Deeds: A.3101 - A.3200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3101 - A.3200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3101 - A.3200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3101 - A.3200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3101 - A.3200

[Norf.] A. 3101. Grant and release by Richard Pow of Great Ringstead, to Sir W. the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, for 10s., in frank almoin, of land in Great Ringstede by the tillage of the said abbot and convent and abutting on the heath called 'Ling' and on the pasture called 'Lingbrod,' with faldage. Thursday after the Annunciation, A.D. 1283.
[Norf.] A. 3102. Grant by James Motte, parson of Little Ringstead church, and Richard Perkyn, vicar of Segeforde, to Richard Swaldale of Hecham, of a court, formerly John Raulyn's, in Hecham, by the road leading to Tunmylle. Wednesday after St. Botolph the Abbot, 10 Richard II.
[Norf.] A. 3103. Release by Alexander Coleman of Hecham, to Sir William, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, for two marks, in frank almoin, of all his right in the land that Roger Coleman his father held of them in Ringstede, abutting on the field of Segeford, and 1d. yearly rent from Nicholas the baker in Ringstede. Witnesses:—Sir Hamo de Mostroyl, Simon de Lettone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3104. Grant by John Reynald of Enemeth, to Thomas Jecson, Nicholas Jecson, chaplains, of Enemeth, and Richard Walesson of Walsokyn, of land in Walsokyn in the field called 'Newfeld,' between the abbot of Ramsey's land and Sir John Colvyle's, knight, abutting westward on the common drain (dranam). Walsokynfendyeh, the Purification, 8 Henry V. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3105. Grant by Hugh the barber, of Norwich, to Geoffrey de Dunewic', clerk, for 100s., of a messuage in St. Gregory's parish, Norwich, paying 25d. yearly. Witnesses:—Walter de Schelphangel, clerk of the city of Norwich, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3106. Grant by Silvester le Vollere, of North Wotton, to William Aselack, of the same, and Matilda his wife, of a messuage in North Wotton adjoining the common called 'la Grene.' Monday the eve of St. Andrew the Apostle, 10 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3107. Grant by William Wytthepype and Juliana his wife, daughter of Geoffrey Pygoth of North Wtton, to Eustace son of Thomas, of the same, in marriage with Matilda Juliana's daughter, of land in North Wtton, paying yearly ½d. Tuesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 21 Edward I. Fragments of two seals.
[N'hamp.] A. 3108. Demise by John Malorre, lord of Weletone, to Agnes relict of Richard le Mareschal of Weletone, and Adam her brother, of two parts of a. messuage and land in Weletone that came to him in wardship after Richard's death, to hold till the full age of John, son and heir of the late Benedict le Mareschal (or of the said John's heir if he die within age), together with the heir's marriage. Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3109. Agreement founded upon examination of the charters of King Edward I. and his progenitors, whereby Sir Roger de Monte Alto, steward of Chester and lord of the hundred of Smethed, grants Sir John Davynium the prior, and the convent of Lewes, the leet, view of frank pledge in Hecham, infangenethef, waif and stray, &c., reserving to himself on the day of view of frank pledge of Hecham, viz. the morrow of the Exaltation of Holy Cross each year, half a mark of the rent of assise issuing from the men of the leet, and pleas and amerciaments for bloodshed. Rysinge, Monday after Palm Sunday, 20 Edward I.
[Glouc.] A. 3110. Release by Margery de Dene, to John de la Felde, of all her right in lands and 14s. yearly rent in Herdewike by Longeneye. Winchester, Saturday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 7 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3111. Grant by Reginald Buzi of Hecham, to Roger his son, of the moiety of a meadow that was his father William's, the moiety of a croft called 'Westcroft,' and 26d. yearly rent in Hecham payable by the tenants named for the messuages specified, paying 9s. 5d. yearly. Witnesses:— Hugh de Kalii, Simon de Lettune, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3112. Release by Simon Lambryt of Heccham to Peter, the prior, and the convent of Lewes of all his right to land of their villenage in Heccham at Godberdissmethie. Tuesday before St. Tiburcius and St. Valerian, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3113. Grant by Robert de Herevill and Emma his wife to Wido the parson of Melton, of a toft and croft with land in Alebi, part lying on the Melton road, part at Blindewell, part on Langelandes at Risedale, part in Hevedland at Gaddale, paying yearly 2d. Witnesses;—Thomas de Sixceneb', Richard de Luci, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3114. Grant by Master Geoffrey de Hecham son of Reginald de Hecham, to the monks of Lewes, in frank almoin, of land in Hecham. Witnesses:—Sirs William Rustein, William le Gurney, Andrew de Sarncbrunne, Adam do Birlingham, Herbert de Burghes, and others (named). Part of document cut off.
