Deeds: A.3601 - A.3700

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.3601 - A.3700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.3601 - A.3700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.3601 - A.3700". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.3601 - A.3700

[Suff.] A. 3601. Demise by Avice, late the wife of William Dounyng, of Belstede, to Roger de Godelesford of the lands and tenements in Belstede which she had by demise of Petronilla, the abbess, and the convent of Canounlegh, except a messuage and rood of land, and in Wersted by demise of Sir William de Deen, and of all her dower in Belated, Worsted and Bentleygh, for thirteen years from Michaelmas next. If John, son and heir of the said William, die within that term, it shall be extended till the full age of John's heir, &c. on paying 6s. yearly to the abbess, 1d. to Hugh Talemach', 10d. to Thorinton Hall, 8d. to the same Hall for a piece of heath which her husband held of Sir William de Deen for the latter's life, and to herself 4s. 6d., &c. Thursday in Whitsun week, 8 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3602. Grant by Hubert de Ruilli, to William Duning, for two marks, of the land and messuage which Geoffrey del Hod held in Gudlesford of Gudlesford fee, and Alice, Geoffrey's daughter, Hubert's nief, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Roger de Gudlesford, Michael de Frestun, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3603. Acquittance by Stephen the goldsmith, of St. Edmunds, for 60 marks, received at Ramsey, from Sir William, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, for Stephen's tenement in Laweshill sold to them. Vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul, A.D. 1276.
[Suff.] A. 3604. Grant by Andrew Wodefuchel and Matilda his wife, to Sir William de Valencia, lord of Pembroke, for 19s., of 1½ acres in Melleford abutting on the road to St. Edmunds, and 2d. rent. Witnesses:— Sir Robert de Prestun, Geoffrey de Melleford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3605. Grant by John Joye, of Ipswich, to Robert Hamund, of Chatesham, and Henry his son, of a croft in the suburb of Ipswich with a pit called 'le Redelpet.' Witnesses:—Laurence Cobbe, Gilbert Robert, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named.) Wednesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3606. Demise by Alice, late the wife of Bartholomew de Ports, to Sir Laurence le Fre, of all land in Belsted Magna which she had as dower, to till and sow, for a moiety of the grain issuing therefrom, for five years from Michaelmas, 19 Edward [I.]. St. Nicholas's day, 20 Edward [I.].
[Suff.] A. 3607. Grant by Peter de Aulogia, to John Costin, of Leyham, the younger, of 2½d. yearly rent issuing from a tenement in Magna Belstede. Feast of Holy Cross in May, 33 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3608. Grant by John le Vyntere, the elder, of Borstalle, to John son of Adam de Aula, of Cleydon, of the moiety of a piece of land in Burstalle, and the reversion of the other moiety which Alice Bokelard holds as dower. Sunday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 20 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3609. Release by Nicholas son of Richard del Hill of Hintlesam, to the prioress and convent of Wikes, for two sestaries of wine, of all his right in a tenement that Robert son of Gilbert formerly held of them. Witnesses:—Sirs William Thalebot, James le Enveise, Robert de Vallibus, knights, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3610. Release by Robert Bradeweye, to John Bradeweye, of all his right in two tenements and two curtilages in St. Nicholas' parish, Ipswich, 20 May, 15 Henry VI.
