Deeds: B.2501 - B.2600

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.2501 - B.2600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.2501 - B.2600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.2501 - B.2600". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.2501 - B.2600

[Norf.] B. 2501. Grant in frank almoin by Geoffrey de Estune and Agnes his wife, daughter of Walter de Paris, to the abbot and convent of Geroudon, of their right in a messuage in Norwich in Nedere Cunesford in the parish of St. Peter, rendering yearly for the same a gillyflower. Witnesses:— Alexander de Refham, William de Dunewico, Thurbern the tanner (tanatore) and Roger de Rollesby, bailiffs of Norwich, and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Portions of two seals.
[Norf.] B. 2502. Acknowledgment by Adam de Toftes of Norwich, that he is bound to the abbot and convent of Geroudon, in a yearly rent of 10s. for two messuages in Norwich, in the parish of St. Peter Parmetergate in the street of Nether Cunisford. All Saints day, A.D. 1277.
[Glouc.] B. 2503. Release by William Crikeman, to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, of all the pasture which he has in their wood of Mersden. Witnesses:—Alan do Bosco, Geoffrey de la Mara, Richard de Gardino and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 2504. Release by Alan de Bosco, to the monks of Bruerne, of all the common which he claimed in their wood of Mersden, with a grant by him of a right of passage through his lands. Witnesses:—Thomas de la Mara, Robert de Sipton, knight, William de Fifhida, and William and Thomas his sons. Thirteenth Century. Seal.
Essex. B. 2505. Grant by William Loveney, son and heir of William Loveney, esquire, to Thomas Bland and Phelippa his wife, the daughter and heiress of Thomas Shepey and Alice his wife, of a moiety of the manor of Ryveshales, with rents and services, &c., in Estmersey. 12 November, 15 Henry VI. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2506. Grant by Joan daughter of John Stacy, clerk, to Lionel de Bradenham, of the rents and services due to her from lands and tenements called 'Rewishales' in Estmerseia. Berkyng, Sunday after St. Dunstan, 36 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2507. Grant by Thomas Boteler of Meridene, knight, to Ralph Boteler, lord of Sudeley, of lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Meridene and Alspath. 24 June, 21 Henry VI. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2508. Letter of attorney by Robert de Naillyngherst, clerk, authorising John Bekes to receive seisin of lands, tenements, rents and services in Estmerseye, which were Wynesia's, late the wife of Oliver With. 4 July, 39 Edward III. Seal.
Essex. B. 2509. Grant by Wynesia late the wife of Oliver Wythe, knight, and daughter and one of the heiresses of John de Reveshale, to Robert de Nayllyngherst, clerk, of lands, tenements, rents and services, &c., in Estmerseye. 4 July, 39 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2510. Letter of attorney by Ralph Boteler, knight, lord of Sudeley, authorising Thomas Est of Yerdeley co. Worcester, and John Beaufitz of Kenelworthe co. Warwick, gentlemen, to receive seisin of lands and tenements, &c., in Meridene. 24 June, 21 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Norf. B. 2511. Grant by Walter Couper alias Walter de la Chambre and Alice his wife, Thomas Baron, John Skynner and Robert Mendham, to Robert Waryn, John Wheymond and William Porter, of a messuage called 'Ruddays,' abutting on the road from Harlyston to Shotfordebregge, in Mendham in the part within Norfolk. All Saints day, 21 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Somers.] B. 2512. Grant by John James, to William de Moute Acuto, knight, of all his meadow in 'La Meremede,' for nineteen years. Thurlebere, Friday the feast of the Purification, 12 Edward II.
Endorsed: Thurlebere.
[Bedf.] B. 2513. Grant by Ralph de Tyvile, to Master Stephen de Walsokne, rector of the church of Bartone, of land in Mepardeshale, which he held of Nicholas son of Ranulf, rendering yearly to the grantor one pound of pepper. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Mepardeshale, Peter de Buelles, William le Waleis, Gylebert, servant to the abbot of Ramsey, and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal.
[ ] B. 2514. Grant by Richard Andrew of Sothyntone of the parish of Lega, to Aldith, daughter of Richard Gruibbe of Suthyntone, of land with a pasture and pond in the field called 'Menstokinge.' Witnesses:—Hugh de Monte, Adam Hamund, John de Bertone, and others (named). Twelfth century.
