An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.
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Francis Blomefield, 'City of Norwich, chapter 42: The Great Ward of Mancroft, St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II(London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
Francis Blomefield, 'City of Norwich, chapter 42: The Great Ward of Mancroft, St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II(London, 1806), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
Francis Blomefield. "City of Norwich, chapter 42: The Great Ward of Mancroft, St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II. (London, 1806), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
In this section
(64) St. Stephen The Proto-Martyr.
This church was founded before the Conquest, as a parochial church for all the sick and needy that belonged to the castle, whose dwelling here gave this part of the city the name of Nedham, by which it is constantly called in all evidences.
It was a rectory given by King Henry I. to the convent, and was confirmed by King Henry II. with Eaton and Trowse Newtou, to be held in as ample a manner as it was in the time of his grandfather; (fn. 1) it continued a rectory in their presentation till 1205, and then John de Grey Bishop of Norwich appropriated it, after the death of John de Hastyngs, then rector, to the prior and monks, to the use of the chamberlain of their monastery, towards the monks clothing; reserving a pension of 30s. a year to be paid by the chamberlain out of it, to the cellerer; all pontifical and parochial jurisdiction whatever being expressly reserved to the Bishop, which is the reason that though it belongs to the dean and chapter, it is not in their exempt jurisdiction, but is subject, as other parishes, to the episcopal and archidiaconal visitation, correction, and jurisdiction, as it always was. The appropriation is dated at Norwich, and was transacted by Master Jeffery de Derham, then chancellor, in the presence of Masters Will. de Len, Rob. de Gloucestre, Rob. de Tywa, Alan de Gray, and Alan of St. Edmund. The rectory being then valued at ten marks, and taxed at eight marks. The vicarage remained unendowed till 1303, and then the jury for that purpose, viz. Thomas, rector of St. Andrew, Peter, rector of St. John Madirmarket, Jeffery, rector of St. Margaret Westwick, Roger, parish chaplain of St. John of Berstreet, Ralf, chaplain of St. Gregory, Walter, chaplain of St. Giles, &c. found, that the profits of the living chiefly consisted in offerings, then worth 17 marks, 8s. 4d. a year, the tithes of 4 acres and 1 rood of arable land lying in the fields, valued then at 5s. per annum and that the vicarage was then not endowed; upon which, in 1304, the Bishop ordained and endowed the vicarage, viz, that the vicar and his successours should for ever receive all the profits whatever, belonging to the rectory; (fn. 2) with all the houses (fn. 3) and lands, paying out of them a yearly pension of 13 marks to the convent, by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and also all ordinary outgoings, as synodals and procurations; (fn. 4) he was also to find and keep the books and ornaments belonging to the chancel, at his own charge; but all accidental extraordinary charges of repairing, or if there be occasion, of rebuilding the chancel, were to be born, two thirds by the convent, and one by the vicar: (fn. 5) the Bishop reserved power for himself or successours, to alter this ordination or settlement, at any time hereafter. And thus it stood till 1342, when Jeffery de Hecham, then vicar, refused to pay the pension to the convent, for which the Prior prosecuted him in the Bishop's consistory, where he pleaded, that the revenues, after the pension paid, were not sufficient maintenance for the vicar, according to the statute; but sentence was passed against him, and he appealed to the prerogative court, and in 1345, retracted that appeal, and paid the pension; which continued till 1501, and then the vicar commencing a suit again, the convent agreed with him, and reduced the pension on account of the decrease of the profits to 53s. 4d. which is paid by the vicar at this time, to the dean and chapter. In 1501, the chancel was in great decay, and was then repaired, if not rebuilt, at a great expense; (fn. 6) the convent paid two thirds and the vicar one; and the chamberlain paid for 500 weight of lead added to 900, weight to new lead the chancel. It seems to be finished in 1521, for then the vicar brought in his bill to the chamberlain for his two thirds of the charge of that year, and was paid it.
This vicarage was not taxed, but is valued at 9l. in the King's Books, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 4l. 17s. 6d. only, it was discharged of first fruits and tenths, and hath since been augmented by lot. Dean Prideaux valued the contributions yearly at 46l. and saith it had no certain endowment. There is now no vicaragehouse; the service is twice each Sunday, viz. prayers in the morning and prayers and sermon in the afternoon.
Vicars, presented by the Prior and convent.
1304, April 5, Clement de Hoxne was the first vicar, and so died in 1318.
1319, Jeffery de Hanstanton.
1342, Jeffery de Hecham.
1349, John Hoddes of Baconsthorp.
1369, John Fride or Frithe of Aldburgh.
1398, John Reyner, a brother of Corpus Christi gild. O.
1400, Jeffery Barney.
1402, May 22, Master Richard de Castre or Castor, who was born at the village of that name near Norwich; a man of the greatest learning; and what was exceedingly remarkable in those days, a constant preacher of God's word in English, to his parishioners, warning them with tears to avoid those wicked courses that were then too generally followed: this man was himself a great favourer of Wickliff's doctrine in Henry the Fifth's time, and was so beloved in general, that he was called Castor the Good, yea he was always esteemed among the common people as a prophet; and after his death many miracles were said to have been showed at his grave in this church, to which many pilgrimages were made; (fn. 7) and this indeed was the original cause that the doctrine of Wickliff had always such root here; and on this account it is, that the good vicar's pilgrimages were hindered as much as possible; he wrote a comment on the 10 commandments, and many other theological tracts, and dying on the 29th of March, 1419, was interred in his own church, with much sorrow and lamentation; Pitts, p. 600, Holingshed, fo. 584, &c. mention him. He was succeeded in
1420, April 8, by John Spencer, who was buried in the chancel in 1424.
1424, William Bernham, for whom see Pt. I. p. 632. He was buried here in St. Mary's chapel.
Richard Poringland, D. D. born and brought up here, so called from Poringland near Norwich, whence his family had their sirname; he died in 1457, and was buried by the altar steps; his effigies in his winding sheet, is still on his stone, and the following verses on brass plates,
Ut pateat Turbe, Quis, qualiter hic sit Numatus, En! fueram, Natus, simul hac imbutus in urbe, Postea progressus, Studio, curisque grabatus, Demum Curatus, hic Pausando quasi fessus.
Richardus primoque, Poringland post hocitatus, Nuius sub Limo Terre, iaceo tumulatus, Nic nequit esse Status, aliam scio ducar ad edem, In Celis sedem michi Jesu des Miseratus. Amen.
1437, 28 Jan. John Underwood, otherwise called Leystoft, (fn. 8) from the place of his birth; he lies buried on the south side of his predecessor. Some of the brasses were not many years ago on his stone, but are now off,
Ossa Johannis habet sub se Lapis iste paratus, Leystoft est natus, tamen hic sub pulbere tabet, Culmen Doctorum, Curamque gerens animarum, Marcius in Festo Felicis transtulit Jstum, Nuius apud christum, qui pertransis, memor esto.
And this still remains on a plate on the stone,
Obitus eiusdem Magistri Johannis Leystoft, Ao, Dui. Mo. cccco. Irio. octabo Mensis Marcii cuius anime propicietur Deus. Amen.
1461, 19 March, Jeffry Chaumpneys, D. D. was buried in the chancel in 1470. (fn. 9)
1471, 21 April, Robert Calton, D. D. was buried in the chancel by Dr. Chaumpneys, and gave 10l. to the church, and an antiphonary. At each corner of his stone is a rebus or device for his name, viz. Cal and a Tun for Calton, and under his effigies is this,
Orabitis pro anima benerabilis viri Magistri Roberti Caloton, Doctoris sarre Thenllgie, quondam Nicarii istius Erclesie, qui obiit in Festo Sancti Thome Ao. Dni: Mo ccccco cuius anime pro. picietur Deus Amen.
1501, 7 April, Tho. Bowyer; he died in 1530, being 82 years of age, and lies buried by Dr. Chaumpneys, who brought him up from a child, and got him ordained priest; he gave 6l. towards building the new chancel, which was begun this year; to our Lady's gild 4 marks, and 3s. 4d. to its priest. (Regr. Palgrave.)
1530, 28 Nov. Tho. Capp, doctor of the decrees, buried in the chancel; the following inscription for him still remains under his effigies:
Orate pro anima Magistri Thome Capp, Juris, Ecclesiastici Doctoris, nuper Vicarii istius Ecclesie, qui obiit xio. die Mensis Februarii Ao. Dni. Mo. ccccro, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.
On this stone also is an inscription for Augustine son of Rob. Cawdron, Esq. of Great-Hale in Lincolnshire, Nov. 9, 1710, and also Sarah, daughter of Henry Cawdron, Dec. 14, 1723, æt. 4.
1546, Ric. Lusher, he resigned.
1556, John Pory.
1581, Mr. John Holt, D. D. curate to William Miller, vicar, whose wife Anneys was bured in the chapel of Stratford le Bow in Middlesex, 11 July, 1533.
1598, John Holden.
1602, Mat. Stonham.
1639, Sam. Booty, resigned.
1642, Sam. Harding, ejected.
1653, John Collinges, B. D. afterwards doctor; pastor of St. Stephen's, published a book intituled Vindiciæ Ministerij Evangelici Revindicatæ, &c. He was a frequent writer, as Wood says. (fn. 10) In 1653, he published A Caveat for old and new Profaneness. (fn. 11) Besides many lives of their holy saints, as the short meditations of that precious Gentlewoman Mrs. Anne Skelton of Norwich, wherein are several Evidences of the Works of Grace in her Soul, &c. and other treatises with whimsieal titles. He was a grand presbyterian, and having taken Harding's place, held it without institution, till the Restoration, and then was obliged to give way to Gabriel Wright, the legal vicar, who was succeeded in
1683, by John Connould, who lies buried in the nave by the west end, under a black marble thus inscribed,

M. S. Johannes Connould A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ per 25 annos Vicarius, (uti spero, non ingratus) hic situs est, Verbi Dei fidus Dispensator, Antiquæ Disciplinæ rigidus Satelles, Pijs omnibus Bonisque charus, si Mortuum insectentur Malevolorum Proba, ne cedat ei damno, horum Encomia, perennem Memoriæ inusserant Labem; placide obdormivit Æræ Christianæ 1708, 3° Non: Maij, Anno Æt. suæ 63.

S. E. M. Requiescit Eliz. Uxor Charissima Johannis Connould, que ex hâc vitâ decessit, Maij 14, 1723' æt. 75°.
1. Connould, arg. on a saltier sab. five escalops of the field.
2. on a chief three martlets. 3. a chevron. 4 as 1, quartered, impaling a wolf saliant.
1708, Samuel Salter; (see Pt. I. p. 646;) he resigned, and in
1729, 27 Dec. The Rev. Mr. Thomas Manlove, A. M. the present [1744] vicar was presented by the dean and chapter, and holds it with the consolidated rectories of Castor St. Edmund by Norwich, and Merkeshall; and is also minister of St. Peter of Mancroft in Norwich.
The church is a neat regular building, covered with lead, consisting of a nave, two isles, and a chancel; there is a vestry at the east end of the south isle; a small chapel against the north isle, against which, towards the west end, stands a square tower, which serves also for a north porch, which was finished in 1601, as was the nave in 1550, as the dates in their stone work plainly discover; there was a charnel at the east end of the north isle; there is a south porch, and a sort of stone-work lantern for the saint's bell to hang in, at the top of the west end of the nave; there are five bells; on the third are Brazier's arms, and
Hec ertat sub annis Sancti Campana Johannis.
On the great bell,
Per me Fideles inbocanter ad preces.
In 1467, John Swan, chaplain, was buried in the church, and gave a little bell to be a treble to the four already in the steeple; which shows, that the old church had a steeple and five bells. Ric. Brasier, alderman, was his executor.
In 1370, the Bishop translated the dedication day of this church from the 11th of March, to St. Gregory's day, March 28. In 1451, a fine picture for an altar-peice was placed here, towards which John Hinde, bocher, gave 20l. and John Benet, chaplain, (fn. 12) and others, contributed. The east chancel window was glazed in 1533, as the date in it still shows, by Dr. Capp, then vicar; for whom, as well as for all that assisted him in it, there was an inscription, of which this only now remains,
qui bitriari fecit Ao. Dni' Moccccco, pro picietur Deus Amen. Dompn'. in rrr.
On the carpet for the communion table are the arms of
Brasyer, erm. a coronet or between three bells az. and
Requiescant in pace Amen. Thesus Merci.
Which shows that before the Reformation it was the carpet belonging to the altar in Brasier's chantry in the north isle; there are also the arms probably of his wife.
Az. a chevron erm between three griffins heads erased or, and by the merchant mark, it appears to have been given by Rob. Brasier.
The same arms are in the north isle, and in St. Anne's chapel.
