Deeds: A.3501 - A.3600

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3501 - A.3600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3501 - A.3600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3501 - A.3600". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3501 - A.3600

[Suff.] A. 3501. Grant by William dil Turfpet, of Borstalle, to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydone, of land called 'Maggotislond' abutting on the road from his house to 'le Holeweve,' and pasture called 'le Fremerches' lying by the bank dividing Hyntlisham and Burstalle parishes, in Burstalle. Monday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3502. Confirmation by Nicholaa daughter of Edmund son of Charles, of Ipswich, for 20s. and a measure of corn, of the gift that Robert, son of Alexander de Brumton, her late husband, made to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of the messuage that was her father's in St. Nicholas' parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—William Godesk, Osbert de Foro, bailiffs, John de Beumys, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3503. Grant by Eadmund de Welle to the same canons, in frank almoin, of land in Thurlestune in the field called 'Lundfeld.' Witnesses:— Baldwin de Pesehale, Adam de Blanchevill, John de Beaumes, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3504. Grant by William de Chorham, of Hadleye, chaplain, to John, son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydone, of land in Burstalle. Thursday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3505. Grant by Alice Lof, daughter of Matilda le Brun, of Snapes, to Roger her son, of all the free land which she held of Snapes parish church, he paying that church 5¼d. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Beccling, Walter de Glanwill', and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3506. Grant by William de Cleydone, knight, to John de Cleydone, his brother, of his lands and tenements in Burstalle called 'Wlfonnes,' viz. a messuage and 7 acres of land that he and Thomas Lew, of Ipswich, lately recovered against Sibil, late the wife of Roger Loveday. Sunday after Midsummer, 4 Edward III.
[Essex.] A. 3507. Grant by Hubert de Ruylly to Custance, the prioress, and the nuns of Wykes, in frank almoin, of 12 acres in Mysteleg' of the land called 'la Gidiland,' viz. 4 acres that Richard Crane and Mabel hold, and eight acres in Husfeld and Berifeld, a road to the water one perch wide, and the service of Richard and Mabel. Witnesses:—Randulf de Braham, Roger de Reymes, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3508. Letters patent of John Bnyt, of Hyntlesham, releasing to John Costyn, of the same, all actions and demands for lands and rents. Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 5 Edward II.
Suff. A. 3509. Grant by John de Cleydone to Thomas Horold and Sir Roger Beneyt, chaplain, of all his goods and chattels in Burstalle, Hyntlesham, [D]eylham, Hcmmyggiston and Orforde, or elsewhere in Suffolk. Sunday after St. Leonard, 22 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3510. Demise by John son of John Costyn, of Hyntlesham, to John Pach, of Sprowton, and Richard Alebold, of Burstalle, of all his lands and tenements with a fulling watermill in Hyntlesham and Belsted Magna for six years from Michaelmas next, paying 26s. yearly, saving a soler at the west end of the capital house. Tuesday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 18 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3511. Grant by Stephen son of Luke the goldsmith, of St. Edmunds, to Sir William, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, for 60 mares, in frank almoin, of the messuage in Laweshyll which he bought from Walter de la Wilde. Witnesses:—Robert de Bradefend, William de Walepol, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3512. Release by Henry de Bradegrene, son of Nicholaa daughter of Edmund Charles, of Ipswich, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of all his right in a messuage within the court the said canons. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Bosco, knight, and others (named). Feast of St. Bricius the Confessor, 14 Edward [I.]. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3513. Grant by Ranulf Haliday, of Gretingham, to John and Thomas his sons, of a messuage with croft, formerly his brother Robert's, in Gretingham, abutting on the common way called 'le Netherestrete.' Tuesday before St. George the Martyr, 15 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3514. Release by John Roggys, of Gretyngham, to Thomas, son of Ranulph Haliday, of the same, Roger, perpetual vicar of Gretyngham, Sir Hervy le Smyth, chaplain, John, son of Elias dil Medwe, Sir Philip Haliday, parson of Blecheden, and Anabilia Wylot, of all his right in the lands they hold in Gretyngham; and to the said Thomas, of all his right in meadow in Gretyngham, abutting on the bank leading from Framisden to Gretyngham bridge, and in 7½d. yearly rent that Edmund Haliday, Thomas' brother acquired. Sunday after SS. Peter and Paul, 30 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3515. Release by Margery, relict of Edmund Haliday, of Gretyngham, to Thomas Haliday, of the same, of all her right in land in Gretyngham which he has by feoffment of her said late husband. Friday after St. Scolastica the Virgin, 13 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3516. Grant by Henry de Kerseye, the prior, and the convent of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, to Thomas de la Rente, of Ipswich, of the tenement called 'Rolnesyerd' in St. Augustine's parish in the suburb of Ipswich, paying 6d. yearly. 9 May, 8 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3517. Grant by Simon le Peddere, of Burstalle, to John, son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydune, of a piece of pasture in Burstalle. Tuesday after St. Felix the Bishop, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3518. Grant by Geoffrey de Amblia, to the nuns of Wikes, in frank almoin, of 8 acres in Elmset, part in Watsiscroft, part in Rede, for the souls of himself and Constance his wife; for which they have released to him 5s. which they had in Northuma by gift of William and Aliz Capra. Witnesses:—Robert de Hemingestunia, parson of Elmset church, Philip Gernun, parson of Batesford church, and others (named).