Glam. B. 2515. Grant by Edmund de Clyvedon, lord of Clyvedon, to Henry de Estlyngton, Richard Englissch and John White, chaplain, of his manor of Molton and Ludmerston, and of all lands, services and reversions, &c., in the said manor. 27 December, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[York.] B. 2516. Grant by Mary de Nevile, to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey Pygot, for his life, of land in Melmorby by the mill of Grif, and in Langriding, also a certain wood called 'Milnebank'; of freedom from all suits of court; and also, if his cattle at Melmorby should trespass in her forest of Coverdale, beyond the bounds of the pasture of Carleton in which there was right of common, the same should be returned without impounding, &c.; and lastly a right of pasture in Coverdale forest. Midilham, feast of the Purification, A.D. 1286. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2517. Grant by John, abbot of Meaux in the diocese of York, to Henry, duke of York, second son of King Henry VII., the office of chief steward of the said monastery. 16 September, 13 Henry VII.
[Warw.] B. 2518. Release by John son of Edward Bertram of Maxstoke, to Andrew Bertram of Maxstoke, of his right to the lands and tenements which formerly belonged to John Bertram his uncle, in Maxstoke. Monday before the Purification, 11 Richard II.
[Kent.] B. 2519. Demise by William Pope, John Hamond and Robert Serlys, wardens of the goods of the church of St. Nicholas, Dover, to Thomas Wreight, of land at Maxton, for twelve years. Michaelmas day, 29 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Leic.] B. 2520. Release by Cicely, late the wife of Hugh . . . . . of Medburne, to Nigel de Wappelode of Medburne, of her right to land in Medburne in Mersedalefeld, abutting on 'le Brok' and Haloughtongate. Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 11 Edward II. Injured.
[Warw.] B. 2521. Grant by John son and heir of Simon Moryn, to William de Clynton, earl of Huntingdon, and his cousin, John de Clynton, permitting them to cultivate a piece of land called 'le Brodefeld' in Maxstoke, over which a right of common for cattle had been granted to the said Simon by the said earl; the reversion of the manor of Maxstoke belonging to the said John de Clynton. Sunday after Martinmas, 23 Edward III. French. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2522. Grant by Alice Cornvylle daughter and heiress of William Cornvylle, to [William de Clynton, earl of Huntingdon,] and his cousin John de Clynton, permitting them to cultivate land called 'le Brodefeld' in Maxstoke, over which a right of common for cattle had been granted to her said father by the said earl; the reversion of the manor of Maxstoke belonging to the said John de Clynton. Sunday after Martinmas, 23 Edward III. Injured. French. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2523. Grant by William de Ares, chaplain, to the nuns of Katesby, of a toft in Makesey (Maxey). Witnesses:—Salomon de Wythirington, Robert Freman de Clinton, William son of Walter de Makeseye and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
Sussex. B. 2524. Grant by William Gyldriche of Wyllyngdon, gentleman, to Edmund Dudley, esquire, John Ashburneham and George Chauncey, of lands in Maukesey, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of the said Edmund Dudley, subject to the payment of 30l. to the abbot of Battle according to the will of Stephen Porter, late of Pemsey. 20 February, 16 Henry VII. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2525. Demise by Margaret Redynges, prioress of St. Michael's, Staunford, to Robert Smyth of Makeseye, 'webstere,' Anne his wife and Agnes Smyth, of a messuage and croft in Makeseye aforesaid. Monday before St. Barnabas, 16 Richard II. Three seals.
[Heref.] B. 2526. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh Puke of Wylmeston, to the monks of Dore, of land in Maudon extending from Gorbrodaker to Mapelaker. Witnesses:—Walter de Chaundos, Nicholas de Godewei, Simon de Wylmeston, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Heref.] B. 2527. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh de Wylmeston son of Roger, to the monks of Dore, of land called 'Gorbrodaker' upon Maudun. Witnesses:—Walter de Chaundos, Thomas de Chaunflur', Simon de Wylmeston and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[N'thld.] B. 2528. Grant in frank almoin by Sir Roger Bertram, to the nuns of St. Bartholomew, Newcastle, of land and a toft in Merdesfen. Witnesses:—Sirs Walter de Sancto Petro, William Corbet, and John de Eslingtun, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Wilts. B. 2529. Defeasance of a grant dated Thursday before Palm Sunday, 31 Hen. VI., by Thomas Baryngton of Rokeley and Isabella his wife, to John Hynde of Marleburgh, of a tenement in Marleburgh. Witnesses: —Richard Mermyn, mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). Feast of the Annunciation, 31 Henry VI.
