William and Mary, 1692: An Act for granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Foure Shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1.]

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

This free content was digitised by double rekeying. Public Domain.


'William and Mary, 1692: An Act for granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Foure Shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp323-372 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'William and Mary, 1692: An Act for granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Foure Shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp323-372.

"William and Mary, 1692: An Act for granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Foure Shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp323-372.

In this section

Reasons for the present Grant.

All Persons, Bodies Politic, &c. having any Estate in ready Monies or Debts, or having any Estate in Goods, Wares, or other Personal Estate whatsoever, deducting Monies bonâ side owing, and desperate Debts; and except Stock upon Land and Household-stuff, and the Joint Stocks of Companies, to pay 4s. in the Pound; and 24s. for every £100 of Goods.

Wee your Majesties most dutifull and loyall Subjects the Co[m]mons assembled in Parliament haveing seriously considered of the greate Occasions which engage your Majesties to many extraordinary Expences for the necessary Defence of your Realmes and the prosecucon of a vigorous War against France have cheerfully and unanimously given and granted unto your Majesties the Rates and Asse[s (fn. 1) ]ments hereafter menconed And were most humbly beseeche your Majesties that it may be enacted. And be it enacted by the King and Queenes most excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall & Temporall and Co[m]mons in this p[re]sent Parliament assembled and by the authoritye of the same That Theire M8ajesties shall have and receive the Rates and Assessments hereafter menc[i]oned of and from every Person Spirituall and Temporall of what Estate or Degree soever hee or they be which said Rates or Assessments shall be taxed assessed levied and paid into Theire Majesties Receipt of Exchequer according to the tenor of this Act and in maner and forme following (that is to say) That all and every Person and Persons Bodies Politick and Corporate Guilds and Fraternities within this Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweede haveing any Estate in ready Moneys or in any Debts whatsoever oweing to them within this Realme or without or haveing any Estate in Goods Wares Merchandizes or other Chattles or Personall Estate whatsoever within this Realme or without belonging to or in trust for them (except and out of the Premisses deducted such Su[m]mes of money as hee or they doe bona fide owe and such Debts oweing to them as shall be adjudged desperate by the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act And alsoe the Stock upon Land and such Goods as are used for Householdstuffe And alsoe other then and except the joynt Stocks or Shares of such Bodies Corporate Companies or Fraternities as shall be otherwise charged by Name [by (fn. 2) ] any other Act to be made dureing this present Session of Parliament shall yield and pay unto Theire Majesties Four shillings in the pounde according to the true yearely Value thereof for One yeare (that is to say) For every Hundred Pounds of such ready Money and Debts and for every Hundred Pounds worth of such Goods Wares Merchandises or other Chattels or other Personall Estate the Su[m]me of Four and Twenty shillings And soe after that rate for every greater or lesser Su[m]me or Quantitye to be assessed levyed and collected in ma[n]ner hereafter menc[i]oned.

II. Persons having any Office or Employment of Profit (except Military Officers in Muster and Pay in the Army or Navy) to pay 4s. in the Pound for Salaries or Profits.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That all and every Person and Persons Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners haveing useing or exerciseing any Publick Office or Imployment of Profitt (such Military Officers who are or shall be in Muster by the Muster Master Generall of the Army or in pay in Theire Majesties Army or Navy in respect of such Offices only excepted And all and every theire Agents Clerks Secondaries Substitutes and other inferior Ministers whatsoever shall yield and pay unto Theire Majesties the Su[m]me of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings which he or they doe receive in One yeare by vertue of any Sallaries Gratuities Bountymoney Reward Fees or Profitts to him or them accruing for or by reason or occasion of theire severall Offices or Employments to be assessed imposed levied and collected in such manner as hereafter is menc[i]oned.

III. All Manors, Lands, Tenements, yearly Profits, and Hereditaments, to pay 4s. in the Pound of the true yearly Value.

All Persons, Bodies Politic, &c. to pay 4s. in the Pound on Manors, &c. of what now worth to be leased bonâ fide at a Rack Rent, &c. without respect to Repairs, Taxes, Parish Duties, or other Charges; to be paid at Four Quarterly Payments; the First Payment 25th March 1693.

And to the end a further Aide and Supply for Theire Majesties Occasions may be raised by a Charge upon all Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with as much equality and indifferency as is possible by a Pound Rate of Four Shillings for every Twenty shillings of the true yearely value for One yeare only and noe longer Bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That all and every Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements as alsoe all Quarries Mynes of Coale Tin or Lead Copper Mundick Iron or other Mines Iron Works Salt Springs and Salt Works All Allom Mines or Works All Parks Chaces Warrens Woods Underwoods Copices and all Fishings Tythes Tolls Annuityes and all other yearely Profitts And all Hereditaments of what nature or kinde soever they be scituate lying and being happening or ariseing within the Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed or within any the Countyes Cittyes Burroughs Townes Divisions Rideings Hundreds Lathes Wapentakes Parishes and Places thereof aswell within Antient Demesne and other Liberties and priviledged Places as without shall be and are hereby charged for One yeare only and noe longer with the Su[m]m of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the full yearely Value and soe in proporc[i]on for any greater or lesser Value And all and every Person and Persons Bodies Politick and Corporate Guilds Misteries Fraternities and Brotherhoods whether Corporate or not Corporate haveing or holding any Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments or other the p[re]misses shall yeild and pay unto Theire Majesties the Su[m]m of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings by the yeare which the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and other the p[re]misses are now worth to be leased if the same were truly and bona fide leased or demised att a Rack Rent and according to the full true yearely Value thereof without any respect had to the p[re]sent Rents reserved for the same if such Rents have beene reserved upon such Leases or Estates made for which any Fine or Income hath beene paid or secured or have beene lessened or abated upon considerac[i]on of money laid out or to be laid out in Improvements and without any respect had to any former Rates or Taxes thereupon imposed or makeing any abatement in respect of Reparac[i]ons Taxes Parish Duties or any other Charges whatsoever which said Su[m]me of Four and Twenty shillings for the yearely Profitt of every Hundred Pounds value of all Personall Estates as aforesaid and Four shillings for every Twenty shillings by the yeare of the said true yearely value of all other the p[re]misses shall be assessed levied and collected in manner hereafter menc[i]oned and shall be paide into the Receipt of Theire Majesties Exchequer by Four Quarterly Payments The First Payment thereof to be made upon the Five and twentieth Day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety three.

IV. Where Lands, &c. are subject to Rents, Charges, Annuities, or other Rents;

the Landlords and Owners to deduct 4s. in the Pound for such Rents; to be allowed by the Persons entitled to such Rents upon Payment of the Residue.

And whereas many of the Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Tythes Hereditaments and p[re]misses intended by this Act to be charged with the Pound Rate as aforesaid stand incumbred with or are subject and lyable to the payment of severall Rent. Charges or Annuityes issueing out of the same or to the payment of diverse Fee-Farme Rents Rents Service or other Rents thereupon reserved or charged by reason whereof the true Owners and Proprietors of such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements [Hereditaments (fn. 3) ] and p[re]misses doe not in truth receive to theire owne use the true yearely value of the same for which neverthelesse they are by this Act charged to pay the full Pound Rate of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the true yearely value: Itt is therefore declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the Landlords Owners and Proprietors of such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and p[re]misses as are charged with the Pound Rate as aforesaid to abate and deduct and to retaine and keepe in his or theire hands Four shillings in the Pounde for every Fee-Farme Rent or other Annuall Rent or Payment charged upon or issueing out of the p[re]misses or any part thereof or thereupon reserved And all and every Person and Persons who are or shall be any way intituled to such Rents and Annuall Payments are hereby required to allowe such deducc[i]ons and payments upon the receipte of the residue of such moneyes as shall be due and payable to them for such Rents or Annuall Payments reserved or charged as aforesaid.

V. Commissioners named.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That for the better assessing ordering levying and collecting of the severall Su[m]mes of money soe as aforesaid limitted and appointed to be paid and for the more effectuall putting of this p[re]sent Act in Execuc[i]on all and every the Persons hereafter named shall be Co[m]missioners of and for the severall and respective Countyes Cittyes Burroughs Townes and Places hereafter menc[i]oned.

For the County of Bedford

The Honourable Edward Russell The Honourable Robert Russell The Honourable Robert Bruce The Honourable Charles Leigh Esquires Sir John Mordant Sir William Gostwick Sir John Nappier Sir John Cotton Sir Anthony Chester Sir John Burgoyne Sir Rowland Alston Sir Villiers Chernock Sir John Osborne Baronetts Sir William Beecher Sir Thomas Rolt Knights Sir John Franklyn Sir James Astrey Masters in Chancery William Duncombe Oliver Luke William Boteler Thomas Browne Lewis Moneaux Benjamin Conquest Thomas Hillersden Samuell Cater John Osborne William Farrer the Queenes Solicitor William Foster Thomas Cheyne William Palmer Richard Stone Edward Stone John Vaux George Abbott John Cockayne William Spencer Richard Edwards Brooke Bridges George Edwards Thomas Brownsall Ralph Brownsall Walter Cary Robert Mountague Henry Ashley junior Samuell Rolt Humphrey Fish Charles Gery William Farrer junior Samuell Bedford Robert Audeley William Daniell Saint John Thompson John Harvie of Thurley John Harvie of Ickwell Thomas Christie Matthew Dennis William Livesay William Alstone Thomas Halfpenny Samuell Rhodes John Wagstaffe William Simcotts Nicholas Granger William Whittbread Nehemiah Brandrith Richard Wigg Thomas Johnson George Bernardistone Richard Orlebar John Davies William Boteler of Wotton Samuell Ironside John Eston Esquires George Nodes Francis Brace Thomas Arnold of Ampthill William Crow George Cobb Gentlemen John Huxley Esq[uire]:

For the Towne of Bedford

The Mayor for the time being Thomas Hillersden Thomas Christie Esquires William Foster Doctor of Lawes William Farrer John Eston Esquires Robert Bell John Hawes John Crawley William Beckett William Manley William Faldo junior Gentlemen:

For the County of Berks.

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Speaker of the [Honourable (fn. 4) ] House of Co[m]mons First Lord Co[m]missioner of the Great Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privye Councell Henry Earle of Starling of the Kingdome of Scotland Montague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire apparent of James Earle of Abington the Honourable Bernarde Greenvill Esquire Sir Humphrey Fosster Sir John Stonehouse Sir Thomas Draper Sir William Rich Sir Henry Winchcombe Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Edmond Fettiplace Sir John Hobby Sir Anthony Craven Sir Humphrey Henn Sir Willoughby Aston Sir William Kendricke Baronetts Sir Henry Fane Knight of the Bath Sir Charles Porter Sir Robert Pye Sir Algernoone May Sir Edward Norreis Sir Walter Clarges Sir Christopher Wrenn Sir William Whitlock Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir George Willoughby Sir Thomas Doleman Sir Thomas Traviell Knights William Herrison Doctor in Divinity and Master of Saint Crosse William Stonehouse John Blandy Henry Barker Henry Nevill John Archer Richard Nevill Richard Aldworth Richard Jones William Cheiry Edmond Fettiplace Henry Kingsmall Thomas Pledwell James Stonehouse Charles Gerrard John Blake-Grave, Lofts Brightwell Paul Calton Henry Fairfax James Paul Gifford of Mansford Tanfield Vachell Charles Fettiplace Paul Calton junior John Hepesly John Standinge Richard Pye Thomas Goodlacke Thomas Fettiplace James Ferrott William Barker of Su[m]ning Thomas Blickridge Edmond Wiseman Henry Heylinge Simon Harcourte Roger Draper Richard Jennens William Jennens John Whitfeild James Hayes Edward Sherwood Edmond Sayer Baptist May Richard Southby Thomas Gunter senior Thomas Turner John Southby Thomas Southby Thomas Lee Francis White John Whitwicke Thomas Doleman Thomas Seymour Thomas Tippinge Roger Knighte John Plumner Christopher Willoughby William Adderley John Wallis John Holloway Robert Mayott William Angell William Thompson John Verney John Wildman senior Charles Croke John Wildman junior Richard Brickendon junior Arthur Onslowe Thomas Gerrard Thomas Harwood William Smith Thomas Brickendon junior Simon Smith Henry Ballen Thomas Hoard Nathan Knighte Bartholomewe Tippine John Fincher Philipp Weston John Edmonds Robert Lee Felix Calverd George Blagrave John Deane Boulton James John Peacocke John Jenings of Stanford John Due John Dalby Richard Knapp John Looder Thomas Looder John Pottinger of Ludbury Sebastian Lyford Edward Reed Edward Lovedon Thomas Read Richard Palmer Francis Parry Lovelace Hersay John Winder James Ninche Henry Stephens John Pottinger of Inkpen Charles Collins David Bigg Story Barker Carleton Whitelocke Joseph Cowslade Ralph Howland Esquires Moses Brough Doctor in Physicke Thomas Gunter junior Robert Jenings John Bigg Moses Slade Richard Skinner James Stone Charles Lush Richard Watkins Richard Paine Charles Harrison John Smith Anthony Leaver Nicholas Humphreys Charles Calverly Thomas Stephens Edward Brackstone George Lampord Robert Selwood Richard Pusey John Oliver Robert Blackaller James Corderay John Paine Thomas Haynes of Grove Adam Head of Letcombe Regis John Blandy of Letcombe Bassett John Banks of East Challowe Francis Piggott of West Challowe Thomas Parker Edward Pococke ( (fn. 5) ) Peter Sayer Robert Masson Thomas Harrison Thomas Edmonds Richard Cooper Thomas Cowslade Symon Winche John Pococke of Stretly Gyles Pocock Charles Peacock Richard Matthewes Richard Lyford John Wilder Sylas Sebore Nicholas Pottenger Richard Pottenger of Burfield John Lead of Langley Gentlemen Richard Aldworth Doctor of Lawe Francis Hungerford Gentleman The Mayor of Reading the Mayor of Abington the Mayor of Wallingford the Mayor of Newberry the Aldermen of Ockingham for the time being the Mayor of Maidenhead Francis Knight Thomas [King (fn. 6) ] Ezekiell Clarke Gentlemen Thomas Middlecott Esquire:

For the Burrough of New Windsor

The Mayor ( (fn. 7) ) for the time being Sir Thomas Duppa Usher of the Black Rodd Bernard Granvill Baptist May Charles Potts William Adderley Esquires Richard Plumpton Richard Hales Richard Fish-bourne Francis Negus John Church George Wood Gentlemen Robert Forth Alderman Richard Topham Simon Smith William Smith Gentlemen:

For the County of Bucks

Anthony Lord Viscount Falkland of the Kingdome of Scotland Charles Lord Cheyne of the Kingdome of Scotland the Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Comptroller of His Majesties Household and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privye Councell The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire Chancellor of [the (fn. 4) ] Exchequer and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privye Councell The Honourable Edward Russell Esquire Sir Richard Temple Knight of the Bath and Baronett Sir Thomas Tyrrell Sir Walter Clarges Sir Thomas Proby Sir Ralph Verney Sir Henry Andrewes Sir Thomas Lee Sir William Dormer Sir Dennis Hampson Sir Peter Tyrrell Sir Richard Atkins Sir John Packington Sir John Thompson Baronetts Sir Robert Clayton Sir Thomas Clarges Sir William Whitelock Sir Pu[m]rbeck Temple Sir Roger Hill Sir Marmaduke Dayrell Sir Orlando Gee Sir William Pritchard Sir Joseph Alston Sir Cesar Wood alias Cranmer Knights John Hampden Edmunde Waller Richard Beake William Penn William Mountague Serjeant att Lawe William Cheyne Thomas Hackett John Duncombe of Greate Brickhill Alexander Denton Thomas Pygott John Parkhurste Thomas Lewes senior Thomas Lewes junior Thomas Berringer John Backwell Edward Humfreville Roger Price John Whittewrong Richard Greenville Budd Wase Basill Brent Charles Stafford Richard Ingoldesby Robert Dormer of Dorton Edmond Waller of Gregories Benjamin Lane Nicholas Salter William Busbye Richard Nicholas Edmond Dorrell Francis Drake Joseph Neale Harry Tyrrell Henry Stephens Charles Godfrey Arthur Warren Francis Duncombe of Broughton Thomas Carter of Weston Henry Neale Joseph Haynes John Grubb Johnshall Crosse William Farrer Symon Mayne Robert Dormer of Lee Henry Herberte James Herbert George Evelin Henry Sumner Daniell Baker Ralph Lawton Charles Tyrrell Edward Bates Maximilian Bard Thomas Ligo of Stoke Mandeville Robert Hart James Tyrrell William Croke James Chase Richard Dorrell Stephen Chase senior John Thurburne Serjeant att Lawe Thomas Lygo of Burkett Francis Tyrringham Mountague Drake William Lysle Edward Alston John Nape Richard Berringer John Woodfyne of Radcliffe Thomas Eyre William Adderley John Archdale John Hillesdon Henry Knapp Esquires William Hill of Weston Thomas Smith of Beckonsfeild Richard Whitchurch Henry Harris Robert Gainsford Hugh Horton Thomas Gibson Timothy Doyley Henry Gold John Sparkes John Theed John Seare Henry Cave senior Henry Cave junior Richard Barraby senior Francis Ligo Thomas Carter John Tanner Doctor of Physick Thomas Hudson Henry Coley Thomas Deverell of Swanburne Peterr Dickinson Henry Fletcher of Marlowe John Gibbons Matthew Butterfeild Henry Corker of Marlowe Richard Style of Turville Clement Heddington William Hill junior of Wendover William Hillyar Jonas Taylor Robert Weeden Gentlemen:

For the Towne of Buckingham

The Bayliffe for the time being Sir Richard Temple Knigte of the Bath and Baronett Sir Ralph Verney Baronett Alexander Denton Henry Andrewes Edmond Darell Edward Bates William Busby John Rogers Esquires Hugh Ethersey George Dance rWilliam Hartley Pelham Sandwell Gentlemen:

For the Borough of Wycombe:

The Mayor Recorder Aldermen Bayliffs and Towne Clerke for the time being Sir Orlando Gee Knighte Charles Godfrey and Thomas Lewes Esquires:

For the County of Cambridge.

The Right Honourable Richard Lord Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Hildebrand Lord Allington of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable [Edward (fn. 8) ] Russell Esquire One of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Sir John Chicheley Knighte Sir Christopher Hatton Sir John Cotton Sir Thomas Willis Sir Levinus Bennett Sir Henry Pickering Sir Rushout Cullen Sir John Cutler Baronetts Sir Robert Cotton Sir Francis Pemberton Sir Marmad˙uke Dayrell Knights John Willys John Bennett Granado Pigott Devereux Martin Francis Russell Edward Nightingale Edward Pickering John Millicent Sampson Clarke William Fortry Thomas Duckett Thomas Buck John Hagar William Layer senior William Worts Thomas Story Edward Leedes Thomas Archer William Layer junior Gilbert Wigmore Anthony Thompson Charles Baron Tyrrell Dalton Thomas Day Thomas Sclater John Loves Altham Smith James Willymott Thomas Hitch Esquires William Cooke Doctor of Civill Lawe Doctor Kirby Theophilus Tyrrell Alington Harrison John Carter Robert Casebourne Robert Flack Thomas Crudd Clynch Gentlemen Rant of Swaffham [Esquire (fn. 9) ] John Doman Esquire Guy Chapman Fuller Gent:

For the Universitie and Towne of Cambridge

The Vice Chancellor and the Mayor for the tyme being The Honourable John Mountagu Dr in Divinity Sir Thomas Chicheley Knighte Sir John Cotton Baronett The Honourable Edward Finch The Honourable Henry Boyle Granado Pigott Esquires Joseph Beaumont Humphrey Gower Thomas Smolt John Balderston John Covill Thomas Bainbridge Doctors of Divinity Roderick George Oxenden William Cooke Doctors of Civill Lawe Tanfeild Leman Esquire Samuell Newton Thomas Story Thomas Ewen Isaac Watlington John Pepys Thomas Fowles Thomas Fox John Fage Aldermen James Johnson Isaac Newton Samuell Perne Esquires Doctor Greene Francis Todd Gent..

For the Isle of Ely:

The Right Honourable Richard Lord Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Lyonel Walden Josiah Colvill Thomas Edwards Lyonel Walden Roger Jenings senior Ralph Peirson Symon Burton John Pamplin Roger Jenings junior Robert Swaine Charles Bartee Thomas Wiseman William Fortrey Marlebourne Carrell William Bourne John Twelves Thomas Towers Henry Goodrick Sigismund Traford William Marsh Thomas Harrison [Gent. (fn. 10) ] Vertue Ratford Anthony Hammond Esquires Robert Drake Michaell Beale Richard Russell Gentlemen Sir Sewster Peyton Baronett Doctor Spencer Deane of Ely Doctor Henry Hitch Doctor William Balaam Doctor William Cooke David Rowlands John Pepys Esquires Guy Chapman Fuller Gentleman:-

For the County of Chester:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Speaker of the Honourable the House of Co[m]mons First Lord Co[m]missioner of the Great Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Richard Lord Viscount Colchester Sonne and Heire Apparent of Thomas Earle Rivers Charles Lord Brandon Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Macclesfeild Montague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire Apparent of the Earle of Abington George Lord Delamer Sonne and Heire Apparent of the Earle of Warrington The Honourable George Booth The Honourable George Cholmondly Sir Thomas Delves Sir Thomas Grosvenour Sir Willoughby Aston Sir Peter Warburton Sir John Mainewareing Sir Thomas Bellot Sir Richard Brookes Sir Robert Duckenfeild Sir John Werden Sir Arthur Royden Baronetts Sir Robert Cotton Knighte and Baronett Sir Jeffery Shackerly Sir John Arderne Sir John Crew Sir Roger Puleston Sir William Glegg High Sheriffe of the said County Sir Richard Leving Sir Richard Reynolds Knights Thomas Delves Montague Drake Thomas Cotton Nathaniell Booth of Motram John Leigh of Adlington Peter Leigh of Booths Thomas Lee of Darnehall William Lawton Roger Whiteley of Peel John Warren William Davenport Thomas Daniell John Allin of Bagnley Richard Leigh Peter Brookes George Booth Peter Sharkerley John Brewen Edward Minshall Roger Mainewareing Thomas Done Roger Wilbraham Peter Wilbraham Randle Wilbraham Samuell Davenport George Vernon Richard Leister John Davenport Samuel Daniel Thomas Masteson Samuell Finney Charles Hurleston John Lawton John Chetwood Thomas Whitley Thomas Sweetenham Edmond Jodrell Austin Leigh Thomas Aldersey Nathaniell Lee William Minshall Reginald Bretland Richard Wright John Goldsmith Thomas Ghent Recorder of [Couleton (fn. 11) ] John Venables William Daniels John Pickering Edmond Swetenham Lawrence Wright William Whitmore George Lucy Samuell Hardware Joseph Hockenhall John Baskervile Thomas Hulls John Parker Henry Bradshawe William Jackson Doctor of Physick George Dodd Richard Amson Thomas Latham William Glegg of Grange John Hardware Edward Thornycroft Edward Wright of Stretton Thomas Dodd of Edge John Higinbotham Dodd of Boxton Esquires The Mayor of Macclesfeild for the time being Thomas Leighe Recorder of Macclesfeild Thomas Wright Justice William Rowe Thomas Lunt John Blagg Peter Wright Aldermen:-

For the Citty and County of the Citty of Chester

The Mayor of the said Citty for the tyme being Sir William Williams Knighte and Baronett Recorder Sir Thomas Grosvenor Sir Richard Leving Baronetts Peter Shackerley Roger Whitley Hugh Grosvenor Roger Mostyn of Brumbo Griffith Williams Esquires Thomas Wainewright Doctor of Lawe William Streete Thomas Wilcocke William Ince George Manwaring Peter Edwards William Wilson Hugh Starkey Francis Skellerne Nathaniell Williamson Aldermen Joseph Maddocks John Burroughs Sheriffes William Allen Henry Bennett William Bennett Peter Bennett Aldermen Captaine John Sparke John Hulton Thomas Hand Thomas Wright William Starkey John Johnsonne Richard Oulton Puliston Partington Matthewe Anderton junior Edward Starkey Richard Minshall Jonathan Whitby John Golbourne Robert Merrey Edward Palington Randle Bathoe John Warrington Robert Deintieth Thomas Maddox Michaell Johnson Thomas Ward Samuell Heathe Thomas Warmingham Gentlemen:-

For the County of Cornwall

The Right Honourable Hugh Boscawen Esquire one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Bernard Granvill Esquire John Granvill Esquire Francis Roberts Esquire Russell Robarts Esquire Sir Bourchier Wray Sir Vyell Vyvyan Sir William Godolphin Sir Peter Killigrew Sir William Coriton Sir Andrew Slaning Sir John Saintaubyn Sir John Molesworth Baronetts Sir William Basset Sir Bevill Granvill Knights Sir Peter Colliton Sir Peter Prideaux Sir Francis Drake Baronetts Sir Walter Moyle Sir Joseph Tredenham Sir John Cotton Sir John Tremaine Knights Charles Trevanion of Carhayes Charles Trelawney Samuell Roll John Speccott John Tredenham Daniell Elliott Jonathan Rashleigh John Buller John Tanner Walter Kendall Michaell Hill John Buller junior Joseph Swale Thomas Darrell Nicholas Glyn Edward Herle Charles Grylls Samuell Travers Humphrey Nicholl Humphrey Courtnay Arthur Fortescue Sidney Godolphin Henry Trelawney Hugh Fortescue Edward Elliott William Mohun John Kendall John Gregor James Kendall Seymour Tredenham Hugh Pyper John Trefrey Francis Calmady Ambrose Manaton Joseph Moyle James Prade Richard Hoblyn of Antron George Robinson William Bond John Clowbery John Polewhale Nicholas Morrice Emanuell Piper Alexander Pendarves John Waddon John Enis William Arscott Richard Erisey William Harris Thomas Achim Samuell Ennis John Fowell Nathaniell Moyle Alexander Carew Joseph Penhallo Philipp Mayow John Barrett Thomas Penhallo John Murth James Bond Francis Wills Jonathan Trelawney George Spry Henry Jones Henry Vincent Hugh Tonkin Henry Manaton Francis Manaton Shadrack Vincent Thomas Killey John Courtney John Hicks William Symonds William Bligh James Kestell Narcissus Lutterell Edmund Philipps John Hoblyn John Nicholl Peter Trevisa Thomas Hawkey Esquires Henry Gregor Charles Bonithon Serjeant att Lawe Christopher [Barton (fn. 12) ] Sampson Hill William Williams of Probus Jonathan Prideaux John Williams of Trethan John Williams of Carvean William Hooper Thomas Dodson John Clarke Edmond Spoore Richard Moyle Charles Kendall Reginald Bawden Jacob Robins Stephen Robins Thomas Waddon William Marten William Braddon Reginald Hawkey John Kestle Nicholas Kemp William Hancock Nicholas Archer Thomas Herle Thomas Worth William Kekwich John Pinneck Thomas Johnson John Kegwin Joseph Marke Thomas Glyn William Tregea Charles Trevanion of Tregarthen Richard Harris of Rooke William Yeo John Foote of Truro Richard Erisey of Saint Nyott Robert Rouse Richard Scobell Francis Scobell Francis Achim Christopher Tucker John Burlace of Pendenne Thomas Vivian Thomas Hoblyn Richard Smith of Morewinstowe Edward Penrose of Penros William Scawen Richard Remfry Henry Remfry Philipp Hawkins Dennis Glyn John Verman Richard Head John Manley Paul Orchard Samuell Gilbert John Trelawney William Penros Charles Orchard Edward Keebone Samuell Gully Thomas Hoblyn of Trevascus Christopher Harris of Kenegie John Nance John Oliver of Sithney John Bassett John Cary Edward Dennis Francis Painter William Veale John Penros of Menackan Anthony Tanner Richard Williams John Austis Nicholas Boson John Harris William Flammank of Boscarne William Cock of Holston Thomas Bewes William Brandon Richard Trevanion of Veryan Esquire John Robins of Veryan Gentleman Timothy Gully John Raw of Pennant Gentlemen John Foot John Cole Gentlemen John Oben of Gushland Gentleman Bernard Kendall Jonathan Tincombe Charles Truebody Gentlemen:-

For the County of Cumberland

The Right Honourable Sir John Lowther Baronett one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir John Dalston Sir George Fletcher Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Sir William Pennington Sir Wilfrid Lawson Sir Richard Musgrave Baronetts Sir John Ballentine Sir Daniell Fleming Knights Henry Fletcher Wilfrid Lawson Joseph Huddlestone Robert Carleton William Fleming Thomas Lamplugh Richard Lamplugh Anthony Hutton Richard Patrickson John Aglionby Christopher Richmond Roger Kirby Edward Hasell Miles Pennington Edward Stanley William Christian William Gilpin Ewen Christian Darcy Curwen Leonard Dykes Charles Orpheur John Senhouse Andrew Huddleston Henry Browham Christopher Musgrave Henry Fletcher: of Tallentire John Winder junior John Punsonby Andrew Whelpdaile Richard Lamplugh junior Esquires Sir Orlando Gee Knight John Forster John Parke junior Richard Senhouse Thomas Addison James Maxwell Charles Swallwood Thomas Webster William Graham Joshuah Lathes John Gale Timothy Fetherstone John Relfe Gentlemen the Mayor of Carlisle for the time being:-

For the County of Derby:

The Right Honourable the Lord Ross Son and Heire Apparent to John Earle of Rutland the Right Honourable the Lord Cavendish Son and Heire Apparent to William Earle of Devonshire the Right the Lord Stanhope Son and Heire Apparent to Philipp Earle of Chesterfeild the Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire the Honourable Anchitell Gray Esquire the Honourable Robert Cecill Esquire Sir Thomas Gresley Sir Edward Coke Sir Henry Every Sir Nathaniell Curson Sir Phillipp Gell Sir Paul Jenkinson Baronetts Sir Simon Degg Sir Gilbert Clarke Sir Edward Abney Sir Richard Leving Knights Willoughby Gray Henry Gilbert. Robert Sacheverell Francis Mundy John Low Matthew Smith Gilbert Mundy Henry Keyes Paul Jodrell John Osborne Thomas Bard Thomas Allestry Esquires William Horne Samuell Bradshawe John Parker William Flamsted George Gregson Henry Low John Holden Anthony Bradshaw Henry Pilkington William Hunter John Richardson Samuell Richardson Henry Wild Thomas Wilson Henry Goodyeare John Wilson Robert Newton Nehemiah Pineger Gentlemen Henry Heveningham Walter Burdett Thomas Coke John Burdett Robert Wilmott Robert Harding George Gresley John Every Henry Kendall Gilbert Thacker John Fitzherbert William Allestry John Allen John Wilkins John Harpur of Calke Phillipp Prince John Harpur of Little Over Esquires Eusebius Dormer Richard Sales William Shalcrosse Gentlemen George Vernon Henry Every Henry Cavendish Robert Coke Charles Pye Godfrey Meynell Alexander Stanhope Samuell Pole Thomas Browne Robert Willmott of Spondon Richard Bates Nicholas Willmott John Burroughs Esquieres Robert Doxey Richard Stubbins Gentlemen Rowland Oakeover Thomas Milward George Parker Thomas Parker Esquires Josiah Trott John Stuffin Arthur Low Robert Dale Henry Buxton William James John Hayne Christopher Ley Sampson Baker William Wingfeild John Slacke Lawrence Sleigh William Alsopp Francis Sleigh John Botham Robert Ferne Joseph Woolhouse Gentlemen William Eyre John Shallcrosse Thomas Wright Henry Gilbert junior John Bullocke George Savile Tho: Leigh Henry Bradshawe John Stephenson Esquires John Wright John Beresford Thomas Bagshaw John Bagshaw Benjamin Ashton Thomas Statham John Greaves William Backe John Calvert Charles Mayne John Buxton Arthur Dakein James Webster Gentlemen Samuell Peirpoint John Revell George Sitwell Cornelius Clarke Robert Revell John Wigsall John Morewood Robert Barker Robert Mower Robert Ashton Thomas Woolhouse Lionell Fanshaw Thomas Cotchett John Spateman Christopher Pegg Samuell Halloes Thomas Eyre Esquires The Mayor of Chesterfeild for the tyme being Richard Youle Francis Moore Aldermen Andrew Clayton [Robert (fn. 13) ] Heathcote John Stephenson Tho: Birley John Smithson George Milward John Wingfeild Richard Hall John Dand Godfrey. Watkinson Paul Webster Gentlemen The Mayor of Derby for the tyme being John Brookehouse Thomas Goodwin Samuell Spateman Solomon Roberts Aldermen William Hoskinson John Taylor Gentlemen Samuell Dalton John Adderley Esquires George Beardesley Joseph Parker John Bagnold Samuell Goodwin John Gosborne John Aldershawe Hugh Bateman Edward Large William Turner William Chambers Benjamin Parker William Greave Edward Parker Edmund Parker James Motteram Ralph Brough Francis Strutt Gentlemen:-

For the County of Devo[m]n:-

The Honourable Edward Russell Esquire the Honourable Robert Russell Esquire the Honourable John Granvill Esquire Sir George Hutchins Knight one of the Lords Co[m]missioners for the Custody of the Greate Seale of England Sir Edward Seymour Sir Peter Prideaux Sir George Chudleigh Sir Francis Drake Sir Ames Pollard Sir Bouchier Wrey Sir Courtney Poole Sir Francis Northcott Sir William Courtenay Sir William Davie Sir Hugh Ackland Sir William Drake Sir Henry Carew Sir Richard Reynell Sir Walter Young Sir Arthur Chichester Sir Peter Colliton Sir Thomas Leer Sir Andrew Slaning Sir Thomas Putt Baronetts Sir John Rolle Sir Simon Leech Sir Henry Vane Knights of the Bath Sir George Treby Knight Lord Cheife Justice of the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas Sir Thomas Trevor Knight His Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir John Tremaine Knight Theire Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Sir Thomas Berry Sir Walter Moyle Sir Joseph Herne Knights Francis Courtenay Samuell Rolle Henry Portman Nicholas Morrice Richard Duke Thomas Reynell John Cladbury Richard Coffin William Spurway of Cheford Dennis Rolle of Beame John Cholwich John Trelawney Henry Trelawney John Manaton Gideon Heydon Francis Gwyn Henry Luscombe Hugh Vaughan Hugh Fortescue Richard Hillersdon Richard Carew John Moore Richard Osborne Charles Kelland William Hockmore Edmund Reynell of Malston George Fortescue of [Buckland (fn. 14) ] Fillie Robert Yoe of Huish Eneas Newton John Northcote of Westwood Bampfeild Rodd James Rodd Richard Courtenay John Copplestone John Blewett Richard Beavie John Burrington John Fry of Varty Thomas Wood Roger Woolacombe Christopher Savery Rowland Whiddon Courtenay Crocker Arscott Bickford Henry Chichester of Coxleigh John Garland Henry Chichester Martin Rider Charles Whore Richard Langdon of Totnesse John Elwell Richard Lee of Winslade William Coleman Sebastian Isaske Henry Walrond John Chichester of Widworthy Jonathan Prideaux William Haine John Batishill John Sandford William Fowell William Bragg Sampson Hele Thomas Drew William Carey of Clovelly Arthur Champurnoone Francis Bassett John Gifford John Arscott of Tetcott Henry Northleigh Edward Yard of Churchton Edmund Walrond Arthur Tremaine William Harris of Haine Richard Shapleigh Francis Fullford Edward Fortescue of Brixton William Stawell John Quicke Hugh Stafford Henry Trelawney Edmund Prideaux of Ford John Pole John Pollexfen George Priestwood George Parker Ambrose Manaton Peter Fortescue Nicholas Martin John Tull William Bastard John Hody William Dyer Richard Duck Nicholas Browse Thomas Bere Josias Calmady Richard Newcombe James Hinsh of Sand Edmund Walrond junior Edmund Tremaine Nicholas Rowe James Fortescue James Courtenay William Drake of Netherton John Fownes John Martin Edmund Pollexfen Peter Bevis John Roffe Elize Bartlett Thomas Southcote of Hedgend George Southcote Henry Frye Ames Crymes John Fowell Edward Lovett William Drake of Yarberry John Fortescue George Yeo Robert Hatch Christopher Maine Lewis Incledon John Specott John Tanner Arthur Champnies Ambrose Roope Christopher Bayle Walter Bogan Peter Atkins Anthony Salter John Cruse Francis Shepherd Nicholas Lutterell John Davie William Savery of Slade Moses Gould Richard Duke junior Gilbert Yard Samuell Tanner Edmund Starr Benjamin Oliver Southcote Lutterell Richard Strowde Esquires John Pratt Edmund Davie Richard Burthogg Edward Ford Samuell Isacke Doctors of Physicke Narcissus Lutterell Nicholas Roope William Culling Joseph Drake Henry Gould Phillipp Andrewes Thomas Ford Jasper Radcliffe Thomas Southcote of Offwell John Mercer John Upcott John Southelle John Velley of Hartland Henry Stephens William Langford of Braddon John Harris of Wortham Marke Delve John Downe John Symmonds John Northmore Richard Webber Thomas Sampson Thomas Docton of Docton John Cooke Merchant Matthias Jenkins John Hambury John Contee Richard Parminster John Hatch Gentlemen The Mayor of Plymouth for the time being The Mayor of Barnestaple for the time being The Mayor of Biddeford for the time being The Mayor of Totnesse for the time being The Mayor of Tiverton for the time being The Mayor of Torrington for the time being The Mayor of Dartmouth for the tyme being The Mayor of Plympton for the time being The Mayor of Oakehampton for the time being The Mayor of South Molton for the time being Phillipp Sapcott Edmund Gibbons Esquires Thomas Stawell Thomas Northmore Henry Asscor of East Budley John Doidge Gentlemen George Musgrave Esquire Thomas Pyne Arthur Pyne Robert Burridge Merchant Charles Parker John Raymond John [Jones (fn. 15) ] Richard Hallett John Martyn William Symmons John Monion Bernard Goddard Abraham Trowte James Marwood Gentlemen Francis Weare of Silverton Henry Moore of Kenrybeere Lewis Stuckley John Paige Merchante James Younge Gentleman Richard Doidge of Torr Gentleman William Cotton Merchant

For the City and County of the City of Exo[m]n:-

The Mayor Aldermen Sheriffe and Co[m]mon Councell for the time being The Right Honourable Sir Edward Seymour Baronett Sir Peter Colliton Baronett Sir John Tremaine Knight Edmund Davie Thomas Waterhouse Samuell Isaack John Osmond Musgrave Doctors of Physicke Thomas Gibbon Charles Vaughan William Martin John Pratt Joseph Tily Thomas Northmore Baristers att Lawe John Banks John Ellwill Christopher Mayne Jasper Radcliff Nicholas Brookeing Thomas Brookeing Richard White William Adams Abraham Trout William Sealy Thomas Baron George Pyle Thomas Potter Edmund Starr Thomas Gold Edward Dally Jerom King Henry Newcombe Thomas Ford Thomas Turner Tristram Bowdage William Matthewes:-

For the County of Dorsett

Anthony Lord Ashley Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Shaftsbury Sir John Morton Sir Nathaniell Nappier Sir Robert Nappier Baronetts Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir George Strode Sir Henry Butler Sir Matthewe Andrewes Knights Thomas Freke Thomas Strangwayes Edward Miller Samuel Roll Richard Fownes Henry Portman Robert Freke senior William Okeden junior Thomas Erle Robert Coker senior Robert Coker junior Edward Nicholas William Whiteacre John Still Robert Seymer William Freke Thomas Greene John Poole Sebastian Isaacke Robert Culliford Robert Freke junior George Baynard Phillipp Caldicott Thomas Pile John Banks of William Uvedale Thomas Ryves Edward Seymoure William Strode Robert Williams Thomas Hardy John Williams Thomas Freke junior Michaell Harvey Francis Mohun Henry Seymer Thomas Chase Hugh Hodges Serjeant att Lawe Tregonwell Frampton John Eastmont John Fisher Edward St Loe Robert Browne of Frampton Henry Devenish George Parry Harry Constantine Anthony Ettrick Thomas Trenchard George Strangwayes Richard Bradrepp Nathaniel Bond His Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Hugh Chudleigh John Oldes Thomas Seaward junior Henry Henning Henry Trenchard John Gold John Hurding William Ettrick William Floyer William Bennett the younger of Hartgrove John Lawrence of Grange William Bowles senior Simon Whetcombe John Ironside John Bowles John Hardy Thomas Turberville Bullen Reymes Robert Oxenbridge Robert Browne Nathaniell Nappier William Churchill Richard Swayne Robert Erle George Dawbenny John Mitchell Thomas Skinner Charles Bruine William Sidenham Richard Bingham William Weston James Hussey Robert Hussey of Stowerpayne William Fillioll William White James Gold John Burridge Anthony Floyer Nicholas Hardy William Bennett Richard Rose Richard Burge Robert Pope Andrew Tucker William Wake Robert Stephens William Romaine Nicholas Browne Robert Browne George Gold Andrew Loder junior George Lester William Hull George Barber Thomas Bower Arthur [Folkes (fn. 16) ] John Flint William Culliford William Rose Gentlemen Thomas Cockram William Collins of Linch John Pike John Abington Lewis Cockram Roger Mompesson Robert Burridge John Edwards John Strode of [Chauntry (fn. 17) ] Anthony Trewe of Wareham Solomon Andrewes John Fitts Thomas Chettle John Moore Thomas Gundry Daniell Dugdale Robert Swaine of Corffe Richard Swaine Robert Butler Thomas Hawles Richard Newman John Richards Henry Henly junior Thomas Williams Phillipp Taylor Merchant George Keate George Gigger Richard Churchill Robert Russell Thomas Rose George Mullens Christopher Collier Simon Orchard Samuell Pitt William Bennett of Shaston Gentlemen George Phelipps The Mayors of Dorchester Shaftsbury Weymouth Melcombe Regis Corfe Wareham and Lyme Regis The Bayliffs of Blandford and Bridporte for the time being.

