Deeds: A.3201 - A.3300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3201 - A.3300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3201 - A.3300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3201 - A.3300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3201 - A.3300

Oxford. A. 3201. Sale by William bishop of Lineoln, to Humphrey Conyngesby, one of the King's justices, for 46l. 13s. 4d., of the custody of Swalcliff manor and all other lands in co. Oxford which were John Wykham's, held of the said bishopric, together with the wardship and marriage of Edward Wykham, Bon and heir of the said John, till he be of full age. 23 August, 5 Henry VIII. English.
Oxford. A. 3202. Grant by Hugh le Despenser, knight, to his servant, John de Handlo, of his manor of Swereford, with lands and tenements in Hogenortone for life. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Gorges, Robert de Ho, Henry de Willemescote, knights, and others (named). Huntingdon, Sunday after St. Augustine the Apostle of the English, 33 Edward I. Injured.
[Oxford.] A. 3203. Letters of attorney of Hugh 1e Despenser, authorising Robert Grauntsne, clerk, to receive full seisin in his name of Swereford manor that was Sir John's, son and heir of Reginald son of Peter, with the goods and chattels therein, and all lands that were the said John's in Hogenortone. Tuesday the morrow of St. Edward, King and Martyr, 31 Edward I.
Oxford. A. 3204. Grant by Hugh le Despenser, to John de Handlo, for his life, of Swereford manor and lands, rents, &c. in Hogenortone which he had by gift of Sir John son of Sir Reginald, together with the reversion of all lands and tenements that Lady Joan de Vyvoun holds by way of dower in the said towns. Witnesses:—Sirs John son of Guy, Richard Dammauri, Walter de Wisthulle, knights, and others (named).
Oxford. A. 3205. Sale by John Catisby, of London, gentleman, to Thomas Stafford, of Chorlebury, co. Oxford, gentleman, and Geoffrey Forde, of Walcott, in Chorlebury parish, yeoman, for 42l. 10s., of all woods and trees growing upon the lands called 'Walcott Farm' in Chorlebury parish, parcel of the possessions of Sir Richard Catisby, knight, deceased, John's father, one moiety to each, to cut down and carry away without interruption of William Catisby, esquire, cousin and heir of Sir Richard Catisby, or of George, Richard, Edmond or Edward Catisby, John's brothers. 24 January, 11 Elizabeth. Fragment of seal.
Oxford. A. 3206. Grant by Elizabeth Catesby, late the wife of George Catesby, of Assheby Leger, co. Northampton, esquire, to John Haltheyn, of Eppewell, co. Oxford, of the manor of Eppewell and all her lands, &c., in that town for 40 years, paying 5l. 6s. 8d. yearly. 1 December, 22 Henry VII. English. Seal.
Oxford. A. 3207. Sale by Richard Catesby of Assheby Leger, co. Northampton, knight, to Geoffrey Yonge, of Swakeley, co. Oxford, gentleman, for 110l., of his manor of Eppewell and all bis lands. &c. in Eppewell. 1 July, 38 Henry VIII. English. Seal.
[Rutland.] A. 3208. Grant by Henry III., to Hugh Dispenser of the manor of Ryhale with Belmestorpe, and certain specified privileges. Witnesses:— Peter, bishop of Winchester, Stephen de Segrave, Justiciar of England, and others (named). By the hand of Ralph, bishop of Chichester, Chancellor. Woodstock, 6 June, 17 Henry III.
Rutland. Oxford. A. 3209. Undertaking by Thomas de Holand, Earl of Kent, that whereas King Richard II. lately granted to him 100l, yearly out of the issues of the castle and manor of Okeham, and afterwards finding such issues would produce only 50l. yearly, owing to other charges upon them, granted him the other 50l. out of the manor and hundred of Edyndone, he will not hereafter take above 50l. yearly from the said castle and manor of Okeham. Talleworth, 6 June, 4 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Somers.] A. 3210. Release by Robert de Vite, to Philip Basset, of land at Heliswiche in the manor of Wtton which Richard de London' gave to William lo Porter, Robert's father. Witnesses:—Sir William the parson of Wtton, Geoffrey de Kitenore, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Wotton in Somerset."
Somers. A. 3211. Letters patent of Edward I., granting to Henry do Lortiaco the advowson of the church of Corirevel, for which the King before the last justices in eyre in Somerset impleaded the said Henry, who said it belonged to him by grant from Richard I. to his ancestors; but the said grant making no mention of the advowson, he had surrendered it to the King. Westminster, 10 November, 8 Edward I.
[Somers.] A. 3212. Grant by Robert de Punchard, knight, to Sir Philip Basset and his heirs who hereafter shall he lords of Wotton, of free common for all their beasts, and those of all their men of Wotton, in his pasture of Duncrcy, belonging to his manor of Cudecumbe, saving the corn of himself and his men of Cudecumbe. Witness:—Sir Th. le Blun, knight, Sir Roges de Purloc de Douery, knight, and others (named). Seal of arms.
