Charles II, 1672: An Act for raising the Summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred, and fifty Pounds for supply of his Majesties extraordinary occasions.

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

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'Charles II, 1672: An Act for raising the Summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred, and fifty Pounds for supply of his Majesties extraordinary occasions.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Charles II, 1672: An Act for raising the Summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred, and fifty Pounds for supply of his Majesties extraordinary occasions.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025,

"Charles II, 1672: An Act for raising the Summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred, and fifty Pounds for supply of his Majesties extraordinary occasions.". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025.

In this section

Reasons for passing this Act.

Grant of £1,238,750.; to be raised within 18 Months, at the times, in manner, and on, the Counties, &c. herein mentioned.

Wee Your Majestyes most dutyfull and loyall Subjects the Co[m]mons assembled in Parliament acknowledging with all humility and thankfulnes your Majesties abundant care for our preservation and being deepely sensible of that extraordinary charge and expence with which your Majesties present occasions are to be supported have chearfully and unanimously given and granted, and doe hereby give and grant unto your Most Excellent Majestie, the summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred and fifty pounds, to be raised and leavyed in manner following. And doe humbly beseech your Majestie That it may be enacted and bee it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majestie by and with the advice and consent of the Lord Spirituall and Temporall and of the Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authoritie of the same That the summe of twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred and fifty pounds shall be raised leavyed and paid unto your Majestie within the space of eighteene moneths in manner following that is to say the summe of threescore and eight thousand eight hundred and nineteene pounds and nine shillings by the moneth for eighteene moneths begining from the fourth day of February One thousand six hundred seaventy and two shall bee assessed taxed collected leavyed and paid by six quarterly payments in the severall Counties Cittyes Burroughs Townes and Places within England and Wales and the Towne of Berwicke upon Tweede according to the severall rates and proportions and in such manner as is hereafter expressed, that is to say For every moneth of the said eighteene moneths.

For the County of Bedford the summe of Eight hundred ninety six pounds seaventeene shillings and nine pence.

For the County of Berks the summe of One thousand one hundred thirty two pounds six shillings and seaven pence.

For the County of Bucks the summe of One thousand three hundred and fifteene pounds six shillings and five pence.

The County of Cambridge, the summe of One thousand and twenty pounds

The Isle of Ely the summe of Three hundred forty nine pounds seaventeene shillings and eleaven pence.

The County of Chester with the Citty and County of the Citty. of Chester the su[m]me of eight hundred and one pounds five, shillings and six pence.

The County of Cornwall the summe of One thousand five hundred and forty pounds eighteene shillings and three pence.

The County of Cumberland the su[m]me of One hundred sixty eight pounds six shillings and one penny.

The County of Derby the summe of Eight hundred sixty two pounds eight shillings and fower pence.

The County of Devon the summe of Three thousand two hundred twenty nine pounds nineteene shillings and two pence.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Exon the su[m]me of One hundred and sixteene pounds seaven shillings and fower pence.

The County of Dorsett the summe of' One thousand three hundred forty fower pounds ten shillings and five pence.

The Towne and County of Poole the su[m]me of-ten pounds nineteene shillings and eight pence.

The County of Durham the summe of three hundred twenty three pounds sixteene shillings and nine pence.

The County of Yorke with the Citty and County of the Citty of Yorke and Towne and County of Kingston upon Hull the summe of Three thousand fower hundred sixty nine pounds five shillings and two pence.

The County of Essex the summe of Three thousand ninety eight pounds eight shillings and ten pence.

The County of Gloucester the summe of One thousand eight hundred and eight pounds ten shillings and three pence.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Gloucester the summe of thirty nine pounds and eight shillings.

The County of Hereford the summe of One thousand one hundred thirty one pounds thirteene shillings and fower pence.

The County of Hereford the summe of One thousand three hundred forty five pounds sixteene shillings [and (fn. 1) ] three pence.

The County of Huntington the summe of six hundred thirty three pounds fowerteene shillings and two pence.

The County of Kent with the Citty and County of the Citty of Canterbury the summe of three thousand three hundred twenty six pounds eighteene shillings and eight pence.

The County of Lancaster the summe of One thousand and six pounds thirteene shillings and six pence.

The County of Leicester the summe of One thousand and eighty fower pounds fowerteene shillings and three pence.

The County of Lincolne with the Citty and County of the Citty of Lincolne the summe of Two thousand five hundred seventy five pounds two shillings.

The Citty of London with the Liberty of Saint Martines le Grand the summe of Five thousand ninety one pounds eleaven shillings and fower pence.

The County of Midlesex with the Citty and Liberty of Westminster the summe of two thousand two hundred and forty pounds ten shillings.

The County of Monmouth the summe of Three hundred and ninety pounds.

The County of Northampton the summe of One thousand fower hundred and thirteene pounds eighteene shillings and two pence.

The County of Nottingham with the Towne and County of the Towne of Nottingham the summe of eight hundred seaventy three pounds and eight shillings.

The County of Norffolke the summe of three thousand three hundred seaventy pounds and twelve shillings.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Norwich the summe of One hundred and eighty pounds.

The County of Northumberland with the Townes of Newcastle and Berwicke upon Tweede the summe of Three hundred seaventy two pounds fifteene shillings and eight pence.

The County of Oxon the summe of Eleaven hundred thirty five pounds ten shillings and eight pence.

The County of Rutland the summe of Two hundred and forty pounds eight shillings and eleaven pence.

The County of Salop the summe of One thousand two hundred and three pounds fowerteene shillings and two pence.

The County of Stafford the summe of Eight hundred fifty two pounds eleaven shillings and eight, pence.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Litchfeild the summe of thirteene pounds.

The County of Somersett the summe of Two thousand seaven hundred seaventy one pounds ten shillings and eight pence.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Bristoll the summe of One hundred ninety nine pounds eight shillings and fower pence.

The County of Southampton with the Towne and County of Southampton and the Isle of Weight, the summe of Two thousand one hundred eighty nine pounds eight shillings and eight pence.

The County of Suffolke the summe of Three thousand two hundred ninety eight pounds ten shillings and eight pence.

The County of Surrey with the Burrough of Southwarke the summe of One thousand five hundred ninety seaven pounds and two pence.

The County of Sussex the summe of One thousand eight hundred twenty one pounds seaven shillings and nine pence.

The County of Warwicke with the Citty and County of the Citty of Coventry the summe of One thousand one hundred ninety two pounds eight shillings and nine pence.

The County of Worcester the summe of One thousand fifty three pounds and nineteene shillings.

The Citty and County of the Citty of Worcester the summe of fifty five pounds nine shillings, and six pence.

The County of Wilts the summe of One thousand nine hundred sixty six pounds seaventeene shillings and seaven pence.

The County of Westmerland the summe of One hundred and sixteene pounds.

The Isle of Anglesey the summe of One hundred twenty five pounds thirteene shillings and eight pence.

The County of Brecknocke the summe of Two hundred eighty two pounds ten shillings and five pence halfe penny.

The County of Cardigan the summe of One hundred and five pounds; fifteene shillings and nine pence halfe penny.

The County of Carmarthan the summe of Two hundred seaventy two pounds six shillings and eight pence.

The County of Carnarvan the summe of One hundred forty six pounds twelve shillings and two pence.

The County of Denbigh the. summe of Two hundred twenty, three, pounds ten shillings and seaven-pence.

The County of Flint the summe of One hundred and eighteene pounds seaventeene shillings and fower pence.

The County of Glamorgan the summe of Three hundred seaventy eight pounds seaventeene shillings and ten pence.

The County of Merioneth the summe of One hundred pounds sixteene shillings and one penny.

The County of Mountgomery the summe of Two hundred seaventy six pounds twelve shillings and two pence.

The County of Pembrooke the summe of Three hundred twenty six pounds and ten shillings.

The County of Radnor the summe of One hundred seaventy fower pounds six shillings and eight pence.

The Towne of Haverford-West the summe of Fifteene pounds three shillings and five pence.

II. Commissioners named.

And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That all and every the persons hereafter named shall be Co[m]missers of and for the severall and respective Countyes, Cittyes, Burroughes, Townes and Places hereafter named, that is to say.

[Bedford (fn. 2) ]

For the County of Bedford William Russell Esquire Sir George Carteret Vice-Chamberlaine Sir John Duncombe Chauncellour of his Majestyes Exchequer, Charles Leigh Esquire, Sir John Cotton Sir John Nappier Sir Roger Burgoyne Sir Thomas Alston Sir Anthony Chester Sir Humphrey Winch Sir Humphrey Monox Sir Saint John Charnocke Sir Stephen Anderson Sir William Gostwicke Baronets, Sir William Fleetewood Sir William Palmer Sir John Huxley Sir William Beecher Sir George Blundell Sir Clement Arminger Sir Francis Wingate Knights, Pawlet St John Oliver Luke John de la Fountaine Francis Crawley Witt Duncombe Witt Palmer Thomas Palmer Thomas Browne William Dyer John Osborne Humphrey Monox Villars Charnocke Richard Stone St John Thompson William Boteler Thomas Snag John Keeling John Vaux William Spencer John Alston John Copin Francis Wingate William Gerey William Francklin Francis Dive Walter Carey George Wyan Gaius Squire James Mountague Humphrey Fish John Neele John Cockayne John Ventris Robert Crompton Robert Awdley. Samuell Bedford Mathew Denton Mathew Dennis Richard Orliber Jasper Edwards Esquiers.

[For the Towne of Bedford (fn. 2) ]

The Maior of Bedford for the time being William Russell Esquire Sir John Napier Sir Humphrey Winch Sir William Beecher Pawlet Saint John ( (fn. 3) ) John Gardiner William Foster Esquiers Thomas Christy Simon Becket Robert Beverley John Beaumont William Scott Thomas Fitzhugh Crawley Richard Elmes John Cobb John Spencer Francis Becket and John Becket Gentlemen.

[Berks (fn. 2) ]

For the County of Berks Henry Earle of Sterling of the Kingdome of Scotland Charles Earle of Ancram of the Kingdome of Scotland Henry Viscount Cornbury Sir George Carteret Knight Vice-Chamberlaine to his Majestie Thomas Howard Esquire Sir Humphrey Forrester Sir George Stonehouse Sir Henry Henn Sir George Pratt Sir Francis Wenman Sir Richard Braham Sir Thomas Draper Sir Anthony Craven Sir William Rich Sir Cecile Bishop Sir Thomas Clerges Sir Edward Fettiplace Sir Edward Hobby Baronets Sir Richard Powle Knight of the Bath Sir Edmond Sawyer Sir Robert Pye Sir William Armorer Sir William Craven Sir Thomas Dolman Sir John Davis Sir John Elwes Sir Richard Bishop Sir Richard Harrison Knights Humphrey Hyde senior Richard Nevill Edward Manfeild William Barker Peregrine Hobby Robert Packer William Chiffinch Richard Aldworth Edmund Fettiplace James Bridgman Thomas Vachell Thomas Fettiplace George Fettyplace John Harrison William Wilmott Francis Piggot Edward Keate Henry Barker Henry Murray John Blagrave John Kingsmill John Stonehouse Hungerford Dunch Edmond Fettyplace Edmond Wiseman William Lovelace William Trumball Henry Proctor William Nelson Humphry Hyde junior John Finch Paul Calton William Barker of Hurst Major Dunch William Ball Roger Draper William Hussey Charles Garret John Southby John Powney senior William Kendrick Phillip Jemmot Phillip Weston Thomas Holt Thomas Staples Richard Lightfoote Esquiers William Offley Charles Perrot Doctors of Law Hugh Parker Francis Hungerford Doctors of Phisicke John Whitwick Robert Leigh Michaell Mallet Hartgill Baron John Hersey William Tailor William Smith James Smith Simon Smith Francis Ridley Charles Whitacre Richard Brickenden William Hamersly Richard Southby Francis Peacocke George Blagrave John Peacocke Nicholas Hyde Thomas Southby William Langton John Due James Heron Captaine Charles Gerrard Captaine Henry Barker John Powney junior Richard Lovelace Roger Knight Nathan Knight Charles Perce Richard Palmer Bartholimew Yate Esquiers The Maior of Reading for the time being The Maior of Abingdon for the time, being The Maior of Windsor for the time being The Maior of Wallingford for the time being The Maior of Newbury for the time being.

[Bucks (fn. 4) ]

For the County of Bucks Charles Earle, of Ancram in the Kingdome of Scotland Phillip Lord Wenman Viscount Tuam in the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Thomas Tyrrell Sir John Burlace Sir Anthony Chester Sir Thomas Proby Sir William Bowyer Sir William Smith Sir Ralph Varney Sir William Drake Sir Henry Andrews Sir John Croke Sir Humphry Winch Sir Thomas Leigh Sir Edmond Pye Knights and Barronets Sir Richard Temple Sir William Terringham Sir Richard Ingoldesby Sir Robert Gayer Knights of the Bath Sir Francis Wainman Sir Richard Napier Sir Richard Piggot Sir Henry Herbert Sir John Dormer Sir Thomas Clayton Sir Robert Croke Sir Thomas Clerges Sir Peter Tyrrell Sir [Burbecke (fn. 5) ] Temple Sir John Trevor Knights James Herbert Daniell Finch Edward Manfeild Charles Cheney Esquires Thomas Waller Edward Baldwin Edmund Waller senior Edmund Waller junior William Penn Edmund West Brett Norton Thomas Hackett John Duncombe of Great Brick William Lane Robert Lovett Richard Barringer Thomas Butler William Sergeant junior Edward Nicholas Thomas Ferrer senior Cesar Wood late Cranmer John Ristey Knigtley Purefoy Roger Price Thomas Napier Edmund Hampden John Whiterong Thomas Saunders of Hadnum Francis Ingoldesby Edmund Darrell George Russell Richard Winwood Richard Grinvile Sir Roger Hill Sir Dennis Hampson Baronet Bud Wayes Richard Hambden Bazill Brent William Hill Thomas Farrer junior James Lowe Thomas Stafford Edward Back well Robert Tompson Bernard Tourney Christopher Eyeton Francis Tyrringham Robert Dormer John Loggings George Wyan William Clever William Abraham Nicholas Salter junior Henry Seamore Captaine Robert Stiles John Grub John Greene Henry Alnot William Bowyer George Gosnell Thomas Owen Andrew Duffeild Edmund Medlicot Marmaduke Dorrell Edmond Varney Esqq[uire] Edmond Dorrell [Esqq[uire] (fn. 4) ] William Coleing [Esqq[uire] (fn. 4) ] Dudley Reuse John Dormer Esquier John Burlace.

[Towne of Buckingham (fn. 4) ]

The Towne of Buckingham The Bayliffe for the time being Sir Richard Temple Knight of the Bath and Baronet Sir William Smith Baronet John Risley [Esqq[uire] (fn. 6) ] Edmond Varney Esquier Edward Andrews Gentleman John Turner Edmond Dorrell Esquiers Hugh Ethersay George Dancer John Rogers Pelham Sandwell Walter Arnott John Grove.

[Towne of Wickombe (fn. 4) ]

For the Towne of Wickombe Richard Lucas Maior Edward Bedder senior Samuell Wells Edward Humphrey Jonathan Randall Alexander Parnham Henry Bigg Edward Beddar junior Thomas Davis Aldermen William Hawkins William Kempe Gentlemen.

[Cambridge (fn. 4) ]

For the County of Cambridge Richard Lord (fn. 4) Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland William Lord Allington of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Charles North [Kñt (fn. 6) ] Sir Thomas Chichley Knight Sir Thomas Hatton Sir Robert Cotton John Cotton Sir Thomas Willis Sir Lovinus Bennet Sir George Downing Baronets Sir Thomas Wendy Knight of the Bath Sir Robert Cotton [Kñt (fn. 6) ] Sir Francis Dayrell Knight John Millecent Samuell Fortrey Gerrard Russell Geoffrey Nightingale Humphry Gardner William Layer Thomas Duckat Roger Pepys Mildmay Dowman Tyrrell Dalton William Ayloffe George Pike Thomas Buck Devereux Martin Edward Pickering Roger Jenyns Henry Slingsby [Esqq[uire] (fn. 6) ] Humphry Weld Esquier

[University and Towne of Cambridge (fn. 4) ]

For the University and Towne of Cambridge The Vicechauncellour of the University of Cambridge for the time being, The Maior of the Towne of Cambridge for the time William Lord Allington of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Thomas Chichley Knight one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell James Duport James Fleetewood Theophilus Dillingham Doctors of Divinity Robert King Doctor of Lawes Thomas Crouch Clement Nevill Thomas Page Robert Pepys Esquiers John Herring Nathaniell Crabb Edward Lawe Phillip Williams George Farwell and John Hunt Aldermen of Cambridge Samuell Moody Sir Thomas Slater Baronet Thomas Stephens Doctor of Divinity Edward Stoyt Doctor of Phisicke Nicholas Jacob Esqq[uire]

[Isle of Ely (fn. 4) ]

For the Isle of Ely Robert Mapletoft Doctor of Divinity and Deane of Ely Edward Partridge Esqq[uire] Lawrence Woomocke Doctor of Divinity Henry Hitch Doctor of Lawes Thomas Steward Charles Wren William March Thomas Towers John Childe [Sir (fn. 6) ] John Norton Thomas Dockwray Henry Brunsell Doctor of Lawes Thomas Wrenn Archdeacon of Ely William Holder Richard Marryot Esquiers Richard Lord Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Lyonell Walden [Kñt (fn. 6) ] Sir Robert Sewster Knight William Colvile Peter Diamond Robert Balaam Thomas Edwards Michaell Holman Anthony Fisher Anthony Buckworth Roger Jenings Mathias Taylor Richard Reede John Fincham Hugh Underwood Anthony Hammond Peter Dyamond Gentlemen George Farewell [Esqq[uire] (fn. 6) ] William Wrenn Esquier

[Chester (fn. 7) ]

For the County of Chester Robert Lord [Chalmoundley (fn. 8) ] William Lord Brereton Thomas Needham [Esqq[uire] (fn. 9) ] Henry Booth Esquier Sir Thomas Wilbraham ( (fn. 10) ) Sir Thomas [Deles (fn. 11) ] Sir Willoughby Ashton ( (fn. 12) ). Sir Thomas Powell ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Thomas Smith ( (fn. 12) ) Sir George Warburton ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Thomas Mainwaring ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Peter Leicester ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Richard Brooke ( (fn. 12) )'Sir William Standley ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Peter Standley ( (fn. 12) ) Sir John Bellolt ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Peter Pindar ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Robert Duckenfeild [Baronets (fn. 12) ] Sir Robert Cotton ( (fn. 13) ) Sir Jeoffrey Shakerley ( (fn. 13) ) Sir Peter Brooke ( (fn. 13) ) Sir John Booth ( (fn. 13) ) Sir Foulke Lucy ( (fn. 13) ) Sir John Ardern ( (fn. 13) ) Sir Phillip Egerton ( (fn. 13) ) Sir John Trevour [Knights (fn. 13) ] Peter Venables Baron of Kinderton John Crew of Crew Esq[uire] Collonell Thomas Leigh ( (fn. 14) ) Henry Leigh ( (fn. 14) ) Richard Leigh ( (fn. 14) ) Nathaniell Booth ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas [Cholmondsey (fn. 15) ] John Crew ( (fn. 14) ) Roger Wilbraham ( (fn. 14) ) Somerford Oldfeild ( (fn. 14) ) William Marbury ( (fn. 14) ) Robert Venables ( (fn. 14) ) William Venables ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Daniell ( (fn. 14) ) John Daniell ( (fn. 14) ) George Vernon ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Leigh the Younger of Adlington ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Leigh of Lime( (fn. 14) ) Randall Dod ( (fn. 14) ) Roger Wilbraham of Townsend ( (fn. 14) ) William Davenport of Woodford ( (fn. 14) ) Ralph Wilbraham ( (fn. 14) ) Richard Walthall ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Glegg( (fn. 14) ) John Starkey ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Moston ( (fn. 14) ) Henry Bunbury ( (fn. 14) ) Jonathan Braen ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Leigh ( (fn. 14) ) Henry Brooke ( (fn. 14) ) John Leech ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Button of Hatton( (fn. 14) ) John Hurlston ( (fn. 14) ) William Brocke ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Swettenham ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Tatton ( (fn. 14) ) Henry Mainwaring ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Leigh ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Minshall ( (fn. 14) ) Peter Wilbraham ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Smethwicke ( (fn. 14) ) Edmund Jawdrell ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Aldersey ( (fn. 14) ) Anthony Eyre [Esquiers. (fn. 14) ]

[Citty of Chester (fn. 7) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Chester The Maior for the time being Sir Thomas Smith Baronet William Williams Esq[uire] Recorder William Ince [Alderman (fn. 14) ] Richard Taylor Alderman William Street Alderman Richard Bird Alderman George Booth Esqq[uire] John Brerewood ( (fn. 14) ) Ralph Whitly ( (fn. 14) ) James Bradshaw [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Collonell Werden Edward Hubwicke ( (fn. 14) ) Nathaniell Williamson ( (fn. 14) ) Kendricke Gaton [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Mt Alderman Lloyd Mr Gowen Hudson Mr Alderman Maddocke. Mr Alderman Simpson. Mr Alderman Murrey Mr Robert Gregg.

[Cornwall (fn. 7) ]

For the County of Cornwall Robert Roberts ( (fn. 14) ) John Arundell ( (fn. 14) ) Hender Roberts [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Sir Boucher Wrey Knight of the Bath and Baronet Sir Jonathan Trelawney ( (fn. 12) ) Sir John Carew ( (fn. 12) ) Sir Violl Viveon ( (fn. 12) ) Sir John Coryton ( (fn. 12) ) Sir William Godolphin [Baronets (fn. 12) ] Sir Richard Edgecombe ( (fn. 13) ) Sir John Aubin [Knights (fn. 13) ] Sir Nicholas Slaning Knight of the Bath Sir Peter Killigrew ( (fn. 13) ) Sir John Arundell ( (fn. 13) ) Sir James Smith ( (fn. 13) ) Sir Walter Moyle [Knights (fn. 13) ] Sir William Morris Baronet Sir Joseph Tredinham Knight Hugh Buscowen ( (fn. 14) ) Bernard Greenvile ( (fn. 14) ) William Courtney ( (fn. 14) ) Charles Trevanian ( (fn. 14) ) Francis Buller ( (fn. 14) ) John Buller ( (fn. 14) ) John Speccot ( (fn. 14) ) John Tanner ( (fn. 14) ) Jonathan Raishley ( (fn. 14) ) senior Jonathan Raishley junior ( (fn. 14) ) John Trelawney senior ( (fn. 14) ) John Trelawney junior ( (fn. 14) ) John Elliot ( (fn. 14) ) Edmond Predeux [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] John Predeux Gentleman of Padslowe John Tregagle Esqq[uire] Nathaniell Moyle Gent. John Harris ( (fn. 14) ) William Scawen ( (fn. 14) ) John Coriton ( (fn. 14) ) William Bond ( (fn. 14) ) Walter Langden senior ( (fn. 14) ) Walter Langden junior.( (fn. 14) ) Edward Buscowen ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Herle ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Cooke ( (fn. 14) ) Nicholas Glinn ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Herle ( (fn. 14) ) James Pride ( (fn. 14) ) John Connocke ( (fn. 14) ) John St Aubin ( (fn. 14) ) John Nichols.( (fn. 14) ) of Trewane Thomas Dorrell [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] John Nicholas of Litlewood Gentleman Arthur Fortescue ( (fn. 14) ) John Vivean ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Vivean ( (fn. 14) ) Joseph Saule ( (fn. 14) ) William Mohun senior ( (fn. 14) ) William Mohun junior [Esquiers] Hanniball Buggin ( (fn. 16) ) Lewis Tremayne( (fn. 16) ) Golan Blewet ( (fn. 16) ) John Blight [Gentlemen (fn. 16) ] Francis Basset Esq[uire] John Rashley ( (fn. 16) ) Robert Hoblin ( (fn. 16) ) Thomas Robinson ( (fn. 16) ) Richard Erisey, ( (fn. 16) ) Christopher Harris [Gentlemen (fn. 16) ] John Molesworth ( (fn. 14) ) Humphry Courteny ( (fn. 14) ) Charles Buscowen.( (fn. 14) ) Robert Scawen ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Waddon ( (fn. 14) ) William Ascott ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Noseworthy [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] John Polewheele Gent. John Penrose ( (fn. 14) ) Edmond Prideaux.( (fn. 14) ) William Godolphin ( (fn. 14) ) Sydney Godolphin [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Sir John Godolphin Knight Arthur Spry ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Elliot [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Thomas Piper ( (fn. 16) ) John Kelly ( (fn. 16) ) Thomas Kelly of Trewint ( (fn. 16) ) Richard Pendrees ( (fn. 16) ) Hugh Trewanian ( (fn. 16) ) George Spry ( (fn. 16) ) Nathaniell Trewaneon ( (fn. 16) ) John Howell ( (fn. 16) ) Ezekiell Arundell Gent Walter Kendall ( (fn. 14) ) Hugh Smith [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] John Battersby ( (fn. 16) ) Charles Grills ( (fn. 16) ) Francis Grills ( (fn. 16) ) Francis Calmady [Gentlemen (fn. 16) ] Humphry Noy ( (fn. 14) ) Edward Harris ( (fn. 14) ) Nicholas Courtney [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Renold Hawley Gent. Thomas Achim ( (fn. 14) ) William Panter [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Michaell Hill of Wendron Gent. John Carnsew ( (fn. 14) ) Samuell Ends ( (fn. 14) ) Thomas Trifrey [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Anthony Chenoweth ( (fn. 16) ) Francis Burges ( (fn. 16) ) John Silly ( (fn. 16) ) Richard Tippat ( (fn. 16) ) Thomas Carew [Gentlemen (fn. 16) ] Christopher Billet. ( (fn. 14) ) Humphrey Burlace [Esquiers (fn. 14) ] Samuell Langford ( (fn. 16) ) Walter Vincent ( (fn. 16) ) John Verman,( (fn. 16) ) Humphry Lower ( (fn. 16) ) James Robbins Gent. Francis Lutterell ( (fn. 14) ) James Erisey Esq[uire] The Maior of Truro for the time being The Maior of Leskeard for the time being The Maior of Bodmin for the time being. John Arundell of Dewlow Gent. Mr Phillip Mayow of Bray senior Mr Phillip Mayow Junior Thomas Benhallow Esq[uire] Nicholas Sprey Gent. John Barret of Killegreene Richard Williams Gent. John Williams Gent. Able French Gent. John Peirce of Dewstow Gent. Joseph Hawke Gent. John Newman Gent. John Tamlin Gent. William Beall Gent. Thomas Hicks of Paule Gent. Richard Martin of St Nyot Mr Martin of Tallond Mt Martin of St Gennes John Kendall Esq[uire] Ambrose Mannerton Gent. Humphrey Lansford Gent. Samuell Roll Esq[uire] Charles Trevanean of Tregoes Esq[uire].

