House of Lords Journal Volume 18: 9 February 1706

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 18, 1705-1709. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 18: 9 February 1706', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 18, 1705-1709( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 18: 9 February 1706', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 18, 1705-1709( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 18: 9 February 1706". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 18, 1705-1709. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.


In this section

DIE Sabbati, 9 Februarii.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Arch. Cantuar.
Epus. Duresme, & Crew.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Norwic.
Epus. Cicestr.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Carliol.
Ds. Custos Magni Sigilli.
Ds. Godolphin, Thesaurarius.
Dux Newcastle, C. P. S.
Dux Devonshire, Senescallus.
Dux Somerset.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Beaufort.
Dux Northumberland.
Dux Shrewsbury.
Dux Marlborough.
Dux Buckingham.
Comes Kent, Camerarius.
Comes Derby.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes Northampton.
Comes Rivers.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Winchilsea.
Comes Kingston.
Comes Sunderland.
Comes Scarsdale.
Comes Essex.
Comes Anglesey.
Comes Berkeley.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rochester.
Comes Portland.
Comes Torrington.
Comes Warrington.
Comes Bradford.
Comes Orford.
Comes Jersey.
Comes Grantham.
Comes Greenwich.
Viscount Townshend.
Viscount Weymouth.
Ds. Berkeley Ber.
Ds. North & Grey.
Ds. Chandos.
Ds. Grey W.
Ds. Lovelace.
Ds. Poulett.
Ds. Howard Esc.
Ds. Byron.
Ds. Vaughan.
Ds. Colepeper.
Ds. Rockingham.
Ds. Berkeley Str.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Ds. Ossulstone.
Ds. Dartmouth.
Ds. Stawell.
Ds. Cholmondeley.
Ds. Ashburnham.
Ds. Sommers.
Ds. Halifax.
Ds. Hervey.


Williams versus Offley, in Error:

After hearing Counsel, to argue the Errors upon the Writ of Error brought into this House the Fifteenth Day of January last, from Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, wherein John Williams is Plaintiff, and Joseph Offley Defendant; and Consideration of what was offered thereupon:

Judgement affirmed.

It is Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Judgement given in the Court of Common Pleas, and the Affirmation there of in the Court of Queen's Bench, shall be, and is hereby, affirmed; and that the Record shall be remitted, to the End Execution may be had thereupon as if no such Record had been brought into this House.

River Stower Bill:

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for making the River Stower navigable, from the Town of Maningtree, in the County of Essex, to the Town of Sudbury, in the County of Suffolke."

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Bill be referred to the same Committee to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for enabling James Duke of Ormonde and Charles Earl of Arran to settle Fee farm Rents, in the County of Tipperary, in the Kingdom of Ireland, pursuant to an Agreement upon the Marriage of the said Earl of Arran," stands committed.

Their Lordships, or any Five of them; to meet at the same Time and Place; and adjourn as they please.

Conway's Bill.

The Earl of Rochester reported from the Lords Committees, the Bill, intituled, "An Act for vesting the Equity of Redemption of the Lands and Tenements, lying in the County of Leicester, late the Estate of John Digby Esquire, deceased, in Trustees, to the Intent that the same may be sold, for the discharging of the Mortgages and other Incumbrances thereon," as fit to pass, with some Amendments; and that what relates to Mrs. Shrimpton's Petition is lest out of the Bill, pursuant to the Order of this House.

Then the Amendments were read Twice, and agreed to; and the Bill ordered to be engrossed, with the said Amendments.

Message from H. C. with a Bill.

A Message from the House of Commons, by Mr. Mason and others:

Who brought up a Bill, intituled, "An Act to vest certain Lands and Tenements, in the County of Kent, the Estate of Richard Thornebill Esquire, in Trustees, to be sold, for the Payment of Debts and his Sisters Portions charged thereupon; and for securing the Residue of the Purchase-money to the Uses of his Marriage Settlement;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Thornhill's Bill.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to vest certain Lands and Tenements, in the County of Kent, the Estate of Richard Thornebill Esquire, in Trustees, to be sold, for the Payment of Debts, and his Sisters Portions charged thereupon; and for securing the Residue of the Purchase-money to the Uses of his Marriage Settlement."

Message from H. C. with a Bill.

A Message from the House of Commons, by Sir William Hustler and others:

Who brought up a Bill, intituled, "An Act for vesting the Estate late of Richard Bold Esquire in Trustees, to be leased, sold, or mortgaged, for raising the Portions, Debts, and Monies, to which the same is liable;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Holworthy's Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for vesting the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds in Trustees, to be applied for the Payment of the Debts of John Holworthy Gentleman."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H. C. with it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Rogers and Mr. Hiccocks:

To carry down the said Bill, and desire their Concurrence thereunto.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Lunæ, undecimum diem instantis Februarii, hora undecima Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.