
Displaying 101 - 110 of 27736
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Appointment, until the Ascension, of Merlin de Cene, king's yeoman, to buy and purvey for the use of the household, … by the late king, 33 Edward I., the present king, then prince of Wales, and the Council, for the improvement and … under pain of forfeiture, the wares to be taken for the prince's use by a bailiff specially appointed for the purpose …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Eykil, co. Lincoln, which for divers causes is in the king's hands, by the hands of the keepers of the manor in aid of … to Richard de Byflet the castle, manors and lands, which prince Edward by his letters patent has committed to the … account for the issues thereof in the Wardrobe of the prince. Roger de Clotherum is also to deliver to Richard de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… ad quod damnum made by Master John Walewayn, king's clerk, escheator this side Trent, for the appropriation in … is of their own advowson, although it may be to the king's loss, in that if it fall void during any voidance of the … secular rent until David ap Gruffud, brother of Lewelin, prince of Wales, and lord of Thleyn unjustly extorted from …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Confirmation of the collation to the chapelry of the king's castle of Xancton, void by the death of Stephen de Loriaco, … seneschal of Gascony, made to Peter Narmandi, king's clerk. By pet. of C. Vacated because on the Vascon Roll. … until David ap Gruffud, brother of Llewellyn, sometime prince of Wales and lord of the cantred of Thleen, unjustly …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… York. Grant, during pleasure, to Robert de Felton, king's yeoman, of the lands late of Henry de Prendregest in Akhill … John of Jerusalem, Dolgenwal, of a writing of L. sometime prince of Aber[ffraw] and lord of Snaud[on], dated at Ruthin, … ( Parvus), steward, Ennyo[n] Little ( Parvus), Owen the prince's chamberlain, Tegwared son of Eygyan, Gronus son of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… and confirmation to the prior and convent of St. Cuthbert's, Wirkesope, of divers charters and grants, viz.: I. Of … which two cartloads do not exceed the value of 60 s. a year, for the good of his own soul and of the souls of … at Kenynton in the time of Edward I., when the king was prince of Wales, upon petition made by men of the commonalty …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Haye on complaint by Mary, a nun of Aumbresbury, the king's sister, touching the persons who took and carried away her … assaulted him at York and imprisoned him. By fine of 20 s. MEMBRANE 43 d. July 14. York. Commission of oyer and … Alan le King, Alan le Hunte, Walter le Gardiner, Stephen Prince, Thomas Bate, William son of John Rosselyn and John …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… depredations alleged to have been committed by the king's subjects on men of Robert, count of Flanders, upon the … Anglicanum) towards the parts of Crauden within the king's power. By K. and C. The like to the under-mentioned … said merchants and in consideration of the intervention of prince John the king commands the above named commissioners …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… and 1 bovate of land in the same place. By fine of 20 s. Nov. 8. Westminster. Pardon to the society of the Bardi of … that king inspected and confirmed, a. Charter of Rees, prince of Wales. [ Monasticon, vol. V, p. 632.] b. Charter of … Hugh Bard. II. Charter of Mailgun son of Rees, sometime prince of South Wales, dated at Stratflur, XI Kal. February, …
1323-1324, membranes 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Bertrand Ferandi, clerk, going beyond the seas on the king's business. By K. March 5. Westminster. Association of Henry … a charter of Llewelin ap Yorwerth ( Lewelinus Gervasii), prince of North Wales, to the abbot and monks of Kymmer in … and confirmation of a charter made by the king when he was prince of Wales dated at Durham, 3 May 31 Edward I, granting …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 27736