Deeds: B.2001 - B.2100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.2001 - B.2100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.2001 - B.2100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.2001 - B.2100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.2001 - B.2100

Middx. B. 2001. Grant by John Pecche and Robert Vilers, chaplain, to Margaret, late the wife of Henry Pycard of London, of lands, &c. in the parish of Allhallows, Grascherche, which after the death of Christina, formerly the wife of Cambinus Fulberti of Florence, reverted to them and to Sir Hugh Martyn, chaplain, and John de Homelton; also grant of divers remainders to John Pycard and his heirs and to the right heirs of the said Henry Pycard. Witnesses:—The said John Pecche, mayor, William de Holbech and James de Thame, sheriffs, of London, Thomas de Pykenham, alderman of that ward, and others. 3 April, 36 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2002. Duplicate of B. 2001. Fragments of two seals, broken.
Middx. B. 2003. Grant by Robert Vilers, clerk, to Margaret late the wife of Henry Pycard of London, of the tenement with shops, &c., which he and Hugh Martyn, clerk, had of the feoffment of John de Brikelesworth, in the parish of Allhallows, Graseherche, and ward of Bisshopesgate; with remainder to John Pycard and his heirs, &c. Witnesses:—John Pecche, mayor, William de Holbeche and James de Thame, sheriffs, of London, Thomas de Pykenham, alderman of that ward, and others. 3 April, 36 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2004. Grant by John de Astone, rector of the church of Allhallows, Grascherche, and John de Hathfeld of London, to Christina, late the wife of Cambinus Fulberti of Florence, of lands, tenements, and rents in the parish of Allhallows, Grascherche, for her life, with remainder to Sirs Hugh Martyn and Robert Vylers, chaplain, John Pecche and John de Homelton. Witnesses:—Thomas Leggi, mayor, William de Tudenham and Richard Smelt, sheriffs, of London, Henry Picard, alderman of that ward, and others. Wednesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 29 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
Middx. B. 2005. Grant by Puchius de Portinariis, of London, to Cambinus Fulberti, of that city, and Christina his wife, of a tenement and forge in the parish of Allhallows, Grascherche. Witnesses:—John de Pulteney, mayor, Robert Dely and Thomas Harewold, sheriffs, of London, Richard de la Pole, alderman of that ward and others. Sunday after the Purification, 5 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2006. Grant by John de Bristollia and Cambinus Fulberti, citizens of London, executors of the will of John Wylemyn, to Puchius de Portinariis of London, of a tenement and forge in the parish of Allhallows, Graseherch. Witnesses as in B. 2005. 30 November, 4 Edward III. Seal and fragment.
Middx. B. 2007. Demise by William, abbot of St. Mary Graces, by the Tower of London, to Walter Hopere of London, for sixty years, of tenements, rents, houses, &c., in the parish of St. Agues within Aldrichesgate, formerly the property of Alice Juvenal, paying yearly ten marks. 1 March, 6 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2008. Grant by Walter de . . . . and Matilda his wife, the daughter and one of the heirs of Robert de Balsham of London, to Thomas Jovenel of London and Alice his wife, of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Agnes within Aldresgate, and also of rents issuing out of tenements in the said parish. Witnesses:—Sir John le Bretoun, knight, warden, John de Storteford and William de Storteford, sheriffs, of London, William le Mazeliner, alderman of that ward, and others.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 26 Edward [I.].
Middx. B. 2009. Surrender by Robert Passemer, the King's serjeant at arms, to the abbess of Syon, of the tenement with shops, &c., situate in the parish of St. Benet's at Pouleswharf next Baynardescastell, which he held of the grant of John Cornewaill, knight, and Elizabeth Lancastre, countess of Huntingdon, his late wife, for the term of their lives, with reversion after the death of the survivor of them to the said abbess. 26 August, 13 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2010. Demise by John, prior of the Charterhouse, London, to William Clerk, of that city, at the yearly rent of five marks, of a tenement called 'Le Pye' in the parish of St. Benet, Gressechirchstrete, for twenty years. 7 September, A.D. 1477, and 17 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2011. Grant by Andrew de Cruce Lapidea and Alice his wife, daughter and one of the co-heiresses of Robert de Balsham, to Thomas Jovenel of London and Alice his wife, of lands and rents, &c., in the parish of St. Agnes within Aldresgate. Witnesses:—Sir . . . ., warden, John de Storteford and William de Storteford, sheriffs, of London, William le Mazeliner, alderman of that [ward], and others.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday after SS. Philip and James, 26 Edward [I.]. Injured.