[Norf.] A. 3115. Grant by Reginald Hellebule of Hecham, to Alexander Poiteman for two marks of land in Hecham upon Thorpefeyld, part lying on Calkewong, and part on Calkewongfurlong abutting on Schortelond, paying 7d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lectone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3116. Grant by Peter the prior, and the convent of Lewes to Simon Baret of Hecham, of land south of a tenement called 'Herrescroft' and faldage in the fields of Hecham for 360 sheep, saving to themselves certain pastures from the Purification to the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, paying 12d. yearly. Lewes, Thursday after St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 5 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3117. Grant by Hugh the prior and the convent of St. Pancras [at Lewes] to Master Reiner, and after him to Peter his brother, of his messuage by Hecham churchyard, and his toft and croft [called] 'Tubelot,' paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Master Robert de Nuers, Richard Buzi, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3118. Release by Simon son of Ralph de Lettune, to the monks of St. Pancras's, Lewes, of all his right in pasture in Hecham, between the court of the said monks and the road called 'Redegate.' Witnesses:—Sir William Rustein, Sir Adam de Birlingham, Master John de Pagrave, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] A. 3119. Release by John Mulward son of John Mulward of Toneworth, to Roisia late the wife of Richard de Montefort of Toneworth, of all his right in lands and tenements in Toneworth that were lately Henry Sellun's. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 51 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3120. Release by Alan Bilney and Katherine his wife to Sir John de Teyngiis the prior, and the convent of Lewes, in frank almoin, of all their right in half an acre of land in Hecham by the sea, and in 3d. yearly rent issuing therefrom. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Kaly, knight, William de Sechefford, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3121. Release by John son of Hugh the smith of Heveringlond, to the prior and canons of Mountjoy in Heveringlond, in frank almoin, of all his right in a piece of land in Felthorp. Sunday on which is sung 'Quasi modo geniti,' 10 Edward II.
[Norf.] A. 3122. Letters of attorney of William son of Roger Hace of Heveringlond, authorising John de Manyngton, chaplain, to deliver seisin to Walter Neel, Thomas de Wode, Alan le Mazoun, and Peter son of Walter Neel, of a messuage and land in Heverynglond. Saturday before St. Dunstan, Bishop and Confessor, 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3123. Grant by Alan Masun of Heveringlond, to Richerd Fybs citizen of Norwich, Sir Roger vicar of Heveringlond, Thomas de Wode of the same, and William Stradebrok of Caustun, of all his free lands and tenements in Heveringlond. Tuesday before St. Agnes the Virgin, 40 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3124. Release by Alan Mazoun of Heveringlond, to Thomas son of Adam de Wode of Heveringlond, of all his right in a messuage and lands in Heveringlond. Sunday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 24 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3125. Release by Agnes late the wife of Alan Masun of Heveringlond, to Thomas de Wode of the same, of all her right in a messuage and land [in Heveringlond], formerly her said husband's. Sunday before St. Luke, 43 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3126. Release by William, son of John Adams of Heveringlond, to Roger Marcolf, chaplain, Richard Fish, taverner, William son of Nicholas de Stradebrook and Thomas de Wode of Heveringlond, of all his right in the lands and tenements which they acquired of Alan Matzon, in Heveringlond, formerly William Hace's. Friday before the Annunciation, 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3127. Release by William Adam of Felthorp, to Thomas de Wode of Heverynglond, of all his right in a messuage and land in Heverynglond, part of the land being called 'Merlond' and 'Holwodescroft' and part lying in Likmillecroft. Sunday after the Apostles Peter and Paul. 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3128. Grant by Beatrice daughter of Roger Hace of Heverynglond, to Thomas de Wode, Alan le Mazoun, Stephen Baggare, and Peter Neel, of one portion of a messuage and land in Heverynglond, part of the land lying in Lyckemillecroft, abutting on the path leading from Heverynglond to the mill called 'Lyckemylle.' Saturday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3129. Grant by William son of Roger Hace of Heverynglond, to Walter Nee), Thomas de Wode, Alan le Mazoun and Peter son of Walter Neel, of the reversion of a messuage land and meadow in Heverynglond which would descend to him after the death of his father Roger and Alice his wife; the meadow abutting on the water flowing from Lyckemylic to Swenyngton. Saturday before St. Dunstan, Bishop and Confessor, 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3130. Grant by Walter Neel, of Heverynglond, to Alan le Mazoun, Alexander Fysch, Thomas de Wode, Stephen Baggare and Clement Hare of a messuage with land in Heverynglond. Thursday after St. Augustine, Bishop and Confessor, 23 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3131. Grant by John de Muckelhil of Schanyngthone, to Alan Mason of Heveringlond, and Joan his wife, of a piece of land in Heveringlond. Wednesday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 17 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3132. Release by Roger the vicar of Heveringlond, Richard Fichs of Norwich, and William Stradebrok of Caustune, to Thomas de Wode of Heveringlond, of all their right in land in Heveringlond which they had of the feoffment of Alan Masun. Monday before the Resurrection, 43 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 3133. Grant by Richard Cole and John Ateforthe of Heveringlond, to Robert Warde, chaplain, Thomas his brother of Wellingham, Walter Coupere and William Dousing of Heveringlond, of land in Heveringlond, abutting eastward on the common path from Munjoye Grenc to Licke Mille. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 11 Richard II. Two seals.
