Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].
'Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,
"Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported.". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.
In this section
c. 8. ante, recited.
Reason for granting the Subsidy by the said act.; c. 12. ante, recited.; c. 22. ante, recited.; Reasons for the present Grant.; Grant of Tonnage, for every Ton of Wine imported, 3s.
Whereas An Act was made this present Parliament intituled A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage and other su[m]mes of money payable upon merchandize exported and imported Whereby it is declared &enacted that it is and hath beene the ancient right of thesubject of this Realme that no Subsidy custome impost or other charges whatsoever ought or may be laid [or imposed (fn. 1) ] upon any Merchandize exported or imported bysubject Denizens or Aliens without co[m]mon consent in Parliament And the said Co[m]mons then taking into theire consideration the great perill that might have ensued by not guarding of the Seas and other inconveniencies which might have followed in case the said sum[m]s of money in the said act mentioned should not have beene granted to your Majestie as in and by the said act is expressed Did therefore by [the (fn. 1) ] advice of the Lords in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same give and grant unto your Majestie our leige Lord and Soveraigne One Subsidie of Tonnage and one other subsidie of Poundage in such manner and according to such rates as in the said act is expressed To have take perceive and enjoy the Subsidies and other su[m]mes soe granted by the said act and every of them and every part and parcell of them to your Highnes from the five and twentieth day of May One thousand six hundred forty one unto the fifteenth Day of July then next ensuing And Whereas the said act being determined one other act of the same title was likewise made this present Parliament with like declaration of the right of thesubject of this your Realme by which second act your said Co[m]mons did by the like advice of the Lords in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same give and grant to your Majestie One subsidy of Tonnage and one other subsidy of Poundage in such manner and according to such rates as in the said last recited act is specified and conteyned To have take perceive and enjoye the Subsidies and other su[m]ms so granted by the said last recited act and every of them and every part and parcell of them to your Highnes from the said fifteenth day of July One thousand six hundred forty one unto the tenth day of August then next ensuing And whereas the said act being determined one other act of the same title was likewise made this present Parliament by which third act your said Co[m]mons did by the like advice of the Lords in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same give and grant to your Majestie one subsidy of Tonnage and one other subsidy of Poundage in such manner and according to such Rates as in the said last recited act is specified and conteyned To have take enjoye and perceive the said subsidies and other su[m]mes soe granted by the said last recited act and every of them and every part and parcell of them to your Highnes from the ninth day of August One thousand six hundred forty one to the first day of December then next ensuing The said Co[m]mons now likewise againe takeing into theire consideracon the great perill that might ensue to this Realme by the not guarding of the Seas & the other inconveniencies that might follow in case the said su[m]mes of money should upon the suddaine be forborne to be paid By and with the consent of the Lords in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same Doe give and grant to you our Supreame Lord & Soveraigne One subsidy called Tonnage that is to say Of every Tun of Wine that is or shall come into this Realme or any your Majesties Dominions by way of Merchandize the sume of three shillings and soe after that rate And of every
The like Duty over and above for Sweet Wine imported by Merchant Aliens. Every Awme of Rhenish Wine imported, 12d.; Grant of Poundage; every 20s. worth of Goods exported, 12d.; The like Duty on Tin and Pewter Vessels exported. Proviso for Woollen Cloth wrought within the Realm, and exported by Merchant Denizens; and for Wools, Woolfels, Hides, and Backs of Leather exported; and for all Wines not before mentioned.
tonn of sweete Wines as well malmesey as other that is or shall come into this Realme by any Merchant Alien three shillings and soe after the rate over and above the three shillings above mentioned And of every Awme of Rhenish Wine that is or shall soe come in twelve pence And alsoe one other Subsidy called Poundage that is to say of all manner of Goods and Merchandize of every Merchant Denizen and Alien carried or to be carried out of this Realme or any your Majesties Dominions or to be brought into the same by way of Merchandize of the value of every twenty shillings of the same goods and merchandize twelve pence and soe after the rate and of every twenty shillings value of Tynn and Pewter Vessell carried out of this Realme by every or any Merchant Alien twelve pence over and above the twelve pence aforesaid Except and foreprized out of this [Grant of (fn. 2) ] subsidy of Poundage all manner of Woollen Cloth made or wrought or which shall be made or wrought within this Realme of England and by every or any Merchant Denizen and not born Alien carried or to be carried out of this Realme And all manner of Woolls Woolfels Hydes and Backs of Leather that is or shall be carried out of this Realme and all Wines not before limited to pay subsidy or tonnage And all manner of fresh fish and bestiall coming or that shall come into this Realme
II. Merchant Denizen to pay, every Sack of Wool, 33s. 4d.; every 240 Woolfels, 33s. 4d.; every Last of Hides and Backs, £3. 6s. 8d.; and so in Proportion for every greater or less Quantity.
Merchant Strangers to pay, every Sack of Wool, £3. 6s. 8d.; every 240 Woolfels, £3. 6s. 8d.; every Last of Hides and Backs £3. 13s. 4d.; and also certain Duties by Letters Patent or Great or Privy Seal, since I Jac. 1.
