Deeds: A.3001 - A.3100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3001 - A.3100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3001 - A.3100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3001 - A.3100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3001 - A.3100

[Norf.] A. 3001. Confirmation by Nicholas de Hestru son of Sir John de Hestru, knight, to the prior and canons of Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a piece of meadow in Attelbridge called 'Yackholim' which his said father gave them, adjoining water called 'le Gyirin' on the west and abutting on meadows called 'Littleholim' and 'Micleholim.' Witnesses:—Sir John de Hestru, John Launce, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3002. Grant by Simon son of Geoffrey Peche of Brantestune, to the prior and canons of Heveringlond in frank almoin, of the homage and service of Roger son of Thomas of Swifford, viz. 8d. and a capon yearly for land he holds of Simon in Heveringlond, part abutting on the highway from Brantestune to Norwich. Witnesses:—William de Gynet', Peter and Roger his brothers, John Launce, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3003. Grant by John Hace of Heveringlond to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond in frank almoin of the homage and service of Roger Blabor of Reffam, viz. 6d. yearly for land with a building which he holds in Heveringlond, abutting on the road from Heveringlond to Norwich. Witnesses:—Sir William de Gyneto, John Launce, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3004. Release by Hugh son of William Bonvalet of Helmingham, to Roger son of Roger de Feletorp for 24s., of the land with messuage and buildings which he held of Robert Batalie and Robert de Turtevile in Sveningtun, adjoining the road from Upgategrene to Peter Houel's wood on the east, and abutting northwards on Upgategrene; paying to Batalie 12d. and to Turtevile 4d. yearly. Witnesses:—Peter Houel, William de Redham, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3005. Release by Robert son of Gilbert de Walpole, to John, his eldest son and heir, of all his right in ten acres in Nowland, part lying in Briche and extending from the bishop's land to the land that was Sir Osbert de Walpole's, knight. Witnesses:—Walter de Mumby, John de Walpole, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Merslonde."
[Norf.] A. 3006. Release by John son of Robert son of Gilbert do Walpole, to the prior and convent of Lewes, for 10 mares, of all his right in the tenement that Robert his father held in Walpole. Witnesses:—Sir William Tyrigton, knight, Sir Hugh de Pinkeny, Sir Drugo de Acra, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3007. Grant by Nicholas Rydel of Wroxham, to Thomas de Qwytewell, rector of Pheletorp, for 5l., of 10s. 9[½]d. and a hen yearly rent for lands &c., in Pheletorp, payable by the said Thomas and the other tenants specified. Witnesses:—Simon do Thaverham, Nicholas de Hestru, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3008. Grant by Roger son of Roger de Gyney late parson of Heveringlond church, to the canons of Heveringlond in frank almoin, of 1d. yearly rent which they were wont to pay him for two pieces of land [in Heveringlond]. Witnesses:—Sir William de Gyneto, William Peche, Peter Howel, Robert Batalie, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3009. Grant by the same to the same, for 8s., of two pieces of land in Heveringlond abutting on the road leading to the church of Heveringlond. Witnesses:—William de Gyneto, Simon Peche, Peter Houel, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3010. Grant by William son of Roger Henecote of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, for 12s., in frank almoin, of the whole moiety of a piece of laud in Heveringlond, paying a root of ginger yearly. Witnesses:—Sir William de Geney, John Launce, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3011. Grant by the same to the same, in frank almoin, of 2d. silver yearly rent that Thomas Attepark of Heveringlond, pays for land in Heveringlond. Witnesses:—Peter de Bylneye, Roger his son, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3012. Grant by William de Gyney, lord of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of a piece of his turbary with the soil, water, fishing, &c., in Heveringlond, abutting on the footpath of Kemppesbrigge, and on his enclosure called 'High moor.' Witnesses:—Roger le Gyney his son, William and Bartholomew Roger's brothers and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3013. Grant by William de Gineto, to the chapel of St. Laurence's, Haveringland and