[Norf.] A. 3134. Grant by William Tertel of Cleyc, that whereas Sir William de Montekanisio has granted to him the tenement that Robert Tertel his late father, held of him in Cleye; if by inquisition he be proved to be a bastard in an ecclesiastical or civil court, he will restore the tenement to Sir William, under penalty of 100s. to be paid within a month of failing to make such restitution. Foxlye, St. Matthew's day, 55 Henry III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3135. Grant by Geoffrey Pecche to William son of Aeliz, of 10s. that Thomas de Bure owes yearly for land in Appletun, to be held by William within the service of one knight's fee in Oxecroft which he holds of Geoffrey. Witnesses:—William de Frenei, William Pecche, Richard Merveillus, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 3136. Agreement whereby Reiner sou of Peter de Hecham, grants to Albert the prior, and the monks of St. Pancras [at Lewes], for 6 marcs, the mill on the moor which he holds of them for life, and land adjoining the mill which he held for 2d. yearly, for three years from the morrow of the nativity of St. John the Baptist, A.D. 1239; with reversion to him for life at the end of that term, paying 2d. for the land and 33s. for the mill yearly. A.D. 1239.
[Norf.] A. 3137. Grant by Robert le Chaumberleyn of Hikelingge, to Sir William son of Sir Warin de Monte Canisio, of 6s. 8½d. yearly rent, to be paid by the tenants specified for land at Chaphus, for parts of a rush-bed (jungerie), for a rush bed in 'le Harwe,' and for other lands and messuages in Hikeliugge. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Valayns, Thomas de Hikelingge, and William de Parker, knights, and others (named). St. Peter ad Vincula, 12 Edward I. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3138. Grant by Crestiana daughter of Walter Flegard of Hecham, to William de London', for 20s., of her messuage in Hecham adjoining that of Miracula Flegard her sister, paying 1½d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lectone, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Norf.] A. 3139. Declaration by Walter Davy of Cremplesham, that he has received a release (herein recited) from John the prior, and the canons of Thonebregg to himself, as their tenant, of all arrears of 11s. yearly rent due from him for a tenement in Cremplesham up to the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 30 Edward I., provided he pay the said rent in future, dated at Thonebregg in their chapter house, 3 April, 31 Edward I. For the greater proof he has procured the seal of Roger ate Gerston, steward of the honour of Clare, thereto. Cremplesham, in full court of the Earl of Gloucester, Sunday after St. Alphege the Martyr, 31 Edward I.
Annexed: Note of the rents of Walter Davyd in Cremplesham and by whom paid; and list of tenants and the land they hold, amounting to 20½ acres.
[Norf.] A. 3140. Grant by Thomas son of Roger de Hyllington, to Nicholas de Legys, for 40s., of his messuage and land with buildings in Hecham, part lying in Dene and at Bradegate, together with the rents and services specified. Witnesses:—Hugh de Caly, Simon de Lettone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3141. Release by Adam and Gregory, sons of Ralph [son of] Wlfric de Walton, to amend the final concord between them and Adam the chaplain son of Wlfric de Walton and his sons Clement and John, to the said Adam of all their right in land he held of Ralph their father and in all the land that was Wlfric de Walton's in Walton. Witnesses:—Alexander Dalencon, and others (named). Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 3142. Grant by John de Loose of Hempstede, to Thomas de Suthous, Edmund de Norton, Adam Berte, of Norwich, Roger de Alby, Gilbert Hake, Thomas Steyk, and William Gillis of a messuage and seven pieces of land in Hempstede, the messuage adjoining the alder bed of Sir John de Ormisby, knight, called 'Dukpol,' part of the land being called 'Hillond,' and part 'Holdfeld.' Witnesses:—Edmund de Baconistorph, Roger Baconn, knights, and others (named). Monday before St. Agnes the Virgin, 13 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Norf. A. 3143. Release by William Tristram of Hecham, to Stephen, the prior, and the church of St. Pancras, Lewes, of all his right in a pasture called 'Fenne' in Hecham behind the hall between the road called 'Redegate' and the prior's manor. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Ingoldestorp, and Giles de Monpynzon, knights, and others (named) Wednesday after the close of Easter, 31 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 3144. Release by Richard Swaldale of Hecham, to Simon Baret the elder of Hecham, William de Shelton, and John Nelond, of all his right in a close in Hecham abutting westwards on the road to the mill of the prior of Lewes called 'Tounmille,' and southwards on the said mill. 7 March, 11 Henry IV.
