Deeds: B.1901 - B.2000

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.1901 - B.2000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.1901 - B.2000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.1901 - B.2000". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.1901 - B.2000

[Warw.] B. 1901. Grant, in frank almoin, by Richard Chaynel of Longe Lalleford (Long Lawford), to the monks of Pipewell, of lands in Longe Lalleford viz. upon Reddelond, abutting upon the lands of the said monks and Rigweye. Witnesses:—Sir William de Wawer of Cherchelalleford, Philip Pantouf, Roger de Craft, John de Warewyk, Geoffrey de Swyneford, and others. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1902. Release by Ralph Stannelay of Misterton and Denys de Elsham, chaplains, Roger son of William de Misterton, and Thomas son of John de Brunham, to Sir Thomas Darnall, chaplain, of their right to lands in the town and fields of Laghton (Laughton), late Robert Blanchard's of Laghton, and which they had of the feoffment of the said Sir Thomas Darnall and John his brother. Haxay, Palm Sunday, 1384. Three seals, one broken.
[Linc.] B. 1903. Grant by William Blevett, of Hoghton in the county of York, to Robert Bellingham of Parke, esquire, William Walles and Richard Beltoft, of lands, tenements, &c., in Laghton (Laughton); and appointing as bis attorneys Robert Popylwelle and John Corker to deliver possession. The feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 1471. Seal, broken.
[Linc.] B. 1904. Grant by John Blevett of Lincoln and William Blevett of Haghton in the county of York, to the priory in the Island of Oxiholme, of lands, tenements, pastures and common pastures in Laghton (Laughton); and appointing as their attorneys John Merchaunt and John Gybbonsone to deliver seisin. The feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 1471. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1905. Receipt by William, bishop of Lincoln, to the prior of Fynneshed, for payment of 16d. yearly pension for the vicarage of Laxton. 31 October, 1508, and in the thirteenth year of the bishop's translation. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1906. Confirmation by Alexander and William, sons of Randolph de Lalleford, of their father's grant to the monks of Pipewelle, In frank almoin, of lands in Long Lalleford (Lawford), part upon Blakemor and Redelond, and grant of land there upon Holiwellehil. Witnesses:—Master Reginald Arundel, Hugh de Silitot, Henry de Kersewelle, John del Broch, Randolph de Wardleia and others. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1907. Release by Joan daughter of John Blaunchard of Laghton, to Sir Thomas Darnall, chaplain, and John Darnall of Misterton, of her right to lands, tenements, &c., in Laghton, which the said Sir Thomas and John Darnall had of the feoffment of Robert son of Alexander Blaunchard of Laghton. Tuesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 1382. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1908. Grant by John Darnal of Misterton and Thomas his brother, chaplain, to Sir Ralph Stanelay of Misterton, chaplain, Roger son of William of that place, Sir Denys de Elsam, chaplain, and Thomas son of John de Bromham, of all the lands and tenements in Laghton which the said grantors had of the feoffment of Robert Blanchard. Sunday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 1375. Two seals. broken.
[Warw.] B. 1909. Confirmation by Philip Pantolf, son of Roger Pantolf, of the grant by Dionisia de Warewik to the monks of Pipewell, of land, &c., in the field of Longelalleford. Witnesses:—Richard Cheynel, Geoffrey de Swineford, William Cusin, John Danvers, and others. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1910. Release by Richard Prat of Bergholt, to Thomas Setheford, Thomas Bentlee, Thomas Kyller, William Ropere, William Shales, and others, tenants of lady Sibyl La Despenser in Lalford (Lawford), of all actions against them. Tatyngestone, 3 August, 9 Henry IV. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1911. Release by John Darnall of Misterton, to Sir Thomas Darnall his brother, of his right to lands and tenements in Laghton, which were Robert Blaunchard's. Kynnardfery, the feast of St. Aldhelm, 1383. Seal.
[Surrey.] B. 1912. Grant by John son and heir of Henry de Pumeshurst of the parish of Ledderede (Leatherhead), to Richard atte Leghe of the parish of Hedlegh, of a croft called 'Pynchonesgrove' and land adjoining called 'Pynchonesgrene' in the parish of Ledderede at Pyneshurst. Saturday after the Purification, 9 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[York.] B. 1913. Grant by Anabilla daughter of William Basset of Uffreton, knight, to Hugh son of Sir John de Bulmer, knight, of lands and tenements in Laisingby (Lazenby) in Cliveland. 2 May, 1311.