Endorsed: Grant of Geoffrey de Amblia, &c., for 5s. that William Capra lately gave the said church from his mill in Norton.
[Suff.] A. 3519. Grant by Geoffrey de Amblia, to Idonea, the prioress, and the nuns of Wikes, of ten acres in his lordship of Goldhagesdune in Northtune, and other ten acres that were Edward Blund's, in frank almoin, by consent of Constance his wife and William his son and heir. For this grant they have released to him the 5s. rent which they had in his mill of Northtuue by gift of Alice Chieure. Witnesses:—Eustace de Braham, Peter de Leiham, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3520. Grant by John de Lausele, to Sir William de Valencia, of two acres in Melleford, in the mill field. Witnesses:—Thomas Galenc, Geoffrey de Melleford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3521. Grant by Richard Lew, knight, to John de Buclesham, chaplain, Richard de Westhorpe, parson of Cretyngg church, and Thomas de Rougham, of land with a windmill thereon in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting eastward on pasture called 'le Cokespyttel' and westward on the road from Ipswich to Coldone, meadow in Sproutone by the bank leading from Sproutone to Haneford bridge, and 9s. yearly rent issuing from two messuages in the above parish. Rysshemere, Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 3 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3522. Grant by Walter le Cunte, son of Humfrey le Cunte, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of land in Bernigham of the fee of Humfrey, paying 16d. yearly, and the king's scutage at the rate of 4d. in the marc. Witnesses:—Stephen de Segrave, William de Insula, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3523. Grant by Humfrey Lecunte, son of Walter Lecunte, to the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of the above land in Berlingham, paying yearly as above. Wimer the chaplain bought the land from Richard son of Henry for 20s., a tunic and cap worth 3s., and a load horse worth 5s. with saddle and bridle, &c. Humfrey grants moreover to the said canons, his land called 'Susterdole' in Hepewrde and 4 acres of heath, for which Wimer gives him half a marc and to Isolda his wife two talents. Witnesses: —William de Berdewelle, Gilbert de Colevilla, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3524. Grant by Manser de Bordesho, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of 30 acres "de Ware" in Sproutune called 'Kebelleslond,' paying 8s. yearly. Witnesses:—Eustace de Braham, Richard de Bromford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3525. Grant by Warin son of Osbert the Clerk of Sproutune, to the same, for 20s., of an acre called 'Brodacre' in Sproutune, in the meadow called 'Tunmanemedwe,' paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:— Hubert do Bramford, Manser de Bordesho, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3526. Fragment of document relative to injuries inflicted on the abbot and convent of St. Edmunds, contrary to their charters by which they were allowed to acquire lands in spite of the statute of Mortmain, &c. [Edward III.]
