A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 3, the University of Oxford. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1954.
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'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 3, the University of Oxford, ed. H E Salter, Mary D Lobel (London, 1954), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol3/pp355-382 [accessed 15 February 2025].
'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 3, the University of Oxford. Edited by H E Salter, Mary D Lobel (London, 1954), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol3/pp355-382.
"Index". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 3, the University of Oxford. Ed. H E Salter, Mary D Lobel (London, 1954), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol3/pp355-382.
Abbots Langley (Herts.), 244, 245
Abbotsley (Hunts.), 82
Abbotstoke (Dorset), 161
Abdy, Robert, 89, 92
Aberford (Yorks.), 120, 121, 122
Abergavenny (Mon.), 266, 266 n
Abingdon (Berks.), 3, 23, 293, 306 n,
-, — abbey, 244, 288, 289
-, — sch., 218, 293, 295, 296
-, — serjeant of, 299
Abraham, Walter, 108 n
Abyndon, Henry, 106
Acheverell, Sir Richard, 230
Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth, 33,
56, 57, 58
-, — Sir John, 110, 116, 118
Acres, Harry, 262
Acroyde [Acroyd, Akroyd], John, 45, 46, 73, 73 n, 102
Adam le Politer, 90
Adam, James, 81
Adams, Bernard, Bp. of Limerick,
-, — Fitzherbert, 170 n, 172, 173
-, — William, 297
-, — William George S., 183
Adderbury (Oxon.), 155
Addison, Joseph, 136, 137, 199 n
Addlethorpe (Lines.), 280
Adulstan Hall. See Dunstan Hall
Aesculapius, 78
Aesop, 80
Africa, South, 249
Aglionby, John, 320, 327, 334
Agnellus of Pisa, 2
Agriculture and Forestry, school of, 36
Aidan, St., 239
Ailnots, 218
Airay, Adam, 322, 328, 335
-, — Christopher, 322, 324
-, — Henry, 134, 137
Akely (Bucks.), 155
Alardus, Subdean of Wells, 2
Alba, 17th Duke of. See Fitz-James Stuart, J. M. del P. C. M.
Alban Hall. See St. Alban Hall
Alberbury (Salop), 175
Alberwyk, William de, 38
Alcock, John, Bp. of Ely, 93
Alcorne, Margaret, 300, 307
Aldermaston (Berks.), 326
Aldersey, M., 210
Aldrich, George, 29
-, — Henry, 138, 140, 227, 232, 233,
233 n, 236, 237, 238, 242
Aldworth, Charles, 198
Ales, Alexander de, 17
Alexander I, Czar of Russia, 197
-, — III, Pope, 12
-, — of Aphrodisias, 177
Alexandra, Consort of Edward VII, 276
Alfred, King of England, 63, 68 n, 69, 75, 77, 80, 81
Algiers, 331
Algirismus intergrorum, 10
All Saints (Oxf.), ch. and par., 163, 164, 165
All Souls College, 16, 19, 20, 32, 33,
35, 35 n, 37, 49, 50, 54 n, 73, 76,
78, 121, 122, 173–93, 204, 209,
214, 218, 226, 261, 263, 288, 304,
-, All Souls Chambers, 187–8
-, — Chapel, 76, 76 n, 175, 184–6
-, — Cloister, 192
-, — Cloister (Old), 188
-, — Codrington libr., 179, 180, 181,
182, 183, 186, 187, 187 n, 190,
191, 192
-, — Gate tower, 187
-, — Grand dormitory, 191
-, — Hall, 192–3
-, — Hall (Old), 186
-, — History, 173–82
-, — Library (New) See supra Codrington libr.
-, —Library (Old), 175, 176, 186–7
-, — Pictures, 182
-, — Plate, 182
-, — Quadrangle, 186
-, — Seal, 182
-, — Site, 183–4
-, — Wardens, 182–3
-, — Warden's Lodgings, 190–1
-, — Warden's Lodgings (Old), 188–90
Allam, Andrew, 329, 330
Allein, William, Bp. of Exeter, 109
Allen, Geoffrey Francis, 166
-, — Gerald Burton, Bp. of Dorchester, 335
-, —Mary Gray, 348
-, —Percy Stafford, 224, 225
-, —William, Card., 21, 122, 122 n
Allestree, Richard, 237
Allfrey, E. W., 217
Althus, Theodore Frederick, 166
Alton Barnes (Wilts.), 155
Alwarde, John, 114
Alyngton, Robert, 39
Ambrose, St., 177
American History, professorship of, 37
Amhurst, Nicholas, 27, 313
Ampleforth (Yorks.), abbey, 340, 341
Amsterdam (Oxf.), 218
Anatomy, lecturership in, 24
-, — Lee's reader in, 57
-, — professorship of, 29, 34 n
-, — sch. of, 29
-, — sch. (Christ Church), 233, 237
Ancient History, professorship of, 34 n
Anderson, C. G., 350
-, — William, 106
Andrew, Richard, 173, 175, 176, 176 n, 182
Andrews, Miss A. M., 350
Andromachus, 307
Angel Inn, 320
Anglesey, 264, 266 n
Anglo-Saxon, chair of, 27
Anne, Queen of Gt. Britain, 48, 52, 77, 180, 267, 294
Anne (Boleyn), Consort of Henry VIII, 177
Anselm, St., 182
Anson, Sir William Reynell, 181, 190
Antwerp, 176
Anwykyll, John, 18, 43
Anyan, Thomas, 225
Appleby (Westm.), 134
Appleby, M. P., 269
Appleton (Berks.), 202, 211
Appleton, John, 64, 71
Apsley, Sir Allen, 246
Apuleius, 80
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 9
Arabic, professorships of, 24, 27, 27 n
Archer, Thomas, 56
Architypographus, office of, 25
Aristotle, 10, 21, 27, 84, 85, 177, 222, 254
Aristotle Hall, 43.
Arminians, 23
Armitage & Hodgson, Messrs., 59
Armstrong, Edward, 350
Arncliffe in Craven (Yorks.), 64
Arnold, Edmond, 283
-, — Matthew, 86
-, — Thomas, 124, 333
-, — William, 283, 284, 284 n
Artari, Joseph, 56
Arthur, Prince, 195 n
Arthur Hall, 310, 310 n., 318
Arthurian Legend, 59
Arts, faculty of, 2, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 34, 42
Arts End. See Bodleian Library
Arundel, Earls of. See Fitzalan
Arundel, John, Bp. of Chichester,
108, 109
-, — Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 8,
14, 63, 120, 122, 127, 133, 325
Arundel marbles, 52, 57
Ashbury (Berks.), 202
Ashdown, Joan, 342
Ashe, William, 329
Asheldham (Essex), 327
Ashenden (Bucks.), 164
Ashendon, John, 103, 104
Ashley, W., 87
Ashmole, Elias, 27, 47, 57, 210
Ashmolean Museum, New, 36, 57, 184, 223
Ashmolean Museum, Old, 27, 30, 34, 37, 47–49, 49 n, 57, 118, 250, 263 n
Ashurst (Sussex), 202
Askham, Hamundus, 89
Asplyon, William, 70, 72, 72 n
Asquith, Julian, Earl of Oxford and Asquith, 340
Assheton-Smith, —, 271
Association for the Education of Women, 341, 342, 343, 344, 344 n, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353
Assyriology, readership in, 35
Astley, Richard, 183, 184
Aston, John, 105
-, — Nicholas de, 39
Aston Clinton (Bucks.), 279
Aston-le-Walls (Northants.), 256
Aston Tirrold (Berks.), 202
Aston's Eyte (Berks.), 175
Astronomy, professor of, 53
Aswardby, Roger, 62, 71
Athelstan, King, 244
Athens, 307
Atkins [Atkyns], Henry, 245
-, — Richard, 91
Atlas, 287
Atterbury, Francis, Bp. of Rochester, 55, 236, 238
Atterbury, Lewis, 237
Attlee, Clement Richard, 70
Atwell, John, 114
-, — Joseph, 111, 114, 313
Aubrey, John, 27, 245, 246
Audley [Awdley], —, 224
-, — Edmund, Bp. of Salisbury, 165
-, — Thomas, Baron Audley, 243
Augustine, St., 175, 177, 182
Augustines, 42
Austen, family, 255
-, — Jane, 255
Avignon, 133
Awdley. See Audley
Aylesham, Robert de, 39
Ayliffe, John, 54
Aynho (Bucks.), 195
Babbe, James, 114
Babington, Anthony, 230
-, — Francis, 89, 171, 173
Bachelor of Arts, degree of, 10, 29
Bachelor of Canon Law, degree of, 16
Bachelor of Civil Law, degree of, 29
Bachelor of Divinity, degree of, 10, 16
Backhouse, William, 266
Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam,
123 n
-, — John, 181, 182, 192
-, — Phanuel, 199 n
-, — Roger, 9
Badger, James, 147
Badgeworth (Glos.), 266, 267
Badnall, —, 267
Bagendon (Glos.), 279
Bagley, Henry, 76 n
Bagley Wood (Berks.), 253, 261, 299
Bagot, Lewis, 238
Bagshaw [Bagshawe], Christopher, 299, 301
Bainbridge, Christopher, Abp. of York, 133, 137
Baines, Edward, 272
Bainton (Yorks.), 255, 262
Baker, Messrs., 57
Baker, Sir Herbert, 337
-, — James Bernard, 339
-, — John, 79, 79 n
-, — William, 281, 282
Baldons, The (Oxon.), 133, 226
Baldwin, Sir Timothy, 311, 312
Bale, John, 20
-, — Philip, 114
Ball, George, 75 n
-, — Sidney, 37 n
-, — W. W. Rouse, 37
Balliol College, 5, 6, 16, 21, 29, 32,
44, 82–95, 98, 104, 161, 200, 221,
229, 239, 242, 243, 259, 279, 293,
329 n, 338, 339, 340, 346
-, — Buildings, 90–95
-, — Chapel, 90–92
-, — History, 82–88
-, — Library, 88, 92–93
-, — Masters, 89
-, — Master's Lodgings, 93
-, — Plate, 88
-, — Quadrangles, 93–95
-, — Seal, 88–89
-, — Visitors, 89
Balliol [Ballyeul], Dervorguilla, 5, 82
-, — Hugh, 87 n
-, — Sir John de, 5, 82
Ball's Coffee House, 54 n
Ballyeul. See Balloil
Balscote (Oxon.), 244
Baltimore, 1st Baron. See Calvert, George
Bampton (Oxon.), 91
Bampton, John, 29, 29 n
Banard, John, 39
Banbury (Oxon.), 6, 243, 244
Bancroft, John, Bp. of Oxford, 66,
70, 71, 73, 74, 75
-, — Richard, Abp. of Canterbury, 39,
65 n, 162, 178, 178 n, 311, 327
Baner Hall, 239 n, 245
Bank, Thomas, 173
Barbados College, 180
Barber, Eric Arthur, 114
-, — Richard, 178, 183, 188
Barcham, John, 223
Bardwell (Suff.), 255
Barefoot, John, 222
Barford St. Martin (Wilts.), 175
Barfreston (Kent), 255
Baring, Thomas Charles, 314
Barker, Mrs., 256
-, — Hugh, 162
-, — Robert, 79, 79 n, 80, 80 n
-, — Thomas, carpenter, 79 n
-, — Thomas, Princ. of B.N.C., 214
Barking (Essex), 175
Barlow, Thomas, Bp. of Lincoln, 89 n, 134, 137, 138
Barming (Kent), 315
Barnard, Edward, 103 n
-, — F. P., 297
Barnard Castle (Durham), 82
Barneby, Ralph, 64
-, — William de, 8
Barnes, Joseph, 22
Barnett, Henrietta Octavia W., 280
-, — Samuel Augustus, 282
Barnett House, 34 n, 37 n
Barningham, Ricardus, 89
Barnstaple, 108
Barocci, Giacomo, 24
Baron, James, 198 n
-, — John, 89
-, — William, 114
Barow, William, 39
Barrett, Richard, 122 n
Barrington, Shute, Bp. of Durham, 89
Barrington (Glos.), stone, 44 n, 51, 226, 228, 229, 230
Barrow, John, 333, 335
Barry, Sir Charles, 81, 308
-, — Charles, jun., 58
-, — Edward Middleton, 57
Bartholomew, St., 175
Bartlemas. See St. Bartholomew's hosp. (Oxf.)
Barton (Oxon.), 204
Barton, A. T., 297
-, — Henry, 106
Barwick in Elmet (Yorks.), 331
Baryngton. See Barrington
Basevi, George, 91, 92, 92 n, 93 n, 94, 94 n, 95, 95 n
Basford, John, 245
Basing (Hants), 195, 202
Basingstoke (Hants), 202, 205 n
-, — Hosp. of St. John, 106
Baskett, John, 28, 54, 55
Basle, 221
Bassano, —, 301
Basset, Alan, 3
Bassett's Fee, 216
Bate, Walter, 165
-, — William, 183
Bath, dioc., 220
Bath, stone, 53, 57, 58, 59, 187, 226 n, 233
Bath and Wells, Bp. of, 17, 280
Bathe, Harry, 62
Bathurst, Allen, 1st Earl Bathurst,
-, — George, 246, 247
-, — John, 25
-, — Ralph, 26, 242, 244, 246, 247,
250, 251
-, — William Lennox, Earl Bathurst,
Battisford (Suff.), 297
Battlesden (Beds.), 138
Battoni, Pompeo Girolamo, 226
Bavant, John, 254
Baverstock (Wilts.), 202
Baylie [Bayley], Richard, 246, 255,
256, 258, 262, 264
-, — Thomas, 199, 202
Bayliss, Sir William Maddocks, 280
Baynard, G. P., 59
Beaconsheld (Bucks.), 202
Beale, Dorothea, 341, 348, 349, 350
Beam Hall, 99, 221
Beamond, Henry, 113 n
Beauclerk, Topham, 248
Beaucomb, John, 109
Beaufo, Thomas de, 289
Beaufort, 6th Duke of. See Somerset, Henry
Beaufort, Henry, Card., 16, 39, 44,
62, 64, 72, 133, 133 n
-, — Margaret, 17, 341
Beaumont, Sir George, 78
Becket, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 174, 182, 239 n
Beckington [Bekynton], Thomas, Bp. of Bath and Wells, 155, 165, 166, 168, 170, 176 n
Beckley (Oxon.), 183, 229, 230
Beconsall, Thomas, 211, 212
Bedel Hall, 120, 126, 129, 129 n, 131
Bedels, 10
Bedford, county, 220
Bedford, John, Duke of. See John of Lancaster
Bedford House sch. (Oxf.), 347
Beeding, Upper (Sussex), 202
Beef Hall, 40, 288, 289, 289 n, 294
Beerbohm, Max, 53
Beesley, E. S., 281
Beeston, Henry, 150, 162
Begham (Kent), 228
Beilby, Emma, Lady, 350
Beit, Alfred, 35, 35 n
Bek, Thomas, 38
Beke, John, 170, 173
Bekes Inn, 43, 123, 225
Bekyngham, Edmund, 105, 106
Bekynton. See Beckington
Belbroughton (Worcs.), 256
Belcher, William, 227
Belgium, 270
Bell, James, 245
-, — John, 83, 86
-, — Walter, 137
-, — William, 89, 93, 93 n
Bellamy, James, 257, 258
Bellasis, Dame Alice, 64
-, Bagley, Henry, 76 n
-, Maydeston, John, 144
Bellowe, John, 326
Belly, John, 126
Belsyre, Alexander, 251, 252, 253, 254, 258
Benedictines, 6, 7, 15, 17, 34, 238, 258, 301, 302
Benfield & Loxley, Messrs., 60, 340
Bennett [Bennet], Sir Ernest Nathaniel, 333
-, — Sir John, Baron Ossulton, 294
-, — Richard, 205 n
-, — Sir Simon, 65, 66, 67, 67 n, 70,
74, 74 n, 75 n, 79
-, — Thomas, 68 n, 71
Benson, George, 256
-, — Joseph, 332
Bentham, Jeremy, 135, 137
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Lichfield, 196,
Bentinck, William Henry C., 3rd Duke of Portland, 39, 236 n
Bentley (Worcs.), 300
Bentley, Anthony, 102
-, — John, 45, 46, 73, 73 n, 102
Bentley, Michael, 46
-, — Thomas, 116, 117, 261
Benton, Long (Northumb.), 82, 85
Benwell, Thomas, 64, 71
Berdmore, Scrope, 106
Bere, John, 114
-, — John de, 334
Berford, John, 183
Berford Hall, 183
Bergeveney, William de, 39
Berkeley, Robert, 261
Berkshire, 220, 266
Bermingham, Sir Brian de, 319
-, — John de, 319, 320
-, — Roger de, 319
Bermuda, 242
Bernard, St., 173, 259
Bernard, Edward, 27
-, — John, 211, 212
-, — Mountague, 248
Bernard College. See St. Bernard's College
Bernes, Richard, 48, 203, 204, 205, 205 n
Bernwood Forest, 245
Bernys, Richard, 194 n
Bertie, family, 348
-, — Albemarle, 68, 68 n, 79 n
Berton, William de, 12, 39
Berughdon, Robert, 334
Berwick (Wilts.), 161
Bery. See Bury
Bessels Leigh (Berks.), 43
Bethell, Richard, 1st Baron Westbury, 281 n
Bethome, William, 173
Bevans, Francis, 264, 278
Beveridge, William Henry, 71
Bewford, Henry, 165
Bewmounte, 238
Bibby, —, 231
Bible, 1, 23, 27, 28, 133, 223, 327
Biblical Studies, lecturership in, 35 n
Bibury (Glos.), stone, 192, 193
Bicester, 51
-, — priory, 3
Bicester's Inn, 165
Bickley, Thomas, Bp. of Chichester, 106, 196, 197
Bigg [Bigge], Henry, 146, 162
Bignell, Sir John, 310, 312
Biham, Gilbert de, 38
Bileby, Great, 98
-, — Little, 98
Bilson, Thomas, Bp. of Winchester, 149, 159
Bingham, Joseph, 68, 68 n
Binns, J. J., 276 n
Binsey (Oxon.), 236
Biochemical laboratory, 59
Biochemistry, professorship of, 37
Birch [Byrche], John, 122
-, — Thomas, 14
Birchanger (Essex), 155
Bird, Francis, 55, 55 n, 78
-, — William, 50, 51, 52, 53 n, 55 n,
149, 152, 184, 232, 290
Birkenhead, 1st Earl of. See Smith, Frederick Edwin
Birkhead, Henry, 27, 246
-, — John, 175
Birley, Sir Oswald, 278, 338
Birmingham, 217
-, — sch., 295
Bishop, Sir Edward, 246
-, — Nicholas, 325
Bisley, Richard, 178
Bisse, Philip, 282
Black Death, 9, 98, 133, 142, 154
Black Hall (Catte St.), 310, 311, 315,
318, 319
-, — (St. Giles'), 254
-, — (School St.), 55, 211, 216, 217,
Blackfriars (Oxf.), convent, 229
Blackhall. See Black Hall
Blackmore, Sir Richard, 330
Blackshaw, John, 284
Blackstone, James, 337
-, — Sir William, 22, 27, 28, 180, 181,
182, 192, 211, 337
Blackwell, George, 245
Blades, Robert, 298
Bladon (Oxon.), stone, 51, 58, 59, 60, 101, 142, 353
Blair, Sir David Oswald Hunter, Bt., 340
Blake, Lilian, 350
-, — Robert, 281
Blakedon, Robert, 113
Blakiston, Herbert Edward D., 249, 250, 251
Blanchard, Thomas, 214
Blandford, Walter, Bp. of Worcester, 67, 281, 282
Blandford St. Mary (Dorset), 300
Blankeswille, John de, 113
Blattsoe, William, 309
Blea, —, 47 n
Bleching (Kent), 175
Blechynden [Blechyndon], Richard, 257, 300, 301
Blencowe, Antony, 122, 125, 126
Blenheim Palace, 51, 54
Bletchington [Bletchingdon] (Oxon.), 51, 327, 330, 331
Blockley, Thomas, 56
Blomfield, Sir Reginald, 48, 343
Bloom, Richard, 266
Blore, Edward, 53, 57, 98, 101, 263, 263 n, 264 n, 286, 287, 308
Blount, Sir Henry, 246
-, — Richard, 244, 245
-, — Thomas Pope, 245
Bloxam, John Rouse, 199
Bloxham, John, 101, 101 n, 105, 106
Bloxwich (Staffs.), 255
Blundell, Peter, 83, 84, 86
Boar's head, 133
Boase, Thomas Sherrer R., 202
Bobart, Jacob, 49
-, — Tilleman, 78
Bobbing (Kent), 175
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 177
Bocking (Essex), 223
Boden, Joseph, 30
Bodin, Great, Hall, 239 n
Bodin, Little, Hall, 239 n
Bodleian Library, 16, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 37, 37 n, 44–47, 55, 56, 60, 68, 70, 88, 124 n, 132, 181, 213, 217, 221, 223, 247, 258, 277, 299, 312, 319, 340.
Bodley, George Frederick, 60, 81,
207, 233
-, — Sir Thomas, 22, 45, 46, 57, 105,
106, 197 n, 299
Boethius, 10, 21
Bohemia, 325
Bokington [Bokyngton]. See Brockhampton
Bole, Richard, 82
Boleyn, Anne. See Anne (Boleyn)
-, — Sir Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire,
Bolton, Henry, 146, 206
-, — John, 46, 75, 75 n, 284
Bond, Nicholas, 197, 202
Boniface IX, Pope, 13, 14
Booth [Boothe], —, 55, 55 n
-, — James, 271 n, 272, 274
-, — William, 50 n
Borde, John, 145
Bordeaux, 307, 307 n
Borowgh. See Burrows
Bosanquet, B., 87
Bosco, William de, 38
Bossom, John, 51
Bost, Henry, 133, 136, 137
Bost, Walter, 239
Bostar Hall, 193
Boswell, James, 69 n, 248
Botany, professorship of, 27, 29
-, — sch. of, 59
Botley (Berks.), 164, 221
Boulter, Edmund, 294
-, — Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, 199 n,
Bourchier, Roger, 307
-, — Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 39
Bourton-on-the-Water (Glos.), 229, 280
Bousfield, Bartholomew, 137, 327
Bouverie, William, 5th Earl of Radnor, 80, 146
Bovill, Sewale de, 38
Bowden, John, 203
-, — John William, 248
Bowen, Charles Synge C., Baron
Bowen, 89
-, — Sir George Ferguson, 248
Bower, Edward, 182
-, — Walter, 197
Bowerbank, Edward, 332
Bowke, John, 144, 162
Bowles, William Lisle, 248
Bowman, Thomas, 106, 280
Bowra, Sir Cecil Maurice, 283
Bowsfield, Thomas, 320, 322, 327, 327 n, 334
Box Ground stone, 262 n
Boyd, Henry, 314, 315
Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery,
-, — Charles, Visct. Dungarvan, 125
-, — Michael, Bp. of Waterford, 255
-, — Hon. Robert, 25, 247
Boylesdon (Derbyshire), 300
Boys [Boyse], Nathaniel, 67
-, — William, 319, 334
Boyton (Wilts.), 202
Boyworth (Kent), 175
Brackenbury, Hannah, 87, 94 n
-, — Perse, 87 n
Brackley (Northants.), hosp., 195
-, — sch., 244
Brackley Hall, 239 n
Bradbury, Sir John Swanwick, 1st Baron, 213
Braddyll, Ralph, 131 n
Bradford Peverell (Dorset), 147
Bradley [Bradleghe], A. C., 87, 88 n
-, — George Granville, 71
-, — Richard, 114
Bradmore, 341
Bradshaw, George, 89
-, — William, 238
Bradwardine, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 104, 105
Bradwell (Bucks.), 229
-, — (Oxon.), 244
Braithwaite [Brathwait], Miles, 326,
-, — Thomas, 162
Bramber cum Botolph's (Sussex), 202
Bramley (Hants), 332
Bramston, Thomas, 254
Bramwell, W. C., 57
Branche, John, 73, 183
Brandeston (Norf.), 202
Brandon, Willelmus, 89
Brangwyn, Frank, 340
Branthwaite, John, 333, 335
Brantingham, Thomas, Bp. of Exeter, 72
Brasenose College, 18, 20, 47, 51,
54 n, 55, 56, 61, 74 n, 75 n, 128 n,
207–219, 221, 235 n, 262, 265,
327 n
-, — Chapel, 76, 79, 215, 216, 217, 218,
263 n
-, — Hall, 215
-, — History, 207–13
Brasenose Library, 213, 215, 217, 218
-, — Pictures, 213
-, — Plate, 213
-, — Seal, 213
-, — Site, 214–19
Brasenose Hall, 61, 207, 208, 214, 215
Brass, W. M., 94
Brasynose. See Brasenose.