brother Vincent a canon there, and his successors, in frank almoin, of the mill called 'Likkemilne' in Haveringlond, the meadow by the mill stream and an acre of land that was Eda Shiftehakel's; for which Vincent has released to him one marc which he was wont to pay yearly for the mill. Witnesses:—Roger de Gineto, parson, Nicolas de Heiham and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3014. Grant by William de Gineto, of land at Haveringelond in Tueit, called the Old Stew (vetus vyvarium), with the alder bed adjoining in frank almoin, to found a chapel there in honour of St. Laurence, and houses for the brethren to live in, one marc of rent in the mill called 'Lickemille,' thirty acres of the assart of Sudfrid, twenty acres of the assart of Rumholt, and three ditches of turf to be dug yearly by the ditches dug for the use of his court of Heveringelond; common of pasture for a hundred sheep and five cows in his common of Heveringlond, and feeding for six pigs in his park at acorn time without pannage, and a thousand red herrings of the rent that is due yearly at Michaelmas at Dilham for buying herrings. Witnesses:— Robert son of Roger, Roger de Cressy, William de Bello Monte, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3015. Grant by John Mallard son of Richard Mallard, to Richard de Holwode son of William de Holwode of Botone, of a messuage with croft and 8 pieces of land and pasture in Heveringlond, part of the land lying in Ridecroft, part towards Shephuswong, part at Launceswindemillehil, part at Mapiltremere, part at Kellingemor. Sunday after St. Peter ad Cathedram, 3 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3016. Grant by Olive, late the wife of Philip Pantum of Dockinge, to William de London, for 30s., of 7 perches of land in Hecham, in Langrindel. Witnesses:—Hugh de Kaili, Albin de Staunford, and others (named).
Norf. A. 3017. Release by Simon, son of Roger de Lettone, of Hecham, to brother John de Monte Martini the prior, and the convent of Lewes, of all his right in land in Hecham, viz. an acre called 'Brionesacre' at Redham,and three and a half roods in Northrowecroftes by land called 'Walramesacre,' concerning which he brought an assize of novel disseisin against the prior at the assizes in Norfolk, 2 Edward II. Saturday the feast of St. Faith the Virgin, 2 Edward II.
Norf. A. 3018. Confirmation by John de Carileto, the prior, and the convent of Lewes to Richard Donne of Hecham, of the grant that John, late the prior, and the convent made to David de Donne, his ancestor, of a messuage and land in Hecham and Holm by Ryngestede, with free faldage for 300 sheep, paying 10s. yearly. 1 June, 46 Edward III.
Norf. A. 3019. Grant by Simon de Lettone to the prior and convent of Lewes of the seven perches of land that Roger Coleman formerly gave them lying in Dene abutting on the road called 'Bradegate,' paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Gilbert and William Tutben, William de Kaly, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Hecham."
[Norf.] A. 3020. Grant by Katherine daughter of Thomas de Pilemere, to William de London, for 20s., of her messuage in Hecham that was her father's, paying 3d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lettone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3021. Grant by Roger son of Ralph Desys of Huntstanystune, to the prior and convent of St. Pancras's, Lewes, in frank almoin, of the yearly rent of 5s. he was wont to receive from them for Thorp mill in Hecham. Witnesses:—Hugh de Caly, Albin de Stanford, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 3022. Grant by Ralph the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Peter do Buurges, of their land in Bothage for 7s. yearly; the land being 123 feet long, 18 feet wide at the entrance, 75 feet at the farther end, and 61 feet in the middle. Witnesses:—Osbert Beche, William Paien, Robert Brito, William de Cobeham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3023. Grant by William de Munchanesi to Gervase son of William de Bela, of the land of Ridecroft in Baudreswelle and land in Foxle, paying 5s. yearly and three days work (preces) with his plough and three in August, with food from William's home; et inter socam ad xx solidos ij denarios as Ralph do Munchanesi's grant testifies. Witnesses:— William do Vesci, William del Maner, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3024. Grant by Giles son of Sir Giles de Wachesham, to William Duning of all the pasture that Adam del Scloch formerly held at Cunterford in Wersted parish. Witnesses:—Sir Hubert de Ruylny, Sir Hugh Talemasche, Roger de Reymes, and others (named).