[Warw.] B. 1914. Grant by Richard de Lea, son of Henry de Lea, to the monks of Bordesley of land lying between the land granted to them by Peter de Lea abutting upon the Leethorne, the way leading to the mill of Lea and the way called 'la Loweweye'; also another grant of land extending from their land next the mill of Lea towards 'la Leethorne' lying between the road leading to Warewyk next 'la Lee Grene' and the land of Thomas de Lea. Witnesses:—William de Naford, Thomas de Lea, Philip le Noriscun, John de la Nordgate, and Henry Scarleyt. Seal.
[Surrey.] B. 1915. Grant by John de Aperderlle of the parish of Ledderede, to his son Henry, of lands called 'Pinchonesfeld' in the parish of Ledderede (Leatherhead) and a grove at Pinchones with other land called 'Grene' there. Friday after the morrow of St. Agatha, 27 Edward [I.]. Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 1916. Grant by John Payn of Ledrede, to Richard ate Legh of Hedlegh and Beatrice his daughter, of land in the parish of Ledrede in a field called 'Ponshurstesfeld' and abutting on lands called 'Schephale' and 'Pinchonesfeld.' Friday the morrow of All Saints, 4 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1917. Release by Richard de la Lee, son of Henry de la Lee, to the monks of Bordesley, to hold in frank almoin, of 2s. yearly rent payable to him by them for lands in 'La Lee' lying near 'la Le Thorne' and abutting upon the road leading to the mill of 'La Lee' and the way called 'la Loweweye'; and extending from the said mill to 'la Le Thorne,' and lying between the road leading to Warwyk next 'la Le Grove' and the land of Thomas de la Lee; and of 6d. yearly rent due from the land which they held of the grant of his said father. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Warewyk, John, lord of Bereford, Hudo de Bereford, Thomas Pain of Warewyk, and Reginald Basset of the same place. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1918. Grant by Henry son of Geoffrey de Haulose, to the abbey and monks of Stanley, for 20 marks, of a rent in 'la Le' next Warewyk, which Peter son of Nicholas de la Le had been accustomed to pay for his land in 'La Le.' Witnesses:—Richard son of Pavia de Warewyk, Robert Godwyn, Alan de Morcot, John de Stanleia, Gilbert his son, Thomas Raven of Thachebroc, William Piper, Philip Tysun of Essesh', Henry de la Grene, and others.
Endorsed: Henry de Hawelose. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 1919. Grant by Ralph Page and Juliana his wife, to Richard le Degher of Caresbrok, and Robert Twynham of Christchurch, of their land and building thereon in New Lemyngton. The feast of SS. Simon and Jude. 34 Edward III. Two seals.
[Warw.] B. 1920. Grant in frank almoin by Henry de Hauwelose, son of Geoffrey de Hauwelose, to the abbey and monks of Stanley, of a rent of 20s. issuing out of 'La Lee' next Warewyk. Witnesses:—Henry de Nafford, Thomas Raven, William le Piper of Tachelesbroke, Richard son of Pavey, Philip Tysun, and others.
Endorsed: Henry de Hawelose.
[Warw.] B. 1921. Grant by John, abbot of Bordesley, to William Burdyngbury, of a reduction from the rent of 24s., payable for lands and tenements in 'La Lee' next Warwyk, which had descended to him upon the death of his father John de Burdyngbury. Monday before Michaelmas, 1363; and 37 Edward III. Copy on paper.
[Berks.] B. 1922. Release by William le Brun, knight, to William Asselin of Ledecumbe, for 5 marks, of his right to land in 'le Ledecumbe Basset' (Letcomb Basset), which the said William held of his grant. Witnesses:—Henry Ouuayn, William le Spicer and John Culver, burgesses of Oxford. Robert Legat of Habindon, Thomas Hereward of Ledecumbe, and others. Thursday after St. Frozeswyze the virgin, 31 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[Worc.] B. 1923. Sale by Roger do Lenchwike, son of David de Lenchwike, to Roger de Persore, for 20 marks, of the mills of Lenchwike and of lands belonging to them, lying in Werfurlong, Mulfurlong abutting on 'le Muleweye', opposite the mill and in Collesdene, rendering yearly to the cook of Evesham 25s. and forty sticks (sticas) of eels, or if so many were not taken, 1½d. for each stick. Witnesses:—William steward of Evesham, Adam called 'Bishop,' William de Tywe, Richard Ermefred, Adam Dispensator, Hugh Albus, Walter Wither, John the porter (portarius), Walter son of Goscelin and John Gutmund. [Henry III.]
