Deeds: A.3301 - A.3400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3301 - A.3400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3301 - A.3400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3301 - A.3400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3301 - A.3400

[Suff.] A. 3301. Grant by Thomas Ruht, son of William Thuri, cf Ipswich, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich, for the souls of himself and Joete his wife, in frank almoin, of 14d. yearly rent from land in the suburb of Ipswich, viz. Stoke upon the corner before the gate of Thomas son of Roger Palmer, paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert Wulfun, Matthew do Porta, bailiffs, Sir Otho, dean of Ipswich, and others (named).
Suff. A. 3302. Obligation of Thomas Beneyt of Chatesham, to pay to William de Staunford a yearly rent of 40s. out of his lands and tenements in Chatesham. Friday after St. Valentine, 23 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3303. Obligation of Hugh Bardi, vicar of Chatisham, to pay John Costyn of Hyntlisham, 40s. yearly rent, to be charged upon his lands and rents in Hyntlisham and Chatisham. Sunday after Michaelmas, 14 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3304. Grant by William de le Turpet, of Burstall, to Adam Sabyne, of the same, and Alice his wife, of land in Burstall parish. Whit Sunday, 18 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.?] A. 3305. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de Badelea, to Robert Doi, son of Herbert de Brokes, of three acres in Brokes, paying 27d. yearly and the services of the King and the Earl of Clare. Witnesses: —Robert, son of Geoffrey de Badelea, Roger his brother, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.?] A. 3306. Grant by Geoffrey de Badele, knight, to Robert Joie, of Ipswich, for 34s., of land with pasture in Brokes in St. Peter's parish, between the highway and the water flowing from Horsewade mill towards Botflod, abutting eouthward on Mandulveswalle, and with all 'le Rettelpond,' paying 12d. yearly. November, 47 Henry III.
[Suff.] A. 3307. Grant by Walter son of Silvester de Beding[field], to the monks of St. Mary's Snapes, in frank almoin, of land called 'Burecroft' in Beding[field]. Witnesses:—Adam de Beding', Richard Flameng, Master Reimund the dean of Horford, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Hec familia post vocata Silvester."
Annexed: Grant by Walter Silvester, of Bedingfeld, to Richard Page, of Bedingfeld, for 23s., of land in Bedingfield, abutting on the prior of Snapes' land, paying 2d. yearly to buy incense on Walter's behalf for Bedingfield church. Witnesses:—Adam de Bedingfeld, William le Flemeng, and others (named).
Suff. A. 3303. Demise by lady Katherine Wellyng, the prioress, and the convent of Wykcs to Thomas Sweyn, of Hynttelisham, of a tenement called 'Pepcwhitis' in Hynttelisham, and four pieces of the demesne lands of their manor called 'Chatisham-halle' lying in the same place, part abutting on the highway from Hynttelisham church to Haddeleygh northward and land called 'Coppedokcroft' eastward, part abutting on the road from the tenement called 'Begelys' to Hynttelisham church; to be held from Michaelmas last for his life and a year longer, paying 26s. 8d. yearly. Sunday before Christmas, 8 Henry VI.
[Suff.] A. 3309. Release by Geoffrey de Badele, knight, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all his right in 6s. 6d. yearly rent that Richard de Bordeshowe and Manser his father paid him for land in Brokes called 'Seveneacres'; in exchange for half a marc rent that Geoffrey de Fakedune, uncle of Geoffrey, paid for land he held of them in Burstalle and Fakedune. Witnesses:—Sir William, prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, Sir Richard Dean of Codenham, Robert de Angerill', and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3310. Release by Robert son of Baldwin de Cleydon, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, in frank almoin, of all the lands, &c., they hold of his fee in Thurlestone or elsewhere. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Badele, Baldwin de Pesehale, William do Cleydon, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3311. Grant by Walter de Stanbregge to John Costin, son of John Costin, of Sparkeford, and Matilda his wife, of land called 'Atheleyseslond' in Hyntlesham parish, by the water running from Wassebrok mill to the mill of John Costyn, the elder. Sunday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, 12 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3312. Grant by John Costin, of Ipswich, and Isabella his wife, to Alice, Margaret, and Cristina, their daughters, of their messuage in the parish of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, paying to the grantors a clove of gillyflower, and 5s. yearly to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Kempe, warden of Ipswich, Vivian son of Silvester, Roger le Neve, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3313. Defeasance of a bond whereby John Costyn, of Sparkeford, the elder, is bound to pay to Nicholas de Sparkeford 8l. at his house at Bergholte at the three terms specified, granting that if John pay 4l. at those terms by equal instalments, then the said obligation shall be void. Braunford, 5 March, 10 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3314. Release by Richard son of Richard Fader, of Ipswicb, deceased, to John Harncys, of Ipswich, of all his right in 30d. yearly rent that Thurstan del Cley used to pay to his said father for a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. March, 21 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3315. Grant and release by William son of Walter Silvestre, of Beddingefeld, to the prior and monks of Snapes of land in Beddingefeld in frank almoin, save 2d. yearly rent to Beddingfeld church. Witnesses:— William Flemeng, Thomas Cordebuef, and others (named).