Middx. B. 2012. Grant by Walter le Ku, son and heir of Richard le Ku of London, to William le Palmere of that city, of two tenements in the parish of Allhallows, Stanyngecherch. Witnesses:— Reginald de Conductu, mayor, John de Hingstone and Walter Turk, sheriffs, of London, Benedict de Fulsham, alderman of that ward and others. Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 9 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2013. Demise by William Baron, esquire, and Joan his wife, to William Drayton of London, of a tenement, &c., in Graschirchestrete in the parish of Allhallows, Graschirche, for twelve years. 18 November, 6 Edward IV. Seal.
Middx. B. 2014. Demise by Thomas Drewe esquire, Robert Mildenale, John Lorchon, and William Brampton, to William Baron, esquire, of the county of Berks and Joan his wife, relict of Robert Shilley esquire, of lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of Allhallows Graschirch, St. Leonard Estchepe, St. Margaret Patyns, St. Dunstan by the Tower, and St. Olave by the Tower in London, with contingent remainder to Thomas Knolles. Witnesses:—Henry Frowyk, mayor, Stephen Forster and Hugh Wyche, sheriffs, of London, and others. 5 July, 23 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2015. Grant by William Baron, esquire, of the county of Berks, and Joan his wife, widow of Robert Shilley, esquire, to Thomas Drewe, esquire, RobertMildenale and others, of lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of Allhallows Graschirche, St. Leonard Estchepe, St Margaret Patyns, St. Dunstan by the Tower, and St. Olave by the Tower in the city of London. Witnesses as in B. 2014. 30 April, 23 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2016. Letters of attorney by Thomas Drewe esquire, Robert Mildenale, and others, appointing William Moile and John Bedford of London, to deliver seizin to William Baron of the county of Berks and Joan his wife, widow of Robert Shilley, esquire, of lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of Allhallows Graschirche, St. Leonard Estchepe, St. Margaret Patyns, St. Dunstan by the Tower, and St. Olave by the Tower. 5 July, 23 Henry VI. Fragments of four seals.
Middx. B. 2017. Release by John Stanle of the county of York, to Robert Shilley, esquire, of his right to the rent issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of Allhallows Graschirche, formerly in the tenure of Cambinus Fulbert, and then of the said Robert, which rent Thomas Preston, son and heir of Alice the daughter and heiress of Peter de Blythe of London, had granted to William de Sevesterre, deceased, and to the said John. 5 April, 8 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2018. Demise by William Sevenoke and John Whitby of London, to Robert Shilley, esquire, and Joan his wife, daughter of Thomas Knolles the younger, of the lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of Allhallows Graschirche, St. Leonard Estchepe, St. Margaret Patyns, St. Dunstan by the Tower, and St. Olave by the Tower, which the said Robert had granted to them. Witnesses:—John Gedeney, mayor, Henry Frowyk and Robert Oteleye, sheriffs, of London, Simon Seman, alderman of Bisshoppesgate ward, John Michell, alderman of the Bridge ward, William Cauntbrigge, alderman of Billyngesgate ward, the said Robert Oteleye, alderman of the Tower ward, and others. 18 April, 6 Henry VI. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2019. Demise by Isabella Grymston, late the wife of Edmund Grymston, to John Mapulstede, prior of the Charterhouse, of a tenement called 'Le George on the Hoop' with shops, &c., in the parish of Allhallows Graschirche, and a brewhouse called 'le Unicorne on the Hoop' in 'Martlane,' in the parish of St. Olave by the Tower. 16 August, 5 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2020. Grant by Adam le Blount, called 'de Fulham', of London, to John Sterre of that city and Mary daughter of Geoffrey Pykeman, of tenements, late the property of Ralph Pykeman, in the parishes of St. Botolph Billingesgate, and St. George Estcheep, and rents issuing out of premises in Martelane, in the parish of Allhallows Berkingechirche, by the Tower of London, paying 41s. 8d. yearly for a chaplain to celebrate divine service in the church of St. Margaret, Bridge Street. Witnesses:—John le Blount, mayor, William de Combemartyn and John de Bureforde, sheriffs, of London, Hugh Pourte and John de Cantuaria, aldermen of the said wards, Thomas de Kancia, Serjeant of that ward, and others. Friday after SS. Fabian and Sebastian, 32 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2021. Receipt by Rosa Reygate, prioress of St. Mary's Clerkenwell, to the prior of the Charterhouse, for a year's quit-rent of tenements in the parishes of St. Botolph Billyngesgate, St. Mary Magdalene in Oldefysshstrete and St. Sepulchre without Newgate. Morrow of Christmas Day, 23 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2022. Confirmation by Sibyl, daughter and heiress of Agnes daughter of John de Augo, of her mother's grant to Geoffrey son of Alexander, of land with a house in the parish of St. Botolph Billingesgate. Witnesses:—John Thulusan, mayor, William de Dunolm' and Thomas de Wymburne, sheriffs, of London, Ralph Sperleug, alderman, and others. [37 Henry III.]
