Deeds: A.3401 - A.3500

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3401 - A.3500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3401 - A.3500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3401 - A.3500". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3401 - A.3500

[Suff.] A. 3401. Agreement by Ralph de Tendryngg to pay the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, 7s. 3d. yearly rent which they demanded for lands and tenements in Sprouton called 'Lyketonelond,' to settle their dispute concerning the same. Monday after St. Hilary, 22 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3402. Demise by Baldwin Cretyng, clerk, William Russell and Thomas Edon, of Ipswich, to William Jervyle, of Ipswich, cutler, and Isabel his wife, of a curtilage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, adjoining on the south and west the road from St. Peter's church to the church of the Friars .Minor. Witnesses:—William Debenham, Hugh Hoo, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). 14 March, 2 Henry V. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3403. Release by Agnes, late the wife of Walter le Noreyis, to Richard le Tollerre, of all her right of dower, or otherwise, in a curtilage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Kempe, warden of Ipswich, and others (named). May, 15 Edward [I.]
[Suff.] A. 3404. Grant by Manser de Guthelesford, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, of Ipswich, in frank almoin, of two acres in Sproutune. Witnesses:—Richard son of Hubert, Hugh Talemache, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3405. Grant by William de Goldingheham to the same, in frankalmoin, of land in Belstede in the field called 'Haresfeld.' Witnesses:— Robert, dean of Ipswich, Manser de Guthelesford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3406. Grant by Clement, prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Seman de Merihel, of Ipswich, that whereas the latter is bound to pay a yearly rent of 20s. for a piece of land with grange and dovecot thereon in the suburb of Ipswich in the parish of St. Austyn by Stoke, if he pay the prior 3l. at the terms specified, the said rent shall be annulled. Monday after St. Valentine, 23 Edward III. French. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3407. Grant by Joan daughter of Thomas le Maister, of Ipswich, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of the tenement called 'Palmeres lond' which she held of them, and which she had by gift of Joan, late the wife of Thomas Aylred, in St. Augustine's parish, by the road called 'Lonsgateweye' in the suburb of Ipswich. Witnesses:—Gilbert de Borugh, Edmund de Castelacre, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Sunday before St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 18 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3408. Release by Belisencia Aylred, of Baldreseye, to Mabel, late the wife of Thomas le Mayster, of Ipswich, and Joan their daughter, of all her right in the messuage formerly Thomas Aylred's, in the suburb of Ipswich. Witnesses:—John de Causton and John Leu, bailiffs of Ipswich, Sirs John de Weylaund and Robert de Reydon, and others (named). 13 April, 30 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3409. Grunt by Joan, relict of Thomas Aylred, to the same, of a messuage, with dovecote and curtilages, that was her husband's, in the suburb of Ipswich by the road called 'Lonsgate weye'; and sale of all the movable goods therein for 10s. 12 April, 30 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3410. Release by Osbert de Foro, of Ipswich, to Nicholas, the prior, and the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of the portion of Hagneford mill he held of them by a yearly service of 40s. 40d. Witnesses:—Matthew de Porta, Hugh Lyn, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3411. Grant by Gilbert Basely, chaplain, to Sir Nicholas do Sparkeford and Cicely, his mother, for 10s., of half a quarter of wheat and half a quarter of barley yearly during Gilbert's life which he receives for land held of him in Hintlisbam. The morrow of St. Francis, 19 Edward [I.]
