Deeds: B.1799 - B.1900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.1799 - B.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.1799 - B.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.1799 - B.1900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

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B.1799 - B.1900

[Warw.] B. 1799. Release by Thomas de Colehulle, to the monks of Bordesley, of his right to common of pasture at Kynton. Witnesses:—Simon de Stokes, John de Curly, and others named. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1800. Grant in frank almoin by Roger Camberlang', heir of Robert Camberlang', to the abbot and convent of Sulebi of 3s. yearly rent issuing out of a toft in Kynardferi, which Robert Prest formerly held of the dower of Emma his wife, after the death of Adam ad Pontem her first husband. Witnesses:—William de Busci, knight, Robert de Beltoft, Ralph Takel of Haxsaye, and others named. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1801. Grant, in frank almoin, by John Grene, son and heir of Robert Grene, of Kelfeld, in the parish of Ouston in the Island of Axiholme, to Sir Richard Boston, prior of St. Mary's Axiholme of a messuage in Kynnardferry upon the bank of the Trent. 14 July, 3 Richard III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1802. Grant by Christiana daughter of Hugh de Burleya, to William son of Denys of the same, of a messuage and curtilage, &c., in Kynton abutting on the highway from Wotton towards Warwick, of the fee of Claverdon, which she had of the gift of her brother Walter, rendering yearly to the chief lord of the fee a silver halfpenny. Witnesses:—William Moryn of Kynton, Henry de Middelton, and others named. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1803. Release by John Thewe of Kynnardfery, to Robert Mowbray of the same, of his right in a messuage called 'Galionys' in Kynnardfery, lying between the river Trent and the highway. 8 October, 1429. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1804. Grant by Robert 'Carbonarius' of Kyngestone, to Richard Payn and Mary his wife, for 30s., of a messuage in Kyngestone. Witnesses:—Peter le Templer, Hugh de Escambio, Thomas Goce, and others named. Seal.
Linc. B. 1805. Grant by Katherine Moubray of Kynnardfery, in the Island of Axiholme, widow, to Sir Gerard Snarr' of Rycalle, in the county of York, clerk, of land in the field of Kynnardfery, which, with her late husband Robert Moubray, she held of the feoffment of William Browne of Ouston (Owston). 10 October, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1806. Demise by Robert son of Robert le Tanner, of Kyngeston, to Adam atte Ruyole of the same, for ten years, of land in Kyngestone part in the marsh in Sortecheggesdone, and part in Teyntouresfeld upon the broad way at le Surlond. Witnesses:—John Toly the elder, Adam Templer, William Postel, and others named. Feast of St. Michael, 5 Edward II. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1807. Grant by William Winter of Kingeston, to Geoffrey son of Estmar 'Carbonarius,' of land [in Kingeston]. Witnesses:—William Herbert, Simon North, and others named. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1808. Grant by Peter le Sadler, of Kingeston, to John atte Chaumbre of that place, of the reversion, after thirteen years from All Saints day, 20 Edw. III., of a curtilage in Willehale in Kyngeston, with which the said John had enfeoffed him. Easter, 20 Edward III. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 1809. Grant by Peter son of John North, to Hamo de Sweneskampe, for 42s., of a messuage in Kingeston. Witnesses:—William de Brademere, William de la Strode, Ralph Postel, and others. Seal.
[Heref.] B. 1810. Release by Philip de Huw . . ton and Marjory his wife, relict of Roger de Kyngeston, to the abbot and convent of Dore, of their right to land in Kyngeston, which the said Marjory had held in dower. Witnesses: —Hugh de . . Illegible.
[Lcic.] B. 1811. Release by John de Houby, son of Sir Gilbert de Houby, knight, to Roger Beler of Kirkeby, of his right to the manor and advowson of the church of Kirkeby on Wrethk. Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 13 Edward II.
[Middx.] B. 1812. Grant by Ralph le Tailur, of Kingeston, to Estmar le Carbonier, of the same place, of a messuage beyond the Thames in Wica (Hampton Wick). Witnesses:—Walter Tropinel, Gilbert de Stroda and others. Seal.
