Deeds: A.2701 - A.2800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.2701 - A.2800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.2701 - A.2800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.2701 - A.2800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.2701 - A.2800

[Middx.] A. 2701. Indenture whereby Bryan Darley, clerk, grants to Margaret Pullet otherwise called Whatton, of London, widow, in accordance with the award between the said parties of Master John Allen, clerk, LL.D., that whereas he holds a messuage with garden adjoining in St. Olave's parish by Faster (sic) Lane, London, for 40 years by demise from the abbot and convent of Westminster dated 31 May, 1518, 10 Henry VIII., of which 6 years will expire at the Annunciation next, if he die within the 40 years, then Margaret and her executors shall enjoy the premises until the expiration of the said term. 29 November, 16 Henry VIII. English. Seal.
Middx. A. 2702. Demise by William White and William Gibbonse, leathersellers, of London, to Thomas Nevell, William Compton, and John Nevell, knights, John Heron, Treasurer of the King's chamber, Richard Broke, serjeant at law, and Richard Lyster, to the King's use, of three messuages, three gardens and three acres of land at Mile Ende in Stebenhithe parish which James Algore, citizen and grocer of London, and Margaret his wife, lately sold the grantors. 16 April, 8 Henry VIII. Two seals.
Endorsed; Memorandum of livery of seisin of the premises to Lyster; and of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, May, 9 Henry VIII.
[Middx.] A. 2703. Grant by John de Anesti, parson of St. Benedict Fink, London, to John Basingg, citizen of London, and Joan his wife, daughter of William de Puttenham, of London, 'shereman,' of a messuage with houses thereon, garden adjoining and 10 shops belonging in Est Smethefeld. Monday before St. Alphege, 8 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] [Hunt.?] A. 2704. Grant by Ralph son of Roger Palmer to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of his dwelling house in the parish of St. Peter Wudestrate, with 2 shops, paying 2½ marcs yearly to the lords of the soil; and of 18d. quit rent that William, Henry, and Nicholas, his brothers, were wont to pay, and a shop he has at St. Ives. Witnesses: —William the chaplain of Wudestrate, Geoffrey de Frowic, goldsmith, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2705. Demise by William Welpelee, cordwainer and citizen of London, to Richard Wolf, smith and citizen of London, of a messuage with the kitchen and room over built thereon in the parish of St. Alban in Wodestrete, for 20 years from Easter, 47 Edward III., paying 43s. 4d. yearly, &c. Easter, 47 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2706. Letters of attorney of R. the abbot, and the convent of Westminster empowering Henry de Waleden their monk to put Adam de Straton, clerk, in full seisin of 37s. 10d. yearly quit rent in London, payable by the persons specified. Wednesday after St. Leonard the Abbot, 11 Edward I. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2707. Release by John son of John de Norhampton, late tailor of London, to John de Colkyrke, tailor, of London, of all his right in the tenement with houses thereon that Cicely his mother has granted to the said Colkyrke in the parish of St. Alban Wodestrete, London, adjoining the lane called 'Addelane.' 28 November, 35 Edward I. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2708. Grant by Cicely, late the wife of John de Norhampton, to John de Colkyrke, of the above tenement in the parish of St. Alban Wodestrete. Witnesses:—John le Blount, Mayor, Reginald de Thundrelee and William Cosyn, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [34 Edward I.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2709. Grant by Richard son of Ralph de Lincoln, skinner, to Margery his wife, daughter of John de Norhampton, tailor, of London, as dower, of one third of all his goods, movable and immovable, and two messuages that were his father's in the parish of St. Alban in Wodestrete, for her life. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokeslee, Mayor, John son of John Adrian and Walter le Cornwaleys, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [6 Edward I.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2710. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Gomund Mercer of their land with stone house in the parish of St. Dionis in Lime-street (which he had held before at 6s. yearly) for 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert de Winton', Theobald son of Ivo, Sir Philip de Hormade, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2711. Release by Richard Bole to Sir William Aygnel, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all his right in a tenement with buildings thereon in the city of London by Coleman Street which he had by their grant, for which they have remitted to him all arrears due from the said tenement. Witnesses:—William de Suthfolch, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2712. Grant by Ralph Chaplain, son of Laurence Mercer, to Gilbert le Bas of 8s. yearly rent in London issuing from land that was formerly the said Laurence's in the parish of All Hallows Colemannecherche, adjoining St. Giles's hospital, paying therefor 4s. yearly to the hospital of St. James by Westminster. Witnesses:—William Joynier, Mayor, John Willehale and John de Codres, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [23 Henry III.]