[Suff.] A. 3412. Grant by Thomas Testepin, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, of Ipswich, for 14s. 8d., of meadow in Sprouton parish beneath Helewrthe wood, paying 4d. yearly. Witnesses:—Osbert son of Adam, Robert de Northewde, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3413. Demise by Gilbert the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to William the chaplain of Thurlestune, from year to year as long as it shall please them, of a messuage in Thurlestune by the churchyard, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Holebroc, Baldwin de Pescbale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3414. Grant by Seman Bocman, of Ipswich, to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of 4d. yearly rent they were wont to receive from a certain portion of his messuage in Ipswich, to be received in future from his capital messuage, formerly belonging to Adam Bocman and Langliva bis wife, Seman's mother, in the said parish, abutting northwards on the high road from the new mill to the said church and southwards on the water descending from the mill to Ipswich bridge. Witnesses:—John Lyv and Thomas Clement, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Friday before St. Felix the Bishop, 22 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3415. Demise by Robert and Baldwin, sons of Godard de Thurlestune, and Claricia, relict of the said Godard, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, for 11s. 6d., of meadow in Thurlestune parish called 'le Northmedue,'for nine years from Michaelmas, 26 Henry III., paying ½d. yearly. 10 September, 15 Pope Gregory IX.
[Suff.] A. 3416. Release by William Blundel, of Ipswich, to Richard de Chodeham, the dean, and Robert, Richard, Henry, and Michael, brothers, of a shop in Ipswich market, to be held of the King by a service of 2d. yearly. Witnessed:—Thomas Manser, Amis the vintner, bailiffs, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3417. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de Baddele, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of 10s. yearly rent in Brokes and the fee from which it issues, in frank almoin. Witnesses:— John Rolland, Warin de Gudeleford, Thomas Manser, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3418. Grant by Roger de Sprouton, to the same, for 55s., of three pieces of land in Sprouton parish in the field called 'Blakesunes Lond,' part abutting on the road called 'Wrabesloth,' part called 'Koboldeswude' abutting on the canons' land called 'Langelond'; paying 15d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Aungevil, knight, Alexander de la Haye, Robert de Northwde, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3419. Grant by Roger son of William de Bromford, to the same, of half an acre of meadow in Sprontone, in the meadow called 'Brademedwe,' in frank almoin, for the souls of himself and Cicely his wife, &c. Witnesses:—Geoffrey and Roger de Badele, Warin de Guthelesford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3420. Grant by Thomas le Rente, of Ipswich, and Alice his wife, to Thomas de Westone, of Ipswich, and Cristina his wife, of a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting northwards on the road beneath the churchyard wall, and on the salt water to the south. Witnesses:— Laurence Cobbe and Gilbert Roberd, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Monday before Ascension Day, 9 Edward II.
[Northt.] A. 3421. Confirmation by Roger de Wltone, to the nuns of Catesby, of the grants made to them by his free tenants named of land in his fee in Staverton. Witnesses:—Sirs Hugh de Capes, William Hodinet, knights, Werrie, rector of Wltone, and others (named).
[Essex.] A. 3422. Release by William son of John Schadewater, of Nasingge, to Richard de Haukedene, citizen and taverner of London, of all his right in the lands, &c., which he had by gift, and to farm for twelve years, of John Curteys, son of John Curteys, of Nassingge. Witnesses:—Walter le Despenser, William Palfreyman, and others (named). Sunday the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 19 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3423. Grant by Richard son of Maurice, to Osbert de Raimes, of land in Burgestalle of his fee, to hold as his father held it of Richard's father in the time of King Henry [I.?], for 15s. yearly. For this grant Osbert has given to his lord Richard 3s. and a sparrow hawk, and to his lady Hugel' 2s. Witnesses:—Richard son of Osbert, William and Robert de Raimes, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[Suff.] A. 3424. Grant by Nicholas Bonde, of Frestone, to Sir Henry, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, for 20l., of two tofts and lands in Ipswich, Wherstede, Belstede, Thurlestone, and Hyntlesham. 10 December, 14 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3425. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de Badele, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of 13s. yearly rent in Brakes and the html from which it issues, in frank almoin, for the souls of himself and Beatrice his wife, &c. Witnesses:—Adam de Ulmo, Warin de Gutheleford, Thomas Manser, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3426. Grant by Geoffrey de Badele, knight, to the same, for 40s., of 15 acres of his fee in Brokes, in the field called 'Aldegate,' and yearly rents of 8d., and 6d. and 4 bens, to hold to them in all things as witnessed by the grant of John Testepyn; paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—William Godeskale and Matthew de Porta, bailliffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
Equestrian seal. See A. 3398.