On the north side of the altar is a table, erected Ao. 1689, on which the Creed is written, and seems to have been placed there to answer the opposite mural monument; there is a shield over it, on which,
Or, on a fess between three lozenges gul. three plates, quartering sab. on a fess arg. three escalops of the field.
On the opposite monument are the arms of
Cock, quarterly gul. and arg. quartering Bond, arg. on a chevron three bezants.
Ad pedem hujus Monumenti jacet Anna Cock Filia et Hæres Richardi Bond Generosi, quæ vitam commutavit 3° die Maij, Anno Dni. 1654, in cujus Memoriam posuit hoc Monumentum maritus ejus dilectissimus, Carolus Georgius Cock Armiger, expectans etiam ejusdem Sepulchri Consortium, quod obtinuit - - - - - die - - - - - - - Anno Dni. - - - - - - - -
Quos Deus univit, seperavit Mors, seperatos Conjunxit rursus, Jam. sumus ergo Pares,
On a black marble under it in the altar rails, are the arms of Cock and Bond.
This was the famous Mr. Cock the sequestrator in the late troublesome times; author of that folio volume intituled English Law, or A Summary Survey of the Household of God upon Earth, Lond. 1651; which is sufficient of itself to show the man in his proper colours; as is his Essay of Christian Government, &c. which he published in folio the same year, subscribing himself, Charles George Cock, student of Christian law, of the Society of the Inner Temple, now resident in Norwich.
Ex hoc Carcere in supremo die Leta prodibunt Corpora Caroli Georgij Cock Armigeri et Anne Uxoris ejus, quorum alter tardiùs hos Limites est ingressus, scilicet - - - - (fn. 13) altera citiùs scilicet 3° die Maij 1654, Vita conjuncti, Mortis Tempore separati, sepulchro Sociati, Obvij Christo, simul prosilient.
1428, Thomas Cok, merchant, was buried in the chapel of the blessed Virgin Mary in St. Stephen's church. (R. Surflet, fo. 42.)
Sibil Relict of Francis Jenny Gent. Daughter of Francis Norris late Alderman of this city, 30 Sept. 1716, 80.
Arms of Jenney and Norris.
Francis son of Sir Arthur Jenney late of Knodis-hall in Suff. Knt. 20 April, 1706, 75.
Jenny and Norris, crest, a hand cooped at the wrist, holding two olive branches with fruit, on which a dove.
The arms of Kedington in a lozenge.
Hannah-Philippa eldest Daughter of Henry Kedington of Great Hockham in Norff. Esq. and Margaret his Wife. Dr. of Rob. Buxton of Channons-hall in Tibenham in Norff. Esq. 13 Dec. 1710, 22.
Judith 3d Dr. of Henry Keddington aforesaid, 15 Aug. 1710,18.
On a loose brass that came of a stone here,
Ye that looke upon this Stone and see this Drytyng at ony Time,
Sey some Charitable Prayer for the Soul of Sir John Gryme,
His Body is buried here in this Grabe,
Whose Soule Crist Jesu by his Mercy must sabe
Amen. The iii Daye of Maye.
Ao. Dni. M. cccccrliii.
On a loose brass which belonged to Rob. Rant; the arms remain, the inscription is loose, and the stone lies at the step in the nave into the chancel.
I scapt a Death at Cales, a Siege of Spain, And died at home, and here I buried laye, From whence I hope to rise agayne, Though now I am, as thou shalt be, but Claye. Obijt Anno 1598, Octob: Rob. Rant.
The south chancel isle was formerly a chapel, dedicated to St.
Mary Magdalen, to whom, jointly with St. John the Evangelist,
the altar there was consecrated. John Danyel, merchant, who was
mayor in 1406, and 1417, was a great benefactor to it, and lies interred
in it, with this inscription under his effigies,
Nic iacet Johannes Danyel quondam Maior Norwici qui obiit
die Septembris Ao. Dni' Moccccrbiiio. cuius anime propicietur
He ordered the advowson of the church of St. Michael in Coselany to be bought with his money, and appropriated to find a chantry priest in this chapel for ever, if it could be, to sing for the souls of Roger Daniel of Fundenhall, and Christian his wife, his father and mother, his own soul, and those of Maud and Emma his wives, the souls of Walter Daniel his brother, and Joan his wife, and all his friends and benefactors; and if it could not be, then he founded a chantry here for 40 years, and appointed John Barsham, chaplain, to have it for life, and 9 marks per annum stipend; who was daily after mass to go to his tomb, and say De Profundis: a torch to burn at high mass for 40 years was ordered in his will. He was also a benefactor to the parish. In 1423, John Rich, at Barsham's death, was appointed chaplain by Walter Daniel.
Here also lies buried Walter Daniel, who was mayor in 1407, 1409,
1419, and 1423, with this,
Nic iacet Dalterus Daniel quondam Maior Cibitatis Norbici
qui obiit rbiiio die Mensis Septembris Ao Gni' Moccccorrbio.
ruius anime propicietur Deus.
He gave 20l. to the church, and was a great benefactor to the poor; 50 poor men and 50 poor women had russet gowns at his burial.
On another brass plate,
Here ly buried Misstresse Maud Neade, Sometime an Aldress,o but now am deade, Anno Mccccclr and seaben, The xiii Day of April, then My Lyf, I leafte, as muste all Men, My Body yelding to Christen Dust, My Soule to God the faithful and Just.
Nic iacet Jahes' Frankish Generosus qui obiit 4o Sept. 1498, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.
By his will he gave 40s. to repair the church, and 20s. to the altar of St. Mary Magdalen, and St. John the Evangelist, before which he lies buried. (fn. 14)
In 1531, Jn. Shottisham, mercer, buried in this chapel, and Joan his wife, daughter of John Daniel, and also Will. only son of Walter Daniel, and many more of that family.
Orate pro anima Johannis Burgh quondem Cibis et Aldermanni istius Cibitatis qui obiit iro die Mensis Nobembris Ao. Dni. M cccc Irrrriiiio.
There is a handsome fretted ceiling over this chapel, and a merchant mark, but not that of the Daniels.
The opposite isle on the north side of the chancel, was called Brasier's chantry or chapel, and before that, the chapel of our Lady the Virgin, in which the chantry or gild of St. Mary, which was valued at 5l. 6s. per annum at the Dissolution, was kept before the image of the Virgin here; this chapel and gild was of ancient foundation; for in 1385, John Osmond, chaplain, founded an annual for his soul; and before this, in 1315, Ric. Priour settled 4s. a year out of John Sparwe's tenement in this parish, to keep a lamp burning in this chapel, and a wax candle lighted before the Virgin's image; and another before the holy rood. (fn. 15) In 1432, Henry Brisley, chaplain, was buried by the tomb of Agnes, first wife of Tho. Cok, merchant. (See p. 152.) In 1457, Katerine, late relict of Peter Bond, alias Brasier, was buried here by her husband; so that it appears, their ancient name was Bonde, and that they assumed the name of Brasier from their business. In 1460, Nic. Callough was buried at the entrance of this chapel, and gave a legacy to paint the Virgin's image, and another to her gild here. 1464, Tho. Spynk, chaplain, was buried by Callough, and gave a vestment to serve at St. Thomas's altar in the church, where there was a light continually kept. 1503, Emye Dyne buried here, gave a red velvet covering to the holy-rood, on the north side of St. Stephen's church, and a towel three yards long to the high-altar. 1509, Beatrix Krikemer, buried in the church, "Item I bequeth to our Lady in the same church, my best beads to hang about her neck on good days." (Regr. Spyltimer.) 1523, Alice Carre buried in the churchyard, and gave her place with the close in Newgate for a certeyn to be kept annually for her and her friends in this church, for which the curate was to have yearly 4s. 4d. and an obit once a year, on what day Sir John Grime, her son, should assign, and 2s. 4d. then to be divided to such priests and clerks as the vicar or his deputy should order to be present at the Placebo, Dirige, and mass of Requiem; two children to have 1d. for singing the versicles; and 12d. for a peal to be rung; the overplus of the clear profits to maintain the priests service of the gild of our Lady, when it is served with a priest, and kept; and in the vacation time of the said priest, the overplus of the farm to go to the sustentation and reparation of St. Stephen's church, and the estate to be secured to such uses, as it was till the Dissolution, when it was seized by the Crown. She gave her coral beads to the beautifying the image of our Lady in the festefull days, in this church, and of St. Margaret, St. Catherine, &c. the said beads to be on those images on those days, &c. In 1424, there were many clerks and priests belonging to this gild. In 1459, Sir Adam Kerbrook was the gild priest, who died in 1465, and was buried in the churchyard: he gave to the altar of this chapel where he served, a red vestment, a diaper towel, a corporal, two frontlets of purple velvet, and another of purple damask. In Henry the Eighth's time, this gild had lands in Eton. In 1525, Alice, late wife of Rob. Burgh, alderman, John Burgh her son, Sir John Grime, Sir John Doraunt, and Rob. Palmer, her feoffees, settled on Thomas Bowyer, vicar, alderman of the gild, Tho. Godsalve, Gent. and Henry Cock, collectors of the gild; Rob. Browne, and Rob. Grene, aldermen, Rich. Yaxley, Esq. Henry Salter, grocer, Rob. Courant, notary publick, Christopher Briggs, and others, brethren of the gild, two pieces of arable land late Rob. Burgh's, containing 15 acres, not far from Nedham or St. Stephen's-gates; the first piece contained 12 acres, and the second 3 acres, and abutted on the highway leading from those gates; all which the said Alice and John had, jointly with Paul Burgh, bachelor of the civil law, of the feofment of John Rightwise in 1517, and were to be applied after Alice's death, to find a priest to celebrate the exequies and anniversary of the said Alice, Rob. and John, according to the use of Sarum, every New-Year's-day, and to give 2s. the next day among the singers, vicar, and curate, and the rest to sustain the priest of the gild; and if they have not a priest celebrating for the souls of the sisters and brothers of the gild in their chapel here, then the church-wardens were to apply to it, to repair and adorn the church, the premises to be always in feofment, in 12 feoffees, who were to be parishioners, and when they were all dead but 4, they were to renew the feofment, which must be in two parts, the church-wardens to keep one, and the alderman of the gild the other: (fn. 16) but at the Dissolution this was seized by the Crown, and the parish could not recover it.
The east window of this chapel was a very fine one, containing the whole history of the Virgin's life, with many labels and inscriptions, as Salve Regina Mater misterecordie. Ave Regina celorum, ave Domina.
It appears by the fragment of the bottom inscription, and the arms of sab. three cranes arg. that it was repaired at the cost of Robert Browne, mayor of Norwich in 1522, and brother of this gild, whose arms they are; (fn. 17) being originally made by vicar Leystoft, Leystofte Vicar' Ecclesie et pro Under this window is an altar tomb disrobed of its arms and circumscription; and the following inscriptions are in this chapel,
Orate pro anima Johanne Godsalff que obiit nono die Mensis Ortobris anno Domini Millimo: quingentesimo undecimo.
The arms of Mingaye, gul. on a bend az. three leopard's faces arg. are in the north isle windows, and often about the church.
Magister Will. Mingaye, Aldermannus Norwici ac principalis Registrarius per dioc. Norwicensem obijt 3 Aug. 1564, cujus anime propicietur Deus.
Hic jacet Georgius Mingaye Generosus Filius Willmi: Mingaye Armigeri quondam Majoris hujus Civitatis Norwici, qui quidem Georgius obijt in Domino xxx die Mensis Octobris Anno Dni: Millm: ccccclxxxxiii, Sepultusque fuit primo Die Novembris sequente. Beati qui Moriuntur in Domino.
He was a benefactor here.
On a broken stone,
Obtius eiusdem Dni: Johis Chese Ao Dni: Mocccrliii, riio die Mensis Maii, cuius anime propicietur Deus.
Pray for the Soul of Eel Butry sumtyme Pryoress of Cam pesse on whose Soule Jesu habe Merci xxiii Bay of Oct. Mo. bc. rlbio.
She gave iiij Quyshions of Verdours, a Cross Cloth, an Altar Cloth of Dyepar, & a Frontlet for the Sepulchre.
Under two effigies is this on one brass plate, and under it Turfet's inscription on another,
O bos omnes Picturas istas intuentes debotas ad Deum fun dite preces, pro animabus Roberti Brasyer istius Cibitatis Alder manni et Maioris, et Christiane uroris eius, quibus requiem eternam donet Deus, Amen.
By will proved in 1435, he ordered his body to buried it St. Mary's chapel. (R Surflet.)
Hic Etiam Jacet Maria Uxor Edwardi Turfett Gen. que ex hac Vita migravit 15 Dec. 1625.
If Vertue, Beauty, Wit, join'd all in one Could have repel'd the Force of cruell Death, Then she that lyes bewayl'd beneath this Stone, Had not in youth given up her vital Breath. But Fates were too unkind, and death too cruell, So soon to robbe the Worlde of such a jewell.