[Leic.] B. 1813. Grant by Roger Wisman of Kirkby on Wrethek, John de Burton, and William of the Grene, of Thorpe Sechevylle (Satchville), chaplain, to Robert Adynet of Segrave and Emma his wife, of lands in Kirkby aforesaid, which the said Roger, John and William had held of the gift of William Palmer of Frisby in Kirkby, to hold to the said Robert and Emma and their heirs, with remainder, failing issue, to Roger Belers, Ralph de Crumbwell, knights, Richard de Buthorpe parson of the church of Wydmerpolc, William de Wakebrugge, Laurence Hauberk and John de Hokenale, chaplain. 6 June, 39 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Leic.] B. 1814. Grant by William son of Laurence Hauberk, of Claxton, that Robert Adynet of Segrave, in Kirkby on Wrethek, and Emma his wife, tenants for life of lands held from him in the town of Kirkby, shall not be impeached for any waste. 26 June, 44 Edward III Fragment of seal. [French.]
Linc. B. 1815. Grant by Alexander de Insula, to Alice Hole of Kynardefery, and her sons Ralph and William, of a toft, abutting on the Trent, lands lying next the old mill, in Garwyncroft and elsewhere in Kynardefery, and a rent issuing out of a tenement there. Witnesses:—William Cutwolf' of Ouston, Ralph Broun, Edmund Russel, and others.
[Leic.] B. 1816. Release by John Moring the elder, to William Bosse and Margaret Bosse, of his right to the land in the field of Kirkeby, which John and Margaret Bosse had purchased from Joan Moring the mother of the said John Moring. Thursday before St. Denys, 6 Edward III.
Somers. B. 1817. Demise by Sir Edward le Courtenay, knight, and Emma his wile, daughter and heiress of Sir John Damme, knight, to William le Hopere of Kyngeston next Yevele (Yeovil) and Joan his wife, of cottages and land in Kyngeston aforesaid abutting on the street leading to 'la Mulewardeswelle,' which cottages had descended to the said Edward and Emma upon the death of John Basset her kinsman, paying 4s. yearly. Sunday after Midsummer. 40 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
Surrey. B. 1818. Grant by Christina, late the wife of Walter Balle of Surbeton, and Matilda her daughter, to Reginald atte Mulle, of the same place, and Alice his wife, of lands in Kyngeston in the marsh on Capenor'. Sunday before St. Valentine, 4 Edward III. Two seals.
Surrey. B. 1819. Defeasance of a bond for 100s. to be paid to Henry Bussh', by John Wenge, granting that if the latter pay 10s. yearly to the former at the house of St. John in Kyngeston the said bond shall be void. Sunday before St. Margaret the Virgin. 21 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1820. Demise by John de Kyngeston to William de Braye, both of London, for three years, of the shop in Kyrouneslane in Kyngeston, which he held of the grant of Matilda, late the wife of John en la Hurne. Christmas, 3 Edward II. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 1821. Grant by Thomas atte Quarere of Wymbeldon, to John de Kent and Isabella his wife, daughter of William Prechur, of a shop with soler, in Kyngeston, situate in that street in which salt was usually sold. Saturday the feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop, 28 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1822. Grant by Alice . . . . spinster, to Adam Red, of a curtilage in the town of Kingeston. Witnesses, Hugh de Excambio, Gilbert de Hampton, and others. Injured.
Surrey. B. 1823. Grant by Thomas de Vombelton and Isabella his wife, to Walter de Grendon and Edith his wife, of land in Teynteresfelde [in Kyngeston]. Friday after St. Scholastica the Virgin. 19 Edward III. Two seals.
[Heref.] B. 1824. Grant, in frank, almoin by Henry . . . . ., with the assent of his wife, to the monks of [Dore ?], of land in Kyngeston next L . . . hok. Witnesses:—Sir William de . . ., John Walens', William de Kyngeston, Adam de Hereford and others. Seal. Injured.
