America and West Indies: December 1656

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 1, 1574-1660. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1860.

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'America and West Indies: December 1656', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 1, 1574-1660, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1860), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'America and West Indies: December 1656', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 1, 1574-1660. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1860), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"America and West Indies: December 1656". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 1, 1574-1660. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1860), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.

December 1656

Dec. 2. 23. Petition of Capt. John Leverett to the Lord Protector and Council. Has waited almost a twelvemonth from his family and calling in New England, but cannot receive from the treasury, the money laid out by him for the Commonwealth, in the navy and army business for America. Prays that he may be paid out of the money brought in by the Spanish prizes. Endorsed, "Ord. 2 Dec. 1656."
Dec. 2. 24. Petition of Johanna, relict of Major-Gen. Robt. Sedgwick, to the Lord Protector and Council. Has obtained a Privy Seal for payment of 500l., salary due to her husband, as Commissioner in Jamaica, but cannot receive the money. Prays that she may be paid out of the Spanish prizes. Endorsed, "Ord. 2 Dec. 1656."
Dec. 2. Order of the Council of State. Upon the preceding petition, directing Commissioners of the Treasury to take effectual order for the payment, by 100l. or 50l. a week "as fast as the monies that shall come into the said receipt shall enable." [INTERREGNUM, Entry Bk., Vol. CV., pp. 542–43.]
Dec. 3. Similar Order. Directing Col. Edward Salmon and the rest of the Committee for America, to take into consideration the whole business concerning the arrears due to the officers and soldiers, and their widows, and representatives, and certify the result. [Ibid., p. 550.]
Dec. 16. Similar Orders. Supplies to be provided for Jamaica for four months for 3,000 men. Upon petition of Peter Cole and John Harwood, concerning payment for supplies furnished in New Eng-land for the forces in Jamaica, by authority of the Commissioners at Jamaica, Admiral Goodson, Robt. Sedgwick, and Col. Edw. D'oyley. Letter to be written to the Commander-in-Chief at Jamaica, to invite the English on the island of Eleuthera, alleged to be about 60, to Jamaica, and in case of their removal thence, to clothe and provide victuals and other accommodation for them; if not free to go to Jamaica, to send them to England. [INTERREGNUM, Entry Bk., Vol. CV., pp. 573–74, 578.]
Dec. 17. Order of the Council of State. Upon certificate from Committee of Trade, in pursuance of a former order, of 31 July last [see p. 447, No. 10], petitions of Richard Bennett and Samuel Mathews, agents for Virginia; representation of the Governor, Council, and Burgesses there; report from Lords Whitelock and Widrington, upon petition of Cecil Lord Baltimore. The above certificate and "the whole matter," to be referred to the Committee for Foreign Plantations, to speak with the parties and report what they conceive fit to be done; also upon what is now proposed by the Lord Deputy, who is added to that Committee. [Ibid., pp. 581–82.]
Dec. 23.
The Council of State to the Governor or other Commander-in-Chief of Jamaica. Directions concerning the English Protestants in Eleuthera, as above. [Ibid., p. 950.]
Dec. 23.
The Council of State to the Commander-in-Chief of the English fleet in America. About 60 English [Protestants, in the margin] from their residence in the Somers Islands, through the violent prosecution of some ill-affected persons there, having gone to Eleuthera, where they have suffered much hardsip, he is requested to send a vessel thither to invite them to Jamaica; the Commander-in-Chief of Jamaica has been directed to take care to provide victuals and other accommodations for them on their arrival. [Ibid., p. 949.]
Dec. 26. 25. Bond of James Grover, of Gravesend, Long Island, America, to pay 50l. to Sec. John Thurloe, lent to him for payment of his debts, and to defray his expenses home; being dispatched with an answer from the Lord Protector to the complaints of certain injuries done to the inhabitants of Long Island by the Dutch, and those of other countries who live upon the island. [Signed and sealed.]
1656. Mem. concerning the title of England to Acadia or Nova Scotia. Discovery by Cabot. Henry IV., of France, grants Letters Patent to De Monts, 8 Nov. 1603. Sir Wil. Alexander's patent, of 10 Sept. 1621, who by his deed of 30 April 1630, gives it to Lord Delatour. Seizure by Major Sedgwick, and subsequent grant to Delatour, Thos. Temple, and Will. Crowne by Cromwell, 10 Aug. 1656. Delatour gives up his title on 20 Sept. following, to Temple and Crowne. [Colonial Corresp. Vol. VI., No. 71.]