[Norf.] A. 3145. Grant by Agatha de Bredewille to Sir William de London, for 20s. of all her land and messuage abutting on the road from Hecham church to Torth. Witnesses:—Aubyn de Stannford, Master Thomas de Hecham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3146. Grant by Hugh de Kaly to William de London, for 2 marks, of an acre of land in Hecham, paying 3d. yearly. Witnesses:—Albyn de Stanford, Simon de Letthona, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3147. Grant by Peter the chaplain, son of Nicholas de West Waltone, to John de Halyfax, clerk of the prior of Lewes, for three marks, of the land he bought of Sir William de Sculham in West Waltone, paying 2d. yearly and making 20 feet of the sea dyke at Neucroft. Witnesses:— Master Gaymard, the prior's steward, Roger de Hecham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3148. Grant by Miracula daughter of Walter Flegard of Hecham, to William de London, for three marks of a messuage in Hecham abutting on the pool of the mill called 'Tunmulle,' paying three halfpence yearly. Witnesses:—Albin de Stanford, Simon de Lectone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3149. Grant by Reginald Campeden, parson of the church of Castelrisyng, to the Lady Isabella, [late] Queen of England, and Sir Thomas de London', clerk, of a messuage with curtilage in Castelrisyng. Witnesses: —Sir John de Staunton, steward of the household of Lady Isabella, Sir Edward le Blount, knights, Richard de la Rokele, steward of Lady Isabella's lands, and others (named). Thursday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, 21 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 3150. Grant by William Aylnoth to William de London', for 100s., of his messuage in Hecham, paying 3d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh de Kaly, Aubyn de Stanford, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3151. Release by Reiner son of Peter de Hecham, to the prior and convent of Lewes, for 7 marks, of the mill on the moor in Hecham called 'Mormille,' which he held for life, saving to himself a piece of land with a house by the mill which he retains for his own use for life. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lettone, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3152. Grant by Richard Flegard of Hecham, to William de Londoneis, for 50s., of his messuage in Hecham, paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses;—Hugh son of Peter, Simon de Lettune, and others (named).
[N'hamp. ?] A. 3153. Grant by John Mallorre of Welton, knight, to Thomas Martyn of Welton, of two parts of an acre in Welton lying behind Croche, in exchange for half an acre by his land at Colemaneslake. Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 5 Edward III.
[Norf] A. 3154. Grant by Walter Paumfeleth to William do Londoniis, of land in Hecham called 'Wilbelescroft,' paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:— Hugh de Caili, Albin de Staunford, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3155. Grant by William son of Thomas son of Roger of Hillingtone, to John dc Teynges, the prior, and the church of Lewes, of land in Hillingtone that Avelina his mother released to him. Witnesses:— Roger de Kyleby, Robert de Fransham, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3156. Grant by Reginald de Pokedych to Miles the prior, and the convent of Lewes, of land in Hutwelles and the fishing in the ditch of Pokedych, as witnessed in the grants Thomas de Iiord obtained of him. Witnesses:—William de Alycun, John de Bosco, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 3157. Grant by William Corsoun of Holcham, to Ralph, vicar of the moiety of Holcham church, of land called 'Gerveyseroft,' between the high road to Brunham and the meadow of Lady Dyonysia de Montecanisio. The Circumcision, 27 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 3158. Grant by Hugh eon of Peter of Hecham, to William the chaplain son of Reiner Portman of the same, for his homage and 20s., of land in Hecham east of Redham, paying 3d. yearly. Witnesses;—Sir Adam de Birlingham, William de Caly, and others (named).
