25th March 1624

Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Originally published by British History Online, , 2015-18.

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'25th March 1624', in Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons, ed. Philip Baker ( 2015-18), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-25 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'25th March 1624', in Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Edited by Philip Baker ( 2015-18), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-25.

"25th March 1624". Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Ed. Philip Baker (2015-18), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-25.

Long title
25th March 1624

In this section



[CJ 749; f. 92]

Jovis, 25 Martii

L. 1. An act for prostrating of weirs upon the river of Wye.

This day fortnight for [Sir James] Ward's bill, former place. Northampton, Stafford, knights and burgesses added to the committee.

Knights, burgesses, Northampton added to [Thomas] Cope's bill. And the Bishop [of] Coventry to have notice of it.

Monday sevennight for Amwell river.

The bill to make [the] Thames navigable to Oxford to be Monday sevennight, same place.

L. 2. An act for the preservation of salmon, trout and peals.

Committed to:

Chancellor Duchy

Serjeant [Sir Robert] Hitcham

Sir Robert Jackson

Sir John Stradling

Mr. [Nathaniel] Tomkins

Mr. [William] Coryton

Sir Edward Wardour

Mr. [John] Glanville

Sir Arthur Ingram

Knights, burgesses, Wales, Gloucester, Cheshire

Mr. [Francis] Fetherston[haugh]

Sir John Savile

All that will come to have voice. Friday fortnight, 2 [o']clock, Court of Wards.

[f. 92v] L. 1. An act for free trade into all countries.

L. 2. An act that the County Palatine of Durham may send knights, citizens and burgesses to Parliament.

Committed to:

Sir John Savile Sir Thomas Wentworth
Sir Henry Vane Sir Thomas Belasyse
Mr. Solicitor Knights, burgesses, Yorkshire, Northumberland
Sir Francis Seymour Mr. [Edward] Liveley
Mr. [William] Ravenscroft Sir Anthony Forest
Mr. [Christopher] Pepper Mr. [Francis] Fetherston[haugh]
Mr. [Christopher] Wandesford Knights, burgesses, Devon [CJ 750] and Cornwall
Mr. [William] Boswell Serjeant [Sir Robert] Hitcham
Mr. [Francis] Lucy Sir Henry Mildmay
Mr. [Edward] Kirton
Sir Clement Throckmorton
Mr. [John] Lowther
Sir John Danvers

Tuesday sevennight, Star Chamber, 2 o'clock.

L. 3. An act for confirmation of a decree in Chancery between the lord and tenants/

Upon question, passed for a law.

[f. 93] A message from the Lords by Serjeant [Sir Ranulphe] Crewe and Attorney [General]. The Lords desire that the committee of both Houses may instantly meet to agree upon the report to be made of the King's answer in the Painted Chamber.

Answer: this House will give a present meeting, as is desired.

The committees sent away. Sir Edwin Sandys, Mr. Solicitor, to make report.

SIR JOHN SAVILE prefers a bill for the cutlers of/

L. 1. An act [blank]. Shears.

L. 1. An act concerning petty larceny and the manner of the punishment of offenders therein.

MR. SOLICITOR reports from the Lords. Will first relate what passed Sunday last. Lord Keeper, in the name of both Houses, declared to the King to this effect: that Lords and we, being informed that the Duke of Buckingham had let fall some words/

A 3-fold representation:

  • 1. Concerning that great King. With one consent, resolved by both Houses to clear him from letting fall any words derogatory to that King.
  • 2. Concerning that eminent Lord/
  • 3. Concerning ourselves. Did much honour the Duke for that narration.

[f. 93v] The King returned a gracious answer, which was read, having been viewed and approved by the King. [The] Duke desired him to say [blank] that he is much comforted to go on with his faithful endeavours to the public. Returns hearty thanks to every member of the House. Will never fail to employ his advantage of favour to do good offices between the King and his people.

Second part. When committee of both Houses attended the King on Tuesday, the [Arch]bishop of Canterbury did it and presented the remonstrance to him in writing. When that was read, the King returned a full and, as he hopes, a satisfactory answer. This has been presented to the King. In reading of it, said the best speech taken of any before. Lord President told him the best received of any before.

Read in the House.

At last conference, added somewhat.

