Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'William and Mary, 1688: An Act for the better Security and Reliefe of their Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland. [Chapter IX. Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 8.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].
'William and Mary, 1688: An Act for the better Security and Reliefe of their Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland. [Chapter IX. Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 8.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,
"William and Mary, 1688: An Act for the better Security and Reliefe of their Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland. [Chapter IX. Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 8.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.
In this section
Reasons for passing this Act.
The Irish Parliament declared void; All Acts, &c. since 13th of Feb. 1688, except by, from, or under the King, void.
WHEREAS the Kingdome of Ireland is (as well by the Laws of this Kingdome as those of Ireland) annexed and united to the Imperiall Crowne of England and all Acts Judgements Sentences Orders Decrees or other Proceedings of what kinde soever there had made or done without or against the authoritie of the Kings or Queens of this Kingdome of England are absolutely null and void And all persons in Ireland that oppose or submitt not to the Government of the Crowne of this Realme are Rebells and Guilty of High Treason Notwithstanding which severall persons since the happy Accession of their Majestyes King William and Queene Mary to the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme have beene lately assembled at or neere the City of Dublin in the Kingdome of Ireland without any authoritie from their said Majesties ptending to be or calling themselves by the Name of a Parlyament and in such Rebellious Assembly have made and passed severall pretended Acts or Statutes in manifest opposition to the Soveraignty and to the inherent Rights and Dignities of the Crowne of this Realme and to the generall Prejudice and Violation of the Rights and Properties of their Majesties good Subjects of that Kingdome And although all the said Proceedings are absolutely null and void in themselves yet neverthelesse for the more plaine and expresse declareing and asserting the Soveraignty Rights and Dignities of the Crowne of England and for the clearing all Doubts and quieting the Minds of their Majestyes good Subjects of that Kingdome and alsoe for the remedying preventing and avoiding the severall Mischiefs and Inconveniencies intended by this Act to be provided against Bee it enacted and declared by the King and Queens most excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parlyament assembled and by authoritie of the same That the persons now or of late assembled at Dublin without any authoritie derived from their Majestyes pretending to be or calling themselves by the Name of a Parlyament were not nor are a Parlyament but an unlawfull and rebellious Assembly And that all Acts of Attainder and all other Acts and Proceedings whatsoever had made done or passed or to be had made done or passed in the said pretended Parlyament shall be taken deemed and adjudged to be and are hereby declared to be absolutely null and void to all Intents constructions and purposes whatsoever And alsoe that noe Act Statute Judgement Outlawry Decree Sentence Order or other Proceedings Matter or thing whatsoever since the thirteenth day of February in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty eight had made passed given pronounced or done ( (fn. 1) ) or hereafter to be had made passed given pronounced or done by any person or persons whatsoever by colour of any Commission Writt Power or Authoritie within their Majestyes Kingdome of Ireland (other then such Commission Writt Power or Authority as hath beene or shall be given by or derived from or under their Majestyes) shall be of any Strength Force Vertue or Effect but that the same to all intents constructions and purposes shall be and are hereby declared and adjudged to be absolutely null and void
II. All Cities and Corporations in Ireland to be in the same State as they were in 1683, notwithstanding Quo Warrantos, &c. which are declared void.
And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That all Cities Burroughs and Townes and all and singular Bodies Corporate Ecclesiasticall or Temporall within the said Kingdome of Ireland shall be and are hereby declared adjudged and enacted to be restored unto the same state and condition to all intents constructions and purposes whatsoever which they and every or any of them were in at or upon the foure and twentyeth day of June which was in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty three any Proceedings against them or any of them by Quo Warranto's Scire Facias or Information in the nature of Quo Warranto or any Proceedings Judgements Seizures or Executions thereon or any new Charter Grant Commission or any Surrender or other Act or Acts since that time to the contrary notwithstanding All which Writts Suites Proceedings Judgements Seizures Executions Charters Grants Commissions Surrenders and other Act and Acts are hereby declared and adjudged to be null and ( (fn. 2) ) void to all intents constructions and purposes whatsoever
III. No Person shall be prejudiced by his Absence, or for Non-payment of Rent, &c. to the King, betwixt 1685 and 1688, and the Time that Ireland shall be reduced.
