in Bills ought to be writ in paper (not in parchment) and without any indorsement. p. 573, 574. vide Bill.
Answers in writing to objections sent in writing from the Lords, against any Bill that has passed the Commons, are read in the House after they have been drawn by the Committees. p. 583, &c. The Lord Keeper gives Answer to such Messages as are sent from the Commons, sitting in his place covered, and the Messengers standing without the Bar. p. 585
Apparel, vide the word in the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Unprofitable Armour, the being obliged to keep it, adjudged a great grievance. p. 552. The making of Armour is a Regality belonging to the Crown. p. 671
Arrests, vide Priviledge.
Art, a Bill that whosoever invented any profitable Art, or added thereto, should have a Monopoly of the same for his life, dashed. p. 678.
Articuli, how many, and what. p. 670
Barrowists, Vide Brownists.
Basset (Richard living in the time of Hen. II) what Families descended from his female coheirs. p. 39
Robert Bell Esq; chosen Speaker in the Parliament 14 Eliz. p. 205. continued Speaker in the Session 18 Eliz. but died before that in 23 Eliz. p. 277
Mr. Belgrave's Case, who being a Member of the House of Commons had an Information exhibited against him in the Star-Chamber by the Earl of Huntington. p. 666. 669. 672, 673, 677, 678. An Order entred as the Act of the House, that he ought not to be molested in that manner. p. 688
One Bill ought always to be read after the presentment and allowance of the Speaker, before the House arise. p. 44. 121. &c. though it has been sometimes omitted through mistake. p. 550. The manner of delivering a Bill from the Lords to the Commons. p. 45. from the Commons to the Lords. 585. The manner of passing a Bill in the House of Commons. p. 45. Bills seldom spoken to till after the second Reading. p. 165. &c. Two Bills (the one concerning Purveyors, the other the Court of Exchequer) having passed the Lower House, the Queen forbids any proceeding in them by the Lords, with an account of what the Commons did in that Case. p. 440. 442. 444. Yet afterwards she gives leave to proceed. p. 446. 448. 450. Two Bills for draining of Marish Grounds being almost finished, the Queen forbids their being read any more in the House. p. 594. No Bill to pass without being spoken to. p. 491. Why when a Bill is put to the question, and there is a division of the House, the No's sit in their places and the I's go out. p. 505. 573. If the I's exceed the No's, then the No's are to go out also, to fetch and bring in the Bill again, which the I's had carried out. p. 573, 574. This ceremony sometimes omitted. p. 574. 667. A Bill having past the Upper House, and being sent down to the Commons is there allowed and expedited with Additions and Amendments; when it is returned to the Lords, they must either pass it with those Additions, or reject it wholly. p. 513. How Amendments, Provisoes or Schedules added by the Lords unto Bills that have past the Commons, are to be writ, or ingrossed and subscribed respectively, see at large. p. 576. 577. When a Bill is objected against, a verbal Conference is first to be had, before the reasons of such objecting can be demanded to be delivered in to that House that had past the Bill. p. 578. Forty eight several Bills refused by the Queen, in the 39th year of her Reign, that had passed both Houses. p. 596. An Order that such as shall prefer and have benefit by any private Bill, shall pay somewhat toward the poor, and how much. p. 665. Any Member may propose those Bills to be read he judges most necessary as well as the Speaker. p. 677. Bills that come from the Lords are to be delivered to the Speaker in the House, and not out of it. p. 688
Boroughs growing poor, did formerly get licence from the Sovereign to be discharged from the election of Burgesses, because they used to bear their charges, but seldom so now. p. 80
Sir Henry Bromley, &c. sent to the Fleet, for desiring the Lords to join in a Petition to the Queen for entailing the Succession of the Crown. p. 470
Brownists how numerous in 35 Eliz. p. 517. A Bill against them and the Barrowists, as well as Popish Recusants. ibid.
Burgesses, a Bill for the validity of such as are not resiant, with long arguments thereupon. p. 168, 169, 170, 171. A Burgess that had given Money to be elected, turned out of the House, and the Corporation fined. p. 182. A Burgess elected for two several Boroughs, may chuse for which he will serve. p. 430. 622. & passim.
Calling the Names of the Parliament-men (at their first meeting in former times, different from the present, and the manner of both. p. 39. Since 5 Eliz. they take the Oath of Supremacy at that time, and since 7 Jac. the Oath of Allegiance. ibid. and p. 78. They take these Oaths but once in the same Parliament, though it consist of several Sessions. p. 122, 123
Canons are like By-laws to the Clergy, but not to the Laity. p. 640
Cardigan a Burgess Town since 1 Eliz. p. 628.
Whether the Return of the Indenture for chusing a Burgess ought to be for that Town only, or for it and Aberystwith. ibid.
