
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 3, North West. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1934.

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'Eardisland', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 3, North West( London, 1934), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol3/pp45-50 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Eardisland', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 3, North West( London, 1934), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol3/pp45-50.

"Eardisland". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 3, North West. (London, 1934), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol3/pp45-50.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. (a)XI, S.E., (b)XVIII, N.E.)

Eardisland is a parish and village (Plate 104) 5 m. W. of Leominster. The church, Burton Court, Staick House and Knapp House are the principal monuments.


a(1) Parish Church of St. Mary, stands in the village. The walls are of local sandstone rubble with dressings of the same material; the roofs are tiled. The Nave was built c. 1200, perhaps with a tower at the W. end; the nave then formed the whole church, and traces of lancet-windows and an oval light above are said to have been found in the E. wall when the present chancel-arch was inserted. The South Porch was added early in the 14th century, and c. 1330–40 the Chancel and North Vestry were added. The old tower fell probably in 1728, the date of the bells, and was replaced by the existing West Tower. The church was restored in 1864, when the Organ Chamber was added and the chancel and tower-arches re-built.

Eardisland, the Parish Church of St Mary

Architectural Description—The Chancel (27 ft. by 18½ ft.) is of early to mid 14th-century date, and has an E. window of four trefoiled lights with net tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded label. The cross on the E. gable is of the same period. In the N. wall is a doorway with moulded jambs and segmental-pointed head; further W. is a modern opening. In the S. wall are two windows each of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head; between them is a doorway with moulded jambs and segmental-pointed head. The chancel arch is modern.

The North Vestry has a 14th-century lancet-window in the E. wall and a modern window in the W. wall. Re-set in the N. wall of the organ-chamber is a window similar to the S. windows of the chancel.

The Nave (79½ ft. by 24½ ft.) has, in the N. wall, four windows, the easternmost is similar to the S. windows of the chancel but has a moulded label, with head-stops; the other three windows are narrow lancet-lights of late 12th-century date. The N. doorway, of the same date, has roll-moulded jambs, segmental-pointed head and chamfered label; it has been partly restored and perhaps re-set. In the S. wall are five windows, the easternmost is a single square-headed light perhaps of the 16th century; the second window is similar to the easternmost window opposite; the third window is of early 14th-century date and of three pointed lights in a two-centred head with a moulded label, head-stops and ball-flower enrichment to the head; the fourth window is a lancet-light similar to those in the N. wall; the westernmost window is modern; between the second and third windows is a late 12th-century doorway, now blocked; it is similar to the N. doorway and has foliage sprigs carved on the ends of the label; the 13th-century S. doorway has moulded jambs, two-centred arch and moulded label with carved foliage stops; W. of the doorway is a length of battering plinth which perhaps indicates that the former tower continued W. on the line of the S. wall of the nave; the 18th-century tower sets back at this point, but incorporates a similar plinth which may be old material re-set.

The South Porch is of early 14th-century date and has an outer entrance with jambs and two-centred arch of two chamfered orders with moulded capitals at the springing level. The side walls have each a window of one trefoiled ogee light.

The Roof of the chancel is of trussed-rafter type with curved braces forming two-centred arches; it is of the 14th or 15th century. The roof of the nave is modern except for an early 16th-century tie-beam against the W. wall. This is moulded and embattled and has a broad band of running vine ornament.