Norf. Suff. A. 3159. Demise by Nicholas Lyng, chaplain, to Edmund Jenney, Robert Clere, John Heydon and Christopher Heydon, knights, William Paston, John Hevynyngham, William Jenney, eldest son of the said Edmund Jenney, knight, Walter Hobert, Richard Jenney, esquires, Robert Pepyn, clerk, rector of Knodeshale, and twenty-nine others (named), of the advowson of Haryngby church, and all the manors, lauds, &c. in Haryngby, Stokesby, Thirkeby, Runham, Tunstall, Staleham, Ingham, Brunsted, Hyklyng, Horssey, Berton, Smalburgh, Beeston, Edyngthorp, Witton, Bacton, Paston, Swafeld, Knapton and Wursted in co. Norfolk, the manors of Rothenhale and Kessynglond, and lands, &c., in Pakfeld, Kessynglond, Carleton, Gesylham, Russhemere, Mutford, Hensted and elsewhere in Mutford hundred in co. Suffolk, which he lately had by demise of the said John Heydon, Robert Clere, Edmund Jenney, knights, Walter Hobert, William and Richard Jenney, esquires, Thomas Bower, clerk, and Christopher Moy, for the purpose of carrying out the last will of Hugh at Fen, esquire, touching his almshouse at Haryngby. Appoints Simon Throkmerton, gentleman, and John Goldyng his attorneys to deliver seisin of the premises. 2 June, 10 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of livery of seisin at Wursted, the above date.
[Oxford.] A. 3160. Letters patent of Edward I. granting to Hugh le Despenser the manor of Kirtlyngton, and annulling the release made by Despenser to the King and the late Queen Eleanor of all his right in the said manor after the death of Ela, Countess of Warwick, who held it in dower of the said Hugh's inheritance. Morpeth, 1 October, 24 Edward I. Portion of Great Seal.
[Oxford.] A. 3161. Grant by Gilbert Basset, knight, to the abbot and convent of Daunay (de Alneto), of 11s. yearly from his mill of Curthinton, so that they exact nothing else from the mill by way of tithe or otherwise during his life; also for the tithe of his water he grants them 6d. yearly which the vicar receives, for tithe of hay of all his demesne two acres in Northan meadow, for the tithe of the stubble of wheat a tenth of the price for which it is sold, &c., they releasing him from all tithes which hereafter may arise through the premises during his life.
Endorsed: "De molendino de Kertilintun."
[Oxford.] A. 3162. Grant by Adam son of Hervy and Juliana, daughter of John son of Hugh, his wife, to Gilbert Basset, for 10 marcs, of their mill of Curtlinton with the water and grinding, paying therefor yearly 2s. to Ingelram de Curtlinton and 2 marcs to the lords of Curtlinton. Witnesses:—Philip Basset, Thomas Blund, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Oxford.] A. 3163. Grant by Ingeram de Curtlinton, to John son of Hugh, for 13 marcs, 5s. 8d., of the above mill of Curtlinton with water and grinding, paying yearly as above. Witnesses:—Walter de Riparia, Robert do Berefold, and others (named). Seal.
Oxford. A. 3164. Release by Gunnora de Bendinges, to Gilbert Basset of all her right by way of dower in the third part of Kyrlinton mill. For this release Gilbert has given her 10s. before Sir William de Ebor', William de Insula, the abbot of Abingdon, and Robert de Amaric', the King's justices in Eyre, at Oxford. Witnesses;—Richard de Turr', Philip Basset, and others (named).
[Oxford.] A. 3165. Grant by Baldwin de Munz, to Gilbert Basset, for 100 marcs, of all his land in Kertlington, which William de Humez, late Constable of Normandy, gave to Ralph de Munz his father, and the tenements of the cottagers and others named. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Lexintone, William de Ebor', William de Cullewrtb, John Luvel, and others (named).
[Oxford] A. 3166. Release by Walter de Marny, son of Adam de Marny of Kurtlinton, to Sir Philip Basset of all his right in the lands that Alice, mother of the said Adam his father, formerly held in Kurtlinton. Witnesses:—Sirs John Lovcl, Roger de Saunford, William de Insula, Robert le Chamberleng, knights, and others (named).
Notts. A. 3167. Letters patent of Henry III., declaring that whereas he has granted to his brother William de Valence the manor of Dunham that was Ralph son of Nicholas's, if it escheat to the crown, and if Ralph's heir claim his right therein, he is unwilling that the heir should sell his right to any save himself or his said brother; if his brother acquires such right he grants him to hold it without contradiction. Westminster, 24 December, 42 Henry III. Portion of Great Seal.
Notts. A. 3168. Letters patent of Henry III. to Wiliiam de Valence his brother, to whom he has promised a certain sum from the escheats that first fall in, granting him the manor of Dunham after the death of Ralph son of Nicholas who holds it for life. In the Castle at Rothelan, 24 August, 41 Henry III.
Notts. A. 3169. Grant by the same, to the same, of Dunham manor, which Robert, son and heir of Ralph son of Nicholas, released to the King after his father's death; whereby the yearly fee due to Valence at the Exchequer will be reduced by 50l., at which value the manor is extended. Witnesses:—'Edward our son,' Humphrey de Boun, Earl of Hereford, Hugh de Veer, Earl of Oxford, and others (named). Westminster, 28 December, 42 Henry III. Great Seal, broken.