Middx. B. 2023. Grant by John de Augo, to Robert de Waleflet, upon the latter's marriage with his daughter Agnes, of lands, houses and a rent in the parish of St. Botolph, Billingesgate. Witnesses:—Andrew Bukerel, mayor, Henry de Hedelmetune and Gerard Bat, sheriffs, of London, Ralph Spelling, alderman, and others. [17 Henry III.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2024. Release by Margery, relict of Geoffrey Batekoc son of Alexander Ruffus, to Ralph Pykeman and Alice his wife, of her right to land and houses in the parish of St. Botolph, Billingesgate. Witnesses:— Sir John de Gisors, mayor, John son of Adrian and Robert de Cornhulla, sheriffs, of London, Osbert de Hadestoke, alderman, and others. [43 Henry III.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2025. Release by Agnes late the wife of Robert Graspeys of London, to John Sterre of that city, of her right to a rent issuing out of ft tenement in St. Botolph's Lane, Billinggesgate. Witnesses:—Robert Youn, Gilbert Cros, and others. [Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2026. Demise by John de Sancto Yvone, chaplain, to Robert de Campecastel, of a messuage in the parish of St. Botolph, Billingesgate, paying yearly 55s. to the canons of St. Mary's, Southwark, &c. Witnesses: —Ralph Sperleng alderman of the ward, Ralph Eswy, Thomas de Dunholm, John Sperleng, Osbert de Hadestok and others. [Henry III.] Seal, broken.
Middx. B. 2027. Sale by Robert Hengham brother and executor of Edmund Hengham, clerk, the executor of John Hardyngham, clerk, and by Peter Wareyson, to Robert de Sprotteburgh, rector of St. Margaret's, Briggestrete, Robert Mersk and Thomas Aldeslee, of a messuage and shops, &c., in the parish of St. Christopher in the ward of Bradestrete. Witnesses:— William Walleworth, mayor, Richard Lyouns and William Wodehouse, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). 1 April, 49 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2028. Grant by Elizabeth Camzian, widow and administratrix of Gerard Camzian of London, to Robert Shyrborn, clerk, of her right in a messuage and other houses &c., by 'les Stokkes,' in the parish of St. Christopher. 17 April, 5 Henry VII. Seal.
Middx. B. 2029. Surrender by Thomas Cook, knight, of London, to Edmund Storor, prior of the Charterhouse, of the messuage and alley called 'Popesaley,' &c., held by him from that house, situate by 'le Stokkes,' in the parish of St. Christopher. 29 June, 14 Edward IV. Seal.
Middx. B. 2030. Grant by William de Hyvelende, chaplain, of London, to the King, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Denys, Bakchirche, and from a tenement of the earl of Hereford called 'Blaunchapelton' in the parish of Allhallows Stanencherche, with the advowson of the said church of Allhallows. 30 September, 40 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2031. Grant by Thomas Arthyngton and Robert Merston, to the prior of the Charterhouse, of the advowson of the church of St. Christopher in the ward of Bradstrete, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Richard Whittyngton, mayor, William Askham and John Wodecock, sheriffs, of London, John Fraunceys and Drugo Barrantyne, aldermen of that city. 7 May, 21 Richard II. Two seals.
Leic. B. 2032. Demise by Henry de Lilleburne, to William son of Martin de Leicester, of land and rent in Leicester. [Henry III.] Seal.
[Kent.] B. 2033. Grant by Agnes Symon and Gregory Symon of Rouchester, to Katherine Peleham of the same, of land in the parish of St. Margaret at Larkehelle. Feast of St. James the Apostle, 43 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2034. Grant by Hugh Maunsel of Guldeford, to Adam de Foleham, mayor of London, of part of a shop in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrete, which he had of the feoffment of Thomas Pykeman son of Ralph Pykeman. Witnesses:— John le Bretton, warden, Martin Aumbresbur' and Robert de Rokeslee the younger, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). [22 Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2035. Confirmation by Geoffrey Pykeman, son of Ralph Pykeman, and by Alice his wife, of the grant by his said father to Adam le Blund, called 'de Foleham' of land with houses in the parish of St. Margaret, Bregestrete, London. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleys, mayor, William le Mazeliner and Richard de Chigewelle, sheriffs, of London, John Horn alderman of that ward, and others (named). [10] Edward I. Seal.