[Suff.] A. 3527. Grant by Laurence Horold, of Ipswich, to I., the prior, and the convent of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of 2s. yearly rent issuing from a messuage opposite Ipswich gaol, in exchange for 2s. yearly rent which they have granted him from a tenement in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Thomas Stace and Thomas le Maystre, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). 9 April, A.D. 1296. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3528. Grant by John Marschal, of Elmissete, to John de Cleydone of land in Burstalle parish called 'le Bolteriscroft,' by the road from Ipswich to Kersey. Saturday after St. Vincent the Martyr, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3529. Grant by Cristina, the prioress, and the convent of Wikes, to Hugh de Smokebdelond, of the land which William de Wassebroc formerly held of them in Chatesham, paying 2s. 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert de Copedoc, Robert de Norwude, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3530. Grant by Henry son of William de Elmeswall', to Thomas Bon of Nigel de Liston, clerk, Alice his wife, and John and Simon their eons, for 10 mares, of land called 'Varelond' in Meleford parish, between land of Sir William de Valencia and the road from Henry's house to the tigh of Kentewalle called 'Haylokestye.' Witnesses:—John de Curmavile, John Peytem', and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3531. Confirmation by John son of Andrew de Sprouton, to the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of the gift that William son of William de Kenebroch, made them of 16d. yearly rent from a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, formerly held of John's fee by Geoffrey Cnmbrevill. Witnesses:—John de Beaumes, Roger Lyu, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3532. Grant by John son of Andrew de Sproutunia, to William son of William de Kenebroc, for 10s., of the above yearly rent of 16d. Witnesses:—John son of Norman, John de Beumes, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3533. Surrender by William do Holeton, shepherd, and Matilda bis wife, who hold a messuage and piece of land in Brokes, in the suburb of Ipswich, of the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, by a service of 12d., a cock, 3 hens, and one day's work in autumn, which they consider too heavy for such a tenement, to the said convent, of a piece of land which they held by their cowshed at Brokes, abutting on the road from the west gate of Ipswich to Wyvelesdune; for which surrender the prior and convent have released all right in the day's work in autumn. Witnesses:—Vivian son of Silvester and Laurence Horold, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Feast of St. Ambrose the Bishop, April, 23 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3534. Grant by Thomas de Rugham, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of 12d. yearly rent, a flask of lamp oil and a rose, to be received from the tenants named, for the tenements which they hold for life, viz., 12d. for a cottage and 2 acres in Belstede Magna, the oil for a tenement in Ipswich, and the rose for two messuages, lands and 2s. rent in Stoke by Ipswich, Wherstede, and Grenewich; together with the remainder of the cottage and messuages, &c., after the death of the tenants. 10 June, 21 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3535. Release by Robert Maukel, the elder, to the prior and canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of 2s. yearly rent which they paid for tenements in Hyntlesham, for which they shall pay 1d. in future. 20 May, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3536. Demise by Thomas Maukel, of Hyntlesham, chaplain, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of 2s. 1d. yearly rent which they paid for lands and tenements held of him in Hyntlesham, for his life, with reversion to his heirs. Sunday after St. Gregory, 1 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3537. Grant by Eva Russel, of Swynlond, to William Ayston, her son, of her share of a messuage, a pightle and a way in Swynlond. Sunday after Holy Cross, 23 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3538. Grant by John de Hascelot, to Idonia de Rendune, daughter of Maurice de Dodenes, for 10s., for life, of all his land in Yrrtune, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Maurice de Dodenes, Robert de Boitune, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3539. Grant by Adam son of Hugh Puppin, of Thurlestone, deceased, to Sir William le Wite, chaplain, of land in Thurlestone, paying the services specified to Sir Nicholas de Weylond, lord of the fee. The Conception, A.D. 1279. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3540. Grant by Walter Pullegos, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of 2s. yearly rent issuing from a messuage and houses in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Sir Richard the Dean of Ipswich, Mathew de Parca, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3541. Grant by Eadmund Alp, to Thomas le Gros and Gundreda his wife, for 6 marcs, of land at the head of Ipswich bridge in St. Augustine's parish, abutting northward on the salt water; paying 12d. yearly to the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Seman Tophole and Richard Fader, bailiffs, and others (named). March, 51 Henry III.
[Suff.] A. 3542. Release by Margery, late the wife of Geoffrey Dousyng, of Laxfelde, to Robert Smyth, of the same, of all her right in two pieces of land in Laxfelde in 'le Parkfeld,' one piece being called 'Cokkyslond.' 4 October, 10 Henry VI. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3543. Grant by John le Melnere, of Burstalle, to Thomas Horold, of the same, of a curtilage and house built thereon in Burstalle. Friday after St. Nicholas, Bishop and Confessor, 21 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3544. Demise by lady Sarra de Burghille, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes to John de Ardleghe, of Swynelond, for his life, of land in Swynelond, paying 12d. yearly and maintaining two wax lights in Swynelond church during his life. Sunday after the Epiphany. 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3545. Demise by the same, to Sir John Waleys, vicar of Swynlaunde church, and John de Ardleghe, of the same, of all their lands and tenements in Swynlaund, with the great tithes belonging to the church, saving the rents and services of all their tenants, for nine years from the present date, paying 8 marcs yearly and repairing the grange and other buildings and the chancel of the church. Wednesday Michaelmas day, 7 Edward III.