Endorsed: "Ego Gilbertus le Bas quietum clamo hospitali Sancti "Jacobi iiijs. redditus quern conjunctim habui cum fratribus illius loci, ita "scilicet quod ipsi invenient unum lampadem continue coram ymagine "Sancte Marie in sua ecclesia. Hoc autem facio si decessero."
[Berks.] A. 2713. Release by Emma, daughter of John le Muleward, of Reading, to John le Foughelere, of Reading, of all her claim to the messuage and curtilage which she had by grant of John le Muleward aforesaid in 'le Wodestret,' Reading. Witnesses:—Henry Grenham, mayor, and others (named). Saturday after St. Ambrose, 29 Edward III.
[Berks.] A. 2714. Grant by the same to the same of the above messuage with curtilage. Friday after St. Ambrose, 29 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Berks.] A. 2715. Grant by Robert le Taylur, of Orundal, to Henry atte More, of Reading, and Amyce his wife, of a messuage in 'la Wodestrete,' Reading, saving a shop with the adjoining curtilage. Witnesses:—John de Nyubury, mayor of Reading, and others (named) Thursday after Hilary, 6 Edward III.
[Berks.] A. 2716. Grant by John atte More, called 'le Muleward,' of Reading, and Alice his wife to Emma their daughter of a messuage in the old market, Reading; with reversion to themselves if she die without issue. Witnesses: —Walter de Stauntone, mayor of Reading, and others (named). Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 16 Edward III. Portions of two seals.
[Middx.] A. 2717. Grant by John Lacer, son and heir of William Lacer, late citizen of London, to Robert Roys and Juliana his wife, John's daughter, of the two shops he inherited after the death of Katherine Lacer, his mother, in the parish of St. Alban's of Wodestrete, London, paying 5s. yearly to the prior and convent of St. Mary of Southwark. Simon Fraunceys, Mayor, Richard de Keselyngbury and John Lovek[yn], sheriffs of London. 10 February, 17 [Edward III.] Much injured.
[Middx.] A. 2718. Grant by P., the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Geoffrey de Essex', goldsmith, of land in the parish of St. Michael of Wood Street, paying 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—Norman Blund, draper, Walter Travers, Richard Blund, goldsmiths, and others (named). [Richard I.]
[Middx.] A. 2719. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Ailbin Parmenter of land in St. Alban's parish, Woodstreet, that Randulf the Leech (Medicus) held before him, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Blund, William de Cunighehope, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Postea tenuit Robertus Aketon."
[Middx.] A. 2720. Grant by Richard, son of Nicholas Smud, to John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 2s. yearly quit rent from a house that Robert de Aketon held in the parish of St. Alban's of Wodestrate in London. Witnesses:—Stephen Bukerel, alderman of the ward, Thomas Hareng, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2721. Demise by William Whelpele, citizen and shoemaker of London, and Elena his wife, to Sir William Rysyng, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of two stone tenements on Adellane with houses built over and cellars and rooms adjoining in St. Alban's parish in Wodstret. between the lane leading from Aldermanbury to Selvyrstret, for 90 years; the convent paying 100s. yearly during the lives of William and Elena, and after their decease 7d. weekly to a canon celebrating in their church for the rest of the term. The canons will also deliver two cartloads of wood yearly from their wood, at William and Elena's house in London. The morrow of St. Mark the Evangelist, 9 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 2722. Sale and release by Walter le Brun, fishmonger, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 5 marcs, of a shop in the parish of St. Nicholas at Old Fish Street, paying therefor 2s. yearly to the King. Witnesses:—Roger Duce, alderman, Alan son of Peter, Thomas de Haverehell, and others (named). [John.]