Orate pro anima Ricadi Brasyer Senioris Norwici Cibitatis olim Aldermanni et Mainris ar etiam pro anima Ricardi Brasyer Filii eius predicte Cibitatis quondam Aldermanni et Maioris, qui ab hac migrabit ho die mensis Septembris anno Domini Mocccccoriiio. Quibus regnis in celestibus gloriam sempiternam donet Deus Amen.
This stone hath two effigies, and Brasier's and Mingay's arms; and Mingay impaling Skinner. He was bellfounder and brasier, and gave to our Lady's gild 6s. 8d. and ordered his executors to buy a marble stone with a picture thereon, with his arms and two images, one for him and another for his wife; and another marble with a picture thereon, with his arms, for his father Richard Brasier's grave, and Margery his mother; and also two images to be put on his grandfather's grave, with his arms, he gave a jewel of 20l. value to the church, and 10l. to repair the walls of the city. His will is dated April 8, 1505, and was proved Oct. 7, 1513, by Sir John Gryme, priest, executor. (Regr. Coppinger.)
A stone having lost two effigies and arms, hath a modern brass with this,
Hic jacet Willus: Mingaye nuper de Grays Inn in Com: Middlesex, Armiger, Filius Willimi: Mingaye (fn. 18) Armigeri quondam Majoris hujus Civitatis Norwici, qui quidem Willus: Mingaye Filius, obijt in Domino sexto die Mensis Junij Anno Dni: 1607.
Mors est Transitus ad meliora.
Hic jacet Henricus Mingaye nuper de Interiore Templo Armiger qui obijt 5°. die Mensis Decembris Ao. Domini 1932.
In the nave are the following inscriptions:
Corpus Parnellæ Rant Virginis hic sepelitur Mens est cum superis sic vivit mortua Mundo.
Vixit annos 19 obijt 10 Jan. 1619.
Gregory Newhouse 5 July 1612, he have fought a good Fight, he have finished his Course, he have kept the Faith, from hece forth there is laid up for him a Crown of Righteousness.
Orate pro animabus Thome Bokenham I Maria Coniugis eius qui quidem Thomas obiit 1o Aug. Ao Dni: Mocccclro quorum ani mabus propicietur Deus Amen.
In 1515, Katherine, widow of Thomas Bokenham, was buried here, and gave 10s. to Sir Tho. Doraunt towards building his chantry:
Under this Stone doth Simon Borough lay. Waighting the mercy of the Judgement Day, His Life was such, that he deserbes these Lines, Obiit 24 Octob. 1602, æt. 33.
In 1521, Kat. Burgh, widow, was buried by her husband; "I will that there be bought for the church a pair of organys of 20 marks." Rob. Brasier her son, and John Rightwise, were executors.
Orate pro anima Thome Stuart ruius anime propicietur deus Amen.
In the south isle are the following inscriptions:
Orate pro animabus Johannis Banyard I Chirstiane Vroris sue et pro quibus tenentur
Orate pro anima Johis: Stalon mercer, qui obiit ro die Julii Ao. Dni: mo. vo ruius anime propicietur Deus.
Doctoris Juris Edmundi Wryght Lapis iste Ossa premit, precibus nostris tua Gracia, Christe Perpetuam bitam sibi det Celis redemitam.
Of your rharite pray for the Soull of Dame Mary, sumtyme the Wyfe of Syr John Tymperley knt. and late the Wyfe of Andrewe sulyard Esquyre, on whose soule Jesu have merci, the XIII daye of January Ao. Dni. mocccccorlbio.
In the north isles are these,
Of your charite prau for the souild of master Rob. Grene, sum tyme Mayor of the Citie of Norwhich, which departed the threde Daye of July in the yere of our Lord God a thousand ccccco rl I on.
Jstic sub saro iacet hic quidam tumulatus, Norwici Cibis Robertus Carrque boratus, Cibius Angelicis in Celis sit erogatus.
In the chancel:
Themilthorp, sab. on a fess between three antelope's heads erased or, three crescents gul. quartering
Watts, erm. on a chief gul. two billets or, and
Chamberlain, gul. an inescutcheon arg. in an orle of mullets or,
Edmund Themilthorp of this Parish Gent, 21 Dec. æt. 70, 1714, Eliz. his first Wife, Dr. of Henry Watts of Norwich Esq; Jun. 14, 1682, and their 4 Children, 2 Edmunds, Mary & Hannah, all died young, and are here buried. Martha his second Wife, Dr. of Ric. Chamberlain of Warwickshire Esq; June 19, 1695. Ric. the Son of Edmund & Martha buried here March 19, in the 19 Year of his age, surviving his Father only 3 months.
Henry Shardelowe Alderman, Aug. 15, 1712. Sarah his Wife 7 Oct. 1726, æt. 62.
Eliz. late Wife of Will. Kemp of Antingham Gent. only Dr. of Alderman Shardelowe, July 14, 1726, æt. 35.
Tamasine Lane Widow 1680. Titus Camplin Chymist, her Son 1679.
In the south chapel there is a mural monument for Mat. Peckover, Alderman, 24 Aug. 1625.
Earth has possess'd him Ashes, Clay and Dust.
And Heaven contains his Soul among the Just.
Frances Dr. of John & Frances Goodman, 17 June 1729, aged 3 Years. Anne an Infant Dr. July 28, 1728. Rob. their Son Dec. 5, 1735. Antony their Son 9 April 1739.
James 3d Son of Sir Tho. Robinson Bart. 1720, æt. 8.
In the north isle is a mural monument, on which Rant erm. on a fess sab. three lioncels rampant or, impales Ward, chequy or and az. a bend erm. Crest, on a ducal coronet a lion sejant or.
Vita, Mortis Via Via Mortis, Vita.
Gulielmi Rant in Medicinis Doctoris, Viva dum vixit de morte Meditatio, How many buried are, within Church Ground, How few of many, with such Thoughts are found, We pass by Graves & never think to dye Such is the Height of Man's Security, But know oh Man, this Life must pass away, And after Death shall come the Judgement Day, Happy art thou, if thou thes Thoughts retaine, We live to dye, and dye to live againe. These of the Dead, while living did he make, Not for the Dead, but for the Living's Sake.
In memoriam Revdi Viri Gulielmi Rant et Mariæ Uxoris ejus, Humfridus Rant Armiger Filius eorum primogenitus hoc Monumentum posuit, in Matrimonio vixerunt annos 32. Filios habuere 5. Filiasque 3. Ille mundum reliquit Ao æt. 64, die Maij 26, Illa Ao æt. 54, die Julij 7. & ambo in Ao. Dni: 1627.
Will. Mingaye 1644. Mary Mingay 1646. Bridget Mingay 1642.
James Demee of Norwich Gent. and Eliz. his 2d. Wife, he died 11 Sept. 1718, æt. 59. she 9 April 1709, æt. 43. and are buried in a Vault under this Stone, for whom a mural monument against the wall is thus inscribed,
M.S. Jacobi Demee Generosi, qui in spe letæ Resurrectionis una cum Justis in Conditorio prope ab hoc Monumento jacet, Recti & Honesti Cultor, Æquus, inflexibilis, cui potissimum miseris succurrere Cordi fuit, Duas habuit Uxores, quarum prima Francisca fuit Filia Martini Earl de Wood-Dawling in Com. Norf. Gen. quæ sexto die Jan: 1687, annum agens 23um. Vitam Æternitate commutavit, secunda Elizabetha fuit, Filia Francisci Morley Clerici, quæ mortua est 9no die Aprilis 1709no 43 annos nata, et juxta maritum humata, ex primis Nuptijs tres suscepit Liberos, quorum duo Fatis cesserunt Infantes, una tantum superstes Filia Maria, Carolo Mackarell de Civitate Norwici Generoso nupta, ex secundis, unicum Filium Jacobum illi quoque Superstitem, obijt ximo die Septembris anno Æræ Christianæ 1718, æt. suæ 59.
In a lozenge three coats
1. Richmond er. a chief sab. a griffin passant or.
2. Pally of six, on a chief three owls.
3. Steward.
M. S. Maria Steward quodam Johannis Richmond de Hedenham Armig: nupera Henrici Steward Armig. Vidua, unicuique dum vixerint conjux charissima, heic sui exuvias deposuit Nov. 24, 1673.
A mural monument with the effigies of a man and woman, with a fald-stool and books before them at prayers, with the arms of
Mingay, or, on a bend az. three leopards faces ar. impaling Skinner gul. three cross-bows bent erected arg. garnished or.
Vita Janua mortis, | Mors Janua Vitæ. | ||
On his side. | Prudentia. Justitia. | Fortitudo. Temperantia. | On her side. |
Pietie. Pitie. | Modestie. Humiltie. |
This Monument is erected in Memory of the Right Worshipfull John Mingay Major of this City, A°. 1617, and of Susan his Wife, Daughter of Ric. Skinner Gent. (fn. 19) which said John & Susan had Issue, 7 Children, 4 Sons & 3 Daughters, they both lived lovingly together in Wedlock 44 Years, until Death did part him from her, the last day of January 1625, being aged 69 Years & 9 months, and she left this Life the 18 day of Aug 1642.
Why do we, to frail Life such Glory give, When Marbles make Men after Death to live, And tho' these stones were silent, yet the Tongues Of Prophets, People, & the Poor, in throngs Shall freely speak, and tell Posterity, Here rest their Friends, Patterns of Piety. Post mortem vita est.
On a mural monument in the north isle.
Rant's arms and crest, viz. a lion sejant on a coronet.
Morimur ut Vivamus.
Umfrido (fn. 20) & Katerine Rant, charissimis Parentibus suis, Gulielmus Rant Medicine Doctor hoc Monumentum posuit, postquam vixerunt in matrimonio annos 46, et Filios habuere 7, Filiasque totidem, ille mundum hunc reliquit anno æt. suæ 80 die xi Dec. annoque Dni: 1607, Illa anno æt. 70, die 17 Apr. annoque Dni: 1609. Ituri in locum beatiorum.
Gilbert, gul. two bars erm. in chief three de-lises or.
In the south isle, Mary Dr. of John Isaack of Mundesly died 11 Oct. 1657.
Fitz, gutté de sang, on a cross gul. an annulet for difference,
Memoriæ Johannis Fitz Civis Norwic: et Dorotheæ Uxoris, è quibus alter obijt iii Non. April Ao D. 1703, altera 15 Cal. Nov. 1687, Filius unicus superstes Gulielmus Fitz, Pietatis ergo hoc marmor posuit, Eliz. predicti Johis: Mater, et Gracia, Uxor secunda, Relicta, hic contumulantur, hæc ob; die 14 Jan: Ao Dom. 1703, illa 7 Maij 1707. Magdalen Covel Nov. 12, 1719, æt. 21.
In the north isle.
Mary Wife of - - - - Melcher of St. John of Maddermarket Coppersmith, and John their Son, buried Nov. 21,1668. Hodie mihi, cras tibi.
An escutcheon between four escalops, impaling a saltier between four wolves heads erased.
Mrs. Eliz. Relict of Mr. Enoch Pendleton, June 20, 1677.
Solas quas dederis, semper habebis opes.
Carter, arg. a chevron sab. between three cart wheels vert, impales a fess wavy between three lions passant. Ric. Carter Gent. and Ric. his son 1716.
Here lyeth Henry and Hunfry Style, the first died the 12 of April 1617, the other the 22 of Sept. 1620, having libed 25 Years 4 Months together.
Antony Stile, Gent. Proctor of the Arches, sometime Judge of the Admiralty, and alderman of Norwich, is buried here.
There was a brass in the south isle with this,
Nic iacet Thomas Kingesley Rotarius qui obiit Febr. xiv. Ao. Dni. moccccolrriiio. et Alicia Uror eius que Obitt Oct. viiio. Ao Dni. Mocccco quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen.
On another was this,
Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Mr. Rob. Browne and Alice his Wyfe sometime Mayer of the Cety of Norwiche, the whiche departed the thred daye of Aug. in the yere of our Lord Gode a thomsent ccccco rrr, on whose soule Thesu have mercy Amen.
He was a great benefactor to this church, the greatest part of the west end, with the stone turret or lantern at top, were erected at his cost; his merchant mark and arms impaled, are carved on the stone work at the north side of the turret, and are as above: Browne's arms are also on the font.
In the west window are the arms of Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, viz. France and England, impaling
Seymour, gul. a pair of wings conjoined in lewre or, and five more coats. There were also the arms of Bishop Spencer, Lucy, Percy, Gray, Stafford; Mingay impaling Wentworth and Sulliard, and per pale gul. and az. a fess arg. between three croslets or.