And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That noe person or persons whatsoever of the Protestant Religion shall be subject or lyable to any Losse Forfeiture or Prejudice in Estate Office Person or otherwise for or by reason of his or their absence out of the Kingdome of Ireland at any time or times since the five and twentyeth day of December in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty five or for nonpayment of Rent or any other duty due or payable to their Majesties or the Crowne out of for or by reason of any Houses Lands Tenements Hereditaments Rectories Tythes or Church-Liveings since the five and twentyeth day of December in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred eighty eight untill such time as the said Kingdome of Ireland shall be declared by their Majestyes to be reduced to their Majesties Obedience but shall be absolutely discharged and acquitted of and from the Payment of all Quit-Rents Crowne Rents Composition-Rents Hearth Money Twentyeth-parts Payments and other chiefe-Rents ariseing or payable out of any Houses Lands Tenements Hereditaments Rectories Tythes or Church Liveings incurring or becomeing due to their Majesties or the Crowne at any time after the said five and twentyeth day of December in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty eight untill the said Kingdome of Ireland shall be by their Majestyes declared to be reduced and the Warr and Rebellion there ended
IV. Protestants restored to their Possessions.
Forcible Detainer against Person detaining Possessions.
And bee it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That all and every Protestant and Protestants of the Kingdome of Ireland shall be and are hereby restored to all their Possessions as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporal in such manner as they or those under whome they claime had the same on the five and twentyeth day of December one thousand six hundred eighty eight and that all ( (fn. 3) ) every person and persons that doe detaine such Possessions after a Demand by the partie grieved and intended to be hereby restored shall and may be proceeded against as in case of a forcible Detainor.
ITEM quedā Petitiones privatas personas concernentes (in se formā Actus continentes) exhibite fuerunt predicto dno Regi in Parliamento p[re]dicto quorū Tituli subscribuntur [Rot. Parl. 1 Gul. £ Mar. p. 4.]
An Act for annulling and makeing void the attainder of William Russell Esq[uire] co[m]monly called Lord Russell.
An Act for exhibiting a bill in this present Parliament for naturalizing the most noble Prince George of Denmarke.
An Act for the naturalization of the most noble Prince George of Denmarke and setling his precedence.
An Act for naturalizing of Frederick Count Schomberg and others.
An Act to enable Younger Cooke Esq[uire] to sell Lands to pay his debts and provide for his younger Children.
An Act for the naturalization of Henry de Nassau and others.
An Act for annulling and makeing void the Attainder of Algernoon Sydney Esq[uire]
An Act for annulling and makeing void the Attainder of Alicia Lisle Widow.
An Act for the sale or leasing the Capitall Messuage late Henry Coventryes Esq[uire] in Piccadilly.
An Act for building into Tenements the remaining part of Arundell Ground as now inclosed.
An Act for the naturalization of Anne Astley and others.
An Act for the better assureing the Mannour of Silton and diverse other Lands and Tenements in Silton in the County of Salop unto Joseph Soley Gent. and his heires.
An Act to enable Robert Penwarne to sell Lands to pay his brothers and sisters portions and alsoe to pay debtes.
An Act to make good a Recovery suffered by the Earle of Peterborough and Lord Mordaunt.
An Act to enable Theodore Bathurst to make a Joynture for his wife and to charge moneys on part of his estate in Yorkshire.
An Act for reversing the Attainder of Henry Cornish Esq[uire] late Alderman of the City of London.
An Act for erecting a Court of Conscience at Newcastle upon Tyne.
An Act for erecting Courts of Conscience in the Cityes of Bristoll and Gloucester and the Liberties thereof.
An Act for the better regulating the Salt-Works in Droitwich.
An Act to enable Thomas Chettell to sell part of his Estate for payment of his debts and makeing provision for his wife and children.
An Act to enable Trustees to grant Leases of the Estate of Richard Hele Esquire.
An Act for enabling of Hannah Sherley Widow and Mary Battilhey alias Sherley her daughter to selle and dispose of certaine Llands and Tenements in the Countyes of Midlesex and Essex.
ITEM quedā Petitiones privatas personas concernentes (in se formā Actus continentes) exhibite fuerunt pdicto dno Regi in Parliamento p[re]dicto quorū Tituli subscribuntur. [Rot. Parl. 1 Gul. £ Mar. p. 3.]
Private Acts.
An Act for naturalizing William Watts.
An Act for declareing and enacting John Rogerson to be a naturall borne Subject of this Kingdome
An Act for the enableing Edward Viscount Hereford to setle a Joynture on his marriage with Elizabeth Narbourne notwithstanding his minority.
An Act for provideing maintenances for the children of Sydney Wortley alias Mountague Esq[uire] dureing his wifes Life in case she survive him.
An Act to discharge the Duke of Norfolke and the Trustees of Henry late Duke of Norfolke upon payment of certaine Sums of Money to the Llady Elizabeth Teresa Russell wife of Bartholomew Russell Esq[uire].
An Act to enable Charles Bodvile Earle of Radnor to make a Joynture and to raise a Summe of money out of diverse Lands and Tenements in Cornwall.
An Act to enable Thomas Edon Esq[uire] to sell Lands for payment of his debts and to make provision for his wife and children in case they shall have any.
An Act to enable William Batson Esq[uire] to sell Lands in the County of Oxon and to purchase and setle other Lands in the County of Suffolke to the same uses.