[Essex.] A. 3546. Release by Sabina, relict of William Aubre, of Bromfeld, to William de Coggeshale, of all her right in a croft called 'Clobbescroft' in Chelmesford. Saturday the feast of the Conception, 18 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3547. Release by Avelina daughter of Agatha de Chatesham, to the lady Isabella, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes, of all her right in land that Roger, son of Thobias the chaplain of Chatesham, gave to her mother in the field called 'Byrchey' in Hintlesham parish. In St. Margaret's church, Ipswich, 14 November, during the iter of Sir Salomon de Roucestria and his companions, the King's justices in Eyre there, 14 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3548. Acknowledgment by Vivian son of Silvester Wakelin, that he owes the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, a yearly rent of 12d. for a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, that Seman de Cruce formerly held of his father, and which Wakelin son of Norman, his grandfather, held of the said church. Witnesses:—Matthew de Porta, Robert de Orford, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3549. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, to Martin Justuse, of Thurlestune, for 100s., of a messuage and land in Thurlestune, abutting on land of the said Martin called 'le Lintone,' on the churchyard, and on the road from Thurlestune church to Ipswich. Witnesses:—Sir William de Henleye, Baldwin de Valle, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3550. Grant by Richard son of Reginald Benet, of Aylington, to Richard Hubert, of Aylington, and Edith his wife of land in Aylington, part in 'le Morslade,' part in Raulotston abutting on Raulotston Weye southwards. Sunday before the Purification, 11 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3551. Grant by Roger son of William de Bramford, to the canons off SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of half an acre in Sproutune in the meadow called 'Tunmanemedwe,' in frank almoin. Witnesses:— Robert and Roger de Baddele, Hubert de Bramford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3552. Grant by William Arnold, of St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, to Margery de Rikingehale, late the wife of Brian de Ringeshale, for 6 marcs, of a messuage in the said parish, paying 16d. yearly to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, 1d. to St. George's church, Ac. Witnesses:— Hugh de Langestune, Seman Thopholl', bailiffs, and others (named).
[Surrey.] A. 3553. Grant by Reginald de la Broke, to Nicholas de Blokesham, for 10s., of two acres in Nutfeld parish lying upon 'la Hulle,' adjoining the demesne of Sir Warin de Muntchensi, paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses:— Walter de Hedresham, Roger de la Loge, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3554. Grant by Richard Algar, of Akenham, to Baldwin de Pesenhale and Agnes his wife, for 10s., of a piece of land in Thurlestone. Witnesses:—Adam de Cleydone, Humphrey de Blancheville, and others (nmed).
[Wilts ?] A. 3555. Grant by William de Ferr[ariis], to Gilbert Basset and his heirs by Isabella, William's daughter, that they may have the manor of Mildehale at the end of four years and may receive the charter thereof made and deposited at the New Temple, London, by the hands of the Master of the Knights Templars in England, or the Treasurer of the Temple, London. Gilbert undertaking, if he choose to receive Mildehale manor, to surrender to the Master or Treasurer of the Temple, London, the grant which William made him of Pery manor, which shall then revert to the said William. Tuesday after Holy Trinity, 25 Henry [III.]
