House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 6 July 1644

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 6 July 1644', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 6 July 1644', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 6 July 1644". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, Julii 6, 1644.


Earl of Leicester's Pass.

A LETTER from the Earl of Leicester to my Lord General, of the Twelfth of June, was read, desiring a Pass to Bristoll.

Letter read.

A Letter from Sir Rich. Greenvile to my Lord Lisle, to send him his Footman, was read.


Mr. Solicitor reports from the Committee of both Kingdoms, the Necessity to have a Standing Army near Oxon.

An Ordinance for raising an Army to continue and abide upon Service near Oxon, and the Parts adjacent, was this Day read the First and Second time: And, upon the Question,

Resolved, &c. That the Day for the general Rendezvous, in this Ordinance, shall be the Twentieth of this Instant July.

Resolved, &c. That the Rates set upon the several Counties, shall be now agreed upon.

And the particular Numbers of Men and Horse set upon the several Counties mentioned in the Ordinance, were put to the Question; and, upon the Question, all respectively allowed, and assented unto.

Resolved, &c. That all the Cities, and Counties of the Cities, within the several and respective Counties mentioned in the Ordinance, and the Isle of Elye, shall be added to this Ordinance.

Resolved, &c. That this Ordinance shall be committed unto Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Cage, Sir Roger North, Mr. Crew, Mr. Recorder: Who are presently to withdraw into the Committee Chamber, to consider of it.

Declaration against Webster, &c.

Mr. Corbett presents, from the Committee appointed to consider of the Crimes of Mr. Webster, and other Merchants beyond Seas, a Declaration against the said Parties, as Persons guilty of High Crimes: Which was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent up unto the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Ordered, That this Declaration be printed and published; and sent to the Lord Mayor, to be published by the Common Cryer in Exchange-time; and to be published upon the Exchange.

Mr. Corbett reports also a Letter to Mr. Strictland, in Answer to his Letter read Yesterday in the House: Which was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Message to Lords.

Sir Hen. Mildmy went up unto the Lords with the said Letter and Declaration; and to desire a Conference concerning the Amendments to be sent to my Lord General, Yesterday sent from the Lords.

States Ambassadors.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords, and the Committee, in the whole Vote of receiving the States Ambassadors in each House apart.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree, that Audience shall be given to the States Ambassadors by this House on Friday next, in the House.

Resolved, &c. That the Lords shall be acquainted with this Paper of Demand of Audience from the States Ambassadors at this Conference.

Sir H. Vane sen. Sir H. Vane jun. Mr. Holles, Sir Rob. Harley, Sir Chr. Wray, Mr. Wheeler, Sir Ben. Rudyard, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Oldesworth, Sir Walt. Erle, Sir Edw. Hungerforde, Mr. Perepointe, Lord Lisle, Lord Harbert, Mr. Lucas, Sir Sym. D'Ewes, Sir Jo. Hippisley;

This Committee, or any Four, is appointed to consider of the Manner of the Reception of the States Ambassadors, and of all Things and Circumstances conducing to that Business: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards; and to present their Opinions in writing.

Message to Lords.

Sir Nevile Poole carried up to the Lords the Ordinance concerning Wilts; and was to desire, that, at the Conference, this House may acquaint the Lords with a Paper this House has received from the States Ambassadors: And likewise to desire the Lords, That Five hundred Pounds of the Earl Marshal's Assessment for his Twentieth Part, might be employed for the Service of Oxfordshire.

Raising Forces.

Mr. Recorder reports the Amendments to the Ordinance for raising of Forces, by certain Proportions, out of the several associated Counties, to be employed upon Service near Oxon, and the Parts adjacent: The which Amendments were Twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: And the Ordinance, with the Amendments, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence; and carried up to the Lords, by Sir Robt. Pye: Who likewise carried up the Ordinance for Four hundred Pistols, &c. to be paid for out of Haberdashers Hall, and sent to my Lord General; and was to put them in mind of passing the Ordinance concerning the Isle of Wight.