SIR EDWIN SANDYS. Some small gleanings committed to his care. Yesterday, [the] Duke delivered somewhat, by way of addition, by command from the King. Was determined, with all expedition, to send into Spain and to give notice to him that at the petition and advice of his subjects in Parliament, he was resolved to break off both the treaties and declare so much here to the ambassadors. King had observed a good moderation in sparing the poorer sort but withal, considering the charge of the business, there would be a recompense made in the subsidy act. Somewhat of himself had observed so much alacrity in the House. [The] Duke told [the] King that he doubted not but this House would in due time consider his particular estate and give him satisfaction. Lord Canterbury signified that the Duke had made a proposition above upon this occasion.

[f. 94] The King mentioned for civility; to ourselves much, more to ambassadors. His Majesty, being moved that there might be some expressions of joy upon his declaration by bells and bonfires, said he did not think it fit. Triumphus ante victoriam. Yet this hindered not but fires in the Strand. The ambassadors came to their windows to see. There, by uncivil people, indignity offered them. Firebrands and staves cast at them. This counted an act of great incivility. Desires to have this House take it into consideration, to have search made for the delinquents and satisfaction to be made to the ambassadors by the justices of peace.

[The] Duke said [the] King had now declared that the treaties were now dissolved. The King considered somewhat more yet to be done to make it more public. To have some chosen out of both Houses (2 out of each House) to join with the two Secretaries to view the whole proceedings of this business, to make a declaration. Lords had chosen 2 above.

[The] Duke added, having employed/

Beseeched him upon his knees to make his declaration. Told him he had done it to his people and would do it to the King of Spain.

The Lords received the King's pleasure for the recess. Purposed to adjourn until this day sevennight, and desire to understand of the resolution of this House.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. The work of the present time to consider what now fit to be done. 4 considerations:

  • 1. His Majesty's speech, which now will not cause any debate because reasonable clear in itself and more by the addition.
  • 2. The matter of indignity offered the ambassadors of Spain. In that proposition that by the direction of this House, some justices of peace might find out the persons and punish them. [f. 94v] Their state wants not examples of the like case. Dislikes not that some justices of peace [blank]. Enough for us to distaste the proceeding.
  • 3. The matter of declaration. Although he has declared to both Houses, and intends to do so to Spain, yet most needful for the King himself that there should be a public manifestation of it to the princes of Christendom. Excellently disposed of by his Majesty. Will pass through the world, and meet with variety of judgements and censures. Concurs with the proposition to have 2 gentlemen of ability to join with the Lords.
  • 4. Recess. Dissents from it. Though the time short, may be assented to; if longer, men will borrow more time. Secondly, the limitation to be used. To have an order that no bill or business shall be debated until Tuesday or Wednesday following.

SIR EDWARD COKE. 2 worthy members of this House, Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir Isaac Wake, fit to be joined to the Lords.

For the indignity offered the Spanish ambassador, who is pro-rex, examine also whether any native was on their part to make them do as they did.

MR. [JOHN] MAYNARD. Walked up and down from 8 to 10 [o']clock and saw no disorder. Thinks it a fiction.


Agreed, to let this matter rest.

[f. 95] MR. SECRETARY CALVERT. Chancellor Exchequer named. He as fit as can be because he specially employed in this service touching the Palatinate.


Agreed, that Mr. Chancellor Exchequer and Sir Edwin Sandys shall be joined unto the 2 Secretaries of our House and the 2 Lords.

Mr. Solicitor to deliver in to the Clerk the King's speeches.

All committees to cease this interim but only the committees of this afternoon and the committee for the continuance of statutes.

Sir John Walter

Serjeant [Sir Robert] Hitcham

Mr. Recorder

Attorney Wards

Mr. Solicitor Mr. [William] Noye
Mr. [Christopher] Brooke
Mr. [John] Bankes
Mr. [Nicholas] Duck
Mr. [John] Glanville
Sir Thomas Trevor
Mr. [John] Selden
Mr. [Henry] Rolle
Mr. [Thomas] Denne
Sir Peter Mutton

Mr. [John] Lowther are required by the House to attend this committee, and are to meet on Saturday, 8 [o']clock, Temple Hall.

2 bills of elections delivered to Mr. [John] Glanville.

This House adjourns itself until this day sevennight, 8 [o']clock.

[House adjourned]


[p. 231]

Jovis, 25 Martii 1624

Le bill pur river de Oxford; order, Mondaye come fortnighte.

2. L. Bill pur preservacon del breede de salmon et trouts.

Sur question, committe, touts d'avoir voices, Friday fortnighte in the [Court of] Wards.

