Deeds: A.2801 - A.2900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.2801 - A.2900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.2801 - A.2900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.2801 - A.2900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.2801 - A.2900

[Norf.] A. 2801. Grant by William Blakeman, of Heverynglond, to Sir Geoffrey de Filby, parson of the church of Felthorp, William Warde, burgess of Lynne, and Robert his son, of land in Heverynglond. Feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 1 Richard II.
[Norf.] A. 2802. Release by Roger, son of Roger de Gyneto, to John Launce of the service due from the tenement that John Carald held of Cristiana, Roger's mother, in Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Sir Simon Peche, Peter Houel, John de Sceltune, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2803. Grant by Thomas de Byntre, John de Foxlee, Thomas de Worthstede and Roger de Oulton to Peter, rector of Irmynglond, of land in Irmynglond, and the rents and services that John de Cokefeld, knight, was wont to receive yearly for a tenement in Irmynglond, together with the advowson of the church there. Saturday the feast of St. John the Evangelist, 17 Edward III. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2804. Grant by William Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to Sir Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, Martin de Taveram, Richard Cole, burgess of Linne, and Robert Mayster of land called 'Coldhom Yerd' abutting on Hasus close and a chase (schasia) lying between Hasus close and the road from Caustune to Norwich, in Heveringlond, and 4d. yearly rent paid by William Holstune for 'Hasus rente.' Thursday after St. Dunstan, 8 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2805. Grant by Godwin Tolke to John Launce of a piece of land in the field of Chenyt in exchange for a piece of land in Heveringlond called 'Baldewynesrode.' Witnesses:—Peter de Bilney, Richer and Geoffrey de Westgate,and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2806. Release by Roger de Bilneye, knight, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of land in Heveringlond lying in the tillage called 'Schephuswong,' and adjoining land called 'Nine Acres.' Sunday before St. Faith the Virgin, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2807. (1) Letters of attorney of Roger de Bylneye, knight, appointing Peter Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to receive seisin in his name of land in Felthorp which he acquired of Ralph Nally. Sunday after the Conception, 18 Edward II.
(2.) Letters of attorney of the same for William Wylymot, of Heveringlond, to deliver seisin to the prior and canons of Mountjoy of the land in Felthorp he acquired of Thomas, rector of Felthorp. Morrow of St. James the Apostle, beginning of 9 Edward II. Seal.
(3.) Letters of attorney of the same for Peter Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to give Sir Peter, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy full seisin of land in Felthorp. Sunday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 18 Edward II. Seal.
(4.) Grant by Geoffrey, parson of Felthorp, and Roger Russel to Sir John Brown, parson of Tacolston, Sir Roger, perpetual vicar of Heverynglond, Sir John, perpetual vicar of Hokton, Sir Peter de Loringset, chaplain, and Walter Parmenter, of Drayton, of their lands and tenements formerly Roger's, son of William de Bilneye, in Felthorp, Heveringlond, Hevyngham, Horsford, and Taverham, which they acquired with other tenements of John de Middelton, Margery his wife, Baldrey de Taverham, and Margaret his wife by fine in the King's Court. Tuesday after St. Hilary, 40 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2808. Grant by Roger de Bilneye, knight, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a messuage with croft and land in Heveringlond; part of the land adjoining Schephuswong, part abutting on the lord of Gyney's tillage called 'Nine Acres,' part in the tillage called 'Launces Millehil,' part in Ridecroft, abutting on the road from Thwyt to Licke Mille. Thursday the feast of St. Ambrose the Bishop, 5 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2809. Release by Alice, late the wife of Nicholas de Scheltone, son of Sir John de