[Heref.] B. 1924. Demise by Sir John Daunce, knight, one of the King's Council, John Hales a baron of the Exchequer, and Richard Pollard, surveyor general of the King's lands, to Roger Longford of Earl's Lenthall, of all the demesne lands of Earls Lenthall with two closes called 'Churchyerd' and 'Abbottes Yerd.' 5 February, 29 Henry VIII. Fragments of two seals.
[N'hamp.] B. 1925. Release by Stephen son of Simon le Freman of Lichebaruwe, to the canons of Esseby, of his tenement in Lichebaruwe (Lytchborrow) and of his right to the land given to his mother Matilda by his grandfather Roger le Freman. Witnesses:—Thomas de Lichebaruwe, Richard de Morton, John le Poer and Robert the smith. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1926. Release by Stephen lord of Levenhul, to Philip le Norisoun of Warewyk, of 2s. yearly rent for Levenhul. Witnesses:—Richard de Warewyk, William de Teuwe in Warewyk, Thomas Pavey of Warewyk, John le Norisoun and others.
[Leic.] B. 1927. Settlement made between Sir John de Saxeby, rector of the church of Piewelle in the diocese of Lincoln of the one part, and Sir John, the warden (custos) of the chapel of St. Peter, Kyrkeby on Wrethek, and the chaplains of that place holding the church of Stapelford to their own use of the other part, relative to the tithes of land called 'Erlesdole' in Levisthorpe, viz. that the said Sir John rector of Piewelle, for the time he should hold the said church, should receive the tithes of the said land, and should pay to the warden of the chapel of Kyrkeby, to whom the church of Stapelford had been appropriated, at the feast of St. Laurence following the composition so made 8s., and in future 4s. each year at the same term. Sunday after St. Laurence, 1334.
Endorsed: Prima.
Hunt. B. 1928. Grant in frank almoin by William de Anemer, parson of the church of Dadynton, to Sir William, the prior, and the canons of Stonle, of his lands and tenements of Lytlehcy in Stonle lying between the park of Brythomwyk, the demesne of Margaret de Bohoun, countess of Hereford, and the wood and lands of Lymyng belonging to Laurence de Hastyng', earl of Penebroke. 12 March, 20 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Hunt. B. 1929. Release by Richard son of Thomas Marchal of Stonle, to Sir William de Anemer, rector of the church of Blatherwyk, of his right to lands and tenements called 'Litlehey.' Tuesday after St. Mark the Evangelist. 19 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1930. Release by Ralph le Freman of Lychebarewe, to the canons of Esseby, of lands and a tenement in Litchebarewe (Lytchborrow). Witnesses:—Thomas de Lycchebarewe, Richard de Morton, John le Poer and others. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1931. Grant by Thomas de Waleford and Joan his wife, to Robert de Conesgrave, of rents in Lichesbarewe. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Ty we, William Golafre, Hugh Lunel, Richard de Grimescote and others. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1932. Surrender by Robert le Powar of Lichebarwe (Lytchborrow), to the prior of Assheby Canons, of land in Lichebarwe upon Hamptonesknol. Friday after Ascension-day, 15 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 1933. Grant in frank almoin by Thomas le Poer, to the canons of Chaucumbe, of a yearly rent of 20s. 2d. out of land in Lichebarwe, with release of all his right in the said land. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Wandevile, Richard Spigurnel, Hugh de Capes, Richard de Boys, Richard Gulafre, Simon le Freman of Lichebarwe, Adam le Ritter and Alfred le Frankelain. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1934. Exchange between the prior and canons of Esseby, and Adam son of Walter, the smith, of Lichebarwe, of a house, messuage and curtilages in Lichebarwe. Witnesses:—Thomas de Lichebarwe, William Malure, Richard de Morton, John le Poer and Robert the carpenter, all of the same place. The feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 8 Edward [I.].
[N'hamp.] Worc. B. 1935. Grant by Roger de Dreycote, to Yseuda daughter of Sampson de Lichesbarewe, of land in Lichesbarewe with the tenants thereof, named, and their followings, she rendering yearly for the same two pence, or one pair of spurs of that value; in return for which grant the said Yseuda grants to the said Roger land in Aston co. Worcester. Witnesses:—Richard de Grimescote, Geoffrey de Wandevile, Robert de Plumpton, John de Foxle, and others.
[N'hamp.] B. 1936. Grant by John le Poer of Lichesbarue, to Robert de Conesgrave, of land in Lichesbarue upon Hamthonescnol, abutting on the road to Northampton, for the site of a windmill and for a small house, at the yearly rent of a gilly-flower. Witnesses:—Hugh Lunel, Thomas de Lichesbarue, Richard de Morthon, Robert the smith and Ralph le Freman.