Brathwait. See Braithwaite
Braunston (Northants.), 279
Bray, John, 108 n
-, — Thomas, 114
Brecon, county, 272
-, — town, ch., 266
Bredon, Simon, 104
Breeks, Thomas, 332
Brend Hall, 163
Brenset (Kent), 175
Brent [Brente], Benedict, 114
-, — Sir Nathaniel, 46, 98 n, 105, 106
Brentwood (Essex), sch., 249
Breughel, Peter, the younger, 258
Brewster, William, 255
Brian, Johannes, 42
Brickdale, John, 276
Brickenden, Colwell, 297
Bridgeford, East (Notts.), 202
Bridgeman [Bridgman], Sir Francis,
134, 135
-, — Sir Orlando, 76
Bridges [Brydges], Hon. Henry, 89
-, — J. H., 281
-, — Lydia Catherine, Duchess of
Chandos, 84 n
-, — Robert, 53
-, — Thomas Edward, 223, 225
Bridgewater, John, 171, 173
Bridgman. See Bridgeman
Bridlington, William de, 38
Bright, James Franck, 71, 351
Brill (Bucks.), 245
Brimpsfield (Glos.), 301
Brinkworth (Wilts.), 294, 297
Bristol, city, 125
-, —grammar sch., 43, 252, 257
-, — dioc., 236, 247, 250, 297
-, — sandstone, 58
British Association, 57, 58
-, — Fishery, 320
-, — Museum, 22, 33, 166
Broadgates Hall (High St.), 218
-, — (St. Aldates), 23, 235, 288, 289,
291, 292, 293, 300
Brockbank, T., 134
Brockhampton (Heref.), stone, 229
Brode, Philip, 109
Brodie, Sir Benjamin, 349, 349 n
Brodrick, George Charles, 106
Broke. See Brooke
Brokenheys, 183
Brome, Adam de, 8, 11, 48, 119, 124, 125
Bromley, Lady, 272
-, — Sir Thomas, 39
-, — William, 78
Bromley, Little (Essex), 280
Brooke [Broke, Brook, Brookes], —,
-, — Sir Charles, 335
-, — George, 231
-, — James, 89
-, — L. L., 350
-, — Richard, 42, 325, 334
-, — Victor John K., 339
-, — William, 183
Broomhill (Kent), 175
Brotherton, Thomas, 180
Brough (Westm.), 132
Brouweon, Thomas, 39
Brown [Browne], Adam, 262, 263
-, — John (d. 1613), 66, 73, 73 n
-, — John (d. 1764), 69, 71, 81
-, — Joseph, 137
-, — Richard, 113, 113 n
Brown, William, 144
Browning, Robert, 86, 88
Bruce, Victor Alexander, 9th Earl of Elgin, 87
Bruern, Abbot of, 203
Bruni, Leonardo, 177
Bryce, James, 269
Brydges. See Bridges
Bryghtwell, Thomas, 39
Brynknell, Thomas, 18
Bryton, William, 334
Bucer, Martin, 196
Buchanan, George, 26
Buchanan-Riddell, Sir W. R., 315
Buckeridge, C. E., 263, 292
-, — John, Bp. of Ely, 255, 258
Buckhurst, Baron. See Sackville, Thomas
Buckingham, 51
Buckland (Berks.), 326
-, — (Surrey), 175
Buckland, H. T., 348
Buckler, John, 207
-, — John Chessell, 91 n, 92, 207 n,
276, 276 n
Bucknell (Oxon.), 161
Buckthorpe, Robert, 218
Bucktot, John, 164, 165
Budde, Richard, 265
Budden, John, 337
Budgell, Eustace, 248
Bulkley, Richard, 43
Bull, —, 47 n
-, — James, 274 n
-, — Thomas, 272
Bull Hall, 100 n
Bulley, Frederic, 199, 200, 202
Bullingham, Richard, Bp. of Worcester, 178
Bunbury, Sir William, Bt., 89
Bunting, William, 267
Burdun, Walter, 38
Burford (Oxon.), 183
-, — stone, 51, 56, 75, 142, 217, 233,
Burgess [Burges], —, 60
-, — William, 308
Burgesses, university, 22
Burghers, Michael, 48, 54 n
Burghersh, Henry, Bp. of Lincoln, 119, 124, 239
Burgo, Nicholas de, 235
Burke, Edmund, 28
Burley, Robertus, 89
-, — Walter, 9, 104, 176
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, 59, 112 n, 113, 324, 343
Burnel [Burnell], William, Archdeacon of Wells, 82
-, — William, of London, 326
Burnel's Inn, 16, 82
Burrows [Borowgh, Burroughes],
Sir —, 194 n
-, — Christine Mary E., 350, 353
-, — Esther Elizabeth, 349, 350
-, — Joan, 194 n
-, — John, 287
Burton, John, 93, 93 n
-, — Montague, 37
-, — Sir Richard Francis, 248
-, — Robert, 63, 64, 71
Burwick, John, 109
Burwoldscot, Roger de, 218
Bury, Arthur, 111, 114
-, — John, 114
-, — William, 114
Bury Pulborough (Sussex), 297
Bury St. Edmunds, 40 n, 304, 306
Busby, Richard, 84, 89
Buscot (Berks.), 326 n
Bush, Samuel, 282
Bushbury (Staffs.), 164
Bushell, Christopher, 224
Butcher, S. H., 351
-, — William, 221, 222, 225
Butler, —, 160
-, — A. S. G., 81
-, — Charles, Earl of Arran, 39
-, — Edward, 199, 202, 206 n
-, — Francis, 149
-, — James, 1st Duke of Ormonde, 39,
-, — James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, 39
-, — Joseph, Bp. of Durham, 27, 123,
-, — Ruth F., 353
-, — Violet, 353
Butrio, Antonio de, 176
Butt, John, 205 n
Butterfield, William, 90, 91, 92, 92 n, 98, 101, 102, 117, 336
Byfield, John, 263
Bygott, Robert, 326
Byrche. See Birch
Byres, Roland, 137
Bysshe, Sir Edward, 246
Bywater, Ingram, 36, 136
Caedmon, St., 27
Caerleon (Mon.), 265
Caesar, Charles, 178 n
-, — Henry, 95, 95 n
-, — Sir Julius, 178 n, 272
Caird, Edward, 89
Caistor (Lincs.), 195 n
Caius, John, 1
-, — Thomas. See Key
Calcutta, 80 n
Calderini, John, 176
Caldwell, Robert, 63
Cale, John, 315
Callowhill, John, 267
Calne, Henry, 329
Calphurne, Matthew, 18
Calvert, Cecilius, 245
-, — George, 1st Baron Baltimore, 245
Calvin, Jean, 177
Calvinists, 23
Cambridge, univ., 2, 18, 19, 22, 24,
31, 40, 99, 135, 160, 177, 198, 234,
236, 320, 352
-, —chancellor, 8
-, —Girton Coll., 344
-, —Magdelene Coll., 243, 244
-, —Newnham Coll., 346
-, —Pembroke Coll., 250, 327
-, —Sidney Sussex Coll., 244, 247,
-, —Trinity Coll., 166 n, 286 n
-, —Trinity Hall, 180, 196
Cambridge (Mass.), 198
Camby, John, 288
Camby's Lodgings, 288, 288 n
Camden (Glos.), 205 n
Camden, William, 24, 197 n, 301
Campeggio, Lorenzo, 231
Campion, Abraham, 246
-, — Edmund, 171, 251, 253, 254, 298
Campion Hall, 34, 339–40
Camplin, Thomas, 332
Canditch, 50, 51
Candlesby cum Scremby (Lines.), 202
Cannan, Charles, 249, 251
Cannar, Thomas, 234
Cannyngs, William, 125
Canon School, 6
Canon, Sir Thomas, 265
Canon Law, faculty of, 2, 10, 12, 13,
14, 20, 21 n
-, — sch. of, 16
Cantelupo, Thomas de, 38
Canterbury, Abps. of, 104, 175, 255
-, — cath., 178, 331, 333
-, — Christ Church, 13, 175, 307
-, — King's sch., 188, 249
-, — province, 6, 7, 12, 301
-, — St. Augustine's, 305, 306
Canterbury College, 13, 219, 226, 227, 232, 233, 235, 340
Canwell (Staffs.), 228
Caracci, Annibale, 201
Cardigan, county, 264, 272
Cardinal College, 16, 18, 19, 90, 91, 196, 228, 233, 234, 235, 348
Cardinal's Hat, 242
Cardwell, Edward, 213
Carew, George, 238
Carey [Cary], Henry, Earl of Dover,
-, — John, 161
-, — Lorenzo, 116
Carfax conduit, 48, 48 n, 190
Carleton, George, Bp. of Chichester, 327
Carlisle, 64
Carlisle, Thomas, 133, 137
Carmarthen, county, 266, 266 n, 272
Carmeliano, Pietro, 18
Carmelites, 101, 302
Carnarvon, 1st Earl of. See Dormer, Robert
Caro. See Carrowe
Caroline, Consort of George II, 137, 142, 143
Carpenter, Messrs., brewers, 340
Carpenter, John, Bp. of Worcester,
39, 93, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125,
129, 131
-, — Richard, 116
-, — Richard Cromwell, 117
Carpenters and Joiners:
-, Ball, George, 75 n
-, Barker, Robert, 79, 79 n, 80,
80 n
-, Bate, William, 183
-, Belcher, William, 227
-, Blattsoe, William, 309
-, Bolton, John, 46, 75, 75 n, 284
-, Booth, William, 50 n
-, Boothe, James, 271 n, 272, 274
-, Bowden, John, 203
-, Branche, John, 73, 183
-, Brown, Adam, 262, 263
-, Butler, Francis, 149
-, Carrowe, Robert, 230
-, Coke, Humphrey, 225 n, 229, 230
-, Dennys, Thomas, 274
-, Franklin, Jeremiah, 140
-, — William, 50 n, 142, 143
-, Franklyn, John, 191
-, Frogley, Arthur, 51, 76, 76 n, 77,
79, 215, 227, 242 n, 324
-, — Richard, 48, 50, 51, 52, 150,
151, 232
-, Giles, —, 183
-, Goodson, Henry, 227
-, Griffin, John, 51
-, Harris, —, 146
-, Heughes, Thomas, 138
-, Holt, Thomas, 45, 46, 102, 284
-, Jaye, Popyng, 231
-, Kendall, John, 50 n
-, Kyrkeby, William, 183
-, London, Christopher, 50 n
-, Long, John, 50 n
-, Martin, James, 50 n
-, Mayo, Thomas, 75, 75 n, 76
-, Minchin, Robert, 51
-, Minn, Thomas, 48, 138
-, — Thomas, jun., 55 n, 138, 227
-, Paine, Samuel, 50 n
-, Payne, —, 274
-, Peverill, Daniel, 50 n
-, Philip, 148 n
-, Phillips, John, 56, 233
-, Rainsford, John, 51, 76
-, Richardson, Thomas, 76, 272,
272 n
-, Sells, William, 263
-, Shakespeare, George, 143, 233
-, Shearpe, Richard, 50 n
-, Shepherd, Richard, 50 n
-, Sivers, Giles, 50 n
-, Smith, —, 55 n
-, — Edward, 50 n
-, — William, 50 n
-, Tawney, Robert, 53, 143, 227, 228
-, Tesely, —, 284
-, Thornton, —, 284
-, Towney, Richard, 191
-, Trindall, Edward, 76
-, Tyllock, Richard, 183
-, Walter, —, 203
-, Watson, James, 227
-, Wesburne, John, 231, 232
-, White, John, 76, 76 n
-, — John, jun., 76 n, 77
-, — Thomas, 76 n
-, Wild, John, 48, 91, 217, 232,
262 n, 263 n
-, Wildgoose, William, 50 n
-, Wilkins, John, 52
-, Wys, William, 144
Carr, J., 85
Carrick, —, 267
Carrowe, Robert, 230
Carter [Cartar], A. T., 238
-, — George, 123, 123 n, 125, 126, 129
-, — Robert, 196, 229, 235
Cartwright, Edmund, 199, 199 n
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Chester, 137, 198
Caruer, Robert, 205 n
Carvers, Marble:
-, Bacon, John, 181, 182, 192
-, Cheere, Sir Henry, 53, 137, 143,
182, 191
-, Ford, E. O., 81
-, Nelson, George, 81
-, Roubiliac, L. F., 182, 191
-, Rysbrack, Michael, 56, 81 n, 137
-, Watson, M. L., 81
-, White, Simon, 217, 337
-, Wilton, Joseph, 81
Carvers, Stone:
-, Acres, Harry, 262
-, Bird, Francis, 55, 55 n, 78
-, — William, 50, 51, 52, 53 n, 55 n,
149, 152, 184, 232, 290
-, Blackshaw, John, 284
-, Bolton, Henry, 146, 206
-, Davis, Hugh, 215, 262
-, Gore, Antony, 262
-, King, W. C. H., 187
-, Massyngham, John, 183
-, Smith, Richard, 227, 263 n
-, Townesend, John, 54 n, 56, 227,
232, 263
-, Vanderstein, J., 138
Carvers, Wood:
-, Baker, John, 79, 79 n
-, Bolton, John, 46, 75, 75 n, 284
-, Cleer, Richard, 51
-, — William, 51
-, Crosia, —, 79
-, Gibbons, Grinling, 52, 77, 242
-, Harvey, —, 79
-, King, —, 79
-, Linnell, William, 56
-, Mayne, Jonathan, 227, 242 n
-, Woodroffe, Edward, 76, 76 n
-, — George, 76 n
Cary. See Carey
Caryswall, Anthony, 218
-, — John, 218
Casberd, John Thomas, 257
Case, John, 254
-, — Thomas, 224, 225
Cassel, Sir Ernest, 342, 345, 350, 353
Cassington (Oxon.), 320
Castell, John, 39, 62, 71
Caswell, John, 218
Cat Hall, 42, 311, 318
-, — Street. See Catte Street
Catagre, Richard, 299
Catesby, Sir William, 298
Catherine, St., 88, 91, 92, 239
-, — of Aragon, 19, 195 n
-, — of Valois, Consort of Henry V,
Catholic Workers' College, 34 n
Catte Street, 55
Cave, —, 256
-, — George, Visct. Cave, 39, 350
Cawley, John, 211
-, — Ralph, 214
Cawse, Thomas, 325, 334
Cecil, Lord Hugh Richard R., 181
-, — Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 162
Cecil of Chelwood, Visct. See Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon R.
Celtic, chair of, 33
Chace, Thomas, 15, 39, 89, 92, 92 n, 93, 93 n
Chad, St., 213
Chadwick, Frank, 244
Chadworth, John, Bp. of Lincoln, 63, 72
Chalfont St. Peter (Bucks.), 255
Chalford (Oxon.), 121, 121 n
Chalgrove (Oxon.), 164
Chalmers, Sir Mackenzie Dalzell, 244, 251
Chamber. See Chambers
Chamberdekyns, 15
Chamberlayne [Chamberleyn],
Thomas, 272
-, — William, 163, 170, 173
Chambers [Chamber], John, 104 n,
-, — Sir Robert, 69, 69 n, 80, 337
Champneys, Basil, 34, 60, 98, 102, 129, 154, 337, 343, 346
Chancellors, list of, 38–39
Chancellor's Court, 23, 24
Chandler [Chandeler, Chaundler],
Richard, 199, 199 n
-, — Thomas, 39, 41, 64, 145, 150, 158,
Channel Islands, 265, 266, 293, 296
Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt, 81, 162, 233
Chapman, D. L., 269, 271
-, — Joseph, 247, 250
Chappington, John, 146, 146 n
Charlbury (Oxon.), 212, 254, 255
Charles I, King of Gt. Britain, 23,
25, 49, 113, 128, 136, 171, 179,
182, 201, 213, 224, 235, 258, 262,
265, 267, 278, 293, 296, 300, 337
-, — II, 26, 49, 53, 171, 172, 179, 198,
235, 266, 266 n, 278, 300, 329, 330
Charlett, Arthur, 61, 68, 69, 71, 77, 78, 180, 247
Charlotte Sophia, Consort of George III, 137, 143
Charlton-on-Otmoor (Oxon.), 328
Charlton's Inn, 173, 183
Charnock, Robert, 198, 198 n, 199, 199 n
Charterhouse, sch., 294, 296
Chase, D. P., 130
Chatham, 1st Earl of. See Pitt, William
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 27, 104
Chaundler. See Chandler
Chavasse, C. M., Bp. of Rochester,
-, — Francis James, Bp. of Liverpool,
Chaworth, Richard, 66
Chayny Lane, 271, 274
Cheam (Surrey), 255
Checker Hall, 116
Chedsey, William, 222, 225
Chedworth, John, Bp. of Lincoln, 42
Cheere, Sir Henry, 53, 137, 143, 182, 191
Cheke, Sir John, 177, 235
Chelmsford, Visct. See Thesiger, F. J. N.
Chelsfield (Kent), 175
Cheltenham, coll., 294
-, — free sch., 224
-, — Ladies' coll., 348, 349, 350
-, — St. Hilda's Coll., 349
Cheltenham, Richard, 305 n
Chemistry, professorship of, 29, 33
Cherleton, Humfrey de, 39
Cherwell, river, 49, 50, 197, 206, 249, 341, 348
Cherwell Hall, 349
Cheshire, 134, 208 n, 272, 300
Chesney, Robert de, Bp. of Lincoln, 1
Chester, Earldom of, 89
Chesterton (Oxon.), 159
Chests, 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 16 n, 44, 173
Chetyndon, Will. de, 95
Chevynton, Richard, 183
Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, 333
Cheynell, Francis, 258
Chichele, Henry, Abp. of Canterbury, 14, 16, 64, 101 n, 105, 162,
173, 174, 174 n, 175, 176, 179,
182, 183, 258, 259, 325
-, — Thomas, 175
Chichele professorships, 33, 35 n, 37, 181
Chichester, Bps. of, 104
Chickwelle, Ricardus de, 89
Child, Gilbert, 349
-, — Richard, Earl Tilney, 134
Childrey (Berks.), 164
Chillingworth, William, 246
Chinese, chair of, 33
Chinese Philosophy and Religion, lecturership in, 37
Chipping Campden (Glos.), 294
Chipping Norton (Oxon.), 209
Christ Church, 19, 21, 29, 30, 51, 81,
82, 84, 95, 140, 197, 198, 200, 215,
216, 217, 218, 227, 228–38, 242,
243, 251, 253, 258, 259, 265, 271,
279, 288, 289, 292, 292 n, 293, 298,
300, 313, 318, 336, 339, 349
-, — Buildings, 228–33
-, — Choir sch., 233, 340
-, — Deans, 238
-, — History, 233–7
-, — Library, 237
-, — Pictures, 237
-, — Plate, 237
-, — Seals, 237
Christian Victor, Prince, of Schleswig-Holstein, 200 n
Christie, John Traill, 279
Church, Arthur Herbert, 53
-, — Richard William, 123 n, 124, 248,
Church Education Corporation, 349
Churchill, John, 1st Duke of Marlborough, 331
Churton, Ralph, 207, 211
Cibber, Caius, 242
Cicely, Duchess of York, 176
Cicero, M. Tullius, 17, 21, 177, 221
Cicestria, Henry de, 38
Cinque Ports, Warden of, 246
Cirencester, Henry. See Rumworth, Henry
Cisson, Thomas, 89
Cistercians, 6, 63, 173, 238, 258, 259
Cîteaux, 259
Citha, St., 121
Civil Law, faculty of, 2, 10, 12, 13,
20, 23, 25, 26, 34, 35
-, — lectures in, 19
-, — professorship of, 19, 181
-, — Service, 136
-, — war, 66, 73, 83, 123, 171, 179,
210, 224, 232, 236, 256, 265, 274,
281, 287, 295, 328, 337
Claimond. See Claymond
Clapton (Glos.), 280
Clare, Gilbert, 102
-, — Richard, Earl of Gloucester, 102
Clarendon, 1st Earl of. See Hyde,
-, — 2nd Earl of. See Hyde, Henry
Clarendon Building, 28, 30, 48 n,
54–55, 57, 338, 351, 352
-, — Laboratory, 58
-, — Physics Laboratory (New), 59
-, — Press, Walton St., 55, 56, 262 n,
Clarke [Clark, Clerk, Clerke], Lady,
-, — George, 54, 55, 78, 180, 182, 184,
190, 191, 192, 206, 216, 218, 233,
300, 301, 307, 308, 309
-, — George Norman, 126
-, — Henry, 198, 202
-, — John (of Christ Church), 234
-, — John (clerk of works), 183
-, — John (mason), 47
-, — John (of St. Michael Northgate
par.). See Martyn, John
-, — John (d. 1781), 126
-, — Peter. See Payne, Peter
-, — Richard, 339
-, — Thomas, 261, 262
Classical Archaeology and Art, professorship of, 34 n
Claughton, Thomas, Bp. of St. Albans, 248
Clavering, James, 324
Claymond, John, 196, 201, 209, 221, 224, 225, 229
Clayton, Richard, 67, 71
-, — Thomas (Warden of Merton
Coll.), 104 n, 106
-, — Thomas (Master of Pembroke
Coll.), 288, 295, 297
Clayton & Bell, Messrs., 186, 187
Cleaver, William, Bp. of St. Asaph, 211, 212, 214
Cleer, Richard, 51
-, — William, 51
Clement, John, 18
Cleobury, Christopher, 294
Clerk [Clerke]. See Clarke
Clerkenwell, 83
Cleveland, archdeaconry of, 178 n
Cleveland, 1st Earl of. See Wentworth, Sir Thomas
Clifford, Richard, Bp. of London, 16, 93
Clifton (Oxon.), 85 n
Clifton (Bristol) Coll., 249, 250
Clifton, William, 209
Clinical Medicine, Nuffield professorship of, 200
Clipsham (Rutland), stone, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 233, 262 n, 340, 343, 353, 354
Clive, —, 103
-, — Richard de, 38
Clothworkers' Company, 344 n
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 86, 248
Clutton, —, 186
Clynnog Fawr (Carn.), 279
Clynt, William, 39
Clyste, Robert de, 113
Coach and Horses Lane, 95
Cobb, Charles, Abp. of Dublin, 248
-, — [Cobbe], John, 162
-, — Richard, 224
Cobbow, John, 43
Cobbow Hall, 43
Cobham, James de, 38
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Worcester, 8,
119, 124
Cock on the Hoop Inn, 73
Cockerell, Charles Robert, 30, 57, 143
Cockman, Thomas, 68, 69, 71
Cockrayne, Lady Mary, 272
Cocks, John, 208 n
Codford St. Mary (Wilts.), 255, 297
Codford St. Peter (Wilts.), 297
Codington [Codinton]. See Cuddington
Codrington Library. See All Souls College
Codrington, Christopher, 180, 182,
190, 191
-, — Richard, 331
Cogges (Oxon.), 243
Coke, Sir Edward, 22
-, — Humphrey, 225 n, 229, 230
Cold Norton (Oxon.), priory, 208, 209
Cole [Coles], —, 55 n
-, — Ann, 299
-, — Arthur, 197, 201
-, — Henry, 162, 258
-, — John (Warden of All Souls Coll.),
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
-, — John (mason), 205
-, — Ralf, 38
-, — William, 221, 222, 225
Coleby (Lincs.), 120, 121, 122
Coleraine, 3rd Baron. See Hare, Henry
Coleridge, Henry James, 248
-, — John, 233, 243
-, — Sir John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge, 86
-, — P., 233
Colerne (Wilts.), 155, 159, 161
Coles. See Cole
Colet [Colett], John, 18, 105, 337 n
-, — William, 194 n
Colfoxe, Thomas, 188
Collier, Hon. John, 137
Collingwood, Samuel, 341
Collins, John, 295
-, — R. S., 271
-, — William, 136, 199, 199 n
Collinson, Septimus, 137
Collis, —, 267
Coln St. Denis (Glos.), 294, 297
Colonial History, professorship of, 35
-, — Office, 59
Colyforde, John, 114
Colyntre, John de, 125
Comb [Combe], Edward, 124 n
-, — Francis, 244
-, — John, 108 n
Combe, Long (Oxon.), 164, 170 n
Commissary, Chancellor's, 9
Common Law, chair of, 27
Comparative Philology, chair of, 33, 34 n
Comper, —, 128
Compton, Henry, Bp. of London,
84, 89, 136, 137
-, — J. S., 297
-, — Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, 247
-, — Sir William, 91
-, — William, 306
Compton Beauchamp (Berks.), 202
Compton Wynyates (Warw.), 91
Computus ecclesiasticus, 10
Conant, John, 25, 26, 27, 114
Congregation, 4, 9, 10, 24, 32, 35,
36, 44
-, — Black, 10
-, — House, 8
Congreve, Richard, 281
Coningsby, George, 88
Conington, John, 199, 224
Conroy, Sir John, 3rd Bt., 88
Constable, Henry, 1st Visct. Dunbar, 245
Constance, 125
-, — council of, 14, 16
Constantiis, John de, 1
Conventus Praefectorum, 23, 25
Convocation, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32, 32 n, 35, 36, 57
Convocation House, 47, 50, 217
Conybeare, John, Bp. of Bristol, 114, 238, 313
Conyers, —, 257
Cook [Cooke, Cookes] —, 191 n
-, — Henry, 79, 146
-, — John (mason), 144
-, — John (President of Corpus
Christi Coll.), 225, 228
-, — Nicholas, 326, 334
-, — Sir Thomas, 28, 257, 300, 301, 302
Cooney, John Edwin, 342
Cooper, Sir Edwin, 350
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Winchester, 159,
160, 238
Copeland, William John, 248
Copleston, Edward, Bp. of Llandaff, 124, 125, 126
Corbet, Richard, 238
Corbishley, Thomas, 340
Corbrigge, Hugo de, 89
Cordell, Sir William, 252, 253, 254, 298
Cordone, Richard, 164
Corffe, William, 125
Corindon, William, 114
Cornbury (Oxon.), 49
Corndon. See Corindon
Corndon Hall, 225
Cornmarket (Oxf.), 221
Cornubia, John de, 42, 319, 334
-, — Robert Luc de, 334
-, — Stephanus de, 89
Cornwall, 108, 111
Cornwallis, Frederick, Abp. of Canterbury, 89
Cornysh, Thomas, 126
Corydon. See Corindon
Corpus Christi College, 18, 21, 32,
33, 87 n, 98, 112, 128 n, 140, 196,
209 n, 219–28, 235, 244, 251, 252,
279, 280, 280 n, 289 n, 329 n
-, — Buildings, 225–8
-, — Chapel, 79, 226
-, — History, 219–24
-, — Library, 224, 226
-, — Pictures, 224
-, — Plate, 224
-, — Presidents, 224
-, — Seals, 224
Corvus, Joannes, 225
Cossar, —, 53 n
Cotman, John Sell, 137
Cots. See Cotys
Cotswold stone, 51, 353
Cottingham, Lewis Nickalls, 207
Cottisford, John, 171, 173
Cotton, Richard Lynch, 301, 308
Cotys, George, Bp. of Chester, 83, 89, 109
Court of Arches, 175
Courtenay, Richard, Bp. of Norwich, 14, 39, 133
-, — William, Abp. of Canterbury, 13,
Couse, Kenton, 143
Coutances, John de. See Constantiis
Coveney, Thomas, 197, 201
Coventry, 253
-, — sch., 252, 257
Coventry and Lichfield, dioc., 208 n, 212
Coverdale, Miles, 196
Cowbridge (Glam.), sch., 266, 268, 270
Cowell, M. B., 280
Cowley (Oxon.), 43, 122, 165, 294, 320, 348
Cowling, John, 113
Cowper, Thomas, 231
Cox [Coxe], —, 47 n
-, — George Valentine, 53
-, — Richard, 39, 65, 232, 235, 238
Coxed, John, 150, 162
Coxwell, Great (Berks.), 132
Crace, Frederick, 262
Crackanthorpe, Richard, 134, 136
Cradock, Edward Hartopp, 212, 214
Cramer, John Anthony, 338
Cranham (Essex), 256
Cranley [Cranleigh], Thomas, Abp. of Dublin, 39, 146, 162, 310
Cranmer, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 20, 171, 177, 196, 221, 234
Cranstoun, Hon. C. R., 268
Craunford, Robert, 163
Craven, John, Baron Craven, 29 n,
-, — John, 274
-, — Sir William, 255
-, — William, Earl of Craven, 246
Crayford, John, 64, 71
Creech, Thomas, 281
Creed, James, 331
Crendon, Long (Bucks.), 175
Crewe, Nathaniel, 3rd Baron Crewe, 27, 165, 168, 172, 173, 329
Crick (Northants.), 255
Crimean war, 135
Criminal Law, lecturership in, 35 n
Crocker, Florence, 353
Crofts, George, 122 n
Croke, —, 235
Cromwell, Oliver, 25, 26, 39, 198,
200 n, 311
-, — Sir Ralph, 194 n
-, — Richard, 26, 39, 246
-, — Thomas, Earl of Essex, 19, 196,
228, 234, 235, 244, 310
Croney, Ann, 324
Cronshaw, George Bernard, 335
Cropper, James, 342
Crosby, John, 165, 167
Crosfield, Thomas, 134
Crosia, —, 79
Crosse, — (of Christ Church), 138
-, —(of Deep Hall), 75
-, —Augustine, 114
-, — Joshua, 198 n
Crosthwaite, Thomas, 330, 330 n, 335
Croston, Edmund, 207, 208
Crouch, Isaac, 332
-, — Nicholas, 88, 91 n
Crowe, William, 117 n
Crown Tavern, 48 n
Croxford, Lady Joan, 175
Croxford's Inn, 165
Croydon (Surrey), 175
Crumpe, Henry, 63
Cruttwell, C. R. M. F., 315
Cryspyn, Richard, 122 n
Cublington (Bucks.), 164
Cuddesdon (Oxon.), coll., 333
-, — palace, 48, 73
Cuddington (Essex), 99 n
Cuddington, Geoffrey, 99 n
-, — Peter of, 99 n
-, — Walter of, 99, 100, 100 n
-, — William, 99 n
Cudenton [Cudinton]. See Cuddington
Cuffe, Henry, 245
Culpepper, Martin, 150, 162
Cumberland, 132, 133, 134, 135
Cumnor (Berks.), 190, 253, 283
Cunningham, Alexander, 180
Curzon, Assheton, 215
-, — George Nathaniel, Marq. Curzon,
35, 35 n, 36, 39, 87, 180, 200, 333
Cuthbert, St., 62, 70, 72, 77, 226
Cuthbert Hall, 42
Cuthbertson, John, 326, 334
Cuyp, N., 237
Dagenet, John, 113
Dagfeld, William. See Dagville, William
Dagville, William, 165
Dagville's Inn, 165
Dale, George, 131 n
-, — John, 197
Dallam, Robert, 146
Dallaway, James, 53, 248
d'Amory, Richard, 11
Danby, Earl of. See Danvers, Henry
Daniel, Charles Henry O., 301
Dante, 333
Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby, 23,
-, — Joan (Joanna), 16, 64, 72, 72 n,
194 n, 202
-, — Thomas, 196, 202
Darbishire, Helen, 347
Darby [Darbie], Edward, 165, 165 n,
167, 209
-, — John, 289
D'Arcy, Martin, 339, 340
Darley, John, 325, 334
Darlington, Hugh de, 239
Darnall, —, 147 n
Darnborough, Miss, 164
Dartmouth, 2nd Earl of. See Legge, William
Daubeny, Charles Giles B., 30, 199
Daubeny Laboratory, 200
Daventry [de Daventre], William, 120 n, 125
Daventry, 228, 229
Davey, John, 85, 85 n, 89
David, St., 269
Davidson, Randall Thomas, Baron Davidson, Abp. of Canterbury, 249
Davis [Davies, Davyes], — (foreman), 48
-, —(of Jesus Coll.), 267
-, —(painter), 46, 284
-, — Griffith, 278
-, — Henry William C., 87
-, — Hugh, 215, 262
-, — Thomas, 76
-, — William, 274
Davy, Sir Humphrey, 58
Dawkins, Boyd, 269
Day, John (of High St.), 73, 74 n
-, — John (servant of Jesus Coll.), 267
-, — P., 349
Dean (Oxon.), 121, 121 n
Deane, Anthony, 138
-, — Thomas (d. 1735), 67
-, — Sir Thomas, 33, 57, 60
-, — Sir Thomas Newenham, 57, 58,
60, 233
Dear [Dere], —, 319 n
-, — R. C. L., 263
Deddington (Oxon.), 243
Dedicus, Johannes, 18
Deep Hall (High St.), 74, 75, 80, 81
-, — (St. Mildred's Lane), 163, 164
Delabere, John, 299, 301
De La Moote, John, 307
De La More, John, 106
De La Mote, Gaillard, 8
Delamotte, W., 53 n
Delaune, William, 27 n, 256, 257, 258
Delegacy for the Licensing of Lodgings, 338
-, — for Women students, 35, 351, 352
-, — of Local Examinations, 60
-, — of Non-collegiate students, 33, 60
Demosthenes, 177
Denbigh, county, 265, 272
Denchworth (Berks.), 300
Deneke, Clara Sophie, 342
-, — Margaret, 342
Denham, Sir John, 246
Denholm-Young, Noel, 132
Dennis [Dennys, Denyse], Samuel,
257, 258
-, — Thomas, 274
Dennison, William (Master of University Coll.), 69, 71
Denton (Oxon.), 133
Denysson, William (Provost of Queen's Coll.), 134, 137, 326
De Pass, Alfred, 224
Deptling (Kent), 175
Derby, Archdeacon of, 4
-, — county, 230
-, — town, 51
Derby, 14th Earl of. See Stanley, Edward George G. S.