1. L. Bill pur free trade.

2. L. Bill pur bishoprike de Durham de miser chivaliers, citizens et burgesses al Parliamente.

Sur question, committe.

3. L. Bill pur assurance de terres en comites Gloucester et pur confirmacion de decree in cancellarie.

Sur question, passe; vient engrosse del seignours.

Message del seignours par Sergeant [Sir Ranulphe] Crewe et l'attornie generall. Present conference del committee pur fittinge response le Roye.

1. L. Bill pur regulatinge del fesant de knives, etc., in Hexham in Yorkshire.

1. L. Bill pur punishment l'offender par petie larcenies.

MR. SOLICITOR reporte Sondayes passages.


[f. 113]

Thursday, 25th of March 1624

Sir Edwin Sandys, being joined with the Solicitor to report the King's speech and the SOLICITOR having done his part, SIR EDWIN SANDYS began. And it please you, Mr. Speaker, you have had by this gentleman a large harvest of a faithful report; now some small gleanings are left to my charge. The King did not think it fit by bells and bonfires to triumph[us] ante victoriam. The King complained that the people had cast firebrands and stones to the ambassadors' windows of Spain. The King desired two of either House to join with the two Secretaries to review all the proceedings of these treaties with Spain and make a manifest concerning the breach of them, which should lie by him. The two Lords were Southampton and Pembroke.

Of our House were chosen Sir Richard Weston, Chancellor of [Ex]chequer, and Sir Edwin Sandys.

[f. 113v] SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. In this report there are 4 things considerable:

  • 1. His Majesty's speech, which will require no debate, being reasonably clear of itself and since much cleared by Buckingham.
  • 2. The indignity offered to the King of Spain's minister, resulting out of the abundant and misordered joy of the people, which he would have some justice to inquire and punish.
  • 3. Concerning the manifest to be publicly declared to the princes of Christendom; when this is out, he hopes our swords and bodies shall be ready to follow it and make it good.
  • 4. The recess or adjournment of the House until this day sevennight (being Thursday) after Easter. For the time proposed he did concur but he would have it ordered that no public great business should be handled of 4 or 5 days after the meeting again that the House may be full before.

SIR THOMAS WENTWORTH. For the indignity offered the Spanish ambassadors, it is sufficient for us to profess that we dislike the barbarism and so leave it.

Sir Richard Weston, because he had first discovered at Brussels the Spaniard's juggling, and Sir Edwin Sandys were by the House appointed to draw the manifest of the breach of the treaties to publish all over Christendom.

[f. 114] Sir Edward Conway being propounded to be one of the makers of the manifest, [MR. JOHN] SELDEN excepted against him, saying he could not be of the committee because he was not in the House at that time when he was appointed.

It was answered this was not only a committee but a conference to join with those 2 Lords.

Then the House was adjourned to that day sevennight.


[f. 43]

[25 March 1624]

On Thursday before Easter, being the Annunciation, was read a private bill, and one for petty larceny to be punished by justice[s] of peace.

The repeal and continuance of statutes was adjourned until 8 o'clock on Saturday, Temple Hall.

[f. 43v] Then did the SOLICITOR report the passages of the conference with the Lords and the King's answer, first showing how the [Lord] Keeper did report the acquittal of the Duke by both Houses to the King with approbation of his diligence, his integrity and discovery, his faith to the King, and cleared him from letting anything fall to the King of Spain's dishonour.

Then how the King replied how he did discover nothing but what he had due to him first. That he could have resolved himself, but he would advise with us as more for his honour and safety. That he was his disciple. That he had not sent him but he knew his faith, his sincerity and diligence. That if he offended in anything, it was in his desire to be cleared by us. That he had spent £40,000 in his negotiation of his own and did demand nothing for it. Good for him, but an evil precedent to other ambassadors. That his care was, etc.

Then he reported the Duke's thanks to the House and to every Member, and that he would requite upon occasion and always endeavour the commonwealth's good, and use his favour to that end and aspire nor be ambitious of nothing but to be, and be accounted, an honest man.

Then the message of the two Houses to the King of our offer of 3 subsidies and 3 fifteens in answer to the King's demand at present. The greatest aid that ever was given [f. 44] and that so offered to pursue our general promises and advice so well accepted with overture that if engaged in a real war, still to assist with our persons and abilities in a parliamentary course.