[Suff.] A. 3611. Giant by Richard Syred, of Ipswich, to Sarra daughter of Richard le Tollere, for two marks, of land in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Kempe, warden of Ipswich, and others (named.) 28 April, 15 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3612. Grant by Alexander Warde, of Burstalle, to John son of Adam do Aula, of Cleydon, of pasture in Burstalle. Sunday the feast of St. Benedict the Abbot, 15 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3613. Grant by Alice Costyn, late the wife of John Costyn, deceased, of Hyntlesham, to John her son, for her life, of all her dower in the watermill called 'Sparkfordemelne' with watercourse belonging, paying her 12d. yearly. Friday the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 18 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3614. Grant by Richard le Tollere, of Ipswich, to Sarra his daughter, for 50s., of a curtilage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting on the highway from Ipswich bridge to the corn market, with reversion to him and his heirs it' she die without issue. Witnesses:—Vivian son of Silvester and John Clement, bailiffs, and others (named). January, 13 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3615. Grant by Thomas dil Ston son of Seman Clement, of Ipswich, to Nicholas Bonde, of Frestone, and Thomas de Routham, of a messuage with curtilage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting on the road from Portbregge to the corn market. Witnesses:—John Harneys, William Malyn, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named.) Sunday the feast of Holy Trinity, 16 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3616. Obligation of Roger Beneyt, of Chatisham, chaplain, and Peter Marshall of Helmsete, to pay Thomas Horald, son of Laurence Horald, of Ipswich, Isabella, wife of Thomas, and William Andrew, of Sproutone, a yearly rent of 40l. for their lives out of the lands and tenements which they have by feoffment from the said Thomas Horald in Burstalle, Braunford, Sproutone, Hyutlisham, Codenham, Reydon, Chatisham, Hemynggiston, Berngham, and Estone Gosebek. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 21 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3617. Grant by Simon de Chokefeld, knight, to Sir Philip Basset, of a yearly rent of one mark in Kereseie, issuing from Corsford Mill, in exchange for land in Kerescie called 'Simundesheg.' Witnesses:—William le Bastard, William la Justice, and others (named.) Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3618. Release by John de la Dale, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all right in the messuage which he lately acquired of Emma, late the wife of Hugh Schoyt, in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich. Feast of the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 5 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3619. Grant by John Rery, of St. Edmunds, mercer, to Roger Cook, of the same, and Lettice his wife, of a tenement with three shops adjoining in St. Edmunds, in the cooks street, by Oldebaxsterestret. Witnesses:— Theobald de Denham, alderman of St. Edmunds, and others (named). Friday in Easter week, 48 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3620. Grant by Roger Cook, of Bury St. Edmunds, to Robert de Kedyngton, John Ruggewyn, of Staundon, and John de Bury of the above tenement with three shops. Witnesses:—Richard de Rughham, alderman of Bury St. Edmunds, Walter Beneyt, bailiff of the same, and others (named). Friday before All Saints day, 50 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3621. Grant by William son of Ralph, to Roger son of Robert, and his heirs by Isabel de Reimes, of the land with chief messuage that Ralph the carpenter William's father held in Werfstede, of the fee of Robert de Reimes, paying 28d. yearly; for which grant Roger has given him 10s., a tunic of burnet, an overcoat and half a measure of barley. Witnesses:— Richard de Gosfeld, Ranulf Brito, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3622. Grant by Lambert son of Robert son of Andrew de Stanefeld, to Robert Saxi, of Stanefeld, for 40s., of all his wood called 'Appedehey,' in Lauselle parish. Witnesses:—John de Rochude, William de Beylham, and others (named). Injured.
[Suff.] A. 3623. Grant by Nicholas the prior of Snapes, with consent of the brethren, to Walter le Man, chaplain, of a perpetual vicarage in the parish church of Snapes, with the messuage of Ailward the brewer, (which messuage, alter Walter's death, the monks shall receive to their own use,) paying yearly 6s. and 5lbs. of wax candles. Witnesses:—Sir Walter, parson of Blakeshale, Master Reimund de Aldeburg, Roger, parson of Craneford, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3624. Release by Margery, daughter of Gilbert de Houtone, deceased, to William Westone, of Cloptone, of all her right in the lands and tenements in Cloptone which she inherited after the death of Margery, late the wife of the said William, her nephew. Wednesday in Easter week 35 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3625. Grant by Godard de Thurlestune, to Alan son of Justus de Thurlestune, of an acre in Thurlestune, a messuage abutting on the high road from Thurlestune church to Ipswich, land called 'Lundmere,' and land lying by the road to Hakaham; paying 15d. yearly. Witnesses:— Baldwin de Pesehale, Adam de Blanchevile, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3626. Release by Martin Justus, of Thurlestone, to Roger Justus, his brother, of 3½d. yearly rent which Roger was wont to pay him for land called 'Cristmeslond' in Thurlestone. Wednesday before St. Gregory, 20 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3627. Demise by Walter de Stanbregge to John Costyn, the younger, son of John Costyn, of Sparkeford, and to Matilda his wife, of land and pasture called 'Atheloyseslond' in Hyntlesham parish, by the water running from Waschebroc mill to the mill of John Costyn, the elder, for ten years from the present date. Sunday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, 12 Edward II.