Chirurgery, a Bill for the well ordering of such as practise it. p. 571
Church thought to need reformation in 13 Eliz. p. 157. A Bill for coming to Church and receiving the Communion, with some Arguments thereupon. p. 177. A Committee of the House of Commons and some of the Bishops join in a Petition to the Queen for redress of several enormities in the Church (23 Eliz.). p. 302, 303
Cinque-ports discharged from payment of Subsidies. p. 406
Clerk of the House his seat in Parliament. p. 43. He sometimes reads the Prayers. p. 47. Mr. Seymour Clerk in the Parliaments held I Eliz. p. 43. 5 Eliz. p. 84. 8 and 9 Eliz. p. 122. He took the Oath of Supremacy in that Parliament as the Members did. ibid. Mr. Fulk Onslow succeeded him in the Parliament 13 Eliz. p. 155. being indisposed, his place is supplied by a Deputy, who is first to take the Oath usually administred to the Members. p. 431. 623. The Clerk receives the Money for the Poor and Minister, of the Members that have leave to go into the Country sitting the Parliament. p. 565. 568. & passim. The Collection for him in 43 Eliz. amounted to twenty five pound. p. 688
A Collection made in the House for the present relief of maimed Souldiers (35 Eliz.) with an account of every ones rate. p. 503. 507. Hereupon a Bill is framed for a continual Contribution to their relief. p. 503. Collections for the Poor and other uses usually made each Session, and how much the Members are commonly rated. p. 661
Colledges, Corruptions in the Masters of them (39 Eliz.) p. 559
Commission to the Lord Keeper to will the House of Commons to chuse a Speaker. p. 120
Commit, the manner of Committing a Bill. p. 44. It uses to be Committed at the second Reading ibid. Commonly not Committed when sent from the Lords. p. 47. but sometimes is when of great moment. ibid. p. 89. 186. never committed till it be once read at least. p. 476
Committees how chosen. p. 44. Nothing to be delivered to the House as the Resolve of the Committee, but what the greater number of the Committees agree upon. p. 298. At least half the number of the Committees nominated in any Bill are to be present, or else no consultation to be had. p. 436. Eleven Bills committed to one and the same Committee at the same time. p. 561. He that speaks against the body of a Bill, cannot be chosen a committee therein. p. 629. 635. The Knights and Citizens of London dispensed with in a particular case, and why. p. 634, 635. A Committee may speak either sitting or standing. p. 630. He that has been a Committee in a Bill, may afterwards speak against the same Bill in the House. p. 635
Common Prayer, a Bill for the Reformation of the Book of Common Prayer (13 Eliz.) with divers Arguments thereon. p. 166
House of Commons formerly sate with the Lords. p. 515
Comptroller of the Household (by his place) usually is the first that speaks at the meeting of a Parliament, and makes the first motion in the House to chuse a Speaker. p. 621 & passim. The Comptroller either alone or with another places the Speaker Elect in the Chair. p. 79. 621, & c.
Communion, Vide Church.
Conference concerning a Bill to be desired only by that House which is possessed of the Bill. p. 261, 262, 263. How to be managed by those that are appointed to have it. p. 293. The Lords do always nominate time and place for Conference. passim. Verbal conference to be had before the reasons of objecting against any Bill be given in writing. p. 578. Each House is at liberty whether they will admit of a Conference. p. 352. No Conference to be admitted with the Lords about the number of Subsidies to be granted. p. 486. 488
Mr Edw. Cook chosen Speaker in the Parliament 35 Eliz. p. 469. His Speeches at his being presented to the Queen. p. 459. at the end of the Session. p. 465
Corn may be carried over Sea when it does not exceed such and such-prices. p. 56
John Crooke Esq; chosen Speaker in the Parliament 43 Eliz. p. 621. His Speech to the Queen at his presentation. p. 600, 601
Cross in Baptism desired to be taken away in the Parliament held 13 Eliz. p. 157
Members Departing without Licence, to forfeit their Wages. p. 309
Discipline in the Church, the Queen petition'd to reform it, (who promises it.) p. 257
Disloyal, Vide Subjects.
A Bill against Dispensations of Non-Residence granted by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, with several Arguments thereupon. p. 167
Dunkirk and Newport very much infest the English by robbery on their Coasts towards the latter end of Queen Elizabeths Reign. p. 665. A Committee appointed to consider of means to suppress them, and what means were thought fittest. p. 668
An Earls Son may be a Member of the House of Commons. p. 244
Ecclesiastical, Vide Religion.
A Member Elected and returned for two places, may chuse for which he will serve. p. 80. 122. & passim.
Elections, Resolved that the House of Commons are the only competent Judges, which are duly made, which not. p. 396, 397, 398. notwithstanding a message from the Queen, that the Lord Chancellor ought to examine and judge of Returns, and that it was a thing not belonging to the House of Commons. p. 393
Queen Elizabeth (Vide the word in the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords) Reasons why in Conscience she should have a care of her person (argued in 14 Eliz.) p. 211 212. Her excellent Government commemorated in a Speech by the Chancellour of the Exchequer. p. 244, 245, 246. the like. p. 285---288. Her most gracious Speech unto the House when they presented themselves before her in a full body to return her thanks for recalling sundry Letters Patents of Monopoly. p. 659, 660. She invites them all to colne to kiss her hand at the end of the Session. p. 660
Court of Exchequer, a Bill concerning pleadings and process there. p. 642
Fair, Vide Market.