[Norf. ?] A. 3025. Demise by Hugh de Ver and Dionisia his wife, to William Blanchechard and Agnes his wife, for their lives, of land and meadow lying on Heltindone, in Cheldewelforlong, in Melneforlong, at Breggehamme, at Achebrigge, by Three Crosses, in Feldmed, in Waddone, in Middelforlong, and in Golderehamme and Fenne; paying 8s. 8d. yearly. The morrow of Michaelmas, 2 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3026. Certificate by William do London', clerk, that whereas the prior and convent of Lewes have granted to him a free chapel and chantry in his house at Hecham for his life, he has promised that after his death none of his successors shall claim any right to have the chantry unless they obtain leave from the prior and convent. Lewes, Thursday after St. Pancras, A.D. 1269.
[Norf.] A. 3027. Grant by Robert de Mundene to William Pelerin de Albana, clerk, of a messuage with tenement in Hecham, for 100 marcs. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Kaly, Albin de Staunford, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3028. Grant by the prior and convent of Lewes to Roger de Hillincton of the moiety of the tenement that Anselm his brother held of them in Hillincton, except Anselm's messuage, paying 15s. 9d. yearly. A.D. 1234. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 3029. Grant by William son of Thomas son of Roger de Hillingtone, to John de Teynges prior of Lewes, lord of the fee, and his church of Lewes of land in Hillingtone which Avelina his mother released to him Witnesses:—Roger de Kyleby, Robert de Franssham, John Aubyn, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3030. Grant by Nicholas Thurford of Hecham, to William de Londoneis, for 50s., of two acres in Hecham, paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Albin de Stanford, Simon de Lettone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3031. Grant by William de Mykelbyl, of Swenyngthon, to Sir John Fode, parson of Irmynglond and John Ruddock of Lyng, of land in Heverynglond. Sunday after Epiphany, 20 Edward III.
[Norf.?] A. 3032. Grant by Peter de Hautboys, brother and heir of William de Hautboys, to brother Guichard, the prior, and the monks of St. Pancras's, Lewes, in frank almoin, of the land and tenement in Herst which he inherited from his brother with the dower of Helewisa, relict of William, at her death; doing the service for two parts of a knight's fee. Witnesses:— John Muntargis, Robert Bouseriont, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3033. Grant by Andrew son of Miracula Flegard of Hecham, to William son of Reginald de Staninges, for two marcs, of his messuage in Hecham. Witnesses:—Hugh de Kailli, Albin de Staunford, and others (named). Injured.
[Norf.?] A. 3034. Grant by William de Sculham to the monks of Lewes in frank almoin, of 4s. rent issuing from tenements in Haggebeg. Witnesses:— Walter son of Alan, Geoffrey le Waleis, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3035. Grant by Andrew son of Miracula Fleggard of Hecham, to William Walram of Hecham, for two marcs, of his messuage in Hecham. Witnesses as in A. 3033.
Norf. A. 3036. Grant by Geoffrey Barat to the monks of St. Pancras's, Lewes, in frank almoin, of 4d. yearly rent paid to him by Roger son of Lucy, Henry Sprot, and the daughter of Ralph Wisman, issuing from lands in Hecham and a messuage in Sudrowe. Witnesses:—Simon de Lettune, Hugh son of Peter, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3037. Grant by Anselm de Hillenegeton to the same, in frank almoin, of the tenement that Hugh son of William de Hillenegeton held of him, land in Ilillinegeton, and Edric Spic and his wife, with all their offspring and tenement. Witnesses:—Richard de Vildechen, William Batalic, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3038. Grant by Simon de Lettune to the prior and convent of Lewes, in frank almoin, of 24d. yearly rent to be received from the tenants specified for the tenement they hold in Hecham; with right of distress on his lands in Hecham and Lettune if they fail to pay. Witnesses:—Hugh de Kalii, Albin de Stanford, and others (named).
Norf. A. 3039. Undertaking by Geoffrey Barat for himself and his heirs to observe the grant to him (herein recited) by Sir Guichard, the prior, and the convent of St. Pancras's, Lowes, of land in Hecham, paying 8s. yearly. Wednesday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, A.D. 1245.