[Surrey.] A. 3628. Release by Thomas de Waletone, to John, the prior, and the convent of Lewes, and St. Pancras's church, for 60s., of the messuage with gardens, &c., in Suwerk which he had by demise of Sir John de Warennya, Earl of Surrey. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Lewes, rector of St. Olave's, Richard de Melton, and others (named). Vigil of the Annunciation, A.D. 1278.
[Suff.] A. 3629. Grant by John Lene, of Gretyngham, to the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all the tenements which he held of their fee in Gretyngham. 20 March, 13 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3630. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Andrew Howelin, of Gretingham, of land in Gretingham, paying 28d. yearly. Tuesday after St. James the Apostle, 23 Edward [I.]
[Suff.] A. 3631. Grant by John de Aketon and Alice Hare, of Gretyngham, to John Lyene, of Brandestone, of a messuage and land which they formerly acquired of Andrew Hwelyn in Gretyngham. Thursday the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 6 Edward II. Fragments of two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3632. Grant by Richard son of Robert Baldewine, of Ipswich, to Martin Justus, of Thurlestone, and Margery his wife, for the latter's life, of land in Thurlestone abutting on the road from Westerfeld to Crakeford northwards, and 1d. yearly rent from land in Thurlestone adjoining the above land. Witnesses:—Adam de Aula, of Cleydon, Geoffrey de Blanchevile, and others (named). The Annunciation, 12 Edward [I.]
[Suff.] A. 3633. Release by John de Whytefeld, eldest son of John de Whytefeld, to Henry de Kerseye, the prior, and the canons of St. Peters, Ipswich, of all his right in lands formerly Laurence Le Free's in Belstede Magna, Belstede Parva, Chatesham, Sproutone, Coppedok and Waschebrok, and in the lands which Laurence and John his brother hold for their lives of the said prior in Stoke by Ipswich, Wherstede, and Grenewyht'. Witnesses:— Gilbert de Burgh, Edmund Petygard, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Agatha the Virgin, 12 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3634. Release by Matilda late the wife of Wlfric de Brademere, of Brokes, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of the court north of her house which she holds of them in Brokes, reserving ten feet from the wall of the house. Witnesses:—Thomas le Maystre and Thomas Stace, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3635. Release by William de Aechs son of Richard late the rector of Aechs (Ash) church, chaplain, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of the messuage which he held of them in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, and the remainder of the soil with buildings and curtilage adjoining, for which they have granted that his own and his father's name shall be noted in their marlyrology, and that food and drink shall be given away on his anniversary for his soul as for a professed canon. Witnesses:—Richard Fader, Robert de Orford, bailiffs, and others (named). Seal.
A. 3636. Duplicate of the above.
[Suff.] A. 3637. Demise by Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to William de Heys, chaplain, for his life, of a messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Silvester son of Wakelin, Thurstan del Cley, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3638. Assignment by Sayena Len of Adam Bolle, as tenant of 40d. yearly rent, issuing from a messuage that was Roger de Loundres, to be paid to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich. Witnesses:—Thomas Stace and Thomas le Rente, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle, A.D. 1310.
[Suff.] A. 3639. Release by William Testepin, of Hintelesham, to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of 1d. yearly rent which they paid him for 15 acres in Brokes, in the field called 'Aldegate.' Witnesses:— Richard Fader, John Clement, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3640. Release by Cristiana, relict of William de Thisteld, to the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, for 10s., of all her right of dower in lands and rents which were her husband's in Gretingham. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Aygneus, knight, Arnald de Colevile, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Suff.] A. 3641. Grant by Margery, relict of Walter de Leystone, to Robert de Dinhivetune, for 3 marcs, of a piece of land with buildings called her 'gernarius' [garner ?] in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, paying the prior and convent of St. Peter's 4d. yearly. Witnesses:—Silvester son of Walk[elin], and Matthew de Porta, bailiffs, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3642. Grant by John Lede, of Ipswich, to Adam de Hemenhale and Agnes his wife, for 40s., of a messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 12d. yearly to St. Peter's convent, and 1d. to the light in St. Nicholas's church. Witnesses:—Vivian son of Silvester, John Clement, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3643. Grant by John son of William Angod, of Ipswich, to Walter Pullegos, of Baudeseye, for 12s., of 2s. yearly rent issuing from a messuage [in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich] which formerly belonged to William Daunz. Witnesses:—Mathew de Porta, Nicholas de Foro, bailiffs, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3644. Release by Margaret, late the wife of William the cook, of Ipswich, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, for 2s., of all her right in a messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:— Laurence Horold, Thomas Aylred, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Sunday after St. Hilary, 12 Edward [I.].