Dere. See Dear
Derham, William, 247, 257, 258
De Teissier, —, 224
Devall, George, 56
Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex, 245
Devon, 111, 119, 220, 280
Dew [Dewe], family, 50
-, —47 n
-, — Job, 48 n, 49
-, — John (mason), 151
-, — John (plasterer), 48, 51
Dickins, —, 227
Digby, John, 1st Earl of Bristol,
197 n
-, — Sir Kenelm, 24
Digges, Dudley, 179
Dinton (Wilts.), 202
Diodati, Charles, 246
Dissey, —, 122
Ditton, Long (Surrey), 161
Divinity, Lady Margaret lecturership in, 17, 24, 27
-, — lectures in, 29
-, — professorship of, 18
-, — regius professorship of, 19
Divinity School, 15, 16, 44, 47, 50, 204, 208
d'Ivri, Roger, 1
Dixon, —, 53
-, — George, 332, 334, 335
Dobbe, William, 113
Dobson, Widow, 254
-, — John, 162
-, — William, 247, 250
Docken, Thomas, 65 n
Doctor of Divinity, degree of, 4, 10
Doctor of Philosophy, degree of, 36
Dodd, P. W., 271
-, — R. Fielding, 309, 337
-, — W. R. J., 53
Doddington, William, 298
d'Oilly, Robert, 1
Dokelyngton [de Dokelynton], John, 310, 315
Dolben, Sir John, Bt., 89
Dolman, Thomas, 178
Dolphin Inn, 243, 264
Dominicans, 2, 5, 7
Donatus, 10
Donhead (Wilts.), 161
Doone, Francis, 146
Dordrecht, 171
Dorman, Thomas, 178
Dormer, Robert, 1st Earl of Carnarvon, 116
Dornford, Michael, 123 n
Dorset, 109, 119, 220, 270 n, 280
Dorton (Bucks.), park, 232
Dotyn, John, 114
Douai [Douay], Engl. coll., 21, 122, 245, 254
Douce, Francis, 33, 57
Doulting stone, 59, 60, 233
Dover, 2
Dover, Earl of. See Carey, Henry
Down, 1st Earl of. See Pope, Sir William
Dowson, William (Vice-Chancellor
1445–9), 63
-, — William (Princ. of St. Edm. Hall),
332, 335
Doyly, John, 103
Drapers' Company, 35, 59, 315
Drawda Hall, 61, 71
Drax, Thomas, 173
Draycot (Oxon.), 254
Drayton, West (Berks.), 155
Drayton St. Leonard (Oxon.), 244
Dress, academical, 21, 22, 25, 29
Drogheda, 320, 326
Drought, Messrs. (brewers), 340
Drowda Hall. See Drawda Hall
Druell [Druel], John, 176, 183
Drummond, Henry, 30
-, — Robert Hay, Abp. of York, 89
Dryden, John, 247
Dublin, 104
Du Bois, Simon, 137
Duck, Arthur, 179, 180
Ducklington (Oxon.), 202
Duckworth, R., 251
Dudden, Frederick Homes, 297
Dudley, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick,
-, — Christopher, 120 n
-, — Richard, 119, 120, 125
-, — Robert, Earl of Leicester, 21, 22,
35, 39, 65, 70, 75, 79, 162, 171,
222, 299
-, — William, Bp. of Durham, 39
Dürer, Albrecht, 91
Duffield, Thomas, 71
Dugdale, James, 65, 71
-, — Sir William, 27
Duloe (Cornwall), ch., 92
Dumbleton (Glos.), 244
Dumner, Thomas Lee, 218
Dunbar, 1st Visct. See Constable, Henry
Duncan, John, 262 n
Dunn [Dunne], Sir Daniel, 337
-, — Gabriel, 258
-, — Sir William, 37, 59
Duns Scotus, 9, 17, 104
Dunstan Hall, 288, 289, 294
Dunster (Som.), castle, 283
Dunster, Thomas, 281, 282
Duntesbourne Rouse (Glos.), 222
Duppa, Brian, Bp. of Winchester, 179, 232, 238
Durant, William, 106
Durell, David, 313, 332
Durham, abbey, 238, 239, 239 n
-, — county, 62, 220
-, — dioc., 64, 196, 220
-, — free sch., 320
-, — monks of, 238, 251
-, — univ., 25, 136, 199 n
Durham, Samuel, 48 n
Durham College, 64, 82, 219, 238,
239, 239 n, 243, 244, 253, 257, 340
-, — Library, 92, 92 n
Durnford, Richard, Bp. of Chichester, 199
Dutton, —, 256
Dymoke, —, 286 n
Dyndor (Heref.), 300
Dyre, Thomas, 113
Dyson Perrins (Chemical) Laboratory, 36, 59
Eady, Swinfen, 70
Earl Soham (Suff.), 280
East Gate, 144, 183
Eastern Religions and Ethics, professorship of, 37
Easthall (Essex), 155
Eastleach (Glos.), 280
Eastman, George, Visiting professorship, 37
Easton Royal (Wilts.), 280
Eaton, —, 294
-, — Byrom, 299, 300, 301
-, — Ralph, 209, 209 n
-, — Sarah, 300, 309
Ebchester, William, 239
Eccleshall (Staffs.), 281
Ecclesiastical Commission, 211
-, — History, chair of, 30
Echyngham, John de, 39
Eckney (Bucks.), 165
Economic History, professorship of, 37
Eddy, Charles, 333
Eden, Richard, 298, 301
Edgar, King, 244
Edge, Edward, 129
Edgecumbe, James, 114
Edgehill, 197, 265
Edgware (Mddx.), 175
Edinburgh Review, 32
Edmund, St., of Abingdon, Abp. of Canterbury, 1, 2, 319, 319 n, 324
Edmund, Little, Hall, 214, 216, 217, 218
Edmunds [Edmund] —, 319 n
-, — Henry, 123, 125
Edward, St., the Confessor, King, 174
Edward I, King of England, 5, 6
-, — II, 7, 8, 98, 119, 128, 320
-, — III, 8, 10, 11, 132, 194 n
-, — IV, 17, 133, 164, 166, 170, 176
194 n, 195, 203
-, — VI, 19, 235, 291
-, — VII, 276, 337 n
-, — VIII, 200
-, — Prince of Wales, d. 1471, 124
Edwardian Code, 20, 21
Edwards, —, 47 n
-, — Miss E., 343
-, — Henry Thomas, 269
-, — Jonathan, 275, 278
-, — Joseph, 332, 332 n
-, — R., 60
-, — Thomas, 101 n
-, — William, 289
Egerton, Thomas, Baron Ellesmere, 39
Egglosfeyl, John de, 319, 334
Eginton, W. R., 187
Eglesfield [Eglesfeld], Robert de, 11,
43, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 154
-, — Thomas, 137
Egypt, 332
Egyptology, readership in, 35, 37
Eist, William, See Est
Elam, —, 103
Eldon, 1st Earl of. See Scott, John
Electrical Laboratory, 59
Eley, Humfry, 254
-, — William, 253, 258
Elgin, 9th Earl of. See Bruce, Victor Alexander
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 20,
21, 22, 65, 105, 109, 110, 171, 223,
235, 264, 271, 278, 311
-, — II, 132
-, — Queen of Bohemia, 255
-, — Consort of George VI, King of
Gt. Britain, 237
Elkin, Thomas, 44, 44 n
Ellerton, Edward, 207
Ellis, —, 95
-, — Robinson, 248, 251
Ellison, George, 65, 71
-, — Noel, 85
Elm Hall (St. Frideswide's par.), 336
-, — (St. John's par.), 98
Elmly (Kent), 178 n
Elsfield (Oxon.), stone, 101
Elstob, William, 68
Elston (Staffs.), 164
Elton, John, 208 n
Ely, 178 n
Emanuel of Constantinople, 18
Emden, 178
Emden, Alfred Brotherston, 335
Emmington (Oxon.), 202
Encaenia, 26, 27, 52, 53
Engineering, department of, 59
Engineering Science, professorship of, 35
England, 266
England, J., 277
English, readership in, 35
English Language and Literature,
professorship of, 34 n, 35
-, — Law, Vinerian chair of, 181
Ensham (Oxon.). See Eynsham
Ensworth, Thomas, 345
Enville (Staffs.), 319
Episcopalians, 23
Epping (Essex), Forest sch., 276
Erasmus, Desiderius, 18, 105, 177, 196, 225, 337 n
Esher (Surrey), 280
Essex, 109, 220, 265, 279, 280, 314
Essex, 2nd Earl of. See Devereux, Robert
Est [Este], Robert, 184
-, — William, 90, 225 n
Estcot, Daniel, 282
Estcourt, Albert, 60
-, — Sir Thomas, 329
-, — William, 162
Este. See Est
Estmond, D., 150 n
Esyndon, John. See Ashendon, John
Eton College, 133, 176, 193, 204, 227, 230, 243, 244, 294, 296
Ettrick, Anthony, 247
Euclid, 10, 21
Eugenius IV, Pope, 173, 173 n, 182
Evans, family, 50
-, — 207
-, — Dr. —, 275
-, — Sir Arthur, 57
-, — Daniel, 292
-, — Evan, 60, 297
-, — J. E., 276
-, — Sir John, 57
-, — Lewis, 37, 49
-, — Richardson, 350
Eveleigh, John, 29, 123, 125, 126, 311
Evelyn, John (d. 1706), 50 n, 52,
237, 281 n
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.), 114
Evenley (Northants.), 202
Everett, Mrs., 350
Eves, R. G., 106
Évreux, St. Taurin, 175
Ewelme (Oxon.), 195
Ewelme, Nicholas de, 38
Ewer, John, 122 n
Examination of Schools, Delegates for the, 60
Examination Schools, 34, 35, 60,
193, 339
-, — Statute, 29, 30, 85, 88
Exeter, archdeaconry of, 108
-, — deanery of, 105, 107, 257
-, — dioc., 220
-, — sch., 110
Exeter, Duke of. See Holland, John
Exeter College, 11, 32, 47, 47 n, 55,
104, 107–18, 245, 247, 257, 261,
264, 265, 275 n, 293, 309, 310, 311,
313, 314, 318
-, — Architecture, 114–18
-, — Chapel, 42
-, — History, 107–12
-, — Library, 113, 115–16
-, — Plate, 113
-, — Portraits, 113
-, — Rectors, 113
-, — Seal, 113
Experimental Philosophy, reader of, 28, 28 n
Eynsham [Ensham] (Oxon.), 41 n,
183, 231, 283
-, — abbey, 164
-, — Abbot of, 2
Fabel, Roger, 43 n
Faculties, boards of, 34, 35
Fairfax, Henry, 198, 198 n
-, — Thomas, 3rd Baron Fairfax, 25,
27, 198, 281
Fane, John, Earl of Westmorland, 39
Faringdon (Berks.), 246
Faringdon, Anthony, 246
Farleigh (Kent), 102, 103, 105
Farmer, Anthony, 198
-, — John, 87
Farmer & Brindley, Messrs., 58, 60
Farnborough (Kent), 175
Farndon (Northants.), 255
Farnell, Lewis Richard, 114
Farnham Royal (Bucks.), 230
Farrer, Edward, 68 n, 71
Fastolf, Sir John, 194 n, 195, 195 n, 202
Faversham, Simon de, 38
Fell, John, Bp. of Oxford, 25, 26, 27,
28, 50, 51, 52, 84 n, 138, 179, 232,
236, 238, 324, 330
-, — Samuel, 232, 238, 246
Felton, Henry, 331, 331 n, 335
-, — Sir William, 82
Fen, Hugo, 16 n
Fereday, Dudley, 257
Fermor, family, 215 n
Feteplace, —, 299
ffarington, Henry Nowell, 321
Fiennes, Celia, 242
-, — Richard, 6th Baron Saye and
Sele, 160
-, — William, 1st Visct. Saye and Sele,
Fifield [Fiefield], —, 55 n, 140
Fillingham (Lincs.), 89 n
Finance, board of, 35
Finborough, Little (Suff.), 297
Finch, Hon. Leopold William, 179,
180, 183, 188
-, — Robert, 88
Finch-Hatton, Murray Edward G., 12th Earl of Winchilsea, 315
Finderne, William, 164, 165
Findon (Sussex), 196, 202
Fine Arts, professorship of, 33
Firth, Sir Charles Harding, 87, 181
Fisher [Fysher], —, 160
-, — Edmund, 346
-, — Henry, 278
-, — Herbert Albert L., 162
-, — John, 94, 95
-, — Walter, 108 n
Fitchet, Edmond, 114
Fittler, J., 213
Fittleton (Wilts.), 202
Fitton, Sir Edward, 246
Fitzalan, Henry, Earl of Arundel, 39
-, — Richard, 3rd Earl of Arundel, 127
-, — William, 21st Earl of Arundel,
194 n
Fitzjames, Richard, Bp. of London, 102, 105, 106
Fitz-James Stuart, J. M. del P. C. M., 17th Duke of Alba, 340
Fitz-Ralph [fitz Ralph], Richard, Abp. of Armagh, 38
Fitzurse, Reginald, 239 n
Fitzwilliam, John, 199
Flamstead (Herts.), 66
Flaxman, John, 80
Fleming, family, 134
-, — Sir Daniel, 330
-, — George, Bp. of Carlisle, 330, 331
-, — James, 231
-, — John, 282
-, — Richard, Bp. of Lincoln, 13, 16,
63, 72, 133, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168
-, — Robert, 168
Fletcher, —, 284
-, — Edmund, 114
-, — Edward, 272
-, — James, 75 n, 274
Flew, —, 267
Flint, county, 265, 279
Flixthorpe, Robert, 98, 99
Florio, John, 197 n
Fodringeye, Walterus de. See Fotheringay, Walter of
Fogg, Daniel, 329
Folkestone, Visct. See PleydellBouverie, Jacob
Foly, Nicholas, 229
Fontibus, Godfrey de, 176
Forbes, Arthur Litton A., 280
Ford [Forde], family, 299
-, — Sir Edward, 246
-, — Edward Onslow, 81
-, — James, 34 n, 244
-, — Richard, 248
-, — Thomas, 245
Foreign History, lecturership in, 35 n
Forest Hill (Oxon.), 164, 274
Forest, John, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170
Forestry, professorship of, 36
-, — sch. of, 59
Forman, John, 196
-, — Simon, 197 n
Formby, John, 208
Forster, Miss E. J., 346
-, — John, 209
-, — Thomas, 267
Fortnum, Charles D. E., 57
Fostar, Henry, 205 n
Foston, Thomas, 62, 71, 72, 72 n
Fothergill, George, 332, 335
-, — Thomas, 137
Fotheringay [de Fodringeye], Walter of, 82, 89
Fotte, Hugh, 43
Foulkes, Henry, 268, 276, 278
Foulkston (Wilts.), 274
Fowler, Thomas, 224, 225
Fox [Foxe], Elizabeth Vassall, Lady
Holland, 236
-, — Henry Richard V., 3rd Baron
Holland, 294, 297
-, — John (d. 1587), 19, 196
-, — John (Provost of Queen's Coll.),
-, — Richard, Bp. of Winchester, 18,
83, 196, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225
Fox-Strangways, William Thomas H., 4th Earl of Ilchester, 237
Foxcote (Bucks.), 175
Foxe. See Fox
France, 325
Francesca, Piero della, 237
Francis, Edmund, 63
-, — Idonea, 63
-, — Thomas, 137
Franciscans, 2, 7, 15
Frank [Franke], John, 119, 121, 122
-, — William, 113, 137
Frankfort, 178
Frankland, Mrs., 209
Franklin [Franklyn], Jeremiah, 140
-, — John, 191
-, — William, 50 n, 142, 143
Franks, Sir Oliver, 137
Fraser [Frazer], Ewan, 59
-, — John, 28
Frederick, Sir John, 266 n
Free, John, 18, 82
Freeman, family, 50
-, — Edward Augustus, 92, 248
-, — William, 201
Freeston, John, 65
Freind [Friend], G. T., 230
-, — John, 329, 329 n
-, — Nathaniel, 329
French, John, 109, 114
-, — Richard, 114
French Literature, professorship of, 36
Frere [Freur, Fryar, Fryer], — (of
Dagville's Inn), 165
-, —(of St. Edward's Hall), 232
Frere, William, 230
Freur. See Frere
Frewen, Accepted, Abp. of York, 197; 198, 202, 206, 207
Frewin Hall, 337 n
Friday, —, 230
Friend. See Freind
Frilford (Berks.), 253
Fritwell (Oxon.), 280
Frogley, Arthur, 51, 76, 76 n, 77, 79,
215, 227, 242 n, 324
-, — Richard, 48, 50, 51, 52, 150, 151,
Frost, Thomas, 321
-, — William, 220, 220 n, 224
Froth, Abraham, 68
Froude, Richard Hurrell, 31, 123, 124
Fry, C. B., 282
-, — Sara Margery, 347
-, — Thomas, 257, 258
Fryar [Fryer]. See Frere
Fryerning (Essex), 280
Fulgran, Sir Godfrey, 230
Fuller, Isaac, 137, 184
Furness (Lancs.), abbey, 63
Furse, C. W., 251, 335
Furtho (Northants.), 279
Fyfield (Berks.), 251, 253, 255
Fylham, William, 114
Fyshe, —, 229
Fysher. See Fisher
Gabriel, archangel, 125
Gacian, St., 121
Gaddi, Taddeo, 343
Gainsborough, Thomas, 237
Gaisford, Thomas, 236, 238
Galbraith, V. H., 87
Gale, Robert, 224
-, — Theophilus, 198 n
Galen, 10, 18, 177
Galileo, 58
Galloway, lion of, 89
Gamble, John, 342, 350, 353
Gamlingay (Cambs.), 105
Gandavo, Simon de, 38
Garbett, E. W., 318
Garbrand, Tobias, 299, 301
Gardiner [Gardner], Bernard, 179,
180, 180 n, 183
-, — Daniel, 137
-, — Gilbert T., 170
-, — James, 53 n
-, — Richard, 232, 233
-, — Samuel Rawson, 181
-, — Stephen, Bp. of Winchester, 197
Garford (Berks.), 253
Garner, Thomas, 207
Garnet, Anthony, 89
Garrard, Thomas. See Garret, Thomas
Garret [Garrett], John, 221
-, — Miles, 274
-, — Thomas, 19, 196, 234
Garrick, David, 237
Garsdale, Richard, 125
Garsington (Oxon.), 244, 245, 249, 250
Gascoigne, Thomas, 39, 120, 122, 127, 168, 175, 176 n
Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon R.,
Visct. Cecil, 348
-, — Robert Arthur T., 3rd Marq. of
Salisbury, 35, 39, 236 n
Gatcombe (I.O.W.), 321
Gate, Anthony, 65, 71
Gauntlett, Samuel, 162
Gawthern, J. C., 321
Gay, Edward, 347
Geddes, Andrew, 137
Geldart, Emily, 353
-, — W. M., 351, 353
Gellibrand, Edward, 197
Geneva, 177, 178
Genner, Mrs. E. E., 271
Gent, William, 46, 299
Gentili, Alberico, 337
-, — Robert, 178
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1
Geography, professorship of, 37 n
Geology, chair of, 30, 34 n
-, — department of, 58
George I, King of Gt. Britain, 27,
282, 331
-, — II, 27, 28
-, — III, 28, 29, 257
-, — IV, 28 n, 30
-, — V, 35
-, — VI, 237
Gerard, James, 280, 281, 282
German Language and Literature, professorship of, 35
Gervase, James, 105, 106
Gheeraerts, Marcus, 251
Gibbon, —, 256
-, — Edward, 29, 199
Gibbons, Grinling, 52, 77, 242
Gibbs, Anthony, 335
-, — James, 56, 191, 206, 263, 263 n
-, — Hon. K. F., 237
-, — Martin, 335
-, — William, 335
Gibson, E. S., Bp. of Gloucester, 249
-, — John, 137, 142
Giffard [Gifford], Bonaventure, 199,
-, — John, Baron Giffard, 7, 301
-, — William, Abp. of Rheims, 171
Gigur, John, 101 n, 106
Gilbert, Ashurst Turner, 214
-, — John (Chancellor, 1378), 39
-, — John, Abp. of York, 248
-, — Robert, 14, 105, 106
-, — Thomas, 227
Gilbertson, L., 268
Giles, —, 183
-, — Henry, 79, 79 n, 80, 80 n
Giles of York, 68
Gill [Gyll], Alexander, 246
-, — Eric, 80, 259 n, 340
-, — John, 205, 205 n
Gillingham, —, 190
Gilpin, Bernard, 136, 327
Giraldus Cambrensis, 1
Gladstone, William Ewart, 35, 112, 112 n, 236 n
Glamorgan, county, 265, 266, 272
-, — county council, 270
Glasgow College, 84
Glasier [Glasyer, Glazier], John
(14th cent.), 72
-, — John (15th cent.), 183, 188 n
-, — Thomas (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
110, 114
-, — Thomas (glazier), 147 n
Glass Hall, 216, 217, 218
Glass-painters and Glaziers:
Clayton & Bell, Messrs., 186,
-, Eginton, W. R., 187
-, Fletcher, —, 284
-, — Edward, 272
-, — James, 75 n, 274
Giles, — 183
-, — Henry, 79, 79 n, 80, 80 n
Glazier, John, 183, 188 n
-, Hardman, —, 186
-, Hedgeland, —, 276
-, Jarvis, —, 147
-, Keene, William, 75 n
-, Kempe, C. E., 263, 292
-, Linge, Abraham van, 76, 78, 79,
91, 92, 142
-, — Bernard van, 170 n, 284
-, Lovegrove, —, 186
-, Nicholson, James, 91, 231, 232
-, O'Connor, John, 91 n, 263
-, Peckitt, William, 128, 146, 147
-, Powell, James, 147, 242
-, Price, Joshua, 142
-, — William, 146
-, Rawlins, Bernard, 48, 51, 263 n
-, Rowell, John, 187, 263 n
-, Rudland, Robert, 284
-, Taylor, John, 147
-, Wailes, —, 92
-, Willement, Thomas, 80, 287
Glastonbury, abbey, 304, 305, 310
-, — Abbot's kitchen, 58
Glasyer. See Glasier
Glazier. See Glasier
Glaziers. See Glass-painters and Glaziers
Gleadowe, R. M. Y., 233
Glemham, Henry, Bp. of St. Asaph,
-, — Sir Thomas, 246
Gloucester, abbey, 301, 306, 307
-, — canonry of, 294, 300
-, — county, 134, 220, 265 n, 266, 296
-, — Crypt sch., 294
-, — St. Peter's, 7
Gloucester College, 231, 253, 258, 340. See also Worcester College
Gloucester Hall, 7, 28, 46, 253, 257,
261, 279, 298–301, 330 n
-, — Principals, 301
-, See also Worcester College
Glympton (Oxon.), 293, 329, 329 n
Glyn, John, 298
Goddard, H. G., 287
-, — Jonathan, 25, 104 n 106
Gode, John, 203 n
Godknave Hall, 183
Godley, Sir Arthur, Lord Kilbracken, 87
Godshill (I.O.W.), 331
Godstow (Oxon.), 254
-, — abbess and nunnery of, 98, 107,
144, 195 n, 218, 219, 225, 229, 271,
Godwin, Thomas, 238
Gold, Thomas, 65
Goldsborough, G., 106
Goldsmiths' Company, 35
Goldwell, James, Bp. of Norwich, 180, 182, 184, 188
Goode, Thomas, 84, 89
Goodhart, Arthur Lehman, 71
Goodier, Alban, Abp. of Bombay, 340
Goodridge, John, 279
Goodson, Henry, 227
Goodwin, Thomas, 198, 202, 246
-, — Una, 353
-, — William, 238
Googy Hall (Kent), 175
Gordon, George Stuart, 202
Gore, Antony, 262
-, — Charles, Bp. of Oxford, 249
Gorman, T. M., 315
Gorri, Lamberto, 262 n
Gorsuch, John, 164
Goschen, George Joachim, Visct.