[Suff.] A. 3556. Demise by Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Sir Thomas Chountebien, of Ipswich, chaplain, of the altarage of St. Nicholas's church, Ipswich, for seven years from Michaelmas next, paying 38½ marcs, viz. 5½ mares yearly, and defraying all charges on the said church. Monday after St. Peter ad Vincula, A.D. 1327. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3557. Grant by Thomas Haliday, of Gretingham, the elder, to Edmund Drwe, parson of Drengstone, Edmund, vicar of Gretingham, and Anable Wylot, of the same, of all his lands, &c., in Gretingham. Saturday after the close of Easter, 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3558. Release by Thomas de Rougham, to Sir Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all his right in the lands and tenements which they have by gift of Nicholas Bonde (who acquired them jointly with Thomas), in Ipswich, Wherstede, Belstede, Thurlestone, and Hyntlesham. 20 January, 14 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3559. Grant by John, the prior, and the monks of St. Mary's, Snapes, to Sir William de Rurchani, chaplain, vicar of their church of Snapes, of a messuage with a croft in Snapes for his life, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Becling', John Corndebof, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3560. Acknowledgment by Walter the smith, of Bradefeld parish, that he is bound to pay Deonisia, daughter of Sir Ermethard de Wenham, 22½d. yearly, out of the rent of the land in Bradefeld which the said Walter bought from Walter de la Ponde. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard Phillol, William de Blund, Hugh le Gros, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3561. Grant by Robert Drayl, of Ipswich, to Walter de Bures, chaplain, of a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:— Laurence Cobbe, Gilbert Roberd, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). 18 February, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3562. Grant by Hugh, abbot of Ramsey, to William, son of Hugh de Elington, for 4 marks, of a cotland of land in Woldweston that Geoffrey son of Richard, formerly provost of the said town, held, paying 8d. yearly to the sacristan of Ramsey, and 16d. to the farmer of the abbot's manors of Brunnington, Weston, and Bytherne. Witnesses:—Sir William de Wichinton, steward, Sir Richard Folioth, rector of the churches of Brunnington and Weston, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3563. Release by William Pypard, to the lady Basilia, the prioress and the nuns of Wykes, of their suit at his court of Hintlesham. St. Thomas the Martyr's day, A.D. 1257.
[Suff.] A. 3564. Grant by Fulk, the abbot, and the convent of St. Martin's, Aumale, to Osbert the clerk, son of Hugh de Belstede, of the land in Belstcde that Hugh his father held, paying 10s. yearly, the land Osbert his uncle held paying 7s. 6d., the land 'Scotland' and land of Wluric Dreibrad paying 44d. Witnesses:—Manger the prior, Hugh le Grant, William the subprior, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3565. Release by John son of Geoffrey Gulle, of Thurlestone, to Martin Justus, of the same, of 2d. yearly rent which he was wont to pay for pasture called 'Crovesmedwe,' in Thurlestone, which Alan, Martin's father, obtained of the said Geoffrey. Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, 2 Edward [I.].
[Suff.] A. 3566. Grant by John de Peyton, knight, to Ralph de Lungeley, the younger, and Roysia his wife, of meadow in Newtone by the water running from Newtone watermill towards Boxford bridge, paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Thomas de Grey, Adam de Montecaniso, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3567. Release by Mabel Thedery, late the wife of Simon Richol, of Belsted Magna, to Sir Laurence le Fre, of Belsted, of all her right in land with meadow in Belsted, abutting southward on the bank running to Stakwode, and northward on the road from Sparkeford to Ipswich. Friday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 11 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3568. Acquittance by John de Wassebroc, of Ydonea the prioress of Wikes and her successors, against the abbot of Aumale, from a yearly rent of 12d. for land in Chatesham, of which the said John receives from the prioress 10d., and will pay 2d., and also from all suits at the abbots' halmotes in Belstede. Witnesses:—Martin, abbot of Aumale, Hugh Talemasche, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3569. Defeasance of a grant by John Costyn, of Hyntlesham, to William de Staunford, of a croft in Hyntlesham, witnessing, that the. said William grants that if he peaceably possess the croft for six years from the present date, the said grant shall be void; and he also grants to John half the crop of wheat grown in the croft, the pasture of the heads of the ploughed land and half the stubble grown therein during that term. Thursday after St. Valentine, 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3570. Demise by Godwin Shipdam, of Bury St. Edmunds, chaplain, and William Basse, of the same, grocer, to William Wetenhale, citizen and grocer of London, and Alice his wife, late the wife of John Edward, of Bury, mercer, for their lives, of a tenement in Bury in the street called 'Cookrowe,' adjoining the street called 'Oldebaxtere strete' on the east, which they, with William Couper, baker, deceased, had by grant of the said Alice dated 3 December, 20 Henry VI.; with remainder to John Edward, Alice's son. Witnesses:—John Redgis, alderman of Bury, Thomas Heigham, esquire, and John Bukke, bailiffs of the same, and others named. 12 March, 35 Henry VI.