NAMES of OFFICERS and SOLDIERS engaged in the AMERICAN EXPEDITION, who during the Year 1656 applied for Arrears of Pay, or on whose account such applications were made by their Windows or Representatives. Many of the persons alluded to in the applications of Widows or Representatives are stated to have lost their Lives in the Expedition to America or in Jamaica. [See note 26 March 1656, ante, p. 438. INTERREGNUM, Entry Bk., Vol. CV.]
-- Date Page
Lieut. Ralph Hardwick April 2 16
Capt. Thos. Hancock's children " 18 61
Mary, widow of Ensign Hen. Hunt. " " "
Mary, widow of Capt. Edw. Spry. " " "
Mary, widow of Lieut. Ralph Garth. " " "
Mary, widow of John Broome " " "
Benjamin Larkin " " 62
John Chum, serjeant " " "
Amary, widow of Lt. Col. John Clarke. May 13 116
Lieut. Ralph Hardwick " 15 117
Elizabeth, widow of Major Vin cent Corbett. " 16 128
Katherine, widow of Capt. Edw. Baynard June 5 164
Mary, widow of Thos. Gage, chaplain. July 18 261
Elizabeth Corbett widow " " "
Clement, wife of Henry Hilliard " " "
Capt. Chas. Glapthorne " " 263
Edward Beswich, drummer " " 264
Capt. Robt. Hay Tub " 24 283
Major Ferguson, deceased " " "
Jas. Berry, deceased " " "
Capt. Thos. Hancock's children " " "
Lieut. Ralph Garth, deceased " " "
John Browne " " "
Lieut. Edward, Spry, deceased " " "
Elizabeth, widow of Maj. Vin. Corbett. Sept. 5 370
" " 395
Capt. Bartholomew Davis, deceased. " " 371
" " " 386
Katherine, widow of Capt. Edw. Baynard. " " 371
" " " 395
Katherine, widow of Capt. Baynard " 15 397
Anne, widow of Capt. Rich. Bamford. " " "
The widow of Capt. Henry Davis " " "
The widow of John Perryman " " "
The widow of Lieut. Thos. Bushel " " "
Anne, widow of Wm. White " " "
Elizabeth, widow of Capt. Wm. Wimball. " " "
Major Wm. Hill's daughter " " "
William Alder " " "
Anne, widow of Thos. Smith " " 398
Grace, widow of Prov. Marshal Thos. Goodfellow. " " "
Elizabeth, widow of Thos. Florey " " "
Anne, widow of Wm. Feris Sept. 15 398
Jane, widow of John Pye " " "
Dorothy, widow of John Palmer " " "
Elizabeth, widow of John Elliott " " "
Grace, widow of Abraham Bolton " " "
Abigail, widow of Jas. Inskip " " "
Alice, widow of Rich. Symonds " " "
The widow of Jos. James " " "
Mary, mother of Henry Hunt " " "
John Ginger " " "
Serj. Jas. Pinkernell " " "
Bryan Hodgson " " "
Sarah, widow of John Wilson " " "
Henry Hilliard, surgeon " " "
Lt. Col. Christ. Ennis " " 399
Serj. John Royden " " "
Serj. Rowland Litchfield " " "
Lieut. Lewis Prother " " "
Lieut. Thos. Trafford Hugh Jones " " "
Thomas Upshaw " " "
Richard Wells " " "
Thos. Cudworth, deceased, Judge Advocate. Oct. 21 453
Anne, widow of Wm. Hulston " " "
Amy, widow of Thos. Sutton, serjt. " " "
Mary, widow of Maj. Gen. Rich. Fortescue. " " "
Anne, mother of John Albert " " "
The widow of Capt. Rich. Young, Adj. Gen. " " "
Jane, widow of Jos. Ovey " " "
Elizabeth, widow of Geo. Knight " " "
William Hayes " " "
Anthony Scales " 31 464
Major Fortescue Dec. 3 550
Henry Hilliard, surgeon " " 553
Thomas Hosier " 11 570
Lt. Samuel Bedlow, alias Bellewe " 25 600
Ensign John Pollard " " "
Thos. Patsill, corporal " " "
Capt. George Butler " " "
Capt. Thos. Salkeild " " "
Hugh Peirce, serjeant " " "
Capt. Rich. Steevens " " "
John Charles, soldier " " "
William Meeres, soldier " " "
Nich. Foster, soldier " " "
Phoebe?, widow of Edw. Cleave " " "
Avis, widow of Hen, Kingston " " "
Barbara, widow of Thomas Knott " " "
Ensign Geo. Watts, deceased " " "
Martha, widow of Fras. Bellamy Dec. 25 600
Henry Holland, soldier " " "
Mary, widow of John Osburne " " 601
Timothy Bancroft, soldier " " "
Mary, widow of Lt. Col. Christ. Ennis. " " "
William Hide, deceased " " "
Anne, widow of Thos. Hughes " " "
Jane, widow of John Durant " " "
Capt. Nath. Rockwell, deceased " " "
Lucy, widow of John Midlebrooke, alias Midleborough. " " "
Elizabeth, widow of Wm. Amy " " "
Mary, mother of Thos. Edwards " " "
Solomon Griffin, soldier, deceased " " "
Nicholas Bowden, surgeon, deceased. " " "
Wm. Snelling, soldier, deceased " " "
Frances, widow of Robt. Spence, soldier. " " "
Hester, widow of John Gavill, serjt. " " "
Joane, widow of Jas. Debora, soldier. " " "
Mary, widow of Thos. Clarke, soldier. " " "
Olive, widow of Wm. Banister, soldier. " " "
Eliza, widow of John Marshall, soldier. " " "
Eliz., widow of Jonas Hopkins, soldier. Dec. 25 601
Wm. Webb, soldier, deceased " " "
Edward Hunt, serjeant " " "
Mathew Dancey, drummer, deceased. " " "
Joane, widow of Lt. Col. Hen. Barlett. " " "
Abigail, widow of Jonat. Judkin, soldier. " " "
Katherine, widow of Geo. Turbervile, soldier. " " "
Capt. Daniel How " " "
Ellen, widow of John Agar, alias Eager, soldier. " " 602
Alice, widow of Thos. Ward, soldier. " " "
Rose, widow of Rowland Litch field, serjt. " " "
Bridget, widow of Gilbert Haythorne, soldier. " " "
Anne, widow of John Brooke, drummer. " " "
Wm. Wright, serjeant " " "
Joane, widow of Jas. Stanniford, soldier. " " "
Isaac Chaplyn, chaplain, deceased " " "
Rebecca, widow of Wm. Fudge, gunsmith. " " "
Lt. Thos.Totty. " " "
Giles Cotterell-. " " "