-, Goschen, 35, 39
Gosmore, Richard, 205
Goter Hall, 98
Gough, Richard, 33
Goulburn, E. M., 86
Gower, Henry de, 38
-, — John, 27
-, — Sir Thomas, 79
-, — William, 301
Gowing, L., 237
Goyge, Thomas, 221
Grammar-schools, 40–43
Grampound Hall, 183
Granby, Marq. of. See Manners, John, 3rd Duke of Rutland
Grandborough (Warw.), 202
Grandison, Visct. See St. John, Oliver
Grandison, Lady. See Villiers, Mary
Grandmont, Order of, 182
Grant, Sir Francis, 125
Gravesende, Richard de, Bp. of Lincoln, 95
Gray. See Grey
Grayson, Anthony, 332, 335
Great Eastern Railway, 249
Great Western Railway, 30
Greece, 300
Greek, 18, 19, 20, 35, 36, 158, 177,
-, — professorship of, 18, 19
Green [Greene, Grene], Sir Conyngham, 297
-, — John Richard, 269, 269 n, 278
-, — Kenneth, 297
-, — Samuel, 147
-, — Thomas Hill, 86, 87, 341, 343,
-, — Mrs. T. H., 351, 352
-, — William, 114
Greenaway [Greenway], —, 180
-, — Thomas, 222, 225
Greenbury, Richard, 201
Greene. See Green
Greenhill, John, 201, 251
Greenshields, Thomas, 338
Greenway. See Greenaway
Greenwich, 230
Greenwood, Charles, 65, 65 n, 66,
67, 74, 74 n, 75, 79
-, — Daniel, 210, 211, 214
Gregforth, William, 71
Gregory, St., 175, 182
Gregory XI, Pope, 12
Gregory, David, 238
Grendon, Walter de, 315
Grene. See Green
Grenfell, Bernard Pyne, 136
-, — W. H., Baron Desborough, 88
Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron
-, Grenville, 39, 236 n
Greville, Hon. Dodington, 184, 192
Grey [Gray], Edward, Visct. Grey of
-, Fallodon, 37, 39, 88, 89
-, — William, Bp. of Ely, 18, 39, 82,
88, 92, 92 n, 93
Grier, Lynda, 342, 343
Griffin, John, 51
Griffith [Griffiths], Claudia, 271
-, — David, 231
-, — Edward, 267
-, — Francis Llewellyn, 57
-, — James, 70, 71, 78, 80
-, — John, 282, 283
-, — Nora C. C., 57
-, — Robert, 275 n
Griffith Institute, 57
Grim, John, 2
Grindal, Edmund, Abp. of Canterbury, 134, 326
Grinfield, Edward William, 33 n
Grinham, Peter, 350
Grittleton (Wilts.), 328
Grocers' Company, 265
Grocyn, William, 18, 109, 158, 195 n
Grose, T. H., 136
Grosseteste, Robert, Bp. of Lincoln, 2, 3, 4, 38
Grubbe, John, 236
Grynaeus, Simon, 221
Gudenton. See Cuddington
Guernsey, 293, 294
Guido, 226, 276
Guilford, 1st Earl of. See North,
-, — 2nd Earl of. See North, Frederick
Guillemard, H. P., 248
Guise, John, 237
Guiting (Glos.), stone, 229
Guldford, Henry de, 9
-, — Richard, 196
Gunn, James, 343
Gunsley, Robert, 66
Gunter, Richard, 65 n
Gunther, R. T., 48
Gutch, —, 57 n
-, — John, 1, 183 n, 191
Gwinear (Cornwall), 107
Gwyer, Barbara Elizabeth, 347, 348
Gwyn [Gwynne], Mathew, 255
-, — Thomas, 265, 266 n
-, — William, 214
Gyll. See Gill
Gynne, John, 113
Gynwell, John, Bp. of Lincoln, 6
Gytton. See Guiting
Haberdasher Hall, 17 n, 193, 216, 217, 218
Haddan [Haddon], Arthur West,
-, — Walter, 196, 201
Hadow, Grace E., 353
Haigh [Haig], Arthur Elam, 224
-, — Douglas, 1st Earl Haig, 213
-, — Roderick, 224
Hakewill, George, 114, 116, 117 n, 128
Halegod, 98
Hall [Halle], Messrs. (brewers), 340
-, — — (printers), 340
-, — — 284
-, — Chambers, 57
-, — Charles Henry, 238
-, — E. Stanley, 57
-, — Frederick William, 257, 258
-, — George, Bp. of Chester, 113
-, — George William, 297
-, — John, 113
-, — John, Bp. of Bristol, 291, 295,
Halley, Edmund, 136
Halley lectureship, 35 n
-, Adulstan. See Dunstan
-, Ailnots, 218
-, Alban. See St. Alban
-, Aristotle, 43
-, Arthur, 310, 310 n, 318
-, Baner, 239 n, 245
-, Beam, 99, 221
-, Bedel, 120, 126, 129, 129 n, 131
-, Beef, 40, 288, 289, 289 n, 294
-, Bekes Inn, 43, 123, 225
-, Berford, 183
-, Black (Catte St.), 310, 311, 315,
318, 319
-, — (St. Giles'), 254
-, — (School St.), 55, 211, 216, 217,
-, Bodin, Great, 239 n
-, — Little, 239 n
-, Bostar, 193
-, Brackley, 239 n
-, Brasenose, 61, 207, 208, 214, 215
-, Brend (Turl St.), 163
-, Broadgates (High St.), 218
-, — (St. Aldate's), 23, 235, 288, 289,
290, 292, 293, 300
-, Bull, 100 n
-, Burnel's Inn, 16, 82
-, Camby's Lodgings, 288, 288 n
-, Campion, 34, 339–40
-, Cat, 42, 311, 318
-, Charlton's Inn, 173, 183
-, Checker, 116
-, Cherwell, 349
-, Cobbow, 43
-, Corner, 225
-, Cuthbert, 42
-, Deep (High St.), 74, 75, 80, 81
-, — (St. Mildred's Lane), 163, 164
-, Drawda, 61, 71
-, Dunstan, 288, 289, 294
-, Edmund, Little, 214, 216, 217,
-, Elm (St. Frideswide's par.), 336
-, — (St. John's par.), 98
-, Frewin, 337 n
-, Glass, 216, 217, 218
-, Gloucester, 7, 28, 46, 253, 257,
261, 279, 298–301, 330 n
-, Godknave, 183
-, Goter, 98
-, Grampound, 183
Haberdash, 17 n, 193, 216, 217, 218
-, Hambury, 42
-, Hammer, Great, 144
-, Hammer, Little, 144
-, Hampton, 163, 164, 170
-, Hannington, 337, 338
-, Hare, 193
-, Hart, 28, 107, 108, 109, 110, 190,
257, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313,
318, 329 n
-, Hertheved, 98
-, Ing, 42, 43, 193
-, Ivy, 214
-, Kettell, 239 n, 242, 243, 245, 249
-, King's. See Oriel College
-, Lawrence, 43, 271
-, Ledynporch, 225
-, Lion, 42, 43
-, Lion, Little, 43
-, Ludlow, 62, 71, 81
-, Magdalen, 48 n, 68, 193, 193 n,
196, 198, 199, 202, 206, 207,
257, 299, 300, 309, 313, 314,
315, 318, 319, 326, 328, 330 n,
-, Maiden, 144
-, Marks, 63
-, Martin, Little. See St. Martin's
-, Merton, 61
-, Micheld. See Sheld
-, Micklem, 339, 340
-, Middleton, 264, 339
-, Minot, 43 n, 288
-, Nevile's Inn, 225
-, New Inn, 171, 245, 329 n, 330 n,
336, 337, 337 n, 338
-, Nun, 98, 99, 104
-, Oliphant, 163, 164, 170
-, Peckwater Inn, 43, 230, 232
-, Pencrich, 42
-, Perilous, 120, 239, 239 n
-, Plumer, 43
-, Postmasters, 99
-, Queen's. See The Queen's College
-, Ripon, 270
-, Rose (Kybald St.), 62, 81
-, — (St. Peter-le-Bailey par.), 336
-, Runceval, 98
-, Ruskin, 34
-, St. Alban, 98, 102, 330 n
-, St. Benet's, 34, 339, 340–1
-, St. Christopher, 225
-, St. Edmund, 42, 42 n, 43, 134,
137, 138, 319–35
-, St. Edward's, 232
-, St. Hugh, 42, 43, 320, 320 n, 325
-, St. James's, 288, 289
-, St. John's (St. Aldate's par.). See
Minot Hall
-, St. John's (St. George's par.). See
Worcester Coll.
-, St. Lawrence. See Lawrence
-, St. Martin's, 120, 126, 127, 129,
129 n
-, St. Mary, 6, 120, 121, 124, 126,
129–31, 299, 329 n, 330 n
-, St. Mary's Entry, 214
-, St. Michael's, 288
-, St. Peter's, 36, 37, 336–8, 339
-, St. Stephen's (Exeter Coll.). See
-, — (Merton Coll.), 98, 101 n
-, St. Thomas (Catte St.), 183
-, — (St. Mildred's Lane), 214
-, Salysurry, 214
-, Scheld. See Sheld
-, Segrene. See Broadgates
-, Sekyll, 164, 170
-, Sheld (St. Mildred's par.), 164,
-, — (St. Peter-in-the-East par.),
144, 310, 315
-, Spicer's, 62, 71, 81
-, Stapeldon, 42, 107, 108 n, 310,
-, Staple (St. Mildred's Lane). See
St. Thomas
-, — (School St.), 218
-, Staunton, 71, 80
-, Tackley's, 42, 43, 119, 120, 129 n
-, Temple, 144
-, Tingewick, 40, 183
-, Trilleck's Inn, 336, 337
-, University, Great, 71, 72
-, — Little (High St.), 62, 71, 73, 73 n
-, —, — (School St.), 61, 64, 73 n, 214
-, Urban, 225
-, Vine, 42
-, White (High St.), 42, 42 n, 43,
165, 320, 320 n, 325
-, — (Kybald St.), 62, 71, 71 n, 81
-, — Great (Market St.), 264, 271,
-, — Little (Ship St.), 264, 271, 272
-, Winton, 163, 164
-, Wolstan. See Dunstan
-, Wylde's Entry, 288, 289
Hallum, Robert, 39
Hals, Franz, 237
Halse [Hals], John, Bp. of Lichfield, 108, 122, 125
Halstow (Kent), 175
Halton, Timothy, 137, 138, 330 n
Ham, John, 247
Ham, High (Som.), 300
Hambury, Richard de, 42
Hambury Hall, 42
Hamilton, Sir William, 32, 85 n
Hammer, Great, Hall, 144
-, — Little, Hall, 144
Hammond's Castle, 94
Hampden, John, 197
-, — Renn Dickson, Bp. of Hereford,
31, 124, 130, 131
Hampshire, 134, 220
Hampton Court, 200 n, 223, 228, 229, 231
Hampton Hall, 163, 164, 170
Hampton Lucy (Warw.), grammar sch., 314
Hamsterley, Ralph, 64, 71, 73, 80
-, — William, 334
Handborough (Oxon.), 238, 255
Handel, George Frederick, 52
Hands, James, 138
Hanley Park, 66, 74
Hanney, West (Berks.), 155
Hannington, James, 338
Hannington Hall, 337, 338
Hanson, John, 147 n
-, — Thomas, 147 n
Hanwell (Oxon.), 246
Harcourt, A. G. Vernon, 349
-, — Simon, 1st Visct. Harcourt, 297
Hardie. See Hardy
Hardman, —, 186
Hardres, Lower (Kent), 256
Hardwick (Bucks.), 155
-, — (Oxon.), 202
Hardwick, Philip, 219
Hardy [Hardie], Colin Graham, 225
-, — Ernest George, 270, 278
Hare, Augustus, 59 n
-, — Henry, 3rd Baron Coleraine, 224
Hare Hall, 193
Hargreaves, Christopher, 171, 173
Harington. See Harrington
Harkele, Henry de, 38, 239
Harkness, Mary Stillman, 342, 343
Harlesden (Mddx.), 175
Harley, R., 160
-, — W., 160
Harman, J., 160
-, — John, Bp. of Exeter, 196, 201
Harmer, John, Bp. of St. Asaph, 272
Harmsworth, Harold Vyvyan, Visct. Rothermere, 37
Haroldston, West (Pemb.), 294, 294 n, 297
Harper, Henry Daniel, 268, 269,
272 n, 279
-, — Thomas, 106
Harpsden (Oxon.), 175
Harrietsham (Kent), 178 n
Harrington [Harington], James, 246
-, — Richard, 214
Harris [Harryes, Harrys, Harys],—, 146
-, — D., 53 n
-, — James (of Gt. Marlow), 274
-, — James (of Wadham Coll.), 282
-, — John (of Balliol Coll.), 93 n
-, — John (of Trinity Coll.), 247
-, — Joseph, 201
-, — Renatus, 52
-, — Richard, 214
-, — Robert, 246, 250
-, — Thomas, 284
Harrison, —, 350
-, — Ann, 246
-, — Frederic, 281
-, — N. W., 264
-, — Thomas, 206
Harrope, Thomas, 93
Harrow, sch., 314
Harryes [Harrys]. See Harris
Hart, Horace, 33
Hart Hall, 28, 107, 108, 109, 110, 190, 257, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 318, 329 n
Hartland, Amy, 353
Hartley, Sir Harold, 88
Hartlip (Kent), 175
Harvard, Lowell House, 88
Harvey, —, 79
-, — William, 104 n, 106, 246
Harwar, Joseph, 199, 202
Harys. See Harris
Haseley (Oxon.), 48
Hastings, King's free chapel, 325
Hastings [Hastyngs], —, 208
-, — Lady Elizabeth, 135, 320, 320 n
Hastley, John, 155 n
Hatchman, Roger, 232
Hatfield, Thomas, Bp. of Durham, 239, 242
Hatton, Christopher, Visct. Hatton, 27, 39
Haukyns. See Hawkins
Hawarden, John, 214
Hawdene, William, 41
Hawes, William, 246, 250
Hawkes, —, 54
Hawkesworth, William de, 39, 121, 125
Hawkins [Haukyns], Edward, 123,
124, 125, 126
-, — Sir John Caesar, 347
-, — Lewys, 229
-, — Richard, 48, 51 n, 52, 75 n, 146,
-, — Thomas, 120 n, 125
Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 54, 56, 78, 140, 180, 182, 190, 191, 192, 192 n, 206, 206 n, 218, 219, 300, 307, 307 n
Hawles, Charles, 199
Hawley, John, 46, 279, 299, 301
Hay, Maud, 342
Haynes, William, 126
Hayward, John, 292
-, — Thomas, 162
Hazel, Alfred Ernest W., 270, 278
Headbourne Worthy (Hants), 68 n
Headington (Oxon.), 204, 230
-, — Mynchery Wood, 217
-, — stone, 51, 55, 56, 57, 60, 142, 144,
183, 203, 214, 229, 230, 233, 283,
283 n
Heap, Ralph, 280
Hearne, Thomas, 25, 27, 28, 43, 49 n, 123, 180, 324
Heather, William, 24
Hebdomadal board, 24, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32
-, — council, 32, 35, 38
Heberden, Charles Bullen, 213, 214, 218, 346
Hebrew, professorship of, 18, 19
Heckfield (Hants), 155
Hedgeland, —, 276
Hedley (Hants), 321
Heightesbury [Heytesbury], William de, 39, 104
Hemmyngs, John, 122 n
Hendeman [Hendyman], Thomas, 39, 113
Henderson, Sir Hubert Douglas, 183
Hendon (Mddx.), 175
Henley (Oxon.), 145, 147 n
Henney, Thomas, 294
Henrietta Maria, Consort of Charles 1, 201, 262, 267
Henry III, King of England, 3, 5,
98, 194 n
-, — IV, 14
-, — V, 14, 98, 133, 136, 174, 174 n,
-, — VI, 17, 133, 155, 159, 163, 166,
173, 176, 182, 184, 187, 193 n,
194 n
-, — VII, 17, 18, 195, 207, 341
-, — VIII, 17, 18, 19, 22, 91, 109, 162,
176, 177, 228, 231, 234, 235, 237,
244, 251, 292
-, — of Huntingdon, 1
-, — of Lexington, Bp. of Lincoln, 4
-, —, Prince of Wales, 162
Henry, John, 113 n
Henshaw, Benjamin, 261
-, — Henry, 171, 173
Henson, Herbert Hensley, Bp. of Durham, 338
Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, 278
-, — Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke, 25,
39, 250
-, — William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke,
23, 24, 39, 293
Hereford, city, 212
-, — county, 264
Hereford, Nicholas, 12, 133 n
Hergest, 277
Herkomer, Sir Hubert von, 251
Herne (Kent), 325
Heron-Allen, Armovel Daphne, 342
Herprut, 98, 99
Herry, Nicholas, 125
Hertford, county, 220, 245
Hertford College, 28, 107, 193, 199,
309–19, 338
-, — History, 309–15
-, — Library, 315
-, — Principals, 315
-, — Seal, 315
-, — Site, 315–19
Hertford, Elias de, 309, 310, 315
Hertford, Marq. of. See Seymour, William
Hertheved Hall, 98
Hervey, Lord Francis, 92, 315
Hesylle, —, 165
Heughes. See Hughes
Heversham (Westm.), sch., 134
Hewet. See Hewitt
Hewister, Thomas, 231
Hewitt [Hewet], Joan, 65
-, — Marion, 350
-, — Richard, 313, 314
Heyford, Lower (Oxon.), 222
Heyford Warren (Oxon.), 155
Heyham, Ralf de, 38
Heylin, Rowland, 272
Heys, Richard, 205 n
Heytesbury, William de. See Heightesbury, William de
Heywood, Jasper, 178
-, — John, 125
Heyworth, William, 307
Hicche, William, 100 n
Hickes, George, 172, 199
Hickman, Henry, 198 n
Higden [Higdon, Hygden], Brian,
-, — John, 90, 91, 196, 201, 202, 228,
229, 230, 234, 235, 235 n, 238
-, — Ralph, 42, 63
Higgs, Griffin, 253 n, 255
High Bridge, 51
High Commission, Court of, 178
Higham Ferrers (Northants.), 174
Highmore, Joseph, 182
-, — Nathaniel, 246
Higson, John, 332
Hilda, St., 349
Hill [Hyll], George, 333, 333 n
-, — John, 333, 333 n
-, — Mrs. Lee, 202 n
-, — Walter, 162
-, — William, 262
Hinksey (Berks.), 190
-, — stone, 183
Hippocrates, 10, 58
Hiscock, W. G., 54
History, lecturership in, 24
Hoadley, Benjamin, Bp. of Winchester, 247
Hoare, Joseph, 267, 275, 278
-, — William, 334
Hobart, Vere Henry, Baron Hobart, 248
Hobbes, Thomas, 26, 27, 183
-, — William, 75 n
Hobhouse, Edmund, Bp. of Nelson, 320, 321
Hoby, Sir Edward, 245
-, — Sir Thomas Postumus, 245
Hockley (Essex), 280
Hodges, Walter, 126
Hodgkin, R. H., 137
Hodgson, Bernard, 313
-, — Hugh, 133, 137
-, — Shadworth, 224
Hodson, Frodsham, 212, 214
Hody, Humphrey, 279, 281
Hogg, T. J., 70
Hoggeston (Bucks.), 300
Holcot (Northants.), 165
Holcot, Elias, 101 n, 106
Holden, Thomas, 217 n
Holderness (Yorks.), 63
Holdsworth, Edward, 199 n, 206 n
Hole, Mathew, 114
Holford, Dame Elizabeth, 294, 296
Holland, 3rd Baron. See Fox, Henry
Richard V.
-, — Lady. See Fox, Elizabeth Vassall
-, — Henry, 254
-, — Henry Scott, 87
-, — John, Duke of Exeter, 16
-, — John (Warden of Merton Coll.),
-, — Seth, 183
-, — Susanna, 299
-, — Thomas, 83, 110, 114, 299
Hollwaye, George, 113
Hollybush Inn, 246
Holmes [Holme], Sir Charles, 213
-, — George, 321
-, — William, 257, 258, 264
Holt [Holte], —, 58
Holt, John, 225
-, — Thomas (carpenter), 45, 46, 102,
-, — Thomas (mason), 47 n
-, — William, 122 n
Holton (Oxon.), 51
Holyhead, 265, 279
Holywell (Oxf.), man., 342, 348
-, — music room, 332
Holywood, John of. See Sacro Bosco, Joannes de
Honorius III, Pope, 12
Hood, Jacob, 251
-, — Paul, 170, 171, 173
Hook Norton (Oxon.), 243
Hooper, Robert, 89
Hope All Saints (Kent), 175
Hope, F. W., 33
Hope-Scott, James Robert, 105
Hopkins, —, 84
-, — John, 289 n
Hoppner, John, 70, 125, 282
Horace, 21, 212
Horder, Morley, 346
Horley (Oxon.), ch., 325
Horley, John, 193, 201
Hornchurch (Essex), 155
Horne, George, Bp. of Norwich, 199,
-, — Mary, 202
-, — Robert, Bp. of Winchester, 146,
148, 150, 159, 222, 245
Horner, John, 173
Hornley, John. See Horley
Hornton (Oxon.), stone, 58, 233
Horseheath (Cambs.), 138
Horsham (Kent), 175, 183
Horsington (Lincs.), 196, 202
Horspath (Oxon.), 194, 202, 227
Horwood, Great (Bucks.), 155
Hotham, John de, 39, 137
-, — Thomas de, 38
Hoton, Richard de, 239
Hough, John, Bp. of Worcester, 198, 199, 202
Houghton, John, 210, 210 n, 211, 217
Houghton (Sussex), 297
Houghton Magna (Northants.), 202
Hove, Hoove Lea sch., 350
Hovenden, Robert, 173, 175 n, 177, 177 n, 178, 183, 188
Howard, F. E., 337, 350
-, — Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk,
-, — Thomas, 2nd Earl of Arundel.
See Arundel marbles
Howe, Josias, 247
Howell, David, 122 n
-, — Francis, 265, 278
Howley, William, Abp. of Canterbury, 89
Hoxton (Mddx.), 67
Hoyle, Joshua, 66, 67 n, 71
Hubberholme (Yorks.), 80
Huddesford, George, 247, 250
-, — William, 248
Hudson, John (Bodley's Librarian),
54 n, 131, 312
-, — John (builder), 94, 292 n
-, — Michael, 136
-, — Thomas, 201
Hugate, Johannes, 89
Hugh, St., 172, 213, 347
Hugh of Vienne, 108, 108 n
Hughes [Heughes], David, 268, 278
-, — T. H., 37, 57, 102, 118, 228
-, — Thomas, 138
-, — William Hawker, 270, 271
Hulme, William, 213
Hulyn, John, 144
Human Anatomy, department of, 59
Humbervyle, William, 101
Humble, Stephen, 229
Humfrey, Laurence, 197, 197 n, 201
Humphrey [Humfrey], Duke of
Gloucester, 15, 16, 45, 92, 93, 175,
-, — library, 15, 16, 45
Hund (Yorks.), 89 n
Hungerford, Lady Margaret, 134,
-, — Robert, 3rd Baron Hungerford,
-, — Sir Walter, 72
Hunt [Hunte], A. S., 136
-, — Emmota, 17 n
-, — Joseph, 89
-, — Otho, 65
-, — Thomas, 17, 17 n
-, — William, 244, 249, 251
-, — William Holman, 278, 335
Hunteman, —, 122
Huntington, Robert, 27
Hurdis, James, 199 n
Hurle, —, 63
Hus, Jan, 325
Hussen, —, 151 n
Hussey, Thomas, 313
Hutchins, Edward, 210
-, — Richard, 164, 166, 172, 173
Hutchins & Green, Messrs., 277
Hutchinson, Leonard, 64, 71
-, — Ralph, 255, 258
Hutton, M., 263 n
Huysum, Cornelis van, 301
Hyberdine, de, 319
Hyde (Chesh.), 306
Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon, 26, 27, 28, 39, 49 n, 54, 55
-, — Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon, 28
-, — James, 315
-, — Percy, 88
-, — Robert, 202
Hygdon. See Higdon
Hyll. See Hill
Hyndeman. See Hendeman
Hyndmer, Edward, 242
Hythe Bridge, 283
Ibstone (Oxon.), 101
Ickford (Bucks.), 245
Iffley (Oxon.), 165, 319
Ignatius Loyola, St., 340
Ilbert, C. P., 86
Ilchester, 4th Earl of. See FoxStrangways, William Thomas H.
Iles, Thomas, 311, 311 n, 312, 318 n, 319
Ilminster (Som.), 279, 284
Ilsley, East (Berks.), 202, 293
Imperial Forestry Institute, 59
India, 69
Indian Civil Service, 87
Indian History, readership in, 34 n
-, — Institute, 34
Ing Hall, 42, 43, 193
Inge, William, 301
Ingle, Harry Charles, 321
Ingledew, Thomas, 196
Ingoldmells (Lincs.), 280
Ingolstadt, Jesuit Coll., 21
Ingram, James, 248, 250, 251
-, — Joan, 299
-, — Richard, 299
Innocent IV, Pope, 4, 176
-, Angel, 320
-, Bicester's, 165
-, Cardinal's Hat, 242
-, Cock on the Hoop, 73
-, Crown, 48 n
-, Croxford's, 165
-, Dagville's, 165
-, Dolphin, 243, 264
-, Hollybush, 246
-, King's Arms (High St.), 320
-, King's Arms (Holywell), 287
-, Lamb and Flag, 339
-, Mitre, 165, 179
-, New, 337
-, Star, 341
-, Waggon and Horses, 346
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, 58
Institute of Medical Research, 37, 38
International Law, professorship of,
33, 181
-, — Relations, chair of, 37
Interpretation of Holy Scripture, professorship of, 34 n
Ipswich, 228, 233, 234, 249
Ireland, 276, 326
Ireland, —, 55
-, — John, 30
Ireton, Henry, 246
Ironmongers' Company, 320
Ironside, Gilbert, Bp. of Bristol,
246, 281, 282
-, — Ralph, 245
-, Booth, —, 55, 55 n
-, Gleadowe, R. M. Y., 233
-, Robinson, Thomas, 153
-, Showell, John, 51
-, Skidmore, —, 58
Isaac (Johannitius), 10
Isbury, John, 288
Isham, Sir Edmund, 183, 201
-, — Euseby, 173
Islip (Oxon.), 51, 327
Islip, Simon, Abp. of Canterbury, 9, 11, 13
Italian Studies, Serena professorship of, 36, 200
Ivy Hall, 214
Ivychurch (Kent), 175
Jackson, Amelia, 113
-, — Cyril, 29, 123, 236, 238
-, — Gilbert, 137
-, — John, Bp. of Lincoln, 86, 69
-, — John (mason), 73, 75, 75 n, 76,
217, 218, 232, 262
-, — Thomas (mason), 47 n
-, — Thomas (President of Corpus
Christi Coll.), 225
-, — Sir Thomas Graham, Bt., 34, 52 n,
53, 59, 60, 92 n, 128 n, 170, 218,
219, 228, 243, 282, 287, 287 n, 319,
-, — William, 137
-, — William Walrond, 113, 114, 339
Jacob the Jew, 98, 99
Jacob, Thomas, 329
Jacobson, William, 314
Jakys, John, 113
James I, King of England, 22, 23,
128, 265, 284, 297, 327, 327 n
-, — II, 26, 27, 48, 52, 67, 68, 77, 77 n,
172, 179, 198, 211, 212, 246, 267,
-, —, Prince of Wales, son of James II,
267 n
James, Herbert Armitage, 257, 258
-, — John (d. 1746), 56
-, — John (d. 1785), 137
-, — John (Vice-President of St.
John's Coll.), 253
-, — John (yeoman of the guard), 298
-, — Richard, 266 n
-, — William, Bp. of Durham, 65, 71,
Jamison, Evelyn Mary, 343
Jannyns, Robert, 183
Jansen, —, 278
Japan, Emperor of, 297
Jarvis, —, 147
Jaye, Popyng, 231
Jeames, Thomas, 178, 179, 183
Jedwell, Joan, 63
-, — Philip, 63
Jeffreys [Jeffrey], Edward, 79 n
-, — Francis, 135
-, — George, 1st Baron Jeffreys, 198
Jenkins [Jenkyns], Edward, 268
-, — J. D., 268, 278
-, — Sir Leoline, 266, 266 n, 267, 267 n,
274, 275, 275 n, 277, 278
-, — Richard, 85, 85 n, 88, 89, 91, 94
-, — Sir Walter St. D., 271
Jenkinson, Robert Banks, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, 236 n
Jenner, Sir Thomas, 198, 199, 202
Jennings, Alix, 278
Jephson, —, 342
Jerome, St., 175, 176, 177, 182
Jersey, 293, 294
Jesus College, 21, 33, 74 n, 99, 264–79, 293, 298, 337, 351
-, — Buildings, 271–7
-, — History, 264–71
-, — Library, 124 n, 277–8
-, — Livings, 279
-, — Pictures, 278
-, — Plate, 278
-, — Principals, 278–9
Jeune, Francis, Bp. of Peter borough, 292, 295, 295 n, 296, 297
Jewel, John, Bp. of Salisbury, 20, 162, 221, 222, 326
Jewitt, O., 91
Jews, 3, 5, 49
Jex-Blake, Henrietta, 342, 343
Johannes Grammaticus, 177
John, King of England, 2, 182
-, — XXIII, Pope, 14
-, — of Aylesbury, 42
-, — St., the Baptist, 106, 175, 206,
252, 258, 259, 259 n, 263
-, — St., of Beverley, 63
-, — of Bologna, 216
-, — of Cornwall, 42
-, — of Garland, 42
-, — of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford,
15, 175
-, — of London, 42
John, Sir Augustus, 278
Johnson, Arthur H., 353
-, — Bertha, 343, 349, 351, 352, 353
-, — Francis, 67, 71, 76
-, — George, 135
-, — John, 117 n
-, — Philip, 326, 334
-, — Samuel, 69, 69 n, 248, 251, 282,
294, 297, 332, 337
Johnson-Smyth, —, 353
Johny, Bp., 229
Joiners. See Carpenters
Jones, —, 266
-, — A. Gwynne, 251
-, — Edwin, 271
-, — Inigo, 49, 206, 262, 300
-, —J. H., 269
-, — John Collier, 114
-, — John Walter, 137
-, — Richard, 176 n
-, — W. Eccles, 268
-, — Sir William, 69, 69 n, 80
-, — William, 275, 275 n, 278
-, — William Basil, Bp. of St. Davids,
Jones Lane, 95
-, — Street, 95
Jonsons [Jonson], William, 90, 228
Jourdain, Miss E. F., 347
Jowett, Benjamin, 85, 86, 88, 89, 249
Joy, Bp., 229
Joynes, Henry, 54, 55
Judd, Andrew, 252
Junius, Francis, 27, 48
Jurisprudence, chair of, 33
Jussell, —, 214
Jux, —, 187 n
Juxon, William, Abp. of Canterbury, 255, 256, 258, 264 n
Katruk, N. N. K., 37 n
Katstrette, W. See Walter of Cat Street
Kay [Kaye], —, 300
-, — John, Bp. of Lincoln, 89, 212
Kayle, Henry, 108, 125
Keane. See Keene
Keble, John, 31, 124, 335, 341
Keble College, 31, 70, 276 n, 335–6
Keck, Anthony, 78
Keene [Keane], Arthur Charles, 321
-, — Henry (architect), 53, 80, 80 n,
95, 233, 308, 309
-, — Henry (Master of Campion Hall),
-, — William, 75 n
Keill, John, 84
Keir, Sir David Lindsay, 89
Kelly [Kele], John de, 113
-, — Thomas de, 113
-, — William, 176, 182
Kempe, C. E., 263, 292
-, — Frances Vera, 343
-, — John, Abp. of Canterbury, 64
-, — Thomas, Bp. of London, 16, 44,
Kempster, Christopher, 204 n, 232
Ken, Thomas, Bp. of Bath and Wells, 162
Kendal (Westm.), 134
Kendall, John, 50 n
Kennett, Basil, 225
-, — White, Bp. of Peterborough, 330,
Kenninghall (Kent), 155
Kenrick, John, 212
Kent, 220
Ker, N. R., 177, 177 n
-, — W. P., 87
Ketering, John de, 42
Keton, Robert, 155 n
Kett, Henry, 248
Kettell, Ralph, 239 n, 240, 245, 247, 250
Kettell Hall, 239 n, 242, 243, 245, 249
Kettle, Tilly, 53
Kettlewell, John, 329
Kexby, John, 39, 63
-, — William, 71
Keyes [Keys], Roger, 108, 173, 176,
182, 183
-, — Thomas, 65, 71, 73
Kidd, Beresford James, 335
Kidlington (Oxon.), 109, 112, 341
Kilby, Richard, 173
Kilmington, Richard, 104
Kilwardby, Robert, Abp. of Canterbury, 5, 103, 103 n
King, —, 79
-, — Edward, 143
-, — Henry, Bp. of Chichester, 237
-, — John, 238, 284
-, — Robert, Bp. of Oxford, 235, 298
-, — W. C. H., 187
-, — William (mason), 106 n
-, — William (Princ. of St. Mary Hall),
130, 131
King Henry VIII's College. See Christ Church
King Henry VIII's lecturer, 19
King Street, 95
Kingham (Oxon.), 155
King's Arms (High St.), 320
-, — (Holywell), 287
King's College, See Oriel College
King's Hall. See Oriel College
King's Sutton, 325
Kingsbury (Mddx.), 175
Kingscote, William de, 38
Kingsman, —, 47 n
Kingsmill, Andrew, 177
Kingston Bagpuize (Berks.), 255
Kingswood (Glos.), sch., 332
Kirby Hall, 60
Kirkby Lonsdale (Westm.), 134
Kirkdale (Yorks.), 23, 49
Kirkton, Thomas, 125
Kirtlington (Oxon.), 230, 231, 254, 255
Kitchin, George William, 338
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 53, 137, 172, 251, 297
Knight, Goring, 199 n
-, — Thomas, 77, 289
-, — William, 22
Knighton (Yorks.), 165
Knollys [Knolles], Thomas, 90, 196, 201
Knox, John, 26
Kodinton. See Cuddington
Kratzer, Nicholas, 18
Krishnavarmâ, Shyámaji, Pandit, 35 n
Kylvynton, —, 124
Kymer, Gilbert, 15, 39, 170
Kyrkeby, William, 183
Lacy, Edmund, Bp. of Exeter, 63, 71
Lady Margaret Hall, 34, 341–3, 347, 352
Lake, Arthur, Bp. of Bath and
Wells, 150 n, 159, 162
-, — W. C., 86
Lamb, Henry, 113, 335
Lamb and Flag Inn, 339
Lambert, —, 230
-, — Henry, 129
Lambeth, 105, 173, 262, 263, 266, 267 n, 270, 270 n
Lamborne, —, 43 n
Lambton (Pemb.), 294, 294 n, 297
Lambtone, Willelmus, 89
Lamerie, Paul de, 70
Lamerton (Devon), 248
Laming, Henry, 135
Lamphire, John, 312
Lamplugh, Thomas, 137
Lancashire, 134, 208 n, 220
Lancaster, Thomas, Abp. of Armagh, 320, 326, 334
-, — William, 137, 140, 142
Lanchester, H. V., 58
Lancing (Sussex) coll., 333
Lander, J. St. H., 350
Landon, Whittington, 301
Landor, Walter Savage, 248
Landreyn, John, 108 n, 122
Lane, Ame, 165
-, — John, 43
-, — Margaret, 43
-, — Robert, 43
-, — Walter, 346
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Abp. of Canterbury, 347
Langbaine, Gerard, 120 n, 134, 136, 137, 328
Langley, Henry, 295, 297
Langton, Bennet, 248
-, — John de, Bp. of Chichester, 9, 16
-, — Robert, 142
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Winchester, 133,
Lansdowne, 5th Marq. of. See PettyFitzmaurice, Henry Charles K.