[Cumberland (fn. 7) ]

For the County of Cumberland Edward Lord Morpeth sonne and heire apparent to Charles Earle of Carlisle Sir Phillip Musgrave Baronet Sir Richard Greyham Baronet Sir William Dalston Baronet Sir George Fletcher Sir John Lowther senior Sir John Lowther Junior Sir Edward Musgrave Baronets Sir Thomas Dacre Sir Wilfrid Lawson Sir Phillip Howard Sir George Dalston Sir John Dalston Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir Joseph Williamson Knights John Lamplugh Esq[uire] Daniell Fleming Esq[uire] William Layton Esq[uire] Christopher Blencow Esq[uire] William Musgrave Esq[uire] John Alyonby Esq[uire] Thomas Denton Esq[uire] Richard Tolson Esq[uire] Andrew Hubleston Esq[uire] Robert Cobly Esq[uire] Richard Musgrave Esq[uire] Thomas Warwicke Esq[uire] Richard Patrickson Esq[uire] Fardinando Hudleston Esq[uire] Richard Lamplugh Esq[uire] John Clarke Esq[uire] Christopher Richmond Esq[uire] William Penington Esq[uire] Bernard Kerkbride Esq[uire] Edward Stanley Esq[uire] Miles Pennington Esq[uire] William Fenwicke Esq[uire] Leonard Dykes Esq[uire] Nicholas Foster Esq[uire] The Maior of Carlisle for the time being William Feilding Esq[uire] [Wilfrod (fn. 17) ] Lawson Esq[uire] John Leubons Esq[uire] Henry Fletcher Esq[uire]

[Derby (fn. 18) ]

For the County of Derby Henry Earle of Ogle sonne and heire apparent to William Duke of Newcastle, William Lord Cavendish sonne and heire apparent to William Earle of Devonshire, Sir John Gell Baronet High Sheriffe of the County of Derby. Anchetill Grey Esq[uire] Sir Francis Lee Knight and Baronet Sir Robert Sherley Sir Francis Rhodes Sir Thomas Greisley Sir Francis Burdet Sir John Harpur Sir John Curson Sir Robert Coke Sir Henry Ivery Sir William Boothsby Baronets Sir John Harpur Sir Samuell Sleigh Sir Gilbert Clarke Sir Simeon Degge Sir John Shore Knights John Ferrers German Poole John Coke Charles Agard George Vernon Henry Cavendish Robert Coke John Munday Henry Milward William Fitzherbert Charles Cotton William Sacheverell Henry Gilbert Walter Horton Gilbert Thacker Francis Leeke Robert Eyre William Eyre of Holme Nicholas Wilmot John Shalcrosse Ravell Ashenhurst Francis Mennell Thomas Milward Henry Kendall Edward Abney Henry Wigfall James Abney Adrian Munday John Low of Accasley John Low of Denby Cornelius Clerke Edward Pegg Francis Barker William Wright George Savill John Moorewood William Bage John Spateman junior Esquiers Lawrence Sleigh William Hopkinson John Smithson John Wigley Robert Heywood Robert Mower Gervas Reynor Gent. Mr Hugh Bateman Mr William Allestry Mr Henry Meller Mr Edward Osborne The Maior of Derby for the time being Mr Humphrey Yates Mr John Brackhouse Mr Edward Walker Aldermen Mr Edward Walker Mr Samuell Goodwin Mr Joseph Parker Policarpus Dakin Doctor in Phisicke Mr James Ward The Maior of Chesterfeild for the time being Richard Clerke Thomas Britland James Milns Aldermen Mr George Backwell John Dalton Esq[uire] Robert Wandall Alderman Mr Andrew Clayton John Every Esq[uire] John Stanhope Alexander Stanhope of [Elveston (fn. 19) ] Henry Keyes Francis Revell William Milward junior Walter Wolsley Esquiers Samuell Holden Thomas Eyre Councellours at Law.

[Devon (fn. 18) ]

For the County of Devon Edward Seymour Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons Arthur Earle of Dunnigall Sir George Cartwright Vice-Chamberlaine of his Majestyes Household Sir William Morrice one of his Majestyes Privey Councell Sir Edward Deymour Sir Peter Predeaux Sir Henry Hele Sir George Childeigh Sir Ames Pollard Sir Francis Drake Sir Courtney Poole Sir Coplestone Bampfeild Sir John Northcott Sir John Davye Sir William Courtney Sir Hugh Acland Sir Edmond Fowell Sir John Drake Sir William Morrice Sir Thomas Carew Sir Nicholas Slaning Baronets Sir John Rolle Sir Richard Edgecombe Sir Edward Wise Sir Henry Vane Knights of the Bath Sir Peter Fortescue Barronet Sir Henry Carew Sir William Strode [Sir (fn. 20) ] Robert Cary Sir John Mainard Sir Peter Ball Sir James Smith Sir John Mallet Sir Thomas Carew Sir William Waldron Sir Thomas Bury Sir Henry Ford Knights Peter Predeaux John Poole John Fowell Arthur Northcott Samuell Rolle John Rolle Francis Drew Robert Fortescue Richard Strode Arthur Harris John Harris Nicholas Dennis Richard Duke Edmond Waldron William Bragg Josias [Galmady (fn. 21) ] John Tanner John Chichester of Hall John Frye Egidion Heydon John Crocker William Savery Mathew Halse John Gifford of Brightley Esquier Edward Yard John Kelland Henry Northley Samuell Sentall John Tuckfeild Richard Hillersdon Samuell Tanner Thomas Were Richard Lee John Chichester of Woodwortley John Reymond Elias Bartlet senior Leonard Yeo John Drake of Ivye Bridge Edmond Prideaux of Ford Jonathan Prideaux Henry Stevens James Clifford William Bastard John Bere of Berescomb Roger Pomeroy William Bruton Bartholomew Gidley John Blewet Arthur Bury John Hale John Giffard Roger Wallocombe Sebastian Isaac James Huish Edward Yard of Tresbery Edward Lovett Lewis Ingleton John Courtney Aaron Baker John Hore Sir Thomas Higgon James Rode Nicholas Heydon Peter Holwell Bamfeild Rode Mathew Hele John Vaughan William Bogan Thomas Reynoll Henry Frye John Arscot Arthur Tremeane Henry Walter William Kelley Phillip Champernon Shelston Calmady Walter Elford Thomas Pine Jonathan Sparke William Jenings Thomas Poyntington Phillip Shapcott Henry Carew Thomas Hele Anthony Salter James Calwoodley Esquiers, The High Sheriffe of the said County for the time being. The Maiors of Totnes Barnestaple Plymouth Dartmouth and Tiverton for the time being John Davy of Cannontin Rawlin Mallock Henry Worth Thomas Bere John Coish Esquiers George Southcout of Dulcehays Gent. Phillip Harris of Torrington Esq[uire], John Harris of Wortham Esq[uire] Phillip Harris of Stowford Gent. Richard Coffin John Quick Edward Greenwood of Bredsborn.

[Exon (fn. 18) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Exon The Maior for the time being Sir Peter Ball Recorder Sir James Smith Knight Robert Walker Esq[uire] Sir Thomas Carew Knight Sir John Mallet Knight The Sheriffe for the time being Alderman Butler Major Thomas Walker Alderman Isaac Alderman Samford John Bidgood Doctor of Phisick John Fowell Esq[uire] Edmond Davye Doctor of Phisicke Major Hadyedote Isaac Maudit Captaine Glyde Samuell Issaac Towne Clerke.

[Dorset (fn. 22) ]

For the County of Dorset John Lord Digby some and here apparent to George Earle of Bristoll Anthony Lord Ashley some and heire apparent to Anthony Earle' of Shaftsbury Lord High Chauncellour Sir Hugh Wyndham Knight one of his Majestyes Justices of the Common Pleas Michaell Harvey Esq[uire] High Sheriffe Sir Francis Holies Baronet Sir John Moreton Baronet Sir William Portman Baronet Sir Gerrard Napper Baronet Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir Ralph Banks Knight Giles Strangwayes Esq[uire] Sir John Strode Knight Sir Nathaniell Napper Knight Sir Winston Churching Knight Sir Roger Cuttens Knight Thomas Freake Esq[uire] John Strangwayes Esq[uire] John Tregonwell of Milton Esq[uire] John Tregonwell of Anderston Esq[uire] Thomas Browne Esq[uire] Edward Miller Esq[uire] Samuell Hobbs Esq[uire] James Long Esq[uire] William Strode Esq[uire] Humphrey Bishop Esq[uire] Humphrey Welde Esq[uire] George Fulford Esq[uire] Collonell Francis Wyndham Robert Napper Esq[uire] William Uvedall Esq[uire] Robert Culleford Esq[uire] John Ryves Esq[uire] William Okederi Robert Coker Thomas Baynard George Browne Henry Eynes Mathew Davyes Henry Whittaker William Thomas John Hoskins Robert Williams John Bennet Thomas Turbervill John Churchill George Rives Richard Fowens John Michell Henry Butler George Savage Robert Browne John Lawrence Audley Grey Robert Teymbur Maximilian Mohun Francis Mohun George Trenchard John Still William Boules John Trenchard John Gould John Ironside Hugh Hodges John Harden Anthony Ettricke Henry Henley of Coleway William Floyer Nathaniell Heymour Thomas Chafe John Jeffris Charles Brewen Thomas Hussey of Edmonsham Georg Strangwayes Bonham Strangwayes Hubert Arnole George Stile Thomas Gallop John Gallop Seymour Bowman Nathaniell Bond John Hardey Richard Greene Robert Lewer William Churchill William Collier Esquiers.

[Poole (fn. 22) ]

For the Towne and County of Poole Anthony Lord Ashley Sir John Moreton Baronet Thomas Strangways Esq[uire] Nicholas Efford Maior Anthony Ettrich Esq[uire] Recorder Robert Lewen Gent. Moses Durell Robert Clewes Edward Mann William Orchard John Curtis Henry Jubbar Isaac Hart Merchants.

[Palatine of Durham. (fn. 22) ]

For the County Palatine of Durham The Right Honourable Charles Lord St John of Basing Sir Francis Goodrick. Temporall Chauncellour Doctor Burwell Chauncellour of the Diocesse of Durham Sir Christopher Conyers Sir Ralph Cole Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir James Clavering Sir James Pennyman Sir Robert Eden Baronets Sir George Vane Sir Francis Anderson Sir Francis Bowes Sir Ralph Delavall Knights James Darcey Henry Lambton John Tempest Collonell William Blakeston Thomas Craddock William Bellases Richard Neile Nicholas Conyers Humphrey Wharton Ralph Carre Cuthbart Carre Robert Wharton Ralph Davison John Jefferson William Davison Lieutenant Collonell Bellises Major Baker Isaac Basire John Morland Thomas Foster George Morland Daniell Collingwood Collonell Stother [Esq[ui]rs (fn. 23) ] Miles Stapilton Thomas Wright Thomas Carnaby Esquiers [Major Christian (fn. 23) ] The Maior of the Citty of Durham for the time being Mr Alderman Hall Mr Alderman Hodson Captaine Henry Barnes Mr Anthony Wharton Mr William Deacon Mr Robert Roper Mr George Mires Mr Thomas Ellyot Walter Etherick [Gent. (fn. 23) ] Robert Jackson of Stockton, Cooke of Stockton William Atkinson of Stockton Gentlemen.

[Essex (fn. 22) ]

For the County of Essex Sir Harbotle Grimstone Baronet Master of the Rolls Sir Edward Turner Lord Cheife Baron of the Exchequer Robert Berty Charles Mildmay Richard Barret Banistre Mainard Esquiers Sir John Barington Knight and Baronet .Sir John Bendish Sir Henry Apleton Sir William Ayloffe Sir William Hicks Sir Andrew Jenour Sir William Wiseman Sir Richard Everard Sir Martin Lumley Sir Thomas Nightingale Baronets Sir Capell Luckin Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Abdy Knight and Baronet Sir John Abdy Baronet Sir William Wiseman Kn[igh]t & Bar[one]t [Sir Edward Smith (fn. 23) ] Baronet Sir James Altham Sir John Brampston Knights of the Bath Sir John Tyrrell Knight Sir Thomas Bowes Knight Sir Cranmer Herris Knight Sir Henry Clerke Knight Sir Anthony Browne Knight Sir Richard Wiseman Knight Sir Mondeford Brampston Knight one of the Masters in Chauncery Sir John Shaw Knight Sir Richard Everard Knight Sir Francis Leeke Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Litleton Baronet Sir William Glascocke Knight one of the Masters in Chauncery Sir Thomas Fanshaw Knight Sir William Hicks Knight Francis Bramston Sergeant at Law Richard Summer Thomas Meade Peter Seame Esquiers Sir Robert Smith Sir John Tyrrell Baronets Thomas Argoll Oliver Reymond John Symonds William Glascocke John Tyndall Tristram Conyers Thomas Luther Esquiers Sir Eliab Harvey Knight William Maynard Esq[uire] Sir John James Knight Sir William Holecroft Knight Sir James Rushout Baronet John Wroth Thomas Turner William Umphrevill Thomas Roberts William Appleton John Berners Robert Clerke John Turner Richard Kirkby Thomas Cheeke Edward Bullocke Carew Harvey Mildmay Stephen Smith Robert Mildmay Henry Whight Samuell Hare Francis Osbiston William Palmer Esquiers Sir James Norffolke Knight Sergeant at Arms Cuthbert Martin Esq[uire] Thomas Talcott Henry Ayloffe Zachariah Gee Esquiers George James Thomas King William Harris Gentlemen Giles Dent Esq[uire] Sir Phillip Mathews Baronet Sir Thomas Garret Baronet Sir Edward Turner junior Knight Sir Edward Farmer Knight Richard Staines William Gore Samuell Grimston Charles Hancocke Anthony Knightbridge Esquiers Jeremiah Lacey William Wade Samuell Reynolds Richard Collins Gentlemen Edward Pascall William Coney John Rotheram George Scot Nicholas Rotheram Richard Lightfoote Thomas Bland Esquiers Richard Rudge Thomas Cullam Robert Cole Gentlemen John Lemot Honeywood Thomas Bowes Richard Luther Henry Dawtree John Marshall George Walton James Milbourn William Lingwood. Francis Gardner Henry Southcott Esquiers.

[Colchester (fn. 24) ]

For the Towne of Colchester The Maior for the time being Sir Harbotle Grimstone Baronet Master of the Rolls Sir John Shaw Knight Recorder of the said Towne Sir Mondeford Brampstone Knight John Shaw Esq[uire] Thomas Talcott Henry Lambe Esquiers Aldermen of the said Towne William More Gent. Samuell Reynolds Esq[uire] Joseph Thurston Gent..

[Maldon (fn. 24) ]

For the Towne of Maldon The Bayliffes for the time being Francis Gourney Anthony Gratiano Mr Simonds Gent. Aldermen of the said Towne.

[Harwich (fn. 24) ]

For the Towne of Harwich The Maior for the time being Sir Capell Luckin Baronet Samuell Newton Thomas King Thomas Langley Daniell Smith John Roffe Gent..

[Gloucester (fn. 24) ]

For the County of Gloucester Charles Lord Herbert of Ragland, John Viscount Scudamore of the Kingdome of Ireland John Viscount Tracy of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Mathew Hale Knight Lord Cheife Justice Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath one of the Justices of the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas George Mountague Esq[uire] [Sir (fn. 25) ] Charles Berkley Sir Henry Capell Knights of the Bath Sir John Tracy Baronet Sir Baynham Throckmorton Knight and Baronet Sir Richard Ashfeild Sir William Ducy Sir Henry Fredericke Thynne Sir Edward Bathurst Sir Richard Howe Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir Richard Francklin Sir William Juxon Sir William Keyte Sir John Guise Sir John Newton Sir Edward [Husse (fn. 26) ] Sir Richard Cocks Sir Robert Cann Baronets Sir Francis Fane Knight of the Bath Sir William Catchmaid Sir Edmond Bray Sir Thomas Stephens Sir Thomas Overbury Sir Gabriell Lowe Sir Humphrey Hooke Sir Thomas Howe Sir John Poyntz Sir Scroope Howe Sir Robert Atkins junior Evan Seyes Sergeant at Law John Grubham Howe Henry Norwood Thomas Thynne William Cooke Thomas Master William Dutton John Winter Thomas Escourt Reginald Bray Giles Fettiplace Robert Coddrington William Trye Miles Sands John Higford Henry Dennis John Chamberlaine William Bouchier Thomas Chester Richard Atkins Richard Stephens John Stephens Fleetewood Dormer Robert Pleydall William Leigh William Stratford Thomas Horton George Pitt John Sackvile John Delabere Thomas Barrow Edward Rich Anthony Sanbach Benjamin Barret Edmund Chamberlaine Thomas Jennins Esq[uire] Samuell Horner Esq[uire] Thomas Veele of Symonds Hall William Stratford William Cope John George William Morgan David Williams Robert Bromage Thomas Marriet John Browneing William Selwin John Smith, Miles Rutter Henry Browne Thomas Rich Andrew Barker James Stephens Silvanus Wood Richard Dowdeswell, John Guise of Abbods Court Esquiers Robert Logan Ducombe Colchester Henry Powle John Meredeth Richard Baugh Thomas Smith Phillip Sheppard Richard Norwood Robert Oldsworth and William Oldsworth Thomas Carpender John Robbins Edward Smith Henry Guise Robert Gowning [William (fn. 25) ] Woorley Henry Sims John Dowle Christopher Cole John Holmes Paul Foley James Hawkins William Player John Langley Henry Heylin John Coles John Stafford Edward Selwin William Dowdswell Nicholas Veele Richard Browne. Thomas Browne of Corn Fawn Roger Lingen William Hancock Paul Castleman Hanger of Griffeild Samuell Astry Hugh Browne Richard Jones of Hanham Richard Hart Paul Dodwell Thomas Wise John Driver Edward Nott William Banister Waiman Winniat William Gough Edmond Madocke Richard Machen Christopher Woodward Thomas Pyrke George Bond of Redbrook Conway Whittorn Roger Haward The Bayliffes of Tewksbury for the time being.

[Citty of Gloucester (fn. 24) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Gloucester Collonell Henry Norwood Maior of the said Citty and the Maior for the time being Sir Edward Massey Knight Evan Seyes Esq[uire] Sergeant at Law William Cooke ( (fn. 27) ) John Stanion ( (fn. 27) ) John Guise ( (fn. 27) ) William Selwin [Esquiers (fn. 27) ] Robert Feilding Doctor of Phisicke William Russell Thomas Price John Wagstaffe Henry Fowler Thomas Aram John Gethings John Rogers, Aldermen James Stephens Lawrence Singleton John Marston William Jordan Toby Jordan William Lambe John Webbe Nicholas Webbe William Scudamore William Hodges Citizens Thomas Viner Doctor in Divinity Deane of the Cathedrall Church of Gloucester Thomas Washborne Doctor in Divinity Prebend of the same Church, Abraham Gregory Clerke Prebend of the same Church.

[Hereford (fn. 24) ]

For the County of Hereford John Lord Viscount Scudamore Sir James Bridges Sir John Kirle Sir William Powell Sir Thomas Morgan Sir John Scudamore Sir John Holman Sir Herbert Croft Baronets Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Tomkins Sir Thomas Hambury Sir Job Charleton Sir John Barnaby Sir Herbert Perrot Sir John' Payne Knights Thomas Cornwall .pollonell Somerset Fox of Stapleton Thomas Price Humphrey Cornwall Collonell John Birch Herbert Westfailing Reginold Graham Wallop Brabazon Thomas Whitney Walter Pye Robert Pye John Scudamore Edward Cornwall Herbert Aubery Richard Reed William Gregory Bennet Hoskins Thomas Cox John Skipp Edward Freeman James Pitt Thomas Harley Richard Hopton Thomas Geeres senior Thomas Geeres junior Thomas Carpender Humphrey Baskerville Humphrey Howorth Francis Unett John Barnaby of Brockampton John Booth of Hereford Rudhall Guillim William Lambe Paul Foley, Doctor Thomas Williams John Nourse Bridstocke Harford Robert Rodd Marshall Bridges John Hoskins Francis Pember of Elsdon John Hoskins of Harwood Henry Williams of Cabalea Ambrose. Elton Thomas Duppa Robert Blany Esquiers John Darnall junior Anthony Rowden Nicholas Walwyn Richard Walwyn of Hellens Thomas Rodd Martin Sandys. of Cradley Gent. John Dansy William Dansy George Barner of Buttus Edward Beresford John Booth of Brainton William Westfailing Herbert Masters Edward Williams of Oldfeild Thomas Wigmoore William Broome John Guylim of Wellington John Kirle of Rosse Humphrey Taylor of Wythington Thomas Carpenter of Tillington John Kyely of Bromley John James Thomas Gomond of Kilpecke Higgens James George Kline of Wormebridge Edward Lloyd of the Batch Henry Hyett John Cornwall Francis Geeres of Garnons Gentlemen The Bayliffe of the Burrough of Lemster for the time being John Tomkins Gent. For Lemster Michaell Broughton of Knighton.

[The Citty of Hereford (fn. 24) ]

For the Citty of Hereford The Maior for the time being John Lord Viscount Scudamore Herbert Westfailing Thomas Price William Gregory Esquiers Richard Philpotts Thomas Holmes Thomas, Clerke Thomas Paynard Thomas Bond Hugh Rodd [William Edwin Edward Rodd (fn. 25) ] Nicholas Philpotts Thomas Smith Thomas Symonds Richard Williams Mercer Roger Boulcott John Cooke William Mayton John Barnes.