Endorsed: "Wotton in Somerset."
Somers. A. 3213. Grant by David, the abbot, and the convent of Neath to Sir John Jngge, knight, of the manor of Exeforde and all their lands, tenements, mills, &c., in Chubbizete, Scharpecote, Niewelonde, Lavereoumbe, Blakelonde and Alscbaue, for his life, paying 13l. 6s. 8d. yearly. Witnesses:— Robert de Penres, Henry de Humframville, John de Beaumunt, knights, and others (named). 14 October, 16 Edward II.
[Somers.] A. 3214. Memorandum of the delivery by John do la Beche, knight, by authority of the King's writ, to Sir Hugh le Dispenser, of Henton manor belonging to Walter de Langeton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Inventory of the goods and chattels in the hall, kitchen, dairy, granary, stable, cowshed, cart and plough sheds, windmill, piggery and barn. Saturday before St. John the Baptist, 3 Edward II.
Somers. A. 3215. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Goldclyve to Sir John Inge, knighr, of the manors of Prestone and Selver, for life, paying a red rose yearly for the first ten years, and 20l. yearly thereafter. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Monte Acuto, John Mauduyt, John de Erlegh, Thomas de Marlebergh, William de Whitefeld, knights, and others (named). London, Tuesday the vigil of the Annunciation, 6 Edward III. Seal.
Somers. A. 3216. Duplicate of the above. Corstone in Somerset, 24 April, 6 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Somers. A. 3217. Demise by William de Borhunte, with consent of Agues his wife, to Sir Philip Basset, of all the land and tenement he had as his wife's dower in Subarewe from St. John Baptist's day to Michaelmas next, and from that date for a term of eight years, paying 4 marcs yearly. Witnesses: —Sirs Roger de Saunford, William de Insula, Hubert de Ruly, Geoffrey le Chaumberleng, knights, Roger de Ticheburn, and others (named). St. John Baptist's day, 44 Henry III. Seal.
Somers. A. 3218. Demise by Sir Philip Basset, to Sir William de Insula, of the above premises in Subarewe for eight years from Michaelmas, 44 Henry III., paying 4 marcs yearly. From Bare Wood Sir William shall only take what is necessary for repair of the ploughs and other utensils, and from Blakemore Wood, housebote, heybote, and fuel. Witnesses:—Richard de Ruly, John de Cormaili', Roger de Kalestone, &c., knights, and others (named). 44 Henry III. Portion of seal.
Somers. A. 3219. Demise by John le Russ, to Sir Philip Basset, of the land and tenement in Subarewe which he had by grant of Robert Punsond, for eight years from Michaelmas, 44 Henry III., paying 8 marcs yearly. Same covenants as above as to wood. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Samford, William del Ydle, Hubert de Ruly, Geoffrey le Chamberleng, knights, and others (named). 44 Henry III.
[Somers.] A. 3220. Grant by William de Monte Acuto, son of Drew (Droci) de Monte Acuto, to Philip Basset, of all his land in Therlebergh, paying a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly. Witnesses:— Ralph de Ardern, Thomas and Nicholas de Sanford, brothers, and others (named).
Somers. A. 3221. Grant by John de Nevile, to Philip Basset, of his manor of Wotton, to hold by the service of the sixth part of a knight's fee. Witnesses:—Gilbert Basset, John Biset, William Maudut, and others (named). Seal.
Somers. A. 3222. Letters of attorney of John Cheyne of Pynne, Robert Stowell and Robert Hyll, esquires, authorising John James and John Walsshe to deliver seisin of the manors of Whetehyll, Estlyddeford, Fodyngton, Radestoke, Radyngton, Wodeford, and Welleslegh with the advowsons of the five first-named places, and six messuages, lands and rents in Myddelcote, Melles, Blakeryche, Lyddeford, and Langsutton, to Genofefa, wife of William Say, son and heir of John Say, knight, and kinswoman and heir of Cicely Kyryell, deceased, as being daughter of John Hyll, son of the said Cicely. 18 November, 12 Edward IV. Three seals.
Somers. A. 3223. Grant by Henry, Earl of Northumberland, to Henry Pole, knight, lord of Montague, of the manor of Stapull, paying 40s. yearly, in return for the surrender of on annuity of 40l. issuing from the manor and lordship of Petworth, Sussex, previously granted to him by the said Earl. Guy Bonnildi and Philip Acton appointed attorneys to deliver seisin. 8 July, 23 Henry VIII. Portion of seal of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum of livery of seisin, 26 July, 23 Henry VIII.