[Suff.] A. 3427. Confirmation by Robert de Badele, to John son of Costun, of Ipswich, of all the tenement that Adam de Hulmo gave him with Agatha his daughter, in marriage, of Robert's fee. Witnesses:—Alan de Hulmo, Geoffrey de Badele, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3428. Grant by the abbot and convent of Aumale to the prior and cauons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of licence to acquire all the tenements that were formerly Laurence le Fre's in Belated Magna, Belsted Parva, Chatisham, Sprouton, Copedock and Wassebrock, held as of their manor of Belsted in the hundred of Saunford, paying therefor 25s. yearly and 25s. at the creation of each new prior by way of relief. Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, A.D. 1332. Portion of conventual seal.
[Suff.] A. 3429. Indenture witnessing that whereas the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich, has acquired of Thomas de Rougham all the lands and tenements which Laurence le Free held of the abbot of Aumale in Belstede Magna as of the abbot's manor there, the abbot has granted to him to hold the premises as above, and the prior undertakes to pay the above relief. Dated as above. Portion of seal.
Suff. A. 3430. Confirmation by Geoffrey Martel, to the monks of St. Mary's, Snapes, in frank almoin, of Brunstaneshage that Randulf de Becling' gave that church when he took the monk's habit there. Witnesses:—Roger and William Martel, Robert do Valaines, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[ ] A. 3431. Agreement between Sir Henry Bucointe and Lady Lucy Garland and William Paris her son, to settle their disputes. All offences to be forgiven, as well between Henry and William for the violence offered the latter as he said, as between Henry and Lucy relative to scutage, heriots and other matters, she paying scutage hereafter for land she holds of Henry at the rate of 2s. 6d. for 40s., and Henry remitting the heriot he demanded of her for the said land. Concerning a hedge which Henry complained she had cut down and rooted up though it was his, enquiry shall be made by six or eight neighbours whether it is Henry's or Lucy's; if Lucy's she shall be quit for what she has carried away, if Henry's, she shall pay its value. Any future offence of either part, when proved, to be fined 40s. Wednesday before Mid Lent, 20 Henry III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3432. Grant by William de Blanchevile and Agnes his wife, to the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of land in the field called 'Burth' in Turlestune parish, and in the field called 'Peselond,' in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Eustace de Braham, Robert de Belinges, Ralph de Blanchevile, and others (named). Portion of seal. [Twelfth century.]
[Suff.] A. 3433. Grant by Robert son of Adam de Londoniis, to Stephen his brother, for 2½ marcs, of a messuage that was their father's in Ipswich, paying him 2s. yearly, 8d. to the prior of Wdebregge, and 2d. to the dean of Ipswich. Witnesses:—William de Balmis, John Costin, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3434. Grant by Roger Bromford, of Sproutune, to the canons of St. Peter and St. Paul, of Ipswich, in frank almoin, of land in Sproutune parish, in the field called 'Hunerhuselond,' paying 10d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Aungcvile, Robert de Northwde, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Suff.] A. 3435. Grant by Richard de Bordeshowe, to the same, in frank almoin, of meadow in Sproutone in the pasture of Grauford, abutting southward on meadow willed 'le Holm.' Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Angerwille, Geoffrey de Badele, knights, and others (named). Seal.
Suff. A. 3436. Grant by Thomas son of Laurence Horald, of Ipswich, to Master Robert de Cleydon Sir Roger son of John Beneyt, of Catisham, chaplain, Peter Marschal and William de Aldham of all his goods and chattels in Burstalle, Braunford, Sprouthon, Hyntlisham, Cotenham, Reydon, Chatisham, Hemynggiston, Berugham and Estonegosebek or elsewhere in Suffolk. Sunday after the Purification, 23 Edward III.
