
Displaying 471 - 480 of 560
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… to Colonel Shute. Imports and exports. A letter from Mr. Cuming, the Custom House officer at Boston in New England, to … and directions given to the Secretary for writing to Mr. Cuming thereupon, and for preparing a clause in the next … Cumming. The draught of a letter from the Secretary to Mr. Cuming, the custom house officer at Boston in New England, …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… Goods imported, was read. A letter from the said Mr. Cuming to the Secretary, dated the 15th July, 1718, proposing …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… agreed and signed. South Carolina. Memorial from Sir Alex. Cuming. Cherikce Indians. A memorial from Sir Alex. Cuming, Bart., in relation to the Cherikee Indians, was read, … Bladen, Mr. Brudenell. S. Carolina. Letter from Sir Alex. Cuming. A letter from Sir Alex. Cuming, dated this day, …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… contenit in the saidis foure letteris in ony wise in tyme cuming, vnder all heast pane and charg at may efter follow. …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
Displaying 471 - 480 of 560