Somers. A. 3224. Letters of attorney of Henry Pole, knight, lord of Montague, appointing Anthony Gilbert and Hugh Pawlet to receive possession of Stapull manor. 12 July, 23 Henry VIII.
Somers. Dorset. Kent. Wales. A. 3225. Surrender by Roger Hunte, to Henry VI. of the manors of Covimalet, Stoke under Hampden, Milton Faucomberge, Stratton up Fosse, Inglescombe, Norton cum Welweton, Wydecombe, Farenton, Laverton, Westharpetre, and Shepton Malet co. Somerset, and Ryme co. Dorset, with the advowson of the college and free chapel of Stoke under Hampden, and the advowsons of the churches of the manors of Corymalet, Shepton Malet, and Stratton up Fosse, &c.; the manors of Magor in the marches of Wales, and of Maydencote and Sellynges in Kent. 20 February, 21 Henry VI. Seal.
A. 3226. Duplicate of A. 3225.
Hants. A. 3227. Grant by Thomas de Bellocampo, Earl of Warwick, to the King, of Brokenhurst manor in the New Forest. Witnesses:— William de Edyndon, bishop of Winchester, John de Veer, Earl of Oxford, Roger de Bellocampo, Richard la Vache, and Edward de Sancto Johanne, knights. Westminster, 2 June, 35 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Annexed: Letters of attorney of Thomas de Bellocampo, Earl of Warwick, appointing Henry Sturmy and John atte Wode to deliver seisin of Brokenhurst manor. 2 June, 35 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Hants.] A. 3228. Licence to Gilbert Basset to enclose two acres of wood to increase his park of Fosterne. Witnesses:—W., bishop of Carlisle, Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent, and others (named). Wudestok, 15 June, 19 Henry III. Portion of Great Seal.
Hants. A. 3229. Grant by Edward II., to Hugh le Despenser, the elder, of free warren in all his demesne lands in Asshele not within the limits of the King's forest, Westminster, 24 May, 10 Edward II. Portion of Great Seal.
Hants. A. 3230. Label, apparently, of receptacle containing certain documents relating to Estworldebam manor, viz., a grant to the King by John de Burghersshe of the same, two letters of attorney, four ancient charters, and a grant by the same John and letter for delivery of seisin of the park of Worldham to the said King. [Edward III.]
[Hants.] A. 3231. Grant by John do Venuz, to Sir Adam Gordun, knight, of two meadows in Est Wordleham called 'Reynaldesmor' and 'Kenemede,' and 52s. 8d. rent in Est Wordleham and Kingeslye, payable by the tenants specified, for Sir Adam's life: in exchange for which Sir Adam has granted him the manor of Folcle which he held for life by demise of John de Venuz, father of John above named.
Hants. A. 3232. Letters of attorney of John de Burghersshe, knight, authorising Thomas Chaumberleyn to deliver seisin to King Edward of Worldham park, by the King's forest of Wolmere. Tuesday the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, 45 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, July, 48 Edward III.
Hants. A. 3233. Demise by John de Holand, Earl of Huntingdon, to Robert Beverle of Playteford manor, to hold from the present date to the feast of St. Hilary next, provided he commit no waste therein. London, October 31, 13 Richard II. French. Seal.
Hants. A. 3234. Letters of attorney of John de Holand, Earl of Huntingdon, authorising Janekyn Verdon, his esquire, to receive from Robert Beverle seisin of Playteford manor. London, 17 October, 13 Richard II. French. Seal of arms.
Hants. A. 3235. Grant by Thomas Wyat of Alyngton, Kent, knight, to Thomas Wryothesley of Tychefeld, in co. Southampton, esquire, of his manor of Bromewich alias Bromewich Chyllyng and Meon in Tychefeld parish, and of fifteen messuages, lands, and 4s. rent in Tychefeld, Bromewich Chyllyng and Meon. Appointment of Edmund Clerke, Thomas Ryth', and William Sutton as attorneys to deliver seisin of the premises. 4 April, 29 Henry VIII.
[Hants.] A. 3236. Grant by Alexander de Crowe, to Walter de Marisco, son of Geoffrey de Marisco, of Andover, for 20 marcs, of land with a messuage in Brudemere which he bought of William de Gerardestune and Amice his wife, receiving yearly from the said Walter a pair of gloves, price one penny. Witnesses:—Sirs Brian de Guvice, Richard de Wigbere, and others (named).
[Hants.] A. 3237. Grant by Sir William de Valoncia, to Roger, the abbot, and the convent of Hyde, of 15 acres upon Hoggindon called 'la Suthlangelond,' adjoining their demesne land in Colingeburn manor, in exchange for 7 acres which they granted to him within his new park called 'la Fridhe,' 2½ acres without the said park but adjoining it, and pasture called 'Bukstiche' of 30 acres within the said park of the abbot's ground. Witnesses:—Sirs Henry Huse, William de Bucell, Richard de Havering', James le Sauvage, knights, and others (named). May, 40 Hen. III.
