Index: A-J

Survey of London: Volumes 29 and 30, St James Westminster, Part 1. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1960.

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'Index: A-J', in Survey of London: Volumes 29 and 30, St James Westminster, Part 1, ed. F H W Sheppard (London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].

'Index: A-J', in Survey of London: Volumes 29 and 30, St James Westminster, Part 1. Edited by F H W Sheppard (London, 1960), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,

"Index: A-J". Survey of London: Volumes 29 and 30, St James Westminster, Part 1. Ed. F H W Sheppard (London, 1960), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.

The pagination of volumes XXIX and XXX is consecutive. Volume XXIX contains pages 1–430, and volume XXX pages 431–549

NOTE. This index contains the following subject headings: Architects, Surveyors and Engineers; Artists, Craftsmen and Decorators; Builders and Allied Tradesmen; Chocolate and coffee houses; Churches and places of worship in St. James's (south of Piccadilly); Churches and places of worship elsewhere; Clubs

Abbot, Elizabeth 51

Abbot, Gilbert 51

Abbott, Ann; Anne; James and Thomas William 50

Abercorn, Marquis of 153

Abercromby, Burnet 48

Aberdeen, Earl of (IV, George Hamilton-Gordon) 350, 387, 399

Abergavenny, Marquis of 339

Abingdon, Convent of 1, 21, 26, 27

Abingdon, Earl of (III) 230

Accum, Frederick 354

Ackres, Thomas 66n.

Acland, Sir Thomas 378

Adair, Alexander 49, 75

Adair, Lydia 49

Adair House 75, 326–7, 340, 341, 342

Adams, John 547

Addison, Joseph 469

Adelaide, Queen 382

Adelphi Terrace, No. 4 375

Aerated Bread Company 256

Agar, William 118

Agar-Ellis, George (Lord Dover) 351

Agriculture, Board of 86, 180

Agriculture, Ministry of 86

A'Hmuty, Richard (I and II) and Ursula 48

Ailesbury, Countess of 428

Ailesbury, Dowager Marchioness of 418

Ailesbury, Earl of (III, Charles) 428

Ailesbury, Marquis of (II) 418

Ainsworth, William Harrison 243

Albany 468

Albemarle Street 289, 330n., 334, 473n.

Albert Gate 134

Albert Memorial 159n.

Albury 181

Alcock, Thomas 50

Alexander, Sir George 300–1

Alien, Joseph 123

Alliance Assurance Company 344, 485

Allied Force Headquarters 193

Almack, Elizabeth (I, née Cullen) 306, 327, 331

Almack, Elizabeth (II) see also Pitcairn, Elizabeth 306n.

Almack, Euphemia 306n.

Almack, John 327, 327n.

Almack, William (I) 7, 304–6, 327–34, 467

Almack, William (II) 306, 306n., 331

Almack House 307

Almack's Assembly Rooms 8, 304–7, 329, 467; fig. 59; Pl. 51

Almack's Hotel 331

Almon, John 253

Althorp 521, 526n.

Althorp, Viscount see Spencer, John Charles

Amherst, Lord 68

Ampthill 85

Amyard, Claudius 418

Andover, Viscount see Howard, Thomas

André, Hotel 277, 278

Andrewes, Elizabeth Maria; Frances and Gerrard 51

Andrews, Miles Peter 51, 509

Andrews, Robert 81, 81n., 82

Angel Court 295, 304, 336; fig. 59

Angelo, Domenico 512

Angerstein, John Julius 350

Angier, Burrage (I and II) 154

Angier, John (I) 3, 62, 109, 154, 288

Angier, John (II) 154

Angier Street see Apple Tree Yard and Ormond Yard (I)

Anglesea Yard 213

Anglesey, Lord 429

Anne, Queen 263n.

Ansell, — 297n.

Anson, George 148, 154

Anson, Lord 142

Anson, Thomas 73, 142, 143, 143n., 148

Anson, Thomas, Viscount (I) 148, 153, 154

Anson, Viscount (II) 153

Antelope 491, 493, 542, 543; fig. 81

Apple Tree Yard 59, 112n., 115, 154, 279, 285; fig. 3

Apsley, Sir Alien 164, 175, 491, 548

Architects, Surveyors and Engineers see also Crown Lands, Surveyors (-General) of and Works, Surveyors-General of
-, Abraham, H. R. 187
-, Abraham, Robert 187, 193, 196, 221
-, Ackres, — 66n.
-, Ackres, Thomas 66, 66n.
-, Adam, James 164, 548
-, Adam, John 123–4
-, Adam, Robert 17, 18, 73, 75, 104, 123–4, 133, 141, 142, 164–74 passim, 206–10 passim, 230n., 233, 241, 249–50, 325–6, 365, 367, 451, 452, 457
-, Adam, William 548
-, Adams; Holden and Pearson 212
-, Aitchison, George 326
-, Albano, — 243
-, Ancell, W. J. 259
-, Anderson, H. L. 204, 206, 404
-, Anderson, J. Macvicar 298, 340, 341, 404, 418
-, Angell and Curtis, Robert 117
-, Archer, Thomas 489
-, Archer and Green see also Green, Arthur 275
-, Astley, John
-, Atkinson, Robert see Atkinson and Partners
-, Atkinson, William 359n., 401
-, Atkinson and Partners, Robert 497, 521
-, Baker, Sir Herbert 123
-, Banks, Matthew 34, 34n.
-, Barnett, John 244
-, Barry, (Sir) Charles 10, 12, 18, 19, 155, 160, 182, 292, 325, 341, 343, 356, 357, 374, 401–15 passim, 487, 495, 496–504 passim
-, Barry, Charles (junior) 396, 396n., 397, 497
-, Barry, E. M. 244, 404, 412
-, Basevi, George 19, 356–7, 409–10, 479–80
-, Beazley, Samuel 300, 301
-, Bell, C. H. 213
-, Bernard, Oliver 220
-, Berry, P. R. 311
-, Beverley, Samuel 213
-, Blomfield, Arthur 108
-, Blomfield, Austin 53, 54
-, Blomfield, Sir Reginald 52, 255, 357, 359, 422–4
-, Blore, Edward 356, 401, 409, 410
-, Bond, G. 438n.
-, Brandon, David 19, 137, 340–1, 344, 417
-, Brettingham, Matthew (I) 17, 18, 72, 100, 101, 136–7, 142, 187, 192–3, 196, 199, 200, 364–7 passim, 417
-, Brettingham, Matthew (II) 364
-, Brettingham, Robert Furze 18, 175–6, 177, 360, 360n., 362
-, Bridgeman, Charles 67
-, Brown, Lancelot (Capability) 85, 112
-, Browne, H. J. 390, 392
-, Browne, W. J.
-, Buckle, James George 269
-, Burn, William 397n.
-, Burrell, Peter (Surveyor-General of Crown Lands) 507
-, Burton, Decimus 18, 134, 182, 291, 292, 356, 361n., 377, 386–404 passim, 409, 410, 429, 479
-, Burton, James see under Builders and Allied Tradesmen
-, Bury, — see Lee and Bury
-, Byfield, George 90–1
-, Campbell, Colin 80
-, Caröe, W. D. 204, 206
-, Carpenter, R. C. 159
-, Cates, Arthur (Surveyor of Crown Lands) 12–13, 383
-, Chambers, Sir William 90, 180–1, 346–8, 364n., 507–8
-, Chawner, Thomas (Surveyor of Crown Lands) 12, 266, 275, 410, 475–6
-, Cheston, Horace 262
-, Christian, Ewan 179, 204
-, Christopher, — see Garland and Christopher
-, Clark, — see Pain and Clark
-, Clarke, G. S. 182
-, Clarke, Somers 497
-, Cockerell, — 267
-, Cockerell, Charles Robert 18, 203–4, 356, 400, 410
-, Cockerell, Samuel Pepys 18, 203, 207, 252, 267
-, Collcutt, T. E. 396, 398
-, Collins, Henry Hyman 343, 441, 516, 543
-, Collins, Marcus Evelyn 343, 441, 543
-, Cook, — see Yates; Cook and Darbyshire
-, Couse, Kenton 69
-, Cox, — see Williams and Cox
-, Craig,— 159
-, Craig, C. A. 159
-, Crossland, W. H. 298
-, Crunden, John 18, 442, 443
-, Cubitt, — and Cubitt, Thomas see under Builders and Allied Tradesmen
-, Cundy, Thomas (junior) 291, 292, 293
-, Curtis, — see Angell and Curtis, Robert
-, Curzon, Henry 418
-, Dance, George (junior) 73n., 104–5, 123, 336
-, Darbyshire, — see Yates; Cook and Darbyshire
-, Davis, — see Davis and Emanuel and Mewès and Davis
-, Davis, A. J. 180
-, Davis and Emanuel 312, 472
-, Dawson, M. J. 286
-, Deering, John Peter 401, 475n.
-, Denham, Sir John 16, 63, 77, 157n., 323
-, de Soissons, Louis 473
-, Dudley, Thomas 382, 383
-, Dunn and Watson 150
-, Dunn; Watson and Curtis Green 339
-, Edmeston and Gabriel 209
-, Egan, — see Emden; Egan and Co.
-, Elger and Kelk see under Builders and Allied Tradesmen
-, Elsom and Partners, C. H. 417
-, Emanuel, — see Davis and Emanuel
-, Emanuel, Barrow 312
-, Emberton, Joseph 19, 258
-, Emden, Walter 245, 439
-, Emden; Egan and Co. 274
-, Evans and Son, T. Jay 472
-, Ferrier, C. W. 183
-, Field, John 18, 104–5, 105n., 108
-, Fisk, — see Fowler and Fisk, F.
-, Flitcroft, Henry 104, 122, 123, 539
-, Florence, Henry L. 245, 248
-, Ford, — see Runtz and Ford, Ernest
-, Fordyce, John (Surveyor of Crown Lands) 10, 11, 237–8, 241–2, 324, 489, 508
-, Foulston, — 269
-, Fowler, Charles 153
-, Fowler and Fisk, F. 182
-, Gabriel, — see Edmeston and Gabriel
-, Gandon, James 164, 164n.
-, Garland and Christopher 342
-, Garnier, Charles 256
-, Gibson, John 257
-, Gilbert, James 416
-, Goldicutt, John 453
-, Good, J. H. 401
-, Goreham, — 37, 39
-, Gotch and Partners 310
-, Gough, H. R. 183
-, Gowan, William 37
-, Graham, Alexander 289
-, Gray (Grey), Sir George 17, 519–20
-, Green, Arthur (Surveyor of Crown Lands) see also Archer and Green 13, 221, 222, 272, 283, 298
-, Green, Leslie W. 212, 222
-, Green, W. Curtis see also Dunn; Watson and Curtis Green and Green and Partners, W. Curtis and Green; Son and Lloyd, W. Curtis 310
-, Green and Partners, W. Curtis 149, 150, 153, 310, 478
-, Green; Son and Lloyd, W. Curtis 531
-, Greig, Thomas R. 416
-, Grey, Sir George see Gray, Sir George
-, Gruning, E. A. 298
-, Gunton and Gunton 193
-, Guthrie, — see Wimperis; Simpson and Guthrie
-, Hakewill, John Henry 53
-, Hall, Austen see Whinney; Son and Austen Hall
-, Hall, Charles R. Guy 257
-, Hardwick, Philip 37n., 160, 356, 410, 521
-, Hardwick, Thomas 37–45 passim, 55
-, Harris, E. Vincent 309
-, Harrison, George 429
-, Harrison, Henry 380, 381, 400, 401
-, Harrison, R. Creese 381
-, Hawksmoor, Nicholas 80, 84, 85, 90, 224
-, Heneker, — see Lawford and Heneker
-, Hesketh and Stokes 123
-, Higgins, — 453
-, Hoare and Wheeler 439
-, Hoffman, Paul 440
-, Holden, — see Adams; Holden and Pearson
-, Holland, Henry (junior) 112, 238, 241, 328, 334, 348, 392, 407, 521, 524, 541
-, Hooke, Robert 3, 32, 32n., 33, 62, 99, 103, 109, 368
-, Hopper, Thomas 12, 19, 356, 357, 401, 475, 476, 477, 479, 480
-, Horn, James 37
-, Houfe, E. A. S. 38, 55
-, Howell, A. 55
-, Howell, A. P. 256
-, Innes, — see Nelson and Innes
-, Isaacs, Lewis H. 245, 248
-, Jackson, A. Blomfield 222, 301
-, James, John 79
-, Jameson and Wallis 312
-, Jell, G. Thrale 265
-, Jenkins, — see Romaine-Walker and Jenkins
-, Johnson, John (I) 288, 326
-, Johnson, John (II) 243
-, Johnson, John (III) 294
-, Johnson, Thomas 160n.
-, Johnson-Marshall, S. A. 248
-, Jones, Inigo 90, 90n., 97, 139, 200
-, Jones, Owen 182
-, Joseph, Delissa 212
-, Joseph, W. S. 339
-, Karslake and Mortimer 344
-, Kay, Joseph 400
-, Kelk, Sir John see under Builders and Allied Tradesmen
-, Kent, William 102, 138, 176, 198, 505, 519, 522, 524
-, Knight, — see Mayhew and Knight
-, Knowles, James (junior) 485
-, Lawford and Heneker 374
-, Lee, — see Lee and Bury and Lee; Sons and Pain
-, Lee, Charles 38, 40, 42, 46, 155–6, 244
-, Lee and Bury 356
-, Lee; Sons and Pain 244
-, Leoni, Giacomo 72, 79, 90, 192
-, Leverton, Thomas (Surveyor of Crown Lands) 10, 221, 237–8, 241–2, 266, 288, 536, 538
-, Lewis, James 230n., 250, 494, 495, 496
-, Lloyd, — see Green; Son and Lloyd, W. Curtis
-, Lockyer, James 453, 453n.
-, Louis, Victor 234
-, Lutyens, Sir Edwin 18, 19, 70, 112, 112n., 115, 259, 260, 385–6, 425
-, Macadam, James 69
-, McMorran, Donald H. 359
-, Marinari, — 237, 239, 240
-, Martin, — see Treadwell and Martin
-, Martin, G. D. 315
-, Mather, Andrew 220
-, Matthew, Robert 248
-, Matthews, — see Rolfe and Matthews
-, May, Hugh 63
-, Mayhew, Charles 30, 39, 40
-, Mayhew and Knight 449
-, Metcalf, Henry 416
-, Mewès and Davis 83, 141, 165, 180, 416–17
-, Milbourn, Thomas 456
-, Mileham, Charles H. 473
-, Miller, Walter J. 279
-, Mongeaud, J. P. 478
-, Moodie, Thomas A. 309
-, Moore, Temple 45
-, Morgan, James 244
-, Morphew, Reginald 19, 276, 283
-, Morris, Robert 104
-, Morris, Roger 104
-, Mortimer, — see Karslake and Mortimer
-, Mylne, Robert 202, 305, 307, 329
-, Nash, John 4, 8, 11–12, 18, 69, 203, 207–8, 211, 218, 221, 237, 241–2, 244, 271, 288, 386–98 passim, 400, 428–9, 438, 487
-, Nelson, T. Marsh 159–60, 292
-, Nelson and Innes 292
-, Newton, Ernest 485
-, Norton, John 318
-, Norton, Leslie C. 294
-, Novosielski, Michael 175–6, 224, 226n., 227, 231–41 passim, 249, 250
-, Oliver, John 34, 34n.
-, O'Rorke, Brian 187
-, Osborn and Russell 339
-, Ospalek, Alfred and David 88
-, Pain, — see Lee; Sons and Pain and Pain and Clark
-, Pain, William 244
-, Pain and Clark 283
-, Paine, James 18, 346, 349, 378, 507
-, Papworth, J. B. 268, 269, 289, 443, 445, 448, 449, 453, 456
-, Papworth, Wyatt 439
-, Parnell, C. O. 19, 182–3
-, Pearce, E. 55
-, Pearson, — see Adams; Holden and Pearson
-, Peebles, Alexander 385
-, Pennethorne, Sir James 12, 160, 254, 273, 273n., 274, 291, 319, 361, 368, 374, 380, 392, 393, 396, 404, 438, 438n., 439
-, Perkin, J. Craddock 262
-, Phipps, Charles J. 222, 245, 248, 301
-, Pite, Beresford 444, 449
-, Playne, — see Wornum and Playne
-, Poley, E. W. 381
-, Powell, E. Turner 477
-, Poynter, Ambrose 356, 401, 439
-, Pratt, Sir Roger 427
-, Preston, Norman see Trehearne and Norman Preston and Partners
-, Pugin, A. W. N. 356
-, Pulteney, John (Surveyor-General of Crown Lands) 487, 489, 544
-, Purchase, Edward Keynes 272, 416
-, Railton, William 356, 479, 480
-, Repton, George 241–2
-, Revett, Nicholas 346
-, Rhodes, Henry 12, 275, 410, 475, 476
-, Richardson, (Sir) Albert E. 38, 47, 55, 396, 398
-, Richardson, H. B. 182
-, Ripley, Thomas 122, 317, 378–81 passim
-, Robertson, — 400
-, Robinson, Fitzroy 109
-, Robinson, John (I) 257–8
-, Robinson, John (II) 276
-, Robinson, Peter Frederick 267, 269
-, Robson, E. R. 260–1
-, Rolfe and Matthews 163
-, Romaine Walker 245, 248
-, Romaine-Walker and Jenkins 425
-, Roper, F. W. 283
-, Rowntree and Sons, Fred 404
-, Runtz and Ford, Ernest 19, 270, 439
-, Russell, — see Osborn and Russell
-, Sadgrove, Edwin J. 480
-, Salvin, A. 182, 356–7, 507
-, Sandys, Charles 153
-, Sawyer, Robert 259, 296
-, Scott, George Gilbert 182, 362
-, Shaw, John (I) 37–9, 243
-, Shaw, John (II) 183
-, Shaw, Richard Norman 19, 270, 339, 344, 440, 485–6
-, Shepherd, Edward
-, Simpson, — see Wimperis; Simpson and Guthrie
-, Smirke, Sir Robert 18, 39, 182, 243, 290–2, 355, 357, 386, 387, 401, 420, 423, 449, 475n., 496
-, Smirke, Sydney 18, 19, 182, 356–8, 410, 420, 479–80
-, Smith, Alfred 19, 182–3
-, Smith, Armstrong 359
-, Smith, J. Osborne 141
-, Smithem, C. J. 339
-, Smithson, Robert 498
-, Soane, Sir John 18, 37, 45, 73, 85–6, 86n., 115, 137, 153, 159, 175–9 passim, 181, 203, 207–9, 221, 234, 243, 326, 350, 360n., 361–2, 521, 526n., 540
-, Soissons see de Soissons
-, Solomon, Lewis 163
-, Souster, E. G. W. 436
-, Stenning and Partners, Sir Alexander 440
-, Stevens, T. W. 279
-, Stokes, — see Hesketh and Stokes
-, Stuart, James (Athenian) 17, 73, 104, 141–52 passim, 166, 192, 346, 520, 527–30
-, Talman, William 34, 34n., 35, 540
-, Tappen, George 187
-, Tatchell, Sydney 340
-, Tatham, Charles Heathcote 494
-, Tattersall, George 182
-, Taylor, Sir Robert 140, 310, 346, 521, 524, 526–7, 530
-, Thompson and Walford 392
-, Timbrell, — see also under Builders and Allied Tradesmen 37
-, Tite, [Sir William] 160
-, Trafford and Son, T. C. 311
-, Treadwell and Martin 222, 283
-, Trehearne and Norman Preston and Partners 294
-, Trent, W. E. 220
-, Truefitt, George 182
-, Vanbrugh, Sir John 17, 84, 223–9 passim
-, Vardy, John 17, 519–27
-, Verity, Frank T. 213, 489
-, Verity, Thomas 19, 254–6
-, Vernon, George 440
-, Vulliamy, George John 382
-, Vulliamy, Lewis 382, 518
-, Walcot, William 472
-, Walford, — see Thompson and Walford
-, Walker, Emblin 301
-, Walker, Romaine see Romaine Walker
-, Waller, F. W. 440
-, Waller, N. H. 440
-, Wallis, — see Jameson and Wallis
-, Ware, Isaac 139n.
-, Waterhouse, Alfred 257
-, Waterhouse, Michael 257–8
-, Waterhouse, Paul 257
-, Watson, — see Dunn and Watson and Dunn; Watson and Curtis Green
-, Watson, W. E. 340
-, Webb, (Sir) Aston 294, 396
-, Webb, Maurice 480
-, Wheeler, — see Hoare and Wheeler
-, Whinney, Thomas B. 259, 425
-, Whinney; Son and Austen Hall 425
-, White, John 38
-, White and Sons, W. Henry 478
-, Wilkins, William 387, 401, 475n.
-, Williams, F. E. 441
-, Williams and Cox 531
-, Wills, F. J. 340
-, Wilson, Geoffrey 340
-, Wimble, John 213, 321
-, Wimperis, — see Wimperis; Simpson and Guthrie
-, Wimperis, John Thomas 38, 41, 48, 55
-, Wimperis and Arber, J. T. 55
-, Wimperis; Simpson and Guthrie 264
-, Witherington, Walter S. 320
-, Wood, Douglas 343
-, Wood, J. D. 343
-, Woodward, William 270, 319–20, 450, 485, 489
-, Woodward and Sons, William 256, 296, 478
-, Worley, Robert J. 19, 315, 473, 473n., 478
-, Wornum and Playne 71n.
-, Wren, Sir Christopher 6, 17, 29, 31–44 passim, 53, 61n., 63, 77, 225, 228, 461n., 540, 548
-, Wyatt, Benjamin 540
-, Wyatt, Benjamin (Dean) 401, 438, 438n.
-, Wyatt, James 18, 109, 138, 235, 249, 452–3, 536
-, Wyatt (Wyatville), Jeffry 37, 401
-, Wyatt, Lewis 401
-, Wyatt, Matthew 356
-, Wyatt, Samuel 146, 148–53, 508–9
-, Wyatt, T. H. 396–7, 418–19
-, Wyatville, Jeffry see Wyatt, Jeffry
-, Yates; Cook and Darbyshire 275