Surrey. B. 1825. Demise by John, prior of the Charter House, London, to John Wyllyngham of Kingeston-on-Thames, baker, for twelve years, of a tenement or inn called 'Le George' in the town of Kyngeston, and also a croft there called 'Le Bytine,' paying yearly 100s. 26 April, 33 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1826. Grant by Ralph le Strodder, to Ralph de Reding', fishmonger, and Alice his wife, of land in the town of Kyngeston, lying in Teynteresfeld at Surelonde, and abutting upon the Brodeweye leading towards the marsh, rendering yearly for the same ½d. at Michaelmas and Easter, and at Christmas a root of ginger. Witnesses:—Thomas Templer, Edward Louckyn, William Walkelyn and others. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1827. Grant by Walter son of Thomas Hereberd, of Kyngeston, to John le Buk and Christina his wife, of a stall in the meat-market in Kyngeston, rendering yearly for the same to the grantor a clove of gillyflower, and also on his behalf 5½d., as stallage, at the court of Kyngeston. Witnesses:—Nicholas Woderout, Hugh de Cambio, John Louekyn and others. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1828. Release by Peter son of John North, to Roger le Limbernere, of 11½d. of the yearly rent paid to him by the said Roger for a messuage in Kyngeston. Witnesses:—William de la Strode, Ralph Postel, Thomas Belet and others. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1829. Release by Robert Louekyn of Kyngestonc, to William de Braye citizen of London, of his right to a yearly quit rent issuing out of a messuage in Kyngestone. Witnesses:—Richard de Hoo, Ralph Postel, John Toly and others. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1830. Grant by Gilbert Wygayn of Kyngeston, to Thomas Goldyng, and Juliana his wife, of land in the field of Surbeton [in Kyngeston] abutting on the road called 'le Fyrslaker.' Saturday after the feast of St. Ambrose, 10 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1831. Letter of attorney of William Kemp, appointing . . . . Chaundeller and John Denys, to deliver to the prior of the Charterhouse seisin of tenements in Kyngestone on Thames which he had of the feoffment of John atte Forde de Yuere. 12 February, . . . Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Dorset.] B. 1832. Demise by John Gascoyne of Little Kyngton, to William Gregge of Kyngton-Magna (Kington-Magna), of land upon Longeforlonge in the field of Little Kyngton for three hundred years. Tuesday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 40 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1833. Grant by John de Kyngestone, tanner, to William de Braye, clothier, both of London, of the shop granted to him by Matilda, late the wife of John en la Hurne, in the town of Kyngestone fn Kyrouneslane. Witnesses:—Robert Louekyn, Peter atte Forde, clerk, and others. Seal.
B. 1834. Grant by John Leberd of Kyrkeby, to Beatrice his daughter, of messuages and lands in Kyrkeby. Wednesday after SS. Peter and Paul, . . . Edward III. Injured.
[Leic.] B. 1835. Receipt by John Kyng of Kirkeby on Wrethek', for 13s. 4d., being the final payment of 70s. due to him by Eeginald Walich of the same place, for certain tenements. The feast of St. Blaise the Martyr. 3 Richard II. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1836. Demise by John, prior of the Charter House, London, to William Garnon, butcher, of a tenement situate next Saltlane in Kyngston on Thames, for twenty years, paying 20s. yearly. 6 December, 17 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
Surrey. B. 1837. Demise by the same, to Henry Lyle of Kyngeston on Thames, cordwainer, of a tenement standing between the High Street and Kyronlane, and abutting upou Salterslane in Kyngeston, and lands in Teyntourfeld in Brokefurlong, Churchef urlong in the same field and in le Gooseyte abutting upon Louekynes meadow for thirteen years, paying 24s. yearly. 4 November, 31 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1838. Demise by John atte Forde, of Yvere, to William Kempe, of Westmenter, of lands and tenements in the town of Kyngeston, which he had of the feoffment of William Roterfeld of London. 31 January, 14 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 1839. Demise by John, prior of the Charter House, London, to John Casteler, of a barn, garden and lands in Kyngeston on Thames, abutting upon 'le Betine,' Skereslane and Houndeslowe. and lands in Peters place in 'le Teyntourfeld,' and in 'le Mersshe' abutting upon Turbylfeld, for fifty-one years, paying 8s. 4d. yearly. 9 June, 1429, 7 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 1840. Demise by John, prior of the Charter House, to Richard Bokyngham of London, of a tenement or inn called 'Le George' in Kyngeston on Thames, with a croft called 'le Bytine,' for twelve years, rendering yearly for the same one hundred shillings. 20 November, 21 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 1841. Demise by John, prior of the Charter House, London, to John Robert, butcher, of a bakehouse in the town of Kyngeston upon Thames, with a toft and three 'buttys' of land abutting upon the way from Skirlane, and upon 'le Litilfeld in le Middelforland,' for fifty-one years, rendering yearly for the same 12s. 9 June, 1429, 7 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 1842. Grant by William Boterfeld, citizen and cooper, of London, to William Cartere of Yvere, and John atte Forde of the dame place, of cottages in Kyngeston, which Robert Randolf of London lately held of the gift of John Lorchon of Kyngeston. Witnesses:—John Hethe and John Hoke, bailiffs of Kingstown, and others. 12 March, 7 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Chester.] B. 1843. Release by Henry de Lach' Mauban son of Hugh de Cotnn, to the abbot and convent of Vale Royal, of his right in all the lands and tenements of Lache Mauban. Witnesses:—Sirs Reginald de Grey, Justice of Chester, Hamund de Mascy, Ralph de Verdun, Hugh de Dotton, Ralph de Mascy, knights, Robert le Grosvenur the sheriff, Alexander de Baunoyle, and Richard de Lostok, and others. [1–5 Edward II.] Seal.