[Wilts.] B. 2530. Grant by John Spenser and Alice his wife, to John Seymour, knight, of a tenement in the high street abutting on the lane called 'le Blyndelane' in Maryborough. Witnesses:—Walter Moyng, mayor of Maryborough, and others (named). 18 June, 38 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Wilts.] B. 2531. Grant by master John Lytill rector of the church of Colyngbourne Ducis, Richard Dowse and John Hamelyn, to Richard Seymour, esquire, and Isabella his wife and their heirs, of the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, &c., in Marleburgh which the grantors had of the feoffment of John Seymour, knight; with remainders, failing issue, to the said Richard Seymour. John his brother, and to Isabella Seymour their mother. Witnesses:—John Hynde, mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). 28 September, 5 Edward IV.
Wilts. B. 2532. Grant by Alice Michell, widow, of Marleburgh, to Elizabeth Halle, her daughter, of lands, tenements, &c., in Marleburgh, Okeborne St. George, Everley, Elcote (Hilcott), Hwys (Hewish) and elsewhere within the county of Wilts. Witnesses:—Robert Forster, mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). 20 September, 10 Henry VII.
[N'thld.] B. 2533. Demise by Margaret de Ebor', prioress of St. Bartholomew's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to William son of Nicholas de Merdesfen, and Marjory his wife, of land in Merdesfen, for twenty years. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, A.D. 1363. Fragments of two seals.
Middx. B. 2534. Letter of attorney by Thomas Stillyngton kinsman and heir of Robert Stillyngton late bishop of Bath and Wells, authorising Robert Stillyngton, his brother, to receive from Robert Colvile brother and heir of John Colvile, seisin of the manor of Marybourne and of messuages, gardens, lands, &c., in Tybourne, Lillestone, Westbourne, Charryng and Eye. 21 October, 7 Henry VII. Seal and signature.
Middx. B. 2535. Letter of attorney by Thomas Stillyngton kinsman and heir of Robert Stillyngton late bishop of Bath and Wells, authorising John Morecotte to receive from Robert Colvile, brother and heir of Robert (sic) Colvile, seisin of the manor of Marybourne, with messuages, gardens, lands, &c., in Tibourne, Lillestone, Westbourne, Charryng and Eye. 21 October, 7 Henry VII. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2536. Demise by Robert Colvile brother and heir of John Colvile, to Thomas Stillyngton kinsman and heir of Robert Stillyngton late bishop of Bath and Wells, of the manor of Marybourne with messuages, gardens, lands, &c., in Tibourne, Lilleston, Westbourne, Charryng and Eye; with letter of attorney authorising William Hayles to deliver seisin of the said manor &c. to the said Thomas. 20 October, 7 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Worc.] B. 2537. Grant by Henry de Malvernia, to Henry Baret of Matheme, of two crofts &c. in Matheme and also of 6d. yearly rent issuing out of other lands in Matheme, paying 6s. 6d. yearly to the abbot of Pershore. Witnesses:—Thomas de Hanleye, William le Porter of Malverne, John de Bertone and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Salop.] B. 2538. Release by Isabella le Cator, to Sir John de Valecolor rector of the church of Lodelaue, of all her land in a field called 'Margereweld.' Witnesses:—John le Blound of Tuyford, Martin Pigon and John de Aula. Cornebury, the eleventh of the kalends of May (21st April), the day of SS. Philip and James, 32 Edward I. Seal.
Endorsed: Charter of Jon de Vaucolor of Tuyford.
[Worc.] B. 2539. Release by Alice daughter of Ralph de Frankelowe, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of her right of dower in all the land [in Norton], acquired by the said monks from her late husband Peter de la Frithe, son of Walter de la Frithe. Witnesses:—Samson the clerk of Bremesgrave, Alvred Jordan, John de Cutele and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] B. 2540. Release by Nicholas Swan, to William Esturmy, knight, of his right to a tenement in Marleburgh. Witnesses:—Henry Bruseboys, mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). Wednesday after the Epiphany 11 Henry IV.