Fittings—Bracket: In porch—over S. doorway of nave, rounded stone corbel or bracket, mediæval. Chair (Plate 48): In chancel—with turned legs, curved arms and panelled and carved back, early to mid 17th-century. Coffin-lids: In vestry—re-used as window-lintel, with foliated stem; re-used as lintel to locker, with head of cross; both probably late 13th-century. Door: In chancel—in vestry-doorway, ledged and battened, with strap-hinges, plain scutcheon and ring-handle, mediæval. Glass: In nave—in N.E. window, fragments of border, 14th-century; in second S. window, fragments including foliated quarries, borders, etc., 14th and 15th-century. Monument and Floor-slab. Monument: In nave—in S.E. corner, incised slab with foliated cross under cinquefoil ogee canopy with crockets and finial, plain shield and marginal inscription in black-letter beginning "Hic jacet tumulata Alicia uxor . . . (Burtoni?)," 15th-century. Floor-slab: In chancel— to John B(rew)ster, 1684. Niche: In chancel—in N. wall, recess with two-centred head, mediæval. Piscinæ: In chancel—recess (Plate 61) with moulded jambs and trefoiled head, projecting moulded sill and quatre-foiled drain, 14th-century. In nave—in S. wall, recess with head cut down by later window, 14th-century. Recesses: In chancel—in N. wall, level with floor, two with chamfered jambs and segmental-pointed arches, 14th-century; in external face of S. wall (Plate 79), with moulded jambs, cinque-foiled segmental-pointed arch with foliated spandrels and moulded label with one head-stop, 14th-century, probably tomb-recess. In nave—in N. wall, with moulded jambs, segmental-pointed head and label; in S. wall, similar recess, with finial to label having three shields, two with three bars and the third with the emblems of the Passion; both 14th-century, shields repainted, probably tomb recesses. Scratchings: In nave—onN.E. and second S. window, various mason's marks and assembly numerals. Screen (Plate 77): Now under tower-arch, of eight narrow bays with a modern door incorporating old material at N. end, close lower panels and open upper panels with foiled ogee and traceried heads, moulded posts and cornice with running vine-ornament, probably late 15 th-century. Sedilia (Plate 61): In chancel—three bays with moulded jambs and divisions, and trefoiled arches in a single square head, 14th-century. Stoup: In nave—E. of S. doorway, mutilated stone bowl set in modern recess.



a(2). Moated Mound (Plan, p. xxix), 40 yards N. of the church, is about 49 yards in diameter at the base and rises some 16 ft. above the moat level. A causeway crosses the moat on the N.W.


b(3). Burton Court, 1,500 yards S. of the church, is a late 18th-century building except for the great hall which is of early 14th-century date with a slate roof and plastered walls, probably timber-framed originally. The roof of the hall (Plate 35) is original and of five bays with curved braces below the collar-beams, forming two-centred arches; the upper edges of the collar-beams are cusped, and there are two ranges of cusped wind-braces below the purlins. The fireplace in the W. wall has an overmantel made up of two ranges of enriched arcaded panelling with terminal figures; flanking the fireplace are two terminal figures of angels of foreign origin.

The Outbuildings include a timber-framed dovecote N. of the house and a granary W. of the house, both of the 17th century. The dovecote (Plate 41) is square with a gabled roof and square lantern in the middle. The granary has a lower storey of stone and an upper timber-framing.

Condition—Of house, good.

a(4). Staick House (Plate 118), on the N. bank of the Arrow and about 240 yards N. of the church, is of two storeys, timber-framed and with stone-slate or tilecovered roofs. The earliest part of the house appears to be the N. part of the E. wing, which was built probably in the 14th century; a little later, and probably late in the same century, the great hall was built as an independent timber-frame. The W. wing was added probably in the second half of the 16th century. At the same period or early in the 17th century the hall was divided into two storeys. The E. wing was extended to the S. about the middle of the 17th century, and late in the same, or early in the following century, the W. wing was extended towards the N.

Eardisland, Staick House

The Hall-block retains much of its original square framing with some curved braces under the eaves; a dormer has been added, however, on both the N. and S. sides; the same type of framing is to be seen in the original part of the E. wing. The W. wing with its one-storey extension has late square framing, but the extension of the E. wing has wide-spaced vertical framing; the upper storey projects at the S. end of this wing on shaped brackets and a moulded bressummer, and the gable has diagonal framing.

Inside the building the ground-floor rooms generally have exposed ceiling-beams; those of the inserted floor in the hall-block are apparently of two dates. In the W. wing is a 16th-century wall-post with a moulded head. The Entrance Hall in the hall-block has an overmantel made up of enriched 17th-century panelling; in the E. wall are two doorways, one probably of the 14th century, with a shaped ogee head and the other probably of the 16th century, with a shouldered head. The staircase incorporates some late 17th-century twisted balusters. The roof of the great hall survives largely complete though obscured by later alterations; it is of four bays with a central main truss and three subsidiary trusses; the main truss has a tie-beam with curved braces forming a two-centred arch and springing from moulded capitals on the wall-posts, one of which remains; at the apex of the arch is a carved patera; the collar-beam has curved braces below it and the upper surface with the principals is cut to form a trefoil with ogee points; the subsidiary trusses have only collar-beams similar to the main truss; below the purlins are foiled wind-braces; the timbers are all chamfered and smoke-blackened. The 14th-century E. wing has a roof of six bays with two main and three subsidiary trusses; the main trusses have tie-beams, vertical struts and collar-beams and in the middle of the tie-beams are carved paterae; the subsidiary trusses have collar-beams only; the wind-braces are plain. A bedroom on the first floor of this wing has a late 16th-century window with moulded frame and mullions.