Hants. A. 3238. Grant by Richard Bagge, of Southampton, eon of Richard Bagge, deceased, late burgess of that town, to Richard le Someter, burgess of the same, of his grange with land at Kyngeslond in the suburbs of the town, in the west end of 'Seinte Marie-stret', and land by Craumpelane at Nuweton'. Witnesses:—Roger Normaund, alderman, Nicholas le Mondenard and Robert atte Barre, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Michaelmas, 5 Edward III.
Hants. [Dorset.] [Surrey.] A. 3239. (1.) Grant by Henry III., to Netley abbey (Sancte Marie de Loco Sancti Edwardi) which he has founded, of the site of the abbey with the lands of Letehele, Hone, Welewe, Totynton, Gomeselne, Norlege, Deverel Kyngeston, Waddon, Ayhsleg, and Lacton, with rents in Cherleton, Southampton, and Suthwerk, 100 acres in Shyre manor and advowson of the church there, and of many liberties and privileges. Witnesses:— William de Valencia, 'our brother,' John Mansel, provost of Beverley, Master W. de Kilkenny, archdeacon of Coventry, and others (named). Westminster, 7 March, 35 Henry III. Transcript.
Hunts. Dorset. Surrey. Annexed: (2.) Grant by same, to same, of free warren on their lands in Letteleg', Hune, Shotteshale, Westebroc, and Sholling in co. Southampton, Waddon and Ayhsleg' in Dorset, and Gumeshulne and Shyre in Surrey, which arc not within the limits of the King's forest, of a weekly market in Hune manor on Mondays, and a two days' fair at their manor of Welewe yearly, on the vigil and the day of St. Margaret the Virgin. Norwich, 20 March, 35 Henry III. Transcript.
A. 3240. Duplicate of A. 3239 (1.).
[Hints.] A. 3241. Grant by Robert Beverle, to John de Holand, Earl of Huntingdon, of all his estate in Playteford manor, whereof he is seised by virtue of letters patent of Edward III. granting to him the wardship of two parts of all lands and tenements that were Reynald Perot's, deceased, which came into the King's hands through the nonage of the heir. London, 16 October, 13 Richard II. French. Seal.
[Hants.] A. 3242. Agreement between Theobald the abbot, and the convent of Tyron, (Andewell) and Alan Basset to settle their disputes. They release to Alan all claim in Hoc (Hook) wood and give him land in the field 'del su' of the chapel of Mapeldurewelle, retaining one third of the moor called 'Estmore.' He restores them a way sufficient for a horse laden to go along with his leader in the head of his tillage toward the water of Mapeldurewelle to the house of Enedewelle. Present:—witnesses from Bradenestoke and St. Fromund, Gilbert Basset, Roger de Dantesia, Alan de Sanford, and others (named). Morrow of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, A.D. 1223. Much injured.
Hants. A. 3243. Release by Edward Hastynges, knight, brother of Hugh Hastynges, esquire, to the King of all his right in land in Sutton Scoteneye, which formerly belonged to Hugh Hastynges, knight, father of John Hastynges, brother of Hugh Hastynges, father of Hugh Hastynges, father of Hugh Hastynges, Edward's brother. Westminster, Sunday, February 10, 5 Henry [IV.]. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
Hants. A. 3244. Grant by John de Niweton, son of Stephen de Niweton, late burgess of Southampton, to Thomas de Wendovere, of 6s. yearly quit rent issuing from land in Southampton that Thomas Hardewyne holds in Smith Street, All Saints parish. Witnesses:—Philip de Thame, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, warden of Southampton, Nicholas Sampson, the elder, mayor, Richard Imb[er]d, bailiff, and others (named). Portion of common seal.
Hunts. A. 3245. Release by Roger de Halewell, chaplain, and Robert do Stayndrope, clerk, attorneys of Sir Robert de Bourne, executor of the will of John de Peteresfeld late burgess of Southampton, to John de Moenstoke, of all Sir Robert's right in land in Southampton in All Saints parish, in English Street, by 'la Castel lane.' Witnesses:—John Forster, mayor of Southampton, Nicholas Sampson, the younger, bailiff, and others (named). Monday before St. Dunstan the Bishop, 16 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
Hants. A. 3246. Grant by Thomas de Wendovere, burgess of Southampton, to John de Hockele, co-burgess and sailor of the same, of land in Southampton in All Saints' parish in English Street, by 'In Castellane.' Thursday after the Purification, 16 Edward III. Seal.
