
Displaying 6021 - 6030 of 35687
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… and thereto attached, situate in Bristol in the high street in Cooks Row between a tenement of the proctors of the … of St. Mary Tewkesbury, and extending from the said street in front to a tenement of the hospital of St. Lawrence … Quitclaim of a tenement with croft adjacent in the west street of the city of Cicestre sometime of Thomas atte Gate, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… between the public water course flowing across the high street there on the east, a messuage late of John Pettys on the west, the high street on the south and low water in the Thames on the north, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… situate between the public watercourse crossing the high street on the east, a messuage late of John Pettys on the west, the high street on the south and low water in the Thames on the north, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Walter Askam on the east and abutting northward upon the street and southward upon the river Owse, and shall not …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… the churchyard on the north and extending from the high street towards the east to a tenement late of lord Berkeley …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… a tenement late of John Austyn on the north, the high street on the south and west and a tenement of the abbot of … convent on either side and extending in length from the street to lands sometime of William Thorp, and for the whole toft with curtilage adjacent there in a street called 'Dagenhale' in breadth between lands of the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Chaumberleyn esquire, tenant of two messuages in English street in the parish of Holy Rood Suthampton on the east side of the street between a tenement sometime of Richard atte Marche on … shops late of John Boteler on the north and the high street leading to the fish market on the south, to William …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… a messuage in 'Philipchare,' seven messuages in the street called the 'Close' on either side of 'Langstare' there, three messuages in that street at the east end of the 'Close,' a messuage in the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… late of Thomas Kay on the north, a ninth in Bridlesmiths' street between tenements of Thomas Alastre on the south and …
Displaying 6021 - 6030 of 35687