[Wilts.] B. 2541. Demise by William [Perha]m, to Nicholas Swan, for twenty years, of the tenements in Marleburgh, which the grantor had of the grant of William Perham, his father. Witnesses:—Thomas H. . . , mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). Michaelmas day, 7 Henry IV.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2542. Grant by Juliana daughter of Richard le Waleys, to the monks of Quarr, of her part of the water of Mareflet and Medeme as far as Scepeswassce, with right of way to their mill through her land, from the road from Newport (Novo Burgo) to Wippingham through Bromhillelake, and sufficient land for a mill-pond. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Insula, Robert de Sorewelle, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 2543. Memorandum relative to the enfeoffment by Robert Marcant of Henry Putle, vicar of Cateryngton, and Richard Hanger in certain lands for the purposes of his last will, viz. after the said Robert's death to enfeoff Maud Marchant in the manor of Mapilderham and in certain lands and tenements in Henton, and Nicholas Marcant his son in the reversion of the lands which James de Henton holds for life, and in Adwersstoke; the said manor to revert to the said Nicholas, &c. Witnessed to, at Alsforde, by the prior of Selbourne and others as the last will of the said Robert. 13 May, 20 Richard II. French. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 2544. Grant in frank almoin by Amice de Marckeleye of Claverdon, to the prior and canons of St. Sepulchre's, Warwick, of land in Claverdon and a croft in Langeleye next Claverdon, viz. land in Weyforlong, one acre in Dodintreslade called 'Hauchtaker', land extending from Buhtine to Netherbutine, and upon Bromforlong and Longthong'. Witnesses:— William Culvert of Claverdon, John Cotyn and Richard de Bredon of the same, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Heref.] B. 2545. Grant by Thomas Ball and Katherine his wife, John Irelonde and Margaret his wife, all of Malmeshull Lacy (Mansel Lacy), to John Aburhale, esquire, and others, of a curtilage in Malmeshull Lacy, abutting on a croft called 'Pycchecrofte.' Thursday the morrow of the Circumcision, 16 Henry VI. Four seals.
Essex. B. 2546. Demise by William Foord of Hadlegh, to Robert Brook of Manytre, of the manors called 'Newhalle' and 'Oldhalle' with their appurtenances in Manytre and Mestelegh, for six and a half years. 2 September, 14 Edward IV. English.
[Heref.] B. 2547. Certificate of induction by the dean of Webbeleye (Weobley), of the prioress and convent of Acornbury into possession of the church of Malmeshulle Laci (Mansel Lacy) in the diocese of Hereford. Thirteenth of the kalends of November, (20th October) A.D. 1331. Seal.
Essex. B. 2548. Grant by John Bassyngbourne, esquire, and Katherine his wife, to William Say, clerk, and others, of the manors of Manewden and Wodehall, and of all lands, tenements, &c., in Manewden, Stanstede Mountfichet, Uggeley, and Beerden. 20 March, 35 Henry VI.
N'hamp. B. 2549. Grant by John de Langeton of Norhampton and Isabella his wife, daughter of Jordan de Luda, to William de Benyngfeld of Norhampton and Cristina his wife, of a tenement in Maltrowe, Norhampton, with release by the said Isabella, to the grantees, of all her right of dower, &c., in the said tenement. Witnesses:—Peter de Leycester, mayor, Philip le Rous, Robert de Bedeford and Robert de Cattewrth, coroners, of Norhampton, Robert Tolows' and William Durnassal, bailiffs, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 2550. Release by William de Stowe St. Edwards, clerk, son of Andrew Noreman, to Master William Bassat, son of Henry Basset of Stowe aforesaid, of his right to a messuage with croft and land in Malgaresbury (Mangersbury) Friday after St. Giles, 18 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2551. Grant by Walter Hamond of Maydewelle, to Geoffrey the miller (molendinario) of the same and Sarra his wife, of land in Maydewelle lying in Brakindale, Lonsmede weforlong, Longakirforlong, Snouberewesike, 'le Ridiwong,' Dranton broc, Lakisbec, Southmedewe, 'le Milneweye,' Hildecroft, Littilmor, 'le Mor,' Yedaleweye, and Raveniswellehevid. Feast of the Annunciation, 10 Edward II.
Kent. B. 2552. Grant by Thomas Torner of Maydeston, to John Lylly of the same, of land at Northanckland, with a lane called 'bromelane,' in the parish of Maideston. 4 June, 22 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Kent. B. 2553. Release by Thomas Wells of Maidestone, and Robert Welles of Ayssheforde, the sons and heirs of Richard Welles late of Maidestone, deceased, to William Lylly the elder of the same, of their right to a quarry, with 'le voydynge' at Bokelande in the parish of Maidestone. 30 July, 15 Henry VII. Two seals, one broken.