Hants. A. 3247. Grant by John Dykeman, brother of Thomas Dykeman, burgess of Southampton, to Luke Bassinger, son and co-heir of William Bassinger the younger, late burgess of the same, of 18s. yearly quit rent issuing from three adjoining housed in Southampton in Smith Street, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—John Roude and Nicholas Sampson, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 15 Edward 11.
[Kent.] A. 3248. Letters Patent of John son of Elias de la Mare, desiring the tenants of Tremworthe manor in Crundale parish to be obedient to lady Gunnora de Valoignes, to whom he has released the said manor and advowson of Crundale church with which she lately enfeoffed him. Aisshemere, 12 April, 33 Edward I.
Hants. A. 3249. Letters Patent of Edward III., appointing Edward de Sancto Johanne, knight, to receive from John de Burghersshe, knight, full seisin of Est Worldeham manor and all John's lands and rents in Est Worldeham, Nuttele, and Kyngesle. Westminster, 9 July, 48 Edward III. Portion of Great Seal.
Hants. A. 3250. Letters of attorney of John de Burghersshe, knight, appointing Thomas Chamberleyn, of Hesshete, to deliver to Edward III. full seisin of his manor of Est Worldeham and of his lands and rents in Est Worldeham, Nuttele, and Kyngesle. Mandate to the tenants therein to be respondent to the King. 9 July, 48 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
Hants. A. 3251. Grant and surrender by John de Burghersshe, knight, to Edward III. of the above manor, &c. Witnesses:—John Knyvet, Chancellor, Richard Lescrope, Treasurer of England, Nicholas de Carru, Keeper of the Privy Seal, Edward de Seint John, Bernard Brocas, Hugh Camoys, and Ralph de Norton, knights. 9 July, 48 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed as above.
Hants. A. 3252. Grant by same to same of his park of Worldham, by the King's forest of Wolmere. Tuesday the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, 45 Edward III. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, July, 48 Edward III.
Hants. A. 3253. Release by Thomas, son and heir of John de Venuz, to Sir John de Burghersshe, knight, of all his right in East Worldham manor. 22 February, beginning of 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] A. 3254. Grant by John le Mareschal of Bovendone, knight, to John de Burghersshe, knight, of East Worldham manor and 15s. yearly rent issuing from Nutleghe manor for term of the grantor's life, paying 26 marcs yearly. 9 May, 21 Edward III. Seal.
Hants. A. 3255. Grant by John de Romesey, to Edward III. of 4 acres of land and wood in Est Worldham park. St. Peter ad Vincula, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] A. 3256. Letters patent of Edward III., under the Privy Seal, appointing Adam de Hertyngdon, his clerk, to receive full seisin frora William Sandale, of land by Benesworth wood called 'Sandale Innehome,' and other lands in Wolmer forest em parked in the King's park of Worldham. Windsor, 1 July, 49 Edward III. French. Portion of Privy Seal.
[Hants.] A. 3257. Grant by William Sandale, to Edward III. of the above land. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Norton and Philip de Poppeham, knights, and others (named). 1 July, 49 Edward III. Seal.
Suff. A. 3258. Grant by Henry III., to William de Valencia his brother, of Bretun soke which Philip de Albiniaco, who held it of the King's bailiff for Bretons' lands (de terris Britonum), formerly demised to William do Chaeny, who surrendered it to the King, by whom it was granted to Robert Walerand, his steward, who again enfeoffed the said Chaeny therein to be held of the said Robert, till they both released their right therein to the King at Westminster to the use of the said William de Valencia. Witnesses:—W. bishop of Worcester, E. bishop of Salisbury, Simon de Monte Forti, Earl of Leicester, Roger le Bigot, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, and others (named). 4 June, 41 Henry III. Portion of Great Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3259. Grant by William de Oddinggeseles, to Philip Basset, of all the land in Eustonc which he had by gift of John de Bello Campo, doing foreign service to the lord of the fee, and to himself the service of a fortieth part of one knight. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Saunford, Thomas le Blund; and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3260. Grant by Henry III., to Philip Basset of the manor of Kereseye that Hubert de Roylli gave the King to secure his good will in a certain trespass he had committed against the King's peace. Bordeaux, 20 April, 27 Henry III. Great Seal.
A. 3261. Duplicate of A. 3259. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3262. Grant by William Martel, Albreda his wife, and Geoffrey Mattel, their son and heir, in frank almoin, to the abbot and monastery of Colchester of their manor of Snape and Aldebure, the abbot and chapter of Colchester placing there a prior and monks according to the possibility of the place under their obedience, who shall pay them half a marc yearly, and say two masses weekly for the grantors. The abbot of Colchester shall visit the priory twice yearly with twelve horses, &c. Witnesses:—William bishop of Norwich, Walchelin the archdeacon, Edward the dean, Osbern Martel, and others (named). [Twelfth century.] Copy?
