Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Affairs in Ireland, Sept 1643 - December 1644', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp895-926 [accessed 9 February 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Affairs in Ireland, Sept 1643 - December 1644', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp895-926.
John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: Affairs in Ireland, Sept 1643 - December 1644". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp895-926.
In this section
- CHAP. XX. Touching the Affairs in Ireland, from the time of the Cessation, Sept. 15. 1643. to the end of the year 1644.
- To the Right Honourable the Lords Justices in Council.
- To the Right Honourable the Lords Chief Justices and Council.
- At the Court at Oxford, the 25th of April, 1644.
- A Letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Inchiquin, and other the Commanders in Munster, to his Majesty, &c. July 17. 1644.
- A Manifestation directed to the Lords and Commons, Assembled in Parliament at Westminster, from the Lord Inchiquin, &c. July 18.
- His Majesty's Letter to the Marquess of Ormond, December 15. 1644–5.
- The King to the Marquess of Ormond, Jan. 7 1644–5.
- His Majesty's Letter to the Marquess of Ormond, 16 Feb 1644.
- To the Duke of Ormond, Feb. 27. 1645.
CHAP. XX. Touching the Affairs in Ireland, from the time of the Cessation, Sept. 15. 1643. to the end of the year 1644.
Major-General Monro (Chief Commander of the Scots in Ulster) his Letter to the Lords justices, Octo. 15.
Right Honourable,
Your Lordships of the 21st of September, I received at Armagh, together with the Printed Cessation, which was very displeasing unto this Army, who being sent Auxiliaries for Supply of the British Forces in distress, were promised by his Majesty; and the Parliament of England, Pay and Entertainment, from three Months to three Months: Nevertheless, in eighteen Months Time, they have endured (both Officers and Soldiers) unparellel'd Miseries, and now a great part of the Service is done, they are rewarded with the Conclusion of a Cessation, without assurance of Entertainment for that time, or any certainty of the Payment of their Arrears, and they must conform to the Treaty. This kind of Usage and Contempt, would constrain good Servants, tho' his Majesty's Loyal Subjects, to think upon some course which may be satisfactory to them, being driven almost to Dispair, and threatned to be prosecuted by the Roman Catholick Subjects (as they are now called) nevertheless, to avoid the' foresaid Contempt (and in Obedience to his Majesty's Command) I have moved the Army for the time, to cease any Hostile Act, against our Enemies, till such time as your Lordships will be pleased to consider better of our present Condition, and grant us time to acquaint the General, who has only Commission over the Army, to advise us how to behave our selves in this Exigency, since I (as Governor of Caricksergus) can give your Lordships no positive Answer to this Cessation in the Name of our Army, having no absolute Power over them; and immediately after receiving the General's Resolution, your Lordships shall be acquainted therewith, which is the least favour your Lordships can vouchsase upon us, in recompence of our by-gone Service. And so I remain,
Your Lordships Humble and Obedient Servant,
Robert Monro.
Armagh, 29. Sept. 1643.
To the Right Honourable the Lords Justices in Council.
Octob. 15. 1643.; The Rebels Assembly at Kilkenny to the Lords Justices, to vindicate themselves from Calumnies cast upon them by Monro.
Our very good Lords.
We whom his Majesty's Catholick Subjects, of this Kingdom, did intrust in the Management of our Affairs, have, by our Publick Act, ratified and confirmed the Articles of Cessation, concluded upon by our Commissioners, willingly and chearfully, hoping in the quiet of that time, assigned for it, by the benefit of the access which his Majesty is graciously pleased to afford us, to free our selves from those odious Calumnie s wherewith we have been branded, and to render ourselves worthy of Favour by some acceptable Service, suiting the Expression we have often made, and the real Affection, and Zeal we have to serve his Majesty, and in as much as we are given to understand, that the Scots (who not long since in great Numbers came over into this Kingdom, and by the slaughter of many Innocents, without distinction of Age or Sex) have prossessed themselves of very large Territories in the North, and since the Notice given them of the Cessation, have not only continued their former Cruelties upon the Persons of weak and unarmed Multitudes, but have added thereunto the burning of the Corn belonging to the Natives within that Province of Ulster: Notwithstanding which Outrages, we hear that they (altho' but saintly, and with relation unto the consent of their General) after some Days consulted whether it were convenient for their Affairs, desired
to partake in the Cessation, intending, as is evident by their Proceedings, so far only to admit thereof, as it may be beneficial for their Patrons, the Malignant Party now in Arms against his Majesty in England, by diverting us from assisting his Majesty, or of Advantage to their Desire, of eating further into the Bowels of our Country. We who can accuse our selves of no hollow Thought, and detest all subtile Practices, cannot think of serving two Masters, or standing Neuters, where our King is Party; and being desirous, none should reside in this Kingdom, but his Majesty's good Subjects, we beseech your Lordships therefore, that those who have other Ends than his Majesty Service and Interest, and are so far from permitting the Natives to enjoy three parts of what they had sown, as they may with no security look upon their former Habitations, and do absolutely deny to restore their Prisoners, contrary to the Articles of Cessation, may, by the joint Power of all his Majesty's good Subjects, within this Kingdom, of what Nation soever, be prosecuted; and that while these Succours are in Preparation, our Proceedings against them may no way be imputed unto us, as a Desire any way to violate this Cessation. And we do further pray your Lordships, that for our Justification therein, you will be pleased to transmit unto his Majesty these our Letters, and to send unto us the Copy of those directed unto your Lordships, from Serjeant Major Monro, concerning this Matter. Thus, with the remembrance of our heartiest Wishes unto your Lordships, we rest
Your Lordships Loving Friends.
Montgaret, Castlehaven, Audly, H. Armach, Jo. Clontert, Th. Fr. Dublin, R. Beling, N. Plunket, Gerrad Fennel.
Kilkenny, 15 Oct. 1643. received 25.
To the Right Honourable the Lords Justices and Council.
The Cessation being concluded, several English Regiments that before served against the Irish Rebels were Transported for England, as Sir Michael Earnleys, Sir Rich. Fleetwoods, Col. Monk, Col. Gibsons, and Col. Warrens, who all were obliged to take this following Oath, before they left Ireland.
The Oath which all the Officers and Soldiers took before they left Ireland.
'I A. B. resting fully assured of his Majesty's most Princely Truth and Goodness, do freely, and from my Heart, Promise, Vow, and Protest, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will to the utmost of my Power, and with the hazard of my Life, Maintain and Desend the true Protestant Religion, Established in the Church of England, his Majesty's Sacred Person, his Heirs, and lawful Successors, and his Majesty's just Powers and Prerogatives, against the Forces now under the Conduct of the Earlof Essex, and against all other Forces whatsoever, that are, or shall be raised, contrary to his Majesty's Commands and Authority.
'And I will do my best Endeavour to procure and re-establish the Peace and Quietness of the Kingdom of England.
'And I will neither directly, or indirectly, divulge or communicate any thing to the said Earl of Essex, his Officers, or any other, to hinder or prejudice the Designs of his Majesty, in the Conduct or Employment of his Army.
The Precept for taking this Oath, by the Lieutenant General of his Majesty's Army.
The Precept for taking the aforesaid Oath, Octob. 13.
'Whereas his Majesty hath been pleased to Command the present Transportation of a part of his Army here in England, I do think fit, and hereby Order, that every Officer and Soldier, to be Transported hence, do take the Oath above written, before they depart this Harbour.
Given at his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, 13th. of Octob. 1643.
To the Right Honourable the Lords Chief Justices and Council.
The Humble Petition of divers of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland.
The Petition of tbe Protestants in Ireland, Octob. 6. 1643.
Humbly sheweth,
That your Petitioners being pressed by extream Necessities, and their great Sufferings, in the present Rebellion, for Remedy thereof, desire to Address themselves to his Sacred Majesty by their Agents: And because they understand by his Majesty's Proclamation, and the Articles of Cessation lately publish'd in Print, that the Roman Catholicks are admitted to send Agents to his Majesty, who will doubtless watch all Opportunities to prejudice your Supplicants.
They humbly pray, that your Lordships will be pleased to be a means that they be not admitted to his Majesty, until your Supplicants Agents may be present; which shall be with all convenient Speed. And to that end, they humbly desire that your Lordships will be pleased to grant License unto such as your Supplicants shall, from time to time, appoint to attend his Majesty touching the Premisses, and in regard that your Supplicants conceive that the dissolving of this Parliament (which by the Alteration of the Lords Justices will shortly determine, unless by Special Commission the same be continued) may prove of very evil Consequence to his Majesty's good Subjects.
They humbly pray that your Lordships will be pleased to commend the same effectually to his Majesty's pious Consideration, that timely direction may arrive for continuance thereof.
Signed by the Earl of Kildare, the Lord Viscount Montgomery, the Lord Blany, and many others.
The Justices Answer, Octob. 12.
Upon Consideration of this Petition, we think sit to let the Petitioners know that his Majesty (out of his gracious Care of his Affairs, and good Subjects here) hath been pleased already to signfy hither his Royal Intention, to call into England some such able and sitting Ministers or Servants, of his Majesty's on this side, as are sit to be sent into England, to assist in the Treaty there, when the Persons to be imployed to his Majesty from the Irish, shall go over; and his Majesty's Royal purpose therein is already so far advanced, as the Namesos sit and able Persons of eminent Quality, free from any Exception, and well Experienc'd in the Affairs of this Kingdom, are already transmitted to his Majesty, that so he may make Choice of such as he shall think fit; so as all that could be thought of, necessary for the good of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects, his Majesty hath already provided for, with great Piety and Wisdom: Yet we, who well know his Majesty's abundant Care and Tenderness of his Protestant Subjects here, being desirous to give the Petitioners all needful Satisfaction in their desires, so far as may consist with the Dutv we owe to his Majesty, and looking into former Times, do find that when Agents were sent from this Kingdom to attend his Majesty, by the Approbation of this Board, it was by his Majesty's gracious Licensesirst obtained, wherefore we hold it our Duties at this Time, also to reserve that part for his Majesty. And therefore we do forbear of our selves to give any Direction therein, but do intend humbly to Transmit a Copy of this their Petition to his Majesty, which also answers the Petitioners Request concerning the Parliament, and we will labour to otbain a Signification of his good Pleasure therein with all convenient speed, which we shall readily obey; and if in the mean time there be any matter of Grievance offered by the Petitioners to us, which is in our Power to redress here, we do let the Petitioners know we shall be ready to hear it, and to interpose his Majesty's Authority intrusted with us, towards their just Relif therein.
- Jo. Borlace
- Ormond,
- Cha. Lambert,
- Tho. Lucas,
- Edw. Brabasen,
- Roscomon,
- H. Tichborne,
- Fra. Willoughby,
- Ja. Ware,
- Ant. Midensis.
To the Right Honourable the Lords Justices, and Council.
The Humble Petition of divers of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects as well commanders of his Majesty's Army as others.
Humbly sheweth unto your Lordships,
That we have received your Lordships Answer in Writing to our Petition, whereby we perceive his Majesty's abundant Care and Tenderness of us, which we shall with all humble Thankfulness ever acknowledge, together with your Lordships readiness therein. And whereas we find in your Lordships said Answer, your willingness for redress of any manner of Grievance, which is in your Lordships Power; We do humbly herewith offer unto your Lordships a Copy of our most humble Petition, which we prepared to present to his Sacred Majesty wherein we set down part of our Grievances.
Humbly desiring your Lordships to take the same into your grave Consideration, and so far to condescend to our just Demands in our former Petition and humble Motions to your Lordships exprest, for the License and Recommendation of our Agents, and Petition to his Sacred Majesty, as that the Cause of our Religion, of our Selves and our Posterity (whereof his Majesty is so abundantly careful) his Majesty's Honour and Service being so much concerned therein, may not suffer thro' Delay or Want of true and full Information, which your Supplicants humbly conceive cannot be without particular Persons or Agents from the several parts of this Kingdom to that end chosen (by those who have now suffered) to solicit and wholly to attend to the same.
And they shall ever pray, &c.
The Answer, 19 Octob. 1640
The Answer which on the Twelsth of this Month we gave to a former Petition concerning this Matter exhibited at the Board in the Name of divers of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland, doth fully answer the request of your Petition to which we can now add, that such, is our care of the Petitioners, as that on the same day we gave them that Answer, we signed Letters directed to Mr. Secretary Nichols, and enclosed therein their Petition to us, and we have by those Letters earnestly intreated Mr. Secretary, that with all convenint speed we may understand his Majesty's gracious Pleasure therein, which we shall readily obey; And if the Petitioners shall think fit to send any to attend his Majesty as we shall not hinder them, or any other from making their humble Application to his Majesty in any their Occasions, so we hold it agreeable with our Duties to for bear our Recommendation for the Reasons expressed in our said Answer of the Twelsth of this Month, until we first understand his Majesty's good Pleasure therein
- Ormond
- Jo. Borlace
- Cha. Lambert
- Fa. Ware
- Hen. Tichburn.
- Roscomon
- Geo, Sherly
- Tho. Rotheram
- An. Midensis
- Fra. Willoughby
Kings License to the Protestant Agents to repair to his Majesty then at Oxford November 6th.
About the beginning of January a Letter from his Majesty dated 6 November 1643. arrived at Dublin licencing the Protestant Agents to repair to his Majesty, which followeth in hac verba.
Right Trusty and well beloved Counsellors, and Right Trusty and Right well beloved Cozens and Counsellors, we greet you well, we have seen your Letters to Secretary Nicholas of the 18th of October, 1643. with the Copy of a Petition to you presented
the 6th Day of that Month by your Cousins the Earl of Kildare and Lord Viscount Ardes, and divers others in the Names of more of our Protestant Subjects in thatour Kingdom, and what Answer you then made thereupon, with a Reservation till our Pleasure should be signified concerning their Requests. We have likewise seen your Letter to our said Secretary of the 25th of the same Month, with the Copy of a Petition to us, and a List of the Subscribers, in the Name of divers of our Protestant Subject, as well Commanders as other in that our Kingdom, and a Copy of their Petition to you, in pursuance of their former, with your Answer thereupon; In all which we find you have very prudently done what besits your Duties to us. The Four nominated by the Petitioners we are pleased may repair hither over and above the Persons by us formerly appointed, with fitting Instructions concerning the Grievances mentioned in the Petition aforesaid; and that you permit them accordingly to come over, when or before the Persons to be sent from our Roman Catholick Subjects of that our Kingdom shall come: And if hereafter our said Protestant Subjects shall desire to add more to them, upon Declaration of their Names who are desired to be added to you, and your Advertisement thereof to us, you shall received further Direction. And so we bid you heartliy farewel. Given at our Court at Oxford the 6th Day of November, in the 19th Year of our Reign, 1643.