Scheltone, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all her right to six acres in Heveringlond in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong.' Wednesday after St. Faith the Virgin, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2810. Release by John de Lanegate, of Pheletorp, to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Pheletorp, of all his claim to a piece of land in Pheletorp parish. Witnesses:—Simon de Taverham, Nicholas de Hestun, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2811. Release by John de Scheltone, son of Nicholas de Scheltone, to Sirs John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, John Froysel, vicar of Hocton, John de Hadesco and Philip Martin, of Sniterle, chaplains, of all his right in two pieces of land in Heveringlond, in tillages called 'Schephus Wong' and 'le Nether Ryd' respectively. Thursday after the Purification, commencement of 14 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2812. Grant by William, son of Roger Henecote, of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of land in Heveringlond abutting on the road from Lickemille to Heveringlond church, which they have by feoffment of Margaret, daughter of William Henecote. Witnesses:—Sir William le Giney, John Launce, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2813. Grant by Matilda de Hewelle to Sir Peter de Birstone, rector of Irminglond, of land in Irminglond. Sunday before St. Edmund the Archbishop, 1 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2814. Release by John de Cokefeld, knight, son of John de Cokefeld, knight, to William de Birston, parson of a third part of Itringham church, of all actions and demands concerning land and services in Irminglond or the advowson of Irminglond church, according to the grant by which Robert de Thyrseford, rector of a moiety of Leringsete church, enfeoffed the said William. Melton, Friday before St. Faith the Virgin, 13 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2815. Grant by Thomas at Wode, of Heveringlond, to Master John de Godewiche, rector of Croydon, Robert Warde, rector of Folbynge, and Robert Maister of land in Felthorp, adjoining the common way called 'Heglane' and the common heath called 'Norewoodheye.' Thursday after St. Dunstan the Bishop, 8 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2816. Grant by Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, to Master John Godwyk, rector of Croydune, and Robert Warde, rector of Bu . . ., of a messuage with croft and land and a rent of 4d. in Felthorp, a heath called 'Lingdole,' 4d. yearly rent issuing from land abutting on the common heath called 'Northwodeheythe' and other lands in Felthorp and Heveringlond; a chace in Heveringlond abutting on Hasus Clos; 4d. yearly rent for 'Hasus rente,' and 4d. rent issuing from land in Felthorp in Bastardus croft. Saturday before the Purification, 11 Richard II. Seal. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2817. Release by Alice and Joan, daughters of William Heppelond, of Coltone, to Roger Marrete, rector of Fretenham, and Mabel their mother, of all their right in land called 'Gildene Halfakyr' in Felthorp. Monday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 18 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2818. Grant by Ranulf son of Robert de Heylisdon to Thomas de Quitewelle, rector of Pheletorp, for 3s., of 3d. of his yearly rent issuing from land in Pheletorp. Witnesses:—Simon de Thaverham and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2819. Grant by Roger de Gynay, knight, lord of Heveringlond, to the prior and convent of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of four pieces of land, lying in Heveringlond and called 'Nine Acres.' 'le Brodelond,' and Rokeslond,' and a piece by the road leading from the lord's rabbit warren to Mountjoy, quit of all services, for four years from Michaelmas, 16 Edward II. Gugeton, nativity of the Virgin Mary, 16 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2820. Grant by Nicholas Rydel, of Wroxham, to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Felthorp, for 6l. 12s., of 10s. 9½d. and one hen yearly rent in Felthorp, issuing from the tenement the said Thomas holds, a tenement called 'Payneslond,' land in Basterescroft, &c. 8 June, 23 Edward I. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2821. Release by Roger Heylewys, of Irminglond, to John Fode, of Aleysham, rector of Irminglond, of land in Irminglond in the place called 'Bossesfeld,' which John acquired of Emma, Roger's mother. Thursday the feast of Ascension, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2822. Grant by Peter, rector of Irmynglond, to Sirs Thomas, rector of Brandestone, Geoffrey, rector of Hunwrthe, and John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, of land in Irmynglond and the rents and services that John de Cokefeld, knight, used to receive for a tenement in Irmynglond, with the advowson of the church there. Witnesses:—Thomas Gynay, lord of Brandeston, Roger Gynay, lord of Heveringlond, and others (named). Sunday after St. Ambrose the Bishop, 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2823. Grant by William de Grinet' to Luke Lance of his tillage in Heveringland called 'Sepehus,' in exchange for a toft and land at Chopethorn and at Staneling. Witnesses:—William de Witewell, William de Leonibus, of Winchingham, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2824. Release by John, son of Richard de Ely, of Norwich, to Alice late the wife of Nicholas de Scheltone, son of John de Scheltone, knight, of all his right to land in Heveringlond in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong.' Saturday before Michaelmas, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2825. Grant by Thomas Clerke, prior of Mountjoy, to Henry Fermour, of Estbarsham, of his fold course and pasture in Mountjoy and Felthorp with his great close called 'Cootes Close' and all liberties, common of pasture, shacke, &c., for 7 years from the feast of St. John the Baptist last, paying 14l., viz. 5l. in hand toward the sustentation and reparation of the monastery, and 26s. 8d. each year till the last and then 20s. The prior shall find yearly sufficient 'hyrdell, byndyng, and salues' for Henry's flock, a barrel of 'terre' every second year, and a close house with lock and key to lay in the wool till sold, &c. June 28, 8 Henry VIII. Seal. English.
[Norf.] A. 2826. Grant by Elviva de Thaverham, daughter of Baldry atte Church, to Richard de Norwico, chaplain, son of John de Colegate, of land in Thaverham in the field called 'Westcroft.' Witnesses:—John de Estrus, knight, Nicholas de Thaverham, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2827. Grant by Alice, relict of Peter le Neuman, of Phelethorp, to Roger her son, for 17s., of land in Phelethorp, to be held of St. Margaret's church, Phelethorp, by a service of 4d. yearly. Witnesses:— Simon de Taverham, John Bardolf, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2828. Grant by John, son of Nicholas de Scheltone, of Heveringlond, to Walter Nel and Alexander Fys, both of Heveringlond, of an inclosure called 'Tolkesker' and land called 'le Nether Rid' in Heveringlond. Sunday after Epiphany, 13 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2829. Release by Peter, son of Peter Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to John his brother, of all right in the said John's lands, except an acre and a half in Felthorp, in a place called 'Bastardescrof,' that John has pawned to him. Monday before St. Barnabas, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2830. Grant by Roger, son of Roger the parson of Heveringlond, to John Launce, of Heveringlond, of 3d. yearly rent, issuing from a piece of land in the field of Heveringlond called 'Buznnesthrerode' and a turbary abutting on the ditch of Heveringlond park. Witnesses:—William de Giney, Peter and Roger his brothers, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2831. (1.) Release by Cicely, daughter of Richard de Holwode, to Richard de Holwode, her father, of all her right in land and a portion of a messuage in Boton, and in a tenement in Heveringlond except a rod which he gave her. Wednesday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 7 Edward II.
Underwritten: "Queratur illa carta inter cartas Rogeri Hace." Copy ?
Annexed: (2.) Grant by Peter de Bylneye, of Heveringlond, to John son of William de Tweyt, for 50s., of land with a messuage that William, John's father, formerly held in Heveringlond, paying 5s. 3d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir William de Gineto, Roger his brother, John Launce, and others (named).
Underwritten as above. Copy ?