Arden, Dowager Lady 518

Arlington, Earl of (Sir Henry Bennet) 27, 58, 60, 62, 77, 154n., 157n., 431

Arlington Street 21n., 27, 334

Armagh, Archbishop of 289

Arnold, — (Widow) 338n.

Arnold, Robert 338n.

Arnold, Thomas 26, 215

Arntz, Martha and Matthias 49

Arran, Earl of 120

Arronches, Marquis of 492

Arthur, John 463, 463n., 464

Arthur, Mary 450

Arthur, Robert 7, 229, 450, 464, 465, 470, 474

Artima, Baldassare 140

Artists, Free Society of 297

Artists, Craftsmen and Decorators
-, Absolon, John 245
-, Adams, Maurice B. 472
-, Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence 396, 398
-, Amiconi (Amigoni), Jacopo 72, 80
-, Ansell,— 168
-, Astley, John
-, Atwick and Hooper 165n.
-, Backler, Joseph 39
-, Bacon, John 68, 68n., 99, 361
-, Baily, Edward Hodges 391, 397
-, Baisselaer, Jon. 121
-, Ballantyne, — 292
-, Banks, Thomas 337, 337n.
-, Bartoli, Domn. 148, 149, 150, 165, 173
-, Behnes, W. 51
-, Bell, Robert Anning 49
-, Bellman and Ivey 255
-, Bellucci, Antonio 72, 121
-, Bentley,— 173
-, Berchet, Pierre 369
-, Bernasconi, Francis 477
-, Bishop, C. and G. 46
-, Bishop, J. C. 46–7
-, Black, — 248
-, Blashfield, — 480
-, Blore, — 108
-, Boileau, T. J. 176
-, Boson, John
-, Boulanger, — 417
-, Bowden, Mark 183
-, Brown, Alfred 186
-, Brunetti, — 72, 80
-, Bryson, David 361
-, Bubb, James George 242
-, Bullock, Mathew 494
-, Burnett, Thomas 140
-, Campbell, Thomas 394
-, Campion, Giles 46
-, Canova, — 109
-, Capon, William 231, 233n.
-, Cass, Christopher 104, 121
-, Chantrey, Sir Francis 538
-, Cheere, (Sir) Henry
-, Cipriani, — 230, 507
-, Clermont, — 101
-, Coade 267, 269, 361, 363, 376, 376n., 515, 536
-, Coke, A. S. 255, 256
-, Copeland and Garrett 411
-, Crace, — 301
-, Crace, John 361
-, Cresswall, Joseph 165n.
-, Crossley, — 255
-, Damer, Anne Seymour 337
-, Dance, Nathaniel 168
-, David, Chevalier de 67
-, Dawes, Henry 45
-, Daymond, J. 257, 485
-, Delveaux, Laurent
-, Dicksee, Sir Frank 396
-, Dixon, Cornelius 148, 151
-, Edema, Gerard 112
-, Fergusson, James 396
-, Flaxman, John 49, 537
-, Foley, J. H. 365
-, Ford, Onslow 260, 484
-, Fuseli, Henry 336
-, Gahagan, Sebastian 267
-, Gainsborough, Thomas 8, 230, 376–7, 407
-, Garrett, — see Copeland and Garrett
-, Garsed and Company 165n.
-, Geuden, Colette 478
-, Gibbons, Grinling 44, 45, 46
-, Gilbert, Alfred 186
-, Gill, Colin 220
-, Gill, Eric 48
-, Gillow, Messrs. 186
-, Gleichen, Count 484
-, Götzenberger, J. 497, 501
-, Green and King 244
-, Hallett, William 140
-, Hardiman, Alfred F. 52
-, Harris, Renatus 46
-, Haydon, Benjamin 268
-, Henning, John (I) 391, 411
-, Henning, John (II) 391, 397, 411
-, Henning, Samuel 391
-, Highmore, Thomas 36, 84n., 266
-, Hinchcliff, John 165, 171, 173
-, Holland, — see Taprell; Holland and Son
-, Hondecoeter, — 198
-, Hooper, — see Atwick and Hooper
-, Hughes, — see Ward and Hughes
-, Hunt, Henry 140n.
-, Ivey, — see Bellman and Ivey
-, Jackson, Messrs. 183
-, Jackson and Sons, G. 213
-, Kauffmann, Angelica 336, 407
-, Kelsey, C. S.
-, Kelsey, W. T. 137
-, Kent, G. 44
-, King, — see Green and King
-, King and Padget 165n.
-, Kremer, Joseph 275
-, Kruner, — 275
-, Kuckuck, — 307
-, Laguerre, Louis 72, 112
-, Lamerie, Paul De 211
-, Laverdet, — see Marc-Henri and Laverdet
-, Leeke, Ralph 45
-, Leighton, Lord 396
-, Lenygon and Morant 417
-, Lipparotti, — 237
-, Llewellyn, Sir William 396
-, Lock, George 44
-, McCullock, — 260
-, Macquoid, Percy 301
-, Manning, Charles 68n.
-, Marc-Henri and Laverdet 213
-, Marinari, — see under Architects, Surveyors and Engineers
-, Michelangelo (Michael Angelo) 537
-, Milne, O. P. 97
-, Montgomery, John 46
-, Moody, — 294
-, Moore, Thomas 165n.
-, Morant, — see also Lenygon and Morant and Morant and Co. 456
-, Morant and Co. 301
-, Naundorff,— 480, 481
-, Nicholl, William Grinsell 422
-, Nost, John van 515
-, Novosielski, Michael see under Architects, Surveyors and Engineers
-, Ost, John van 515
-, Padget, — see King and Padget
-, Palmer,— 165n.
-, Panzetta, Joseph 337n.
-, Parker, — 44
-, Parker, Samuel 44
-, Pellatt, Apsley 411
-, Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio 72, 190, 202
-, Phipps, P. 97
-, Pistrucci, Benedetto 394
-, Plows, William 385
-, Poynter, Sir Edward 396, 398
-, Prodat, — 245
-, Rebecca, Biagio 148,151–2
-, Remon, — 417
-, Reynolds, Bainbridge 52
-, Reynolds, Sir Joshua 168, 336, 336n., 346, 348, 468n.
-, Ricci, Sebastiano 72, 190, 202
-, Roberts, Thomas and Thomas Soutelle 170
-, Romney, George 336
-, Romoli,— 183
-, Rothwell, — 46
-, Roubil[l]iac, [Louis François] 537
-, Rubens, [Peter Paul] 84n., 128
-, Rysbrack, J. M. 68, 90n., 97
-, Sang, Frederick 183, 243, 357, 359, 403, 407, 480, 481
-, Scharf, George (junior) 456
-, Scheemakers, Peter 143, 520
-, Seale, Gilbert 276, 472
-, Scheemakers, Henry
-, Simpson and Sons 255
-, Smirke, Robert 336, 422
-, Smith, Bernard 46
-, Smith, C. H. 497
-, Snetzler, John 165, 168
-, Spang, Michael Henry 520, 523
-, Stevens, Alfred 273, 274, 472
-, Stothard, — 537
-, Taprell; Holland and Son 411
-, Telbin, H. 301
-, Telbin, William (senior) 245
-, Theed, William (junior) 342
-, Thomas, John 292, 294, 357, 497
-, Thwaites, Aynsworth 47
-, Tijou, Jean 85, 119
-, Trent, Newbury 88
-, Turner, L. A. 45
-, Van Wyke, — 112
-, Vanzoon, — 112
-, Verheyden, — 260
-, Vardy, T. 109
-, Wailes, — 39
-, Waitman see Wightman
-, Walle, Henry 165n.
-, Walsh, John 507
-, Ward and Hughes 40
-, Waring, S. J. 248
-, Webb, Christopher 40
-, Wedgwood, Josiah (I) 165, 173
-, Wedgwood, Josiah (II) 71, 115, 118
-, West, Benjamin 39, 336
-, Westmacott, — 44
-, Westmacott, Richard (junior) 497, 502
-, Whitaker, Henry 484
-, White, — 47
-, White, D. T. 301
-, Whitehead, John 140
-, Wightman (Waitman), — 35, 36
-, Wightman, Philip and William 47
-, Wyatt, Messrs. 411
-, Wyon, E. W. 255
-, Zucchi, Antonio 165, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173

Artists in Water Colours, Association of 260n.