To our right trusty and well-beloved Counsellors, Sir John Borlace and Sir Henry Tichbourne, Knights, Lords-Justices, and to our right trusty, and right well beloved Cousins and Counsellors, the Lords and other of our Privy Council of our Kingdom of Ireland.
By his Majesty's Command.
Edward Nicholas.
This Letter arrived not in Ireland till January, 1643/4. on the 21st of which Month James Marquess of Ormond was solemnly in Christ-Chruch, Dublin, sworn Lord-Lieutenant of that Kingdom.
The Agents first nominated by the Protestants were, Sir Francis Hamilton, Knight and Baronet, Captain William Ridgeway, Captain Michael Jones, and Mr.Fenton, Parsons; but Mr.Jones declining to accept of the Agency, they on the 26th of February nominated two others, viz. Sir Charles Coot Knight and Baronet, and Captain W. Parsons to be added to the other before names, but before they could be admitted, their Names were to be sent into England to know his Majesty's Pleasure, who by his gracious Letter of the 27th of February, which arrived at Dublin, March the 29th, was pleased to admit them.
In the mean time the Agents for the Irish Roman Catholicks, viz. The Lord Viscount Muskery, Sir Robert Talbot, Dermot Mac Trag O Brian, and others, got the Start of them, and got to the Court at Oxford before them.
On the 2d of April the Protestant Agents took Shipping at Dublin, and on the 17th of that Month arrived at Oxford, and the same Day delivered to Mr. Secretary Nicholas, certain sealed Letters sent by them from the Lord Lieutenant and Council, desiring to know the fittest time to wait on his Majesty to present him with the Petition from the Protestants in Ireland, who appointed them the next Morning at Nine of the Clock in the Garden at Christ-Church, where after kissing his Majesty's Hands, they presented the said Petition, which was in these Words.
To the King's most Excellent Majesty.
The before-mentioned Petition of the Protestant Subjects in Ireland, as well Commanders as others to his Majesty presented at Oxford, April 25, 1644.
The humble Petition of divers of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects in your Kingdom of Ireland, as well Commanders of your Majesty's Army here, as others, whose Names are subscribed, in the behalf of themselves and other your Protestant Subjects in this your Kingdom.
That this your Highness's Kingdom, reduced with the vast Expence of Treasure and much Effusion of British Blood, to the Obedience of the Imperial Crown of England, hath been by the Princely Care of your Royal Progenitors, especially of Queen Elizabeth, and of your Royal Father, of ever Blessed Memory, and your sacred Majesty, in many Parts happily planted, great Sums of Money disbursed in Buildings and Impovements, Churches edisied and endowed, and frequented with Multitudes of good Protestants, and your Customs and Revenues raised to great yearly Sums, by the Industry of your Protestant Subjects especially,
and great Sums of Money by was of Subsidies and Contributions, chearfully paid unto your Majesty by your said Subjects. In which Happiness this your Kingdom hath flourished in a long continued Peace, and under your Highness's most glorious and happy Government, until that by the present general Conspiracy and Rebellion, raised out of Detestation of your blessed Government, and for the rooting out of the Protestant Religion; and so for the dispossessing of your Majesty of this your said Kingdom, without the least Occasion offered by your Majesty, or your Protestant Subjects. And not withstanding that your Majesty immediately before had enlarged beyond Precedent, your Royal Favour and Bounty to them, in granting all that their and our joint Agents, did desire of your Majesty, and we continuing amongst them in all Love and Amity, without Distrust, your Petitioners and others who laboured to oppose those damnable Designs and Practices, have been driven from their Dwellings, Estates and Fortunes, their Houses and Churches burnt and demolished, all Monuments of Civility utterly defaced, your Majesty's Forts and Places of Strength thrown down, and the Common and Statute-Law of this your Kingdom utterly confounded, by taking upon themselves the Exercise of all manner of Authorities and Jurisdictions Ecclesiastical and Civil, both by Land and Sea, proper and peculiar to your Sacred Majesty, being your just Prerogatives, and the Royal Flowers of your Imperial Diadem, to the Disherison of your Crown, and your Royal Revenue brought to nothing, and the Protestant Clergy with their Revenues and Support, for the present destroyed. This your Kingdom in all Parts formerly inhabited with British Protestants, is now depopulated of them, and many thousands of your Protestant Subjects most barbarously used, stripped naked, tortured, famished, hanged, buried alive, drowned, and otherwise, by all barbarous cruel sorts of Death murthered; such as yet remain of them are reduced to that Extremity, that very few of them have where withal to maintain a Being, and all of them so terrified and afflicted with those barbarous and inhuman Cruelties (the Truth whereof being now spread abroad into the Christian World) your Supplicants conceive Fears that your Majesty's British Subjects will be discouraged from coming again to inhabit this Kingdom, and the remnant of the British left here will be forved to depart. All this being done by the Conspiracy of the Papists, who did publicky declare the utter Extirpation of the Protestant Religion, and all the British Professors thereof, out of this your Majesty's Kingdoms, and to the end it may the better in some measure appear, your Supplicants have made choice of Captain William Ridgeway, Sir Francis Hamilton, Knight and Baronet, Captain Michael Jones, and Mr. Fenton, Persons whom they have employed and authorized as their Agents, to manifest the Truth thereof in such Particulars, as for the pesent they are furnished withal, referring the more ample Manifestation thereof, to the said Captain William Ridgeway, Sir Francis Hamilton, Captain Jones, and Fenton, Persons, or any three or more of them, and such other Agents as shall, with all convenient Speed, be sent, as Occasion shall require, to attend your Majesty from your Protestant Subjects of the several Provinces of this your Kingdom.
We therefore, your Majesty's most Humble, Loyal, and Obedient Subjects, casting down our selves at your Royal Feet, and flying to you for Succour and Redress in these our great Calamities, as our most gracious Sovereign Lord and King, and next and immediately, under Almighty God, our Protector and Defence; most humbly beseeching your Sacred Majesty, to admit into your Royal Presence, from time to time, our said Agents, and in your great Wisdom, to take into your Princely Care and Consideration, the distressed Estate, and humble Desires of your said Subjects, so that to the Glory of God, your Majesty's Honour, and the Happiness of your good Subjects, the Protestant Rligion may be restored throughout the whole Kingdom to its Lustre, that the Losses of your Protestant Subjects may be reapired in such Manner and Measure as your Majesty, in your Princely Wisdom shall think fit; and that this your Kingdom may be so settled, as that your said Protestant Subjects may heeafter live therein, under the happy Government of your Majesty and your Royal Posterity, with Comfort and Security, whereby your Majesty will render your self, throughout the whole World, a most just and glorious Defender of the Protestant Religion, an ddraw a Blessing on all other your Royal Undertakings; for which your Petitioners will ever pray, &.
Subscribed by the Earl of Kildare, the Lord Viscount Montgomery, the Lord Blany, and many others, and read in the Commons House of Parliament in Ireland, Feb. 17. 1643. who declared their Concurrence therein.
At the Court at Oxford, the 25th of April, 1644.
The King's Answer.
His Majesty being very sensible of the Petitioners Losses and Sufferings, is readyto hear and relieve them, as the Exigency of his Affairs will permit, and wisheth the Petitioners to propose what they think fit, in particular, for His Majesty's Information, and the Petitioners Remedy, and future Security.
And his Majesty looking upon the Petition, and the Names of the Subscribers commanded the same to be read, and after the reading thereof, his Majesty was pleased to express himself, That he knew the Contents of the Petition to be Trush, and that the same could not be denied, and required the Protestant Agents to reduce the Generals of the Petition into Particulars. And his Majesty further said to the said Agents, That the Agents for the Irish took it upon their Salvation unto him, that the Conspiracy in Ireland at first was not general, and that the English Pale of Ireland were forced into Rebellion by his Governors of Ireland; and that if his Parliament of England had permitted him, to have gone into Ireland when he desired, he doubted not but he should soon have suppressed that Rebellion.
His Majesty having directed the Protestant Agents, by his Answer on the said Petition, to represent what they should think fit, in particular, for his Majesty's Information, and the Petitioners Remedy, and future Security; the said Agents likewise taking into Consideration a scandalous and most false Remonstrance of the Irish Rebels, presented to his Majesty's Commissioners at Trim in Ireland, the 27th of March, 1642. which afterwards was printed at Waterford by Thomas Bonoke, Printer to the Consederate Roman Catholicks of Ireland whereunto the affixed his Majesty's Arms; many of which Books were published and dispersed by the Rebels, not only in Ireland but at Oxford, and other Parts of this Kingdom, and in Foreign Parts, of purpose to asperse the late Government there and his Majesty's good and faithful Protestant Subjects, and to put a Shew of Reason upon the barbarous and inhumane Cruelties which the said Rebels had acted on the Protestants of Ireland, unprovoked, in time of full Peace: They therefore thought fit to present to his Majesty some Collections of known Truths, in answer to the said Remonstrance of the Rebels in Ireland. An Abridgement of which Answer of theirs you have before in the first Chapter touching Ireland, the same chiefly relating to the beginning and pretended Occasions of the Rebellion.
They also presented his Majesty then with their first Propositions, which were these:
The Protestant Agents first Propositions.
We most humbly desire the Establishment of the true Protestant Religion in Ireland, according to the Laws and Statutes in the said Kingdom now in force.
2. That the Popish Titular Archbishops, Bishops, Jesuits, Friers and Priests, and all others of the Roman Clergy, be banished out of Ireland, because they have been Stirrers up of all Rebellions, and while they continue there, there can be no Hope of Safety for your Majesty's Protestant Subjects; and that all the Laws and Statutes established in that Kingdom against Popery and Popish Recusants, may continue of Force, and be put in due Execution.
3. That Restitution may be made of all our Churches and Chapels, re-edified, and put in as good Estate as they were at the breaking out of the Rebellion, and as they ought to be, at the Charge of the Consederate Roman Catholicks (as they call themselves) who have been the Occasion of the Destruction of the said Churches, and possessed themselves of the Profits and Revenues thereof.
4. That the Parliament now fitting in Ireland may be continued there, for the better Settlement of the Kingdom; and that all Persons duly indicated in the said Kingdom of Treason, Felony, or other heinous Crimes, may be duly and legally proceeded against, outlawed, tried, and adjudged according to Law. And that all Persons lawfully convicted and attainted, or to be convicted and attainted for the same, may receive due Punishment accordingly.
5. That no Man may take upon him or execute the Office of a Mayor or Magistrate in any Corporation, or the Office of a Sheriff or Justice of Peace in any City or County in the said Kingdom, until he hath first taken the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance.
6. That all Popish Lawyers who refuse to take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance may be suppressed and restrained from Practice in that Kingdom, the rather because the Lawyers in England do not here practise, until they take the Oath of Supremacy; and it hath been found by woeful Experience, that the Advice of Popish Lawyers to the People of Ireland, hath been a great Cause of their continued Disobedience.
7. That there may be a present absolute Suppression and Dissolution of all the assumed Arbitrary and Tyrannical Power, which the said Consederates exercise over your Majesty's Subjects both in Causes Ecclesiastical and Temporal.
8. That all the Arms and Ammunition of the said Consederates be speedily brought in to your Majesty's Stores.
9. That your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, ruined and destroyed by the said Consederates, may be repaired for their great Losses, out of the Estates of the said Consederates, not formerly by any Acts of this present Parliament in England otherwise disposed of, whereby they may the better be enabled to re-inhabit and desend the said Kingdom of Ireland.
10. That the said Consederates may rebuild the several Plantations, Houses and Castles destroyed by them in Ireland, in as good State as they were at the breaking out of the Rebellion, which your Majesty's Protestant Subjects have been bound by their several Patents to build and maintain for your Majesty's Service.
11. That the great Arrears of Rents due to your Majesty out of the Estate of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, at and since Michaelmas 1641, may be paid unto your Majesty by such of the said Consederates who have either received the said Rents to the Uses of the said Consederates, or destroyed the same by disabling your Majesty's Protestant Subjects to pay the same, and have also destroyed all or the most part of all other Rents or Means of Support belonging to your said Protestant Subjects. And that your said Protestant Subjects may be discharged of all such Arrears of Rents to your Majesty.
12. That the said Consederates may give Satisfaction to the Army for the great Arrears due unto them since the Rebellion, and that such Commanders as have arised Forces at their own Charges, and laid forth great Sums of Money out of their own Purses, and engaging themselves, their Holds, and Soldiers under their Commands, in due and necessary Defence of your Majesty's Right and Laws, may be, in due Sort, satisfied; to the Encouragement of others in like Times and Cases which may happen.
13. That touching such Parts of the Consederates Estates, as being forfeited for their Treasons, are come or shall duly come into your Majesty's Hands, and Possession by that Title, your Majesty, after due Satisfaction first made to such as claim by former Acts of Parliament, would be pleased to take the same into your own Hands and Possession, and for the necessary Increase of your Majesty's Revenue, and better Security of your said Kingdom of Ireland, and Protestant Subjects living under your greacious Government there, to plant the same with Brittish and Protestants upon reasonable and honourable Terms.
14. That one good Wall'd Town may be built and kept repaired in every County of the said Kingdom of Ireland and endowed and furnished with necessary and sufficient Means of legal and just Government and Defence for the better Security of your Majesty's Laws and Rights, more especially the true Protestant Religion in times of danger. In any of which Towns no Papists may be permitted to dwell or inhabit.