[County of Hertford (fn. 24) ]

For the County of Hertford Thomas Lord Viscount Fanshaw Sir Harbotle Grimston Master of the Rolls Algernon Cecill Esq[uire] Sir. Richard Francklyn Sir John Mounson Sir Thomas Leventhorp Sir Richard Spencer Sir John Whitwrongle Sir Jonathan Keate Sir John Austin Sir Richard Anderson. Sir Richard Atkins Sir Robert Jocelyn Sir William Lemon Sir Edward Alston Baronets Sir Phillip Boteler Sir John Mounson Knights of the Bath Sir Rowland Lytton Sir John Gore Sir Francis Boteler Sir William Glascocke Sir Henry Blunt Sir Charles Cesar Sir John Watts Sir Humphrey Gore Sir Richard Combe Sir Thomas. Bide Sir Charles Clever Sir Robert Viner Sir William Bucknell Sir Benjamin Titchbourne Sir Ralph Radcliffe Sir Walter Wa[l (fn. 25) ]ker Sir Robert Daces Knights Samuell Grimston William Lytton William Hale John Garrard Thomas Dockwra Richard Harrison Thomas Priestley Ralph Freeman Thomas Pope Blunt Mathew Blucke Richard [Gouston (fn. 26) ] Nicholas Miller Henry Guy George Cooper [Silus Titus (fn. 27) ] Edward Atkins Francis Shalcrosse Arthur Pulter Henry Baldwin Thomas [Stanby (fn. 28) ] Edward Wingate Thomas Carpenter Thomas Atkins Richard Blackwell Edmond Feild George Nodes Edward Watts Richard Crofts James Willymot Edward Briscoe William Greenhill Arthur Sparks William Cotton Edward Crosby Henry Childe John Eccleston Edmond Smith John Briscoe Ralph Gore Robert Robotham John Fotherly Thomas Nicholl of Bushy Sanders Henry Chauncey Anthony Farrington George Throckmorton Francis Wethered Marmaduke Rawden senior Henry Dunstar William Nuce Richard Reeves John Ellis Marmaduke Rawden junior Francis King Henry Becker Peter Calvert George Needham John Dyos Humphry Hall Alexander Welde Esquiers Thomas Arras Doctor in. Phisicke Thomas Burgesse Gent. Robert Deane Doctor in Phisicke Maior of Hertford for the time being.

[Saint Albans (fn. 28) ]

For the Burrough of Saint Albans Sir Harbotle Grimston Doctor Arris Samuell Grimston The Maior for the time being John Simpson Recorder Robert Robotham Major Crosby William Cotton Anthony Farrington Edmond Smith Thomas Cowley William Marston Thomas Oxton John New John Gape Robert New John Doggat William Oxton William Kause William Rugg Haward Pollard Edward [Crasby (fn. 33) ] Thomas Eccieston.

[County of Huntington. (fn. 28) ]

For the County of Huntington Richard Earle of Arran in the Kingdome of Ireland George Mountague Esq[uire] Sir Francis Compton Knight Sir John Cotton Baronet Sir John Hewet ( (fn. 34) ) Sir Thomas Proby Sir John Barnard Baronets Sir Nicholas Pedley Sir Lyonell Walden Knights Henry Williams John Stone Robert Apreece Anthony Hamond Lawrence Torkington John Heron Richard Naylour John Dryden Jasper Trice John, Ferrar Nicholas Johnson Saint John Hare Esquiers John Trice Gent..

[Towne of Huntington (fn. 28) ]

For the Towne of Huntington Sir John Cotton ( (fn. 34) ) Sir John Bernard [Baronets (fn. 34) ] The Maior for the time being Sir Nicholas Pedley Sir Lionell Walden Knights Lawrence Torkington Esq[uire] Samuel Pout Phillip Castell Gentlemen Thomas Walwyn James Fairside William Dowse Aldermen.

[Kent (fn. 28) ]

For the County of Kent Phillip Viscount Strangford Charles Lord Buckhurst Sir Vere Fane Knight of the Bath James Herbert( (fn. 35) ) John Tufton ( (fn. 35) ) Richard Tufton( (fn. 36) ) Sackvile Tufton [Esquiers (fn. 36) ] Sir Thomas Twisden one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Sir William Wilde one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Sir Heneage Finch Baronet his Majestyes Attourney Generall Sir Phillip Howard Knight Sir Thomas Peyton Sir William Twisden Sir Edward Hales Sir Henry Palmer Sir John Rivers Sir William Merideth Sir Edward Deering Sir Thomas Stiles Sir Oliver Boteler Sir Norton Knatchbull Sir John Tufton Sir John Rayney Sir Robert Hales Sir William Ducy Sir Marmaduke Gresham Sir Stephen Lennard Sir Humphrey Miller Sir John Marsham Sir John Banks Sir Robert Barnham Sir Thomas Peirce Sir Nathaniell Powell [Knights (fn. 37) ] Sir John Austin Sir Thomas Selliard Sir Jonathan [Leete (fn. 29) ] Baronets Sir George Sonde Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath Sir Anthony Aucher Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Godfrey Sir Arnald Braems Sir Henry Oxenden Sir Thomas Engham junior Sir Richard Powle Knight of the Hononrable Order of the Bath Sir Phillip Warwicke Sir William Broadnax Sir John Darell senior Sir John Darell junior Sir Thomas Scott Sir Francis Clerke Sir Thomas Culpeper Sir Theophilus Bidolph Knight and Baronet Sir William Leech Sir William Boreman Sir Bernard Hyde Sir William Swan Knight and Baronet Sir Walter Vane Sir John Heath Attourney of the Dutchy of Lancaster Sir Thomas Lee Sir William Hugesson Sir James Oxenden Thomas Broome Sergeant at Law Thomas Hardresse Sergeant at Law Edward Hales of Tonstall Esq[uire] John Strode Esq[uire] John Boys of Fredvile Esq[uire] Thomas Hales of Becksborne Esq[uire] Thomas Peke Thomas Crisp of Quex Thomas Hardresse junior Walter Braems James Masters of Langdon James Masters of Yoakes Thomas Turnor William Rooke John Cason Henry Oxenden of Brookes Richard Aldworth Herbert Randolfe Nicholas Toke of Godington Henry Thornhill of Mantigh John Knatchbull James Brockman Henry Deering Edward Hales Richard Hulse John Naylor Robert Leuknor Peter Heyman John Moyle Zouch Brockman ( (fn. 30) ) Phillip Warwicke [Esquiers (fn. 31) ] Thomas [Hoodd (fn. 32) ] William Cage Francis Barnham Sir Demetrius James Ferdinando Marsham Esq[uire] Sir George Curtis Thomas Knatchbull Richard Wilkinson Thomas Munn Ralph Bufkin Walter Francklin Richard Marsh Thomas English Thomas Harlakendon Henry Howton Alabaster Fludd Francis Twisden Captaine John Clerke Richard Duke William Maddox The Maior of Rochester for the time George Newman Richard Manley Richard Head Esquiers Sir Charles Bickerstaffe Knight Robert Fowle Francis Barrell Thomas Manley Thomas Brewer Samuell Boys William Boys Thomas Culpeper of Bedgbury Edward Finch Esquiers Sir John [Bunch (fn. 33) ] Knight Thomas Lambert Phillip Packer George Polhill Henry Gilborne Marke Cotle John Hyde Esquiers Sir William Hooker Knight Norton Curtis Edward Curtis Robert Heath Francis Heath John Evelin Sir Eliab Harvey Knight Thomas Papillon of Aucris William Swan Thomas Seyliard James Fortrey William Boothby Christopher Allison Ralph Petley John Bridger Francis Farnaby Edward Badby John Sydley James Thurborne George Boreman Esquiers Sir John Hendon Knight William Hammond of Saint Albans William Campion Esquiers Thomas Andrews Edward Gulston Reginald Peckham Edward Short Thomas Stace Maior of Tenterdenne for the time Robert Austin Maior of Sandwich for the time Phineas Ellwood John Verier Valentine Jekin Jeoffrey Wells Jeoffrey Sacket Edward Elsted John Pauntry Maior of Dover for the time John Watson Richard Jacob Walter Breme Esq[uire] Doctor Golder George West Edward Wivell John Bullocke Nathaniell Denew Sir Henry Boswell Knight Mr Henry Sands Sir Peircivill Hart Mr Edward Manning Edmond Tooke Esq[uire] Sir John Shaw Knight and Baronet Maior of Hyth for the time Robinson Beane William Knight Elias Basset John Basset George Thourborne Maior of Feversham for the time John Troates Robert Watson Esq[uire] Thomas Southerst Bayliffe of Lydd for the time John Bateman William Sudell Thomas Bedingfeild Michaell Chidwicke Maior of Folkestone for the time John Preagle Gent. Clement Preagle (Gent. (fn. 34) ) Maior of Fordwitch for the time Thomas Norton John Luckyn Michaell Chidwicke Piercy Goreing William Kingsley Roger Payne Esquiers Sir Robert Faunce Sir Nicholas Strode Sir Richard Ford Archibald Clyncard John Henley Edward Deering Edwin Wyat George Duke Esquiers William Outrim Samuell Plummer John Cooke Sir Francis Leeke Sir Francis Lee Sir Leoline Jenkins Thomas Fane Esq[uire] Anthony Nowers Julius Deedes Edward Master Esq[uire] Charles Wheeler Joseph Finch Mr Marsham Esq[uire] Mr Thomas Gombledon Richard Merideth Esq[uire] Sir George Moore Baronet William Trumbull Doctor of Lawes Francis Head ( (fn. 31) ) Henry Frere [Esquiers (fn. 31) ] Christopher Wade ( (fn. 35) ) Richard Mathews [Gent. (fn. 31) ] George Pickes of Hawkehurst Crossell Draper ( (fn. 31) ) Edward Deering [Esquiers (fn. 31) ] Sir John Cutler James Codd ( (fn. 31) ) Robert Fane ( (fn. 31) ) Thomas Hooper [Esquiers (fn. 31) ] Edmond Steed of Bidenden Mr Ash Sir John Cutler Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Graves Baronet Peter Godfrey Esq[uire] The Bayliffe of Rumney Marsh for the time being, The Expenditers of Rumney Marsh for the time being John Buggin Esq[uire] Sir John Fagge Baronet George Cowper Esq[uire] Maior of New Rumney for the time William Lancaster John Bryant Peter Lancaster John Shoosmith James Payne John Hunt John Murall Gentlemen Roger Twisden Sir John Griffith Francis Wythen Sir Phillip Honywood.

[Canterbury (fn. 36) ]

For the Citty and County of Canterbury The Maior for the time being Sir Edward Master Knight Thomas Hardresse Sergeant at Law Recorder William Mann ( (fn. 31) ) Edward Master ( (fn. 31) ) Edward Nutt ( (fn. 31) ) William Kingsly [Esquiers (fn. 31) ] William Stanley ( (fn. 46) ) Thomas Ockman Alderman Squire Peverton Alderman Avery Hilles Alderman.

[Lancaster (fn. 45) ]

For the County of Lancaster Sir Robert Carr Knight and Baronet Chauncellour of the County Palatine of Lancaster Charles of Ancram Lord Gorge William Spencer Henry Booth Esquiers Sir Richard Houghton Sir Robert Binlos Sir Ralph Ashton of Whaley Sir Ralph Ashton of Midleton Baronets Sir Gilbert Ireland Sir Roger Bradshaigh Sir Peter Brookes Sir Henry Slater Sir Jeoffrey Shakerley Sir John Heath Sir Edward [Chrisnwall (fn. 47) ] Sir William Bucknell Sir Jervis Elwayes Knights John Mollineux Esq[uire] Thomas Hesketh Richard Kirkby Richard Harrison Roger Nowell Edward Fleetwood Christopher Banister Henry Farrington Robert Hoult Thomas Preston senior Lawrence Rawstorne Richard Standish Nicholas Townley John Parker of Extwisley Daniell Fleming Curwin Rawlinson Thomas Bradill Alexander Rigby of Midleton Edward Rigby Thomas Norris Christopher Parker Richard Leigh Richard Fleetwood of Roshall Henry Slater Alexander Nowell Thomas Butler Edward Hearle John Halsted of Bankhouse [Esq[uire] (fn. 39) ] Major John Byrom Robert Heywood Robert Hesketh James Duckinfeild John Entwisley John Risley Thomas Latham Jeoffrey Holcroft Edward Ogle Henry Houghton Miles Dodding John [Atway (fn. 48) ] Thomas Ashton William Hulton Thomas Greenhalgh William Hulme William Kirkby William Banks William Daniell Ambrose Pudsey Thomas Ashhurst Alexander Rigby of Layton Alexander Rigby of Aspell Edward [Dodson (fn. 49) ] Alen Pricket John Hartley Thomas Bispham George Leigh of Barton John Crosse of Crosse-hall John Shalcrosse Josuah Radcliffe Alexander Butterworth Collonell John Birch of Ordsall Stephen Radley Peter Addington Esquiers Thomas Preston junior Thomas Holt junior James Chetham William Worthington William Leigh John Kirkby Thomas Leigh Roger Kenyon Ralph Livesay Nicholas Fezakerley Captaine Longworth Gentlemen Edward Moore Esq[uire] Nicholas Penington William Leigh of Grange Thomas Turner Luke Hodkinson John Greenwood Francis Medcalfe William Waller Thomas Winkley George Addison John Chaundler William Langton James Sorocold John Widdowes Thomas Patten Jonathan Blackbourne James Peake John Tetlocke William Blackbourne Richard Parcivall Silvester Richmond Oliver Lyme Arthur Burren Robert Birley Gabriell Garside Thomas Forster ( (fn. 50) ) George Sharples of Freckleton ( (fn. 51) ) Thomas Wittingham [Gentlemen (fn. 51) ] John Stursaker Doctor Keurden Captaine Newton The Maior of Lancaster for the time being The Maior of Preston for the time being The Maior of Wiggon for the time being The Maior of Leverpoole for the time being.

[Leicester (fn. 52) ]

For the County of Leicester Thomas Lord Beaumont John Lord Rosse Bennet Lord Sherrard John Grey Esq[uire] Sir George Villiers( (fn. 53) ) Sir Thomas Halford ( (fn. 53) ) Sir Woolstan Dixie ( (fn. 54) ) Sir Lewis Palmer ( (fn. 55) ) Sir William Noell ( (fn. 55) ) Sir Henry Hudson [Baronets (fn. 56) ] Sir William Hartopp ( (fn. 57) ) Sir Thomas Doleman [Knights (fn. 57) ] Sir Clement Clarke Baronet Phillip Sherrard ( (fn. 58) ) George Faunt( (fn. 58) ) Richard Varney ( (fn. 58) ) William Villiers ( (fn. 59) ) Richard Lister ( (fn. 58) ) John Fountaine ( (fn. 58) ) Thomas Merry senior ( (fn. 58) ) Henry Beaumont ( (fn. 58) ) Thomas Boothby ( (fn. 58) ) Thomas Babington ( (fn. 58) ) Silus Titus ( (fn. 58) ) St John Bennet ( (fn. 58) ) William Boothby ( (fn. 58) ) William Halford ( (fn. 58) ) Samuell Jervis( (fn. 58) ) Thomas Caldecott( (fn. 58) ) Samuell Cotton ( (fn. 58) ) John Hackett ( (fn. 58) ) Neale Hewett( (fn. 58) ) Richard Brudenall ( (fn. 58) ) Walter Rudeing( (fn. 58) ) John Crew ( (fn. 58) ) William Whalley ( (fn. 58) ) George Hewet ( (fn. 58) ) Richard Bradgate( (fn. 58) ) Roger Roe ( (fn. 58) ) Roger Smith ( (fn. 58) ) Edward Needham( (fn. 58) ) Richard Orton ( (fn. 58) ) John Needham ( (fn. 59) ) William Trimnall ( (fn. 59) ) Robert Bernard ( (fn. 59) ) William Bent ( (fn. 59) ) William Belgrave ( (fn. 59) ) Henry Vernon ( (fn. 59) ) George Faunte [Esquiers (fn. 52) ] Sir William Wale Knight Edward Abney ( (fn. 58) ) William Skeiffinton ( (fn. 58) ) Henry Hastings ( (fn. 58) ) Francis Chamberlaine ( (fn. 58) ) Jeremy Dove [Esquiers (fn. 58) ] Sir John Heath Knight Thomas Staveley ( (fn. 58) ) Henry Farnham [Esquiers. (fn. 58) ]

[Burrough of Leicester (fn. 52) ]

For the Burrough of Leicester The Maior for the time being Walter Rudeing Esq[uire] John Herricke Gent. Terringham Stephens Esq[uire] George Reasons ( (fn. 51) ) Daniell Deacon ( (fn. 51) ) William Alsopp ( (fn. 51) ) Thomas Overing ( (fn. 51) ) William Deane( (fn. 51) ) William Stubbins ( (fn. 51) ) William Maior ( (fn. 51) ) Edward Browne ( (fn. 51) ) Richard Palmer ( (fn. 51) ) Alexander Baker ( (fn. 51) ) Andrew Freeman [Gentlemen. (fn. 51) ]

[Lincolne (fn. 52) ]

For the County of Lincolne and Citty and County of the Citty of Lincolne George Lord Viscount Castleton Thomas Lord Viscount Fanshaw John Lord Rosse William Mountague William Pierpoint Esquiers Sir Humphrey Winch Sir Henry Massingboard Sir Dreynard Massingboard Sir Christopher Wray Sir Carr Scroope Baronets Sir John Bennet Sir Francis Goodricke Sir John Moreton Knights Rutland Sanderson William Marwood George Sanderson Edward Merbury Esq[uire] Sir John Mounson senior Sir John Booles ( (fn. 60) ) Sir William Hickman Sir Edward Lake Baronets William Godfrey Esq[uire] Sir John Mounson junior Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Meeres Knight Sir William Ellis Baronet Cicill Turwhit George Healy Robert Sanderson John Farmery of Northrop Edward Tourny Esquiers Sir Edmund Wyn Baronet Sir Edward Ayscough Knight William Darwyn ( (fn. 58) ) Charles Pelham [Esquiers (fn. 58) ] Jervas Holles Master of Requests Charles Sanderson Esq[uire] Sir William Wentworth Baronet William Broxholme ( (fn. 58) ) Marmaduke Dorrell William Bard Alexander Emerson Edward Nelthorpp John Boswell Charles Newcomen William Fitzwilliams Esquiers Sir John Hanby Knight George Knight Charles Radley William Ballet junior Thomas Elly John Elly Dymocke Walpoole George Neveile George Osney George Midlemoore Charles Woolley George Langton John Ludington Christopher Pym George Willoughby Henry Masterman Thomas Hall of Ketlethorpe Henry Andrews Esquiers William Pople Christopher Clayton John Smith of Grimsby Francis Grantham Edward Berisford Bevercotes Cornwallis Esquiers Richard Crackroft William Hooton ( (fn. 51) ) Francis Manby Gent. Mr Thomas Coventry James Harrington Samuell Ludington Gent. Charles Anderson Esq[uire] Sir Gilbert Gerrard Knight Robert Long of Kirkby Esq[uire] Henry Wornis of Hundleby( (fn. 51) ) William Hall of Lincolne [Gentlemen (fn. 51) ] Nicholas Smith of Thetlethorpe Esq[uire] Sir Francis Fane. Knight of the Bath Peregrine Barty Sir William Ellis Knight one of the Justices of the Common Bench Sir Thomas Hussy Sir William Thorold Sir John Newton Sir Richard Rothwell Baronets Charles Dymocke Esq[uire] Sir Lewis Palmer Baronet Sir John Brownlow Sir Robert Markham Sir William Trollop Baronets Sir Thomas Orby Sir Christopher Clapham Knights Moulineux Disney Christopher Nevill Esquiers Sir Edmund Turner Knight John Hatcher William Lister Richard Cust John Hobson Richard Ryley [Esquiers (fn. 58) ] Henry Stone Anthony Williams Robert Laming John Colehurst Gentlemen Thomas Hatcher Erasmus De ligne Thomas Harrington John Saunders William Saville Francis Wingfeild Esquiers Stephen Rothwell Henry Hall Francis Charleton Thomas Skip with William Hyde Anthony Tredway Esquiers Peregrine Bucke Gent. William Trollop William Welby Lister Teigh Richard Bertie Mountague., Cholmeley John Newton Francis Stringer Richard Pell Edmond Syler [Esquiers (fn. 58) ] William Yorke unior Miles Long (fn. 51) Austin Caudron Gent. Redman Burrell Esq[uire] Edward Browne of Horblynne William Perkins junior Miles Long ( (fn. 51) ) Austin Caudron Gent. Redman Burrell Esquire Edward Browne of Horblynne William Perkins Thomas Grant Anthony Palmer James Trollop Gent. Mr Goodwell of Holliwell Mr Wilson of the Sheepwash Mr Woodroffe of Cerby Sir Robert Carr Knight and Baronet Chauncellour of the Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancaster Sir Henry Heron Knight of the Bath Sir Phillip Harcourt Sir Anthony Irby Knight Sir William Humble Baronet Anthony Irby Esq[uire] Charles Skipwith John Empson Joseph Whiteing ( (fn. 61) ) Anthony Hall Adlard Welby ( (fn. 58) ) David Bonnell [Esquiers (fn. 62) ] Slater Perkins Henry Burrell Israel Jackson Thomas Markhall Gentlemen Richard Milliner The Maior of the Citty of Lincolne for the time being The fower senior Aldermen Lawrence Stamford William Couthropp John Ayscough Christopher Ayscough Esquiers Andrew Slee John Bolt John Barnaby William Wilson The Maior of Stamford and Great Grimsby and the Aldermen of Grantham for the time being Daniell Througood Daniell Wigmore John Shaw Gent. John Humphris Charles Bawds Stephen Mason ( (fn. 63) ) Daniell Rhodes [Esquiers (fn. 62) ] William Byfeild Samuell Browne William Dickinson Gentlemen Anthony Butler Peter Pallar of Sutton John Butler [Esquiers (fn. 62) ] Francis Johnson of Spalding Gent. Moore Doctor of Phisicke.

[London (fn. 64) ]

For the Citty of London The Right honourable Sir Robert Hanson Knight Lord Maior and the Lord Maior for the time being Sir William Wilde Knight and Baronet Sir Richard Chiverton Knight Sir Thomas Allen Knight and Baronet Sir John Fredericke Knight Sir John Robinson Knight and Baronet Sir John Lawrence ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Bludworth Sir William Peake( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Turner ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Richard Ford ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Samuell Sterling ( (fn. 66) ) Sir George Waterman [Knights (fn. 65) ] Sir John Howell Knight Recorder and the Recorder for the time being Sir William Hooker Knight Sir Robert Viner Knight and Baronet Sir Joseph Sheldon ( (fn. 66) ) Sir Dennis Gauden ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Davis [Knights (fn. 66) ] Alderman John Forthe Sir Francis Chaplin ( (fn. 66) ) Sir John Smith [Knights (fn. 66) ] Sir James Edwards Knight Alderman Dannett Forth Alderman Patience Ward Sir Robert Clayton ( (fn. 66) ) Sir John Moore ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Pritchard( (fn. 66) ) Sir James Smith ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Thompson ( (fn. 66) ) Sir Theophilus Biddolph ( (fn. 66) ) Sir Thomas Player ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Bucknall [Knights (fn. 66) ] John Jolliffe ( (fn. 62) ) Henry Dunstar ( (fn. 67) ) William Love ( (fn. 62) ) John Jones ( (fn. 62) ) Edward Waldoe ( (fn. 62) ) John Bence ( (fn. 62) ) George Jeoffryes ( (fn. 62) ) William Lluellyn [Esquiers (fn. 62) ] Mr Jasper Churchill Sir Phillip Mathewes Baronet Richard Mills Treasurer of Saint Bartholimews Hospitall Erasmus Smith Edward Arris ( (fn. 62) ) James Hayes [Esquiers (fn. 62) ] William Gibbons Gent. Edward Dudson Esq[uire] Mr George Nicholas Sir Arthur Ingram Sir Andrew King Mr John Short.