[Middx.] A. 2723. Release by Girard Bat of all claim he had in the tenement that was German le Cordier's in Wauncelines-lane by reason of a grant made him or his children thereof by Sayher son of Henry, except 30s. quit rent that Sayher demised to him from the said fee. Witnesses:— Michael Tovy, sheriff of London, and others (named). Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 25 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2724. Release by Ralph Trey to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of all his right in a shop he held of them in the parish of St. Nicholas at Old Fish Street. Witnesses:—John de Chodres, Richard del Kay, John de Marines, and others (named). [c. 25 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2725. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Ralph de Bixle, for 40s., of a shop in the parish of St. Nicholas at West Fish Street that Ralph Trey formerly held, paying therefor 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—John Viel, alderman, Henry Kingessone, Adam Bruning, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2726. Indenture witnessing that the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, are not bound to warrant a plot of land that Sir Walram de Rocheford, knight, has by their grant in the parish of St. Michael of Bassishawe, London, against lady Agatha, relict of Sir Ralph son of Bernard, knight, if she implead him on account of it, notwithstanding the clause to the contrary in the said grant. Sunday the feast of St. Margaret, 3 Edward II. Seal of arms.
[Middx.] A. 2727. Grant by Juliana, late wife of Adam Rous, formerly citizen and surgeon of London, widow, to Sir John Ive, rector of St. Michael's in Wodestrete, London, Sir Laurence Wympole, chaplain, and Thomas de Mordon, citizen and chandler of London, of the tenement with houses which she now inhabits in Wodestrete in St. Alphege's parish within Crepulgate, which she with David le Leche, formerly citizen of London, her husband, had by feoffment of Walter de Merstham, late rector of St. Alphege, who had it by grant of David and Juliana aforesaid, formerly wife of Roger de Mymmes, late citizen and chandler of London. Sir Nicholas Brembre, knight, Mayor, John More and Simon Wynchecombe, sheriffs of London. 20 April, 7 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for pleas of land, Monday before St. John ante Portam Latinam, 7 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 2728. Grant by John de Lincoln', parmenter, to Ralph de Lincoln', parmenter, of a portion of his land in St. Alban's parish in Wodestrate. Witnesses:—Stephen Bukerel, alderman, John le Mynur, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2729. Grant by Roger de Reysebolle, of Heveringlond, and Joan his wife, William, the vicar of the same place, and Agnes his wife, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in frank almoin of a piece of land 12 feet wide. Sunday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 14 Edward III. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2730. Grant by Hugh de Gressam and Eleanor his wife to John Lance of a tenement and land in Alderford and Wichingham, viz. land in the croft, in Bollesfeld, in Loppinglond fields, at Duveshil, at Grenehil, &c., paying 33d. yearly to the prior of Longewill, and 6d. to St. Faith's church. In exchange John has given them land in Heveringlond called 'Schadescroft.' Witnesses:—William and Robert le Turtevill, and others (named). Fragments of two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2731. Letters of attorney of Robert de Thyrsford empowering John Man, of Calthorp, chaplain, to deliver seisin to William de Burston, rector of a third part of Itringham church, of land in Irminglond, with the rents that John de Cokefeld, knight, used to receive from tenements in Irminglond, with the advowson of Irminglond church. Sunday after the Assumption, 13 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2732. Release by Peter, rector of Irmynglond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all his right in a piece of land in Irmynglond, in the advowson of Irmynglond church, and in the rents that John de Cokefeld, knight, used to receive yearly from a tenement in Irmynglond. Witnesses:—Thomas de Gyney, lord of Brandeston, Roger de Gyney, lord of Heveringlond, and others (named). Monday the feast of the Invention of Holy Cross, 18 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2733. Release by Walter Neel, of Heveringlond, and Alexander his son, to Sir John, the prior, and the canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all their right in two pieces of land, one called 'Tolkesker' and the other in the tillage called 'Netheryd.' Heveringlond, Sunday after the Apostles Simon and Jude, 18 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2734. Grant by Alice late the wife of Hugh Smith, of Heveringlond, to Richard de Holwode, of Botone, of a piece of her meadow in Heveringlond. Monday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 12 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2735. Grant