[Norf.] A. 3040. Release by Margaret late the wife of Matthew de Gelham, to Sir William do Monte Kenesi of all her right in a meadow called 'Heiwardeshilles' and herbage for twelve sheep and a cow in Horsey, and all the liberty which her husband had there. Witnesses:—William de Catefeld, and others (named).
A. 3041. Duplicate of A. 3007, except that the amount paid by the grantee is 6l. instead of 5l.
[Norf.] A. 3042. Release of John son of Ralph le Clerk of Staninghale, to Thomas de Qwitewelle, parson of Felethorp, of all his right in the yearly rent which the said Thomas lately acquired in the fee of Nicholas Ridel of Wroxham, in Felethorp and in all other lands and tenements in Felthorp which belonged to the ancestors of the said John. The Purification, 29 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[Norf.] A. 3043. Inquisition taken at a court at Castelacre, upon a charge made against Sir Peter the prior of Mountjoy, of entering on the Earl of Pembroke's fee in Felthorp in a close belonging to the honor of Castelacre which he acquired of Sir Thomas de Qwytewelle in frank almoin. It is found that Nicholas Rydel held all the aforesaid tenements of the prioress of Carrowe, and thereof enfeoffed the said Thomas, rector of Felthorp: the prioress held them of Sir Stephen Cressy as belonging to his manor of Horsforde, who held of the Earl of Cornwall as belonging to the honor of his castle of Heye; and the Earl held of the King in capite. Wednesday after the Apostles Philip and James, 12 Edward II.; and enrolled on the roll of Gressenale court, the Invention of the Holy Cross, 12 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum from Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, to William de Cleydune to enquire into the above demands of the prior of Mountjoy. Northampton, 19 July. French.
[Norf.] A. 3044. Grant by Thomas de Qwytewelle, rector of Felthorp, to the prior and canons [of Mountjoy in Heveringlond] in frank almoin, for the souls of himself, Richer and Alice his father and mother, and of [Sir William de Qwytewelle,] knight, deceased, of land in Felthorp, faldage, heath, and turbary, and the homages and services of the tenants specified. Tuesday the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, [9] Edward II. Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 3045. Sale by Thomas de Qwitewelle, rector of Felthorp, to Sir Peter the prior, and the canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond of all his grain and fruits growing on his demesne lands in Felthorp at Stanighalecroft and Randiscrolt, and all his chattels in the said tenements or heath or moors which they have of his gift, for 22 marks. Wednesday after St. Mary Magdalene, beginning of 9 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3046. Duplicate of A. 3044, with the addition that the canons are said to be bound to provide a canon to celebrate mass daily for ever for the souls of those mentioned in A. 3044. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Kerdestone, Roger de Gynay, Roger de Bylneye, knights, and others (named). Tuesday the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, beginning of 9 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3047. Release by Robert Crowe of Worstede, and Isabella his wife to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all their right in the lands and tenements which the latter have lately acquired in Felthorp from Sir Thomas de Qwytewelle rector of Felthorp. Norwich, Saturday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 11 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3048. Release by Baldrey de Taverham to Peter Marretes, of Felthorp, chaplain, Geoffrey his brother, and Mabel, Geoffrey's wife, and the heirs of Geoffrey, of all his right in four capons and all other services belonging to him. Felthorp, Saturday, Michaelmas day, 13 Edward II. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3049. Release by Martin rector of Breydestone, and Thomas vicar of Heverynglond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all their right in turbary and heath in Felthorp which they formerly acquired of John Qwytfot of Taverham. Saturday after St. Agatha the Martyr, 8 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3050. Grant by the same, to the same, of the above turbary and heath. Sunday after the Purification, 8 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3051. Release by Goda, late the wife of Ranulph de Heylesdone, to Sir Peter the prior, and the canons of St. Laurence's, Mountjoy in Heveringlond, of all her right in the lands and tenements in Felthorp that Thomas late rector of Felthorp acquired of her said husband. Norwich, Saturday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 15 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3052. Grant by William de Draytune to Roger son of Margaret de Feletorp, of thirty acres that Margaret, daughter of Sir Alexander de Draytune, held in Feletorp, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—William Lenweyse, Baudre de Taverham, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3053. Grant by Alice late the wife of Hugh atte Lathe of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of St. Laurence's, in Heveringlond in frank almoin of a dyke with 'crest' (foveam cum cresta) in Felthorp. Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 9 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3054. Grant by Peter de Bilneye to John son of Steingrimo, late rector of Feletorp, of an acre of land in Felthorp, in a croft called 'Hegiscroft,' paying three halfpence yearly. Witnesses:—Roger de Feltorp, Thomas de Waleyiis, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3055. Grant by Ralph son of Henry Nally of Felthorp, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of land in Felthorp. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Bilneye, knight, and others (named) Monday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 18 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3056. Release by John Nally of Hevyngham, chaplain, son and heir of Henry Nally and Matilda his wife, of the same, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heverynglond, of all his right in land lying between the roads from Felthorp to Caustone and from Felthorp to Heverynglond, part lying in Felthorp parish and part in Heverynglond parish abutting on the common way from Heverynglond to Thweyt. Saturday after St. Ambrose the Bishop, 1 Henry IV. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3057. Grant by Henry Nally of Hevyngham, and Matilda his wife, to Sir Thomas Gyney, knight, Sir John 'Sancte Fidis,' perpetual vicar of Hocton, Adam de Hyllyngton, Richard le Clerk, of Cattone, and Simon de Elvedene of land between the roads from Felthorp to Caaston and to Heverynglond, part lying in Felthorp parish and part in Heverynglond parish, and abutting on the common way from Hevyngham to Thweyt Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 31 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3058. Grant by Ralph son of Henry Nalli of Felthorp, to Peter Blakeman of Heveringlond, of land in Heveringlond. Sunday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 2 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3059. Grant by Matilda de Hakeford relict of Nicholas de Hakeford, to Sir William de Monte Kanisio, for 6s., of 11d. yearly rent that Walter de Parco, of Foxley, and Roger his son, sold to her and her husband, issuing from a messuage with land, and a piece of land called 'Muclemere' in Foxle, rendering yearly one rose at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Witnesses:—Bartholomew de Sparham, and others (named).
[Norf] A. 3060. Release by Matilda late the wife of Sir Ralph de Chann, to Sir William, son of Sir Warin de Monte Canisio, for 60s., of all disputes and exactions she had against him. Norwich, Saturday before St. Botolph, 14 Edward I.
[Middx ?] A. 3061. Acquittance by Philip Avenel for 80 marks received of Sir Adam de Stratona, clerk, in full payment of 100 marks the said Adam gave him for the marriage of Cristina, Adam's sister. London, the feast of St. Faith, 51 Henry III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3062. Grant by Walter de Bradeker, of Gurreston, to Sir Hugh do Veer and the lady Deonisia his wife and her heirs, of all the other moiety of the liberty of faldage which his ancestors acquired of the ancestors of the lady Deonisia by a certain number of sheep, viz. 300. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas Weylond, knight,and others (named). Gurreston, Wednesday the morrow of St. Hilary, 3 Edward II.
[Warw.] A. 3063. Demise by William de Catesby to Richard Swadyon, of Coventry, 'ferour,' and Lettice his wife, for their lives, of a messuage in Coventry in the lane called 'Catesbyeslane,' paying 8s. yearly; with remainder after their death to their heirs for 10 years at the said rent. Thursday the feast of the Annunciation, 1 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3064. Agreement between Sir Miles the prior, and the convent of Lewes, and Sir Richard son of John, rector of Sculethorp, with consent of Sir John, Earl of Warenne then patron of the said church, whereby the prior and convent demise to Sir Richard and his successors, rectors of Sculethorp, for ever all the greater and small tithes of the demesne of Sculethorp from the lands and tenants specified for 9 marks yearly. London, 19 October, A.D. 1269. Portion of the document gone.