Ordnance Stores.

An Ordinance concerning the Payment of Fifteen hundred Pounds monthly, out of the Excise, to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, for the providing and furnishing the Stores with Ammunition, was this Day read; and assented unto; and carried up to the Lords by Sir Walth. Erle.

Portesmouth Garison.

Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Green, to prepare an Ordinance for allowing a Proportion, out of the Excise in Hantshire, to be paid, by the Commissioners of Excise, to the Garison of Portesmouth: And that Consideration be had, in that Ordinance, for the Discharge of the Monies paid by the Officers of Excise, to Mr. Whitehead and Mr. Hooper.

Ordnance Stores.

Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Ordnance do forthwith furnish a Thousand great Shot, to be presently sent to my Lord General's Army.

Shipwrights, &c.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Shipwrights, Caukers, Artificers, Labourers, and others, belonging to the Navy at Chatham; and the humble Petition of Nich. Gatonbey, Commander of the Ship The Prosperous of London; and of the Commander of The Leopard Merchant; be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of the Navy.

Portesmouth Garison. &c.

Ordered, That it be recommended to the Committee of the King's Revenue, to make present Payment of the Monies due to the Garison of Portesmouth, and the Forts of South Sea, Hurst, and Calshott, upon the old Establishment.

Answers from Lords.

Sir Hen. Mildmay brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to a present Conference by a Committee of the whole House, in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Amendments to the Letter to be sent to my Lord General: And, as to the Declaration concerning the ill-affected Merchants, employed in Factories beyond Seas, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Sir Nevile Poole brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to give a Conference presently in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Paper received from the States Ambassadors: That he delivered unto them the Ordinance concerning Wilts: And that they do agree, that the Five hundred Pounds, Part of the Assessment of the Earl Marshal, shall be employed for the Service of the Forces in Oxfordshire.

Business deferred.

Ordered, That the Report of the Business concerning Mr. Nicoll be reported on Monday next, peremptorily: And that the Debate of the Informations and Business concerning the Earl of Stamford, be then resumed.

Fewel for London, &c.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for providing Fewel for the Cities of London and Westminster, be reported on Monday Morning next.


Ordered, That the Propositions presented from the Committee of Excise, and depending before this House, be taken into Consideration on Monday next.


Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Pierrepont, Mr. Lisle, are appointed Managers of that Part of the Conference that concerns the Letter to my Lord General.

Mr. Holles, Mr. Whitlock, Sir Walth. Erle, are appointed Managers of that Part of the Conference, as concerns the States Ambassadors.

Stone's, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Tho. Stone, Maurice and Wm. Thomson, of London, Merchants, be referred to the Consideration of the Court of Admiralty; to examine the Truth of the Matters of Fact contained in the said Petition; and to represent the State of it to the Committee for the West.

Declaration against Webster, &c.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robt. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords have sent down to this House, the Declaration they received from them concerning Webster, Baynham, and other ill-affected Merchants or Factors beyond the Seas, with some Amendments; and do agree unto it, with those Amendments.

The Amendments were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this House doth concur with the Lords in these Amendments.


Sir Walter Erle reports, That the Lords do agree to the Ordinance for Ammunition.

Lord Arundell's Children, &c.

Mr. Knightley reports a Letter from my Lord General, for the Exchange of the Lord Arrundell of Wardour's Children, formerly consented unto by this House; and further acquainted the House, that Sir Edw. Hungerforde had been at the Charge of keeping the said Children for Fourteen Months, and upwards: Upon which the House doth Declare, That they hold it fit he be satisfied the Charges he hath been at in keeping them, before they be released; and Declarc, That it is against the Law to transport Children under Age: And Ordered, That a Pass be granted to the Two Servants of the Lord Arundell, to return to my Lord General.

Declaration against Webster.