On the north side of the church was buried Mr. Godsalve: on his atcheivement is, mors mea vita. Godsalve, per pale gul. and az. on a fess wavy arg. between three croslets patee or, as many crescents sab. Crest, a griffin's head erased, paly wavy arg. and sab. eared sab. beaked or, holding therein a branch of gilliflowers gul. leafed proper.
Mr. Godsalve's inscription, now lost, see Pitts, fo. 737:
Conditur illustris gelido hoc sub marmore Thomas
Godsalvus nitido preditus Eloquio;
Qui pius et Doctus, mirâ Gravitateque pollens,
Inque Sacrâ constans, Religione fuit.
Ingenio prestans, Formâ, Facieque decorus,
Eximius calamo, Summus et ipse Stilo.
Insignis Rebus gestis, Idem quoque lenis
Et Comis, Patrie Commodus atque sue;
Egregias ejus si ad plenum promere dotes
Conarer, Tempus me, puto, deficerit.
Quem quia talem virum nobis infesta tulerunt,
Jure ingens subijt pectora nostra Dolor;
Testibus ac spes est presens Solamen amicis,
Ut melius vivat Funera post animus.
In the north isle also lies interred Tho. Ashley, 28 years clerk of the parish, and city bellman, Feb. 28, 1738, 55.
In this sacred Object is most Pleasure, And in Christ is both my Life and Treasure.
Tho. Son of Tho. and Sarah Gallard, Oct. 22, 1734, 22.
In this same Grave my Body lies at rest, 'Till Christ my King shall raise me to be blest, For at his coming I am sure to see, The Righteous Judge, my Saviour for to be.
Cath. Cooper 1738. Edm. Riches 1740, æt. 75. In the north porch, Mr. Edm. Roe master of musick, 1723, 41. Eliz. his wife 1724, 42. Watson an infant 1720. Here also are buried, Rog. Mingaye ironmonger, and mayor in 1658. Mr. Jn. Atkins notary publick, alderman and sheriff in Ket's rebellion, and others of that family. Simon Bowde twice mayor, buried in 1595. Alice his wife in 1588, and others of his family. Ant. Ockley, June 12, 1689, æt. 87. He was a noted maker of musical instruments. Cuthbert Brereton attorney, alderman and sheriff in 1576.
Mr. Benjamin Mackerell in the chancel, at the very entrance from the nave, next Vicar Calton north. In 1732, he published the Catalogue of Books in the Publick Library of the City of Norwich, qo. and in 1738, the History and Antiquities of the flourishing Corporation of King's-Lynn in the County of Norfolk; at London, in octavo; which contains great part of Mr. Green's history of that place, transcribed exactly from his manuscript now in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Squire, rector of Congham in Norfolk.
A hatchment hangs in the north chapel, viz.
Mackerell, per fess az. and vert, three mackerells, or, impaling
Demee, gul. a chevron arg. between three garbs or, on a canton arg. a de-lis sab.
Crest on a lance erect gul. headed or, two mackerells in saltier proper; motto, Macte Virtute Patrum.
In this same chapel are two other hatchments, viz.
1. For Anthony Mingaye, Esq. who gave the two large silver flaggons to the altar in 1627. Mingaye impaling Cornwaleis. Crest, a pike or lance erect or, wreathed with laurel proper.
2. Brooke, gul. on a chevron arg. a lion rampant sab. crowned or, impaling Mingay. Crest, on a wing gul. a chevron arg. on which a lion rampant crowned or. Motto, Spoir en Dieu. This was for the wife of William Brooke, Esq. the present recorder.
In 1687, Thomas Steward of Swerdeston and Welborne was buried here; and in 1650, Mary his wife, daughter of Henry Lord Grey of Groby. (fn. 21) In 1479, David Payn was buried in the south porch, and Joan his wife in 1483. In 1503, Joan, widow of Will. Aylmer, buried by Ralf Moor, her first husband, in this porch, and gave 5 marks towards painting the rood-loft. In 1528, George Usher, grocer, was buried in the church: "I will the arche that I have begonne in St. Steven's churche be made an ende of my goods for the workmanshepe." In 1491, Agnes Petyte, widow, gave a little tablet with pearles, and a piece of the holy cross therein, as it hath been said, to be reposited with the silver pix, with relicks and the silver chest gilt, with relicks, that Will. Bernham, vicar here, gave to the church. Sir Will. Swetman, senior, rector of All-Saints, gave 7 marks to buy a jewel for this church. In 1514, Will. Blyth was buried in the churchyard, between the porch and the cross, which stood on the south side of the churchyard; and in the west part of the churchyard a place is often mentioned, where the Gospel was read on Palm-Sunday. Besides those already mentioned, there were the altars of St. Nicholas, and of the Holy Trinity in this church, besides the images of St. Mary of Pity, &c. with lights burning before them, as also before the Holy Sepulchre.
In the churchyard, at the east end of the chancel, is an altar tomb for Winifred, wife of Hamond Thurston, Gent. daughter of Francis Jermy, Jan. 31, 1671. Hamond Thurstan, 7 Oct. 1694.
In Times of Trouble then her Vertue shin'd, In all Conditions equal was her Mind. He serv'd both Kings in all the Rebells Warr. They are through Christ in Heaven a happy Pair.
Thurstan, or, on a canton az. a falcon volant of the field, impaling Jermy.
On a mural monument there, Dorothy wife of Tho. Long 1694.
Her Soule is departed from it's Case, Her Lord and Saviour to embrace, In him she liv'd and so did dye, To live with him eternallye.
On a monument against the south church wall in the churchyard.
John Loftus, Aug. 9, 1721, 66.
We daily see Death spares no Sex or Age, Sooner or later all do quit the Stage, The old, the young, the strong, the rich, and wise, Must all become to him a Sacrifice.
Tho. Loftus May 12, 1721, 21.
His Death was but Jacob's Dream exprest, A Ladder to convey his Soul to rest, Rest then dear Soul, ne'er to return to me, While I stay mourning 'till I come to thee.
Against the north isle is a small chapel, which now belongs to Chapel-Field-House, as a seat for the family there; this is dedicated to St. Anne, who had her image at the altar here; in 1523, Alice Carr, widow, gave a small pair of coral beads to be daily about this image, and her best coral beads to put on it, on the feast of St. Anne only. Here the chancellors, who generally lived in the chapel of the Fields hard by, used often to hold their courts, and the archdeacons of Norfolk also, whose office was always kept, till lately, in a house opposite to the north part of the churchyard, which is the reason that many of the proctors and notaries publick dwelt here. The Godsalves were many years registers here, and were remarkable for being concerned in church lands, &c. so much that in John Bale's Image of both Churches we read thus, "what made Thomas Moore for his Tyme wyth so prodigiouse Tirannie to persecute the Trueth and Sens, Godsalve of Norwiche, Warthon of Bongaye, Hales and Baker of Kent, with such other like? but Auri Sacra Fames, as Virgil doth call it." And after them the Mingays succeeded in that office.
It was first founded by Lettice, wife of William Pain of Norwich, in 1313, who obtained license from King Edward II. to erect a chantry in the parish church of St. Stephen's and St. Peter's Mancroft, in the city of Norwich, and to settle on it in mortmain, one messuage, and 6l. 6s. 8d. yearly rents in Norwich; and in 1316, she made Sir Henry de Thornham, pilecok, and John Brond of Norwich, chaplains, her first chantry priests, and settled on them and their successours, a messuage in St. Peter's Mancroft, in upper Neuport-street, and 6l. 6s. 8d. annual rents in Norwich, payable at the 4 quarter days in the year by equal payments, out of divers houses in Cotelerowe, lower or nether Neuport-street, Vicus de Sellaria or Sadler's-rowe, Cordewaynerrowe, the Flesh-market, Sheregate in St. Gregory's, Pottergate there; one of them to serve every morning in St. Stephen's, the other in St. Peter's, for her own and husband's soul, her ancestors and successours, and all the faithful departed; the advowsons of which the said Letice, settled on the prior and convent of Norwich, after her death, and the death of Jeffry, son of Peter de Wyleby, her nephew. The chantry priests were to be admitted by the prior and convent, at her nomination, and the said Jeffry's, during their lives. John de Wylby, rector of Hedenham, &c. executors of Letice, sold the capital messuage in Newgate street, in St. Stephen's parish, in which Letice dwelt, to Sir Walter de Norwich, and Lady Catherine his wife, in 1318: Letice died in 1317, for her will was proved in November in that year; by which she gave this capital messuage to her brother John for life, and then to be sold and distributed to pious uses, as augmenting her chantries, &c.; by her will she gave also a rent of 5s. per annum more, to her chantry priests; afterwards, the stipends being so small, it was served by one chaplain only, who served one week in St. Stephen's, and the other in St. Peter's: John Florence was the last chantry chaplain, and had an allowance of 4l. 11s. pension for life at the dissolution of the chantry. In 1549, the revenues in the city and in Lakenham belonged to Sir Edward Warner, Knt. Silvester Leigh, and Leonard Bate, Gent. by grant from the Crown at its dissolution, in the preceding year. The chantry was valued at 5l. 9s. 7d. and the chaplain had a house to reside in, in St. Peter's parish.
Benefactors to this parish are,
In 1418, John Danyel, merchant, and Walter Danyel his brother, built the alms-houses for the poor, lying in St. Catherine's and St. Stephen's, on the south side of Great Newgate. (Regr. Hirning, fo. 32.) In 1688, Mr. Buck, carpenter, had a lease of the old alms-houses by St. Catherine's, for 60 years; the first 50 at 8l. per annum, and the last 10 years at 10l. per annum, and the lease commenced June 24. The said rent is now paid to the parish.
In 1426, Walter Danyel aforesaid gave a messuage on the east side of St. Stephen's-street, formerly William Carleton's, to be kept for the use of the poor to dwell in; it is now leased out at 20s. per annum, ground rent.
He gave also a tenement in Newgate worth 55 marks, which is now included in the said old almes-houses aforesaid,
And a tenement next the house of Andrew Bocher, which is also included in the said old alms-houses,
And also a tenement formerly Tho. Commerton's, then let at 3l. per annum, which hath been since leased out, it being the second tenement from the north-east corner of the south side of the horsemarket.
1557, John Atkins, Gent. gave the Windmill Close out of St. Stephen's-gates "to helpe to sustain and bear the charges of the taske, so far as it will extend," the rent received by the parish is 8l. 10s. which is applied to the repairing and beautifying of the church.
A rent of 26d. yearly, was settled towards repairing the body of the church, in 1298, out of a house that abutted west on the way by the churchyard, but it is lost.
1568, Feb. 14, Alderman Ric. Heade, who is buried by his wife, gave 100l. to be lent at 10l. to ten persons, nine of which are to be of this parish, such as the aldermen of St. Stephen's ward, and two principal men of the parish, shall appoint; the other to be of St. Giles's parish, nominated by the aldermen there, and two principal men of that parish, and they are to have it two years free of interest, on security given for the principal.
In 1593, John Mingaye, by will dated Oct. 22, gave his tenement which he purchased of Ric. Browne,
To pay 20l. to be kept as a stock to buy corn and coals, to be sold to the poor at prime cost; it is now laid out in coals, and used accordingly; he tied also his tenement in Nedham-street, to pay yearly for ever 10s. to the prisoners in the Castle, and Gildhall.
And in 1631, Henry Mingaye tied the said tenement called Browne's, to pay 1 shilling a week for ever, for bread to be weekly given to the poor of the parish.
1632, Mrs. Frances, wife of Robert Kemp, Esq. of the family of the Kemps of Spayns-hall in Essex, daughter of John Mingaye of St. Stephen's and Ameringhall, tied all her estates in Heydon (where she is buried) for the annual payments of 20s. to the several prisoners in the several prisons in Norwich; to the preacher of Heydon 10s.; to the poor of Heydon 20s.; to St. Stephen's poor 20s.; to the vicar of St. Stephen's for a sermon on St. Thomas's day 10s.; to the curate of St. John Sepulchre for a sermon on Plow-Monday 10s. (See p. 138, 139.) The estates are now owned by Erasmus Earl, Esq. as I am informed.
James Aldred, Gent. gave a meadow in Thuxton in Norfolk, now let at 2l. 12s. per annum to be given in bread to 12 poor parishioners every Sunday.
John Bowde gave 20l. to be lent to four tradesmen of the parish at 5l. each, to be continued interest free for five years, on good security, and also a maintenance for two girls in the Girls hospital.
Alderman Rudd gave 6s. 8d. to be given in bread on Ash-Wednesday for ever, to be paid by the city chamberlain.
Joan Smith of London, widow, settled her gift, for which see Pt. I. p. 358; she gave 20s. to this parish to be laid out in bread, in lieu of the gift of Mr. Tennison deceased, besides the parish proportion, with others; so that they now yearly receive in the whole, 3l. 6s. 8d. to be given weekly to the poor of the parish on Sunday in the church, for ever.