Then the King's acceptance of it as the greatest beginning that ever. His rejoicing in his love and strength in his people, his resolve to recover the Palatinate (que); but whether by diversion or how, not to be imparted but to a Council of War. That he had broken the neck of 2 Parliaments; hoped this would be a happy Parliament. And he did, as desired, dissolve the treaties and would send to that King to that end to declare himself how at the instance and for the reasons delivered by his Parliament he would no further proceed therein. This was all writ[ten] down and perused by the King. He protested our money should not be spent to any end but as advised and received by our committees. He thought his own want should have been considered upon but he thought that would be done in time, and some other things now forgot.

SIR EDWIN SANDYS added somewhat of this, and how the Spanish ambassador was uncivilly used by the bonfire men. To be inquired and punished.

The House was not forward in that for some said they perhaps gave the cause.

[f. 44v] It was then desired from the King and Lords that 2 Lords, Pembroke and Southampton, the two Secretaries and 2 more of our House might join to compose all those passages in writing to lie by the King upon all occasions.

And agreed to.

And Sir E[dwin] Sandys joined and Sir R[ichard] Weston, but some difference was about his nomination. Somewhat was added for the lessening of the fifteens to be considered in the subsidy.


[f. 109]

Thursday, 250 Martii 1623

MR. SOLICITOR makes a report of the King's answer to our declaration of giving his Majesty 3 subsidies and 3 fifteens. Vide la response mesme, which was delivered Tuesday last, 23 Martii0 1623.

Says further that the Duke of Buckingham, by his Majesty's command, did acquaint the committees of both Houses that his Majesty was determined that with all convenient expedition he would send a dispatch into Spain to the King, signifying that on the petition and advice of his subjects in Parliament he did declare to the Majesty of that King that he did dissolve both the treaties, that of the marriage and that of the Palatinate. And that his Majesty would do the like to the Spanish ambassadors here and send word to his own ambassadors in Spain to treat no further in that business. That the Lord Canterbury said further that the King observed a good moderation in the number of the subsidies and fifteens. [Blank]

[f. 109v] The King said he had been a kind of undertaker. That the Duke said that he did not doubt but that this House, who had showed themselves so forward in this great business, would in a due time also take consideration of the King's own necessities. [Blank]

That the Lord of Canterbury said that his Majesty being moved for an expression of the great joy conceived generally to have bonfires and bells ringing, which the King did not approve of because he would not be triumphus ante victoriam; yet this hindered not but there were great bonfires made, especially in the Strand, at which time the ambassadors looking out of their windows had fires, sticks and dirt thrown at them, which the Lords wish that our House would take into their consideration, and by the order of this House some of the justices of peace of Middlesex to make search for those disorderly fellows. [Blank] That the King desires there may be 2 of our House selected to join with the 2 Secretaries to see the passages of this great business and accordingly to consider and draw up a [f. 110] declaration to serve for his Majesty to resort to unto on all occasions for the better justification to all the world of his Majesty's proceedings. That the Lords of the Higher House have for this purpose made choice of the Lords of Pembroke and Southampton. That the Lords have resolved to make a cessation this day until this day sevennight.

SIR EDWARD COKE would have joined to the two Secretaries for surveying of the passages of this great business Sir Isaac Wake and Sir Edwin Sandys.

It is disliked by this House that any affronts or incivility should be offered to any ambassadors, but because MR. JOHN MAYNARD and SIR JOHN HIPPISLEY said they were [there] Tuesday night to see if any disorderly carriage were offered to the Spanish ambassadors and they saw none from 9 o'clock until past 2 of the clock, and so this business rests unordered.

It is ordered, but not by question, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Sir Edwin Sandys shall be joined with the 2 Secretaries and the Lords Pembroke and Southampton to consider and draw up a declaration for his Majesty to make for the better justification to all the world of his Majesty's proceedings in this business and of that cause of his Majesty's dissolving of the two treaties.

The House does adjourn itself until this day sevennight, 8 of the clock in the morning.


[p. 162]

Thursday, the 25th of March

An act for pulling up weirs on the river of Wye, etc.

An act for preservation and increase of salmon and trout.

An act for free trade in general.

An act for the knights and burgesses for the county and town of Durham.

An act to confirm the agreement and decree made between [Sir Henry] Jernegan and his tenants for the manor of Painswick in Gloucestershire.

A message by Sir Ranulphe Crewe and the Attorney [General] for a conference, which is granted.