Arts Council of Great Britain 91, 98

Arundel Estate Office 187

Arundel Street 154

Asgill, Sir Charles 141, 286

Ashburnham, — 279

Ashburnham, Baron (I) 85

Ashburnham, Baron (III and Earl of, I, John) 84, 85, 90, 202

Ashburnham, William 279

Ashdown House 427

Ashton, Thomas 325

Astley, John 346, 374, 375

Astley, Thomas 338

Astley, William 338

Astley's Circus 232

Astor, Viscount (II) 88, 91

Atholl, Duke of 137

Atomic Energy Authority 289, 294, 386

Atwood, Bartholomew 468

Atwood, John 467

Atwood, Richard 468n., 470n.

Atwood, Richard John 468, 469

Auckland, Lord 399

Aumaithay, Bertr. 459

Ayres, T. H. 276

Babmaes Street see also Babmays Mews and Wells Street 76; fig. 3

Babmays Mews 65, 76, 83, 83n., 88, 89, 103, 109

Bacon, Sir Robert 154

Bagnios 459

Bailiwick of St. James ssee St. James's Bailiwick

Baillie, James; Matthew and Sophia 50

Baily, George 211

Baker, Sir George 48, 547

Baker, Jane, Lady 48

Baker Street and Waterloo Railway Company 212, 212n.

Bakewell, Thomas 514

Ballendene, Sir Harry 329

Baltimore, Baron (Frederick Calvert) 134, 493

Banks, John 546

Banks, Joseph 191

Banting, William 548

Baptist, John Gaspars 548

Barbon, Nicholas 62, 88, 88n., 189

Barker, Martha 25, 323

Barker, Mary and Richard 51

Barlow, Samuel 278

Barnard, Lord (IX) 163

Barnes, Sir Edward 181

Barrett, James 85

Barry, Elizabeth 546

Barwell, Richard 112

Basil, Martin Caulfield 158

Bateman, Sir James 191

Bath, Earl of (Sir John Grenville) 23, 23n., 56n., 489

Bathurst, Dorothy 467

Bathurst, Earl (I) 72, 72n., 164

Batilly, Lady Anne de Bey of 51

Batilly, Rt. Hon. Anthony de Bey, Baron of 51

Baxter, John 462

Baxter, Richard and his wife 216–17

Bayning, Baron (I, Charles Townshend) 517

Beaclaire, James, Lord 378

Beaconsfield, Earl of (Benjamin Disraeli) 340, 342, 484

Beale, Charles 547

Beard, Jane 460, 461

Beauchamp, Earl (VI, Frederick Lygon) 340

Beauchamp, Francis, Lord 335

Beauclerk, Charles see St. Albans, Duke of (I)

Beauclerk, James, Lord 378

Beaufort, Dukes of 136, 450, 545

Beaumont, Sir George 351

Beavan, Hugh 48

Beaverbrook, Lord 509

Beche, Sir Henry De la 272–3

Beckett, Sir John 159, 160, 419, 420

Beckford, Richard 253

Bective, Earl of 179

Bedford, Duke of 233, 236

Bedford, Duke of (VI) 547

Bedford Estate 13n., 31

Bedford House 235

Bedford Square 13n.

Belasyse, Baron (I, John) 60, 62, 65, 187, 191, 202, 206, 369, 546

Belasyse, Baron (II) 206

Belasyse, Lady 202

Belasyse, Thomas (Lord Fauconberg) 191

Belasyse family 62n., 191, 202

Belgrave Square 71

Bell, — 462

Bell Inn 288

Beloe, Charles 400, 400n.

Bennet, Sir Henry see Arlington, Earl of

Bennet, Sir John see Ossulston, Lord (I)

Bennet Street 21n., 27, 105

Bennett, Robert 48

Benning, James 437

Bennington, Ann (I and II); Blakey Spencer and John 50

Berkeley, Sir George Cranfield 546

Berkeley of Stratton, Lord 100, 100n., 190

Berkeley Square, R. F. Brettingham's house in 360n.

Berkeley Square, No. 44 102, 176, 363

Berkeley Street 331

Berkshire, Earl of (Thomas Howard) 2, 490, 491

Berkshire House see under Cleveland Row

Berry, George 436

Berry, William 313

Berry Brothers and Co. 436

Berry Brothers and Rudd 7, 14

Berry's shop ssee St. James's Street, east side, No. 3

Bertie, Lady Elizabeth Peregrine 230

Berwick, Baron (I) 495

Berwick, Baron (II) 494, 495

Berwick, Baron (III) 507

Bethlem Hospital 5, 251, 263, 271, 277, 308, 311

Betterton, Thomas 223

Bey, Lady Anne de, of Batilly 51

Bey, Rt. Hon. Anthony de, Baron of Batilly 51

Bible, sign of 464

Bingham, Lady Ann 531

Bingham, Sir Charles 335

Binham's Yard see also Pall Mall Place 295

Blackamoor Street see also Ormond Yard (I) 285

Blackfriars Road, No. 7 376n.

Black Horse Yard 211

Blackmoor Head Yard see also Ormond Yard (I) 279–80, 285

Blackmoor's Head 280

Blackmore Street see also Ormond Yard (I) 308

Blackstone, W. S. 478, 479

Blades, John 179

Blair, Sir David Hunter and James Hunter 474

Blake, William 49

Blake's Hotel 272

Blakesley, Joseph 420

Blanc (Blanck, Blank), Michael 463n.

Blane, (Sir) Gilbert 489

Blane, Hugh Seymour 50

Blanquefort, Marquis of 189

Blenheim Palace 128

Blessington, Countess and Earl of 123

Blockey, Joseph 277

Blome, Richard 30

Bloomsbury 58, 60, 61

Bloomsbury Square 62n.

Blount, Sir Thomas Pope 547

Blow, John 46, 46n.

Blue Ball Yard 14, 431, 460, 461, 462, 472, 473, 548; fig. 81; Pl. 266c

Blue Posts 213

Board of Agriculture 86, 180

Board of Ordnance see Ordnance, Board of

Board of Works see Works, Board of

Boehm, Edmund 154

Bolingbroke, Viscount (I, Henry Saint-John) 547

Bolton, Duke of 427

Bolton, Duke of (III, Charles Paulet or Powlett) 547

Bond, Sir Charles and Sir Thomas 328

Bond family 305

Bond Street 29

Bonnealle, John 24, 25

Boodle, Edward 7, 329, 332, 332n., 333

Boodle, Jane 333

Boodle, John (I) 332

Boodle, John (II) 332n., 333

Boodle, Margaret 333

Boodle, Sarah 332n.

Boscawen, — (Admiral) 48

Boscawen, — (Hon. Mrs.) 334

Boscawen, Anne 48

Boscawen, George 48, 286

Boscawen, Hugh (Viscount Falmouth, II) 82, 325

Bostock, Geoffrey 47

Boswell, James 463

Bothmar, Baron 79

Bothwell, Earl of 24

Bottomley, Horatio 307

Bourke, Algernon 451

Bourke, Thomas 467

Bourne, Widow 433

Bowles, Phineas 512, 548

Bowman, Sir William 50

Bowtell, John 85

Bowyer, Robert 377

Boydell, John 336, 337

Boydell, Josiah 336, 337

Boyle, Charles (Lord Clifford) 543

Boyle, Richard (Earl of Burlington, III) 90, 90n., 514

Boyle, Robert 368

Boyter, Andrew 338

Bradford, Baron (I, Sir Henry Bridgeman) 158, 159

Bradford, Countess of 158

Bradford, Earl of (IV) 158

Braham, John 299, 300, 300n.

Brand, Thomas (I) 180

Brand, Thomas (II) 180, 181

Brand, Thomas (III) 474

Bratt, Edwin 296

Bray House 286

Breadalbane, Earl of (III, John Campbell) 489

Brentford, Earl of 369

Brerewood, Thomas 78, 79

Brick; Chambers and Hobbs 365

Brickenden, Lady Elizabeth Jane and Richard 49

Bridgeman, Sir Henry (Baron Bradford, I) 158, 159

Bridgman, James 189

Bridgwater, Countess Dowager of 466

Bridgwater, Countess of 496

Bridgwater, Duchess of 493

Bridgwater, Duke of (I, Scroop Egerton) 493, 496

Bridgwater, Duke of (II, John Egerton) 493

Bridgwater, Duke of (III, Francis Egerton) 466n., 493–6 passim, 541

Bridgwater, Earl of (IV, John Egerton) 84, 493

Bridgwater, Earl of (V, Scroop Egerton) 493, 496

Bridgwater House see under Cleveland Row

Bright, Richard 48

Brighton Pavilion 267

Bristol, Countess of 80

Bristol, Earl of (I, John Hervey, Lord Hervey) 72n., 100, 104, 223, 539

Bristol, Earl of (IV, Bishop of Derry) 104, 105n.

Bristol, Earl of (V) and Marquis of (I) 72n., 73n., 104, 105, 108

Bristol, Queen Square 68

British and Foreign Marble Galleries 362

British Dominions Insurance Company 418

British Hotel 277, 278

British Institution 337–8, 344; Pl. 43

British Legion 343

British Oxygen Company 497

British Oxygen Gases Ltd. 521

Brixton Hill, Leigham House 443

Broadwood and Sons 50

Bromley, Henry (Baron Montfort, I) 510, 519, 519n., 521, 522

Bromley, Sir Richard 340

Bromley, William 546

Brooke, A. Stopford 118

Brooke, Ann 49

Brooke, Earl (Earl of Warwick) 112, 202–3

Brooke, Henry Nesbitt 49

Brooke, James 229

Brooke, Thomas Henry 49

Brooke House 492

Brookes, Robert 49

Brooks, Priscilla 331

Brooks, William (I) 7, 330, 331, 443

Brooks, William (II) 376

Brooksbank, — see Hammersley; Greenwood and Brooksbank

Brook Street 381, 480

Broome, Arthur 282

Broughton, Lord (John Cam Hobhouse) 548

Brown, J. 266

Brown, Samuel 386, 389

Browne, S. W. 118

Bruce, Earl (Marquis of Ailesbury, II) 418

Bruce, Lord (Charles, Earl of Ailesbury, III) 428

Bruce, Margaret 50

Brudenell, Lord 112

Brühl, John Maurice, Count von 548

Brummell, George and William 314

Bryan, Michael 376, 494

Brydges, James see Chandos, Duke of

Brydges, John and Mary Elizabeth 50

Buccleuch, Dukes of 334

Buchanan, George 49

Buck, Thomas 467

Buckingham, Marchioness of 363

Buckingham, Marquis of (I) 360, 360n., 361

Buckingham, Marquis of (II) see Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of (I)

Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of (I, Earl Temple, Marquis of Buckingham, II) 361, 361n., 364, 401

Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of (II) 361

Buckingham House 12, 18, 292, 357, 359, 360–3, 401; Pls. 224–7

Buckinghamshire, Duchess of 175, 175n.