[Midlesex (fn. 64) ]

For the County of Midlesex Edward Seymour Esq[uire] Speaker of the House of Commons Sir George Carteret Knight and Baronet Vice Chamberlaine of his Majestyes Household Henry Coventry one of the Principall Secretaryes of State Sir John Duncombe Knight Sir Robert Carr Knight and Baronet Chauncellour of the Dutchy of Lancaster Sir Thomas Osborne Baronet Treasurer of his Majestyes Navy Sir Mathew Hale Lord Cheife Justice of the Kings Bench Sir Harbotle Grimston Baronet Master of the Rolls Sir John Vaughan Lord Cheife Justice of the Common Pleas Sir Edward Turner Knight Lord Cheife Baron Sir Thomas Twisden Baronet one of the Justices of the [Kings (fn. 68) ] Bench Sir Christopher Turnor Knight one of the Barons of the Exchequer Sir Richard Rainsford Knight one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Sir William Wilde Knight and Baronet one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Sir Timothy Litleton Knight one of the Barons of the Exchequer Sir Hugh Windham Knight one of the Justices of the Common Pleas Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath one of the Justices of the Common Pleas Sir William Ellis Knight one of the Justices of the Co[m]mon Pleas George Mountague Henry Brunkard Edward Grave Thomas Killigrew Edward Progers Esquiers Sir William Hicks Baronet Sir Francis Gerrard Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Litleton Baronet Sir John Mainard Knight one of his Majestyes [Sergeants (fn. 69) ] at Law Sir Heneage Finch Knight and Baronet [Sir (fn. 70) ] Majestyes Attourney Generall Sir Francis North Knight his Majestyes Sollicitor Generall William Mountague Esq[uire] one of his Majestyes Councill and Attourney Generall to the Queenes Majesty Sir William Boyer Baronet Sir John Robinson Knight and Baronet Lieutenant of the Tower of London Sir Jeremy Whitchcott Baronet Sir John Lowther Baronet Sir Joseph Ash Baronet Sir John Cutler Knight and Baronet Sir George Viner Knight and Baronet Sir Reginald Foster Baronet Sir William Roberts Baronet Sir Thomas Wolstonholme Baronet Sir Phillip Mathews Baronet Sir John Bramston Knight of the Bath Sir John Bennet Knight of the Bath Sir Edmond Windham Knight Marshall of his Majestyes Household Sir Thomas Beverley Knight Master of Request to his Majesty Sir Charles Harbord Knight his Majestyes Surveyour Generall Sir Edward Walker Knight Sir Anthony St Leger Sir Charles Lee ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Palmer ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Allen ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Allen Apsley ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Henry Herbert ( (fn. 65) ) Sir John Talbot [Knights (fn. 65) ] Sir Fredericke Hyde Knight and Sergeant at Law to her Majestie Sir Phillip Warwicke Knight Sir John Howell Knight Sergeant at Law Recorder of the Citty of London Sir Lancelott Lake ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Poultney ( (fn. 65) ) Sir John Baber ( (fn. 65) ) Sir William Pecke ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Phillip Howard ( (fn. 65) ) Sir James Smith ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Player ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Allen Brodericke ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Byde [Knights (fn. 65) ] Sir Thomas Escourt Knight one of the Masters of Chauncery Sir Robert Hanson ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Gilbert Gerrard of Harrow Sir James Norffolke ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Paul Whitchcott ( (fn. 65) ) Sir James Griffith ( (fn. 65) ) Sir George Churnucke ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Christopher Eyres ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Robert Southwell ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Phillip Froud ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Foster ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Offley ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Jeremy Smith Sir John Ernly Sir Edwin Rich Sir Robert Peyton Sir Edmond Godffrey Sir William Bowles ( (fn. 65) ) Sir Thomas Stringer Sir John James Sir John Churchill Sir Thomas Lake Sir Edward Rich Sir Joseph Williamson Sir James Butler Knights Christopher Wrenn Doctor of [Lawes (fn. 71) ] Surveyour of his Majestyes Workes Sir William Bucknell Knight Daniell Finch Humphrey Weld William Ashburnham George Pitt Francis Lucy Charles Cheney, George Marsh Charles Bennet Francis Crawley Henry Barker Clerke of the Crowne John Phillip one of his Majestyes Auditors of the Exchequer John Tippet George Walsh Mathew Bluck William Barker Roger-Jenning John Bill Thomas Midleton Samuell Pepes William Peacock Nicholas Townley William Wordour Joseph Ayliffe Thomas Bayles Nicholas Raynton Ralph Hawtrey Thomas Roe Thomas Robinson Humphrey Worley Thomas Collet John [Carew (fn. 72) ] Thomas Povey Robert Filmore James Clithero Richard Dunton Thomas Rosse John Hawtrey Edward Walcop Richard Adams Charles Pitfeild Henry Hawley James Smith Henry Elwayes William Goldsburrough Thomas Thomlins John Harvey John Ball William Glascocke Martin Clifford Henry Revell Richard Lightfoote Richard Mountney George Hill John Baker Lawrence Squib William Wood Henry Hodges Leonard Hammond Christopher Blake Peter Sabbs John Swanley Richard Bayly Josias Ricroft John Jones Richard Morley Charles Cornwallis Esquiers Sir Cerill Witch Sir Edward Massey junior Knight Sir John Barnard Baronet Sir Richard Francklin Knight and Baronet Pawlet St John ( (fn. 73) ) John Wolstenholme [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Francis Bramston Sergeant at Law Sir William Smith Baronet Thomas Owen ( (fn. 73) ) William Wogan ( (fn. 73) ) Daniell Waldoe ( (fn. 73) ) Edward Waldoe ( (fn. 73) ) John Thorpe [Esquiers (fn. 74) ] Sir Richard Napier Knight Thomas Napier Esq[uire] Sir William Bolton Knight Richard Harrison Esq[uire] Symon Smith ( (fn. 73) ) George Day John Paulford Erasmus Smith John Pawlet John Jolliffe John Lloyd Richard Cheney William Fenn Jasper Churchill Charles Hencocke Anthony Collins ( (fn. 73) ) Henry Collins ( (fn. 73) ) William Northy ( (fn. 73) ) Edward Pecke [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] John Walker Gent. Roger Gardiner ( (fn. 73) ) Roger Stoughton [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Lord Cornbury Sir John Berkenhead Thomas Aram John Watts Richard Morley Henry Slingsby [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Sir Theodore De Vaux Sir Gilbert Talbot Sir Edward Low Robert Blaney ( (fn. 73) ) Edward Leigh [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Josua Beal.

[Westminster (fn. 75) ]

For the Citty and Liberty of Westminster Lord Clifford Lord Cornbury George Mountague Esq[uire] Sir Heneage Finch Sir Kingsmill Lucy Sir John Nicholas Sir Allen Apsley Peregrine Barty Esq[uire] Sir Thomas Litleton Sir Robert Long Sir Edward Massey Sir Thomas Osborne Sir John Bennett Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Phillip Warwicke Sir Richard Everard Sir Joseph Williamson Sir Michaell Heneage Sir Phillip Howard Sir Edmond Windham Sir Edmond Pye Sir Edward Carteret Sir Edward Greaves Sir Phillip Mathews Sir John Duncombe Sir [Robert (fn. 76) ] Carr Sir Theodore de Vaux Sir Edward Brett Sir Phillip Meadowes Sir John Griffith Sir Francis Holles Sir Charles Harboard Sir John Copleston Sir Phillip Froude Sir George Downing Sir William Doyley senior Sir John Talbot Sir William Doyley junior Sir Henry Herbert Sir Robert Pye Sir Thomas Meeres Sir Anthony Irby Sir John Cotton Doctor ( (fn. 77) ) Shalmer Sir James Smith Sir Cerill Wich Sir John Cutler Sir John Baber Sir Richard Mason Sir John Birkenhead Sir Thomas Woodcocke Sir William Poultney Sir Gilbert Gerrard Baronet Sir Ralph Banks Doctor Thomas Sydenham David Walter ( (fn. 73) ) Henry Brunkard William Ashburnham ( (fn. 73) ) Charles Cornwallis Daniell Finch Phillip Packer Edmond Waller George Nicholas Daniell Sheldon William Harboard John Tregonwell Reynald Graham Thomas Thinne Thomas Morrice Charles Bennet Edmond Warcup Richard Stevens Thomas Owen Mathew Locke John Browne John Ferres Justinion Paget Richard Cateline William Dolbin Lawrence Squibb Richard Newman Phillip Lloyd Francis Lucy Thomas Bailes Edward Griffin John Currance William Glascocke Robert Filmer Adlard Welby Richard Sherwin Job Williams George Farwell [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Doctor Samuell Barrow Doctor Christopher Wrenn Hugh May Walter Brydall Bevis Lloyd Symon Smith John Mann Richard Pagett Thomas Morris Michaell Brighouse Lancelot Thornton Captaine Boheye Hugh Squire John Baynes Henry Pecke Anthony Samwell Emery Hill Humphrey Wirley George Hill Roger Higgs John Russell Thomas Hawood William Wardour Richard Morley Doctor ( (fn. 77) ) Shalmer Edward Clarke Thomas Bayly Robert Harcourt John Walker Thomas Russell Doctor Barwicke William Lloyd William Morgan Doctor Benjamin Worsley Butler Kinkead David Lloyd John Clutterbuck Nicholas Baxter Thomas Crumpe John Ball Doctor John Clarke Esquiers William Blake Jasper Churchill John Chase William Gape George Cowper Phillip Hanbury Ambrose Scudamore John Jeffs Richard Bull John Minchen John Leeson Bryan Barnaby Michaell Arnold George Plucknet John Sibley Nicholas Edlin Norris Hunt Thomas Halfepenny Richard Mill Thomas Tyndall Humphrey Grinsall John Greene Nehemiah Arnold William Brewer Ralph Halsey John Tyson of the Citty of Westminster Miles Mitchell Richard Farthing Christopher Sheene John Francis William Wheeler Peter [Griffits (fn. 78) ] Charles Rampaine William Austin John Fisher Samuell Baker Morrice Kingswell William Hargrave Thomas Butler Edmond Doyley Henry Mountague John [Kockier (fn. 79) ] Gent. John Watts [Esq[uire] (fn. 80) ] Bartholomew Vermeuden Sir Gilbert Tolbott Robert Blaney ( (fn. 73) ) Henry Slingsby [Esquiers (fn. 73) ] Robert Harcourt Sir Robert Peyton Mr Thomas Crurnp.

[Tower Division. (fn. 75) ]

For the Tower Division in the County of Midlesex Sir Edward Massey junior Sir Thomas Marsh Richard Cheney Joseph Cowden Richard Winckle Nathaniell Hancocke Robert Holden Richard Bolt John Friend John Sharpe Edward Alsop John Foster Richard Bayly Esquiers John Forth Dannet Forth Aldermen Richard Powell Robert Staneere Joshua Beale Esquiers.

[Monmouth (fn. 75) ]

For Monmouth Charles Lord Herbert of Ragland James Herbert Gentleman Sir Baynham Throckmorton ( (fn. 81) ) Sir Edward Morgan ( (fn. 81) ) Sir Charles Kemeys ( (fn. 81) ) Sir Trevor Williams ( (fn. 81) ) Sir Thomas Morgan [Baronets (fn. 81) ] Sir George Probert Knight William Morgan Esq[uire] Edward Lewis Edmond Thomas Trevor Williams Henry Probert Edward Progers Thomas Lewis Charles Van James Herbert John Arnold Thomas Morgan of Lammuny Thomas Folio Collonell Progers William Kemeys Edmond Morgan of Penloynsarth Thomas Morgan of Penrose Herbert Evans David Lewis Charles Price Charles Hughes William Herbert Henry Milbourne Edmond Gamege Edmond Jones Henry Baker William Jones Richard Lister George Kemis of Lanvare Esquiers Roger Oates Nicholas Kemeis Collonell William Morgan John Mathewes Walter Rumsey Thomas Pritchard Charles Milbourne John Walter of Peirsfeild Edward Williams Roger Williams Thomas Herbert Capell Hanbury Thomas Jones of Hurst William Blethin Thomas Isaacke James Morgan John Rumsey Phillip Cicill William Herbert Barrister at Law Esquiers Trevor Morgan of Bedwelty Gent. Edward Kemeys of Berthley Henry Chambers John Lewis of Upton Hill David Morgan of Llanwenarth Walter Evans of Llangottocke ( (fn. 82) ) Lewis Morgan Robert Gunter John Walter of Howick John Grenoph John Katchmey John Rumsey of Wollesnewton Walter Jones of Megar Charles Morgan of Llangattocke Linwed Gent. George Kemeis Rowland Williams William Williams of Carlion John Bird John Flere William Lewis of Llanellyn Walter Adley Rodericke Guin Henry Rumsey Ezra Waters Thomas Powell Robert Jones Nicholas Parker Thomas Morgan of Riscah Andrew Probert Herbert Jones George Harris Thomas Jones of Treathin William Evans Gentlemen The Maior of Monmouth for the time being The Maior of Newport for the time being Phillip Jones James [Jones (fn. 83) ] James Prichard Francis Spalding John Curr Thomas Springet Thomas Wroth Daniell Price Charles Williams Giles Morgan Theophilus Reynolds Gentlemen.

[County of Northampton (fn. 84) ]

For the County of Northampton Obryan Viscount Cullen of the Kingdome of Ireland Henry Lord Obryan Baron of Ibrican of the same Kingdome. William Lord Fitzwilliams of the same Kingdome Sir Francis Compton George Mountague Esq[uire] Sir Thomas Crew Knight Robert Spencer Esq[uire] Sir Richard Rainsford Knight one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Sir Justinian Isham Sir Roger Norwich Sir Samuell Danvers Sir William Farmour Baronets Sir Edward Nicholas Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Griffin Sir John Robinson Sir William Wake Sir John Holman Baronets Sir William Fleetwood Sir John Bernard Sir William Haslewood Knights Sir James Langham Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Alston John Beaumont Miles Fleetewood Edward Griffin Francis Lane Henry Stafford George Clerke William Alston John [Parkhurst (fn. 85) ] William [Harbord (fn. 83) ] Goddard Pemberton John Browne Edward Hales Thomas Chubnall [Esquiers (fn. 86) ] George Wake Doctor of Lawes Lawrence Manley William Chestes William Saunders Thomas Trist Thomas Elmes Toby Cheney Thomas Catisby Richard Rainsford Samuell Trist William Washbourne [Esquiers (fn. 86) ] Sir William Craven Knight Sir Heneage Finch Knight and Baronet His Majestyes Attourney Generall and Sir Francis North Knight His Majestyes Sollicitor Generall Sir Vere Fane Knight Devereux Knightley Esq[uire] Sir William Langham Knight Sir John Cartwright William Tate George Tresham Edward Harbey junior William Adams John Colly Henry Benson Richard Saltenstall Maximilian Emersley Edward Palmer John Creswell Henry Edmund Robert Clerke William Buckby Esq[uire] Sir William Pargister Sir Samuell Clerke [Kn[igh]ts (fn. 87) ] Tanfeild Mulsho Esq[uire] Sir John Pickering Baronet Bryon [Johnson (fn. 88) ] Anthony Shugburgh Walter Kirkham Michaell Woodhall John Thornton John Willoughby John Bagshaw William Warner of Lubnam William Lisle Christopher Thursby Andrew Lane Francis Morgan Alexander Eakens Thomas Rhoane Thomas Jennisan William Ward John Lluyn George Delavall William Leavins Thomas Neale Nicholas Steuart John Gardiner John Wiseman Esq[uire] The Maior of Northampton for the time being John Braffeild Richard Massingburgh Francis Pickmer Joseph Sergant William Vaughan Hatton Farmer Joseph Hensman John Howes Robert Ives Henry Flaxon The Maior of Higham for the time being The Bayliffe of Daventree for the time being The Maior of Brackley for the time being Henry Lucas Thomas Dove John Bourne Richard Butler Edmond Sawyer Jeremiah Dove Salathiell Lovell John Bridges William Thursby John Hanbury Richard Rives Francis Crane Thomas Cole William Puge Georges Quarles Esq[uire] Edward Mountague William Mountague Esq[uire] Her Majestyes Attourney Generall Henry Edmonds Esq[uire] Joseph Hanes Phillip Lord Viscount Wenman of the Kingdome of Ireland.

[Nottingham (fn. 84) ]

For the County of Nottingham and the Towne and County of the same Henry Earle of Ogle Patricius Viscount Chaworth of the Kingdome of Ireland Anchitell Gray William Pierpoint Arthur Stanhop William Byron Esquiers Sir Francis Mullineux Knight and Baronet Sir Francis Leeke Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Williamson Sir William Hickman Sir Edward Nevill Knights Francis Leeke Robert Pierpoint Cecill Cooper Francis Sandis John Grubham How William Palmes Thomas Perkins William Cartwright John Thornaugh William Leeke William Sacheverell William Stanhop Charles Hutchingson Thomas Marshall William Skevington Peniston Whalley Francis Stringer George Nevill Arthur Warren senior Arthur Warren junior Thomas Charlton senior Rason Mellish Anthony Gilby Thomas Wowen John Millington John [Rouston (fn. 89) ] Samuell Sandys senior John Yarborough Doctor of Phisicke James Lane John Nevill Gentlemen, The High Sheriffe for the County of Nottingham for the time being, The Maior of Nottingham for the time being The Bayliffes of East-Redford for the time being John Thynne Thomas Shipman [Gentlemen (fn. 90) ] The Maior of Newarke for the time being Edward Ward Mathew Jennison Samuell Ellis Anthony Collingwood John Douglasse William Welby [Godard (fn. 90) ] Dye John Gerton senior Gent. Daniell Earle Thomas Lewis Jarvis Piggot Esquiers Sir Scroope Grubham How Knight William Cartwright of Normanton Richard Slater John Digby Rowland Dand John Dand William Cartwright junior John Hacker of Flintham John Hacker of Trowell Henry Plumtree Richard Mansfeild Harvey Staunton Thomas Charlton junior George Gregory Thomas Rossell Lindley of Skegby Esquiers Robert Thoroton Doctor in Phisick Peter Broughton William Newton Garvas Holland Anthony Tate Charles Lacock George Chamberlaine Gentlemen Ralph Edge Christopher Hall William Greaves John Parker Aldermen.

[County of Norffolke (fn. 84) ]

For the County of Norffolke Sir Edward Turner Knight Lord Cheife Baron of His Majestyes Exchequer Thomas Lord Richardson Baron Cramond of the Kingdome of Scotland Lord Fitzwilliams of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Edmond Bacon Sir John Hobart Sir Phillip Woodhouse Sir Edward Barkham Sir John Hollond Sir Robert Paston Sir Augustine Palgrave Sir John Potts Sir Robert Kempe Sir Jacob Astley Sir Edward Ward Sir Henry Deerham Sir William Cooke Sir William Doyley Sir Peter Gleene Sir Francis Bickley Sir Thomas Garrett Sir John Pettus Sir William Adams Baronets Edward Progers Sir John Knivet Sir John Bennet Sir Christopher Calthorp Knights of the Bath Sir Charles Herbord Sir Allen Apsley Sir William Doyley junior Sir Nevill Catlin Sir Thomas Meadow Sir John Bladwell Sir Robert Baldock Sir William Rant Knights Herbert Astley Deane of Norwich Robert Cooke Sir John Davis Knight Robert Walpoole John Potts William Windham Thomas Hollond William Cooke Roger Potts Thomas Townshend Lestrange Calthropp Philip Harbord John Hubbard Robert Long Roger Spilman Edward Barber Esquiers William de Gray Robert Suckling Francis Guybon William Rant Francis Bacon Thomas Bacon Robert London Oliver Neve Thomas Gaudy of Claxton Robert Day Edmund Doyly John Herbert Suckling Jay Francis Lane Jacob Preston Phillip Bedingfeild Humphrey Bedingfeild Robert Gawsell Anthony Fisher Robert Houghton Robert Coney Francis Bell Charles Wrenn Laurence Oxburrough Richard Godfrey Nicholas Rookwood Edmond Britiffe [Simon Brittiffe (fn. 92) ] Thomas Berney of Swarson John Anguish John Fisher Robert Tyrrell of Wilton Christopher Crow Munford Spilman Clement Spilman Leonard Mapes Edward Ward Lemuel Shouldam Edward de Grey Anthony [Duary (fn. 93) ] Nicholas Wilton Hatton Berners Thomas Thursby Francis Thursby George Townshend Gascoyne Wild of Bracon Leonard Googe John Warner Anthony Freeston. Francis Cory Christopher Jay Clement Sterne John Cocke Thomas Browne of Elsing Thomas Corey Thomas Talbott Robert Buxton Thomas Wright of Ovington William Brantwaighte William Cropley William Armiger of North-Crake Nicholas Hamond John Le-Strange Edmond Woodhouse Thomas Richmond William Marsham Esquiers Doctor Owen Hughes Peter Daymond Mr John Harby Richard Marriet John Richmond of Headingham Esq[uire].

[Kings Lynne (fn. 94) ]

For the Towne of Kings Lynne The Maior for the time being Henry Ferrour Esq[uire] Seth [Howley (fn. 95) ] Thomas Greene Benjamin Holly Henry Bell Thomas Robinson Edmond Abbot Daniell Goodwin Mathias Twelves John Hamond Symon Taylor Edward Bromley Arthur Evelyn Aldermen.

[Great Yarmouth (fn. 94) ]

For Great Yarmouth Sir Thomas Meadow Sir James Johnson Sir George England Knights Thomas Pufflet John Cubit Richard Jarmin John Hall Abraham Castell Thomas Gooch Nathaniel Ashley John Rowe John Woodroffe Edmond Thaxter Arthur Bacon William Huntington Peter Caulier Thomas Cooper Mitchell Mew Aldermen.

[Thetford (fn. 94) ]

For Thetford The Maior for the time being Sir John Hollond Baronet Sir Phillip Woodhouse Baronet Sir Allen Apsley Knight Sir Joseph Williamson Knight William Cropley Esq[uire] Burrey Martin Robert Tyrrell. John Grine Hatterset.

[City of Norwich (fn. 94) ]

For the Citty of Norwich The Maior for the time being Thomas Lord Richardson Sir John Hobart Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Browne Knight Francis Cory Esq[uire] Recorder Francis Bacon Christopher Jay Herbert Astley Deane of Norwich Henry Watts John Rayley Bernard Church John Man John Salter Richard Wenman John Osborne John Croshold The two Sheriffes for the time being Augustine Briggs Thomas Wisse Robert Bendish Richard Cold ham John Lawrence Henry Herne Francis Norris Mathew Markham John Manser Henry Wood Henry Watts junior Richard Wenman junior Thomas Thaxer Thomas Chickering Aldermen John Hobart Francis Norris Thomas Bacon Esq[uire]

[Northumberland (fn. 94) ]

For the County of Northumberland Henry Earle of Ogle Edward Lord Morpeth Ralph Grey of Chillingham Collonell Edward Grey Sir William Fenwicke Sir Ralph Delavall ( (fn. 96) ) Sir Cuthbert Heron [Baronets (fn. 96) ] Sir William Forster Sir George Dowing Sir Richard Stote Collonell Edward Villiers Ralph Jennison Daniell Collingwood Thomas Forster William Strother Ralph Heabron William Widdrington John Clarke John Salkeild Thomas Bewick William Delavall of Dissington John Ridley of Hardriding Nicholas Whitehead William Warren Robert Widdrington of Haxley John Fenwicke Robert Delavall Humphrey Mitford Robert Mitford John Grey Thomas Burrell of Browne Parke The Bayliffe of Morpeth for the time being Thomas Collingwood of Rile.

[Berwicke upon Tweede (fn. 94) ]

For the Towne of Berwicke upon Tweed Sir Richard Stote Recorder Elias Pratt The Maior for the time being Edward Grey Daniell Collingwood Thomas Watson Ralph Hebron Marke Scott Mr Winloe Mr Edmiston James Cotterell Mr Counton Joseph Jackson Edward Nelson Roger Weddell Stephen Jackson.

[Towne of Newcastle (fn. 94) ]

For the Towne of Newcastle upon Tyne The Maior for the time being Sir John Marley Sir Francis Anderson Sir Robert Shaftoe Recorder Sir Richard Stote Marke Milbanke Anthony Isaackson John Emerson William Blacket Henry Maddison Henry Brabant Thomas Davison William Carr Ralph Grey John Clerke Robert Morley Esq[uire] John Blackston Edward Villiers and the Sheriffe for the time being.