An act for the government of the company of cutlers in Hallamshire in the county of York, etc.

An act for punishment of petty larceny before 2 justices, the matter proved by one witness, the punishment whipping.

The report of the King's speech on Sunday for answer to the justification made of the Duke of Buckingham and of the King's speech of acceptance of the subsidies and declaration of the breach of the treaties. This report was made by the SOLICITOR.

For these speeches look the speeches of this Parliament.

SIR EDWIN SANDYS reports the last conference with the Lords. That the Duke of Buckingham said that the King would presently both give knowledge to the Spanish ambassadors here and to the King of Spain that he did disannul and break off both the treaties of the match and the Palatinate by the advice of his people. That the King did well allow the care of the poorer sort for this charge of the levying the money, and would have it further provided for by some course according to ancient precedents.

That the Archbishop of Canterbury spoke concerning the civil use and regard of ambassadors because of a late rumour of some injury offered the Spanish ambassadors that night that the King declared the breach of the treaties by bonfires under his house and some firebrands and stones thrown at his windows. He said further that it was against the King's will that any ringing or bonfires should have been because he said he would not canere ante victoriam, etc.

[p. 163] The Duke said now the King had made a public declaration and would instantly send into Spain about it. That it was desired that the Earl of Southampto[n] and the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain (who were appointed by the Upper House), with the two Secretaries of State and two more to be appointed by the House of Commons, should pen a form of public declaration or manifesto. That the Lords had allowed but one week from this day for a recess.

These things were thus ordered.

That the King's speech should be considered of against our next meeting.

That the matter of the indignity offered the ambassadors was not proper to our House either to inquire of or to determine, but if those of our House that were justices of the peace for Middlesex would deal in it as justices, they might.

That Sir Richard Weston and Sir Edwin Sandys should join with the rest for the framing the manifesto.

And that the recess should be until this day sevennight, and great matters or bills of greatest moment deferred until Monday after.


[f. 72v]

25 March, Thursday

First read. An act for pulling down weirs, stanks, the river of Wye in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

It is ordered that upon Monday come sevennight, the bill for Oxford river shall be set on.

Second read. Committed, all to have voices, [Court of] Wards, Friday fortnight.

An act for the increase of salmon and salmon trout.

[f. 73] First read. An act for free liberty of trade into all countries.

Second read. Committed, Tuesday sevennight, Star Chamber, 2 [o']clock.

An act for the County Palatinate of Durham to have knights, citizens and burgesses.

Passed the House. An act for Painswick in Gloucestershire between Sir Henry Jernegan and his tenants copyholders.

Messengers from the Lords, [Serjeant Sir Ranulphe] Crewe, Attorney [General]. That the committees of both Houses do instantly meet for the report of the great business.

First read. An act for the government of [the company of] cutlers in Hallamshire.

First read. An act concerning petty la[r]ceny and manner of the punishment.

[f. 91v] 3. [?Of that] King, eminent Lord, themselves. For the King, with unanimous consent/

The Lord of Buckingham. If he had omitted anything he did speak, he had failed of his duty. For the last/

The King's answer: my Lords, gentlemen all, I might have reason not to speak of the person but I might be thought uncivil. [Blank] For the Lord, that he is much comforted and encouraged to/

That you will take a review of all our proceedings and to couch it so as it may be laid up in future. For the recess, they did mean to adjourn the House until Thursday.

[f. 92] [SIR ROBERT] PHELIPS. 4 considerations. [First], his Majesty's speech, which will require no debate because it is clear by the Duke's relation. Second, the matter of indignity to the King of Spain by disordered people. 3rd, matter of declaration, though it be already declared here and [in] Spain, yet it is needful that a publication should be to the princes of Christendom, which cannot be better than the King has proposed by his Secretaries of State with two of ours. For the 4th, matter of recess, it may be admitted according to the Lords' proposition because if longer we will take a longer liberty by some days, yet with this limitation that no public bills be read until Tuesday come sevennight.

[SIR EDWARD] COKE moves that [Sir Edwin] Sandys and [Sir Isaac] Wake may be joined with the Secretaries; and for the ambassadors, see whether it moved not from themselves.

[SIR THOMAS] WENTWORTH. That it appertains not to the House but to the/

[f. 73] It is ordered that Mr. Chancellor of the [Ex]chequer and Sir Edwin Sandys to join with the two Secretaries for joining with the Earl of Southampton.