[Essex.] A. 3316. Grant by Robert do Hastinges, to the nuns of Wikes of 5s. of the rent that his uncle Ralph do Berners owes him, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Gilbert Carbunol, Blacsalt, William Bret, and others (named).
Annexed: Final concord between Constance, prioress of Wykes, plaintifl, and Matthew de Lincam, deforciant, concerning 5s. rent in Berneston. The prioress claims 40s. for arrears of the said rent, which however she releases to Matthew on his acknowledging that he owes her the said rent, to be received at Berneston out of the tenement which Ralph de Berners holds of him there. Chelmsford, the Octave of Hilary, 19 Henry III.
[Norf.] [Suff.] A. 3317. Grant by Ralph do Blanchewilla, by request of Annasia his wife and with consent of his heirs, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich, in frank almoin, of land on Bregga which is of the fee of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, which William de Blanchevilla held of him, one acre by Wensismere which Roger, brother of the grantor, held of him, two acres in Oxsecropft that Gerard de Turlestune held, and land of the fee of Broches that William aforesaid held. Witnesses:—Alan, the dean, Edmund son of Eilwl, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3318. Appointment by John Rodlond, son and heir of the late Reginald Rodlond, of the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to pay to the heirs of Sir Roger Loveday a yearly rent of 4s. for a tenement in Spronton which they held of him, he being the mean between them and the said heirs. Saturday the Nativity of St. Mary, 30 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3319. Grant by Rechinald son of William Pingel, of Turlestun, for 4½s., to Baldwin de Cleid' of all the land that was his father William's in Turlestun, paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert de Riemes, William de Blanchewill, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3320. Grant by Laurence le Fre, of Beiestede, to John le Man, of the same, of land in Belested, paying 6d. yearly. Wituesses:—John de Belestede, Robert de Bordeshowe, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3321. Confirmation by Robert de Hadleg', son of Nicholas de Hadleg', to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich of the gift that Nicholas his brother made them of his lands and rents, &c., in Hintlesham parish, viz., land by Gosecroft, part of the wood called 'Merweneswode' and land adjoining, two acres at Pikeslond, meadow with wood at Ruges, &c., and rents, including 6d. the canons were wont to pay Nicholas for Wulvardeslond, and the rent be had in Capeles parish. Witnesses:—Sir Herbert, de Alicun, sheriff of Suffolk, Geoffrey de Badele, and others (named). [11–10 Henry III.] Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3322. Grant by Alan, merchant, of Ipswich, to William de Heis. chaplain, for 18s., of a curtilage in St. Nicholas' parish, Ipswich, paying 4d. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert Wlfun, Richard Fader, bailiffs, Simon BlondeJ, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3323. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul [at Ipswich] to Martin Justuse, of Thurlestone, of five pieces of land in Thurlestone, part adjoining the meadow called 'Estmedwe' on the west and land called 'le Berenaker' on the north, part by the wood called 'Wlpet,' and part called 'le Lechemere,' in exchange for three pieces in Thurlestone, part by land called 'Andresdelemore,'part abutting on Estmedwe: also grant of six pieces of land in Thurlestone, part by land called 'Sedewytoft' and abutting on 'le Norhtmedwe,' part abutting on pasture of the rector of Akenham, part in the field called 'Bereht,' part abutting on 'le Brocessclade,' part in 'Bereht' by Wansiesmere and abutting on 'le Brocsclade,' and part at 'le Kyzeres,'doing therefor the service they owe for two pieces of land which they held of Adam de Cleydon's fee, who granted them to Margery de Rede, late 'inclusa' of Thurlestone; and grant of two pieces of land they formerly held of Aylmer Pigel's fee in Thurlestone. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Walle, William de Blanchevil', and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3324. Grant by William surnamed Scorcevilge, to the nuns of St. Mary of Wika of his moiety of Sparkefort mill, in frank almoin, for the health of his soul, and redemption of the soul of the King, his brother, who had lately granted them the whole mill. Witnesses:—William de Raimes, Walter de Ececestria, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Hyntelysham."