For the Towne and County of Poole:-

The Mayor for the time being William White Esquire Recorder Moses Durrell senior Henry Jubber James Hallybread The Sheriffe for the time being George Lewin Captaine Robert Bennett John Carter Moses Durrell junior William Phillipps Thomas Smith Thomas Hyde John Pyke William Streete William Minty John Gigger Shadracke Beale Richmond Henly:-

For the County Palatine of Durham:-

The Honourable Charles Montague Sir Christopher Musgrave Knig[h (fn. 18) ]t and Baronett Sir Christopher Conyers Sir Ralph Cole Sir Thomas Williamson Sir James Clavering Sir Robert Eden Baronetts Sir Ralph Carr Sir William Bowes Knights Sir Richard Neale Sir Francis Blake Doctor Cumber Deane of Durham Doctor Morton Christopher Vane William Lambton Robert Byerly William Tempest William Forster George Morland Henry Liddell James Darcy Lyonell Vane Francis Bowes William Bromley Cuthbert Carr Marke Shafto Roger Fenwicke Robert Jemson Thomas Liddell John Clavering James Clavering William Carr Robert Ellison John Parkehurst John Sedgwicke Rowland Place William Blackett Ralph Carr Thomas Foster John Hilton William Strother junior Charles Wren Thomas Conyers Edward Tongue Ralph Hedworth Frevill Lambton Francis Carr Ralph Bates Anthony Salvaine James Mickleton Ralph Hutton John Jenkins Richard Middleton John Elstob John Hall John Hutchinson William Killinghall Esquires The Mayor of Durham The Mayor of Stockton for the time being Robert Jackson James Cooke William Atkinson William Johnson Thomas Brass Edward Shepardson John Coalesworthe John Carr John Speareman Abraham Hilton Thomas Watson George Crosier William Ettricke Ralph Holmes John Hodshen Thomas Blackett Robert Dickson Arthur Prescott Peter Marley William Hutchinson Bernard Dowthwaite William Hodshen Robert Smith Christopher Fawcett John Gordon Gentlemen William Selby of Beale Master Ord of Felkington Gilbert Ord of Holy Island Bryan Grey of Keily Gentlemen Patricke Crowe Esquire John Sleigh of Goswick William Cooke of Tweedmouth Samuell Ogle Esquires Edward Delavall Ralph Orde of Longridge Esquires Ralph Orde of Tweesell Gentleman:-

For the West Rideing of the County of Yorke:-

Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Bolton William Lord Elland Sonne to the Marquesse of Hallifax William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland George Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland John Lord Viscount Downe of the same Kingdome Thomas Lord Fairfax of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Sir Henry Goodricke Knight and Baronett one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privye Councell Charles Boyle Sidney Wortely Montague Henry Dawney Henry Fairfax Esquires Sir George Fletcher Sir Thomas Armitage Sir John Kaye Sir William Reresby Sir John Inglesby Sir John Bland Sir Bryan Stapylton Sir Henry Marwood Sir William Franckland Sir George Cooke Sir Godfrey Copley Sir Edward Blackett Sir John Tempest Sir John Cutler Sir Thomas Slingsby Sir Lyonell Pilkington Baronetts Sir John Hewley Sir Jonathan Jennings Sir Michaell Wentworth Sir Patience Ward Sir Thomas Hodson Sir William Lowther Sir John Coghill Sir Abstrupus Danby Knights Henry Liddell Thomas Frankland Christopher Tankred William Palmes Esquires Robert Byerley Francis Nevill Jonathan Jennings John Goodricke Thomas Harrison Walter Calverly Cerill Arthington Christopher Lister Thomas Fawkes Wellbury Norton William Stockdale Bryan Fairfax Charles Osborne John Knight Densill Onslowe Arthur Ingram William Wombell Francis Foulgham John Ramsden Thomas Yorke John Bradshawe Thomas Yarburgh Thomas Vincent William Ellis William Vavasour Henry Stapilton Henry Thompson Inglebert Leeds Barnard Granvill John Lister Ralph Lowther Henry Hitch Bryan Sunderland Ambrose Pudsey Thomas Lister Thomas Horton John Eastoft Samuell Mellish Godfrey Bosvill John Ashton William Wickham William Jessopp John Lambert Tanckred Robinson Henry Edmonds Richard Redmaine Thomas Fountaine Jasper Blythman Robert Monckton Gervas Neville John Farrar William Rhodes Thomas Parker Thomas Dodson John Gill Henry Bouch Henry Cooke Miles Stavely John Stanhop of Horsforth William Roundell Hugh Smithson Robert Mitford Christopher Adams Roger Portington Anthony Fletcher William Fairefax Christopher Wilkinson Richard Sterne William Jennings Matthew Boynton Robert Baynes Thomas Bendlowes Henry Slingsby John Townly John Hatfeild of Laughton Cuthbert Wade Richard Staynes Bennett Sherrard John Stanhopp of Ecclesall Thomas Hasletine John Rokes Rowland Norton George Aislaby Anthony Parker Thomas Kirke Robert Farrand Thomas Lea Richard Taylor John Warner Simon Sterne Thomas Robinson George Towlson Richard Shuttleworth Esquires William Ingram Gentleman John Armitage John Auby Henry Currer Robert Burdett Esquires John Hatfeild of Hatfeild senior John Hatfeild junior Gentlemen Robert Frank Thomas Wakefeild William Bethell Francis Linley Gilbert Rigley Nonas Parker Charles Newby Thomas Westby William Beckwith Andrew Wilkinson Esquires Richard Richardson Doctor of Physicke Thomas Ramsden Gentleman Marke Shafto Esquire Richard Hatton Thomas Edmunds senior Thomas Edmunds junior John Batty Gentlemen William Rookeby Esquire Robert Parker William Norton Armestronge Gregory Godfrey Copley John Copley James Greenewood Richard Hewitt Richard Taylor John Sothern Thomas Squire Bartin Allott John Jackman Benjamin Watts Richard Nettleton Edward Thompson William Tatham Lawrence Warton John Tatham Gentlemen Michaell Warton of Bawtry Francis Wheatley Phisitian John Spencer of Co[m]mon Hall Henry Wood John Preston Stephen Wilkes Thomas Hooke Gentlemen Thomas Craven Andrew Howden Roger Cotes of Kilwich Francis Elwicks Thomas Ward of Northcoate Thomas Carlton Cuthbert Chambers Gregory Fish Jonas Midgley Robert Inman Robert Squire Christopher [Dawson (fn. 19) ] Thomas Thompson Gervas Hill William Appleyard Edmond Barker Francis Barlow Richard Sowersby Thomas Watterhouse The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Pontefracte for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Doncaster for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Rippon for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Leeds for the time being Doctor Wyvell Deane of Rippon John Tomlinson of Burn Gentleman:

For the North Rideing of the County of Yorke

Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire apparent to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland John Lord Viscount Downe of the Kingdome of Ireland Thomas Lord Fairefax of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Sir John Lowther Baronett and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Phillipp Darcey Esquire Henry Dawney Esquire Goodwin Wharton Esquire Henry Fairefax Esquire Sir Marmaduke Wyvell Baronett Sir Francis Boynton Baronett Sir John Leveson Gower Baronett Sir David Fowlis Baronett Sir William Strickland Sir John Bolles Sir John Napier Sir Charles Hotham Sir Watkinson Payler Sir Bryan Stapleton Sir William Frankland Sir Henry Marwood Sir William Caley Sir Christopher Wandsford Sir Thomas Pennyman Sir Edward Blackett Sir William Chater Sir James Brooke Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Marke Milbanke Sir William Robinson Baronetts Sir Richard Osbaldeston Sir William Hustler Sir Barrington Bouchier Sir John Hewley Sir Henry Bellasis Sir William Ascough Sir William Bowes Sir Samuell Gerrard Sir Abstrupus Danby Knights Thomas Frankland George Marwood William Palmes Thomas Yorke Henry Metcalf Francis Thompson Francis Wyvell George Smithson Robert Waters Roger Croft John Wastell John Hutton James Darcey Roger Talbutt Edward Trotter Cornelius Caley Thomas Strangways William Moore Anthony Wharton Charles Tanckred [John How Thomas Croft Edward Hutchinson William Tanckred (fn. 19) ] Bernard Granvile John Trotter Leonard Smelt Charles Duncombe John Dodsworth Thomas Harrison Anthony Lowther Timothy Mauleverer Thomas Worsley William Metcalfe John Gibson Thomas Lassells Richard Staines Daniell Lassells Thomas Wakefeild William Chaloner Theodore Bathurst Edward Thompson John Peirce William Osbaldeston George Aislabie John Smelt John Hill junior Thomas Gower John Hopton James Montague Luke Robinson Thomas Pullen Richard Peirce Thomas Metcalfe John Beyerley John Beilby Rowland Norton Thomas Cradock Thomas Wyvell Humphrey Wharton Constable Bradshaw Thomas Binloes William Dawson Matthew Anlaby Richard Darley Thomas Hasletine Roger Covell Thomas Langley Robert Buck Henry Place Robert Waller Allan Chambre Esquires Christopher Piercy Hay Thomas Robinson Esquire Henry Squire Doctor of Law Leonard Hartley John Talbutt Benjamin Purcas Edward Place George Wright William Davile Phillippe Prince James Conyers William Kitchinman Robert Bell Stephen Driffeild Robert Bushell Tymothy Ford Ralph Porter John Robinson Roger Lee John Harland Thomas Lassells of Sowrby John Peirson Daniell Smith Henry Wilkinson Timothy Portington Tho. Tomlinson Thomas Holmes Tristram Fish Matthew Smalls Richard Allottson John Robinson of Easby Thomas Guise Robert Crosfeild John Kettlewell James Cockerell William Turbutt Francis Hickson Nathaniell Harrison William Sudell Christopher Wilkinson Henry Pinkney John Robinson senior Robert Norrison James Hebden John Saunders William Burdett Peregrine Lassells Tymothy Bagwith The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Richmond for the time being The Bayliffs and Recorder of Scarborough for the time being Thomas Hayes Esquire:

For the East Rideing of the County of Yorke:

Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland Thomas Lord Fairefax of the same Kingdome Henry Dawney Charles Boyle Henry Boyle Esquires Sir Francis Boynton Sir Charles Hotham Sir William Strickland Sir Henry Saint Quintin Sir Watkinson Payler Sir Robert Hylyard Sir Thomas Rudston Sir John Legard Baronetts Sir Michaell Warton Sir Ralph Warton Sir William Cobbe Sir Matthew Peirson Sir James Bradshawe Sir Jonathan Atkins Sir Richard Osbaldeston Sir John Hewley Sir John Napier Knights Griffith Boynton William Osbaldeston William Grimston Ingleby Daniell Henry Thompson William Gee Henry Guy Francis Thompson Matthew Appleyard Charles Osburne John Ramsden James Heblethwaite Ralph Warton Charles Warton Edward Barnard Hugh Bethell Walter Strickland Robert Munckton Thomas Langley William Bethell John Stapilton Thomas Hesketh Robert Prickett John Lister of Beverley John Estoft Richard Remington Richard Gee John Buck Matthew Alured Thomas Alured Edward Hutchinson Tobias Jenkins senior Tobias Jenkins junior Humphry Robinson of Thickett Walter Crompton William Saint Quintin Christopher Lister John Taylor Thomas Southaby Edward Thompson James Moyser Richard Thompson John Moyser William Moore Robert Hollis Esquires Hodgson Johnson Doctor of Physicke William Headlam Esquire Robert Carlyn Gentleman Thomas Cundon James Mountaine Richard Darley William Wickham Robert Crompton Henry Portington Benjamin Overton Thomas Wakefeild Esquires Robert Squire Barnard Lister John Peirson John Gee Thomas Langley Charles Best William Dickenson Robert Jeggon Edward Bower William Bower William Wilberfosse Phillipp Wilkinson Henry Masters Thomas Ricaby William Saint Quintin Merchant John Ricaby Henry Barnard Christopher Peircey Hay Leonard Robinson Francis Blunt Richard Creyke Henry Carlin Robert Knowsley John Temperton Robert Greame Gentlemen The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of the Towne of Beverly for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Headon for the time being:

For the Citty of Yorke and County of the same Citty

The Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffes for the time being Charles Marquesse of Winchester Eldest Sonne to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland Thomas Lord Fairefax Baron Cameron of the Kingdome of Scotland Sir Henry Goodricke Knight and Baronett One of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell George Prickett Serjeant att Lawe Recorder Sir William Robinson Sir James Brooke Baronetts Sir John Hewly Knight Toby Wickham Doctor of Divinity Deane of Yorke Henry Watkinson Doctor of Lawe Henry Thompson Bennett Sherrard Thomas Hutton Toby Jenkins junior Henry Stapilton William Fairefax of Steeton William Rowndell Edward Thompson of Marston Thomas Hasletine John Baynes Richard Sterne Henry Squire Thomas Langley Thomas Mosely Roger Shackleton William Tomlinson Henry Tireman Richard Blanshard William Wickham Esquires Thomas Nesbitt Thomas Benson Richard Reynolds Phillipp Prince Francis Duckworth Christopher Hutton Christopher Breary William Thompson William Hasletine Robert Squire Thomas Holmes Richard Hewitt Richard Sowray Thomas Thompson Nicholas Sugar Thomas Harrison Samuell Walker William Mortimer John Buxton Gentlemen:

For the Towne and County of Kingston upon Hull:

The Mayor Aldermen Sheriffe and Recorder for the time being The Wardens of the Trinity House for the time being Sir James Bradshawe Sir Michaell Warton Charles Osborne John Ramsden John Legard John Estoft William Gee John Lister of Beverly Matthew Appleyard Ingleby Daniell William Dawson Ralph Warton Charles Warton Matthew Alured William St. Quintin Esquires William Carleton Matthew Kirkeby William Idle John Holland John Robinson of Beverly Samuell Burdinand James Mould William Catlin Gentlemen:

For the County of Essex:

Charles Lord Cheyne of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Robert Bertie Bannister Maynard Richard Barrett Ralph Grey William Maynard Esquires Sir Charles Barrington Sir William Appleton Sir Samuell Grimston Sir William Hicks Sir Samuell Tryon Sir Francis Masham Sir Thomas Nightingale Sir Richard Everard Sir William Lucking Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Martin Lumley Sir Anthony Abdy Sir Thomas Samuell Sir Thomas Draper Sir Thomas Darcy Sir Gervase Elwes Sir Edward Smith Sir James Rushout Sir Thomas Barnardiston Sir Charles Tyrrell Sir William Barker Sir Nicholas Garrett Sir Robert Smith Sir Josiah Child Sir Peter Soame Sir John Dyer Sir Cane James Baronetts Sir John Brampston Knight of the Bath Sir Edward Farmer Sir Anthony Browne Sir John Sparrow Sir Richard Pyggott Sir Thomas Fanshawe Sir Eliab Harvey Sir Gobert Barrington Sir Thomas Chambers Sir Edward Turner Sir Thomas Middleton Sir Thomas Daval Sir John Marshall Sir Benjamin Thoroughgood Sir John Rotheram Sir Samuell Husbands Sir Henry Johnson Sir James Houblon Sir Josiah Child Knights John Osborne John Conyers Esquires John Le Mott Honywood [John Worth (fn. 20) ] Francis Harvey alias Mildmay Carew Harvey alias Mildmay Thomas Luther John Archer William Coward Edward Clarke Francis Thomson Thomas Dawtry Robert Bateman Charles Mountague Samuell Reynolds Isaac Rebow William Palmer Michaell Biddulph Anthony Biddulph William Peck William Pert William Atwood Francis St Johns Henry St Johns John Greene Ralph Freeman Richard Hutchinson Thomas Argoll James Butler William Campion Evan Lloyd William Wright Benjamin Desbrow Richard Andrewes Francis Barrington James Altham Thomas Gardner Christopher Fowler Anthony Brampston Robert Boothby Anthony Lowther Nathaniell Tench Richard Vaughan George Ford John Rotheram Robert Ashton Thomas Burgh William Beaumont Robert Cole John Wale John Symonds Martin Lumley William Clopton William Lingwood John Tindall Timothy Felton Thomas Barrington John Eldred William Eldred John Fowle Samuell Westerne John Cox John Cooke of Chissell Owen Wynn Samuell Hare Francis Maidstone Edward Bullock John Locky John Neal Thomas Gray John Goodyer William Walker Thomas Weeley Thomas Harlackenden Bowes Thomas Walgrave John Plummer Giles Dent William Kendall Andrew Searle William Frith Alexander Prescott Cuthbert Martin William Martin William Harvey William Scott William Nutt John Pennington Thomas Turner John Sparrow John Cressener Henry Glascocke Walgrave Pelham Samuell Wiseman John Meade Thomas Abdy Henry Ayloffe Phillipp Saltingston John Hothersell Richard Hide William Mott Edmund Godwyn John Edwards Nathan Wright John Fanshaw John Luther Edward Luther of Miles Francis Bradbury Hains Barlee Charles Barlee Nicholas Cursellis Ralph Creffeild senior Nathaniel Lawrence senior Nathaniel Lawrence junior Francis Wheeler George Gent Henry Pascall Edward Thoroughgood John Hopwood John Godbold John Allen John Larkin Sigismond Trafford James Smith of Westham Robert Bragg Christopher Grange Nicholas Martin Samuell Rawstorne Daniell Tanfeild Samuell Clarke Robert Dawgs William Fitch Henry Wight William Minshull Esquires George Brampston Doctor of Civill Lawe Daniell Horsmanden Charles Tyrrell Edmund Hickeringill Clerks Isaac Lutman John Little Gentlemen Marke Mott Samuell Warner Robert Barwell junior Ralph Hawkins Dowcett Taylor John Bennett William Herris Thomas Greene John Josceline Jeremiah Richardson John Savile William Boyce John Potter Henry Lamb Thomas Scarlett Nicholl John Stilman John Rayner Hope Gifford Charles Wale of Walden Joseph Sparrow Harrison of Braintree Richard Cowper John Elliott Richard Greene of Tolesbury Nicholas Jekill George Wale of Radwinter Thomas Coe senior John Wiggoner John Rebow Abraham Hedgthorne John Witham Thomas Hickeringill Michaell Godfrey James Sparrow Samuell Mott senior George Asser Richard Williams Urban Hall Dauntesey Brouncker James [Cocker (fn. 21) ] Richard Taylor of Southweale William Thomson Gentlemen Robert Williamson Thomas Chambers Cheyne Row John Cummins Ralph Creffeild junior Samuell Reynolds junior Godfrey Woodward William Moore Edward Husbands John Borrett Daniell Smith of Harwich Esquires John Harrison Doctor of Physicke Robert May Robert Hulson John Reeve Luke Talcott Richard Taylor of Berkin John Austen Edward Nurse John Jackson Edlin of Stratford Thomas Langley junior Gentlemen Francis Dashwood Esquire Thomas Cracherode of Cassehall Gentleman Thomas Bowdler Esquire:

For the Town of Malden:

The Bayliffs for the time being Sir John Brampston Knight of the Bath High Steward Sir Thomas D'arcy Baronett Charles Mountague Anthony Brampston Esquires William Kendall Esquire Recorder John Pond Samuell Pond John Matthewes John Cockerell Thomas Horsnaile William Heckford Thomas Sizer Aldermen Hugh Browne William Carr Towne Clerke Captaine Thomas Coe Captaine Peter Robjent Thomas Hutt John Stevens John Brickwood Abell Hawes James Densheire Ezekiell Finch Thomas Stace Henry May John Straite Thomas Stevens William Coe Thomas Coe junior John Hutt William Foulgier:

For the Towne of Colchester

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being John Eldred Recorder Samuell Reynolds Isaac Rebow Isaac Selfe William Mott Nathaniell Lawrence Ralph Creffeild Francis Wheeler William Moore Nathaniell Lawrence junior Samuell Reynolds junior Esquires John Harrison Doctor of Physicke John Rebow William Boyse Samuell Mott senior Abraham Hedgthorne John Savill Robert Moore Jacob Fromanteel Ralph Creffeild junior Thomas Ruse Charles Richardson Matthewe Scrivener Hope Gifford John Freeman Luke Talcott Gentlemen William Shelton Edmund Hickeringill Joseph Powell Clerks Samuell Greate Gentleman:

For the Town of Harwich:

The Mayor for the time being The Right Honourable Charles Lord Cheyne of the Kingdome of Scotland Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Sir Phillipp Parker Baronett Sir Thomas Davall Recorder Knight John Eldred Esquire Thomas Langley Robert Seaman John Browne Richard Thye Simon Sandford Daniell Smith Charles Smith Robert Lane Aldermen John Rolfe John Phillipps Thomas Bradshawe Henry Munt Henry Cole William Wood Thomas Langley Philipp Deane William Rudland John Deane Miles Rudland The Co[m]mon Councell Men:

For the County of Gloucester:

William Lord Viscount Tracy of the Kingdome of Ireland Charles Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Beaufort Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bathe and Lord Cheife Baron of Theire Majesties Court of Exchequer Sir John Powell Knight Baron of Theire Majesties Courte of Exchequer Sir James Rushout Sir William Kite Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Guise Sir Ralph Dutton Sir Robert Jenkison Sir Francis Russell Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Robert Southwell Sir William Forester Sir Richard Cockes Sir Gabriell Lowe Sir Thomas Stephens Sir Duncombe Colchester Sir Fleetewood Dormer Sir John Aishfeild Sir John Fust Sir Richard Hart Sir Thomas Cann Sir Robert Atkins junior Sir Michaell Hicks James Thine Richard Dodswell Benjamin Baron Thomas Foley George Pitt Richard Freeman Charles Dowdswell John De la Beere William Lane John Parsons junior William Baygott John Carter junior Henry Coxewell William Dewy Samuell Hawlins Thomas Hales David Warren Danverse Hodges Henry Creswicke Nathaniell Stephens Thomas Rawlins Serjeant att Lawe Thomas Hodges Walter Eastcourt John Browneing Samuell Trotman William Kingescott William Dennis John Howe John Coxwell William Hall Robert Veisie Andrew [Parker (fn. 22) ] George Hanger Robert Plydall Robert Oatridge Thomas Masters Richard How Thomas Horton Thomas Smith Phillipp Sheppard Nathaniell Ridler Henry Chivers Thomas Stephens Lyonell Rich Edward Stephens Joshuah Aileworth George Bond Maynard Colchester Thomas Pirke William Maddockes Walter Yate Lionell Pindar John Rogers Wayneman Wyniat George Lloyd James Michell Richard Yate Wlliam Try Thomas Chester Thomas Wise Edward Smith Richard Jones John Merideth Thomas Bournell John Dowse William Pawcefoot William Wall Thomas Browne John Parkehurst William Winter Samuell Dobbins Michaell Beale Samuell Skinner William Cooke Edward Cooke William Guise William Selwin Rowland Wood Henry Brett John Cox William Hodges Stephen Baldwin Robert Cothrington Christopher Montacue Edmund Chamberlaine senior Samuell Barker William Cluterbooke Richard Halford Richard Hains John Stafford Samuell Codrington John Nelme John Barkeley Thomas Trigg Nathaniell Pirke George Smith William Blathwaite Christopher Cole Richard Diton Jasper Chapman Edmund Madockes Samuell Halings Charles Wind Henry Collett of Lincolnes Inn William Wilson Richard Hawkesworth Edward Fust Edward Webb Thomas Dawe Edward Stephens junior John Freke William Dodwell Henry Greenway Phillipp Shepheard junior Nicholas Veale John Meredith Francis Woodward William Player Charles Hart William Browne Thomas Edwards Doctor Kimberly Charles Handcocke John Mariott Edward Foyle Henry Cope John Browne Richard Browne Thomas Wall Robert Paine Mayor of Gloucester George Hurdman William Frankcombe Thomas Stephens of Sodbury Edward Stephens of the same Thomas Walter Henry Weare William Browne Thomas Edwards George Web John Jacob John Bromwich William Whittington William Lawrence of Shudington Henry Cope of Icomb Thomas Bub of Stapleton Thomas Rounge junior John Jefferyes William Probin Edward Meachin:

For the City of Gloucester:

Robert Payne Mayor Sir John Sommers Theire Majesties Attorney Generall the Recorder Sir John Powell one of the Barons of the Exchequer William Cooke Esquire Sir Duncombe Colchester Sir John Guise William Hodges John Rogers Thomas Browne John Ewins William Niccolls William Tayler Thomas Longden John Hyett Aldermen William Trye Edward Cooke John Cockes George Lloyd Thomas Powell Esquires Doctor Richard Wintle John Guise William Guise John Vyney Thomas Snell Esquires Caple Payne William Niccolls junior Sheriffes Mr Thomas Gosline Mr Henry Futter Mr Thomas Web:

For the County of Hereford:

The Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Scudamore of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coningesby of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Chambers Brabazon Esquire Sir William Gregory Knight one of the Justices of Theire Majesties Courte of Kings Bench Sir John Williams Sir John Morgan Sir Herbert Croft Sir John Hoskins Baronetts Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Francis Winnington Sir Thomas Duppa Sir John Williams Knights William Fiennes Paul Foley Robert Harley Thomas Price John Dunton Colt Robert Price James Morgan John Arnold John Scudamore of Kenchurch Thomas Cornwall of Stapleton Esquires Thomas Geeres Serjeant att Lawe Richard Read senior Richard Read junior Robert Westfaling Thomas Cox Edward Cornwall Henry Cornwall Thomas Foley senior Thomas Foley junior John How Samuell Pitt John Booth of Letton Ferdinando Gorges Edward Littleton Charles Baldwyn Robert Dobbins William Lamb Marshall Bridges William Dantsey sen[n] William Dantsey juñ Thomas Cornewallis Robert Chaplin Herbert Aubrey Edward Jackson Ambrose Scudamore Younger Cooke James Pennoyr of the Moore Robert Minors William Winter Robert Unite John Nurse Richard Barnaby Thomas Howarth Robert Payne Sandys Lechmore Thomas Delahay Richard Kidley William Guillim of Langston senior William Guillim of Langston junior Francis Baskervile of Eardesley Thomas Wigmore John Kirle Samuell Birch John Goodyer John Salwey Thomas Harley Henry Gorges John Powell of the While James Woodhouse of Woodhouse James Wellington John Price Richard Skippe John Walsham Esquires Silas Vaughan Henry Wigmore John Abrahall of Ingeston John Scudamore of Langarran Roger Scudamore of Trecella John Carver of Upton Rowland Baugh James Lloyd of the Moore Joshua Crosse Thomas Long William Wall Thomas Berrington of Brickhouse Robert Cutler Anthony Biddolph of Ledbury Thomas Rawlins Thomas Guillim of Whitchurch John Birch William Pleydall John Trist Francis Geeres Thomas Alderne of Monington John Hoskins of Ponython William Bridges of Colwall James Westfaling John Wellington Thomas Marrett John Thompkins John Whittington Henry Jones Thomas Owen of Little Brampton Thomas Carpenter of Tillington Essex Sherburne Francis Woodhouse Humphrey Mayo John Woolrich Edward Rodd John Fletcher John Kidley junior of Fownehope John Hereford of Homlacy James Clarke John Hereford of Suffon James Walwin Daniell Kerry Peter Smith Thomas Leigh of Hill John Smith of Holmer Alban Thomas [Thomas (fn. 23) ] Fosbrooke Humphrey Thomas Gentlemen John Holmes Esquire Giles Bridges Higden James Esquires:

For the City of Hereford:

The Mayor for the time being The Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Scudamore of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir William Gregory one of the Justices of the Kings Bench Paul Foley Henry Cornwall Herbert Westfaling James Wellington Esquires Robert Symonds Thomas Paynard Abraham Seward Thomas Matthewes Richard Wadely Aldermen Thomas Church Richard Poole Thomas Clarke senior Thomas Clarke junior Henry Smith Edward Rodd John Williams senior John Williams junior James Price John Abrahall Richard Gower Edmund Weaver Theophilus Aile John Smith Thomas Aldern Thomas Rodd James Westfaling Richard Philpotts Abell Isham Gentlemen:

For the Borough of Lemster.