[Suff.] A. 3645. Grant by the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to William de Letheringham, their cook, and Margery his wife, for their lives, of a mossuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh de Langestune, Mathew de Porta, bailiffs, and others (named). Seal and fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3646. Obligation of Robert Costard to pay the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, 32d. yearly rent which he used to pay to Hugh de Langestune for a messuage and 4 acres in Sproutune which he held of Hugh, of the canons' fee. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Badele, Matthew de Porta, Hugh Lyu, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3647. Grant by William de Bailliul and Basilia his wife, and John de Formavilla, heir of Robert de Formavilla, to Wimer the chaplain, of Baldwin son of Lefthild' with the tenement which he holds in Sprouston, for 32d. yearly. For this grant Wimer has given William and Basilia a silver cup worth 5 mares, and to John a 'fugator.' Witnesses:—Nicholas de Lalanda, Norman son of Ailwi, and others (named). [Twelfth Century.]
[Suff.] A. 3648. Grant by Hugh de Langestune to the canons of SS. Peter and Paul, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of 32d. yearly rent which Robert Costard pays to Hugh for a messuage and four acres of land in Sproutune. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Badele, Matthew de Porta, Hugh Lyu, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3649. Demise by the prior and canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to John Frost, of Thurliston, and Christina his wife, of a messuage with croft and a pasture called 'Lymmedwe' [in Thurliston] for 100 years from Michaelmas, 34 Edward III., paying 5s. yearly. Monday after Michaelmas, 34 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3650. Demise by Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to William de Holewey, of Thurleston, and Hugh his son, of pasture called 'Lymmedwe,' in Thurleston, for their lives, paying 5s. yearly. Sunday after All Saints, 4 Edward III. Portion of seal. Injured.
A. 3651. Counterpart of A. 3650. Two seals.
[Suff.] A. 3652. Release by William Wetenhale, citizen and grocer of London, and Alice his wife, late the wife of John Edward, of Bury St. Edmunds, to John Baret, esquire, Master Thomas Craneweys, clerk, Godwin Shypdam, chaplain, William Basse, grocer, and John Thurston, mercer, of Bury St. Edmunds, of seven messuages, two granges, two closes with dovecots therein, a garden, 35½ acres in Bury St. Edmunds, and four acres in Rysby, which they hold for life by grant of John Edward, son of John Edward aforesaid, with reversion to Baret and the rest. The property is situate in Westgatestrete, Bernewellestrete, Oldbaxterestrete, and Northgatestrete, in the west suburb without the borough ditch, by Cotton Lane, and in the fields called 'Southgatefeld' of Bury and 'Wesgatefeld' and by St. Peter's Hospital in Bury. 26 December, 35 Henry VI.
[Suff.] A. 3653. Grant by Robert de Hale, rector of Aylington church, to Katherine, daughter of William de Aylington, for her life, of a messuage in Aylington over against 'Le Grene.' For this grant and for four marcs, Katherine has released to him a messuage and land in Aylington formerly her brother John's. Thursday before St. Valentine, 23 Edward [I.]. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3654. Grant by Richard son of Reginald Benet, of Aylington, to Nicholas the smith, of the same, of land in Aylington fields, at Wullestondiches. Tuesday the feast of the Invention of Holy Cross, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3655. Demise by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Godfrey Sper, of Burstalle, of a croft in Burstalle called 'the Schalledehel Copehoodgrene' and Brokslade pightle, for sixteen years from the Purification next, paying 12s. yearly. Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 4 Henry V. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3656. Release by Geoffrey le Bretun, of Hintliaham, to the prioress and nuns of St. Mary's, Wikes, in frank almoin, of all his share in 3d. yearly rent which they were wont to pay to himself, Geoffrey and Reginald Sulebois and Richard le Koc, for a little meadow at Sparkeford. Witnesses:—John de Belstede, Osbert Godefrey, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3657. Similar release by Reginald Sulebois, of Hintlisham, of his share in the said rent. Witnesses as above.