[Notts.] A. 3170. Grant by Henry III., to Ralph son of Nicholas, of Dunham manor, to be held as Reginald de Dammartin, late Count of Boulogne, held it, until the King shall restore it to the Earl's heir voluntarily or through a peace, in which case Ralph shall receive a competent exchange. Witnesses;—Bishops of Bath, Durham and Carlisle, Hubert de Burgh, Justiciary, and others (named). Given by the hand of Ralph, bishop of Chichester, Chancellor, Westminster, 18 February, 13 Henry III. Portion of Great Seal.
[ ] A. 3171. Grant by John . . . . ., to Adam de Stratone of land in . . . . . for a term of years, paying 20s. [yearly] to the convent of St. Albans. Witnesses:—Sir David de Jarpenville, John de Harpesfeld, and others (named). Fragment only, the document having been moreover cancelled.
Notts. A. 3172. Grant by Robert [grand]son of Nicholas, to William de Valence, lord of Pembroke, for 500l., of Dunham manor, which descended to him from Ralph son of Nicholas; his late father, who had it by grant of King Henry III.; which manor he has released to the King to the use of the said Sir William. Witnesses:—Henry de Batonia, Guy de Rupefort', and others (named).
[Notts.] A. 3173. Release by Margaret daughter of Brian atte Church, of Bingham, to Hugh her brother of all her right in the land in Bingham that Agnes her mother formerly gave her. Witnesses:—Hugh de Skreneton, of Bingham, and others (named).
Notts. A. 3174. Grant by John Maperley son and heir of Thomas Maperley, to Edward III. of land in the King's park by Nottingham Castle lately enclosed by the King, in a place called 'Larkedale,' between the hill called 'Wyndeserse' and land of the late William de Crophull, opposite the Castle. 23 April, 11 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the Close Roll.
Notts. A. 3175. Grant by John Bampton of Byston, son and heir of Gervase Bampton and Margery his wife, daughter and heir of William de Normanton, to Edward III. of land called 'Couheved' lying in the King's lately enclosed park by Nottingham Castle between land of the late Alico le Paumer and land of the Church of St. Nicholas. 23 April, 14 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the Close Roll.
Oxford. Berks. A. 3176. Demise by Henry VII., to Peter the abbot, and the convent of Notley co. Bucks, of the site of Caversham manor with the demesne lands, &c., the great garden and orchards, the waters and fishing therein, a plot of mead called 'Dysshemede' and 12 acres in the mead called 'Redyng mode,' otherwise 'the Abbot of Redyng mede,' in Reading, except the moat about the manor place in Caversham and all buildings in it; and of two water mills with the gardens belonging, the mill barge, the lock called 'Caversham loke,' and the weirs and waters, banks and dams from the lock to the mills and beneath, &c., ground called 'Hergyn Eiate' and all other eyots in Caversham, the ferry passage and the ferry barge in Caversham; for 60 years from Michaelmas next, paying 20l. yearly. Other conditions as to repairs, plowebote, cartebote, heybote and firebote, &c. 21 February, 8 Henry VII. English.
[Oxford.] A. 3177. Demise by Henry de Nolingham, knight, to Adam de Straton, clerk, of the manor of Chakenden from Michaelmas, 1 Edward I., till Easter following, and for 7 years from the said Easter, in allowance of 30l. yearly in which he is bound to Adam by a bond for 240l. for the marriage of John, son and heir of William Marmiun, and for the said manor which he had by demise of the said Adam. If the said John die within the above terra, his wife Margery, Henry's daughter, shall have her dower from the said manor. Westminster, 13 October, 1 Edward 1.
[Oxford.] A. 3178. Demise by Richard de Empnebergh, to Sir Adam de Stratone, clerk, of all the land in Chakenden that he had by grant of Sir Anselm Basset, knight, formerly Matilda Marmyun's dower, until John Marmyun, son and heir of William Marmyun, is of lawful age. For this demise and for the corn sown in the land this year Sir Adam has given him 50 marcs, London, 53 Henry III.
[Oxford] A. 8179. Demise by Adam de Strattona, clerk, to Henry de Notingham, knight, for 240l., of the wardship of the lands and the marriage of John, son and heir of William Marmiun, of Chakendene and Stoke Marmiun, till the heir is of ago, except the advowson of Chakendene church and the land that Lady Rosamund Marmiun holds as dower for eight years to come; unless she die within that term, when Henry shall pay 14l. yearly for her land till the end of the eight years. Witnesses:— Sirs Hugh Druval, John de Chaus', Milo Basset, Nicholas de Henreth, knights, and others (named). St. Mark's day, A.D. 1273.
