William and Mary, 1692: An Act for review of the Quarterly Poll granted to Their Majesties in the last Session of this present Parliament [Chapter XIV Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 9.]

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

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'William and Mary, 1692: An Act for review of the Quarterly Poll granted to Their Majesties in the last Session of this present Parliament [Chapter XIV Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 9.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp399-400 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'William and Mary, 1692: An Act for review of the Quarterly Poll granted to Their Majesties in the last Session of this present Parliament [Chapter XIV Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 9.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp399-400.

"William and Mary, 1692: An Act for review of the Quarterly Poll granted to Their Majesties in the last Session of this present Parliament [Chapter XIV Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 9.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp399-400.

In this section

Recital of Grant of the last Session.

3 W. & M. c. 6.; Persons who were not duly assessed according to the said Act to be assessed.

Whereas at the last Session of this present Parliament Their Majestyes most dutifull Subjects the Commons in Parliament assembled haveing a due considerac[i]on of the extraordinary Expenses in which Their Majesties were ingaged for the necessary defence of Their Realmes and the vigorous carrying on the Warre against France did grant to Theire Majesties the severall Summes of money specifyed in an Act then made entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One Yeare for carrying on a vigorous Warre against France to be levyed and payed in such manner as was therein expressed. And whereas by reason of severall neglects and abuses in the execution of the said Act greate parte of the summes given were not assessed levyed or answered to Theire Majesties Be it therefore enacted by the King and Queens most excellent Majestyes by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and singular the Persons who were not assessed and taxed or not fully and duely assessed and taxed as they ought to have beene by virtue of and according to the true intent and meaning of the said recited Act shall be assessed and taxed as they ought to have beene by the same Act soe as that all and every the summe and sumes of money given and granted by the said Act may be duely and fully levyed answered and payed unto Their Majestyes according to the rules and methods and true intent of the said Act.

II. Commissioners under c. 1. ante, to be Commissioners for this Act, with the Powers of 3 W. & M. c. 6.

Assessors, Collectors, &c. under this Act to have the like Benefits, Discharges, &c. as those under; 3 W. & M. c. 6.

And be it further enacted That for the more effectuall putting this Act in execution such Persons as are or shall be qualifyed to act as Commissioners for putting in execuc[i]on an Act of this present Session of Parliament entituled An Act for granting to Theire Majestyes an Aid of Foure shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous Warre against France according to the true intent of that Act and noe others shall be and are hereby appointed and constituted Commissioners for the execution of this present Act within the severall and respective Counties Cityes Boroughes and Places for which they are or shall be qualifyed to be Commissioners as aforesaid and shall have and execute like Powers and Authorityes Rules and Direcc[i]ons for and concerning the Premisses as any Co[m]missioners had or ought to have executed by virtue of the aforesaid Act entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One Yeare for the carrying on a vigorous Warre against France And all and every Person and Persons who shall be lyable to or any way concerned or imployed in the assessing collecting levying receiveing or paying any of the moneys by this Act appointed to be assessed collected levyed answered or payed shall have like benefits advantages and discharges and shall be subject to like Penalties and Forfeitures in case of neglect or refuseall to pay the sums that shall be hereupon assessed or charged or to perform their respective duties as in such case any person or persons by virtue of the said former Act entituled An Act for raising money by a Poll payable quarterly for One Yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France ought to have or be subject unto as fully and amply as if all and every the Clauses Matters and Things in the said Act contained for such purpose had been again repeated in this Act and enacted particularly.

III. Militia Officers having Estates chargeable to pay, though not actually charged.

Persons who at the Execution of 3 W. & M. c. 6. had been Justices of Peace, Sheriffs, &c. and were not assessed to pay; Clergymen with £300, or having Benefice, &c. of £60, to pay.

And be it further enacted That all and every Deputy Lieutenants and other Officers of the Militia haveing any Estate or Estates of such value as ought by Law to be chargeable to find or contribute to the finding of a Horse and Horseman with Arms ought to be assessed and taxed and shall pay for such Estate or Estates although such Officers be not actually charged to the finding or contributing to find a Horse and Horseman with Arms And alsoe that all Persons who at the time of the execution of the said Act for the quarterly Poll were or formerly had been Justices of the Peace Sheriffs or Deputy Lieutenants of any Counties Rideings Divisions or Cities or who were appointed Commissioners for any County Rideing or City by the said Act being worth Three hundred Pounds and were not assessed Twenty shillings quarterly ought to be assessed and taxed and shall pay after that rate or so much as together with what they have been already assessed and payed will make up Twenty shillings quarterly And alsoe that every Clergyman being worth Three hundred Pounds or haveing in or by any Benefice or other Estate ecclesiasticall or temporall or in both to the value of Sixty pounds by the Yeare or upwards ought to be assessed and to pay after the rate of Twenty shillings quarterly or so much as together with what he hath been already assessed and paid will make upp Twenty shillings quarterly And that in all other things the said before menc[i]oned Act bee fully to all Intents and Purposes executed according to the true intent and meaning thereof

IV. Commissioners to meet on 4th April 1693; Monies paid 24th June 1693 to Receivers, and by them into Exchequer 12th July 1603.

And be it further enacted That the respective Commissioners shall meet together at the most usuall place of meeting on the Fourth day of Aprill One thousand six hundred ninety three and that the said sums of money shall be assessed collected levyed and paid unto the Receivers of the severall Counties and Places to be appointed by Their Majesties in that behalfe on or before the Twenty fourth day of June One thousand six hundred ninety three and by them answered and paid into Their Majesties Exchequer upon or before the Twelfth day of July One thousand six hundred ninety three

V. If Monies paid under this Act do not amount to £300,000,

Exchequer may borrow Deficiency; upon the Credit of the Exchequer in general.