[Suff.?] A. 3437. Grant by Richard son of Walter de Alethorn, to Hugh the baker, servant of Sir William, bishop of London, of four acres which Richard Clop held of him, and ten and a half acres adjoining containing a mere called 'Pappesgar,' the said land being called 'Pappesfeld.' Witnesses:—Alard, dean of St. Paul's, London, Masters John de Cancam, Gilbert de Plesseto, and others (named). [A.D. 1210–1216.]
[Suff.] A. 3438. Grant by Sayva, daughter of Robert Thedam of Thurlestone, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, of Ipswich, in frank almoin, of land with a messuage in Thurlestone, part of the land being called 'thedameseroft,' and abutting on Crowesmedwe; and of 6d. yearly rent from land in the same place. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Pesehale Adam son of the dean of Westelfeud, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3439. Grant by Robert de Beche and Idonea his wife, daughter of William de Frethnei, to the nuns of St. Mary of Wikes, in frank almoin, of all the land that William de Frethnei assarted in Swineland and a tenement in the same place. Witnesses;—Robert de Aguilun, Hugh de Boxstede, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3440. Grant by John Rogges, of Gretingham, to Edmund, son of Rnnulph Haliday, of the same, of the homage and service of William Bene, of the same, and the rent of 7½d. he pays yearly for a tenement in Gretingham. Monday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 20 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3441. Grant by Geoffrey de Badeleia, son of Robert de Badeleia, to Roger de Badeleia, his uncle, of a moiety of Hageneford mill, paying half a marc yearly. Witnesses:—Bartholomew de Glanvill, William de Creppinge, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3442. Release by Thomas de Porta, to John son of Hugh de Badele, for 11 mares, of all his right in one marc yearly rent from Haveneford mill, which he formerly bought of the said John. Witnesses:— Matthew de Porta and Hugh Lyv, bailiffs in Ipswich, and others (named). August, 10 Henry III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3443. Grant by Alan Puillun, of Hintlesham, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, of Ipswich, of land in Hintlesham parish, in a field called 'Dune,' in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Sir Herbert de Alicun, sheriff of Suffolk, Robert de Angervill, and others (named). [11–16 Henry III.]
[Suff.] A. 3444. Grant by Silvester son of Walter de Bedingfeld, to the church of Snapes of the tenement they held of Robert son of Andrew, paying 32d. yearly; and confirmation of the lands his father and the said Robert gave to the church of Bedingfeld. Witnesses:—Herbert and William de Aleneun, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3445. Grant by William Maukael, son of Geoffrey Maukael, of Hintlesham, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wykes, of 1d. yearly rent to be received from the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, and release to the said nuns of all his right in 35d. yearly rent, payable by the said prior and convent. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard de Braham, Julian de la Haye, James Lenweyse, Robert le Waus, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3446. Release by Matilda, late the wife of Wlfric de Brademere, of Brokes without Ipswich, to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul, of Ipswich, of all her right in land which she held of them in Brokes. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Bosco, knight, and others (named). Saturday after St. Hilary, 23 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3447. Grant by Walter Armeiard, of Otelegh, to Isabella Kempe, of Wenham Parva, of two pieces of laud that John Kempe gave him, one called 'le Stubbyng' in Chatesham, the other called 'Wodecroft' in Belstede Magna. Monday after St. Benedict the Abbot, 23 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3448. Letters of attorney of Richard Lew, knight, appointing William de Kenebrok to deliver seisin to John de Buclesham, chaplain, Richard de Westthorp, parson of Cretyngg church, and Thomas de Bough am, of land with a windmill thereon in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, meadow in Sprouton by the bank leading from Sprouton to Hancford bridge, and yearly rents of 4s. and 5s. issuing from messuages in Ipswich. Rysshemere. Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist. 3 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3449. Grant by Roger Hail, of Gretingham, to Sir Philip Basset, of the service of Simon de Gretingeham, for the tenement which he holds in Gretingeham. Witnesses:—John the baker, of Ho, Robert de Roingges, and others (named). Very much injured. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3450. Indenture witnessing, that whereas John Mot, of Hyntlisham, has enfeoffed Roger Gilbert in a piece of land, Roger grants that if on All Saints' Day ten years hence John pay him 40s., the land shall revert to the said John. Sunday after All Saints, 22 Edward III.