A Fast Day appointed by the House without acquainting the Queen with it. p. 282, 283. She is highly offended at it, upon which the House make their Submission, and desire her pardon. p. 283, 284
Fees to be paid by each Member on several accounts. how much. p. 468
Felony, a Member indicted thereof, to continue a Member until convicted. p. 283
Mr Fitzherbert (an Outlaw, chosen a Member) his case. p. 479, 480, 481. several Speeches thereupon. p. 514, 515, 516. He is taken for a Member, and yet ought not to have priviledge, and why. p. 518
Forests, A Bill for the enlargement of the Authority of the justices thereof, sent from the Lords, dashed by the Commons, with a Conference thereupon at large. p. 255, 256, 257
Mr Fox (that writ the Book of Martyrs) his Son redeemed out of Prison by money collected in the Parliament. p. 661.
French Ambassador, it is thought dangerous to permit him Audience of the Queen her self, and why. p. 406
Sir Tho. Gargrave chosen Speaker 1 Eliz. Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Gavelkind injurious to great Families, and the policy of the Conquerours beginning that custom. p. 676. By that custom the Son shall not lose his Inheritance, though the Father be Executed for Felony. ibid. A Bill to take away the Custom, dashed. ibid.
Grammar Schools, a Bill to establish good Orders in them, rejected. p. 570
Guildford School, an Annuity setled upon it. p. 89
Arthur Hall (a Member of Parliament) committed to the Tower for six Months, cut off from being a Member, and fined five hundred Marks for publishing a Book derogatory to the Authority of the House, (with the Case at large) p. 295, 296, 297, 298. He bringeth a Writ against the Burrough of Grantham for his Wages for serving in several Parliaments as a Burgess thereof, but upon their Appeal to the House of Commons he remitteth the same. p. 407. 417, 418.
Hartlond-Port in Devon, a Bill for the finishing of it. p. 132
Harwich in Essex returned no Burgess before 43 Eliz. p. 628
Herrings, the inconvenience of transporting too great a number of them. p. 562.
Hexamshire, a Bill that it shall be of the County of Northumberland, and parcel of the Bishoprick of Durham. p. 134.
Hospitality, a Bill for the maintenance of it rejected upon the second reading. p. 591
A Bill that Impropriations should go to the relief of the poor, twice read but rejected. p. 561.
A Bill against Inclosures ingeniously spoken to by the Member that brought it in. p. 551
Bills to be Indorsed in their lower part. p. 342. under the Contents of the Act. p. 562, 563
Informers, a Bill for the better recovery of costs and damages against them. p. 445. 450
Bills not Ingrossed by the Commons when sent from the Lords. p. 47. 186. Vide the word Bill in the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Inhibition, Vide Priviledge.
Journals of Parliament, their use. p. 403
Ireland invaded by the Spaniard in 43 Eliz. under pretence of maintaining the Catholick Cause. p. 623, 624.
Jury, no Member to be put upon a Jury. p. 560
Justices of Peace wittily described and reflected upon, on occasion of a Bill against common swearing, wherein the penalty was to be inflicted by the. Justice. p. 661. Basket-Justices who. p. 664. The Exposition of the Justices upon the Statute of 39 Eliz. of Rogues, not thought fit to be enacted in 43 Eliz. and why. p. 670
A Bill that St Katherines Shall be a Parish Church. p. 87
A Bill that Kentish-street in Southwark shall be paved. p. 91. 133
Knights formerly had Mr instead of Sir prefixed to their names. p. 131.
Knights of the Shire, both according to the Writ and Statute, ought to be commorant within the County. p. 625
Laws adjudged too numerous. p. 473
Letany, Vide Prayers.