[N'hamp.] B. 1937. Demise by Walter the prior of Canons Assheby, to Peter Mallore, knight, lord of Lichebarwe, of land called 'Hamtonknol' in Lichebarwe. Wednesday after St. Augustine [the Apostle] of the English, 15 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed:—Indenture of Lychebarow of lands in the fields there called Hamptonknol.
[Oxford.] B. 1938. Grant, in frank almoin, by John de Gardino, to the monks of Boruerne, of land near the bridge of Linham opposite the ford called 'Poeresham.' Witnesses:—Bardolph de Cestertona, Nicholas de Noers, Thomas de Fiffhida, Randolph clerk of Siptona, William le Rasur and Robert Toki.
[N'hamp.] B. 1939. Covenant between John Swette, brother and heir of Robert Swette of Norhamton, and the prior and canons of Esseby, relative to the lands formerly held by Ralph le Freman in Lichebarwe, the said parties mutually releasing to each other certain of the said lands. Witnesses:— Thomas de Capis, William Malure, Thomas de Lichebarwe, Hugh le Botiler of Snokiscumbe and Richard de Morton in Lichebarwe. Tuesday after St. Hilary, 8 Edward [I.].
Linc. B. 1940. Demise by Agnes Leek, prioress of St. Michael's next Stawmforth, to William Haltham of Lincoln, of a messuage in St. Paul's parish, Lincoln, for sixty years. Michaelmas Day, 5 Henry VI.
Linc. B. 1941. Grant by William Percy, to his brother Henry, earl of Northumberland, of the office of steward over those lands, &c., in the county of Lincoln, which the said earl had granted to him for life. 13 February, 16 Henry VII. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1942. Release by Agnes Palmer of Coventry, widow, daughter and heiress of Henry Gyllyn, late of Kyngesnorton, to Thomas Fytter of that place, of her right to land called 'Intreslond' abutting upon Hoadesfeldgrene, and the land of the abbot of Bordesley towards Maxstoke Leyghton. 28 May, 9 Edward IV.
[Chesh.] B. 1943. Release by Robert son of William de Molendino, with the assent of his wife Emma, daughter of Richard de Merlichewelle, to Master Adam de Stamfordia, archdeacon of Chester, and his successors, of half a burgage in Lich' next Merlichewelle, which Peter, son of Siward and Basilia de Lich', the uncle of the said Emma, had, upon the marriage of his sister Biblia with the said Richard, given to him, to hold to the said Adam and his successors, being archdeacons of Chester. Witnesses:—Richard lord of Pipa, Robert his son, Henry de Bradeford, Richard Welhicenild, Richard son of Thomas Marescallus, Reginald the wheelwright (rotario), John Bungy, John de Essemerebroc and Richard de Ramptona. [A.D. 1271–1279.]
Essex. B. 1944. Demise by Richard, the prior of the Charter House, to John Van the elder, of Leyton, for ten years, of land in Leyton Medow abutting on a meadow called "Newlond." 30 November, 1489; and 5 Henry VI.
Leic. B. 1945. Grant by Ralph de Rakedale of Leycester, tailor, and Alice his wife, to Alice late the wife of William Gamil of Thorp, of a messuage in the high street of Leicester. Sunday after the Assumption, 31 Edward [III.]. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 1946. Grant in frank almoin by Henry de la Le, son of Geoffrey de la Le, to the monks of Bordesley, of land near the mill of 'La Le.' Witnesses:—Henry de Bereford, knight, William de Waleford, Philip Balaunce, Thomas Raven of Thechesbroke, and others. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] B. 1947. Grant by William Alwyne of Eysteneburne, to Robert Beleit, son of Robert Beleit, of land in 'La Leyefurlang' abutting on the land of the rector of the church of Eneburne. Witnesses:—Sir Alan de Cranle, knight, James his son, Nigel de Saundvile, Walter Pijon, and others. [Edward I.] Seal, broken.
[Camb.] B. 1948. Agreement between Sir Walter de Lectone and Gunnora his wife of the one part, and the prior and convent of Angleseye (co. Camb.), by which the said Sir Walter and Gunnora release the said prior and convent from all actions for the farm of the land and tenement of Hamo de Valoyns in Litlingtone and the said prior and convent grant them a similar release. Witnesses:—John de Exonia, Ralph de Litlingtone then steward of the said Sir Walter, Henry Ace, William de Swafham and others. The feast of the Holy Trinity, 54 Henry III.