Whereas John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Foord, and James Yard, Merchants, contrary to their Allegiance and Duty, have done and committed several Actions tending to the Destruction of this Kingdom, and to maintain the bloody and most unnatural War, now raised against the Parliament and Kingdom: It is Declared, by the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the said John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Foord, and James Yard, have, by the said Actions, manifested themselves to be Incendiaries and Enemies to the Parliament and Kingdom of England. And be it Ordained, by the said Lords and Commons, That if any Person or Subject of this Kingdom, shall, after Publication hereof, employ the said John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Foord, and James Yard, or any of them, in their Service as Factors, or otherwise, in Trading or Merchandize, or consign or convey any Money, Merchandize, or Goods, to them or any of them, or to others, to their or any of their Use or Uses; That all such Goods shall be taken and seized on as forfeited: And such Persons, for sending such Money, Goods, and Merchandize, to be taken as Aiders and Maintainers of Persons that are Traitors and Rebels: And that the Deputy Governor, and Assistants, of the Fellowship of the Merchant Adventurers residing at Rotterdam in Holland, do forthwith exclude the Persons above-named their Court, and from all Meetings of the said Fellowship; and not permit them to enjoy any Privilege or Immunity granted or belonging to the said Fellowship and Company: And that the said Deputy Governor, and the Assistants, do forthwith cause the said Theophilus Baynham, James Yard, and Richard Foord, to be apprehended and taken; and to be sent over into this Kingdom, to be proceeded with as Incendiaries between the States of the United Provinces and Parliament of England; and as Persons that have attempted to break the Amity and long continued Union and Friendship between the said Two Nations.

Letter from States Ambassadors.


Le Chevalier Fleming, Maistre des Ceremonies, nous ayant faict entendre l'Ordere qu'il avoit, il vous plaira de porter vostre Soing, & monstrer au Parlement d'Angleterre ce present Escrit, par lequel nous demandons Jour d'Audience au dict Parlement, aussitost que faire ce peut, pour y proposer, au nom de nos Superieurs les Seigneurs Estats Generaulz des Provinces Unies du Pays-Bas, quelques Affaires d'Importance pour le Bien de la vraye Religion, et de l'Interest commune de ces Royaumes, et de leur Republique. Faict a Londres, ce 5cme de Juillet, 1644.

Les Ambassadeurs des dicts Seigneurs les Estats Generaulx G. Boreel, Jean de Reede, Arth. Joachimin.

A Monsieur Monsieur Guillaume Lenthall Escuyer, Orateur de la Maison des Communes, assemblez en Parlement d'Angleterre a Westminster."

Ordnance Stores.

Whereas by Ordinance, dated 26 Martii last, there is Twenty thousand Four hundred Forty-four Pounds Five Shillings, appointed to be paid monthly for Four Months together, out of the Receipts of the Excise, to commence from the 20th of March, 1643, accounting Twenty-eight Days to the Month; whereof Eighteen thousand Nine hundred and Forty Pounds and Five Shillings is designed towards the monthly Pay of the Army under the Lord General: And the Residue, being Fifteen hundred and Four Pounds, to be employed for the Provision of the Arms and Ammunition for the Kingdom: And the whole Sum thereby directed to be paid unto Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, Treasurer at War: And forasmuch as there hath yet been no Monies paid according to the same Ordinance, for the Provision of Arms and Ammunition aforesaid: It is hereby Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That there shall be Three thousand and Eight Pounds, paid out of the Receipts of the Excise, for the said Provision of Arms and Ammunition, unto Sir Walter Erle Knight, Lieutenant of the Ordnance; whose Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the Commissioners of the Excise in that Behalf: Which Sum of Three thousand and Eight Pounds, being in full of Two Months Pay for the Use aforesaid, and within a small Matter proportionable to the Receipts of the Lord General upon the same Ordinance. It is further Ordained, That, for such Payments as are to be made out of the said Excise, during the Remainder of the Four Months, by the said Ordinance of the Twenty-sixth of March last, not yet expired; the said Sir Walter Erle Knight, shall, together with Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, be paid proportionably, according to the same Ordinance, for the Use aforesaid: And that his, the said Sir Walter Erle, Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the said Commissioners of the Excise, for all or any Part thereof.