A. 3658. Similar release by Geoffrey Sulebois, of Hintlisham.
[Suff.] A. 3659. Grant by Sir Nicholas de Sparkeford to John Costyn, of Sparkeford, of a piece of his pasture and ditch by John's messuage, to erect thereon one side of a grange belonging to John, with the pardon of all ill will he had against the latter; for which John has released Sir Nicholas from all actions. Thursday the feast of the Assumption, 2 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3660. Demise by John, son and heir of John Costin, deceased, of Hyntlesham, to Richard Albolt, of Burstalle, of pasture in Hyntlesham for four years from the Purification next. Witnesses:—John de Cleydone, Fulk le Barun, and others (named). Saturday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 16 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3661. Grant by Nicholas Gernun, of Chatesham, to Richard Bokelard, of Burstalle, and Isabella his wife, of a messuage with house thereon and street adjoining in Chatesham, abutting on the road to Ipswich. Monday after St. Dunstan, Archbishop and Confessor, 28 Edward III.
Endorsed: "De gardino inter Brownynges et Gerlonysfeld."
[Suff.] A. 3662. Release by Thomas Waryn, of Sproutone, to Gilbert de Debenham and John de Berdefelde, perpetual vicar of Qwherstede church, of all his right in all lands, &c., which were John Waryn's his father's, in Thorlestone, Braunforde, Westerfeld, and Akenham. Ipswich, Tuesday after Michaelmas, 30 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3663. Release by Thomas son of John Rogges, of Gretingham, to Edmund son of Ranulph Haliday, of Gretingham, of all his right in 7½d. yearly rent which Edmund acquired of the said John in Gretingham. Sunday after the Epiphany, 20 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3664. Release by Nigel, son of Bartholomew the cook, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, for 8s., of the messuage which he held of them in Ipswich, in St. Nicholas's parish. Witnesses:—John son of Norman, John and Geoffrey de Beumeis, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3665. Grant by John de Beumes, to the same, in frank almoin, of 3s. yearly rent from the messuage that was Amfrey the chaplain's in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, to be received from the tenants specified. Witnesses:—Ralph de Pesehalle, John son of Norman, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3666. Release by Felicia, daughter of Robert de Crepinche, deceased, to Sir Philip Basset of all her right in land in Manestune in Bradefeld parish, in the Held called 'Barnehandesland,' part lying along the road to Manestune chapel, part by 'la Gore,' abutting on Manestune wood; for which release Sir Philip demises the land to her, paying 6d. yearly. 33 Henry III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3667. Grant by Gratian the clerk of Ipswich, to Robert Harding, cook, of all the land between the land which Robert holds of William Angot and the messuage of Benedicta daughter of Thomas the Deacon, in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, paying 9d. yearly. Witnesses:—John son of Norman, William and John de Beaumes, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3668. Release by Wimar son of Eadmund le cartere, of Ipswich, to Robert Arding and William his brother, for 14s., of a messuage in Ipswich in St. Nicholas's parish, paying to the prior and convent of St. Peter's 6d. yearly, two hens at Christmas with food and two days' work in autumn. Witnesses:—Roger Lyu, Amis Bolle, bailiffs, J. son of Norman, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3669. Grant by Hugh called 'Precst' of Aylyngton, to Sir William de Corton, rector of Ellesworth church, of his messuage in Aylyngton abutting on the churchyard, and two acres lying by the road called 'Chircheweye.' Wednesday in Easter week, 9 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3670. Grant by Agnes Carbonel, the prioress, and the convent of Wykes to Seman the Fuller, of Hintlisham, and Agnes his wife, for the hitter's life, of the pond of a fulling mill in Chatisham, with the site of the mill and a watercourse over their pasture from the pond to the old brook, saving the fishing in the mill-pond and the trees growing, paying 10s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Reydon and Alan de Goldingham, knights, John Lenveyse, and others (named). Nativity of St. Mary, 31 Edward [I.]