Mr. Nic. Pipe, draper, gave the silver chalice and cover, double gilt.
1645, Augustine Blomefield, Gent. gave 3l. to the poor, and Mr. Tho. Blomefield 40s. and Isaac Blomefield paid both his father's and brother's legacies.
1671, Tho. Browne sealed a bond to the court, to pay 12d. a week to the overseers, to be laid out in bread for the poor, so long as the city continued to license a certain house and bowling-green of the said Thomas, which was then occupied by one Lancelot Rigsby.
In this parish is one of the principal city gates, called
(65) Nedham or St. Stephen's-Gates,
The room over which formerly was an hermitage; Tho. Basset, hermit here, was buried in St. Stephen's in 1435; 1483, Rob. Godard, hermit; and in Henry the Seventh's time, the toll at these gates was let at 22s. 8d.; (fn. 22) in Henry the Sixth's time, an order of court was made, that every mayor should have his riding about the city walls within one month after his charge, in which all the walls, ditches, gates and towers, should be examined and repaired, and the Pomærium, or space round the walls, both within and without, kept clean and cleared, in which space, though now many houses are erected, yet formerly it was not lawful to have any buildings at all to incommode the passages.
The Religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, who had divers rents, viz. John son of Will. Blaunche settled 20d. per annum on the cellerer, 7d. a year from a house in Newgate, settled for the sacrist's use in 1303, by Peter Flint and Mabel his wife. Bartholomew son of Will. de Derham, in 1261, settled 20d. yearly rent; another messuage paid 12d. per annum to the infirmary. Simon son of Clement settled 4d. per annum on the almoner, and Rog. de Reppes 2s. 4d.; Maud, wife of Stephen Cockman, settled 1d. per annum on the sacrist. In 1278, William Prior of Norwich conveyed a messuage in Newgate to Ric. Thoward, paying 6s. per annum to the light of the Blessed Virgin in the cathedral, and 3d. ob. per annum to the chamberlain: which messuage was given to the convent by Isolda, wife of Peter Clerk of Newgate, to the use of the high-altar. Martin Ordemer settled 12d. per annum for the soul of John Ordemer, his brother. In 1333. Ric. de Hecham, sacrist, leased this messuage at 5s. rent. (Regr. Sacrist, fo. 78, &c.) This convent was taxed for 3l. 9s. 4d. temporals here. The Prioress of Carrow at 5s. the Dean of the college of the chapel in the Fields at 10s. 1d. In 1308, Roger son of Walter de Wichingham, released all his right in the messuage late Sir Will. Sturmy's, Knt. to the college; and in 1326, William the Dean, and the convent, granted it again to Sir John Sturmy, Knt. cousin to Sir William, paying 2s. per annum to the college. The Prior of St. Neots in temporals 12d. The Prior of Windham 5s. The Prior of St. Faith 31s. 6d. The Abbot of Sibton 11s. The Prioress of Thetford 5s. given in 1286, by Sir Peter de Melding, Knt. (fn. 23)
In 1287, the Horse-Market was kept in this street; by the sign of the ramping horse; in 1316, Jeffry son of Sir Rog. Miniot, Knt. and Catherine his wife, had their city house in this parish, as had Sir Walter de Norwich, Knt. and Catherine his wife in 1323. In 1805, William Bateman had a large house and croft here, which was Margery Bateman's in 1320; in 1402 John Aslak of Sprowston, serjeant at arms to the King, purchased a house here, and there was a street called Wattle or Wastelgate-street, and now Red-Lion-lane; and on the triangular piece at Wastelgate, stands a brew-house, where anciently stood
(66) A Work-House.
On the outside of St. Stephen's gate stood
A leper-house, called St. Stephen's hospital, which was formerly inhabited by lepers, lazars, and lame folks; of these houses there were five, at five of the city gates; each was governed by a master, custos or guardian, who before the Dissolution, was always a religious, and officiated daily in the chapel belonging to his house; there was one always at each house, called the foregoer, who used to beg daily for them; few people died heretofore without leaving a legacy "to each leper-house at the five gates, "viz. St. Stephen's or Nedham, St. Giles or Newport, St. Bennet's or Westwick, St. Austin's, St. Mary Magdalen Fybridge, or Five-bridge-gate: and to each of the foregoers there; and anciently, besides these leper-houses, there were hermits dwelling in their cells in all the gates; for in many wills there are legacies to the hermits residing in all the gates at Norwich.
The leper or Lazar-houses were very frequent at some small distance from great towns, and very often in lonely places, near some great passage over rivers, &c. for the greater convenience of daily begging for their relief; and at the same time being alone by themselves, according to the law of the leprosie in Leviticus, (fn. 24) "for as long as the disease shall be upon him, he shall be polluted, for he is unclean, he shall dwell alone, without the camp shall his habitation be." And accordingly by the national law, there was a writ intituled de Leproso amovendo, by which the parish was to remove the leper to some solitary place, to hinder his conversing with those that were not so. (fn. 25)
Nay, so far exact were they, that each leper-house had a burial ground to their chapel, in which the lepers were buried by themselves. Few of these houses had any settled revenues, but yet they had always a common seal to each, and acted as incorporated bodies; most of them were subservient to the Bishop, who appointed the master or custos; others on abbies, or religious houses, as in particular this, which was built on the fee, and had its masters always nominated by the Prior of St. Faith's monastery at Horsham. None of these five houses were dissolved, but all continued as hospitals long after; at the Dissolution the seal of this house was altered, and the King presented the masters, who were admitted by the Bishop and Mayor; in 1603, James I. by warrant under his privy seal, for the good services done in the wars by Tho. Oglethorp, in recompense of his great hurts and wounds received, granted him the office, place, and room, of the guide and guidership of St. Stephen's hospital by Norwich, void by the death of John Bellmy, late guider, deceased, for life; with all fees, houses, lands, and revenues, thereto belonging; among which, Sir Bassingbourn Gawdy, as treasurer of the King's Bench, and Marshalsea, paid each guider annually 13s. 4d. In 1615, Tho. Ogilthorp and Mary his wife, granted the guidership to Thomas Alkynson of Norwich, glover, for three years, if he so long lived, at one pepper-corn rent for the first year, and 12l. for each of the last years. In 1606, Edmund Newport had a grant of it in reversion, in which it is said to be then called the Spitel-house, and was inhabited by lepers, lazars, and lame folks, and was late parcel of the priory of Horsham St. Faith: it seems Joshua Atkinson, glover, succeeded; for he, in 1629, as master and guider of the poor-house or hospital without St. Stephen's-gates, with the consent of the poor brothers and sisters therein inhabiting, for 5l. paid them by the officers of Fersfield in Norfolk, did admit into the society of the said house, Thomas Symonds, alias Cowper, a lame boy of 4 years of age, and a poor child of Fersfield aforesaid, there to be kept and maintained during life, according to the custom of the same house, to which he subscribed his name, and fixed the common seal of the house, which was square, with an S. in the middle, for St. Stephen. (fn. 26) It continued till about 1694, and in 1698, the city leased the tenements formerly a lazar-house, to John Dunch for 900 years, at 2s. per annum to the city, and 6s. per annum to his Majesty's bailiff.
On the north side of Great Newgate-street, stands
Surrey-House, so called from the Earl of Surrey, formerly owner thereof; the royal arms supported by a lion and dragon, and those of Edward Prince of Wales, with this, ve. le. roy. and the white and red rose united, with H. R. for Henry VIII. Rex. were to be seen in the windows here; as were the arms of Thomas Duke of Norfolke Hygh Treasver and Erle Maryshall of England. being Howard with the Scotch augmentation, quartering Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray, all in a garter with the Howards supporters. There was also in a lozenge having a crown over it, the arms of Vere Earl of Oxford, with 7 quarterings viz. 1. Trussel. 2. Arg. a lion rampant gul. on a fess or, three croslets sab. 3. Arg. three chevrons sab. 4. lost. 5. imperfect. 6. Barry wavy A. S. 7. Vert a lion rampant arg. In Edward the Sixth's time, it was either sold or given by the Duke of Norfolk, to his great favourite, Sir Roger Wodehouse, Knt. whose city house it was. (fn. 27) He married Eliz. daughter and coheir of Sir Rob. Ratcliff, Knt. and accordingly on a fretted ceiling in a chamber here, are his arms impaling Ratcliff. In 1570, it was the city house of his son, Sir Roger Wodehouse, Knt. and after his death, Sir Philip Wodehouse, Knt. much beautified it, and resided here very often. There was a large shield of his arms, with the supporters and crest, and Frappe Forte, and for a motto underneath, Felix Infortvnatvs, in a window here, the shield had 13 coats, 1 Wodehouse of Kimberley. 2 Erpingham. 3 Felton. 4 Lutterel. 5 Estmond. 6 Clervaux. 7 Northwood. 8 Fastolff. 9 Furneaux. 10 Gedding. 11 Bottitort. 12 Aspall. 13 Pecche. 14 Swathyng. 15 Ratcliff. All which are right as to the arms, but quite misplaced as to the time of the matches; the whole impales Yelverton's arms and crest, viz. a lion passant gardant gul. Sir Philip aforesaid having married Grizell, daughter of William Yelverton of Rongham in Norfolk, Esq. and widow of Tho. le Strange of Hunstanton, Esq. It was sold by the Wodehouses to the Rants, afterwards belonged to Mr. James Demee, whose daughter Mary married Mr. Charles Makerel, with whose daughter it came to Alderman Crowe, the present [1744] owner.
In a house late Counsellor Mingay's, at the south-west corner of Brigg's-lane, now owned by the Rev. Mr. Mingay of Yarmouth, first Ufford and Willoughby quartered. 2. Paston. 3. Mowbray impales Morley. 4. Paston quartering Somerton, quartering Mawtby and Berry. 5. Howard quartering Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray. 6. Godsalve. 7. Norwich bishoprick impaling Spencer. 8. Mingay with a crescent. 9. Ratcliff and his quarterings, but much imperfect. 10. Piercy Earl of Northumberland. 11. The arms of Henry VIII. 12. Mingay with a crescent impaling Gawdy, which shows that they were put by John Mingay of Ameringhall, Gent. who married Isabell, daughter of Sir Thomas Gawdy. She died in 1621, he in 1622, and are both buried in this church.
In a house at the south-east corner of Gun-lane is a shield of Trussel's coat.
The Greyhound in St. Stephen's was the ancient house where the Brownes lived, as Richard Browne, alderman in 1456, &c. Browne's arms impaled with the grocers and mercers, were in the windows, and those also of Boleyn and Brewse, and az. a chevron arg. between three boars heads cooped or, impales arg. on a bend sab. three mullets of the field, quartering gul. frette or, an annulet for difference.
In a large house late of Mr. Reuben King, schoolmaster, joining to the east part of the site of the chapel in the Fields, in a chamber window, Warner and Barton.
1. Warner quarters Whetnal, quartering Barton, and arg. two pallets az. being the arms of Robert Warner of Besthorp, Esq. and Margaret Barton, his wife. (fn. 28)
2. Grey and Hasset. 1 and 4. Grey. 2 and 3 quarterly, 1st. Hastyngs quartering 1. Valence. 2. Hasset quartering Lowdham, Keldon, and Orton. These are the arms of Sir Henry Grey of Wrest, by right Earl of Kent, but on account of his small estate, did not take the title; he married Anne, daughter of John Bleverhasset, Esq. and died 1562.
There were formerly many more arms here, as Brampton of Letton impaling Barton, Leventhorp, Basingham, &c. Drury and Calthorp impaled, Wingfield, Cornwaleis, Cecil, Mildmay, Tindal, Grey, Hobart impaling Hasset, Warner impaling Cobham, Hare, Wingfield, &c. Marsh and Giggs, Marsh and Gresham, Browne and Harding, Albany quartering Mautravers, &c. all which are now gone.
In this parish is the
(67) College of St. Mary In The Fields,
First called the Chapel in the Fields, and now commonly ChaplyField-House: it was first a chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the legend round its common seal denotes, viz.
The Fields and Virgin gabe the Name, And may good Luck attend the same.
The fields near it are still called Chaply-Fields, and are leased out by the corporation. And indeed though they are now enclosed in the city walls, we are to consider, that at the foundation of this chapel, the walls were not built, but it stood open to the fields indeed.
It was built before 1250, in the fields on the south-west part of the city, by John le Brun (fn. 29) of Norwich, priest, and at first was designed for an hospital only, by which name it is often called; but in a short space it became a noble college, consisting of a dean, (the founder being the first,) chancellor, precentor, treasurer, and seven other prebends; and afterwards there were added six chaplains, conducts, or chantry-priests, all on the foundation; besides gild-chaplains, soul priests, priests, and gentry, who used to have a common table, and live in a collegiate manner. The succession of the deans here follows.
