Charles II, 1670: An Act for sale of part of the Estate of Sir John Prittiman for satisfaction of a Debt by him due to the Kings Majestie.

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

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'Charles II, 1670: An Act for sale of part of the Estate of Sir John Prittiman for satisfaction of a Debt by him due to the Kings Majestie.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Charles II, 1670: An Act for sale of part of the Estate of Sir John Prittiman for satisfaction of a Debt by him due to the Kings Majestie.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Charles II, 1670: An Act for sale of part of the Estate of Sir John Prittiman for satisfaction of a Debt by him due to the Kings Majestie.". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

In this section

Recital that Sir John Prittiman had been found indebted to the Crown on Inquisition in the Exchequer.

The Manor of Loddington in the County of Leicester to be sold, and to that end settled in Trustees.; How the Money arising by the Sale to be disposed of.

Whereas Sir John Prittiman of Loddington in the County of Leicester Baronet, late Receiver to your most Excellent Majestie of your Majestyes First-fruits and Tenths hath before the Barons of your Majestyes Exchequer beene found by Inquisition and other due Processe of Law indebted to your Majestie upon his Accompt of the last of December One thousand six hundred sixty and three in the Summe of Nineteene thousand eight hundred sixty fower pounds nine shillings and nine pence by him received of your Majestyes said Revenew, and still remaines indebted to your Majestie in the Summe of Sixteene thousand six hundred pounds more then he hath answered to the Receipt of your Majestyes Exchequer, in great Diminution of your Highnesses Revenue; And whereas upon Processe of Extent issued out of your Majestyes said Exchequer the said Sir John Prittiman hath beene by Inquisition duely executed and returned the Nineteenth of June One thousand six hundred sixtie and eight found seised in his Demeasne as of Fee of and in the Mannour of Loddington in the County of Leicester with the Rights Members and Appurtenances of the cleare yearely value of Seaven hundred eighty eight pounds nineteene shillings and eight pence which will not satisfie your Majestyes said Debt by perception of the Proffitts thereof at the said extended value in a long time. Wherefore to the end your Majestie may be more speedily satisfyed your said Debt may it please your most Excellent Majestie That it may be enacted And bee it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in Parlyament assembled That the said Mannour or reputed Mannour of Loddington with the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments parcell or reputed parcell thereof with their and every of their Appurtenances in the said County of Leicester, be and is hereby vested and settled in Henry Conventry and Edward Progers Esquires Groomes of your Majestyes Bedchamber Sir Allan Apsley and Sir Winston Churchill Knights and their Heires upon Trust that the said Henry Coventry Edward Progers Sir Allan Apsley and Sir Winston Churchill and the Survivour of them and the Heires of such Survivour shall forthwith sell the said Mannour and every part and parcell thereof with the Appurtenances and out of the proceede of such Sale and of the meane Proffits by them to be received untill such Sale or Sales made satisfy and reimburse themselves all such Charges and Expences which they shall any ways sustaine in or by reason of such Sales ( (fn. 1) ) of the Trust hereby in them reposed, And out of the residue of such Purchase money shall pay or cause to be paid into His Majestyes Receipt of Exchequer the full summe of Sixteene thousand pounds with Interest for the same onely at the Rate of Six pounds per Cent from the said last day of December One thousand six hundred sixty and three in Discharge of the said Debt of the said Sir John Prittiman the residue of the moneys to be raised by such Sale to be paid into the Hands of John Morris and Robert Clayton of London Gentlemen to be disposed and imployed as followeth (videlicet) In the first place to reimburse Sir Edward Hungerford and Sir Thomas Doleman and either of them such moneys as they or either of them have paid for the proper Debts of Sir John Prittiman, in the next place for the payment of such Debts of the said Sir John Prittiman as they or either of them are obliged to pay, In the next place for the payments unto William Prittiman Brother of Sir John [such (fn. 2) ] moneys as he hath paid for the proper Debt of Sir John upon any Obligation where the said Sir Edward Hungerford, Sir Thomas Doleman, Sir George Prittiman and the said William Prittiman or any two of them stood or stand joyntly bound, In the next place for the payment of all the Debts of the said Sir John Prittiman where any of them the said Sir George Prittiman Sir Edward Hungerford and Sir Thomas Doleman stand bound, In the next place for the payment unto Sir Edward Hungerford and Sir Thomas Doleman and either of them all such moneys as they or either of them have paid, or are obliged to pay for the proper Debts of the said Sir George Prittiman as farr as the same will extend; the residue (if any) to be divided betweene Sir John Prittiman and Sir George Prittiman as Francis Winington and James Hayes Esquires and the said John Morris and Robert Clayton or the survivour or survivours of them shall thinke fitt.