Liberty of the House thought to be infringed by the Queen. p. 175. Vide Speech. The Commons reckon'd it a breach of Liberty to have a Conference demanded by the Lords concerning a Bill under debate in the Lower House. p. 261, 262. Three particulars that are breaches of Liberty. p. 263
Licences for absence on special occasions granted by the Speaker. passim. A Bill against Licences for Marriage, &c. granted by the ArchBishop of Canterbury, with sundry Arguments thereupon. p. 167. No Member to depart without Licence upon pain of forfeiting his Wages, &c. p. 309
Limitation of Succession, the Queen Petition'd for it. p. 82. A Petition to the same purpose again debated, but not presented, p. 124, 127. for the Queen sent her Inhibition. p. 128. which yet she revokes. p. 130
London, at what rate the Citizens thereof were assessed in the Subsidies granted 31 Eliz. p. 496
Marish and Fenny grounds in Norfolk, &c. two Bills for the draining of them being just a passing, the Queen sends ot signifie her pleasure to be, that those two Bills shall not be any further proceeded in. p. 594
Market-Day, a Bill in 43 Eliz. that they shall not be on a Sunday. p. 668
The Queen Petition'd to Marry (1 Eliz.) p. 45. Her Answer. p. 46. Petition'd a second time (5 Eliz.) p. 81. Her Answer. p. 75. A Petition to the same purpose debated a third time, but not presented. p. 124. 127. Petition'd a fourth time (18 Eliz.). p. 265
Marriage-Licences, great abuses thereof complain'd of in 39 & 40 Eliz. p. 555
Mary Queen of Scots Voted to be proceeded against in the highest degree of Treason, with several reasons of that Vote, (in 14 Eliz.) p. 207, 208, 209, 210. A Petition to the Queen to proceed Criminally against her. p. 215. Several Reasons to urge the granting of that Petition. p. 216, 217, 218. An Act passed against her. p. 224. The Queen not satisfied with her Tryal and Attainder, Assembled a Parliament (28 & 29 Eliz.) on purpose to commit to them the Examination of those proceedings against her. p. 375. and 393. Both Houses consent that the Sentence pronounced against her was just. p. 379. And they Petition the Queen, that the Sentence may be Executed. p. 380, 381, 382. Mr Speaker at the presenting the Petition gives sundry reasons why Execution of the Sentence should be done. p. 400, 401. The Queens Answer to the Petition. p. 402. Religion, the Queens Person, and Peace of the Realm not to be secured without such Execution. p. 403, 404, 405, 406. She is Executed 8 Feb. 29 Eliz. p. 382
Measures, Vide Weights.
Melcomb Regis, a Bill for the Fortification of it. p. 45. It is incorporated into one Burrough with Weymouth by the Queens Letters Patents, but so, that they chuse four Burgesses. p. 554
Ministry, several abuses therein (comprized in sixteen heads) proposed by the Commons to the Lords to have reformed (27 Eliz.) with the Lords Answer. p. 357---360
Money, a Bill against the transportation of it out of the Realm, spoken unto. p. 643. Germany and France held the Standard therein as well as we, but not so the Dutch. ibid. Several Statutes that no strangers should bring Commodities into this Realm, but he should bring so much money. ibid.
Monopolies reckoned to be grievous to the subject in 39, 40 Eliz. p. 554. What a Monopoly is. p. 644. Several kinds thereof. ibid. and p. 645. 649. They are generally grievous to the generality of the subjects. ibid. and p. 646. A precedent wherein Letters Patents of Monopoly were cancelled in Parliament, &c. p. 645. How numerous in 43 Eliz. p. 648. 650. A witty Speech of Secretary Cecil's intimating the Queens resolution to revoke most of them, and suspend the rest. p. 652, 653. How the House resented this resolution. p. 654. The Queen will not accept of thanks from the House till she have put her resolution in practice. ibid. Upon their giving thanks she makes a most gracious and kind Speech unto them. p. 658, 659. A Conference between the two Houses about the Bill touching Letters Patents of Monopoly. p. 679
Names, Vide Calling.
Naturalization, Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Henry Nevil an Accomplice with the Traytor Doctor Parry, the particulars of their Treason. p. 356
Newpott, Vide Dunkirk.
Newtown in the County of Southampton returned no Burgesses till 43 Eliz. p. 626.
Norfolk, a remarkable case as to Election of Knights for that County. p. 396, 397
Duke of Norfolk, a general Resolution of the House that he ought to be Executed (14 Eliz.) p. 207. But they did not think fit to Petition the Queen to that purpose. p. 220
Oath, Vide Supremacy and Calling.
An Officer, according to the Common Law, shall forfeit his Office for Non-attendance. p. 640
Ognel's Case. p. 487
Onslow (Richard) being the Queens Solicitor General chosen Speaker in the Parl. 8 & 9 Eliz. p. 121
Onslow (Fulk) made Clerk of the Parliament in 13 Eliz. p. 155. Being sick of an Ague, he Petitions the House to permit his Servant to execute the place as his Deputy, which is granted. p. 623
Iron Ordnance, a Bill against the transportation of them in 43 Eliz. well spoken to. p. 670. They were of four sorts. ibid. How injurious such transportation is to the Common-wealth. p. 671. They come within the Statute of 2 E. 6. against transporting Gun-metal, though Guns were not then made of Iron. ibid. and p. 672. The House resolve to proceed (in order to hinder such transportation) both by Petition to the Queen, and by Bill. p. 677. The Bill past the Commons. p. 686. but not the Lords. p. 688. Whereupon a Motion is made that Mr Speaker will at the end of the Session mention the grievance to the Queen; the Speaker promises he will, but sayes not one word of it. p. ult.