[Hants.] B. 1844. Determination of dispute between the prior of Brommore and Richard de Cardunvilla, lord of La Hale and Laurence Angnel, relative to finding a tythingman for the hundred of Forde of the fee of the manor of la Hale, viz. that the said Richard and Laurence and their partners of la Hale, Migam and Rokeburne, who are of the fee aforesaid, should find the tythingman for two years, and the said Prior for every third year. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Kernet and Robert de Punchardun, knights, Sir Robert, parson of Westederlye, Richard Fig, steward of the hundred of Forde and others. 45 Henry III.
[Chester.] B. 1845. Release by Roger Threstle of Maclesfeld, to the abbot of Vale Royal, of a yearly rent which he was accustomed to receive from King Edward for the land of Lache. Witnesses:—Sirs Reginald de Grey, Justice of Chester, Hugh de Masci, Richard of the same, Roger de Dunvile and Patrick de Haselwal, knights, Robert le Grovenur, sheriff of Cheshire, Ralph de Morton, Alexander de Banville, and Richard de Sudenham. [1–5 Edward II.] Seal.
[Camb.] B. 1846. Release by Robert Andrew of La Burne, to Sir Ranulf, abbot of Ramesey, of his right to a cotland in La Burne which Richard his father held from that house. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Rodland, Robert Holdeward', Roger le Heyr, and others. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 1847. Release by John atte Knolle of the parish of Cranlegh, to John de Roulee the elder, of his right to land called 'le Lakelond' and to the rents which he had been accustomed to receive from the said John de Roulee for the said land and for land called 'Andrewesham' in Bromlegh. After St. Peter ad Vincula, 22 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 1848. Bond by John Cosyn of Wallop, chaplain, and John son of John Hobecok of Werewelle, to John, prior of Brommore, for a yearly rent of 20s. for land in La Hale near the bank of the Avon, which they held of the grant of Edmund Upehulle. Thursday, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 21 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
[Essex.] B. 1849. Release by William atte Herst, of Haveryngg utte Boure kinsman and heir of Robert de Chigewelle of London, to Sir Robert de Haugham, knight, and Ydonia his wife, of his right to lands and tenements in Lambourne, Chigewelle, and Theyden Boys, which were the said Robert de Chigewelle's. Stratford, Monday after All Saints, 2 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1850. Covenant between the abbot and convent of Bordesley, of the one part, and Henry son of Geoffrey de la Lee of the other, viz. the said Henry was to deliver to the said abbot his two acres of land in the territory of la Lee, which lie in Leefurlong between the land of Peter de la Lee, and the road called 'Mulwey,' which divided the field of la Lee from that of Bereford, to hold for twenty years so that the said monks should receive ten crops of corn, with the straw, off the said land, &c. Witnesses:—Sir William de Bereford, knight, Walter de Wluardinton, William de Burl', Simon de Stok', and others. Easter, 1254. Seal.
Camb. B. 1851. Indenture between Dame Elizabeth de Bourg' of Clare, and the prior and convent of the House of Angleseye, relative to their obligation to provide two chaplains to celebrate divine service in the church of Anglesey, in consideration of rents granted to them by the said Dame Elizabeth, charged on lands in Lakyngheth, co. Cambridge, and in Bodeckesham, releasing them from finding one chaplain, as long as they are charged with the payment of a yearly pension to Master Robert de Spaldyng, clerk, &c. 24 April, 29 Edward III. Fragment of seal. French.
[Warw.] B. 1852. Grant by Richard Anfrei, to Adam de Burgl', son of Rocelinus de Burgl', and to Mary, the grantor's daughter, upon their marriage, of a messuage and land upon La Hulle and La Dune, rendering yearly for the same half a pound of cumin. Witnesses:—Simon de Arnewod', Walter de Gorlinton, Richard de Burgl', forester, and others.
In dorso: Charter of Richard Amfrey to Adam de Burley. Seal.