15. That for the better satisfaction of Justice and your Majesty's Honour and, for the future Security of the said Kingdom, and your Majesty's Protestant Subjects there, examplary Punishment according to Law, may be inflicted upon such as have there traiterously levied War, and taken up Arms against your Majesty's Protestant Subjects and Laws, and therein against your Majesty, especially upon such as have had their Hands in the shedding of Innocent Blood, or to do with the first Plot or Conspiracy, or since that time have done any notorious Murder, or Overt Act of Treason.
16. That all your Majesty's Towns, Forts, and places of Strength destroyed by the said Consederates since the said Rebellion, may be by them, and at their Charges re-edified and delivered up into your Majesty's Hands, to be duely put into the Government, under your Majesty and your Laws, of good Protestants; and that all Strengths and Fortifications made and set up by the said Consederates since the said Rebellion may be slighted and thrown down, or else delivered up and disposed of for Protestant Government and Security as aforesaid.
17. That according to the Presidents of former times in cases of general Rebellions in Ireland, the Attainders which have been duely had by Outlary for Treason done in this Rebellion, may be established and confirmed by Act of Parliament, to be in due form of Law transmitted and passed in Ireland, and that such Traitors as for want of Protestant and indifferent Jurors to indict them in the proper County, are not yet indicted nor convicted, or attainted by Outlary or otherwise, may upon due proof of their Offences, be proceeded against as to Law appertaineth, and your Majesty to be adjudged and put in Possession without any Office or Inquisition to be had.
18. That your Majesty's Protestant Subjects may be restored to the quiet Possession of all Castles, Houses, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and Leases, and to the quiet Possessions of the Rents thereof, as they had the same before, and at the time of the breaking forth of this Rebellion, and from whence without due Process and Judgment of Law they have since been put or kept out, and may be answered of and for all the mean Profits of the same, in the interim, and for all the time untill they shall be so restored.
19. That your Majesty's said Protestant Subjects may also be restored to all their Monies, Plate, Jewels, Household-stuff, Goods and Chattels whatsoever, which without due Process or Judgment in Law have by the said Consederates been taken or detained from them since the contriving the said Rebellion, which may be gained in kind, or the full Value thereof, if the same may not be had in kind, and the like Restitution to be made for all such Things, which during the said time have been delivered to any Person or Persons of the said Consederates in trust to be kept or preserved, but are by colour thereof still with holden.
20. That the Establishment and Maintenance of a Competent Protestant Army, sufficient Protestant Soldiers and Forces for the time to come be speedily taken into your Majesty's Prudent, Just, and gracious Consideration, and such a Course laid down and continued according to the Rules of good Government, that your Majesty's Rights and Laws, the Protestant Religion and Peace of that Kingdom be no more endangered by the like Rebellion in the time to come.
21. That whereas it appeareth in Print, that the said Consederates aim at the repeal of Poyning's Law, thereby to open an easy and ready way for the passing of Acts of Parliaments in Ireland, without having of them first well considered of in England, which may produce many dangerous Consequences both to that Kingdom and to your Majesty's other Dominions; your Majesty would be pleased to resent and reject all Propositions tending to introduce so great a Diminution of your Royal and Necessary Power, for the Confirmation of your Royal Estate, and Protection of your good Protestant Subjects both there and elsewhere.
22. That your Majesty out of your Grace and Favour to your Protestant Subjects of Ireland, would be pleased to consider effectually of assuring them that you will not give order for, or allow of the transmitting into Ireland any Act of general Oblivion, Release, or discharge of Actions or Suits, whereby your Majesty's said Protestant Subjects there may be barred or deprived of their legal Remedies, which by your Majesty's Laws and Statutes of that Kingdom they may have against the said Consederates or any of their Party, for, or in respect of any wrongs done unto them or any of their Ancestors, or Predecessors in or concerning their Lives, Liberties, Persons, Goods, or Estates, since the contriving, or breaking forth of the Rebellion.
23. That some fit course may be considered of, to prevent the filling or overlaying of the Commons House of Parliament in Ireland with Popish Recusants, being ill effected Members; and that Provision be duely made, that none shall vote or fit therein, but such as shall first take the Oath of Supremacy and Alliance.
24. That the Proofs and Manifestations of the Truth of the several Matters contained in the Petition of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland lately presented to your Majesty may be duely examined, discussed, and in that respect the final Conclusion of things respited for a convenient time, their Agents being ready to attend with their Proofs in that behalf, as your Majesty shall appoint.
Which Remonstrance, Answer and Propositions, his Majesty received from the said Agent the 6th of April, 1644. and delivered the same to Mr. Secretary Nicholas, and then the said Agents desired him to move his Majesty that nothing might be concluded with the Irish Agents, until the said Protestant Agents were fully heard, and that they might have a Copy of the Propositions of the Irish.
The Names of the Committee appointed at Oxford, for Irish Affairs.
The next Day after Mr. Secretary Nicholas told them that his Majesty had referred the Protestants Petition, their Answer to the Rebels Remonstrances, and their Propositions to the Committee for Irish Affairs, consisting of the Lord Cottington, the Earl of Bristol, the Earl of Portland, Sir Edward Nicholas, Sir John Culpoper, and Sir Edward Hide, and others.
The 29th of April the Protestant Agents being informed by divers Persons of Quality, that the Rebels Agents were upon dispatch, they waited on the Lord Cottington chief of the said Committee, and desired his Lordship to be a means that they might have a Copy of the Rebels Propositions to his Majesty, his Lordships seemed a Stranger to the Business, and said he knew not any Propositions the Rebels had made, and said further, that he conceived they meant the Irish Remonstrances whereunto they answered, that the same was long since Printed, and they were not Strangers thereunto; to which his Lordship reply'd, that if any such Propositions were made, it were fit the same should be made known unto them, but that he knew of none such. Notwithstanding the said Lord Cottington was present at the Committee appointed by his Majesty for Irish Affairs the 19th of April when the said Propositions from the Rebels of Ireland were read, and by his Lordship and the rest on inviolable secrecy delivered unto Sir William Steward, and Sir Gerrad Lowther, Sir Philip Percival and Mr. Justice Donvelland, (who were sent for out of Ireland, and appointed by his Majesty to advise with him upon the Treaty) and who received Command from their Lordships not to Communicate the said Propositions to any body, whereby the Agents were prevented of satisfying several Persons that on false Grounds and Misinformations of the Rebels and their Party, (who took liberty to discourse of the reasonableness of the Rebels Desires and of the Motives of inducing the same) were deluded with an Opinion of the Moderateness of the Rebels Propositions, and other their Proceedings.
Therefore the same day the Protestant Agents repaired unto Sir William Stewart, Sir Gerrad Lowther, Sir Philip Percival, and Justice Donvelland, and unto Sir George Radcliff, and Sir William Sambach, who were added to them for that Affair, and acquainted them that they were attending with Instructions from his Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland, and had exhibited a Petition and Propositions to his Majesty, who had promised them a gracious hearing, and that they heard that the Rebels Agents were some what near a dispatch, and therefore intreated them (who as they understood were to be admitted to attend the Lords of the Committee for Irish Affairs that Afternoon) that they would move their Lordships, That the Protestant Agents, who had divers things of great Consequence to offer to their Lordships, might be admitted to a full Hearing before Matters proceed too far, and that their Lordships would admit the said Protestant Agents to see a Copy of what was moved by the Rebels, being also ready to deliver a Copy of the Protestant Agents Propositions.
The next day Sir George Radcliff sent for the Protestant Agents, and in the presence of Sir William Stewart, and the rest of the Gentlemen aforenamed the told them, that he had acquainted the Lords of the Committee with their Desires, and that their Lordships commanded them to return this Answer, That their Lordships took it ill that the said Agents were so forward in prejudicating the King's Justice, and their Lordships: That they should be heard at large before any Conclusion were. And said further, that themselves were thought too forward to present such a Request, but as to the Protestant Agents desire of having a Copy of the Rebels Proposition, they received no Answer.
The first of May, the Protestant Agents were commanded to attend the said Committee for Irish Affairs, at the Audit-Chamber in Oxford, which accordingly they did; at which time their Lordships caused to be read the Protestants Petition, and their Propositions presented to his Majesty, and the Instruction from the Protestants of Ireland, and the Order of the Commons House of the Parliament of Ireland, of the 17th of Feb. 1643. declaring the Concurrence of that House to the said Petition; but the Collections, made in Answer of the Remonstrance of the Irish, was not read. Then the E. of Bristol told the said Agents, that both the King and themselves were sensible of the Prejudicate Opinion, which the said Agents had of their Justice, by their Pressures to be heard, and by their Belief of Vulgar Reports; that the said Agents could not be more careful of the Protestants and Protestant Religion, than their Lordships were. To which the said Agents Answer'd, That if they had erred in pressing to be heard, it was out of their Zeal to the Service, and for the Preservation of the Remnant of the Poor Protestants of Ireland, who intrusted them and out of a desire that his Majesty and their Lordships might be rightly inform'd of the past Sufferings and present deplorable Condition of the Protestants there, which the said Agents humbly desired might be no otherwise represented to his Majesty; and that they might be admitted to the Proof of Particulars, contained in the said Protestant Petition, which they humbly conceived to be of greatest Concernment to them in discharge of their Trust. Whereupon the said Agents were bidden to withdraw, and soon after were call'd in again, and commanded to Subscribe the Propositions, which they had formerly presented to his Majesty, and were that day read before their Lordships, which they did, and the same day they were appointed in the Afternoon, to attend the Lord Primate, the Lord Bishop of Down, Sir George Radcliff, and others. And there Sir George Radcliff told them, That they were commaded by the Committee for Irish Affairs, to let them know how ill they took the height and Unreasonableness of the said Propositions, and to deliver them this ensuing Message.
Objection made by the Committee to the Proceedings of the Protestant Agents.
First. That their Lordships did not think that the Propositions presented by the Protestant Agents to his Majesty, and that Morning read before their Lordships, were the Sense of the Protestants of Ireland.
Secondly, That those Propositions were not agreeable to the Instructions given the said Agents by the Protestants of Ireland.
Thirdly, That as those Propositions were drawn, they would lay a Prejudice on his Majesty and his Ministers to Posterity, these remaining on Record, if a Treaty should go on, and a Peace follow, which the King's Necessity did enforce; and that the Lords of the Committee apprehended the said Agents did flatly oppose a Peace with the Irish.
Fourthly, That it would be impossible for the King to grant the Protestant Agents Desires, and grant a Peace to the Irish.
Fifthly. That the Lords of the Committee desired the Protestant Agents to propose a Way to effect their Desires, either by Force or Treaty, considering the Condition of his Majesty's Affairs in England.
To which Message, the Protestant Agents gave Answer to this Effect.
The Agents Answer.
To the First, That they humbly conceived that the Propositions which they had presented to his Majesty, were the sense of the Protestants in Ireland To the Second, That the Propositions were agreeable to the Instructions given to the said Agents, by the Protestants of Ireland, and conduced to the well settlement of that Kingdom.
To the third, by putting in those Propositions, neither had they so soon put in Propositions, had not his Majesty, by his Answer to the Protestant Petition, directed the same.
To the Fourth, The said Agents humbly conceived that they were employed to make Proof of the effect of the Protestants Petition, to manifest the Inhumane Cruelties of the Rebels, and then to offer such things as they thought fit for the security of the Protestants in their Religion, Lives, Liberties, and Fortunes; that the said Protestants had no disaffection to Peace, so as punishment may be inflicted according to Law, as in the Propositions are expressed; and that the said Protestants might be repaired for their Losses out of the Estates of the Rebels, not formerly by any Acts of this present Parliament in England otherwise disposed of; which the said Agents desired might be represented to his Majesty and the Lords of the Committee accordingly.
To the Fifth, That the said Protestant Agents were Strangers to his Majesty's Affairs in England, and conceived that part more proper for the Advice of his Council than the said Agents, and therefore desired to be excused from meddling in the Treaty, further than the manifesting of the Truth of the Protestant Petition, and proposing in the Behalf of the Protestants, according to the Instructions given them; which the said Agents were ready to perform, whensoever they should be admitted thereunto.
Which Answers having been read before their Lordships, Sir George Radcliff told the said Agents, That while they continued so high and unreasonable in their Propositions, they must expect nothing but War. To which the Agents answered, that they were ill furnished for a Peace, but had rather undergo the hazard of a War, than consent to a dishonourable and destructive Peace. And they further answered, That they should betray the Trust reposed in them by the Protestants of Ireland, if they did admit of any further Alterations of the said Propositions (than as is hereafter mentioned) which the said Agents were resolved upon no Terms to do. Then Sir George Radcliff, That he was sure that if the said Agents would fall three parts of four of the said Propositions that the fourth part would not be consented unto; and afterwards Sir George Radcliff told them, that they were sent over by the Protestants of Ireland to preserve them, and unless the said Agents consented to a Peace his Majesty being in no Condition to send them any Relief, the Irish upon their Agents return Home, would destroy the remnant of the Protestants of Ireland, and therefore desired the said Agents to consider of some Way to secure them To which it was answered by the Protestant Agents, That there were Five Months yet to come to the end of the Cessation, within which Time Means might be found for their Relief; and that it were better that the Protestants should quit Ireland for a time, than consent to a Destructive Peace. Then Sir George asked how they could get the Protestantsfrom thence? To which it was answered, by one of them, That his Majesty might make stay of the Irish Agents in England, untill the Protestants were brought out of Ireland. Sir George Radcliff replied, That he had rather advise the King to lose that Kingdom, than he should violate his Word with the Irish Agents, who were come to treat with his Majesty, and had his Majesty's Promise for their safe return. And the said George said further, That if the Irish had not good Conditions, it was not likely that they would forbear Arms until the end of the Time limited by the Article of Cessation.
The next Day the Protestant Agents delivered some Alterations of their former Propositions, being the utmost they said they would comply unto without betraying the Trust in them reposed; which Propositions then ran in these words.