Buckinghamshire, Earl of (I, John Hobart) 180, 206, 234, 249

Buckinghamshire, Earl of (II) 206

Buckinghamshire, Earl of (III, George Hobart) 206, 229, 234, 249

Buckinghamshire, Earl of (IV) 207

Buckland's Hotel 381

Bucknall, Ralph 65

Builders and Allied Tradesmen
-, Adamson, D. 164
-, Airs,— 192
-, Allen, — 36, 53
-, Anderson, David
-, Angier, Barnard (Bernard) 154
-, Angier, John 3, 62, 109, 154, 288
-, Anyon, Thomas 78, 79
-, Appleford, — see Smith and Appleford
-, Ashton, Henry 55
-, Austen (Austin), Edward 510, 541
-, Ayray, — 192
-, Baddum, Robert 104n.
-, Bailey, D. and W. 86n.
-, Baker, Messrs. 497
-, Baker and Son 480
-, Bakewell, Robert
-, Barbon, Nicholas 62, 88, 88n., 189
-, Barlow, John 81, 82
-, Barnes, George 84n.
-, Barratt, John 32, 34, 36
-, Bartlett Trust 478
-, Bates, — 368
-, Bayley, Josh. 86n.
-, Bayley, William 140n.
-, Bennett, Joseph 355, 390
-, Bent, William 164–5
-, Betts, John 26
-, Bielefield, C. F. 422
-, Billinghurst,— 225
-, Billing(s)hurst, Richard 224
-, Bingle, J. 494
-, Bird, Stanley George 543
-, Blakesley, William 104
-, Blockley, Thomas 164
-, Bodingham (Bosingham), Edward 84n.
-, Brandis, John 139
-, Brasbee, John 26
-, Brass and Sons 257
-, Britten, Jos. 139
-, Broadbelt, — 192
-, Brokenbury, — 427
-, Browne, Francis 78
-, Brydges, — see Sparke and Brydges
-, Building Construction Company 416
-, Burt, J. W. 55
-, Burt, John 37
-, Burt, John William 451
-, Burton, James 218, 220
-, Burton, Lancelot 86n.
-, Bywaters, Messrs. 275, 383
-, Carmichael, James 489
-, Carpenter, — 105, 108
-, Channell, John 533
-, Chapman, William 164
-, Chappell, J. T. 339
-, Churchill, — 89
-, Churchill, Thomas 89n.
-, Clark, — (I) 192
-, Clark, — (II) 494
-, Clark, Robert 104n.
-, Clark, William 192
-, Cleare, — 32
-, Cleer, William 32
-, Clemence, John 342
-, Clisbee (Clisby, Clysbee), George 3, 30, 53, 62, 99, 103
-, Coalbrookdale Iron Company 472
-, Cock, — 192
-, Cock(e), John 31–2, 35, 36, 53, 535
-, Collins, Richard 164, 168
-, Collishaw, James 104
-, Colls and Sons 294, 357, 440, 472, 485
-, Combes, John 36, 51, 53
-, Combes, Thomas 100n.
-, Cook, — 192
-, Cook, Henry 119
-, Cook, James 86n.
-, Croucher,— 192
-, Crowe, Spicer 311
-, Cubitt,— 101, 112, 153, 392, 404, 429
-, Cubitt, Thomas 134
-, Cubitt, W. 456
-, Daines, — 480
-, Dance, Thomas 510
-, Daval, — 89, 89n.
-, Davies, Thomas 84n.
-, Davis, — (I) 53
-, Davis, — (II) 192
-, Day, John 62, 139, 139n., 140
-, Delavall, Jeremiah (Jeremy) 78, 79, 84
-, Devall, George 89n.
-, Devall, John (masons, I and II) 89n., 148, 164
-, Devall, John (plumber) 89n., 140n.
-, Dicksee, — see Foster and Dicksee
-, Dissell, William 104n.
-, Dixon, Joseph 112, 112n., 114, 115, 328, 329, 333, 334
-, Dixon, Richard 328, 329
-, Downes, John 62, 77–8
-, Drown, Joseph 203
-, Duxon, Joseph 84
-, Eaton Contractors 39
-, Edwards, Arthur 104
-, Edwards, William 192
-, Eeles, Isaac 104n.
-, Elger and Kelk see also Kelk, Sir John 159, 160, 161, 295
-, Elles, Isaac 104n.
-, Elliott, — 192
-, Elliott, John 192
-, Emmett (Emmott), Maurice 427, 533
-, Evans, — 143
-, Fairless, Matthew 37, 54
-, Faulkner, Henry 311
-, Filewood, Richard 140n.
-, Fitch, — 39
-, Fitzgerald,— 192
-, Fortnum, Richard 263n.
-, Foster and Dicksee 264
-, Fotheringham, — see Patman and Fotheringham
-, Foxhall, Edward 350
-, Franclin, — 53
-, French, Robert 140n.
-, Frith, Richard 3, 62, 63, 119, 139, 142, 161, 189, 469, 542
-, Frith, William 104
-, Fry, Francis 84n.
-, Gascoigne, Edward 164, 167
-, Gilbert, John 101
-, Grace, — see Lea and Grace
-, Gray, E. 159
-, Gray, Edward 164
-, Green, Alexander 84n.
-, Greenwood, John 283
-, Griffon, — 192
-, Grissell, — see also Grissell and Peto 357
-, Grissell, Thomas 460
-, Grissell and Peto 300, 410, 411, 420
-, Grundy, Thomas 86n.
-, Gunnell, P. G. 354
-, Hadland, Richard 511, 514, 531
-, Haines (Heynes), John 48, 53
-, Hamond, William 103
-, Hannen, — see Holland and Hannen
-, Hardinge, — 121
-, Harrison, George 388, 429
-, Hart, Anthony 32, 34, 36, 53
-, Hawkins, John 101
-, Hayb(o)urne (Heyburne), Richard 32, 35, 36, 119, 139, 142, 189
-, Heafford, Thomas 37, 104n.
-, Herman, — 39
-, Heyburne see Hayb(o)urne
-, Heynes see Haines
-, Higgs, F. and H. F. 283
-, Higgs and Hill 183
-, Hill; Keddell and Waldram 255
-, Hobson, — 32, 34, 54
-, Hobson, William 179, 179n.
-, Holland, Henry (senior) 104, 112, 115, 328, 329, 334
-, Holland, Richard 361
-, Holland and Hannen 260, 340, 418
-, Holloway Bros. 385
-, Hopkins, John 121
-, Hopkins, William 165
-, Hornsey, William G. 315
-, Horsley, James 119
-, Hunt, James 355, 390
-, Hunter, Hugh 37, 494
-, Ives, Edward 101
-, James, John 35, 35n., 79
-, Jeff(e)s, Robert 369
-, Jelfe, Andrews 516
-, Jenner, James 80
-, Jenner, John 79
-, Johnson, Edward 84
-, Jonathan, David 203
-, Karby, Edward 468
-, Keddell, — see Hill; Keddell and Waldram
-, Kelk, Sir John see also Elger and Kelk 159n., 160, 273, 357
-, Kett, — see Rattee and Kett
-, Kidwell, Robert 84n.
-, Kinman, William 164, 170
-, Knight, Thomas
-, Knowles, Israel 369
-, Lane, George 514, 534, 542
-, Lane, W. 86n.
-, Larham, — 53
-, Launce, David 84n.
-, Launce, Nicholas 100, 100n.
-, Laurence, Richard 361
-, Lea, E. and H. 55, 319
-, Lea and Grace 319
-, Lee and Sons, H. 403
-, Leoni, — 192
-, Leslie and Co. 265, 416
-, Lipsham, Joseph 100n.
-, Lloyd, James 164
-, Lobb, Henry 36, 53, 119
-, Lorden, J. W. 259
-, Lorden and Son, W. H. 296
-, Lothian, Thomas 354
-, Lovatt, Henry 245, 343, 516
-, Lucas Brothers 340
-, Ludbey, John 37
-, Ludbey, Samuel 37, 54
-, Ludbey, William 466
-, Ludbey, Williams 37, 158
-, Macgregor, C. and W. 312
-, Mackell, James 86n.
-, Mackell, John 361
-, Mann, — see Newman and Mann
-, Mansfield and Son, George 55
-, Martin,— 475
-, Martin, Edward 511, 518, 531, 542
-, Martin, Thomas 475
-, Martyr, Thomas 86n.
-, Mather, — 44
-, Meades, Robert 139
-, Meads, Thomas 142
-, Mercer, George 100
-, Minnes, Richard 84n., 90n.
-, Minns, — 89
-, Minter, Sir Frederick 193
-, Mist, John 67, 158
-, Morter, James 385
-, Morton, Thomas 329
-, Mowlem and Company, John 212, 258
-, Munn, — 494
-, Myers, George 292
-, Myers and Sons, George 155, 257
-, Nash, Thomas 37
-, Nelson, James 104, 361
-, Newington, Robert 53
-, Newman and Mann 213
-, Nicholls, Anthony 140n.
-, Nicholls, Thomas 100
-, Norris, Francis 271, 288, 308
-, Norris, P. 361
-, Norris, Richard 37
-, Nurse, W. M. 354
-, O'Brien, Michael 86n.
-, Ogbourne,— 514
-, Palmer, Martha 494
-, Parker, William 139
-, Patman and Fotheringham 270, 310
-, Patrick and Son, Mark 38, 339
-, Peart, Charles 361
-, Perkesur, Thomas 468
-, Perritt, William 100
-, Perry and Co. 478
-, Pether, Henry 411
-, Peto, — see Grissell and Peto and Peto Brothers
-, Peto, Henry 460
-, Peto Brothers 255, 260
-, Phillips, John 122n., 305, 328, 329
-, Phillips, Thomas 121, 122, 122n., 158, 159
-, Pickering, William (I) 158, 336, 433
-, Pickering, William (II) 37, 436
-, Poole, Thomas 86n.
-, Potter, John 224, 225
-, Pratt, John 164
-, Prestidge, Edward 37
-, Prestige and Co. 425
-, Price, — 53
-, Price, John 134
-, Pride, Henry 37, 39
-, Prince and Co., H. 365
-, Rattee and Kett 38
-, Rickman, — 400
-, Ronchart, Alexander see Rouchead, Alexander
-, Roome, E. A. 259
-, Rose, Joseph 143, 164
-, Ross, Charles 37, 100
-, Rossington, — 540, 541, 542
-, Rossington, John 492, 493, 495, 510, 511, 513, 517, 518, 531, 534, 542
-, Rossington, Joseph 459, 492, 493, 495, 511, 517, 518, 531, 534, 535
-, Rossington, Robert 492, 511, 517, 542
-, Rossington family 4, 16, 492, 493, 495, 545
-, Rothwell, William 361
-, Rouchard, Alexander see Rouchead, Alexander
-, Rouchead, — 192
-, Rouchead (Ronchart, Rouchard, Rovehead), Alexander 142, 142n., 192
-, Rudsby, — 53
-, Rutledge and Keene 411
-, Ryley, — 53
-, Salter, Borrage (Burrage) 26, 154
-, Sandall (Sandell), Samuel 237
-, Sanders, Francis 104
-, Sandon, A. G. 320
-, Sandon, R. F. 320
-, Saunders, Richard 84
-, Seabrooke, William 369
-, Shakespear, George 329
-, Shaw, Edward 62, 83, 83n., 180
-, Sheffield, Charles and Francis 37
-, Shepherd, Edward 90n.
-, Shorthose, John 142
-, Singer, Alfred 411
-, Slater, James
-, Smallwell, John 104n.
-, Smith, — see Smith and Appleford
-, Smith, George 255
-, Smith, John 37, 45, 55
-, Smith, Robert 34, 36
-, Smith, William 140n.
-, Smith and Appleford 183
-, Sparke and Brydges 140n.
-, Sparke and Co.
-, Sparkes, — 90n.
-, Sparkes, Robert 84n., 90n.
-, Sparks, — 90
-, Sparrow, William 165
-, Spencer, John 81, 82, 104
-, Stanton, Edward 308, 317
-, Stanton, William 89
-, Stephens, — 192
-, Stewart, Mrs. 108
-, Stoddart, — 176
-, Stor(e)y, Abraham 3, 32, 34, 36, 62, 99, 103, 109, 164, 288
-, Strode, Messrs. 47
-, Strode (Stroud), William 511, 513, 514, 542
-, Styles and Son, J. 222
-, Thomas, David 494
-, Thompson, John 34, 34n.
-, Tilston, Thomas 164
-, Timbrell, — 37
-, Timbrell, Benjamin (I) 84n.
-, Timbrell, Benjamin (II) 76, 122, 278, 285
-, Timbrell, William 81, 82, 104
-, Tombleson, — 39
-, Tompson, John 34, 34n.
-, Trego, William 183
-, Trollope, George 124, 133, 244, 440
-, Trollope and Sons 124, 133, 244, 294, 344, 357, 440, 485
-, Troubridge, Richard 37
-, Tuffnell, Samuel 143
-, Turner, James 100n.
-, Vickers, Edward 252
-, Vigor, Arthur 213, 220
-, Waldram, — see Hill; Keddell and Waldram
-, Watkins, Henry 55
-, Webb, — 89
-, Webster, William 255
-, Wellbeloved, William 100n.
-, Wells, Francis 76
-, Wells, George 76
-, Wharton, Henry 26
-, Wil(l)cox, Edward 32n., 34, 35, 36, 42, 54
-, Wil(l)cox, Jonathan 30, 32, 32n., 33–4, 53
-, Winckles, Paul 34, 36, 53, 511, 531
-, Wood, Henry 494
-, Woodall, — 89
-, Wragg, Thomas
-, Wright, Robert 494
-, Yeamans, Thomas 224–5
-, Yemans (Yeomans), John 225
-, Yeomans, Thomas 84n.

Building Preservation Orders 74

Bullock, William 266–8

Bullock's Museum see Piccadilly, south side, Egyptian Hall

Bulmer, William 489

Bulstrode 190

Bulteel, John 51

Bunbury, Sir Charles 64, 436

Bunbury, Sir Thomas 299

Bunch of Grapes 271, 277

Bunn, Alfred 300

Burdett, Sir Francis 540

Burdett-Coutts, Baroness 283

Burford, Earl of see St. Albans, Duke of (I)

Burgh, Sir Ulysses 286

Burghersh, Lord (John Fane) 546

Burke, Edmund 299, 546

Burke, William 547

Burlington, Countess of (Dorothy) 157n., 514, 518, 519, 531

Burlington, Earl of (III, Richard Boyle) 90, 90n., 514

Burlington Gardens, Uxbridge House 429

Burrell, Sir Charles 474

Burrell, Walter 474

Burt, John William 451

Burton Saint Lazar, Hospital of 21

Bury St. Edmunds 313

Bury Street 4, 13, 29, 308, 313–16, 317, 318, 444, 546; figs. 55–6
-, Royal Chair Inn 314
-, East side
-, Marlborough Hotel 315
-, Pearce's Hotel 315
-, Nos. 2–3 298–9
-, No. 4 298
-, No. 5 298
-, Nos. 13–14 315
-, No. 19 315
-, West side
-, Nos. 21–22 276, 314; Pl. 274a
-, Nos. 23–24 276; Pl. 274a
-, No. 25 276
-, No. 27 314
-, No. 28 314, 314n.
-, No. 30 320
-, Nos. 31–35 315–16, 473
-, No. 37 315

Bushey House 418

Bute, Earl of 330n., 332, 462

Butler, James see Ormonde, Duke of (I)

Buxton, Thomas Fowell 282

Byerley, Thomas 115

Byham, R. 365

Byng, George 72n.