[Suff.] A. 3325. Grant by Nicholas Duelle, of Thurleatone, to Martin Justuse, and Margery his wife, of pasture in Thurlestone. Witnesses:— Baldwin de Pesehale, Adam de Cleydon, and others (named). Enthronement of St. Peter the Apostle, A.D. 1278. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3326. Release by Nicholas Duelle, of Thurliston, to Roger Justus, of the same, of a pightle of land with pasture in Thurliston, called 'le Waletone.' Witnesses:—Philip de Bockingge, Geoffrey de Blaunchevile, and others (named). Thursday after the Annunciation, end of March 25 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3327. Grant by Nicholas son of Robert Duelle, of Thurleston, to Roger Justus, for 10d., of 1d. rent that Martin, son of William de le Brok, pays for land in Thurleston. Witnesses:—Martin Justus, Geoffrey de Blanchevile, and others (named). The Assumption, 21 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3328. Giant by Gervase de Vallibus, to John Costin, the younger, of Leyham, for 20s., of meadow in Belestede by the meadow of the abbot of Albemarle abutting on the water of Stacwode. Feast of St. Matthew the Apestle, 30 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3329. Grant by Walter dil Hul, of Hyntlesham, to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydone, of a messuage with houses, garden, and land adjoining, four pieces of land, a curtilage, and a certain way in Belstede Alagna and Chatesham; part of the land abutting on the road from Hyntlesham to Colchester, part on the road from Hyntlesham to Dodeneesch', and part on the road to Chatesham church. Saturday after Michaelmas, 17 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3330. Release by Sybil daughter of William the Shoemaker, to Sir William do Valencia, of the messuage with land that her father held of Gilbert de Kentewelle in the manor of Kentewelle. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Prestun, Geoffrey de Melleford, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3331. Grant by William Spir, of Ipswich, to John the cook, of St. Peter's. Ipswich, for 15s., of a moiety of his messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, paying 6d. yearly to the chief lord of the fee for all services saving the King's service, viz., haggabulam. Witnesses:—Matthew de Porta, Osbert de Foro, bailiffs of Ipswich, William Godescalk, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3332. Grant by Hugh son of Hugh de Polestede, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, at Ipswich, in frank almoin, of all the land, &c., that AIwin Lykepam, of Reydune, held of his father in Reidune. Witnesses: —Sirs Geoffrey de Badele, and William son of Robert de Reydune, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3333. Grant by William de Ramesey, to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul, at Ipswich, of 4s. yearly rent from his tenement in Reydone, concerning which rent they formerly had dissensions. 4 May, 26 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3334. Grant by John Frost, of Hartley, to John Wode and Thomas Gyffard, of Burstall, and Thomas Dounham, of Ipswich, of land, &c., in Burstall between the lands of the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, called 'Wulfhundoslond,' and abutting on Wulfhundesyerd. 12 December, 11 Henry VI. Seal.
Annexed: Demise by the above John Wode, of Burstalle, to Gilbert Debenham the elder, esquire, Thomas Fulthorp, Thomas Denys the elder, Edmund Wynter, and William Wynter, of the above land in Burstalle, Gyffard and Doanham being dead, 20 August, 1 Edward IV. Seal, melted into the above seal.
[Suff.] A. 3335. Grant by Richard son of Hamo de Sibetune. to the monks of Rumbure, in frank almoin, of two parts of all his tithes of grain, lambs, wool, &c., in Sibetune. Witnesses:—Master Moriee, official of Norwich, Richard de Saham, parson of Kerbroe, David, viear of Spcceeshale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3336. Release by John Turk, of London, fishmonger, to Gilbert Peeche, knight, of all his right in the manor of Thriilewe Magna, and of all actions he had against the said Gilbert. West Chestre in co. Chester, Monday after St. Laurence the Martyr, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3337. Grant by William de Giselingeham and Silvester de Bedingefeld, to the church of St. Mary's, Snapes, of their right in Bedingefeld church, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Master Richard de Draitune, Alured Flamencus, Roger de Bosevill, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3338. Demise by John the prior, and the convent of St. Mary's, Snapes, to Sir Robert Carbonel, knight, Sir John Skeyton, vicar of Bedyngfeld, and John his brother, of the manor of Bedyngfeld for seven years from the vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next, paying six mares yearly and bearing all episcopal, archidiaeonal and other charges. They shall cut no wood except for 'plowbote, ferbote' and 'haybote': shall only lease any of the land from year to year, &c. Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 19 Richard II. Seal.