by Elviva Bardolf, of Taverham, to Richard de Taverham, chaplain, son of John de Collegat' de Norwic', of a piece of her land called 'Godwinescroft' in Taverham, in the field called 'Westcroft.' Witnesses:—Sir John de Hestrus, Geoffrey Ridel, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2736. Grant by Nicholas son of John Godewyne of Felthorp to Roger Russel of Thaverham of a piece of land in Felthorp. Friday after St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 18 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2737. Grant by Cicely, daughter cf Richard the Leech (Medici), to John Launce of a piece of land in the field of Heveringlond, in Tweyt. Witnesses:—William de Gineto, lord of Heveringlond, Peter and Roger, his brothers, Peter de Bilneya, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2738. Grant by Richard Chaplain, son of John de Colegate in Norwich, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence in Heverighelond of a piece of meadow in Taverham. Witnesses:—Sir John de Estru, knight, John Launce, Nicholas Ridel, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2739. Indenture witnessing that whereas the parish church of St. Andrew, Irmynglond, with the patronage and advowson thereof, were given to the convent of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heverynglond many years ago, and the church, rectory, and tithes cannot now support a fit priest to officiate there, and the chancel and rectory house are ruined and the parishioners wander elsewhere to hear divine service; William Lovell, the prior, and the said convent have demised the site of the rectory and the said church and rectory to Thomas Bettes, of Irmynglond, with all tithes, &c., for 90 years, to provide a priest there, with power to remove such priest and institute another. 8 June, A.D. 1490, 7 Henry VII. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2740. Release by Roger Hace, of Heveringlond, and Alice his wife, to Alan de Ryburgh, carpenter, of all their right in a messuage in Heveringlond, near Mountjoy Priory, which they with the said Alan and Matilda his wife acquired of Sir Peter de Felthorp, chaplain. Thursday after the Purification, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2741. Grant by Roger de Bilneye, knight, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of six acres in Heveringlond in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong,' adjoining land called 'Nine Acres.' Witnesses:—William de Gynay, lord of Heveringlond. Alan Houel, and others (named). Friday after Michaelmas, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2742. Release by Henry son of John Wype of Dylham to John, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy in Heverynglond of all actions and claims. Witnesses:—Sir Roger Gyney, knight, and others (named). Heverynglond, Sunday after St. Dunstan, 36 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2743. Grant by Roger son of Hugh Home of Felthorp to Godwin son of Herman of a piece of land in Eelthorp, in Minhuuerecroft. Witnesses:—Roger de Felthorp, William Russel, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2744. Release by William de Leye, of Irmynglond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all claim to ½d. yearly rent issuing from land in Irmynglond. Sunday after St. Wynewaloey, 20 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2745. Grant by Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, to Master John Godewyk, rector of Croydune, and Robert Warde, rector of Fobenge, of a messuage in Heveringlond adjoining the highway called 'Gosus lane' and abutting on the common pasture called 'Munjoye Grove.' Saturday before the Purification, 11 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2746. Grant by Sir Oliver Platon, rector of Lyng, and Sir William at Chirche, chaplain, of Felthorpe, to Sir Geoffrey, rector of Felthorpe, Martin Thawerham, Robert Mayster, Walter Horn and Roger Russel, of meadow called 'le Inham' in Felthorp, adjoining the messuage called 'Russel.' Tuesday after St. Dunstan, 51 Edward III. Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 2747. Release by Simon Pechche and Catherine his wife, daughter of Alice King, of Hemesbi, John and Richard, sons of Avice Tayl, of the same, to Alexander Carpenter, of Felthorp, and Agnes his wife, of a messuage and land in Heveringlond and Felthorp; to Bippa, widow, of Felthorp, and Agnes her daughter, to Hugh Smith, of Heveringlond, and Alice his wife, and to John de Bosco, various lands in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Robert de Marcham, Nicholas Ridel, and others (named).
Norf. A. 2748. Royal licence to John Fode and John de Hadescho, chaplains, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, to assign to the prior and convent of St. Laurence of Mountjoy two messuages with lands and 7s. 7d. rent in Heverynglond, Causton, Brandeston, Swenyngton, and Felthorp, to support two canons to celebrate daily for the souls of the said John Fode and John de Shelton. 20 April, 17 Edward III. By fine of 100s.