Middx. B. 2036. Release by John de Blida, son and heir of Joan de Blida, relict of William de Blida of London, to Alexander Pyk of the same, and Avice his wife, of his right to lands, rents, tenements, &c., in the parishes of St. Margaret, Fridaystrete, and St. Martin Ongar, Candelwykstrate, London. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chigewelle, mayor, Benedict de Folsham and John de Caustone, sheriffs, of London, Roger le Palmere alderman of Bredstrate ward, Walter de Pappeworth alderman of Candelwykstrate ward, and others (named). Saturday before St. Dunstan, 18 Edward II.
Middx. B. 2037. Release by Geoffrey, son of Ralph Pykeman of London, to his said father, of his right to a messuage in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrate. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, warden, Walter le Blund and John Wade, sheriffs, of London, Jhoceus Lakatur, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [14 Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2038. Grant by Adam le Blund, called 'de Fulham,' of London, to Geoffrey son of Ralph Pykman of the same, upon his marriage with the grantor's daughter Avice, of a messuage in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrate, at the yearly rent of a rose. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, warden, Thomas de Stanes and William de Hereford, sheriffs, of London, Jocheus la Katur, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday after St. Hilary, 16 Edward [I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2039. Grant by Ralph Pykeman of London, to Adam le Blund called 'de Fulham' of the same, of that messuage in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrate, which the grantor held upon the decease of Alice his wife, paying two marks yearly to St. Giles's Hospital. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, warden, Walter le Blund and John Wade, sheriffs, of London, Jocheus la Katur alderman of that ward, and others (named). [15 Edward I.] Seal.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday before Ash Wednesday.
Middx. B. 2040. Grant by Joshep le Achatur of London, to Oliver the fishmonger (piscinario), of London, and Matilda his wife, of a tenement with houses and shops in the parish of St. Margaret, Bruggestrate. Witnesses:— Sir Henry le Waleys, mayor, Richard de Chikewelle and William le Mazeliner, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). [9 Edward L] Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2041. Grant by Adam de Fulham, fishmonger, of London, to John Sterre and Mary his wife, of a shop with soler, in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrete, paying yearly 30s. to Joan la Blounde, the grantor's sister, and Joan his daughter, a nun of Clerkenwell, &c. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blound, knight, mayor, Simon Bolet and Geoffrey de Conductu, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). [35 Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2042. Demise by William Middelton, Guy Laurencs, John Beamond and Richard Osbarne, citizens of London, to John Curteys of Peterborough, of a rent issuing out of lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of St. Margaret, Bruggestret, and St. Anthony, Bogerbwe. Witnesses:—John Wodecok, mayor, William Crowmer and Henry Burton, sheriffs, of London, William Brampton, alderman of the bridge, Thomas Knolles, alderman of Cordewainerstrete, and others. 1 September, 7 Henry IV. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2043. Confirmation by John Curteys, to John Luscote, prior of the Charterhouse, of the bequest in frank almoin by Felicia, late the wife of John Pentry, of a rent issuing out of a tenement called 'le Holceler' in the parish of St. Margaret, Brusrgestrete. Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 18 Richard II. Seal.
Middx. B. 2044. Agreement between John Luscote, prior of the Charterhouse, and John Curteys, esquire, viz. that the said prior may deduct 13s. 4d., due to him by the said John Curteys for a tenement in the parish of St. Margaret, Brugestrete, from an annual pension of 20 marks due to the said Curteys by the said prior. Feast of the Assumption, 18 Richard II.
Middx. B. 2045. Grant by John Saleman son of Salomon Burghard, to Robert [Oliver], of a shop in the parish of St. Margaret the Virgin, Bridge Street. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blunt, mayor, Reginald de Thunderle and William Cosyn, sheriffs, of London, Adam de Fulham, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Tuesday, morrow of St. James the Apostle, 34 Edward I.
Middx. B. 2046. Grant by John de Walpole of London, to John de Mockingg of the same, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrete. Witnesses:—Henry Darcy, mayor, William de Pounfreyt and Hugh le Marberer, sheriffs, of London, the said John de Mockingg, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 13 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2047. Grant by Geoffrey de Jernemuta, of London, and Joan his wife, late the wife of Salomon Burghard, to Robert Olyver, of a tenement in the parish of St. Margaret, Breggestrete. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blunt, mayor, William Cosyn and Reginald de Thunderle, sheriffs, of London, Adam de Fulham, alderman of that ward, and others. Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 34 Edward I. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2048. Grant by Edmund Bacheler of London, to Adam le Blount, called 'de Fulham,' of the same, of all his share of the shop bequeathed to him by Margery Bacheler, situate in the parish of St. Margaret, Bridge Street. Witnesses:—John le Blount, mayor, Simon de Paris and Hugh Pourte, sheriffs, of London, the said Adam, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday, feast of St. Dunstan, 31 Edward I. Seal.