It is ordered that the recess shall be upon this day sevennight.

It is ordered that all committees cease after this day until our meeting.

It is ordered that Sir Robert Hitcham, [Mr. Christopher] Brooke, Recorder, Solicitor, [Sir Thomas] Trevor, [Mr. William] Noye, [Sir John] Selden, M[blank] meet at the Inner Temple by eight of the clock on Saturday about the bill of continuance of statutes and report.


[f. 41]

250 Martii 1624

An act for making the river of Wye navigable. Committed [sic].

An act for preservation of salmon and trout. Committed.

Only these exceptions were made.

  • [1.] That in some rivers, salmon were not in season but in such times wherein fishing was prohibited by the bill.
  • 2. That there were weirs for mills as well as for fishing, some set up by act of Parliament, other by prescription, which were fit to be provided for.
  • 3. There would be too great a scope left to the passion of justices if they should have power to pull down any man's weir by discretion, without limitation. And it was alleged that the game of swan is a greater destruction to salmon and trout than either weirs or fishing.

An act for free trade of wool and cloth.

An act to enable the county of Durham to send knights and burgesses to the Parliament.

An act for confirmation of a decree concerning the customs and copyhold estates of the manor of Painswick in Gloucestershire. Passed.

A message came from the Lords desiring the committee might meet in the Painted Chamber concerning the report of the King's speech.

[f. 41v] An act concerning the punishment of petty larceny and small felonies.

MR. SOLICITOR. That he had two tasks to perform. The first, a report of the audience which his Majesty gave upon Sunday to the committee of both Houses concerning the complaint against my Lord of Buckingham. The message from the Houses was delivered to his Majesty by the Lord Keeper, who, in his preface reciting the accusation which had been made of the Duke and which in an oblique line did fasten an aspersion upon the Parliament, made this 3-fold representation to his Majesty. The first, concerning the King of Spain, that both the Houses did absolutely acquit and clear my Lord the Duke from letting fall any words derogating to his honour. The second, concerning the Duke, that if he had omitted any matter represented unto them that day, he had for so much failed in the performance of his duty and fidelity. The third, concerning themselves, that they do much honour my Lord the Duke of Buckingham for that narration and do render unto him all possible thanks for the fidelity and industry therein expressed. See all this speech in fol./

The King's answer was to this effect. That in regard of himself and the person whom it concerned, he might be silent without wronging either; but in regard of our motion, it would be uncivil. That nobleman needs no fidejussor or prolocutor with him. To have sent him in so great an errand and not resolve to trust him had been a fault both in discretion and love. A good master and a faithful servant are equally happy in one another. He hoped the greatest fault, or at least the greatest error, which he shall ever commit was the desiring this justification from us, and that for these reasons. First, he might be sure, being his disciple, his own relation should be trusted. 2nd, he had made the same relation to the King before. He were unworthy of such a servant if he should not trust him. He had no interest of his own in the business, had gotten ill will on one part for going with the Prince, and now of the other side had little thanks for this relation. But he that serves God and a good master cannot miscarry. In this negotiation, he noted 3 observable things, faith, diligence and discretion, of all which the Prince was a witness. But he has given an ill precedent to other ambassadors, which none of them will follow, to spend [£]40[,000] or £50,000 in this journey and never demand allowance. He never doubted of him but knows him to be so good a scholar that he will not exceed his master's dictates. He trusted the report not the worse for our approbation of it, but did believe an honest man as much as all the world, and was glad that he had so satisfied us, and did heartily thank us for taking it in so good part. Intratur at length, fol./

[f. 42] The reporter added that my Lord of Buckingham did return to the House, and every member thereof, unfeigned thanks, and would never fail to employ his utmost to do service to the public, any good offices between the King and this House, and to be ready to do kindness to every member thereof as there shall be occasion.

So he proceeded to the 2nd part of his report, which was the audience given to the committee of both Houses upon Thursday [sic] last. My Lord of Canterbury was the mouth of both Houses, who in a few words told the King that we had taken his Majesty's pleasure into consideration and had made thereunto our humble remonstrance in writing, which being presented unto him, he commanded to be read, and delivered his answer to this effect.