[Norf.] A. 2832. Grant by Richard de Gloce, of Westone, chaplain, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of the tenement they held by feoffment of Nicholas Bardolf in Taverham, paying him 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Baldry de Taverham, John le Hestru, of the same, and others (named). 11 April, 7 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2833. Grant by Roger de Gyney, knight, to Roger Hace, of Heveringlond, of a messuage in Heveringlond, paying a capon yearly. Witnesses:—Roger de Bylneye, knight, and others (named). Monday in Easter week, 17 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2834. Grant by Hugh son of Agnes of Heveringlond to John Launce, of the same, for 16s., of a piece of land in Heveringlond, paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Westgate, Peter de Bylney, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2835. Grant by Alice late the wife of Nicholas de Scheltone, son of Sir John de Scheltone, knight, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of six acres in Heveringlond in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong.' Sunday before St. Faith the Virgin, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2836. Grant by Simon son of Adam Attechyrche, of Gymigham, and Joan his wife, to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Pheletorp, for 20 marcs, of land called 'Miklecroft' in Pheletorp, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Godfrey de Bellomonte, Sir Thomas Bardolf, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2837. Grant by Alice late the wife of Nicholas de Scheltone, son of Sir John de Scheltone, knight, to Sir Roger de Bilneye, knight, of six acres in Heveringlond in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong.' Wednesday after Michaelmas, 6 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2838. Grant by Nicholas Lombe, of Heverynglond, to Walter Couperc, of the same, of a pightel with land in Heverynglond. Saturday before Ascension Day, 18 Richard II.
[Norf.] A. 2839. Demise by Philip, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy to Sir John Kelsale alias Kenshale, chaplain, by way of mortgage for 10l. paid them out of hand, of 14 acres in a field called 'Cootys' in Felthorp, bounded on the west by a road dividing the parishes of Felthorp and Heveringlond, for 30 years from Michaelmas next, unless they repay the said 10l. within that term: he paying 6d. and a hen yearly. Conversion of St. Paul, [10 Richard II.] Copy of A. 2880.
[Norf.] A. 2840. Release by Thomas son of Adam de Wode, of Heveringlond, to Alan le Mazonn, of the same, of all his right to two messuages, one called 'Hacesmes' lying by Munjoye Grene, and land, part lying in Likemillecroft, in Heveringlond. Sunday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 24 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2841. Grant by Roger Hace, of Heveringlond, to Matilda, Joan, and Beatrice his daughters, of a messuage with croft at Thweyt in Heveringlond and land in the field called 'Likmillecroft.' Sunday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 10 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2842. Grant by John son of Richard de Holwode, of Boton, chaplain, to Roger Hace, of Heveringlond, of a messuage with eight pieces of land in Heveringlond, part of the land lying at 'le Schephuswong,' part in the place called 'Garbrodland,' part in 'le Toftlond, part in Lyckemilnecroft. Thursday the feast of St. Matthias the Apostle, 3 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2843. Grant by John Haz, of Heveringlond, to the canons of St. Laurence's Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a ditch in Heveringlond by land called 'le ridde.' Witnesses:—Sir William le Gyney, William his son, Roger le Giney, John Launce, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2844. Demise by Sir John, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, to John, son of Adam Herberd, of Thaverham, of land in Thaverham for six years from Michaelmas last, 21 Edward III., he paying each year at the Purification nine combs (cumbas) of good dung and carrying them to the priory at his own cost. Michaelmas, 21 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2845. Grant by John atte Mylle of Heverynglond to William atte Lathe, William Barsham and John atte Forythe, of the same, of meadow in Heverynglond abutting on the common watercourse. Monday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 17 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2846. Release by Richard Storm, of Snyturlee, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy of Heveringlond of all his right in two messuages in Heveringlond, one called 'Scheltonestede,' by Swytfordelane, the other called 'Kempestede' adjoining a messuage called 'Hoylesyerd.' Wednesday the feast of St. Margaret, 19 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2847. Grant by Baldric son of Nicholas de Taverham, and Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of John Qwhytfot, to Sir Geoffrey de Filby, parson of the church of Felthorp, of land that was the said John's in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Roger Gyney, knight, Robert de Yelverton, and others (named). Sunday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 39 Edward III. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2848. Grant by John de Schelton, son of Nicholas de Schelton, to Sirs John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, John Froysel, vicar of Hocton, John de Hadesco and Philip Martin, of Sniterle, chaplains, of land in Heveringlond, part in the tillage called 'Schephus Wong.' Monday before the Purification, 13 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2849. Grant by John son of Geoffrey de Felthorp, to Mabel his mother, of four messuages, a mill, lands, and 3s. rent with liberty of one fold in Felthorp, which he lately acquired of her, for her life, with reversion to himself after her death. Saturday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2850. Grant by Roger son of William de Bilneye, to John Whitfot and Margery his wife of a messuage and lands in Felthorp, Heverynglond, Horsford, and Taverham. Witnesses:—William Geney, Peter de. Ty, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after Christmas, 11 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2851. Grant by Hugh son of Agnes de Heveringlond, to John Launce of land and meadow in Heveringlond. Witnesses:—William de Gisney, Peter and Roger his brothers, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2852. Grant by Robert Batalye, of Sweningtone, to the canons of St. Laurence of Heveringlond in frank almoin of pasture called 'Prestesmeude,' lying by Tweit of Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Sir William Gyney, Roger his son, John Launce, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Norf.] A. 2853. Grant by Henry le Knave, of Pheletorp, to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Pheletorp, of land in Pheletorp in the tillage called 'Flaxcroft.' Witnesses:—Simon de Taverham, and others (named). Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2854. Grant by John de Middelton and Margery his wife to Baldric de Taverham and Margaret his wife of land that was John Qwhitfot's in Felthorp, and lands and tenements in Taverham. Wednesday after St. Valentine, 34 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2855. Grant by Cicely, daughter of Richard le Leche, of Thewt in Heveringlond, to John Launce, of the same, of land in Heveringlond, and in Brademedues abutting on the running water from Likemille towards Sustford. Witnesses:—Roger de Gyneyto, Peter de Bilneye, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2856. Grant by Walter Est, of Suenigton, to the prior and brethren of St. Laurence of Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of the homage and service of Reginald Chaplain, son of Gocelin de Suanton, viz., an apple yearly rent which he was wont to pay for the rent and tenement of Juliana Frere, viz., for a yearly rent of 6d. and a hen. Witnesses:—Robert Batayle, John Launce, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2857. Award of Robert de Houtone, John de Brunham, Richard de Berneye and Nicholas de Rudham, arbitrators, absolving the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond from the payment of tithes of the hay growing in the places called 'Lyckemylnedam' and 'la Launde' in Heveringlond parish, and of the wool and lambs of their flocks, demanded by Sir Thomas, perpetual vicar of Heveringlond. Norwich Cathedral, ij Idus Julii (sic), A.D. 1320. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2858. Grant by William Dowsyng, of Heverynglond, to Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, Martin Taverham and Roger Russel of meadow in Felthorp. Saturday after the Epiphany, 50 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2859. Release by John de Scheltone, son of Nicholas de Scheltone, to Sirs John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, John Froysel, vicar of Hocton, John de Hadesco, and Philip Martyn, of Snyterle, chaplains, of land in Heveringlond in the tillages called 'Schephus Wong' and 'Nether Ryd.' Sunday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 15 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2860. Grant by Alan le Mazonn, of Heverynglond, to Sir John Fode, parson of the church of Irmynglond, and John Ruddock, of Ling, of land in Heverynglond. Wednesday the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 26 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2861. Grant by Alice, daughter of Roger Hace, of Heverynglond, to Alan le Masonn, of the same, of land in Heverynglond. Saturday after St. Barnabas the Apostle, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2862. Grant by Roger, son of Geoffrey Marrette, of Felthorp, parson of the church of Fretenham, to Roger Russel, of Taverham, of a messuage, &c., in Felthorp, and William Gele his bondman, &c. Thursday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 24 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2863. Grant by Baldric, son of Nicholas de Taverham, and Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of John Qwhytfot, to Sir Geoffrey de Filby, parson of Felthorp, of all the lands and tenements the said John and Margery his wife acquired of Roger, son of William de Bilneye, in Felthorp, Heverynglond, Hevyngham, Horsford, and Taverham. Witnesses:—Thomas Geney, Roger Geney, Geoffrey Maloysel, knights, and others (named). Sunday the feast of all Saints, 34 Edward III. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2864. Grant by William son of Roger Henecote, of Heveringland, to Agnes his sister, for her support, of a piece of turbary in Heveringlond in a place called 'Deppol.' Witnesses:—Roger and William de Gineya, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2865. Grant by John son of Hugh son of Agnes de Heveringlond to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of the homage and service of Reginald de Molendino, of Heveringlond, viz. 1d. yearly rent for a messuage with land in Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Sir William de Gyneyto, Roger his brother, John Launce, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2866. Grant by William son of Roger Hennecote, of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a piece of turbary in Heverynglond, with fishery, &c., lying in Deppoyl. Salle, in the full hundred of Eynisford, Thursday after St. John the Baptist, 3 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 2867. Grant by William son of Roger Henekote, of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a piece of turbary in Heveringlond which they have by feoffment of William, son of Geoffrey Henekote, his uncle. Witnesses:—Sir William de Gyney, Robert Bardolph, rector of Botun, Robert Batalye, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2868. Grant by Margaret daughter of William Henecote, of Heveringlond, to the canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of land at Swtwelle in Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Sir William le Gyney, William his son, Roger le Gyney, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2869. Demise by Margaret daughter of William Henecote, of Heveringlond, to the canons of St. Laurence's, Heveringlond of the above land at Swtwelle in Heveringlond for fifteen years from Michaelmas, A.D. 1278. Witnesses:—Sir William le Gyney, William his son, Roger le Gyney, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2870. Release by Peter de Gyney and Walter Neel, of Heveringlond, to Sirs John Fode, of Haylesham, and John de Hadesco, chaplains, and Richard Storm, of Snyterle, of all their right in land in Heveringlond, abutting on the highway towards Swytford. Monday the feast of St. Matthias the Apostle, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2871. Bond of William de Sculham with regard to the chapel he has erected in his court of Walton, that it shall in no wise prejudice the mother church of Walton, but the chaplain shall swear fealty to the church; that the chaplains there shall not receive the confession of any parishioner of Walton, and shall pay over any offerings they may receive belonging to the church, &c. Witnesses:—Robert de Alenzun, prior of Westacre, an Augustine monk, Master Robert de Billeneya, Geoffrey de Hecham.
Endorsed: "Merselond."
[Norf.] A. 2872. Grant by Alexander Mabil, of Felthorp, to Robert, son of Godwin Herman, of land in Thoftes in Felthorp, with reversion to John and Nicholas his brother (sic). Witnesses:—William Russel, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2873. Release by Robert son of John de Shelton, to Nicholas de Shelton and Alice bis wife of all his right in land in Heveringlond called 'Shepehouswong,' on condition that if the said Nicholas and Alice, and Thomas their son, hold the moiety of the said manor, except the above land, beyond the term of three years from Michaelmas next, according to the grant thereof made by himself and John de Schelton to them and Richard de Ely, Katherine his wife, and John their son, he may distrain on the said moiety for 15l. as half of 30l. mentioned in the said grant. Sunday after the Purification, 19 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2874. Release by Laurence le Neuman, of Felthorp, to Roger his brother of the land that he acquired of Alice his mother in Felthorp Sunday before St. Valentine the Martyr, 8 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2875. Grant by Nicholas Rydel, of Wroxham, to Thomas de Qwitewell, rector of Pheletorp, for 27s. 6d., of 6s. 4d. of his yearly rent, which the said Thomas paid him for lands and tenements in Pheletorp; paying a root of ginger yearly. Witnesses:—Simon de Thaverham, Nicholas de Hestru, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2876. Release by Matilda late the wife of Alan Carpenter, of Ryburw, to Roger le Neweman, of Felthorp, of all her right in land in Felthorp that Roger acquired of Alan or herself. Sunday after the Apostles Peter and Paul, end of 9 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 2877. Grant by John Drury, of Felthorp, son of Roger atte Lyng, of the same, deceased, to Adam atte Lyng, son of John atte Lyng, both of Felthorp, of land in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Marete, Ralph Nally, John Spynk, and others (named). Wednesday the feast of St. Matthias the Apostle, 7 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2878. Grant by John le Len, of Quitewell, to Adam Atteling, of Felthorp, of a messuage in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Baldric de Taverham, John le Estru, and others (named). Palm Sunday, 2 Edward III.