Suff. A. 3451. Grant by Alice, late the wife of John Edvard, late of Bury St. Edmunds, mercer, to Godwin Shypdam, chaplain, William Basse and William Couper, baker, of Bury aforesaid, of all her lands and tenements in Bury St. Edmunds and Fornham All Saints, and elsewhere in co. Suffolk. Witnesses:—Roger Messager, alderman, Thomas Heigham and John Curteys, bailiffs, of Bury, and others (named). 3 December, 20 Henry VI. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3452. Defeasance of a bond wherchy Thomas Beneyt, of Chatesham, is bound to William de Staunford in a yearly rent of 40s. to be paid out of his lands in Chatesham; granting that if Thomas pay to William 86s. 8d. at the terms specified, the said bond shall bo void. Friday after St. Valentine, 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3453. Grant by John de Kent, of Akynham, Stephen Benton, of Ipswich, John Priour and John Felawe, of the same, to John Turnour, of Ipswich, baker, of two pieces of land in Thurlestone. Wednesday the feast of St. Vedast and St. Amand, Bishops, 10 Henry VI. Seal and fragments of two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3454. Release by John son of Juliana Chesteyn, of Hyntlesham, to Robert Wlwy, of Belsted Magna, of all his right in a messuage in Belsted Magna, abutting on the highway from Ipswich to Hintlesham. Sunday the feast of St. James the Apostle, 24 Edward III.
A. 3455. Fragment of a release to Thomas son of Ro. . . . of right of dower or otherwise [in land adjoining land] of the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich. . . . Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3456. Grant by Adam le Doy, to William de Borstulle and Osbert Braban, of Ipswich, for 3 marcs, of land in Brokes, paying him ½d. yearly, and 14d. to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, and 4 hens, one day's work in August, and one day's work with a plough-team to sow corn. Morrow of St. James the Apostle, 49 Henry III. Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3457. Release by Roger son of Geoffrey, and Robert his brother, to John the merchant, their uncle, for 7s., of all their right in a messuage and land in Belstede, concerning which a plea was joined between them by writ of right before the justices in Eyre at Ipswich, 35 Henry HI. Witnesses:— James de Birchey, Thomas Maukael, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3458. Grant by John de Beumes, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of land in Brokes, paying 18d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir John de Dulkote, sheriff, William de Hakeford, Geoffrey de Beumes, and others (named). [24–25 Henry III.]
[Suff.] A. 3459. Grant by Richard son of Reginald Benet, of Aylington to William, son of John Blakeman, of the same, of land in Aylington, at 'le Strete' above Raulotston. Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul 11 Edward II.
[Northt.] A. 3460. Demise by Simon de Draiton, to Walter de Bissopedon, of 60 acres with a moiety of a capital messuage in Draiton, for half a mare yearly for ten years from Michaelmas next after the consecration of Sir R[ichard] 'Le Grand,' Archbishop of Canterbury, so that he receive ten full harvests therefrom. For this demise Walter has paid 5 marcs, the rent of ten years. Witnesses:—William de Bissopedon, William de Wihnecote, and others (named). [A.D. 1229.]
[Suff.] A. 3461. Grant by Adam del Brok, of Gretingham, of 4d. to maintain a light at the great altar in Gretingham church, together with 28d. which he owes for the tenement he holds of that church. For this grant Eadmond, perpetual vicar of Gretingham, has given him 3s. Witnesses:— Richard Weyland, of Framesdene, John le Mayster, of Aysfeld, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3462. Release by Thomas Rogges, to John Wylot, of all his right in a piece of land in Gretingham. Monday the morrow of the Purification, 6 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3463. Demise by the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to William, son of Osbcrt de Sproutone, of two pieces of land in Sproutone, part abutting on the road to Ipswich, in exchange for other land, granted to them in frank almoin, in the same place. Witnesses:— Sir Nicholas de Hastinges, Roger Warin, and others (named). A.D. 1271.