Leic. B. 1949. Release by Robert de Wyluby, son of Nicholas de Wyluby of Leicester, to Robert de Daunby of the same place, of his right in a messuage in the street culled 'Belegravegate' in Leicester, and extending to the lane which leads to Barkeby, and in half a toft in Longcroft. Witnesses:—Adam do Merlawe, mayor of Leicester, William le Engleys and William Baudewyn, the bailiffs, and others. Saturday after St. Mark 1287. Fragment of seal.
[Carmar.] B. 1950. Release by Geoffrey de Canvilla, to William le Fort, of all the services due for a burgage and landa lying between Landestephan and Rologeslake. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Was, maer (mayr'), William the white (albo), Richard Ademote, and others.
Endorsed: Llanstaphan.
[Warw.] B. 1951. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh de Mutona, son of Hugh, to the monks of Stanley, of land, &c., in Lockesley. Witnesses:—Walter Dayville, John Hersy, Thomas de Cherlecot, Henry de Hasele, William de Essesho, William do Pasci, William de Wynderton, and others. [Edward I.]
[Glouc.] B. 1952. Defeasance of a bond for the repayment of 40l. by Richard Bassett of Tetbury to Walter Herne, for security of which the said Richard has mortgaged to the said Walter Herne and to William Herne a toft and two yards of arable land in Lodesmore. 4 February, 5 Edward IV. English. Seal.
[Monm.] B. 1953. Grant in frank almoin by Philip son of William Laudun, to the monks of Dore, of land in Landewy Skyreth abutting upon the road between Bergeven' and White Castle (album castrum) and upon the rivulet called 'Morleis,' with common of pasture through all the grantor's land. Witnesses:—John then dean of Bergeven', Roger de Withen the constable, Adam the prior, and David the cellarer, of the monks of Dore, and others.
Endorsed: Philip de Landcwiskyret. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1954. Release by Richard the abbot of Stanley, to Peter son of Nicholas de la Lee, of his homage and service, the said Peter to pay to the abbot of Bordesley a yearly rent of two marks for his lands which he holds of the said Richard in 'la Lee.' Witnesses:—Robert le Hore, Thomas Pavy, Philip le Norischun, Robert de Wellesburne, and Robert Amfrey. [Henry III.]
Hunt. B. 1955. Release by William de Anemer', parson of the church of Dadynton, to Sir William the prior of Stonle, of his right to the lands and tenements in Lythlehay, which he had of the grant of John . . . . hurst, lying between the Park called Brythamwyk, the demesne of the Countess of Hereford, and the wood called Lyminge. Wednesday the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 20 Edward III. Injured.
[York.] B. 1956. Conveyance by William Calthorne, John Burton of Stanefery and John Elwyne, to Thomas Funlans, of a messuage in Lelle and of lands at Thornedyke, at the end of a garden called 'Pypargarth' and at Skard, and common of pasture in Lelle and Dyke, formerly belonging to Henry de Bayleton of Lelle and Joan his wife 10 August, 13 Henry VI. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1957. Grant in frank almoin by Nicholas de la Le, to the monks of Bordesley, of land near the mill of 'La Le.' Witnesses:—Henry de Bereford, knight, William de Waleford, Ph. Balaunce, Thomas Raven of Theckesbroke, Robert do Welesburne and others. [Edward I.] Seal.
[ ] B. 1958. Covenant between Richard de Hopton, son of Eustace de Hopton, and Richard son of William de Hopton, relative to the exchange of lands in Courtstokyngg, Denestokyngg, Pynnesfeld, Wynyzard and 'le Homme' in Legh. Sunday after Midsummer, 12 Edward III.
Leic. B. 1959. Release by William son of Robert Cosh of Leicester, to the abbey and monks of Gerondon, of his right to the homages and services of the heirs of Robert de Carleolo, viz. one capon a year with all arrears, &c. Witnesses:—Simon Curlevache, John de Stokton, Hugh Taske, provost of Leicester, Nicholas Bum, and others.
Endorsed: Robert Cosh. The homage of the heirs of R. de Carleblo in Leicester. [Edward I.] Fragment of seal.
Leic. B. 1960. Demise by Margaret Bellers, prioress of Langley, to John Drete and Agnes his wife, of a tenement and garden in 'Le Dedlane' in the parish of St. Peter, Leicester, for sixty years. Witnesses:—Richard Yates, mayor of Leicester, and others. Michaelmas-day, 8 Edward IV. Fragments of two seals.