Middx. B. 1853. Determination of a dispute between Bartholomew and Richard, abbots of Chertsey and Westminster, relative to pasturage in a meadow called 'Mixtenham' in the manor of Lalham. The abbot of Westminster releases his right in the said meadow in exchange for other land, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of the Castle of Windsor and others. November, 6 Edward I. Copy on paper.
[Lanc.] B. 1854. Decision of the archdeacon of Richmond, arbitrator in the dispute between Elizabeth the abbess and the convent of Syon, proprietors of the parish church of Lancaster in the diocese of York, and Sir Richard Burton, perpetual vicar of the said church, about certain tithes in the parish of Lancaster. York Cathedral, 6 May, 1467.
Sussex. B. 1855. Grant by Thomas Earl of Surrey, to William Bishop of Lincoln, Richard Empson, and Bartholomew Reede, knights, and others, of licence to convey to John, abbot of Westminster, the manor of Launsyng (Lancing) and other lands, &c. 16 March. 19 Henry VII. Seal.
Sussex. B. 1856. Indenture between Thomas Earl of Surrey, and John, abbot of Westminster, relative to the latter's intention to grant the manor of Launsyng to George Nevylle, knight, lord of Bergevenny; agreeing that if the said abbot, &c., at any time re-enter on the said manor, a relief of twenty pounds should be paid to the Earl of Surrey, of whom the said manor is held, and his heirs, upon the election of any new abbot. 24 June, 19 Henry VII.
In dorso: "The indenture of the manor of Launcyng for iiij knightes ffees to the Barenye of Brambre in the Countie of Sussex," Seal, broken.
[Leic.] B. 1857. Grant by Joan, prioress of Langeley, to Nicholas de Waretoft, of a corrody, to bo received by him from the abbey of Langeley, for the term of his life, viz. each week seven loaves of bastard bread and seven of black, each day three quarts of beer mixed of the best, and of the second so long as he could work, and when he could not work a potel (pottle) each day, and every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday victuals such as the porter and carter should receive, and a chamber suitable for him; for which the said Nicholas covenants to serve the said prioress and her successors in the office of granger, or porter, or forester, or serjeant at Dyseworth, at their will so long as he can work, and to account for the receipts of the grange and for his livery by tally twice a year, viz. at Michaelmas and Easter. Friday after St. Valentine, 9 Edward III. French.
[Warw.] B. 1858. Grant in frank almoin by Simon de Blez, son of Simon de Blez, of Langleg', to the abbey of Bordesley, of lands at Farndon in the field &c., of Langeley. Witnesses:—William de Eadricheston, Peter de Langeleg', William Geri, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1859. Grant in frank almoin by Robert Roald son of Robert Roald of Langeley, to the abbey of Bordesley, of lands in the field of Langeley upon Chelmerescote, and on High Farendon. Witnesses:—William de Waleford, John de Butiler, William de Blez, and others. Seal.
Durham. B. 1860. Demise by John Alwent, clerk, James Strangways, Robert Ellergill, and Robert de Norton, to Richard de Nevyll, knight, for fifteen years, of the manor of Langley next Durham, which they had of the grant of Sir Richard Lescrope, lord of Bolton. 12 October, 2 Henry VI.
[Warw.] B. 1861. Grant by John Smyth of Milverton, to William Baggot of Langle, of lands at Vateryfurlong, upon Longewow and Chalnhyl, land abutting upon the Portevaye and Vatervale, in Rowham and elsewhere in the field of Langeley. Innocents' day, 14 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1862. Grant, in frank almoin, by Robert Hasting and Joan his wife, to the monks of Bordesley, of those lands and rents in Langeleg, which they had held of the grantors' fee in the forty-fourth year of King Henry III. Witnesses:—William de Burl', Henry le Notth', Simon de Stoke, John de Curly, Henry de la Le, Peter de la Le, and others. Henry III. Two seals, broken.
[Warw.] B. 1863. Grant, in frank almoin, by Ralph son of Ralph le Gardener, of Longe Lalleford, to the monks of Pipewelle, of land in Longe Lalleford (Lawford), lying at Sweteapeltreslade and upon Sitewelle. Witnesses:— Richard Chaynel, Philip Pantolf, Robert le Norreys of Welton, and others.