B. 2049. Duplicate of B. 2038. Seal.
Middx. B. 2050. Grant by Thomas Pikeman, son of Ralph Pykeman, of London, to Hugh Maunsel, his clerk, of a shop in the parish of St. Margaret, Briggestrate. Witnesses:—Sir John le Bretton, knight, warden, Martin de Ambresbury and Robert de Rokeslee, sheriffs, of London, Adam de Foleham, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Monday after St. Hilary, 22 Edward I. Seal.
Middx. B. 2051. Grant by Robert atte Ferie, son of Stephen le Batour, of London, to William de Nortone of the same, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Margaret, Breggestrete. Witnesses:—John de Pulteneye, mayor, John de Mokkyngg, and Andrew Aubri', sheriffs of London, and others (named). Thursday, Ascension-day, 6 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2052. Award of arbitrators in a dispute between William, abbot of St. Mary Graces by the Tower of London, and William White, parson of St. Margaret Moysy, Walter Ledbury and William Wade, wardens of the said church, relative to rents in the same parish, claimed by them to be the property of that church. 20 May, 1 Henry VI. French. Fragments of three seals.
Middx. B. 2053. Grant by Henry Zeuele, John Wilteschire, John Tadelowe, citizens of London, and John Wytteneye, clerk, to Stephen Haym of Winchester, of freedom from impeachment for any waste committed by him in a tenement and garden situate in the parishes of St. Margaret, Lothbury, and St. Olave, Old Jewry, in the ward of Colmanstrete. 4 November, 10 Richard II. Seal.
Middx. B. 2054. Demise by John Buterle of New Sarum, Hugh Crane of Winchester, John Nedelere and Robert Pokok, to Stephen Haym of Winchester, of an entire moiety of a tenement and garden in the parishes of St. Margaret, Lothbury, and St. Olave, Old Jewry, in the ward of Colmanstrete. Witnesses:—Nicholas Brembre, mayor, John Organ and John Cherchman, sheriffs, of London, John Shadeworth, alderman of Colmanstrete, and others (named). 10 November, 9 Richard II. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2055. Demise by Roger Farindon rector of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, and William Stowe of London, to Henry Yeuele, John Wilteschire, John Tadelowe and John Witteneye, clerk, of their moiety of certain tenements and shops formerly in the tenure of Bartholomew Burgherssh, knight, in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury. Witnesses:—Nicholas Exton, mayor, William More and William Stondon, sheriffs, of London, John Schadeworth, alderman of Colmanstrete, and others (named). 4 November, 10 Richard II. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2056. Receipt by William, prior of St. Bartholomew's in west Smythfield, to the prior of the Charterhouse, for one year's rent of tenements in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury. Morrow of Midsummer day, 16 Henry VII.
Middx. B. 2057. Similar receipt for the year 17 Henry VII.
Middx. B. 2058. Similar receipt for the year 19 Henry VII.
Middx. B. 2059. Grant by Stephen Haym of Winchester, to John Biterle of New Sarum, Hugh Crane of Winchester, John Nedlere and Robert Pocok, of all his lands and tenements, with their reversion, in the parishes of St. Margaret, Lothbury, and St. Olave, Old Jewry. Witnesses:— John Northampton, mayor, John Heende and John Rote, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). 26 July, 6 Richard II.
Middx. B. 2060. Demise by William de Halden, John Bays and Sir Geoffrey de Shadenesfeld, rector of St. Margaret's, Friday-stret, to Roger Canon of London, for twenty years, of a capital tenement and shops in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury. Easter, 2 Richard II. Seal, broken.
Middx. B. 2061. Release by Roger de Kempele, clerk, and Richard de Schamelesford, notary, to Master Richard de Plessys, clerk, of their right to tenements, houses, &c., in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothebury. Witnesses:—John Louekyn, mayor, John Beres and John Beernes, sheriffs, of London, John Maleweyn, alderman of that ward, and others (named). 28 February, 33 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
Middx. B. 2062. Grant, for fifty marks, by Bartholomew called 'de Capella,' to Walter le Wyte, both of London, of a tenement and rent in the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr, near London Bridge, rendering yearly for the same a gilly flower. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, mayor, Ralph le Feure and Robert de Arraz, sheriffs, of London, John Horn, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [5 Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2063. Grant by Walter le Wyte, to Adam le Blund called 'de Foleham,' both of London, of the above-mentioned tenement and rent, rendering yearly for the same a root of ginger. Witnesses:—Gregory de Rokesle, mayor, Ralph le Feure and Robert de Arraz, sheriffs, of London, John Horn, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [5 Edward I.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2064. Grant by Adam le Blund called 'de Foleham,' to Elyas Bacheler, both of London, and to Margery his wife, sister of Geoffrey Batekoc, of a rent issuing out of his mansion house in the parish of St Magnus the Martyr in Bregestrate, rendering yearly for the same a gilly flower, and granting to the said Adam, certain land, &c., in the parish of St. Margaret, Bregestrate. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleys, mayor, William le Mazeliner and Richard de Chigewelle, sheriffs, of London, John Horn, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [9 Edward I.] Seal.