The Bayliffes and Justices for the time being Thomas Lord Coningesby of the Kingdome of Ireland John Dutton Colt Edward Harley Esquires John Tompkins Thomas Harris John Williams John Walton James Powell John Hay Calib Powell James Winton Thomas Manings John Powell Richard Powell William Phillips Richard Jones Richard Hodges John Jenings Gentlemen Thomas Price Vincent Edwards:

For the County of Hertford

The Honourable Robert Cecill Esquire Sir Samuell Grimston Sir John Garrard Sir Richard Franklin Sir John Austin Sir William Cowper Sir Robert Jocelin Sir William Leman Sir Thomas Pope Blunt Sir Thomas Brograve Sir Jonathan Keate Sir John Witteronge Sir Richard Anderson Sir Edmund Anderson Sir John Read Sir Benjamin Mattox Sir Edwin Sadlier Sir Edward Turner Sir Peter Soame Baronetts Sir Humphrey Gore Sir Charles Caæsar Sir Ralph Ratcliffe Sir Thomas Bide Sir William Litton Sir John Bucknall Sir Francis Leigh Sir William Perkins Sir Robert Masham Sir Adam Otley Sir Benjamin Tichburne Sir Thomas Rolt Sir Henry Chauncy Sir Edward Desboury Knights George Churchill Silas Titus Henry Guy Robert Austen Thomas Austen William Gore Henry Gore Ralph Freeman senior Ralph Freeman junior Robert Elwes Thomas Halsey Edward Chester John Plummer William Cowper Thomas Pope Blunt William Harvey George Munson Francis Flyer Jeremiah Hales Thomas Priestley Esquires Thomas Atkins Thomas Drax Israell Mayo [Edward Brisco señ Edward Brisco juñ (fn. 24) ] William Brisco Thomas Aram Gilbert Hoo Keate George Hadley James Witterong James Stedman John Charlton William Emerton Thomas Emerton James Forester James Goulston Matthew Bluck William Allen Thomas Paske William Newce John Wetherhead Samuell Robinson James Willymott Thomas Stone John Gardiner Roger Conesby Marmaduke Rawden Thomas Arris Robert Robotham John Gape senior Henry Child Richard Helder John Spencer Esquires Goodwin Barrington John Methwen Joseph Marsh George Nodes Ralph Wingate Thomas Bird of Mattockes Bernard Turner Paris Slaughter John Duncomb Daniell Shelden Edward Saires Strange Jocelin Edward Seymour Thomas Bownest Thomas Newland Alexander Weld Thomas Winford Anthony Farrington Serjeant att Lawe John Farrington Bacon William Bristow Phillipp Michell Esquires Daniell Michell Gent. William Calvert Felix Calvert junior Esquires Humphrey Hall Gentleman John Yardly Doctor in Physicke Edward Ratcliffe Esquire Charles Ferrars Peire Williams Esquire John Roberts Marmaduke Allington William Martin of Watford Gentleman James Bennett William Lake of Wilston Gent. John Leman George White John Gape junior Francis King Joshuah Lomax Thomas Lomax Richard Wooleston Thomas Nichols of Bushey Eignon Bynon Thomas How John Poyner Newdigate Poyner John Coppin William Cotton Anthony Bidulph Esq[uire] Nicholas Turner Esquire John Richardson Esquire John Woodhouse Batchelor in Physicke Edmund Smith William Greenhill Godman Jenkins John Naseby Thomas Halfpenny John Nicholls of Pricklers Hill John Nicholls of Aldenham Henry Kingsley Richard Hasell Gentlemen Daniell Nicholl Gentleman Ralph Baldwyn Gentleman John Dinsdell Edward Heynes Ralph Skinner George Draper Charles Rayner Richard Rayner Gentlemen The Mayor of St Albans and Hertford for the time being:

For the Borough of St. Albans:

The Mayor Recorder and Aldermen for the time being Sir Samuell Grimston Baronett George Churchill Henry Killegrewe Thomas Arris John Gape junior Robert Robotham Esquires:

For the County of Huntingdon:

The Honourable Robert Mountague Esquire The Honourable Sidney Wortley Mountague Esquire The Honourable Richard Mountague Esquire Sir John Cotton Sir Robert Bernard Baronetts Sir Lionell Walden Sir Edmond Gardiner Knights Charles Mountague William Pierpoint John Proby John Dryden John Conyers Silas Titus Robert Appreece Arthur Turnour Charles Cesar senior John Bigg Anthony Hammond William Naylour James Torkington John Ferrar John Pocklington Robert Pulleyn Phillipp Storey Charles Cesar junior Robert Throckmorton Charles Tryce Richard Drury Edward Pickering Henry Ashley Robert Williams Cornwallis Francis Harby Richard Dier Charles Shepherd Esquires John Ferrar William Drury John Hanger Richard Wynde Robert Clarke John Ashcrofte Richard Hattley William Fuller James Wright Edward Mason Marke Newman Thomas Gilbert John Bellamy Edward Checkley William Love Lawrence Blatt John Pulter William Sparrowe Roger Peck Thomas Tryce Jonathan Read Gilbert Faune William Wye Robert Sewster John Mason Simon Mason Thomas Mayle Robert Vinter Lawrence Tomson Robert Tomson Richard Carter Edward Hanger Thomas Barge Thomas Beete Lawrence Thompson Samuell Elliott John Johnson Edward Mason Gentlemen:

For the Towne of Huntington:

The Mayor for the time being The Honourable Sidney Wortley alias Mountague The Honourable Richard Mountague Esquires Sir Lionell Walden Knight Sir Edmund Gardiner Knight John Bigg Esquire John Pocklington Esquire Richard Astrey Thomas Sawyer Joseph Darlowe George Merritt William Dowse Thomas Harris Edward Audley Phillipp Soper Gentlemen:

For the County of Kent:

Anthony Lord Viscount Faulkland of the Kingdome of Scotland Thomas Lord Fairefax Baron of Cameroon of the Kingdome of Scotland The Honourable Peregrine Bertie Esquire Sir William Twisden Sir Charles Sidley of Southfleete Sir Thomas Roberts Sir Charles Sidley of St Cleare Sir Henry Palmer Sir George Rivers Sir Thomas Culpeper Sir John Knatchbull Sir Phillipp Boteler Sir Thomas Stiles Sir Bazill Dixwell Sir Stephen Leonard Sir John Rainy Sir Robert Hales Sir Humphrey Miller Sir William Honywood Sir Thomas Peirce Sir John Banks Sir Nathaniell Powell Sir John Austen Sir Thomas Selyard Sir John Fagg Sir James Oxenden Knight and Baronett Sir William Swan Sir Robert Filmore Sir John Shawe Sir John Cutler Sir Roger Twisden Sir Francis Head Sir William Cooper Sir Francis Lawley Sir George Choute Sir Thomas Taylor Sir John Mordant Sir John Letheleire Sir Jacob Astley Sir Edward Bettison Sir Michaell Biddolfe Baronetts Sir Francis Leigh Sir William Pritchard Sir John Darrell Sir George Curtis Sir Charles Bickerstaffe Sir Henry Bosvill Sir Nicholas Crispe Sir Robert Faunce Sir Nicholas Tooke Sir Thomas Culpeper Sir Robert Marsham Sir James Hayes Sir Joseph Williamson Sir William Langhorne Sir William Hooker Sir Purbeck Temple Sir Algernoone May Knights Colonell Beaumont Leivetenant of Dover Castle Christopher Vane Robert Smith Edward Roper Edward Hales Thomas Knatchbull William Watton Charles Amhurst Jeffery Amhurst Thomas Rider William Campion Caleb Banks John Leech Robert Lewkner Gideon De Laune John Mascall George Harlackenden Richard Bowater William Boys of Hawkehurst William Henden Christopher Waters Edwin Steede John Bennett Colonell John Mottle of Chiselhurst Robert Austen Robert Crawford James Masters of Langden Jacob Breames Herbert Randolph John Boys John Crump William Hammond James Chadwick William Kingesley Christopher Mills William Turner Samuell Shorte William Brockman of Bitchborough William Brockman of Cheriton Thomas Moyle Thomas Papillon Francis Bathurst William De Laune James Bunce George Pettey William Selby George Polhill John Hide Major Gibbon John Cooke Robert Gibbon Thomas Osborne James Herbert Ralph Bufkin John Brewer John Packer Thomas Dallison Edward Gulston William Cage Reynold Peckham William Honywood Nicholas Miller John Wilkinson Richard Godden Andrew Brewer William Ash Thomas Lake Thomas Manley George Rooke John Ady William Symmonds William Allin John Cony Edward Cary Heneage Deereing John Chaplin Edward Craford Walter Hooper of Stockbury John Kenard Edmond Fowler Mountague Drake George Sayers Vice-Chamberlaine to the Queene John Le Mott Honywood William Huggessen Leonard Diggs Thomas Gomeldon ohn Sherman Christopher Deereing Gerrard Gore Nicholas Cooke George Elcock Henry Oxenden Moses Napleton Henry Hawley Richard Oxenden Herbert Palmer Wortley Whorwood Henry Lee James Cod Robert Heathe John Evelin Edward Austin William Lambert William Wilkinson Phillipp Bartholomew George Gifford Francis Farnaby Ralph Petley William Swan John Buggens Robert Austen junior Alexander Culpeper Esquires John Thurbarne Serjeant att Lawe Vincent Denn Serjeant att Lawe Doctor Thomas Taylor Captaine Pettit of Thanett Thomas Blisse Nordish Ran Christopher Sherman Abraham Harrison Arnold King Ellis Cunliffe Robert Plott Phillipp Papillon William Henman Francis Waterman Thomas Scott Charles Bargrave William Courthope Samuell Plummer of Hollingborne William White John Crispe Roger Payne Thomas Napleton Edward Nutt Henry Marsh Thomas Brewer Thomas Washer Robert Michell Jeffery Boys Samuell Shaw John Cason Robert Beake Thomas Hales George Curteis Thomas Adrian John Fotherby Francis Barrell Thomas Selyard Christopher Allison Henry Saundys Percivall Hart Edward Manings Edward Brent James Fortry Edward Grace Edward King Thomas Gifford Edward Bettison Edward Tooke William Randolph John Culpeper Charles Kenrick John Linch Robert Britton Thomas Marsh Thomas Meredith Humphrey Styles Richard Hulse Edward Manley Benjamin Godfrey John Bond William Turner Barnham Powell William James Captaine Tomlin Christopher Mason Esquires Thomas Nower of Ashford William Buggen Thomas Boys of Mersham Thomas Godfrey Thomas Turner The Mayor of Rochester for the [time (fn. 25) ] being The Mayor of Maidstone for the time being Dr Hattley Benjamin Hattley John Bloome Charles Fagg George Withwick Thomas Brett William Brett Gentlemen The Jurates of Maidstone being Justices of the Peace Thomas Morris John Coppin of Deale William Dixon John Smith John Baron William Spencer Captaine Courthope George Etkins Thomas Cooke of Bobbin William Tindall Richard Symonds Francis Wheeler Charles Cesar Henry Packer Robert Minors Esquires The Mayor of Gravesend for the time being Christopher Waters William Yardley William Culpeper John Christmas Thomas Chiffinch Francis Brooks Thomas Skegg George Carter John Chapman William Watson John Matson John Smith of Lee John Skinner Garrette Gallant Richard Elay William Weaver George Peirce Robert Salmond Robert Holden of Hawkridge Samuell Wood William Reader John Brian Luke Spencer William Woodyer John Charleton Thomas Plummer Peter Short Gentlemen The Governoure of Upnoare Castle The Mayor of Queeneborough and Justices of the Peace for the time being Abraham Spooner Gentleman Doctor Robert Cony Bernard Ellis Esquires

For the City and County of the City of Canterbury:

Matthias Gray Esquire Mayor Vincent Denn Esquire Serjeant att Lawe Recorder Sir William Honywood Baronett Henry Lee John Cason Edward Nutt Herbert Randolph Jeffery Boys William Turner William Courthope Esquires Thomas Taylor Doctor of Lawe John Clarke Robert Coney Doctors of Physick William Watson Gentleman Thomas Fidge Thomas Knowler Nicholas Nicholson Thomas Dunkin William Gilbert John Gnarlyn Squire Beverton Henry Gibbs Francis Jeffery Henry Waddell John Beane Aldermen:

For the Towne and Port of New Romney:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Charles Sidley Baronett John Brewer Esquire Mr John Hunt Mr John Mascall Mr Peter Marten Mr Richard Baker Mr John Chalker Mr William Finch Mr Peter Evans:

For the Towne and Port of Hythe:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Phillipp Boteler Baronett William Brockman Esquire Captaine Robinson Bean Mr William Browne Mr Henry Deedes Mr Elias Bassett Mr Thomas Tournay:

For the Towne and Port of Dover:

The Mayor and Jurates for the time being Thomas Papillon Esquire James Chadwick Esquire Sir Abraham Jacob Frederick de Vincke John Mattson Nicholas Cullin Phillipp Yorke Robert Jacob Abraham Stock Thomas Raworth John Forde Nathaniell Denew Gentlemen Thomas Beddingfeild Towne Clerke.

For the Towne and Port of Sandwich:

Mr Serjeant Thurbarne Edward Brent Esquires The Mayor and Jurates for the time being Richard Hawker Towne Clerke:

For the Towne of Feversham:

The Mayor for the time being Charles Kendrick Thomas Nepelton Thomas Knowles Richard Marsh Francis Waterman Joseph Edwards Gentlemen:

For the Towne of Tenterden:

Sir George Choute Baronett Robert Austen senior Robert Austen junior Esquires Robert Wightwicke James Skeates William Curteis The Mayor for the time being John Mantle Thomas Sharpe John Whitfeild William Finch of New Rumney Gentlemen Doctor John Clarke Peter Short Edward Short Thomas Short James Whitfeild:

For the Towne of Fordwich:

The Mayor for the time being Samuell Short Esquire:

For the Towne of Folkeston:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Bazill Dixwell Baronett Miles Jacob Thomas Fagg Gibbon Ladd William Brockman William Jenkins Robert Hammond Thomas Jenkins Nicolls [Masters: (fn. 26) ]

For the Towne of Lydd:

Mr John Bateman Mr Humphrey Lee Mr William Bachelour Mr William Wing Mr William Edmunds Mr Nicholas Dye Mr John Bannowell:

For the County Palatine of Lancaster:

Richard Lord Colchester Sonne and Heire Apparent of [Earle (fn. 27) ] Rivers Charles Lord Brandon Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Macclesfeild The Honourable James Stanley The Honourable Fitton Gerrard The Honourable George Cholmundley Sir Charles Houghton Sir Edmund Ashton Sir Thomas Staley Sir Ralph Ashton Sir Robert Duckenfeild Sir Richard Standish Sir William Pennington Sir Henry Ashurst Baronetts Sir Edward Chisnall Sir Daniell Fleming Sir Edward Moseley Sir Thomas Rawlinson Knights Goodwin Wharton Thomas Norris James Holt Roger Kirkby Thomas Preston Edward Fleetewood William Farrington Alexander Rigby Lawrence Rawstorne William Hilton Roger Manwaring Thomas Braddill James Lightbowne John Entwistle Christopher Parker Thomas Dodd Thomas Ashurst Thomas Banks James Duckenfeild James Chetham John Hopwood Joshua Horton Joseph Yates John Warren Alexander Rigby Edward Rigby Thomas Rigby Anthony Parker Christopher Wilkinson Ralph Longworth Peter Shackerly Christopher Greenefeild Roger Kenyon Francis Lynley Peter Egerton William Hulme John Braddill William Kirkeby John Hayes Roger Moore Edward Willson Miles Sands John Fennick Thomas Sherson Benjamin Houghton John Hodson Alexander Mawdesley Ralph Livesay Thomas Brotherson Samuell Legay Richard Percivall Nicholas Starkey Thomas Lever Richard Entwisle Bartie Entwisle William Fleming Roger Fleming Esquires Edward Herle Mr William Fleming John Crofts Esquire Robert Clayton Barnaby Hesketh Thomas Rigby Oswald Moseley John Veale Henry Rigley Joseph Gregg William Magull Thomas Patten Thomas Serjeant of Pilkington Esquires William Patten R Egerton Richard Fleetewood Alexander Ratcliffe Richard Tounley Edward Booth Peter Ormirod Thomas Rishton Ambrose Barcroft Nicholas Cunliffe Thomas Bradshaw William Tasham John Tasham Samuell Crooke of Copemell John Starkey Jonathan Blackbourne Thomas Willis Thomas Roughley Thomas Croft Edward Parker Samuell Hilton Edmund Horneby Richard Longworth Thomas Foster Thomas Waller Joshua Partington Thomas Smith Thomas Fife Nathaniell Molineux William Slater William Lowd John Latus Richard Ravington William Leigh John Johnson Thomas Golborne William Molineux Matthew Abraham Jeremiah Smeshurst George Derbieshiere George Golborne James Ashton Andrewe Danby John Clayton Thomas Clayton William Ashton John Sorocold John Lawnders John Molineux John Lasham Robert Carter Robert Roper John Nuttall Martin Willis Thomas Grantham Joseph Huddlestone Robert Atkinson Josiah Hird William Hutton John Widdowes John Allen John Wilme Thomas Caterall John Golburne Thomas Haywood Robert Halliwell James Holland R Fincham Richard Dickenson John Palson Thomas Wally James Norcrofte Miles Wittacer Thomas Sudell Gentlemen John Talhad William Crosse Edward Parr of Eccleston Peter Shaw Thomas Wadrington Edward Balle Thomas Benson William Simpson John Crofts Esquires Thomas Simpson of Torisholme Thomas Golbourne senior William Patten William Mollineux James Foulds William Tatham John Tatham Alexander Hesketh Charles Davenport Seth Clayton Esquires John Wright Jonathan Case John Heyes Nicholas Hazacherley William Benson The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Bayliffs of Lancaster for the time being Charles Rigby Esquire William Penny Thomas Medcalfe John Tarleton Thomas Waller John Greenewood The Mayor Aldermen and Bayliffes of the Borough of Preston for the time being John Ferrars Esquire Doctor Charles Leigh Daniell Chadwicke John Roberts Thomas Greenefeild Roger Sudell senior Christopher Nowell The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Bayliffs for the Borough of Wigan for the time being John Birom Edward Herle Esquires The Steward for the Borough of Newton for the time being George Leigh Leigh Bowden The Bayliffes and Recorder for the Borough of Clithero for the time being John Lyster Arthur Ashton Robert Sclater Edmund Robinson John Webster Richard Sayer William Oddy The Mayor of Liverpoole for the time being William Clayton Thomas Tyrer Thomas Brookebanke Aldermen Thomas Johnson senior William Preeson John Pemberton Peter Atherton John Molineux Gentlemen:

For the County of Leicester:

Thomas Lord Beaumont of the Kingdome of Ireland Bennett Lord Sherrard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Sir William Rawlinson one of the Co[m]missioners for the Custody of the Greate Seale of England The Right Honourable Lord William Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton The Honourable John Noell Esquire The Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire Sir William Villers Sir Thomas Mackworth Sir Thomas Hasilrige Sir George Beaumont Sir William Halford Sir Wolston Dixey Sir Edward Hudson Sir Edward Smith Sir John Noell Sir William Ellis Sir Richard Nudigate Sir Robert Dashwood Baronetts Sir Edward Abney Sir Edward Wigley Sir Ambrose Phillipps Sir William Yorke Knights Walter Chetwinde John Verney Thomas Boothby Richard Lyster senior John D' Lafountaine Robert Hesilrige senior St. John Bennett Charles Morris Thomas Pochen of Barkby senior George Moreton William Streete Roger Rowe Roger Smith William Coles William Bynd Matthew Johnson Clerke of the Parliaments George Ashby John Wilson Henry Guilbert Robert Hesilrige junior William Jesson Thomas Babbinton William Hartopp Edward Wilson Edward Hudson Edward Smith Samuell Danvers Richard Brudenall Charles Duncomb Rowland Browne Edward Conyers Palmer of Wanlipp Counsellor att Lawe John Mitton. Edward Needeham Thomas Lewis Stanhope Whaley Nathan Wright Serjeant att Lawe William Boothby Thomas Putchen junior John Bennett James Halsall Thomas Hayes Charles Jennings Richard Lister junior Henry Heningham Thomas Hartopp William Ashby Thomas Skefington Brome John Thornhagh Thomas Codlicoate Thomas Wilson George Putchen Henry Hastings Christopher Pack William Faunt John Wilkins Henry Kendall William Woolaston John Major John Oneby James Armeston Thomas Charnalls Michaell Wrightson Francis Munday Thomas Abney William Rawlins senior John Steele Joseph Pochen of Thurmaston Samuell Cotton William Frank Thomas Noble Richard Bradgate Lawrence Carter William Benbridge William Herryck William Belgrave William Gervice Matthew Symonds Robert Walker William Rawlins junior Leonard Vowe Deane Everard Goodman Tyrringham Stephens William Atkins John Coles Robert Freeman Thomas Andrewes William Billers William Clarke of Gilmorton John Watts John Hood Jeffry Palmer Richard Watts Gentlemen Richard Cheslin Gent.:

For the Borough of Leicester:

John Brookesby Esquire Mayor of the Borough of Leicester Nathan Wright Serjeant att Lawe William Frank John Major Matthew Symonds Esquires William Southwell William Deane Philip Abney John Goodall John Roberts George. Bent William Bentley Joseph Cradocke William Billers William Major Thomas Palmer junior Thomas Wells John Watts John Wilkins John Bent William Sheeres Edmond Johnson William Cox John Norris Edmond Cradocke Thomas Palmer senior Thomas Lawrence William Orton and John Abney Gentlemen Sir Edward Abney Knight Lawrence Carter Esquire John Ludlam Samuell Woodland John Cracrofte Gentlemen:

For the County of Lincolne and Citty of Lincolne and for the County of the said City:

The Right Honourable William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton The Right Honourable George Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland Lord Fitz Williams of the Kingdome of Ireland Bennett Lord Sherrard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Peregrine Bertie the Elder The Honourable Charles Bertie senior The Honourable Peregrine Bertie junior The Honourable Phillipp Bertie The Honourable James Bertie The Honourable Charles Sanderson The Honourable James Sanderson The Honourable William Montague Craven Howard Sir Henry Monson Sir Thomas Hussey Sir John Brownelowe Sir John Moreton [Baronetts (fn. 28) ] Sir Charles Orby Baronett Sir John Tyrwhitt Sir John Newton Sir George Markeham Sir John Thorold Sir Willougby Hickman Sir William Ellis Sir Richard Cust Sir Edward Hussey Sir William Buck Sir Richard Rothwell Sir Charles Ocsby Baronett Sir John Oldfeild Sir Thomas Trollopps Sir John Bolles Sir Richard Earle Sir Walter Clarges Sir Thomas Barnadiston Sir Thomas Meeres Sir Thomas Rolt Sir Thomas Clarges Sir William Massingbird Sir John Sherrard Sir Thomas Skipwith Baronetts Sir Edward Aiscough Sir Willm Yorke Sir Edmund Turner Sir Michaell Wharton Sir John Thompson Sir Thomas Travell Knights Charles Dimmock Champion Lewis Dymmock William Marwood Thomas Broughton Thomas Skipwith Thomas Lister Henry Stone Robert Riley Noah Neale Edward Payne Edward Montague John Sanders William Welby William Hide senior William Hide junior Anthony Palmer Christopher Hales Esquires Sir Pury Cust The Mayor Aldermen Recorder and Sheriffes of the City of Lincolne For the Corpora&c[co]n of Grimsby The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder For the Corpora&c[co]n of Boston The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Boston For the Corporac[i]on of Stamford The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Stamford For the Corporac[i]on of Grantham The Alderman of Grantham William Hascard John Robinson Edward Codington Simon Grant Robert Cole Thomas Ireland Edward Watson Thomas Cole William Clarke Thomas Crichloe Nathaniell Garthwaite Doctor Lee Gentlemen Edward Browne Joseph Fidell Robert Harris of Kirton Edward Fawood of Gosberton John Thorney Charles Newcomen Nicholas Newcomen Tho. Johnson Richard White Henry Moutray Ralph Rugeley Gent. Anthony Wingfeild Charles Halford Peregrine Bertie of Gedney Esq[uire] The Warden of Lowth John Newton Mountague Cholmly William Brownlow Richard Winch Stephen Rothwell William Trollopp Peregrine Buck John Micklethwaite John Goodricke Samuell Ludington Esquires John Browne William Mountague Gentlemen Sir Edward Farmer Sir Robert Barkham Baronetts John Bolt John Wood Benjamine Kinge Andrew Barton Gent. Gilbert Bury Esq[uire] Peter Bird Gent. Thomas Bury Ciprian Thorneton Edward Tourney senior Edward Tourney junior David Feild Gentlemen William Chapman John Chaplin Christopher Berisford Thomas Hall Vincent Grantham Francis Grantham George Witchcott George Nevill Bryan Nevill Robert Cawderon Thomas Cowley John Harvey Esquires The Deane and Chapter of Lincolne George Fairefax Thomas Younge William Thompson John Hussey Matthew Lister Robert Rider senior Dimmocke Walpoole John Fisher John Bishopp Richard Torkley John Pinder George Knight Christopher Palmer Sigismund Trafford Francis Purley Benjamine Smith Peter Shorte Robert Archer Esquires Richard Cuthbert George Newcomen Gentlemen Charles Fox Rawston Hart Charles Bates John Toller George Langton senior George Langton junior Charles Hutton Robert Fisher Francis Anderson Edmund Anderson Esquires Thomas Aiscough Gentleman John Ely Edwin Anderson Esquires John Howe John Greene junior James Ashton John Towne George Smith Johnson of Whitham Henry Jenkinson Henry Burrell Thomas Pownell High Sheriffe Ruben Sparke Esquires William Wallett William Ambler Gentlemen Martin Johnson Robert Tyrwhit Esquires Peter Mapletoft John Emerson Thomas Harnesse John Butler Gentlemen Daniell Deline Robert Sanders Adam Bland John Thorold Isaac Newton Thomas Collinson Thomas Tigh Thomas Williamson John Burton William Bonner Gent. William Cotton John Appleyard Francis Aiscough Thomas Webberley John Key William Tayler of Heckington Edward Curtis Lewis Hurst William Tomlins of Riby Anthony Burton Humphrey Hide Benjamine Cuthbert William Stafford John Micklethwaite junior Edward Tourney senior Edward Tourney junior John Quincey John Garland Joseph Edmunds William Yorke Charles Fitzwilliams Sirack [Wealehead (fn. 29) ] Robert Jenkinson Thomas Billcliffe junior Charles Beaty Thomas Hardy William Osgoodby Thomas Moore Esquires Edmund Inkersall Edmund Dickenson William Greene of Long Sutton Nathaniell Thorold Gent. John Aiscough Martin Browne Henry Newstead William Marshall John Neive Charles Newcomin Gentlemen Doctor Fulwood of Stamford John Evans William Long of Barton Gentlemen Francis Fane Ralph Maddinson Esquires Patricke Shore Thomas Pooles Robert Harris Edward Browne of Quadring [Henry (fn. 30) ] Caywood Maurice Johnson Edward Austin Eusebius Morton Edward Wilby Christopher Spooner John Bryan Thory Todd William Duncomb Jonathan Gaule John Thorneby Edward Wilby Gentlemen Henry Pell Beanell Wimberly Esquires Allan Knipe Christopher Hilliard Edward Leresley Thomas Coale Robert Tirkill Dimmock of Markett Rason John Burslem William Jay William Dillimeare Henry Andrewes of Osgerby George Jollands Walcott of Walcott Gentlemen John Browne Esquire:

For the City of London:

The Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffes of the City of London ( (fn. 31) ) Sir Salathiell Lovell Knight Recorder of the City of London Sir John Sommers Knight Theire Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Knight Theire Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir John Mordent Sir Richard Temple Sir Benjamine Ayloffe Sir Henry Ashurst Sir Nicholas Crispe Sir Thomas Pope Blunt Sir Robert Rich Sir William Lemmon Baronetts Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Sir Thomas Clarges Sir James Smith Sir Benjamine Newland Sir Matthewe Andrewes Sir Thomas Vernon Sir John Matthewes Sir William Russell Sir John Lethuilier Sir Robert Adams Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke Sir Thomas Rawlinson Sir Thomas Littleton Sir John Werden Sir Robert Southwell Sir Thomas St George Sir Richard Raynes Sir Charles Hedges Sir Basill [Firebrace (fn. 32) ] Sir Gabriell Roberts Sir William Dodson Sir Josephe Herne Sir Edward Desbovery Sir Ralph Box Sir William Hedges Sir Stephen Evans Sir John Foche Sir Peter Paravacine Sir John Cope Sir John Browne Sir Thomas Davall Sir William Wogan Their Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Sir Rowland Aynesworth Sir Leonard Robinson Chamberlaine Sir John Iles Sir Henry Furnace Thomas Papillon Thomas Fredericke Esquires Doctor Henry Newton Chancellor of London Lievetenant Collonell John Perry Thomas Westerne William Strong William Campion Esquires Nathaniell Hawes Nicholas Charleton William Hooker Jeofferye Jeofferyes John Jefferyes Charles Chamberlaine Richard Aley John Buckworth John Nicholls Arthur Champneys George Sittwell Arthur [Barton (fn. 33) ] Charles Duncomb Daniell Sheldon Thomas Goddard William Ivatt Nathaniell Horneby John Crispe Robert Bodington Francis Gosfright Thomas Ryder Henry Hunter William Fazakerly John Flavell John West John Moore Godfrey Woodward Thomas Crane William Carpenter William Whitehall Abraham Jaggard William Lewen William Gunn Hugh Strode Robert Braburne Robert Whittingham Edward Baker John Ashby George Cole James Clement Edmund Prideaux Leivtennant Collonell Pearce Thomas Phelpe Henry Crispe Richard Bristow Samuell Trotman William Robinson Thomas Firmin Thomas Colson Thomas Pitt Gregory King Henry Dethick Dr George Oxenden Samuell Shepheard George Bearcrofte John Blake William Edwards John Chaney John Mould Joseph Martin George Boone Wadham Windham Samuell Som[m]erford Peter Floyer Richard Normansell Charles Feltham Thomas Gardiner George Gooday Peter Joy William Pellett William Withers Thomas Blackmore Percivall Golborne Nicholas Chaplin John Kent John Knapp John Cooke William Falkener John Genew Francis Chamberlaine William Woodroofe John Midgeley James Oades George Newland Thomas Langham Daniell Allen William Jarrett Francis Dashwood John Freman Arthur Staveley Richard Cradock Samuell Clarke John Morrice Isaac Houblon Robert Masters Richard Acton William Warren Herbert Aylewynn Thomas Jene Richard Yerberry Thomas Tokefeild Thomas Sanford John Johnson Peter Pickering Richard Hoare Nicholas Alexander Robert Bedingfeild Thomas Darwinn James Smith Rupert Browne James Woods James Fowles James Eaton Joseph Horneby Richard Nicc6olls Robert Raworth Francis Brerewood Richard Goodall Thomas Salter Samuell Ongley Nicholas Collett Richard Edmondson George Pecke Charles Ball Richard Wynn Richard Holder John Wilcox Arthur Shallott Peter Percivall Richard Gwynn Gilbert Heathcocke Michael Godfrey John Cary George Boothe Esquires Charles Godolphyn Esquire George Nicholas Esquire Edward Jenkinson William Cole Samuell Waldoe John Harvey Captaine William Walker John Knight Henry Cornish Richard Hutchinson Charles Mountague Esquires John Sansom Thomas Martin Robert Foster Joseph Wright Marke Stratton Anthony Turney William Founes William Johnson Thomas Spencer John Little George Carew Thomas Phipps John Ward Samuell Roysterne Philipp Papillon Edward Etricke Richard Yerbury William Den Thomas Emes John Travill Alexander Jacob Matthew Humberstone Nathaniell Greeves Thomas Humphryes Samuell Locke John Grimston Robert Hookes Esquire Frederick Herne Esquire Nathaniell Herne Samuell Garrett John Bland John Hungerford James Mundy Duncan Dee Charles Thorold John Mumford John Raley Thomas Eyres James Collett Francis Thursfeild John Morgan Samuell Staneir Edward Rudge Felix Calberts John Eure Richard Beauchampe William Stredwick Nathaniell Stourton Colonell Willett Arthur Moore John Hargrave John Oldbury John Deacle James Rufine Doctor of Physick Major Charles Wilson Thomas Westerne junior Thoms Cuddon Augustine Ballowe:

For Serjeants Inn in Fleetestreete:

Sir George Treby Lord Chiefe Justice of the Courte of Co[m]mon Pleas Lord Chiefe Baron Atkins Mr Justice Dolben Mr Justice Rookeby Mr Baron Lechmere Mr Baron Turton Mr Serjeante Tremaine Mr Serjeante Trenchard Mr Serjeant Thompson Mr Serjeante Levins Mr Serjeante Blincoe:

For Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane:

Lord Chiefe Justice Holt Mr Justice Nevill Mr Justice Powell Mr Justice Gregory Mr Justice Eyres Mr Baron Powell Mr Serjeante Wogan Mr Serjeante George Strode Mr Serjeante Thomas Strode Treasurer Mr Serjeante Bigland Mr Serjeante Byrch Mr Serjeant Lovell Mr Serjeant Thurbarne:

For the Inner Temple and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons and First Lord Co[m]missioner for the Custody of the Greate Seale of England Sir Thomas Trevor Knight Theire Majesties Solicitor Generall William Farrer Esquire Sir Nathaniell Powell Knight Charles Holloway The Honourable Heneage Finch Thomas Farrer John Mosyer Paul Foley Edward Ward William Pettyt Anthony Bowyer Nicholas Courtenay John Hales Lancelott Johnson James Cardrow John Cooke William Tempest Esquires And the rest of the Benchers for the time being:

For the Middle Temple and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

Sir John Sommers Theire Majesties Attorney Generall Sir William Whitlocke Knight one of Theire Majesties Councell learned in the Lawe Richard Wallopp Esquire And the rest of the Benchers of the said Society or any three of them:

For the County of Middlesex:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons First Lord Co[m]missioner for the Custody of the Greate Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire Chancellor of Theire Majesties Courte of Exchequer and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell ( (fn. 34) ) Lord Herbert [Marquesse (fn. 35) ] of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort The Right Honourable Edward Russell Esquire and James Russell Esquire Sonnes to the Earle of Bedford Charles Lord Cheyney of the Kingdome of Scotland Anthony Lord Falkland of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Henry Lord Coleraine of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Charles. Lord Brandon Sonne and Heire Apparent to Charles Earle of Macclesfeild The Right Honourable Sir William Rawlinson and Sir George Hutchins Lords Co[m]missioners for the Custody, of the Greate Seale of England Sir John Holt Knight Lord Chiefe Justice of Theire Majesties Courte of Kings Bench Sir George Treby Knight Lord Chiefe Justice of Theire Majesties Courte of Co[m]mon Pleas Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath Speaker of the House of Peeres and Lord Chiefe Baron of Theire Majesties Courte of Exchequer The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Henry Pagett Esquire The Honourable ( (fn. 36) ) Robert Howard The Honourable Craven Howard The Honourable Edward Mountague The Honourable Henry Preistman The Honourable Thomas Newport The Honourable Peregrine Bertie The Honourable James Bertie The Honourable Charles Mountague The Honourable Robert Shirley Esquires The Co[m]missioners of Theire Majesties Excise for the time being The Co[m]missioners of Theire Majesties Green Cloth for the time being The Honourable Robert Bertie Esquire Sir Charles Gerard Sir William Cooper. Sir William Roberts Sir Anthony Craven Sir William Smith Sir Richard Fisher Sir Cane James Sir William Barkham Sir Thomas Pope Blount Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Henry Ashurst Sir John Banks Sir William Williams Sir Henry Marwood Sir Richard Onslowe Sir Roger Langley. Sir John Cutler Sir Phillipp Carterett Sir Samuell Barnadiston Sir John Wolstenholme Sir William Booth Sir Walter Clarges Sir John Hoskins Sir James Rushout Sir John Cope Sir Walter Plumer Sir Phillipp Boteler Sir John Cope Baronetts Sir John. Sommers Knight Theire Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Knight Theire Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Thomas Bide Sir John Elwes Sir James Butler Sir Thomas Rowe Sir Richard Dowton Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir William Hill Sir Francis Pemberton Sir Henry Johnson Sir Orlando Gee Sir Theodore Devaux Sir Thomas Kensey Sir Anthony Keck Sir Bazill [Firebrace (fn. 37) ] Sir William Hedges Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Charles Cotterell Sir Edward Waldo Sir Thomas Grantham Sir Purbeck Temple Sir Lacon William Child Sir Miles Cooke Sir John Francklyn Sir Adam Otteley Sir James Astrey Sir Robert Legard Sir William Perkins Sir Goddard Nelthorpe Sir Edward Abney Sir Thomas Hodgson Sir Cornwall Bradshawe Sir Michaell Heneage Sir William Ashurst Sir William Pritchard Sir William Wogan Sir Charles Umfrevile Sir John Trenchard Sir Charles Lee Sir James Smith Sir John Bucknall Sir Edmund Warcupp Sir Jeremy Sambrooke Sir Francis Child Sir Thomas Rawlinson Sir John Tremaine Sir James Etheridge Sir Francis Lee Sir Bartholomew Shore Sir Thomas Cooke Sir Thomas Lane Sir Stephen Fox Sir Robert Marsham Sir William Whitlocke Sir Michaell Wharton Sir Edward Wood Sir Robert Dacres Sir Heneage Fetherstone Sir Thomas Middleton Sir William Leman Sir Joseph Herne Sir John Hubland Sir James Tillie Sir John Parsons Knights Ralph Hawtrey Thomas Done and Brooke Bridges Auditors of Theire Majesties Imprest Accompts John Phelips one of the Auditors of Theire Majesties Courte of Exchequer Charles Duncombe Henry Portman Nicholas Rayneton Joshua Galliard James Mundy William Avery John Smith Adam Andrewes Edward Harris John Walker and John Walton of Hadley John Huxley John Bathurst Thomas Austin Robert Austin William Tate William Bluck Thomas Jackson Roger Gillingham James Chadwicke William Draper John Lacey Thomas Windham Richard Atkins Robert Frampton Henry Herbert John Smith Cheeke Gerrard Edward Waldo Richard Page Thomas Franklyn John Baggs Lancelott Lake John Nicholl Thomas Napier Richard Bowater John Haley Tanner Arnold John Powell William Martin Edward Littleton William Baber Dr Gideon Hervey Edward Maplesden George Sitwell Richard Shoreditch John Stanion Roger Jennings John Jennings of Heese Francis Mericke John Walker of Hillingdon Henry Hawley Christopher Clytherowe Nicholas Grice John Davenporte Richard Parker Thomas Boteler Robert Beale Robert Newdigate Lancelott Johnson Henry Collins Thomas Pearshouse Richard Lugg John Crosier Jasper English Henry Reynell Thomas Wood Leonard Hamond Matthew Johnson Clerke of the Parliaments Paul Jodrell Clerke of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Daniell Procter John Slater John Fantleroy Richard Darbysheire Edward Progers Robert Hedding William Gulston Charles Fox Henry Barker Robert Sheffeild Thomas Hinsloe Thomas Alston Francis Brende Thomas Methold Thomas Webb Thomas Henshawe Richard Taylor Anthony Nourse Richard Woodward Robert Clarkeson Foote Onslowe Henry Lambe Francis Barry John Loveing junior Dr Edward Chamberlaine William Underwood Dr Nicholas Staggins William Partheridge Timothy Le Noy George Tredeway Dr Thomas Hobbs Dr Nicholas Barbon Thomas Plukenett James Southerne Francis Bagshawe Hugh Smithson German Ireton John Tredenham [Edward (fn. 38) ] Harby Ralph Bucknall Thomas Owen John Le Neve Peter Le Neve Daniell Sheldon Peter Knight Henry Hassard Richard Stephens Ralph Grange Samuell Buck Richard Milner John Milner Narcissus Lutterell Francis Twisden George Dixon William Emerton George Edwards Carewe Guidott Edward Goldesborough Richard Price Dr John Edisbury Roger Meridith Samuell Kecke Shem Bridges Richard Garth Bazill Herne Littleton Powell William Freeman John Hungerford John Plumer William Thursby John Cooke Thomas Winford William Tempest Richard Aston James Southaby Humphrey Etherington Francis Browne Samuell Somerford William Ettericke Edward Byde William Gulstone Albian Chare Henry Spelman Aaron Pengry John Lloyd John Dawling Richard Dyott Richard Coleing James Tissor Daniell Baker Francis Thacker Edward Noell Richard Haley Thomas Goodwin Charles Bonithon Craven Peyton Richard Holford Samuell Trotman Peter Lugg Colonell Cornewall Simon Smith Joseph Offley Thomas Offley Erasmus Smith John Higdon John Rawlinson John Milbourne Nathaniell Hilton William Hastings John Hastings John Temple. Richard Adams John Bradford John Coggs John East William Whitacre Tobias Eden Thomas Brotherton Robert Pugh Isaack Foxcrofte Andrewe Phillips Thomas Medlicott Theophilus Eyton Thomas Christie John Smith Robert Dormer Humphrey Bradshawe Simon Harcourt Councellor att Lawe Simon Harcourte of the Crowne Office James Allin Thomas Hall Thomas Smith William Withers John Perry John Crosse Ralph Byde Edward Beker Francis Stanton John Gunston Roger Wood James Carderow William Dyn William Underwood Hercules Horsey John Raymond Richard Craddock Richard Cheslin Captaine John Partheridge Captaine James Partheridge Isaac Honywood Robert Hastings William Bird senior Francis Tissen Edward Northey William Northey Arthur Bayley Hopefor Bendall Joseph Keate Peter Bourdeaux George Bohun William Johnson Thomas Worley John Cave Timothy Thornbury William Thompson John Webber Abraham Bayley John Constable Matthew Bateman Joseph Blissett Samuell Twynn Nathaniell Owen John North John Iffeild George Ford William Wakelyn Henry Russell Richard Savile Henry Dethick John Vandebend John Bourne Gabriell Sparkes William Warr Nathaniell Mountney Thomas Grimble Captaine Joseph Stephens Paul Docminique Captaine Bateson John Woodfine Richard Knolls Thomas Wilcox Thomas Freeman Captaine John Nicholson Captaine William Snelling John Andrewes Peter Lekeux William Maynard Charles Osbourne Thomas Glover Thomas Casse junior Captaine Edward Noble Joseph Rolfe Richard Wildy Richard Awberry Edward Ambrose Edward Trotman William Lightfoote Thomas Neale Doctor Owen Wynn Joseph Offley Robert Cecill Nicholas Carewe Fredericke Herne Gregory Page Henry Hunt Maximilian Stephens John Harris of Brumpton Robert Hardesty Daniell Short Robert Fisher Cheney Rowe Colonell Jurine George Carter Esquires Charles Hawtrey Phillipp Mitchell William Fenn Francis Ashby Henry Cave senior Henry Cave junior Richard Parkins Nathaniell Lacey Robert Burdett William Bampfeild William Webb Thomas Harris Anthony Guydott John Cannon John Bayley John Merydale Robert Longland John Barnes Anthony Welles Ralph Clayton Simon Fuller Thomas Rudd Samuell Harwarr Bernard Turner Ralph Harwood William Pemble Gentlemen John Short John Butcher Thomas Dyose Abraham Nelson John Raynolds Thomas Rudd Gregory King Edmund Phillipps Symon Mayne John Agar Humphrey Ayle James How Esquires John Little John Hookes Gentlemen John Verney Arthur Moore Esquires Adam Wareing Gentleman Thomas Morris Esquire John Morris Gentleman Silvester Chilcott Samuell Knowles James Host Esquires Christopher. Deane James Fountaine Gentlemen Benjamine Hilton Esquire William Duncombe Captaine Den Nathaniell Hudson Thomas Nicholls of Henden Gentlemen Daniell Nicholl Esquire Sir Thomas Mompesson Knight William Drope Gent Stephen Morris Gent Crispe Grange Joseph Sherwood John Briscoe Jonathan Nethway Colonell Robert Auston Leonard Hancock Esquire Thomas Shepway Gent Nicholas Burnell Hugh Smithson John Asby Joshua Shephard Henry Plumptree Esquire William Payne Edward Boyde Esquires William Benson Gent Charles Ferrers James Vernon Nathan Ludlow:-