In dorso: Longlawford. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 1864. Grant, in frank almoin, by Walter son of Richard de Kildesbi, to the monks of Pipewelle, of land in the fields of Lungelelleford, (Lawford), lying between Raulotesbrugge and Causton along Portford, viz. upon Clint, Lowefurlong towards Ruwielowe and Apeltreslade, Hefurlong near the Lelleford Road, next Morwelle, and upon the corn land between Greneslade and Feirwellslade. Witnesses:—Roger de Craft, Gilbert Pugile, John Heyrun, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] B. 1865. Grant . . . . . by John son of John the clerk, of . . . . to the abbot and monks of Ramsey of . . . . . . of half a pound of pepper and half a pound of cumin, due from lands in Laushulle (Lawshall). Witnesses:—Robert Rodland, William Hereberd, and others. Injured.
[Warw.] B. 1866. Grant, in frank almoin, by Helias de Langeleia, to the abbey of Bordesley, of land upon Hethihulle, and upon the Greater and Lesser Kalewehulle in Langeleia. Witnesses;—John de Burleg', Alan de Blez, William de Walleford, Reginald de Bosco, Nicholas de Kirkebi, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1867. Grant, in frank almoin, by Robert Ruhaut of Langeleie, to the abbey of Bordesley, of lands abutting upon the road from Warwick, between Suhamgre and Langeleie, upon Ferendon, in Templeacre, Pherendun, and Brademere, and the common of pasture of all his land beyond the water between Langeleie and Suhamgre; and he further confirms the grants of Helyas de Langeleie called the bishop, his man, to the said monks, and of William de Baddebi. Witnesses:—William de Burl', Nicholas de Kirkebi, Humphrey de Eaderikestun, and others.
In dorso: Grant of Robert Roald of land and pasture, and confirmation of the grants of Helias and William de Baddeby. Seal, broken.
[Wilts.] B. 1868. Grant by Nicholas de Nethemore, to William Olyver and Agnes his wife, of land in La Cleytelonde, in the field of Langele Burel. Witnesses:—Adam Hardyn Richard le Clerk, aud others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1869. Release by Alice mother of Robert Ruald, of Langeleia, to the abbey of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of her right to a yearly rent from land in Langeleia, for prayers for the souls of herself and of Robert and Peter, her former husbands, &c. Witnesses:—Robert Ruald of Langeley, John Butiler of Eadricheston, Robert de Kyrkebi of Eadricheston, and others. Seal, broken.
[Wilts.] B. 1870. Grant, in frank almoin, by Thomas Burel, lord of Langeleg' son of Thomas Burel, to the monks of Ferleg' (Farleigh), of land in Langeleg' (Langley Burrel) lying between the land of Langeleg' and of Cokeleburg'. Witnesses:—Henry de Hurtham, Henry Keinel, Adam de la Mara, and others.
In dorso: Charter of Thomas Burel, lord of Langeley, of land out of his domain at Chyppeham. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1871. Grant by John son of Simon de Cherleton, to Simon son of William Carpinter, of Longley, of land called 'Farndon,' abutting upon the road to Warwick, in the field of Longley. Copy.
[Warw.] B. 1872. Confirmation by Elias de Longelega, to the monks of Bordesley, of the grants in frank almoin made to them by Ralph Carpenter (Carpentarius), and Matilda his wife and William their son, of land in the field of Longelega, in Brademed', and Sideshamme towards Hedrigest'; and by Robert do Waleford in the same place. Witnesses:—Robert de Waleford, Alan de Blez, John de Burl', Nicholas de Burl', and others. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 1873. Confirmation by Ralph son of Hosbert, of his father's grant to the prior and canons of Brummore, to hold in frank almoin, of land in Laredegrave and upon Rihull, and also of land lying between the highway towards Foord and Witherslade. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Kardunvill, Hugh de Godeshulle, aud Robert de Kernet', knights, John de Brummore, and others.
In dorso: Charter of Ralph son of Osbert of land in Brommore.
[Suff.] B. 1874. Release by John son of John the clerk, of Laushill, in the full court of Broucton to St. Benedict's, Ramsey, and Henry de Norhamton the chamberlain of Ramesey, of his right to land in Laushill (Lawshall) for 42s. Witnesses:—Sir William Mouwyn, knight, Walter de Stivecleya, Robert Roland', William Herbert of Laushille, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1875. Grant in frank almoin by Dionisia do Warewike, to the monks of Pipewelle, of land in the field of Longe Lalleford (Lawford). Witnesses:—Philip Pantolf, Roger de Craft, Richard de Thurlanston, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1876. Grant by John son of Simon the clerk, of Cherleton, to Dame Assyria Huband of Yppesleg', of divers rents in Langele. Witnesses:— Roger de Budiford, William de Waleford, Martin de Berton, and others. Seal, imperfect.