[Norf.] A. 2749. Grant by Sir Thomas de Nerford, knight, to the prior and convent of Mountjoy of licence to acquire a piece of land of his fee in Heveringlond, to be held by the usual services and by payment of a relief after the decease of each prior. Panworth, Monday the feast of St. Leonard the Abbot, 14 Edward III. Seal, coat of arms only remaining.
[Norf.] A. 2750. Obligation of John son of Thomas de Feltorp, clerk, to pay the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond one marc of silver, a quarter of wheat and a quarter of barley yearly pension during life, for his sojourn for thirteen weeks in the year, payable at Michaelmas in each year before his sojourn (perhendinacionem). At Mountjoy in the chapter of the canons, feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, A.D. 1311.
[Norf.] A. 2751. Release by William Holstone, of Heverynglond, to Edmund, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy in Heverynglond, of all right in the rents and services they were wont to pay yearly for the lands and tenements they held of his manor in Heverynglond. Witnesses:—Sir John Gynay, knight, Sir John Cobald, vicar of Heverynglond, and others (named). The eve of St. Laurence, 5 Henry IV. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2752. Release by John Fode, of Aylesham, and John de Hadisco, chaplains, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all their right in the two messuages, rents and lands, &c., which they acquired of John, son of Nicholas de Schelton, in Heveringlond, Causton, Brandeston, Swenington, and Felthorp: one messuage by the highway called 'Swiftforde lane,' and one by the messuage called 'Hoylesyerd.' Monday the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 17 Edward III. Seal.
Leic. A. 2753. Defeasance to a bond whereby John Mallore, Richard Chetewyut, William Purefay, and John Chetewynt are bound to John Pulteney, knight, in 1,000l. to be paid at Christmas next if they do not abide by the award of the arbitrators herein named concerning all disputes between them, if it be given by Thursday after St. Andrew's day next, or failing that, by the award of an umpire within fifteen days after that feast, the arbitrators to come to Lutterworth by Monday before St. Andrew's day, with only two attendants each. 10 November, 14 Henry IV. French.
[Norf.] A. 2754. Release by John de Scheltone, son of Nicholas de Scheltone, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, Sir John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Snyterle, of all his right in two messuages, of which the chief messuage lies by Swytfordelane, and land in Heveringlond and Swenygtone, &c., in William Kempe, sometime his bondman, and his sequela, and in 12s. yearly rent issuing from tenements in Heveringlond, Causton, Brandeston, Swenygton, and Felethorp. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2755. Release by John Qwytfot, of Taverham, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all his right in the turbary and heath they hold in Felethorp and Hevyngham. 8 Edward III. Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 2756. Grant by William Syke of Causton to Philip, the prior of Mountjoy, of the 20l. that Walter, the prior, and the convent of Penteney are bound to him at the Annunciation, 18 Richard II. Saturday after the Apostles Philip and James, 18 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2757. Letters of attorney of John de Schelton, son of Nicholas de Schelton, empowering Roger Est, of Hacford, and William Wype, of Heveringlond to deliver seisin of the messuages, lands, and rent granted in A. 2754. Heveringlond, Tuesday the morrow of St. Wynwaloi the Abbot, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2758. Release by Nigel de Foxelee, citizen of Norwich, to Robert de Shelton, son of John de Shelton, of all his right in land and 4s. yearly rent in Heveringlond. Norwich, Monday before the Annunciation, 10 Edward I]. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2759. Grant by John Fode, of Aylesham, and John de Hadischo, chaplains, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of the two messuages (one by the highway called 'Swyftfordelane' and the other in Heveringlond,) and all rents and tenements in Heveringlond, Causton, Brandeston, Swenigton, and Felethorp which they acquired of John, son of Nicholas de Schelton. Sunday . . . the Apostles Peter and Paul, 17 Edward III. Seal. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2760. Grant by Richard Chaplain son of John de Colgate in Norwich, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Heveringlond of a piece of land in Thaverham. Thaverham, in the court of Sir John de Hestru, 23 October, 53 Henry III.