That we had truly set down out of his last speech the reasons why it was fit to express some particular aid a[t] this time, and that which we had declared, though it was much less than he told us of, yet was sufficient for a present entrance. God was his witness that he never stuck for money, only he was desirous to see how he might go through with this great matter, at least to make a good beginning of the war, for when the end will be God knows. As he had given us thanks for our general offers, which were more the [sic] 40 subsidies and more worth than a kingdom, the strength of a king next under God being the hearts of his people, so he must needs say in this particular it was without example that ever Parliament gave their king so great a supply to be levied in so short a time. It may well serve for a preparation. And considering the general offer and that this is as much as the people can pay or may well be expended within a year, he did with as much love and as good thanks as a loving and kind king can give to so loving and dutiful people, thank us for our offer and accept it. He was not the man that would put a scorn upon us by rejecting our advice after he had craved it. No wise king can undertake so great a business but he must well bethink himself beforehand. Advice before a resolution is better than repentance after. Therefore, he did declare unto us that as he was willing to follow our advice in annulling and breach of those 2 treaties of the match and the Palatinate, so he did assure himself that we would make good what we had said to assist him, in that which we have advised, with our wisdom, counsel and forces, if need require. He prayed our charitable opinion that his forbearance has been for Christian blood and as the most probable way for recovery of the Palatinate. But having been so long deluded, he dares trust no longer, which made him command Buckingham to make that particular relation, being such an account as was never before given in Parliament. He could have resolved alone, but he thought it greater strength and honour to have the advice [f. 42v] of his people.

He protested, as he had declared in the last Parliament, that he was resolved without respect of friendship or match, one way or other, to have the Palatinate, otherwise he should wish never to have been born. He was old but his only son was young, and he promised for them both that no means should be unused for the recovery of it. And yet, as old as he is, if it might do good to the business, he would go in his own person and think his labour well bestowed, though he should end his days there. He never talked with any enemy of his son-in-law which did not confess he had reason to have the Palatinate one way or other, which coming from them was a great spur to him to think of it. And he would be as ready to prepare all things as we had been to give the means, hoping in the next degree we would think upon him; but not a penny of this money should be employed any other way. For his own relief this was a double reason, the abatement of his customs and the increase of his charge by undertaking this war, which now he must go through with, though he sell his jewels. And when we had seen the bestowing of this in the next session, we would be the more spurred to enable him. And though he had broken the necks of three Parliaments, yet he hoped this shall be a happy Parliament and make him greater and happier than any king of England ever was. The money shall be expended, as he promised, by our own committees; but he must have a secret and faithful Council of War, for that cannot be ordered by a multitude. Whether he should send 20 or 10,000, by sea or land, east or west, by diversion or otherwise, by invasion upon the Bavarian or Emperor, must be left to the King. And since there was no certainty in treaty, he hoped that God, who had put it into our hearts thus to advise him and into his heart to follow our advice, will so bless it that he shall clear his reputation from obloquy and, in despite of the devil and all his instruments, show that he never had but an honest heart. And he desired God to bless our labours for the happy restitution of his children, for whosoever did the wrong he deserved better at their hands.

SIR EDWIN SANDYS. That after this large harvest of report, something was left for him which had been spoken in the late conferences with the Lords, which, though they were shortly delivered, were yet of great importance, in the report whereof he would follow the order of time and not the order of matter.

Yesterday, after the agreement concerning the setting down of the King's speech, my Lord of Buckingham, [f. 43] by way of addition. That his Majesty had resolved to send a dispatch into Spain by his own ambassador, there to give notice to the King that at the petition of the subjects in Parliament and for divers reasons by them propounded, he did dissolve and surcease those 2 treaties concerning the match and the Palatinate, and the King had already delivered so much to the Spanish ambassador here. His Majesty had observed a good moderation in sparing the poorer sort by the grant but of one fifteen and did hope it would be helped in assessing the subsidy. That himself had presumed to become a kind of undertaker for his Majesty, speaking of our good provision for this business without any consideration of his own particular. His answer was that he doubted not but the House would in due time provide for that.

This morning by my Lord of Canterbury. That a proposition was made to their House which they desired to communicate to us. This kingdom was heretofore renowned for civility, especially to strangers and ambassadors. His Majesty had been moved that our joy for his declaration might be expressed by bells and bonfires. His answer was that it would be triumphus ante victoriam. Yet in the Strand, a bonfire was made against the ambassador's house and some of his company opening the window, indignities were offered and stones thrown at them. This the Lords desired we would take into consideration, especially those who were justices of the peace, that inquisition might be made and reparation by punishing.