[Suff.] A. 3671. Grant by Robet Gulle, of Thurlestune, to Alan Justus, of the same, of all his meadow called 'Estmedwe' in Thurlestune, for 14s., paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Valey, Geoffrey Carbunel, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3672. Grant by Richard Bunne, of Burstalle, the younger, to John de Cleydone of land in the hamlet of Burstalle. Sunday after the Epiphany, 11 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3673. Release by Avice daughter of Richard de Otteleye, and late the wife of Geoffrey de Buxhale, to Sir William de Cleydone, knight, of all the services and customs which he owes her for tenements in Cleydone and Thurlestone, save his homage, a yearly rent of 1d., and scutage. Witnesses:—Philip Harnays, John de Cleydone, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3674. Grant by Richard the dean of Codeham, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Ipswich, of a messuage in St. Peter's parish, abutting eastwards on the road from the market to the bridge, paying Roysia Godeskalc 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Beaumes, Roger Lev, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3675. Grant by John de Cotton, chaplain, to Sir Nicholas de Sparkeford, of a piece of meadow which he formerly acquired from the said Sir Nicholas, by Sparkeford bridge. Sunday after St. Brice, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3676. Release by Wymerca, relict of Gilbert Haltebe, of Ipswich, to William, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all her right of dower in lands in Quytington, Thurlestone, and Brokes. Tuesday before St. Ambrose, 9 Edward I. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3677. Grant by Gilbert Haltebe, to the carious of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, for 100s., of four pieces of land in Thurlestone, part abutting on Langemedwe, part on Suthmedwe, and of 2s. yearly rent issuing from a messuage in St. Stephen's parish, Ipswich. Witnesses:— Sirs Geoffrey de Badele and Nicholas de Aungervill, knights, Baldwin de Pesehale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3678. Grant by Richard son of Stephen de Aldermers, of Bernham, to Peter Wynthyne, of Troston, of a messuage, land, and fold with heath, &c., in Troston, which he has lately acquired from Sir Edmund Comyn, paying the lord of the fee 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Thomas de Wrydewelle, Bartholomew de Liveremere, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3679. Grant by Edmund Duelle, of Thurlestune, to William de Castria, of two pieces of land in Thurlestune, abutting on the road to Westerfend. Witnesses:—Baldwin de Pesehale, Adam de Blanchevil, Geoffrey Carbonel, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3680. Grant by Lucy Pekoc, of Thurlestone, to Emma her daughter, of a piece of land in Thurlestone, abutting southwards on the road called 'le Pedderespayt' and northwards on 'le Merelond.' Monday the feast of Circumcision, 12 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3681. Release by John Roges, of Gretingham, to Robert Haliday, of all his right in land with a messuage in Gretingham which Robert bought of Thomas Roges his father. Wednesday before [St.] Thomas the Martyr, 2 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3682. Release by Thomas Rogges, of Gretingham, to John Halyday, chaplain, and Thomas his brother, of all his right in the lands and tenements which John Wylot, deceased, acquired from him in Gretingham. Saturday the feast of the Assumption, 6 Edward III. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3683. Grant by Adam de Holebrok, of Ipswich, and Alice his wife, to the prior and convent of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of a piece of land in the hamlet of Brokes, abutting on the high road from Ipswich to Bramford bridge and towards Brademere, in exchange for land in Brokes granted to them by the convent, abutting eastward towards Brademere and westward towards Bramford, both grants for Alice's life. Friday the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 25 Edward I. Seal and portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3684. Grant by William Colle, of Thurlestone, to the altar of St. Mary in the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, in frank almoin, of 12d. yearly rent issuing from land in Thurlestone, part lying in the field called 'Suthwodemere.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Badele, knight, Baldwin de Pesehale, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3685. Grant by John son of Richard the shoemaker (sutoris), to Seman Hondes, for 4s., of a messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, Ipswich, and of 2d. yearly rent from the same fee issuing from land that Adam Cobiten bought of Cicely, John's mother, paying yearly 2s. to the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich, and 2s. to Alan Donekepot. Witnesses:—Silvester son of Walk[elin] and Mathew do Porta, bailiffs, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3686. Grant by Richard son of Benedict de Aylingtone, to Henry, son of John Hiches, of Aylingtone, and Alice his wife, of land in Aylingtone at Pyt Londes, abutting on Herdewyeweye. Friday the feast of the Annunciation, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3687. Grant by Walter son and heir of Ralph de Pynton, of Ipswich, deceased, to Martin del Brokes, of Thurlestone, and Elena his daughter, for 30s., of land in Thurlestone. Sunday the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 2 Edward II.