For the City of Westminster and Liberties thereof:-

The Right Honourable Richard Earle of Ranelagh of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privye Councell and one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury The Right Honourable Sir Stephen Fox Knight one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury The Right Honourable Sir Edward Seymour Baronett one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell and one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury And the Right Honourable Charles Mountague Esquire another of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury The Right Honourable Sir Robert Howard [Knigt (fn. 39) ] one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Edward Russel Esquire one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir John Lowther of Lowther Baronett Vice-Chamberlaine to His Majestie and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Hugh Boscawen Esquire one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill William Lord Elland Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Marquesse of Halifax Edward Lord Cornbury Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Clarendon The Right Honourable Henry Lord Hide Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Rochester Anthony Lord Falkland of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Craven Howard Phillipp Howard Thomas Howard Peregrine Bertie Charles Bertie Bernard Granvill John Granvill Thomas Newport Henry Maynard Henry Frederick Thynn William Cheyney Esquires Sir John Lowther of White Haven Sir Samuell Grimston Sir Charles Carterett Sir Roger Langley Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Robert Cotten Sir Robert Pye Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir Peter Colliton Sir William Honywood Sir Walter Clarges Sir Henry Marwood Sir John Cutler Baronetts Sir William Wogan Theire Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Sir John Sommers Theire Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Theire Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir Richard Temple Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Onslowe Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Joseph Seymour Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir John Elwes Sir Phillipp Meadowes Sir John Nicholas Sir Joseph Williamson Sir Charles Cotterell junior Sir William Orpe Sir Christopher Wrenn Sir James Hayes Sir Humphrey Winch Sir John Trenchard Sir John Bucknall Sir Thomas Chambers Sir Thomas St. George Sir Michaell Cole Sir Jonathan Jennings Sir William Cooper Sir Thomas Travell Sir Robert Rich and Sir Francis Child Knights Sir Benjamin Bathurst All the Officers of the Board of Greenecloth for Theire Majesties Houses and the Three Prothonotaries of the Court of Comon Pleas for the time being Charles Fox Henry Guy Thomas Done Brooke Bridges William Aleworth John Phelips Hugh Squire James Vernon Charles Bonithon Thomas Watkins John Parkhurst Francis Gwynn James Sheffeild Benjamin Cooleing Doctor Owen Wynn William Bridgman George Nicholas John Smith of St. Pauls Covent Garden Foot Onslowe Thomas Cotton George Nicholas Robert Austin Esquires Walter Bridall Thomas Neale Christopher Vane Matthew Lock John Currance Edmund Ogar David Crawford William Shawe John Tully William Richards William Blathwaitc Richard Pagett Edmund Waller Francis Negus Ralph Marshall Robert Feilding John Knight John Baber John Rawkins Nicholas Fenn James Tisser Anthony Rowe Roger Gillingham Nicholas Martin William Seabrooke Edward Salisbury John Wilson Thomas Payne Richard Dalton Phillipp Farwell Guicciardine Wentworth John Packer Peter Hume Rowland Holt John Fox Charles Whitakre William Baber Matthew Johnson Clerke of the Parliaments John Walker Paul Jodrell Clerke of the House of Co[m]mons John Squibb Benjamin Jefferyes Colonell Edward Rowse Colonell John Fitzpatricke William Poultenay John Hastings William Gulston Henry Preistman James Southerne Nicholas Barbon Eldred Lancelott Lee Edward Progers Thomas Hall Humphrey Hethrington Phillipp Ryley Edward Richbell John Cooke William Duncomb George Nicholas William Thursby Major Thomas Taylor Lawrence St. Loe Charles Chetwind Thomas Owen Ralph Bucknall Francis Knollys Henry Colt Edmund Webb John Woodhouse Henry Ludlowe Richard Garth Esquires Martin Lister John Ratcliffe Doctor of Physicke Leonard Plucknett Gentleman Bartholomew Phillingham Charles Twitty William Lownds Robert Squibb Thomas Wymondesold Humphrey Masten John Spicer John Lowe Bartholomew Burton John Peters Robert Knott John Creed John Milner Richard Milner John Roydhouse Edmund Woodruff John Cleare John Smalbone Nehemiah Arnold Richard Ryder Gerrard Cotter Captaine John Taylder Captaine Richard Crispe Captaine John Partridge Thomas Templeman of St. Martins in the Fields Major Henry New Morrice Hunt James Chace Joshua Drayner George Cooper John Haynes John Lugg Richard Wheeler Richard Lassells Charles Rampaigne Ralph Hutchinson Marke Lawne Richard Fitzgerald Charles Knott John Clayton John Worley Edmond Yeomans Richard Cooper John Rossin[n]gton Matthias Cooper Richard Petty John Martin William Greene Richard Heybourne Erasmus Dryden Thomas Browne Richard [Owen (fn. 40) ] John England John Bolt Richard Stephens Augustine Beare Peter Levigne Francis Chapman William Greenway Anthony Cratchrode Michaell Miles James Supple John Blundell John Angier John Stone Robert Stone George Raynton Richard Miller Thomas Morgan Richard Hutton Rowland Greenwood Jacques Wiseman Thomas Thoroton Henry Robins George Meggott Esquires John Banckoft Gentleman Bridgman Thomas Jones Cocke of Longacre James Butterby Thomas Mansell Thomas Ryder William Blackeller Thomas Crosse Moses Porter Phineas Andrewes William Willis Tanner Arnold Richard Topham Anthony Segar Samuell Brewster James Frontine Thomas Railton Morrice Emmett Gyles Burrowes William Stone Robert Butler Gilbert Herring John Kemp James Franks Samuell Pecocke Nicholas Pickering Thomas Tuckey Nicholas Collins Nicholas Freeman Mordet Creherode James Cunningham Thomas Harrison Crispe Grainge John De-sheere Thomas Browne Nathaniell Hilton John Hastings Joseph Biscoe John Bradford William Whitaker Anthony Withers Christopher Deane Henry Jones Edmund Godwin Edmund Fuller Alexander Mann John Martin Benjamin Bayles Thomas Sutton Thomas Gratwicke Nicholas Spaulton Charles Peter Francis Thacker Francis Colley Richard Barrowe Gilbert Urwin Gilbert Wharton Charles Dranfeild John Tisser John Smith of Beauford Buildings Gentlemen John Tredenham Richard Coleing John Penhalle Esquires James Smith Cheeke Jerrard Hugh Chudley Robert Yard Gentlemen Samuell Prior Sir Robert Grosvenor Baronett Sir Peter Vandeputt Albion Chare Dr William Stockham Dr James Welwood Thomas Dyose William Baber John Hungerford Esquires Abraham Skinner John Reynolds Michaell Corry Gentlemen Reynold Marriott Esquire James Gibbon Gentleman Henry Cornwall Esquire William Hooker John Fitts Esquires Peter Hall Isaack Terrett Edward Wroth Esquires Thomas Harrison William Jacombe William Warder Robert Breedon Henry Jones Gentlemen Joseph Sherwood William Churchill John Price Edward Johnes Charles Ballett senior [Edward (fn. 41) ] Morton:.

For the Society of Greyes Inn and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:-

Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Sir John Otway Knight George Gifford Samuell Buck Charles Pigeon Warner South Ralph Cooke Martin Fowkes Thomas Carter Thomas Owen John Brewer Richard Vaughan Roger Fenwicke Christopher Musgrave Daniell Bedingfeild Narcissus Lutterell William Clarke Robert Burdett Esquires:-

For Lincolnes Inn and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:-

Sir William Yorke Knight Sir James Boteler Knight Sir Thomas Powis Knight Luke Astry Thomas Jones Edward Byde William Dobbins James Whitronge Granado Pigott Theodore Bathurste Robert Price Thomas Windham John Hungerford Esquires Henry Fleming Gentleman and John Hill Gentleman:-

For the County of Monmouth:-

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent of his Grace the Duke of Beauford Sir Charles Kemeys Baronett Sir John Williams Baronett Sir John Morgan Baronett Sir Rowland Gwyn Knight Sir Humphrey Mackworth Knight Sir James Herbert Knight Thomas Morgan of Tredegar Esquires Henry Probert John Arnold Charles Van John Howe Thomas Morgan of Llanrumney John Morgan of Tredegar Lewis Morgan of Machen Charles Price of Llanfoist Edmund Morgan Richard Lester Hopton Williams Henry Morgan of Bednelty Roger Cates Edward Jones of Buckland George Kemeys of Lanvair Edward Perkins Thomas Jones of Uske George Lewis of Penhowe John Floyer Charles Hughes Charles Morgan of Tredegar John Morgan of Machen Nicholas Arnold James Morgan of Llandilo John Walters of Peirsheild Capell Hambery Robert Gunter Christopher Price Rodericke Gwyn David Morgan John Scudamore Edward Kemeys Henry Tompkin James Morgan of Hereford Richard Roberts Charles Milbourne of Winisto John Harres Nicholas Parker Matthew Powell Esquires Thomas Evans Gent Walter Williams Gent The Mayor of Monmouth for the time being The Mayor of Newport for the time being The Portreeve of Uske for the time being The Bayliffe of Abergaveny for the time being John Morgan of Llanthowy Walter Baker Esquire Thomas Williams Morgan Chambers William Blethin of Dinnam John Lewis of Ifton Hill Charles Williams Nehemiah Williams John Morgan Lewis Morgan of Newporte Charles Morgan of Lanfore John Ketchmey Matthias Bird Walter Aldy Robert Jones John Morgan of Winisto William Blethin of Llanmellin John Cragg of Uske Theophilus Reynold Walter Cecill Roger Williams John Harris of Abergaveny William Powell of Pullhall Francis Williams Morgan Thomas John Watkins Trevor Merricke William Evans senior William Price John Gwilliam Francis Prichard Michaell Bohune Doctor John Jones Chancellor of Landaff Mr L Lister junior Mr Phillipp Morgan John Prichard of Campson Sheldon Powell Ezra Waters Hugh Harres William Sayse Charles Jones of Magar Henry Occold James Springett Henry Lewis of Treleack Charles Griffith Thomas Gwillim John Scudamore of Tredaughan Walter Fortune of Monmouth George Kemeys of Llavenmabley John Walters of St Brides Charles Milborne of Winisto junior David Thomas of Abergaveny Roger Kemeys George Bonnett John Lewis of Landillo Thomas Williams John Philpott Henry Gabb Gent James Morgan of Abergavenny Thomas Edwards George Morgan Peregrine Lewis Thomas Evans Gent Henry Probert junior Charles Probert Captaine Henry Rumsey John Peirson Phillipp Morgan John Smith of Lantharnham Gent:-

For the County of Norfolk:-

The Right Honourable Henry Lord Colraine of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Robert Bacon Sir Henry Hobart Sir John Wodehouse Sir John Mordant Sir Robert Drury Sir John Holland Sir Augustine Palgrave Sir John Pettus Sir Robert Kemp Sir Roger Potts Sir Jacob Astley Sir Thomas Ward Sir Charles Adams Sir Thomas Hare Sir Nicholas Garrard Sir William Cooke Sir Edmund Doyley Sir Peter Gleane Sir Edmund Bacon Baronetts Sir Neville Catlyn Sir Francis Guybon Sir William Rant Sir John Turner Sir Cirill Wich Sir Edward Chisenhall Sir Robert Clayton Sir Thomas Rawlinson Knights Thomas Knevytt Robert Walpoole Richard Berney John Harboard Edmund Wodehouse John Wodehouse Ash Windham Phillipp Astley James Host John Herne Charles Le Grosse John Knevytt Denzill Onslowe Robert Suckling Phillipp Bedingfeild Erasmus Earle Robert Coney John Norris Daniell Bedingfeild George England Isaac Preston Robert Davy John Mingay Arthur Branthwaite Joacim Matthewes Robert Britiffe Esquires Ralph Hare Robert Gooth Maurice Kendall Leonard Mapes John Repps John Houghton Anthony Freston Oliver Neve Thornagh Gurdon Samuell Fuller Thomas Blowfeild Hugh Bokenham Henry Goldwell John Thurston Roger Castle John Birken Augustine Briggs Glover Denny William Branthwaite Doctor Pepper James Hoste Gabriell Armiger Christopher Crowe Riches Browne Henry Negus John Warkhouse Robert Wilson Edward Wilson Edmund Britiffe Hatton Berners Robert Day John Ayde Clement Herne William Oldfeild Thomas Townshend Mundeford Spelman Thomas Browne John Page James Ward Francis Long Thomas Pierson Nathaniell Symonds Edward Soame John Jaye Edmund Lambe Thomas Wright Thomas Bulwer John Cropley John Richmond James Hobart Robert Wardell James Scambler Henry Oxburgh William Stone Peircey Freake Francis Gardiner Brig Fountaine Thomas England Benjamin England Gascoine Weld Francis Thorisbie Edward Osborne Gardiner Hewitt Israell Long George Vernon Thomas Sanders Thomas Rant Richard Ferrier William Sidley Sigismund Trafford Esquires Robert Jermy Jonathan Symonds John Fowles Charles Turner junior Robert Herne Edward L'Strange Clement Gooch Francis Negus Richard Carter John Brewster Robert Doughly Robert London Thomas Talbott Robert Stileman Francis Dusgate Roger Jennings John Castle Edward Bulwer Thomas Baysepole Thomas Crick Brograve Benjamin Dethick Edward Barnes Phillipp Vincent Edmund Anguish Humphrey Rant John Blencrhassett Waller Bacon Nicholas Helwis James Tenant Thomas Newman Edward Earle Christopher Layer Robert Fiske Francis Neve Charles Barnewell William Stafford Leonard Mapes Robert Snell Edward Knights Thomas Browne Robert Honier William Hunt Peter Wilson Edward Lombe Thomas Cropley Guy Chapman Fuller Gents Roger Jennings junior Ralph Peirson John Marryott Gregory Davis Esquires:-

For the City and County of the City of Norwich:

Michaell Beverley Esquire Mayor Robert Davy Esquire Recorder Arthur Branthwaite Esquire Steward Thomas Blofeild Esquire Hugh Bockenham Esquire the two Sheriffes for the time being Thomas Wisse Robert Bendish Robert Freeman John Low Nicholas Helwys Francis Gardiner William Salter Philip Stebbing John Wrench Thomas Cooke Jeremy Vinn Esquires Robert Cooke Augustine Briggs Nicholas Bickerdike John Ward William Guybon Samuell Warkehouse Thomas Postle Lawrence Goodwyn Thomas Turner John Freeman Aldermen Doctor Fairfax Deane of Norwich Doctor Prideaux Doctor Pepper Thomas Townesend Esquire John Mingay Esquire Thomas Bacon Esquire John Barnham John Dersley John Mackerele Roger Salter Gent:-

For the Borough of Greate Yarmouth:-

The Bayliffs for the time being George England Esquire Recorder Samuell Fuller Esquire Peter Caulier Thomas England Benjamine England John Robins Thomas Bradford John Ferrier Nathaniell Symonds Thomas Godfrey John Gayford Gabriell Ward John Andrewes Anthony Ellis senior Richard Ferrier Robert Bernard Thomas Lov[..]ell Henry Thompson Anthony Ellis junior John Gunnell Joseph Cottman Benjamine Engle Robert Baker John Carlow Aldermen John Burton senior Thomas Ellis:-

For the Borough of Kings Lynn:-

The Mayor for the time being Sir John Turner Daniell Bedingfeild Recorder Benjamine Holly Giles Bridgeman John Kidd Edmund Hooke Benjamin Keen Robert Sparrow Cyprian Anderson Henry Frammingham Henry Bell Charles Turner senior William Holly:-

For the Borough of Thetford:-

Sir John Holland Baronett Sir Joseph Williamson Sir Francis Guybon Baptist May John Thruston William Cropley Wormeley Hethercett Charles Wright Thomas Wright Maurice Kendall John Draper Robert Caudle Edmund Winwood Thomas Smith Esquires:-

For the County of Northampton:-

The Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Comptroller of Theire Majesties Houshold Sir St Andrewe St. John Baronett John Parkhurst Esquire Sir Thomas Samuell Baronett Sir William Langham Knight William Brownelowe Esquire Gilbert Dolben Esquire Thomas Andrewes Esquire The Honourable Henry Mordant Esquire John Blencoe Serjeant att Lawe The Right Honourable Lionell Lord Huntingtowre of the Kingdome of Scotland The Honourable William Mountague Esquire Sir Justinian Isham Baronett Sir Erasmus Norwich Baronett Sir James Robinson Baronett Sir John Holman Baronett Sir Benjamin Bathurst Knight Sir Salathiell Lovell Knight Christopher Jefferyes Esquire Charles Kirkham Esquire Arthur Brooke Esquire Thomas Maidwell Esquire Robert Barton Gents Francis Arundell Esquire High Sheriffe of the County of Northampton Francis Crane Esquire Horatio More Esquire Thomas Jennings Esquire Samuell Rolt Gent. Henry Benson Esquire Richard Bottelar senior Esquire John Combs Esquire William Adams of Charwelton Esquire John Winston Esquire Edmund Bromwrich Esquire Thomas Breton Gent. Sir William Craven Knight Sir Roger Cave Baronett William Bateman Gent. Edward Latkins Esquire Thomas Woodward Gent. John Bridges John Weaver William Fleetewood Thomas Mulso Thomas Catesby William Wilmore Esquires Mayor of Higham Ferrers for the time being Sir Rice Rudd Baronett Thomas Ekins William Botelere Francis Harby William Elmes Thomas Trist Esquires Hatton Comton Jacob Dancer Gent. Henry Rushton Thomas Cartwright Richard Rainsford Gerrard Gore Robert Breton Henry Bacon Robert Haslerig Thomas Pemberton John Botry Esquires Daniell Danvers Doctor in Physicke Sir John Pickering Baronett Sir Matthew Dudley Baronett Jeffery Palmer of Stoke Dooley Esquire The Honourable Sidney Wortley alias Mountague Esquire The Right Honourable William Lord Fitz Williams of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Charles Bertie Noah Neal Henry Neale John Royley William Clarke John Pemberton John Dickenson Esquires John Carrier Thomas Deacon Robert Newcomb Roger Pemberton Thomas Lowry Charles Parker John Ash Edward Saunders Gentlemen John Clendon Bernard Walcott Thomas Colthurst Esquires Matthew Orlibeare Gents Francis Lane John Creed Andrewe Lant Charles Middleton Robert Mansell Moses Bathurst Esquires Matthew Skinner Doctor in Physick Robert Skinner Esquire Sir Robert Dryden Baronett William L'lsle Charles How Robert Dormer Samuell Trist Esquires John Bagshaw John Creswell John Woodhall Charles Fox Esquires Ambrose Holbech Gente Francis St. John Esquire The Mayor of Brackley for the time being Robert Frewin Gents Joseph Haines Francis Morgan George Kendricke Edward Stratford William Thursby Sir John Briscoe Knight Harvy Ekins Richard Lockwood Christopher Mountague Esquires Henry Farmer Henry Edmonds William Tate Tobias Chauncey Francis Woodhall Samuell Tryon Thomas Jackson Esquires John Hodges of Sougrave Thornton senior of Brockhall:-

For the Towne of Northampton:-

The Mayor of Northampton for the time being Robert Hasilrig Gerrard Gore Robert Breton Richard Willoughby Esquires John Knig [h (fn. 42) ]t Gentleman John Selby John Brayfeild Robert Ives William Ellce Thomas Chadwicke John Clarke senior Robert Styles Theophilus Wishton William Wallis Daniell Herbert Thomas Whithorn::

For the County of Northumberland::

The Honourable Charles Mountague The Honourable Ralph Grey Sir Ralph Delavall Sir John Heron Sir Thomas Loraine Sir Robert Eden Sir Edward Blackett Sir William Blackett Sir Francis Liddell Baronetts Sir Ralph Jenninson Sir Richard [Noile (fn. 43) ] Sir Francis Blake Sir Orlando Gee Knights William Forster Philip Bickerstaffe Roger Fenwicke Samuell Ogle Thomas Forster John Shaftoe John Salkeild Robert Mitford of Sighill. Thomas Forster of Cornhill Thomas Collingwood Thomas Beach John Blakiston John Hindmers Robert Bewick John Carnaby William Strother of Foberry William Ogle William Carr Michaell Weldon Henry Holmes Charles Howard Robert Mitford of Mitford Syrtis Swineburne Esquires William Taylor Joseph Carr Patricius Crowe William Reaveley George Delavall Thomas Blenkichip Robert Hebburne John Bacon John Blackett John Addison Robert Lawson Thomas Algood Robert Shastoe Esquires Robert Lisle John Procter Richard Forster John Coulton Samuell Salkeild William Ramsey of Brinkburne William Strother of Grindon Rigg Francis Forster Henry Collingwood John Gray The Bayliffs of Morpeth for the time being Robert Fenwicke Ralph Gray of Backworth George Lawson John Fenwicke Ralph Brandling Gilbert Parke George Wilcon Ralph Anderson William Peirson Thomas Gray John Story John Rogers Thomas Burrell Robert Lisle of Hasell Samuell Wilson Robert Fenwicke of Hexham Lancelott Algood John Armestronge Anthony Sharpe John Carr William Peirson Richard Mowbray Gentlemen:-

For the Towne and County of Newcastle upon-Tyne:-

The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Sheriffe for the tyme being Timothy Davison Esquire John Blackington Esquire Joseph Carr Esquire Thomas Bewicke Esquire Anthony Isaackson Esquire Joseph Atkinson Esquire Benjamin Davison Esquire:-

For the Towne of Berwick upon Tweed:-

Sir Francis Blake Knight Samuell Ogle Esquire William Carr Esquire Rupert Billing [s (fn. 44) ]ly Esquire Edward Nealson Esquire Mayor John Luck Thomas Watson Anthony Compton Esquire John Pratt Esquire Stephen Jackson Esquire Ephraim Nealson Esquire Robert Watson William Scott John Johnson Edward Ord Arthur Edmeston Cuthbert Brady Robert Simpson Ralph Archbold John Stanton Lisly Foreside senior Joseph Rosden James Watson John Scott [junior (fn. 45) ] William Lawson Robert Rodham John Wilkin Robert Donkin Gentlemen:-

For the County of Nottingham:-

The Right Honourable William Lord Elland Sonne and Heire apparent of the Marquesse of Halifax The Right Honourable Patricius Viscount Chaworth of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Anchitel Grey Esquire The Honourable William Byron Esquire Sir Thomas Willoughby Sir Thomas Parkins Baronetts Sir Scroope How Sir William Stanhope Knights Francis Pierpont Robert Sacheverell Richard Mansfeild Thomas Lewes William Williams Charles Hutchinson Henry Plumtree Philip Sherrard Esquires Thomas Mansfeild John Kerchevile Jeffery Brocke senior John Storey William Wollhouse Scrimsheire of Cotgrave Richard Jeanes Henry [Bambridge (fn. 46) ] Thomas Sharpe Robert Hacker Gentlemen Arthur Warren Gervas Pigott Richard Slater James Farewell Thomas Charlton Thomas Manley George Gregory Beaumont Perkins Christopher Rolleston Gilbert Millington Robert Sherbrooke William Burnell Esquires Sir Francis Molyneux Baronett Charles Stanhope Darcy Molyneux John Digby William Pinckney William Brownlow Thomas Newdigate Cecill Cooper Nicholson of Marnham Esq[uire] Thomas Bristow John Strey Peter Broughton senior Henry Sherbrooke Gentlemen Richard Neale John Neale John Chappell Hugh Baskervile Richard Burbidge Gentlemen Francis Sandys John Knight John Thornhagh John White Gervas Eyre Francis Stringer Thomas Hewytt Richard Taylor Edward Melish John Clerkson John Reyner Richard Lloyd William Simpson Esquires Edward Southworth senior Doctor Cromwell Thomas Sherbrooke John Grundy Gentlemen Jeremy Halfehide Gente Jermaine Jerton Gents The Mayor of Newarke for the time being The Six senior Aldermen for the time being Doctor Yarborough Samuell Ellis Timothy Ellis Snell Gentlemen William Clay The Bayliffes of Retford for the time being William Lane Esquire [Daniell (fn. 47) ] Dunston James Mason William Booth Bunby Aldermen James Lane Gentleman:-

For the Towne and County of the Towne of Nottingham:-

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being Francis Pierrepont James Farewell Richard Mansfeild George Gregory Esquires George Langford Charles Harvey John Hawkins Thomas Collins John Crispe Joseph Turpin John Hides John Sherwin Francis Salmon Gentlemen:-

For the County of Oxford:-

Anthony Lord Viscount Falkland of the Kingdome of Scotland Robert Lord Viscount Tiviott of the Kingdome of Scotland Montague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire Apparent to James Earle of Abingdon The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Chancellor of the Exchequer one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell The Honourable Henry Bertie Esquire Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir John Cope ( (fn. 48) ) Sir William Glynne Sir Edmund Fettiplace Sir Lacy Osbaldiston Sir Robert Dashwood Sir John Holman Sir Thomas Littleton Sir John Doyley Sir Thomas Cobb Sir James Chamberlaine Sir William Rich Sir Robert Barkham Sir Ralph Dutton Sir Henry Ashurst Baronetts Sir Richard Temple Sir Edward Hungerford Sir Henry Fane Knights of the Bath Sir Edward Norris Sir Timothy Tyrrell Sir Thomas Tipping Sir James Hayes Sir Thomas Clayton Sir Thomas Row Sir Sebastian Smith Sir William Whitlock Sir Edmund Warcupp Knights Anthony Hungerford Thomas Tipping Richard Libb Edward Barry John Stone Carlton Stone John Hampden George Alnutt Henry Alnutt Francis Clarke William Lenthall John Dormer George Chamberlaine William Gannock Thomas Hoard William Bayly John Crooke Harry Cole Henry Heylyn Robert Perrott James Perrott Richard Powell William Pudsey Robert Sheppard Thomas Coghill Henry Hall John Wallis Adam Springall Robert Jennings Thomas Brightam Simon Harcourt Thomas Wheate Robert Mayott Alexander Denton Edmund Goodier Joseph Rawlinson Simon Horwood a Deane Charles Holloway John West William Oackley Ralph Holt Humphrey Wickham John Gunn Lenthall Trotman John Bray John Danvers Nathan Knight Sunnibanke Veysay Roger Price Thomas Woodhall William Sacheverell Henry Peacock Samuell Trotman Thomas Crisp of Darnford George Tipping of Draycolt James Herbert Will Tipping of Ewelme Richard Bridoake William Blake Francis Norris John Nurse. James Paul Henry Fairfax Robert Skinner Edmund Woodward Overbury Whitlock John Machell Richard Hawkins Esquires Bartholomew Harris John Parsons George Woodward John Wickham Gregory of Horley George Cave John Cary Thomas Rowney Richard Taylor of Wilscott Francis Knapp Robert Parsons Henry Streete Henry Stephens Thomas Carter Gilbert Jackson John Hickford Francis Greeneway Richard Eyans Anthony Eyans Thomas Greenwood Thomas Napier Richard Thompson Nicholas Busby John Hawkins of Milton Sutton Coghill John Coghill Martyn May John Wheeler John Crispe Lawrence Lord John Crockett John Dodwell John Wise of Drayton John Smith Giles Diston Thomas Rolls Richard Croke Richard Blackball George Gooding of Latchford John Moreton Robert Standart Bezaliell Knight John Coker Thomas Jordan Thomas Abell of Whitney John Winlow Edward Whistler of Gathampton Thomas Turner Richard Mayott Ralph Whistler senior Ralph Whistler junior John Lydall Francis Drake Gentlemen Henry Ayleworth Henry Beeson Doctors in Lawe Dr Henry Morris Arthur Warren Esquire The Mayor Aldermen and Towne Clerke of Woodstock for the time being The Mayor Steward Aldermen Recorder and Towne-Clerke of Banbury for the time being The Warden of Henley for the time being The Bayliffes of Chipping Norton Burford and Witney for the time being Charles Holt Thomas Horwood John Dormer of Rousham Cobb of Adderbury Henry Ashurst Esquires Job Nutt Gentleman:-

For the University of Oxford:

Dr Henry Aldrich Deane of Christ-Church and Vice-Chancellor The Honourable Heneage Finch Esquire William Leopold Finch Warden of All-Soules Colledge Sir Thomas Clarges ( (fn. 49) ) Dr Henry Beeston Warden of New-Colledge Dr William Levinz President of S[en]t. Johns Colledg Dr. Timothy Halton Provost of Queenes Colledge Dr. William Jane the Divinity Professor Dr. William Levett Principall of Magdalen Hall Dr. John Hammond Dr. Ralph Bathurst President of Trinity Colledge Dr. Thomas Turner President of Corpus-Christi Colledge Dr. Thomas Bowchier Dr. Richard Lydall Doctor Jonathan Edwards Principall of Jesus Colledge Dr. Roger Mauder Master of Baliol Colledge Dr. Fitz-herbert Adams Rector of Lincolne Colledge Dr Arthur Charlett Master of Universitye Colledge Dr Thomas Bayly Principall of New Inn Hall The Proctors for the time Mr Benjamin Cooper Thomas Rowny senior Thomas Rowny junior John Fulke Theophilus Poynter William Taylor George Thompson Jacob Robart:-

For the City of Oxford:

The Mayor of the City of Oxford for the time being Montague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Abingdon The Honoble Henry Bertie Esquire Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir Robert Doyly Sir Robert Dashwood Sir Henry Ashurst Baronetts Sir Edward Norris Sir Edmund Warcupp Sir William Walker Sir Sebastian Smith Sir Robert Harrison Knights John Townesend Thomas Eustace Richard Hawkins Aldermen William Wright Esquire Recorder Charles Holloway Thomas Carter John Hawkins Esquires Anthony Eyans Tobias Browne John Bowell Edward Combes Thomas Hunsden Richard Carter Henry White John Croney Charles Harris Richard Clarke Gentlemen The Bayliffs for the time being Edward Prince Gente Towne-Clerke Edward [Porter (fn. 50) ] Gente Mr. Thomas Adams Confecc[i]oner Mr. Sampson Rawlins Mr Alexander Wright:-

For the County of Rutland:

The Right Honourable Bennett Lord Sherrard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable John Noell Esquire The Honourable Philip Sherrard Esquire Sir Thomas Mackworth Baronett Sir Thomas Barker Baronett William Palmes Esquire Bennett Sherard Esquire John Verney Esquire Eusebius Boswell Charles Halford Edward Horsman John Browne Robert Mackworth Edward Browne Cornelius Burton Anthony Palmer Clement Breton Armine Bullingham John Weever Edward Fawkner Richard Halford Charles Tyrrell Wellesborne Sill Thomas Marsh Richard Snow Christopher Cleatheroe Esquires Richard Matthew Andrew Burton John Baker William Rice Gentlemen:-

For the County of Salop.