Ostend, how much it concerns England, in whose hand it is. p. 623
An Outlawed Member Voted to enjoy the priviledge of the House. p. 48. Another continued in the House. p. 294. Whether a person Outlawed upon Judgment can be elected or stand for a Member, several Speeches pro and contra. p. 479, 480, 481, 482. The same Question further debated. p. 514, 515, 516. He is reputed a Member, and yet not allowed priviledge, and why. p. 518
Painters and Stainers two Companies in the time of E. 3. but made one in E. 4. p. 681
Pardon, Bills of general Pardon granted by the Prince pass commonly upon the first reading p. 595
Parliament the Common Council of the Realm. p. 432. The highest Court. p. 434. Both Houses of Parliament at first sate together, and how they came to separate. p. 515. 655. They are not properly distinct or divided Houses. ibid. The Counsels and Debates of Parliament ought not to be divulged. p. 653
Doctor Parry, a Member of the House, committed to the Serjeant at Arms for contempt, because he gave his negative voice against a Bill directly, and would not show his Reasons to the House, though he pretended to have reasons for it. p. 341. He is received again into the House at the Queens Motion and upon his own Submission p. 342. but is afterwards committed to the Tower for High-Treason, whereupon he is disabled from being a Member of the House. p. 352. A Motion in the House for a Law to be made for his Execution after his Conviction, proportion'd to his extraordinary Treason. p. 355. The particulars of the Charge against him. p. 356
Passing a Bill, Vide Bill.
Patents of priviledge reputed a grievance, 39, 40 Eliz. p. 554. Letters Patents, Vide Monopoly.
Penal Statutes reckon'd too numerous, in 39 Eliz. p. 553 They ought not to be perpetual, but to alter as times alter. p. 622
A Bill to prevent Perjury (spoken to) p. 641
A Bill that Plaintiffs shall pay the Defendants their Costs by lying in Prison for want of Bail, if the Action pass against the Plaintiff. p. 585. not passed, but reserved till another Parliament. p. 590
Plasterers how called anciently. p. 680. They were first incorporated in 16 H. 7. by the King, who granted them his Letter to the then Lord Mayor to make them Freemen. ibid. They ought not to work in Oyl-Colours. ibid. and p. 681. but may use six kind of Colours with Size. ibid
Pleddals Case. p. 89. 91
Plumsted-Marsh, a Bill for the Inning of it. p. 87. 134, &c.
A Bill against Pluralities of Benefices, with many Speeches pro and contra. p. 639, 640
Policies of Assurance amongst Merchants, a Bill touching them, with a Speech thereupon. p. 669
John Popham Esq; the Queens Solicitor General chosen Speaker 23 Eliz p. 281
Poor to be relieved out of Impropriations and other church Livings, a Bill for that purpose but rejected. p. 561
Popery the principal root of all the Conspiracies against the Queen. p. 394, 395
Popish, Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Prayers read by the Clerk of the House. p. 47. He that shall come after them (viz. after eight in the Morning) to pay four pence to the poor mans Box. p. 83. The form of a Prayer to be used in the House (in the Parl. 39 & 40 Eliz.) p. 551
Precedents bind not always. p. 494
Prerogative of the Sovereign, how unlimited. p. 644, 645
Priviledges of the House of Commons. p. 42, 43. 66. Priviledge from Arrests, &c. granted to the Servants of Members. p. 83. 85. 629. If actually Arrested, to be set at large by Writ, and upon the Oath of the Member, that he was his Servant when the Arrest was made. p. 249. If a Servant procure himself to be Arrested, tis construed contempt of the House p. 254. One committed to the Tower for such a contempt. p. 258. If one fraudulently procure himself to be received for a servant only in Parliament time to escape Arrests, he shall not have priviledge. p. 373. Whether the beating of a Members servant be a breach of priviledge. p. 656. Two committed for five days to the Serjeants Ward for such an offence. p. 658. Their servants are priviledged from Executions. p. 685, 686. Though the priviledges of the House be not Petition'd for by the Speaker at his Confirmation, yet enjoy'd by the Members. p. 121, 122. A Member being Prisoner for debt, has his enlargement during the Session. p. 123. Whether the Queens Inhibition to dispute of a certain matter, be against the priviledge of the House. p. 128. She revoketh two such Inhibitions. p. 130. No Member can be removed but by judgment of the House p. 283. A Member cannot be served with a Subpæna. p. 347. 655, 656. A person committed to the Serjeant at Arms for serving a Subpæna on a Member, p. 348, &c. If a Member being served with a Subpæna, shall put in his Answer to the Bill, he prejudices himself in his priviledge. p. 434, 435. If a Writ of Nist prius be brought against a Member to be tryed at the Assizes in the Country, the House may direct a Warrant to the Lord Chancellor to award a Supersedeas. p. 436. A Plaintiff and Serjeant both committed to the Tower for Arresting a Member upon an Execution. p. 518, 519. Edward 3. being Petition'd to permit Parliament mens Bodies or Goods to be distrained, would not permit it. p. 655. A Member has not only priviledge from Arrests during the sitting of the Parliament, but for a reasonable time before, and how much is a reasonable time. p. 414. He cannot be put upon a Jury, during the Session of Parliament. p. 560. cannot be disturbed by way of an Appearance. p. 593. The priviledges of the Lords and Commons the same, and why. p. 655. One fined twenty thousand Marks for serving a Citation upon a Lord. ibid.