a(5). The Old Manor House and dovecote, 180 yards N.W. of the church. The House is of two storeys, timber-framed and with tiled roofs. It was built in the first half of the 17th century on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N.W. and S.W. Late in the same century the N.W. wing was extended and heightened, and in the 18th century a brick extension was made on the S.E. front. Most of the external timber-framing is exposed. The front doorway has an original moulded frame and a battened door with strap-hinges. Inside the building are exposed ceiling-beams.

The Dovecote (Plate 104), N.E. of the house, is a square brick building, gabled on each face and with a square central lantern and weather-vane; it is probably of late 17th or early 18th-century date.


a(6) Court House, 140 yards N.N.W. of the church, is of two storeys with attics; the walls are of stone with some timber-framing, and the roofs are slate-covered. It was built probably late in the 16th century, but has been extensively altered in the 18th and 19th centuries and extended towards the S.W. Inside the building are some exposed ceiling-beams.


Monuments (7–52)

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys, timber-framed, and with tile or slate-covered roofs. Most of the buildings have exposed external timber-framing and internal ceiling-beams.

Condition—Good or fairly good, unless noted.

a(7). Old School House (Plate 104), on the N. side of the road opposite (6), was built probably in the 16th century. The upper storey projects at the N. end on modern brackets and old attached shafts on the posts; the framing at this end is close-set. Standing at the N. end of the house is the old whipping-post (Plate 80) with iron staples and gyves for the wrists.

a(8). Cottage, 15 yards E. of (7), has been heightened.

a(9). Range of cottages and barn (Plate 21), 260 yards N.W. of the church. The Cottages are of three periods, the W. block being of mid 16th-century date, the E. block of the early 17th century, and the middle portion rather later. The upper storey projects at the W. end. The E. cottage has been heightened.

The Barn, S. of the range, is of three bays.

a(10). Arrow Lawn, house, 20 yards N. of (9), is modern except for the W. range, formerly of two storeys but with the upper floor removed.

a(11). Outbuilding, at Riversdale N. of (10), is now of one storey.

a(12). House, 80 yards W. of (11), has been much added to and altered.

a(13). House and shop on the S. side of the road, 150 yards N.W. of the church, has been heightened and plastered. The upper storey formerly projected on the N. front but has been under-built.

a(14). White Swan Inn, 15 yards S.W. of (13), has an 18th or early 19th-century block in front.

a(15). Knapp House, 40 yards S.W. of (14), is part of a 14th or early 15th-century building, to which an addition has been made on the S., probably in the 16th century; this and the adjoining bay of the original building were heightened in the 18th century. The N. bay of the building contains two original roof-trusses, one with a pair of crutches or blades, a collar with curved braces and remains of cusped openings above it; the second truss has only a collar with two struts above, forming three cusped openings. The external framing of the original building is in large squares.


a(16). Cottage, S. of (15), has been partly refaced and heightened.

a(17). House, three tenements, 210 yards W. of the church, is of late 16th or early 17th-century date, and of H-shaped plan with the cross-wings at the N. and S. ends.

b(18). Cottage, 100 yards S. of (17), has a thatched roof and diagonal framing in the S. gable.

b(19). Cottage, 20 ft. S.E. of (18), has been partly heightened and has a thatched roof.

b(20). Cottage, nearly opposite (19), has been heightened.

b(21). Cottage, 90 yards S.E. of (20), has a thatched roof.

b(22). Cottage, on the N.W. side of the road, ¼ m. S.S.W. of the church, has been heightened.

a(23). Cottage, at the S.W. corner of the churchyard, has been heightened and extended towards the N.

a(24). Cottage, 30 yards S. of (23), has been heightened.

b(25). Cottage, 120 yards S. of the church, has been heightened.

b(26). Glenarrow Mill, 300 yards E.N.E. of the church, is partly of stone and partly timber-framed. There is little evidence of the relative dates of the parts of the building, but it is possible that the timber-framed part may be an addition to the earlier stone building.