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons and First Lord Co[m]missioner of the Greate Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most - Honourable Privye Councell The Right Honourable Charles Lord Brandon Sonne and Heire Apparent of the Right Honourable Charles Earle of Macklesfeild The Honourable Richard Newport and Andrew Newport Esquires Sir Henry Littleton Sir John Leveson Gower Sir William Whitmore Sir Humphrey Briggs Sir John Corbett Sir Francis Lauley Sir Uvedal Corbett Sir Edward Acton Sir Richard Middleton Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Job Charleton Sir Thomas Woolrich Sir William Williams Sir Francis Edwards Sir Edward Laighton Baronetts Sir Thomas Travell Sir William Lacon Child Sir Adam Oatley Sir Robert Owen Sir William Forrester Sir Henry Gough Knights Jervice Pierpoint William Fowler Francis Charleton of Apley John Charleton Arthur Maynewaring Richard Leister Edward Kinaston of Oatley Edward Kinaston of Hordley John Kinaston Francis Prince Henry Herbert Francis Herbert Edward Owen of Cundover George Weld William Oakeley Robert Corbett Thomas Rock John Coates Charles Coates Richard Moore Walter Waring Charles Baldwynne Robert Cresset Robert Owen Roger Pope senior Roger Pope junior Richard Cresswell John Lacon Thomas Oatley Master Serjeant Powis Henry Newton Francis Charleton of Whiton Thomas Cornwall Bartholomew Lutley Philip Luttley Thomas Hanmer Henry Davenport Eldred Lancellott Lee Thomas Langley Robert Harley Thomas Child Thomas Spratt William Williams Master Gough of the Marsh John Thomas John Huxley John Chetwynd Edward Kery Orlando Nicholas Richard Mitton Edward Vaughan Edward Clud Edward Kynnersley Rowland Hunt Thomas Corbett Jonathan Langley Thomas Leister junior Thomas Edwards Richard Corbett Robert Clowes William Gower John Talieure Thomas Burton Thomas Smallman Soudley Eyton Robert Pigett Thomas Pigett William Young Thomas Wingfeild Thomas Mackworth John Edwards of Rorington John Powell Thomas Powell of Parke John Warter Francis Barkley Arthur Weaver James Grove Thomas Jobber Robert Lloyd Henry Mitton William Hayward Edward Barrett Edward Jennings Edward Whitchcott Edward Owen of Pulley William Jones Thomas Barnes Thomas Jones Ralph Browne Thomas Sandford Stephen Downes Esquires Job Walker Edward Donne junior Thomas Severne Roger Trevor William Adams senior William Adams junior The Mayor of Salop for the time being The Bayliffs of Bridgenorth for the time being The Bayliffs of Bishops Castle for the time being The Bayliffs of Wenlocke for the time being The Mayor of Oswestry for the time being John Hill Richard Hosier Buckley Mackworth Richard Salter Edward Gosnell Jonathan Scott Collins Wooldridge Richard Muckleston junior Robert Wood Thomas Owen Charles Kynaston Simon Hanmer Gentlemen Cole of Salop Edward Littleton Richard Higgons John Williams Gabriell Wood Esquires Rowland Bough Robert Gorton John Edwards of Nesse William Leck Thomas Acton Richard Betton Arthur Devereux Adam Wareing John Walcott junior William Grossvenor Richard Jenkins Samuell Boudler of Arlscott John Langley of the Amies Thomas Crumpton Lancelott Stephens John Mason of Muchwenlock John Atkinson Doctor of Physick Doctor Pigott Timothy Hassall William Hammond of Bridgenorth Samuell Sandford George Chambre Jonathan Wingfeild George Walker William Kynaston Edward Kettleby junior Shepard of Bitterly Francis Roycott Richard Rydley Robert Smith John Fowler Thomas Mason Charles Mason Thomas Hinkes William Bridgen Richard Walker Richard Deves Thomas Weckstead of Bridgenorth Richard Bradley Alexander Middleton Edward Matthewes John Flemming Humphrey Owen Samuell Hunt Arthur Tongue John Clarke Richard Jenkes of Droyton Gentlemen Thomas Jones Councellor att Lawe Richard Staynors Thomas Howell junior John Tranter Gentlemen Thomas Powell of Osbarston Charles Charlton Jeremiah Browne Stephen Downes Thomas Rogers John Morris Mr Madlicott of Madlicott George Hudson Samuell Langley of Browsley:-

For the Towne of Ludlow:-

The Bayliffs Recorder and Aldermen for the time being Sir Job Charlton Francis Lloyd Esq[uire] Recorder Francis Charleton of Whitten Sir Walter Williams Baronett Francis Herbert Esquire Silas Titus Esquire Job Walker Esquire Matthew Price Richard Stedman Edward Littleton William Gower Richard Higgens of Stinton John Atkinson Doctor of Phisicke Esquires Baylie Doctor of Physicke Valentine Dawes Thomas Lea John Stead John Beeston Samuell Boudler Thomas Sabery John Acton Gentlemen:-

For the County of Somersett:-

John Lord Fitzharding of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Edward Seymour Sir John Sydenham Sir John Smith Sir Thomas Wroth Sir Edward Wyndham Sir John Trevilian Sir Halswell Tynt Sir Francis Warr Sir John Morton Sir John Saint Barb Sir William Canne Baronetts Sir Edward Philips Sir Thomas Bridges Sir William Bassett Sir George Norton Sir Richard Hart Sir John Knight Sir Stephen Fox Sir William Wogan Sir Charles Carterett Sir Thomas Travell Knights Henry Portman Nathaniell Palmer Thomas Strangewayes George Horner Edward Berkeley Alexander Popham Hopton Wyndham John Hunt John Sandford John Speke Alexander Lutterell Joseph Langton Edward Clarke Edward Gorges John Wyndham William Helyar senior William Helyar junior Carew Mildmay Warwick Bampfeild Henry Bull John Pygott Edward Babor William Gore George Long William Lacy Edmund Wyndham Baldwin Mallett Richard Fownes William [Okenden (fn. 51) ] Thomas Bare of Hunsom Henry Gold William Strode Anthony Ethricke William Ethricke John Harrington Richard Morgan Edward Hobbs Charles Steynings James Prouse Thomas Moore Harry Raynon John Chamney Henry Henley senior Henry Henley junior Thomas Langton Richard Crosse William Coward William Phelips William Hilliard [att (fn. 52) ] Sea Anthony Stocker Henry Lyte Henry Mompesson Thomas Strode Robert Syderfin William Harbin John Bluett of Knole John How Andrew Crosse James Cade George Dodington of Wells George Musgrove Robert Long Francis Vaughan George Clarke Richard Lansdowne Thomas Dike William Catford John Worth Gustavus Venner Edward Dyke William Player William Hughes William Westly William Blackford John Hody senior John Hody junior Richard Cox James Twyford Edward Strode of Deane Samuell Cabell Charles Buckland Thomas Gale Roger Leversage John Creswicke William Whitchurch John Burland John Everard Samuell Horner Edmund Bowyer John Strachey George Prater Nicholas Francis William Francis Henry Winter Thomas Samborne Philip Bennett John Acourt Edward [Thurston (fn. 53) ] William Lucye Thomas Ledgingham Samuell Raymond Henry Brett Robert Blake Thomas Sumner Marshall Bridges Smart Goodenough Robert Price of Bath Matthias Hanvile Cornelius Lyde William Lyde William Bolton Thomas Crompton John Blinman John Merefeild John Williams John Brice Thomas Napper Thomas Langdon David Yea Edward Ryder John Browne Edward Bacon John Keene Henry Procter Henry Bonner William Man Thomas Hawker Esquires Francis Hobbard William Bisgood Richard Snow Bernard Smith Richard Wyatt Thomas Baker Samuell Bindon John Frind Thomas Groves Thomas Towells Nicholas Markes John Beresford William Webber Robert Smith junior William How Gentlemen:-

For the City and County ofthe City of Bristoll:-

Edmund Arundell Esquire Mayor Sir William Cann Baronett Sir Richard Hart Sir Richard Crumpe Sir Thomas Earle Sir John Knight Sir William Clutterbooke Sir William Hayman Sir William Merricke Sir John Duddlestone Knights Serjeant Powlett Recorder John Hicks William Crabb Joseph Creswicke William Swymmer Richard Lane Thomas Day William Jackson Arthur Hart Esquires Aldermen John Dutton-Colt John Romsey Joseph Knight Timothy Parker Nathaniell Haggatt Nathaniell Driver Giles Merricke Robert Yate George Morgan Edward Tocknell Robert Henly Esquires The Sheriffes for the time being John Sandford Samuell Wallis John Hinde Thomas Cole John Bubb John Blackwell Robert Dowting John Yeomans John Bradway William Opie Esquires Thomas Edwards Humphrey Corsley John Cary Gentlemen Henry Gibbs Richard Codrington Robert Bound Edward Jones:-

For the City of Bath:-

The Mayor for the time being John Bush Robert Peirce Doctor of Physicke Walter Gibbs Edward Bushell William Bush Walter Hicks Robert Chapman Benjamin Baber Robert Hayward John Stibbs Francis Hollys Newman:-

For the City of Wells:-

The Mayor for the time being William Coward Recorder George Doddington William Hughes John Davis Richard Thomas John Irish:-

For the Borough of Bridgwater:-

The Mayor for the time being The Recorder Alderman Popham Alderman Tuthill Thomas Beere John Gilbert John Wells John Franklin John Harvey of the Castle Thomas Robham of Merriot Esquires Nicholas Marshall John Stuckley John Pitt William Webber Gentlemen:-

For the County of Stafford:-

The Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Massareen of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable John Gray The Honourable Henry Pagett The Honourable William Ward The Honourable Robert Shirley The Honourable Clotworthy Skeffington Esquires Sir Thomas Peshall Sir John Leveson Gower Sir Walter Wrottesley Sir Walter Baggott Sir Henry Littleton Sir Edward Littleton Sir Charles Wolsley Sir Francis Lawley Sir Thomas Bellot Sir Michaell Bidulph Baronetts Sir Brian Broughton Knight and Baronett Sir Edward Hungerford Knight of the Bath Sir Gilbert Clarke Sir Henry Gough Sir Charles Scrimsheire Sir John Floyer Knights Sir John Turton Knight one of the Barons of the Exchequer Walter Chetwynd John Chetwynd Thomas Broughton Edward Littleton Robert Burdett Robert Wolsley Thomas Lawley Edward Byrch Serjeant att Lawe Jonathan Cope Richard Dyott Thomas Foley Francis Swinfin Philip Foley William Sneyd Ralph Sneyd senior Ralph Sneyd junior Thomas Lane Humphrey Wyrley Robert Leveson Rowland Okeover John Lawton George Rodney Bridges Thomas Kynnersley Henry Vernon William Crompton John Every Thomas Rudyard John Hoo William Parker senior William Parker junior George Parker John Swynfen Thomas Byrch William Inge Philip Hollins Matthew Floyer Philip Pargiter Jonas Grosvenor Charles Coles William Cotton Thomas Orme John Bagnall James Whitehall Edward Foden Francis Eld William Nabbs Richard Pyott Thomas Jolliffe William Jolliffe Thomas Foley junior John Leigh Leigh Brooke William Milward John Shilton Lambert Bagott John Newton Henry Leigh John Chetwood John Wedgewood junior Charles Blount [Nicholas (fn. 54) ] Noble Thomas Whitby James Wood Esquires John Beresford Francis Wightwicke John Wightwicke Daniell Watson William Bendy William Anson John Huntbach Peter Warburton William Trafford senior William Trafford junior Thomas Scott Thomas Jevon senior Christopher Lea Samuell Pipe Michaell Brandrith Edward Short Walter Fowler Jonas Asley John Browne Thomas Browne John Amphlett Walter Moseley John Baddily Richard Whitworth Edward Barbour John Young John Fenton James Rudyard John Goreing Gabriell Wood Henry Bracegirdle Gentlemen The Mayor of Stafford for the time being Edward Foden Esquire Recorder William Oldfeild John Wegewood William Nabbs William Feake Esquires John Williamson Thomas Abnett Nehemiah Farmer Sampson Byrch Walter. Collins Edward Byrd Joseph Doody Gentlemen The Bayliffs of Tamworth for the time being Sir Edward Littleton Baronett Sir Henry Gough Knight Michaell Bidulph Esquire Charles Baynton George Alsopp Job Beardesley Samuell Beardesley Gentlemen The Mayor of Newcastle for the time being William Baddily Thomas Horderne William Boghay William Middleton William Lawton William Burslem Kilworth Oates Gentlemen The Mayor of Walshall for the time being:-

For the City and County of the City of Litchfeild:

The Bayliffs and Sheriffe for the time being William Marshall William Bayley Gentlemen Sir Michaell Bidulph Baronett Sir John Floyer Knight Robert Burdett Richard Dyott Philip Pargiter Richard Pyott Esquires Thomas Hammond William Potts George Boileston Richard Johnson John Bawlins Richard Burnes Richard Wakefeild [James (fn. 54) ] Jesson Robert Floyd Gentlemen:-

For the County of Southampton:-

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons and First Lord Co[m]missioner of the Greate Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Lord Chamberlaine to Her Majestie Sonne and Heire Apparent of Charles Duke of Bolton and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Earle of Sterling in the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne of the Duke of Bolton Richard Earle of Ranelagh of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable James Russell Esquire The Honourable Francis Pawlett Esquire The Honourable Edward Russell Esquire Sir Robert Worsley Sir John Mill Sir John Button Sir Hugh Stewkley Sir John Dillington Sir William Meux Sir Nicholas Stewart Sir Andrewe Henley Sir Richard Onslow Sir Heele Hooke Sir John St. Barbe Sir Robert Smith Baronetts Sir Charles Wyndham Sir James Worsley Sir Benjamin Newland Sir William Kingsmill Sir William Stevens Sir Richard Harris Sir Thomas Miller Knights Richard Norton John Wallupp Thomas Jervoise George Pitt senior Esquires Leonard Bilson Thomas Hobby Gabriell Whistler Ralph Hastings Henry Dawley Frederick Tilney Richard Holt Richard Whithed Richard Cobbe Esquires Sir Francis Massam Baronett Charles Cole White Titchburne John Smith of Tidworth John Pollen Richard Bishopp Richard Chandler William Bishop Charles Morley Samuell Gawden George Bridges Charles Wither George Abbott Esquires Richard Leveson John Fawkoner Charles Forrester Thomas Brocas John Coniers Kings Councill Anthony Henley Richard Norton of Alsford John Leigh Richard Willoughby Edward Goddard Reynolds Calthrop Walter Stephens John Deane James Hunt of Popham Oliver Cromwell Thomas Jervoise junior Edward Chute Henry Bromfeild John Burrard Henry Compton Henry Hooke Edward Flemming Robert Knollis George Stanley Arthur Hide Francis Dickens Henry Perrin senior Doctor of Phisicke Nicholas Hedger Richard Stanley Thomas Tutt William Coleman Henry Tulse Edward Hooper Esquires Charles Duncombe Richard Love George Pitt junior Benjamin Ruddiard Thomas Wither William Norton Robert Michell Thomas Bulkley William Batten Roger Barton Robert Barton George Duke George Nicholas Thomas Edmunds Thomas Dowse of Wallup Thomas Dowse of Brooke John Rives of Drayton John Rives of Bransbury Richard Cooper Edw. Pyle ( (fn. 56) ) Thomas Fitz-James John Lisle William Knapton Thomas Dore William Guydott Samuell Pitman George Brampston Doctor of Lawes Roger Mompesson William Stroud James Dewy William Hearst Dutton Gifford Richard Knight Charles How Henry Hunt Henry Homes Esquires Charles Stewart Thomas Scott Edmund Pitman William Cage Roger Gollopp John Whitehead John Worsley James Worsley Henry Homes Henry Meux Thomas Urry of Freshwater David Urry of Easton David Urry of Garcomb Major Henry Worsley William Feilder John Priaulx Nicholas Flower James Hooper John Bowerman John Lewknor Christopher Knight Francis Ashley Gabriell Ashley Henry Perrin junior Doctor of Physick Doctor Thomas Hobbs Doctor Barlow Maurice Hunt Esquires Sir Jemmett Raymond Knight Richard Kent Adam de Cardonall Esquires John Speede Doctor of Physicke Ellis Mew Thomas Coward Esquires Doctor William Over Mr Bennett of Fareham Francis Mills George Burrard John Acton Anthony Bathurst John Harwood James Feild Charles Dingley Richard Beele Giles Liford Robert Love Allan Garrway Anthony Guydott Edward Rooke Henry Christmas George Wakeford Gents The Mayor of Winton for the time being John Purdue Thomas Wavell Anthony Yalden Godson Penton John Warner James Earle Thomas Pinke James Barfoote Aldermen:-

For the City of Winton only,

Paul Burrard Richard Good Henry Sharpe Henry Ghost John Kaiger Thomas Bromfeild Walter Thomas Richard Jervise Thomas Bonham Robert Forder William Yalden John Hawksworth Charles Traffles Thomas Craneley William Dale of Christchurch Cornelius Macham Alexander Alcorne Henry Player William Goldwyer The Bayliffe of Andover Edward Wareham William Barwicke Robert Blashford John White William Pay John Palmer The Mayor of Portsmouth for the time being John Blakeley Lewis Barton Thomas Brounker Edward Batten Charles Traffles Matthew Imber Henry Grace The Mayor of Petersfeild for the time being John Clements The Mayor of Newport for the time being Nicholas Lisle William Chapman Robert Leigh James Searle Gentlemen Peter Gard Eustace Man Henry Worsley John Bowler John Stephens David Urry of [Afton (fn. 57) ] William Stephens of Barton William Stephens of West Cowes Edward Stephens Timothy Lucas John Newnham Francis Deacon William Keblewhite Edward Hales of Newport William Loveing:-

For the Towne and County of the Towne of Southampton.

The Mayor for the time being The Recorder for the time being Sir Giles Eyres one of the Justices of the Kings Bench William Bulkley Esquire John Speede Doctor [of (fn. 58) ] Physicke Thomas Cornelius William Lyne Adam de Cardonall Richard White James Crosse John Leigh William Cropp James Mellish Alexander Alcorne Edward Elwes John Smith Christopher Smith Cornelius Mackham Robert Culliford Elias de Gruchye Leonard Cropp Gentlemen:-

For the County of Suffolke:-

Lyonell Lord Huntingtower of the Kingdome of Scotland Sir Robert Bacon Sir Adam Felton Sir John Barker Sir John Playter Sir Robert Kempe Sir Symon Dewes Sir John Castleton Sir Dudley Cullam Sir Henry North Sir Jervase Elwes Sir John Rouse Sir Thomas Allen Sir Thomas Barnardiston Sir John Duke Sir Robert Brooke Sir Phillip Parker Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir Francis Masham Sir Robert Davers Sir Charles Bloyce Sir William Cooke Sir John Cotton Baronetts Sir Charles Gaudy Sir Robert Rich [Knight and Baronett (fn. 59) ] Sir John Poley Sir Thomas Hervey Sir George Weneyve Sir Nevill Catlyn Sir Henry Johnson. Sir Joseph Brand Sir Richard Gipps Sir Anthony Archer Baronett Sir Cesar Wood alias Cranmer Sir Charles Umphreville Sir [Francis (fn. 60) ] Blundell Knights The Right Honourable Sir Stephen Fox Knight one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury William Maynard Nicholas Bacon Thomas Holland Thomas Felton Compton Felton Thomas Glemham Thomas Knyvett Lievetenant Generall Thomas Talmash Lyonell Playters Henry Heveningham Thomas Cole William Bridgman Henry Parker William Barker Francis Barker William Johnson Thomas Tyrrell Charles Blosse Charles Knipe Thomas Roper John Hunt Edward Warren John Robinson John Thurston Richard Norton Robert Maddockes Henry Warner Thomas Aldham Richard Hubbard Henry Poley John Brayme Thomas Salter Philip Beddingfeild Robert King Richard Buckingham Hamond L'Strange John Scrivener Charles Smith Edward North William Rivatt James Calthorpe John Cornwallis [Francis (fn. 61) ] Smith of Thrandiston Thomas Smith William Crofts Anthony Crofts John Wright Edmond Bence Robert Barker Robert Naunton John Currance Thomas Wright Henry Edgar Samuell Ward Arthur Barnardiston Lawrence Rowse junior Thomas Golding William Glover Thomas Lemon John Bence George Fleetewood Robert Warryn Aubry Porter John Hervey Henry Goldwell Christopher Calthorpe John Germy of Sproughton John Jermy of Strutton Anthony Wrath senior Anthony Wrath junior Allen Cotton Edward Alpe Edmund Shephard John Smith of Parkefeild William Cullam Thomas Ryvett Charles Killigrewe Thomas Love John Beaumont Thomas Smith of Barton Nicholas Bragg Charles Whitacre John Hooke Doctor Thomas Carver William Betts Captaine Fynn William Poley Robert Cuddon John Catesby John Browne Charles Wood alias Cranmer Roger Kerrington Thomas Neale Thomas Dye Thomas Else Nicholas Freeman John Pells Edward Alston John Hodges John Felton Peter Alderman John Spiricke Renaldo Pitfeild John Girling Gregory Clarke William Randall Thomas Dade Thomas Wright senior Thomas Barnardiston Samuell Barnardiston Richard Wareing. Thomas Brande John Barker of Wickham Edward Jenney Thomas Bright William Hamond Samuell Clarke William Cooke Andrewes Warner Francis Brewster John Hill Samuell Blackerby Richard Porter Smith of Marlsford John Brand John Eldred of Saxam John Wild senior Philip French William Hamond of Whitton John Bass Samuell Baker Isaac Rebo Thomas Owen Thomas Aldridge William Lucas Samuell Pacy Thomas Bendish Bartholomew Soame William Bright Robert Russell Edward Gaele James Goodwyn Thomas Folkes John Nicholls senior Francis Heylocke Henry Ward Henry North Lawrence Stistead Richard Phillips John Blumfeild Robert Clarke William Tye Richard Marriott William Fowles Joseph Weld Nathaniell Symonds Richard Fryer William Neave William Glascocke Esquires Anthony Fisher John Craske junior Robert Chapling Robert Snelling William Beaumont John Brandling Esquires Edmond Artist senior Richard Freeston Bartholomew Young Thomas Scarlett Andrew Brownsmith Thomas Fothergill John Pinchbacke John Buxston Thomas Mitchell Nicholas Edgar George Watts Richard Jenkinson Edmund Plume Thomas Bright Devereux Edgar John Spencer Gentlemen Edmond Jenney Henry Damant John Rabett of Bramfeild Samuell Grove Thomas Macroe junior Gentlemen Richard Ferrier Esquire Thomas Heyward of Clare Simon Dove of Hadleigh William Flack Hugh Bockingham John Fowle George Gooday Esquires William Turner Jeffery Maltyward Gentlemen Nathaniell Symonds Esquire James Harvey of Cockfeild Richard Pupplett Robert May Gentlemen George Dashwood Esquire Edward Goate John Gooding of Marslesham George Gale Gentlemen John Sympson Robert Kerrington John Borrett of Stradbrooke Philip Bacon John Morden Wicksted Well Joseph Weld John Pamphlin Robert Studd Thomas Wright junior Edmond Coleman Thomas King Thomas Cropley John Folkes Thomas Hastings Guy Chapman Fuller Ewen James Symonds Joseph Hastings William Byatt Nelson Fredericke Herne Esquires:-

For the Boroug of Ipswich:

The Baliffs for the time being Sir John Barker Sir Charles Blois Baronetts Charles Whitacre Esquire Recorder Fredericke Herne Esquire Charles Wright Lawrence Stisted Richard Phillipps John Burroughs William Neave William Browne John Blomfeild John Wade Miles Wallis Henry Sparrowe William Tye Thomas Day Gentlemen Robert Clarke Towne-Clerke Devereux Edgar Esquire Henry North Esquire Doctor John Dade Doctor John Wallis Thomas Wright senior John Banks Gents Collector of Theire Majesties Customes Richard Pupplett Edward Gaell Robert Snelling:-

For the Borough of Eye:

The Bailiffs for the time being Henry Poley Thomas D'Avenant Thomas Vincent Esquires Thomas Deye senior Henry Edgar Thomas Browne Nathaniell Deye Thomas Deye junior Francis Deye Thomas Brampston Thomas Flowerey Smith Chenerey Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Sudbury:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Thomas Barnardiston Baronett Sir Jervase Elwes Sir Samuell Barnardiston Edmond Coleman Recorder John Gibbon John Robinson Esquires John Catesby John Parish Bernard Carter Richard Hobard William Cock Samuell Abbott William Hasell William Fothergill Robert Chaplyn Martin Harris Clement Ray Henry Crosseman William Halls Robert Gurling Benjamin Carter Thomas Carter Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of St. Edmonds Bury: ( (fn. 62) )

The Alderman for the time being The Recorder for the time being Henry Guybon Samuell Grove Richard Prime Thomas Macro senior Robert Sharpe Thomas Borrough Thomas Macro junior Martin Spenceley Samuell Battley Gentlemen Sir Robert Davers Baronett Henry Goldwell Esquire Sir Thomas Hervey Knight Thomas Holland Esquire:-

For the Borough of Dunwich:

The Bayliffs for the time being Sir Robert Kemp Baronett Sir Robert Rich Knight and Baronett John Bence Thomas Neale George Fleetwood Esquires John Postle Jeremiah Birlingham William Wethersby William Betts William Hamond Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Orford:

The Mayor for the time being Thomas Glemham Thomas Felton Esquires Thomas Hastings Joseph Hastings Thomas Palmer John Morgan John Siced Richard Porter Daniell Whidby William Robinson John Stephens:-

For the Borough of Aldborough:

Sir Henry Johnson William Johnson Esq[uire] John Browne Esq[uire] Bayliffe John Bence Esquire Thomas Neale Esquire Recorder Thomas Wall Richard Covell John Burrode Edward Wall [James (fn. 63) ] Peake Hitchingham Wright Richard Burrode Alexander Osborne Gentlemen:-

For the County of Surrey:-

The Right Honourable Sir Robert Howard one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privye Councill The Honourable Heneage Finch The Honourable Francis Coventry The Honourable Hugh Hare Esquires Sir Walter St. John Sir Francis Vincent Sir Marmaduke Gresham Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Thompson Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Walter Clarges Sir William Duncomb Sir Edward Bromfeild Sir William Temple Sir Robert Napier Sir Richard Atkins Sir William Glynn Sir Joseph Alston Baronetts The Honourable Sir Francis Compton Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir William Worley Knight of the Bath Sir William Hoskins Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir St. John Brodericke Sir Robert Clayton Sir Purbeck Temple Sir James Clarke Sir Christopher Buckle Sir Cornwall Bradshawe Sir James Butler Sir William Elliott Sir Robert Knightly Sir Peter Daniell Sir William Dashwood Sir Edward Fruin Sir John Parsons Sir Thomas Vernon Sir Peter Vandeputt Sir William Hill Sir Roger Meggott Sir Charles Hedges Sir John Temple Sir William Gore Sir Edward Desbovery Sir William Seawen Knights Michaell Edwards High Sheriffe of the County of Surrey Mr Serjeant Fuller Thomas Howard George Evelyn Henry St John Thomas Vincent Roger James Thomas Turgis Anthony Bowyer Denzill Onslow White Tichborne Morgan Randyll Foot Onslow John Weston Edward Nicholas George Evelyn George Rodney Bridges John Arnold John Eveling Philip Hilliard Edward Harvey William Brownlow Baptist May James Zouch George Woodroffe Nicholas Carew Ambrose Browne John Lukener Richard Garth Henry Hene William Fenwick Thomas Cotton William Morley Anthony Thomas Haestreete James Sigismond Stidolph George Duncomb Edward Bray John Sands William Hooker Richard Nicholls Shem Bridges Richard Morley Ambrose Muschampe Peter Hussey William Harvey Richard Onslow Christopher Buckle Thomas Lant John Gore Francis Brend William Hatton Charlton Whitlock Stephen Harvey Robert Gavill John Burgoyne John Thynn William Perry William Nuthall John Love George Smith William Heyward John Mitchell Henry Whistler John Wight Robert Hatton Thomas Trapp Henry Ludlow Jeoffery Amhurst Henry Lloyd William Bridgman John Heather William Clarke Martin Folkes John Turner Samuell Lewen John Pettyward Edward Thurland Thomas Molineux Henry Vincent John Parsons John Lugg Eldred Lancelott Lee Samuell Crispe junior Nicholas Wath Nicholas Fenn Captaine Salmond Benjamin Le-Cane Philip Foster Edward Lane Ralph Snow William Genew Samuell Somerford Robert Saunders Samuell Pett George Goreing Nicholas Waite Robert Dowglas William Gulston James Chadwick Lancelott Johnston William Clarke John Agar Thomas White Ralph Hough Thomas Wincop William Brockman Julius Glavill Cesar Bradshaw John Buckworth George Vernon Rich Tho. Causton Christopher Gettry senior John Hoskins Francis Gosfright Francis Hatten Thomas Wymondesold John Austen William Boothby Robert Moore James Tooth Samuell Crispe senior John Lampart John Milner Edward Woodward Simon Smith Joseph Wandall Spencer Cooper Vertue Radford George Atwood Richard Morgan John Deleau Henry Griffeth Thomas Loefeild Colonell Peirce Samuell Atkinson John Dawling John Kenrick John Tichburne Christopher Creswell Henry Wilkinson Thomas White Esquires The Mayor of Guilford for the time being Maximilian Emeley Timothy Wilson Joseph Lee Saunder of Tooting Josias Dewy John Hoskins Thomas Burroughs John Martyr John Child Henry Flutter Edward Ford John Hill Thomas Smith Peter Quenell Henry Saunders The Bayliffs of Kingston for the time being The Bayliffs of Farnham for the time being Richard Kelsey Richard White Edward Tilby Robert Bignold Urban Hall Lawrence March John Spencer Richard Jewell Thomas Harris Captaine Bartholomew Thomas Jordan of Gatwich William Jordan Doctor Budgeon Thomas Jordan Richard Gwyn Henry Johnson William Summers Peter Norbrow Robert Boyer Thomas Cusden Gerrard Andrewes Henry Wyatt John Burchett Peter Hughes William Doryzon John Streer John Eversett Ulisses Blunt John Terry John Symball Peter Kesterman William Hambly Isaac Cox Leonard Hammond Thomas Hammond ( (fn. 64) ) Henry Bynes Christopher Smith William Sherlock Jonas Shish Daniell Wight Thomas Jordan John Greene Joseph Wood Charles Shorter Thomas Juxon William Allwood Walter Vernon Edward Smith George Heath Robert Bristow William Berblock Thomas Mallen Nicholas Hookes John Cox Nehemiah Bourne Richard Bowsey Abraham Harrison John Pigeon William Yalden Ralph Drake John Sermon Benjamin Bonwick John Boys Richard Devon Francis Terringham John Hadson William Gray John Nicholls Edward Dimblely William Attwood Thomas Jordan John Allwood John Wood Daniell Wright senior William Rutter John Gerrard Samuell Peirson Francis Gosfright John Smith Edward Bucrish Henry Herringman John Allen John Milford Bryan Fairfax Richard Bridger John Ledford Benjamin Cracker Peter Delannoy John Cholmny Jacob Parham Daniell Duthees Jacob Harvey Thomas Maylyn Giles Hayward Francis Wilkinson William Gibbs Samuell Hall Thomas Cox Benjamin Tarrant John Sheppard John Gerrard John Chittey Ferdinando Holland John Coleman John Blake Crow Verren Christopher Cope William Puryour Robert Ford Samuell Lupton Henry Wheatley Greene Henry Bishopp Captaine Thomas Roffey John Cole Gentlemen James Isaacson Thomas Fox Thomas Cuddon John Smith William Steare William Starford John Jacob Daniell Allen Marke Houghton Godfrey Woodward Gentlemen Abraham Devishee Esquire Richard Steele Gentleman:-

For the County of Sussex:-

John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir John Pelham Sir William Thomas Sir [Joh (fn. 65) ] Fagg Sir Denny Ashburnham Sir William Wilson Sir Thomas Dike Sir William Culpeper Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Stapeley Sir Philip Gell Baronetts Sir William Morley Knight of the Bath Sir John Briscoe Sir Nicholas Pelham Sir Edward Selwyn Sir James Morton Sir Christopher Conyers Sir Edward Hungerford Sir James Smith Sir Thomas Miller Sir George Chute Knights Thomas Pelham William Morley John Lewkner Nisell Rivers Henry Pelham Richard Bridger Thomas Newdigate Esquires Thomas Briggs Doctor att Lawe George Nevill William Board James Butler George Goreing Thomas Beard John Spence James Graves John Fuller John Baker Alexander Stapeley John Miller Simon Smith John Packer Thomas Bromfeild Walter Dobell junior Thomas May William Markwicke John Machell Thomas Bickley George Gunter John Braman Richard Farrington Nathaniell Palmer Thomas Palmer William Williams Peter Gott Henry Apsley Thomas Frewen Edward Dine George Courthope Samuell Hyland John Marlott Randolph Tutty Francis Page Thomas Woodier Walter Roberts William Peckham Tho. Betsworth Thomas Gray John Apsley William Garroway William Wastbrooke Thomas White junior John Cooke of Petworth Esquires Francis Mose senior Thomas Brooker John Cheale of Findon Richard Stiles Henry Barwitt Gentlemen John Cooke of Goreing John Lee of Plaistowe Richard Cooper Henry Barnard Thomas Nash Edward Staker Oliver Whitby William Paine Humphrey Jewkes Thomas Peckham of Alingborne Thomas Knowles Richard Banks Anthony Cruttendon Robert Hall Paul Burrard The Mayor of Chichester and Arundell for the time being Barnham Powell Charles Goreing Charles Fagg Robert. Orme Henry Cooper Richard Paine John Brewer Esquires Robert Austin Apsley Newton Robert Fagg Thomas Burrell John Munke Anthony Eversfeild William Newton John Gratwick of Eaton Stephen Humphrey William Alderson Francis Goter Edward Morley William Cobden Nicholas Best William Hayes Samuell White John Wicker John Shelley William Blake John Weeks Thomas Fagg Gentlemen John Pechey of S[en]t. Peters John Pechey Barister att Lawe Robert Thomden Richard Butcher George Oglander Stephen Fuller William Pechey Gentlemen Peter Courthope Richard Shelley John Newnham Esquires Henry Yates John Board Nathaniell Turner Edward Manning John Groome John Weller John Baker William Clarke Esquires Walsingham Mitchell John Steward Lawrence Alcock John Yaldon Thomas Betsworth junior Thomas Crouchett Thomas Charman William Jewer Samuell Blunt William Clarke Gentlemen Stephen Penford Henry Peckham Thomas Westerne senior Samuell Westorne George Elford John Pellatt Richard Voakes Daniell Gittons Thomas Burry Edmund Negoes Gentlemen Richard Parker Hugh Reason Robert Baker John Minshawe of Farney Matthewe White Thomas Sheppard George Thornton Henry Styles of Taring John Haseler Gentlemen Christopher Knight Esquire Thomas Brereton Thomas Ellis Gentlemen Richard Peckham Esquire George Osborne Stephen Jermin Lewis Buckle John Busbridge Nicholas Covert Thomas Lentott of Walhurst John Wheeler of Amington Thomas Poole of New Shoreham Gentlemen:

For the Port of Hastings.

The Mayor for the time being Thomas Lovell John Hide Captaine Edward Millard Philip Lovell John Medhurst Jurates:-

For the Towne and Port of Winchelsea:-

The Mayor for the time being Mr Edward Martin Mr Harris Mr John Richardson Mr Thomas Symons Mr Richard Samson Mr Thomas Jenkins Mr Francis Jenkins:-

For the Ancient Towne of Rye.

The Mayor for the time being Sir John Austen Sir John Darrell John Spaine Michaell Cadman Nicholas Manouch Thomas Greble Nathaniell Hartshorne:-

For Seaford and Pevensey:-

The Bailiffs and Jurates for the time being:-

For the County of Warwicke:-

The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Tiviott of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable the Lord Digby of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire The Honourable Francis Grevill Esquire The Honourable Thomas Coventry Esquire Sir John Mordant Sir Charles Holt Sir Simon Clarke Sir Richard Temple Sir Clement Fisher Sir William Boughton Sir Jacob Astley Sir John Bridgman Sir Charles Shuckburgh Sir Thomas Samwell Sir William Wheeler Sir John Huband Sir Reginald Foster Sir Basill Price Sir Richard Newdigate Baronetts Sir William Underhill Sir John Clopton Sir William Craven Sir Andrew Hacker Sir William Bishop Sir Richard Verney Sir Thomas Rawlinson Knights William Bromley Andrew Archer Robert Burdett Walter Chetwynde Esquires Thomas Rawlins Serjeant att Lawe William Peytoe George Lucye Robert Somervile Basill Feilding Arden Adderly Seabright Repington Edward Clopton Thomas Wagstaffe Arden Bagott William Palmer Richard Hopkins Charles Knotesford Humphrey Wyrley Henry Packer Charles Newsham Thomas Keate Thomas Fetherston Thomas Andrewes Edward Bentley Hastings Ingram Charles Jennens William Colemore Ward Dilke William Dugdale William Bolton Robert Hervey Simon Biddulph Francis Fisher Henry Greene Humphrey Boughton Francis Boughton Edward Boughton John Shuckburghe Michaell Biddulph James Ludford John Combes John Farmer Thomas Peers Fisher Wentworth alias Dilke Price Devereux Bernard Whalley Thomas Newsham George Bonn Henry Neale Esquires John Clarke John Astley Thomas Archer John Mariott John Jennens Humphrey Holden Francis Bagshaw Theodore Stratford William Loggin John Newsham George Fullwood Ambrose Holbeech Timothy Stoughton John Appletree John Stanton Robert Wilcox John Andrewes Job Beardsley George Alsope Gentlemen The Mayor of Stratford for the time being The Bayliffs of Tamworth for the time being:-

For the City and County of the City of Coventry:

The Mayor for the time being Nathaniell Harryman Francis Harryman Edward Owen Thomas Lawrence Aldermen Sir John Dugdale Knight Richard Hopkins John Stratford Basill Feilding William Norton Henry Greene Edward Taylor George Bown John Bowater Robert Beake Thomas Burgh Thomas Hopkins Thomas Gery Esquires Edward Hill Thomas Bayly Henry Smith Robert Smith Simon Burton Thomas King Humphrey Burton Gentlemen:-

For the County of Westmerland:

Sir John Lowther of Lowther Baronett Vice-Chamberlaine to His Majestie and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir George Fletcher Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Baronetts Sir John Otway Sir Daniell Fleming Knights Richard Lowther Christopher Dalston John Dalston William Fleming Edward Wilson senior Edward Wilson junior Henry Wilson Richard Brathwaite Edward Musgrave Roger Mor John Fisher John Phillipson John Nevison Hugh Machell Esquires Ephraim Sandford Thomas Godsale Richard Crackenthorpe Cyprian Hilton John Smith Robert Sharpe Esquires Anthony Saul Lancelott Forth John Brougham James Bird Daniell Fleming Miles Phillipson George Willson Reginald Dobson John Hall Thomas Gabettus Thomas Wilson William Birkehead Thomas Cocke John Atkinson John Thwaits The Mayors of Appleby and Kendall for the time being:-

For the County of Wilts:-

Charles Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Bolton Edward Viscount Cornbury Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Clarendon Anthony Lord Ashley Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Shaftsbury Mountague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Abingdon Henry Lord Coleraine of the Kingdome of Ireland Anthony Lord Viscount Falkland of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Peregrine Bertie Esquire Sir Edward Seymour Sir Walter St. John Sir John Button Sir Edward Windham Sir Richard Grubham Howe Sir Walter Long Sir William Pincent Sir John Moreton Sir James How Baronetts Sir Edward Hungerford Sir John Nicholas Knights of the Bath Sir Giles Eyre Knight one of the Justices of Theire Majesties Courte of Kings Bench Sir John Ernle Sir John Talbott Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir George Hungerford Sir Stephen Fox Sir Thomas Escourt Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Charles Rawleigh Sir Edmond Warnford Sir Richard Hart Sir George Willougby Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir Charles Hedges Sir Thomas Earle Sir William Scroggs Knights The Honourable Goodwin Wharton Francis Pawlett George Pitt Richard Lewis Alexander Popham senior Alexander Popham junior Robert Hyde Francis Wroughton senior John Hall Richard Howe Thomas Hobby John Windham Samuell Eyre Thomas Freake of Shrowton Thomas Jervois Thomas Bennett Edwards Nicholas of Manninford Maurice Bockland Thomas Pitt William Ash Alexander Thistlewaite Francis Morley Henry St. John Charles Fox Edward Nicolls of Winterborne Walter Ernle Esquires John Smith of Tidworth John Deane Edwards Nicholas of Cannings Francis Goddard Francis Stonehouse Charles Mompesson William Trenchard William Daniell Christopher Willoughby Thomas Webb William Yorke John Glanville Thomas Baskervile Edward Nott Thomas Chamberlaine George Wroughton Thomas Goddard Thomas Freake of Hannington John Bowles of Burcomb John Hawlis William Harvey Thomas Penruddocke William Windham Thomas Windham Walter Grubb John Davenant Henry Chivers Nicholas Baynton Richard Chandler Richard Jones of Ramsbury John Ash of Haywood John Young Thomas Gunter senior Thomas Gunter junior James Linch of White Parish Edward Young of the same Richard Whitehead Lyonell Duckett John Wildman junior Edmund Lambert Samuell Ash William Willoughby William Norbourne Edward Seymour Richard Neville William George Charles Raymond Charles Tucker Benjamin Gifford John Fitzherbert Edmond Hungerford John Bennett William Hearst Gabriell Ashley William Wallis Richard Aldworth William Wastfeild Herbert Salladine John Reade William Brewer Michaell Ernle Edward Lisle Neville Mascaline William Player David Thomas Doctor of Phisicke William Yorke Walter Greene Charles Duncomb John Ash of Tefont Edmund Webb John Flower senior John Bond James Clarke Esquires Richard Poore John Jacob Edward Duke Captaine Fitz-James John Hill of Sarum Thomas Lambert of the same Anthony Hungerford Thomas Poldon Charles Danvers Walter Parker Henry Coker Francis Wroughton junior Robert Duke of Lake Thomas Chaffin Marks John Gantlett John Bigg Francis Swanton Abjohn Stokes Charles Mitchell John Webb William Hitchcocke Henry Pinnell John Curle Charles Pleydall Charles Bowles William White Edward Foyle Stephen Blatch Bennett Swaine Henry Nourse William Stowkly Esq[uire]. Robert Grove senior John Grove of Chisenbury Robert Grove junior John Long Francis Thistlethwaite William Beach of Fidleton Andrewe Duke Charles Stewart Walter Long of Wraxhall Edward Wadman Edward Hearst Nathaniell Trotman William Hancocke Councellor att Lawe Arthur Fowkes of Knoyle Thomas Stringer of Ivy Church Thomas Beach John Kent of Boscomb Edward Ryder Robert Smith Henry Dennis Oliver Bingley William Fisher John Bowles Councellor att Lawe Edward Pleydall Edward Spencer John Knighton Charles Brinsdon Thomas Tainter William Coles Henry Fairefax Richard Neville Brereton Boucher Henry Blake Thomas Grove George Hill John Mompesson William Hewes Thomas Powell Thomas Hayward Dauntesey Brouncker Nicholas Elliott Christopher Gardner Richard Minifie Hasket John Brooke Nicholas Daniell William Clare Christopher Lippeat John Smith of Alten Matthewe Smith Jonathan Hill John Twogood Walter Sharpe John Flower Henry Watman Edward Metlicott Thomas Hunt of Enford Henry Eyre of Woodhampton Edmund Hennings Matthewe Smith Francis Goddard of Pirton Henry Southby Jasper Chapman Thomas White John Fisher Francis Cooles junior Thomas Francklyn Robert Biss Robert Mandrell Thomas Long of Rowden Thomas Stump Elias Ferris Christopher Lippiett George Willoughby George Davis of Woodford Thomas Clarke John Mitchell Thomas Keyliway Edward Goddard of Ogborne John Villet Richard Cocks James Croome Nicholas Hayes Richard Smith of Kennett George Duke of Sarson Humphrey Wall Richard Hillyard of the Devizes John Waters Thomas Hardyman of Lidiard Peter Temple Joseph Houlton Joseph [Berrie (fn. 66) ] John Lesle Anthony Trotman Charles Danvers Lovelace Bigg Thomas Bennett of Salthorpe Thomas Phipps John Foster John Hawkins Toby Richmond Charles Raymond Thomas Eyres Edward Wadman Zachariah Bayley Jonathan Rogers of Chippenham Richard Barnaby Thomas Jacob of Norten Edmund Escourt of Butten Hill Nicholas [Hardman (fn. 67) ] Thomas Gore S[en]t. John Ivye Thomas Stokes John Stratton William Robbins The Mayor of Salisbury for the time being The Mayor of Wilton The Mayor of the Devizes The Mayor of Marleborough and the Bayliffs of Chippenham for the time being Christopher Mayne Edward Seymour John Dewe Jacob Selfe Esquires Charles Raymond Gentleman:-