Last, Hugh Macilwain, 214
László, Philip de, 338, 343
Latham, F. L., 213
Latimer, Hugh, Bp. of Worcester,
20, 171
-, — William, 18
Latin, public lectures in, 19
Latin Literature, chair of, 33
Laud, William, Abp. of Canterbury,
23, 24, 25, 27, 35, 39, 49, 66, 73,
75, 171, 178, 223, 245, 254, 255,
256, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264 n,
295 n, 321, 327, 328
-, — William (clothier), 255
Lauderdale, 8th Earl of. See Maitland, James
Laudian code, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32
Launton (Oxon.), 246
Laurence. See Lawrence
Lavandrie, La, 107
Lavendon (Bucks.), 312
Law, professorship of, 18
Lawgharme, Richard, 43 n
Lawrence, Henry, 114
-, — Thomas (Master of Balliol Coll.),
-, — Sir Thomas, 70, 182, 237, 275,
278, 297
-, — Thomas Edward, 201, 271, 278
Lawrence Hall, 43, 271
Laycock (Wilts.), abbey, 113
Layton. See Leighton
Lea, —, 55 n
Leatherhead (Surrey), 101
Lebons. See Lubbins
Leche, John de, 39
Lechlade (Glos.), 52
Leckford (Hants), 256
Ledynporch, 225
Lee [Leigh], Edward, 5th Baron
Leigh, 124
-, — Francis, 329 n
-, — George Henry, Earl of Lichfield,
29, 39
-, — Matthew, 34 n
-, — Sir Peter, 209
-, — Samuel, 286
-, — Theophilus, 84, 89
-, — Thomas (of Merton Coll.), 103 n
-, — Thomas (Princ. of St. Edmund
Hall), 322, 325, 334
-, — Thomas (President of Trinity
Coll.), 248, 250
-, — Sir William, 281
Lee-Merritt, Mrs. 343
Leech, —, 261
Legge, Hon. Edward, 183
-, — William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth,
Leicester, city, 63, 299
-, — county, 167
Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert
Leigh. See Lee
Leighs Magna (Essex), 164
Leighton [Layton], Francis Knyvett, 181, 183
-, — Richard, 19, 177, 234
Leland, John, 43, 180, 235
Lely, Sir Peter, 137, 278
Lental, Philip, 231
Lenthal, William, 48
Lentwardyn [Leyntwardyn], Thomas, 120 n, 125
Leo XIII, Pope, 245
Leper, —, 230
Lesnes (Kent), 228
Leson, Thomas, 91
L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas, 237
Le Sueur, Hubert, 262
Levant, 332
Levant Company, 300
Levett, Miss A. E., 350
Leverton, William de, 125
Levinz, William, 256, 258
Lewes. See Lewis
Lewgar, John, 245
Lewis [Lewes], David, 278
-, — Richard, 205 n
-, — Roderick, 267
-, — William, 123 n, 126
Lewkener, Sir Christopher, 246
Lewknor (Oxon.), 175
Lexinton, Henry de. See Henry of Lexington
Ley, James, 1st Earl of Marlborough, 213
Leyntwardyn. See Lentwardyn
Liber Cancellarii, 9
Lichfield, 255, 300
Liddell, Henry George, 236, 238
Liddon, Henry Parry, 321, 333, 334, 341
Lideforde. See Lydeford
Lie, John, 214
Liebnitz, G. W., Baron von, 58
Lightfoot, John Prideaux, 112 n,
-, — R. H., 301
Lilly [Lily], Edmund, 83, 89
-, — William, 18
Limesi, William de, 38
Limington (Som.), 280
Linacre, Thomas, 18, 177
Linacre professorship, 33
Lincoln, Archdeacon of, 2, 222
-, — cath., 208, 253
-, — county, 167, 220, 270 n
-, — dioc., 1, 14, 166, 167, 194 n,
208 n
-, — Sheriff, 8
Lincoln College, 16, 21, 32, 34, 99,
112, 133, 163–73, 212, 214, 218,
271, 275 n, 330, 345
-, — Buttery, 168
-, — Chapel, 117 n, 167–8
-, — Hall, 168
-, — Kitchen, 168
-, — Library, 168
-, — Plate, 172
-, — Portraits, 172
-, — Rectors, 173
-, — Seals, 172
Lindsay [Lyndesay], Alexander
Dunlop, 1st baron Lindsay of
Birker, 89
-, — Thomas, Abp. of Armagh, 281
Lindsell (Essex), 155
Linge [Ling], Abraham van, 76, 78,
79, 91, 92, 142
-, — Bernard van, 170 n, 284
Lingen, Ralph Robert W., Baron Lingen, 248, 249, 251
Lingham, James, 216
Linnell, William, 56
Linton (Heref.), 256
-, — (Yorks.), 68
Linton, Henry, 336, 337
Lion Hall, 42, 43
Lion, Little, Hall, 43
Lisle, Samuel, Bp. of St. Asaph, 279, 281, 282
Lister, Martin, 27
Literae Humaniores, 18, 35
Little, Dorothy, 321
Littlecote (Bucks.), 91
Littlemore (Oxon.), 120, 121, 122,
122 n, 165, 294
-, — convent, 98, 235
Littleton, Edward, 272
-, — Sir Thomas, 329
Littleworth (Berks.), 121
Litton, Edward Arthur, 333
Liverpool, 2nd Earl of. See Jenkinson, Robert Banks
Liverpool, cath., 337
Livingstone, Sir Richard Winn, 225
Llandaff, 265, 266 n, 267
Llandovery (Carm.), sch., 268
Llandow (Glam.), 279
Llandyssil (Card.), 279
Llanfalgan (Carn.), 279
Llangenith (Glam.), 175
Llanwnda (Carn.), 279
Lloyd, Ann, 272
-, — Griffith, 264, 272, 278
Lloyd, John, 266, 275, 278
-, — Sir Nathaniel, 180, 191, 192,
192 n, 193
-, — Oliver, 265, 265 n
-, — William, Bp. of Worcester, 257,
267 n, 281
Lobbens. See Lubbins
Locke [Lock], John, 26, 85
-, — Walter, 335
Locking (Berks.), 175
-, Blockley, Thomas, 56
-, Meelks, —, 55 n
Lodelaw, William de, 38
Lodge, Eleanor Constance, 342, 343
-, — T. A., 58
-, — Thomas, 245
Loggan, David, 47, 49
Logic, praelector of, 30
-, — professorship of, 34 n
Lombard, —, 257
London, 3, 22, 104, 129 n, 182, 183,
217, 220, 253, 254, 255, 272, 272 n,
-, — Christ's Hosp. sch., 252
-, — College, 16
-, — County Council, 267 n, 270
-, — Fire of, 84
-, — Gresham Coll., 179
-, — Lad Lane, 265
-, — Queen's Coll., 333
-, — Royal Holloway Coll., 351
-, — St. Bartholomew's, Exchange,
79 n, 300
-, — St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield,
-, — St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, 246
-, — St. Matthew's, Friday St., 43
-, — St. Paul's cath., 77 n, 178 n, 179
-, — St. Paul's Cross, 325
-, — St. Paul's sch., 249
-, — St. Sepulchre's, Holborn, 255
-, — St. Stephen's, Limehouse, 211
-, — St. Stephen's, Walbrook, 243
-, — St. Vedast, 176
-, — Smithfield, 325
-, — Synod, 22
-, — Univ., 30
-, — White Hart Inn, Strand, 208
London, Christopher, 50 n
-, — John, 19, 162, 229, 230, 235
Long, John, 50 n
Longland, John, Bp. of Lincoln, 39, 129, 196, 208, 209, 228
Longley, Charles Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 335
Longsport meadow, 306, 307
Longueville, priory, 155
Longworth (Berks.), 279
Lound (Yorks.), 165
Louvain, 159
Lovegrove, —, 186
Lovelace, John, 3rd Baron Lovelace, 281
Lovell, Francis, Lord Lovell, 194 n,
-, — George Francis, 333
Lovyns. See Lubbins
Lowe, John, 238
-, — Robert, 87
Lubbins, John, 90, 228, 229
Lucas brothers, Messrs., 57
Luceby, Nicolaus de, 89
Lucy, G. de, 38
-, — William, Bp. of St. David's, 246
Ludgershall (Bucks.), 294
Ludlow, Edmund, 246
Ludlow Hall, 62, 71, 81
Lufton, John, 261, 262
Luk, John, 105
Lukin, William, 297
Lupset, Thomas, 18
Lusby, Harry, 314
Lutheranism, 19, 196
Lutterel [Luttrell], John, 38
Lutterel, Narcissus, 182
Lutterworth (Leics.), 12
Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 34
Luxton, P. J., 60
Lyart. See Lyhert
Lydall, Richard, 104 n, 106
Lydd (Kent), 175
Lyddington (Rutland), 163
Lydeford, John de, 72 n
-, — Martin, 113
-, — Robert de, 113
Lydiard Millicent (Wilts.), 294, 297
Lyford (Berks.), 300
Lyhert, Walter, Bp. of Norwich, 108, 109, 122, 125
Lymbie, Nicholas, 262
Lyndesay. See Lindsay
Lyndfield, John, 176
Lyndon, John (Rector of Exeter
Coll.), 114
-, — John (of Merton Coll.), 101 n
Lynne, Richard, 203 n
Lyon Hall. See Lion Hall
Lyra, Nicholas de, 176, 177
Lys, Francis John, 301
Mabbe, James, 197 n
Mabel, Abbess of Godstow, 238
Macan, Reginald Walter, 71
Macbride, John David, 314, 315, 318
McCann, Philip Justin, 340
M'Gonigle, Kathailin, 342
Mackarness, John Fielder, Bp. of Oxford, 341
Macleod, George Calder, 280
MacVicar, C. R., 251
Magdalen Bridge, 49
Magdalen College, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,
23, 26, 29, 33, 46, 49, 68, 73, 84,
140, 163, 164, 178, 193–207, 211,
218, 219, 220, 221, 228, 235, 239 n,
243, 246, 249, 257, 283 n, 288, 289,
313, 314, 318, 320, 324, 325, 349
-, — Buildings, 202–7
-, — Chapel, 48, 154, 186, 206–7, 263
-, — History, 193–201
-, — Library, 201
-, — Pictures, 201
-, — Plate, 201
-, — Presidents, 201–2
-, — St. Swithun's quadrangle, 193
-, — School, 42, 43, 194, 196, 220,
-, — Seal, 201
-, — Tower, 201, 205
Magdalen Hall, 48 n, 68, 193, 193 n, 196, 198, 199, 202, 206, 207, 257, 299, 300, 309, 313, 314, 315, 318, 319, 326, 328, 330 n, 337
Magister Glomerie, 40
Magister scolarum, 2, 3, 42
Magrath, John Richard, 132, 136, 137, 349
Maiden Hall, 144
Maid's Morton (Bucks.), 175
Maidstone, 2, 66, 202
Maidstone, Ralf de, 38
Mainz, 223
Maitland, Agnes, 344, 346, 347
-, — James, 8th Earl of Lauderdale,
-, — S. R., 87
Major, William, 114
Maldon, 5, 99 n, 101, 102, 103, 105
Maldon, John de, 125
Malford, Richard, 144, 162
Maling, Thomas, 75 n
Mallard, 179
Malmesbury, abbey, 7, 301, 304, 305, 305 n
Malmesbury, Thomas de, 320
Malone, Edmund, 33
Maltby, —, 236
Maltravers, Sir Thomas, 194 n
Malverne, John, 93 n
Mamesfeld, Henry de, 38
Man, John, 105, 106
Manchester, 212
Manchester College, 34
Mander, Roger, 84, 89
Mann, Julia de Lacy, 350
Manners, John, 2nd Duke of Rutland, 331
-, — John, 3rd Duke of Rutland, 331
Manning, —, 286 n
-, — Henry Edward, 105
Mansell [Mansel], Francis, 265, 266,
271 n, 272, 274, 274 n, 275, 276,
-, — Henry Longueville, 262, 262 n,
-, — Sir Lewes, 274
Mansfield (Notts.), stone, 276
Mansfield College, 34
Mant, Richard, Bp. of Down, 248
Manwood, Roger, 164
Maperton (Som.), 280
Maplederwell (Hants), 220 n
Maplett, John, 299, 301
Marbeck, Roger, 122, 126
Marcellus, 50
March, John, 329, 330
Marckland, John, 209
-, — Richard, 209
Marett, Robert Ranulph, 113, 114
Margaret of Anjou, 176
Mark Richard, 113
Markham, William, 238
Marks, Stephen, 114
Marks Hall, 63
Marlborough, 212
Marlborough, 1st Duke of. See Churchill, John
-, — 1st Earl of. See Ley, James
Marleberge, Thomas de, 1
Marlow (Bucks.), 203
-, — Great, 274
Marlow, Michael, 257, 258
Marriott, Charles, 124
Marschel. See Marshall
Marsh, Adam, 61
-, — Narcissus, Abp. of Armagh, 118
Marshall [Marschel], —, 98
-, — George, 162
-, — Richard, 221, 238
-, — Robert, 113
-, — Thomas, 165, 168, 171, 172, 173
-, — W. C., 59
Marshalsea prison, 105
Marsham, Robert Bullock, 102, 106
Marshfield (Glos.), 159
Marston (Oxon.), 229
Marten. See Martin
Martin, St., of Tours, 340
Martin [Marten, Martyn], —, 319
-, — Edmund, 104 n, 106
-, — Gregory, 254
-, — James, 50 n
-, — John (of St. Michael Northgate),
-, — John (Master of University Coll.),
-, — W. L., 321
-, — William, 238
Martin, Little, Hall. See St. Martin's Hall
Martivall, Roger de, 38
Marton. See Merton
Martyn. See Martin
Mary I, Queen of England, 20, 105,
171, 177, 196, 221, 326
-, — II, 78
-, — Consort of George V, 132, 350
-, — Magdalen, St., 201, 206
-, — of Modena, Consort of James II,
-, — the Virgin, 125, 128, 145, 148,
172, 174
Mary, St., of Winchester, College of.
-, See New College
Maryland, 245
Mascoll, Eustas, 230
Mason, Henry, 213
-, — Sir John, 39
-, — Robert, 33, 143
-, — William, 47
-, Acroyde, John, 45, 46, 73, 73 n,
-, Arnold, Edmund, 283
-, — William 283, 284, 284 n
-, Bennett, Richard, 205 n
-, Bentley, Anthony, 102
-, — John, 45, 46, 73, 73 n, 102
-, Bird, William, 50, 51, 52, 53 n,
55 n, 149, 152, 184, 232, 290
-, Blackshaw, John, 284
-, Blea, —, 47 n
-, Brown, William, 144
-, Bull, —, 47 n
-, Butt, John, 205 n
-, Caruer, Robert, 205 n
-, Chevynton, Richard, 183
-, Clarke, John, 47
-, Cole, John, 205
-, Cox, —, 47 n
-, Davis, Hugh, 215, 262
-, Deane, Anthony, 138
-, Dew, family, 50
-, —, 47 n
-, — John, 151
-, Edge, Edward, 129
-, Edwards, —, 47 n
-, — Thomas, 101 n
-, — William, 289
-, Elkin, Thomas, 44, 44 n
-, Est, William, 90, 225 n
-, Evans, family, 50
-, — Daniel, 292
-, Fostar, Henry, 205 n
-, Freeman, family, 50
-, Gardiner, James, 53 n
-, Gode, John, 203 n
-, Gyll, John, 205, 205 n
-, Harris, D., 53 n
-, Harrison, Thomas, 206
-, Hatchman, Roger, 232
-, Heys, Richard, 205 n
-, Hill, William, 262
-, Holt, Thomas, 47 n
-, Humbervyle, William, 101
-, Jackson, John, 73, 75, 75 n, 76,
217, 218, 232, 262
-, — Thomas, 47 n
-, Jannyns, Robert, 183
-, Jonsons, William, 90, 228
-, Kempster, Christopher, 204 n,
-, King, Edward, 143
-, — William, 206 n
-, Kingsman, —, 47 n
-, Knight, Thomas, 77, 289
-, Lewis, Richard, 205 n
-, Lubbins, John, 90, 228, 229
-, Lynne, Richard, 203 n
-, Mason, William, 47
-, Maude, Richard, 75, 75 n, 80 n,
262, 271 n, 272, 272 n, 274
-, Orchard, William, 45, 203, 204,
204 n, 205, 206
-, Parkes, Chrysostome, 216
-, Partridge, James, 47
-, Pears, James, 148, 149, 207, 228,
263, 263 n, 264, 264 n
-, Peisley, Bartholomew, 77, 191,
242 n, 262, 262 n, 324
-, Perkyns, —, 205 n
-, Piddington, Richard, 152, 206 n
-, Raynold, William, 205, 205 n
-, Redman, Henry, 228, 229
-, Robinson, Francis, 50, 232
-, — John, 50, 232
-, — Thomas (i), 48, 49, 50, 51, 232
-, Robinson, Thomas (ii), 50, 232
-, — William, 227
-, Sarny, William, 232
-, Sedman, family, 50
-, Smith, —, 232
-, — Francis, 56, 78
-, — Richard, 227, 263 n
-, — Robert, 262
-, — William, 56, 206
-, Spicer, John, 284
-, Strong, Thomas, 51, 204 n, 242 n
-, Symm, J. R., 292
-, Symsell, William, 205 n
-, Townsend, John (d. 1728), 54 n,
138, 140, 289
-, — John (d. 1746), 54 n, 56, 227,
232, 263
-, — John (iii), 143, 193, 275, 309
-, — William, 52, 53, 54, 54 n, 55,
56, 77, 78, 140, 142, 142 n,
143 n, 190, 191, 191 n, 192, 206,
227, 233, 233 n, 242, 262, 275 n
290, 307, 307 n
-, Venge, Robert, 183
-, Vertue, William, 225 n
-, Wells, —, 47 n
-, White, Thomas, 203 n
-, Wilmott, —, 47
-, Winchcombe, Richard, 44
-, Wood, Thomas, 48, 91, 263 n
-, Wyke, Thomas, 203 n
-, Wynford, William, 144 n
Massey [Massy], John, 67, 67 n, 236, 238
Massyngham, John, 183
Master of Arts, degree of, 4, 10, 13, 22, 29
Masterman, John Cecil, 301
Mathematics, faculty of, 35, 35 n
-, — lecturerships in, 22
-, — professorship of, 34 n, 37
Mather, —, 212
-, — John, 225, 227
Matheson, D. McLeod, 353
-, — Hilda, 353
Mathew, Toby, Abp. of York, 238, 253, 254, 258
Matriculation, 21, 28, 31
Matthews, —, 267
-, — Henry Usher, 166
Maubert, James, 137
Maude, Richard, 75, 75 n, 80 n, 262, 271 n, 272, 272 n, 274
Maudit, John, 104
Maufe, Edward, 262, 264, 264 n, 277
Maurice, —, 275
May, Miss A. M., 37
Maydeston, John, 144
Mayew, Richard, Bp. of Hereford, 39, 193, 195, 201, 205
Maynard, Sir John, 110, 111
-, — Joseph, 114
Mayne [Mayn], Jonathan, 227, 242 n
Mayo, —, 216
-, — Thomas, 75, 75 n, 76
Meare, John, 211, 214
Medcalfe, —, 284
Medehill, John, 183
Medicine, faculty of, 10, 20, 35
-, — professorship of, 18, 19
-, — sch. of, 38
Medieval and Modern Languages and Literature, faculty of, 35, 35 n
Medley, —, 55, 55 n
Medmenham (Bucks.), 265, 293
Mee, J. H., 243
Meeke, John, 314
Meelks, —, 55 n
Mellor, George Henry, 166
Melly, A. J. M., 80
Melsonby (Yorks.), 69 n
Mengs, Raphael, 186
Menheniot (Cornwall), 107
Mental Philosophy, readership in, 34 n
Mercer, N., 114 n
Merchant Taylors' Company, 251,
-, — sch., 252, 253, 255, 257, 293
Mercury, statue, 232, 232 n
Meredith, John, 183
-, — Jonas, 254
Merifield (Som.), 279, 287
Merivale, Herman, 248
Merrick, James, 248
Merry, William Walter, 166, 172, 173
Merton (Oxon.), 117 n
-, — (Surrey), priory, 102, 103, 106
Merton [Marton], John (Master of
University Coll.), 64
-, — John (pedagogus), 41 n
-, — Walter de, 5, 95, 102, 105
Merton College, 5, 9, 10, 18 19, 21,
33, 45, 49, 57, 70, 74, 95–106, 119,
153, 154, 155, 219, 220, 225, 245,
246, 279, 283, 287, 300, 319
-, — Buildings, 95–102
-, — Chapel, 64
-, — History, 102–4
-, — Library, 101, 106, 176
-, — Plate, 106
-, — Portraits, 106
-, — Seals, 105–6
-, — Wardens, 106
Merton Hall, 61
Merton Lane, 95
-, — Street, 95
Meryfeld, William, 114
Merytt, Richard, 229
Messenger [Messynger], Roland, 208
-, — Rowland, 229, 231
Methley (Yorks.), 65
Methodism, 332
Methuen, Sir Algernon, Bt., 280
-, — John, 329
Mews, Sir Peter, 192
-, — Peter, Bp. of Winchester, 256, 258
Meyricke, Edmund, 267
Michael, St., 276
Michel. See Michell
Michelangelo, 52
Micheldhall. See Sheld Hall
Michell [Michel, Mitchell], —, 280
-, — Henry, 125
-, — John, 134, 135, 143
-, — John Malcolm, 342
-, — Richard, 314, 315
-, — Thomas, 114
Micklem, Messrs. (brewers), 340
Micklem Hall, 339, 340
Micklethwaite, J. T., 336
Mickleton, Christopher, 324
Middle Rowe, 51 n
Middleton (Oxon.), 212
Middleton [Middelton, Myddylton],—, 187 n
-, — Lady Anne, 274
-, — John de, 125
-, — William, 271 n, 272 n
Middleton Hall, 264, 339
Middleworth, —, 133 n
Mideltona, Gilbert de, 40
Miles [Myles], John Charles, 106
-, — N., 134
Milham, 348
Military Aeronautics, sch. of, 35
-, — History, professorship of, 35
-, — Instruction, sch. of, 35
Mill, John, 324, 330, 331, 334, 335
-, — Roger att, 183
Millard, Thomas, 244
Miller, Richard, 137
Mills [Milles], Dr. —, 134
-, — (sculptor), 58
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Waterford, 330
-, — W. E., 349
Mills & Thorpe, Messrs., 60
Millward, Henry, 288
Milman, Henry Hart, 59 n, 212
Milner, Alfred, Visct. Milner, 39
Milroy, Andrew Wallace, 333
Milton (Oxon.), stone, 203, 229, 262 n
Milton, John, 26, 246
Milton Lilbourne (Wilts.), 280
Minchin, Robert, 51
Mineralogy, chair of, 30, 34 n
Ministri, 9
Minn [Mynne], Henry, 126
-, — Thomas, 48, 138
-, — Thomas, jun., 55 n, 138, 227
Minot Hall, 43 n, 288
Minster Lovell (Oxon.), 183
Minston, —, 276
Mitchell. See Michell
Mitchinson, John, Bp. of Barbados, 297
Mitre Hotel, 165, 179
Moberley, Miss C. A. E., 347
-, — Winifred Horsbrugh, 350
Modd, —, 179 n
Modern Greek, professorship of, 36
-, — History, Chichele professorship
of, 33, 181
-, — faculty of, 35
-, — regius professorship of, 27
-, — Languages, honour sch. of, 30
Moffatt, H. C., 251
Mogys, William, 114
Moket [Mokett], Richard, 183, 188
Monemuta, John de, 38
Monier-Williams, Sir Monier, 34
Monk Sherborne (Hants), priory, 61
Monmouth, county, 269, 272
Monmouth, Duke of. See Scott, James
Monro, David Binning, 126
Monteforti, William de, 38
Montgomery, county, 65, 272
Moore [More], —, 136
-, — Edward (17th cent.), 211
-, — Edward (Princ. of St. Edmund
Hall) 321, 333, 334, 335
-, — George, 222
-, — H. C., 346
-, — H. W., 81
-, — James, 126
-, — John, Abp. of Canterbury, 89
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.), 113
-, — Sir Thomas, 18, 19, 196, 340
-, — William (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
114, 114 n
-, — William (painter), 75 n
Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, professorship of, 33
Moral Philosophy, professorship of, 23
Mordan, Clara Evelyn, 347, 348
Mordaunt, John, Lord Mordaunt, 209
More. See Moore
Morecambe (Lancs.), 333
Mores, Edward Rowe, 132
Morewyll, Ralph, 114
Morfill, William Richard, 136
Morgan, H. T., 58
Morice, Sir William, Bt., 226
Moritz, —, 179
Morland, Henry Robert, 137
Morley, Mrs. —, 208 n
-, — George, Bp. of Winchester, 84 n,
160, 161 n, 238, 293, 294, 296
-, — John, 173
-, — John, Visct. Morley, 346
Morocco, 331
Morris, Emily, 337
-, — Lewis, 269
-, — William, 59, 112 n, 113, 324
-, — William Richard, Visct. Nuffield,
37, 38, 294 n, 300, 309, 337, 338,
342, 354
Morrison, Walter, 35, 37, 59, 92
Mortimer, Charles, 173
Mortlake (Surrey), 258
Morton, John, Abp. of Canterbury,
17, 39
-, — Sir William, 246
Morwent, Robert, 196, 197, 221, 225
Moscroffe, Thomas, 18
Moses the Jew, 98
Moucherton, Frederick de, 301
Mowbray, J. R., 269
Moyle, J. B., 349
Moynihan, R., 106
Mozley, James Bowling, 199
Miiller, Max, 341
Muirhead, J. H., 87
Mullins, John, 197
Mund, Frl., 350
Munro, Alexander, 58
-, — John Arthur R., 172, 173
Mure, Geoffrey Reginald G., 106
Murphy, N. R., 315
Murray, Keith Anderson H., 173
-, — Thomas, 137
Museum of the History of Science, 49, 286
Musgrave, Chardin, 126
-, — Florence Hawkesley, 353
-, — Sir Philip, 246
Music, lecturership in, 24
Muskham, William de, 137, 138 n
Myddylton. See Middleton
Myles. See Miles
Mylplaysh, William, 114
Mynne. See Minn
Mynothall. See Minot Hall
Napier, Sir Gerard, 246
Naples, 344 n
Napleton, John, 212
Nash, John, 207, 275, 275 n, 278
'Nations', 4, 9, 13
Natural and Comparative Religion,
lecturership in, 35 n
-, — History sch., 48
-, — Philosophy, professorship of, 23
-, — Science, faculty of, 34, 35, 35 n
Navestock (Essex), 244
Neale [Nele], —, 205 n
-, — John, 114
Neath, 91 n
Neckam, Alexander, 1
Needle and Thread, 133
Neen Solers (Salop), 300
Nele. See Neale
Nelson, George, 81
Netter, Thomas, 163 n, 176
Nettleship, Henry, 351
-, — Richard Lewis, 87, 88
Nettleship Library, 351, 352, 353
Nevile's Inn, 225
Neville, Alexander de, Abp. of York,
-, — George, Abp. of York, 17, 39, 93,
166, 166 n
-, — Richard, Earl of Warwick, 93,
166 n
New College, 13, 19, 20, 21, 44, 48 n,
51, 77, 87, 99 n, 105, 128 n, 144–62, 192 n, 194, 194 n, 200, 218,
219, 220, 226, 227, 235, 251, 252,
257, 259, 261, 280, 289, 291, 310,
320, 328, 329, 336, 337
-, — Buildings, 144–54
-, — Chapel, 124, 145–7, 184
-, — Hall, 147–8
-, — History, 154–62
-, — Plate, 162
-, — Portraits, 162
-, — Seals, 162
-, — Wardens, 162
New Inn, 337
New Inn Hall, 171, 245, 329 n, 330 n, 336, 337, 337 n, 338
Newbold-on-Stour (Worcs.), 279
Newburgh, Elad de, Countess of Warwick, 6, 9
Newbury (Berks.), 270 n
Newcastle, 1st Duke of. See PelhamHolles, Sir Thomas
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 64
Newdigate, Sir Richard, 246
-, — Sir Roger, 29, 57
Newenton (Kent), 175
Newington (Oxon.), 48
Newlin, Robert, 225
Newman, John Henry, Card., 31, 86, 123 n, 124, 125, 248, 249
Newport Pagnell (Bucks.), 165
Newton, Sir Isaac, 58
-, — John, 210
-, — Richard, 28, 312, 313, 318, 319
-, — Robert, 114
-, — W. G., 309
-, — Sir William John, 137
Newton Longville (Bucks.), 155
Niblett, Stephen, 183
Nichol, John, 268
Nicholas, St., 239
-, — III, Pope, 104
-, — of Hereford, 133, 133 n
-, — of Hungary, 1
-, — of Salerno, 10
-, — Bp. of Tusculum, 2
Nicholas, Sir Edward, 136
-, — John, 162
-, — Matthew, 328
Nicholl, G. W., 57
Nicholson, James, 91, 231, 232
-, — Otto, 232
-, — W., 106
Noble, Sir John, 201
-, — John, 288
Noist. See Nost
Nollekens, Joseph, 297
Nolloth, C. F., 37
Nonius Marcellus, 177
Noreys. See Norris
Norfolk, 183
Norfolk, 3rd Duke of. See Howard, Thomas
Normanville, Eustace de, 38
Norris [Noreys, Norreys, Norys], A.,
-, — Francis, Lord Norris, 283
-, — H., 88
-, — H. H., 88
-, — James, 223, 225
-, — John, 13
-, — Thomas, 114
North, Brownlow, Bp. of Winchester, 248
-, — Francis, 1st Earl of Guilford, 248
-, — Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford,
39, 248
-, — William Henry J., 11th Baron
North, 251
North Gate, 173
-, — hund., 6, 11
Northampton, county, 167, 220
-, — town, 3, 5, 266
Northern, William, 337
Northleach (Glos.), 294
Northleage, John, 230
Northmoor (Oxon.), 253, 255, 263 n
Northumberland, 220
Northwode, John de, 39
Norton, John, Chancellor, 39
-, — John, pavier, 231
Norwich, 305, 306, 307
-, — St. John's, Maddermarket, 155
Norwood, Sir Cyril, 257, 258
Norwood Chapel (Mddx.), 178 n
Norys. See Norris
Nost, John van, 55, 78
Nottingham, county, 220
Nourse, John, 197
-, — Timothy, 67, 74 n
Nowell, Alexander, 209, 214
Nowell, Thomas, 131
Nuffield, Visct. See Morris, William Richard
Nuffield College, 38, 354
-, — Trust, 38
Nun Appleton Hall (Yorks.), 80 n
Nun Hall, 98, 99, 104
Nuneham Courtney (Oxon.), 299
Nutfield (Surrey), 279
Nydthard, Adam de, 42
Oades, —, 294
Oakley (Oxon.), 245
Oakley, Frederick, 94
Ockham, William of. See William of Ockham
O'Connor, John, 91 n, 263
Oddie, J. W., 224
Oddington (Oxon.), 64
Officer Cadet Battalions, 35