[Norf. ?] A. 3464. Confirmation by Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wike, of the alms that Roger de Glanvill gave them in Middeltone or elsewhere of the Earl's fee, in frank almoin. Witnesses:— Richard de Cadumo, Geoffrey Leuveis, Thomas le Bigot, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[N'hmbland.] A. 3465. Grant by John Gundewyen, of Swynforde, to Richard Gundewyen, of Yelvrtoft, of land in Yelvrtofte. Feast of Chair of St. Peter, 44 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Suff.?] A. 3466. Grant by Gilbert de Fordham, to William de Munkanesy, for 60s., of his meadow of Withimade, paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses:— Walter de Crepping', Geoffrey de Saukervill', Godard de Aldham, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3467. Demise by Agnes Carbonel, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes, to Nicholas de Stokes, of land called 'Birchey,' except the wood and fishing in the marle-pits, in Chatesham and Hintlisham, for twelve years from Michaelmas, 31 Edward I., paying 13s. 4d. yearly. Michaelmas, 31 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3468. Confirmation by Sewal son of Ernulf de Wrabenase, to Idonea, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes, of the gift which Alice his wife made them of three acres in Chatesham called 'Bircheye.' Witnesses:— Osbert de Sproutone, William Maukel, of Hindlesham, Thomas Maukel, of Chatesham, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3469. Release by Alice, late the wife of Thomas son of Negel de Liston, clerk, to Sir William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, of all her right in the lands and tenements which he has by demise of the said Thomas, in Melleford. Witnesses:—Simon de Prestone, Sampson de Batesford, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3470. Release by Margaret, late the wife of Thurstan de Hanle, to Master Alan de Bertone, for 10 marcs, of all her right in a messuage and land in Horhora which he had by feoffment of Robert Rede. Witnesses:— Roger de Scales, of Wetherdene, Robert le Gynur, of Westone, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3471. Demise by John Notyngliam, Richard Kyng, baker, and John Plomer, of Bury St. Edmunds, spicer, to John Edward, of Bury, mercer, John Rygges, John Boure, and Bartholomew Mercer, of the same, of a tenement in Bury at the north end of the street called 'Cookrowe' and a vacant piece of ground in the street called 'Maydewatirstrete,' opposite Maydewaterlane, on condition of their paying 80 marcs, viz., 10 mares at Michaelmas, A.D. 1420, and in each of the seven years following. Witnesses:—Ralph Chaumberleyn, bailiff of Bury, and others (named). 24 September, 7 Henry V. Three seals and fragment of seal.
A. 3472. Counterpart of A. 3471. Seal and portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3473. Sale by Randulf de Gypeswis, Osbert Gowel and Geoffrey de la Beche, executors of the will of John de Gypeswich, to Ivo le Wanter, their co-executor, of a certain house which the testator appointed to be sold in aid of the Holy Land. Portions of two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3474. Desmise by John Pypho, of Ipswich, the elder, William Baldre, of the same, and Thomas Moryell, of Belstede, to Gilbert Debenham the elder, William Bury, Thomas Denys, Edmund Wynter and William Wynter of land in St. Augustine's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:— John Walworth, one of the King's bailiffs of the liberty of Ipswich, John Langcroft and Robert Halle, the King's coroners there, and others (named). 20 November, 38 Henry VI. Four seals.