The humble Propositions of your Majesty's Agents in Ireland, in pursuance of the humble Petition of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, as well Commanders of your Majesty's Army there, as others, presented to your Majesty the 18th day of April, 1644. and answered by your Majesty the 25th of the same.
The Protestant Agents Second Propositions.
1. We most humbly desire the Establishment of the true Protestant Religion in Ireland, according to the Laws and Statutes in the said Kingdom now.
2. That Popery and Popish Recusants may be suppressed according to the Laws and Statutes Established in Ireland.
3. That the Parliament now fitting in Ireland, may be continued for the better settlement of that Kingdom, for if that Parliament should be dissolved, there would be few or no Protestant Freeholders found in that Kingdom, they being either killed, or banished by this Rebellion, to Elect or Chuse any of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects to fit in Parliament hereafter; which by Consequence, may be Destructive to your Majesty's Rights and Prerogatives, and Protestant Subjects, in their Lives, Liberties, and Fortunes.
4. That all such Lawyers who refuse to take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, may be suppressed and restrained from Practice, in that Kingdom, the rather because the Lawyers in England do not here practice, until they take the Oath of Supremacy: And it hath been found by woeful Experience, that the Advice of the Popish Lawyers to the People of Ireland, hath been a great cause of their continued Disobedience.
5. That there may be at present absolute Suppression and Dissolution of all the assumed Arbitrary and Tyrannical Power, which the said Consederate Roman Catholicks (as they call themselves) exercise over your Majesty's Subjects, both in Causes Ecclesiastical and Temporal.
6. That all the Arms and Ammunition of the said Consederates may be brought into your Majesty's Hands, when any Conclusion shall be made.
7. That your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, ruined and destroyed by the said Consederates, may be repaired, for their great Losses out of the Estates of the said Consederates, not formerly by any Act of Parliament in England otherwise disposed of in, such Manner and Measure as your Majesty in your high Wisdom shall think fit, whereby they may be the better enabled to re-inhabit and desend the said Kingdom of Ireland.
8. That the said Consederates may rebuild the several Plantation Houses, and Castles, destroyed by them in Ireland, in as good State as they were at the breaking out of the Rebellion, which your Majesty's Protestant Subjects have been bound by their several Patents to build and maintain for your Majesty's Service, or otherwise, that your Majesty will discharge your said Protestants, Subjects of that Covenant or Condition in their several Patents, and that the Act be passed in this present Parliament to that Purpose. And whereas several Castles or Houses were surrender'd upon Quarter, upon Articles under their Hands, with solemn Oaths, or otherwise, to preserve the said Castles and Houses, from being Defaced and Demolished: That the said Consederates, who have so Articled with any of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, may rebuild the said Castles or Houses, in as good State as they were at the time of surrendering up of the same upon Articles as aforesaid or such a considerable Fine may be Levied out of the Estates of the said Consederates, as may rebuild the said Houses, as your Majesty, in your high Wisdom, shall think fit.
9. That the great Arrear of Rent due to your Majesty, out of the Estates of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, at and since Michaelmas 1641. may be paid unto your Majesty by the said Consederates, who have either received the said Rents, to the Uses of the Consederates, or destroyed the same by disabling your Majesty's Protestant Subjects to pay the same; and have also destroyed all, or the most part of all other Rents, or means of support belonging to your said Protestant Subjects; or that your said Protestant Subjects may be discharged of all such Arrearages of Rents to your Majesty. And that your Majesty will be further graclously pleased to give an abatement of the great yearly Rents payable from your Protestant Subjects for some reasonable Time, as in your Majesty's high Wisdom shall be thought fit for their Encouragement and Enablement to replant that your Kingdom, in respect the said Lands, for the most part depopulated by the said Consederates, will not be worth your Majesty's Rents for a long time.
10. That your Majesty will be graciously pleased to take into your Majesty's hands, so much of the Consederates Estates as are necessary to be planted in that Kingdom, for the increase of your Majesty's Revenues, towards the defraying of your Majesty's necessary Charge of that Kingdom, the satisfying in some Measure, the Arrears of your Army in Ireland, especially those who have laid great Sums of Money out of their own Purses, and deeply engaged themselves for Money and Provisions to keep themselves, their Holds and Soldiers, under their Commands, in the necessary Defence of your Majesty' Rights and Laws, and for encouragement of others in like Times and Cases which may happen, who otherwise will be totally ruined by their great Engagements, which we humbly submit to your Majesty's Consideration; and likewise, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased, in the said Plantations, to erect and build some walled Towns in the said Kingdom of Ireland, and endow and furnish them with necessary and sufficient Means of Legal and Just Governments, and Defence, for the better Security of your Majesty's Laws and Rights, more especially the Protestant Religion, in time of Danger.
11. That for the better Satisfaction of Justice, and your Majesty's Honour, and for the future Security of the said Kingdom and your Majesty's Protestant Subjects there, exemplary Punishment may be inflicted upon such of the Principal Offenders, as have had their Hands in shedding of innocent Blood, or had to do with the first Plot or Conspiracy, or since that time have done any notorious Murthers.
12. That your Majesty's Towns, Forts, and places of Strength, destroyed by the said Consederates since the said Rebellion, may be by them at their Charge re-edified, and delivered up into your Majesty's Hands, to be duly put into the Government, under your Majesty and your Laws, of good Protestants; and that all Strengths, and Fortifications, made and set up by the said Consederates since the said Rebellion, may be slighted and thrown down, or else delived up, and disposed of for Protestant Government as aforesaid.
13. That your Majesty's Protestant Subjects may also be restored to the quiet and peaceable Possession of all their Castles, Houses, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Leases, as they had the same before, and at the Time of the breaking forth of this Rebellion; and from whence, without due Process and Judgment in Law, they have since then been put out and kept.
14. That your Majesty's said Protestant Subjects may also be restored to, or satisfied for all their Monies, Plate, Jewels, Houshold-stuff, Goods or Chattels whatsoever, which during the Rebellion have been delivered to any Person or Persons, of the Consederates in Trust, to be kept and preserved, which are yet detained from them without any colour of Law or Justice.
15. That the Establishment and Maintenance of a compleat Protestant Army, and sufficient Protestant Soldiers and Forces: for the time to come in Ireland, be speedily taken into your Majesty's Prudent, Just, and Gracious Consideration, and such a course laid down and continued therein, according to the Rules of good Government, that your Majesty's Rights and Laws, and the Protestant Religion, and Peace of that Kingdom, be no more endangered by the like Rebellion in time to come.
16. That whereas it appeareth in Print, that the said Consederates, amongst other things, aim at the repeal of Poyning's Act, thereby to open an easy and ready way for the passing of Acts of Parliament in Ireland, without having them first well considered of in England, which may produce many dangerous Consequences, both to that Kingdom and your Majesty's other Dominions, your Majesty would be pleased to resent, and reject all Propositions tending to introduce so great a Diminution of your Royal and Necessary Power, for the Conservation of your Royal Estate, and Protection of your good Protestant Subjects, both there and elsewhere.
17. That your Majesty out of your abundant Grace and Favour to your Protestant Subjects of Ireland, will be pleased to consider effectually of assuring them, that if your Majesty should think fit, for the furtherance of your Service, to grant to the said Consederates an Act of Oblivion, that your Majesty will not allow of, discharge or release any Actions, Suits, Debts, or Interests, whereby your Majesty's Protestant Subjects—of Ireland, may be barred or deprived, or any of their Party in respect of any Wrongs done unto them, or unto any of their Ancestors, or Predecessors, in and concerning their Lands, Goods, or Estates, since the contriving or breaking forth of the said Rebellion.
18. That some fit Course may he considered of to prevent the filling or overlaying the Commons House of Parliament, in Ireland, with Popish Recusants, for that unless some Course shall by due Means be settled, the Popish Faction may at some time or other get such an over-ruling Power in that House, as may endanger both your Majesty's Rights and Royal Prerogatives, and the Protestants of that Kingdom; and that Provision may be made, that none shall Vote, or fit in any Parliament there, but such as shall first take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance.
19. That the Proofs and Manifestation of the Truth of the several Matters contained in the Proposition of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland, and the Collections made to disprove the scandalous Aspersions cast on your Majesty's gracious Government, and on your good and loyal Protestant Subjects, by the Consederates, may be duly examined and discussed.
The Protestant Agents before his Majesty in Council, May 9.
The 8th of May, the Protestant Agents waited on Mr. Secretary Nicholas, desiring to know what Resolution was taken upon their second Propositions, who told them, that the Lords fate not that Day according to their Appointment.
The 9th of May the Protestant Agents were commanded to wait at the Council-Board, which they did, and his Majesty being present, told them, That they were sent over by his Protestant Subjects to move him in their Behalf, and desired to know in what Condition the Protestants were to desend themselves in case a Peace should not be concluded. To which was answered by the Protestant Agents, That they humbly conceived they were employed, first, to make Proof of the Effect of the Protestants Petition, and disprove the scandalous Aspersions which the Rebels had cast n his Majesty's Government, and the Protestants of Ireland. The King said, That needed not, for to what Purpose is it to prove the Sun shines this Day, when we all see it? The Agents said, they found not his Majesty satisfied, but that Five several Counties, called the English Pale, were forced into Rebellion by his Governors. To which his Majesty answered, That that was but an Assertion of the Irish. Then his Majesty again desired to know what Condition the Protestants were in to desend themselves in case he should not make a Peace with the Irish, The said Agents desired some Time to make an Answer to that Question; but his Majesty answer'd that he thought they had come prepared to declare the whole Condition of that Kingdom, and further asked, whether they would have Peace or no? To which it was answered by the Agents, That Peace was the Thing they had been bred up in, and that they were not against Peace, so that it might stand with his Majesty's Honour, and safety of his Protestant Subjects in their Religion, Lives, Liberties and Fortunes. Then the Lord Digby told his Majesty, That they desired Peace. The Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Linsy reply'd, It is true, the Agents have expressed that they are not against Peace, so that it may be with Honour to his Majesty, and Safety to his Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland. Then the King said, he had rather they should hazard a War, than they should suffer by a Peace of his making; and that he would take a Care that the Protestants of Ireland should be preserved. His Majesty also told the said Agents, that they should have a Copy of the Propositions of the Irish, and wished them to make an Answer to them. Then the said Agents being commanded to withdraw, when they were called in again, his Majesty told them, That for the clearing of the Matter, he must tell them two Things, the first was, That he could not relieve his Protestant Subjects in Ireland, either with Men, Money, Arms, Ammunition or Victuals: And secondly, That he could not allow them to join with the new Scots, or any others that had taken the Covenant with them. The same Day, about One of the Clock, the Protestant Agents received a Copy of the Rebels Propositions from Secretary Nicholas, wo wish'd them from his Majesty, to put in their Answers thereunto within two Days; on which the Agents desired two Days longer, which was granted.
And on the 13th of May, 1644. at the Council-Board, the King, Prince and Duke of York, with many of the Lords there sitting, the Protestant Agents presented unto his Majesty their Answers to the Rebels Propositions, both which follow in hæc verba.
The Irish Rebels Propositions to his Majesty, and the Protestants Agents Answer thereunto, presented, May 13.
The Propositions of the Roman Catholicks of Ireland, humbly presented to his Sacred Majesty, in pursuance of their Remonstrance of Grievances, and to be annexed to the said Remonstrance; together with the humble Answer of the Agents for the Protestants of Ireland to the said Propositions, made in pursuance of your Majesty's Directions of the 9th of May, 1644 requiring the same.
1. Prop. That all Acts made against the Professors of the Roman Catholick Faith, whereby any Restraint, Penalty, Mulct or Incapacity, may be laid upon Roman Catholicks within the Kingdom of Ireland, may be repealed, and the said Catholicks to be allowed the Freedom of the Roman Catholick Religion.
Answ. To the first we say, That this hath been the Pretence of almost all those who have enter'd into Rebellion, in the Kingdom of Ireland, at any time since the Reformation of Religion there, which was settled by Acts of Parliament above Eighty Years since, and hath wrought good Effects ever since for the Peace and Welfare both of the Church and Kingdom there, and of the Church and Kingdom of England, and Protestant Party throughout all Christendom, and so hath been found wholsome and necessary by long Experience; and the repealing of those Laws will set up Popery again, both in Jurisdiction, Profession and Practice, as it was before the Reformation, and introduce, amongst other inconveniences, the Supremacy of Rome, and take away, or much endanger, your Majesty's Supream and Just Authority in Causes Ecclesiastical, a Diminution of Honour and Power not to be endured, the said Acts extending as well to seditious Sectaries as to Popish Recusants, so as by the Repeal thereof, every Man may seem to be left to chuse his own Religion in that Kingdom, which must needs beget great Confusion, and the abounding of the Roman Clergy there hath been one of the greatest Occasions of this late Rebellion. Besides, it is humbly desired that your Majesty will be pleased to take into your gracious Consideration, a Clause in the Act of Parliament passed by your Majesty's Royal Assent in England, in the Seventeenth Year of our Reign, touching Punishment to be inflicted upon those that shall introduce the Authority of the See of Rome in any case whatsoever.
2. Prop. That your Majesty will be pleased to call a free Parliament in the said Kingdom, to be held and continued, as in the Remonstrance is expressed; and the Statutes of the Tenth Year of King Henry VII. called Poyning's Act, and all Acts explaining or enlarging the same, be suspended during that Parliament, for the speedy Settlement of the present Affairs, and the Repeal thereof to be there further considered of.