A Proviso added by the Lords to a Bill that has past the Commons, must be ingrossed in Parchment, &c. p. 576
Serjeant Puckering chosen Speaker in the Parliament 27 Eliz. p. 333. Again in the Parliament 28 & 29 Eliz. p. 392. Afterwards made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. p. 456
Purveyors, Vide Bill.
A Question having once received a No, cannot be again propounded. p. 488. After the Question is put, none ought to Speak to the matter in debate. p. 675, 676
Sir Walter Raleigh, a Bill for confirmation of Letters Patents to him for the discovery of foreign Countries. p. 339. 341
Reading, Bills sometimes have a fourth reading. p. 89, 90. An Order, that after the reading of the first Bill none depart before the rising of Mr Speaker without his Licence, under penalty of paying to the poor mans box four pence. p. 128. A Bill of Recognition for the Queens title to the Crown (1 Eliz.) p. 47
Record, if the House be desirous to see any Record, the Speaker sends a Warrant to the Lord Keeper to grant forth a Certiorari to have it. p. 673
Recorder of London formerly ranked before the Solicitor General, but not now. p. 338. chosen Speaker in the Parliament 43 Eliz. p. 621
A Bill against Recusants in 35 Eliz. With several Speeches thereupon p. 476, 477. The first Bill being laid aside, a new Bill is framed, and both of them recited. p. 498. Several Speeches unto the new Bill. p. 500. 517
Reformation of Religion desired in 13 Eliz. and seven Bills framed for that purpose, but all were dashed by the Queen, under pretence of its not belonging to the Parliament, but to her own Prerogative. p. 184, 185. A command from the Queen (in 14 Eliz.) that no Bill touching Religion shall be received into the House, unless first considered of and liked by the Clergy. p. 213. The Queen commands the Bishops to reform abuses therein, or else threatens to depose them. p. 328. Sixteen Heads proposed by the Commons to the Lords for Reformation of Religion. p. 357, 358. Two Bills exhibited to the Parliament 35 Eliz. for reformation of the abuses in Ecclesiastical Courts, but the Queen will not suffer them to proceed with them. p. 474. 478. She gives them leave and encouragement in the Parliament of the 39th of her Reign, to reform sundry gross abuses in the Ecclesiastical Government. p. 557, 558
Reports of matters between private persons to be made by the Committees in the presence of both the parties and their Councel. p. 213
Restitution in Bloud, Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Retail, a Bill that Aliens shall not retail Foreign Wares, with sundry Speeches pro and contra. p. 505, 506, 507, 508, 509
Returns true or false not to be judg'd of by the Lord Chancellor, but by the House of commons only. p. 396, 397, 398. A Member duly elected and not returned, what done in that case. p. 438. 441. If the Name be mistaken in the Return, the Lord chancellor will not correct it, but make out a new Writ. p. 490. 495
Russia Merchants, a Bill for their Incorporation (8 & 9 Eliz.) p. 133
Sabbath, a Bill for the more diligent resort to Church thereon, with several Speeches upon it. p. 663. A notable Speech, why no new penal Law should be made on that account. p. 682. By annexing a Proviso to the Bill it came to be dashed. p. 683
Salt, a Patent of Monopoly being granted for it, how much the price was enhanced. p. 645. 647
A Bill to take away Sanctuary from persons indebted. p. 121. Westminster Sanctuary not excepted. p. 126. the Bill dashed. p. 132
A Schedule added by the Lords to a Bill that has past the Commons, must be ingrossed in Parchment, &c. p. 576
Secrecy convenient as to matters debated in Parliament. p. 432
Serjeant, Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Serjeant at Arms, one committed to him for a slighting joque against the House. p. 54. He took the Oath of Supremacy in the Parliament held 8 & 9 Eliz. as the Members did. p. 122. Mr Arthur Hall (a Member of the House) committed to him for setting forth a Book derogatory to the authority of Parliaments, &c. p. 291. Dr Parry (a Member of the House) committed to his custody and why. p. 341. A currier committed to his Custody for saying, The Curriers could not have justice in the House, &c. p. 366. Several persons committed to him for presuming to come into the House not being Members. p. 394. 486. 565. & passim. A Motion that the Members should pay him his Fees before they come into the House. p. 550. One committed to his Ward for disturbing a Member by way of an Appearance. p. 593. If he be to go into the Country to fetch any accused for breach of priviledge, he may desire part of his expences of the Complainant before he begin his Journey. p. 655. Vide the word Gentleman-Usher in the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Servants of Parliament men, Vide Priviledge.