[Suff.] A. 3688. Grant by Elyas son of John Norman, of Ipswich, to the canons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ipswich, of a yearly rent of 18d. and four hens, which Andrew Cuntesse and John his brother were wont to pay for a messuage in St. Nicholas's parish, with the tenement whence the rent issues in frank almoin. Witnesses:—William Godeschalk, Mathew de Porta, bailiffs of Ipswich, Geoffrey de Beumes, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 3689. Grant by Nicholas de Sparkforde to John Costin, of Sparkforde, of a meadow which he bought from Richard Bunne in Hintlesham parish, by Sparkeforde Bridge. 1 March, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3690. Grant by Roger Merevin, of Belsted Magna, to Peter de Aulagia, serjeant of Belsted, of 2d. yearly rent issuing from a messuage in Belsted Magna. St. Barnabas the Apostle's day, 26 Edward I.
[Suff.] A. 3691. Grant by William de Fraxineto, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wike, in frank almoin, for the souls of himself and Cristiana his mother, of all the assart he made in Svineland, and the tenement of Reginald de Bosco and others there; 3s. yearly to be devoted to clothing the nnns. Witnesses:—Sirs A. abbot of Sibetun, and R. prior of Buttele, William Gernun, Stephen de Windesoveres, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3692. Grant by Robert son of Roger le Taylour, and Cristina his mother, of Sproutone, to Thomas de Rowham, of land in Belstede Magna. Witnesses:—Roger de Godelisford, John Andrew, and others (named). Sunday the feast of St. Jerome, end of 5 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3693. Grant by John son of Geoffrey Guile, of Thurlestone, to Martin Justus, for 2s., of 14d. yearly rent issuing from land and pasture in Thurlestone between the road from Akenham to Ipswich and the free land of Witenton church, abutting southward on pasture called 'Pintonemers'; and of all lands and rents which Martin holds in Thurlestone formerly belonging to his said father Geoffrey. St. Matthew the Apostle's day, 11 Edward [1.].
[Suff.] A. 3694. Grant by Robert de Gravele, to Geoffrey de Lundres, for 40s., of two acres in Lauselle, in the field called 'Botmelond,' by land of Pagan a, Robert's mother, abutting on the street leading from his house to Lausell Hall; paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sewall de Haningfeld, William Herberd, and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] A. 3695. Release by Richard son of Peter de Bromford, to Alexander de Reimes, of Borstalle, of all his right to land in Bromford, part in the field called 'Bastescroft,' part called 'Linninge.' St. Cuthbert's day, March, 44 Henry III.
[Suff.] A. 3696. Grant by John le Kyug, of Westerfeld, and Emma his wife, to Henry, the prior, and the canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of land in Thurlestone abutting on the road called 'le Pedderespayt' southward, and northward on 'le Merelond.' Tuesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 2 Edward III.
[Suff.] A. 3697. Release by Hugh Horold, of Ipswich, to the prior and convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, of all his right in land in that town lying north of St. Peter's priory. Witnesses:—Laurence Cobbe, John Leu, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others (named). Morrow of the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 31 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] A. 3698. Grant by Felicia daughter of Anastasia de Windervill, to Sir Philip Basset, for 100s., of a windmill in Wykes with the site, and free entrance and exit through the field called 'Gedidone,' land abutting northward on the brook that is the boundary between Wykes and Manestone, and her stew (vivarium) in Wrabeneise and Manestone, paying 3s. 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh le Gros, William le Bastard, Randulf de Mundevil', and others (named). Seal.
[Suff.] [Camb.] A. 3699. Grant by Agnes de Waloniis, to Gunnora de Essex', her niece and foster child, of all the land and fee which she holds of the bishopric of Ely and of Roger de Thorn, viz. Westley, Fulburn and Feversam, which William Delmaneir holds, and the land called 'the land of the small hall'; to be held by the service of two knights, which the said William will perform, and a sparrowhawk yearly. Witnesses:—Walerian, the prior of Southwark, Walter de Bolebec, William de Wesci, the younger, and others (named). [Twelfth Century.]
[Suff.] A. 3700. Grant by John Cobat, of Hyntlysham, to Walter de le Hyl, of the same, of a messuage and half a messuage in Belsted Magna, abutting on the common way to Chatesham church. St. Hilary's day, 10 Edward II.