Deans of the College of the Chapel in the Fields
who were all collated by the Bishops, in right of the see, or by the King, the see being void.
1260, Master John le Brun of Norwich, founder and master of
the hospital of St. Mary in the Fields; in 1278, dean of the
chapel of St. Mary. In 1280, he and his fellow-canons granted
a stall in the market to Ralf Bulman and Clarice his wife, on
condition that after the deaths of Sabine, widow of John Nade,
and Will. Payn of Norwich, who gave it them, they should pay
2s. a year out of it to the chapel. The common seal then, had
the aforesaid legend round it, and a lily, the cognizance of the
Blessed Virgin, within it; he lived to be old, when he died was
buried in the choir, and was succeeded in
1305, by Ric. de Ringestede. (See Pt. I. p. 660.)
1309, Walter the dean.
1315, a sequestration was granted to Henry, rector of Bawseye. In
1321, another was granted to Walter de Ditchingham, one of the prebendaries, who soon after was made dean.
1326, Simon de Cley; (see Pt. I. p. 660;) he resigned in 1340, to Will. de Hemenhale, in exchange for Norwich and Taverham deaneries. (See p. 64.)
1340, Robert de Utlycote on Hemenhale's resignation, who was succeeded by Ric. Yve, or Ive, who had been precentor, and died in 1367, and Adam de Cringlewood, priest succeeded him.
1369, John Henneye, priest, he resigned.
1374, John Broun, rector of Tacolnestone, was buried in the same grave, and under the same stone with the founder, in the second step or ascent of the choir, before the high-altar. He was chancellor, and relation to the founder. (See Pt. I. p. 632.)
1383, John Clervaus, chancellor, and Archdeacon of Suffolk. (See Ibid. p. 632, 652.)
1401, Mr. Henry de Well, born at Upwell in Norfolk; he resigned on his being made Archdeacon of Lincoln, and died in 1421, was buried in the abbey church of West-Derham in Norfolk, to which he was a benefactor, having been presented to Grimstone rectory by that abbey.
1405, John Rekingale of Rickinghall, rector of the mediety of Fressingfield, had other preferments in this diocese, and voided this at his consecration to Chichester bishoprick. (Godwin, p. 558.)
1426, Master Tho. Ringstede, vicar of Mildenhall, (see Fox, fo. 664,) res.
1436, John Wygenhale, alias Saresson, doctor of the decrees, chancellor. (See Pt. I. p. 632) He resigned, and in
1440, Tho. Ringstede had it again; and resigned in 1444, and Wygenhale was collated again; he was rector of Great Massingham, &c.
1459, Mr. Simon de Thornham, LL. B. he exchanged this dignity for a more inferiour station in this church, with Rob. Popy, LL. B. who was prebendary of the first prebend, called the prebend of the morning mass.
1467, John Neel, S.T. B. official also of the Bishop's manors, who was buried in 1498, on the south side of the choir in a new monument he had built for himself.
1498, Nic. Goldwell, LL. B. (See Ibid. p. 542, 633.)
1502, Rob. Honywood, fellow and benefactor to All-Souls college in
Oxford, Chancellor, (see Ibid. p. 633,) Archdeacon of Norwick,
master of Bek hospital in Billing ford, rector of Calteshall, and
canon of Windsor. He was succeeded by
Mr. Freeman, on whose death
Tho. Hare, LL. D. was collated in 1513; (Ibid. p. 633;) he was
buried here, and in
1519, Nic. Carr, LL. D. chancellor, &c. succeeded. (Ibid. p. 633.)
1532, Miles Spencer, LL. D. the last dean, who persuaded the college to resign for small pensions, (fn. 30) having cunningly obtained the whole to himself and heirs, by grant from Henry VIII. at its dissolution. (See an account of him in Pt. I. p. 633.)
The following are the names of such PREBENDS as I have met with; all which were collated by the Bishop, and installed by the Dean or Vice Dean, on the Bishop's mandate. (fn. 31)
1303 Roger Woderowe.
1304, Will. Bromholm, res.
1305, Ric. Hovel.
1315, Walter de Detchingham.
1321, John, son of Andrew de Baningham.
1332, Rob. de Thorp.
1333, Walter Snow of Wodeton.
1333, Dionise de Toucestre.
1334, Nic. de Hickling.
1340, John de Baningham held it in commendam.
1343, Rob. de Norton.
1349, John de Len.
1349, Rob. de Eton.
1350, Roger Mondegome.
1360, Adam de Foxele, res.
1365, Rob. Solyde of Hingham, res.
1366, John Roys, res.
1366, Will. at Fen of S. Walsham.
1376, John Browne, rector of Tacolneston, made dean.
1376, John de Derlington, res.
1376, Hugh de Westwyk, who changed the prebend of Taunfield in the collegiate church of Chester in Durham diocese with Derlington.
1381, John Iwar.
1394, George Palmer.
1411, Ric. Helgay.
1413, Tho. Norris.
1415, John Sneyton.
1418, Reginald Pulham, died.
1433, John Saresson alias Wigenhall, doctor in the decrees.
1459, Mr. Rob. Popy, res.
1462, Simon de Thornham.
1492, Tho. Wotton, ob.
1493, Edmund Bryget, LL. B.
1505, John Abberfeld, LL. B.
1532, Edmund Steward.
1534, Adam Hamond.
1306, Walter de Stow.
1315, Henry rector of Bauseye, sequestrator.
1332, John de Wymbotsham.
1349, Simon Akwere.
1351, Roger.
1323, Walter Ingald of Wortham, rector of Easton, died.
1379, Mr. Thomas Lank, res.
1427, Nicholas Derman, bachelor in the decrees, res.
1454, Mr. Nic. Stanton, LL. B.
1492, Nic. Goldwell.
1498, Barth. Northern, LL.B. vicar of Buxton.
Roger Chirche doctor of the decrees, resigned in 1501.
Thomas Hare, LL. D. res.
1515, Thomas Bower, ob.
1530, Thomas Pellys LL.D. the persecutor and chancellor; (see Pt. I. p. 633,)
1532, William Newton.
1534, James Mitchell.
1332, Roger le Virly.
1334, Robert de Norton.
1343, Will. at Oke of Woodnorton.
1377, John Osmund,
1389, Hugh de Heclee.
1394, Thomas son of John of Smalburgh.
1400, Robert Honeworth.
1442, Mr. Rob. Appleby, LL.B.
1492, Mr. Robert Calton, ob.
1501, Thomas Deye, res.
1536, Alexander Trodis, ob.
1527, Ric. Taylor.
1534, Thomas Cheviler.
1306, Thomas Depham by sequestration.
1315, Henry, rector of Bauseye, ditto.
1321, Rich. Yve, sometime rector of St. Andrew.
1343, William de Papworth, res.
1344, Robert de Redgrave, res.
1344, John de Baningham, res.
1344, John Acura de Ingelemitis.
1364, Adam de Hickling.
1389, John Freton.
1390, Robert Edyman, afterwards rector of Brisley.
1394, John Stamp of Reynham, buried here.
1410, John Hardpenny.
1413, Thomas Barton, bach. dec.
1422, John Ferrour, res.
1475, Ralf Harple alias Wulman.
1476, Ralf Daniel, bachelor in the decrees.
1507, Thomas Edeman.
Mr. Gregory Mower, ob.
1520, Mr. John Coke.
1534, George North.
301, Andrew, rector of Tivetshall.
306, Mr. Roger de Snetesham.
321, Richard Kempe.
332, Rob. Balls of Thrandeston.
1332, Mr. Freman, ob.
1513, Thomas Hare, LL. D.
1536, Thomas Freke.
306, Bartholomew, rector of Aysch, &c.
1534, Richard Bryan.
348, William Ingald of Wortham.
349, Robert Bullock.
390, David Cook.
Mr. John Southo, resigned.
429, Mr. John Sadd.
444, William Hert.
457, Richard Palmer.
1476, Mr. Paul Geyton, scholar in divinity, res.
1409, John Hedge, O.
1536, Stephen Prewet, presented by Elizabeth Littleproud, by grant from the Bishop.
349, Robert Bullock.
349, John de Titleshall.
395, Richard Boun of Tid St. Giles.
456, Mr. William Wode, ob.
1497, John ap Howel, A. M. res.
1497, Rob. Pokyswell, LL. D. ob.
1502, John Leicester, LL. B. ob.
1510, William Stillington.
380, John Iwar.
381, Thomas Noreys, res.
418, John Aylsham, res.
448, Master Robert Popy, bachelor in the decrees, res.
462, Master Simon Thornham, LL. B. ob.
471, John Davyson, keeper of the Hanaper in the King's Exchequer.
1473, Master John Bulman.
Master Robert Diker, res.
1530, Thomas Cappe, doctor in the decrees, res.
1535, Thomas Symonds, domestick chaplain to the Bishop.
John Sutton.
1432, William Thrulby, Ralf Harpeley alias Wulman, res.
1457, Ric. Hayman, res.
1457, John Wode, LL. B.
1492, Master John ap Howel.
The Six Conducts,
Were chantry priests, that daily celebrated mass at their altars, for the souls of their several founders and benefactors.
Was founded in 1331, by Katherine de Kirkeby, widow, who
this year obtained license of Edward III. to settle in mortmain, her
tenement in the horse-market, on which it abutted south, and on the
common-market (now the hay-market) north, on the college, to find a
chantry priest, daily to say mass for her own soul, and those of her ancestors, in the chapel of the college aforesaid for ever; the dean and
canons being to receive the profits, and nominate the priest, and maintain and pay him for his service; and accordingly the next year, the
college appointed Sir Roger de Wortham, chaplain, the first chantry
priest, and conveyed all the house, &c. of her donation, to him for
life, for his service.
This chantry was founded in 1388, for the souls of Bartholomew and William Appelyerd, (fn. 33) and their ancestors and successours; the said Bartholomew and William gave the college 100 marks, for which they bound themselves to the city, to find a priest to live among them as one of their secular canons, to sing daily in their collegiate church, for the souls aforesaid; and to allow him a decent chamber, and meat, drink, washing and lodging, within the college, and pay him yearly five marks, 6s. 8d. by the hands of the dean of the college, at Easter and Michaelmas, out of the tithes, offerings, and profits, of the church of St. Andrew in Norwich, which was appropriated to them; and the chaplain or chantry priest at his admission, was obliged to swear to the dean and canons, that by himself or other he would perform daily service for his founder's soul; and every year, the dean, canons, and chantry priest, were to keep the anniversary of the said Bartholomew and William, with exequies, &c. on Sunday after ascension day, and also their several obit days.
The priest was named by the college, and the chantry was served till the Dissolution.
Was founded in 1391, by Ralph Chircheman, clerk, citizen of
Norwich, otherwise called Ralf de Neketon, son of Roger Chircheman
of Neketon or Necton in Norfolk, who gave two houses, called Depesplace, and Sadelers-place, for a chantry of one chaplain to celebrate
divine service in the collegiate church for ever, for his own soul, and
the soul of Alice Renter, who had given the said Ralf a messuage in
Berstreete to dispose of for her soul, and the souls of Walter de Horstede and Basil his wife, her father and mother, of Simon Renter her
late husband, and Elizabeth her daughter; all which this priest was
daily to commemorate: he also gave a tenement called Larecokys in
Cook-rowe in St. Simon and St. Jude's parish, to Agnes Markaunt for
life, then to William his son, Margaret, and Marion his daughters, and
the daughters of the said Agnes, for their lives, and then to be sold,
and the money paid to the dean of the chapel, to augment his chantry,
and other pious uses. This priest was to sing at the altar by his
grave in the collegiate church.
John Chircheman, citizen of London, and Emma his wife, are often mentioned, and he seems to be brother to this Ralf, and had a house in which he sometimes resided, in the Cook-row in St. Simon's parish.
John Chircheman, citizen of Norwich, son of William and grandson of Ralf, made his will in 1451, and left legacies to Margaret his wife, &c. (fn. 34)
These were all benefactors to the college and the priest serving there; as also to the church of Necton, most of which they glazed at their expense, filling the windows with their arms in small shields, on the edges or bordures, viz.
Churchman arg. two bars, in chief two pallets sab.
And anciently some of the family bare them thus, viz.
Sab. two bars humetté, in chief two pallets, in base an escalop arg.
Some of which still remain in these windows.
Was founded in 1405, when John Alderford, Esq. and Alice his
wife, gave the college 220 marks, and the residue of a good lease, held
of the college in St. Andrew's parish, on condition they should yearly
find at their own cost, a secular chaplain that had no cure of souls,
nor was under any religious vow or order, to perform daily service
both in the choir and out, as the other chaplains of the college did,
who was particularly to pray for the souls of Robert Kenton, and —
his wife, William Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, and for the welfare of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. Roger Prat, clerk, master of St.