Annexed: Note of how the manor lands are sown.
[Suff.] A. 3339. Demise by Sir John, the prior, and the convent of Snapes, to John Pakke, Adam Kew and Robert Pakke, of Bedyngfeld manor with all the tithes of Bedyngfeld for live years from Michaelmas next, paying 8l. yearly. 2 January, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3340. Demise by Thomas, the prior, and the monks of Snapes, to William Tastard, of Cranefford, and John Batalie, of Rondham,for seven years from the present date, of the manor of Brunstonesh and land in Pesenhale and Hevenyngharn (saving rents and lands there demised beforehand), paying 60s. yearly and leaving the lands tilled and ploughed as they receive them. The grange there they shall hold till the Purification after the end of the term, &c. Wednesday, Michaelmas day, 7 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3341. Letters patent of Hugh son of Adam de Poselingworth, knight, requiring his tenants of Clare to be respondent to Sir Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to whom he has granted all his rents and services in Clare. Saturday after Epiphany, 20 Edward I. Portion of seal.
[Essex.] A. 3342. Release by Richard Gylle, citizen of London, to Henry Cokham, parson of St. Mary atte Hille, London, and John Sybill, citizen of London, of all his right in Dedham manor and a messuage and land which they had by fine in the King's Court of Nicholas de Exton, citizen of London, 26 August, 16 Richard II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3343. Grant by Eglinus, prior of Snapes, to Wimund the chaplain, of the perpetual vicarage of Frestune church, paying yearly 16s. and 2 lbs. of wax, Dunwich weight. Witnesses:—John the chaplain of Aldeburc, Roger the chaplain of Lestune, William de Glanvil', and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3344. Grant by Nicholas, prior of Snapes, to John the chaplain of a perpetual vicarage in Frestune church for life, paying as above. Witnesses:—Master Reimund de Aldeburg, Walter, parson of Saxmundeham, Roger, parson of Cranesford, Roger, vicar of Farenham, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3345. Grant by Master Eustace, parson of the churches of St. Andrew and All Saints in Gretingeham, to Adam de Gretingeham, clerk, of the perpetual vicarage of the said churches, paying six marcs yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh Peverel, William de Bukingeham, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3346. Grant by William de Gretigham, to Adam his clerk of the churches of St. Andrew and All Saints in Gretingham, to hold for life ns a perpetual vicarage in frank almoin, paying a yearly pension of six mares to Master Eustace, William's clerk. Witnesses:—Hugh Peverell, precentor of St. Martin's church, London, Robert de Colevill, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3347. Grant by Ernald de Colevill and Agnes his wife, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Ipswich, in frank almoin, of six marcs yearly in Gretingeham church, saving to themselves the presentation and election of a clerk in the said church, who when instituted by the bishop shall give security for payment of the said six marcs yearly at the two synods of Suffolk. Witnesses:—Richard, archdeacon of Ely, Geoffrey, archdeacon of Suffolk, Godfrey del Ysle, Robert de Colevill, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[Suff.] A. 3348. Grant by Robert son of Godfrey, to the same in frank almoin, of Gretingeham church. Witnesses:—Wimer the chaplain, Angod de Gipewieo, Gilbert de Ri, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3349. Grant by Arnald de Colevill, who has the heir of William de Gretingham, to the same, of Gretingham church, in frank almoin, for the soul of the said William, who assigned that church to them. Witnesses:—Wimar the chaplain, Master Simon de Ressemere, Robert de Colevill, and others (named). Equestrian seal.
Suff. A. 3350. Demise by Isabella, the prioress, and the convent of Wikes to Robert Amys and Hugh his brother, of Belsted, of their mill of Sparkeford in Hintlesham parish with the fishery and pasture enclosed on either side of the pool, paying 16s. yearly. If the great timber fail, it shall be renewed from the prioress's woods in Chatesham and brought to the mill at Robert and Hugh's cost; if the mill be burnt down or otherwise destroyed, they will rebuild it, and they have also sworn to preserve the mill pool in the state they receive it under penalty of 40s. to the use of the sheriff of Suffolk. Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, beginning of 47 Henry III.