[Norf.] A. 2761. Grant by Walter Neel, of Heveringlond, and Alexander Fhis, of the same, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, Sir John Froysel, vicar of Hocton, Sir John de Hadesco and Sir Philip Martin, of Sniterle, chaplains, of land in Heveringlond, formerly acquired of John de Schelton. Sunday before the Purification, 13 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
Norf. A. 2762. Demise by William Lovell, prior of Mountjoy in Norfolk, to John the prior of the regular church of St. Faith in Horsham of all his pasture in Felthorp and Heverynglond, with faldage in the said towns east of a pond called 'Margary Ponde,' with land in a place called 'Cottes,' and 'le Redes,' for 12 years from Michaelmas last, paying 40s. yearly. 22 December, A.D. 1489, 5 Henry VII.
Endorsed: Note of grant by the same to the same of 'lez Toppynges' of all thorns growing on the land called 'Cottes,' and of 'lez sawles' for their fold from the wood in Heverynglond, viz. of "Salwes, hulver and thorn" during the said term.
[Norf.] A. 2763. Release by William son of John de Spanye to John son of Richard de Holwode, of Boton, chaplain, of all his right to the tenements in Heveringlond in which his father enfeoffed Richard de Holwode aforesaid. Saturday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 3 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2764. Release by Roger Hace, of Heveringlond, to Sir John de Holwode, of Botone, chaplain, of all claim in a messuage with land in Heveringlond, part adjoining land called 'Schephus Wong,' part abutting on the lord of Gynay's land called 'Nine acres,' part at Launcesmille Hyl, and part in Rydecroft. Monday before St. Ambrose the Bishop, 5 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2765. Release by John de Holwode, of Boton, chaplain, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all claim in the above messuage and land in Heveringlond. Monday after St. Mark, St. Tiburcius, and St. Valerian, 5 Edward III.
[Leic.] A. 2766. Grant by Robert Coyne, of Pulteneye, to John Howan, of Pulteneye, and Emma his wife, for 10l., of the moiety of a toft with buildings stretching on the north side of the great house, 6 feet wide, and land in Pulteneye lying near Waklonweye, in a place called 'Grundleswell,' between the roads by the windmill, in a place called 'Thenethebanlond,' on 'le Stonidole,' and 'hattedamishinde.' Witnesses:—Robert de Luteles, lord of Walecot', Elyas son of Robert de Exundun of Pulteneye, and others (named). Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2767. Release by John de Byrston, of Cleye, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all his right to land in Irmynglond abutting east and west on the free land of Irmynglond church. Monday before St. Valentine the Martyr, 20 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2768. Grant by Agnes, daughter of Geoffrey Schelle, of Felthorp, to Robert son of Roger of a piece of her land in Felthorp. Witnesses:— Roger de Felthorp, William Russel, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2769. Release by Matilda, daughter of Goda le Pottere, of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all her right in a messuage which Reginald le Pottere, of Heveringlond, her uncle, held in the said town. Saturday before St. Augustine the Apostle of the English, 19 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2770. Grant by Henry, son of Ralph Nalli, of Hevyngham, to Sir Roger Marretes, of Felthorp, parson of Fretenham church, of all his lands and tenements in Felthorp, Taverham, and Heverynglond which were formerly Geoffrey Starling's, except a croft called 'Oldecroft' and his meadow in Heveringlond. 23 March, 24 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2771. Grant by Henry son of John Wype of Dylham, to Geoffrey de Filby, rector of Felthorp, Simon Ver', rector of Ascheby, Adam de lllyngton and Roger Russel of a messuage and land in Heverynglond, part abutting on the road from Qweytgrene to Maugrepont, on the road from Heverynglond church to Kempesbrigge, upon Knodeswellehyl, abuttting on the road from Stantlyngcros to Swytforyebrigge, part at Larkesdrytes, at Sladelond, abutting on the road from Roger de Bryggate to Launcescroft and on 'le Konewer.' Witnesses:—Roger Gyney, Geoffrey Malhoysel, knights, and others (named). Sunday after St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 35 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2772. Release by Roger Hardegrey, citizen of Norwich, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, Sir John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Snyterle, of all his right to land, meadow, and pasture in Heveringlond, with the liberty of the moiety of one fold. Norwich, Thursday after St. Mathias the Apostle, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2773. Grant by Robert son of John de Shelton to Nicholas de Shelton and Alice his wife, of a piece of land called 'Shepehous wong' in Heverynglond, abutting on the land of Roger de