[N'hamp.] A. 3065. Confirmation by Henry atte Welle son of Richard alte Welle of Weltone, deceased, of the grant by his said father to William de Bockeby, of Weltone, and Benedict his brother of land in Weltone, part in the west field behind Wakelowe, part in the east field in Wrosenhulslade. Witnesses:—Sir John Mallore, knight, and others (named). Sunday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 5 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3066. Grant and release by Richard le Parker of Bandeswell, to Ralph del Haghe of Kerdistune, for 3s., of a messuage with house and croft as witnessed by the grant of Adam son of Roger Sneling. Witnesses: —Warin de Thymilthorp, John del Haghe, of Salle, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3067. Release by John Norman, esquire, to John Heydon and John Palmere, of Costesseye, of all his right in two pieces of land and in land called 'Bomeriscrofte' in Rynglond, between the common pasture of Rynglond called 'Chyrchehill' and land of the manor of Costessoye. 10 May, 12 Edward IV. Seal of arms.
[Norf.] A. 3068. Grant by Richard Skot of Rynglond, to George Spynk, Margaret his wife, John Spynk of Rynglond, and Thomas Yonge of Abotysthorp, of a messuage and two pieces of land in Rynglond; the messuage lying on the road from Rynglond to Norwich and abutting on the highway from the church to the watermill, and part of the land abutting on the common pasture called 'Kyrkehyl.' Tuesday in Easter week, 6 Henry V. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3069. Grant by Peter son of William de Helmi[n]gham, to Ralph son of Thomas de Swathefeud, for 40s., of an acre of land in Ringelond. Witnesses:—John de Londwade, John le Gloz, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3070. Grant by William atte Mere of Ryngelond, to Amabil his sister, of a piece of land in Ryngelond, abutting southward on the common way called 'Ryngdelesty'; she causing four masses to be celebrated yearly in St. Peter's Ryngelond for the souls of himself and Cicely his wife, Nicholas atte Mere and Ida his wife, at the Conception, Purification, Annunciation and Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Tuesday before Ascension day, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3071. Grant by William Eve of Rynggelond and Henry his son, to Simon Josce of the same, for 29s., of land abutting northwards on the meadow called 'Nalliiskryk' and southwards on 'le Shyplode.' Sunday the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, end of 2 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3072. Grant by Helias de Svathefeld to William Fiz of Ringlond, for 14s., of land abutting westward on the road from Westun to Norwich. Witnesses:—John de Gloz, Alan de Baifeld, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3073. Grant by William le Fiz of Ringgelonde to Nicholas son of John de la Mare of Ringgelond, and Alice his wife, of land in Ringgelond. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 2 Edward II.
[Norf] A. 3074. Grant by Anger the abbot, and the convent of Derham, to Humfrey son of Everard of Ringelond, of 4 acres with a messuage in Ringelond that his father formerly held of Ringelond church, paying 12d. yearly to them and 2s. to the vicar of the church of Ringelond. Witnesses:—William de Helmingham, Elyas de Swathefeld, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3075. Grant by Thomas Sonde of Morton, clerk, to John atte Mere of Rynglond, and Elizabeth his wife, William Neweman, William Pethod, and Robert Arlowe, of Rynglond, of seven pieces of land and meadow in Rynglond and Weston, late William Wreyne's, which he lately had by demise of Atte Mere and Neweman; and seven pieces of land meadow and pasture in Rynglond, ½d. yearly rent from land called 'Exlond,' and a piece of meadow enclosed; part of the land lying at Heblusgappe, abutting on the common way from Rynglond to Costessey, and on land called 'Werelond,' part at Wollysdell, abutting on the common heath of Rynglond and the path from Rynglond to Eston, part at Harderusshes, part by the late Thomas Spynk's land called 'Seint Mary Rodys,' abutting on Horstrete Wey and the path called 'Kempisty,' part in Myllemedowes, abutting on the common bank of Rynglond, part lying by meadow called 'Coltes,' which he had by demise of Atte Mere. 23 May, 8 Henry VII.
[Norf.] A. 3076. Final concord between Gilbert Baillol and Katherine his wife, querents, and Hugh de Veer and Dionisia his wife, deforciants, concerning two messuages, lands, and 10s. 11d. rent in Great Melton, which Gilbert acknowledged to be the right of Dionisia, and which the said Hugh and Dionisia have granted to Gilbert and Katherine, except the advowson of Great Melton church. In three weeks of Easter, 6 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3077. Release by Alice daughter of Richard de Bunewelle, to Sir William the prior, and the convent of Lewes, for 40s., of all her right in a messuage, 46 acres of land, and 2s. 6d. yearly rent in Merton. Witnesses:— Richard de Snyterton, Thomas de Iford, and others (named).