[Suff.] A. 3351. Grant by William, brother of H[enry II.] King of England, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wikes, of all the land that Adam the clerk held in his manor of Hintlesham, for 16s. yearly, and the mill of Sparchelord, and the land that was Haldene's for 2s. 5½d. yearly, quit of soc, hundreds, and halmotes as held in the time of King Henry [I.] his grandfather, as the latter's grant to Adam the clerk testifies. Witnesses:—Alan de Faleise, Ralph de Hastinges, and others (named). At 'Salesberi.'
A. 3352. Counterpart of A. 3350.
[Suff.] A. 3353. Grant by Isabella, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes, to John Costyn, of Leyham, the younger, and Peter his son, of their water mill of Sparkeford with the pool, fishery therein, pasture and way belonging, paying yearly, in the name of the grantor, to John de Stampes, vicar of their church of Chatesham, 24s., which they have assigned for his support as vicar, and after his death 22s. to themselves. Sunday after Holy Trinity, 23 Edward I. Two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3354. Grant by Robert son of William, to Sir Thomas, his kinsman, and through him to the church of Cluny, in frank almoin, of the whole of Jochesford except what he had previously given to the church of St. Neot's, viz., Geoffrey the provost with all his tenure, a 'mansura' in the alder bed with 16 acres, and 1,000 herrings. Witnesses:—Humphrey the clerk of Irenchester, William de Malperteshale, dean, Ebrard, provost of Lentune, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[Essex.] [Suff.] A. 3355. Demise by John, Duke of Suffolk, Thomas Lee and William Martyn, clerks, to William Dudley, bishop of Durham, William Hastynges, knight, lord of Hastynges, Thomas Breux, James Tyrell, William Knyvet, knights, and others named, of the manors of Stratford, Langham, and Dedham and lands in those places for the life and to the use of lady Elizabeth, the Duke's wife. Appointment of Thomas Blenerhasset, esquire, and Henry Loveryche, clerk, attorneys to deliver seisin. Witnesses:—John Wyngefeld, Robert Wyngefeld, Richard Harecourte, Thomas Breux, and William Calthorpe, knights. 21 March, 20 Edward IV. Signed. Two seals.
Suff. A. 3356. Demise by the prioress and convent of Wykes, Essex, London diocese, to Sir Nicholas atte Lane, vicar of Swynlond church, of their rectory of the said church, viz., the grange, thirty acres of land with all the greater tithes and a tenement in Swynlond, for five years from the present date, paying 26s. 8d. yearly. Nicholas shall repair the grange and other buildings at his own cost, save the chancel of the church, which he shall repair at the convent's charge. Tuesday the morrow of Michaelmas, 39 Edward III.
Endorsed by Le Neve: "Swynlond, Suff. Md., several deeds of Swinlond are put into Essex and Wykes bag."
[Suff.] A. 3357. Grant by Christiana, the prioress, and the convent of St. Mary of Wikes to Peter son of Thomas, for 6s., of all the assart in Swineland which they have by grant of William de Frexineto, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Edmund de Tudeham, Richard de Bruntune, and others (named).
Suff. Herts. A. 3353. Grant by Sir John Audeley, knight, and Richard Audeley, his son and heir, in consideration of a marriage between the said Richard and Dame Margaret Marzen, widow, to be celebrated before the Purification next, to William Willughby, knight, lord of Willughby and Eresby, and Thomas Bonham, esquire, that before Easter next they will make a sure estate to the said Margaret for life in Swillond and Fordley manors and iu other lands in Swillond, Middelton, and Fordeley, which are of the clear yearly value of 40 marcs; and also in an annual rent of 20 marcs out of the manors of Clopton and Newhall, payment of such rent to commence at the Easter or Michaelmas immediately after the deaths of the said Sir John and Dame Elizabeth his wife. If the premises cannot by law be made sure before next Easter, to the said Margaret, before Whitsunday next they will make her an indefeasible grant of a yearly rent of 40 marcs for life out of Witlesham and Cockfeld manors. Dame Margaret covenants before Easter next to make to Richard Audeley for life a sure estate in the manors of Marshall's, Sootes and Yonges, and all her other lands in Stondon to the clear yearly value of 20l. 5 October, 14 Henry VIII. English.