Answ. Whereas they desire to have a free Parliament called, which reflecteth by secret and cunning Implication upon your Majesty's present Parliament in Ireland, as if it were not a free Parliament, we humbly beseech your Majesty to resent how dangerous it is to make such Insinuation or Intimation to your People of that Kingdom, touching that Parliament, wherein several Acts of Parliament have already past, the Validity whereof may be endangered, if the Parliament should not be approved as a free Parliament; and it is a Point of so high Nature, as we humbly conceive it not properly to be discussed but in Parliament; and your Majesty's said Parliament now fitting is a free Parliament in Law, holden before a Person of Honour and Fortune in that Kingdom, composed of good, loyal, and well-affected Subjects to your Majesty, who doubtless will be ready to comply in all things that shall appear to be Pious and Just, for the Good of the true Protestant Religion, and for your Majesty's Service, and the Good of that Church and State. That if this present Parliament should be dissolved, it would be a great Terror and Discontent to all your Majesty's Protestant Subjects of that Kingdom, and may also be a means to force many of your Majesty's Subjects to quit that Kingdom, or peradventure to adhere to some other Party there in Opposition to the Roman Irish Consederates, rather than be liable to their Power; which Effects may prove of most dangerous Consequence. And we humbly offer unto your Majesty's Consideration, your own gracious Expression mentioned in the Grounds and and Motives inducing your Majesty to agree to a Cessation of Arms for one whole Year, which the Roman Catholicks of Ireland printed at Oxford, 19 Octob. 1643. (viz.) And let all our good Subjects be assured, That as we have for these Reasons, and with this Caution and Deliberation, consented to this Preparation to Peace, and to that purpose do continue our Parliament there, so we shall proceed in the accomplishing thereof with that Care and Circumspection, that we shall not admit even Peace itself, otherwise than as it may be agreeable to Conscience, Honour, and Justice,
We also humbly desire that such Laws as your Majesty shall think fit to pass, may be transmitted according to Poyning's Law, and other Laws of Explanation thereof, or of addition thereunto now in force with great contentment and security, to your Majesty's Protestant Subjects: But if the present Parliament be dissolved, we humbly represent unto your Majesty, that so many of your ablest and best Protestant Subjects have been murthered or banished by this Rebellion, that few or no Protestant Free holders will be found in the Counties, Cities, and Burroughs to elect and chuse Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, which will be most dangerous to your Majesty's Rights and Prerogatives, and good Subjects and may beget great Disputes in after-times; for the repealling of Poyning's Act, notwithstanding their feigned Expressions of Loyalty, yet it plainly appears they do not repose so much trust in your Majesty's Justice as it becometh Loyal Subjects to do, (and such they pretend themselves to be) for that they seek thereby to prevent your Majesty and your Council of England and Ireland of so full a view and time of mature Consideration to be had of Acts of Parliament of Ireland, before they pass, as in Prudence is requisite, and hath been found necessary by the Experience of well near two Hundred Years; and if their Intentions were so clear as they profess we know not why they should avoid the strictest view and tryal of your Majesty and Council of both Kingdoms, this their desire tending to introduce a great Diminution of your Royal and Necessary Power for the Conservation of your regal State and Protection of your good Protestant Subjects else and elsewhere. And what special use they aim at in seeking such Repeal, your Protestant Subjects, as they know not the Particulars, so can they conjecture of none, unless the said Consederates have some design by way of surprise to obtrude upon your Majesty in their new desired Parliament some Acts in Justification of their ill done Actions, and for condemning such of your Protestant Subjects as have in their several Degrees most faithfully served your Majesty there; which we the rather believe seeing they have vowed by their Oath of Association, and the Bull lately publish'd in Ireland since the Cessation, the Destruction of the Protestants there, when they have their Swords in their Hands to put the same in Execution.
The Third Proposition. That all Acts and Ordinances made and passed in the new pretended Parliament in that Kingdom since the seventh Day of August, 1641. be clearly annulled and declared void, and taken off the File.
Answ We humbly desire that they may particularize those Ordinances which may prejudice your Majesty's Service, for we are well assured, that the Parliament now sitting in Ireland, on Signification of your Majesty's Pleasure therein, will either give your Majesty full Satisfaction, or repeal any unjust Orders or Ordinances whatsoever which may be prejudicial to your Majesty. And there may be some Orders or Ordinances which may concern particular Persons in their Lives, Liberties, or Furtunes, that may suffer unheard by the admitting of so general a Proposition, which is meerly proposed, as we humbly conceive, to put a scorn on your Majesty's Parliament now sitting there, and to discourage your Majesty's Protestant Subjects who have faithfully served your Majesty in that Parliament.
The Fourth Proposition. That all Indictments, Attainders, Outlawries in the King's-Bench, or elsewhere since the said seventh Day of August, 1641. and all Letters, Patents, Grants, Leases, Custod. Bonds, Recognizances, and all other Records, Act, or Acts depending thereupon, or in prejudice of the said Catholicks, or any of them to be taken off the File, annulled and declared void first by your Majesty's Proclamation, and after by Act to be passed in a free Parliament.
Answ. This we conceive to be a bold Proposition not warranted, as we also conceive, by any example, and tending to introduce an ill precedent in after times, for it was never seen that Records were taken off the File, but where there was some Corruption or Fraud, or some illegal or unjust Carriage used in and concerning the procuring or making up of such Records, and the same first well prov'd upon due Examination. And it may not only conceal, but in some sort seem to justify their abominable Treasons, Murthers, Cruelties, Massacres, and Plunders, acted against your Majesty's Person, Crown and Dignity, upon the Persons of your Majesty's most Loyal Protestant Subjects in that Kingdom, and encourage the Papists there to do the like again; besides the discouragement it may get in your Majesty's Officers and Subjects to do their Duties in the like Insurrections which may happen hereafter, which also may prove very prejudicial to your Majesty's Rights and Revenues, if the Records, to support the Forfeitures wherein many of them are, or may be grounded, shall be taken off the File and cancelled.
The Fifth Proposition. That inasmuch as under colour of such Outlawries and Attainders, Debts due unto the said Catholicks have been granted, levyed, and disposed of; and of the other side, that Debts due from the said Catholicks, to those of the adverse Party have been levyed and disposed to publick Uses: That therefore all Debs be by Act of Parliament mutually released, or all to stand in Statu Que, notwithstanding any Grant or Disposition.
Answ. We humbly conceive, that in times of Peace and most settled Government when the course of Law and Justice is most open and best observed, that the Debts due to the Crown, and actually levied and paid in to your Majesty's use ought not to be restored though the Records of the Forfeitures should be legally reserved, which is far from the present Case; and this Proposition intendeth to Cross that just Right of your Majesty; and to make the Disposition by the Confederate Popish Rebels of Debts due to Protestants, and by the said Rebels by fraud and force levied and disposed in Maintenance of their Rebellion, which cunningly they call by the Name of Publick Uses, to be in equal Degree to the Debts owing by the Rebels, and by them all forfeited, and many of them by Law duly levied, which is a most unequal and unjust Thing; and the said Proposition cannot nor doth make offer to have the Popish Confederates cut off from the Debts due to them, which they have justly forseited, but only for a colour of Consideration to have the Protestants lose such Debts justly due to them, as have been unjustly taken from them who have done no Act at all to forfeit them.
The Sixth Proposition. That the late Officers taken or found upon feigned or old Titles since the Year 1634. to entitle your Majesty to several Countries in Connaught, Thomond, and in the Counties of Tipperarie, Limrick, Kilkenny, and Wickloe, be evacuated and taken off the File, and the Possessors settled and secured in their ancient Estates by Act of Parliament, and that the like Act of Limitation of your Majesty's Titles for the Security of the Estates of your Majesty's Subjects in that Kingdom be passed in the said Parliament, as was enacted in the 21 Year of his late Majesty's Reign in this Kingdom.
Answ. We know not of any Offices found on feigned Titles, nor what the Confederates may demand, in respect of any Graces promised by your Majesty which we intend not, nor have any Occasion to dispute, but we humbly conceive that all those who have committed Treason in the late Rebellion, subsequent to your Majesty's promise of those Graces, have thereby forfeited the Benefit thereof, together with the Lands to which the said Graces might else have related, and so their whole Estates are now justly fallen to your Majesty by their Rebellion, which we conceive is great Importance for your Majesty's Service to be taken into Consideration: As first with regard to the Statute made in the present Parliament of England. Secondly, by the necessary increase of your Revenue, decayed by the present Rebellion. Thirdly, the abolishing of the evil Customs of the Irish, and Preservation of Religion, Laws, and Government there. Fourthly, the Satisfaction of your Protestant Subjects Losses in some Measure. Fifthly, the Arrears of your Majesty's Army, and other Debts contracted for that War, and for Preservation of that Kingdom to your Majesty. Sixthly, the bringing in of more British upon the Plantations. Seventhly, the building of some walled Town in remote and desolate Places, for the Security of that Kingdom and your good Subjects there. Eighthly, the taking the Natives from their former Dependence on their Chiestains, who usurped an absolute Power over them, to the Diminution of your Regal Power, and to the Oppression of the Inferiors.
To the Seventh Proposition. That all Marks of Incapacity imposed upon the Natives of that Kingdom, to purchase or acquire Lands, Leases, Offices, or Hereditaments to be taken away by Act of Parliament, and the same to extend to the securing of Purchases, Leases, or Grants already made; and that for the Education of Youth, an Act be passed in the next Parliament, for the erecting of one or more Inns of Court, Universities, Free and common Schools.
Answ. This we conceive concerneth some of the last Plantations, and no other Part of that Kingdom, and that the restriction herein mentioned is found to be of great use, especially for the indifferency of Tryals, Strength of the Government, and for Trade and Trashck; and we humbly conceive, that if other Plantations shall not proceed for the settling and securing of that Kingdom, and that no restraint be made of Papists buying or purchasing of the Protestants out of their former Plantations, where they were prudently settled, though now cast out of their Estates by the late Rebellion, and unable to plant the same again for want of Means, and therefore probably, upon easy Terms, will part with their Estates to the Confederates, that those Plantations will be destroyed, to the great prejudice of your Majesty's Service, and endangering of the Safety of that Kindom.
Touching bearing of Offices, we humbly conceive that their Nonconformity to the Laws and Statutes of that Kingdom, is the only Mark of Incapacity imposed upon them; and we humbly conceive, that they ought not to expect to be more capable there, than the English Natives are here in England in like Case. For Schools in Ireland, there are divers settled in all parts of that Kingdom already, by the Laws and Statutes of that Realm; and if any Person well affected, shall erect and endow any more Schools there, at their own Charges, so that the Schoolmaster and Scholars may be governed according to the Laws, Customs, and Orders of England, and the best of Free-Schools here we cannot apprehend any just Exceptions thereunto. But touching Universities and Inns of Court, we humbly conceive that this part of the Proposition favoureth of some desire to become independent upon England, or to make a separation in the Religion, and Laws of the Kingdom, which can never be truly happy, but in the good Unity of both, in the true Protestant Religion, and in the Laws of England. For (as for matter of Charge) such of the Natives as are desirous to breed their Sons for Learning in Divinity, can be well contented to send them to the University of Lovain, Doway, and other Popish Places in Foreign Kingdoms, and for Civil Law or Physick to Padua, or other Places, which draws a great Treasure Yearly out of your Majesty's Dominion, but will send few or none of them to Oxford or Cambridge, where they might as cheaply be bred up, and become as Learned. Which course, we conceive, is holden out of their Pride and Disaffection towards this Kingdom, and the true Religion here professed. And for the Laws of the Land, which are for the Common Law, agreeable to England, and so for the greatest part of the Statutes, the Inns of Court in England are sufficient, and the Protestants come thither without grudging; and it is a means to Civilize them after the English Customs, to make them familiar and in Love with the Language and Nation; and to preserve the Law in the purity, when the Professors of it shall draw from one Original Fountain, and see the manner of the practice of it in the same great Channels which in his Majesty's Court of Justice of England do flow most clearly; whereas by separation of the Kingdoms in the places of their principal Instruction, when their Foundations in Learning are to be laid, a degenerate Corrouption in Religion and Justice may happily be introduced and spread with much more Difficulty to be corrected and restrained afterwards, by any discipline to be used in Ireland, or Punishments there to be inflicted, for departing from the true Grounds of Things which are best preserved in Unity, when they grow out of the same Root, than if such Universities and Inns of Court as are proposed should be granted: All which we humbly submit to your Majesty's most pious and prudent Consideration and Judgment.
The Eighth Proposition. That the Offices and places of Command, Honour, Profit, and Trust, within that Kingdom, be conferred upon Roman Catholicks, Natives in Equality and Indiffernecy with your Majesty's other Subjects.
Answ. We humbly conceive that the Roman Catholicks, Natives in Ireland, may have the like Offices and Places, as the Roman Catholicks, Natives of England here have, and not otherwise: Howbeit, we conceive that in the generality, they have not deserved so much by their late Rebellion, therefore we see not why they should be endowed with any new, or further Capacities, or Priviledges, than they have by the Laws and Statutes, now in Force in that Kingdom.
The Ninth Proposition. That the insupportable Oppression of your Subjects, by Reason of the court of Wards, and respite of Homage, be taken away, and a certain Revenue in lieu thereof settled upon your Majesty, without diminution of your Majesty's Profits.
Answ. We know of no Oppression by reason of the Court of Wards, and we humbly conceive, that the Court of Wards is of great use, for the raising of your Majesty's Revenues, the Preservation of your Majesty's Tenures, and chiefly the Education of the Gentry in the Protestant Religion, and in Civility of Learning, and good Manners, who otherwise would be brought up in Ignorance and Barbarism, their Estates be ruined by their Kindred and Friends, and continue their Dependency on the Chief Lords, to the great Prejudice of your Majesty's Service, and Protestant Subjects; and there being no colour of exception to your Majesty's just Title to Wardships, we know not why the taking away of your Court concerning the same should be so pressed, unless it be to prevent the Education of the Lords and Gentry, that fall Wards in the Protestant Religion: For that part of this Proposition which concerneth respite of Homage, we humbly conceive it reasonable that some way may be settled for that, if it stand with your Majesty's good Pleasure, without Prejudice to your Majesty, or your Protestant Subjects.
To the Tenth Proposition. That no Lord not Estated in that Kingdom, or Estated and not Resident, shall have Vote in the said Parliament by Proxy or other wise, and none admitted to the House of Commons, but such as shall be Estated, and Resident within the Kingdom.