Giles's hospital; John Alderford and Alice his wife, during their
lives, and their souls after their decease; the said priest to be called
Kentone's priest, who was bound, with the dean and whole college, to
observe the anniversary of Robert Kenton and his wife, with placebo,
dirige, and mass of requiem in the collegiate church, according to the
use of Sarum.
The dean and canons were to find the priest a handsome chamber in the college, and constantly repair it, and also the same meat, drink, barber, washing, and lodging, with the other canons, and pay him 3l. per annum, at Easter and Michaelmas, for his stipend; to perform which, all the members of the college sware, and bound themselves to oblige all persons to swear in like manner, that should ever be admitted hereafter, giving security to the city to forfeit 10l. every time any part of this contract was not fulfilled.
In 1410, Will. Rees, Esq. brother to Will. Appelyerd, by will, gave a house, &c. to be sold, and the money to be given to the college, to increase the stipend of his chantry priest, and to pay 2s. a week to Thomas, an anchorite by the college, during his life.
This chantry was not fully settled till 1422, and then King Henry V. having granted license in mortmain for that purpose: by indenture tripartite made between John Mannyng, mayor, and the corporation on one part, John Rykynghale, dean, and the chaplains and chapter of the college on the second part, Sir Sim. Felbrigge, Knt. Roger Prat, clerk, Walter Danyel, and John Alderford, on the third part; the mediety of the church of Fresingfield in Suffolk, which they had purchased of the abbot and convent of Bury, except a pension of 40s. annually to be paid out of it to that abbey, was appropriated for this purpose to the college: the following conditions being added to those above-mentioned, viz. that he should always daily say mass at the altar, before which the bodies of Will. Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, lie entombed, and pray for the souls, and welfares aforesaid; and that of William Paston of Paston, while alive, and his soul when dead; and the day before All-Saints, they were to keep the anniversary of William and Margery, and find two wax tapers burning on their tomb, and distribute 6s. among the chaplains of the college, and 4d. to the chantry priest, and augment the stipend of the first chantry priest to 3l. 12s. 4d. and that of all his successours to 66s. 8d. and Robert Douve priest, was elected by the college, (fn. 35) who were patrons; and all his successours, were to enjoy it for life, unless they did any thing that would remove a rector.
Was founded in 1411, by William Sedman citizen of Norwich, who by license obtained of King Richard II. settled on the college the manor and advowson of Bouthorp, (fn. 36) with one messuage, one toft, 320 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 16 acres of marsh, 7 acres of broom, and 9s. annual rents in Heigham, Eston, Costesseye, Rynglond, Honingham, Colton, Marlyngford, Melton, Bauburgh, and Bowthorp, the whole, except the manor and advowson, was to go to the benefit and advowson of the college in general, but they were settled to find a chaplain in the collegiate church, and in the church of St. Peter of Mancroft, to pray for the welfare of the said William Sedman and Margaret his wife, during their lives, and their souls for ever after their decease, which secular chaplain, or chantry priest, was to have no other cure whatever, being bound to say matins at 6 o'clock every morning, in St. Peter's church at the altar of the Holy Trinity, one week, and the other, in the collegiate church, and so alternately for ever; and also to be and serve day by day in the choir there, with the rest of the canons or vicars, he being to be reputed one of them; he was chosen by the majority of the college, and was sworn to perform his office, and be obedient in all things lawful to the dean, was to hold it for life, if he did not that which would remove a vicar, and was to have a chamber found him, and his barber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging free, and six marks stipend at Easter and Michaelmas, and if the college did not fill up every vacancy in three months, the corporation of the city was to do it, and have 10l. per annum paid them by the college out of the premises, to and such a priest. The settlement was by tripartite indentures, one part of which was to be in the Gild-hall, another in the college, and the other in St. Peter's church.
This William Sedman was bailiff, sheriff, mayor, and thrice burgess in parliament for the city; he married Margaret, daughter of John Daniel, and lies buried in Lettice Payn's chantry in St. Peter's Mancroft, before the high-altar there, called Bronde's or Trinity altar, and gave 20l. to the college towards leading the chancel, on condition they put his name in their martyrology, and keep his obit, and commemorate his name in the Sunday bead-roll, and observe his chantry faithfully for ever.
This chantry was founded in 1460, by Master John de Wygenhale, doctor in the decrees, some time dean here, and archdeacon of Sudbury, (see p. 171,) who gave 200l. to purchase lands and tenements with, for the benefit of the society, on condition they found a secular chaplain, who had no cure of souls, nor was of any religious order, to pray daily for his welfare, and for his soul after his death, together with the souls of John and Margaret, his father and mother, and William, (his brother,) and all the faithful deceased; and to keep his anniversary with placebo, dirige, and mass by note. His chantry priest was to have a chamber well repaired found him, with barber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging, as the rest of the canons in all things, he being to be reputed and taken to be one of the foundation, and to have a pension of 5 marks a year: John Spendlove, priest, was appointed the first, who, as all his successours, was to enjoy it for life, if not guilty of notorious crimes, and they were to be chosen by the dean and majority of the college: it seems one Maude Hirde (Heade) made some addition to this conduct's place, for her soul was daily prayed for, along with the others.
Was founded by Edmund de Bokenham of Snetterton, Esq. who died in 1479, at his city house in St. Peter's, and was buried in this collegiate church, and gave the dean 13s. 4d.; to every brother prebendary then resident, and serving in the choir daily, 10s.; to every chantry priest there 6s. 8d.; to the clerk 3s. 4d.; to the master of the boys that sing in the choir, 13s. 4d. and ten marks to repair the church. He settled divers lands and tenements called Buxton's in Smallburgh, which he purchased of the executors of Henry Catte, for the profits to find fuel for the choristers yearly, from All-Saints to Easter, to be managed by the master of the children of the said college; and also two tenements in St. Giles's parish, to find a light yearly burning in a lamp before the high-altar, and another before the sepulchre at Easter for ever, and gave his city house to be sold, and the money was settled to find a chantry priest to sing for his soul at his grave here, and for that of Dionise his wife, for ever. (fn. 37)
Goldwell's chantry priest
Was founded by the executors of Bishop James Goldwell, (see Pt. I. p. 541,) with the surplusage of his fortunes, with which they purchased license of Henry VII. to settle 53 marks a year in mortmain, which they accordingly did, on the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital in Norwich, conditionally to find for ever three chaplains, either seculars or regulars, to pray for the soul of the said Bishop; upon which, lands of that value were purchased, and the hospital gave security, and tied their manor of Rokel's in Trowse in the county of Norfolk, to pay 10 marks a year to one chaplain celebrating for his soul in the cathedral, in the chapel at his tomb, and 10 marks a year for a second chaplain to celebrate mass for his soul in the collegiate church, and 10 marks for a third chaplain celebrating for him in their hospital church, the residue being to be applied to the poor in the hospital, all which was settled by three deeds in 1520.
Persons buried in the collegiate church are,
1379, Walter Ingald, rector of Easton. (fn. 38) 1382, William Armory, rector of Long-Stratton, buried in the choir by the tomb of Simon de Babingley. 1382, Sir Thomas de Gyssing, Knt. (fn. 39) 1384, Adam, rector of Fieldallyng. 1384, William Basset, rector of a mediety of Hetherset, gave a messuage abutting on Abraham's-hall west, on the highway east, and on the market south, daily to remember his soul, and those of Henry and Maud his parents, in their morning mass for ever, each by their several names. 1385, George de Stanford, rector of North-Reppes; he gave 20s. for a pittance, and 8 marks for an annual. 1385, Adam Everard of Bradfield, chaplain. 1388, Joan, widow of Sir Tho. de Gissing, Knt. buried by her husband's tomb, and gave a vestment to St. Catherine's altar of red velvet and gold stars. 1391, John Smith of Gonthorp, parish chaplain of East Carleton or Carleton St. Mary. 1393, Tho. de Hale, chaplain.
1419, Sir Tho. Hemgrave, Knt. before the image of the Blessed Virgin in the choir, and gave 10l. to the college. 1432, John Playforth, rector of Baconesthorp, buried in that chapel, where he used to say mass, and gave a cup and patten of silver gilt. 1434, Richard Schyrlok of Badlee, buried before St. John's image, and gave 26l. 13s. 4d. to be entered in the martyrology and bead-roll; to the work of the new window 26s. 8d. and 5l. for a marble to be laid over him. 1439, Sir Edward Hunt, chaplain, buried in the porch, and gave a fine cup, and vestment of red silk. 1443, Godwin Pescod. 1445, Thomas Bumpstede, senior, Esq. buried by the tomb of Margery his mother, and gave 5l. and forgave the college a debt of 9 marks. 1446, Thomas Fuller, rector of the mediety of North Tuddenham, buried in the south isle, and gave 10 marks. Robert Blickling of Norwich, Esq. was buried in the abbey church at Carrow, but ordered a marble pavement to be made in the north isle of the collegiate church, by the tomb of Simon de Blickling, his grandfather. 1458, John Godwyn, chaplain, brother of Corpus Christi gild held here, the alderman of the gild, and brethren to say mass for him on the 7th day after his death. 1458, William Martyn, notary publick; he gave a legacy towards rebuilding the church, as it was then designed, and a sum of money to make the sepulchre of our Lord, and a handsome white silk altar-cloth, with a frontel for the high altar, on which this was embroidered, Orate pro anima Will' Martyn Hotarii, qui contulit hunc pannum in honorem Beatissime Virginis Matris Domini nostri Marie, Matris DominiJesu Christi. 1460, Will. Sekyngton. 1461, Ric. Fuller, chaplain, by his father's tomb. 1460, John Smith, chaplain. 1464, Ric. Ferneys, hermit, formerly at Newbrigge in Ickburgh; he gave legacies to John, then hermit there, and to John Felton, then hermit at Norwich.
1465, Edmund Hobbes, chaplain. 1468, John Wigenhale, doctor in the decrees, Dean here, Archdeacon of Sudbury, &c. (See Pt. I. p. 648,) buried in the north part, at the east end, before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, and gave 10l. to repair the church. 1471, Thomas Jamys, chaplain. 1475, John Spendlove, chaplain, before St. James's altar, where morning mass is said, before the image of St. Mary there painted. 1479, John le Strange of Norwich, Esq. left Eliz. his second wife, an annuity out of his manors of Aslacton, Wakton, and Hedenham, and if Thomas Duke, his first wife's son, would settle it, he to have the manors in fee simple, and his estates in the parish of St. Edmund the King, St. Paul, and St. Peter of Hundegate; he gave the college 20 marks. Eliz. wife of John Jenney, daughter and heir of John (Wetherbye) or Wedyrlye. (Weever, fo. 865.) 1483, John Shottesham, chaplain, gave a corporas case and corporal of gold tissue. 1485, William Fake, buried before the holy-rood in the choir, and ordered 4 marbles 1 foot square each, and 20 half yard marbles, to be laid as pavement over and near his grave, to give example to others to pave the whole church with marble, which was afterwards done; he gave 10l. to buy an altar cloth for the high-altar; and was a great benefactor to their library and college. 1488, Will. Hemyng, chaplain, buried by Spendlove's tomb. 1495, Will. Cubet, chaplain, 1497, Philip West, priest. 1503, Sir Robert Bushett, priest, of St. Stephen's, by his mother, and gave a vestment of black damask worsted. 1506, Ric. Baxter, priest. 1512, Robert Burnham, notary, by Mr. Bartilmew Northern. 1513, Sir Thomas Love, priest, buried on the south side of the church, before the image of our Lady of Pity, and had a stone thus inscribed, hic iacet Thomas Love Capellanus quondam Cle ricus Parochialis Sancti Petri de Mancroft, cuiux anime propicietur deus Amen. 1519, Rob. Burges, clerk of the chapel in the Field, buried in the body of the church, next Master Ralf Danyel, on the north side, and gave a legacy for himself and wife, to be put in the martyrology book, and in the bead book. 1534, John Coke, buried in the nether end of the north isle.
Benefactors to this college were,
John le Brun, the founder, who gave the site of the college, and the advowson of the rectory of the church of St. Andrew in Norwich; and Jeffery le Brun, his brother, rector there, confirmed it in 1267. It is plain that the founder had began an hospital here before 1248, for in that year, John Bond bequeathed to the hospital of St. Mary in the Fields, a rent of 6d. a year, out of the messuage formerly of Chabbard the Jew, and then of Will. de Happesburgh.
In 1272, William de Dunwich was a benefactor, and the advowson of St. George at the Monastery-gates, now St. George at Tombland, seems to have been given also by the founder, and was appropriated with the church of St. Andrew.