Mr Seymore Clerk of the Parliament from 1 to 9 Eliz. p. 43. 122
Sheriffs when and where they may be chosen for Knights of the Shire, and when and where not. p. 38. 625. One Man formerly Sheriff of several Counties. p. 39. A Bill that they should be allowed for the Justices Diets. p. 51. 79. The Queen stops the Bill, saying that she will her self take order therein. p. 71. 88. A Bill for several Sheriffs in several Counties. p. 129. 150. A Bill that Sheriffs, Undersheriffs and Bailiffs of Liberties shall take Oaths, dashed. p. 135. A Member of a Parliament may be made a Sheriff. p. 336. 355. 665. and on the contrary a Sheriff may be chosen a Knight of the Shire, but not for the County of which he is Sheriff. p. 436. 624, 625
Shop-Books, a Bill to prevent the double payment of debts upon them, well spoken to. p. 666, 667
Sidney Colledge in Cambridge upon what occasion founded. p. 503
Simony, a Bill for prevention of it in presentations to Benefices (with a speech thereupon) p. 165
Sirname altered by an Act of Parliament. p. 687
George Snagg Serjeant at Law chosen Speaker 31 Eliz. p. 428
Solicitor General chosen Speaker 8 and 9 Eliz. p. 121. again, 35 Eliz. p. 469. He is to attend in the Upper House, though he be chosen a Member of the House of Commons, if he be call'd thereto by her Majesties Writ before he was elected a Member. p. 441, 442
Common Solicitors, a Bill against them in 43 Eliz. well spoken to by him that brought it in. p. 631
Maimed Souldiers, the Money collected in the Parliament 43 Eliz. chiesly bestowed upon them. p. 665. 687. Husbandmen make the best Footsouldiers. p. 674
Spain reputed the Author of all the Treasons and Rebellions in Queen Elizabeths time. p. 454. Both Houses join in a Petition to the Queen that she will proclaim War against Spain. ibid. Several speeches in the Parliament 35 Eliz. containing an history of the methods the King of Spain used for the Conquest of England. p. 471, 472, 473. 484. He invades Ireland with 4000. in 43 Eliz. p. 623. His pretence is to defend the Catholick Cause. p. 624
Speak, if two or three offer to speak together, that party that is going to speak against the last Speaker, is to be heard first. p. 493. None to be interrupted while he is speaking. p. 633. 640
Speaker of the House of Commons his antiquity. p. 40. After he is nominated, he uses to uncover himself. p. 549. He is commonly nominated by the Comptroller of the Household. p. 621. & passim. After Election he is placed in the Chair either by Mr Comptroller alone, or by him with another. p. 79. 621, &c. Two Questions concerning the Election of a Speaker proposed and answered. p. 41. How he is presented to the Sovereign. ibid. Their excusing or disabling of themselves meerly formal or complementive, being sometimes done, sometimes not. ibid. & p. 42. Their Petitions of course to the King or Queen, after confirmation. p. 16. 42, 43. 98, &c.He makes his Speech now according to his own pleasure, but formerly by the directions of the House. p. 42. The story of Thorp Speaker in an 31 H. 6. p. 56. 516. He is not always present at Prorogations. p. 119. When the Speaker dies in the interval of a Prorogation, what method taken to chuse a new one. p. 267, 268. 278, 279, 280. The Speaker is to be presented and allowed, before the House can determine or resolve on any thing. p. 282. He may speak to a Bill with the leave of the House. p. 515. He is of that dignity that he is to be commanded by none nor to attend any but the Sovereign. p. 627. When any new Election is to be made, sitting the Parliament, he is to direct a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown, to issue out the Writ. ibid. & p. 628. A great contest whether such Warrant be to be directed to the said Clerk, or to the Lord Keeper, but carried for the former. p. 636, 637, 638, 639. Bills are commonly perused by the Speaker, before thy are received into the House. p. 637. He hath no voice in the passing of a Bill. p. 683, 684
Liberty of Speech of absolute necessity in Parliaments. p. 236, 237, 238, 239, 240. 259
Star-Chamber, a Bill for the better expedition of Justice in it, with a notable Speech against the Bill. p. 504. A Bill exhibited therein by a Peer against a Member of the House of Commons, Vide Belgrave ante.