Endorsed: "De Meretun, Norwycens dioc'."
[Norf.] A. 3078. Demise by Philip the prior and the convent of Mountjoy in Heverynglond, to Sibyl daughter of John Dubbelday of Milham, dwelling in Irmynglond, of two pieces of land in Irmynglond lying between the customary lands of the Earl of Pembroke's great hall in Saxthorpe, for sixty years from the feast of All Saints last past, paying four bushels of barley yearly. Monday after St. Ambrose, 12 Richard II.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the said prior and convent have received of the said Sibyl 10 quarters of barley in full payment of the whole farm issuing from the above two pieces of land for the whole term of 60 years. In the chapter house at Heverynglond, Monday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 12 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3079. Release by Catherine daughter of Richard de Bunewelle, to Sir William the prior, and the convent of Lewes, for 100s., of her right in the premises released in A. 3077. Witnesses nearly as in A. 3077.
[Norf.] A. 3080. Release by Robert son of Alan to Sir William de London', of all his right in land which he had of Simon, son of Peter David, in Hecham. Witnesses:—Albyn de Segeford, Hugh de Kaylli, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3081. Mandate from King Stephen to the men of Clacolese hundred and a half, directing them, when summoned by the abbot of Ramsey or his ministers, to go to their said hundreds as in the time of King Henry [I] and perform all customs they used to perform. Witness:— William Mart'. Norwich. [A.D. 1135–1154.]
[Norf.] A. 3082. Release by Simon son of Hubert de Mangna Mentone, deceased, to Sir William son of Sir Warin de Montekanisio, deceased, for 30 marcs, of land in Great Melton, abutting southwards on the road from Great to Little Melton, and the advowson of St. Mary's church there. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Sancto Odmero, Hubert Hakun, Iolan de Vallibus, William de Crimgethorpe, Hugh Peverel and Ralph Malerbe, knights, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3083. Acknowledgment by William, son of Thomas de Walpol, that he has received of the prior and convent of Lewes four acres in the new field of Walpol, to be held of them by half a mark yearly. Witnesses:— Alexander de Alencon, the prior's steward, William de Sculham, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Mersselonde."
[Norf.] A. 3084. Grant by Walter de Parco of Foxle, and Roger his son, to Nicholas de Hakeford and Matilda his wife, for 7s., of 11d. yearly rent, viz. 7d. from the messuage of Warin, son of Hulme, and 4d. that Robert de Foxle pays for land called 'Mucclemere' [in Foxley]; paying therefor yearly a root of ginger. Witnesses:—Gervase de Camera, Thomas de Gloz, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3085. Grant by Adam de Waltone, priest, to the convent of Lewes, in frank almoin, of land in Waltone with buildings thereon, lying in Neuland, Sibill', Norfield, and in [N]eucroft, of which each acre is appraised at 2[s.] a year: of the resulting revenue he assigns to the Warden of the work of the church 3s., to the Infirmary 3s., to the Almoner 3s., to the Hospiciar 3s., to the Sacristan 3s., to the Chamberlain 3s., and the residue to the refectory. Injured.
[Norf.] A. 3086. Grant by Reginald son of William Bussi of Hecham, to William de London', for 20s., of on acre of land in Hecham, in the field of Torpfeld, paying 1½d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lectone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3087. Grant by copy of court roll by the prior of Mountjoy, to Geoffrey Peyntour, of a heath called 'Ruscheldole' in Felthorp and six acres of land in Heverynglond, to be held by Geoffrey and Edmund his son by the rod at the lord's will, paying 3s. 6d. yearly. Thursday after St. Edward the King, 4 Henry VII.
[Norf.] A. 3088. Grant by Adam son of Isaac de Walsoch, to St. Pancras [of Lewes], in frank almoin, of the tenement Walter bis brother held of him in his croft for which he paid 14d. yearly. Witnesses:—Roger the chaplain of Hecham, Joscelin de Walpol and Adam his brother, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Elyens dioc', Merslonde."