[Suff.] A. 3359. Release by William de Corton, rector of Ellesworth, to Sir John, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, of all his right in a messuage and land in Aylington which he had demised to them for a term of years. Thursday the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3360. Grant by Nicholas Baldewine, of Shimpling, to Sir William de Valanche, Earl of Pembroke, for 10s., of the homages and rents of two tenants for a tenement and land which they hold in Shimpling. Witnesses: —Sirs John de Hodebovile, Walter de Bernham, knights, and others (named). Meleforth, Monday after St. Hilary, 23 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3361. Release by James son of Thomas de Knapeton, deceased, to Thomas del Hil, of Hintlesham, of all his right in a windmill in Hintlesham, called 'Hoksachmelle.' St. Thomas the Apostle's day, 12 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3362. Grant by William la Justise, of Kereseie, to Sir Philip Basset—to whom he has done homage and become his man—of 12d. yearly rent issuing from a croft in Kereseie. Witnesses:—Ralph de Wascuil, Stephen de Bellocampo, Nicholas de Hastinges, and others (named). Seal. Much injured.
[Suff.] A. 3363. Grant by Robert and Sinod his brother, to the nuns cf St. Mary's, Wikes, of the land [in Hintlesham] which they claimed against Adam, and thereafter against the said nuus, to whom they also release all their claim. Witnesses:—Eustace de Braham, the whole halimote of Hintlesham, William de Spineto, and others (named).
[Suff.?] A. 3364. Release by . . . . . . . ., to Alan son of Robert atte More, for 6s., of all his right 'ad parvam pipam.' Witnesses:—Robert del Wal, Adam de Homerwiz, and others (named). Fragment of document.
[Suff.] A. 3365. Release by Cicely, relict of Thomas Freman, of Chatesham, to John Costin, of all her right as dower or otherwise in the lands the said Thomas sold the said John in Hintlesham and Belstede Magna. Sunday before St. Gregory, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3366. Grant by Roger Wystoub, chaplain, to Richard atte Hel de Graunsete, vicar of Swynelond, of all his messuage with road adjoining in Swynelond. Sunday after St. John the Baptist, 37 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3367. Release by Sarra de Burghull, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes to William Bryd, of Ostone, of 2s. 6d. of the yearly rent of 4s. 6d. which he pays for 6 acres he holds of them in Bildestone. If he die without issue the said rent of 2s. 6d. shall revert to the convent. Copy?
[Herts.] A. 3368. Grant by Thomas son of Nicholas de Flaundene, to William called the chaplain, of Ipswich, of 8d. yearly rent that Ralph Serie was wont to pay for a messuage and land in Flaundene, stretching along the road to Watford. Witnesses:—William de Flaundene, clerk, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3369. Grant by Thomas Freman, of Chatesham, and Cicely his wife, to John Costin, of Leyham, the younger, and Richard his son, for 4½ mares, of a messuage and land with road belonging in Hintlesham, adjoining land formerly Gilbert Basily's, chaplain of Sparkeford. Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 23 Edward I. Two seals.
[Essex.] [Suff.] A. 3370. Release by William son of Algar de Bercholta, to the lady Constance, the prioress, and the convent of Wikes, of the service which the abbot and convent of St. John's, Colchester, owed him for tenements in Bercholt and Fordham. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard Askecot, Richard Filloil, and Hugh Gross, knights, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff. ?] A. 3371. Grant by Thomas Sartri, to John Sartri, and Alice his wife, of all his share in a house and two curtilages in Borstalle in Plumstede parish. Sunday after St. Alphege the Bishop, 24 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff. ?] A. 3372. Release by Gilbert de Chardhakere, to Sir William de Valenciis for 40s., of all his right in laud in the field of Stubbynge and a yearly rent of 4d. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Prestune, Matthew de Theultham, knights, and others (named).
Suff. A. 3373. Grant by John de Cleydon, the elder, to Thomas, son of Laurence Horald, of Elmesete, of all his goods and chattels in Burstall, Hyntlesham, Boilham, Hemmyngestou and Orford, or elsewhere in co. Suffolk. Sunday after the Purification, 5 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3374. Grant by Thomas de Weyland, to the lady Isabella, the prioress, and the convent of Wikes, in frank almoin, of seven acres in Swyneland as bounded and measured in Cherchefeud, abutting on the highway from Ipswich to Swyneland hall, and stretching along the path from Brumpton to Swyneland church, and other land in Swyneland at Coppedethorn, with a way ten feet wide from the high road to their pasture; also grant by the said prioress and convent to the said Thomas, in exchange, of an equal quantity of land in the same place. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert do Ufford, John de Tudeham, Richard de Holebrok, William de Freyne, and John de Stratton, knights, and others (named). Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 14 Edward I.