Byron, Lords 134, 351, 462, 537, 549

Caddick, William 48

Cadogan, Baron (II, Charles) 547

Cadogan, Earl (William) 547

Cadogan, Lord 141

Caldwell, Sir Alexander 386, 389

Caley, (Sir) Arthur and Mary 48

Calmell, Peter 544

Calvert, Edward 306

Calvert, Frederick (Baron Baltimore) 134, 493

Cambridge, Duke of 183

Campbell, (Sir) Alexander 48

Campbell, Archibald 48

Campbell, Arthur Wellington 48

Campbell, Augustus 331

Campbell, (Sir) Colin 48

Campbell, Elizabeth 306

Campbell, (Lady) Elizabeth 48

Campbell, Gilbert 48

Campbell, John (Earl of Breadalbane, III) 489

Campbell, Thomas 546

Campo, Marquis del

Canada Life Assurance Company 82

Canning, George and Joan 334

Cannons 121

Canterbury, Archbishop of 203

Canterbury, Dean of 51

Cantwell, Joseph and Martha 49

Capel, Sir Henry (Baron Capel of Tewkesbury) 161, 546

Capel-Coningsby, George (Viscount Maiden, Earl of Essex) 538, 539

Capitol Cinema 213, 220

Carbery, Earl of (John Vaughan) 544

Card, Andrew 189

Cardigan House 84n.

Carlisle, Earl of (Frederick Howard) 539

Carlisle, Earls of 80, 84, 384, 494

Carlisle House 305

Carl Rosa Opera Company 245

Carlton Gardens 324, 350, 354, 386, 386n., 393, 429

Carlton Hotel 248; Pl. 36

Carlton House see under Pall Mall, south side, past buildings

Carlton House Terrace (formerly Street) 351, 392, 396, 429
-, No. 2 354
-, No. 8 396
-, No. 10 485

Carlton Mews 16, 429–30; Pl. 267

Carlton Stables 213

Carlton Theatre 213–14

Carmarthen, Marquis of 335

Carnarvon, Earl of see Chandos, Duke of (James Brydges)

Carnarvon, Lord 118

Carnivalli, — 233

Caroline, Queen (of George II) 80, 505

Caroline, Queen (of George IV) 155, 158, 159

Carr, James 331, 470

Carrington, Baron (Robert Smith) 518

Carrington, Lord 365, 368

Carteret, John (Earl Granville) 547

Cartier(e), John 461

Cary, — 68

Cary's 469

Casanova, Angela Maria and Tomaso 463

Castlemaine, Countess of see Cleveland, Duchess of

Castlemaine, Earl of (Roger Palmer) 491

Castlereagh, Viscount 478

Castlereagh, Viscount (Marquis of Londonderry, II) 159, 399, 399n., 495

Castlereagh, Viscount (Marquis of Londonderry, IV) 159

Castle Street 297

Castleton, Viscount 191

Cathcart, Charles, Baron (IX) 548

Catherine, Queen (of Charles II) 22, 251

Catherine Street see also Pall Mall 251, 251n.

Catherine-Wheel Lane 466n.

Catherine Wheel Tavern 510

Catherine Wheel Yard (former) see also Little St. James's Street 479, 496, 510, 522, 531, 541; fig. 81

Catherine Wheel Yard (present) 510, 513, 519, 531; fig. 81

Caulfield, Henry E. A. 50

Cavan, Richard, Earl of (VI) 49

Cavendish, William, Lord (Earl IV, and Duke I, of Devonshire) 83, 83n., 84, 84n.

Cavendish Hotel 6, 8, 277–8

Cavendish Square 226
-, houses in 90n., 121, 143

Cecil, Lord Robert (Marquis of Salisbury, III) 340

Challis, Joseph 254

Chamberlain(e), John 546

Chambers, — see Brick; Chambers and Hobbs

Chambers, Abraham 237, 243, 243n.

Chambers, Courtenay 49

Chambers, Edmund 50

Chambers, Frances Eleanor 50

Chambers, Newton 51

Chambers, Sir William see under Architects, Surveyors and Engineers

Chambers, Zachary 30

Chancery Lane 253

Chandos, Duke of 166

Chandos, Duke of (James Brydges, Earl of Carnarvon) 66, 72, 90n., 120–3 passim

Chandos House, Cavendish Square 90n., 121

Chandos House, Chandos Street 166

Chandos House, Pall Mall 361n., 362

Chandos House, St. James's Square see under St. James's Square

Chapman and Hall 253

Charing Cross 23, 211, 251, 271, 308, 322, 411

Charity Commissioners 116, 315

Charity school 7

Charles I 2, 21, 24, 25

Charles II 22, 24, 27, 56, 64, 180, 251, 295, 308, 317, 324n., 378, 428, 431, 433, 491

Charles (II) Street 5, 6, 10, 15, 29, 60, 77–83 passim, 90, 190, 191, 192, 203, 207–9 passim, 211, 218, 237, 238, 241, 242, 244, 248, 288–94, 354, 546; figs. 3, 36, 42
-, Earl of Galloway's house 288–9
-, Junior United Service club-house see under Clubs
-, St. Alban's Hotel 291
-, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 289, 294, 386
-, United Service club-house see under Clubs
-, Nos. 1–5 83
-, No. 10 289
-, No. 29 288–9
-, No. 30 190

Charles Street (now King Street) see King Street

Charles Street (W.I) 328, 381

Charlewood, Daniel 26

Charlotte, Princess 47, 427, 428

Chatelain, John Baptist Claude 254

Chatham, Earl of (William Pitt) 123

Chatsworth 84

Chauvel, James 467

Chaworth,— 343n., 351

Cheapside Conduit 67

Chelsea 21, 26n., 112

Chelsea Hospital 208

Chelsea Water Company 66

Chequers Public House 310, 311

Chesterfield, Earl of 492

Chesterfield, Earl of (Philip) 159

Chesterfield House 196

Cheylesmore, Lord 451

Chichester, Lord Spencer 85

Chiffinch, William 378

Child, Francis 84, 84n.

Child, Sir Francis 492, 493, 512

Child, Sir Richard 71, 99

Chiswick (Villa) 90n., 97, 138

Chocolate and Coffee Houses
-, British 291, 419
-, Cocoa Tree 327, 338, 364, 461
-, Garraway's 99
-, Gaunt's 464, 470
-, Gloucester 266
-, Grecian 461
-, Old Slaughter's 282
-, Opera 464
-, Orange 211
-, Ozinda's 323, 384, 432
-, St. James's 432, 464, 466n., 468n., 469–70, 470n.
-, Salopian 411
-, Saunders's 468
-, Smyrna 330, 338, 432, 469
-, White's see also under Clubs 432, 450, 451, 463–5, 470; fig. 77
-, White's (Widow) 463n.
-, Williams's 469

Cholmondeley, Earl of 233

Cholmondeley, Earl of (I, Hugh, Viscount Cholmondeley) 487, 547

Christian, Princess 418, 419

Christie, James (I) 297, 297n., 346, 348, 368

Christie, James (II) 297, 368

Christie's (Christie and Manson) 6, 8, 13, 124, 179, 296–8, 318, 319, 320, 335, 346, 348, 359, 368, 521, 538; Pls. 50, 272b

Christ's Hospital 67

Chubb and Sons 473

Churches and Places of Worship in St. James's (South of Piccadilly)
-, St. James's Church 1n., 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 16–17, 31–51, 60, 61, 64, 99, 115, 119, 216, 251, 259, 271, 437, 450; figs. 1, 2; Pls. 8–10, 11a, b, 12–23
-, altar and altarpiece 44
-, architectural description 40–4
-, bells 34, 35, 47
-, ceiling 32, 37, 38–9
-, church room 55; fig. 2
-, churchyard 1n., 31, 31n., 32, 33, 35, 51–5, 61, 251, 271 fig. 2; Pl. 8a
-, clock 36, 47
-, curate 49
-, font 45; Pl. 23a, b
-, illumination 47
-, memorials 47–51
-, minister's house see rectory
-, organ 46
-, plate 45–6, 277
-, pulpit 37, 45
-, reading desks 45
-, rectors 29, 33, 38, 47, 49, 51, 54, 54n.
-, rectory (minister's house) 31, 32, 33, 33n., 34, 35, 51, 53; fig. 2; Pls. 8a, 18
-, roof 31, 32, 35, 38–9
-, royal arms 46; Pl. 23c
-, windows 39–40
-, St. Philip's, Regent Street 9, 9n.
-, Western Synagogue 9, 221
-, York Street Chapel 117–18, 285

Churches and Places of Worship Elsewhere
-, Bedford Chapel 118
-, Berwick Street Chapel 45
-, Denmark Court Synagogue 221
-, Halstead Church 33, 33n.
-, Jewin Street French Church 117
-, Kingston-on-Thames Church 225
-, Maiden Lane Synagogue 221
-, St. Andrew's, Holborn 31
-, St. Andrew's by the Wardrobe 31
-, St. Anne's, Soho 31,45, 45n.
-, St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf 42
-, St. John's, Hackney 179n.
-, St. Lawrence, Jewry 42
-, St. Luke's, Holloway 204n.
-, St. Martin's, Ludgate Hill 42
-, St. Martin in the Fields 33, 216
-, St. Mary's, Wanstead 45n.
-, St. Michael's, Crooked Lane 42
-, St. Paul's, Covent Garden 31
-, St. Paul's Cathedral 224, 369, 548
-, St. Vedast's, Foster Lane 33
-, Spring Garden, French Chapel 84, 84n.
-, Swallow Street French Church 117
-, Whitchurch Church, Edgware 121
-, Whitehall Palace, Roman Catholic Chapel 46

Churchill, Arabella 175

Churchill, John (I, Duke of Marlborough) 104, 225, 546

Church Lane 252

Church Passage (Place) 13, 258–9

Cibber, Colley 226–8

Civil Service Chambers 485

Clancarty, Lady and Lord 189

Clanricarde, Lord 155

Clare, Earl of 48

Claremont 224–5

Clarence, Duke of see also William IV 337

Clarence House 9

Clarendon, Earls of see under Hyde and Villiers

Clarges, George 136

Clarges, Sir Thomas 27, 29, 45, 62, 136, 142, 369, 377, 467n.

Clark, Joseph 547

Clarke, John 436

Clarke, Samuel 542

Clarke, Sir William 547

Clay, Sir William 410

Clegg, Samuel 354

Clergy Club and Hotel Company 244

Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society 153–4, 310

Cleveland, Duchess of (Barbara Palmer née Villiers, Countess of Castlemaine) 27, 323, 427, 487, 488, 491, 492, 504, 533, 534, 542, 543

Cleveland, Dukes of 72, 161, 163

Cleveland Court, (Little) 511, 541

Cleveland House, Cleveland Row see under Cleveland Row

Cleveland House, St. James's Square see St. James's Square, No. 19

Cleveland House Ltd. 163

Cleveland Row 10, 27, 30, 322, 468–70, 479, 485– 509, 510; figs. 58, 81; Pl. 245
-, Berkshire House 2, 27, 487, 488, 490–1, 496; fig. 81
-, Bridgwater House 15, 19, 27, 341, 487, 488, 490, 491, 493, 495, 496–504, 510, 531; Pls. 234–9, 240b, 241–4
-, Cleveland House 16, 466, 487, 488, 491–5, 496, 502, 503, 504, 510, 511, 513, 514, 531, 533; fig. 81; Pl. 233
-, Cleveland House estate (garden) 16, 460, 488, 491–3, 495, 496, 504, 510, 511, 513–18 passim, 531, 533, 534, 542, 543; fig. 81
-, Durham House 509
-, Lord Chamberlain's Office 489
-, Secretary of State's Office(s) 489, 496
-, Stornoway House 488, 504, 505, 506, 508–9; fig. 82; Pl. 244c
-, No. 2 487
-, Nos. 3–7 487–9, 496; Pl. 277a
-, Nos. 8–12 504–5; Pls. 230–1
-, No. 15 (Selwyn House) 487, 488, 495; Pl. 244c

Cleveland Square 492, 493, 495–6
-, No. 1 495
-, No. 2 495, 496, 497
-, No. 3 494, 495