The Duke of Buckingham. That his Majesty had now made his declaration to both Houses. His desire was that two might be chosen out of this House, and as many of the Lords, to join with the Secretary [sic] of State to make a public declaration upon the review of those reasons which had been propounded, which might be ready drawn for his Majesty to use upon all occasions, and the Lords had made choice of the Lord Chamberlain and the Earl of Southampton.

Lord Archbishop. The King told him he had declared and he would declare.

The Lords had received the King's pleasure concerning the recess, which they had resolved upon until this day sevennight.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. These reports had possessed the [f. 43v] hearts, assured the hopes of all this House that we should go on to the end we all aim at. The whole matter of them was to be digested into four parts:

  • 1. His Majesty's speech, which requires no dispute, being in itself reasonable [sic] clear, and the more by the additions of the Duke of Buckingham; but if it require any further consideration, it may be done at our coming back.
  • 2. The matter of indignity to the Spanish ambassador through the misordered joining of the poorer sort of people. This, for the reputation of this nation, will be good to be examined and to be cleared by justices.
  • 3. The declaration or manifest propounded by the King to be drawn, for which we may do well to name committees, for besides the declaration made to the Houses and to be made to the King of Spain, it is a matter of great importance that the world should be satisfied.
  • 4. The time of the recess propounded, which we may admit with some limitations that no bills be passed or business of moment until Tuesday or Thursday following.

To the first, concerning the King's speech, nothing was spoken.

To the second, concerning the abuse offered the ambassador, it was alleged by MR. [JOHN] MAYNARD and SIR JOHN HIPPISLEY that it was an aspersion laid upon the people, for there was no such matter, for they themselves were abroad very late that night and did observe what was done.

Whereupon, it was propounded by SIR THOMAS WENTWORTH that we should declare our dislike of such incivility and leave the examination to the Lords of the Council.

To the third, Sir Edwin Sandys and the Chancellor of the Exchequer were named committees for the declaration, of the latter of which there were 2 exceptions:

  • 1. That he was a councillor.
  • 2. That he was out of the House and could not be named a committee by the order, to which was answered that by his employment many things would occur to him whereof other men were ignorant. Besides, to his great honour, he was the first that discovered the juggling of Spain.

To the rule of the House was given this limitation, that for a bill no man could be named a committee in absence because it was supposed he was ignorant of the matter, especially of the debate and exceptions which are cause of their commitment; but for other business, any man might be a committee that was likeliest to do the House best service.

So they were both agreed upon.

It was moved by some that all committees might be dissolved but the committee for continuance and repeal of statutes. By others it was desired a new committee might be appointed for the bill concerning our liberty and the confirmation of Magna Carta.

But MR. [CHRISTOPHER] BROOKE informed the House that bill could hardly be made a good bill; there were many exceptions to it, that it was unfit for a new committee that were ignorant of them.

The committee of privileges was allowed to [s]it only this afternoon during the adjournment.

[f. 44] The SPEAKER pronounced this House does adjourn itself until Thursday next, being the first of April.


[f. 94]

250 March, being Thursday

An act for free trade into all countries.

An act for the County Palatine of Durham to have knights, citizens and burgesses to serve in Parliament. 6 is desired in all, 2 knights for the country, 2 burgesses for the town and 2 for/

An act for confirmation of a decree passed in Chancery between Sir Henry Jernegan and his son. Passed.

An act for the good government of the company of makers of knives in and about Sheffield in the county of York, put in by Sir John Savile.

[f. 94v] Report of the vote of both Houses delivered to the King for the clearing of the Duke of Buckingham, where the SOLICITOR delivered the Duke's thanks to us all with assurance that what advantage of favour he had he would employ it for the public good and rest thankful to us all in particular.

Report also of our offer of 3 subsidies and 3 fifteens to the King, and his Majesty's answer. When it was penned up by both Houses and showed the King, he said never was speech better taken. The Lord President replied there was never speech better received.

Motion about restraining of incivility and disorder used towards foreign ministers. The House showed their dislike, but some of the House having observed the ground of the Spanish ambassador's complaint to be very slight, proceeded no further in it.

His Majesty desired 2 of each House to be joined with his two Secretaries for the framing of a public declaration, which he would have lie by him at all times ready for the view of the world. The Lords chose my Lord Chamberlain and my Lord of Southampton. We chose Sir Richard Weston and Sir Edwin Sandys.

And then the House adjourned itself until that day sevennight, from Thursday before Easter until Thursday after Easter.