Middx. B. 1961. Grant by Richard Odyham and John Dane of London, executors of William Causton, to John Hadle, of a tenement in Bredstrete in the parish of Allhallows. Witnesses:—John Pache, mayor of London, and others. 36 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 1962. Demise by John Luscote, prior of the Charter House, London, to Walter Welyngton of London, of tenements in Watlyngstrete in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstret, for twelve years. 5 December 21 Richard II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1963. Grant, by John Hadle of London, to John Sergeont of the same, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete. Witnesses:— Richard Merlow, mayor of London, and others. 12 Henry IV. Seal.
Middx. B. 1964. Duplicate of B. 1963.
Middx. B. 1965. Grant by John Doland of London, to John Galle, chaplain, William Blyton, William Scarburgh of London and John Lysors, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, which he had of the grant of John Sergeont. Witnesses:—John Brokle, mayor, Thomas Chalton and John Lynge, sheriffs, of the city of London, and Thomas Knolles the elder, alderman of that ward. 8 May, 12 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 1966. Grant by John Sergeont of London to John Doland of the same, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete, which he had of the grant of John Hadle. Witnesses:—John Brokle, mayor, Thomas Chalton and John Lynge, sheriffs, of London, Thomas Knolles the elder, alderman of that ward, and others. 19 December, 12 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Middx. B. 1967. Demise by John Galle, chaplain, William Blyton and John Lysors, to Henry Newerk John Rypley, esquire, John Kyng, William Ederyche and Robert Cheseman, of that tenement in the pariah of Allhallows, Bredestrete, of which the said grantors were enfeoffed by John Doland. Witnesses:—John Paddesle, mayor, William Wetenhale and John Sutton, sheriffs, of London, William Gregory, alderman of the ward, and others. 7 November, 19 Henry VI. Three seals.
Middx. B. 1968. Grant by Henry Newerk, to Thomas Fetherston, Andrew Body and Richard Nedeham, citizens of London, and others, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, which he, together with John Rypley, esquire, John Kyng, William Ederyche and Robert Cheseman, deceased, had of the feoffment of John Galle, chaplain, William Blyton and John Lysors. 8 June, 34 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 1969. Release by Thomas Fetherston and Andrew Body, citizens of London, to Richard Nedeham and John Jeny of London, of their right to a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, of which they, with the said Richard Nedeham and John Jeny, Thomas Hethe, Robert Waryn and Roger Cok the younger, had been enfeoffed by Henry Newerk. 24 October, 6 Edward IV. Seal.
Middx. B. 1970. Demise by John, prior of the Charterhouse, to James Fitte of London, of a tenement, &c., in Watlyngstrete in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, for thirteen years. 12 November, 1480. 20 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 1971. Demise by Joan daughter of John Trentemars of London, to Robert de Kelcshale of London, of land and houses in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, in the street leading from Cordewanere-strete to Bredstrete. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyz, warden, Walter le Blund and John Wade, sheriffs, of London, Henry le Waleys, alderman of that ward, and others. [14 Henry III.] Seal.
Middx. B. 1972. Grant by Joan daughter of John Trentemars of London, to Robert de Keleshale of the same, of land and houses in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, warden of London, Walter le Blund and John Wade, bailiffs, Henry le Waleys, alderman, and Alan le Chaundeler, serjeant, of that ward, and others. [14 Henry III.] Seal.
Middx. B. 1973. Grant by Adam de Depedene, to John de Hinetone, both of London, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chiggewell, mayor, John do Grantham and Roger de Ely, sheriffs, of London, John de Caustone, alderman of that ward, and others. Thursday the feast of St. Matthew, 16 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1974. Release by Margaret, late the wife of Adam Diepedene of London, to John de Hinetone of that city, of her right to a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chiggewelle, mayor, John de Oxonia and Adam de Sar', sheriffs, of London, John de Causton, alderman of that ward, and others. Monday before Midsummerday, 17 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1975. Grant by John de Hynetone of London, to John de Hicthen, rector of the church of St. Anthony, London, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrate. Witnesses:—John de Pulteneie, mayor, William Haunsard and John Hamund, sheriffs, of London, John de Grantham, alderman of that ward, and others. 17 April, 8 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 1976. Release by John de Ichynton of the county of Warwick, and Alice his wife, daughter of Henry de Coteford of Leuesham, smith, to Andrew Aubrey of London, of their right to tenements in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—John de Oxonia, mayor, John de la Rokele and Richard de Berkyngg, sheriffs, of London, John de Grantham, alderman of that ward, and others. Friday the feast of St. Thomas, 15 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Mem. of enrolment in Hustings Court held on Monday after the conversion of S. Paul, 16 Edward III.