Cleveland Yard 295

Clifford, Baron (I, Sir Thomas Clifford) 77, 546, 547

Clifford, Lord (Charles Boyle) 543

Clifford Street 299, 451, 452

-, Albion 468
-, Almack's, clubs at 7, 306, 327–35, 442, 451
-, Architects' 467
-, Arlington 383
-, Army and Navy 19, 71n., 153, 159, 177, 179, 180–6, 327, 461, 477; fig. 35; Pls. 116–19
-, Arthur's (members' club) 10, 12, 19, 50, 357, 463, 465, 474–8; fig. 78; Pls. 66–7
-, Arthur's (proprietary club) see White's
-, Athenaeum 12, 18, 348, 386–92, 395–9, 400–6 passim, 411, 422, 479n.; Pls. 69, 76–83
-, Atwood's 468
-, Automobile see Royal Automobile
-, Baldwin Whist 418
-, Bath 480
-, Beaconsfield 383
-, Boodle's 6, 7, 14, 18, 314n., 327, 329, 330, 332–3, 334, 432, 441–9, 463, 468, 472, 474; figs. 70–3; Pls. 54, 60–3
-, Brooks's 7, 305, 327, 329, 330–2, 335, 408, 432, 453, 462, 463, 474n.
-, Caledonian 204, 209
-, Carlton (in Pall Mall) 18, 19, 183, 339, 351, 352, 354–9, 361, 408, 409, 467, 479, 480; figs. 60–1; Pls. 55a, 112b, 113–15
-, Carlton (in St. James's Street) 12, 19, 431, 463, 474–8; fig. 78; Pls. 66–7
-, Centaur 180
-, Civil Service 485
-, Cocoa Tree see also under Chocolate and coffee houses 7, 451n., 461–3
-, Colonial 159
-, Conservative 19, 341, 356, 357, 358, 359, 466, 466n., 467, 471, 478–84, 549; figs. 79, 80; Pls. 108–11, 127c
-, Coterie see Ladies'
-, Crockford's 438, 438n.
-, East India and Sports 5n., 65n., 154–6; Pl. 124a
-, East India United Service 71n., 73, 117, 155, 159
-, Eccentric 318–20
-, Erechtheum 116
-, Free Trade 155
-, Glaucus 298
-, Goostree's 7, 327, 329, 334–5, 442
-, Graham's 470
-, Guards' 379–81, 470; fig. 65
-, Jockey 352
-, Junior Army and Navy 439
-, Junior Carlton 19, 73, 74, 75, 184, 326, 327, 339–42, 485, 548; Pls. 120–3
-, Junior Naval and Military 382–4, 425; Pl. 124c, d
-, Junior Oxford and Cambridge 117
-, Junior Travellers' 117
-, Junior United Service 153, 181, 289–94, 361, 390, 475n., 479n.; fig. 51; Pls. 64, 65
-, Kit-Cat 223
-, Ladies' Army and Navy 521
-, Ladies' (Coterie) 7, 327, 333–4
-, Literary 467, 468
-, London Fencing 489
-, Macaroni 7, 327, 333, 442
-, Marlborough (-Windham) 137, 335, 338, 343–4; Pl. 124b
-, Meistersingers 19, 472
-, Miles's 463, 465, 474
-, National Sporting 180
-, Navy 290
-, New Oxford and Cambridge 383
-, Nineteen hundred (1900) 321
-, Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch 467
-, Old Colony 383
-, Orleans 137, 344
-, Oxford and Cambridge University 18, 159, 182, 291, 378, 379, 419–24; fig. 66; Pls. 104–7
-, Parsloe's 468
-, Parthenon 361
-, Portland 123
-, Pratt's 545
-, Prince of Wales 155
-, Reform 12, 19, 341, 349, 350, 400, 408–15, 480, 499, 501, 502; Frontispiece Vol. XXIX; Pls. 94–103, 112a, 240a
-, Roxburgh 451n.
-, Royal Automobile 19, 297, 359, 360, 361, 364, 365, 368, 415–17; Pls. 125–6
-, Royal Ocean Racing 517
-, Royal Societies 472
-, Royal Yacht Squadron 467
-, Savoir Vivre 7, 335, 352, 441–3, 465
-, Sports 117, 155
-, Stapleton's 442
-, Thatched House 484–5
-, Travellers' 12, 18, 137, 291, 331, 361, 399–408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 499, 500; Pls. 84–93, 127a
-, Union 71, 179, 179n., 236, 365, 386, 451n., 465, 467, 468, 469, 474n., 475n., 484, 485
-, Unionist 383
-, United Service (in Charles Street) 10, 18, 289–91, 292, 467, 475n.; Pl. 64
-, United Service (in Pall Mall) 18, 294, 297, 346, 347, 348, 386–95, 400, 402, 405, 406, 411, 422, 427, 429, 479n.; Pls. 68, 70–5, 127b
-, (United) University 420, 475n.
-, Vine 117
-, Virtue 332
-, Weltje's 335n., 461
-, Westminster 408
-, Westminster Reform 409
-, White's see also under Chocolate and coffee houses 6, 7, 14, 18, 277n., 329, 330, 333, 334, 343, 431, 432, 442, 450–8, 461, 462, 463–5, 474, 474n.; figs. 74–6; Pls. 56–9, 127d
-, Wildman's 330, 330n., 334
-, Windham (House) 71n., 123, 137, 344
-, Yacht 467
-, York 117

Cobbett, William 325

Cobham, Viscount (I, Richard Temple) 547

Cobham Hall 109

Cock, — 346

Cockspur Street 291, 419

Cock Yard 26, 211

Coell, John see also St. Albans, Earl of, leasehold estate trustees 22, 56, 216

Coffee houses see Chocolate and coffee houses

Coke, Lady Mary 514

Coke, Thomas 514

Colbrooke 211

Colepeper, Thomas 548

Coleshill 16

Collins, William 50

Collup, John 542

Colnaghi, Paul 548

Cologne, Hotel de 213

Colosseum, Regent's Park 300

Colyear, Sir David (Earl of Portmore, I) 67n., 175

Combes, Damaris 51

Combes, John 36, 51, 53

Combes, William 88

Commissioners, Charity 116, 315

Commissioners, Crown Estate 12n.

Commissioners, Ecclesiastical 179, 204

Commissioners, New Street see New Street Commissioners

Commissioners of Crown Lands see also Crown Lands 12n., 383

Commissioners of Forfeited Estates 120

Commissioners of Metropolitan Police 30

Commissioners of Woods, Forests and Land Revenues see Woods, Forests and Land Revenues, Commissioners of

Commissioners of Works see Works, Commissioners of

Compton, Henry (Bishop of London) 115

Compton, Sir Spencer 72n.

Condon, Talbot 338, 469

Conduit-house 1n.

Conduit Street 29

Congreve, William 225

Conyers, John 514

Cook, Captain 266

Cooke, Arthur 511

Cooper, John 544

Cope, Sir John 518, 539, 541, 547

Copland, James 547

Coppock, James 489

Copyhold, Inclosure and Tithe Commission 86

Corbet, Sir John 548

Cork Street 451

Cornelys, Mrs. 305

Cornhill 364

Cornwallis, Earl (II, Charles) 547

Cornwallis, Lord 285

Cornwallis, Marquis (I, Charles) 547

Cosmo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany 58n., 189

Costa, Sir Michael 243

Cosway, Maria and Richard 376

Cotton, Charles 50

Cotton, Sir John Hynde 543

Courteville, Elizabeth 51

Courteville, Ralph (I) 50

Courteville, Ralph (II, Raphael) 46, 51

Courtin, Honoré 115

Coutts and Company 381

Covent Garden 61

Covent Garden Piazza 16

Covent Garden Theatre 230, 234, 243, 244, 300, 515

Coventry, Sir William 377

Coventry Street 354

Cowley, Abraham 22, 58, 64

Cox, Eliza Maude and William 275

Coxe, Peter 376

Cox's Hotel 275

Crabbe, George 315

Craggs, James 547

Craig's Court, Whitehall 272–3

Crampern, J. C. 547

Crane, Frederick Orlando Puleston 48

Crane-Bennett Ltd. 385

Cranmore, Sir Caesar 496

Cratford, Christopher 492

Craven, Sir Anthony 491

Craven, William, Earl of 491

Crawford, Peter 229, 232

Creevey, Thomas 193, 315, 543, 547, 549

Creighton, Mandell (Bishop of London) 204

Crew, Lady 140

Crewe, John, Baron 305

Cribb, Thomas 546

Criterion Restaurant and Theatre see under Piccadilly, south side

Crockford, Mrs. 439

Crockford, William 438, 438n., 544

Croft, Margaret, Lady 47

Croft, Sir Richard 47

Croft, Sir Thomas Elmsley 51

Croker, John Wilson 386, 387, 389

Crooke and Co., John 350

Crookshanks, John 547

Cross Street, Hatton Garden 118

Crown Court see Crown Passage

Crown Estate Commissioners 12n.

Crown Lands 1–5, 11–14, 19, 21–8, 30, 56, 59, 190, 191, 192, 211, 212, 215–18, 220, 224, 225, 229, 251, 271, 273, 283, 288, 289, 295, 308, 313, 317, 324, 324n., 377, 378, 382–3, 431, 459, 463, 474, 479, 491, 505, 509, 533, 536, 540–1, et passim
-, Commissioners of 12n., 383
-, control of building on 11–14, 19, 56, 221, 237–8, 241–2, 248, 275, 276, 283, 324, 355, 374, 377, 382–3, 387–91, 396, 402–3, 404, 438, 475–6, 540–1
-, grants of freehold of 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 26–8, 31, 56, 58–9, 64, 192, 251, 252, 272, 277, 279, 285, 288, 295, 308, 324n., 377–8, 431, 433, 450, 459, 460, 463, 474–5, 491, 493, 504, 505, 510, 511, 534, 542
-, leases of 2, 3, 11–14, 21, 22, 22n., 25–8, 56, 211, 215–18, 220, 224–6, 229, 235, 236, 241–2, 245, 251, 267, 271, 288, 295, 308, 313, 317, 324, 378–9, 429, 431, 474–5, et passim
-, Surveyors (-General) of see also under Architects, Surveyors and Engineers 12–13, 67, 276, 487, 489, 508, 541

Crown Passage (Crown Court, Golden Lion Court, Old Paved Alley, Paved Alley) 14, 29, 295, 304n., 338, 438; fig. 3

Croxton, Mary 544

Cruikshank, Robert 515

Crusader House 339

Crutcher, Ralph 100

Cuddington, — 443

Cuddington, Richard 443

Cullen, Elizabeth see Almack, Elizabeth (I)

Cullen, James 334

Cullen, William 327

Cumberland, Duchess of (Anne Horton) 365, 365n.

Cumberland, Duke of (Henry Frederick) 18, 364, 365, 365n., 548

Cumberland, Duke of (William Augustus) 305, 461

Cumberland, Princess of 365n.

Cumberland House 9, 17–18, 193, 359, 364–7, 417, 548; Pls. 50a, 209–20

Curzon Street 328, 478

Cust, Sir Edward 401, 402, 403

Daggenfielt, Count 191

Dallaway, James 191

Dalton, Richard 297, 346, 347, 347n., 348

Daniel, Lady Duckenfield 375

Daniell, H. 183

Danvers, Henry, Lord 2, 23

Danvers, Sir John 2, 23

Da Ponte see Ponte

Darby Court 252, 273

Darcy, Robert (Earls of Holdernesse, III and IV) 374

Darell, Henry St. George 229

Darell family 229, 233, 235, 236

Dartiquenave, Charles 546

Dartmouth, Baron (I, George Legge) 547

Dartmouth, Earl of (II) 68, 81

Dartmouth, Earl of (IV) 81

Dartmouth, Lord 104

Daubigney, James 462

Davall, John 474

Davers, Sir Jermyn 64

David, Chevalier de 67

David's Yard 211

Davies, — (Mrs.) 467

Davies, Morgan 467

Davis, Charles 437

Davis, Mary (I) 180

Davis, Mary (II) 437

Davison, Alexander 124

Davy, Sir Humphry 387

Dawnay, Sir John (Viscount Downe) 142

Dayrell, Henry St. George 229

de Bey see Bey

Debrett, John 253

Decker, Lady 115

Decker, Sir Matthew 72n., 115

de David, Chevalier 67

de Gouvernet see Gouvernet

de Grey see Grey

D'Egville, — 236

del Campo, see Campo

De la Beche see Beche

De Lafoy see Lafoy

Delany, Mary (formerly Pendarves, née Granville) 48, 192, 466n., 512

Delany, Patrick 48

De La Rochefoucauld see Rochefoucauld

Delescot, Benique 459

Delescot (Delisco), Peter 459

de L'Isle see L'Isle

Delves, Mary Broughton 505

de Mauley see Mauley

Denis, Elizabeth 229

Denis, Sir Peter 229

Denison, William Joseph 364, 505, 546

Denman, Elizabeth 47, 49

Denman, Margaret 47

Denman, Thomas 47, 49

Denmark, King of 442n.

De Omelai see Omelai

Derby, Earl of 209

Derby, Earl of (XIV) 342

de Roye see Roy and Roye

Derrick (De Ryck), William 547

Derry, Bishop of (Earl of Bristol, IV) 104, 105n.

Devaynes and Company 37

Deveaux, Sir Theodore 83

de Vere see Vere

de Vesci, Viscount 418

De Vesci House see Pall Mall, south side, existing buildings, Nos. 77–78

Devisscher, Edmund; Mary and Samuel 511

Devisscher family 461, 511, 541

Devonport 269

Devonshire, Duke of 545

Devonshire, Duke of (I) see Earl of (IV)

Devonshire, Duke of (II) 84

Devonshire, Duke of (III) 122

Devonshire, Earl of (III) 83

Devonshire, Earl of (IV, William, Lord Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire, I) 83, 83n., 84, 84n.

Devonshire House 539

Dewar, — 365

Dick, Quintin 478, 480

Dieudonné's Hotel 318–20; Pl. 276c

Digby, — 549

Dilettanti, Society of 17, 142, 346, 351, 352, 374, 467, 468, 520

Dillon, Hon. Charles 335

Dingley, Mrs. 548

Disraeli, Benjamin see Beaconsfield, Earl of

Dissell, John 54

Distillers Company 165, 180

Distillers House see under St. James's Square

Doddington Hall 152

Dodington, George Bubb (Baron Melcombe) 548

Dodsley, James 49, 299, 336, 379

Dodsley, Robert 49, 335, 336, 379

Doggett, Thomas 226n.

Dolcis Ltd. 257

Dolphin Court 313

Donegall, Earl (V) and Marquis (I) of 85

Dorchester, Countess of (Catherine Sedley) 175, 175n.

Dorchester House 382

Dorset, Duke of 67n.

Dorset, Duke of (II, Charles Sackville) 228

Dorset, Earl of 50

Dorset Gardens Theatre 223

Douce, Francis 400n.

Douglas, Lady Anne and Sir William 51

Dover, Dowager Lady 64, 117, 119n.

Dover, Lord (Agar-Ellis, George) 351

Dover, Lord (Jermyn, Henry) 22, 33, 64, 115, 117, 157, 433
-, trustees of (Thomas Folkes and Edmund Poley) 64, 65, 279, 433

Dover Street 291, 340, 382, 479

Down, Dean of 48

Downe, Viscount (Sir John Dawnay) 142

Draper, Sir William 548

Drury Lane Theatre 223, 228, 234, 238, 241, 244, 250, 300

Ducane, Peter 140

Dudding, Edward Barr 470

Dudley, Earl of (Lord Ward) 243, 244, 245, 269

Duffour, — 360

Duke of York Street 124, 285–7, 308; fig. 3
-, Red Lion 285
-, No. 1 285
-, Nos. 4–6 123, 285–7; figs. 49, 50; Pls. 140, 141b, 148c

Duke Street 5, 8, 11, 14, 16, 33, 51, 59, 76, 145, 155, 157, 158, 159, 251, 253, 263n., 277, 298, 308–12, 400n., 546; figs. 3, 54
-, East side
-, Mason's Arms 310
-, Nos. 2–3 309–10; Pl. 273a
-, No. 6 310
-, No. 7 14
-, No. 8 141, 546
-, No. 10 546
-, Nos. 11–13 310–11; Pl. 203c
-, Nos. 15–17 310–11; Pl. 203c
-, Nos. 18–20 271, 277, 311; Pl. 203c
-, Nos. 22–27 263–4; Pl. 269b
-, West side 263n.
-, Feathers Public House 296
-, No. 28 265
-, Nos. 34–36 8n., 311–12
-, Nos. 38–42 312, Pl. 275c
-, No. 43a 318–20
-, Nos. 45–48 298
-, Nos. 49–50 296

Duncombe, — (Hon. Captain) 478

Duncombe, (Sir) John 189, 431, 460, 461, 463, 511

Duncombe, P. D. Pauncefort 478

Duncombe, Pauncefort 480

Duncombe estate 460–1, 511–13

Dunning, Joseph 542

Dupplin, Lord 175

Duras, Lord 189

D'Urfey (Durfey), Thomas 46, 50

Durham, Earl of 409, 509

Durham House 509

Du Roy see Roy and Roye

Dutch ambassador 71n.