[Oxford.] A. 3180. Grant by Robert Marmiun and John his brother, to Sir Adam de Stratone, clerk, of all issues and escheats from the third part of Chakendene that Lady Rosamund their mother held as dower, from the Purification, 2 Edward I., to St. Peter ad Vincula next following. Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] A. 3181. Letters Patent of Thomas de Clara, to Lady Rosamund Marmyun, stating that he has authorised Sir Richard de Astone to put Sir Adam de Stratune, clerk, or Richard de Cestreford his attorney, in full seisin of 19l. yearly rent she was wont to pay him for Chakendene manor till the full age of John son and heir of William Marmiun, or of the said manor if she will not pay the rent. Merlawe, Friday after St. Gregory, 52 Henry III. Portion of seal of arms.
Oxford, A. 3182. Letters Patent of Ralph Pippard, to the tenants of his manor of Haselee Magna, requiring them to be obedient to Sir Hugh le Despenser, to whom he has granted the said manor. London, 6 June, 29 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Oxford. A. 3183. Grant by Ralph Pippard, to Sir Hugh le Despenser of the manor of Haselee Magna with the advowson of the church there, with all messuages, lands, &c., and woods in Bcrnewode which were afforested before the perambulation, lands, &c., in Lacheford, and all other liberties to the said manor belonging. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Bereford, Fulk de Rucote, Henry de Brully, William de Sealebrok, Thomas de Parco, knights, and others (named). Retherfeud Pippard, 5 June, 29 Edward I.
Oxford. A. 3184. Demise by Richard Rokeby, knight, and Thomas Hennage, esquire, to Michael Hethe, of Oxford, and John Pulker, of Cowley, of the commandry of Sandforde with lordship of Horsepath, half of all waifs, strays, escheats, &c., with the prebend of Blewbery, manor of Wappesgrave, Wycombe and Radnesshe, lands in Golder and rents in Haseley to the value of 6s. 8d. wholly excepted, for 20 years from St. John Baptist's day last, paying 171l. 6s. 8d. yearly upon the font in the church under St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster. Michael and John to do repairs, find a priest to say mass daily in Sandforde chapel, and priests to say mass in Temple Cowley chapel and Sybforde Gouer three times a week, and provide for refection of poor folks within the manor. Certain repairs to be done by the prior of St. John of Jerusalem, Michael and John finding one tiler and servant for 15 days yearly to mend the tiling of buildings in the commandry. They shall have 3 yds. of broadcloth yearly at Christmas for a gown, or 10s., and housebote, firebote, &c. The prior of St. John's shall oversee the commandry and manors of Temple Cowley, Sybforde Goure and Horsepath, and keep courts there, Michael and John paying the steward's fee and engrossing the court rolls, &c., &c., provided they receive of Goodlake Overton, fanner of Temple Rokeley manor, Wilts, the farm due from him. Any doubt or variance arising to be amended by "the Chief Judge of the Common Place." Michael and John to pay 30s. yearly to a poor woman having an interest in the farm of Merlake. 20 October, 11 Henry VIII. English, Copy, paper book; 4⅓ pp.
[York.] [Linc.] A. 3185. Letters Patent of Hugh le Despenser, knight, granting to Philip le Despenser, his son, all his goods and chattels in the manors of Parlingtone and Hauctebarg, with the aforesaid manors. London, St. John the Baptist's day, 22 Edward I.
Bucks. Oxford. A. 3186. Letters of attorney of Alan Plokenet, authorising Walter de Bynteworthe and Thomas le Botiller to deliver to Sir Hugh le Despenser full seisin of Pydintone manor. London, 14 June, 2 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Bucks.] [Oxford.] A. 3187. Letters Patent of Alan Plokenet, to the tenants of Pydingtone manor, requiring them to be respondent to Sir Hugh le Despenser, to whom he has granted the said manor. 14 June, 2 Edward [II.]. Fragment of seal.
Oxford. A. 3188. Letters Patent of Thomas de Gredley, knight, to the tenants of Pyritone manor, requiring them to be respondent to Sir Hugh le Despenser, to whom he has granted that manor for term of his own life. Bath, 5 February, 2 Edward II.
Oxford. A. 3189. Grant by Thomas de Gredley, knight, to Sir Hugh le Despenser of Pyritone manor for Thomas's life, paying therefor 70l. yearly. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert son of Payn, William Tochet, Walter de Gloucestre, Walter de Pavelly, Alexander Cheverel, Nicholas de Langelond, John de Thany, Nicholas de Valers and Ingram Berenger, knights. Bath, Wednesday the feast of St. Agatha the Virgin, 2 Edward II.