Bill to make Steel in England 8 & 9 Eliz. p. 132
Steward of the Household administers the Oath of Supremacy to the Members. p. 122. Who is his Deputy of course. ibid. He may appoint several Deputies, p. 155. 205, &c. The Heirs of the Lord Stourton restored in blood, with a notable Conference about the Bill betwixt the two Houses, wherein the liberties of the House of Commons are asserted. p. 263
Disloyal Subjects, a Bill to reduce them to their due obedience (35 Eliz.) p. 498. Several Speeches upon it. p. 500. 517
Subpæna not to be served on a Member. p. 347, 348. 553. 637. What punishment was inflicted on one for serving such Subpæna. p. 373. Two Members sent to the Lord Keeper to have the Subpæna revoked. p. 553, 554
Subsidy, the Queen remitteth the third payment of one. p. 131. Bill of Subsidy when it bath passed both Houses, is to remain in the House of Commons till the end of the Session, and then to be presented by the Speaker to the Sovereign. p. 309. Subsidies use to be first offered by the Commons. p. 483. Thought to be against the priviledge of the House for the Lords to join with them therein, or to prescribe to them how much to give. ibid. & 485, 486. 488. The danger of encreasing the number of Subsidies. p. 494. Three Subsidies not given at one time till 35 Eliz. and then with caution, that it should not be made a Precedent. p. 569. Yet there were the same number given. 39, 40 Eliz. and four in 43 Eliz. ib. & 668. Poor men commonly higher taxed in the raising of Subsidies than the rich, and how it comes about. p. 633. Few justices rated at above eight or ten pound Lands, whereas according to the Statute they ought to be at twenty. ibid. Subsidies are of free gift, and cannot be exacted by the Sovereign. ibid.
Succession, Vide Limitation. Two or three Members committed to Prison by the Queen for desiring the Lords to join with the House of Commons in a Petition to the Queen to entail the Succession of the Crown. p. 470. Upon a Motion in the House for Petitioning the Queen for their enlargement, the Courtiers are against it. p. 497
Sunday, Vide Sabbath.
Supersedeas to be awarded by the Lord Chancellor to stop proceedings in a Nisi prius against a Member. p. 436
Supremacy, a Bill for restoring it to the Crown (1 Eliz.) sent from the Lords, dashed by the Commons. p. 47. The Oath of Supremacy made I Eliz. begun to be taken by the Members of Parl. 5 Eliz. p. 39. 78
A Member suspended by the Council from sitting in the House for bringing in a Bill to reform Ceremonies. p. 168. But the suspension soon taken off. p. 176
Common Swearing, a Bill against it, with a very ingenious Speech thereupon. p. 660, 661
Three Tenures in England. p. 492
Thorp, Vide Speaker.
Changing of Tillage into pasture prejudicial to the Common-wealth. p. 551. Several Speeches on occasion of repealing a Statute for the increase of Tillage. p. 674
Tin-Mines in Cornwall belonged to the Dukes of Cornwall (so long as there were any) by special Patent. p. 646
Tonnage and Poundage, a Bill for them I Eliz. p. 45
A Bill to make certain offences Treason, (13 Eliz.) with several Arguments thereupon. p. 162, 163, 164, 165
A Bill against Vagrants, with some Speeches thereupon. p. 165
Voices in Parliament ought to be free, without any manner of compulsion. p. 683, 684
A Bill against Usury, with sundry arguments and Speeches thereon. p. 171. ad p. 174
War, Vide Spain.
A Bill that Wednesday shall be a Fishday. p. 87. Its benefit to the Navy and Mariners, and in what places to be observed. p. 372
A Bill against false Weights and Measures ingeniously spoken to by him that brought it in. p. 626, 627. Another to the same purpose. p. 662
Welch tongue, a Bill to translate the Bible and Service-Book into it. p. 72 89
Lord Wentworth Arraigned for the loss of Calis. p. 54
Peter Wentworth Esq; his notable Speech for the Liberty of the House. p. 236. ad p. 241. A Committee appointed to examine him upon it. p. 241. He is sent to the Tower for speaking undutifully of her Majesty in it. p. 244. Upon her Majesties pardoning him, he is received into the House again after above a months imprisonment. p. 259, 260. He is sent to the Tower again by the Queens Order, in the Parliament 35 Eliz. for desiring the Lords to join with the Lower House in a Petition to the Queen for entailing the Succession of the Crown. p. 470
Westminster, Vide Sanctuary.
Weymouth and Melcomb Regis incorporated by the Queens Letters Patents into one Borough, but so, that they still chuse four Burgesses. p. 554.
Whispering not permitted in the House. p. 487
Whitby-haven, a Bill for the re-edifying of it (in 39 Eliz.) rejected. p. 567
Williams (Thomas) chosen Speaker 5 Eliz. p. 79. Vide the Table to the Journal of the House of Lords.
Winchester, a Bill for the assurance of certain Lands late parcel of that Bishoprick to divers Patentees of Edw. 6. with that Bishops opposition to it. p. 50, 51. passed. p. 52
Wray (Christopher) chosen Speaker 13 Eliz. p. 156
Writ of Summons to the Sheriffs for chusing Parliament men. p. 37. Some alteration in the present from those of former times. p. 38, 39
Yarmouth, a Bill for repealing part of its Charter, dashed. p. 562
Serjeant Yelverton chosen Speaker in the Parliament 39 & 40 Eliz. p. 549, 550. His more than usual disabling of himself. p. 549. His Speech to the Queen at the end of the Session. p. 546, 547
York, a Bill for the office of its Town-Clerk. p. 131.