[Essex.] A. 3375. Release by William son and heir of Walter Beneyt, of Bromfeld, to William de Pacchingges and Alice his wife, of all his right in land in a croft called 'Clobbescroft' in Chelmersford. Sunday after the Apostles Philip and James, 4 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3376. Release by Rosia, late the wife of Gervase le Vaus, to John Costin, of Hyntlesham, of all her right in the lands and tenements in Belstede Magna and Coppedhoc which he formerly acquired of the said Gervase. Ipswich, Saturday before Palm Sunday, 3 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3377. Acknowledgment by Osbert sou of Saer de Littellund, that he has received from Nicholas the prior and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, their moiety of Agneford mill, except the fourth part of the mill that Roysia called 'Longa' held of them for 20s. 20d. (which sum Osbert, as their attorney, and his heirs shall receive), and 6d. yearly rent that Osbert de Foro pays for his brew house; paying 4 marcs yearly, and reserving to them the right to grind three measures of corn in the mill every week. Witnesses:—Richard Fader, Seman Taphole, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). January, 51 Henry III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3378. Grant by Walter son of Silvester de Bedingefeld, to the monks of St. Mary's, Snapes, of ten acres called 'Clerkesland' in Bedingefeld. Witnesses;—Adam de Bedingef', Walter Flemeng, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3379. Grant by Agnes, late the wife of William de Blanchevill, with consent of Adam de Blanchevill, her son and heir, to John Trice, of the land that William de Pesenhalle her brother gave her on her marriage, called 'Scepemere,' in Turlestone parish, abutting on land called 'Wlfvredesdale,' and land called 'Hangandelond' in Wytentone parish, except one acre she gave in marriage with Juliana her daughter. For this grant Trice has given her 4½ marcs, and 20s. to Adam for his consent. Witnesses:—Adam de Hulm', Geoffrey Carbonell, Geoffrey de Blanchevill, and others (named). Seal.
Suff. A. 3380. Demise by the lady Katherine Wellyng, the prioress, and the convent of Wykys, to Thomas Amys, of Hinttelisham, of the tenement called 'Pepewhytis' in Hynttelisham and land of their manor called 'Chatysham Halle' in the same place, part abutting on the road from Hinttelisham church to Hadley northwards and on land called 'Coppedokcroft' on the east, part abutting on the road from the tenement called 'Degelys' to Hinttelisham church, for 40 years from Michaelmas last, paying 26s. 8d. yearly. Sunday after the Translation of St. Benedict the Abbot, 17 Henry VI.
[Suff.] A. 3381. Keleaso by Peter Mascal, of Elmessete, to William Andreu, of Sproutone, of all his right in the lands and tenements in Burstalle that formerly belonged to William Hervy and Christina his wife, which Peter and William had jointly by gift of Thomas Horold. Thursday alter, St. George, 39 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3382. Grant by Thomas Horold, of Burstalle, to Robert del Wode parson of Sproutone church, William Andreu, of the same, and Peter Mascal, of Elmessete, of all his tenements that were William Hervy's in Burstalle. Thursday after St. Laurence, 35 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3383. Grant by Thomas Horold, of Burstall, to Cristina Hervy, late the wife of William Hervy, of Burstall, for life, of all the lands and tenements in Burstall that were her said husbaud's, which Horold lately acquired of her. Sunday after St. Nicholas, 30 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3384. Grant by Cristina Hervy, late the wife of William Hervy, of Burstalle, to Thomas.Horold, of the same, of all the lands and tenements that were her husband's in Burstalle. Wednesday the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 30 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3385. Release by John Hervy, of Burstalle, son of William Hervy, to Thomas Horold, of the same, of all his right in the above lands in Burstalle. Sunday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 30 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3386. Grant by Robert Shrybbe, to John Stannard, Thomas Byrd and William Ropkyn, of land in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, in the fee of Bishop's Wykes, abutting on the road from Ipswich to Westyrfeld, and of four pieces of land in the suburb of Ipswich in the same fee, part abutting on 'le Broodmere' towards the east. Appointment of Thomas Bettys, of Ipswich, tailor, to deliver seisin of the premises. 25 September, 9 Henry VII.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment of this grant at the court of Bishop's Wykes held Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 9 Henry VII. Seal.