Gyney, knight. Sunday after the Circumcision, 19 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2774. Grant by John de Scheltone son of Nicholas de Sceltone to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, Sir John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Smiterle, of the land, &c., in Heveringlond released to them in A. 2772. Sunday after St. Peter's chair, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2775. Release by Richard Storm, of Snyturlee, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all his claim to two messuages in Heveringlond, one called 'Schelton-stede' in the highway called 'Swythfordlane,' the other called 'Kempestede,' adjoining the messuage called 'Hoylesyerd.' Witnesses:—Thomas de Gyney, lord of Brandeston, Roger de Gyney, lord of Heveringlond, and others (named). Monday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2776. Release by John de Schelton, son of Nicholas de Schelton, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, Sir John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Snyterle, of all his right in two messuages, one by the highway called 'Snytforde,' and in land with liberty for one fold in Heveringlond, in pasture, &c., in Swenigton, in William Kempe, a nativus, and in 12s. yearly rent from tenements in Heveringlond, Causton, Swenigton, and Felethorp. Wednesday after St. Wynewaley the Abbot, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2777. Release by the same to the same of all his right in land with the liberty of the moiety of one fold, meadow and pasture in Heveringlond. Tuesday after St. Mathias the Apostle, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf] A. 2778. Release by John, sometime rector of Brinton, and John Bronn, sometime rector of Takelistune, to Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, of all their right in a messuage in Heveringlond. Sunday before St. Andrew the Apostle, 11 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2779. Release by John son of Robert Yvynte of Felthorp to Robert Spine and John his brother of all his right in land in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Thomas de Estune, Amsell de Bayebury, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2780. Grant by John de Bosco, of Brendilleye, to Thomas de Quitewelle, rector of Pheletorp, for 22s., of an annual rent of 2s. ¾d. and two hens to be paid by the tenants specified for their tenements in Pheletorp. Witnesses:—Sir Godfrey de Bello Monte, Simon de Thaverham, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2781. Licence granted by Roger de Gyney, knight, lord of Heveringland, to Roger, William, and Bartholomew de Gyney to grant lands and rents to the value of 10l. of his fee in Heveringland, Swenigtone, and Dilham, to the prior and convent of St. Laurence of Heveringland, whose rents and profits are so attenuated that they do not suffice for their support. The Invention of Holy Cross, 22 Edward I. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2782. Letters of attorney of Roger de Gyney, knight, lord of Heveringlond, empowering William de Gyney, his brother, to put Sir Thomas, prior of St. Laurence [of Mountjoy], in full seisin of pasture in Heveringlond. Michaelmas, 22 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 2783. Grant by Roger de Gyney, lord of Heveringlond, to the prior and convent of St. Laurence of Mountjoy, in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of leave to pasture 100 sheep on his common pasture in Heveringlond, according to the gift of the late Sir William de Gyney, first founder of that house; and also leave to pasture 200 more sheep there to increase their fold. Witnesses:—Sir Robert son of Roger, John de Claverigg', William de Kerdistune, Peter and William Rocelyn, Giles de Munpinzun, Richard de Belhus, knights, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2784. Grant by Roger de Gynay, knight, lord of Heveringlond, to the prior and convent of St. Laurence in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a messuage in Heveringlond called 'Old Fishpond' (vetus vivarium), a water mill called 'Lickemille,' land that was Eda Schiftehakel's, land in Sutfrid, in the assart of Rumholt, three diggings of turfs yearly, and leave to common 300 sheep in the common pasture of Heveringlond, to feed 5 cows with his own animals and 6 pigs in his park at acorn time; 4s. yearly rent in Heveringlond, the land called 'Sutwellewong,' land at Sutwelle and an alder bed. Guytono, St. Mark's day, 21 Edward I. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2785. Grant by William Lovell, the prior, and the convent of St. Laurence of Mountjoy to Bartholomew Kyng and Robert Barker, both of Felthorp, of a close called 'Lykmyllecloos' in Heverynglond and four pieces of land in Felthorp, three abutting on the common way called 'Attilbriggewey,' and one called 'Bromlond,' paying 2s. 9d. yearly: John Godeale, clerk, and Richard Herrysson being appointed to deliver seisin. 31 May, A.D. 1490, 5 Henry VII.