[Norf.] A. 3089. Letters patent of Fulk Banyard, knight, undertaking to preserve the prior and convent of Lewes from any damage that might arise to them on account of their having presented Walter de Berdewelle his chaplain to the church of Mertone, Norwich diocese. Hadenham in the Isle of Ely, Monday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, A.D. 1300, 28 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 3090. Duplicate of the grant contained in A. 3085, omitting the final disposal of the rents derived from the land granted. Unfinished.
[Norf.] A. 3091. Release by William de Sculham to the monks of St. Pancras's, Lewes, of all his right in four acres in the new field of Walpol, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Adam de Haggebeg, Alexander de Alenzun, and others (named).
[Norf] A. 3092. Release by Amice daughter of Cicely to William Pykot, citizen of Norwich, for 20s., of all her right in a messuage which he holds in St. Christopher's parish, Norwich, and which he acquired from Geoffrey de Stantone. Witnesses:—Adam de Toftes, Roger de Morlee, Roger de Tudenham, Thomas de Lincoln, bailiffs of Norwich, and others (named). Wednesday before St. Simon and St. Jude, 9 Edward I. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of the reading of this grant in full court at Norwich, Thursday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 9 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 3093. Release by William son of Geoffrey son of Richer de Bonewell, to Miles the prior, and the convent of Lewes, for 100s., of all his right in a messuage, forty-seven acres of land, and 2s. 6d. yearly rent in Merthone. Bukeham Castle, 6 March, A.D. 1268.
[Norf.] A. 3094. Release by William son of Ralph de Welles, to the prior and convent of Lewes, for two marks of all his right in messuages in Welles that were his uncle Osbert's, and which are called 'Nunnescroft,' at the head of Welles bridge. Witnesses:—Alexander de Alenzun, William de Sculham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3095. Will of Avelina Gunneld, wife of John Gunneld, of Castle Rising. Bequeaths 6d. to the high altar of St. Laurence's, Rising, 2s. to the fabric of the church, 6d. to Sir Arnald the rector, 3d. to William the clerk, and the residue of her goods to her said husband. Desires 4 marks from their burgage to be equally applied to celebrating and to the fabric of the church. 9 March, A.D. 1425.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate in Castle Rising church before Arnald Ymberd, rector, Friday after St. Barnabas the Apostle.
[Norf.] A. 3096. Grant by Richard son of Stephen de Magna Ringstede, to Sir William the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, in frank almoin, for 4s., of a yearly rent of 6¼d., payable by the tenants specified for land at Grovegate, abutting on the abbot's tillage at Northhalle Croft, at Hecham Gate, at Overechile Gate, at Sulhere Lampidegate, in Ringstede, in Lingstydele, at Gnattinggate, and at Willerespit. Witnesses: Sir Roger de Thoftes, William de Secheford, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Carta Ricardi Pou, de Ringestede."
[Norf.] A. 3097. Release by Benedict, son of Henry Hyldesent, of Great Ringstede, to Sir William the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, in frank almoin, for three marks, of land in Ringstede, at 'le Smethe,' abutting on the road called 'Dockingate,' with liberty of three parts of one fold, which land and faldage were sold to him by the sons of Stephen the clerk of Great Ringstede. Witnesses:—William de Segeford, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3098. Grant by Robert Tendemay of Brunham Westgate and Matilda his wife, to Hugh Baldewine of Depedale, for 20s., of an acre of land in Depedale at Birchdele, one end abutting on 'le Delegate' and the other on Birchhilles, paying yearly 3d. Witnesses: William de Aungre, and others (named). Seal and portion of seal.
A. 3099. Release by Juliana daughter of Richard de Bunewelle, to Sir William the prior and the convent of Lewes, for 40s., of the premises released in A. 3077, 3079.
[Norf.] A. 3100. Acquittance by Reginald de Wynterse, proctor of Sir William de Wynterse, rector of Holy Trinity church, Rakeye, for 7l. received from William de la Grene of Dudelington, for the tithes of the aforesaid church sold to him. The morrow of the Invention of Holy Cross, A.D. 1281.