Oxford. A. 3190. Release by Thomas de Gredley, knight, to Sir Hugh le Dispenser of all his right in 60l. yearly he should receive from Piryton manor for term of his own life. Witnesses:—Sirs John la Ware, Edmund de Wyliton, Gerard de Braybroc, John de Thany, knights, and others (named). London, Wednesday the morrow of St. Katherine the Virgin, 3 Edward II. Seal.
[Oxford.] A. 3191. Final concord whereby John de Gyse acknowledges Pyryton manor to be the right of Hugh le Despenser, the elder, to whom he releases it for 100 marcs. Westminster, the octave of Michaelmas, 9 Edward II.
Oxford. A. 3192. Letters Patent, granting pardon to John de Gyse for acquiring the manor of Pyryton of Thomas de Grele without licence of Edward, late King of England, for which reason it was taken into the King's hands; and licence to grant it to the said Thomas for life, with reversion to the said John. Westminster, 10 May, 1 Edward II. Portion of Great Seal.
[Berks.] A. 3193. Final concord between Richard bishop of Winchester, Reginald Bray, Thomas Lovell, Richard Guldeford, knights, James Hobert, Richard Emson and Thomas Lucas, plaintiffs, and William Norreys, knight, deforciant, whereby the latter acknowledges the manor and advowson of the church of Ramenham, 30 messuages, land, wood, moor, and 10l. rent in Ramenham to be the bishop's, as those which he with the other plaintiffs has by William's gift, who releases the premises to them and to the heirs of the said bishop, and undertakes to warrant them against John abbot of Westminster, for 100l. Quinzaine of St. Martin and Octave of Hilary, 18 Henry VII.
A. 3194. Duplicate of the above.
Oxford. A. 3195. Agreement whereby Sir Richard de St. Walery grants to Sir Hugh le Despenser the reversion of Ropford manor which Philip de Hoyville, Mary his wife, and Margaret their daughter hold for their lives, concerning which a fine shall be levied between Sir Richard and Sir Hugh by the quinzaine of Michaelmas next; to levy which fine Sir Richard gives surety to Sir Hugh in a recognisance by statute merchant for 200 marcs, and will direct his letters to Philip, Mary and Margaret to attorn their service to Sir Hugh. London, 12 May, 2 Edward II. French.
[Oxford.] A. 3196. Memorandum of the delivery by Sir Hugh le Despenser to John Bloxham, on Monday after St. James the Apostle, 4 Edward II., by authority of the King's writ under the privy seal, of the manor of Foulbrock with its members, viz. Westballe, Swenebrock, Upton and Teinton, with all goods and chattels therein. Inventory given of the furniture, stock, &c., in the hall at Westhalle; at Foulbrock in the kitchen, dairy, chamber at the upper end of the hall, the stable, cowshed, on the river, in the sheepfold, piggery, poultry yard, granary, storeroom, bailiffs house, and in the fields; at Swenebrock and Teinton. Saturday the vigil of Palm Sunday, 4 Edward II.
Oxford. A. 3197. Demise by Richard Rookeby, knight, and Thomas Hennage, esquire, farmers of the commandry of Sandforde, to John Lande of St. Margaretwell, of the manor place of Sandford with lands, &c., in the parish of Sandford, paying 10l. yearly, and the mill called 'Sanforde Mylne' with the fishweir called 'the lok,' paying 12l. yearly, for 20 years from the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last past. Other covenants as to the refection of poor folks, repairs, providing a priest for the chapel, &c. 26 July, 11 Henry VIII. English.
[Oxford.] A. 3198. Grant by Ralph Pichot, to the brethren of St. Pancras, in frank almoin, of the land and wood of Stanlache that was his mother's dower, for the souls of himself, Egiva his wife, William the archbishop, and William de Harnesford, &c. Witnesses:—Walter Tirerl, Roger de Darenteford, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[Oxford.] A. 3199. Grant by William Young, gentleman, Marion, wife of Thomas Wodward, gentleman, executors of the will of Gilbert Stocton, gentleman, of Surrey and the said Thomas Wodward to William and Richard Fermour, gentlemen, of the next presentation to the vicarage or parish church of Shobyndon which John Thornton the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, Wallingford, by deed dated 30 March, 20 Henry VII., gave to Henry Reynold, of Streyteley, gentleman, and the said Gilbert Stocton. 2 July, 15 Henry VIII.
Oxford. A. 3200. Grant by Andrew Norwych, Richard Moldrych, clerks, and Godfrey atte Pirye, esquire, to the King, of their manor of Stokyngcherchc with lands, &c., in Stokyngcherche. Witnesses:—John Drayton, Thomaa Blount, knights, and others (named). 12 April, 22 Richard II. Three seals.