[Norf.] A. 2786. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Laurence of Mountjoy to Thomas Brampton, esquire, of their pasture, marsh, turbary, &c., called 'lez Hassokkes' in Felthorp, lying between the commons of Felthorp and Hevyngham and abutting on the road from Norwich to Causton Woodrowe: Thomas Cryne and Thomas Abbes being appointed to deliver seisin. 2 September, A.D. 1489, 5 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2787. Grant by William atte Lyng, son of John atte Lyng, of Felthorp, to Adam atte Lyng, of the same, his brother, and Alice his wife of land in Feltborp. Sunday the feast of St. Agnes the Virgin, 14 Edward III. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2788. Grant by Roger de Gynay, knight, lord of Heveringlond, to Thomas, the prior, and the canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond, that none of his bondmen shall implead them in his court by reason of any plea or trespass. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Bylneye, knight, and others (named). Brandestone, the morrow of the Annunciation, 34 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 2789. Grant by John Tyrel, of Manyngton, brother and heir of Hugh Tyrel, to Matilda, late the wife of William de Hewelle, of land in Irmynglond abutting on the free land of St. Andrew's church. Friday in Easter week, 18 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2790. Grant by Alexander Fyhs, of Heveringlond, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, Sir John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Snyterle, of all his goods and chattels in the capital messuage called 'Scheltonestede' and in the lands and tenements called 'Scheltonelondes.' Tuesday the morrow of St. Wynewaloy the Abbot, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2791. Grant by William Vicari, of Heverynghlond, Agnes his wife, and Joan her sister, daughter of William ate Lathe, to John Hare, of the same, of a piece of meadow in Heverynghlond, abutting southward on the running water coming from the water mill of the prior and convent of Mountjoy. Sunday after the Ascension, 12 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2792. Grant by Alan de Riburgh, carpenter, to Roger Neuman, of Felthorp, of land in Felthorp. Tuesday before St. Luke the Evangelist 8 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2793. Demise by John, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy to John ate Mille of Heveringlond, for his life, of a water mill called 'Licemille,' he giving them a quarter of eels yearly and one marc rent. The prior and convent shall have all other fishings, and if the mill house fall into decay they will provide timber and straw to rebuild it, and the said John all other materials, he keeping the old timber. The said John shall grind as much wheat and barley for them as he can yearly. Sunday after St. Augustine, 49 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2794. Grant by John Lance to the canons of St. Laurence of Heveriglond in frank almoin, of land in Heveriglond by William de Gynei's tillage called 'Hyl,' for the souls of himself and of Juliana Walter, late the wife of John de Stradebroc. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Nereford, Sir Simon Peche, Peter Houel, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2795. Grant by William Chelle to Nicholas Herman of land in Felthorp called 'Chelluscroft.' Sunday before St. Agnes the Virgin 17 Edward II.
[Leic] A. 2796. Grant by John le Wrighte and Emma his wife to Sir John de Pulteneye, knight, and James Spigurnel of a messuage and 16 acres in Pulteneye. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard Egebaston and Ralph de Stanlowe, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 22 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2797. Grant by William Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to Richard Cole, Robert Mayster, and Robert Warde, chaplain, and Thomas his brother, of Welingham, of 4d. yearly rent issuing out of land in Felthorp in Bastardus Croft, adjoining on the east the mound (foveam) stretching by the common moor of Felthorp. Wednesday the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 10 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2798. Grant by Simon son of Adam Attechyrche, of Gymingham, and Joan his wife to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Pheletorp, for 20 marcs, of their land called 'Miklecroft' in Pheletorp parish, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sirs Godfrey de Bellomonte, Thomas Bardolf, and others (named). Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2799. Grant by Godwin Tolke, son of William Tolke, to John Lance of land in Heveringlond in the field of Tuet, abutting on Richard de Tueyt's alder bed. Witnesses:—William de Gisneto, lord of Heveringlond, Peter and Roger his brothers, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2800. Grant by Sir Thomas de Nerford, knight, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of leave to acquire the messuage that John de Shelton held of his fee in Heveringlond, except the pond, lands, and tenements that John de Holneston acquired of Shelton. Monday after the Apostles Peter and Paul, 17 Edward III.