Endorsed: Inrolled in the Husting of London, Monday the morrow of All Souls.
Middx. B. 2065. Release by Elyas Bacheler, of London, and Margery his wife, sister of the late Geoffrey Batetok, to Adam le Blund, called 'de Fulham,' also of London, of a rent issuing out of a capital mansion in the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, knight, warden, Fulk de Sancto Edmundo and Salomon le Cuteler, sheriffs, of London, Joseph le Akatur, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [17 Edward I.] Two seals, broken.
Endorsed: Monday before St. Martin.
Middx. B. 2066. Grant by Thomas Crouche, to William Childe, both of London, of all that interest in a shop in the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr, which was bequeathed to him and to Henry Chamber, by Peter Exton of London, paying yearly 10s. to the Abbot of St. Mary Graces, and distributing to the poor, on the anniversary of the testator's death, the sum of forty pence. 16 October, 1425, and 4 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2067. Demise for sixty years by John, prior of the Charterhouse, to William Child, of a shop in Briggestrete, in the parish of St. Magnus, which Peter Exton and Katherine his wife formerly held. 26 November, 1425, and 4 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Middx. B. 2068. Grant by Avice de Fulham, late the wife of John de Fulham of London, to Robert de Mockingge of the same, of a shop in the parish of St. Magnus rendering yearly to her 40s. and to her heirs a gilly-flower. Witnesses:—John le Blount, mayor, Peter de Bosenham and Robert le Kaller, sheriffs, of London, Adam de Fulham, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday, morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 30 Edward I. Seal.
Middx. B. 2069. Demise by the prior of the Charterhouse, to John Fraunceis of London, for twenty years, of a shop, &c., in Westchepe in the parish of St. Fastre (Faith). 1 August, 17 Richard II. French. Seal.
Hants. B. 2070. Release by Isabella de Scirleya, late the wife of Roger de Scirleya, to Walter de Wyltonia, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Laurence, Southampton. Witnesses:—Henry Flandrensis and James Ysambard, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). [Edward I.] Fragments of two seals.
Middx. B. 2071. Demise by Thomas, prior of . . . . ., to John Sprynge, of a tenement in the parish of St. Laurence . . . . . for forty years. Vigil of St. Michael the Archangel, 6 Edward IV. Injured.
Middx. B. 2072. Demise by the abbot of Evesham, to Margaret late the wife of Thomas Bron, of London, of lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of St. Dunstan, in the Tower ward, and St. Katherine, Aldgate ward. Tuesday, morrow of St. Laurence, 40 Edward III.
Middx. B. 2073. Demise by the prior of the Holy Trinity, London, to John de la Marche, of the same city, of land, tenements, &c., in the parish of . . . . London. 8 Edward II.
Middx. B. 2074. Grant by Robert Brystby, chaplain, William de Bedyngton clerk, and Andrew de Poleye, to William Haldene, recorder, and William Waleworth, alderman, of London, and others, of certain rents and the reversion of tenements and rents, in the parishes of St. George, St. Botolph, St. Margaret, Bruggestrete, and All Hallows, Berkynge. Witnesses:—Adam de Bury, mayor, John Aubrey and John Fiffide, sheriffs of London, John Little, John Wroth the elder, and Richard de Croydon, aldermen of London, and others (named). Sunday before St. Margaret, 48 Edward III. Three seals.
Middx. B. 2075. Release by John de la Barre, clerk, to Sir Adam le Blound, called 'le Foleham,' of London, of his right to a messuage in the parish of St. George. Witnesses:—Thomas Cros, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Saturday before SS. Philip and James, 23 Edward [I.] Richard de Gloucestre and Henry Box, sheriffs of London, John de Vinetria the coroner, and others, being present.