Suff. A. 3571. Grant by Geoffrey son of John de Cortone, of Suffolk, to John and Thomas, his brothers, for their lives, of a yearly rent of 20s. issuing from his lands in Cortone. Witnesses:—Sir John Bacoun, knight, and others (named). 8 June, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] N'hamp. A. 3572. Release by Alice, late the wife of John de Langetoft in Aylington to Robert son of Stephen de Hale, of all her right in a messuage and curtilage in Aylington parish by Ekelthorpgrene; an acre of land upon Rawelotestone in Aylington field; three half acres in co. Northampton, one upon Cleyfurlong in the greater field of Aylington, one in Gorebrode in the middle field, and the third in the smaller field at 'Le Syke'; and in two roods of meadow, one at 'Le Longeherst,' the other at Thatchedole, in Aylington meadow. Tuesday after the Conception, 25 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3573. Release by William son of Stephen the smith, deceased, of Chatescham, to John Costin, fuller, of all claim that may come to him after the death of Hugh the smith, his grandfather, in a messuage in Hintlesham. Maldon. Sunday before St. Luke the Evangelist, 23 Edward I.
[Suff. ?] A. 3574. Letters Patent of J. de Burgo, to Otho de Smaleberge, bailiff of Neilond, requiring him to put Peter de Huntingfeld, his valet, in full seisin of the land of Wlgareslond, which belonged to Geoffrey do Sancto Dyonisio. Bermundes'. Morrow of St. Mary Magdalene, 54 Henry III.
[Suff.] A. 3575. Note of admission at the court of the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of Thomas Jodyas, the younger, son and heir of Thomas Jodyas, deceased, as tenant at will, together with Margaret his wife and Marion his mother, of land which his father held in Thurlestone. Feast of St. John the Evangelist, 3 Henry VII.
[Suff.] A. 3576. Grant by Roger Lof, of Snapes, to Cristina, daughter of Stephen the miller, of Snapes, for 30s., of his land and tenement at the head of the parish church of Snapes, paying 5¼d. yearly. Witnesses:— William de Glanvile, John his brother, Hugh le Cordebof, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3577. Grant by Walter son of Silvester, to the monks of St. Mary's, Snapes, of an acre stretching along Brodemere and three roods by the road in frank almoin, and confirmation of the acre which Silvester his father gave them. Witnesses:—Walter Flammeng, and others (named), "and also all the parish."
A. 3578. Release by Agnes, daughter and heir of Roger Bramford of Sprouton, late the wife of Geoffrey Ingenulf, of Wandringfeld Parva, to the prior and convent of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, for 100s., of her right in the lands, &c., that were her father's in Sprouton, which they have of her grant. Wednesday after Ambrose the Bishop, April, 23 Edward I. Seal. Injured.
[Suff.] A. 3579. Release by Simon le Vineter, of Sprouton, to the same, for 20s., in frank almoin, of all his right in land in Sprouton, part lying towards Wrabbeslow. Wednesday after the Conception, 16 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3580. Release by Baldwin the miller and Claricia his wife, to Hugh son of Mabel, of all their right in a messuage and two acres in Belstede, for 36s. Witnesses:—Gilbert de Belstede, William Godefrey, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3581. Release by Alexander de Tost, of Burnt Wenham, to John de Sulny of land in Reydone. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Reydone, knight, Richard and Peter, his brothers, Adam de Capravilla, and others (named). Saturday before St. Gregory the Pope, 34 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3582. Release by Geoffrey Alvene, of Wenham, to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydone, and Thomas, son of Laurence Horold, of Ipswich, of all his right in 3s. yearly rent that John was wont to pay him for a tenement in Belsted Magua which he had by demise of Geoffrey and Isabella his wife, for term of the latter's life. Sunday after SS. Fabian and Sebastian, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3583. Grant by John Kempe, of Little Wenham, to John de Cleydone, brother of Sir William do Cleydone, knight, of land in Belstede Magna, abutting on the road from Little Wenham to Hyntlisham, and of the reversion of a messuage and land there which Isabel Kempe, his mother, holds for her life in a field called 'Burnildesfeld,' in exchange for land in Chatisham in the field called 'le Fre Stubbinge,' between the wood of the Lady Joan de Vallibus and land of Laurence le Free. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Ingelose, knight, and others (named). Tuesday the Octave of Michaelmas, 1 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3584. Grant by Geoffrey Alvene, of Wenham, and Isabel his wife to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydone, for Isabel's life, of a curtilage with house thereon and land in Belstede, lying on the road from Hyntlesham to Colchester, paying 3s. yearly. Tuesday after St. Matthias the Apostle, 16 Edward II. Two seals.
A. 3585. Counterpart of the above.
[Suff.] A. 3586. Grant by Sayena Lew, of Ipswich, to the prior and convent of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of 40d. yearly rent from a messuage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, to maintain a light burning before the cross in their church. Witnesses:—Thomas Stace, Thomas le Rente, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle, A.D. 1310.