Condition—Partly ruinous.

a(27). Cottage, on the S. side of the Leominster road, 300 yards N.E. of the church, has been heightened.

a(28). Staick Cottage, 60 yards W. of (27), was of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and E. An outbuilding forms an extension of the E. wing. Part of the building is thatched, and the N. front has been refaced.

a(29). Cottage, on the W. side of the lane, 70 yards N.N.W. of (4), has a thatched roof.

a(30). Cottage, 70 yards N. of (29).

a(31). Cottage, immediately N. of the bridge.

a(32). House and shop, 10 yards W. of (31), is of late 16th or early 17th-century date, and has been refronted.

Eardisland, Plan Showing the Position of Monuments

a(33). Cottage, 20 yards N.W. of (32), was of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N. and E. There are various modern additions.

a(34). Outbuilding, E. of Nun House, 600 yards N.W. of the church.

a(35). Cottage, on the E. side of the lane, 770 yards N. of the church, has a corrugated-iron roof.

a(36). Cottage, on the N. side of the lane, ¾ m. W.N.W. of the church, has a thatched roof.

a(37). Broom Farm, house, over 1¼ m. W.N.W. of the church, is of H-shaped plan with the cross-wings on the E. and W. The W. cross-wing appears to be modern.

b(38). Cottage, on the E. side of the lane, 1 m. S.W. of the church, has been heightened.

b(39). Cottage, 20 yards W. of (38), has been heightened and added to on the N.W.

b(40). Hardwick House, 250 yards S. of (39), is an 18th-century building but adjoining it on the N.E. is a 17th-century outbuilding. There is a second out-building of the same age N.W. of the house.

b(41). Upper Hardwick Farm, house, 520 yards W.S.W. of (40), was built late in the 16th or early in the 17th century. A later 17th-century wing was added on the N.E.

b(42). Cottage, on the S. side of the road, 350 yards S. of (40), has a thatched barn at the S.W. end.

b(43). House (Plate 30), on the N.W. side of the road at Lower Hardwick, 1½ m. S.W. of the church, has an E. cross-wing of late 16th-century date and a W. wing perhaps of rather later date. The upper storey projects at the S. end of the E. wing and the E. face of the same wing has close-set timber-framing.

b(44). House (Plate 23), 100 yards S. of (43), has a later extension at the N.E. end. The upper storey projects on part of the N.W. front on a moulded bressummer and brackets; this part of the house has two gables.

b(45). House, 50 yards N.W. of (44), has been largely re-built.

b(46). Downway, cottage, two tenements, 1½ m. S.S.W. of the church.

b(47). Cottage, on the S. side of the road at Lower Burton, 1¼ m. S. of the church, has been partly re-built.

b(48). House, 180 yards E.N.E. of (47), has been much altered, heightened, and added to.

b(49). Lower Burton Farm (Plate 23), house and barn, 330 yards N.N.E. of (48). The House was built probably late in the 16th century on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the W. and S. The upper storey projects at the S. end of the S. wing on curved brackets. The Barn, S.E. of the house, is of three bays.

b(50). Outbuilding at Stytches Farm, 1,450 yards S.E. of the church, is of three original bays with a later extension.

b(51). Upper Rhydimoor Farm, house and barn, 250 yards N. of (50). The House has an added early 18th-century wing on the E. The Barn, E. of the house, is of three bays.

b(52). Lower Rhydimoor Farm, house and barn, 370 yards N. of (51). The House (Plate 32) was originally of T-shaped plan with the cross-wing at the S. end. A later wing was added to the N.E. incorporating a building with diagonal framing and perhaps formerly detached. The Barn N.W. of the house is of three bays.


a(53). Mound at Monk's Court, 320 yards N.N.W. of the church, is of roughly circular form about 31 yards in diameter at the base and rising some 4½ ft. above the surrounding ground.

Condition—Fairly good.