
Displaying 1581 - 1590 of 24771
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… After a prosperous voyage of nine weeks they arrived in safety, 27th August. Found the inhabitants generous and … the which for shape and colour are wonderful. The colony in good order, being nobly upheld by the power and prudence … Dons of Barbadoes, whose interest is to keep the planters in that island to balance the power of their negroes ; …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… West Indies November 1665 November 1665 Nov. 1. 1072. Mem. in the handwriting of John Locke. That the first payment of … from St. Christopher's, there is but one landing place in it, where but one or two men can go up at a time to an … and three towns beginning. Gave it the name of Albania, lying to the west of Hudson's river, and to Long Island the …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 15 for Barbadoes and Nevis ; at the latter place they are in great fear of the enemy, they want ammunition, and their … Commissaries at Albany). Confirms the persons nominated in theirs of 26th Oct. for this ensuing year to be … themselves in bodies for their common security, the war lying too heavy upon his Majesty here to give them convoys …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… forms of oaths, &c. ; with index. These laws are entered in alphabetical order with the following titles, viz. : … Jurors and juries, Justices of the Peace, Lands, Laws, Lying and false news, Marriage, In what cases it shall not be punishable to remarry, Masters, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… of 20th July ; his collection of news is very acceptable in these parts. Supposes he will have received full returns … Jamai ca. 1867. Richard Browne to Williamson. Arrived in Jamaica the 14th Oct. with the Oxford frigate. Nothing of … place, with two or three guns, four days since brought in a Spanish vessel of 200 tons, eight guns, and 12 …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… (?), Providence, Inagua, and all other those islands lying in the degrees of 22 to 27 north lat., commonly known by the … goods from or import them into any of his Majesty's ports in England or elsewhere, paying the usual customs and duties. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… No. 697). Report of Sir Leoline Jenkins of the 8th October in the case of Capt. Cooke, touching his injuries at the … debated and a report drawn up to be presented to the King in Council. [ Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV. 42, 43.] Nov. 1. … the method may be such as may also serve the Spaniards in their demands upon us, and their Lordships would also be …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Foster, Jones, Molineux, Davis, and Milward are embarked in the Olive Branch, Captain Giles Lawrence, commander, and the other, Mr. Grief, will follow in a few days in another ship. Recommend them all to his particular favour …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… for preparing the grant to him of the land that he desires in America. Colonel Long and the other gentlemen of Jamaica attend and are asked whether, in consideration of the King's restoring to them a … reference to the laws now made or hereafter to be made in England, and, finding the same to be of great consequence …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to certify you whether fees are legally due in cases so nearly concerning the King's service, and to … and swearing. 5. Act against drunkenness. 6. Act against lying. 7. Act for administration of justice. 8. Act to make … 5. Theft. 6. Swearing. 7. Swearing. 8. Drunkenness. 9. Lying and profanation of Sabbath. 10. Against speaking …
Displaying 1581 - 1590 of 24771