Middx. B. 2076. Grant by William Spencer of London, to Robert de Brysthy, chaplain, William Bedyngton, clerk, John atte Watere and Andrew Poleye, of the reversion of lands, tenements, and rents in the parishes of St. George, St. Botolph, St. Margaret, Bruggestrete, and All Hallows, Berkynge. Witnesses:—John de Bernes, mayor, Adam Stable and Robert Hatfeld, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). 20 January, 45 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2077. Confirmation by Alice, late the wife, first of John de Shene of London, and subsequently of Richard de Knyghtelee of Kersaulton, widow, of a grant to Cicely, late the wife of Thomas Rose, clerk, of a rent issuing out of tenements in Ivylane in the parish of St. Faith, London, and release of the same for four hundred years. 31 August, 1362, and 36 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2078. Grant by Stephen de Waltham, clerk, of London, to Adam de Aspal of the same, of 40s. yearly rent, issuing out of lands and tenements in the parishes of St. Mary, Wolcherchehawe, and St. Mary, Wolnotb, in the wards of Cornhulle and Langebourne. Witnesses:—Richard Lacer, mayor, Edmund de Hemenhale and John de Gloucestre, sheriffs, of London, John Hamand alderman of the ward of Cornhulle, and others (named). Monday after the Annunciation, 20 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2079. Letter of attorney by Stephen de Waltham, clerk, authorising Sir William de Nottele, chaplain, to deliver seisin to Adam Aspal of London, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the wards of Cornhull and Langebourn. Monday after the Annunciation, 20 Edward III. Seal, injured.
Middx. B. 2080. Grant by Robert de Fordham, to Thomas Leggy of London, of lands, tenements, rents, &c., in the parish of St. Mary, Wolchirchehawe in the wards of Cornhull and Langebourne, and the reversion of other tenements in the said wards. Witnesses:— Simon Fraunceys, mayor, John Louekyn and Richard de Kyselyngburi, sheriffs, of London, John Hamond, of the ward of Cornhulle, and John de Northalle, of the ward of Langebourne, aldermen, and others(named). Wednesday after the Conception, 16 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2081. Grant by Godwin le Pheliper, to Nicholas Pyket, both of London, of a rent issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Wolcherchehawe. Witnesses:—Sir John Breton, knight, warden, Thomas de Suff' and Adam de Foleham, sheriffs, of London, Martin Box, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Saturday before the Annunciation, 25 Edward [I.].
Middx. B. 2082. Grant by Ralph Botiller, lord of Sudeley, knight, William Beaufitz, William Godyng and Robert Ellerbek, to John Wygmore, chaplain, John Crofton, and William Crofton. of 30s. rent payable by Margaret, prioress of Dertford, for messuages, &c., lying in Wodestrete, near the church called 'Seynt Mary Stanynges', London. William Hulyn, mayor, John Stokker and John Plommer, sheriffs, of London. 11 July, 38 Henry VI. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2083. Grant by John Aleyn called 'Blakeneye' of London, to Sir John de Newport, rector of the church of Chelmesford, and John de Cavendissch called 'Marchant,' of premises in Wyvenelane in the parish of St. Mary, Somerset, in the ward of Queenhithe (Ripa Regine), and of land with shops and houses thereon in the parish of St. Nicholas, Coldeabbeye, in the ward of Bredestrete, abutting on Oldefysshstrete. Witnesses:— Simon de Mordon, mayor, Adam de Wymondham and Robert Gurdlere, sheriffs, of London, John Tornegold and Stephen de Cavendysche, aldermen of the wards aforesaid, and others (named). 12 February, 43 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2084. Grant by John de Graveneye, executor of John son of John de Gloucestre of London, to Master John de Burton, parson of the church of Black Notteleye, co. Essex, of premises in Wyvenelane in the parish of St. Mary, Somerset, in the ward of Queenhithe, and of land with shops, &c., in Oldefisshestrete in the parish of St. Nicholas, Coldeabbeye, in the ward of Bredstrete. Witnesses:—John Louekyn, mayor, John de Brickelesworthe and Thomas Irlond, sheriffs, of London, John Little and Stephen de Cavendisshe, aldermen of the wards aforesaid, and others (named). 17 April, 40 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. B. 2085. Sale by Isabella Donyngton, widow, late the wife and executrix of Thomas Donyngton, serjeant, late the executor of Henry Bamme of London and Alice his wife, to William, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys and William Lowe, esquires, of certain lands and tenements in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen in Oldfisshestrete, and in Westchepe in the parish of St. Vedast, formerly belonging to the said Henry, and directed by his will to be sold, after the death of his heirs without lawful issue, for pious uses. Witnesses:—Stephen Broun, mayor, William Marowe and William Cantlowe, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). 27 May, 27 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2086. Release by Thomas Bamme son of Henry Bamme of London, to Edward Ellesmere, gentleman, of his right to lands and tenements, which were his father's, in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldefisshstrete. 6 October, 26 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2087. Grant by Edward Ellesmere, to Thomas Bamme, son of Henry Bamme of London, deceased, of a rent issuing out of all his lands and tenements, the tenement called 'le Kyngeshede' excepted, in Old Change in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldfisshstrete. 8 December 26 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2088. Grant by Thomas Bamme, son of Henry Bamme of London, to William Aiscough, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys, Thomas Danyell, William Lowe, esquires, Edward Ellesmere and Thomas Lute gentlemen, of tenements in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldfisshstrete, an inn called 'le Kyngeshede' excepted, which he had granted to them for the life only of the said Edward, and a tenement in Westchepe in the parish of St. Vedast, abutting on a tenement called 'le Cardynall hatte.' 13 November. 25 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2089. Release by Peter Ardern, serjeant-at-law, Robert Rouclyff, Elena Bamme late the wife of John Bamme, and John Roos, at the request of Thomas Bamme, brother and heir of the said John Bamme the son and heir of Henry Bamme of London, to William, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys, esquire, and Edward Ellesmere, of their right to lands and tenements in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldefisshestrete, late the said John Bamme's, deceased, and to a tenement in Westchepe in the parish of St. Vedast, late the said Henry Bamme's. 5 July, 25 Henry VI. Four seals.