Offley, William, 76
Ogilvie, C. A., 85
-, — Sir Frederick Wolff, 271, 278
Oglander, John, 162
Oglethorpe, Owen, 196, 197, 201
Okeholt (Kent), 175
Oldfield, L. A., 166
-, — L. F. C., 166
Oldham, Charles James, 224
-, — Hugh, Bp. of Exeter, 215, 219, 220, 224
Oldis, —, 151 n
Oliphant Hall, 163, 164, 170
Oliver, John (Dean of Christ
Church), 235, 238
-, — John (President of Magdalen
Coll.), 198, 202
Ollard, Sidney Leslie, 333, 334
Onslow, Arthur, 281
-, — Sir Richard, 1st Baron Onslow,
Ophthalmology, readership in, 35
Opie, John, 297
Oppe, A. P., 79 n
Oppenheimer, David, 33
Orchard, William, 45, 203, 204, 204 n, 205, 206
Orelle, John, 114
Orford, Earl of. See Russell, Edward
-, — 1st Earl of (2nd creation). See
Walpole, Sir Robert
-, Binns, J. J., 276 n
-, Byfield, John, 263
-, Chappington, John, 146, 146 n
-, Dallam, Robert, 146
-, Green, Samuel, 147
-, Harris, Renatus, 52
-, Rushworth and Dreaper, 147
-, Schmidt, Bernard, 52
-, Willis, Henry, 52 n, 87, 147
Oriel College, 8, 8 n, 11, 21, 29, 31,
35, 46, 48, 73, 74, 74 n, 99, 99 n,
104, 108, 119–31, 154, 173, 200,
214, 216, 219, 235 n, 239 n, 242,
243, 245, 329, 332
-, — Architectural hist., 126–9
-, — Chapel, 126–7
-, — Hall, 127
-, — History, 119–24
-, — Library, 124, 127
-, — Plate, 124
-, — Portraits, 125
-, — Provosts, 125–6
-, — Seals, 125
Oriental Languages, faculty of, 35
Ormonde, 1st Duke of. See Butler, James
Orontius, 21
Orpen, Sir William, 213
Orrery, 4th Earl of. See Boyle, Charles
Oryal. See Orelle
Oseney, abbey, 1, 3, 41 n, 43, 64,
144, 173, 183, 216, 217, 231, 235,
239, 239 n, 254, 271, 292, 319, 320,
322, 324, 325, 326, 336
-, — Abbot of, 2, 3, 318
-, — cath. ch. at, 19, 231, 298
-, — mill, 231
O'Shea, —, 349
-, — James, 58
-, — John, 58
Osmund, John, 222
Ossulbury, Nicholas, 162
Ossulton, Baron. See Bennet, Sir John
Ost, John van. See Nost, John van
Oswald, St., 70, 239
Oswaldestre, Richard de, 100 n
Otery, John, 113
Otham (Kent), 202
Otterington, South (Yorks.), 164
Ouless, Catherine, 350
-, — W. W., 125
Ovidius Naso, P., 41, 221
Owen, George, 238, 243
-, — Humphrey, 278
-, — John, 25, 26, 27, 238
-, — Lewes, 265
-, — Mostyn, 345, 346
-, — R., 276
-, — Richard, 254
-, — Thankful, 258
Oxford, castle, 1, 4, 5, 8, 336
-, — ch. of St. George, 1
-, — county, 109, 167, 220, 266
-, — market, 271 n
-, — mayor of, 10, 11
-, — mint, 113, 171, 213, 245, 251, 256,
-, — Playhouse, 340
-, — sheriff of, 8, 10
-, — Town Hall, 229
Oxford Canal Company, 336, 337
Oxford Loyal Volunteer Corps, 281
Oxford Movement, 31, 86, 135
Oxford Musical Club, 81 n
Oxford Philosophical Society, 27
Oxford Preservation Trust, 340
Oxford Society, 37
Oxford University Volunteers, 267
Padbury (Bucks.), 175
Paddy, Sir William, 254, 255, 258
Paget, Francis, Bp. of Oxford, 238,
-, — H. M., 334
Paine. See Payne
-, Cook, Henry, 39, 146
-, Davis, —, 46, 284
-, Dixon, —, 53
-, Doone, Francis, 146
-, Hawkins, Richard, 48, 51 n, 52,
75 n, 146, 263
-, Kettle, Tilly, 53
-, Webbe, Daniel, 91
-, Wildgoose, —, 55 n, 191 n
-, Witherington, —, 52
Pakington, Sir John, 258
Paley, —, 197
Palgrave, William Giffard, 248
Palliser, Sir Hugh, 288 n, 289 n
Palmer, E., 86
-, — John, 183
-, — Sir Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne, 199, 248
-, — Thomas, 298, 301
-, — William (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
114, 116, 118
-, — William (d. 1879), 199
Pamphilus, 41
Panter [Pantre], John, 137
-, — Richard, 114
Panting, Matthew, 288 n, 297
Pantre. See Panter
Paolo, Giovanni di, 237
Paraeus, David, 22
Pardo, Thomas, 275, 276, 278
Paris, St. Martin des Pres, 175
-, — univ., 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Parker, Margaret, 165
-, — Matthew, Abp. of Canterbury,
105, 178, 188
-, — Samuel, Bp. of Oxford, 198, 199,
202, 246, 281
-, — Samuel (d. 1730), 247
-, — Stanislaus Anselm, 339, 340
-, — William, 255
Parkes, Chrysostome, 216
Parkhurst, John, 89
Parkinson, James, 172
-, — Joseph, 207
-, — Robert, 165
Parnell & Son, Messrs., 60
Parratt, Sir Walter, 200
Parry, Benjamin, 276
-, — David, 265
-, — Richard, Bp. of St. Asaph, 265,
Parsons, Herbert, 85
-, — Isaac, 85
-, — John, Bp. of Peterborough, 29,
85, 89, 123
-, — Philip, 311
-, — Robert, 83
Partridge, Henry, 324
-, — James, 47
Parys, John, 113
Pastoral Theology, chair of, 30
Pate, Richard, 224, 225
Patenson, William, 325, 334
Pater, Walter, 136
Pathology, department of, 59
-, — professorship of, 35
-, — sch. of, 37
Patrick, John, 93
Pattison, Mark, 172, 173, 341
Paul, St., 162, 201
Paulerspury (Northants.), 161
Paulet, Sir Amias, 245
-, — Lady Elizabeth, 242, 245
-, — Sir Hugh, 245
Paxton, John, 125
Payne [Paine], —, 274
-, — H. A., 226
-, — Peter, 325, 334
-, — Samuel, 50 n
Paynel, Thomas, 258
Paynter, William, 114
Peacock [Pecock], John, 289
-, — Reginald, Bp. of Chichester, 122
Pearce [Pierce, Piers], John, Abp. of
York, 89, 238
-, — Robert, 330, 331
-, — Thomas, 198, 202
Pears, James, 148, 149, 207, 228, 263, 263 n, 264, 264 n
Pearson [Pereson, Peyrson], Hugh,
-, — J. L., 147 n
-, — John, 137
-, — Thomas (Princ. of St. Edmund Hall, 1540), 334
-, — Thomas (Princ. of St. Edmund
Hall, d. 1721/2), 331, 335
Peckham, Sir George, 298
-, — John, Abp. of Canterbury, 5, 6,
103, 103 n, 104, 104 n
Peckitt [Peckett], William, 128, 146, 147
Peckwater Inn, 43, 230, 232
Pecock. See Peacock
Peel, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Visct.
-, Peel, 89
-, — Sir Robert, 2nd Bt., 30, 236,
236 n
Peisley, Bartholomew, 77, 191, 242 n, 262, 262 n, 324
Pekyns, John, 114
Pelham, Henry Francis, 213, 249, 250, 251
Pelham-Holles, Sir Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle, 313, 313 n
Pelle, John, 218
Pember, Francis William, 182, 183
Pembroke, county, 265, 272, 294
Pembroke, 3rd Earl of. See Herbert,
-, — 4th Earl of. See Herbert, Philip
Pembroke College, 23, 32, 265, 279,
288–97, 300, 329 n
-, — Advowsons, 297
-, — Architectural hist., 288–92
-, — History, 292–7
-, — Library, 297
-, — Masters, 297
-, — Plate, 297
-, — Portraits, 297
-, — Seal, 297
Penbegyll, William, 114
Pencrich, Richard, 42
Pencrich Hall, 42
Peninsular war, 88
Penn, William, 198 n
Penny, Edward, 53, 137
Penrose, Dame Emily, 345, 347
Penton, Stephen, 320, 324, 329, 330, 335
Penwortham, Henry, 176
Penwyne, Richard, 113
Pepys, Samuel, 52
Peralowse Hall. See Perilous Hall
Percival, John, Bp. of Hereford, 243, 249, 250, 343, 344
Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 64, 72, 75, 79
-, — William, 298
Pereson. See Pearson
Periham, 95
Perilous Hall, 120, 239, 239 n
Perkyn [Perkyns], —, 205 n
-, — William, 43
Perles Hall. See Perilous Hall
Permian sandstone, 57
Perrin, W. W., Bp. of Willesden, 249
Perrins, Dyson, 36, 59. See also Dyson Perrins (Chemical) Laboratory
Perrot, Charles (of Oriel Coll.), 128
-, — Charles (of St. John's Coll.), 257
-, — Robert, 98
Perry, Robert, sen., 75 n
-, — Robert, jun., 75 n, 76 n
Pershore (Worcs.), abbey, 306
Peryam, Sir John, 116, 118
Pester, John, 281
Peter, St., 162, 201
-, — of Abingdon, 99, 106
-, — of Candia, 176
-, — son of John the Provost, 218
-, — Lombard (Lombardus), 7, 10
-, — Martyr, 19, 20, 177, 196, 221, 232
Petersfield (Hants), 246
Petersfield, Adam, 103
Peterson, W. G., 251
Petre, Dorothy. See Wadham,
-, — Sir John, 110
-, — Lord John, 116
-, — Sir William, 107, 109, 110, 111,
113, 114, 162, 279
Petrie, Sir Flinders, 57
Petsoe (Bucks.), 165
Petty, Sir William, 25, 247
Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles K., 5th Marq. of Lansdowne, 87
Peverill, Daniel, 50 n
Peyrson. See Pearson
Pharmacology, department of, 59
-, — professorship of, 37 n
Phelps, Lancelot Ridley, 126
Philip of Beverley, 63
-, — the carpenter, 148 n
Philippa, Consort of Edward III, 11, 132, 133, 137
Phillips [Philips, Phillipps, Phylypp],
Edward, 315
-, — Evans, 269
-, — John (carpenter), 56, 233
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
-, — John (Prof. of Geology), 58
-, — Sir John, 294, 297
-, — Morgan, 122 n
-, — Roland, 106
-, — Thomas (benefactor to Jesus
Coll.), 271
-, — Thomas (portrait-painter), 125
Philosophy of Christian Religion, professorship of, 37
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, sch. of, 36
Philpotts, Henry, Bp. of Exeter, 199
Phipps, James, 294, 297
Phylypp. See Phillips
Physic Garden, 23, 48 n, 49, 50, 262,
-, — Library. See Radcliffe Camera
Physical Chemistry Laboratory, 59, 88
Physick, professor of, 19
Physics, professorship of, 34 n
Physiological Laboratory, 58
Physiology, professorship of, 33, 34 n
Pickerel, William, 38
Picture Gallery. See Bodleian Library
Piddington (Oxon.), 216
Piddington, Richard, 152, 206 n
Pierce. See Pearce
Pierrepont, Robert, 125
Piers [Pierse]. See Pearce
Pigott, family, 215 n
-, — (of Oriel Coll.), 127 n
-, — (of Wadham Coll.), 280
Pinacotheca Academica, 30
Pindar, Sir Paul, 275
Pink, Robert, 162
Pinkerton, J. S., 263 n
Pippecote, Stephen de, 113
Pitt, John, 281, 282
-, — William, 1st Earl of Chatham, 248
Pitt Rivers, A. H. Lane Fox, 59
Pitt Rivers Museum, 59
Pittis, William, 68
Plachter, E., 343
-, Artari, Joseph, 56
-, Dew, Job, 48 n, 49
-, — John, 48, 51
-, Fifield, —, 55 n, 140
-, Hands, James, 138
-, Lea, —, 55 n
-, Maling, Thomas, 75 n
-, Medcalfe, —, 284
-, Roberts, Thomas, 138, 191, 233,
Plater, Charles, 339
Plato, 21, 177, 212
Plescye, Walter de, 310 n, 318
Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 6th Earl of Radnor, 81
Plot, Robert, 48, 50, 52, 68, 77
-, Coles, —, 55 n
-, Devall, George, 56
-, Fletcher, James, 75 n, 274
-, Hobbes, William, 75 n
-, Robinson, Francis, 232
-, Taylor, —, 55 n
Plumer Hall, 43
Plumer, Hon. Eleanor Mary, 353
Plummer, —, 146, 184
-, — Charles, 224, 226, 278
Plumpton (Northants.), 279
Plumptre, Frederic Charles, 70, 71, 80
Plumptre, Robert Garland, 333
Plutarch, 177
Plymiswood, Thomas, 108 n
Plympton (Devon), Abbot of, 120
Pococke, Edward, 24, 25, 27
Poetry, professorship of, 27, 27 n
Pokelinton, Johannes de, 89
Pole, Reginald, Abp. of Canterbury, 20, 39, 158, 171, 196, 321
Political Economy, chair of, 30
-, — Theory, professorship of, 35
Pollard, Arthur Tempest, 280
-, — John, 98
Pollen, Daphne, 340
Pollicott, Little (Bucks.), 164
Polmorva, William de, 6, 39, 113
Polstead (Suff.), 256
Polton, Philip, 174
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Worcester, 174
Polydore Vergil, 18, 214
Pond, Arthur, 125
Pontefract (Yorks.), 65
Pontyssera, John de, Bp. of Winchester, 9
Poole (Dorset), 247
Poole, Austin Lane, 257, 258
-, — Reginald Lane, 87
Pope, Alexander, 334
-, — Lady Elizabeth. See Paulet, Lady
-, — George Henry, 280
-, — John, 183
-, — O'Fallon, 339
-, — Richard William M., 339
-, — Sir Thomas, 20, 238, 242, 243,
244, 251
-, — Sir William, 1st Earl of Down,
242, 251
Popham, John, 91
Popish Plot, 67
Porphyry, 21
Port [Porte], Sir John, 208 n, 218
-, — William, 145, 146
Porter, Daniel, 242 n
-, — William (benefactor of Brasenose
Coll.), 208 n
-, — William (Warden of New Coll.),
Portland (Dorset), stone, 57, 77 n, 227, 262 n
Portland, 3rd Duke of. See Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish
Portman, Henry, 184
-, — Sir John, 284
-, — Sir William, Bt., 184
Portugal, 329
Portuguese Studies, lecturership in, 37 n
Possell, John, 125
Postmasters' Hall, 99
Poteman [Potman], William, 176, 182
Potter, Barnabas, Bp. of Carlisle,
137, 327, 334
-, — Christopher, 137
-, — Francis, 246, 247, 250
-, — Gerard, 136
-, — Hannibal, 246, 247, 250
-, — John, Abp. of Canterbury, 68 n.
Potton, —, 101 n
Poughley (Berks.), 229
Poulton, Sir Edward, 271
-, — Emily, Lady, 271, 353
Powdrell, Martin, 320
Powell [Powle], C. M., 224
-, — David. See Howell
-, — Edward, 122 n
-, — George, 85, 85 n
-, — Griffith, 264, 264 n, 265, 266 n,
272, 278
-, — James, 147, 242
-, — James & Sons, 80
-, — Rice, 266
-, — Richard, 274
Powell, Thomas, 254
Powicke, Sir F. M., 87, 88
Powle. See Powell
Poynet, John, Bp. of Winchester, 222
Poynton, Arthur Blackburne, 71
Prague, 15, 325
Pratt, John, 281
Praty, Richard, Bp. of Chichester, 122
Preaching Friars, Library of the, 101
Prentys, Geoffrey, 113
Presbury, 208 n
Prescot (Lancs.), 208
Prestbury, Thomas, 14, 39
Preston, James, 196
-, — John, 262
-, — William, 196
Price, Bartholomew, 296, 296 n, 297,
-, — Sir Charles, 1st Bt., 248
-, — Sir Charles, 2nd Bt., 248
-, — Henry, 262
-, — Hugh, 21, 264, 271, 272, 278
-, — Joshua, 142
-, — Theodore, 311, 318
-, — William, 146
Prichett [Prickett], Charles, 267
-, — John, 77
Prideaux, John, Bp. of Worcester, 110, 114, 116, 117, 128
Priesly. See Peisley
Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 236 n
Princes Risborough (Bucks.), stone, 183
Priscian, 10, 41
Pritchard, Emmanuel, 312, 319
-, — William, 265
Private International Law, lecturership in, 35 n
Proast, Jonas, 179
Proclus, 177
Procter, Evelyn Emma S., 348
Proctors, 9, 19, 20, 23
Professor, title of, 2 n, 17
Proscholium, 45
Prut, Thomas, 205
Prynne, William, 123
Pudsey, Alexander, 198, 198 n
Pugin, Augustus W. N., 94, 94 n, 207, 207 n, 336
Pullen, Josiah, 313
-, — Nicholas, 326, 334
-, — Robert, 1
Purbeck (Dorset), 145
Purnell, John, 162
Pusey (Berks.), 326 n
Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 31, 124
Pykman, Richard, 175
Pyn, Richard de, 113
Pyttes, John, 326, 334
Quappelade, Nicholas de, 90
Queen's College, 11, 19, 21, 43, 78,
83, 99 n, 104, 127 n, 132–43, 144,
154, 155, 167, 223, 245, 246, 289 n,
320, 321, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328,
329, 331, 332, 333
-, — Buildings, 137–43
-, — History, 132–6
-, — Library, 136
-, — Pictures, 136–7
-, — Plate, 136
-, — Provosts, 137
-, — Seal, 137
Queen's Hall. See Queen's College
Quintilian, 177
Radcliffe [Ratcliffe], Anthony, 232
-, — Sir George, 65
Radcliffe, Dr. John, 28, 55, 55 n,
56, 68, 68 n, 77, 78, 79, 172, 218
-, — John (Master of Pembroke Coll.),
294, 297
-, — Jonas, 65 n, 80
-, — Samuel, 210, 210 n, 213, 214, 215,
216, 217
-, — Thomas, 67 n
Radcliffe Camera, 28, 33, 37, 53, 55,
56, 206 n, 214, 218
-, — Infirmary. 29, 37, 38, 340, 345
-, — Library. See Radcliffe Camera
-, — Observatory, 29, 29 n, 37, 37 n
-, — Science Library, 34–35, 37, 58, 59
-, — Travelling Fellows, 77, 78
Radclive (Bucks.), 155
Radcot Bridge, 51
Radford, John, 166, 172, 173
Radley (Berks.), 217, 300
-, — Wick Hall, 117 n
Radnor, county, 272
Radnor, 5th Earl of. See Bouverie, William
Raffe, Gerendus, 114
Rainolds. See Reynolds
Rainsford [Raynford], John, 51, 76
Raleigh, —, 178 n
-, — Carew, 281
-, — Sir Walter, 123
Ramsey (Hunts.), 305 n, 306
Randell, Philip, 114, 310, 311, 318
Randolph, Francis, 30, 57
-, — Thomas, 225
Randolph Gallery. See University Galleries
Rands, Richard, 244, 245
Ranklin, Thomas, 75 n
Raper, Robert William, 249
Raphael, 262 n
Rastell, John, 21
Ratcliffe [Ratcliff]. See Radcliffe
Ravenston (Bucks.), 229
Ravenwyk. See Renwick
Ravis, Thomas, 238
Ravius, Christian, 198 n
Rawlins, Bernard (foreman), 75
-, — Bernard (glazier), 48, 51, 263 n
-, — Richard, 106
-, — S., 156
Rawlinson, John, 320, 327, 328, 334
-, — Richard, 27, 28, 258
Raynford. See Rainsford
Raynold. See Reynolds
Reade [Read, Rede, Reed, Reede],
Lord, 194 n
-, — Alexander, 298
-, — Charles 199
-, — Giles, 76
-, — John, 162
-, — Katherine, 76
-, — Robert Threshie, 1st Earl Loreburn, 89
-, — William, Bp. of Chichester, 101,
101 n, 104
Reading, 2
-, — abbot of, 95
-, — mayor of, 255
-, — St. Laurence, 255, 256
-, — sch., 244, 252, 257, 295
Ready, A. W., 280
Rebecca, Biaggio, 146
Rector scolarum, 2
Red House, 188
Rede. See Reade
Redemayne. See Redman
Redfern, H., 59, 262 n
Redman, Henry, 228, 229
Redriche, Thomas, 264
Redruth, Ralph, 39
Redyng, John, 147 n
Reed [Reede]. See Reade
Reeve, Sir Thomas, 247
Reginald le Bedel, 6
Reigate (Surrey), 270 n
Reinolds. See Reynolds
Remenham (Berks.), 279
Renham, John de, 39
Renouf, Sir Peter le Page, 297
Renwick (Westm.), 132
Repingdon, Philip, Bp. of Lincoln, 12, 14, 39
Repton, George Stanley, 207
Retteford, Richard de, 137
Reve, —, 177
Rewley, abbey, 6
-, — abbot of, 204
Reygate, John de, 38
Reynham (Kent), 175
Reynolds [Rainolds, Raynold, Reinolds], Edmund, 298, 299
-, — Edward, Bp. of Norwich, 106,
-, — John, 222, 223, 224, 225
-, — Sir Joshua, 147, 237, 251, 297
-, — Thomas, 105, 106
-, — William, 205, 205 n
Rheims, cath., 340
Rhodes, Cecil John, 35, 36, 129, 136
Rhodes House, 35
-, — scholars, 249
-, — Trustees, 35, 35 n, 37, 59, 279,
Rhys, Sir John, 269, 269 n, 270, 279
Ricci, Paolo, 301
Rice, Hugh ap. See Price, Hugh
-, — Hon. W. Talbot, 338
Rich, Sir Richard, 1st Baron, 244
Richard II, King of England, 11, 14,
63, 337
-, — III, 17, 195, 195 n
Richards, Henry, 114
-, — Joseph Loscombe, 112 n, 114
Richardson, —, 180
-, — A. E., 277
-, — Thomas, 76, 272, 272 n
-, — William, 76
Richmond, Countess of. See Beaufort, Margaret
Richmond, George, 125, 137, 335,
-, — W. B., 335
Rickards, Sir George Kettilby, 248
Riddell, J., 86, 88, 92
Ridge (Herts.), 245
Ridley, Nicholas, Bp. of London, 20, 171
Rigge [Rugge, Rygge], Edward, 134,
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.,
1440), 114
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.,
1501), 114
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.,
1515), 114
-, — Robert, 12, 39
Riley, John, 137
Ringshall (Suff.), 294, 297
Ripon, 329
Ripon Hall, 270
Risborough, —, 101 n
Rissington (Glos.), 229
Riviere, H., 106
Robartes, John, 2nd Baron Truro, 113
Roberd. See Roberts
Robert of Cricklade, 1
Roberts [Roberd], Mrs. Ernest
Stewart, 269 n
-, — H. E., 269
-, — John, 116
-, — John Varley, 276 n
-, — Lewis, 272
-, — Michael, 265, 265 n, 278
-, — Richard, 114
-, — Thomas, 138, 191, 233, 262
-, — William, 266 n
Robertson, Archibald, Bp. of
Exeter, 249, 251
-, — Daniel, 57, 57 n. 131, 186, 262 n,
Robertson, Janet, 343
-, — William, 334
Robinson, —, 262
-, — Francis (mason), 50, 232
-, — Francis (plumber), 232
-, — Henry, Bp. of Carlisle, 134, 136,
137, 326, 327, 334
-, — John, Bp. of London, 84, 89, 123,
125, 129
-, — John (mason), 50, 232
-, — John (Warden of Merton Coll.),
-, — John (President of St. John's
Coll.), 253, 254, 258
-, — Mary, 265
-, — Richard, Abp. of Armagh, 233
-, — Thomas (ironworker), 153
-, — Thomas (mason, i), 48, 49, 50, 51,
-, — Thomas (mason, ii), 50, 232
-, — William, 227
Robson, William, 265
Robyns, Richard. see Roberts, Richard
Rochester, 66, 300
Rochester, 2nd Earl of. See Wilmot, John
Rockefeller Trustees. 37, 59
Rodeborne [Rodebourne], Thomas, 98, 105, 106
Roding Margaret (Essex), 63
Rodway, Stephen, 265, 265 n
Roe, Sir Thomas, 24
Roff, John, 38
Rogers, Annie M. A. H., 351, 353
-, — Benjamin, 201
-, — Christopher, 337
-, — Harold, 346
-, — John, 199, 202
-, — William, 77 n
Roke, Robert, 72
Rokysburgh, John, 64
Rolleston, Matthew, 80
Rolston, Thomas, 230
Roman-Dutch Law, professorship of, 36
Romance Languages, professorship of, 35
Romanes, G. J., 34 n
Rome, 173
-, — Bp. of. 177
-, — Farnese palace, 201
-, — Protestant cem., 81
Romney, George, 162, 237, 282
Romney (New) (Kent), 175, 327
-, — hosp., 195
Ronaldson, T. M., 251
Rood, Theodoric, 17, 17 n, 18
Roote [Rote], John, 122, 125
Roper, John, 17
-, — William, 252
Rose, The, 188, 190
Rose Hall (Kybald St.), 62, 81
-, — (St. Peter-le-Bailey par.), 336
Rosebery, 5th Earl of. See Primrose, Archibald Philip
Rosewell, John, 227
Ross (Heref.), 325
Ross, Thomas, 297
-, — Sir William David, 126
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 59
Rotheram [Rotherham], Richard,
-, — Thomas, Abp. of York, 16, 163 n,
164, 165, 166, 167, 170
-, — Sir Thomas, 170
Rotherfield Peppard (Oxon.), 43, 279
Rothermere, 1st Visct. See Harmsworth, Harold Vyvyan
Rothwell, Roger de, 38
Roubiliac, Louis Francois, 182, 191
Round, J. H., 87
-, —J. T., 85
Round House, 319
Rous [Rouse, Rowse], Francis, 294,
-, — John, 42, 133, 289
Routh, Martin Joseph, 197, 199, 200, 202, 294
Routhbury, Gilbert de, 9
Rowe, John, 114
Rowell, John, 187, 263 n
Rowlands, Henry, Bp. of Bangor, 264
Rowley, George, 71
Rowney, Thomas, 274
Rowsham, Stephen, 122 n
Roxburgh, John, 71
Royal Flying Corps, 270
-, — Mint, 162
-, — Society, 50, 247, 281
Royse, George, 126
Rubens, Peter Paul, 52, 226
Ruckwood, Thomas, 326 n
Rudde, Ralph, 134, 326, 334
Ruddle & Thompson, Messrs., 91 n
Rudland, Robert, 284
Ruer, Thomas, 114
Rugby, sch., 86, 249, 333
Rugge. See Rigge
Rumsey, James, 333 n
Rumworth, Henry, 325, 334
Runceval Hall, 98
Rupert, Prince, 197, 201
Rural Economy, chair of, 29
-, — sch. of, 59
Rushworth & Dreaper, Messrs., 147
Ruskin, John, 33, 58, 81
Ruskin College, 34
Ruskin Hall. See Ruskin College
Russell, Edward, Earl of Oxford, 242
-, — Henry, 298, 301
-, — John, Bp. of Lincoln, 17, 39, 43,
-, — Lord John, 1st Earl Russell, 135,
-, — William, 15, 21
-, — Sir William, 274
Rustat, Sir Tobias, 256
Rutland, 2nd Duke of. See Manners,
-, — 3rd Duke of. See Manners, John
Ruysdal, Jacob van, 301
Rygge. See Rigge
Rymington, William de, 39
Rysbrack, Michael, 56, 81 n, 137
Ryves, George, 162
-, — John, 328
Sacheverell, Henry, 199 n
Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset. 39, 65, 162, 311, 327
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, 10, 21
Sadler, Sir Michael Ernest, 71, 78
Saham, Herveus de, 38
Saham Tony (Norl.), 155
St. Alban Hall, 98, 102, 330 n
St. Albans, abbey, 244, 304, 306, 306 n, 307
St. Aldate (Oxf.), ch. and par., 291, 293, 294 n, 297, 340
St. Aloysius (Oxf.), ch., 345, 346
St. Anne's College, 35, 351–3
St. Anne's Society. See St. Anne's College
St. Bartholomew's hosp. (Oxf.), 120, 121, 122, 123, 127
St. Bees (Cumb.), sch., 134
St. Benet's Hall. 34, 339, 340–1
St. Bernard's College, 204 n, 238, 239, 243, 251, 253, 258, 259
St. Catherine's chapel (Oxf.), 319, 338
St. Catherine's Society, 338–9, 340
St. Christopher, island, 268
St. Christopher Hall, 225
St. Clere, priory, 175
St. David's, 266, 267
St. Ebbes (Oxf.), par., 2
St. Edmund Hall, 42, 42 n, 43, 134,
137, 138, 319–35
-, — Buildings, 322–4
-, — Constitution, 321
-, — Endowments, 320–1
-, — History, 324–34
-, — Library, 334
-, — Origin, 319
-, — Plate, 334
-, — Portraits, 334
-, — Principals, 334–5
-, — Site, 319–20
St. Edmund's well, 230, 231, 348
St. Edward's Hall, 232
St. Frideswide's fair, 19
-, — meadow, 227
-, — priory, 1, 2, 3, 18, 43, 98, 129,
144, 163, 173, 183, 218, 219, 225,
228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 254,
271, 288, 292
St. George (George St., Oxf.), ch., 243
St. Giles (Oxf.), ch. and par., 254, 255, 345, 346
St. Hilda's College, 34, 230, 348–50
St. Hugh Hall, 42, 43, 320, 320 n, 325
St. Hugh's College, 34, 347–8
St. James's Hall, 288, 289
St. John, Oliver, Visct. Grandison, 245
St. John the Baptist (Oxf.), ch., 95,
99, 100, 100 n
-, — hosp., 144, 163, 164, 183, 193,
201, 202, 218, 239, 288, 319
St. John's College, 20, 23, 33, 59,
73, 75, 75 n. 217, 221, 226, 242,
243, 251–64, 279, 280 n, 293, 297,
298, 299, 302, 309, 327, 339, 340,
341, 345, 346, 347
-, — Buildings, 258–64
-, — History, 251–8
-, — Library, 258
-, — Pictures, 258
-, — Plate, 258
-, — Presidents, 258
-, — Seals, 258
St. John's Entry, 183
St. John's Hall (St. Aldate's par.).