And further the said co[m]mmons by the advice assent & authority aforesaid Doe give and grant unto ( (fn. 3) ) our said leige Lord our Soveraigne for the causes aforesaid One other Subsidy that is to say Of every Merchant borne Denizen of and for every Sacke of Wooll thirty three shillings foure pence and of and for every two hundred and forty Woolfels thirty three shillings foure pence and of and for every Last of Hides and Backs three pounds six shillings eight pence and so after the same rate for every lesse or greater quantity for any the same merchandize more or lesse And of every Merchant Stranger not borne Denizen of & for every Sacke of Wooll three pounds six shillings eight pence and of and for every two hundred forty Woolfels three pounds six shillings eight pence and for every Last of Hides and Backs three pounds thirteene shillings foure pence And so of all the said Wools Woolfels Hydes and Backs and every of them after the rate And such other su[m]ms of money as have beene imposed upon any Merchandize either outward or inward by pretext of any Letters Patents Commission under the Great Seale of England or Privie Seale since the first yeare of the reigne of his late Majestie King James of Blessed memory and which were continued and paid at the begining of this present Parliament To have take enjoye and perceive the Subsidies aforesaid and other the aforementioned su[m]mes and every of them and every part and parcell of them to you our said leige Lord and Soveraigne from the last day of November One thousand six hundred forty one to the first day of February next ensuing
III. The said Subsidy to be applied according to I Jac. 1. c. 33.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Subsidy of Tonnage Poundage Woole and other su[m]mes of money shall be taken and employed dureing the time aforesaid to and for the intents and purposes and upon and under such provisions clauses and limitations as are conteyned in one act made in Parliament held in the first yeare of the reigne of his said late Majestie King James of Blessed Memory entituled An act for the granting of a Subsidy to the King of Tonnage Poundage Wools &c
IV. The above Rates to be altered in this Parliament as shall be thought fit.
And it is hereby declared that the su[m]mes of money hereby granted upon merchandize are not the rates intended to be continued but the same to be hereafter in this present Parliament altered in such manner as shall be thought fit
V. No Penalty in this act, or in 1 Jac. 1. c. 33. to attach, unless on Persons refusing to compound for Goods imported or exported.
Provided that no penalty or forfeiture conteyned in this present act or in the said act made in the first yeare of King James doe or shall ensue to any person or persons unlesse they refuse to compound to any merchandize or goods imported or exported after notice given of this act penalty & forfeiture by proclamation where the said goods are or ought to be entred
VI. Officer, after the Determination of this Grant, receiving the Subsidy; Premunire, and Disability to sue.
And it is further enacted that any Customer or Comptroller or any other Officer or person that after the determinac[i]on of this grant shall take or receive or cause to be taken or received the said subsidy su[m]mes of money or any imposition upon merchandize whatsoever exported or imported except the same by Grant in Parliament be due or by such graunt shall become due or have beene continually paid from the end of the reigne of the late King Edward the Third untill the begining of the Reigne of the late Queene Mary shall incur and sustain the paines penalties and forfeitures ordeined and provided by the Statute of Provision and premunire made in the sixteenth yeare of King Richard the Second and shall alsoe from henceforth be disabled during his life to sue or impleade any person in any action reall mixt or personall in any Court whatsoever.
VII. Proviso for Tobacco of English Plantations.
Provided alwaies That this act shall not extend to any imposition or charge upon any sort of Tobacco of English Plantac[i]ons But that the said Tobacco shall be charged only with the payment of two pence in the pound and no more
VIII. Persons not to be charged by this act with pretermitted Customs.
Provided alwaies And it is further enacted that this act shall not extend or be construed to charge any person imposition or charge of late yeares imposed upon Woollen Cloath and Woolen Comodities knowne by the name of the pretermitted customes
IX. Grants of Subsidies by Letters Patent, &c. void.
Provided alsoe And be it [further (fn. 2) ]enacted by the authority aforesaid that all Grants and Letters Patents under the Great Seale Privy Seale or otherwise conteyning the Grants of any Subsidies or Imposts heretofore made or granted unto any person or person for or in respect of the transportation exportation or importac[i]on of any goods or
Proviso for Allowance of Duties on Goods exported.
merchandize pretended to be due or payable to your Majestie or by any such Grants or Letters Patents covenanted to be enjoyed or had out of such Subsidies Imposts or Payments as hereafter should be setled by Parliament or otherwise And all Letters Patents or other Grants of the Collection of any impositions heretofore set without consent in Parliament made or granted to any person whatsoever And also All Penc[i]ons Assignac[i]ons of moneys and all other payments whatsoever charged or hereafter to be charged on this Subsidy by this act other then for the uses before in this act intended shalbe from henceforth utterly voide Provided that if any Merchant shall export any Goods and merchandize which have beene formerly imported and the customes and other duties for the same truly paid that in such case the same allowance shalbe made unto every such merchant as have been formerly by vertue of your Highnes Privy Seale.