[Staff.?] A. 3263. Grant by Cristina, daughter of William Wufrey, of Foregathe of Stafford, to Trentham church and the canons there in frank almoin of 12d. yearly rent issuing from her land of Medford. This grant she made of her own free will before she gave the said land to Matilda her daughter. Witnesses:—William Wymer, William Wufrei, and others (named).
[Staff.] A. 3264. Grant by Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent, to Philip Basset of Crokstone manor, saving to himself the liberty or making canons in Crokstone abbey, and to the nuns of St. Mary by Derby two marcs yearly, to be received from the said abbey; doing the fourth part of the service of one knight. Witnesses:—Sirs Gilbert Basset, John de Burgo, and others (named). [A.D. 1227–1243.] Portion of seal.
[Staff.] A. 3265. Grant by Edward [II.], to John de Eltham, his son, of the remainder after his own decease of the castle, manor, and honor of Tuttebury, which belonged to Thomas, late Earl of Lancaster, by whom it was forfeited through rebellion. York, 0 July, 16 Edward [II.]. Portion of Great Seal.
[Suff. ?] A. 3266. Release by Gundreda de Tudeham, to Ydonia the prioress, and the convent of Wikes in frank almoin of the services of Simon son of Luke le Petit, of Oteleye, and Stephen son of Gerard, of Swinlond, viz. 4s. 7¼d. yearly rent, and the service of John Ailild', for certain assarted land they hold in Swinlond, one end abutting on the wood of Morsehaye, the other on Swinlond meadow. Witnesses:—Sirs William son of Reinard, Hernald de Otteley, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3267. Release by Agnes, daughter and heir of Roger Bramford, of Sprouton, late the wife of Geoffrey Ingenolf, of Waudingfeud Parva, to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich, for 100s., of all her right in lands, &c., formerly her father's, in Sprouton, which they hold by gift of herself and her predecessors. 6 April, A.D. 1295, 23 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3268. Grant by Walter de Bures, chaplain, to the same of the messuage he lately acquired of Robert Drayl in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Thomas le Rente, Walter de Westhale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3269. Grant by William son of Adam de Cleydon, to Roger Justus, of pasture in Thurlestone, paying 12d. yearly. Ipswich, Thursday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 28 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3270. Release by William son of Ailward, to Adam de Argoges, of all his land in Hangingebluntesdon and Westwydehulle. Witnesses:— Sir Nicholas de Lusteshulle, Roger de Wrytel', Philip le Bret, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3271. Grant by Juliana de Hastynges, Countess of Huntingdon, to John Randulf her cook, of land in the parishes of Preston, Wyeham, and Brewes, part lying at Grove, part at Deyreston in Preston parish, for term of his life. Nativity of St. Mary, 30 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3272. Grant by Richard de Bordeshowe, son of Manger de Bordeshowe, to the church and canons of St. Peter and St. Paul of Ipswich, in frank almoin, of land in Sproutune in the pasture called 'Crauford,' abutting southward on a meadow called 'Holm,' and northward on the land and messuage of Roger de Bordeshowe. Witnesses:— Sirs Geoffrey de Badel', Nicholas de Aungervill', and others (named). Seal.
[Suff. ?] A. 3273. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Henry son of Henry, of 30 acres in Beringham, paying 32d. yearly, and of their land called 'Lusterdole' in Heppurham, and four acres of heath by the service of 8d., saving the King's service, viz., 4d. for denegeld. Witnesses:—William de Sancto Osyda, Hosebert de Glanvilla, Bartholomew de Culwerhiston, and others (named).
Endorsed: Bermingham.
[Suff.] A. 3274. Grant by Robert Clerk, perpetual vicar of Great Barton, John Osberne and John Notyngham, of Bury St. Edmunds, to William Methewold, spicer, and Alice his wife, and John Barwe, chandler, all of Bury, of their tenements in Bury in the street called 'le Cookrowe' by the street called 'Bolax strete,' which they formerly had by gift of Thomas Bernyngham, of Bury. Witnesses:—Giles Pyrie, alderman, Edmund do Lakynghith, Edmund Carleton, bailiffs, of Bury, and others (named). Monday the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 2 Henry IV. Three seals.
[Suff.] A. 3275. Grant by Richard Steresacre, esquire, John Holgate, and Simon Blyaunt to William de Bury, Edmund Carlton, and Thomas Clerk, chaplain, of Ipswich, of a tenement called 'Hastynges' and a messuage with garden and curtilage called 'Prestones,' in St. Nicholas' parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—John Kneppyni; and John Joye, bailiffs, and William Welhereld, coroner, of Ipswich, and others (named). Monday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 10 Henry V.