Kent. B. 2554. Demise by Andrew Vydian of Maideston, to Clement Colet of the same, of land called 'Longcroft' in the said parish and in the burgh of Westre abutting on a heath called 'Longesholeshoth'. 27 March, 7 Henry VII. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 2555. Grant by Edmund le Peak of Maydenstan, to Walter Barthelot of the same, of part of a 'hagha' with a house built thereon in Maidenstan in the burgh of Westre at 'le Westboklonde'. St. Augustine's day, 18 Edward II. Seal.
Kent. B. 2556. Grant by John Broke and Edward Broke of West Peckeham, to Clement Colett of Dettlyng, of a messuage and land in the parish of Maidston in the burgh of Westre, abutting upon the lane leading to Bowre Wood, part in a field called 'bowre felde.' 31 May, A.D. 1484. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 2557. Release by Richard Wynker of Loose, to his brother Henry Wynker of Maydeston, of his right to a messuage, garden, land and quarry, &c., at Bokeland in the parish of Maydeston. 6 June, 11 Edward IV.
[Kent.] B. 2558. Release by Richard Barry son of Walter Barry, deceased, to Henry Wynker, of his right to land at Bokeland in Maydeston. 5 January, 15 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] B. 2559. Defeasance of a grant dated Thursday before Palm Sunday, by Thomas Baryngton of Rokeley co. Kent, to John Hynde of Marleburgh, of a tenement in Marleburgh. Witnesses:—Richard Mermyn, mayor of Marleburgh, and others (named). Feast of the Annunciation, 31 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Kent.] B. 2560. Grant by Alban de Wandilsworth of Maydistane, to Thomas Barry of the same and Joan his wife, of land in Maydistane in the burgh of Westere in a field called 'Bokelondisfelde.' Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas, 35 Edward III.
[Kent.] B. 2561. Grant by John Clerke of Botton Monchensey (Boughton Monchelsea), to Richard Counseylle, of a messuage and land in Maydestone in the burgh of Westre. 6 October, 17 Henry VI. Seal.
[Herts.] B. 2562. Sale by William Say, esquire, to John Feld, of certain wood and bushes growing within the park of Little Monden, for a term of years. 1 February, 19 Edward IV. English.
[Wilts.] B. 2563. Grant by Roger de Herdecote brother of Thomas de Herdecote, to William son of Daniel de Winterburne, of a rent issuing out of land in Madintone, rendering yearly to the grantor and his heirs half a pound of cumin. Witnesses:—Henry de Aubeny, Robert de Okle, Henry de Bovile, Robert de Monteacuto, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2564. Grant in frank almoin by Henry de Alneto (Dauney), son of Henry de Alneto, to the canons of Esseby, of a rent in Maidefort, with reliefs, wards, &c., due from the lands out of which the said rent arises. Witnesses:—Simon de Trop, Robert de Plumton, Nicholas, parson of Stowe, Baldwin de Norton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Kent.] B. 2565. Grant by John Chapelle of Maydenstone and Thomas Garolde of East Farleghe, to John Sutton and John Maynelle of Maydenstone, of a messuage and garden in Maydenstone, and also of a quarry in Maydenstone in the burgh of Stone. 20 January, 28 Henry VI.
[Kent.] B. 2566. Grant by Thomas Bedford of Canterbury, to Richard Haster of Maydestone, of land in Maydenstone in the burgh of Westre. 5 November, 6 Edward IV. Seal.
Herts. B. 2567. Grant by Richard Chapman, chaplain, to Philip Thornebury and Margaret his wife, John Durham and John Lodewykes, of the manor of Little Munden with the advowson of the church there. 10 February, 20 Richard II. Seal.
Herts. B. 2568. Release by Robert Anton and John Sergeaunt, to Sir John Alman, rector of the church of Little Munden, of their right to the manor, and advowson of the church, of Little Munden, which they had of the feoffment of John Thornbury, knight. Sunday after the Conception, 15 Richard II. Seal and fragment of seal.
Herts. B. 2569. Release by Nanerina late the wife of John Thornbury, knight, to Edward Benstede, knight, John Lodewyk, John Duram, Richard Chapman ana. Philip Thornbury, of her right in the manor, with the advowson of the church of, Little Mundene. 8 January, 20 Richard II. Seal.
[Herts.] B. 2570. Release by John Derham of Southmymmis and John Lodewykes of Dekyswelle, to Philip Thornbury, esquire, and Margaret his wife, of their right in the manor, with the advowson of the church of, Little Mundene. Sunday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 21 Richard II. Seal and fragment of seal.