See Minot Hall
-, — (St. George's par.). See Worcester
St. John's Street, 95
St. Lawrence Hall. See Lawrence Hall
St. Leonard's (Sussex), 155
St. Martin's Hall, 120, 126, 127, 129, 129 n
St. Mary Hall, 6, 120, 121, 124, 126, 129–31, 299, 329 n, 330 n
St. Mary Magdalen (Oxf.), ch. and par., 6, 75 n, 90, 217, 239, 243, 258, 325
St. Mary the Virgin (Oxf.), ch. and par., 4, 5, 7, 8 n, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26, 31, 45, 46, 48, 48 n, 50, 54 n, 67, 68, 75 n, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 173, 183, 191, 214, 217, 232, 247, 262, 263 n
St. Mary's College, 217, 337 n
-, — prior of, 41
St. Mary's Entry, 214
St. Michael at the North Gate (Oxf.), ch. and par., 41, 163, 165
St. Michael at the South Gate (Oxf.), ch. and par., 121, 229, 340
St. Michael's Hall, 288
St. Mildred (Oxf.), ch. and par., 163, 164, 165, 168
St. Nicholas (Oxf.), chap., 43 n, 121
St. Paul, Sir George, 224
St. Peter-le-Bailey (Oxf.), ch., 336, 337
St. Peter-in-the-East (Oxf.), ch. and par., 46, 71, 71 n, 142, 190, 310, 318, 319, 319 n
St. Peter's Hall, 36, 37, 336–8, 339
St. Scholastica's day, 10, 11, 31
St. Stephen's Hall (of Exeter Coll.).
See Stapeldon Hall
-, — (of Merton Coll.), 98, 101 n
St. Thomas (Oxf.), chantry, 121,
-, — ch. and par., 298, 299
St. Thomas Hall (Catte St.), 183
-, — (St. Mildred's Lane), 214
St. Winnow (Cornw.), 333 n
Saintes, 307
Salford (Beds.), 175
Salisbury, 3, 101, 157 n
-, — Bp. of, 4
-, — dean and chapter of, 178 n, 222,
253, 254, 255, 327
Salisbury, 3rd Marq. of. See Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur T.
Salisbury, Frank O., 343
Salopia, Ralph de, 38
Salt, Sir John, 297
Saltfleetby, All Saints (Lincs.), 202
Salvin, Anthony (Master of University Coll.), 65, 71
-, — Anthony (d. 1881), 91, 92 n, 93,
93 n, 95, 95 n
-, — Richard, 65, 71
Salysurry Hall, 214
Sampson, Charles Henry, 214
-, — Henry, 125
-, — Thomas, 238
Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Visct. Samuel of Mount Carmel, 89
Sancroft, William, Abp. of Canterbury, 179
Sanderson, Robert, Bp. of Lincoln, 84 n
Sandford, Little (Essex), 161
Sandford-on-Thames (Oxon.), 202
Sandwich (Kent), 164
Sandwell (Staffs.), priory, 319, 320
Sandys, William, 255
Sanford, Martin, 125
Sankey, Sir John, Visct. Sankey, 278
Sanskrit, chair of, 30
Sarawak, Rajah of, 59
Sarny, William, 232
Saunders [Saunder], George, 53
-, — John (15th cent.), 108 n
-, — John (Princ. of St. Mary Hall),
126, 129
Saunderton (Bucks.), 202
Savage, Henry, 84, 89
Savile, Sir George, 66
-, — Sir Henry, 22, 45, 74, 82, 98, 102,
105, 106
Saxonists, 134
Saxton, Nicholas, 82
-, — William, 82 n
Say [Saye], Leonard, 288
-, — Robert, 125, 126
-, — William, 42
Sayce, Archibald Henry, 136, 137
Saye, See Say
Saye and Sele, 6th Baron. See
Fiennes, Richard
-, — 1st Visct. See Fiennes, William
Scartho (Lincs.), 279
Scawen, Thomas, 123 n
Scheldhalle. See Sheld Hall
Scherusbury, Thomas de, 39
Schidyard, Adam de, 42
Schmidt, Bernard, 52
Schools Quadrangle, 45, 46, 47, 48 n, 51 n, 52 n, 54, 55, 74
Schute, John, 114
Sclatter [Sclater], Adam, 101, 101 n
-, — Thomas, 78
Scot. See Scott
Scotland, 84, 177 n, 267
Scotney (Kent), 175
Scott [Scot], Alan, 137
-, — Sir George Gilbert, 78, 79, 81, 99,
101 n, 117, 118, 147, 147 n, 148,
154, 186
-, — Sir George Gilbert, jun., 264
-, — Sir Giles Gilbert, 60, 343, 353
-, — J. O., 60
-, — James, Duke of Monmouth, 247
-, — John, 23
-, — John, 1st Earl of Eldon, 69, 69 n,
81, 337
-, — Robert, 86, 89
-, — William, Baron Stowell, 69, 69 n,
70, 81
Scures, Lord, 194 n
Seacourt (Berks.), 164
Sebastian, St., 175
Secker, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, 321
Sedley, Sir Charles, 281
-, — Sir William, 23
Sedman, family, 50
Segden, Johannes, 89
Segrave, Gilbert de, 40
Segrene Hall. See Broadgates Hall
Segrim, Richard, 288, 292
Sekyll Hall, 164, 170
Selborne, 1st Earl of. See Palmer, Sir Roundell
Selborne (Hants), 195, 202
Selby, —, 146
-, — William, 133 n
Selden, John, 25, 134
Selden End. See Bodleian Library
Selden marbles, 50 n, 52, 57
Sele (Sussex), 195, 202
Sells, William, 263
Selsey (Sussex), 327
Selton, William de, 12
Sempingham, Ralph de, 38
Senclers (Oxon.), 164
Senior, Nassau, 199
Septuagint, lecturership on, 33 n
Serena, Arthur, 36. See also Italian studies, Serena professorship of
Sergrove, William, 297
Serlio, Sebastiano, 50
Servia, 270
Seton, Henricus de, 89
Settle, Elkanah, 247
Sevenaysshe, John de, 113
Sever, Henry, 39, 106
Sewell, Elizabeth, 341
-, — James Edward, 158 n, 162
-, — William, 34, 112 n
Sewy, Cristiana, 98
Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset, 19
-, — P. A., 270
-, — William, 1st Marq. of Hertford,
26, 29, 299
Shadwell, Charles Lancelot, 126
Shairp, J. C., 86
Shakerley, George, 211
-, — Peter, 211, 211 n
Shakespeare [Shakespear], George,
143, 233
-, — William, 237, 282
Shannon, Charles, 343
-, — J. J., 350
Sharpe, John, 176
Shaw, Henry, 254
-, — Lancelot, 137
-, — Thomas, 324, 331, 332, 335
Shaw-Lefevre, Madeleine, 344, 347
Shearpe, Richard, 50 n
Sheffield [Sheffylde], William (of
Merton Coll.), 103 n
-, — William (Provost of Worcester
Coll.), 301
Sheld Hall (St. Mildred's par.), 164, 214
Sheld Hall (St. Peter-in-the-East par.), 144, 310, 315
Sheldon, Gilbert, Abp. of Canterbury, 22, 26, 39, 50, 52, 53, 54, 84, 178, 179, 182, 183, 246
Sheldonian Theatre, 26, 27, 28, 47, 48, 50–54, 140, 179
Shelley, Jane, Lady, 81
-, — Percy Bysshe, 81
Shenington (Oxon.), 121
Shenstone, William, 297
Sheppard [Shepherd], Mrs., 202
-, — Richard, 50 n
-, — Sophia, 294, 296
-, — Thomas, 202
Shepreve, John, 221
Sherard, William, 27, 256, 257
Sherborne (Dorset), sch., 268
-, — (Glos.), 256
-, —, (—), stone, 183, 229, 230
-, — (Hants), 101
-, — (—), priory, 133
Shere (Surrey), 326
Sherrington (Wilts.), 202
Shields, Cuthbert, 224
Shillingford (Oxon.), 253
Shillito, Mary Wallace, 35
Shipley, —, 287
Shippen, Robert, 211, 213, 214
Shipston-on-Stour (Worcs.), 279
Shirborne. See Sherborne
Shirley, —, 232 n
Shoreham, New (Sussex), 202
-, — Old (Sussex), 202
Short, Samuel, 128
-, — Thomas, 248
Shortland, Vincent, 341
Shorton, Robert, 234
Shotover (Oxon.), 51, 183, 203, 229, 271
Shottesbrook (Berks.), 330
Showell (Oxon.), 202
Showell, John, 51
Shropshire, 220
Shurberne. See Sherborne
Shuttleworth, Philip Nicholas, 162
Sibstone (Leic.), 294, 297
Sibthorp, Humphrey, 348
-, — John, 29, 349
Sidgwick, Arthur, 224, 351
Sidney, Sir Henry, 326
Simeon, Henry, 218
Simeonis, Henry, 31
Simon, Ethel, 353
-, — John Allesbrook, 1st Visct., 282,
Sinclair, Sir John, 1st Bt., 248
Singleton, Thomas, 214, 216
Sivers, Giles, 50 n
Sixtus IV, Pope, 194 n
Skelton, Peter, 107, 114
-, — William de, 39
Skibbow, —, 183, 188
Skidmore, —, 58
Skinner, John, 248
-, — Ralph, 162
-, — Robert, Bp. of Worcester, 246,
Skirlaw, Walter, Bp. of Durham, 63, 64, 70, 72, 75, 79, 93
Slade, Felix, 33
-, — William, 113, 113 n
-, Baines, Edward, 272
-, Bibby, —, 231
-, Broke, George, 231
-, Davyes, William, 274
-, Fifield, —, 55 n, 140
-, Griffiths, Robert, 275 n
-, Hall, —, 284
-, Perry, Robert, sen., 75 n
-, Perry, Robert, jun., 75 n, 76 n
-, Triplet, —, 284
-, Whitfield, Thomas, 76 n, 274
-, Wiggen, John, 77
Slatford, Thomas, 75 n, 284
Slaughter, Lower (Glos.), 280
Slocock, Benjamin, 294, 295
Slymbridge (Glos.), 202
Slythurst, Richard, 80
-, — Thomas, 244, 245, 250
Smallbrook, Richard, 199 n
Smalridge, George, Bp. of Bristol, 238
Smeaton, Little (Yorks.), 165
Smirke, Sir Robert, 55, 57 n
Smith [Smyth, Smythe], — (carpenter), 55 n
-, — — (? mason), 232
-, — Messrs., 57
-, — Adam, 85
-, — Alic Halford, 162
-, — Arthur Lionel, 87, 88, 89
-, — Charles, 57, 95 n
-, — Edward, 50 n
-, — Francis, 56, 78
-, — Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of
Birkenhead, 282
-, — George, 152
-, — Goldwin, 199, 200, 337 n
-, — Henry John S., 88
-, — J. Osborne, 243
-, — John (auditor), 231
-, — John (Rector of Exeter Coll.), 114
-, — John (Provost of Oriel Coll.), 122,
-, — John (Master of Pembroke Coll.),
294, 297
-, — Joseph, 134, 135, 137, 140, 142,
-, — Matthew, 208, 214
-, — Richard (carver), 227, 263 n
-, — Richard, Bp. of Chalcedon, 245
-, — Richard (Regius Prof. of Div.),
-, — Robert, 262
-, — Samuel, 238
-, — Thomas (Princ. of Hart Hall), 312
-, — Thomas (Fellow of Magdalen
Coll.), 198 n, 199, 201
-, — Thomas (Regius Prof. of Greek),
-, — Sir William (auditor), 231 n
-, — Sir William (of Trinity Coll.), 246
-, — William (carpenter), 50 n
-, — William (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
-, — William, Bp. of Lincoln, 18, 39,
119, 121, 121 n, 164, 165, 207, 208,
208 n, 213, 214, 215 n
-, — William (mason), 56, 206
-, — William (Fellow of University
Coll.), 61, 68, 69, 70
-, — William (Warden of Wadham
Coll.), 282
Smith Gate, 144, 319
-, Bull, James, 274
-, — Thomas, 272
-, Cook, —, 191 n
-, Ireland, —, 55
-, Medley, —, 55, 55 n
-, Ranklin, Thomas, 75 n
-, Slatford, Thomas, 75 n, 284
-, Spenser, Richard, 274
-, Wynkyll, —, 231
-, Young, William, 48
Smyrna, 257
Smyth. See Smith
Snell, John, 84
Snetysham, R., 120 n
Sneyd. Lewis, 183
Snow & Darme, Messrs., 236
Soane, Sir John, 219
Social Anthropology, professorship of, 37 n
Society of Antiquaries, 69
-, — of Jesus, 159
-, — of Oxford Home Students. See
St. Anne's College
Sodor and Man, bishopric of, 31
Soest, Gerard, 136
Soil Science Laboratory, 59
Somers, John, Baron Somers, 247
Somerscales, —, 279
Somerset, 109, 119, 167, 220, 270 n, 280, 283
Somerset, Edward, Duke of. See
Seymour, Edward
-, — Henry, 6th Duke of Beaufort,
128, 248
Somerville [Somervyle], Mary, 315,
-, — Sir Philip de, 82
Somerville College, 34, 35, 341, 343–7, 352
Somervyle. See Somerville
Sonning (Berks.), 231, 256
Soper, William, 52 n
Sotheby, Charlotte, 36
Souche, James, 288
Soulsby, B. H., 224
Souter, John, 343
South, Robert, 233
Southam, John, 165, 168, 170
Southampton, Hosp. of St. Julian, 132, 133, 137
Southmoor (Berks.), 254
Southrop (Glos.), 280
Southwell (Notts.), 347
Spain, 105
Spalding, Adam de, 318
-, — H. N., 37
Spanish Studies, professorship of, 37
Sparkeford, John, 43
-, — Richard, 43
Sparrow, John Hanbury A., 183
Sparsholt (Berks.), 326 n, 328
Speaker's lecturership, 35 n
Speakman, —, 227
Spencer, Herbert, lecturership, 35 n
Spens, Janet, 343
Spenser, John, 225
-, — Richard, 274
-, — William, 137
Spicer, John, 284
-, — Thomas le, 218
-, — William, 218
Spicer's Hall, 62, 71, 81
Spooner, William Archibald, 149, 161, 162
Sprat, Thomas, Bp. of Rochester, 281
Sprint, John, 22
Sprot, Edward, 257
Spryngbet, John, 123, 127 n
Spurling, —, 353
Squier, Adam, 89
Stafford, county, 257
Stafford, Edmund, Bp. of Exeter,
72, 107, 108, 116
-, — John, Abp. of Canterbury, 175,
-, — Juliana, 294
Stafford's Lane, 186, 187
Stainer, C. L., 132
-, — Sir John, 200
Stallybrass, William Teulon S., 213, 214
Stamford, 8, 31, 213, 214, 215
-, — Black Hall, 215
-, — Brasenose Hall, 215
Stanbridge, John, 43
Standlake (Oxon.), 196, 202
Stanhope, James, 1st Earl Stanhope, 247, 248
-, — Ralph, 93 n
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 86, 248
-, — Edward George G. S., 14th Earl
of Derby, 35, 39, 58, 232 n, 236 n
Stanton St. John (Oxon.), 159, 230
Stanway (Essex), 202
Stapeldon, Walter de, Bp. of Exeter, 11, 107, 108, 113, 113 n, 310, 313, 378
Stapeldon, William, 114, 116
Stapeldon Hall, 42, 107, 108 n, 310, 318
Staple Hall (St. Mildred's Lane). See
St. Thomas Hall
-, — (School St.), 218
Stapulton, Ricardus, 89
Star Hotel, 341
Stationers' Company, 17, 22, 24, 28
Staughton, Great (Hunts.), 255
Staunton, Edmund, 225
-, — Henry de, 38
Staunton Hall, 71, 80
Steeple Aston (Oxon.), 212
Steeple Morden (Cambs.), 155
Stenning, John Frederick, 283
Stephanus, student, 1
Stephens, Philip, 310, 311
Stert (Wilts.), 155
Stevenson, J. J., 262 n
-, — W. H., 75 n
Stevine, Lawrence, 113
Stewart, —, 191
-, — John Alexander, 166
Stinton, Thomas, 114
Stirling, James, 84
Stoakes. See Stokes
Stock [Stocke], William, 253, 254, 258, 298, 301
Stockton (Warw.), 161
Stockwell, Peter de, 218
Stokeley, Roger, 183
Stokes [Stoakes, Stoke, Stokys],
Charles, 49, 262 n
-, — Helias, 113
-, — John, 175, 176, 182
-, — Richard, 196
-, — Whitley, 269
Stomforde, Ralph, 122 n
-, Barrington, 51, 226, 228, 229, 230
-, Bath, 53, 57, 58, 59, 187, 226 n,
-, Bibury, 192, 193
-, Bladon, 51, 58, 59, 60, 101, 142,
-, Box, 262 n
-, Bristol, 58
-, Brockhampton, 229
-, Burford, 51, 56, 75, 142, 217, 233,
-, Clipsham, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60,
233, 262 n, 340, 343, 353, 354
-, Cotswold, 51, 353
-, Doulting, 59, 60, 233
-, Elsfield, 101
-, Guiting, 229
-, Headington, 51, 55, 56, 57, 60,
142, 144, 183, 203, 214, 229,
230, 233, 283, 283 n
-, Hinksey, 183
-, Hornton, 58, 233
-, Mansfield, 276
-, Milton, 203, 229, 262 n
-, Permian, 57
-, Portland, 57, 77 n, 227, 262 n
-, Princes Risborough, 183
-, Sherborne, 183, 229, 230
-, Stow-on-the-Wold, 229
-, Sunningwell, 183
-, Taynton, 51, 60, 101, 144, 183,
203, 205, 229, 230
-, Wheatley, 101, 203, 203 n
-, Windrush, 51, 228
Stone, James, 319 n
-, — Nicholas, 46, 49, 75 n, 106, 162,
262, 262 n, 337
Stonehouse, Sir Blewet, 300
-, — Sir George, 76, 217
Stopesley (Beds.), 244
Stopford, R. J., 278
Stoughton, Nicholas, 21 n
Stourhead (Wilts.), 81 n
Stow [Stowe] (Lincs.), 167, 299
Stow Wood (Oxon.), 183, 271
Stow-on-the-Wold (Glos.), stone, 229
Stowford (Devon), 122
Strabo, 177
Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh, 87, 88, 89, 92
Strafford, 1st Earl of. see Wentworth, Sir Thomas
Strangways [Strangeways], George,
-, — Nicholas, 281
-, — Thomas, 313
Strassburg, 19, 20
Stratford, abbot of, 259
Stratford le Bow, 249
Stratford, Nicholas, Bp. of Chester,
-, — William, 233, 236 n, 237
Stratton (Norf.), 155
Street, G. E., 276
-, — William, 41
Streeter, B. H, 136, 137
-, — Robert, 52, 53
Stretford, Robert de, 39
Stretton, Roger de, 38
Stringer, Henry, 162
Strong, Sampson, 162
-, — Thomas, 51, 204 n, 242 n
-, — Thomas Banks, 238
Stubbs [Stubbys], Laurence, 90, 91,
92, 196, 201, 229
-, — Richard, 89, 90, 91
-, — William, Bp. of Oxford, 87, 243,
248, 251, 349
Studium generale, 2
Studley (Oxon.), priory, 65 n, 74 n, 188, 214, 271, 310, 315
Styring, Robert, 135
Sudborough (Northants.), 312
Sudbury, Simon, Abp. of Canterbury, 82, 105
Suffolk, 183, 220
Sulbury, William, 39
Sulhampstead Abbots (Berks.), 331
Summaster, George, 288, 289, 294
Sumner, Benedict Humphrey, 183
Sunningwell (Berks.), stone, 183
Surigone, Stefano, 18
Surrey, 220
Sussex, 220
Sutherland, Alexander, 33
-, — Lucy Stuart, 343
Sutton (Beds.), 256
-, — (Yorks.), 165
Sutton, Oliver, Bp. of Lincoln, 2, 6,
-, — Sir Richard, 18, 207, 208, 214
-, — Sir Robert, 247
-, — William, 208, 209, 209 n
Swaby (Lincs.), 196, 202
Swainswick (Som.), 121
Swalcliffe (Oxon.), 155
Swerford (Oxon.), 202
Swift, Jonathan, 130
Swithin, St., 162
Switzerland, 221
Sydenham, Thomas, 179, 281, 282
Sydney, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 162
Sykes, Thomas, 247, 250
Symm, J. R., 292
Symm & Co., Messrs., 53
Symonds, Richard, 184, 186
Sumons, Benjamin Parsons, 280, 281, 283, 286, 287
Symsell, William, 205 n
Syon (Isleworth), nunnery, 207, 208
Syria, 300
Taberdars, 136
Tackley (Oxon.), 256
Tackley's Inn, 42, 43, 119, 120, 129 n
Tadmarton (Oxon.), 244, 300
Tagg, —, 309
Tait, A. C., 86
Takely (Essex), 155
Talbot, Edward Stuart, Bp. of Winchester, 335, 341, 342, 343
-, — Mary, 342
Talkarn, William, 113
Talman, William, 190
Tanner, Thomas, Bp. of St. Asaph, 28, 180
Taplow (Bucks.), 327
Tapper, Walter, 92
Tatham, Edward, 28, 166, 172, 173
-, — Elizabeth, 166
-, — John, 171, 173
Taunton, John de, 38
Tawney, Robert, 53, 143, 227, 228
Taylor, —, 53
-, — — 227
-, — (plumber), 55 n
-, — Jeremy, Bp. of Down, 179, 182
-, — John (glazier), 147
-, — John (Provost of Oriel Coll.), 126
-, — John (portrait-painter), 162
-, — John (Fellow of University Coll.),
-, — Richard, 209, 209 n
-, — Sir Robert, 30, 57
-, — Robert, 229
-, — Susette, 342
-, — William, 325, 334
Taylor Institution, 30, 36, 37, 57
-, — Library, 136
Taynton (Oxon.), stone, 51, 60, 101, 144, 183, 203, 205, 229, 230
Teffont Ewyas (Wilts.), 202
Teffont Magna (Wilts.), 202
Temple, Frederick, Abp. of Canterbury, 86
-, — William, Abp. of Canterbury, 136
Temple Hall, 144
Tengals, J., 270
Terry, Thomas, 146
Tesdale, Thomas, 23, 293, 294, 296
Tesely, —, 284
Test Act, 135
Testament, New, 255
Tetbury (Glos.), 328
Tew, Richard, 163
Tewkesbury, 205 n, 306, 307
Thame (Oxon.), 298, 306
Thamys, John, 322, 325, 334
Thanet, Earl of. see Tufton, Thomas
Theale (Berks.), 202, 207 n
Thelwall, Sir Eubule, 265, 271 n, 272, 272 n, 276, 278
Theobald, Abp. of Canterbury, 1
Theobald, Courtenay, 347
-, — Sir Henry Studdy, 280
Theobaldus Stampensis, 1
Theology, faculty of, 2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 34, 35
Thesiger, Frederick John N., Visct. Chelmsford, 182, 183
Thistlethwayt, Alexander, 282
-, — Robert, 281, 282
Thomas, St., of Canterbury. see
Becket, Thomas
-, — Duke of Clarence, 174, 184
-, — le Verrer, 218
-, — of York, 4
-, — subdean of York. see Knollys,
Thomas, 150 n
-, — Emily, 224, 228
-, — William (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
-, — William, Bp. of Worcester, 265,
Thompson [Thomson], George, 332,
-, — James, 172, 173
-, — Jasper, 199
-, — William (Princ. of St. Edmund
Hall), 321, 332, 333, 335
Thompson, William, Abp. of York, 135, 136, 137, 333
Thorley, George Earlam, 282, 283
Thornhill (Yorks.), 66
Thornhill, Sir James, 53, 55, 56, 140, 184, 186
Thornton, —, 284
-, — Thomas, 236 n
-, — William, 311, 311 n, 312, 319
Thorogood, J. H., 347
Thorold, Sir Charles, 320
Thorpe, John, 68
Throp, —, 334
Thurston, William, 235
Thwaites [Thwaytes], Edward, 134
-, — Robert, 39, 89
Tickell, Thomas, 137
Tickford (Bucks.), 229
Tidd-Pratt, —, 342
Tilehurst (Berks.), 199 n, 202
Tilney, Earl. see Child, Richard
Tindall [Tyndall], Henry, 106
-, — William, 196, 234
Tingewick (Bucks.), 155, 329
Tingewick, Nicholas de, 40
Tingewick Hall, 40, 183
Tingwick's Inn. see Tingewick Hall
Tipping, Bartholomew, 291
Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester, 18, 63
Tireman, John, 171
Tisted, West (Hants), 202
Tiverton (Devon), 83
Tiverton, Henry de, 113
Tizard, Sir Henry Thomas, 202
Todd [Todde], Hugh, 68
-, — Symon, 114
Tolson, John, 125, 126
Toly, Robert, Bp. of St. Asaph, 203
Tomlins, Richard, 24
Tonbridge, 228
-, — sch., 252, 257, 271
Tonworth [Toneworth], Adam de,
-, — Richard, 162, 310
Toppyng, Ottwell, 334
Torless, Arthur, 254
Torner, John, 123
Torriano, —, 257
Totnes (Devon), 108
Tournay, William, 281, 283, 287
Tout, T. F., 87
Tovey, Sir Donald F., 87
Towneley, Nicholas, 229
Townesend [Townsend], George,
294, 296
-, — John (d. 1728), 54 n, 138, 140,
-, — John (d. 1746), 54 n, 56, 227, 232,
-, — John (iii), 143, 193, 275, 609
-, — William, 52, 53, 54, n, 55, 56,
77, 78, 140, 142, 142 n, 143 n, 191,
191, 191 n, 192, 206, 227, 233,
233 n, 242, 262, 275 n, 290, 307,
307 n
Towney, Richard, 191
Townsend. see Townesend
Toynbee, Arnold, 87, 88
-, — Mrs. Arnold, 342, 343
-, — Paget Jackson, 88
Tracy, John, Visct., 182, 183
Tradescant, family, 27
-, — John, 47, 57
Traffles, Richard, 152, 162
Traps, John, 164, 171
-, — Robert, 164, 171
Tredington (Worcs.), 279
Trendall, —, 57 n
Trenge, Robert, 106
Trengof [Trengoff], Walter, 39, 114
Tresham, William, 232, 234, 235
Trethewy, Robert de, 113
Trilleck, John, Bp. of Hereford, 337
-, — Thomas, Bp. of Rochester, 337
Trilleck's Inn, 336, 337
Trillmill, 340
Trindall, Edward, 76
Trinitarian Friars, 144, 183
Trinity College, 20, 21, 26, 88, 170 n,
181, 227, 238—51, 253, 259, 261
-, — Chapel, 79. 138
-, — History, 243–50
-, — Library, 251
-, — Plate, 251
-, — Portraits, 251
-, — Presidents, 250
-, — Seals, 251
-, — Site and Buildings, 238–43
Triplet, —, 284
Tripoli, 332
Tristram, E. W., 60
Tristropp, John, 166, 170, 173
Trotterscliffe (Kent), 327
Troup, F. W., 262 n
Troutbeck, Robert, 22.