B. 1877. Confirmation by Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, with the consent of William the dean and of the chapter, and of Vitalis Engayne the patron, and of Simon, parson of the church of Laxton to the Priory of Castle Imel, of the grants made in frank almoin within the diocese of Lincoln by Richard Engayne and other founders of that house, saving the right of the mother church of Laxton, and all episcopal customs, and the dignity of the church of Lincoln. Witnesses:—John, precentor of Lincoln, William archdeacon of Wells, Master Roger de Lakok, Ralph de Warewik and William de Winchecumb canons of Lincoln, Masters William de Beningwurthe and Richard de Cant, chaplains, Master Walter de Cromba, Geoffrey de Moris, Richard de Oxonia, Philip de Langeport, John de Bannebiry, and Robert de Aketon, clerks. Dated at Tinghurst, the fifth of the Kalends of June, in the . . . teenth year of the bishop's pontificate 1221–1230.
In dorso: Confirmation by Sir Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, of the foundation and of all lands, &c.
[Warw.] B. 1878. Release by Alice relict of John son of Simon de Cherleton, clerk, to the abbot of Bordesley, of her right of dower in a rent and lands in Langeley. Witnesses:—Thomas de Waleford, Hugh de Blez, Robert and others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1879. Grant, in frank almoin,. by Henry de Nafford, to the monks of Bordesley, of land next the mill close of La Le. Witnesses:—Walter de Daevile. Gervase de Walton, William de Norfolc, Simon, parson of Bereford, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1880. Grant, in frank almoin, by Richard son of Ralph de Lalleford, to the monks of Pippewelle, of land in Lalleford (Lawford) lying in the field of Causton. Witnesses:—Ralph son of Wigein, Auris de Diggele, Simon de Foxton, Ralph son of Simon de Wilebi and others. Fragment of seal. Twelfth century.
[Warw.] B. 1881. Grant, in frank almoin, by Jurdan son of William le Wrhitte of Langelega to the monks of Bordesle, of land in the field of Langeley upon Fardon towards Wlwardinton and also land at Fardon'slade in exchange for land at Holdeforde. Witnesses:—Sir William de Eadricheston, William de Waleford, Robert Roald, Nicholas de Burle, John le Butiler, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1882. Grant by William de Pineleye (or Piveleye) of Sowe, to Alice his mother and Katherine his sister, for their lives, of lands, tenements, wood, &c., in Long Lalleford, Churche Lalleforde, Sowe, Berhangel and Stockiford, rendering for the same a gilly-flower; and further he grants to the said Alice all the trees in the wood called 'Netlebeddesmoor' in Stockiford. Witnesses:—Robert de Stoke, Hugh de Stivechehale, Robert de Schireford, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1883. Counterpart of B. 1882.
[Warw.] B. 1884. Grant, in frank almoin, by Richard Cheynel of Long Lalleford, to the monks of Pipewell, of land in Long Lalleford (Lawford) lying in Swetapeltreslade extending to Brademedu. Witnesses:—Roger de Craft, John de Warewihc, Geoffrey de Swineford and others.
[Warw.] B. 1885. Confirmation by Juliana daughter of Hugh de Laugele, knight, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of a grant made by William son of Geoffrey to them of land in Langele. Witnesses:—Peter de Wlwardinton, Simon Bagot, William de Waleford, Nicholas de Burle, Thomas Geri, Nicholas de Kirkebi and others. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 1886. Grant, in frank almoin, by Hosbert son of Ivo, to the canons of Brummore, of lands in Laredegrave and upon Rihull, and of land abutting on the road towards Ford and Witherslade. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard de Kardunvill, Hugh de Godeshull and Robert de Kernett, knights; John de Brummore, William clerk of Chaldeford and Philip le Champiun.
[Warw.] B. 1887. Grant, in frank almoin, by Alexander son of Ranulph de Longa Lalleford, to the monks of Pipewell, of land in Long Lalleford (Lawford), lying upon Longe Oldedich. Witnesses:—Walter, chaplain of Neubold, John, chaplain of Belton, William de Eltendon, John Heirun, Walter de Kildesbi and others. [Henry III.] Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1888. Grant, in frank almoin, by Hugh de Blez, to the monks of Bordesley, of land in Longeleye extending towards Syndelburne. Witnesses: —William de Burleg', Simon de Stok, Walter de Wlwardinton, William de Waleford, John le Butiler, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1889. Grant, in frank almoin, by Simon le Bles of Langelega, to the monks of Bordesley, of land in Waterfurlunge extending in Kelmescroft in Longele. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Burle, Robert Rowalde, William Daleford, William son of Ralph de Langeleia, and William Hayles of the same place.