Middx. B. 2090. Grant by Thomas Bamme, son and heir of Henry Bamme of London, to William Aiscough, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys, Thomas Danyell, and William Lowe, esquires, Edward Ellesmere and Thomas Lute, gentlemen, of tenements in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldfisshstrete, the inn called 'le Kyngeshede' excepted, which he had granted to them for the life of the said Edward only. 13 November, 25 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2091. Grant by John Bamme, son and heir of Henry Bamme of London, to Peter Ardern, Robert Rouclyff and John Roos, of lands and tenements in Old Change, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Olde Fisshstrete. Feast of the Annunciation. 13 Henry VI. Seal.
Endorsed: Inrolled on the back of the Close [Roll], in the Chancery of the King within written, in May in the twenty-fourth year of his reign.
Middx. B. 2092. Confirmation by Thomas Bamme, son and heir of Henry Bamme of London, of his grant to William Ascoigh, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys, Thomas Daniell and others, dated 13 November, 25 Henry VI., and release also to Edward Ellismere, of his right to the lands and tenements in Old Change and Westchepe, in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldfisshstrete, and St. Vedast, confirmed as above. 20 July, 25 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2093. Demise by John, prior of the Charterhouse, to John Kyngeston of London, of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Oldfysshstrete, for sixty years from Christmas next coming. 26 August, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
Middx. B. 2094. Indenture between William Aiscough, bishop of Sarum, John Noreys, Thomas Danyell and William Lowe, Edward Ellesmere and Thomas Lute of the one part, and Thomas Bamme, son and heir of Harry Bamme of London, reciting the conditions on which all the lands, tenements, &c., of the said Thomas Bamme in Westchepe and Olde Eschaunge in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, in Old Fisshestrete, the tenement called 'the Kyngez hede' excepted, were granted to the above-named parties. 16 November, 25 Henry VI. English. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2095. Release by John Neell, master of the house of St. Thomas the Martyr called 'de Acon,' Henry Frowyk, alderman, and Richard Davy, chaplain, to Margaret, relict of Robert Fitz Robert son of Robert Fitz Robert of London, of their right to the tenement in the parish of St. Mary, Aldermarychirche, which she held of their grant. 2 July, 29 Henry VI. Two seals.
Middx. B. 2096. Grant by Ralph de la Mareival of London, to Nicholas Bat, son of Robert Bat of the same, of 60s. rent issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abbecherche, at Candelwicestrate. Witnesses:—John de Tolesan, mayor, Thomas de Wymburne and William de Dureme, sheriffs, of London, Alexander le Feru, alderman, and others (named). [37 Henry III.] Seal.
Middx. B. 2097. Grant by Stephen Chateras, of London, and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of John Lyon, deceased, and executrix of his will, to Laurence Grene and Joan his wife, of their estate in the tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abchurche, which Richard Roche, prior of the Charterhouse, had demised to the said John Lyon and Elizabeth. 28 July, 17 Henry VII. Seal.
Middx. B. 2098. Indenture between John Seman, prior of the Charterhouse, and Arthur Ormesby, witnessing an agreement between the said parties, relative to the possession of certain title deeds of 3l. yearly rent, claimed by the said Arthur, issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abchirche, in Candelwylwykstrete. 19 May, 2 Edward IV. English. Seal.
Middx. B. 2099. Grant by John Bamme, esquire, to Arthur Ormesby, esquire, of a rent issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abbechirche, at Candelwykstrete. 30 January, 1 Edward IV. Seal.
Middx. B. 2100. Release by Arthur Ormesby, to John Seman, prior of the Charterhouse, of his right to a rent issuing out of lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abbechirche, at Candelwykstrete. 15 May, 2 Edward IV. Seal.