Norf. A. 2879. Licence to John Fode and John de Hadescho, chaplains, to grant to the prior and convent of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, two messuages, lands and 7s. 7d. rent in Heverynglond, Causton, Brandeston, Swenyngton and Frethorp, to provide a canon to celebrate daily for the souls of the said John Fode and John de Shelton. Westminster, 20 April, 17 Edward III. Copy.
Endorsed: Similar licence to Thomas de Geneye, knight, Adam de Hylyngton, and Richard de Catton to grant to the same a mill, a messuage, two lofts, land, and 3s. 3d. rent in Felthorp and Heverynglond, to provide a canon, in addition to those already in the convent, to celebrate daily for their souls. Westminster, 3 May, 33 Edward III. Copy.
A. 2880. Original of A. 2839. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2881. Grant by Thomas, rector of Brandeston, Geoffrey, rector of Huneworthe, and John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of land in Irmynglond abutting east and west on the free land of Irmynglond church. Sunday before St. Valentine the Martyr, 20 Edward III. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 2882. Grant by John de Middelton, Margery his wife, Baldric son of Nicholas de Taverham, and Margaret his wife, to Sir Geoffrey, parson of Felthorp church, and Roger Russel, of Felthorp, of all their lands and tenements with faldage in Felthorp that were formerly John Qwhitfot's, and a messuage and land in Taverham, part called 'John Tommes' croft,' part under Bromhil, and part in Northcroft. Saturday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 40 Edward III. Seal and fragment of seal.
Norf. A. 2883. Grant by John Smyth, of Estbarsham, Norfolk, to Robert Knyght, of Walsingham, of a yard 'clepid Capon yerd' in Estbarsham and land held by copy of the manor of Thomas Welby, esquire, in the same town, lying at Wyncokkis gappe and Marchall Cros, for 10s., to be paid 5s. at once and 5s. next Michaelmas. Robert shall have free entry and issue into the lands at Michaelmas next, provided that Smyth set him clear for the fine of the year and land, according to the custom of the manor. 14 March, 11 Henry VII. English.
[Norf.] A. 2884. Demise by John, the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy in Heverynglond to William Blakeman, of Heverynglond, of their watermill called 'Leke,' with half the fishery belonging; for five years from Michaelmas, 31 Edward III., paying 3 quarters and 4 bushels each of barley and of wheat yearly. William shall procure the workmen necessary for the mill, and the prior and canons shall pay their wages, and shall find a man to cleanse the running water from the mill to Tolkester, William providing another man at his own cost and paying the tithe yearly to Heverynglond church. Other covenants specified. Sunday after St. Faith the Virgin, 31 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2885. Indenture witnessing that whereas the prior and brethren of Mountjoy in Heveringlond have granted to John le Schelton 11 marcs and two stones of wool yearly rent for life from their lands and tenements in Heveringlond and Felethorp, and after his death will provide a tit chaplain to celebrate for ever for the souls of himself and Nicholas and Alice his father and mother; he has granted them that as long as they pay him 5½ marcs and one stone of wool yearly for life, they shall be exonerated from their said grant. St. Laurence's church in Heveringlond, Sunday after St. Benedict the Abbot, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2886. Grant by John Qwytfot, of Taverham, to Sir Martin, rector of Breydeston, and Sir Thomas, vicar of Heveringlond, of all his turbary and heath in Felthorp, Heveringlond, and Hevingham. Friday after St. Dunstan the Archbishop, 7 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2887. Grant by Herric Smith, of Hevyngham, and Katherine his wife, to William Blakeman, of Heverynglond, of land in Felthorp, abutting on land of Sir Roger de Genei, knight. Saturday after Easter, 29 Edward III. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2888. Grant by Byppa, relict of Alexander atte Greno of Pheletorp, to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Pheletorp, of a piece of land in Pheletorp; paying therefor yearly an apple on St. James's day. Witnesses:—Simon de Tarerham, Nicholas de Estru, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2889. Release by Philip son of Robert de Wichingham, to John Launce of all his right in land in Heveringlond called 'Brendelond,' which he held of Luke Launce, of Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Sir Simon Pech', Sir Roger de Gesnei, Robert Howell, and others (named). Injured.