[Norf.] A. 3276. Release by Robert the chaplain, son of John Nel, deceased, of Broke, and Thomas his brother, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, for 20s., of the messuage and land in Broke that John their father and Alvena his wife held at will of the said prior by servile custom: concerning which the prior had various suits against them, from which he had released them. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Badele, lord of the fee, Richard de Holebroc, Matthew de Parca, Osbert de Foro, bailiffs, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3277. Grant by Richard de Bordeshowe, to the church and canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of 3s. 1½d. yearly rent, in frank almoin, out of 8s. yearly rent which they were wont to pay him for land that William son of Gregory holds of them in Sproutun parish. Witnesses:— Sirs Geoffrey do Badele, Robert de Angerville, and Sewal de Neuton, John son of Norman, Alexander de Haya, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Norf.] A. 3278. Release by Alice, relict of Nigel Cole, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all her right of dower in four acres in Brokes. Witnesses:—Silvester, Matthew de Porta, bailiffs of Ipswich, William de Holebroc, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3279. Release by Nicholas son of Robert Duelle, of Thurlestone, to Martin Justuse, for 10s., of 5d. yearly rent which he was wont to pay for two pieces of land in Thurlestone, one in the field called 'le Lundfeld,' the other in the field called 'le Bereht.' Witnesses:—Baldwin de Peschale, Adam de Cleyd', and others (named). St. Gregory's day, A.D. 1276. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3280. Grant by Robert do Cleydun, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich, in frank almoin, of the rent of 5d. that Baldwin de Pintun was wont to pay to him yearly, and the fee whence it issued. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Brus, sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, Geoffrey de Badele and Robert de Angerville, and others (named). [16–18 Henry III.] Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3281. Grant by the same, to the same, of a yearly rent in the parish of Thurlestune, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Baldwin [de Pesenhale], Robert de Ry, and others (named). Much injured.
[Norf.] A. 3282. Release by Alan son of Robert Aylnod, of Manestune, to Sir Philip Basset, of all his right in the land that Robert his father bought of John de Westewyk in Manestune. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Sunderland, Henry de Saham, Walter de la Ponde, of Bradclfeld, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Wikes."
[Buff.] A. 3283. Release by Thomas, rector of St. Stephen's of Ipswich, to Amise son of Gilbert de Donewico, and Avice his wife, of all his right in land in (ho parish of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, abutting on the street called 'Caifaslane.' Witnesses:—Robert Wlfun and John de Sancto Georgio, bailiffs, Silvester son of Walkeiin, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3284. Grant by Geoffrey de Badele, son of Robert de Badele, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of the gift that William de Badcle his uncle made thorn of 24s. yearly rent, less ¾d., in Brokes and Turlestune, payable by the tenants named, and of lands in Brokes called 'Searboteswallelond,' 'Risewikelond,' 'Goredlond,' land abutting on the meadow of Helioch, on Berewelle, and on Pingel's land, a messuage by the mill of Horsewade, pasture by Hagneford mill, and land before William Pikehorn's gate. Witnesses:—Bartholomew de Glanvill, Robert de Angervill', Baldwin de Pesehale, and others (named). Equestrian seal.
[Suff.] A. 3285. Grant by Roger Merevin, of Belsted Magna, to Peter de Aulagia, of ½d. yearly rent issuing from land [in Belstead]. St. Mathias' day, 26 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3286. Grant by Isabel daughter of Letitia de Ailintone, to Robert her son and Matilda her daughter of a messuage with a toft and croft in Ailintone, containing 4 I ft. by 58 ft., the croft abutting on Rudich way; two acres in Ailinton fields, part on Cleyfurlong by the highway beneath Michele grove, abutting one end towards Walmisford and the other towards Ogerstan, part by 'gores' of Robert son of Walter son of Emma, and abutting on Milneweye; 4½ acres that Letitia her mother bought of Lady Ysoud, late the wife of Philip son of Achard de Ailintone, for 47s., part by the tillage called 'Longewonge,' abutting on the great road from Walmisford to Ogerstan, part between Gorewong and Twelveacris and abutting on Billingbrok, part upon Herdcwykbenelond and abutting on Billingbrokfurlong, part between the abbot's tillage called 'Riewong' and Akirmanlond; and 1½ acres, part lying at Burnweye plof between Andrew lo Hermite's land and 'le Akirmanislond,' part between 'le Furweys,' part by 'le Gililenegore': paying 9d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Cuninlone, vicar, Gerald de Wyldebeuf, Henry Franceys, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3287. Grant by John son of Baldwin of the church of Thurlestone, to Martin Justus, of Thurlestone, of a piece of pasture that John, Martin's brother, formerly acquired of Andrew, John's brother, abutting westward on the path stretching from Roger May's land to the land of Sir Richard de Brens', viz. between the pasture called 'le Brocslade' and the aforesaid pasture. Witnesses:—Adam do Aula, of Cleydon, William de Ry, and others (named). Feast of St. John ante Portam Latinam, 10 Edward I. Seal.