[Oxon (fn. 97) ]

For the County of Oxon Phillip Lord Wenman Viscount Tuam Henry Lord Cornbury Phillip Lord Wenman James Herbert Esq[uire] Sir William Coventry Sir Anthony Cope Sir Thomas Spencer Sir Thomas Penniston Sir William Walter Sir Compton Reede Sir William Glynn Sir Edmond Fettiplace Sir Francis Wenman Sir Litleton Osbaldston Sir Anthony Craven Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir Thomas Chamberlaine Sir John Robinson Barronet Sir Thomas Clayton Warden of Mertin Colledge Sir John Holman Barronet Sir William Fleetwood Sir Tymothy Terrell Sir Edmond Bray Sir Thomas Typping Sir Edward Norris Sir Henry Jones Sir Allen Apsley Sir George Croke Sir Phillip Harcourt Sir Edward Hungerford Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Temple Sir John Doyley Sir Thomas Cobb Baronet Sir Llewellin Jenkins Sir William Coventry Broome Whorwood Esq[uire] Richard Croke William Cope James Hyde Doctor of Phisicke Anthony Libb Vincent Barrey Henry Alnutt John Stone Francis Martin John Clarke William Lenthall William Dormer John Cartwright Henry Heylin Esq[uire] George Chamberlaine William Cartwright Arthur Jones Henry Alworth Doctor of Law William Walter David Walter one of the Groomes of His Majestyes Bedchamber Richard Halloway Councellour at Law Robert Dormer Reynald Bray William Bayley Thomas Hoard John Croke Samuell Sandys Junior Esq[uire] Charles Holloway Sergeant at Law George Cole Esq[uire] Charles Holloway Thomas Coventry Doctor Mathew Skinner Robert Wither Steward of New Colledge William Gannocke George Woodward Mr Sheppard of Roleright Robert Perrot junior Edward Vernon John West William Oakley Esquire William Wright John Wickham Mr ( (fn. 98) ) Blague of Coggs John Gore Esq[uire] James Perrot junior of Northly John Gunne Esq[uire] Bartholimew Harris ( (fn. 99) ) Richard Stevens Gent. Edward Warcup ( (fn. 100) ) Thomas Worwood ( (fn. 100) ) Richard Powell [Esquiers (fn. 99) ] Mr William Lenthall George Pudsey ( (fn. 100) ) William Whitlocke ( (fn. 100) ) Bartholimew Hall [Esquiers (fn. 100) ] Henry Hall Gent. Robert Knolles ( (fn. 101) ) Thomas Coghill [Esquiers (fn. 100) ] Puton Crocke Gent. Robert Parsons; ( (fn. 99) ) Gilbert Jackson [Gentlemen (fn. 99) ] The Major of Woodstocke for the time being, The Maior of Banbury, The Warden of Henley, The Bayliffes of Burford and Chipping Norton, and the Cheife Magistrates to act in their severall Corporations onely.

[University of Oxford (fn. 97) ]

For the University of Oxford The Vice [Chauncellours (fn. 102) ] and Proctors for the time being Sir Thomas Clayton Knight Doctor Thomas Yates Doctor Thomas Barlow Doctor Robert Say Doctor John Fell Doctor Thomas James Doctor Tully Doctor John Wallis Doctor Ralph Bathurst Doctor James Hyde Doctor Clarke Doctor John Lamphere Doctor Lyddall Richard Holloway Esq[uire] Thomas Tudor Mathew Loveday Richard Plydall John Hopkins Thomas Rowney Gent. Mr Richard Withers.

[Citty of Oxford (fn. 97) ]

For the Citty of Oxford The Maior of the said Citty for the time being Broome Whorwood Esquire, Francis Wenman Richard Croke Esq[uire] Recorder Sir Anthony Cope George Lowe Esq[uire] Sir Sampson White Knight William Wright ( (fn. 99) ) Roger Griffin ( (fn. 99) ) William Bayly ( (fn. 99) ) John Harris Gent. Aldermen John Lamb John Townsend Francis Greenaway William Cornish Francis [Heywood (fn. 103) ] John Zouch William Walker and Anthony Hall Gentlemen, John Paynton Gentleman Towne-Clerke Robert Whorwood and Peter Langston Gentlemen.

[Rutland (fn. 97) ]

For the County of Rutland Bennet Lord Sherrard Henry Noell and Phillip Sherrard Esquiers Sir Thomas Mackworth and Sir. Abell Barker Baronets Sir Thomas Fanshaw George Benion Esq[uire] Richard Wingfeild of Tickingcote Samuell Browne Christopher Browne Edward Paulkner and Andrew Noell Esquiers William Colby Gent. Anthony Palmer Robert Mackworth Esq[uire]

[Salop (fn. 97) ]

For the County of Salop William Pierpoint Richard Newport and Andrew Newport Esquiers Sir Henry Litleton Sir Henry Fredericke Thynne Sir Humphrey Briggs Sir William Whitmore Sir John Corbet Sir Francis Lawley Sir Vincent Corbet Sir Richard Corbet Sir Francis Edwards Sir Edward Action Sir Henry. Vernon Sir Thomas Litleton and Sir Clement Clarke Baronets Sir Thomas Whitmore Knight of the Bath Sir Henry Herbert Sir John Weld Sir Job Charlton Sir Tymothy Litleton Sir William Childe Sir Timothy Turnor Sir John Trevor Sir Richard Mason Sir Thomas Jones and Sir Samuell Baldwin Knights Leveson Gore Richard Screven Richard Fowler Francis Charlton Charles Manwaring Francis Thornes Francis Forrester Richard Lister Edward Kineston of Oatley Edward Kineston of Aberclee Roger Kineston Thomas Baldwin Charles Baldwin Phillip Prince Thomas Owen of Londover John Wolrich Thomas Thornes Richard Herbert John Walcott Thomas Whitmore Thomas Thynne George Weld George Ludlow Thomas Rocke William Owen Somerset Fox Robert Corbett of the Hall of Hussey John Coates William Oakley Edmund Wareing of Owldbury Robert Leighton Adam Oatley Thomas Walcott Robert Cressett Robert Owen Roger Pope Thomas Lloyed Richard Creswell John Lacon William Williams Vincent Edwards Thomas Oateley Litleton Powis Thomas Crumpe George Whitmore Richard More John Newton Thomas Kinersley of Badger William Cotton Thomas Action William Jones of Sandford Thomas Hill Thomas Ireland Henry Griffiths Edward Vernon Henry Davenport Henry Mitton of Shipton Rowland Nicholls Edward Luttige Esq[uire] Corbett of Stanerdine Richard Cowling Thomas Smalman James Becke Esq[uire] Owen Barton Roger Evans Richard Pope Lingen Toppe Rockley Prince Thomas Owen of Dinthurst Thomas Latchard Richard Charlton Henry Spratt Thomas Lochier John Wood Thomas Jobber Henry Langley Richard Corbett The Maior of Salopp for the time being The Bayliffes of Ludlow Bridgenorth Wenlocke and Bishops-Castle for the time being Thomas Cornwall Esq[uire] Bevis Lloyd Daniell Wicherley Francis Smith Robert Smith Herbert of Wootton John Tayler John Whitacre Richard Clarke Samuell Lloyd Richard Tayler Arthur Hinkes Alexander Midleton George Hosier Roger Gough Edward Owen Roger Griffiths Gosnall Edward Wollaston Richard Davis of Ludlow Thomas Jones of Sheete Thomas Mason of Rockley Richard Wareing Andrew Hill Richard Pritchard Roger Harris Robert Vernon Richard Davis of Whitchurch William Gravenor Richard Jenkins John Stannier Henry Powell Rowland Midleton William Owen of Whitle Edward Pooley John Bright.

[Stafford (fn. 104) ]

For the County of Stafford Sir Thomas Wilbraham Sir Edward Bagott Sir Edward Litleton Sir Charles Woolsey Sir Walter Wrotesley Sir Francis Lawley Baronet Sir Bryan Broughton Sir Theophilus Biddolph Knights and Baronets Sir John Wirley Sir Thomas Whitgreve Sir Rowland Oliver Sir Henry Archbole Knights Randolph Egerton Henry Grey Walter Chetwind Edward Litleton William Snead Robert Milward George Digby Edward Mainwaring Brome Whorwood Robert Levison Thomas Lane Richard Dyott Walter Litleton William Chetwind Charles Cotton Richard Congreave Edward Vernon Thomas Kinnersley John Swinfin Ralph Sneid Edwyn Skrinshier Henry Vernon Rowland Cotton Daniell Watson Charles Agard Francis Wightwicke Jonathan Woodnoth John Pyott Thomas Rudiard Edward Arablaster George Parker Henry Gough Edward Birch William Whitby John Noble Nicholas Hurte Edward Mooreton John Whiteall William Parker Ferrers Fulke Esquiers The Maior of Stafford and Newcastle under Lyne for the time being The Bayliffes of Tamworth for the time being William Trafford Walter Fowler Zachariah Babington Thomas Palmer Thomas Bagnald Thomas Scott Richard Bracegirdle Thomas Rugeley Thomas Villers Leicester Barber Sampson Birch Timothy Edge John Felton Sir John Bowyer Knight William Ward Esquire George Legg.

[Lichfeild (fn. 104) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Lichfeild [Sir (fn. 105) ] Simon Martin Bayliffe The Bayliffe and Sheriffe for the time being Sir Theophilus Bydulph Knight and Baronet Sir Henry Archbold Knight Richard Dyott Walter Litleton Daniell Watson Thomas Minors Esquiers William Wythey James Allen John Rawlins Thomas Caterbanke and William Jesson Gentlemen.

[Somersett (fn. 104) ]

For the County of Somersett Edward Seymour Esq[uire] Speaker of the honourable House of Commons Sir Francis Roll Knight High Sheriffe of the County Maurice Viscount Fitzharding Francis Lord Hawley John Lord Digby Francis Pawlet Esq[uire] Sir Edmond Windham Knight Marshall [Sir (fn. 105) ] John Sydenham Baronet Sir William Porteman Sir Hugh Smith Knights of the Bath and Baronets Sir William Windham Knight and Baronet Sir John Wroth Baronet Sir John Coventry Sir Edward Hungerford Sir Francis Popham Knights of the Bath Sir George Horner Sir Thomas Bridges Sir William Bassett Sir Thomas Gore Sir Edward Phillips Sir John Mallet Sir Stephen Foxe Sir George Norton Sir James Hayes Sir John Churchill Sir John Coppleston Knights Edward Phillips George Speake Ralph Stawell Peregrine Palmer Francis Windham Edward Gorges William Hellyar Edward Nevill Edward Berkley Maurice Berkley de Yarlington Thomas Windham de Witham Esquiers Thomas Windham William Bull Henry Bull John Dodington John Strachey Henry Bull of Midsummer-Norton John Buckland Thomas Warr Robert Hunt Thomas Piggott Henry Waldron John Harrington Halswell Tynt William Lacy Warwicke Bampfeild Edward Bampfield William Strode Edward Strode Thomas Strode de Maxerton Edward Clarke Henry Henley George Horner Edward Court Richard Jones Henry Carrant John Fox Robert Hawley John Hunt Anthony Pawlet William Speake John St Albans Henry Light Peter Roynon William Haxboard George Stedman John Prawse William Coward William Thynne Richard Morgan William Clerke Esquiers Richard Musgrove Copleston Horton Humphrey Sydenham Edward Fripp Richard Crosse William Orange Richard Launsdowne Charles Staynings and Joseph Langton.

[Citty of Wells (fn. 104) ]

For the Citty of Wells The Maior for the time being, The Recorder Nicholas Niblet John Day John Davidge John Davis Francis Simmons James Clutterbucke Maurice Berkley Gent.

[Towne of Bridgewater (fn. 104) ]

For the Towne of Bridgewater The Maior for the time being.

[Citty of Bath (fn. 104) ]

For the Citty of Bath The Maior for the time being, The Recorder Walter Gibbs Henry Chapman Robert Pearce Doctor of Phisicke John Masters Gent.

[Citty of Bristoll (fn. 107) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Bristoll The Maior and Sheriffes for the time being Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath and one of the Justices of the Common Pleas Sir John Knight Sir Robert Cam Knight and Baronet Sir Humphrey Hooke ( (fn. 108) ) Sir Thomas Langton [Knights (fn. 108) ] John Lauford Esq[uire] Thomas Stephens Alderman Sir Robert Yeamans Knight and Baronet John Knight ( (fn. 109) ) John Hicks [Esquiers (fn. 109) ] Richard Streamour Aldermen Ralph Ayliffe William Crabb Richard Crump John Lloyd Joseph Creswicke Richard Harte Robert Aldworth Thomas Jennins William Colson Esquiers.

[Southampton (fn. 107) ]

For the County of Southampton Charles Lord St John of Basing William Russell Edward Noell Esquiers Sir Robert Howard Knight Sir George Carteret Knight and Baronet Sir Robert Worsley. Sir Kingsmill Lucy Sir John Norton Sir Hugh Stewkley Sir William Lewis Sir Robert Dillington Sir William Meux Sir Thomas Bad, Sir Nicholas Steward Sir Andrew Henley Sir Mundeford Brampston Sir John Oglander Sir Tamworth Reresby Baronets Sir Robert Holmes Sir Thomas Higgons Sir Robert Henley Sir Richard Knight Sir Stephen Fox Sir Francis Rolle Sir James Woresly Sir Edward Woresly Sir John Clobery Sir Charles Windham Knights William Smith Esq[uire] High Sheriffe Richard Norton Thomas Neale Lawrence Hyde Henry Wallop Thomas Knowlis Richard Lucy John Leigh Esquiers James Halsell Charles West Thomas Jervis John Richards Captaine George Legg Henry Whitehead George Pitt Leonard Bilson Richard Cobbe John Hooke Thomas Cole of Lisle Phillip Leigh James May Richard Compton Londowicke Lewis John Woolveridge Benjamin Rudyard Roger Gallop Francis Tilney Henry Bromfield Arthur Bold Edward Norton William Wither Edward Hooper of Hurne Court Francis Dickins John Stewkley White Tichborne Bartholimew Price Daniell Kingsmill John Kingsmill Henry Tulse Thomas Edmonds Robert Oxenbridge Robert Goffe Richard Love Peter Bettersworth William Stephens Henry Doyley Edward Cooke John Fawlkenor John Mari Esquiers Richard Bishop Arthur Tayler Henry Perrin William Stanley John Pawlin Gabriell Whistler John Deane William Wall Henry Kelsey Henry Goddard Richard Ayliffe Edward Hyde John Dingley: John Mathew Thomas Knight Thomas Urrey of Gatcombe David Urrey of Freshwater John Smith John Rives Edward Pile William Stanley William Tulse ( (fn. 109) ) Robert Richbell [Esquiers (fn. 109) ] The Maior of Portsmouth for the time being Hugh Salisbury Phillip James Aldermen of the same William Hussey and William Goddard Esquiers.

[Winchester (fn. 107) ]

For the Citty of Winchester The Maior of the said Citty for the time being Thomas Wavell Thomas Muspratt Nicholas Purdue Edmond Fifield William Tayler William Cradocke Aldermen of the said Citty.

[Southampton (fn. 107) ]

For the Towne and County of Southampton The Maior for the time being William Stanley Robert Richbell Thomas Cornelius James Clungeon Henry Pitt Richard White Aldermen of the said Towne and County John Speede of the same Doctor in Phisicke The Maior of Newport The Maior of Yarmouth The Maior of Basingstoke and The Bayliffes of Andover for the time being.

[Suffolke (fn. 107) ]

For the County of Suffolke Lionell Lord Huntingtower Sir John Duncombe Knight Chauncellour of the Exchequer Walter Devereux Esq[uire] Sir Charles North Sir Edmond Bacon Sir Henry Felton Sir Robert Kempe Sir Henry Bacon Sir William Spring Sir John Castleton Sir Thomas Cullum Sir [Sir (fn. 107) ] Jervice Elwice Sir [Robert (fn. 110) ] Darcie Sir Robert Cordall Sir William Doyley Sir Thomas Barnadiston Sir Phillip Parker Sir Henry North Sir John Duke Sir Robert Brooke Baronets Sir Charles Gaudy Sir George Reeve Sir Thomas Allen Knights and Baronets Sir Nicholas Bacon Sir John Knivet Sir John Bennet Knights of the Bath Sir Phillip Parker Sir John Pettus Sir John Pooly Sir Thomas Harvey Sir John Winife Sir Nevill Catelin Sir John Hanmer Sir William Bloys Sir Algernoon May Sir Thomas Smith Sir Jeffery Burwell Sir Phillip Meadows Sir Thomas Meadowes Sir Francis Theobalds Knights John Harvey Treasurer to Her Majesty Edward Proger Thomas Glemham Thomas Holland Thomas Walgrave senior Thomas Walgrave junior John Cordall John Southerby William Gipps Clement Higham Benjamin Cutler of the Chauntry William Bloys John Wright Francis Warner Thomas Stewart Robert Wright Thomas Wright Joseph Brand John Playters Lionell Playters John Cole Robert Marryot John Bence of Kingsfeild William Stiles John Rouse Henry Coppinger Doctor Thomas Arris Francis Barker Thomas Dade John Scrivener Robert King John Lambe Edward North William Acton Thomas Allen Robert Butts Thomas Butts William Rivett Thomas Golding Francis Burwell William Some senior Charles Cornwallis Edward Plum Edward Mann Edward Clench Richard Kirby Thomas Turill Thomas Edger Reinold Williams Allen Cotton Thomas Vesy Charles Vesy Phillip Haward William Gouch Framlingham Gaudy Anthony Gaudy Ptolomy Talemach William Germy Henry Parker Thomas Bacon John Breame of Ash John Spencer John Bedingfield Edmond Bedingfeild William Glover Thomas Day Richard Vesy Henry Edger Samuell Kirridge William Somes junior Edmond Sheppard William Culham Edmond Gardiner Robert Browning Henry Stebbing John Brooke Paul Buckenham John Thurston Thomas Edger junior Doctor John [Kivet (fn. 111) ] Doctor Owen Hughes William Duncombe Stephen Morley Baptist May Thomas Jerman ( (fn. 109) ) Samuell Alston Phillips Wallis Esquiers The Maior of Sudbury for the time being Sir Robert Cordall Baronet Thomas Walgrave John Cordall Doctor Butcher Joseph Woods John Cooke Daniell Cooke Catesby Towne Clerke John Warner Samuell Cabecke Gent. The Bayliffes of Dunwich for the time being Sir John Pettus Knight William Wood Esq[uire] John Benefice Thomas Tokely Thomas Grey Thomas Goddard Gentlemen.

[Ipswich (fn. 112) ]

The Bayliffes of Ipswich for the time being William Bloys John Wright Thomas Edger Recorder Nicholas Phillips Miles Wallis Luke Gore Gilbert Linfeild William Cullam Charles Wright and Robert Clarke Gentlemen.

[St Edmonds Bury (fn. 112) ]

For the Burrough of Saint Edmonds Bury The Aldermen for the time being John Southerby Recorder Sir Thomas Harvey Knight Thomas Holland ( (fn. 113) ) William Duncombe [Esquiers (fn. 113) ] Richard Gipps of Horningu Thomas Goddard James Cobb Francis Browne Robert Sharpe Mathew Warren Samuell Hustler and Thomas Burrowes Gent.

[Aldburrough (fn. 112) ]

For the Burrough of Aldburrough The Bayliffes for the time being Sir John Holland Baronet John Bence Esq[uire] Thomas Ellyot John Browne Thomas Wall Ralph Rabbitt Walter Garfoote and Alexander Osborne Gentlemen.

[Burrough of Orford (fn. 112) ]

For the Burrough of Orford The for the time being Walter Devereux Esq[uire] Sir Allen Brodericke Knight Thomas Hastings Joseph Hastings Francis Mace James Coppin and Edward Ewen Gentlemen.

[Surrey (fn. 112) ]

For the County of Surrey and Burrough of Southwarke James Burton Esq[uire] High Sheriffe of the County of Surrey Charles Earle of Ancram of the Kingdome of Scotland Francis Lord Aungier of the Kingdome of Ireland, Lord Huntingtowre Sir Edward Thurland one of the Barons of the Exchequer. Francis Coventry Esq[uire] Sir Henry Capell Knight of the Bath Sir Walter St Johns ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Anthony Vincent ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Adam Browne ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Thomas Trevoire ( (fn. 114) ) Sir William More ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Marmaduke Gresham ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Richard Stydolfe ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Robert Long ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Edward Bromfeild( (fn. 114) ) Sir John Werden ( (fn. 114) ) Sir Phillip Mathewes [Baronets (fn. 114) ] Sir George Freeman Knight of the Bath Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir William Terringham Knight of the Bath Sir Edmond Bowyer Sir Charles Howard Sir William Haward Sir Thomas Nott Sir Thomas Bludworth Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Robert Parkhurst Sir Richard Hatton Sir Allen Brodericke Sir Nicholas Carew Sir Edward Bish Sir William Hoskins Sir Cirill Wiche Sir Thomas Forster Sir James Austin Sir Richard Mason Sir Dawes Wymondsold Sir John Plott Sir Dennis Gawden Sir Purbecke Temple Knights Arthur Onslow Henry Hildierd Bernard Greenfield George Chute Edward Evelin William Mountague junior Roger James Christopher Buckle George Evelin [senior (fn. 114) ] John Scott William Ellyott Anthony Thomas Thomas Dalmahoy James Zouch Vincent Randyll John Holmeden John Dawes George Browne Ambrose Browne Anthony Bowyer Edward Thurland George Evelin of Blechingley George Evelin of Wootton junior Denzill Onslow John Weston of Ockham William Muschampe George Smith John Thynne George Garth Thomas Turges Mathew Carleton Roger Duncombe George Duncombe George Woodroffe George Vernon Thomas Brend James Gresham John Thynne White Tichburne William Harvey [Stephen (fn. 115) ] Harvey James Freeman Edward Freeman William Lenthall Samuell Rous John Highlord Samuell Howland Walter Howland Charles Good Captaine Robert Coke Thomas Lee Peter Hussey Captaine Clarke of Sheene Richard Heath Doctor John Windebanke John Wight John Byne of Camberwell Edward Gresham Sygismond Stydolfe Edward Trapps Mathew Andrewes John Parker Thomas Sidderfin George Holman George Turner Thomas Arden Rowland Jewks Henry Byne John Heather John Jordan Ellis Crispe William Angell John Jones of London Thomas Jenner James Oast James Clarke Henry Haughton Francis Gerrard Richard Dalton Samuell Wall Giles Dunstar William Haukins John Glynn Shem Bridges Anthony. Covert Esquiers George Smith of Wandsworth William Brownlough Richard Mountany Richard West Mr Lloyd of Stretham John Chelsham Thomas Benson Sir Edmond Wyndham Sir James Butler Mr Pepys of Merton-Abbey Somerset Draper Richard Coldham of Downfarm George Coldham of Waverly The Maior of Guildford for the time being Richard Creswell Caleb Westbrooke Richard Symms John Spencer John Childe Francis Knight John Reave of Farnham James Reading William Castles Thomas Locke William Cannon John Wilkinson William Hickox Richard How Peter Rich Captaine Price Peter Delanoy Edward Ball George Meggott Jacob May John Butler Tobias Solby Abraham Hubbard Richard Holman Gentlemen William Haward Esq[uire] Stephen Moseley Edward Woodward William Branbrugh.