[Suff.] A. 3475. Grant by Roger, son of Thobias, the priest of Chatesham, to Agacia his sister, of four acres in Chatesham, of the fee of Hintlesham, in the field called 'Birchfeld' and abutting on the field called 'Thiedwarescroft'; paying 13d. yearly. Witnesses:—Baldwin the Leech, Richard son of Osbert, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3476. Grant by William Basli, son of Robert Basli, of Sparkeford, to Robert son of Amis de Wassebroc, of land which he acquired of the aforesaid Robert de Sparkeford, William's father, in Hintlesham, by the pool of Sparkeford mill; saving the watercourse over the same land for preservation of William's land. August, 55 Henry III. Portion of seal.
Suff. A. 3477. Demise by Hugh Smith, to Robert Amys, of Wascebrok, of all his share in Sparkeford watermill with fishery and pasture; Robert repairing it if it be destroyed by fire or otherwise, binding himself to keep the mill pond in good order under penalty of 40s. to the use of the sheriff of Suffolk, and paying 16s. yearly to the prioress of Wikes: Hugh to have first grinding in the mill. 56 Henry VI. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3478. Grant by Pain Tiptot, knight, to William Andrew, of Stoke by Ipswich, that the lands and tenements which Isabel, late the wife of Thomas Horold, holds for life in Burstalle, and which after her death ought to revert to the said William, may remain after Isabel's death to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich. 5 September, 16 Richard II. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3479. Release by John Goldhauk, 'wyndrawer,' of London, and Joan his wife, late the wife of Walter Langeleye, of Ipswich, to William, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all their right in a tenement with curtilage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting eastward on 'le Gesthallc,' which Joan and Walter held of the said convent for 100 years at a yearly rent of 3s., but upon which the prior and convent re-entered owing to the runt being three years in arrear. Witnesses:— John Rous, Robert Lucas, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). 18 May, 11 Henry IV. Portion of seal.
[Cambs.] A. 3480. Grant by Elyas Truke, of Kirteling, to William and John, sons of Robert de Pakeham, for 5s., of 5d. yearly rent issuing from a meadow called 'Trukesmedwe' and other land in Kirteling. Witnesses:— Henry de Uphime, Hugh, Henry, Roger, and Richard de Buzi, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3481. Grant by Henry de Alneto, to Walter son of Winebaud, of three and a half acres of land, all his share in Husfeld, between William de Wasscul's portion and 'le Ho,' with meadow and an alder-grove, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Angod de Cornerthe, Robert de Russeis, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3482. Grant by John Kobatt, of Hyntlesham, to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydon, of land in Belsted Magna, abutting on the road from Hyntlesham to Colchester. Thursday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 20 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3483. Grant by Matilda, daughter of Robert de Cleydone, deceased, to Martin Justus, of Thurlestone, and Margery his wife, for life, for 20s., of pasture and land in Thurlestone, the pasture stretching along the road from Crake-ford to Westerfeld. Witnesses:—Adam de Aula, of Cleydon, Geoffrey de Blanchevil', and others (named). Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 9 Edward [I.].
Suff. A. 3484. Release by Hugh de Lopham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Lewes, for 20l., of all his right in 100 acres in Bradeleye Magna, in a field called 'Haldeleye,' concerning which he had impleaded the said prior by a writ de consanguinitate. Friday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 5 Edward II. Seal. Much injured.
A. 3485. Duplicate of A. 3484. Seal. Injured.
[Suff.] A. 3486. Bond of John Gylebert, of Hintlesham. Whereas the prioress and nuns of Wykes have claimed 6d. and eight days' work in autumn as being due to them yearly for pasture which he held of them by inheritance in Hintlesham, and which he has granted to Robert, son of Roger Hamund, to be held by a yearly rent of 6d.; he binds all his lands of the fee of the said prioress and nuns, to be distrained by them for the said eight days' work, when need arises. 26 January, 24 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3487. Grant by Godard de Thurlestun to Alan son of Justus de Thurlestun, and Lecia, Godard's daughter, on their marriage, of a messuage in Thurlestun, a piece of land called 'Lundmere,' and land by the road stretching towards Hakeam mill; paying 15d. yearly, &c. Witnesses:— Ralph Mangard, Baldwin Peseale, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3488. Grant by John Mounceax, of Heyford, co. Northampton, to Edmund, vicar of Gretingham, and Thomas Sewale, of the same, of a pightle, called 'Galpynispittell' in Overo Gretingham. Wednesday after St. Denys, 4 Richard II.