For the City of New Sarum and the Close of the same

The Mayor for the time being Sir Giles Eyres Knight Recorder one of the Justices of Theire Majesties Court of Kings Bench Sir Thomas Mompesson Knight Thomas Hobby Thomas Pitt John Windham William Hearst William Windham Thomas Windham Wadham Windham Edmund Pitman Esquires Christopher Gardner Richard Minifie Peter Phelps Roger Baskett William Smith Thomas Kenton John Priaulx Andrew Baden James Herris William Viner Jonathan Hill Thomas Haskett Tayler Aldermen David Thomas Doctor of Phisicke Francis Swanton Gabriell Ashley Edward Hearst Thomas Lambert Herbert Salladine John Hill William Hews Thomas Chaffin Markes Esquires John Parsons John Paine William Barnes Thomas Baskett James Samberne Gentlemen:-

For the County of Worcester:

The Right Honourable Richard Earle of Bellamount of the Kingdome of Ireland. The Honourable John Grey Esquire The Honourable Thomas Coventry Robert Tracy Thomas Watson Henry Folliott Gilbert Coventry Esquires Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath Lord Chiefe Baron of Theire Majesties Court of Exchequer Sir Richard [Letchmore (fn. 68) ] one of the Barons of the Exchequer Sir Henry Littleton Sir John Packington Sir Francis Russell Sir Thomas Rous Sir William Seabright Sir William Keyte Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir James Rushout Sir Ralph Dutton Baronetts Sir Rowland Berkley Sir Henry Connisby Sir Thomas Streete Sir Francis Winnington Sir Thomas Haslewood Sir Edward Dinely Sir John Matthewes Sir John Sommers Theire Majesties Attorney Generall Knights Samuell Sandys Henry Herbert William Bromley Thomas Foley Richard Dowdswell Thomas Savage senior Henry Jefferyes Samuell Pitt William Walsh Edwin Sands Anthony Sambacke John Machell Henry Parker Thomas Savage junior Edmund Letchmere Robert Berkley William Ligon Thomas Jolliffe Edward Rudge Bridges Nanfan Charles Baldwin Salwey Winnington John Charleton Walter Savage senior Walter Savage junior Thomas Vernon of Astwood Thomas Cornwall Robert Dormer Richard Barnaby Robert Foley Francis Sheldon William Hancocke Higgins James Thomas Vernon of Worcester George Dowdswell John Soley John Bearcroft John Clutton Robert Wilde Edward Bull Thomas Love Chambers Slaughter Gerrard Dannett Richard Nash junior Allaine Cliffe senior ( (fn. 69) ) Francis Bromley John Sheldon ( (fn. 70) ) Phillipp Foley Edward Steyner [Richard Freeman Charles Cocks John Chaplyn (fn. 71) ] Goddard Carter Samuell Swifte Robert Bagott Benjamine Jolliffe Thomas Cheatle Windford of Astley Thomas Hammond Esquires Abell Gower Thomas Nanfan John Appledore Thomas [Bushy (fn. 72) ] Edmund Taylor Arthur Bagshawe Robert Dowley Samuell Hunt William Moore Higham Cooke Henry Toy Nicholas Baker Philip Bearcrofte of St. Swithin Thomas Hunt of Ribbinhall Edward Walker Robert Steyner William Bird John Emes Giles Parsons Martin Ballard Thomas Harris Edward Wheeler Henry Hodges George Haynes Humphrey Soley George Gardner Richard Avenant James Nash Nicholas Wheeler Edward Davis Edward Lench The Mayor of Eversham for the time being The Bayliffs of Droitwich for the time being The [Bayliffs (fn. 73) ] of Bewdley for the time being Arthur Lowe William Baldwin William Bookey Richard Norbury John Fownes senior William Bell Edward Milward Timothy Brickenshawe William Rudge John Rudge Edward Rastall Gentlemen:-

For the City and County of the City of Worcester:

The Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffe for the time being Sir John Sommers Knight Theire Majesties Attorney Generall William Bromley Esquire Sir Rowland Berkley Sir Thomas Streete Knights Henry Herbert Samuell Swifte Walter Savage Towne-Clerke Robert Wyld Charles Cockes Esquires Edward Cookesey William Baker Philip Bearcrofte of the Parish of St. Swithin John Handy Walter Pardoe Thomas Smith Nicholas Baker Nicholas Fayting:-

For the County of Anglesey:

Richard Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cashells in the Kingdome of Ireland Marke Lord Viscount Dungannon in the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Thomas Bulkeley The Honourable Robert Bulkeley Sir William Williams of Vaynoll Baronett Sir Roger Mostyn Baronett Sir Hugh Owen Baronett Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Thomas Burton John Hooke Nicholas Bagnall William Robinson Price Lloyd Arthur Owen Esquires Francis Bulkeley John Griffith of Carreg Lloyd John Owen Penthose Owen Bold. John Williams Esquires William Meyricke Conningsby Williams Owen Hughes John Jones Doctor of Divinity John Ellis Doctor of Divinity Owen Wynne William Griffith of Llanwaiethley Robert Owen of Hollyhead William Morgan John Wynne William Bulkeley David Lloyd Lloydiart Owen Williams of Carrog Hugh Wynne of Tryerworth Henry Sparrowe Roger Hughes Rowland Wynne John Owen Cremlin Thomas Williams Morrice Lewis Francis Lloyd John Pridderch Hughes Williams David Williams Owen Davies of Llandefredog Henry Wynne of Penheskin Edward Lewis William Jones John Owen Bodier Richard Edwards John Hill Peirce Lewis John Williams Bodavon John Lloyd of Measy Borth Richard Hughes William Griffith Thomas Roberts of Castellor Richard Vaughan John Price Owen Roberts William Griffith Richard Bulkeley Robert Hampton Llewellin James Griffith Hughes Rowland Arthur David Lloyd of Sybriltir The Mayor of Beaumaris for the time being:-

For the County of Brec[k]on:

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent of Henry Duke of Beaufort Sir Walter Williams Baronett Sir Edward Williams Sir Rowland Gwynne Knights Bussey Mansell Thomas Morgan John Lewis of Codmore Sackville Gwynne Esq[uire] Thomas Williams of Caballoa Esquire Thomas Mansell Jeffery Jefferyes Charles Morgan John Jefferyes Edward Jones Thomas Walker Daniell Williams Walter Vaughan Gwynne Vaughan Marmaduke Lloyd Francis Lloyd Thomas Flower John Williams John Morgan Marmaduke Gwynne John Walters John Gunter Edward Lewis Philip Parrey Lodowicke Lewis Esquires Charles Lloyd James Parrey Richard Jefferyes John Stedman John Walbeoff Walter Williams Robert Lucy John Gwynne John Lewis Jasper Miller Morgan Watkins Esquires Richard Williams Henry Jones Thomas Williams Charles Powell Samuell Williams James Donne William Watkins William Philips Thomas Bowen Robert Rumsey Walter Vaughan Howell Morgan William Williams of Veleinnewith Esquires Bartholomew Games Edward Games Rees Penry of Llangamarch Thomas Williams of Bayly Brith Henry Vaughan Doctor in Phisicke Richard Williams of Aberbrane Lewis Lloyd Thomas Gwynne William Williams of Battell John Maddox Lewis Havard James Watkins Thomas Jones Henry Williams William Lloyd Morgan Price John Herbert Francis Lewis John Rumsey Richard Williams Howell Jones William Awbery William Williams of Aberanell John Philips Roger Price of Llangamarch Richard Watkins Edward [Price (fn. 74) ] of Aberknython Howell Gwynne Thomas Lloyd of Rosevericke Christopher Portrey Francis Lloyd of Llangamarch Thomas Price of Glimce Richard Hughes John Lloyd senior John Lloyd junior Paul Williams Richard Games Gentlemen Alexander Griffiths Gentleman:-

For the Towne of Brec[k]on:

The Bayliffe Recorder and Aldermen for the time being Sir Walter Williams Baronett Sir Edward Williams Sir Rowland Gwynne Knights Jefferye Jefferyes Thomas Morgan Edward Jones John Jefferyes Charles Morgan John Walters William Philips Lodowicke Lewis Henry Jones Sanders Sanders William Winter John Price Robert Lucy Esquires John Jefferyes Henry Thomas William Herbert Hughes William Williams Meredith James TowneClerke Samuell Owseley Roger Jefferyes Daniell Price Alexander Griffiths:-

For the County of Cardigan:

Sir Carbery Price Baronett Sir Basil Price Baronett Sir William Wogan Knight Serjeant att Lawe ( (fn. 75) ) John Lewis of Cudmore John Tredenham Hector Philips John Vaughan William Powell Thomas Lloyd of Castle Howell Charles Lloyd Macsyvelin William Herbert William Bristocke David Lloyd of Werne Samuell Hughes John Herbert Vaughan Price Walter Lloyd David Parry Daniell Evanse John [Lewis (fn. 76) ] of Troed yr Rhyn John Lewis of Gernos Edward Jones of Lanina David Lloyd Crunnuryn Cornelius Le Brun Richard. Lloyd John Philips James Lloyd Evan Lloyd Hugh Lloyd John Williams John Knolls John Morrice of Carroge Richard Stedman Esquires John Bowen of Morvabychan John Jones Edward Prise Samuell Hughes Hugh Lloyd of Llwyd Jacke David Lloyd of Focsyblythed John Walley Jenkin Lloyd David Lloyd of Llanvanghan Oliver Howell Stephen Parry Morgan Howells David Lewes William Lewes Hector Morgans John Morrice David Howells Evan Evanse William Parry Rees Lloyd of Lovesgrove David Lloyd of Cum Brwa John Lloyd of Pant David Hugh Lloyd of Doleclettwr Rodericke Richards Charles Lloyd of Kilforch John Parry of Cumssiltin Richard Prise Water Lloyd of Crunvryn Nathan Griffith Gent John Pryse John Philips Gent ( (fn. 77) ) David Griffith Henry Jones Francis Vaughan John Evans James Lewis Stephen Parry of Llanychairon John Lloyd of Kilgwyn John Lloyd of Pantkelgaen Griffith Lloyd of Bwlch Mawre Thomas Philips John Lewis of Dynas James Williams David Lloyd of Llanborth:-

For the County of Carmarthen:

Sir Richard Mansell Sir Sackvill Crowe Sir Rice Rudd Sir William Russell Baronetts Sir Rice Williams Knight Sir John Powell Knight one of Theire Majesties Justices of the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas Sir William Wogan Knight Theire Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Sir Orlando Gee Richard Vaughan of Terra-coed Griffith Rice John Tredenham Thomas Cornwallis Rowland Gwynne Christopher Middleton Thomas Llwyd of Berllandowill. Richard Vaughan of Court Derllys Richard Jones Marmaduke Williams John Williams of Abercothy Daniell Evans Thomas Lloyd of Allt y Cadnoe Richard Gwynne of Gwempa Griffith Lloyd Rawleigh Mansell Edward Mansell Thomas Powell Henry Mansell Sackville Gwynne Roger Manwareing Henry Owens Edward Vaughan William Brigstocke Thomas Lloyd of Dan yr Allt Arthur Gwynne John Williams of Talley Thomas Gwynne the elder Edward Jones of Llethernoiath Henry Lloyd of Llanstephan Francis Lloyd William Bevans of Pen y coed John Philips of Dolehaidd John Williams of Carmarthen Samuell Hughes Walter Thomas Francis Browne Esquires George Gwynne Anthony Rudd Davidd Gwynne William Gwynne Thomas Manwareing Owen Bowen Thomas Philips of Kilsant Henry Lewis Griffith Elliott John Laugharne William Beynon Edward Jones of Tregib David Lewis of Llysnewidd Henry Vaughan of Place-Gwynne John Jones of Colebrooke William Brigstocke James Philips Zacharias Bevans Daniell Linegar Thomas Thomas Henry Philpe James Jones of Dole-Cothy Morgan Lloyd of Llansevin Thomas Davies of Kae Jenkin Lewis Price Walter Morgan Hugh Jones Anthony Williams Benjamin Lewis William Davis of Drusloyne Charles Dalton Thomas Philips of Llantharogg David Evans and Evan Price Gentlemen Samuell Lloyd of Forrest Gentleman:-

For the Borough of Carmarthen:

The Mayor Aldermen Co[m]mon Councill Chamberlaine and Sheriffes for the time being Sir Sackville Crowe Sir Rice Rudd Sir Hugh Owen Baronetts Sir Rice Williams Knight Rowland Gwynne Thomas Llwid Griffith Lloyd Edward Vaughan William Brigstock Henry Lloyd Marmaduke Williams Esquires Thomas Manwareing John Edwards George Lewis Theophilus Bevans John Williams John Scurlocke Griffith Williams Anthony Jones Gentlemen:-

For the County of Carnarvan:

Richard Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cashells in the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Edward Russell The Honourable Thomas Bulkeley Sir John Wynne Knight and Baronett Sir William Williams of Vaynoll Baronett Sir Roger Mostyn Baronett Sir Robert Owen Knight Sir Robert Cotton Knight Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Thomas Burton John Hooke Nicholas Bagnall Roger Price Griffith Vaughan William Wynne of the Abbey William Williams of Place y Ward John Vaughan of Pant Glase George Twisleton John Jones Doctor of Divinity John Ellis Doctor of Divinity Owen Wynne of Glascoed Edward Williams William Maddrine George Coytmore James Brunkyre Love Parry John Thomas Conningsby Williams Owen Hughes Robert Hookes Hugh Bodurda Rowland Wynne of Llanvnda John Rowlands William Glynne Rowland Wynne of Glan yr Afon Randle Wynne Francis Lloyd Richard Maddrine William Morgan Richard Edwards William Wynne of Werne William Wynne of Glan yr Avon Griffith Wynne of Stimllin Hugh Lewis Lloyd Bodvell John Wynne Griffith Carreg William Griffith of Maddrinissa William Lloyd Lancellot Bulkeley Robert Pugh Lewis Lloyd Owen Wynne Pen y Bryn Humphrey Roberts Robert Griffith Thomas Fletcher William Williams Griffith Parry Richard Hughes John Vaughan Evan Lloyd Penmachno Hugh Stodart Owen Roberts John Maurice Thomas Ellis John Williams of Brymer Robert Ellis Edward Price Edward Owen William Griffith of Pen y rallt Watkin Owen John Pritchard of Llecheiddier Edward Price of Llysvarn and William Williams of the same John Edmund Edward Peirce:-

For the County of Denbigh:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons [and (fn. 78) ] First Lord Co[m]missioner ( (fn. 79) ) of the Greate Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Sir John Trenchard Knight Cheife Justice of Chester Sir John Wynne Knight and Baronett Sir Richard Middleton Baronett Sir Evan Lloyd Baronett Sir Thomas Grosvenor Baronett Sir Walter Baggott Baronett Sir Roger Mostyn Baronett Sir John Conway Baronett Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Sir Francis Compton Knight Sir Robert Owen Knight Sir Jeffery Shackerly Knight Sir Roger Puleston Knight Edward Vaughan of Llangedwin Edward Brereton William Wynne of Melay Robert Davies of Llanerch William Williams of Plase ward Thomas Carter Kenricke Eyton Thomas Middleton Eubule Thelwall senior Roger Moston Joshua Edisbury William Robinson Ellis Lloyd John Roberts Eubule Thelwall junior Cadwalader Wynne Robert Price of Giller Owen Wynne of Lloyne David Maurice Edward Maurice of Loraine Robert Wynne of Maesmochnant Roger Price Robert Griffiths of Brimbo Richard Middleton of Llansillin Ambrose Thellwall John Vaughan of Pant glas Symon Thelwall David Parry Thomas Wynne of Dyfrynaled John Middleton of Gwanonog Edward Griffiths Robert Trevor John Lloyd of [Gwarych (fn. 80) ] Sidney Godolphin John Puleston Edward Wynne of Lanyfydd John Maesmore William Rutter Hedd Lloyd Peter Ellis John Dolben Edward Chambers John Aspoole Thomas Whitley John Williams David Williams Esquires Robert Wynne of Garthewin Chancellor of S[en]t. Asaph Francis Lloyd Rector of Llandurnog Robert Wynne of Garthmeilio Sidney Bunner John Puleston of Pickhill John Wynne of Farn Edward Griffith of Garn Richard Eyton Booth Basnett Edward Lloyd of Place Maddocke David Lloyd of Llangollen Roger Middleton Richard Wynne of Aberkynleth Thomas Price of Bwlch David Lloyd of Bodnant Robert Lloyd of Hendre-Walod Robert Edwards of Plasyollin Edward Lloyd of Ddwyfan Peter Foulkes of Erriviat John Foulkes of Erriviatt Meredith Wynne of Nanclyn John Morris of Llis Timothy Middleton John Vaughan of Tibrith John Powell of Llandurnog Humphrey Yate Hugh Hughes of Brintangor Evan Lloyd of Covesyockin Edward Lloyd of Llanarmon Evan Wynne of Cummeine Henry Vaughan of Dynerth Owen Williams of Kynnant John Salusbury William Davies of Towin Gentlemen The Aldermen and Bayliffs of the Towne of Denbigh for the time being Thomas Shawe Robert Knowles Richard Matthewes John Lloyd of Bryn-Lliarth Thomas Twiston Edward Hughes of Ty'mawr Price Foulkes Robert Price Robert Roberts Gentlemen The Mayor of Holt for the time being The Aldermen of Ruthin for the time being Thomas Holland of Llanelian Charles Middleton of Llandurnog Gentlemen Owen Thellwall Esquire Ambrose Thelwall Esquire [Andrew Thellwall Esquire (fn. 81) ] Andrew Thellwall Gentleman Charles Bradshaw Esquire Roger Trevor Gent Thomas Moreton of Chriffioneth Gents Maurice Wynne of Llanganhavall Esquire:-

For the County of Flint:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons First Lord Co[m]missioner of the Greate Seale of England and one of Theire Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir John Hanmer Sir William Williams Sir Robert Cotton Knights and Baronetts Sir Evan Lloyd Sir John Conway Sir Roger Mostynne Sir William Glynne Sir Richard Middleton Sir Thomas Grosvenor Baronetts Sir Robert Owen Sir Roger Puleston Sir John Trenchard Knights Colonell Roger Whitley Colonell Thomas Salusbury Colonell Thomas Whitley William Hanmer Thomas Carter Roger Price Thomas Hanmer Robert Davies William Lloyd John Broughton Richard Mostynne Thomas Eyton Edward Lloyd of Tuthyn George Hope John Wynne Hugh Griffith Owen Barton senior Peirce Pennant Thomas Evans Kenricke Eyton Edward Lloyd of Pentre-hobin Thomas Ravenscrofte Edward Kinnaston Richard Parry Edward Morgan William Rutter Edward Brereton Thomas Williams Esquires Roger Mostynne Owen Barton Ellis Young Twisleton William Griffith Thomas Jones Peter Wynne Roger Jones John Pennant Thomas Foulkes Josiah Jones senior Thomas Lloyd of Gwernhailud Francis Edwards Thomas Lloyd Roger Pennant Luke Lloyd junior Thomas Salusbury John Wynne John Puleston of Pickhill Roger Davies John Brooke Henry Lloyd William Butler Hugh Peirce William Jones Thomas Edwards George Wynne Richard Foulkes Thomas Morton Richard Daves Humphrey Thomas William Cratchley Edward Bethell Edward Lewis Evan Lloyd John Facknald Thomas Lewis Morgan Whitley Gentlemen:-

For the County of Glamorgan:

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester eldest Sonne to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort Sir Edward Mansell Sir Edward Stradling Sir Charles Kemys Sir John Awbrey Baronetts Sir Rowland Gwynne Sir Humphrey Mackworth Sir Humphrey Edwin Knights John Windham Serjeant att Lawe Thomas Mansell Thomas Morgan Richard Lewis David Jenkins William Herbert Thomas Lewis Francis Gwynne Marmaduke Gibbs Richard Seys Edward Matthewes William Seys Bussey Mansell Richard Longer Richard Jenkins Samuell Edwynne Edward Mansell William Matthewes William Windham William [Herbert (fn. 82) ] junior Martin Button Thomas Button Oliver S[ain]t. John George Bowen Christopher Portrey Walter Evans Thomas Gibbon William Awbery Reynald Veere John Llewellin Richard [Herbert (fn. 82) ] John Price Esq[uire] Andrewe Matthewes Thomas Mansell of Penrice Jeremy Dawkins Thomas Rice James Gwynne William Edwards Edward Mansell junior Richard Carne Thomas Powell of Coytrehen Godwin [Herbert (fn. 82) ] Alexander Trotter James Allen Williani Philips Iltid Nicholl of the Ham Iltid Nicholl John, Daniell Morrice John Bassett Thomas Price Thomas Pepkins Rowland Hughes Matthew Seys Philip William Richard William Roger Powell Richard Jenkins Anthony Powell of Loydarth Anthony Gwynne Robert Bidder Thomas Bidder Roger Williams Richard Thomas Edward Jenkins Doctor John Jones Chancellor of Landaffe The Bayliffs of Cardiffe for the time being Craddocke Wells Alexander Purcell John Sheeres Thomas Williams William Richards Cradock Nowell Lewis Cox William Miles and Archer Aldermen William Thomas Towne-Clerke William Morgan of Coydygoras Thomas Rice of Roath Thomas Williams of Lanishen The Bayliffs of Cowbridge The Portreve of Neathe The Portreve of Swanzey Gentlemen:-

For the County of Merioneth:

Sir Richard Middleton Baronett Sir Hugh Owens Baronett Sir John Wynne ( (fn. 83) ) Sir William Williams [Knights and Baronetts (fn. 84) ] Sir Robert Owen Knight Griffith Vaughan of Corsygedol Esquire Hugh Nanny of Nanny Esquire William Lewis Anwill Esquire Edward Vaughan of Llwdiart Esquire Roger Price of Rhiwlas Esquire William Pugh of Mathavern Esquire William Wynne of Melay Esquire Owen Anwill of Penrhyn Esquire John Lloyd of Aberllavenny Esquire William Williams of Plaseward Vincent Corbett Esquires John Nanney of Llanvenddiget John Vaughan of Glan y Llyn Charles Hughes of Gwerkles Esquire Owne Wynne of Pengwern Esquire Roger Salisbury of Rug Esquire Edmond Meirick Esquire Symon Lloyd Esquire William Wynne of Maesynueodd Richard Mitton Esquires Owen Eyton Gent Meredith Lloyd Anthony Thomas John Maesmore Thomas Lloyd of Llandeckwin Robert Pugh of Dole y moch William Eyton Robert Price of Ysgroweddan Richard Owens Esquires Hugh Tydur of Egrin Robert Wynne of Garthmeilio Gent David Lloyd of Hendw'r Edward Owen Gwastadfrin William Anwill of Dolefriog [Mr. Herbert (fn. 85) ] Mr Robert Nanney of Kefndauddwr Mr John Wynne of Garthmeilio Mr John Lewis of Festionog Mr John Lloyd of Cefnfais Mr John Morgans of Plasse Mr Edward Lloyd of Ddwyfain Mr Henry Mostyn Mr John Humphreys M'r Hugh Hughes M'r Oliver Thomas M'r Griffith Roberts of Rhiwgoch M'r Edward Hughes of Towyn M'r Hugh Owens of Caerberllan M'r Robert Vaughan of Caerrwnwch M'r William Humphreys M'r Thomas Loyd of Hendwr M'r Richard Humphreyes of Penrhyn M'r Griffith Vaughan of Dole-y-melyn-Llwyn M'r John Price of Llwyn-Gwern M'r Caleb Lloyd M'r Ellis Davies M'r Robert Lloyd of Vron M'r Rees Pritchard of Llwyn-gwyrill M'r John Edwards of Tonfane M'r Morrice Davies M'r Evan Wynne of Cummeine Mr John Vaughan of Caethley M'r Rowland Pugh of Esgair-anghell M'r Robert Owens of Digwin Mr John Lloyd of Doleglessin John Lloyd of Llwyn-Crwn Gent M'r Henry Parry M'r Griffiths Lloyd of Gwern-Engan M'r John Evans of Tan y vwlch M'r Robert Owen of Dol-y-fere:-

For the County of Mountgomery:

The Honourable Andrew Newport Sir John Price Sir Charles Lloyd Baronetts Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Sir Edward Leighton Baronett Price Devereux William Pugh of Mathavern Edward Lloyd of Berth-Lloyd Edward Vaughan John Matthewes Francis Herbert Matthew Morgan John Kyffin Richard Owens Walter Clopton John Edwards of Rorington Edward Barrett Arthur Vaughan Thomas Rock Walter Price Arthur Devereux Richard Mitton Evan Glynne Gabriell Wynne Richard Lee Philip Eyton Daniell Whittingham Richard Herbert Richard Stedman Tho. Mason Nathaniell Maurice Humphrey Kynnaston Thomas Lloyd Peirce Lloyd Edward Price William Williams Robert Lloyd Arthur Weaver Matthew Price Meredith Morgan Vincent Peirce Rowland Owen of Lunloeth Lumley Williams junior John Thomas of Penegos Edmond Lloyd Richard Ingram Esquires Humphrey Lloyd Sydney Bynner Humphrey Jones Esquires Richard Mason Edward Jones Thomas Juckes Gilbert Jones John Griffiths of Glanhaveren Richard Rocke Roger Trevor Richard Matthewes Robert Ingram Brochwell Wynne Brochwell Griffiths William Lloyd of Fynnant Richard Price of Gunley Vaughan Devereux Thomas Griffiths Thomas Hodson Solomon Bowen Samuell Lloyd John Vaughan of Myvodd John Read Hugh Derwas Robert Kynnaston Hugh Davies of Colfrin John Davies of the same William Evans of Llandrinio Evan Jones of Llanlathian Morgan Edwards John Herbert Richard Price of Bettus David Meredith of Llanwothellan Thomas Gwynne Richard Glynne Rees Lloyd of Clochvan Edward Bowen of Penyralt John Wilson Edward Price of Streetvaylog Edmund Price Morgan David of Penegos Rondle Owen Richard Whittingham of the Farme William Peirce Captaine John Lloyd of Domgay John Middleton of Churchstocke Evan Jones John Pugh of Kerry Charles Mason Lewis Williams of Llwyny-Ruddith Robert Davies of Maes-Maur James Price William Corbett Matthew Matthewes of Wern-ddu John Vaughan of Keel Thomas Severne George Higgins Gents John Mostyn Clerke Griffith Lloyd Clerke Thomas Parry Clerke John Williams Esquire

For the County of Pembroke:

Richard Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cashells in the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Erasmus Phillips Sir Hugh Owen Sir Gilbert Lort Sir John Barlow Baronetts Sir William Wogan Knight Theire Majesties Serjieant att Lawe Edward Phillips Hector Philips Essex Myrick Arthur Owen Rowland Laugharn Lewis Wogan of Wiston Lewis Wogan of Boulston William Scourfeild William Mordant Walter Middleton John Owen John Williams John Barlow senior George Lort John Laugharne Arthur Owen junior Morris Bowen Griffith Hawkwell Griffith Dawes Thomas Lloyd of Grove George Bowen William Skyrme Charles Philips William Warren James Lloyd John Barlow junior Thomas Corbett George Meare Lewis John William Wogan junior Griffith Elliott Henry Walter George Lehunt John Phillips John Lewis Arthur Laugharne David Parry John Edwards Erasmus Corbett John Owen of Berclan Esquires William Davies of Lampeter Barrat Bowen George Bowen of Camross Matthew Bowen John Jordan William Foord senior William Foord junior Owen Ford George Jones of Brawdy Gwynne Vaughan George Harris John Owen of Preskelly George Lloyd James Laugharne Rice Adams Roger Adams Thomas Lloyd of Penpedwist John Child Thomas Jones John Wogan Robert Williams Lewis Matthias Morice Morgan Maurice Morris Theophilus Jones Stephen Morris George Lewis and John Wolly Gentlemen The Mayor of Pembroke for the time being Francis Rogers Francis Danvers John Courcy Alexander Foord Aldermen The Mayor of Tenby for the time being Henry Williams Devereux Hammond James Lloyd Aldermen:-

For the Towne and County of Haverford West:

The Mayor and Aldermen and the Towne-Clerke for the time being:-

For the County of Radnor:

Sir John Morgan Sir Standish Harston Baronetts Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Rowland Gwynne Sir Edward Williams Sir Lacon Child Knights Robert Harley William Fowler Thomas Williams John Walcott John Jefferyes Thomas Lewis of Harpton Edward Lewis of Manoughty Marmaduke Gwynne Samuell Powell Thomas Harley Littleton Powell Henry Probart Edward Price Thomas Vaughan Edward Howarth William Probert Robert Cutler John Fowler Robert Lucy James Lloyd Charles Lloyd John Walsham William Brewster Jeremiah Powell Evan Bowen John Duvall Esquires Thomas Howorth Lewis Lloyd Thomas Lewis of Langwilte Nicholas Merydith Thomas Davis of Cumtytter John Davis of Coedglaescon Evan Vaughan William Lloyd Edward Harley Esquires Lemuell Lloyd Andrew Davis Walter Vaughan Nehemiah Kettleby William Tayler Herbert Weston Lloyd Weston Peter Richards Jonas Stephens Henry Bull Thomas Powell Edward Philips Griffith Paine Walter Price John Whittney Gentlemen The Bayliffe and Aldermen of New Radnor for the time being Robert Price Esquire Recorder John Davies of Uron-Lace Hugh Stephens Esquires Hugh Lewis of Hendwall High Sheriffe Samuell Tonman Herbert Weston Lloyd Weston John Walsham Henry Bull Griffith Paine David Powell John Stephens Jonas Stephens Philip Taylor Thomas Owen James Donne Hugh Matthewes Roger Russell John Clarke John Watkins of Aberedow Thomas Probert Stephen Probert Walter Griffith [Thomas Griffith (fn. 86) ] David Davies Henry Winter Hugh Evans Thomas Price Gentlemen Robert Williams Gentleman Henry Vaugham Gentleman:-

Commissioners to meet upon the 15th of February; and may divide themselves; such division not to restrain them from acting in any other part of the County; and to direct Precepts to Inhabitants, &c; requiring them to appear; then to read the Rates, and charge them how to make Certificates, &c; such Persons absenting; Penalty; At or after such General Meeting, Commissioners to direct Warrants for Assessors; and to prefix a day and place to bring in Certificates of Names of Persons, and of Personal Estate, Offices, &c; Assessors to inform themselves by all lawful ways of the full yearly Value of Manors and Hereditaments; and then to assess 4s. per Pound of full yearly Value; and to bring, at time prefixed, a Certificate of Assessment; and to return Collectors; for whose Payment to the Head Collectors Parish to be answerable; Assessors neglecting or refusing to serve, or making Default; Penalty; Distress; Charged upon Receiver General; Every Assessor, before he acts, to take the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8.