[Sussex (fn. 112) ]

For the County of Sussex Charles Lord Buckhurst John Tufton Richard Tufton Thomas Tufton Esquiers Sir John Pelham Sir William Culpeper Sir Cecill Bishop Sir Adam Browne Sir James Bowyer Sir John Covert ( (fn. 116) ) Sir William Thomas Sir John Stapeley Sir John Fagg ( (fn. 116) ) Sir Denny Ashburnham Sir Anthony Shurley Sir William Wilson Baronets Sir William Morley Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Woodcocke Sir Thomas Nutt Sir George Courthopp Sir Henry Peckham Sir Nicholas Pelham Sir James Moreton Knights George Parker Thomas Sackvile Henry Goreing senior Henry Goreing junior William Garraway Nisill Rivers Richard Bridger Edward Mitchelbourne Thomas Midleton junior Robert Fagg Anthony Feaversfield John Eversfeild Edward Eversfeild Edward Blaker ( (fn. 117) ) Henry West Miles Cooke Esquires Edward Chowne John Gratwicke William Stracy John Backshall Gent. John Alford Thomas Midleton senior Simon Smith John Midleton Esquires John Mitchell John Machell Bray Chowne Gent. Oliver Weekes Robert Palmer William Palmer Thomas Garroway Esquires Henry Edmonds Richard Nash Thomas Paine Francis Mose Christopher Coles Richard Mills Gentlemen William Westbrooke Ralph Mills John May Richard May Robert Anderson Thomas Bestworth Esquires Thomas Palmer Richard Cooper Thomas Young John Peckham Thomas Peckham Richard Young Gent. Thomas Grey John Steward Henry Shelley John Millington Walter Dobell Peter Courthop Esquires Edward Traiton John Oliver William Lane Thomas Beard Nicholas Sell win Gentlemen Henry Bishop William Spence William Kempe Sackvile Graves William Dyke John Baker senior John Baker junior William Morley Edward Pollhill Roger Shoiswell Walter Everden Thomas Frewen Robert Fowle Edward Shephered Esquires John Fuller Peter Farnden John Busbridge John Dyne John Dunke Thomas Bromfeild junior Gent. Thomas Bromfeild senior Thomas Collins Peircy Goreing Henry West Nicholas Leicet William Peckham Henry Peckham Esquires The Maior of Arundell The Maior of Chrichester John Chele senior John Chele junior Lawrence Alcock John Cooke William Hardum Joseph King Gent. Christopher May Esq[uire] Mathew Young Gent. William Westbrook Gent. Phillip Packer Esq[uire] Sir Nicholas Stroud The Maior of Hasting The Maior of Rie The Maior of Winchelsea The Bayliffe of Seaford for the time being and The Bayliffe of Peversey for the time being.

[Warwicke (fn. 118) ]

For the County of Warwicke Sir Francis Compton Knight Fulke Grevill Thomas Coventry Charles Leigh Esquiers Sir Robert Holt Sir Richard Temple Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton Sir Edward Boughton Sir Clement Fisher Sir Roger Burgoigne Sir John Knightley Sir Herbert Price Sir Thomas Norton Sir Theophilus Biddulph Sir John Hales Sir Fuller Skipwith Sir William Bromeley Knight of the Bath Sir Charles Adderley Sir Charles Lee Sir William Palmer Sir Arthur Caley Sir William Underhill Sir Richard Hopkins Sir Richard Bishop Sir John Clopton Sir William Throckmorton Knights Richard Nudigate Sergeant at Law Richard Lucy John Ferrars Thomas Archer John Bridgeman Orlando Bridgeman Richard Nudigate Esquires William Somerville Seabret Reppington Harvey Baggott John Lisle Henry Pudsey John Rouse William Purefoy Richard Boughton of Bilton Richard Verney senior of Kingston Richard Verney junior of Kingston Henry Ferrars William Combes Thomas Marryot Thomas Rawlins Charles Newsham Hastings Ingram Thomas Wagstaffe George Devereux William Bath of Witton Charles Bentley Humphrey Jennyngs Thomas Corben George Sacheverell Richard Hopkins John Newsham Thomas Temple James Prescott Henry Shugburgh Esq[uire] Henry Parker William Loggins Henry Mathews The Maior of Warwicke for the time being The Maior of Stratford for the time being The Bayliffes of Tarnworth for the time being.

[Coventry (fn. 118) ]

For the County of the Citty of Coventry The Maior for the time being Sir Clement Fisher Sir Thomas Norton Sir John Hales Baronets Sir Richard Hopkins Sergeant at Law Sir Robert Townesend Sir Arthur Caley Sir William Jesson Knights Richard Hopkins Henry Greene Esquires John Woolridge William Jolliffe Joseph Chambers Julius Billers James Nayler Nathaniell Harriman Aldermen Robert Beake and Thomas Wagstaffe Gentlemen.

[Worcester (fn. 118) ]

For the County of Worcester Mr Secretary Coventry Mr Coventry Sir John Packington Sir Henry Litleton Sir Francis Russell Sir Edward [Ceabright (fn. 119) ] Sir William Keyh Sir James Rushout Sir Thomas Cookes Baronet Sir Henry Herbert Sir Rowland Berkley Sir John Winford Sir John Talbot Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir John Hanmer ( (fn. 120) ) Sir John Barnaby Sir Francis Wynnington Knights Collonell Samuell Sandis John Packington Edward Rowse Samuell Sandys junior Sherrington Talbot Thomas Savage Thomas Savage junior of [Elmey-Castle (fn. 121) ] James Pitts Robert Berkley Francis Finch Edward Carew Joseph Walsh Thomas Childe Henry Townshend John Nanfan Thomas Streets Edward Dingley Leonard Simpson Litleton Clent Richard Vernon Charles Cornwallis Edward Parteridere William Sheldon of Broadway Walter Savage Thomas Jolliffe Thomas Simons Thomas Foley senior Thomas Foley junior Phillip Parsons Anthony Crump Henry Evett William Wasborne William Hancocke John Charlett Thomas Watson of Bengworth Henry Spiller William Ligon Henry Jeffryes Brome Whorwood Phillip Brace. senior Phillip Brace junior Thomas Bushell Thomas Haslewood of Wick Esq[uire] Francis Sheldon Thomas Stephens John Bearcroft Bridges Nanfan Thomas Chetle of the Walhouse senior Thomas Vernon Robert Foley Henry Parker Gerrard Dannett Thomas Turvey Richard Dowdeswell Martin Sandys Humphrey Perrot junior Esq[uire] Garratt of Aunton Gentlemen Higgins James Thomas Barker The Maior of Evesham for the time being The Bayliffes of Droitwich for the time being The Bayliffes of Bewdley for the time being Anthony Langston John Sandys Mathew Skinner Doctor of Phisicke.

[Citty of Worcester (fn. 119) ]

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Worcester The Maior, Aldermen and Sheriffe for the time being Sir John Packington Baronet Collonell Samuell Sandys Sir Rowland Berkley Knight Thomas Streete Thomas Vernon Thomas Harris Robert Wilde Esquires Richard Bedowes Henry Taylor John Bearcroft William Norris Humphry Tyrer William Swift Gent.

[Wilts (fn. 122) ]

For the County of Wilts Edward Seymour Esq[uire] Speaker to the honourable House of Commons Henry Lord Colraine Henry Viscount Cornbury Anthony Lord Ashley Edward Howard Esq[uire] Sir Robert Howard Knight Sir Walter St John Sir Robert Button Sir Seymour Pile Sir Giles Escourt Sir Richard Grobham-How Sir Robert Long Sir George Grobham-How Sir Walter Erneley Sir Giles Tooker and Sir Walter Long Baronets Sir John Coventry Sir Edward Hungerford Sir John Nicholas Sir Francis Popham Sir Edward Bainton Knights of the Bath Sir John Evelin Sir John Talbott Sir Edward Poole Sir George Hungerford Sir Thomas Estcourt Sir Thomas Ivy Sir John Weld Sir Henry Cocker Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir John Ernle Sir Stephen Fox Sir Richard Harrison Phillip Howard Esq[uire] Edmund Pile Thomas Hum Gentlemen Sir Joseph Ash Baronet Sir John St Law Sir Edward Lowe Knights Thomas Thynne James Mountague George Pitt Edward Ernle Richard Lewis George Cooper Francis Wroughton John Plydall William Glanville John Hall Henry Clarke William Jourdan James Long William Eyre William Brunker William Ducket Ralph Freeke George Ayliffe Thomas Estcourt Henry Hungerford Giles Hungerford Thomas Bennett George Bond Edmund Warnford Thomas Mompesson Robert Hyde Bernard Pawlet William Ash Alexander [Thistlewaite (fn. 123) ] Maurice Beckland Oliver Calley Thomas Lambert John Harrison John Windham Esq[uire] John Smith de Tydworth John Long Richard Aldworth Gilbert Raleigh John Collins George Lowe Jeffery Daniell Edward Goddard de Standen William Willoughby Christopher Willoughby Thomas Gore William Trenchard Richard Estcourt George Johnson Giles Eyre senior Samuell Eyre William Swanton Henry Clerke junior Giles Eyre junior Thomas Halls Thomas Chamberlaine George Ivy Nevill Masklyn Robert Drew John Bowles Robert Chaundler John Topp Thomas Pile Peter Dove Joseph Stockman Thomas Hungerford Oliver Nicholas Richard Powle Henry Wallis Edmond Webb John Danvers John Ash Michaell Ernle Samuell Ash Thomas Gerrard of Swindon Richard Davy George Parry Thomas Clerke Edward Nott John Mervin William Chaffin William Thynne William Norborne John Hawkins John Mompesson Richard Holt Francis Hill Lawrence Swanton Edward Goddard junior de Ogborne Abiotin Stokes Charles Tooker Benjamin Gifford John Fitzherbert John Bennet Gabriell Ashley John Brooke Robert Challoner William Herst Charles Yorke Ephrim Westle Richard Geene Robert Hippesley John Young John Metwin Richard Poore John Jacob Thomas Dennet senior Walter Dowse Mathew Bennett William Hewes Giles Lybcot Thomas Dove William Chap[h (fn. 124) ]man William Levett John Bigg George Sadler William Grinfeild Jonathan Rogers Mr Edward Nicholas Mr Hancocke with [the (fn. 122) ] Maiors of Wilton and Devizes and Marleburrough for the time being.

[Citty of Sarum (fn. 122) ]

For the Citty of Sarum Robert Jones Gent. Maior and The Maior for the time being Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir Stephen Fox Knights William Swanton Recorder Edward Edmunds Maurice Greene Thomas Gardiner John Joyce Thomas Williams, Edmund Macks Christopher Cardiner James Bennett Giles Naish Aldermen George Low George Vennard Richard Davis Richard Holt William Hearst Gabriell Ashley Thomas Harris Francis Hill John Stevens.

[Westmerland (fn. 122) ]

For the County of Westmerland Thomas Tufton Esq[uire] Sir Phillip Musgrave Sir William Dalston Sir George Fletcher Sir Richard Sandford Sir John Lowther [Sir John Lowther (fn. 124) ] Baronets Sir Thomas Strickland Knight Richard Musgrave Esq[uire] Sir Christopher Musgrave [Knt] (fn. 124) John Dalston Esq[uire] James Bellingham Daniell Flemming Thomas Sandford Richard Brathwake Robert Hilton John Otway Thomas Brathwaite Edward Wilson Henry Wilson Thomas Fletcher Lancelot Matchell Christopher Dalstons Esquires Thomas Gabetis Thomas Sands John Fisher Richard Duckett Gentlemen, The Maiors of Appleby and Kendall for the time being.

[Yorke (fn. 122) ]

For the West Rideling in the County of Yorke George Viscount Castleton Charles Lord Clifford Henry Lord Fairfax Lord St John Conyers Darcy Esq[uire] Sir Thomas Osborne Sir Henry Goodricke Sir Richard Mauleverer Sir John Reresby Sir John Hay Sir John Armitage Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir William Ingleby Sir Solomon Swaile Sir William Robeby Sir Godfrey Copley Sir Edmond Wynne Sir John Jackson Sir Thomas Slingsby Sir George Cooke Sir William Franckland Sir John Bennett Baronets Sir Thomas Wharton Sir Jervase Cutler Sir John Hewley Sir Thomas Wenthworth Sir William Wentworth Sir John Dawney Sir William Lowther Sir Francis Goodricke Sir Edmond Jennings Sir Christopher Clapham Sir Ralph Knight Sir Thomas Yarbrough Knights John Ramsdon of Biram Richard Hutton Thomas Mauleverer Walter Hawkesworth Welbury Norton Ambrose Pudsey William Palmes John Vavasour Sandford Nevill Francis Nevill Walter Calverley John Bole Henry Eyre Doctor in Phisicke John Savill of Midley John Wentworth of Wolley Bradwardine Tyndall Francis Foljombe John Vincent Willoughby Rokeby Major Francis Reresby William Lowther John Bilby Richard Washington William Ha[m]mond John Boynton Thomas Yarbrough Walter Lister William Fairfax Henry Stapleton Arthur Ingram William Stockdale William Drake Inglebert Leeds Cuthbert Wade Richard Weston John Stanhope of Grimston William Ellis Charles Osborne Tobias Jenkins George Aystable Robert Harrison John Adams of Scansby John Stanhop Roger Portington John Clarke Edward Lewis John Garland Henry Atkinson Francis White Thomas Lister of Bawtree John Adams of Rokeles Thomas Haber John Otway Miles Stanley Doyley Gowre Thomas Fawkes Henry Hich Jonathan Jennyngs Henry Edmunds Robert Benson John Ashton John Lister Thomas Parker Johnson of Scatebourne Lionell Copley senior Lionell Copley junior Henry Marsden William Drake Henry Slingsby Esquiers John Preston Robert Walter George Fothergill Christopher Drisseild Charles Richards Richard Albrough John Atkinson Henry Redshaw William Laughton John Laughton Lawrence Wharton Henry Cooke Captaine John Atkinson William Roundle Thomas Gill John Mattrum John Hatfeild George Westby William Beckwith John Slyman John Batty George Rayson Edward Shepheard The Maior of Rippon The Maior of Doncaster The Maior of Pontefract The Maior of Leedes for the time being.

For the North Rideing in the said County of Yorke Charles Lord St John Conyers D'Arcy ( (fn. 125) ) Marmaduke D'Arcy ( (fn. 125) ) James D'Arcy [Esquiers (fn. 125) ] Sir Thomas Osborne Sir Christopher Wivill Sir Hugh Cholmeley Sir [Christopher (fn. 126) ] Mauleverer Sir Metcalfe Robinson Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Solomon Swaile Sir Henry Stapleton Sir Thomas Slingsby Sir David Fowlis Sir William Frankland Sir John Lowther Sir John Napier Sir Roger Langley Sir William Caley Sir George Marwood Sir Richard [Gralime (fn. 127) ] of Nunnington Sir Richard [Gralime (fn. 127) ] of Norton Sir Christopher Wandesford Sir William Chator Sir James Pennyman Sir John Hotham Baronets Sir Thomas Strickland Sir John Howley Sir William Dalton Sir Edward Challenor Sir John Dawney Sir Phillip Monkton Sir Robert Layton Sir Joseph Craddocke Knights William Wivill William [Lason (fn. 128) ] Gower William Gower Henry Marwood William Caley John How John Beverley. Roger Beckwith Thomas Rokeby Brian Laton Roger [Tabott (fn. 127) ] John Dodsworth of Wallas Hugh Cholmley Richard Peirce Barrington Bourchier Henry Calverley Edward Croft Thomas Robinson Anthony Frankland Major Norton Thomas Norton of Langthorne Christopher Norton William Weddall Serjeant Turner Isaac Fairfax Humphrey Wharton Robert Wharton William Asquith John Wivill of Olgerly John Gibson Edward Hutchinson of Wickham Leonard [Gralime (fn. 127) ] Francis Drisseild Charles Tankred Thomas Jackson William Feilding William Palmes [John. (fn. 130) ] Heblethwaite William Robinson Edward Trotter Anthony Lowther Hugh Bethell James Morley Tymothy Mauleverer Thomas Hazle William Thompson Thomas Worsley Captaine Leonard Robinson William Metcalfe Walter Lister John Colston Thomas Wayt Henry Crolland Charles Bellasis Charles Allanson John Chapman Roger Lee William Dawson William Trueman Francis Cummin Robert Bushell Thomas Lastalls Thomas Bodsworth of Barton Thomas Gill Charles Layton Tristram Fish Timothy Ford Walter Bethell Christopher Percy-Hay, The Maior of Richmond and the Bayliffes of Scarborough for the time being, John Blackston Gentleman.

East Rideing in the said County of Yorke Charles Lord Clifford Charles Lord St John Sir John Hotham Sir Francis Boynton Sir Robert Hilyard Sir Watkenson Pailer Sir Thomas Rudston Sir Henry North Sir John Legard Sir Henry St Quintin Sir William Strickland Baronets Sir Phillip Monkton Sir Thomas Dangell Sir Thomas Remington Sir Hugh Bethell Sir Francis Cobb Sir William Cobb Sir Ralph Warton Sir Edward Barnard Sir Michaell Warton Sir Mathew Peirson Sir Henry Thompson Sir Jonathan Atkins Knights Tobias Jenkins Michaell Warton Robert Ruck Durand Hotham John Lister Henry Holmes Christopher Hillyard John Vavasour William Osbaldeston William Grimston Robert Southaby Richard Robinson Thomas Crompton William Gee senior William Gee junior Richard Legard William Boynton Stephen Thompson Walter Bethell William Thompson Robert Constable Richard Thompson Henry Hillyard senior John Stapilton John Heron Henry Portington Phillip Saltmarshe John Clerke William St Quintin James Moyser Thomas Fesbett John Aeroyde Hugh Bethell James Heblethwaite Marmaduke Constable Richard Remington Thomas Strickland Mathew Alered Esquires William Blunt William Lowings Francis Bushell John Belton Ralph Higdom Richard Graham Robert Hollis Thomas Langley Ellis Cowper Edward Grey Robert Prickett Timothy Remington Gentlemen, The Maior of Beaverley and The Maior of Headdon for the time being.

[Citty of Yorke (fn. 131) ]

For the Citty of Yorke and the County of the same The Lord Maior The Aldermen and Sheriffes for the time being Henry Lord Fairfax of the Kingdome of Scotland Sir Thomas Osborne Sir Metcalfe Robinson Sir Thomas Slingsby Sir Richard Maleverer Sir Roger Langley Sir Henry Goodricke Sir George Reeves Sir John Hewley Baronets John Turnor Sergeant at Law Doctor Burwell Henry Stapleton Joseph Scott Charles Allanson John Tompson Richard Ethrington Tobias Jenkins James Moyser William Fairfax Thomas Robinson Thomas Hutton John Swaile Phillip Prince William Raundall Thomas Hesket John Brooke George Aisliby Phillip Herbert Mr Suansdale Richard Tenant Anthony Walker Esq[uer] Mr Robert Hillery Mr John Hillary Mr Waller Mr Thomas Fairfax Mr Henry Parsons Mr Thomas Langley.

[Kingston Upon Hull (fn. 131) ]

For the Towne and County of Kingston upon Hull The Maior for the time being William Foxley William Ramsden Christopher Richardson George Crowle Richard Wilson William Skinner Richard Frank Anthony Lambert Humphry Duncalfe George Aiklam Daniell Hoare Aldermen Anthony Gilby ( (fn. 125) ) Andrew Murrell [Esquires (fn. 125) ] The Sheriffe for the time being Christopher Hildiard Esq[uire] The Wardens of Trinity House for the time being Edmund Popple John Lister John Rogers John Feild John Perkins Gentlemen Robert Hollis Esq[uire].

[WALES (fn. 132) ]

[Anglesey (fn. 132) ]

The County of Anglesey Robert Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cassells of the Kingdome of Ireland Thomas Bulkley Esquires Sir Hugh Owen Baronet Nicholas Bagenall Esq[uire] Pierce Lloyd senior Richard Bulkley John Robinson Pierce Lloyd junior Richard Mericke John Griffith of Llanvaithly Robert Roberts Esq[uire] William Williams Thomas Holland David Lloyd-Llidiard William Bulkley of Brinddy Conisby Williams Cornelius Weringden Esq[uire] Owen Hughes John Owens of Penrhose Edward Wynne Rowland Whitts Howell Lewis Henry Jones Esquires Henry Davies William Williams of Treardder William Lewis Edward Price of Trevadog John Wood John Owen Hugh Williams David Williams William Roberts of Caere Owen Williams Richard Edwards John Hughes John Williams John Prichard William Griffith Richard Hughes The Maior of Bumorris for the time being.

[Brecon (fn. 132) ]

For the County of Brecon Sir William Leuis and Sir Herbert Price Baronets Sir [Edward (fn. 133) ] Price Edward Proger Esq[uire] Thomas Streete Esq[uire] Justice of Assise Sir Walter Williams Baronet William Morgan of Therrow Thomas Price and Thomas Lane Esquires Thomas Mansell Esq[uire] of Penderry Hugh Powell Henry Proger Edward Games and John Jeoffreys Esquires Henry Williams of Cabalva William Le Hunt Esq[uire] Lewis Morgan His Majestyes Attourney Generall Walter Vaughan Esq[uire] John Stedman Samuell Prichard Thomas Williams of Abercinlayes Henry Rumsey William Morgan of Newton Esquires Doctor Thomas Williams John Williams of Condee James Watkins Henry Steadman and John Gwynn Esquires Doctor John Morgan of Llangenny David Morgan of Lawenarth and David Gwinne of the Parke Gent. Rees Price Esq[uire] William Lloyd of Wernos Edward Williams of Waringin Jasper Milward and Thomas Bowen Esquires Richard Williams of Aberbrame John Powell of Brecknocke Esq[uire] Henry Williams of Llangunnedor Lewis Gunter David Jenkins of the Therrow John Gunter John Morgan of Werno Jeffrey Jeffreys of Lliwell William Lloyd of Llangamath William Bowen junior Howell Powell Edmund Jones Recorder of Brecon William Sanders Charles Roberts Richard Jones and William Phillips of Brecknock, The Bayliffe and the two Aldermen for the time being.

[Cardigan (fn. 132) ]

For the County of Cardigan Sir Richard Price of Gogartham Baronet Edward Vaughan of Transcoed [Esqq[uire] (fn. 134) ] Erasmus Lloyd of Ystradtiloe ( (fn. 135) ) James Phillips of Cardigan Hector Phillips and Thomas Lewis late of Cumaven [Esquiers (fn. 134) ] Thomas Jenkins of Vardrey [Warkin (fn. 136) ] Lloyd of Werne Thomas Jones of Llanvayre Walter Lloyd Nicholas Lewis and Richard Herbert late of Lanina Esquires John Vaughan of Llanlery John Price of Randyr Thomas Jones of Llingary Thomas Lewis of Cardigan and Abell Griffith Gentlemen.

[Carmarthen (fn. 132) ]

For the County of Carmarthan John Lord Vaughan Altham Vaughan Sir Henry Vaughan Knight Sir Edward Mansell Sir Sackvill Crow Baronets Sir Rice Rudd Sir Ralph [Bank (fn. 137) ] Sir William Russell Sir Francis Cornwallis Knight Walter Rice Walter Vaughan of Llanelly Rowland Gwinne of Glanbraen William Gwinne of Taliaris Nicholas Williams of Rhidodin John Vaughan of Dertlis Richard Vaughan of [Tacicold (fn. 138) ] Christopher Midleton John Vaughan of Placegwin, Owen Brigstock John Powell of Llanurda Thomas Lloyd of Berlandowith John Williams of Abercothy Phillip Vaughan of Frinsaran Morgan Jones of Trigib Esquires Richard Gwinne of Wempas John Evans Thomas Davis of Newton Roger Manwaring Esq[uire] Walter Morgan Gentleman Jarvies Jones of Dulacothy Esq[uire] Thomas Jones Gent

[Towne of Carmarthan (fn. 132) ]

For the Towne of Carmarthan The Maior for the time being John Lord Vaughan Altham Vaughan Sir Henry Vaughan Knight John Vaughan of Dertlis John Vaughan of Plasegwin Walter Vaughan of Kanelly Esquires Thomas Jones ( (fn. 139) ) Dawkin Gough ( (fn. 139) ) John Scurlock ( (fn. 139) ) Thomas Binon ( (fn. 139) ) George Lewis ( (fn. 139) ) John Oakley ( (fn. 139) ) William Brigstocke [Aldermen (fn. 139) ] John Williams Esq[uire] Robert Lewis the younger ( (fn. 139) ) Richard Thomas [Aldermen (fn. 139) ] Edward Jones Gent.

[Carnarven (fn. 132) ]

For the County of Carnarvan Robert Lord [Viscount (fn. 134) ] Buckley of the Kingdome of Ireland Robert Roberts ( (fn. 135) ) Thomas Buckley [Esquires (fn. 135) ] Sir Richard Wynne Sir Roger Mostin Sir Robert Williams Baronets Sir Richard Lloyd Sir Thomas Jones Sergeant at Law Knights Cornelius Vermuyden Esq[uire] Kenricke Eyton Thomas Mostin Nicholas Bagnall William Griffith William Owen Griffith Vaughan Hugh Winne Thomas Vaughan John Wynne of Melas Thomas Wynne Robert Coytmore Hugh Williams William Buckley Griffith Bodurda Edmund Glynne John Wynne of Berthaur Thomas Madrin John Wynne of Tyhwynne Richard Anwell John Glynne Thomas Glynne Richard Gruffith Robert Hookes Owen Wynne Thomas Wynne of Glascoed Richard Kiffin William Pritherigh John Winne of Peniurth Herbert Gruffith Robert Wynne of Keselgivarch William Wynne of Pengwerne Robert Wynne of Llannor William Williams Hugh Bodurda William Spicer [ (fn. 140) ] Thomas of Carnarven Esquires William

Arthur Owen Parry Richard Edwards Gentlemen.