King Edward III. granted them license to appropriate the church of Moulton, and a mediety of the church of Fresingfield in Suffolk. In 1374, Sir Roger Midleton, rector of St. Peter of Mancroft, gave 10l. towards building their common kitchen and their precinct walls; to Gloucester abbey 40l. and to Cirencester abbey 40 marks. In 1364, King Edward III. licensed them to get the church of Easton appropriated to them, and to hold divers lands there. In 1377, Margaret, relict of Peter Fairchild, gave them a shop to sell, and lay out the money in building their cloister. 1378, Ralf Kesewic gave them a stall to sell for that purpose. In 1379, Adam Popy settled a messuage and garden on the college; and Walter de Berney gave 10l. towards building the cloister. In 1380, a royal license passed to appropriate St. Andrew's, St. George's, and Field-Dallyng, to the college; and another in 1383, for the appropriation of St. Peter in Mancroft. In 1385, Thomas Bumstede was a benefactor. In 1389, Ric. de Blakeney settled divers lands in Norwich and Heigham. In 1392, Henry Liminour settled and gave divers lands in Eston and Costesseye. In 1419, Thomas Frary, chaplain, conveyed to the dean divers lands in Melton-Parva, of the gift of John de Blickling. In 1420, the other mediety of Fresingfield was appropriated to them by John Bishop of Norwich. In 1423, Walter Danyel, mercer, gave 20 marks for the soul of William his son. In 1428, Rich. Fatman gave 20l. towards leading the chancel, and founded a priest to sing for him there. In 1433, William Sedman gave 20l. towards leading the choir. In 1442, John Cambridge, alderman, gave 10 marks. 1444, Thomas Wetherby, Esq. gave five marks to repair the church. 1464, Alice, widow of Ric. Brown, merchant, gave 40s. In 1467, John Drolle, alderman, gave a cross of silver gilt. 1470, John Pers, dean of Norwich city, was a benefactor of their library; as was Alderman John Gilbert in 1466, and Ric. Ferneys, hermit at Newbrigge, in 1464. In 1487, John Carlton, mercer, and in 1493, Thomas Wotton, rector of Blofield. In 1492, Eliz. widow of Robert Clere of Ormesby, Esq. founded two priests to sing before Ryse's or Rees's altar here, for two years, for her soul, and those of Thomas Uvedale and Margaret his wife, her father and mother; and Sir Walter Balle, priest, to have it and 7 marks a year stipend; and if the dean will keep her mother's yerday, he to have 8d. and two wax tapers to burn that day: she was a benefactress to the great gild of St. Mary kept here. The manor of Tacolneston went with her from the Uvedales to the Cleres; she is interred in the cathedral. 1501, Thomas Bachcroft of Little-Melton, gave 40l. to make a new rood-loft in the worship of God, our Lady, and All-Saints in heaven. 1515, the dean paid 10s. to the Prioress of Bungey for certain tithes in Mowton hired of her, and 4s. for rent of the George by Fibrigge, 10s. for a house on Tombland, and 10s. for a house in St. Peter's. 1525, Alderman John Marsham gave a legacy to the church. (fn. 40)
The church of St. Mary Unbrent in Norwich was given at or soon after the foundation, by Mathew le Brun, brother to the founder; and it appears, that the three brothers, viz. John the Founder, Jeffery, rector of St. Andrew, and Mathew, shared the inheritance of their father, for each of them had 4 acres of land in ChapelFields, and the advowson of a church; on his 4 acres the founder built the college, and gave his advowson of St. George, and procured the two other from his brothers. Other 4 acres, came some time after to be in the priory of St. James at Bukenham in Norfolk, of which house the college purchased it; paying them 10s. per annum reserved rent; and the other part was given by Mathew, to Lucy de Morley, his wife, and by her executors sold to John son of Henry le Caus, and Alice his wife, who sold it to Peter de Bumpstede, merchant, and his heirs, and that continued a private property many years. In 1530, the college released 3s. part of a rent of 5s. out of the tenements, called afterwards the Suffragan's tenements.
Edmund, son of Jeffery the blacksmith, by deed without date, gave an annual rent of 12d. out of his house in St. Stephen's: and many such small rents were given by divers persons out of several houses in many parishes in the city.
The revenues of the college in 1428 were thus taxed; viz. spirituals,
St. Andrew in Norwich valued at 100s. paid 10s. tenths.
St. Peter of Mancroft — 15 marks. — 33s. 4d.
The portion of the Abbot of Gloucester in the said church, perpetually leased to the college.—6 marks. — viij.s.
St. George at the Gates appropriated, but not valued or taxed.
The whole of their spirituals was valued at 79l.
The whole of their temporals 4l. 10s. 4d. of which in St. Stephen's 10s. 1d.; St. Saviour's 6d.; St. Andrew's 21s. 10d.; St. Martin at Plain 2s.; All-Saints 4s. 4d.; St. John 18d.; St. Peter per Montergate 10s.; St. Mary Unbrent 4s. 10d.; St. Simon and Jude 7s.; St. George 12d.; St. Olave 5d.; St. Julian 2s.; St. Mary 2s.; St. Edward 2s.; St. Clement 6d.; St. Giles 8s. 6d.; St. Laurence 2s.; St. Margaret 12d.; St. Swithin 12d.
The whole of their spirituals and temporals valued at 83l. 10s. 3d. paid 8l. 7s. ob. every tenth; and in 37 Henry VIII. it was granted to Miles Spencer, the last dean, and his heirs, for 105l. 13s. 4d. viz.
The whole college and its site in the parishes of St. Stephen, and St. Peter of Mancroft, with the church, steeple, (fn. 41) and churchyard, and all walls and buildings whatever in the said site, to be held in free burgage and not in capite. And also, a capital messuage with gardens and orchards in St. Peter's Mancroft, and 20 messuages and tenements, and also the capital messuage called Abraham's-hall, in the parishes of St. Stephen's and St. Peter aforesaid; and the corner house and two adjoining tenements in St. Stephen's; and a stable and four other messuages in that parish, and a messuage and all their shops and cellars in St. Andrew's, and three messuages in St. George's, and their gardens and orchards, and 2s. rent from the city, and divers rents out of houses amounting to 12s. value, and also a moiety of a garden (fn. 42) and a parcel of ground adjoining, in St. Stephen's; and one great garden called the Dove-house Close, and one dove-house therein built, in St. Peter Mancroft, and another garden; and a garden and waste messuage there; and six gardens more in St. Stephen's, and one more in St. Peter's; and all stalls, gardens, &c. there; and also the manor, rectory, and advowson of Bowthorp, vicarage, with all lands, court fees, tithes, &c. thereto belonging, and all other their revenues there: and the rectories of Easton, and Field-Dallyng, in Norfolk, and Fresingfield in Suffolk, and the advowsons of their several vicarages, and all barns, buildings, lands, tithes, &c. belonging to their several impropriate rectories. The manor advowson, and rectory of Bowthorp, and Eston, Field-Dalling, and Fresingfield advowsons, and rectories, to be held in capite at the 60th part of a knight's fee; and 9s. 2d. ob. per annum for Bowthorp, 4s. 8d. for Eston, 19s. 8d. for Field-Dallyng, and 8s. 4d. 0b. for Fresingfield, to be paid into the Court of Augmentations every Michaelmas, as tenths. The said Miles was to pay 40s. a year to the collector for his fee; 2s. to the Bishop of Norwich for Bowthorp synodals, and 6s. to the Archdeacon of Norfolk for procurations; 6s. 8d. to the Bishop for a pension from Easton; and 40s. to him for a pension from Field-Dallyng; 3s. 4d. to the sacrist of the cathedral, and 4s. to the Bishop for Fresingfield synodals, 3l. for the Bishop's pension from Fresingfield; 11s. 8d. to Suffolk Archdeacon for his synodals and procurations, and 8d. to the sacrist of the cathedral. The said Miles was to have all the timber, glass, iron, tombs, and stones, of, in, or upon the church, chancel, cloister, and all other buildings, within the site; and all the lead on the cloister, porch, and great hall, and in the windows of the parlour, and at the end of the gallery, and about the cisterns and conduits; with all the ornaments of the church, without paying any thing for them: the letters patent are dated at Westminster, May, 22, Ao. Reg. 37°.
In 1555, William Burnel and Constance his wife received an annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d.; Miles Spencer a pension of 11l.; Will. Mingay, auditor, 10s.; John Corbet 20s.; all which were paid by the Crown, on grants made them at the dissolution of the college.
From the Spencers it came to the Cornwaleises, and Henry Cornwaleis, Esq. owned it in 1588. In the bow-window in the great hall, are Southwell's arms, with his quarters, viz. Wichingham, Fastolff, Tendring, and Holebrook, impaling
Cornwaleis and her quarters, viz. 1. sab. two bars gemels arg. on a canton of the second, a crescent of the first. 2. Braham. 3. arg. a bend between six croslets fitché sab. 5. Tirrel. 6. Duke.
Kitson, sab. three luces hauriant in fess arg. a chief or, quartering quarterly, 1 and 4, arg. three pales az. on a chief gul. three bezants. 2 and 3, a chevron between three mullets gul. the whole impaling Cornwaleis and his quartering as before, and are the arms of Sir Thomas Kitson, Knt. lord of Hemgrave or Hingrave in Suffolk, who married for his second wife, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Cornwaleis, Knt. owner of this college; Kitson died in 1602, and Elizabeth his widow erected his monument in Hingrave chancel in 1608.
Cornwaleis and his quarterings as before, impales Jerningham and her quarters, viz. Inglethorp, Fitz-Osborn, Herling, Lowdham, Gonvile, Keldon, and Clifton of Nottinghamshire.
It was after owned by Sir Charles Cornwaleis, whose whole achievement, though now lost, was in the windows, with his crest and motto, viz. Virtus vincit Invidiam: there were also the arms of Southwell and Cornwaleis, and
Southwell's crest, viz. a demi-hound arg. with a red ear, and a crown about his neck or,
Barrow sab. two swords in saltier proper, between four de-lises or, in a bordure gobony arg. and gul.; and many more now lost.
It was after purchased by the Hobarts; in the windows the following arms of that family still remain;
1. Hobart and Bell, for Sir Henry Hobart the judge, and Dorothy his wife, daughter of Sir Robert Bell of Baupre-hall, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
2. Hobart and Sidney, for Sir John Hobart, Bart. and Phillipa his first wife, daughter of Robert Sidney Earl of Leicester.
3. Hobart, with Ulster arms, impaling Egerton, arg. a lion rampant gul. between 3 pheons sab. for Sir John Hobart, Bart. and Frances, his second wife, daughter of John Earl of Bridgewater.
4. Hobart impales Peyton, for Sir Miles Hobart, Knt. second son to Sir Henry Hobart the chief justice, and father to that Sir John Hobart that married Hampden; and Susanna his wife, daughter to Sir John Peyton of Iselham, Bart.
5. Hobart and Hampden, arg. a saltier gul. between four eagles displayed az. for Sir John Hobart of Blickling, Bart. and Mary his second wife, daughter to John Hampden of Hampden in Buckinghamshire, relict of that Colonel Hammond, who had Charles I. prisoner in the isle of Wight; which Colonel was own brother to the learned Doctor Hammond, the favourite chaplain to that King.
It is now [1744] owned by John Lord Hobart of Blickling.
(68) Abraham's-hall, is part in St. Stephen's and part in St. Peter of Mancroft, on the south side of the hay-market; it is now the sign of Abraham offering up his son Isaac, and is a very ancient inn; for in 1619, Will. Blomefield, merchant, aged 82 years, Titus Norris, aged 83 years, and others, certified that they had known it an inn above 60 years, and it was then reputed an ancient inn. It takes its name from Abraham the son of Deulecresse the Jew, (fn. 43) who for blasphemy and other transgressions that he did, was drawn and burnt, and so escheated his estate to the Crown; (fn. 44) and on the 7th of July 1278, King Edward I. granted to Vincent de Kirkeby and Lucy his wife, this messuage, with seven shops adjoining, and 8s. 8d. yearly rents paid to it, the whole being then valued at 6l. 1s. per annum, and to their heirs for ever: Anthony Bek Archdeacon of Durham, Master Tho. Bek Archdeacon of Dorset, Ralf de Hengham, Thomas de Weyland, and others, being witnesses. In 1351, Edward III. granted license in mortmain, to Katherine de Kirkeby, to settle it on the college of St. Mary in the Fields; and in January 1333, it was settled by the name of her tenement in the horse-market, called Abraham's-hall, (fn. 45) for a chaplain to pray daily for the soul of the said Catherine after her death, and for the souls of John de Kirkeby, Walter Gysouns, Rich. Lirling, fathers of the said Katherine de Kirkeby, and Roger de Wortham the first chantry priest, who was to be nominated by the college, and have a stipend of five marks and an half, and be as one of the vicars in the college, and reckoned a canon there, and have a chamber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging; and if they suffered the chantry to be void a month, the turn was then to lapse to the Bishop.