Middx. B. 1977. Grant by John de Ichynton of the county of Warwick and Alice his wife, daughter of Henry de Coteford of Leuesham, to Andrew Aubrey of London, of her reversion of a shop, &c., in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete. Witnesses:—John de Oxonia, mayor, John de la Rokele and Richard de Berkyngg, sheriffs, of London, John de Grantham, alderman of the ward of Cordewanerstret, Richard Chaucer and others. Thursday the vigil of St. Thomas, 15 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 1978. Grant by John, son of Hugh de Pastone and Joan his wife, daughter of John de Hyntone of London, to Andrew Aubrey of that city, of tenements in the parish of Allhallows, Bredestrete, formerly the property of John de Kent, called 'Sackere' the former husband of the said Joan. Witnesses as in B. 1977. Wednesday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 15 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 1979. Conveyance by Roger de Spersholte, executor of the will of John de Hyneton of London, John son of John de Walpol, goldsmith, Matthew le Barber, 'Pybaker,' John Sprot, 'Ropere,' and Walter de Tiffeld, apothecary, in fulfilment of the said will, to Walter Bacheler of that city of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstret. Witnesses:—John Louekin, mayor, Simon Dolshull and Henry Pykard, sheriffs, of London, Andrew Aubrey, alderman of that ward, and others. Thursday the vigil of SS. Philip and James, 23 Edward III. Five seals.
Middx. B. 1980. Release by Gilbert de Leesnes of London, to William de Caustone of that city, of his right to a yearly quit rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. 15 March, 9 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1981. Release by John Trentemars of London, to William de Caustone of that city, of his right to a yearly quit rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. 15 March, 9 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1982. Grant by John Heroun of London, to Adam de Depedene of that city, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—John de Wenegrave, mayor, William de Caustone and Ralph de Balauncer, sheriffs, of London, Simon Corp, alderman of that ward, and others. Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 11 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1983. Grant by Alice Trentemars relict of William de Salesburi of London, to John de Hymyntone of that city and Margaret his wife, of a yearly quit rent from a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—John de Gizorcio, mayor, John Lambyn and Adam Loudekyn, sheriffs, of London, and others. Sunday before St. Laurence, 7 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1984. Grant by John, son of John Trentemars of London, to John Heiroun of that city, of a yearly quit rent from a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Farndon, mayor, Robert Burdeyn and Hugh de Garton, sheriffs, of London, Simon Corp, alderman of that ward, and others. Wednesday after St. Matthew, 8 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1985. Grant by Alice Trentemars, relict of William de Salesburi of London, widow, to John de Hynyntone of that city and Margaret his wife, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:— John de Gizorcio, mayor, John Lambyn and Adam Leudekyn, sheriffs, of London and others. Monday in Easter week, 6 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1986. Grant by Alice Trentemars, relict of William de Salisburi of London, widow, to John de Hymyntone of that city and Margaret his wife, of a yearly rent from a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—John de Gizorcio, mayor, John Lambyn and Adam Loudekyn, sheriffs, of London and others. Sunday, Midsummer-day, 6 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1987. Grant by John de Colewelle son of Stephen de Colewelle, deceased, to William de Caustone of London, of a tenement and yearly rent purchased from the executors of Ralph de Keleshale, the tenement being in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete, and the rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate. Witnesses:—John de Gysorcio, mayor, Richard de Weleford and Simon de Mereworthe, sheriffs, of London, Thomas Romayn and John de Wyndesore, aldermen of those wards, and others. Sunday before St. Valentine the Martyr, 5 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1988. Grant by Alice Trentemars, relict of William de Salesbury of London, widow, to John de Hynetone of that city and Margaret his wife, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:— John de Gisors, mayor, John Lambin and Adam Ludekyn, sheriffs, of London, and others. Monday in Easter week, 6 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1989. Grant by Roysa Trentemars, relict of John Trentemars of London, widow, to her daughter Alice, of a soler in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete, rendering yearly for the same a gilly-flower. Witnesses:— Sir Henry le Waleys, mayor of London and alderman of that ward, Jurdan Godchep and Martin Boxe, sheriffs of London and others.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday before St. Edward the King, 12 Edward I. Seal, broken.