Answ. We humbly conceive, that in the Year 1641. by the Graces which your Majesty then granted to your Subjects of Ireland, the matter of this Proposition was in a fair way regulated by your utter abolishing of blank Proxies, and limiting Lords present, and attending in the Parliament of Ireland, that no one of them should be capable of more Proxies than two, and prescribing the Peers of that Kingdom, not there Resident, to purchase fiting proportions of Land in Ireland, within five Years from the last of July, 1641. or else to lose their Votes, till they should make such Purchases; which Purchases by Reason of the Troubles happening in that Kingdom, and which have continued for two Years and a Half, have not yet, peradventure, been made, and therefore your Majesty may now be pleased, and may take just Occasion to enlarge the time for five Years, from the time when that Kingdom may again be settled in a happy and firm Peace. And as to the Members of the House of Commons the same is most fit, as we humbly conceive, to be regulated by the Laws and Statutes of that Kingdom.
The Eleventh Proposition. That an Act be passed in the next Parliament Declaratory, That the Parliament of Ireland is a free Parliament of it self, independent of, and not subordinate to the Parliament of England, and that the Subjects of Ireland, are immediately subject to your Majesty, as in Right of your Crown, and that the Members of the said Parliament of Ireland, and all other the Subjects of Ireland, are independent, and no way to be ordered, or concluded by the Parliament of England, and are only to be ordered and governed within that Kingdom, by your Majesty, and such Governors as are, or shall be there appointed, and by the Parliament of that Kingdom, according to the Laws of the Land.
Answ. This Proposition concerns your Majesty's High Court of Parliament, both of England and Ireland, as is beyond our Abilities, (who are not acquainted with the Records and Presidents of this Nature) to give any answer unto, and therefore we humbly desire your Majesty's Pardon for not answering unto the same.
The Twelfth Proposition. That the assumed Power of Jurisdiction in the Council Board, of determining of all manner of Causes, be limited to Matters of State, and all Patents, Estates, and Grants, illegally and extrajudiciously avoided there, or elsewhere, be left in State as before, and the Parties grieved their Heirs or Assigns till legal Eviction.
Answ. The Council-Table hath always exercised Jurisdiction in some Cases, ever since the English Government was settled in that Kingdom, and is of so long continuance in some Cases of some Natures, as the beginning thereof appeareth not, which seemeth to be Prescription, and hath always been armed with Power to examine upon Oath, as a Court of Justice, or in Nature of a Court of Justice, in Cases of some Natures, and may be necessary still in many Cases, especially for the Present, till your Majesty's Laws may more generally be received in that Kingdom. And we conceive that Board is so well limited, by printed Instructions, in your Majesty's Royal Father's Time, and by your Majesty's Graces in the 17th Year of your Reign, that it needed for the present, little or no further regulating at all; how beit, they humbly refer it to your Majesty's great Wisdom and Goodness, to do therein as to Law and Justice shall appertain.
The Thirteenth Proposition. That the Statute of the Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Year of Queen Elizabeth, concerning Staple Commodities be repealed, reserving to his Majesty lawful and just Poundage, and a Book of Rates to be settled by an indifferent Committee of both Houses, for all Commodities.
The Matter of this Proposition is settled in a fitting and good Way by your Majesty already, as we conceive, amongst the Graces granted by your Majesty to your People of Ireland, in the 17th Year of your Majesty's Reign; to which we humbly refer our selves.
The Fourteenth Proposition. That inasmuch as the long Continuance of the Chief Governor or Governors of that Kingdom, in that Place of so great Eminency and Power, hath been a principal Occasion that much Tyranny and Oppression hath been exercised upon the Subjects of that Kingdom; That your Majesty will be pleased to continue such Governors hereafter but for Three Years; and that none once employed therein, be appointed for the same again, until the Expiration of Six Years next, after the end of the said Three Years; and that an Act pass to disenable such Governor or Governors during their Government directly, or indirectly in Use, Trust, or otherwise, to make any manner of Purchase or Acquifition of any Mannors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within that Kingdom, other than from your Majesty, your Heirs or Successors.
Ans. We humbly conceive that this Proposition tendeth to lay a false and scandalous Aspersion upon your Majesty's gracious Government over Ireland, and that it trencheth very high upon your Wisdom, Justice and Power, and under Colour of supposed Corruptions pretended to be in the greatest Officer that commandeth under your Majesty there, if he continue so long in his Government as may well enable him to find out and discover the true State of that Kingdom, and the dangerous Dispositions and Designs of the Popish Party there, to prevent him therein, and to turn him out from doing Service before or as soon as he is truly informed and experienced how to do the same, and then to hold him excluded so long that in all likelihood he shall not live to come to that Place the second time, which we humbly conceive will be a great Discouragement to any Person of Honour and Fortune to serve your Majesty in that high Trust: And for their purchasing Lands in that Kingdom, your Majesty may be pleased to leave them to the Laws, and punish them severaly if they commit any Offence, or exercise any Oppressions, under colour of purchasing of any Lands or Estates whatsoever.
The Fifteenth Proposition. That an Act may be passed in the next Parliament for the raising and settling of the Trained Bands within the several Counties of that Kingdom, as well to prevent Foreign Invasions, as to render them the more serviceable and ready for your Majesty's Occasions as Cause shall require.
Answ. The having Trained Bands in Ireland, for the present, under favour, cannot be for your Majesty's Service, or the Safety of that Kingdom, for that the Protestants, by the sad Effects of the late Rebellion, are so much destroyed, that the said Bands must confist, in effect, altogether of the Confederate Catholicks, and to continue them in Arms stored with Ammunition, and made ready for Service by Mustering and often Training, will prove, under Colour, of advancing your Majesty's Service against Foreign Invasion, a meet Guard and Power of Popish Forces, always in a Readiness to protect the Popish Confederates, and by Force and Arms (according to their late Oaths and Protestations) to execute all their cruel Designs for Extirpation of the Protestant Religion and English Government, both which they mortally hate, howsoever in Cunning they dissemble it, and to prevent the settling an Army of good Protestants, without which your Majesty's good Subjects cannot live securely there.
The Sixteenth Proposition. That an Act of Oblivion be passed by the next free Parliament to extend to all your Majesty's said Catholick Subjects and their Adherents, for all manner of Offences, Capital, Criminal, and Personal, and the said Act to extend to all Goods and Chattels, Customs, Measure, Profits, Prizes, Arrears of Rents taken, received, or incurred since these Troubles.
Answ. We humbly pray that the Laws in Force be taken into Consideration, and do humly conceive that your Majesty in Honour and Justice, may forbear to discharge or release any Actions, Suits, Debts or Interests, whereof your Majesty's Protestant Subjects, who have committed no Offence against your Majesty or your Laws, should be barred or deprived of any of their Legal Remedies or just Demands, which by any of your Majesty's Laws and Statutes, they may have against the Popish Confederates, who are the only Delinquents, or any of their Party for or in respect of any Wrong done unto them or any of their Ancesters or Predecessors, in or concerning their Lands, Goods, or Estates, since the contriving or breaking forth of Rebellion, the said Confederates having, without Provocation, shed so much innocent Blood, and acted so many Cruelties, as cannot be parallel'd in any Story: And we conceive it to be high Presumption in them upon so weak Grounds, to propound an Act of oblivion in such general Terms, some of the Confederates having been Contrivers or Actors of such cruel Murthers, and other Acts of Inhumanity, as to cry to God and your Sacred Majesty for Justice, and they having of your Majesty's Revenues, Customs, Subsidies, and other Rights of your Crown in their Hands, or destroyed by them to the Value of 200,000l. and more
The Seventeenth Proposition. Forasmuch as your Majesty's said Catholick Subjects have been taxed with many inhuman Cruelties which they never committed, your Majesty's said Supplicants therefore, for their Vindication, and to mainfelt to all the World, their desire to have such heinous Offences punished, and the Offenders brought to Justice, do desire, that in the next Parliament, all notorious Murthers, Breaches of Quarter, and inhuman Cruelties committed of either Side, may be questioned in the said Parliament, if your Majesty so think fit, and such as shall appear to be guilty, to be excepted out of the said Act of Oblivion, and punished according to their Deserts.
Forasmuch, Dread Sovereign, as the Ways of our Address unto your Majesty for apt Remedies unto our Grievances were hitherto debarred us, but now at length, through your benign Grace and Favour, laid open. We do humbly present these in pursuance of the said Remonstrance, which granted, your said Subjects are ready to contribute the Ten thousand Pounds, as in their Remonstrance is specified towards the suppressing of the unnatural Rebellion now in this Kingdom, and will further expose their Lives and Fortunes to serve your Majesty as Occastion shall require.
Answ. We conceive this Proposition is made but for a Flourish, and if the Consederates be so desirous to try their Innocency as they pretend, they need not stay for another Parliament in Ireland, but submit to that which now is in being, which is an equal and just Parliament, as in fome of our Reasons touching that Point is expresed, and the offering to draw it to a new Parliament, is in effect to desire that they may be their own Judges, for as that Kingdom is now embroiled and wasted, the chief Delinquents or Consederates will be so prevalent a Faction in the next Parliament, that they will be able, and doubtless will, clear all the Popish Party, how guilty soever, and condemn the Protestant how innocent soever.
These Answers to the high and unexpected Demands of the Consederate Rebels, we have framed in humble Obedience to your Majesty's Directions, but being very sensible as of the Weight and great Importance of the Business, so also of our own Weakness and want of Time, and will knowing that some of your Majesty's Privy-Counsellers, Judges, and Officers of that Kingdom, are now in town, sent for over, and here attending by your Majesty's Command, who by their long Observation and Experience of the Affairs and State of Ireland, are better able to give your Majesty more full and satisfactory Answers touching the Premisses than we can, and conceiving that the Collections in Answer to the said Confederates Remonstrance, which we humbly presented to your Majesty the 29th of the last Month of April, may in many things give your Majesty more Light than these our Answers do or can. We humbly beseech your Majesty that the said Privy Counsellers, Judges and Officers, as Occasion shall require, may be called upon and heard, to give your Majesty the better Satisfaction in these Particulars, and that to the same Purpose the Book of the said Collection may be perused and considered of as your Majesty shall find most requisite.
After reading of which Propositions and Answers thereunto, the King asked the Protestant Agents, whether they had answered unto the Rebels Propositions as they were to be granted by him in Law and Justice, and fit for the Security of the Protestants of Ireland, or prudentially as the times were, who humbly made Answer to his Majesty, That they loked upon the Rebels Propositions, as they appeared to them, destructive to his Majesty, his Laws, Government, and Protestant Subjects of Ireland. Then the Earl of Bristol said, That if they asked what by Law and Justice was due from the Rebels, their Answers were full. But now the King expected from the said Agents, what prudentially was fit for his Majesty to do, seeing the Protestants were not in a Condition to defend themselves, and that the King would not admit the Protestants to join with the new Scots, or any other that had taken the Covenant.
The Lord Digby, upon Motion of the Protestant Agents for further Time to answer, said, It was good to set down those Questions in Writing, and to expect their Answers to them.
Then the King asked them, What would become of the Protestants in Ireland, if the Rebels Agents should break off their Treaty, which was to be feared they would do, if they had not their Propositions for the most part yielded unto.
The Protestant Agents answered his Majesty, That they conceived that the Rebels Agents might be brought to better Terms, if they were held unto it, and that they were confidently assured before their coming out of Ireland, that the Lord Muskery refused to come into England with limited Instructions, but would be at liberty to do as he should see Cause.
Then the Protestants Agents were commanded to withdraw, and were no more called upon.
Popish Agents return for Ireland; The King's Admonishment to them.
About the middle of May, the Roman Catholick Irish Agents went away from Oxford towards Ireland, to whom, at their departure, his Majesty gave very good Counsel and Admonition to this Effect, (as I find it set down by the Author of the History of the execrable Irish Rebellion, fol. 143.) "that they should not forget, that the Preservation of their Nation, and of that Religion which they professed, and were so zealous for in Ireland, did depend upon the Preservation of his just Rights and Authority in England. That they saw his Subjects of Scotland, contrary to all Obligations, had invaded England, and joyn'd with those Rebels against him, who without that Assistance would have been speedily reduced to their Obedience: And therefore if his Catholick Subjects of Ireland made haste (upon such Conditions as he might then grant without Prejudice to himself, and which should be amply sufficient for the Security of their Fortunes, Lives, and Exercise of their Religion) to assist him, whereby he might be able, by God's Blessing, to suppress that Rebellion, they might confidently believe he would never forget to whose Merit he owed his Preservation and Restauration, and it would then be in his absolute Power to vouchsafe Graces to them to compleat their Happiness, and which (he gave them his Royal Word) he would then dispense in such Manner, as should not leave them disappointed of any of their just and full Expectations. But if (by insisting on such Particulars as he could not in Conscience consent to, and their Consciences obliged them not to ask; or on such, as though he could himself be content to yield to, yet in that Juncture of Time would bring such great Damage to him, that all the Supplies they could give or send to him could not countervail, and might be as beneficially granted to them hereafter, when he might better do it) they should delay their joining with him, and so look on, till the Rebels Power prevail'd against him in England and Scotland, and suppress'd his Party in these Kingdoms, it would then be too late for them to give him Help, and they would quickly find their Strength in Ireland but an imaginary Support for his or their own Interest; and that they who with much Difficulty had destroyed him, would, without any considerable Opposition, ruin their Interest, and root out their Religion, with their Nation, from all the Dominions which should be subject to their Exorbitant Jurisdiction.
May the 26th, the Protestant Agents seeing the Irish Agents were gone, waited on Mr.Secretary Nicholas, and desired him to know his Majesty's pleasure and Commands, and whether they should expect any further Answer concerning their Agency; and the next Day Mr.Secretary told them, that his Majesty commanded him to know of the Commitee for Irith Affairs, whether they any thing more to say to the Protestant Agents:And the same Day further acquainted them, That the Commitee faw no Reason to detain them longer, and that he would move his Majesty for their Disspath.
The Protestant Agents take leave of his Majesty, May 30.
Whereupon, on the 30th of May, the said Mr. Secretary presented the Protestant Agents to his Majesty, where they had the Honour to kiss his Hand, and his Majesty told them, That he had written to the Marq. of Ormond concerning the Protestants of Ireland, and that he would use his best Endeavours for them there, if he were able, as he did for himself here; and so the Agents for the Protestants returned into Ireland.
A Letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Inchiquin, and other the Commanders in Munster, to his Majesty, &c. July 17. 1644.
May it please Your most Excellent Majesty,
We your Majesty's most Humble and Loyal Subjects, the Protestants of the Province of Munster, do with all Humility acknowledge your Majesty's special Care towards our Preservation, and we should esteem our selves guilty of too high an Ingratitude, if we should not discharge our Duties to God and your Sacred Majesty, by acquainting you, that no Peace can be concluded with the Irish Rebels, which will not bring unto your Majesty and the English in general, a far greater Prejudice, than the shew of a Peace here will bring us an Advantage; and since your Majesty hath shewed us so high a Degree of your pious Care in all things that might take off from our Affictions, as our Declaration doth manifest to the World, those Actions shew so piously in your Majesty that you have intrusted us, and make us humbly beg your Majesty, that you would not so much regard so inconsiderable a Handful of People as we are, as to purcase but a seeming Security, by leaving the Protestant Religion, in all likelihood, to be extirpated, and your Majesty apnoxious to the Loss of this your Kingdom. Indeed, it is too truly called a seeming Security, as in our Declaration we humbly present unto your Majesty, doth largely and plainly appear; as also, with how much Reason we have taken up Arms to defend our Religion, Lives, and your Majesty's Interests; and we firmly hope, that our infinite Wrongs and Miseries will be a sufficient Motive and Rise for your Majesty to send unto the Parliament for the procuring of a Peace in England,without which we must be as speedily, as unavoidably, ruin'd, and the Protestant Religion quite rooted out of this Kingdom. We have likewise sent our humble Desires, to the same Purpose, unto the Parliament, with a strong Belief, that both your Majesty and they will so seriouly consider the Justness and Necessity of the Irish War, that it will wring the Sword out of both your Hands, and employ those Armies (which are likely to be destructive, to the Protestant Religion) for the suppressing of those bloody Enemies of the Gospel: And truly, when we consider how correspondent this blessed Motion is with the Goodness of your Majesty's own Inclination, we do not despair, but that God, which brings the greatest things to pass by the weakest Means, may through our great Necessitises and humble Prayers, restore England to that just Peace, which it hath been so long deprived of; but if the Judgments of the Almighty are not all sallen upon that Kingdom, and that the just Quarrel to this Nation, which would be far more glorious to the English Armies, that the Wars there, is not a Sufficient Power to produce an Agreement between your Majesty and the Parliament, We do most humbly beseech your Majesty not to give Ear to any that shall strive to blemish the Integrity of our Proceedings, Since we take God to witness, we aim at nothing but God's Glory, your Majesty's Honour, and the Safety of the English Nation. And that the World may see that your Majesty believes us to be what really we are, we humbly beg your Majesty, as we have likewise done the Parliament, to send us what Supplies of Men, Arms and Ammunition, our Sacred Majesty thinks fit for a People which value not their Lives and Fortunes, where your Majesty's Honour is concern'd, and that we may die as perfect Martyrs in the Opinion of Men, as we are certain all those that die in this Cause will be in the Eye of God: That your Sacred Majesty would be Pleased to proclaim again the Irish to be Rebels, and not pardon those who have committed so many barbarous Crimes, that they are as far above Description, as they are short of Honesty; may, more, they publickly proses they had your Majesty's Commission for what they did. The true Sense of this devilish Aspersion, cast upon your Majesty, with all those other Reasons we have set down in our Declaration, makes us resolve to die a thousand Deaths, rather than to condescend to any Peace with these persidious Rebels; and since Death is a Tribute we must all pay, who will
apprehend the payment of it is somewhat the easier, to purchase by it a Kingdom as full of Glory, as this is now of Misery to all honest Men. Neither is this only the Resolution of all the most considerable Men among us, but of all in general, for our Gracious God hath so inspired the Hearts of all the Commonalty, that they have vowed never to desert the Cause, that is so visibly God Almighty's; and we beseech the Almighty so to direct your Sacred Majesty, that our great Miseries may, through your Majesty's Pious furtherence, beget that Blessed Peace in England,which is so Zealously prayed for by
Your Majesty's most Humble, most Obedient, and most Loyal Subjects,
Cork, 17 July, 1644.
A Manifestation directed to the Lords and Commons, Assembled in Parliament at Westminster, from the Lord Inchiquin, &c. July 18.
May it please the Honourable Houses,
'If the Miseries which we have suffered in the Province of Munster could be described, they would be as far short of what they are, as our Ability to right our selves is as far short of our Desires; and tho' our past Sufferings have been extream great, yet we are like to be much more oppress'd, unless the Honourable Houses of Parliament do take us into their Protection, and send us some speedy Relief.
'The several Agents we employed, before we submitted to the Cessation, did often acquaint you with the heavy Burthen we groaned under, and when we saw our lamentable Condition did only produce your Pity, but could not your Relief, which was diverted by the War in England; we esteemed it far more Advantageous for the Cause to submit to the Cessation, and by that means preserve our Garrisons, than by a ruinous obstinacy to continue in a War, which we knew not how to maintain ten Days.Neither can this Action be imputed to any Desire of having a Peace with our Bloody Enemies, for if we had any such design upon the first or second failing of our Supplies, we might have embraced that Opportunity, but we saw God's Glory, and the Honour and Advantage of our Country too deeply engaged to condescend to any thing, that had the Face of a Peace, as long as possibly we were able to maintain a War.
'If we thought the Honourable Houses had any greater Interest than the protecting of oppress'd Protestants, we might represent divers great Advantages unto them, as more than a probability of the Adventurers gaining their purchased Right, which otherwise is utterly lost, and many other Advantages, which we will not specify, because we know your Justice to be so great, that nothing can add to your Pious Care, where the Protestant Religion is so deeply engaged.
'But if through your great Necessities we should fail of your relyed on Aid, the World shall see how much we Value the Vindicating of God's Glory, and the Honour of the English Nation above our Lives and Fortunes.
'Neither is the Payment of this Duty the only Advantage we propound unto our selves by this Action, for we firmly hope, and humbly desire this Honourable Assembly, that our unexpressable Wrongs and Miseries might be a Rise for you to send unto his Majesty for the concluding of a happy Peace in England; without which we apprehend this War cannot be prosecuted as it ought to be. We have likewise sent out our most humble desires unto his Majesty to the same effect, whom we hope God will direct in that way, which will so much conduce to the Establishment of the Protestant Religion, and the Happiness of the English Nation.
'We will not trouble you with an over tedious Letter, since this inclosed Declaration, which we humbly present unto you, will acquaint you with our Actions and Intentions. We have likewise sent our humble Desires, which we make no doubt will be found as just as our Designs, since both shall be for the settlementment of the true Protestant Religion, and the Maintenance of our Laws and Liberties; for the Defence of which, we have vowed to Sacrifise the Lives and Fortunes of those, which for your absolute Security (if you should doubt the reality of our Intentions) do offer, when any of our Ships shall arrive before our Harbour, all or any particular Person of us will go Aboard, till you have secured your selves of all, or any of our Garrisons: But we strongly hope this wise Assembly will distinguish betwixt Necessity and Honesty, and impute our submitting to the Cessation to the first, being too miserable already in our Sufferings, without increasing them by a needles Jealousy of the last.
These our Miseries and infinite Sufferings, we most humbly submit to your Judicious Confiderations, not doubting, but when you have well weighted them, you will send a speedy Address to,
Your most Humble and Affectionase Servants,
- The Lord of Inchiquin, Chief Commander of the Protestant Forces in Munster.
- Lord of Broughil, Governor of Youghal.
- Sir William Fenton, Knight.
- Sir Percy Smith, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Governor of Youghal.
- Lieutenant Colonel William Brocket, Governor of Kinsale.
- Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Serle, Governor of Bandon, &c.
- Serjeant-Major Muschamp, Governor of the Fort of Cork.
Cork, July 18. 1644.
A Copy of a Letter from the Lord Inchiquin, to Colonet Nicholas Mynn, 20th of July.
Noble Sir,
Some Counsellors about the King have prevailed with him to make such an Agreement with the Rebels here, as leaves the Interest he now has in their Power, whereof we find they mean to make use, for the Extirpation of the English Nation, and Protestant Religion out of this Kingdom; and this being discovered unto us by certain and undoubted Intelligence, we have given Notice thereof to the King and Parliament, whose Assistance we have craved for our own Defence, and, the mean time, we have turned out the Irish, who, we know, were the Rebels Consederates. Now we doubt the King will not approve of what we have done, because the Papistical Faction about him will oppose us, but we are confident the Parliament will send us great Supplies, to follow the War against the Irish; wheresore, and seeing our Cause is so good, we are hopeful, as many Forces as went from us, will come to us forthwith, and you I must desire to come with your whole Regiment to Milsord-Haven, where you may Recruit your Regiment, and bring them away in the Parliament's Ships; and that you may not scruple at this Action, we have sent you our Declaration, which will shew the Realities of our Intentions. Then for Encouragement for the Officers and Soldiers, I can assure you to have all Arrears allowed in Adventures, and that we shall have very good Pay for the time to come. I am so confident of your coming, that I have writ to the Parliament to make you Major-General of the Forces that shall be now on Foot here, which I believe will be no less than Ten Thousand Horse and Foot; we have already Three Thousand of our own, besides the Expectation of my own Regiments and yours; so that if they send but two or Three Thousand forth of England, and order for the like Number of Scots to come by Sea hither we shall make up that Number. I have likewise sent to the Parliament to get a Stipend settled upon you, as Governor of Halboling, which, I am confident will be done; so that I hope these Inducements calling you to a Cause of Comfortableness (as we may term it) God's own Cause, you will make all speed unto us. In Expectation whereof I remain
Your very Affectionate Friend and Servant
Cork, 20th. of July, 1644.
July 18. 1644.
The Unanimous Declaration of his Majesty's Subjects of the Province of Munster.
If in the undertaking of a Just Design it were only requisite, that the Hearts and Confciences of the Undertakers were satisfied, we should not need to publish this Declaration, but lest our Enemies should Traduce the Candor of our Actions and Intentions, we have made this Manisestation of them, which will acquaint the World with their Malice, and our Innocence.
We are confident, that all Chirstendom hath heard of the bloody Rebellion in Ireland, and we all are confident the Rebels and Popish Clergy have so palliated and disguized it, that many are fully perswaded they had reason for what they did; but we believe all Men of Judgment will change that Opinion, when they shall know, that tho' they were a Conquered People, yet the Laws were administred unto them with as much Equity, as to the English; that they enjoyed their Religion, tho' not by Toleration, yet by Connivance; that their Lords (tho' Papists) sate in Parliament, and that.the Election of the Knights of the Shires and Burgesses was free, and, though they of a contrary Religion, were admitted into the House of Commons; yet for all these, and many vast Favours and Privileges, when every one was sitting under his Vince and Fig-Tree, without any Provocation they resolved upon a general Extirpation both of the Protestants and their Religion, which (without doubt) they had effected, had not God been more Merciful, that they were wicked, and by a Miracle discovered this Devilish Design; whereof tho' we had Notice just time enough to secure our main Magazine at Dublin, yet we could not prevent the Butchery of Multitudes of Innocent Souls, which suffered, at first, in the Province of Ulster; and since they have continued this Rebellion with such Persidiousness and Bloodiness, that tho' we had been as Guilty as we are Innocent, yet the prosecuting the War with that Barbarousness, had rather been a Sin, than Justice: But by God's great Providence, when the Rebellion break out, the Parliament of England were sitting, unto whom his Majesty communicated so much of his Power over this Kingdom as we shall hereafter mention, and gave them great Encourgements to Prosecute the War against the Rebels, by Granting Lands unto such as should adventure Money for the Maintenance of the War; Whereupon the Parliament (who were most willing to advance so good a Cause) sent us at first, large Supplies, which had so good Success, that the Divine, as well as Humane Justice, did Proclaim them Rebels; for indeed God Almighty (since the Deliverance of the Children of Israel from the Ægytians) never appeared so visible as in this War; but the unhappy Mis-understanding between the King and Parliament did so hinder the continuance of those Supplies for this Kingdom, that all we received in Nineteen Months amounted not to Five Weeks Entertainment; so that the Army, which was sent to relieve us, lived upon us. And truly we may with Justice profess, that the Forces of this Province did Feed as miraculously as fight, being never able to prescribe any certain way of Subsisitance for one Month together; but when the poor Inhabitants were absolutely Begger'd, and no means for the Forces to Subsist on left, a Cessation of Arms was made for a Twelve Month with the Rebels, which our Necessity, not Inclination, compelled us to bear with; and the rather out of a firm hope, that the Almighty out of his infinite goodness, would, within that Year, settle a right Understanding between the King and Parliament, that then they would unanimously Revenge the Crying Blood of so many thousands of Innocent Souls; and untill God Blessed us with the fight of that Happy Union, we might keep our Garrisons (which otherwise we could not) the better to enable them to Prosecute so Just and Honourable a Design: But this Cessation was as satal to us, during the time of the Tready, as afterwards it was ill observed, for they knowing what Argument they would enforce us to condescend unto, did privately send one or two Persons to every Castle that we had demolished, which under pretence of being by that means in their Possession, they ever since detain, tho' it be contrary to the Articles; and, which is more Injurious, they have at all times since entred upon what Lands they thought fit, and detained them also, and their Devilish Malice having no Bounds, they did place Guards upon the High-ways to Intercept our Markets, and punished divers of their own Party, for coming with Provision to us, thereby to deter all from bringing any Relief to our Garrisons, that so they might starve us out of those Places, that neither their Fraud, or Force could get from us,; which that they might the better accomplish, they murthered divers of the poor English, that presuming upon the Articles of Free-Commerce, went Abroad to buy Victuals, which certainly would have caused them to have declined that course of seeking Food, if Hunger threatening them with more certain Death, had not forced them thereunto. And whereas we trusted, that these notorious Infidelities in them and infinite Sufferings in us, would have been so visible to his Majesty that nothing could have induced him to make a Peace with so persidious a People, who thro' their fawning and insinuating with his Majesty and by the Counsel of some who represent that there is no way lest for securing the Remainder of the English, but by a Peace; we find his Majesty being deluded by the first, and believing the last to be conducing to the Preservation of his Majesty's Subjects, is concluding of a Peace, which will again admit those Irish Rebels to be Members of Parliament; so that that Court, which should afford Relief for our Grievances will, by their overswaying Votes, be our greatest Grievance.