Suff. A. 3387. Pardon to Geoffrey Hare, of Honeweton, for having acquired a messuage, 18 acres of land, and meadow in Honeweton from Edmund Comyn, who held them of Edward, late King of England, without the King's licence. Westminster 11 March, 8 Edward II. Portion of Great Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3388. Grant by Robert Sewine, of Hintlisham, to Isabella, the prioress, and the convent of St. Mary's, Wikes, in frank almoin, of a ditch nine feet wide extending from the head of their wood to the alder bed called 'Stcikineffen,' between his land called 'Wirislane' and the prioress's land. Sunday after the Annunciation, 6 Edward [I.]
[Kent.] A. 3389. Release by Amis Godsune, to J., the abbot, and the convent of St. Peter of Gant, and brother John de Ostborth, procurator of Leuesham and Grenewiz, of his right in 2d. yearly quit rent called 'Waldgavel' which he received as his share from a hide called 'Puneheshyde' in Leuesham. Before the feast of St. Gregory, 16 Edward [I.].
[Suff.] A. 3390. Release by Adam Bolle, of Ipswich, to Sir Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all his right in a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—John Irp, Richard de Leyham, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Sunday after St. Hilary, 3 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3391. Grant by Selona, late the wife of Hugh Golding, of Ipswich, with consent of John de Causton, her husband, to Adam Bolle, of Ipswich, for 16s., of a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, paying 42d. yearly. Witnesses:—Thomas Stace and John le Mayster, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). 12 April, 29 Edward I. Much injured.
[Suff.] A. 3392. Grant by Adam Bolle, of Ipswich, to Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of a messuage in Ipswich. Witnesses: —John Irp, John de Prestone, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Sunday after the Purification, 18 Edward II. Injured.
[Suff.] A. 3393. Grant by Alan de Thudeam, chaplain, to Denis del Cley, of Ipswich, for 15s., of the land that Cristiana, late the wife of Waukelin Mauclerch, held of the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 20d. yearly. Witnesses:—Silvester son of Waukelin de Braunfort, Matthew de Porta, bailiffs of Ipswich, William Godeschale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3394. Release by John de Codinham, of Ipswich, to Sir Henry de Kerseye, the prior, and the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich of all his right in land which they hold in the hamlet of Brokis, abutting at one end on the road from Ipswich to Braunford and at the other on land called 'Brademere.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey Stace, William Ringgyld, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3395. Grant by Geoffrey Guile son of Robert Guile, of Thurlestune, to the same canons, in frank almoin, of 4d. yearly rent issuing from land in Thurlestnne, to maintain a light before St. Mary's altar in their church. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Pesehale, Robert de Cleydon, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3396. Release by Ysoud, relict of William Colle, of Thurlestune, to the same, for 2s., of all her right of dower in the lands and rents that came to her after her husband's death. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Pesehale, Robert de Cleydune, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3397. Grant by William son of William Testepyn, of Hyntlesham, to the same, for 40s., of ten acres in Brokes, in the field called 'Aldegate,' and 5d. yearly rent, paying 26d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Badele, knight, William Godeskalch and Matthew de Porta, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3398. Grant by John Testepin son of William Testepin, of Hintlesham, to the same, for 40s., of fifteen acres in Brakes, in the field called 'Aldegate,' and yearly rents of 8d., and 6d. and four hens; paying Yearly to the chief lord of the fee 3s., and 6d. to the church at Ipswich, &c. Witnesses:—William Godeskale, Matthew de Porta, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3399. Grant by Nicholas de Halstede, to Geoffrey Lenveyse, of Codenham, for 10l., of his messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 16d. yearly to St. Peter's convent, Ipswich, and 1d. to St. George's church, Ipswich. Witnesses:—John Lyeu, Thomas de Petra, bailiffs of Ipswich, Vivian son of Silvester, and others (named). December, 22 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3400. Grant by Laurence son of John Rodlond, of Stokes, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of the land that Agnes, daughter of Roger Bramford, of Sproutune, deceased, held of his fee in Sproutune and sold to the said canons. Witnesses:—Sir Hervey de Stanhoe, sheriff of Suffolk and Norfolk, Sirs Geoffrey de Badele, William Thalebot, James Lemveyse, and others (named). [44–45 Henry III.] Seal.