Middx. B. 1990. Grant by Roysa, relict of John Trentemars of London, to her daughter Alice, of a house in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete, rendering yearly for the same a gilly flower. Witnesses as in B. 1989.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday before St. Edward, 12 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 1991. Grant by Roysa, late the wife of John Trentemars of London, widow, to their son John, of a tenement, &c., in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, mayor, Stephen de Cornhulla and Robert de Rokesle, sheriffs, of London, Henry le Galays, alderman of that ward, and others. [13 Edward I.]
Middx. B. 1992. Release by Margery Crofton, relict and executrix of William Crofton, gentleman, and by Thomas Mawdisla, professor of theology, to John Porter of London of their right to a yearly rent of 30s. from messuages, &c. in Wodestrete in the parish of St. Alban, which they had of the grant of Guy Fairfax, knight, a Justice of the King's Bench, and Martin Bere. 28 August, 7 Henry VII. Two seals.
Middx. B. 1993. Grant by John Trentemars of London, to John Heroun of the same, of a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. Witnesses:— John de Gesors, mayor, Stephen de Abindon, and Hamo de Chigewelle, sheriffs, of London, Simon Corp, alderman of that ward, and others. Monday before St. Botolph the abbot, 8 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1994. Release by John Trentemars of London, to Gilbert de Leesnes, of his right to a rent from a tenement in the parish of Allhallows, Bredstrete. 4 March, 9 Edward II. Seal.
Middx. B. 1995. Grant by James le Gurnay called 'Shereman' of London, and Joan his wife, to Cambinus Fulberti of Florence, a citizen of London, of land in the parish of Allhallows, Grascherch. Witnesses:—Simon de Swanlond, mayor, Henry de Gisorcio and Richard le Lacer, sheriffs, of London, John Poyntel, alderman of that ward, and others. Monday after the Epiphany, 3 Edward III. Two seals, broken.
Middx. B. 1996. Release by William Combe and John Combe, citizens of London, to Robert Shilley, esquire, and Philippa his wife, of their right to the reversion of a rent issuing out of lands and tenements which were Cambinus Fulbert's in the parish of Allhallows, Graschirche, which rent was formerly granted by Thomas Preston, son and heir of Alice the daughter and heiress of Peter Blythe, to William Sevesterre and John Stanle, of which lands the said Robert Shilley and Philippa his wife are seised. Witnesses:—William Crowmere, mayor, Nicholas James and Thomas Wandesford, sheriffs, of London. 20 March, 2 Henry VI. Two seals.
Middx. B. 1997. Grant by John Pycard, esquire, and Philippa his wife, to Robert Shilley, esquire, and Philippa his wife, the grantors' daughter, of lands and tenements with houses, shops, &c., in London in the parishes of Allhallows Graschirche, St. Leonard Estchepe, St. Margaret Patyns, St. Dunstan by the Tower of London, and St. Olave by the Tower aforesaid, a tenement and garden in Mynchonlane excepted, paying 40 marks yearly, &c. Witnesses:—William Crowmere, mayor, Nicholas James and Thomas Wandesford, sheriffs, of London, William Sevenoke alderman of the Tower ward, William Cauntbrigge alderman of Billyngesgate ward, Simon Seman, alderman of Bisshopesgate ward, John Michel, alderman of the Bridge ward, and others. 8 February, 2 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 1998. Grant by Thomas Preston, son and heir of Alice daughter and heiress of Peter de Blythe of London, to William Combe and John Combe, of the reversion of a rent held by William Sevesterre and John Stanley issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of Allhallows, Graschirche, which were Cambinus Fulbert's. Witnesses:—William Crowmere, mayor, Nicholas James and Thomas Wandesford, sheriffs, of London. 12 March, 2 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 1999. Release by John Pycard son of Henry Pycard, to Nicholas Carew, esquire, of his right to a tenement called 'Le George on the Hop' in Graschirchestrete in the parish of Allhallows, Graschirche. 17 October, 8 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2000. Release by William Picard, kinsman and heir of Henry Picard of London, to John Picard, son of Henry Picard, of lands, rents, and tenements in the parish of Allhallows, Grascherche, which John Pecche and Robert Villers, chaplain, granted to Margaret the wife of Henry Picard for her life, the remainder of which went to the said Henry Pecche and John Villers together with Hugh Martyn, chaplain, and John Humbleton, after the decease of Christina late the wife of Cambinus Fulberti of Florence, a citizen of London, and after Margaret's decease to John Picard, bastard son of the said Henry, with remainders over. Witnesses:—William Walworthe, mayor, Walter Doget and William Knyghtcote, sheriffs, of London, and others. 14 May, 4 Richard II. Seal.