A. 3587. Duplicate of A. 3586.
[Suff.] A. 3588. Assignment by Sayena Leu, of Adam Bolle, her tenant, to pay the above yearly rent of 40d. to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich. Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle, A.D. 1310.
A. 3589. Counterpart of A. 3586.
[Suff.] A. 3590. Grant by William de Wrotham, archdeacon of Tanton, to William de Buggesell', of 30 acres in Okholt between lands of Robert de Rokesle and Edmund Walensis, paying 1 lb. of cumin and 12d. yearly to the abbot and convent of Liesnes. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de la Hegeland, Roger de Sutton, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3591. Grant by John de Berefeld, rector of Freston, to John de Lakinghethe son of Deneys, Sir John Hamund, rector of Cloptone, Sir Everard Flete, of Ipswich, chaplain, John dil Medwe, of Cretingham, and John Frost, of Thurliston, of all bis lands and tenements in Thurliston, Whitton, and Akenham, which he has lately acquired from Philip Justus, Thomas Lausele, and William Smyth. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Breuse, Thomas Visdelen, Thomas dil Dale, knights, and others (named). Sunday after St. Nicholas the Bishop, 37 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3592. Confirmation by Berta Bramford, of Sprutune, of the grant by Agnes her sister to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of land in Sprutune, abutting on William de Bosco's marsh. Witnesses:— Sir Geoffrey de Badele, Baldwin de Pesehale, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3593. Release by John son of Ernulf, to Constance, the prioress, and the nuns of Wykes, of all right in the land which he held of them in Swyneslonde. Witnesses:—Luei de Ottelega, Herbert Weslond, and others (named).
[Suff.] [Essex.] A. 3594. Grant by Constance, the prioress, and the convent of St. Mary's, Wikes, to the abbot and monks of St. John's, Colchester, of all the lands that William son of Algar held in Bercholt and Fordham, and which he released to the said prioress and convent, paying 9s. 8d. yearly, saving the dower of Petronilla, William's wife, if she survive him. Witnesses:— Sirs Richard Askecot, Richard Filloil, Hugh Gros, knights, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3595. Confirmation by Silvester son of Walter de Bedigfeld, to St. Mary's church, Snapes, of the land which Robert the clerk of Chebenhale gave them, paying 32d. Witnesses:—Herbert de Alencun, William his son, John de Alencun, Walter Flameg, and others (named). [Twelfth century.]
[Suff.] A. 3596. Release by Robert son of Baldwin de Cleydon, to William the chaplain, his brother, of all his right in the wood called 'Godhyeneshege.' Witnesses:—Nicholas Mangard, Richard de Bordlesho, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3597. Grant by Robert Cratoun, of Belstede Magna, to Juliana Gorhom, of Leyham, of a piece of land in Belstede Magna for her life, with reversion of dower. Thursday after St. Edmund, Bishop and Confessor, 33.Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3598. Release by Christiana, relict of Justus de Thurlestune, to the canons of SS.Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of all her right in her marriage, and in lands descending to her after her husband's death, in dower, for 3s., half an acre at Burbelot which they have granted her for life, and a measure of corn yearly. Witnesses:—William de Holebroch, Baldwin de Pesehale, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3599. Demise by Roger de Godelesford, to Nicholas Bonde, of Freston, and Thomas de Rougham of all the lands in Belstede, Wherstede, and Bentleye which he had by demise of Avice, late the wife of William Dounyng, who had them by demise of the abbess of Canounleye and Sir William de Deen, of the inheritance of John, William Dounyng's son, from the Nativity of the Virgin Mary till the heir is of age, paying 6s. yearly to the said abbess, &c. Also demise of the dower of the said Avice for thirteen years from the above feast, paying her 4s. 6d. yearly, &c., with reversion to Roger if she die within that time, and of a piece of heath in Wherstede that William Dounyng, father of William Dounyng aforesaid, acquired of Sir William de Deen for the latter's life, paying Sir William 8d. yearly, with reversion, if Sir William die within the said term, to the lords of Thorinton Hall. 6 September, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3600. Grant by John de Goldyngham, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all the lands and tenements that were William Dounyng's of Godelisford. Witnesses:—Roger de Godelisford, Robert de Coppedok, and others (named). Belstede Parva, Monday the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 4 Edward III.