Dyde and Co., R. 374

Dysart, Countess of 349, 350

Eagle Insurance Company 418

Eagle Place 258

Eagle Star (and British Dominions) Insurance Company 165, 418, 419

Eagle Street 16, 76, 252

Eardley, Lord (Sir Sampson Gideon) 115

Earl, Giles 335

Eaton, H. W. 451

Ebers, John 231, 243, 243n.

Ecclesiastical Commissioners 179, 204

Economist Newspaper Limited 320

Edinburgh, Duke of 382

Edward I 215

Edward VI 23

Edward VII see also under Wales, Princes of 343, 485

Edwards, James 380

Effingham, Earl of 192

Egerton, Francis (Duke of Bridgwater, III) 466n., 493–6 passim, 541

Egerton, (Lord) Francis see Ellesmere, Earl of (I)

Egerton, Henry (Bishop of Hereford) 496, 517

Egerton, John (Duke of Bridgwater, II) 493

Egerton, John (Earl of Bridgwater, IV) 84, 493

Egerton, Lady 496

Egerton, Scroop (Earl, V, and Duke, I, of Bridgwater) 493, 496

Egerton, Wilbraham 72n.

Egerton family (of Tatton, Cheshire) 112

Egmont, Earl of (II, John) 349

Egyptian Hall see under Piccadilly, south side

Egyptian House see Piccadilly, south side,
-, Nos. 166–173

Eisenhower, General 193

Eland, Lady 142

Eldon, Lord 451

Eldred, John 27

Elephant Inn 252

Elford, Sir William 544

Elgin, Lord 389, 400

Eliot, Lady 207

Eliot, Lord see St. Germans, Earl of

Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Queen 165n.

Ellecombe, — 386

Ellenborough, Lord 61n.

Ellesmere, Earl of (I, Lord Francis Egerton formerly Leveson-Gower) 495–7 passim

Ellesmere, Earl of (II) 497

Ellesmere, Earl of (V) 497

Ellice, Edward (I) 409

Ellice, Edward (II) 410

Elliott, John (I) 469

Elliott, John (II) 383

Elliott, Thomasin 469

Ellis, — 330

Ellis, John 548

Ellyott, Thomas 295

Elmsley, — 549

Elphin, Bishop of 51

Ely, Bishop of 546

Emlyn, John 26

Enfield, Lord see Strafford, Earl of (II)

English, C. G. 471, 479

English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association 209

Equitable Gas Company 47

Erle, Sir William 412

Errington, Henry 505, 508

Errington, Mary 505

Essex, Countess of 84

Essex, Earl of (George Capel-Coningsby, Viscount Maiden) 538, 539

Essex, Earl of (I) 161, 189

Essex, Earl of (II) 161

Eton, Provost and College of 21, 26, 431

Eugene, Prince 84, 104

European Museum 297

Euston, Suffolk 542

Evans, — 465

Evans, Robert Harding 352, 547

Evelyn, John 431

Evelyn, Sir John 516

Exeter, Bishop of 379

Exeter Hall 260, 283

Falmouth, Viscounts 72n., 82, 325

Fane, John (Earl of Westmorland, IX) 546

Faraday, Michael 395

Farnborough, Baron (I, Sir Charles Long) 351, 389, 389n.

Farquhar, Thomas Harvie 474

Farrer, Gaspard O. 70, 112

Farrer, H. L. 112, 112n.

Farrer, W. F. 112

Farrer and Company 112n.

Fauconberg, Viscounts 191, 427

Fearon, Frederick 312

Feather Court 308

Feathers Public House 296

Felix Hotel 265

Fellows, Thomas 103

Fenton, Ann 460

Fenton, F. H. 460

Fenton, Francis 460

Fenton's Hotel 459–60, 472, 496, 544

Fenwick, Sir John 548

Ferrers, Earl (I, Robert) 378

Ferrers, Earl (V, Washington Shirley) 531

Feversham, Earl of (I) 189

Feversham, Earl of (II) 189

Field, Martha and Matthew 461

Fielding, Charles 335

Fienco, Charles Richard Napoleon; Mary and Nicola 51

Finch, Daniel (Earl of Nottingham) 493

Finch, (Hon. Mrs.) Elizabeth 327n.

Finch, (Lady) Essex 512

Finch, (Hon.) William 514

Finlayson, James 437

Fisher, — see Robinson and Fisher

Fisher, Francis and Mary 48

Fisherwick Park 85

Fitch (Fitz), Edward 451

Fitzgerald, Mary 253

Fitzgerald, (Lord) Otho 396

Fitzgerald, William Vesey (Baron Fitzgerald and Vesey) 548

Fitzherbert, Mrs. 349

Fitzmaurice, Hon. Thomas 349, 352

Fitzpatrick, Richard 331

Fitzroy, — (Mrs.) 334

Fitzroy, Charles 542

Fitzroy, Charles (Duke of Southampton and Cleveland, I) 548

Fitzwalter, Countess 374

Fitzwalter, Earl (Benjamin Mildmay) 374

Fleece Inn 253

Fleece Yard 252, 253

Fletcher, Benjamin 51

Fletcher, Elizabeth 51

Floris 279

Foley, Lord 121

Foley, Thomas 23n.

Folkes, Martin 22, 33, 64, 115n., 189, 378

Folkes, Thomas see Dover, Lord (Jermyn, Henry), trustees of

Foreign Office 362

Forfeited Estates, Commissioners of 120

Fortnum, Ann 263, 264

Fortnum, Charles (I and II) 263, 263n.

Fortnum, Richard 263, 263n, 264

Fortnum, William 263n.

Fortnum and Co. 263

Fortnum and Mason 6, 263–4, 271

Foss, — see Payne and Foss

Foster, C. J. 141

Foster, Edward 141

Foster, Messrs. 344

Fountaine, Sir Andrew 464, 515

Fox, Charles James 331

Fox, Sir Stephen 189, 189n.

Foxcroft, Alexander 49

Francis, Lady 158

Francis, Sir Philip 159

Francis family 159

Frankland, Sir Thomas 540

Frazer, Alexander 343

Frederick, Prince of Wales see under Wales, Princes of

Free French Forces 91

Free Society of Artists 297, 346, 348

Freke, Thomas 431, 459, 460

French ambassador 115, 117, 120, 374, 490

French Gallery 385

French National Railways 265

Frere, Bartholomew 49

Frere, Benjamin 467

Frere, John 49

Frisby, — 272

Frith, Richard see under Builders and Allied Tradesmen

Frontin, James 534, 536, 538

Frost, Henry 285

Frost and Norton 285

Fulham 21, 26n.

Fulham Palace 203

Fuller, Augustus Eliott 48

Fuller, Clara 48

Fuller, Edward 48

Fuller, John 443, 444

Fuller, John George 443

Fuller, Lucy 48

Fuller, Richard Garth 48

Fuller, William Lowndes 48

Fulling, Thomas 69

Fynmore, James 351

Gabriel, — (Mrs.) 163

Gabriel, Arnold 163

Gage, Thomas 543

Gaiety Theatre 270, 486

Gainer, William 314n., 444

Gainsborough, Margaret 377

Gainsborough, Thomas 8, 230, 376–7, 407

Gallini, (Lady) Elizabeth 230

Gallini, Giovanni Andrea Battista (Sir John) 230–5 passim

Galloway, Earl of (VII) 288

Galloway, Earl of (VIII) 288

Garlies, Lord 335

Garrick, [David] 468n.

Garth, Sir Samuel 548

Gascoyne, Bamber 547

Gas Light and Coke Company 353, 354

Gas Light Company 69

Gaumont Cinema 213, 220

Gaunt, Edward 48

Gaunt, Lucy 48

Gawen, Jane and Joseph 49

Gay, [John] 464

Gayre (Geere), Sir Robert 33, 44, 45, 277

General Medical Society see also Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society 153–4

Geological Survey 272, 273

George I 67, 104, 228, 266

George II see also under Wales, Princes of 464

George III 117, 191, 263, 346, 347, 348

George IV see also under Wales, Princes of 349, 386, 387, 387n.

George V 344, 383, 425

George VI 52

George Street 182, 182n.

Germain, George Sackville (Viscount Sackville, I) 548

Germain, Lady Betty 66, 72n., 154

Germain, Sir John 72n., 154

Gerrard Street 234

Gibbon, Edward 8, 308–9, 331, 333, 461–2, 468, 512, 546, 548, 549

Gibson, Charlotte 51

Gibson, Thomas 542

Gideon, Sir Sampson (Lord Eardley) 115

Giles, John 468

Gilkes, Peter William 47

Gillray, James 549

Ginger, — 262

Gladstone, William Ewart 123, 420, 547

Glenorchy, Lady and Lord 90, 90n.

Globe Insurance Company 349, 364

Gloucester, Duke of 365, 378

Gloucester Court 295, 438

Glyn, Sir Richard 547

Goddard, Thomas 376

Goddard and Smith 55, 299

Goderich, Viscount (Frederick John Robinson, Earl of Ripon, I) 350, 543

Godolphin, Charles 460, 461, 473, 514

Godolphin, Elizabeth 461, 514

Godolphin, Francis 175, 380

Godolphin, (Lord) Francis 473

Godolphin, Sidney (Earl and Lord) 217, 218, 492, 493, 495

Godolphin, Thomas 380

Godolphin, William 77

Godolphin School 461

Goffe, Arthur 466, 466n., 469

Golden Ball 549

Golden Lion Court see Crown Passage

Golden Lion Public House 6, 304

Golden Square 29

Goldsmith, Oliver 348, 468n.

Gomelden, Richard 369

Gompertz, Lewis 282

Goold (Gould), Francis 236, 237, 365

Goostree, James 7, 335, 469

Gordon, Duchess of 153

Gordon, Hugh Mackay 49

Gordon, John 229

Gordon Chambers 272

Gore, William Ormsby 479, 480

Goudge, — 69n.

Goudge, Edward 514

Gould, Francis see Goold, Francis

Gould's Hotel 275

Gouvernet, Marchioness de 61n., 72n., 142

Government offices 9–10, 71

Gower, Earl 494

Grafton, Duchess of 84

Grafton, Duke of (I, Henry) 27, 431, 492, 493, 504, 505, 533–4, 542

Grafton, Duke of (II, Charles) 493, 534, 542, 543

Grafton Street 118, 439, 473n.

Graham, Daniel 325

Graham, James 325, 375–6

Graham, Thomas 325

Graham, (Sir) Thomas 289, 290

Graham, William 470

Graham's Hotel 470

Grandison, Viscounts 491

Grant, — 386

Grant, Sir Alexander Cray 355

Grantham, Lord see Grey, Earl de

Granville, Bernard 48

Granville, Earl (John Carteret) 547

Granville, Mary see Delany, Mary

Grape Street, Holborn 473n.

Graves, John 464

Gray, Benjamin 382

Gray (Grey), (Sir) George 17, 519–20

Gray (Grey), (Sir) James 519, 520

Gray, Joseph 308n.

Gray, Thomas 272

Grayden, Robert 83

Gray's Court 308

Great Castle Street 297

Great Exhibition 153, 282, 361

Great George Street, No. 24 409

Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway Company 212

Great Ryder Street see also Ryder Street 317, 317n.
-, Nos. 12 and 13 297, 318

Green Coat Hospital 154

Green Dragon Tavern 215

Greene, Richard 266

Green Park 4, 10, 26, 27, 322, 323, 487, 505, 507–11 passim, 517, 519, 531, 533, 534, 540–1, 542; fig. 81; Pl. 245

Greenup, John 50

Greenwich, Queen's House 525

Greenwich Hospital 224

Greenwood, — see Hammersley; Greenwood and Brooksbank

Gregg and Lavie 374

Grenfell, Pascoe 288

Grenville, Baron (William Wyndham) 508–9, 541

Grenville, George Nugent Temple (Earl Temple, Marquis of Buckingham, I) 360, 360n., 361

Grenville, (Sir) John see Bath, Earl of

Grenville, Lady 509

Grenville, Richard (Earl Temple) 253, 360, 462

Grenville, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos (Earl Temple, Marquis of Buckingham, II, Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, I) 361, 361n., 364, 401

Grenville (Hon.), Thomas 360, 495

Grey, Countess de 72n., 86

Grey, Earl de (Lord Grantham) 72n., 81, 91, 98, 386–93 passim

Grey, Forde (Earl of Tankerville) 548

Grey, (Sir) George see Gray, (Sir) George

Grey, (Sir) James see Gray, (Sir) James

Grey, Marchioness (Baroness Lucas) 90, 91

Griffier, Jan (the younger) 547

Griffiths, Thomas 461

Griffiths family 462

Grimaldi, William 547

Grimston, James, Lord 335

Grissell, T. D. 460

Grosvenor, Earl 467

Grosvenor, John 119, 139, 142, 189

Grosvenor, Thomas 467

Grosvenor estate 81n.

Grosvenor family 81n., 467, 479

Grosvenor Square 164, 226

Grundy, John and Martha 49

Guffanti, C. P. 319–20

Guilford, Earl of (Frederick North) 538–9

Gulston, William 493, 531, 534

Gunning, Sir Robert 512

Gurney, Russell 420

Guy, Henry 22, 27, 467n., 468

Guy of Warwick's Court 313

Guy's Hospital 510

Gwynn, John 9, 75

Gwynne, Ellen (Nell) 4, 23, 324n., 369, 377–8

Hacburny Mews see also Mason's Yard 76

Hackett, Robert 120–1

Haig, Thomas 124

Haines, Mary 48

Haines, Richard 304

Halburn Yard Mews see also Mason's Yard 76

Hale, Bernard 517

Halifax, Earl of (I, Charles Montagu) 547

Halifax, Marchioness of 157

Halifax, Marquis of (I, Sir George Savile) 60, 62, 157, 157n., 493, 510, 513–14, 517, 519, 531

Halifax, Marquis of (II, William Savile) 67n., 157, 157n., 514

Halifax House see under St. James's Square

Hall, — see also Chapman and Hall 215

Hall, Sir Benjamin 410

Hall, Sir Frederick 88

Hambros Bank 425

Hamilton, Digby 48

Hamilton, Duke of (V, James) 327

Hamilton, Frederick 380

Hamilton, (Lord) George (Earl of Orkney) 544

Hamilton, James 50

Hamilton, (Sir) John 505

Hamilton, Lady 237n.