Which said Co[m]missioners soe as aforesaid nominated and appointed shall in the respective Countyes Cittyes Burroughs Divisions Townes and Places for which they are appointed Co[m]missioners respectively meete together att the most usuall and co[m]mon Place of Meeteing within each of the said Countyes Cittyes Burroughs [Townes Divisions (fn. 87) ] and Places respectively upon the Fifteenth day of February which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety and two and the said Co[m]missioners or soe many of them as shall be p[re]sent att the First Generall Meeteing or the major parte of them may by theire Consents and Agreements divide aswell themselves as other the Co[m]missioners not then p[re]sent for the Execuc[i]on of this Act into Hundreds Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Wards Townes and other Places within theire Limitts priviledged or not priviledged in such manner and forme as to them shall seeme expedient (neverthelesse not thereby to restraine the said Co[m]missioners from acting as Co[m]missioners in any other parte of the County or Place for which they are nominated) And shall direct theire severall or joynt Precept or Precepts to such Inhabitants High Constables Petty Constables Bayliffs and other like Officers and Ministers and such nomber of them as they in theire Discrec[i]ons shall thinke most convenient requireing them to appeare before the said Co[m]missioners att such Place and Time (not exceedeing Tenne Dayes) as they shall appointe And att such theire Appearances the said Co[m]missioners shall openly reade or cause to be read unto them the Rates and Assessements in this Act menc[i]oned and alsoe openly declare the effect of theire charge to them and how and in what manner they ought and should make theire Certificates and how they ought to proceede in the execuc[i]on of this Act according to the Rates aforesaid And if any High Constables Petty Constables Bayliffs Inhabitants or other Officers or Ministers to whome any Precept or Precepts shall be directed shall absent themselves without lawfull Excuse to be made out by the Oathes of Two credible Witnesses (which Oathes the Co[m]missioners or any Two of them are hereby impowered to administer) or if any Person appeareing shall refuse to serve then every such Person soe makeing defaulte or refuseing to serve shall for every time of such defaulte or refusall forfeite and lose unto Theire Majesties such su[m]mes as the Co[m]missioners or soe many as shall be present or the major parte of them [being p[re]sent (fn. 86) ] shall thinke fitt not exceedeing the su[m]me of Five Pounds nor lesse than Forty Shillings And att and after such Generall Meeteing had and charge given as aforesaid the said Co[m]missioners shall take care that Warrants be issued forth and directed to two at the least of the most able and sufficient Inhabitants of each Parish Towneshipp or Place within the respective Divisions thereby appointing and requireing them to be Assessors of all and every the Rates and Duties by this Act imposed and shall [alsoe therein (fn. 88) ] appoint and p[re]fix a certaine Day and Place for the said Assessors to appeare before them and to bring in theire Certificates in writeing of the Names and Sirnames of every Person dwelling and resideing within the limitts of those Places with which they shall be charged and of the Substance and Values of every of them in ready Money Debts Goods Chattells or other personall Estate whatsoever (excepte before excepted) or in Publicke Offices or Imployments of Profitt And the said Assessors are therein alsoe to be required and are hereby injoyned to ascertaine and informe themselves by all lawfull wayes and meanes they cann of the true and full yearely value of all Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements as alsoe of all Quarries Mynes of Coale Tynn or Lead Copper Mundicke or other Mynes Iron Workes Salt Springs and Salt Workes Allome Mynes and Workes Parkes Chases Warrens Woods Under Woods and Coppices and all Fishings Tythes Tolls Annuities and other yearely Profitts and of all Hereditaments of what nature or kinde soever scituate lyeing and being happening or ariseing within the limitts of those Places with which they shall be charged And being soe thereof ascertained they are to assesse all and every the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Premises before appointed to be charged after the Rate of Four Shillings for every Twenty Shillings of the full yearely value as the same are lett for or worth to be lett att the time of assessing thereof as aforesaid and to bring with them att the time and place soe as aforesaid prefixed for theire appeareance a Certificate in writeing of the said Assessement and shall then alsoe returne the names of Two or more able and sufficient Persons liveing within the [limitts & (fn. 89) ] bounds of those Parishes Towneshipps Constablewicks or Places where they shall be chargeable respectively to be Collectors of the moneyes to be paide to Theire Majesties by this Act for whose payeing in to the Head Collector in manner hereafter menc[i]oned such moneys as they shall be charged withall the Parish or Place wherein they are soe imployed shall be answereable And if any Assessor soe as aforesaid appointed or to be appointed shall neglect or refuse to serve or shall make defaulte att the time appointed for his appeareance (not haveing a lawfull excuse to be witnessed by the Oathes of Two credible Witnesses which the said Co[m]missioners or any Two of them have power to administer) or shall not performe his Duty every such Assessor shall for every such neglecte refusall or defaulte forfeite and lose unto Theire Majesties such su[m]me as the Co[m]missioners or soe many of them as shall be present or the major parte of them shall thinke fitt not exceedeing the Su[m]me of Twenty Pounds nor under the su[m]me of Tenne Pounds to be levyed by Distresse and Sale of the Offendors Goods and Chattells in like manner as by this Act is appointed for levying the severall Rates and Assessments herein menc[i]oned in case of neglecte or refusall of Payment and to be charged upon the respective Receivers Generall together with the said Rates and Assessements And every Assessor soe as aforesaid appointed or to be appointed shall before he take upon him the execuc[i]on of the said Imployment take the Oathes menc[i]oned and required to be taken by an Act made in the Parliament held in the First Yeare of Theire Majesties Raigne entituled An Act for the abbrogateing the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointeing other Oathes (which Oathes any Two Co[m]missioners in the County where the said Assessement is to be made have hereby power and are required hereby to administer:-

VI. Certificates of Assessments to be returned to the Commissioners before 28th Feb. unless they give further time.

On return of Certificates, Commissioners or any Three may examine Presenters; If Commissioners suspect that Persons, &c. are omitted; or the Value of Lands; they may summon Party to be examined; Persons summoned not appearing; Penalty; Commissioners may examine into Value of Premises, and set Rates accordingly; Assessors to give one Copy of Assessments to Commissioners, who are to sign and seal Duplicates; One delivered to Sub-collectors; others to Head Collectors and Receivers General; Commissioners to cause Extract of Sums charged, &c. to be certified into Exchequer before 20th Day of March, or within 30 Days after; King's Remembrancer within Three Months to transcribe Duplicates, &c. and transmit same to the Auditor of Exchequer.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the rates and assessments upon all Ready Moneyes Debts Goods Chattles Personall Estates and Publicke Offices and Imployments of Profitt charged by this Act shall be ascertained and the Certificates thereof returned to the Co[m]missioners upon or before the Eight and twentieth day of February One thousand six hundred ninety two unlesse the Co[m]missioners shall thinke fitt to give further time And alsoe the Taxac[i]ons and Assessements of the Pound Rate of Four Shillings in the Pound of the yearely value of all Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and p[re]misses charged by this Act shall be made and ascertained and the severall and respective Certificates thereof returned in to the Co[m]missioners upon or before the eight and twentieth day of February aforesaid unlesse the Co[m]missioners shall thinke fitt to give further time. And upon returne of any such Certificate the Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them shall and may (if they see cause) examine the Presenters thereof. And if the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them within theire severall limitts att the time of the returne of the Certificates as aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after shall knowe or have good cause to suspecte That any Person or Persons or any the Mannors Messuages Lands or other the Premisses which ought to [be (fn. 90) ] menc[i]oned and charged in the said Certificates is or are omitted or that any Person or Persons in the said Certificates menc[i]oned is or are of a greater Estate or that any the said Mannors or other Premises are of agreater yearely value then in the said Certificate is menc[i]oned the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them shall have power to su[m]mon such Person or Persons and the Owners or Possessors of such Mannors or other Premisses to appeare before them att a day and place p[re]fixed to be examined touching the matters aforesaid And if the Person or Persons summoned to be soe examined shall neglect to appeare (not haveing a reasonable excuse for such his default) every Person soe makeing defaulte shall pay to Theire Majesties double the su[m]me he should or ought to have beene sett att or rated: And moreover the Co[m]missioners or the major part of soe many of them as shall be present shall have power by all lawfull wayes and meanes to examine into the Estate of such Person and the value of such Premisses chargeable by this Act and to sett such Rate or Rates upon the same as shall be according to the true intent of this Act. And the said Assessors are hereby required to give One Coppye of theire Certificates or Assessments fairely written and subscribed by them unto the said Co[m]missioners by whome they were appointed And the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them are hereby ordered and required to cause the said severall and respective Assessments to them delivered (when by them approved of or altered according to the true intent of this Act) to be fairely written and to signe and seale severall Duplicates or Coppies of the said Assessement And one of them soe signed and sealed forthwith to deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Sub-collectors and shall likewise deliver or cause to be delivered other Coppies thereof soe signed and sealed unto the Head-Collectors and Receivers Generall according to theire severall and respective Collecc[i]ons and Receipts. And moreover the Co[m]missioners shall cause a true Coppye or Extra[c (fn. 90) ]te of the wholl su[m]mes assessed and charged within every Hundred Lathe Wapentake Parish Ward or Place rated or assessed in pursuance of this Act and of the wholl su[m]mes rated or assessed upon Personall Estates Offices or Imployments to be certified and transmitted into Theire Majesties Court of Exchequer under the Hands and Seales of any Two or more of the Co[m]missioners but without nameing the Persons in such theire Certificates And this [the (fn. 90) ] said Co[m]missioners shall cause to be done upon or before the Twentieth Day of March then next ensueing or within Thirty Dayes after (all Appeales to them made being first determined) And the Kings Remembrancer in the Exchequer for the time being shall and is hereby required within Three Months after the Duplicates of the last Payment shall be transmitted to him to transcribe all the Schedules and Duplicates of the Su[m]mes returned to him from and for every respective County Rideing City and Towne and every Hundred Wapentake Parish Division Towne and Place therein in a Booke of Parchment in Alphabeticall Order and in a faire legible Handwriteing And within Three Months after the same shall be soe by him received to transmitt all and every the same Schedules and Duplicates to the Office or Writer of the Tallies co[m]monly called the Auditor of the Receipte of the Exchequer who is hereby likewise authorised and required to enter the same in the like Alphabeticall Order in another Booke of Parchment fairely written to be provided for that purpose:-

VII. Commissioners to issue Warrants to Sub-collectors for levying, &c.

Sub-collectors to levy and collect according to their Duplicates; and make Demand of Rates of Parties, or at last Place of Abode; Head Collectors to hasten Sub-collectors; In case of neglect of Sub-collectors, Levy by Distress; Head Collectors to pay in to Receiver General on or before 20th of March; Receiver to pay into Exchequer on or before 25th of March; Time for the Second Quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to pay to Receiver General, who is to pay into the Exchequer; Time for the Third Quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to hasten Sub-collectors, and may proceed by Distress; Head Collector to pay to Receiver General; Receiver General to hasten Head Collectors and pay into Exchequer; Time for the last Quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to pay to Receiver General, who is to pay into Exchequer; All Persons concerned in the Execution of this Act to use Diligence, &c.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them shall issue out theire Warrants or Estreats to the Sub-collectors under theire Hands and Seales thereby requireing them to levy and collect one fourth parte of the Rates and Assessments in respecte of theire Personall Estates Offices and Imployments and alsoe One fourth parte of the Pound Rate charged upon all Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and Premisses as aforesaid And the said Sub-collectors are hereby required and enjoyned to levy and collect the same according to the Duplicates thereof by them received and according to the intent and direcc[i]ons of this Act and to make demand of the said Rates and Assessements upon Personall Estates Offices and Imployments of the Parties themselves if they canne be found or otherwise att the Place of theire last abode and to pay the same unto theire respective Head Collectors on or before the Tenth Day of March One thousand six hundred ninety two or within Twenty dayes after And the said Head-Collectors are to hasten the said Sub-collectors And in case the same shall not be collected by reason of neglect or failure of duty of the said Sub-collectors the said Head Collectors are to levy by Warrant under the Hands and Seales of any Two or more of the [said (fn. 90) ] Commissioners by Distresse upon the Sub-collectors respectively such Su[m]me and Su[m]mes of Money as by him and them ought to have beene paid and is or are not paid by reason of his failure in doeing his Duty according to the direcc[i]ons of this Act And every Head Collector is hereby required to make Payment of what shall be soe levyed or received unto the Receiver Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Twentieth day of March aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the Receiver Generall is likewise required to call upon and hasten the said Head Collectors and to pay what he shall receive from the said Head Collectors unto the Receipte of Their Majesties Exchequer upon or before the Five and twentieth day of March aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after to the end that the First Payment of the said Rates and Assessements may by that time be fully answered and paid in to Theire Majesties And the Sub-collectors shall alsoe levy the Second Quarterly Payment of the said Rates and Assessements charged as aforesaid upon or before the Second day of June then next ensueing or within Twenty Dayes after and shall alsoe pay the same into the Head Collectors upon or before the Ninth day of June aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the said Head Collectors shall make Payment thereof to the Receiver Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Sixteenth day of June aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the said Receiver Generall is alsoe required to make Payment of all which he shall soe receive into Theire Majesties Receipte of Exchequer upon or before the Four and twentieth day of June aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after to the end that the second payment of the said Rates and Assessements soe charged as aforesaid may by that time be fully answered and paid in to Theire Majesties And the said Sub-collectors are alsoe required and enjoyned to levy one other Quarterly Payment of the said Rates and Assessements charged as aforesaid upon or before the Fourth day of September then next ensueing and shall alsoe pay the same unto the said respective Head Collectors on or before the Twelveth day of September aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the said Head Collectors are to hasten the said Sub-collectors and in case the same shall not be collected by reason of neglect or failure of Duty in the said Sub-collectors the Head Collectors are to proceede against them by Distresse in like manner and by like Warrant as aforesaid And every Head-Collector is hereby required to make payment of what shall be soe levyed or received unto the Receiver Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Twentieth day of September aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the Receiver Generall is likewise required to call upon and hasten the said Head Collectors and to pay what he shall receive from the said Head Collectors into the Receipte of Theire Majesties Exchequer upon or before the nine and twentieth day of September aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after to the end that the Third Payment of the said Rates and Assessements may by that time be fully answered and paid into Theire Majesties And the Sub-collectors shall alsoe levy one other Quarterly Payment of the said Rates and Assessments charged as aforesaid upon or before the Second day of December then next ensueing or within Twenty dayes after and shall alsoe pay the same unto the said Head Collectors upon or before the Ninth day of December aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the said Head Collectors shall make Payment thereof to the Receiver Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Sixteenth day of December aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after And the said Receiver Generall is alsoe required to make Payment of all which he shall soe receive into Theire Majesties Receipte of Exchequer upon or before the Five and twentieth day of December aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after to the end that the Fourth and last Quarterly Payment of the said Rates and Assessments soe charged as aforesaid may by that time be fully answered and paid in to Theire Majesties And all Co[m]missioners Collectors and Receivers are hereby required and enjoyned to apply themselves with all diligence to the most speedy and effectuall Execuc[i]on of theire severall and respective Dutyes and to use theire utmost endeavours that all Estates herein charged may equally pay the Rates and Assessments according to the direcc[i]ons of this Act that soe Theire Majesties Service herein may not be delayed or hindred through any of theire willfull neglect or default:-

VIII. Head Collector's Receipt a Discharge to Subcollector. Subcollector to have 3d. in the Pound.

Head Collector to pay to and be appointed by Receiver; Subcollector travelling; Receiver General's Acquittance a Discharge, who is to pay into Exchequer; Allowance to Receiver General.

And it is further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid That the Moneyes received by the Sub-collectors within theire respective Divisions or Hundreds shall from time to time be duely paid to the Head Collectors whose receipte shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Sub-collector which Sub-collector for gathering the said particular Su[m]mes shall retaine in his hands for every Twenty Shillings by him soe paid Three Pence as a reward for his paines and service And the Head Collectors shall accordingly pay over the said moneyes unto the Receiver Generall of each County City or Place respectively in manner aforesaid which Head Collector or Collectors shall be nominated and appointed by the Receiver Generall of the respective Countyes which said Receiver Generall shall be answereable for all such su[m]mes of money as shall be by him or them collected or received and that noe Sub-collector shall be inforced to travell above the space of tenne miles for the payment of the said moneyes that shall be by him collected or received And the said Receiver Generalls acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Head Collector and the Receiver Generall shall pay the wholl Su[m]me by him received into the Receipte of Theire Majesties Exchequer in such manner and att and before such dayes and times as are herein before limitted And shall have an allowance of two pence in the Pound for all moneyes which shall be by him paid into the Receipte of the Exchequer upon or before the times p[re]fixed in this Act:-

IX. Commissioners Clerks to have 1d. per Pound for writing Warrants, &c.

Persons neglecting, &c. to pay Rate; or if Pound Rate not paid; Collectors to distrain; and to keep the Distress Four Days at Owner's Charge; then to be appraised and sold, and Overplus restored; Breaking open Houses, Chests, &c. in the Day-time; calling to Assistance Constables, &c.

And for the carefull writeing and transcribeing the said Warrants Certificates Estreats and Duplicates in due time it is further enacted That the Co[m]missioners Clerks who shall respectively performe the same shall by Warrant under Two or more of the Co[m]missioners hands have and receive from the respective Receivers Generall one Penny in the Pound of all such moneyes as he or they shall have received by vertue of such Warrants and Estreates who are hereby appointed and allowed to pay the same accordingly And if any person shall neglect or refuse to pay the severall Rates and Assessments wherewith he is charged by this Act for or in respect of his Personall Estate Offices or Imployments and which he ought to pay Or if the Pound Rate or any Payment thereof soe as aforesaid charged upon any Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses shall be neglected or refused to be paid then upon demand made by the Officer or Collector of the place according to the precepte or Estreate to him delivered by the said Comissioners it shall and may be lawfull to and for such Officer or Collector and he and they is and are hereby required for nonpayment thereof to distreyne the person or persons soe refuseing or neglecting to pay by his or theire Goods or Chattells or to distraine upon the Messuages Lands Tenements and Premisses soe charged and the Goods and Chattells then and there found and the Distresse soe taken to keepe by the space of Four dayes att the Costs and Charges of the Owner thereof And if the said Owner doe not pay the su[m]me of money due by this Act within the said Four dayes then the said Distresse to be appraised by Two or Three of the Inhabitants where the said Distresse is taken and to be sold by the said Officer or Collector for the payment of the said money and the overplus comeing by the said Sale if any be over and above the charges of takeing and keepeing the Distresse to be imediately restored to the Owner thereof. And moreover it shall be lawfull to breake open in the Day time any House and upon Warrant under the Hands and Seales of any Two or more of the said Co[m]missioners any Chest Trunke or Box or other things where such Goods are calling to theire assistance the Constables Tytheing men or Headboroughs within the Countyes Townes or Places where any refusall neglect or resistance shall be made which said Officers are hereby required to be aideing and assisting in the Premisses:-

X. Parents and Guardians to pay Rates imposed on Infants;

and upon Neglect, &c. to be proceeded against as other Defaulters; Sums paid allowed upon their Accounts; Tenants to pay Rates, and to deduct out of Rent; Landlords to allow such Deductions.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where any Person or Persons chargeable with any Rates or Assessements by this Act imposed shall be under the age of One and twenty yeares in every such case the Parents Guardians or, Tutors of such Infants respectively upon defaulte of payment by such Infants shall be and are hereby made lyable to and chargeable with the Payments which such Infants ought to have made. And if such Parents Guardians or Tutors shall neglecte or refuse to pay as aforesaid it shall and may be lawfull to proceede against them in like manner as against any other Person or Persons makeing defaulte of payment as herein before appointed. And all Parents Guardians or Tutors makeing payment as aforesaid shall be allowed all and every the su[m]mes soe paid for such Infants upon his and theire accounts. And the severall and respective Tennants of all and every the Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses which by vertue of this Act shall be chargeable with any Pound Rates as aforesaid are hereby required and authorized to pay such su[m]me or su[m]mes of money as shall be rated upon such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses and to deduct out of theire Rents soe much of the said Rates as in respect of the said Rents payable for such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments or Premisses the Landlord should and ought to beare. And all Landlords both mediate and im[m]ediate (according to theire respective Interests) are hereby required to allowe such deducc[i]ons and payments upon receipte of the residue of the Rents And every Tennant paying the said Assessements of the Pound Rates shall be and is hereby acquitted and discharged for soe much money as the said Assessement shall amount unto as if the same had beene actually paid unto such Person or Persons unto whome his Rent should have beene due and payable:-

XI. Persons to be rated for Offices at Places where executed; and for Personal Estates where resident.

Persons not Housholders rated where resident at Execution of Act. Persons out of the Realm rated for Personal Estate where last resident within the Realm.

And be it further Enacted That every Person rated or assessed for his Office or Employment shall be rated and pay for his said Office and Imployment in the County City or Place where such Office or Imployment is executed And every Person who is or shall be rated for or in respecte of any Personall Estate to him any way belonging shall be rated att such place where he or shee shall be resident att the time of the execu[i]on of this Act. And all Persons not being Housholders nor haveing a certaine place of residence shall be taxed [att the place (fn. 91) ] where they shall be resident att the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act. And if any Person who ought to be taxed by vertue of this Act for or in respecte of his Personall Estate shall att the time of his Assessement be out of the Realme such Person shall be rated therefore in such County City or Place where he was last abideing within the Realme:-

XII. Persons having Goods, &c. in any County (other than County wherein they live) rated in County where Goods are. Persons to be rated for Lands, &c. in the Place where such Lands lie.

Provided That where any Person shall have any Goods Wares or Merchandizes in any County or Counties other then the County where he shall be resident or had his last Residence it shall be lawfull to rate or assesse such Person for such Goods Wares or Merchandizes in the County or Countyes where the same shall be and every Person who shall be rated or assessed for or in respecte of any Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements or other the Premisses according to the Pound Rate of Four shillings as aforesaid shall be rated and assessed in the Place where such Messuages Mannors Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses respectively doe lye and not elsewhere:-

XIII. Persons in respect of several Places of Residence, being doubly charged for Personal Estate, upon Certificate and Oath thereof, to be discharged for so much.

Persons who by Fraud shall escape being taxed, doubly charged.

Provided alwaies That if any Person or Persons by reason of his or theire haveing severall Manc[i]on Houses or Places of Residence or otherwise shall be doubly charged by occasion of this Act for or in respecte of his or theire Personall Estate then upon Certificate made by Two or more of the Co[m]missioners for the County Citty or Place of his or theire last Personall Residence under theire Hands and Seales of the su[m]m or sumes charged upon. him or them and in what capacity or respect he or they were soe charged (which Certificate the said Co[m]missioners are required to give without Delay Fee or Rewarde) And upon Oath made of such Certificate before any one Justice of the Peace of the County or Place where the said Certificate shall be made (which Oath the said Justice of Peace is hereby authorized and required to administer) then the Person and Persons soe doubly charged shall for soe much as shall be soe certified be discharged in every other County City or Place And if any Person that ought to be taxed by vertue of this Act for or in respect of his Personall Estate shall by changeing his Place of Residence or by any other Fraud or Covin escape from the Taxac[i]on and not be taxed and the same be proved before the Co[m]missioners or any Two of them or before any Two Justices of the Peace of the County where such Person dwelleth or resideth att any time within one Yeare next ensueing after such Tax made every Person that shall soe escape from the Taxac[i]on and Payment shall be charged (upon Proofe thereof) at the double value of soe much as he should or ought to have beene taxed at by this Act the said double value upon Certificate thereof made into the Exchequer by the Co[m]missioners or Justices (before whome such Proofe shall be made) to be levied of the Goods Lands and Tenements of such Persons:-

XIV. Housholders to give Account of Lodgers to Assessors.

And for the better Discovery of Personall Estates be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Housholder shall upon Demand of the Assessors of the respective Parishes or Places give an Account of the Names and Qualities of such Persons as shall sojorne or lodge in theire respective Houses:-

XV. Commissioners within their Division to rate each other for their Personal Estates and Offices.

Commissioners to assess the Assessors.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Co[m]missioners that shall be within any County City or Place within the respective Limitts or the major parte of them shall rate tax and assesse every other Co[m]missioner joyned with them for and in respecte of the ready Money Debts Goods Chattells and Personall Estate of such Co[m]missioners and alsoe for and in respecte of the Offices and Imployments of Profitt which att the time of such Taxac[i]on shall be held and enjoyed by such Co[m]missioners soe as the Residence and usuall dwelling Place of such Co[m]missioners soe to be taxed be within the Division of such Co[m]missioner by whome he is taxed and soe as the Office or Imployment held and enjoyed by such Co[m]missioner soe to be taxed be likewise to be exercised within the Division or Limitts of such Co[m]missioner by whome he is to be taxed. And the Co[m]missioners within theire Division shall alsoe assesse every Assessor within theire Division for all and singuler the Premisses for which by this Act he ought to be rated and assessed. and aswell all su[m]mes assessed upon every the said Co[m]missioners and Assessors as the Assessement made and sett by the Assessors aforesaid shall be written estreated levyed and gathered as the same should and ought to have beene if such Co[m]missioners had not beene named Co[m]missioners:-

XVI. Shares in New River, Thames, Hyde Park, or Marybone Waters;

Interest in the King's Printing House; assessed by Commissioners appointed for London; and the Sums paid by the Treasurers, &c. of the said Water Works.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Person and Persons haveing any Share or Shares or Interests in any fresh streame of running waters brought to the North Parts of London co[m]monly called The New River or in any Thames Water-workes or in the Hyde-Parke or Marybone Waters or in any Rents or Profitts ariseing thereby and all and every Person and Persons haveing any Share or Interest in the Stock or Stocks for printing of Bookes in or belonging to the House co[m]monly called The Kings Printing House shall pay for the same the su[m]me of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the full yearely value thereof. And all and every Person and Persons haveing any Share or Shares or Interest in the River Water brought to the North parts of London or in any [Thames (fn. 92) ] Water-workes or the Hyde Park or Marybone Waters or in any Rents or Profits ariseing thereby charged by this Act and alsoe the said Stock and Shares for printing as aforesaid shall be assessed for the same by the Co[m]missioners nominated and appointed for the City of London or any Three of them after the Rates herein conteined. And the same shall be paid to such Person or Persons as the said Co[m]missioners shall appointe by [the (fn. 92) ] Treasurers or Receivers of the said River Waters and Water-workes and Stock for printing and to be deducted att and out of theire next Dividend:-

XVII. Proviso for Scotland, Ireland, Jersey or Guernsey.

Persons aggrieved may complain to Commissioners within Ten Days; to meet for determining Appeals.

Provided alsoe That this Act shall not extend to the Inhabitants of Scotland Ireland Jersey or Guernesey for and concerneing any such Personall Estate which they or any to theire use have within the said Kingdomes and Islands. And if any person or persons certified assessed or rated for or in respect of any reall or p[er]sonall Estate or for or in respect of any matter or thing for which by this Act he or they is or may be rated or charged doe finde him or themselves agrieved with such assesseing or rateing and doe within Tenne dayes after demande thereof made complaine to the Co[m]missioners the said Co[m]missioners or any Five or more of them soe as the major parte of the Co[m]missioners who signed or allowed his or theire rates be present shall and may within Tenne dayes next after such complaint particularly examine any person or persons upon his or theire Oath touching the value of his or theire reall or personall Estate and other the matters aforesaid and upon due examinac[i]on or knowledge thereof abate defalke increase or enlarge the said Assessement and the same soe abated increased or enlarged shall be levied and shall be certified or estreated into the Exchequer in manner aforesaid. And to that end the said Co[m]missioners are hereby required to meete together for the determineing such complaints and appeales accordingly and for this end to expresse in theire Warrants to the Collectors the times and places for determineing appeales and appeales once heard and determined to be fynall without any further appeale upon any pretence whatsoever:-

XVIII. Assessor, &c. neglecting or refusing to do his Duty;

Commissioners to fine, not exceeding £20 nor under £10; Any Two Commissioners may require Account from Receivers General; and may levy.

And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Assessor Collector Receiver or other person appointed by the Co[m]missioners shall willfully neglect or refuse to performe his duty in the due and speedy execuc[i]on of this Act Or if any Assessor shall wittingly or knowingly under rate or assesse att an under Value any person or thing chargeable by this Act the said respective Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them may and shall by vertue of this Act impose on such person and persons soe refuseing neglecting or not performeing theire dutyes any Fine not exceedeing the su[m]me of Twenty pounds nor under the su[m]me of Tenne pounds for every Offence which said Fyne shall shall not be taken off or discharged but by the consent of the majority of the Co[m]missioners who imposed the same the said Fynes to be levyed and certified as aforesaid into Theire Majesties Court of Exchequer and charged upon the respective Receivers Generall amongst the rest of the Rates aforesaid. And the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them may and shall from time to time call for and require an account from the respective Receivers Generall of all the moneyes received by him of the said Head Collectors and of the payment thereof into Theire Majesties Receipte of Exchequer according to the direcc[i]on of this Act. And in case of any failure in the Premisses the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them are hereby required to cause the same to be forthwith levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

XIX. If Controversy concerning assessing Commissioners, Commissioners concerned to withdraw;

in default Commissioners present may fine, not exceeding £20; All Questions determined by Commissioners; Receivers General to give Head Collectors Receipts gratis; Head Collectors to give Receipts gratis to Subcollectors; Subcollectors to deliver a Schedule to Head Collectors of Defaulters where there is no Distress; which Schedule is to be delivered to Receivers General and returned by him into the Exchequer.

And it is hereby Enacted and Declared That in case any Controversie arise concerneing the said Assessments or the divideing apporc[i]oning or payment thereof which concernes any the Co[m]missioners by this Act appointed that the Co[m]missioners soe concerned in the said Controversie shall have noe voyce but shall withdrawe att the time of the debate of any such Controversie untill it be determined by the rest of the Co[m]missioners: And in defaulte thereof that the Co[m]missioners then present shall have power and are hereby required to impose such Fyne or Fynes as to them shall be thought fitt upon such Co[m]missioners soe refuseing to withdrawe not exceedeing the Su[m]me of Twenty pounds and to cause the same to be levyed and paid as other Fynes to be imposed by virtue of this Act are to be levyed and paid. And all Questions and Differences that shall arise touching any of the said Rates Taxes Assessements or Levyes shall be heard and fynally determined by the Co[m]missioners in such manner as by this Act is directed upon complainte thereof to them made by any Person or Persons thereby [agreived (fn. 92) ] without further trouble or Suite in the Lawe. And the said Receivers Generall shall give Acquittances (gratis) to the said Head Collectors for all moneyes of them received. And the said Head Collectors shall alsoe give Acquittances (gratis) to the Sub-collectors for all such moneyes as shall be paid them in pursuance of this Act. And the said Subcollectors shall make and deliver to the said Head Collectors a perfect Schedule fairely written in Parchment under theire Hands and Seales signed and allowed by any Two or more of the respective Co[m]missioners containeing the Names Sirnames and Places of Abode of every Person within theire respective Collecc[i]ons that shall make defaulte of payment of any of the su[m]mes that shall be rated or assessed on such Person by virtue of this Act where noe sufficient Distresse is to be found and not otherwise and the su[m]me and su[m]mes charged on every such Person the same Schedule to be delivered by the Head Collector to the Receiver Generall of the County City or Place respectively to be by him returned into Theire Majesties Court of Exchequer whereupon every Person soe makeing defaulte of Payment may be charged by Processe of the said Courte according to the course of the Courte of Exchequer in such Cases:-

XX. No Privilege of Exemption from Subsidies, &c. shall extend to Rates granted by this Act.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That noe Letters Pattents granted by Theire Majesties or any of Theire Royall Progenitors to any Person or Persons Cityes Boroughs or Townes Corporate within this Realme of any manner of Liberties Priviledges or Exempc[i]ons from Subsidies Tolls Taxes Assessements or Aids shall be construed or taken to exempt any Person or Persons City Place Borough or Towne Corporate or any of the Inhabitants of the same or in the Tower of London from the Burthen and Charge of any Su[m]me or Su[m]mes of money granted by this Act but that all and every such Person and Persons City Place Borough and Towne Corporate shall pay theire p[re]porc[i]ons of all Rates and Assessements by this Act imposed any such Letters Pattents Grants or Charters or any Clause of Non Obstante Matter or Thing therein conteined or any Lawe Statute Custome or p[re]scripc[i]on to the contrary notwithstanding:-

XXI. Inhabitants in Cities, &c. not compellable to be Assessors, &c. out of Limits.

Provided alsoe That noe Person inhabiting in any City Borough or Towne Corporate shall be compelled to be an Assessor or Collector of or [for (fn. 93) ] any parte of the Rates and Assessements hereby granted in any Place or Places out of the Limitts of the said City Borough or Towne Corporate:-

XXII. Proviso for Colleges, &c. in the Universities, the Colleges of Windsor, Eaton, Winchester and Westminster, and for Hospitals, in respect of Scites of Colleges, &c.

and for Christ's Hospital, and other Hospitals and Almshouses.

Provided That nothing conteined in this Act shall extend to charge any Colledge or Hall in either of the Two Universities or the Colledges of Windsor Eaton Winton or Westminster or the Corporac[i]on of the Governours of the Charitye for Reliefe of poore Widdowes and Children of Clergymen or the Colledge of Bromley or any Hospitall for or in respect of the Scites of the said Colledges Halls or Hospitalls or any Master Fellowe or Schollar of any such Colledge or Hall or any Reader Officer or Minister of the [said (fn. 93) ] Universities Colledges or Halls or any Master or Usher of any Scoole for or in respecte of any Stipend Wages or Profittes whatsoever ariseing or groweing due to them in respect of the said severall Places and Employments in the said Universities Colledges or Schooles or to charge any of the Houses or Lands belonging to Christs Hospitall St. Bartholomewes Bridewell St. Thomas and Bethelem Hospitall in the City of London and Borough of Southwarke or any of them or the said Corporac[i]on of the Governours of the Charity for Reliefe of Poore Widdowes and Children of Clergymen or the Colledge of Bromley nor to extend to charge any other Hospitall or Almeshouses for or in respecte only of any Rents or Revenues payable to the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses being to be received and disbursed for the imediate Use and Releife of the Poor in the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses only:-

XXIII. Tenants of Hospitals rated for what the Lands are worth above Rents reserved.

Provided That noe Tennant of any Lands or Houses by Lease or Grant from the said Corporac[i]on or any of the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses doe claime and enjoye any Freedome or Exempc[i]on by this Act but that all the Houses and Lands which they soe hold shall be rated and assessed for soe much as they are yearely worth over and above the Rents reserved and payable to the said Corporac[i]on or to the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses to be received and disbursed for the imediate Support and Relief of the Poore in the said Hospitalls and Almeshouses:-

XXIV. Persons dwelling in one Parish, &c. and Goods in another, to be assessed where they dwell.

Provided alsoe That where any Person inhabiting within the City of London or any other City or Towne Corporate hath his Dwellinghouse in one of the Parishes and Wards therein and hath any Goods Wares or Merchandizes chargeable by this Act in one or more of the other Parishes or Wards in the same City that then such Person shall be charged taxed and assessed for such his Goods and Merchandizes in the Parish or Ward where he dwelleth and not elsewhere in the said City:-

XXV. Places assessed in the County, &c. where usually assessed.

Provided alwayes and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the avoideing all Obstruc[i]ons and Delayes in assessing and collecting the Su[m]mes which by this Act are to be rated and assessed all Places Constablewicks Divisions and Allottements which have used to be rated and assessed shall pay and be assessed in such County Hundred Rape Wapentake Constablewicke Division Place and Allottement as the same hath heretofore usually beene assessed in and not elsewhere:-

XXVI. Where Lands, &c. unoccupied, and no Distress nor Person of Owner found, the Name of Owner certified into Exchequer;

which Certificate is to be a Charge, and Process to issue.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted That in case any Lands or Houses in any Parish or Constablewicke shall lye unoccupied and noe distresse canne be found on the same nor the Person of [the (fn. 94) ] true Owner or Proprietor canne be found within the County where[in (fn. 94) ] such House or Land lyeth by reason whereof the Rate and Assessement upon such unoccupied House and Lands cannot be levyed that then upon Complainte made thereof to the Co[m]missioners for the County where such case shall happen to be the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them shall certifie into Theire Majesties Courte of Exchequer the Name of the Person whose Lands or House soe lyeth unoccupied together with the Su[m]me thereupon assessed and the Parish or Place where such Land or House lyeth which Certificate is hereby declared to be a sufficient Charge upon the Person and Land or House therein named and shall make the Person Debtor to Theire Majesties for the su[m]me soe assessed and the Court of Exchequer shall issue out Processe thereupon against the Body Goods and all other the Lands of such Debtor untill the Su[m]me soe assessed be fully and actually levyed and paid to Theire Majesties:-

XXVII. Commissioners to call before them Collectors, and examine touching full Payment of Assessments;

and in case of Failure, to levy.

And itt is hereby further enacted and declared That att the Expirac[i]on of the respective times in this Act prescribed for the full Payment of the severall and respective Rates and Assessments herein before granted the severall and respective Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them within theire Division and Hundred shall and are hereby required to call before them the Cheife Collectors and Sub-collectors within each respective Division and Hundred to examine and assure themselves of the full and whole Payment of the particular su[m]me and su[m]mes of money charged within and upon the said Division and Hundred and every Parish and Place therein and of the due returne of the same into the Hands of the Receiver Generall of the said County City Towne [or (fn. 95) ] Place respectively and by such Receiver Generall to the Receipte of Theire Majesties Exchequer to the end there may be noe Failure in the Payment of any parte of the Rates and Assessements which by this Act ought to be levyed and paid And in case of any Failure in the Premisses the Co[m]missioners or any two of them are to cause the same fort[h (fn. 94) ]with to be levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

XXVIII. If Action for executing Act, General Issue.

Treble Costs.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Acc[i]on Suite Plainte or Informac[i]on shall be co[m]menced or prosecuted against any Person or Persons for whatsoever he or they shall doe in pursuance or [in (fn. 94) ] execuc[i]on of this Act such Person or Persons soe sued in any Court whatsoever shall and may pleade the Generall Issue not Guilty and upon any Issue joyned may give this Act and the Speciall Matter in Evidence And if the Plaintiffe or Prosecutor shall become Nonsuite or forbeare further Prosecuc[i]on or suffer Discontinuance or if a Verdict shall passe against him the Defendants shall recover their Treble Costs for which they shall have the like remedy as in case where Costs by Lawe are given to the Defendants:

XXIX. Proviso respecting Assessments on Houses where Foreign Ministers reside.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That every Rate Tax or Assessement which shall be made or imposed by virtue of this Act in respecte of any House or Tenement which an Ambassador Resident Agent or other publicke Minister of any Forreigne Prince or State now doth or shall hereafter inhabitt [and (fn. 96) ] occupye shall be paid by the Landlord or Owner of the said Houses or Tenements respectively:-

XXX. Proviso respecting Nomination of Assessors and Collectors in extra-parochial and privileged Places.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in all priviledged and other Places being extraparochiall or not within any the Constablewicks or Precincts of the respective Assessors to be appointed by virtue of this Act (although in any Monthly or other Tax they have not beene assessed or rated heretofore) the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them shall and are hereby required to nominate and appointe Two fitt Persons liveing in or neare the said priviledged or other Places as aforesaid to be Assessors for the said Places and to make and returne theire Assessements in like manner as by this Act is appointed in any Parish Tytheing or Place and alsoe to appointe one or more Collectors who are hereby required to collect and pay the same according to the Rates appointed by this Act for the collecting and paying all Su[m]mes of Money payable by this Act:-

XXXI. Proviso for Contracts between Landlord and Tenant as to Payment of Taxes.

Provided alwaies That nothing in this Act conteined shall be construed to alter change determine or make voide any Contracts Covenants or Agreements whatsoever betweene Landlord and Tennant or others touching the Payment of Taxes or Assessements Any thing herein before conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

XXXII. Commissioners not liable to Penalties of 25 Car. II. c. 2.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That noe Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners who shall be imployed in the Execuc[i]on of this Act shall be lyable for or by reason of such Execuc[i]on to any of the Penalties menc[i]oned in the Act made in the five and twentieth Yeare of the Raigne of King Charles the Second for the preventing of Dangers wch may happen from Popish Recusants:-

XXXIII. Commissioners to take the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8.

Which Commissioners may administer.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That noe Person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the Execuc[i]on of this Act before he shall have taken the Oathes appointed by an Act of Parliament made in the First Yeare of Their Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for abbrogateing of the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oathes which Oathes it shall be lawfull for any Two or more Co[m]missioners to administer and are hereby required to administer to any other Co[m]missioner:-

XXXIV. Papist of 16 and upwards, not having taken the Oaths, to pay double.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Papist or reputed Papist being of the Age of Sixteene Yeares or upwards who shall not have taken the Oathes menc[i]oned and required to be taken by the said last menc[i]oned Act shall yield and pay unto Theire Majesties double the Su[m]mes and Rates which by force or virtue of any clause in this Act before menc[i]oned or contained he or she should or ought to pay or be charged with (that is to say) For every Hundred Pounds of ready money & Debts and for every Hundred Pounds worth of Goods Wares Merchandizes Chattells or Personall Estate the Su[m]me of Eight and Forty Shillings and soe after that rate for every greater or lesser Quantity. And for every Twenty Shillings of the full yearely Value of any Mannors Messuages or other Hereditaments or p[re]misses charged by this Act which he or she shall have or hold the su[m]me of Eight Shillings to be assessed levyed and collected answered recovered and paid in such manner by such waies and according to such Rules and Direcc[i]ons and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as are before in this Act expressed or appointed for and concerneing the above-menc[i]oned Rates and Su[m]mes which are hereby intended to be doubled as aforesaid:-

XXXV. Proviso where within 10 Days after Meeting of Commissioners he shall take the Oaths.

Provided never thelesse That if any such Papist or reputed Papist within Tenne Dayes after the first meeteing of the said Co[m]missioners in the respective Countyes or Places where he or she ought to be taxed or assessed according to the intent of this present Act shall take the said Oathes before Two or more of the said Co[m]missioners (which Oathes the said Co[m]missioners are hereby impowered to administer) that in such case he or shee shall not be lyable to be doubly assessed as aforesaid:-

XXXVI. Persons of 16 and upwards, who shall not have taken the Oaths before Execution of Act, being summoned, and shall refuse to take them, or neglect to appear before Commissioners, to pay double.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Person being of the Age of Sixteene yeares or upwards and being within this Realme att the time of the Execuc[i]on of this Act who shall not before that time have taken the said Oathes menc[i]oned and required to be taken by the said Act intituled An Act for [the (fn. 97) ] abrogateing of the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oathes And upon Su[m]mons by Warrant under the Hand and Seale of one or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act shall refuse to take the said Oathes at the time appointed in the said Warrant or shall neglect to appeare at such times before the Co[m]missioners in order to take the said Oathes (which Oathes the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them are hereby impowered and required to administer) shall yeild and pay unto Theire Majesties double the Su[m]mes and Rates which by force or virtue of any clause in this Act before menc[i]oned or conteined he or she should or ought to pay or be charged with in manner as is before in this Act appointed touching Papists or reputed Papists:-

XXXVII. Gentlemen who by 3 W. & M. c. 6. paid double, or have been returned into Exchequer for Non-payment, not appearing before the Commissioners to take the Oaths,

to pay double.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Gentleman or soe reputed or owneing or writeing himselfe such or being above that quality and under the degree of a Peere of this Realme who by virtue of an Act made in the Third yeare of Theire Majesties Raigne entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable Quarterly for One Yeare for carrying on. a vigorous Warr against France did pay or ought to have paid double the Su[m]mes charged by the said Act or were or ought to have beene returned into the Exchequer, for non payment thereof who shall not voluntarily appeare before the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them within Tenne dayes after the first meeteing of the said Co[m]missioners in the respective place or places where he ought to be taxed or assessed and take the said Oathes appointed by the said Act made in the First Yeare of Theire Majesties Raigne (which Oath the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them are hereby impowered and required to administer and to make an Entry or Memorandum thereof in some Booke to be kepte for that purpose) such Person shall be charged with and pay double the Su[m]mes which by force or virtue of this Act he should or ought to have paid the said double Rates to be assessed levyed collected answered recovered and paid in such manner by such waies and meanes and according to such rules and direcc[i]ons and under such penalties and forfeitures as are before in this Act expressed or appointed for or concerneing the above, menc[i]oned Rates and Su[m]mes which are hereby intended to be doubled as aforesaid:-

XXXVIII. Commissioners to summon Persons suspected to appear and take the Oaths.

And be it further enacted That any one or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act upon Informac[i]on given or upon any cause of suspic[i]on in that behalfe shall and are hereby required and injoyned to cause every person suspected or against whome such Informac[i]on shall be given to be su[m]moned to appeare and take the said Oathes as aforesaid:-

XXXIX. Proviso for Quakers subscribing the Declaration of Fidelity 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 18.