[Denbigh (fn. 141) ]

For the County of Denbigh Edward Morris High Sheriffs Sir Richard Wynne Sir John Salisbury Sir Thomas Midleton Sir Thomas Powell Sir William Meredith Sir Thomas Trevour Sir Evan Lloyd Baronetts Sir Richard Lloyd Sir John Carter Sir Robert Agburough Sir John Wynne Sir John Trevor Sir Thomas Jones Sergeant at Law and Sir William Neile Knights William Owen William Salisbury Hugh Wynne John Wynne Mutton Davis Kadwalleder Wynne Edward Thelwell William Price Kenricke Eyton Thomas Vaughon John Robinson Bevis Lloyd John Thelwall John Edisbury Charles Midleton John Midleton Eubile Thelwell John Jeffreys Richard Midleton of Llanselin Edward Brereton William Williams Owen Thelwell Gabriell Goodman, Humphrey Hughes of Brintanger William Parry David Morris Owen Wynne .Charles Goodman Humphrey Lloyd of Berse Mathew Price Robert Power John Puleston John Lloyd of Bodidrist Francis Manley John Lloyd Llanivis Hedd Lloyd William Vaughan of Bronhilog Hugh Roberts William, Jones Ellis Lloyd Placengion and John Chambers Esquires Robert Wynne of Garthewynne Howell Lloyd James Thelwall Thomas Lloyd of Berse Meredith Wynne Captaine Thomas Yale John Williams of Carwedfinidd Edward Lloyd of Placmaddock Ellis Lloyd of Egglwisig Morris Williams of Llanverras Eubule Lloyd of [Plaheniha (fn. 142) ] John Lloyd of Wickwer The two Aldermen and two Bayliffes of Denbigh Roger Midleton Edward Davis Robert Roberts and Foulke Davies Gentlemen.

[Flint (fn. 141) ]

For the County of Flint Sir Thomas Hanmer Sir John Salisbury Sir [Robert (fn. 143) ] Mostin and Sir William Glynne Baronets Sir John Hanmer and Sir John Trevor Knights Thomas Mostin Thomas Ravenscroft Mutton Davis Thomas Lloyd William Price Kendricke Eyton William Humner Robert Whitley Roger Whitley Peter Griffith Thomas Griffith William Griffith John Eyton Pierce Pennant John Parry Edward Pennant Edward Ravenscroft William Mostin Ellis Young John Mostin John Brougton Thomas Humphryes John Salisbury Ellis Evans Thomas Whitley Charles Jones Edward Lloyd Thomas Cratchley Owen Barton Edward Evatt Edward Morgan and John Hughes Esquires Luke Lloyd junior Walter Clapton Peter Peirce John Lloyd Owen Wynne and John Salisbury of Erbistog Gentlemen.

[Glamorgan (fn. 141) ]

For the County of Glamorgan Charles Lord Herbert of Ragland Robert Lord Lisle Sir Richard Lloyd Knight Thomas Streete Esquire His Majestyes Justice of the Great Sessions Sir Edward Mansell Baronet Sir Edward Stradling Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Thomas Baronet Sir John Awbery Knight and Baronet Sir Charles Kemis Baronet Sir Lionell Jenkins Knight Judge of the Admiralty and Prerogative Bussy Mansell Robert Thomas Edmund Thomas William Herbert of Swanzey Thomas Lewis Edward Lewis John Awbery Edmond Lewis Herbert Evans David Mathews Phillip Jones Thomas Mathew Richard Bassett Edward Mathew of Abramen Thomas Basset of Llanvythen Thomas Carne Humphrey Windham David Jenkins Francis Gwynne Evan Seyes Sergeant at Law [William Basset Doctor of Law (fn. 144) ] John Windham Richard Lougher Phillip Hobby John Greenuph William Thomas of Llanbradock David Evans Thomas Evans John Lluellyn John Carne Richard Seyes Charles Bowen Miles Button Esquires Lyson Evans Rowland Dawkins George Williams George Lucas Robert Bidder Thomas Lougher of Cornely William Bassett of Llandemore Thomas Mansell of Penrice Richard Jenkins of Pantinowell Robert Popkins Roger Powell of Enys-Glin Richard Seys of Boverton Martin Button Thomas Stradling John Van Esquires Edward Jenkins of Cowbridge Gentleman Captaine Thomas Morgan Thomas Mansell ( (fn. 145) ) Edmund Gamag William Thomas of Ruperry Edward Mansell of Hentlas Thomas Stradling junior Esquires James Gwin Thomas Lewis of Roth Mansell Stradling Edward Thomas Lewis Thomas James Turbervill Iltid Nicholl Thomas Gibbon Gent. William Awbery of Pencard George Morgan of Istred Edmond Thomas of Orchard [Esquires (fn. 145) ] Jeremiah Dawkins Thomas Rees of Llanfa George Bowen Gentlemen Cradocke Wills Arthur Yeomans Bayliffes of Cardiffe Edward Mansell.

[Merioneth (fn. 141) ]

For the County of Merioneth [Nathan (fn. 146) ] Jones Esq[uire] High Sheriffe Sir Richard Wynne Baronets Sir Richard Lloyd and Sir John Wynne Knights William Salisbury William Owen William Price Griffith Vaughan of Corsygedall Edward Vaughan Hugh Naney Lewis Anwell John Pugh Vincent Corbett John Lloyd Roger Mostyn Owen Wynne Griffith Lloyd Lewis Owen William Vaughan of Caithle John Naney Howell Vaughan of Vaner. Edmund Mericke Humphry Hughes Owen Eyton Richard Anwill Ellis Edwards John Morgans Morris Williams and John Mashmore Esquires Richard Naney John Owen of Havodowyll Griffith John Lewis Evan Lloyd of Rhrwygoch and William Humphreys.

[Mountgomery (fn. 141) ]

For the County of Mountgomery Henry Herbert Andrew Newport Esquires Sir. Richard, Corbett Sir Mathew Price Sir Henry Herbert Sir John Whitterong Sir Charles Lloyd Sir Thomas Jones Sir. Richard Masons Richard Owen of Rusaisin Edward Vaughan of Gloydiart Edward Vaughan of Gwernygoe: Richard Herbert John Pugh Edward Lloyd of Birth-Lloyd Robert Leighton William Oakeley George Devereux Esq[uire] Roger Moystin Edmond Wareing Mathew Price of Parkes Francis [Bull (fn. 147) ] Thomas Corbett Thomas Wynde Arthur Wenor Mathew Morgan Thomas Maurice David Powell Richard Stedman Athelnstan Owen Francis Fitzherbert John Mathews Richard Mittor William Eyton Robert Leigh Charles Herbert of Aston John Whittingham John Kiffin Edward Lloyd of Mathravall Esquires David Maurice Gent Thomas Mason William Williams Richard Griffith of Sutton Esquires John Okeley Edward Whittingham Captaine John Lloyd Thomas Hudson Gent. John Williams Esq[uire] Edward Evans of Rhidicarrow Humphrey Nicholas Vincent Pierce Gent. Edward Price of Glarmakley Humphry Griffiths Esquires Evan Vaughan Richard Bower Evan Evans of Coome Christopher Annell James Penrhin Hugh Davies Trewilan Edward Herbert Lodowicke Lewis John Bright of Mellington Meredeth Lloyd of Brinellen John Lloyd of Cowney Ellis Lloyd James Banner Henry Griffiths of Benthall Morgan Evan's Nicholas Wareing William Penrhin Arthur Vaughon John Edwards of Flanvarie Ellis Morgan William Biggs Gentlemen Edward Barret Esq[uire] Richard Herbert of Kerry Gentleman Evan Glynn David Price Gentleman.

[Haverford West (fn. 148) ]

For the Towne and County of Haverford West Sir Fredericke Hyde Robert Prust Maior for the time being Lewis Barron Alderman John Williams Alderman and William Browne Alderman John Thomas Esq[uire] Thomas Cozens Alderman Thomas Bowen Alderman Richard Crowler Alderman William Williams ( (fn. 149) ) Richard Jones ( (fn. 149) ) John Lloyd Mercer John Bateman [Gentlemen (fn. 149) ] Richard Williams Sadler.

[Pembrooke (fn. 148) ]

For the County of Pembrooke Sir Erasmus Phillips ( (fn. 150) ) Sir John Stepney ( (fn. 150) ) Sir Hugh Owen [Baronets (fn. 150) ] Sir Herbert [Berrot (fn. 151) ] Knight Sir Fredericke Hyde Arthur Owen Esq[uire] Rowland Langhorn senior Lewis Barlow William Scouerfield Esquires Lewis Wogan of Boulstan Essex Meyricke Lewis Wogan of Wiston Hugh Bowen William Phillips Rowland Langharne junior William Mordaunt Thomas Corbett William Wogan Thomas Phillips Esquires Thomas Lloyd Thomas Bowen of Troloyne John Williams of Gumferston Isaac Lloyd Arthur Owens of Johnstone John Owens of Trocoone Griffith Davis James Bowen James Lloyd Morris Wogan Thomas Jones John Mathias William Meare Esquires William Owen, of Henllys John Ellyott and William Lloyd of Trowent Gentlemen Arthur Langharne John Owen of Prusully Hugh Langharne Jenkin Vaughan John Wogan of Selliham Gent Thomas Symmins William Warren William Williams of Saint Florence Walter Cuney Esquire.

[Towne of Pembrooke (fn. 148) ]

For the Towne of Pembrooke Sir Fredericke Hyde The Maior for the time being William Hinton ( (fn. 152) ) Walter Cuney ( (fn. 152) ) Mathew Bowen ( (fn. 152) ) Francis Dawes ( (fn. 152) ) John Hinton ( (fn. 152) ) Francis Rogers ( (fn. 152) ) George Meare ( (fn. 152) ) Robert Meus [Aldermen (fn. 152) ] George Powell Gent. and William Cozens Alderman.

[Towne of Tenby (fn. 148) ]

For the Towne of Tenby Sir Fredericke Hyde The Maior for the time being David Palmer ( (fn. 152) ) Devereux Hammond ( (fn. 152) ) James Lloyd Alderman.

[Radnor (fn. 148) ]

For the County of Radnor Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Lloyd ( (fn. 153) ) Sir Robert Harley Knight Richard Fowler James Price John Walcot Thomas Corbett Henry Williams Thomas Harley Samuell Powell Edward Davyes Thomas Lewis of Harpton Griffith Jones Thomas Lewis of Manaughtee Henry Probert Richard Crowther Robert Cutler [Robert (fn. 154) ] Vaughan of Pentecarac Edward Price of Presteigne Charles Lewis Herbert Weston James Beck Sergeant at Armes Henry Stedman Hugh Powell John Richards John Walsam John James Esquires John Fowler Jonas Stevans William Taylor Francis Richards Gentlemen.

II. Commissioners to meet on or before the 23rd April;

may divide themselves.

And bee it further enacted and declared That the severall Commissioners aforesaid shall meete together at the most usuall and common place or meeting within each of the said Countyes Cittyes Burroughes Townes and Places respectively on or before the twenty third day of Aprill now next ensueing, And the said Co[m]missioners or soe many of them as shall be present at the said first generall meeting or the major part of them are hereby authorized and required to putt this present Act in execution according to the best of their Judgements and discretions and shall then if they see cause subdivide and distribute themselves soe into lesser numbers as two or more of the said Commissioners may be appointed for the service of each Hundred or other Division and as may best conduce to the carrying on of His Majestyes Service hereby required.

III. Commissioners at their Meeting to set down in Writing what Number of Commissioners shall act in each Division, &c.

And for the more effectuall performance thereof Bee it enacted and declared [Tha (fn. 155) ] the Commissioners at their aforesaid first generall meeting or the major part of them shall agree and sett downe in writeing who and what number of the said Co[m]missers shall act in each of the said Divisions or Hundreds to the end that there be noe failer in any part of the due execution of the Service by this Act required.

IV. Commissioners in their several Divisions to cause the Proportions charged to be equally assessed, and to appoint Assessors,

Duty of such Assessors.

And bee it further enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid That the Commissioners within the severall Divisions or Hundreds or any two or more of them are hereby authorized and required to cause the said severall proportions charged on the respective Divisions and on every parish and place therein for the said eighteene moneths Assessment to be equally assessed and taxed and to appoint two or more Assessors in each parish or place for the perfecting thereof who are hereby required with all care and diligence to assesse the same equally by a pound rate upon all Lands Tenements Hereditaments Annuityes Rents Parks Warrens Goods Chattells Stocke Merchandize Offices (other then Judiciall and Military Offices and Offices relateing to the Navy under the Command of the Lord High Admirall and Offices within His Majestyes Household) Tolls Proffitts and all other Estates both reall and personall within the Limitts, Circuits and Bounds of their respective parishes and places.

V. £206, 458. 6s. 8d. to be paid to Receiver General 3d June 1673.

£206, 458. 6s. 8d. Second Payment, 3d Sept 1673. £206, 458. 6s. 8d. Third quarterly Payment, 3rd Dec. 1673.; £206, 458. 6s. 8d. Fourth quarterly Payment, 3rd March 1673. £206, 458. 6s. 8d. Sixth and last quarterly Payment, 3rd June 1674.; £206, 458. 6s. 8d. Sixth and last quarterly Payment, 3d Sept. 1674.

And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That the summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds six shillings and eight pence being the first of the said six quarterly payments hereby imposed shall be assessed collected leavyed and paid into the Receiver Generall of the said severall Countyes who shall be appointed by His Majestie and who are hereby required to transmitt or cause the same to be paid into His Majestyes Receipt of his Exchequer on or before the third day of June in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and three, and the Summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds six shillings and eight pence being the second of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of September in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and three, and the Summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds, six shillings and eight pence being the third of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of December in the Yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy and three, and the Summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds six shillings and eight pence being the fowerth of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of March in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and three, and the Summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds six shillings and eight pence being the fifth of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of June in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and fower, and the Summe of Two hundred and six thousand fower hundred fifty eight pounds six shillings and eight pence being the sixth of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of September in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and fower.

VI. Assessors to deliver Copy of Assessment to the Commissioners, who are to sign and seat Two Duplicates thereof, and to deliver one to Collector, whom they are to nominate, with a Warrant for the Collection.

Commissioners to deliver a Schedule of Sums assessed to Receiver General, who is to transmit the same to the Exchequer.

And for the compleating of the whole Summe charged upon the same and to the end the aforesaid Summes charged upon the severall and respective Countyes Cittyes Burroughes Townes and Places may be equally and indifferently assessed according to the true intent of this Act and the money duely collected and true accompt theirof made The said Assessors are hereby required to deliver one Copy of their respective Assessments fairely written and subscribed by them unto the said Commissioners and the said Commissioners or any two or more of them are hereby ordered and required to signe and seale two duplicates of the said Assesments and the one of them to deliver or cause to be delivered to one or more honest and responsible person or persons to be collector or collectors which the said Commissioners are hereby authorized to nominate and appoint for each parish or place with Warrant to the said Collector or Collectors to collect the said Assesment payable as aforesaid soe as the said severall Summes may be paid in to the said Receivers Generall, and by them into the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer at the respective times aforesaid, and the said Commissioners are hereby required to deliver or cause to be delivered a Schedule or note containing the particular Summes assessed upon each parish or place to the Receiver Generall of each County, Citty Towne or Place respectively to be by him the said Receiver Generall transmitted into the Kings Remembrancers Office in the Exchequer, which the said Receiver Generall is required to performe accordingly.

VII. Money received by Collectors to be paid to Receiver General or his Deputy, who shall give Notice to Commissioners of such Payment. Receipt of Receiver General to be a Discharge.

And bee it further enacted and declared by the authoritie aforesaid That the money received by the said Collectors within the respective Divisions or Hundreds shall from time to time be duely paid to the ReceiverGenerall or his Deputy or Deputyes to be appointed under his hand and seale whereof notice under the hand and seale of the Receiver Generall shall be given unto the Commissioners or any two of them within the respective Divisions or Hundreds within ten dayes after the first Generall Meeting and soe from time to time within ten dayes after every death or removall of any Deputy if any such shall happen, and the Receipt of such Receiver Generall his Deputy or Deputyes or any one of them shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Collector

VIII. Collectors to pay Monies received by them to Receiver General or his Deputy, who is to transmit such Monies to the Exchequer. Salary to Receiver General 2nd. in the Pound in case he hath returned. Duplicate of Assessment into Exchequer.

And bee it further enacted and declared That the particular Collectors are hereby required to pay in all and every the Summes soe received by them unto the said Receivers-Generall aforesaid or their deputy or deputyes, for payment whereof the said Collectors shall not be oblidged to travell above ten miles from the place of their habitations, which said Receivers Generall are hereby required forthwith to transmitt or ( (fn. 156) ) cause to be paid the Moneyes by them received into the Receipt of His Majestyes Exchequer, And the said Lord Treasurer is hereby authorized to allow the said Receiver-General I of each County, Citty and Towne respectively in case he hath returned up as aforesaid a duplicate of the Assesment of each parish or place in the County Citty or Towne for which he is appointed Receiver-Generall a Sallary for his paines not exceeding two pence in the pound upon the clearing of his accompt, which duplicate soe to be returned into the Kings Remembrancers Office in the Exchequer is intended to containe noe more then the Summes in grosse to bee collected by each Collector and the severall names of the said Collectors.

IX. Collectors allowed 3d. in the Pound;

to be detained out of the last Payment. Allowance of one penny in the Pound to Commissioners' Clerks.

And it is hereby further enacted and declared That the Collectors of each parish or place which shall be appointed by vertue of this Act shall upon the collection of the whole summe appointed to be collected by them and payment theirof as is hereby and before appointed have and receive for their paines in collectsing and paying the moneyes three pence in the pound, which the said Collectors are impowered to detaine out of the last payment of the money of their severall and respective quarterly payments And the said Receivor Generall upon the receipt of the whole Assesment of the County Citty or Towne for which he is appointed Receiver Generall in case he hath received the severall duplicates of each parish or place therein and not otherwise shall allow and pay according to such warrant as shall be in that behalfe given by the Commissioners or any three of them one penny in the pound for the Commissioners Clerkes for their paines in faire writeing the Assesments Duplicates and Copies.

X. Persons charged refusing, &c, to pay.

Distress. Collectors may break open Doors in the Day-time, and upon Warrant from Commissioners may break open any Chest, &c. to call in Constables, &c. who are to aid Collectors. Questions upon such Distress to be determined by Commissioners. Persons not paying, or conveying away Goods, &c. Commissioners may imprison, except Peers. Tenants may pay the Rate and deduct out of Rent. Landlord to allow such Deduction.

And bee it further enacted and declared that if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay any summe of money whereat be shall be, rated and assessed that then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Collectors or any of them who are hereby authorized and required thereunto to leavy the Summe assessed by distresse and sale of the Goods of such [person (fn. 157) ] soe refuseing or neglecting to pay deducting the Summe assessed and reasonable charges of destraining and restore the overplus to the owner thereof, and to breake open in the day time any house, and upon Warrant under the hands and seales of two or three of the said Co[m]missers any Chest Trunke Box or other things where any such goods are, and to call to their assistance the Constables Tythingmen and Headburroughes within the Countyes Cittyes Townes and Places where any refusall, neglect or resistance shall be made, which said Officers are hereby required to be aiding and assisting in the premisses as they will answere the contrary at their perills. And if any question or difference happen upon takeing of such distresses betweene the partyes distressed or distrained the same shall be ended and determined by the said Commissioners or any two or more of them. And if any person or persons shall refuse or neglect to pay his or their assesment, or convey his or their goods or other personall estate whereby the summes of money soe assessed cannot be leavyed according to this Act, then the respective Commissioners or any two or more of them are hereby authorized to imprison the person except a Peere or Peeres of this Realme and him and them in prison to detaine and keepe untill the moneys soe assessed and the charges for the bringing in the same be paid and satisfyed and noe longer And the severall and respective tennants or tennants of all houses and lands which shall be rated by vertue of this Act are hereby required. and authorized to pay such summe or summes of money as shall be rated upon such houses or lands and to deduct out of the rent soe much of the said rates as in respect of the said rents of every such house and lands the landlord should or ought to pay and beare. And the said landlords both mediate and immediate according to their respective interests are hereby required to allow such deductsions and payments upon the receipt of the residue of the rents.

XI. Tenant paying to be acquitted to Amount of Payment.

Commissioners may settle Difference between Landlord and Tenant as to Rate.; Persons over-rated may complain (within Six Days after Demand) to Commissioners; In case Proportions of Rate not fully assessed, or Persons not of Ability, or upon Empty House; or if Assessments not paid to Receiver General or Deputy; Commissioners, Assessors, &c. are to re-assess.; Such new Assessment to be made, &c. as the former Assessment.

And it is enacted and declared That every tennant paying the said Assesment shall be acquitted and discharged for soe much Money as the said Assesments shall amount unto as if the same had beene actually paid unto such person or persons unto whome his rents should have beene due and payable And if any difference shall arise betweene Landlord and Tennant or any other concerning the said rates the said severall Commissioners or any two or more of them in their severall Divisions shall and have hereby power to setle the same as they shall thinke fitt And if any person or persons shall finde him or themselves aggreived in that the Assessors have overrated him or them and shall within six dayes after demand made of the summe of money assessed on him or them complaine to two or more Commissioners whereof one of the Co[m]missers who signed or allowed his or their Assesment to be one, the said Commissioners or any two or more of them shall have and have hereby power within twelve dayes after the demand of the Assesment as aforesaid to relieve such person or persons and to charge the same on such other person or persons as they shall see cause, and in case the proportions sett by this Act upon all and every the respective Countyes Cittyes Townes and Places shall not be fully assessed levyed and paid according to the true meaning thereof or that ( (fn. 158) ) any of the said Assesments shall be rated and imposed upon any person not being of ability to pay the same, or upon any empty or void house or land where the same cannot be collected or levyed, or that through any wilfulnes, negligence or mistake or accident the said Assesment charged upon each County, Citty Towne or Place by vertue of this Act happens not to be paid to the Receiver-generall his deputy or deputyes'of the respective Countyes as in this Act is directed That then [in (fn. 159) ] all and every such cases the severall and respective Commissioners Assessors and Collectors aforesaid and every of them respectively are hereby authorized and required to assesse or reassesse or cause to be assessed or reassessed leavyed and paid all and every such summe and summes of money upon the respective Countyes Cittyes Townes and Places or upon any the Divisions Hundreds and Parishes therein as to the said Commissioners or such number of them as by this Act are authorized to cause the first Assesment hereby required to be made shall seeme most agreeable to equity and justice, the said new Assesment to be made collected and paid in such manner and by such meanes as in this Act for this Assesment is declared and directed.

XII. Persons not executing Act, Commissioners may fine;

To be levied by Distress.; and paid to Receiver General and by him into Exchequer.

And bee it further enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall wilfully neglect or refuse to performe his or their duty in the due and speedy execution of this present Act the said respective Commissioners or any three or more of them have hereby power to impose on such person or persons soe refuseing or neglecting their dutyes such fine or fines as to them shall be thought fitt and to cause the same to be levyed by distresse and sale of his and their goods. Provided that noe fine to be imposed by any of the said Commissioners shall for any one offence exceede the summe of twenty pounds, and that all fines that shall be imposed by vertue of this Act shall be paid to the respective Receivers Generall and by them to the Receipt of His Majestyes Exchequer.

XIII. Collector neglecting to pay, or detaining Monies, Proceedings by Commissioners.

Commissioners so proceeding to appoint a general Meeting of Commissioners, Notice thereof.; Collectors not paying, Proceedings by Commissioners.