And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if upon the return of the Duplicates it shall appear that the Rates Payments or Sums of Money to be assessed collected levied and paid by virtue of this Act doe not amount to the Sum of Three hundred thousand pounds that then at any time or times from thenceforth it shall and may be lawfull to and for Theire Majesties or Theire Officers in the Receipt of Theire Majesties Exchequer by their command and appointment to borrow and take into the said receipt at interest for Theire Majesties use by way of Loan any sum or sums of money which together with the whole value or amount of all the sums of money which shall be assessed collected levied and paid by virtue of this Act shall not exceed in the whole the sum of Three hundred thousand pounds which sum or sums of money soe to be taken upp or borrowed shall and may be charged upon the credit of Their Majesties Exchequer in generall and Tallies of Loane and Orders for repayment of the same shall be levied accordingly which Orders shall be assignable and transferrable from one person to another

VI. Monies so borrowed with Interest at £8 per Cent. per Ann. payable every Three Months, repaid out of next Aids.

If no Aid before 2d February 1693, then out of Treasure in the Exchequer.

And it is hereby enacted and declared That all and every sum and sums of money soe to be borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid together with the interest for the same not exceeding the rate of Eight pounds per Centum per Annum to be paid every Three months untill satisfaction of the principall shall be payable and bee paid or satisfied unto the respective lender or lenders of the same his her or their Executors Administrators or Assignes out of any of the next Aids or Supplies to be granted to Their Majesties in Parliament and shall be transferred and transferrable thereunto as soone as any such Ayd or Supply shall be granted And in case noe such Ayd or Supply shall be granted to Their Majesties before the Second day of February One thousand six hundred ninety three then the said sum and sums of money soe to bee borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid and the interest thereof shall be payable and be paid and satisfied to the said lender or lenders his her or their Executors Administrators or Assignes respectively by and out of any of Their Majesties Treasure which from thenceforth shall come into be or remaine in the Receipt of Their Majesties Exchequer not being already appropriated to any particular uses by any Act or Acts of Parliament before this time made.

VII. Recital that Receivers had refused to receive cracked Money.

Any Person refusing to take cracked Money, being the current Coin; Penalty.

And whereas the Receivers of the Revenue and Aids given to Their Majesties and divers other Persons have in many places of this Kingdom refused to receive or take in payment any sort of crackd money which by Law is and ought to passe as the current Coin of this Realme by reason of which refusall many of Theire Majesties good Subjects are under great hardships and difficulties for want of money to pay theire Taxes and supply theire other necessary occasions whilst the said crack'd money lies dead by them and is rendred wholly uselesse to Their Majesties and Theire Subjects For remedy thereof be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That whosoever shall att any time hereafter refuse to receive or take in payment any crack'd money being the current Coin of this Kingdom shall for every such Offence forfeit the su[m]me of Five pounds to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of Theire Majesties Courts of Record by any Person who will sue for the same together with Costs of Suite in which Suite noe Essoine Protection Priviledgs Wager of Law or more then one Imparlance shall be allowed and such Offender shall alsoe be liable unto such other Punishments as by any Law or Statute now in force may or ought to bee inflicted for such Offence

VIII. Recital that there had been Neglect in returning Duplicates of monies charged under 3 W. & M. c. 6. into the Exchequer.

Receivers General to prepare Duplicates to be subscribed by Commissioners, and returned with a Schedule into the Exchequer on or before the last Day of Easter Term next; Penalty £50.

And whereas greate neglect hath beene made in not returneing Duplicates into Theire Majestyes Exchequer of the su[m]mes charged in many of the respective Hundreds Lathes Wapentakes Parishes Wards or Places rated [or (fn. 1) ] assessed by virtue of the Act entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One Yeare for the carrying on a vigorous War against France Be it enacted That every Receiver Generall appointed by the said Act shall and is hereby authorized and required to prepare a Duplicate written in Parchment of the whole su[m]me charged in every of the Parishes & Places whereof hee is Receiver Generall to be subscribed by two or more of the respective Commissioners of the Place and to returne the same into Theire Majesties Exchequer on or before the last Day of Easter terme next together with a Schedule written in Parchment as the said Act directs to bee att the same time there returned containeing the Names Sirnames and Places of abode of every Person within theire respective collection that hath made default of payment of any of the sums rated or assessed on every such Person And every such Receiver Generall that shall not make such returnes into Their Majesties Exchequer (except the same have beene returned pursuant to the said recited Act) shall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds to any that will sue for the same by Bill Plaint or Information in any of Theire Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe Essoine Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed nor any more then one Imparlance and be thenceforth incapable of any Office or Place of Trust in Their Majesties Service.

IX. Officers of the Exchequer to take only the ancient Fees.

Barons of the Exchequer to deliver a Table of Fees.

Provided always and bee it enacted That noe Fees shall bee demanded or taken by any Officer of the Exchequer or in any Office wherein any Receiver Generall is concerned in takeing out his Commission or in passing his accounts or takeing out his Quietus for receiveing or paying any of the money granted by this Act or any other Act of this present Parliament for Aids or Supplies to Their Majesties but such antient Fees as shall bee allowed by the Lord Cheife Baron and Barons of the Quoife of the Court of Exchequer to bee such and not otherwise And that the said Cheife Baron and Barons shall and are hereby required to deliver a Table or Schedule of the said Fees soe by them allowed to the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament att the next Session to bee holden for this or any [other (fn. 2) ] succeeding Parliament.


  • 1. interlined on the Roll.
  • 2. next O.