II. Saving, other than to Sir John and Sir George Prittiman, and their Heirs, all Right, &c.

And further bee it enacted That from and after the said Summe of Sixteene thousand pounds soe paid to his Majestie as aforesaid as well the said Sir John Prittiman his Heires Executors Administrators and Assignes as all his Mannours Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever and alsoe all and every person and persons their Heires Executors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments who were Security for the said Sir John Prettiman for or concerning any matter or thing relateing to the said First-fruits or his the said Sir John Prittimans Office of Receiver thereof shall be by vertue hereof acquitted for ever released and indempnyfyed, saveing to all and every person and persons Bodyes Pollitique and Corporate other then the said Sir John Prittiman and Sir George Prittiman and his and their Heires all such Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Trust, Use and Demand which he or they have or claime of, in, to or out of the said Mannour of Loddington or any part thereof in such sort and manner and noe other as if this Act had never beene made, Any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding.

III. Proviso that such Persons cause their Claim to be entered, &c. in the Exchequer before March 1670.

Provided That such person or persons their Heires Executors or Administrators and such Bodyes Pollitique and Corporate doe by themselves or their respective lawfull Attourney or Guardian, produce and cause to be entred and enrolled in the Office of the Kings Remembrancer in the Exchequer a sufficient and certaine particular of his and their said Title, Claime or Incumbrance before the First day of March which shall be in the yeare One thousand six hundred and seaventy.

IV. The Trustees may mortgage the said Manor till it can be sold.

And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That for the [more (fn. 3) ] speedy raiseing of moneys for and towards satisfaction of your Majestie and performance of the Trusts aforesaid it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Henry Coventry Edward Progers Sir Allan Apsley and Sir Winston Churchill and the survivours and survivour of them and his heires to mortgage the said Mannour and Premisses or any part thereof for any Estate or Estates subject neverthelesse to a further sale of the Reversion or equity of Redemption thereof to be made according to this Act for the purposes aforesaid.

V. All Extents for the King, and all his Claim to the said Manor to be assigned to the Purchasers.

Proviso for the Lady Prittiman, and Sir John Heath and his Lady.

And it is hereby declared and further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid for the encouragement of such person or persons as shall be willing to purchase the said Mannour and Premisses or any part or parts thereof That all extents already had or to be had and returned of the said Mannour and Premisses for satisfaction of the said Debt of Sixteene thousand pounds and Estate and Interest of your Majestie of and in the said Mannour and Premisses by. vertue thereof upon payment or satisfaction of the said Debt of Sixteene thousand pounds and Interest as aforesaid to your Majestie your Heires and Successors your or their Assignee or Assignees shall and may be assigned to such person or persons as shall purchase the said Mannour and Premisses or any part or parcell thereof, or to any other person or persons which he or they shall [for that1] purpose, nominate or appointe, and shall remaine continue and be in force and vertue for the protecting the said Premisses against all Incumbrances and Charges of Sir John Prittiman and Sir George Prittiman his Sonne in such sort and manner as the same would have done if this Act had never beene made untill such Purchaser or Purchasers shall out of the Rents Issues and Proffitts of the said Premisses have received the said summe of Sixteene thousand pounds with Interest for the same after the rate of Six pounds per Cen? per Annu? from the said last day of December One thousand six hundred sixty three, Saveing neverthelesse to the Wife of the said Sir John Prittiman (if he hath any) all such Right and Title of Dower as she might have claimed or may claime in the Premisses if this Act had never beene made, And alsoe saveing unto Sir John Heath Knight and Dame Margaret his Wife and their Assignes all such Estate, Right of Entry Right, Title, Interest, Use, Trust, Claime or Demand whatsoever in Law or Equity of and into any of the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments aforesaid parcell or reputed parcell of the said Mannour of Loddington as if this Act had never beene made, Any thing in the same to the contrary notwithstanding.


  • 1. or O.
  • 2. interlined on the Roll.
  • 3. interlined on the Roll.