And it is further enacted and declared That if any Collector that shall by vertue of this Act be appointed for the receipt of any summe or summes of money thereby to be assessed shall neglect or refuse to pay any summe or summes of money which shall by him be received as aforesaid and to pay the same as in and by this Act is directed and shall detaine in his or their hands any money received by them or any of them and not pay the same as by this Act is directed the Commissioners of each County Citty or Towne respectively or any two or more of them in their respective Divisions are hereby authorized and impowered to imprison the person and seize and secure the estate both reall and personall of such Collector to him belonging or which shall descend or come into the hands or possession of his heires executors or administrators wherever the same can be discovered and found, And the said Commissioners who shall soe seize and secure the estate of any Collector or Collectors shall be and are hereby impowered to appoint a time for the generall meeting of the Commissioners of such County Citty or Towne and there to cause publique notice to be given at the place where such meeting shall be appointed ten dayes at least before such generall meeting; and the Commissioners present at such generall meeting or the major part of them in case the moneys detained by any Collector or Collectors be not paid or satisfyed as it ought to be according to the directions of this Act shall and are hereby impowered and required to sell and dispose of all such estates which shall be for the cause aforesaid seized and secured or any part of them, and satisfie and pay such County and place the summe that shall be soe detained in the hands of such Collector or Collectors and returne the overplus, deducting necessary charges to such collector or collectors their heires executors and administrators respectively.

XIV. At Expiration of Times for quarterly Payments Commissioners are to call Collectors before them, &c.

and in case of Failure Commissioners to cause same to be levied and paid.

And it is hereby further enacted and declared that at the expiration of the respective times in this Act prescribed for the full payment of the said quarterly Assesments the severall and respective Commissioners or any two of them within their Division and Hundred shall and are hereby required to call before them the Collectors within each respective Division and Hundred to examine and assure themselves of the full and whole payment of the particular summe and summes of money charged upon the same Division Hundred and every Parish and Place therein and of the due returne of the same into the hands of the Receivers-generall their deputy or deputyes or the said County Citty Towne and Place respectively and by such Receivers-generall into the Receipt of His Majestyes Exchequer to the end there may be noe failer [in the payment (fn. 160) ] of any part of the Assesment by vertue of this Act to be assessed and paid nor any arrears remaine chargeable upon any the said Countyes Cittyes Townes or Places respectively and in case of any failer in the premisses the said Commissioners or any two of them are hereby to cause the same to be forthwith leavyed and paid according to the true intent and meaning of this Act.

XV. On Questions respecting Assessments, &c. in which Commissioners concerned, they have no Voice.

And it is hereby enacted and declared That in case any controversie arise concerning the said Assesment or the dividing apportioning or payment thereof which concerns any the Commissioners by this Act appointed, that the Commissioners soe concerned in the said Controversie shall have noe voice but shall withdraw at the time of the debate of any such controversie untill it be determined by the rest of the Commissioners.

XVI. Privileged Places; or Persons, &c. not exempt from Assessment.

Fee-farm and other Rents, Annuities, &c. liable; Tenants to pay proportionably.; Indemnified.

And bee it hereby enacted and declared That noe priviledged place or person Body Pollitique or Corporate within the Countyes Cittyes and Townes aforesaid shall be exempted from the said Assesments and Taxes and that they and every of them and alsoe all Fee Farme Rents and all other manner of Rents payments summes of money Annuityes issueing out of any lands within Citty or County shall be lyable towards the payment of every summe by this Act to be taxed and leavyed And all the tennants of every Fee-farme Rent, other rent summes of money or annuityes aforesaid are hereby directed and authorized to pay them proportionably according to the rates and assesments by this Act appointed and directed, and all such tennants shall be hereby saved and kept harmelesse by authority of this Act from any further payment of such portion of any such rent rents summes or annuityes either to the Exchequer or to any other person or persons to whome any such rent rents summes of money or annuityes as aforesaid should or ought to be paid to all intents and purposes whatsoever as fully and as amply as if they had paid the same into the Exchequer or to any person or persons to whom the same is reserved or become due.

XVII. Provison for the Colleges in the Two Universities the Colleges of Windsor, Eton, Winchester, and Westminster, and for Hospitals, in respect of Scites of the Colleges, &c. and for Lands belonging to Christ's Hospital and other Hospitals.

Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall be extended to charge any Colledge or Hall in either of the Universityes or the Colledge of Windsor, Eaton, Winton or Westminster or any Hospitalls for or in respect of the Scites of the said Colledges or Halls or Hospitalls nor any Master Fellow or Scholler of any such Colledge or Hall or in any other Free Schooles or any Reader Officer or Minister of the said Universityes Colledges or Schooles or of any Hospitalls or Almes-houses for or in respect of any Stipend Wages or Proffitt whatsoever ariseing or growing due to them in respect of the said severall places and imployments in the said Universityes Colledges Schooles Hospitalls or Almes houses nor to charge any of the houses or lands belonging to Christs-Hospitall Saint Bartholomews Bridewell Saint Thomas and Bethlehem Hospitall in the Citty of London and Burrough or Southwarke or any of them for or in respect of any rents or revenues payable to the said Hospitalls being to be received and disbursed for the immediate use and releife of the poore in the said Hospitalls. Provided that noe tennants that hold or enjoy any Lands or houses by lease or other Grant from any of the said Hospitalls doe claime and enjoy any freedome exemption or advantage by this Act but that all the houses and lands which they soe hold shall be rated and assessed for soe much as they are yearely worth over and above the Rents reserved and payable to the said Hospitalls.

XVIII. Persons having a House in one Parish, &c. and Goods in another to be charged for such Goods, &c. where they dwell.

Provided alsoe that where any person inhabiting within the Citty of London hath his dwelling house in one of the parishes or wards therein and hath any goods wares or merchandices in one or more of the other parishes or wards within the same that then such person shall be charged taxed and assessed for such his goods or merchandize in the parish or ward where he dweleth and not elsewhere in the said Citty.

XIX. No Clause in this Act to extend to lessen the Rate.

Commissioners to account to Treasury, &c.

Provided neverthelesse That noe Clause or Provisoe in this Act shall extend to the, lessening or abatement of the full summe by this Act appointed to bee taxed leavyed and paid but that the same be fully assessed taxed leavyed collected and paid in the severall and respective Countyes Cittyes and Townes aforesaid in such manner and forme and to such uses as herein before is mentioned and declared And that the severall and respective Commissioners and every of them shall from time to time give a true and perfect accompt of all their doeings and proceedings in the execution of this Act to the said Lord Treasurer or to other such person as his Majestie shall appoint.

XX. Proceedings in case the assessing by Pound Rate shall be found to obstruct the speedy bringing in of the Assessment.

Provided alwayes and bee it hereby enacted and declared that in case the way ( (fn. 161) ) or manner of assessing by a pound rate shall prove any way prejudiciall or obstructive to the said speedy bringing in of the Assesment or any part thereof appointed by this Act that then and in all such cases the respective Commissioners or any two of them are hereby authorized to order and direct their respective Assessors who are hereby required to proceede accordingly to assesse the respective Summs charged on the respective Countyes Cittyes and Burroughes Townes and Places mentioned in this Act according to the most just and usuall way of rates held and practized in such Countyes Cittyes Burroughes Townes and places respectively Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof contained in any wise notwithstanding.

XXI. Proviso for Contracts between Landlords and Tenants as to Payment of Taxes.

Provided alwayes That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to alter change determine or make void any Contracts Covenants or Agreements whatsoever between the Landlord and Tennant touching the payment of Taxes and Assesments Any thing herein before mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXII. Places used to be assessed to pay and be assessed in such County, &c. as heretofore.

Provided alwayes and Bee it further enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid That for the avoiding of all obstructions and delayes in collecting the Summes by this Act to be rated and assessed, all places Constablewicks Divisions and Allotments which have used to be rated and assessed shall pay and be assessed in such County Hundred Rape and Wapentake as the same hath heretofore beene usually assessed in and not elsewhere.

XXIII. In Actions for executing Act. General Issue.

Treble Costs.

And bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any Action Plainte Suite or Information shall be commenced or prosecuted against any person or persons for what he or they shall doe in pursuance or in execution of this Act such person or persons soe sued in any Court whatsoever shall and may pleade the generall issue not guilty, and upon any Issue joyned may give this Act and the speciall matter in evidence, and if the Plaintiffe or Prosecutor shall become nonsuite, or forbeare further prosecution or suffer a discontinuance, or if a Verdict passe against him, the defendants shall recover their treble costs for which they shall have the like remedy as in any case where costs by the Law are given to defendants.

XXIV. Proviso for a Decree in Chancery respecting Suits between the Counties of Salop and Stafford, &c.

Provided alwayes that nothing in this Act shall extend or be construed to invalidate a Decree lately made in the High Court of Chauncery for quieting of Suits betweene the Countyes of Salop and Stafford and for the setleing all future payments to be imposed on certaine Lands in Sheriffe-Hales with the County of Salop, and for exempting the said Lands from paying hereafter with the County of Stafford, but that the said Decree shall remaine in such (and noe other) force as it did before the makeing of this Act. Any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXV. Receivers General and their Deputies to give Acquittances to Collectors.

Such Acquittance to be a Discharge.

Provided alwaies and bee it enacted by the Authorise aforesaid That the severall Receivers Generall which shall be appointed according to this Act their deputy or deputyes shall from time to time at every payment appointed thereby give unto the severall Collectors within their respective Precincts upon the payment of the whole summe due at such times of payment from their respective parishes Constablewicks or Places within each of their Collections severall Acquittances under their hands without takeing any thing for the same, and that in like manner at every time of payment appointed by this Act, the Receiver Generall of each County his deputy or deputyes shall give unto the severall Collectors aforesaid upon the payment of the whole summe due for their Parish or Place respectively at each time of payment aforesaid Severall Acquittances under their hands and seales without takeing any thing for the same, Which said Acquittances of the Receiver Generall his deputy or deputyes shall be a full and perfect discharge to the Collectors, And the said Acquittances of the Receiver Generall his deputy or deputyes shall be a sufficient discharge to the Collectors and to such parish or place respectively and to every person charged within the said Collectors Charge against His Majestie his heires and successors for the summe or summes of money soe acquitted.

XXVI. Where Lands, &c. unoccupied and no Distress found, Collectors, Constables, &c. may enter and distrain.

Proceedings thereon.

Provided alwayes and bee it further enacted That in case any Lands or Houses in any Parish Place or Constablewicke shall [be (fn. 162) ] unoccupyed and noe distresses can be found on the same by reason whereof the said Parish Place or Constablewicke are forced to pay and make good the Tax assessed upon such Land lying unoccupyed that then it shall and may be lawfull at any time after for the Collectors Constable or Tythingman of the said Parish, Place or Constablewicke for the time being to enter and destraine upon the said Lands or Houses when there shall be any distresse thereupon to be found, and the distresse and distresses being the proper goods of the Owner or any claiming any estate interest or proffitt under him if not redeemed within fower dayes by payment of the tax and charge of the distresse to sell rendering the overplus to the owner or owners of such distresse And the said Collector Constable or Tythingman is hereby enjoyned to distribute the money raised by the said distresse or sale theirof proportionably to the partyes who contributed to the taxe of the said unoccupyed Lands.

XXVII. Where Woodlands assessed and no Distress had, Collectors, &c. may enter and cut Wood, &c. growing.

Buyer may sell, rendering Overplus to Owner.

Provided alwayes and bee it enacted That where any Wood-Lands shall be assessed and noe distresse can be had that in such case it shall and may be lawfull to and for any Collector Constable Headburrough or Tythingman by warrant under the hands and seales of two or more of the Commissioners of that Hundred or Division at seasonable times of the yeare to cutt and sell to any person or persons soe much of the Wood growing on the Wood-lands soe assessed as will pay the Assessment or Assessments soe behinde and unpaid and the charge incident thereunto, and that it shall and may be lawfull for the person and persons and his Assignes to whome such wood shall be soe sold, to sell, cutt downe, dispose and carry away the same to his owne use rendering the overplus (if any be) to the owner, Any Law to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXVIII. Proceedings where Assessment Charged on Property not distrainable.

Provided alwayes and bee it further enacted that where any Tax or Assessment shall be charged [or laid] upon any Tythes Tolls Proffitts of Markets Faires or Fishery or other annuall Proffitts not destrainable in case the same shall not be paid within fifteene dayes after such Assessment soe charged or laid and demanded then it shall be lawfull to and for the Collector Constable or other Officer thereunto appointed by warrant under the hands and seales of any two or more of the Commissioners authorized by this Act to seise take and sell soe much of the said Tythes Tolls and other Proffitts soe charged as shall be sufficient for the leavying of the said Tax and Assessment and all charges occasioned by such non payment thereof rendering the overplus to the Owner if any be.

XXIX. Three Commissioners for Middlessex and Westminster may appoint Assessors;

who are to ascertain and rate the Value of Offices, and to return the same to the Commissioners, &c. and to deliver their Surveys subscribed to the Commissioners, &c. before the Second, General Meeting.; Commissioners at such Meeting to cast up the Revenue of the County, &c. and proportion Charge.

And whereas the County of Midlesex and Citty of Westminster are raised in the monethly Assesments by reason of the new buildings lately erected and that Offices are made chargeable towards the payment of such Assesments To the end that and equall rate may be made and imposed upon the severall Divisions Parishes and Hamletts within the said County and Citty Bee it enacted by this present Parlyament and the authority thereof That the said Co[m]missioners appointed for the said County and Citty of Westminster or any three of them shall if they shall thinke it fitt, cause two or three of the honest and able Inhabitants in the severall and respective Parishes Towneshipps and Places within the said County and Citty to be named and appointed Assessors, who (or any two of them) are to ascertaine and rate the yearely value and proffitt of all Offices belonging to the Courts at Westminster and other Offices chargeable by this Act towards the payment of the said summe sett upon the said County and Citty and all Towneshipps Parishes and Places for which they are appointed Assessors and to returne the same to the said Commissioners or to such person or persons as shall be appointed to receive the same which said Assessors are to deliver in their severall Surveyes perfected and subscribed by them unto the said Commissioners or unto such person or persons as shall be appointed by them or any three of them to receive the same two or three dayes at the least before the second generall meeting of the said Commissioners to the end that the said Commissioners may deliver in all the severall Surveyes to be made throughout the said County at the [said (fn. 163) ] second generall meeting at which said generall meeting the said Commissioners or the major part of them then present shall upon view and perusall of the said severall Surveyes cast up the true Revenue and yearely Proffitts of the whole County Citty and Offices aforesaid to the end that an equall pound rate may be apportioned upon every Office chargeable by this Act Division Hundred Towneshipp and Parrish according to the proportion and summe of money charged upon the said County and City by vertue of this present Act which the said Commissioners or the major part of them then and there assembled are by vertue of this Act authorized and appointed to proportion and make accordingly.

XXX. Proviso for the ancient Rights of Peers, Clergy, &c.

Provided alwayes That nothing herein contained shall be drawne into example to the prejudice of the auntient rights belonging to the Lords Spirituall and Temporall or Clergy of this Realme or unto either of the Universityes or unto any Colledges Schooles Almeshouses Hospitalls or Cinque Ports.

XXXI. For Three Years, &c. when Corn is at the Price herein mentioned Persons shipping for Exportation to bring a Certificate of Quantity and Quality of Corn on Oath to the Commissioners, &c.

and thereupon; and upon Bond given not to reland the same Corn, &c.; to receive the Bounties herein mentioned without Fee; and upon Certificate of Corn being duly landed, Bond to be delivered up to Exporter to be cancelled without Fee; and Commissioners, &c. discharged.

And to the end that all Owners of Land whereupon this Taxe principally lyeth may be the better enabled to pay the same by rendering the labours of the [husbandmen (fn. 164) ] in raising corne and graine more valuable by exportation of the same into forreigne parts which now is already at a very low rate and that the Nation in generall may have her stocke increased by the returns thereof Bee it further enacted that for the space of three yeares from the first day of this Session of Parlyament and from thenceforward to the end of the next Session of Parlyament when Mault or Barley (Winchester Measure) is or shall be at twenty fower shillings a quarter, Rye thirty two shillings a quarter and Wheater forty eight shillings a quarter or under in any Port or Ports of this Kingdome or Dominion of Wales every Merchant or other person who shall putt on Shipboard in English Shipping (the Master and two thirds of the Marriners at least being His Majestyes Subjects) any sorts of the corne aforesaid from any such Ports where the rates shall not then be higher then as aforesaid with intent to export the said Corne to parts beyond the Seas, every such merchant or other person shall bring a Certificate in writeing under his or their hands containing the quantity and quality of Corne soe shipped to the Farmers Commissioners Collectors or other persons appointed or to be appointed by His Majestie his heires or successors to collect the dutyes and rates ariseing by Customes within any such Port and upon proofe made of any such Certificate by one or more credible persons upon their oathes which oathes the said Commissioners or other persons are hereby authorized and required to administer, and upon bond given by every such Merchant or other person in the Summe of Two hundred pounds at the least for every hundred Tunns of Corne soe shipped and soe proportionably, that the said Corne (danger of the Seas excepted) shall be exported into parts beyond the Seas and not be againe landed in the Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales the Islands of Guernsey or, Jersey or Towne of Berwicke upon Tweede every such Merchant soe shipping off any of the aforesaid Corne and giveing Certificate and bond as aforesaid shall have and receive from such Farmers Commissioners Collectors or other persons in any port respectively where the same Corne shall be soe shipped for every quarter of Barley or Mault ground or unground two shillings and six pence, for every quarter of Rye ground or unground three shillings and six pence, for every quarter of Wheate ground or unground five Shillings, which Summe or Summes every such Commissioner Farmer or other persons are hereby authorized and required upon demand by such Exporter to make present payment of accordingly without takeing or requireing any thing for custome or any fee or reward for corne soe loaden to be exported, or for soe much graine as shall be exported in any shipp wherein any other goods shall be shipped Any Law Statute or Usage in any wise to the contrary notwithstanding. And upon Certificate returned under the Common Seale of the Cheife Magistrate in any place or places beyond the Seas, or under the hands and seales of two knowne English Merchants upon the place that such Corne was there landed, or upon proofe by credible persons that such Corne was taken by Enemies or perished in the Seas, the examination and proofe thereof being left to the judgement of such Commissioners Farmers or other persons, which proofe being made or certificate delivered to such person or persons respectively as tooke bond as aforesaid the said bond shall be delivered up to such Importer or his order to be cancelled without any fee for the same, and the moneys by any such Commissioners Farmers Collector or other person soe paid in obedience to this Act shall be accepted [of (fn. 165) ] in his or their Accompts as soe much paid to His Majestie, and he and they is and shall be discharged thereof accordingly.

XXXII. Receivers General certifying Arrears due where Monies have been received.

Penalty to Party.; Penalty to His Majesty.

And for the better preventing of such unjust vexations as might bee occasioned by such persons as shall be appointed Receivers Generall of any of the Summes of money granted by this Act, And to the intent that the said Receivers Generall may returne a true accompt into His Majestyes Court of Exchequer of such Summes of money as shall be received by them and every of them their and every of their deputy and deputyes Bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any [such (fn. 165) ] Receiver Generall shall returne or certifie into the said Court any Summe or Summes of money to be in arreare or unpaid after the same hath beene received either by such Receiver Generall or his deputy or deputyes or any of them, or shall cause any person or persons to be sett insuper in the said Court for any Summe or Summes of money that hath beene soe received, That then every such Receiver Generall shall forfeite to every person and persons that shall be molested vexed or dammaged by reason of such unjust Certificate returne or setting insuper treble the damages that shall be thereby occasioned, The said damages to be recovered by action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in which noe Essoigne Protection or Wager in Law shall be allowed nor any more then one imparlance and shall alsoe forfeite to His Majestie his heires and successors double the summe that shall be soe unjustly certified or returned or cause to be sett insuper.


  • 1. O. omits.
  • 2. O. omits.
  • 3. Esqq[uire] O.
  • 4. O. omits.
  • 5. Purbeck O.
  • 6. interlined on the Roll.
  • 7. O. omits.
  • 8. Cholmondley.
  • 9. interlined on the Roll.
  • 10. Barront O.
  • 11. Delves Barron O.
  • 12. Barront O.
  • 13. Knt O.
  • 14. Esq[uire] O
  • 15. Cholmondsley Esq[uire] O.
  • 16. Gent. O.
  • 17. Wilfrid O.
  • 18. O. omits.
  • 19. Elvaston O.
  • 20. interlined on the Roll.
  • 21. Calmady O.
  • 22. O. omits.
  • 23. interlined on the Roll.
  • 24. O. omits.
  • 25. interlined on the Roll.
  • 26. Fusse O.
  • 27. Esq[uire] O.
  • 28. O. omits.
  • 29. interlined on the Roll.
  • 30. Goulston O.
  • 31. Silas Tithus O.
  • 32. Stanley O.
  • 33. Crosby O.
  • 34. Barronett O.
  • 35. Esq[uire] O.
  • 36. Esq[uire] O.
  • 37. Knight O.
  • 38. Keete O.
  • 39. Esquires O.
  • 40. Esq[uire] O.
  • 41. Hudd O.
  • 42. Bunce O.
  • 43. interlined on the Roll.
  • 44. Gent.1 O.
  • 45. O. omits.
  • 46. Alderman O.
  • 47. Chisnwall O.
  • 48. Otway O.
  • 49. Dobson O.
  • 50. Gentlemen O.
  • 51. Gentleman O.
  • 52. O. omits.
  • 53. Baronet O.
  • 54. Barrti O.
  • 55. Barront O.
  • 56. Barrontt O.
  • 57. Knight O.
  • 58. Esquire O.
  • 59. Esq[uire]O.
  • 60. Barronets O.
  • 61. Esquires O.
  • 62. Esquire O.
  • 63. Esquires O.
  • 64. O. omits.
  • 65. Knight O.
  • 66. Knt O.
  • 67. Esq[uire] O.
  • 68. King O.
  • 69. Serjant O.
  • 70. his O.
  • 71. Law O.
  • 72. Carey O.
  • 73. Esq[uire] O.
  • 74. Esquire O.
  • 75. O. omits.
  • 76. Rober O.
  • 77. Blank in Original.
  • 78. Griffiths O.
  • 79. Lockier O.
  • 80. interlined on the Roll.
  • 81. Baronett O.
  • 82. Gentlemen O.
  • 83. interlined on the Roll.
  • 84. O. omits.
  • 85. Packhurst O.
  • 86. Esq[uire] O.
  • 87. Knight O.
  • 88. Jansan O.
  • 89. Roulston O.
  • 90. Gentleman O.
  • 91. Gothard O.
  • 92. interlined on the Roll.
  • 93. Drury O.
  • 94. O. omits.
  • 95. Hawley O.
  • 96. Barronett O.
  • 97. O. omits.
  • 98. Blank in Original.
  • 99. Gentleman O.
  • 100. Esquire; O.
  • 101. Esq[uire] O.
  • 102. Chancellor O.
  • 103. Heyward O.
  • 104. O. omits.
  • 105. Mr O.
  • 106. interlined on the Roll.
  • 107. O. omits.
  • 108. Knt O.
  • 109. Esq[uire] O.
  • 110. Thomas O.
  • 111. Rivett O.
  • 112. O. omits.
  • 113. Esquire O.
  • 114. Barronett O.
  • 115. interlined on the Roll.
  • 116. Barronetts O.
  • 117. Esquires O.
  • 118. O. omits.
  • 119. Seabright O.
  • 120. Knights O.
  • 121. Elmely Castle O.
  • 122. O. omits.
  • 123. Thistlethwaite O.
  • 124. interlined on the Roll.
  • 125. Esq[uire] O.
  • 126. Richard O.
  • 127. Grahme O.
  • 128. interlined on the Roll.
  • 129. Talbott O.
  • 130. James O.
  • 131. O. omits.
  • 132. O. omits.
  • 133. Richard O.
  • 134. interlined on the Roll.
  • 135. Esquire O.
  • 136. Watkin O.
  • 137. Banks O.
  • 138. Taricold O.
  • 139. Alderman O.
  • 140. William O.
  • 141. O. omits.
  • 142. Placviha O.
  • 143. Roger O.
  • 144. interlined on the Roll.
  • 145. Esquire O.
  • 146. Nathaniell O.
  • 147. Buller O.
  • 148. O omits.
  • 149. Gentleman O.
  • 150. Barronet O.
  • 151. Perrott O.
  • 152. Alderman O.
  • 153. Knt O.
  • 154. Thomas O.
  • 155. that O.
  • 156. or O.
  • 157. Persons O.
  • 158. if O.
  • 159. interlined on the Roll.
  • 160. interlined on the Roll.
  • 161. or O.
  • 162. lye O.
  • 163. interlined on the Roll.
  • 164. Husbandman. O.
  • 165. interlined on the Roll.