Moreover we are too truly informed by divers of their own Party (whose Names if we should publish, would be as great Ingratitude as Folly; the first in betraying those that obliged us, the last in depriving our selves of all future Intelligence by them) that they have vowed never to submit to an English, or Protestant Government, except they have liberty to Exercise their Religion in Churches; that the Forces of the Kingdom may be Trained Bands of their Men; and that likewise those of their own Religion may be admitted to Places of Trust in the Common-wealth, which they call Modest and Moderate Demands, tho' we hope they cannot seem so to any, but themselves, and their Clergy, who, we find do not think them enough, being they may not have all the Church Livings: For we have certain Intelligence, that they have made a strong Faction, as well among my Lord of Castlehaven's Soldiers, as in all other Parts of the Kingdom; so that they are five parts of six, who will fly out into a new Action, when they see a convenient time to execute their Design, which, as yet, they determine to forbear until they see a Peace concluded; supposing, that then the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland will intermix Irish and English without Distiction, to oppose the Scots, and that by that means there will be a sufficient Number of their Party in our Garrisons to master them, which when they find an Opportunity for, they will certainly seize into their own Hands, upon Notice whereof, the Faction Abroad will, with all Expedition, apprehend the English in all Parts; and having accomplished this part of their Design, they will manisest, that they are weary of the King of England's Government, and that they will Trust none of his Protestant Subjects among them, for we are certainly informed, that they will invite a Foreign Prince to take them into his protection, unto whom they will deliver Possession of what he pleases, and will become his Subjects.
And left that Prince's Treasure should be exhausted by Wars in other Places, the Clergy have, with the Pope's Assistance, raised among those of their own Calling, and divers of the Gentry in Italy One Hundred Thousand Pounds in Money, and a quantity of Arms and Ammunition, that are now ready to be sent hither, and they have employed one Dr. Duyer to go forthwith thither for it, as also to get his Holiness to settle a course for the raising of more Money to be employed for the Advancement of that, which they call the Catholick Cause.
Therefore out of a true sense of our Injuries already suffered, and unredressed with a right Apprehension of Inevitable Ruin, not only to our Lives and Estates, but likewise to the English Nation and Protestant Religion, we have re-assumed our Arms, according to our Duty to God, our King and Country, with inviolable Resolution to Dye, or frustrate this Devilish Design.
And since those that dye, acting for the Gospel, are as pertect Martys as those that dye suffering for it; we cannot but with Joy embrace any effect that proceeds from so Glorious a Cause, neither can this Act be esteemed a Crime in us, since his Majesty upon the Rebels first Insurrection, his Treasure being exhausted, gave his Royal Assent for the passing of an Act of Parliament wherein he granted to all his Subjects, that would adventure Money towards the reducing of the Rebels, Lands proportionable to the Sum adventrued, which would sall to the Crown, when the Conquest should be finished, and the better to secure the Adventures, his Majesty obliged himself to make no Peace with the Rebels, but with the Advice and Approbation of the Parliament of England, and by that Act communicated to the Parliament that Power, which before was solely in himself; so that they not condescending to this Peace, our employing of their Aids, and re-assuming of those Arms, put into our Hands by King and Parliament joyntly, cannot be esteemed contradictory to his Majesty in regard that their joynt Act is so absolutely binding, that neither of them severally can Annul it, as is evident in the Laws of the Realm.
Therefore if this War were only Offensive, yet even Slander it self must acknowledge us Innocent, having so just a Cause, so pious an Intention, and so lawful an Authority, much more it being Defensive, and the Law of God and Nature allowing every one to Defend himself from Violence and Wrong.
Moreover the King must never expect any Obedience from the Irish, but what proceeds, either from their Interest, or Fear, through the first of these, neither his Majesty or we can hope for Assurance; for not granting them all their Desires, their Interest, (which is more powerful with them than their Loyalty) will make them throw off ther Subjection, and to become absolute, not scruple to destroy us; then to expect any Security by their Fears, were frivolous; for though we have found their Hearts as ill as their Cause; yet they cannot be Apprehensive of two or three Thousand, ill Armed and Unprovided Men, having all things necessary, and so Numerous a People at their Devotion.
And left our Enemies should scandalize us with Breach of Faith, in violating the pretended Cessation, or with Cruelty in expelling the Irish Papists from our Garrisons, who hitherto seemed adhering to us.
Concerning the first, we declare, that although our Necessities did induce us to submit, supposing the Cessation would have produced other Effects, as is before mentioned; yet that we had no Power (without Authority from King and Parliament jointly) to Treat or Yield to it; or, if it had been in our Powers, yet by the Rebels daily Breaches of it, we are dis-engaged from it.
Concerning the second we declare, that our Garrison cannot be secured whilst so powerful and perfidious Enemies are in our Bosoms; Powerful, being four to one in Number more than the English; Persidious in their constant Designs to Betray us; Some whereof we will Instance to convince their own Consciences, and satisfy the World of our Just Proceedings.
Once Francis Matthews, a Franciscan Friar (being wonderfully discovered in an ænigmatical Letter, and as justly Executed) before his Death confessed, that he had agreed to betray the City of Corke to the Lord of Muskery, which must necessarily infer, that the chiefest and greatest Part of that City were engaged in this Conspiracy, for otherwise he could not so much as hope the Accomplishment; and if this had taken effect, it had consequently Ruined all the Protestants in the Province, that being our chief Magazine and greatest Garrison; besides, upon this Occasion, other Friars being examined upon Oath, confessed, that in their daily Masses within that Town, and all other of our Garrisons (where Papists did Inhabit) they prayed for the Advancement of the Catholick Cause, which they believed the Rebels Fought for.
And lastly, we have lately discovered, that the now Mayor and Corporation had combined with the Rebels to betray the Town to them, and for that purpose an Army was drawn to all the Parts adjoyning to our Garrisons; in the three Chiefest whereof we are confident, the Rebels had their Party; but by Divine Providence, before the Plot could be executed, the Mayor presuming on his speedy Success, contemned the Lord of Inchiquin's Authority, by opposing the Levying of the Monies granted by the English, for the Maintenance of the Soldiers, just about the Nick of Time, that the Treachery was to be effected.
And he being Committed upon this Occasion, the Rebels apprehending their Design to be Discovered, withdraw their Forces;and lest this should be judged as an Act of the Mayor only, as a private person, we desire the World to take Notice, that as soon as our Army, which forced their Obedience, was removed into England, the Papists generally resisted whatever could be propounded for our Security, and would have disenabled us to continue our Garrisons, had not the poor stript English taken that Burthen upon themselves.
Nay, they were so Insolent, that they laboured to get Arms into their Hands, and to cause us to Disband our Soldiers, which they affirmed to be kept as an unnecesary charge upon the King; that so they might, with more facility, receive the Irish, and ruin us.
In a Word, since they pretend the Ground of this War to be for Religion, and that this is confessed by those who seemed to adhere to us; what Faith can be expected from such a People, whose Religion permits them to hold none with us?
By this preceding Relation it is evidently seen, that unles we re-assume our Arms, we betray the Trust committed to us by God, the King and Parliament, and become Slaves both of Bodies and Souls; and therefore we have resolved to perform our Duty, tho' with apparent Hazard of our Lives; and likewise maintain that, which is a Thousand Times more dear to us, our Religion, and also desend our Garrisons for the King's Just Use.
These we take God to witness are our Intentions, and we beseech him to punish us as strangely as hitherto he hath preserved us, if we decline at all from these Loyal and Religious Resolutions; and we firmly hope, that the World by this Declaration will be as fully satisfied of the Justice of our Proceedings, as we our selves are; then tho' we all lose our Lives in this Cause, we shall give our Friends occasion to Rejoice, and our Enemies to Envy at so Blessed an End.
His Majesty's Letter to the Marquess of Ormond, December 15. 1644–5.
I Am sorry to find by Colonel Burry the sad Condition of your particular Fortune, for which I cannot find so good and speedy Remedy as the Peace of Ireland, it being likewise most necessary to redress Affairs here, wherefore I Command you to dispatch it out of Hand, for the doing of which I hope my publick Dispatch will give you sufficient Instructions and Power, yet I have thought it necessary for your more Encouragement in this necessary Work to make this Addition with my own Hand. As for Poyning's Act, I refer you to my other Letter, and for matter of Religion, tho' I have not found it sit to take publick Notice of the Paper which Brown gave to you, yet I must Command you to give him, my Lord Muskerry and Plumket particular Thanks for it, assuring them that without it, there could have been no Peace; and that sticking to it, their Nation in general and they in particular shall have Comfort in what they have done; And to shew that this is more than Words I do hereby promise them (and Command you to see it done) that the Penal Statutes against Roman Catholicks shall not be put in Execution, the Peace being made, and they remaining in their due Obedience; and further, that when the Irish give me that Assistance which they have promised, for the Suppression of this Rebelleion, and I shall be restored to my Rights, then I will consent to the Repeal of them by a Law; but all those against Appeals to Rome, and Premunire must stand; all this in Cypher you must impart to none but those Three already named, and with that Injunction of strictest Secrecy: So again recommending to your Care the speedy dispatch of the Peace of Ireland, and my necessary Supply from thence, as I wrote to you in my last private Letter, I rest.
The King to the Marquess of Ormond, Jan. 7 1644–5.
Upon the great Rumours and Expectations which are now of Peace, I think it necessary to tell you the true State of it, least mistaken Reports from hence might trouble any Affairs there.
The Rebels here have agreed to Treat, and most assuredly, one of the first and Chief Articles they will insist on, will be to continue the Irish War which is a Point not popular for me to break on, of which you are to make a double use: First, to hasten (with all possible diligence) the Peace there, the timely Conclusion of which will take off that Inconvenience which otherwise I may be subject to, by the Refusal of that Article upon any other Reason. Secondly by dexterous conveying to the Irish the danger there may be of their total Exclusion from those Favours I intend them, in case the Rebels here clap up a Peace with me, upon reasonable Terms, and only exclude them, which possible were not Counsellable for me to refuse, is the Irish Peace should be the only Difference betwixt us, before it were perfected there. These I hope are sufficient Grounds for you to perswade the Irish diligently to dispatch a Peace upon reasonable Terms, assuring them that having once fully engaged to them my Word (in the Conclusion of a Peace) all the Earth shall not make me break it.
But not doubting of a Peace, I must again remember you to press the Irish for their speedy Assistance to me here, and their Friends in Scotland: My Intentions being to draw from thence into Wales (the Peace once concluded) as many as I can of my Armed Protestant Subjects, and desire that those Irish would send as great a Body as they can, to Land about Cumberland, which will put the Nothern Counties in a brave Condition, wherefore you must take speedy Order to provide all the Shipping you may, as well Dunkirk, as Irish Bottoms, and remember that after March, it will be most difficult to transport Men from Ireland to England, the Rebels being Masters of the Seas: So expecting a diligent and particular Account in Answer to this Letter, Irest,
Your most assured Constant Friend,
His Majesty's Letter to the Marquess of Ormond, 16 Feb 1644.
I should wrong my own Service, and this Gentleman, Sir Timothy Fetherston, if I did not recommend him and his Business to you; for the Particulars of which I refer you to Digby. And now again, I cannot but mention to you the hastening of the Irish Peace, for which I hope you are already furnished by me with Materials sufficient. But in case (against all Expectation and Reason) Peace cannot be had upon those Terms, you must not by any Means fall to a new Rupture with them, but continue the Cessation (according to a Postscript in a Letter by Jack Burry, a Copy of which Dispatch I herewith send you:) So I rest.
In case upon particular Mens Fancies, the Irish Peace should not be procured, upon the Powers I have already given you, I thought to give you this furthe, Oder, (which I hope will prove ncedless) to seek to renew the Cessation for a Year, for which you shall promise the Irish (if you can have it no cheaper) to join with them against the Scots and Inchiquin, for I hope by that time my Condition may be such, as the Irish may be glad to accept less, or I be able to grant more.
Oxford, Feb. 26. 1644.
To the Duke of Ormond, Feb. 27. 1645.
The King to the Marq. of Ormond, Feb. 27.
The Impossibility of preserving my Protestant Subjects in Ireland, by a Continuation of the War, having moved me to give those Powers and Directions, which I have formerly done, for concluding of a Peace there, and the same growing daily much more evident, that alone were Reason enough for me to enlarge your Powers, and to make my Commands in the point more positive. But besides these Considerations, it being now manisest, that the English Rebels have (as far as in them lies) given the Command of Ireland to the Scots, that their Aim is a total Subversion of Religion and Regal Power, and that nothing else will content them, or purchase Peace here; I think my self bound in Conscience not to let slip the Means of settling that Kingdom (if it may be) fully under my Obedience, nor to lose that Assistance which I may hope from my Irish Subjects, for such Scruples as in a less pressing Condition might reasonably be stuck at by me: For their Satisfaction, I do therefore command you to conclude a Peace with the Irish, whatever it cost, so that my Protestant Subjects there may be secured, and my Regal Authority preserved; but for all this, you are to make the best Bargain you can, and not discover your Enlargement of Power till you must needs, and though I leave the managing of this great and necessary Work entirely to you, yet I cannot but tell you, That if the Suspension of Poyning's Act, for such Bills as shall be agreed upon between you them, and the present taking away of the Penal Laws against Papists by a Law, will do it, I shall not think it a hard Bargain, so that freely and vigorously they engage themselves in my Assistance against my Rebels in England and Scotland, for which no Conditions can be too hard, not being against Conscience or Honour.