Endorsed: Charter of Simon de Bleys of land in Longelega.
[Wanr.] B. 1890. Release by Robert son of John Lefwine, of La Leye in Terdebigge, to the monks of Bordesley, of his right in all the land of La Leye. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Stokes, Henry de Mauverne, Richard de Port, the entire court of Terdebigge, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1891. Grant, in frank almoin, by Robert Road of Longele, to the monks of Bordesley, of land in the field of Longele, in the direction of Ferndun called 'Templeacre'; and also confirmation of the grant of land made by William de Baddebi, his man, to the said monks. Witnesses:— William de Burleia, Robert de Waleford, Helyas de Longeleia, Alan de Blez, Gilbert del We, Robert Butler (pincerna) of Eadrigestun and others.
[N'hamp.] B. 1892. Determination of controversy between Robert de N. . h . mt' and Thomas Comin, rector of the church of Laxton, relative to tithes; the former having been presented to the church of Laxton by the prior of Fynnesheved, and the latter holding the advowson from the bishop of Lincoln.
[Warw.] B. 1893. Grant, in frank almoin, by Henry Bertram, to the monks of Pipewell, of land in Long Lalleford (Lawford), near land on 'Haliwellehull.' Witnesses:—Robert de Coles, John de Alvers, Henry de Carsewelle, William Rag, Richard Chainell, William Randulph and others.
[Linc.] B. 1894. Grant by Thomas Darnall, chaplain in Haxay, to William Drapur of Laughton, and Emma his wife, of lands and tenements in Laughton in Lyndesee which he had of the feoffment of Robert Blanchard of Laughton. Monday after Palm Sunday, 1384. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1895. Confirmation, in frank almoin, by Odo son of Richard de Lalleford, of the grant made by his father to the monks of Pipewell, of land with a toft called 'Kaskilli' in Lalleford (Lawford), grant also of other lands in Lalleford in the field of Causton on 'Arketillisford' water. Witnesses:—Alfred de Dingele, Simon de Foxton, Ralph, son of Simon de Wilebi and others. Seal, broken. [Twelfth Century.]
[Warw.] B. 1896. Grant, in frank almoin, by Simon de Blez of Long Le, to the monks of Bordesley, of land in the field of Longeleie in Brocfurlung abutting on the road to Warwick. Witnesses:—William de Edricheston, William de Waleford, Robert Rouuad, Nicholas de Burleya, and William his son. Seal.
Endorsed: Charter of Simon de Bleys of land in Langele.
[Warw.] B. 1897. Grant, in frank almoin, by Peter de Nevill and Alice his wife, to the monks of Bordesley, of a reut payable by Hugh de Blez for a meadow called 'Aleyneshom,' and confirmation to the said monks of all other rents and lands held by them in Langele of the fee of the said Peter in the year 41 Henry III. Witnesses:—Peter de Monti Forti, John de Cantulupo, William de Burleya, John de Curly, Simon de Stokes, Hugh Agvylim and Peter de la Lee, 44 Henry III.
[Warw.] B. 1898. Grant, in frank almoin, by Richard Chaynel of Longe Lalleford, to the monks of Pipewell, of land in Longe Lalleford (Lawford), on Overgnedenhulle and Cleyhulle. Witnesses:—William de Waur of Chirchelallcford, Philip Pantouf, Roger de Craft, Robert le Noreys of Belton, John de Warewik, Geoffrey de Swineford, and others.
[Warw.] B. 1899. Grant, in frank almoin, by Ralph son of Ralph le Gardener of Longe Lalleford, to the monks of Pipewell, of lands in Longe Lalleford (Long Lawford) viz. upon Sweteapeltreslade, Sitewelle and Sorteholdedik. Witnesses:—William de Waur of Chirchelalleford, Richard Cheynil, Philip Pantolf, Robert le Norreys, John de Warewik and others. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 1900. Indenture between Jakys Reynsfourgh of Bradfyld in the county of Essex and William Dale, squire and lord of Dale Halle, of Lalford, of the one part, and Herry Chalys of Lalford (Lawford), tanner, relative to the purchase by the latter of a tenement called 'Perkynnys' in Lalford. 11 October, 23 Henry VII. English. Fragment of seal.