[Suff.] A. 3489. Release by Geoffrey Costyn, of Ipswich, to Thomas le Clerk de Newburne, of Ipswich, of 34d. out of 3s. yearly rent which he pays for his capital messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:— John Irp, John Heved, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Thursday after the Circumcision, 8 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3490. Grant by Alexander de Rameseie, to Gilbert son of Alvred, of Wikes, for 5s., of a croft of his land of Burlande, lying near the road by Cumbwelle. Witnesses:—Ranulf son of Gyrard, Eustace Pilecoe, Gilbert do Danscwelle, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3491. Grant by Matilda daughter of Robert Prudome, of Aylington, to Sir Hugh, the abbot, and (he convent of Ramsey, in frank almoin, of land in Aylington in Cleyfurlong, abutting on 'le Byrilond.' Witnesses:—Sir Walter Chamberlain, steward of Ramsey, Roger le Waleys, of Sibystone, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3492. Grant by Robert Prudum, of Aylingtun, to his daughter Matilda, of the above land in Aylingtun. which he bought of Ysoud, late the wife of Philip son of Achard. Paying a yearly rent of 1d. to Sir Walter de Wassigle. Witnesses:—Warin Fleming, Roger Waleis, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3493. Grant by John son of Henry le Fraunceys, of Aylington, to Sir William, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, in frank almoin, for 20s., of an acre of land in Aylington, half at Westereston, abutting on Neutoneweye, and half at Byllingbroc. Witnesses:—John son of John, of Aylington, Walter Produme, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3494. Defeasance of a grant by Roger Gilbert, of Bel.-tede Magna, to William de Staunford, of land in Belstede, witnessing that if he pay William 7 marcs at the terms specified herein, the grant shall be void. Friday after St. Valentine, 23 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3495. Grant by William son of William de Kenebroch, to the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, in frank almoin, to maintain a light before St. Mary's altar, of a yearly rent of 16d. in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Geoffrey and John de Beaumes, Roger Lyu, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3496. Grant by Isabel daughter of Osbert de Fore, deceased, of Ipswich, to Petronilla, daughter of Roger Russeil, of North Blakeham, for 20s., of a messuage in St. Mildred's parish. Ipswich, by the bread market. Witnesses:—Vivian sou of Silvester, John Louerens, bailiffs, and others (named). Vigil of St. Laurence the Martyr. August, 3 Edward [I.].
[Suff.] A. 3497. Release by Petronilla Pascal, of Reydon, to John de Soleny, son of Sir Alfred de Soleny, of his messuage, land and tenement in Reydon, for 40s. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Reydon. knight, and others (named). St. Nicholas' Day, 21 Edward [I.]. Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3498. Release by Matilda, relict of Simon Tezeri, to William, son of William le Fre, for 10s., of all her right in pasture in Magna Belstede. 6 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3499. Grant by Robert de Ramis, of Burstalle, to Isabel his daughter, an 'inclusa,' for her support, of two acres of land in Bronford and four acres in Burstalle, part abutting on the meadow called 'Bunnesbroc,' part lying in the field called 'Tuentiacres,' and of 5 measures of grain yearly from his land in Burstalle, and 4s. of yearly rent. Submits to the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Suffolk, to compel him to the fulfilment hereof. Witnesses:—Thomas de Ramis, Richard de Bordeshowe, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3500. Grant by Adam de Aula of Cleydone, to Martin Justus, of Thurlestone, for 20s., of a piece of pasture in 'le Norht Medwe' in Thurlestone. Day of St. Edmund the King, 10 Edward I. Seal.