Hamilton, Margaret 50

Hamilton, W. R. 389, 391, 400

Hamilton-Gordon, George (Earl of Aberdeen, IV) 350, 387, 399

Hammersley, — see Ransom; Morland and Hammersley and Hammersley and Co. and Hammersley; Greenwood and Brooksbank

Hammersley, Hugh 123

Hammersley, Thomas 381

Hammersley and Co. 333

Hammersley; Greenwood and Brooksbank 381

Hammersmith Terrace 544

Hammonds Court 271

Hampton, Edward Charles 478

Hampton and Sons 71, 165, 193

Hampton Court 534, 548

Handel, [George Frederick] 225, 228

Hanmer, Lady Elizabeth 433

Hanmer, Sir Thomas 64, 433, 436, 548

Hanoverian envoy or minister 79, 84

Hanover Square 226
-, concert rooms 230

Harbord, William 271

Harden, James 27

Harding, — (Dr.) 29

Harding, Anthony 376

Harding, Benjamin 332, 333, 443

Harding and Co. 374, 376, 377

Hardwicke, Countess of 86

Hardwicke, Earl of (II, Philip Yorke, Lord Royston) 85, 90, 361, 361n.

Hardwicke, Earl of (III, Philip) 72n., 85, 86, 86n.

Hardy, Sir Thomas 547

Hare, John 300

Harland, Sir Robert 547

Harley, Edward (Earl of Oxford, II) 85

Harley Street 473n.

Harmsworth, Esmond 508

Harpur, Sir John 518

Harrington, Earl of (I, William Stanhope) 531

Harrington, G. F. 276

Harris, Elizabeth 305, 334

Harris, Thomas 230, 232, 515

Harrison, John 50

Harrison, John Orton 51

Harrison, Martha 50

Harrow, Sarah 50

Harvey, John see Hervey, John (I)

Harwood, Thomas 495

Hastings, Marquis of (Earl of Moira, II) 535, 539–40

Hastings, Theophilus (Earl of Huntingdon, VII) 547

Hatchard, Benjamin 262

Hatchard, John 253, 262, 262n.

Hatchard's 6, 253, 262–3

Hatchett, Charles 387

Hatchett's 266

Hatton, Viscount (I, Christopher) 546

Havercampe, Robert 25, 323

Hawes, Thomas 22

Hawkes, Thomas 478

Hawkins, Sir Caesar 547, 548

Hay, Robert 400

Haydn, [Franz Joseph] 237

Hayes, Anne, Lady 50

Hayes, Sir John Macnamara 50

Hayman, Francis 346, 347

Haymarket 1, 6, 9, 10, 23, 65, 211–14, 216, 220, 271, 288, 323; fig. 42
-, East side
-, Haymarket Theatre 300
-, Orange coffee house 211
-, West side
-, Bell Inn 288
-, Blue Posts 213
-, Carlton Hotel 248; Pl. 36
-, Carlton Theatre 213–14
-, Cologne, Hotel de 213
-, Gaumont Cinema 213, 220
-, New Zealand House 248
-, Opera House (Her Majesty's, His Majesty's, King's, Queen's Theatre) 8, 9, 10, 17, 211, 214, 221, 223–50, 288, 323, 442n., 450, 464; figs. 45, 46; Pls. 24–37
-, Adam's designs 233, 249–50; Pls. 28, 29a
-, Lee's theatre 244–5; Pls. 34–5
-, Lewis's designs 250
-, Nash-Repton façades 241–3, 244; Pls. 31–2
-, Novosielski's theatre 227, 233–41, 249, 250; Pls. 29b, c, 30, 33
-, Phipps's theatre 245, 248; figs. 45–6; Pls. 36–7
-, Vanbrugh's theatre 223–33, 238, 239, 241, 249; Pls. 24–7
-, Piccadilly Circus Tube Station 212–13
-, White Horse Inn 211
-, Nos. 40–45 212
-, Nos. 59–60 213
-, Nos. 62–65 213

Haynes, J. 484

Head, Guy 546

Health, Minister of 74, 117, 193

Health, Ministry of 193

Heathcote, (Sir) John 122, 159

Heathcote, T. F. 123

Heathcote, (Sir) Thomas 123

Heathcote, (Sir) William 72, 122, 123

Heady, H. Tod 245, 382–3

Heber, Richard 387

Heberden, William (I and II) 378

Hedge Lane 378

Heidegger, John James 225, 226, 226n., 228, 229, 229n., 450

Helena Victoria, Princess 419

Heming, Edmund 51

Henderson, — 69n.

Hendrie, Jean; Lewis and Patrick 48

Henley, Robert (Earl of Northington) 538, 539

Henne, Sir Henry 2, 431, 468, 487

Henrietta Maria, Queen 21, 22, 22n., 27, 65
-, trustees of 2, 21, 22, 211, 251, 271, 288, 295, 308, 313, 317, 431

Henrietta Street, Covent Garden 253

Henry VIII 2, 21, 21n., 23, 26, 27, 322, 431

Hensby, Jonathan 313

Herbert, Lady 540

Herbert, Sidney (Baron Herbert of Lea) 365

Hereford, Bishop of 496, 517

Her Majesty's Theatre see Haymarket, west side, Opera House

Hermon, Richard 299

Herries and Co. 474

Hervey, James 547

Hervey (Harvey), John (I) see also St. Albans, Earl of, leasehold estate trustees 22, 56, 103, 104, 216

Hervey, John (II, Lord Hervey) see Bristol, Earl of (I)

Hervey, John (III, Lord Hervey) 104, 539

Hervey, Mary, Lady 539, 541

Hewitt, Edward 48

Hewitt, John 48

Hewitt, Maria 304

Hickey, Joseph 23n.

Hickey, William 221, 332

Hickin(g)bottom, John 277, 278

Hill, Noel (Baron Berwick, I) 495

Hill, (Rt. Hon.) Richard 495

Hill, Thomas Harwood 495

Hill, William Noel (Baron Berwick, III) 507

His Majesty's Theatre see Haymarket, west side, Opera House

Hitchcock, Thomas 462

Hoadly, Benjamin 546

Hoare, Henry (I) 230

Hoare, Henry (II) 124

Hoare, Sir Richard Colt 124

Hoare family 123, 124

Hoare's Bank

Hobart, — (Mrs.) 207

Hobart, George see also Buckinghamshire, Earl of (III) 338

Hobart, John see Buckinghamshire, Earl of (I)

Hobbs, — see Brick; Chambers and Hobbs

Hobbs, George 297

Hobday, William Armfield 547

Hobhouse, Henry 547

Hobhouse, John Cam (Lord Broughton) 548

Hodges, Thomas 335

Hodgson, John Studholme 48

Hodson, Elizabeth 51

Hodson, John (Bishop of Elphin) 51

Hogarth, William 347, 464

Holborn, Sir Francis 335

Holdernesse, Countess of 374

Holdernesse, Earls of (III and IV) 374

Holdernesse, Lord 151

Holford, Thomas 224

Holkham Hall 138, 142, 193, 198, 366, 367

Holland, R. 462

Holland America Line 385

Holland and Warwick, Countess and Earl of 202

Hollings, John 548

Holloway, Thomas 235, 236, 241, 242

Holt, — 461

Holt, Thomas 99

Hone, Horace 531

Hone, Nathaniel 346, 348, 364, 531

Honywood, Sir Robert 548

Hoo, The 180

Hooke, Robert see under Architects, Surveyors and Engineers

Hooker, Thomas 25

Hooper, — 300

Hope, Henry 356, 357

Hope, Sir William Johnstone 386

Hopkinson, Charles 478

Hoppner, John 546

Horseley, Judith 317

Horton, Anne (Duchess of Cumberland) 365, 365n.

Houses of Parliament 273, 401

Housing and Local Government, Minister of 75

Housing and Local Government, Ministry of 123

Houston, Sir William 286

Howard, Frederick (Earl of Carlisle) 539

Howard, (Lord) Frederick 190

Howard, Hugh 548

Howard, Thomas (Lord Howard of Charlton, Viscount Andover, Earl of Berkshire) 2, 490, 491

cc, Lord 190

Howell, John 159, 289

Howell and James 289

Howley, John (Bishop of London) 203–4, 206

Hubbard's Yard 190; fig. 36

Hudson, Henry 262

Hughes, Margaret 547

Hughes-Stanton, Sir Herbert E. P. 49

Hughson, John 26

Hullah, John Pyke 517

Hume, Joseph 409

Humphrey, — (Mrs.) 549

Humphreys, A. L. 262

Hunt, Abbott 26

Hunt, James 352

Hunt, John William 50

Hunt, Maurice 279

Hunt, Sarah 50

Hunter, John (I) 547

Hunter, John (II) 546

Hunter, William 49, 348, 547

Huntingdon, Earl of (George) 50

Huntingdon, Earl of (VII, Theophilus Hastings) 547

Huskisson, William 429, 531

Hussey, Thomas (Bishop of Waterford) 117

Hutcheson, Archibald and Maria 51

Hyde, Barons see under Villiers

Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon) 58, 490, 491

Hyde, Henry (Earl of Clarendon, II) 36, 88n., 89, 99, 546

Hyde, Henry (Earl of Clarendon, IV) 72n., 142

Hyde, Laurence (Earl of Rochester, I) 136, 548

Hyde Park 21n., 23, 522

Hyde Park Corner 322

Ice-houses 491, 533–4; fig. 83; Pl. 248b, c

Ickworth 105n., 109, 539

Imperial Fire Assurance Company 325

Imperial Insurance Company 339

Incorporated Society of Artists of Great Britain 346, 347

Ingestre, Viscount 478–9

Inglis, Sir Robert 419, 420

Irwin, Sir John 546, 547

Iveagh, Lord 124

Jackson, Francis Ernest 40, 49

Jackson, John 40

Jackson, Roger 492, 493, 531, 534

Jackson's of Piccadilly

Jacob, (Sir) Hildebrand 535

Jacob, John 542

Jac(k)son, Roger 429, 493, 531, 534

James, — see also Howell and James 305

James, Haughton 305

James I 21, 24, 27

James II see also York, Duke of 175

Janson, Frederick 141

Jekyll, Joseph 387

Jenkins, Thomas 511

Jenkinson, Charles (Earl of Liverpool, I) 314

Jenkinson, Robert Banks (Earl of Liverpool, II) 288, 350

Jennings, Sir John 547

Jermyn, Henry (Earl of St. Albans) see St. Albans, Earl of

Jermyn, Henry (Lord Dover) see Dover, Lord

Jermyn, Thomas (Lord Jermyn) 5n., 22, 33, 33n., 51, 62, 64, 119, 154, 154n., 251, 295
-, Charity of 5n., 65n.
-, trustees of see Folkes, Martin and Molins, John

Jermyn, (Sir) Thomas 21

Jermyn family 60, 85, 313

Jermyn of St. Edmundsbury, Baron see St. Albans, Earl of

Jermyn Street 5, 6, 6n., 8, 10, 14, 16, 19, 31, 31n., 33, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59, 60, 64, 211, 213, 218, 220, 221, 251, 252, 266, 271–84, 285, 314, 442, 450, 546; fig. 3, 42
-, school in 7
-, North side 253, 254–6 passim, 266
-, Blake's Hotel 272
-, Gould's Hotel 275
-, Museum of Practical Geology 6n., 8, 258, 272–4; Pls. 46, 47, 48a
-, Over—Seas League 276
-, Reddish's Hotel 272
-, Royal Hotel 275
-, Topham's Hotel 272
-, Nos. 1–5 212–13
-, Nos. 6, 7 255
-, Nos. 8–9 254
-, Nos. 18–21 (Gordon Chambers) 257, 272
-, Nos. 24–27 257–8
-, Nos. 32–35 258–9
-, Nos. 36–38 (Prince's Hotel) 260, 261, 271, 274
-, Nos. 39, 40 (Prince's Hotel) 261, 271, 274; Pl. 275b
-, No. 41 547
-, Nos. 42–45 263–4
-, Nos. 51 311
-, Nos. 52–53 265
-, Nos. 53–55 275
-, No. 56 275
-, Nos. 57, 58 275–6
-, No. 59 276, 450, 451
-, No. 60 276
-, South side 59
-, St. James's Hotel 272
-, No. 64 449–50
-, Nos. 70–72 14, 276–7; Pl. 274a
-, No. 74 547
-, No. 80 (Bunch of Grapes) 271, 277
-, No. 81 271, 277–8, 547; Pl. 203b
-, Nos. 82, 83 271, 277–8; Pl. 203b
-, No. 84 271, 277, 278–9; Pl. 203b
-, Nos. 85–86 271, 272
-, Nos. 88–90 271, 279–82; fig. 48; Pl. 203a
-, No. 91 271, 279
-, No. 92 271, 279, 547
-, Nos. 93–99 271, 279–80, 282; Pl. 203d
-, Nos. 100–103 271, 279
-, Nos. 104–105 271, 279, 282–3
-, No. 106 271, 279, 283
-, No. 107 271, 279, 280
-, No. 111a 283
-, No. 112 19, 276, 283–4; Pl. 274b

Jersey, Earl of 428

Jersey, Earl of (I, Edward Villiers) 450, 546

Jersey, Earl of (IV, George Villiers) 548

Jocelyn, Robert (Earl of Roden, III) 548

Johnson, Arthur 48

Johnson, (Sir) George 50

Johnson, Guy 48

Johnson, J. E. 291

Johnson, Martha 48

Johnson, Mary Beatrice 48

Johnson, Richard 49

Johnson, Samuel 336, 348, 463, 468n.

Johnston, Guy 48

John Street 74, 186–7

Jones, Albertina 50

Jones, Arthur see Ranelagh, Viscount (II)

Jones, Charles 50

Jones, Hugh 504, 511, 517, 531

Jones, Richard see Ranelagh, Earl of (I)

Jones, William (I) 474

Jones, William (II) 49

Jules, Hotel 272