Tubney (Berks.), 202
Tufton, Thomas, Earl of Thanet, 134
Tullie, Thomas (Dean of Carlisle),
330, 334
-, — Thomas (Princ. of St. Edmund
Hall), 324. 328, 328 n, 329, 330,
334. 335
Tullis, —, 342
Turk, John, 39
Turnbull, Charles, 226
-, — Hugo, 221
Turner, Thomas (Dean of Canterbury), 227
-, — Thomas (President of Corpus
Christi Coll.), 223, 224, 225, 227,
227 n
-, — William, 80 n, 301
Turton, William, 75 n
Turvyle, Philip de, 9
Twyford (Berks.), 164
Twyne. Brian, 1, 22, 23, 24, 69, 215, 225, 230 n, 231
Tybard, William, 193, 193 n, 201, 203
Tyburn, 245
Tyllock, Richard, 183
Tyntesfield (Som.), 335
Tyrius Maximus, 223
Tyrwhit, Thomas, 89
Tyttenhanger (Herts.), 245, 251
Uffington (Berks.), 138
Ufton (Warw.), 84
Underhill, John, 171, 173
Underwood, H. J., 117, 118, 292
Union Society, 31, 59–60, 81 n
Universities Commissions, 257
-, — 1850, 70, 107, 135, 161, 181, 200,
212, 223, 224, 248, 266 n, 268, 281,
296, 333, 338
-, — 1854, 86, 167, 172, 236, 280 n,
-, — 1872, 135, 224, 237, 333
-, — 1877, 130, 181, 249, 269, 282, 338
-, — 1919, 70, 135, 182, 250, 339
University Calendar, 31
University College, 21, 51, 52 n,
55 n, 61–81, 83, 99, 104, 127 n,
137, 163, 164, 167, 208, 214, 215,
247, 249, 279, 329 n, 345, 346,
-, — Architectural hist., 71–81
-, — Chapel, 71, 72, 78, 79
-, — Club, 69
-, — Garden, 81
-, — Gate Tower, 72
-, — Hall, 72, 80
-, — History, 61—70
-, — Library, 70, 72, 77, 81
-, — Masters, 71
-, — Master's Lodgings, 77, 81
University College, Plate, 70
-, — Portraits, 70
-, — Seals, 70
-, — Senior Common Room, 80
University Galleries, 30, 34, 57
University, Great, Hall, 71, 72
-, — Little, Hall (High St.), 62, 71,
73. 73 n
-, — (School St.), 61, 64, 73 n,
University Museum, 33, 57, 57–59
University Observatory, 58
University Police, 55
University Press, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28, 33, 247. see also Sheldonian Theatre; Clarendon Building; Clarendon Press, Walton Street
Unwin, W. S., 338
Upton, Edward, 325, 334
Urban V, Pope, 6
Urban Hall, 225
Urquhart, David, 88
-, — Francis F., 88, 340
Ussher, James, Abp. of Armagh, 278
Vacarius, jurist, 1
Valences, Simon de, 61
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 56
Vanderbank, John, 137
Vanderstein, J., 138
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, 278
Van Mildert, William, Bp. of Durham, 136
Varrio, Antonio, 52, 53
Vaslet, Lewis, 106, 137
Vaughan, Sir Charles Richard, 182
-, — Frederick, 266 n
-, — Sir George, 274
-, — Janet Maria, 347
-, — Peter, 106
Venables, Ethel. see Simon, Ethel
Venge, Robert, 183
Venice, 279
Venn, John, 84, 89
Verelst, Simon, 301
Vermigli, Pietro Martire. see Peter Martyr
Verney, Edmund, 247
Versailles, 341
Vertue, William, 225 n
Vesey, William, 163 n
Vesperiae, 7, 10
Veysey, John. see Harman, John
Victoria, Queen of Gt. Britain, 32, 33. 88, 287
Victoria and Albert Museum, 57, 80 n
Vienne, Hugh de, 90
Vignaux, Ernest G., 339
Vigo, 201
Villiers, Mary, Lady Grandison, 265
Vincent of Beauvais, 177
Vincent, Joseph, 81 n
Vincent's Club, 81 n
Vine Hall, 42
Viner, Charles, 27
Virgil, 21
Vitelli, Cornelio, 18, 109, 158
Vives, Ludovicus, 18, 226
Voules, Jane, 318 n
Vrooman, Mr. and Mrs., 34
Vyvyan, Thomas, 114
Wade (Kent), 175
Waddington (Lincs.), 164
Wadham, Dorothy, 23, 279, 279 n,
280, 280 n, 282, 284
-, — Nicholas, 23, 279, 279 n, 282
Wadham College, 23, 46, 74, 99, 128,
246, 247, 279–87
-, — Buildings, 283–7
Wadham College, Constitution, 280
-, — Endowments, 279
-, — Hall, 76, 80
-, — Hist, sketch, 280—2
-, — Library, 77, 282
-, — Livings, 280
-, — Plate, 282
-, — Portraits, 282
-, — Seals, 282
-, — Statutes, 280
-, — Wardens, 282–3
Wadhurst (Sussex), 280
Wadley (Berks.), 120, 121, 122, 122 n
Wafre, Mabel. see Mabel, Abbess of Godstow
Waggon and Horses Inn, 346
Wailes, —, 92
Wainfleet, Magd. coll. sch., 195 n. see also Waynflete
Wake, William, Abp. of Canterbury, 174, 180, 237
Wakefield, 68
Waldeby, Robert, Abp. of York, 72
Waldegrave, Thomas, 199 n
Wales, 266, 266 n, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 272 n, 294
Walford, Henry, 333
Walker, E. M., 137
-, — Ernest, 87
-, — Hilda Ainley, 353
-, — Obadiah, 66, 67, 67 n, 68, 71, 76,
-, — Thomas, 66, 67, 67 n, 71, 74,
74 n, 75, 76, 76 n
-, — William, 257, 258
Wallingford (Berks.), 3, 195, 230, 244
Wallis, John, 25, 50
Walmesley, Henry, 327, 327 n
-, — Sir Thomas, 327
Walpole, Horace, 227
-, — Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford, 52
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 222, 326
Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford, 1
Walter of Cat Street, 43
Walter, —, 203
-, — Sir John, 265
-, — John (Princ. of Hart Hall), 310
Waltham, Great (Essex), 244
Walthamstow, 279, 279 n
Walton (Oxf.), man., 254, 339
Wanborough (Wilts.), coll., 195
Wanley, Humphrey, 68
Wantage (Berks.), St. Mary's convent, 352
Wantynge, John de, 106
Warborough (Oxon.), 253
Ward [Warde], —, 109
-, — George, 69 n, 77
-, — George Sturton, 338
-, — Humphrey, 344 n
-, — Mrs. Humphrey, 344
-, — John (brother of George), 77
-, — John (stone-supplier, 1525), 228
-, — John (stone-supplier, c. 1668), 51
-, — Seth, Bp. of Salisbury, 25, 247,
250, 251, 281
-, — Thomas, 93 n
-, — W. G., 86
Ware, Thomas, 126
-, — William, 310
Warham, William, Abp. of Canterbury, 18, 19, 39, 64, 182
Warkenby, Hugo de, 89
Warnborough, South (Hants), 255
Warner, John (Warden of All Souls
Coll.), 177, 178, 183, 188
-, — John, Bp. of Rochester, 84
-, — Richard, 280, 282
Warre, E., 87
Warren, E. P., 95, 224, 264
-, — Edward, 59
-, — Sir Thomas Herbert, 200, 202
Warton, Thomas (d. 1745), 199, 199 n
Wharton, Thomas (d. 1790), 85, 247, 248, 251
Wartre, Nicholas, Bp. of Dromore, 105
Warwick, county, 220
Warwick, Ela, Countess of. See Newburgh, Ela de
-, — Earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose
Washington (Sussex), 202
Washington, John. See Wessington
Wath (Yorks.), 329 n
Waterhouse, Alfred, 60, 93, 94, 95,
95 n
-, — Paul, 59, 95
Waterperry (Oxon.), 122
Watkins, —, 184
Watlington, Thomas 230
Watson, Albert, 214
-, — James, 227
-, — M. L., 81
Watt, Fiddes, 137
-, — James, 58
Watts, George Frederick, 137, 282
Waugh, John, Bp. of Carlisle, 334
Wavere, Nigel de, 38
Waynflete, William of, Bp. of Winchester, 16, 44, 162, 193, 193 n, 194, 195, 195 n, 196, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 313, 325
Waynflete professorships, 33, 34 n, 200, 200 n
Wayte, Samuel William, 248, 249, 250
Weaver, John Reginald H., 250
Webb [Webbe], Daniel, 91
-, — John, 300
-, — Philip, 324
Webber, Francis (Rector of Exeter
Coll.), 114
-, — Francis (Fellow of Oriel Coll.),
122 n
Webberley, John, 171
Webster, —, 280
Weedon Pinkney (Northants.), 175
Welles. See Wells
Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington, 31, 35, 39, 236 n, 296
Wellington, 1st Duke of. See Wellesley, Arthur
Wells (Som.), 166, 247, 250
Wells [Welles], —, 47 n
-, — Joseph, 280, 283
-, — Robert de, 6
Welsh Church Commissioners, 270
Welson, —, 271
Welton, Richard, 211
Welwyn (Herts.), 175
Wendover, John, 106
Wendy, Sir Thomas, 88
Wenman, Richard, Visct. Wenman,
-, — Thomas Francis, 174, 175, 178,
178 n, 179
Wentworth, Henry, 246 n
-, — Peter, 91
-, — Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Cleveland, 242, 246, 246 n
-, — Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford,
-, — Sir Thomas, 5th Baron Wentworth, 246
Werplysdon, Richard, 106
Wesburne, John, 231, 232
Wesenham, Roger de, 38
Wesley, John, 172, 337, 337 n
Wesley Memorial ch. (Oxf.), 337
Wessington, John, 239
West, —, 206
-, — Benjamin, 53 n
West Indies, 180
Westbury, 1st Baron. See Bethell, Richard
Westlake, John, 114
Westmacott, Sir Richard, 147
Westminster, 161, 210, 305 n, 307
Westminster abbey, 228, 343
-, — sch., 235, 236, 293
Westmorland, 132, 133, 134, 135, 207, 220
Weston, —, 232
-, — Hugh, 171, 173
Weston (Norf.), 155
Weston-on-the-Green (Oxon.), 117 n
Weston Turville (Bucks.), 175
Westphaling, Herbert, Bp. of Hereford, 264
Wetherell, Nathaniel, 69, 69 n, 70, 71, 80
Wetheringsete, Walter de, 38
Wetwang (Yorks.), 234
Whadborough (Northants.), 175
Whaddon (Bucks.), 155
Whale, John, 271
Wharton, —, 127 n
-, — Christopher, 245
-, — E. R., 268
-, — Philip, 4th Baron Wharton, 166
-, — Philip, Duke of Wharton, 192
-, — Sir Thomas, 116
Whately, Richard, Abp. of Dublin, 124
Wheare, Degory, 299, 301
Wheatley (Oxon.), stone, 101, 203, 203 n
Wheatley, Henry, 335
Whelan, —, 58
Wheler, Sir George, 57
Whelpdale, Roger, Bp. of Carlisle, 93, 137
Whethamstede [Whethamsteade], John, 301, 304, 307
Whistler, Daniel, 246
Whitby (Yorks.), 349
Whitby, Daniel, 246
Whitchurch (Salop), 327
White [Whyte], Francis, 253
-, — Geoffrey, 184
-, — Gilbert, 123
-, — Henry Julian, 237, 238
-, — John, jun., 76 n, 77
-, — John, sen., 76, 76 n
-, — Peter, 122 n
-, — Richard, 21
-, — Simon, 217, 337
-, — Sir Thomas, 20, 251, 252, 258,
263, 298, 302
-, — Thomas (d. 1624), 23
-, — Thomas (carpenter), 76 n
-, — Thomas (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
-, — Thomas (mason), 203 n
-, — Thomas (Warden of New Coll.),
-, — William, 83, 89
White Friars, 253, 261
White Hall (High St.), 42, 42 n, 43,
165, 320, 320 n, 325
-, — (Kybald St.), 62, 71, 71 n, 81
-, — Great (Market St.), 264, 271, 272
-, — Little (Ship St.), 264, 271, 272
Whitefield [Whitefeld, Whitfield],
George, 295
-, — Henry, 108 n, 133, 137
-, — Thomas, 76 n, 274
Whitehall, 49 n
Whitehead, Henry, Bp. of Madras,
-, — Henry (Rector of Exeter Coll.),
Whitfield (Northants.), 300
Whitfield. See Whitefield
Whitgift, John, Abp. of Canterbury, 178, 222
Whitley, Edward, 37
Whitstable (Kent), 164
Whitten, James, 266 n
Whittingham, William, 178
Whitwell (Derby), 331
Whobberdie, —, 319
Whorwood, Brome, 51
Wichnor (Staffs.), man., 82
Widdington (Essex), 155
Widerall, Richard, 231
Wiggen, John, 77
Wigginton (Oxon.), 279
Wiggs, William, 254
Wightwick [Wightwicke], Dorothea,
-, — Francis, 294
-, — Henry (fl. 1617), 22
-, — Henry (Master of Pembroke
Coll.), 295, 297
-, — Richard, 23, 293
Wilberforce, Robert Isaac, 123 n, 124
Wilcocks [Wilcox], —, 190
-, — (Fellow of Oriel Coll.), 128 n
Wild [Wilde], Henry, 34 n, 35 n
-, — Herbert Louis, Bp. of Newcastle,
-, — John, 48, 91, 217, 232, 263 n,
263 n
-, — John Herbert S., 71
Wildgoose, —, 55 n, 191 n
-, — William, 50 n
Wilkins, John, Bp. of Chester, 25,
247, 281, 282, 287
-, — John (joiner), 52
-, — John R., 59
-, — Samuel, 51
-, — Thomas, 266 n
Wilkinson, —, 349
-, — John, 198, 202, 313, 315
Willement, Thomas, 80, 287
Willes. See Wills
Willesden (Mddx.), 175
William III, King of Gt. Britain, 27,
-, — of Durham, 3, 61, 70, 75, 79
-, — of Ockham, 9
-, — of Worcester, 43
Williams, —, 197
-, — Alwyn Terrell P., 238
-, — Sir Charles, 272
-, — Charles, 268, 269, 278
-, — David, 147, 162
-, — Henry, 235
-, — Henry Herbert, Bp. of Carlisle,
334, 350
-, — Isaac, 248
-, — John, Baron Williams, 298, 306
-, — John (apothecary), 81
-, — John (Princ. of Jesus Coll.), 264,
-, — John (painter), 172
-, — John, Abp. of York, 170, 171
-, — Mrs. Theodore, 37, 294 n
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 134, 138, 140, 329
Willis, Mrs., 255
-, — Francis, 254, 255, 258
-, — Henry, 52 n, 87, 147
-, — Thomas, 179
Willoughby (Warw.), 202
Willoughby [Willughby], Sir Christopher, 226
-, — Hugh de, 38
Wills [Willes], John (joiner), 52
-, — John (Warden of Wadham Coll.),
280, 281, 282, 283, 286
-, — Sir John, 247
Willughby. See Willoughby
Willybye, —, 231
Wilmington, Earl of. See Compton, Spencer
Wilmott [Wilmot], —, 47
-, — John, 2nd Earl of Rochester, 281
Wilson, Miss, 224
-, — Arthur, 246
-, — Daniel, Bp. of Calcutta, 332,
332 n, 333
-, — Edward, 91
-, — H., 134
-, — John, 248, 249, 250
-, — John Matthew, 224, 225
Wilson, Richard, 137
Wilton, Joseph, 81
-, — William de, 39
Wiltshire, 119, 134, 220, 265 n, 270 n
Wiltshire, Earl of. See Boleyn, Sir Thomas
Wimborne (Dorset), minster, 247
Winchcombe (Glos.), 305 n, 306, 306 n
Winchcombe, Richard, 44
Winchester, 101, 144, 147, 157 n, 195
-, — Bp. of, 102, 155, 252
-, — Coll., 154, 158, 160, 161, 193, 252
-, — deanery of, 178 n
-, — dioc., 103, 103 n, 194 n, 222
-, — St. Cross, 221
-, — St. Swithin's, 219
Winchester, Thomas, 199 n
Winchilsea, 12th Earl of. See FinchHatton, Murray Edward G.
Windermere (Westm.), 327 n
Windesor [Windsor], Miles, 327
-, — Walter, 114
Windrush stone, 51, 228
Windsor, 26, 144, 242, 275
-, — deanery of, 255
Winford (Som.), 300
Winnington, Sir Francis, 246
Winston, —, 147
Winterbourne (Glos.), 255
Winterbourne Abbas (Dorset), 164
Winterbourne Basset (Wilts.), 202
Winterbourne Steepleton (Dorset), 164
Winterslow (Wilts.), 255
Winton Hall, 163, 164
Winwood, Sir Ralph, 197 n
Wisbech (Cambs.), 254
Wise, Francis, 248
Wiseburg, John, 113
Wissing, William, 137
Wistowe [Wystowe], Humphrey, 325, 334
Witherington, —, 52
Witney (Oxon.), 144, 195, 203, 243
Wittenham, Long (Berks.), 107, 117 n, 253
Wodward. See Woodward
Wokingham (Berks.), 270 n
Wolsey, Joan, 228
-, — Robert, 228
-, — Thomas, Card., 18, 19, 90, 91,
196, 196 n, 201, 228, 229, 230, 231,
233, 234, 237, 289, 292, 348
Wolstan Hall. See Dunstan Hall
Wombell, Robert, 93 n
Wood [Woodde], Anthony, 1, 20,
23, 25, 26, 27, 45, 49 n
-, — Edward F. L., Visct. Halifax, 39,
237, 342, 346
-, — Owen, 264
-, — Thomas (stone-cutter), 48, 91,
263 n
-, — Thomas (of St. Giles), 257
-, — William, 122 n
Wood Bevington (Warw.), 255
Woodde. See Wood
Woodhead, Abraham, 67, 67 n
Woodperry (Oxon.), house, 250
Woodroffe, —, 255
-, — Benjamin, 299, 300, 301
-, — Edward, 76, 76 n
-, — George, 76 n
Woods, Henry George, 249, 250
Woods, Margaret, 249
Woodward [Wodward], Benjamin,
33, 57, 58, 59, 349
-, — M., 109
-, — Mary, 280
-, — Michael, 144, 151, 154, 160, 162
-, — Nicholas, 102
-, — Robert, 183
Woolner, James, 58
Wootton (Oxon.), 161
Worcester, 146, 306, 307
-, — county, 220
-, — deanery of, 255
-, — dioc., 83
-, — grammar sch., 271, 314
Worcester College, 28, 54, 55, 57,
78, 95, 140, 180, 206 n, 219, 257,
-, — Buildings, 301–9
-, — History, 298–300
-, — Library, 190, 192, 300–1
-, — Pictures, 301
-, — Plate, 301
-, — Provosts, 301
-, — Seals, 301
Wordsworth, Christopher, Bp. of
Lincoln, 341, 347
-, — Dame Elizabeth, 341, 342, 342 n,
343, 347, 350
Worsley, Sir Richard, 226
Worth, Thomas, 113
Worthen (Salop), 161
Worthington, Sir J. H., 37, 59, 102, 154, 170, 243, 339
Worton, Lower (Oxon.), 333
-, — Upper (Oxon.), 333
Wotton, Edward, 196
-, — Sir Henry, 136
-, — Nicholas, 235
-, — Thomas, 145
Worldham, East (Hants), 202
Wren, Sir Christopher, 25, 47, 48,
50, 52, 53, 56, 78, 138, 140, 179,
184, 186, 192 n, 193, 232, 239, 242,
247, 255, 263, 263 n, 281, 282, 286
-, — Christopher (d. 1658), 255
Wrench, Thomas, 309
Wright, —, 257
-, — John Michael, 201
-, — Peter, 85 n
-, — Philip, 280
-, — Sir Robert, 198
-, — Robert, Bp. of Lichfield, 245,
280, 282
-, — Walter, 239
-, — William, 89
Wright-Henderson, Patrick Arkley, 283
Wriothesley, —, 229, 230
Writtle (Essex), 155, 279
Wroughton (Wilts.), 225
Wroxton (Oxon.), 244
-, — abbey, 250, 251
-, — priory, 319, 320
Wyatt, James, 92, 92 n, 93, 99, 124, 129, 145, 146, 147, 149, 206, 207, 207 n, 217, 226 n, 232, 233, 308, 308 n
Wyche, Richard de, 38
Wycherley, William, 136
Wychingham Longville (Norf.), 155
Wyclif, John, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 38, 63, 82, 89, 104, 105, 122, 133, 163, 325
Wycombe, John, 218
Wydvill, Lionel, 39
Wyke, Thomas, 203 n
Wykeham, Nicholas, 310
-, — William of, Bp. of Winchester,
13, 104, 105, 132, 144, 154, 175,
184, 259, 289, 310, 315, 336, 337
Wykeham professorship, 34 n
Wykes, 228
Wylcot, —, 121
Wyld. See Wild
Wylde's Entry, 288, 289
Wylford [Wylsford], Edmund, 17, 126
Wylliot [Wiliot], John, 39, 103, 105
Wynchelsee, Robert de, 38
Wyndham, George, 281, 282
-, — Thomas, Baron Wyndham, 279,
281, 286
Wynford, William, 144 n
Wynkyll, —, 231
Wynne, John, 275, 278
-, — Owen, 182
-, — Sir Thomas, 265, 265 n
Wynter, Philip, 257, 258, 262 n, 263
Wyntle, Robert, 104 n, 106
Wynton, John de, 38
Wys, William, 144
Wyteleye, Thomas, 100 n
Wytham, John, 310
-, — William, 288
Wytteney, William, 148 n
Wytton, Richard, 64, 71
Xaintes, See Saintes
Xenophon, 212
Yalden, Thomas, 199 n
Yarborough, Francis, 213, 214, 217
Yate, Thomas, 84, 210, 211, 214, 215
Yaxley, —, 253
Yeldard, Arthur, 245, 250
Yerbury, Henry, 198
Yonge, Charlotte M., 341
-, — John, 18
York, 8, 339
-, — county, 135, 167, 196
-, — dioc., 64, 166, 167, 196
-, — minster, 146
Young, Edward, 182
-, — John (Warden of New Coll.), 146,
-, — John (secretary to the Lord
Chancellor), 272
-, — Thomas, 229
-, — William, 48
Younger, John, 199
-, — Robert, 1st Baron Blanesburgh,
Zabarella, Francesco, Card., 176
Zaharoff, Sir Basil, 36, 36 n
Zoology, department of, 59
-, — professorship of, 33
Zouch, Richard, 23
Zuccaro, F., 70
Zürich, 197