Provided nevertheles That whereas certaine, persons Dissenters from the Church of England co[m]monly called Quakers and now knowne to be such doe scruple the takeing of an Oath itt shall be sufficient for every such person to make and subscribe the declarac[i]on of Fidelity contained in an Act made in the Parliament held in the First Yeare of Theire Majesties Raigne entituled An Act for exempting Theire Majesties Protestant Subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certaine Lawes Which Declarac[i]on any Two or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed for the execuc[i]on of this Act are hereby impowered and required to take And every such Person soe doeing shall not be lyable to or chargeable with any of the double Rates aforesaid:-

XL. No Person liable to Pound Rate whose Lands are under 20s.

Provided That noe poore Person shall be charged with or lyable to the Pound Rate imposed by this Act upon Lands Tenements or Hereditaments whose Lands Tenements or Hereditaments are not of the yearely value of Twenty shillings in the whole:-

XLI. Chancery Officers within the Liberty of the Rolls to be there assessed.

Provided alwaies That the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls the Masters [in (fn. 98) ] Chancery Six Clerks of the Petty Bagg Examiners Registers Clerks of the Inrollment Clerkes of the Affidavits and Subpena Office and all others the Officers of the Court of Chancery that execute theire Offices within the Liberty of the Rolls shall be theire assessed for theire respective Offices and not elsewhere:-

XLII. Collectors keeping Monies collected in their Hands; or paying other than to Head Collector or Receiver General; Penalty £10.

Head Collector so offending; Penalty £40; Receiver General paying to any Person other than the Exchequer, or upon Tally of Pro, &c; Penalty £1,000.

And be it further enacted That if any Collector of any Parish or Place shall keepe in his hands any parte of the money by him collected for any longer time then is by this Act directed (other then the Allowance made unto him by this Act) or shall pay any parte thereof to any person or persons other then [to (fn. 99) ] the Head Collector or Receiver-Generall of such County or Place or his respective Deputy that every such Collector shall forfeite for every such Offence the Su[m]me of tenne pounds. And in case any Head Collector shall keepe in his hand any parte of the money paid to him by any Collector by virtue of this Act for any longer time then is by this Act directed or shall pay any parte thereof to any person or persons other then the Receiver Generall of such County or Place or his Deputy every such Head Collector shall forfeite for every such Offence the Su[m]me of Forty pounds. And in case any Receiver Generall or his Deputy shall pay any parte of the moneys paid to him or them by any Collector or Head Collector by virtue of this Act to any person or persons whatsoever other then the Receipt of Theire Majesties Exchequer and att or within the respective times limitted by this Act or in case such Receiver Generall or his Deputy shall pay any parte of the said moneyes by any Warrant of the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or Lord Treasurer Under Treasurer or Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being or upon any Tally of Pro or Tally of (Anticipac[i]on) or other way or device whatsoever whereby to divert or hinder the actuall payment thereof into the Receipt of Exchequer as aforesaid that then such Receiver Generall shall for every such Offence of himselfe or his Deputy forfeite the Su[m]me of One thousand pounds to him or them that shall sue for the same in any Courte of Record by Bill Plaint or other Informac[i]on wherein noe Essoigne Protecc[i]on or Wager of Lawe is to be allowed:-

XLIII. Treasurer not to direct Warrant for Payment of Monies otherwise than into the Exchequer; or to the Officers of Exchequer for striking Tally of. Pro, &c.

nor Officers of Exchequer to strike any such Tally, &c.

And it is hereby further enacted That the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or the Lord Treasurer Under-Treasurer or Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being or any of them doe not direct any Warrant to any of the said Collectors Head Collectors or Receiver Generall or theire Deputies for the payment of any parte of the moneyes hereby given to any person or persons other then into the Receipte of Exchequer as aforesaid nor shall they or any of them directe any Warrant to the Officers of the Exchequer for the striking of any Tally of (Pro) or Tally of (Anticipac[i]on) nor doe any other matter or thing whereby to divert the actuall payment of the said moneys into the Receipte of the Exchequer nor shall the Officers of the Exchequer strike or direct or record the strikeing of any Tally of (Pro) or Tally of (Anticipac[i]on) upon any of the said moneys upon any account or warrant whatsoever, nor shall any Teller throw downe any Bill whereby to charge himselfe with any of the said moneyes untill he shall have actually received the same:-

XLIV. No Noli prosequi, or other Stay of Prosecution, in any Suit against Offenders.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That noe stay of prosecuc[i]on upon any Co[m]mand Warrant Moc[i]on or Order or Direcc[i]on by (Non vult ulterius prosequi) shall be had made admitted received or allowed by any Court whatsoever in any [Suite (fn. 100) ] or Proceedeing by Acc[i]on of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on or otherwise for the Recovery of all or any the Paines Penalties or Forfeitures upon any person or persons by this Act inflicted or therein menc[i]oned or for or in order to the convicc[i]on or disability of any person offending against this Act:-

XLV. Lands, &c. to be assessed at least double what they were assessed to by 1 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 1.

Provided alwaies and be itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every the Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments charged by this Act shall be rated and assessed att least att double the Su[m]me att which the same was or were assessed by virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the First yeare of Theire Majesties Raigne entituled An Act for a Grant to Theire Majesties of an Aid of Two Shillings in the Pound for one yeare:-

XLVI. Commissioners empowered to abate on Proof that Lands are charged above 4s. in the Pound.

Provided alwaies That if any Person or Persons soe charged or assessed att least att double the Su[m]me as aforesaid shall upon Complainte made to the Co[m]missioners in such manner and within such time as is herein before directed in cases of Appeales make it appeare to the said Co[m]missioners or any Five of them by Proofe upon Oath that such Assessement doth exceed Four Shillings for every Twenty [Shilling (fn. 101) ] of the full yearely value in such Case upon such Proofe and due examinac[i]on thereof the said Co[m]missioners are hereby impowered to abate and lessen the said Assessement soe much as the same shall exceed Four Shillings for every Twenty Shillings of the true yearely value and noe more:-

XLVII. Commissioners acting before taking the Oaths;

Penalty £500.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That if any Person hereby named a Comissioner shall p[re]sume to act as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act before he shall have taken the Oathes which by this Act he is required to take and in the manner hereby p[re]scribed he shall forfeite to Theire Majesties the Su[m]me, of Five hundred Pounds:-

XLVIII. No Person to be Commissioner in any County, or in London or Westminster, who did not pay under 3 W. & M. c. 6.

nor in any other Place, unless he so paid, or paid 10s. Quarterly as a Tradesman worth £300.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That noe Person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act for any County or Rideing or the Cities of London or Westminster unlesse he was assessed and did pay to Theire Majesties the Su[m]me of Twenty shillings Quarterly towards the Rates and Assessments granted by an Act made in the last Session of this p[re]sent Parliament intituled An Act for raiseing Money by a Poll payable Quarterly for One yeare for the carrying on a vigorous Warr againste France And alsoe that noe Person shall be capable of acting as a Comissioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act for any other City or in any Borough Towne or Cinque-Port or the Counties thereof respectively unlesse he was assessed and did pay to Theire Majesties the Su[m]me of Twenty Shillings Quarterly as aforesaid or was assessed and did pay to theire Majesties the Su[m]me of Tenne Shillings Quarterly (as a Tradesman worth Three hundred Pounds) towards the said Quarterly Poll:-

XLIX. When not Commissioners enough for any City, &c. Commissioners for County may act.

Provided neverthelesse That in case there shall not be a sufficient number of Co[m]missioners for any City Borough Towne or Cinque Port (for which by this Act Co[m]missioners are particulerly appointed) capable of acting according to the Qualificac[i]ons aforesaid for putting this Act in execuc[i]on that in every such case any of the Co[m]missioners appointed for the County at large within which such Cities Borough Towne or Cinque Port doth stand or which is next adjoyneing thereto may act as Co[m]missioners in the execuc[i]on of this Act within such City Borough Towne or Cinque Port:-

L. In case there be not a sufficient Number of Commissioners capable of acting for any County, Their Majesties may constitute under the Great Seal so many Persons being resident, as have Real Estates of £100 per Annum in the Counties, to be Commissioners.

Provided alsoe and be it further enacted That in case there shall not be a sufficient number of the Persons nominated to be Co[m]missioners for any County who shall be capable of acting as Co[m]missioners according to the Qualificac[i]ons in this Act before menc[i]oned that in every such case it shall be lawfull for Theire Majesties to issue or cause to be issued one or more Co[m]mission or Co[m]missions under the Greate Seale of England and thereby to noiminate constitute and appointe such and soe many Persons being resident and haveing Reall Estates of the value of One hundred [Pound (fn. 102) ] a yeare in the said respective Counties for which they shall be respectively nominated to be Co[m]missioners for putting this p[re]sent Act in execuc[i]on in the said Counties respectively Which said Co[m]missioners soe to be nominated and appointed for the said Counties respectively shall have such and the same powers for putting this Act in Execuc[i]on in the said respective Counties and under the same Rules and Direcc[i]ons as any other Co[m]missioners nominated and appointed by this Act Any thing herein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LI. Person after Assessment removing to a Place where he was not rated for Personal Estate, Commissioners to summon and rate, unless Certificate that he was assessed and had paid.

And for the more effectuall chargeing all Personall Estates Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if after the Assessements on Personall Estates directed by this Act shall be made any Person shall come to inhabit or reside in any Division or Place where such Person was not rated or taxed for Personall Estate the Co[m]missioners acting within such Division or Place are hereby required and impowered to su[m]mon such Person before them and unlesse he or shee shall produce a Certificate made according to the Direcc[i]ons of this Act whereby it shall appeare that he or she was assessed and had actually paid all the precedent Quarterly Payments in some other Place for his or her Personall Estate the said Co[m]missioners shall and are hereby required to cause such Person to be assessed for his or her Personall Estate and cause the same or such Quarterly Payments thereof as shall be then unassessed and unpaid to be assessed levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

LII. Proviso respecting King's Bench Prison, &c.

and the Marshalsea; to be charged in the Parish of St. George in Southwark.

Provided alwaies that the Prison of the Kings Bench the Prison-house Lands Gardens and the Co[m]mon-side and all the Rents Profitts and Perquisites of the Office of the Marshall of the said Kings Bench Prison lyeing and being in the Parish of S[en]t. George the Martyr in the Borough of Southwarke [in the (fn. 103) ] County of Surrey and alsoe the Prison-house Lands and Gardens of the Prison of the Marshall of the Marshalsea Prison and all Offices Perquisites and Profitts of the Marshalsea Court and Prison lying and being alsoe in the said Parish of S[en]t. George in the Borough of Southwarke and County of Surrey shall be charged and assessed to this Assessement in the said Parish of S[en]t. George and Borough of Southwarke and not elsewhere Any thing to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding:-

LIII. Where Owners of Lands are liable to be doubly charged, as Papists or otherwise, for not taking the Oaths, Owners only charged, and Tenants discharged.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That where the Owners of any Lands Tenements or Hereditaments are liable to be doubly charged as Papists reputed Papists or otherwise by reason of theire not haveing taken the Oaths according to the intent of this Act in every such case such Owners only shall be charged with and shall pay the said double Rates And the respective Tennants of such Lands Tenements or Hereditaments are hereby discharged of and from the same Any Covenant for Payment of Taxes or other Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LIV. Persons may lend Money to Their Majesties on this Act at £ per Cent. per Ann.

Provided alwaies and it is hereby enacted That it shall and may be lawfull to and for any person or persons to advance and lend unto Theire Majesties upon the security of this Act any Su[m]me or Su[m]mes of money and to have and receive for the forbeareance thereof any Su[m]me not exceeding seaven pounds by the hundred for one wholl yeare and noe more directly or indirectly And moreover that noe money soe lent upon the security of this Act shall be rated or assessed by virtue of this Act:-

LV. Repayment of such Monies how secured; Books provided.

Tally of Loan to Lender, and Warrant for Interest; Orders for Repayment registered according to Date of Tally, and paid in course; Monies to come in by this Act liable to satisfy such Loans; No Fee for providing or making Books, &c. or for Payment of Money lent; Penalty; Punishment. Undue Preference by Officer Penalty; Undue Preference by Deputy; Penalty; Auditor, Clerk of the Pells, or Teller, not making Payments in due Order; Penalty; How all such Penalties to be recovered.

And to the end that all moneyes which shall be lent to Theire Majesties upon the creditt of this Act may be well and sufficiently secured out of the moneyes ariseing and payable by this Act Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That there shall be provided and kepte in Theire Majesties Exchequer (that is to say) in the Office of Auditor of the Receipts one Booke and Register in which all moneys that shall be paid into the Exchequer by virtue of this Act shall be entered and registered apart and distinct from all other moneyes paid or payable to Theire Majesties upon any other branch of Theire Majesties Revenue or upon any other account whatsoever And that all and every person and persons who shall lend any money to Theire Majesties upon the creditt of this Act and pay the same into the Receipte of the Exchequer shall imediately have a Tally of Loan strucke for the same and an Order for his repayment beareing the same date with his Tally in which Order shall be alsoe conteined a Warrant for payment of Interest for forbearance thereof not exceeding seaven pounds per centum per annum for his considerac[i]on to be paid every three moneths untill repayment of his Principall. And that all Orders for repayment of money shall be registered in course according to the date of the Tally respectively without preference of one before another And that all and every person and persons shall be paid in course according as theire Orders shall stand entered in the said Register Booke soe as the person native or foreigner his Executors Administrators & Assignes who shall have his Order or Orders first entered in the said Booke of Register shall be taken and accounted the first person to be paid upon the moneyes to come in by virtue of this Act and he or they who shall have his or theire Order or Orders next entered shall he taken and accounted to be the second person to be paid and soe successively and in course And that the moneyes to come in by this Act shall be in the same order lyable to the satisfacc[i]on of the said respective Parties theire Executors Administrators or Assignes successively without p[re]ference of one before another and not otherwise and not to be divertible to any other use intent or purpose whatsoever And that noe Fee Reward or Gratuitye directly or indirectly be demanded or taken of any Theire Majesties Subjects for provideing or makeing of any such Bookes Registers Entries Viewes or Searche in or for payment of money lent or the interest as aforesaid by any of Theire Majesties Officer or Officers theire Clerkes or Deputies [upon (fn. 104) ] paine of payment of treble damages to the party greived by the party offending with Costs of Suite or if the Officer himselfe take or demand any such Fee or Reward then to lose his place alsoe. And if ( (fn. 105) ) undue p[re]ference of one before another shall be made either in point of registry or payment contrary to the true meaneing of this Act by any such Officer or Officers then the party offending shall be lyable by Acc[i]on of Debt or on the case to pay the value of the Debt Damages and Costs to the party agrieved and shall be forejudged from his place or office. And if such p[re]ference be unduely made by any his Deputy or Clerke without direcc[i]on or privity of his Master then such Deputy or Clerke only shall be lyable to such Acc[i]on Debt Damages and Costs and shall be for ever after uncapable of his place or office. And in case the Auditor shall not direct the Order or the Clerke of the Pells Record. or the Teller make payment according to each persons due place and order as afore directed then he or they shall be judged to forfeite and theire respective Deputies and Clerks herein offending to be lyable to such Acc[i]on Debt Damages and Costs in such manner as aforesaid all which said Penalties Forfeitures Damages and Costs to be incurred by any of the Officers of the Exchequer or any theire Deputies or Clerks shall and may be recovered by Acc[i]on of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on in any of Theire Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe Essoigne Protecc[i]on Priviledge Wager of Lawe Injuncc[i]on or Order of Restrainte shall be in any wise granted or allowed:-

LVI. Proviso where several Tallies bear Date the same Day.

Paying subsequent Orders, if first demanded, no undue Preference, if sufficient reserved to satisfy preceding Orders.

Provided alwaies and be it hereby declared That if it happen that severall Tallies of Loan or Orders for Payment as aforesaid beare date or be brought the same day to the Auditor of the Receipte to be registered then it shall be interpretted noe undue p[re]ference which of those be entred first soe he enters them all the same day:. Provided alsoe That it shall not be interpreted any undue p[re]ference to incurr any penaltie in point of payment if the Auditor direct and the Clerke of the Pells Record and the Tellers doe pay subsequent Orders of persons that come and demand theire moneyes and bring theire Orders before other Persons that did not come to demand theire Money and bring theire Orders in theire course soe as there be soe much money reserved as will satisfie precedent Orders which shall not be otherwise disposed but kepte for them Interest upon Loan being to cease from the time the money is soe reserved and kepte in Banke for them:-

LVII. Orders for Payment of Money lent may be assigned by Indorsement.

Memorial thereof without Fee; Assignee may in like manner assign.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every person or persons to whome any money shall be due by virtue of this Act after Order entered in the Booke of Register aforesaid for payment thereof his Executors Administrators or Assignes by indorsement of his Order may assigne and transferr his Right Title Interest and Benefitt of such Order or any part thereof to any other which being notified in the Office of the Auditor of Receipte aforesaid and an entry or memoriall thereof alsoe made in the Booke of Register aforesaid for Orders which the Officers shall upon request without Fee or Charge accordingly make. shall intitule such Assignee his Executors Administrators and Assignes to the benefitt thereof and payment thereon and such Assignee may in like manner assigne againe and soe toties quoties and afterwards it shall not be in the power of such person or persons who have or hath made such Assignements to make voide release or discharge the same or any the moneys thereby due or, any parte thereof:-

LVIII. Monies lent upon 3 W. & M. c. 6. not exceeding £735,391. 18. 5½. transferred to the Credit of this Act.

Proviso for special Agreements; Principal Monies so transferred payable to Lenders out of Monies arising by this Act in due course, with Interest at £7 per Cent. per Annum; Auditor of Receipt to make a Memorandum; Persons entitled to transferred Monies may assign Orders.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted That all and every the principall Su[m]mes of money which in pursuance of an Act made in the last Session of this present Parliament entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly [for one yeare (fn. 106) ] for carrying on a vigorous Warr againste France and of Theire Majesties Letters of Privy Seale beareing date the three and twentieth day of September One thousand six hundred ninety two made in pursuance of the said Act have beene lent or shall be lent to Theire Majesties at the Receipte of Theire Exchequer not exceeding in the whole the Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thirty five thousand three hundred ninety one pounds eighteene shillings five pence halfepenny and all and every the Orders of Loan for the same shall be in the first place transferred to and placed upon the Register appointed to be kepte by this Act and shall be registered thereupon in such Course and order as they now have by the Bookes kepte in the said Receipte or where any speciall agreements [have been made (fn. 106) ] with the Lenders for the course or order they were to have in all such cases according to those agreements which transferrences shall and may be and are hereby required to be made by virtue of this Act without makeing any issues or takeing any receipts from the parties in order to transferr the said Loans: And that the principall moneys upon the said Orders soe transferred shall be payable and paid to the Lender or Lenders of the same his her or theire Executors Administrators or Assignes out of the moneys ariseing by virtue of this Act in the same course and order according to which they are hereby appointed to be transferred and with p[re]ference to the Loans which any person or persons shall make hereafter upon the creditt of this p[re]sent Act: And that the interest after the rate of seaven pounds per centum per an[n]nu due or to be due for the said Loans to be transferred as aforesaid shall be paid and satisfied out of the moneys ariseing by this Act untill the respective times of the satisfacc[i]on of the principall: And that the Auditor of the said Receipte upon the transferring of the said Loans or the Order for the same as aforesaid shall make memorandums in the margin of his Books where the same doe or shall stand entred upon the said Act for the quarterly Poll importing the transference thereof and that they are to be paid out of the moneys ariseing by virtue of this Act: And that any person or persons who are or shall be entituled to any moneys to be paid by such Orders to be transferred as aforesaid shall or may assigne over the same to any other person or persons which Assignements shall be good and effectuall in Lawe and soe toties quoties any thing in the said former Act or in this p[re]sent Act to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LIX. Out of the Monies levied under this Act,

£700,000 to the Use of the Navy and Ordnance; The Residue to the Use of the Land Forces and other Charges incident to the War.

And be it Enacted That out of the moneys which shall be levied and paid by virtue of this Act into the Receipte of the Exchequer as well by Loan or otherwise (over and besides the Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thirty five thousand three hundred ninety one pounds eighteene shillings five pence halfe penny before menc[i]oned to be transferred to and placed upon the Register appointed to be kepte by this Act) the Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand pounds shall be and is hereby applied and appropriated to and for the payment of Officers and Seamen that have served and shall serve in Theire Majesties Navy Royall and for the paying for Stores Provisions and Victualls supplied and to be supplied for the said Navy and to and for the expences of Theire Majesties Office of Ordnance in respect to navall affaires and for other necessary uses and services performed and to be performed in and for the said Navy: And that all other the moneyes which shall be levyed and paid by virtue of this Act into the Receipte of the Exchequer as well upon Loan as otherwise other then the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thirty five thousand three hundred ninety one pounds eighteene shillings & two pence halfe-penny and the interest thereof and alsoe the Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand pounds appropriated for payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy as aforesaid shall be applyed and appropriated and is hereby appropriated to and for the payment of Theire Majesties Land Forces and Armyes and the paying for Armes Ammunic[i]on and other charges incident to the Warr and not otherwise:-

LX. Treasury not to direct Warrant to Collectors, &c. for Payment to Persons other than into the Exchequer; nor to Officers of Exchequer for striking Tally of Pro, &c.

Officers not to strike any Tally of Pro, &c.

And for the effectuall doeing thereof and that the said severall Su[m]mes hereby appropriated to the uses aforesaid may not be diverted or applyed to any other purpose Be it further enacted That the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or the Lord Treasurer Under Treasurer or the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being or any of them doe not direct any Warrant to any of the said Collectors or Receivers Generall or theire Deputyes for the payment of any parte of the moneys hereby given to any Person or Persons other then into the Receipte of the Exchequer as aforesaid: Nor shall they or any of them direct any Warrant to the Officers of the Exchequer for strikeing of any Tally of (Pro) or Tally of (Anticipac[i]on) or doe any other matter or thing whereby to divert the actuall payments of the said moneyes into the Receipte of the Exchequer: Nor shall the Officers of the Exchequer strike or direct or record the strikeing of any Tally of (Pro) or Tally of (Anticipac[i]on) upon any of the said Moneys upon any Account or Warrant whatsoever: Nor shall any Teller throwe downe any Bill whereby to charge himselfe with any of the said moneys untill he shall have actually received the same:-

LXI. Officers of Exchequer to keep Accounts of the said £700,000 distinct.

Regulations as to issuing such Money to Treasurer of the Ordnance.

And it is hereby further enacted That the Officers of the Receipte of the Exchequer respectively shall and are hereby required to keepe the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thosand Pounds hereby appropriated for Payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy as aforesaid and the Account thereof distinct from all other Moneys and Accounts whatsoever; And that the Lord High Treasurer Under-Treasurer or Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being. or any of them respectively doe not signe any Warrant or Order or doe any matter or thing for the issueing or paying any parte of the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds by this Act appriated for Payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy as aforesaid to any Person or Persons other then the Treasurer of the Navy or his Deputy and the Treasurer of the Ordnance or his Deputy for the uses aforesaid; Nor shall the Auditor of the Receipte drawe any Order whatsoever for the issueing any parte of the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds hereby appropriated as aforesaid to any Person or Persons other then the said Treasurer of the Navy or his Deputy and the Treasurer of the Ordnance or his Deputy as aforesaid; Nor shall he directe nor the Clerke of the Pells record or any Teller make payment of any parte of the said appropriated Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds by virtue of any Warrant or upon any Order or other way or device whatsoever other then to the Persons and for the uses aforesaid and to be soe menc[i]oned and expressed in such Warrant or Order:-

LXII. Regulations for Treasurer of the Navy and Ordnance, as to keeping and issuing the said Sum of £700,000.

Which Officers are to follow the Directions of the Treasury in appropriating the same.

And it is hereby further enacted That the Treasurer of the Navy and the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the time being hall keepe such parte of the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds appropriated for payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy as aforesaid by virtue of this Act as shall be paid to them respectively distincte and aparte from all other moneys; And the Treasurer of the Navy shall issue and pay such parte of the said Su[m]me as shall be payed in to him by Warrant of the principal Officers and Co[m]missioners of the Navy or any Three or more of them; And the Treasurer of the Ordnance shall issue and pay such parte of the said Su[m]me as shall be paid in to him by Warrant of the principall Officers of the Ordnance or any Three of them menc[i]oning and expressing in the [said (fn. 107) ] respective Warrant the respective uses for which the same is respectively issued and paid according to the respective appropriac[i]ons thereof and applying the same Which said principall Officers and Co[m]missioners of the Navy and Principall Officers of the Ordnance are to follow therein the Order and Direcc[i]on of the Lord High Treasurer or Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being for apporc[i]oning the same for the payment of the Officers and Seamen Stores Provisions Victualls and the Office of Ordnance in respecte to Navall Affaires as aforesaid in such just and proporc[i]onable Distribuc[i]ons as may be most agreeable to the true intent of this Act:-

LXIII. And for Commissioners, &c. of the Navy, as to signing Navy Bills, &c. for issuing such Money.

And it is hereby further enacted That the principall Officers and Co[m]missioners of the Navy or any of them or principall Officers of the Ordnance or any of them shall not signe any Navy Bill or Warrant or doe any other Act or Thing for the issueing and paying any parte of the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds soe appropriated by this Act to any use intent or purpose whatsoever other then for the respective uses for which the same is appropriated as aforesaid and to be soe menc[i]oned and expressed in such Navy Bill or Warrant:-

LXIV. Officers appointed to receive said £700,000, misapplying same.

Penalty; How applied.

And be it further enacted That if any of the Officers which are appointed by this Act to receive the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds hereby appropriated for Payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy or any parte thereof shall after the receipte of the said Money divert or misapply the same or any parte thereof by virtue of any Warrant from the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or from the Lord Treasurer or other Superior Officers for the time being contrary to the true intent of this Act that then such Officer or Officers soe diverting or misapplying the said moneys shall forfeite the like Su[m]me soe diverted or misapplyed Which said Forfeiture shall be recovered by Acc[i]on of Debt Bill Plainte or Informac[i]on in any of Theire Majesties Courts att Westminster wherein noe Essoign Protecc[i]on or Wager of Law shall be allowed the one Moiety of which Forfeiture soe to be recovered shall be to the Informer or him who shall sue for the same the other Moiety thereof to be distributed to the Poore of the Parish where such Offence shall be co[m]mitted:-

LXV. Officers of Exchequer, Navy, or Ordnance, misapplying the same Monies.


And be it further enacted That if any Officer or Officers menc[i]oned in this Act or in any wise belonging to the Exchequer Navy or Ordnance shall willingly and willfully offend against this Lawe or any Clause thereof by diverting or misapplying any parte of the said Su[m]me of Seaven hundred thousand Pounds appropriated for Payments relateing to Theire Majesties Navy as aforesaid contrary to the true intent of this Act that for any and every such Offence such Officer and Officers soe offending shall forfeite his Office [and Place (fn. 108) ] and is and are hereby disabled and made uncapable to hold or execute the said Office or any other Office whatsoever for the future:-

LXVI. No Stay of Prosecution in Actions for Penalties.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That noe stay of Prosecuc[i]on upon any Co[m]mand Warrant Moc[i]on Order or Direcc[i]on by (Non vult ulterius prosequi) shall be had made admitted received or allowed by any Court whatsoever in any Suite or Proceedeing by Acc[i]on of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on or otherwise for the recovery of all or any the Paines Penalties or Forfeitures upon any Person or Persons by this Act inflicted or therein menc[i]oned or for or in order to the Convicc[i]on or Disabilitye of any Persons offending against this Act:-

LXVII. All Monies issued for Naval Stores and Provisions (except for Victuals) to be paid in course, according to the Dates of the Bills, &c.

The like Regulation as to further Part of Monies issued and paid for the Ordnance; Comptroller of the Navy and Storekeeper of the Ordnance to keep Books for Register of Bills, &c; Undue Preference in Registry or Payment; Action; Penalties how recovered.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That out [of (fn. 108) ] the moneys hereby appropriated to and for the payment of Officers and Seamen that have served and shall serve in Theire Majesties Navy Royall and to and for the paying for Navall Stores and Provisions (other then for Victualls) and to and for the expences of Theire Majesties Office of the Ordnance in respect of navall affaires and for other necessary uses and services performed and to be performed for the said Navy all such parte thereof as shall be issued and paid by the Treasurer of the Navy by Warrant of the principall Officers and Co[m]missioners of the Navy or any three or more of them for Navall Stores and Provisions shall be paid in course to every person or persons or theire Assignes to whome any such money is or shall be due according to the dates of the Bills or Contracts registered for the same and not otherwise And that out of all such further parte of the said moneys as shall be issued and paid to the Lievetenant and Principall Officers of the Ordnance or the Paymaster thereof or his Deputy for the expence of His Majesties Ordnance as to Navall Affaires and by them or the said Paymaster respectively to any person or persons for Ammunic[i]on or any other use or service relateing to the Office of the Ordnance shall be in like manner paid in course to every such Person or Persons or theire Assignes respectively according to the respective Dates of the Bills and Contracts for the same and not otherwise. And the Comptroller of the Navy and Store-keeper of the Ordnance are hereby respectively required to keepe One or more Booke or Bookes in their respective Offices wherein all Bills and Contracts in reference to the Navy and Office of the Ordnance for such Bills and Contracts respectively as aforesaid shall be duely registered that all and every Person or Persons concerned therein may have recourse thereunto without paying any Fee or Reward for soe doeing; And if any p[re]ference of one before another shall be made either in pointe of Registry or Payment contrary to the true meaneing of this Act either by the said Treasurer of the Navy or Paymaster of the Ordnance or Comptroller of the Navy or Store-keeper of the Ordnance or any of them or theire respective Deputies or Clerks then the Party offending shall be lyable by acc[i]on of Debt or on the Case to pay double the value of the Debt Damages and Costs to the Party grieved: All which said Penalties Damages and Costs to be incurred by the Persons aforesaid or any of them respectively shall and may be recovered by the said Party greived by Acc[i]on of Debt Bill Plainte or Informac[i]on in any of Theire Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster [where (fn. 109) ] noe Essoign Protecc[i]on Priviledge Wager of Law Injunc[i]on or Order of Restrainte shall be in any wise granted or allowed:-

LXVIII. Boards of Ordnance or Navy Board, upon extraordinary Occasions, may pay Imprest Money.

Provided neverthelesse That it shall and may be lawfull for the said Leivetenant and principall Officers of the Ordnance and the Officers of the Navy-board upon any emergent or extraordinary Occasion to pay any of the said Moneys appropriated by this Act to any Person or Persons upon account by way of Imprest Any thing herein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding

LXIX. Paying subsequent Bills, if first demanded, no undue Preference, if sufficient reserved to satisfy preceding Bills.

Provided alsoe That it shall not be construed any p[re]ferrence to incurr any Penalty in pointe of Payment in course as aforesaid if the said Treasurer of the Navy or Pay Master of the Ordnance or theire Deputyes respectively do pay subsequent Bills of Persons which come and demand theire money and bring theire Warrant or Order in theire course for the same soe as there be soe much money reserved as will satisfie p[re]cedent Bills or Contracts registred as aforesaid which shall not be otherwise disposed of but kepte for them in the said respective Offices:-


  • 1. interlined on the Roll.
  • 2. in O.
  • 3. interlined on the Roll.
  • 4. O. omits.
  • 5. Thoma Stratton Richard Fishborne Henry Peacock O.
  • 6. interlined on the Roll.
  • 7. of Windsor O.
  • 8. interlined on the Roll.
  • 9. O. omits.
  • 10. O. omits.
  • 11. Congleton O.
  • 12. Barron O.
  • 13. Gilbert O.
  • 14. Bruttand O.
  • 15. Joanes O.
  • 16. interlined on the Roll.
  • 17. Chauntery O.
  • 18. interlined on the Roll.
  • 19. interlined on the Roll.
  • 20. interlined on the Roll.
  • 21. Coker O.
  • 22. Barker O.
  • 23. Francis O.
  • 24. interlined on the Roll.
  • 25. interlined on the Roll.
  • 26. Master O.
  • 27. the Earle of O.
  • 28. Baronett O.
  • 29. Weaslehead O.
  • 30. Herry O.
  • 31. for the time being O.
  • 32. Firebrasse O.
  • 33. Barron O.
  • 34. Charles O.
  • 35. interlined on the Roll.
  • 36. Sir O.
  • 37. Firebras O.
  • 38. interlined on the Roll.
  • 39. Knight O.
  • 40. interlined on the Roll.
  • 41. Thomas O.
  • 42. interlined on the Roll.
  • 43. Neile O.
  • 44. interlined on the Roll.
  • 45. the younger O.
  • 46. Bambrigg O.
  • 47. William O.
  • 48. Sir Fairmedon Penniston Sir William Walter O.
  • 49. Knight O.
  • 50. Potter O.
  • 51. Okeden O.
  • 52. of O.
  • 53. Thruston O.
  • 54. Michaell O.
  • 55. William O.
  • 56. Christopher Stokes Peter Blake Richard Pyle O.
  • 57. Aston O.
  • 58. in O.
  • 59. Knights and Barronetts O.
  • 60. interlined on the Roll.
  • 61. Thomas O.
  • 62. The Commissioners for the Borough of Dunwich are named in the Original Act before those named for this Borough.
  • 63. Thomas O.
  • 64. Richard Hamond O.
  • 65. John O.
  • 66. Berrio O.
  • 67. Hardham O.
  • 68. Lechmere O.
  • 69. Allaine Cliff junior O.
  • 70. Richard Freeman, Charles Cocks, John Chaplin O.
  • 71. O. omits.
  • 72. Bushell O.
  • 73. Bayliffe O.
  • 74. interlined on the Roll.
  • 75. Sir Thomas Powell Kn[en]t Serjeant at Law O.
  • 76. Leivis O.
  • 77. Richard Phillips Gentleman O.
  • 78. O. omits.
  • 79. for the Custody O.
  • 80. Gwrych O.
  • 81. O. omits.
  • 82. Harbert O.
  • 83. Knight & Barronett O.
  • 84. Knight & Barronett O.
  • 85. O. omits.
  • 86. interlined on the Roll.
  • 87. Divisions Townes O.
  • 88. therein alsoe O.
  • 89. interlined on the Roll.
  • 90. interlined on the Roll.
  • 91. interlined on the Roll.
  • 92. grieved O.
  • 93. interlined on the Roll.
  • 94. interlined on the Roll.
  • 95. and O.
  • 96. or O.
  • 97. interlined on the Roll.
  • 98. of O.
  • 99. O omits.
  • 100. interlined on the Roll.
  • 101. Shillings O.
  • 102. Pounds O.
  • 103. and O.
  • 104. on O.
  • 105. any O.
  • 106. interlined on the Roll.
  • 107. O. omits.
  • 108. interlined on the Roll.
  • 109. wherein O.