[Norf.] A. 2890. Confirmation by John, bishop of Norwich of a grant by Simon son of Robert to St. Benedict's, Ramsey, of land in Len, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Thomas Birtone, Master Walter de Calna, Geoffrey, dean of Norwich, and others (named). [A.D. 1200–1214?] Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2891. Grant by John Blakeman, of Heveringlond, to Sirs John Fode, of Aylesham, chaplain, John Froysel, vicar of Hocton, and John de Hadesco, chaplain, of land called 'Heyresyord' in the tillage of Heveringlond. Wednesday after St. Faith the Virgin, 11 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 2892. Release by William de Muklehil, of Swenyngton, and Roger Perer, of Holt, to Sir John Broun, rector of Tacolston, and Sir Geoffrey, rector of Felthorp, of all their right in a messuage in Heverynglond, which they together with Peter de Springwell acquired of Thomas de Wode, of Heverynglond, and which John and Geoffrey held by feoffment of the said Peter, abutting on the common pasture called 'Montjoye grene.' Monday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 46 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 2893. Grant by Roger Heylwys, of Irmyglond, to Sir John Fode, of Aylesham, rector of St. Andrew the Apostle's, Irmyglond, of land in Irmyglond. Sunday before St. Dunstan the Bishop, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2894. Release by John de Holwode, of Boton, chaplain, son of Richard de Holwode, to Sir Roger de Bilneye, knight, of a messuage with croft and land in Heveringlond, part adjoining Schephus Wong, part abutting on the lord of Gyney's tillage called 'Nine Acres,' part at Launce Mille Hil, part in Ridecroft, abutting on the road to Licke Mille. Wednesday before St. Ambrose the Bishop, 5 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2895. Grant by William atte Lyng to Adam atte Lyng, his brother, both of Felthorp, of land in Felthorp. Sunday after the Apostles Simon and Jude, 14 Edward III.
[Norf] A. 2896. Grant by Thomas Estrild, of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin of a messuage in Heveringlond. Monday after St. Ambrose the Bishop, 10 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2897. Demise by Sir Robert Sutton, canon of Hiclyng in the priory of Mountjoy, to John Jervesse of three closes belonging to Mountjoy priory, for five years, paying 8 marcs yearly. Heverynglond, 26 September, 17 Henry VII. English. Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 2898. Grant by Robert Gosselyn, dyer, of Norwich and Juet' his wife, daughter and heir of Henry Colyn of Felthorp, to Roger Russel of Felthorp and Margaret his wife of all the lands and tenements that were Colyn's in Felthorp. Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 36 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 2899. Grant by Simon son of Adam atte Chyrche of Gymingham, and Joan his wife to Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Felthorp, for 20 marcs, of land called 'Mecclecrof' in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Sir Godfrey de Bellomonte, Sir Thomas Bardolf, Simon de Taverham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 2900. Confirmation by Simon abbot of Cluny of a grant by Andruynus formerly abbot of Cluny, to the sub-prior of the house at Lewes in England, of a pension of 50s. from portions in 'la Hyde,' Southrye, 'la Boure' and Bynham in Chagelegh, dated at Lewes, 1 May, A.D. 1355. Paris, 7 April, A.D. 1363. Fragment of seal.