[Buff.] A. 3288. Release by William the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, with consent of the chapter, to William son of William le Fraunk, of Belsted, of all their right in 2d. yearly rent which he owes for meadow in Belsted of the monks of Aumale (de alba Marlia), for which they impleaded the said William before the justices in eyre at Ipswich on the morrow of All Souls, 14 Edward I. Witnesses:—Sirs Fulk de Vallibus, John de Wenham, Hugh Talemache, knights, and others (named).
Suff. A. 3280. Grant by William Curlepite, of Rumburgh, to Thomas Nicol, wryghte, of Bungay, and Alice his wife, of the messuage and all lands, &c., goods and chattels ho has in Rumburgh and Wysete or elsewhere in Suffolk; for which they shall find him food and clothing for life, and give him the chamber under the soler in the east part of the principal house of the above messuage, and 2s. 4d. yearly. If, he does not care for the board provided, instead thereof and of the 2s. 4d. yearly they shall pay him 6d. weekly, and for his clothing 10s. yearly. They shall also pay his debts, noted on the schedule annexed. Sunday after Easter, 10 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3290. Grant by Thomas de Rougham, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of a piece of land with a windmill thereon in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting eastward on the pasture called 'le Cokyspyhtil' and westward on the highway from Ipswich to Coldone, a piece of meadow in Sprouton, between the bank stretching from Sprouton to Haneford Bridge and the meadow of Robert de Bordeshowe, and 9s. yearly rent from messuages in St. Peter's parish. Saturday the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 6 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3291. Grant by the same, to the same, of all his lands and tenements in Belstede Magna, Belstede Parva, Chatesham, Sproutone, Coppcdok and Wasebrok, and the reversion of two messuages, lands, and rents of 2s., and four liens, which Laurence le Free and John his brother hold of him for their lives, in Stok by Ipswich, Whersted and Grenewych. 12 June, 3 Edward III. Two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3292. Grant by Richard the dean of Codeham, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of 2s. yearly rent for the messuage he holds of them in Ipswich at Cottesloh, where timber is sold, in addition to 3s. he already pays for the same; they having released the messuage that Osbert and Hawis his wife held of them to himself and other burgesses of Ipswich, in augmentation of the house of the Friars Minor. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Blumvill, archdeacon of Suffolk, Master Gervase the Dean of Ipswich, Peter Eborard and Hugh de Langest', bailiffs, and others (named), [A.D. 1233–1236.] Two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3293. Grant by John son of Alexander de Gipewic', to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of his shop in Ipswich market, and the rent therefrom, and 12d. yearly rent from Hugh de Langestune for certain land, in frank almoin, save the King's service of 4d. yearly from the shop and 2d. to the canons of Dodenes. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Pesehaulle, knight, William and John de Beamis, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3294. Sale and release by Gracian son of John the chaplain, and Agatha his sister, to Richard de Codeham, dean, and Robert, Richard, Henry, and Michael, brethren, for 40s., of houses with the soil in Ipswich by the timber market, to be held of the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, by a service of 3s. yearly, saving the King's service of 1d. ad hadgabulum. Witnesses:—Thomas son of Manser, Amis the vintner, bailiffs, John son of Norman, Peter son of Eborard, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3295. Grant by William le Smyth, of Akynham, to Gilbert de Debinham and Sir John de Berdefelde, perpetual vicar of Wherstede, of a piece of pasture in Thurliston by the pasture of Sir Thomas dil Dale, knight, abutting northwards on the road from Westfelde to Cleydon. Sunday the feast of Holy Trinity, 33 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3296. Letters of attorney of John son of Eustace de Turbario,of Burstall, authorising Thomas le Cook, of the same, to deliver seisin to Margery his mother of land he has granted her in Burstall. Thursday the feast of St. Peter, 20 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3297. Confirmation by Thomas de Mendham, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wikes, of a grant made to them by William de Mendham and Margaret his wife, with Avelina, Margaret's sister, of land in Chedeberi, paying one marc yearly. Witnesses:—Robert and Adam de Mendham, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3298. Release by Eustace del Turpet, of Burstall, to John de Cleydone, of all his right in 1d. yearly rent which John paid for pasture in Burstall parish. Friday after St. Botolph the Abbot, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3299. Release by Alice, late the wife of William le Kac, of Hintlesham, to John, son of John Costyn, of Hintlesham, of all her right in the lands and tenements in Hintlesham that John Costyn, the father, formerly acquired of her husband and herself. Thursday the feast of St. Gregory, 6 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3300. Grant by William Kac, of Hintlesham, and Alice his wife, to John Costim, of Leyham, the younger, of land in Hintlesham. Feast of St. James the Apostle, 23 Edward [I.].