Herts. B. 2571. Grant by Nanerina late the wife of Sir John Thornbury, knight, and by Philip Thornbury their son, to Sir Edward Benstede, knight, John Lodewyk, John Derham and Richard Chapman, chaplain, of their manors in Little Munden and Bygrave, with the advowsons of the churches there. 4 September, 20 Richard II. Two seals.
Herts. B. 2572. Release by Ellen late the wife of John Freville, knight, to William Hosell and Joan his wife, Philip Wyndok and others, of her right in the manor of Little Munden and in all lands, tenements, &c., in the same, and of her right in a yearly rent of 20 marks. Little Shelford, Friday before Michaelmas, 1 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
Herts. B. 2573. Grant by Adam Polle of Little Munden, to William Hosell of the same, of a croft of land called 'Frerescroft' abutting upon Greueende in Little Munden aforesaid. Feast of SS. Philip and James, 6 Richard II.
Herts. B. 2574. Grant by John Alman, rector of the church of Little Munden, to Sir John Thornbury, knight, and Philip his son, of the manor, and advowson of the church, of Little Munden. Sunday before the conversion of St. Paul, 15 Richard II. Seal.
Herts. B. 2575. Grant by Henry de Snaythe, Thomas Hervy, John Depyng and others, to William Hosell and Joan his wife, and her brother Philip Wyndok, of the manor, and advowson of the church, of Little Munden. Thusday after St. Matthew, 1 Richard II.
Herts. B. 2576. Grant by William Hosell and Joan his wife, and her brother Philip Wyndok, to John Thornbury, knight, of the manor, and advowson of the church, of Little Munden, which the grantors had of the feoffment of Henry de Snayth and others. Thursday, St. Petronilla's day, 3 Richard II. Two seals.
[Herts.] B. 2577. Grant by William Attestrode son of Walter Attestrode, to Sir John de Fryvile, knight, lord of Little Mundene, and Eleanor his wife, and the heirs of the said Sir John, of a rent issuing out of Little Mundene. Sunday after St. Ambrose, 3 Edward II.
[Herts.] Middx. B. 2578. Demise by John Duresme of the county of Middlesex, and Agnes his wife, to William Tiryngton, esquire, and others, of their estate in the manor of Little Munden with the advowson of the church there; and also grant of the manor of Weleye in the said county, all which they had of the feoffment of Robert Crokeslee, Simon Muskham and others. Sunday, 7 March, 12 Richard II.
[Herts.] B. 2579. Demise by Henry atte Dane of Great Munden, to Robert Anton of the same, of a tenement called 'Leffyng' in Great Munden. [Thursday after] St. Matthew, 1 Henry IV. Injured. Portion of seal.
Herts. B. 2580. Letter of attorney by William Tyryngton and others, authorising Peter Boys and John Nichole to receive seisin of the manor of Great Munden, and of other lands and tenements in the county of Hertford, of the feoffment of John Durham and Agnes his wife. Monday before Lent, 12 Richard II.
[Herts.] B. 2581. Grant by Richard Attehulle of Little Mundene, to Roger Attegrave of the same, of land with common of pasture in the parish of Little Mundenc, abutting on the road from Benitone to Staundone. Thursday after St. Hilary, 2 Edward II. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2582. Grant by Walter son of Bartholomew de Mockingge, to Geoffrey son of John de Forda of Mockingge, of a tenement in Mockingge (Mucking). Sunday after the Purification, 22 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 2583. Grant in frank almoin by Henry son of Richard de Morton, to the canons of Esseby, of all the service of a tenement in Morton. Witnesses:—Simon de Pinkeny, Robert de Sureia, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 2584. Grant by Joan late the wife of Henry the smith (fabri) of Blacolwesle (Blakesley ?), to Henry Ernald of Morton, of a messuage and land in Morton. 18 January, 30 Edward III. Seal.
Herts. B. 2585. Demise by John Hoke of Derby, kinsman and heir of John Somerby, clerk, to William Waldegrave of Smalbrege in the parish of Bures St. Mary co. Suffolk, knight, and Humphrey Stafford of Coodred co. Herts., esquire, of all his right, title, &c., to the manor, and advowson of the church, of Munden Furnyvall, and to the advowson of the priory of Rowney, and to lands, tenements, &c., in Munden aforesaid, and elsewhere in the said county of Herts, with letter of attorney by the said John Hoke, authorising Richard Kempe and John Lyn to deliver seisin of the said premises. 30 October, 24 Henry VII. Seal.
[Staff.] B. 2586. Release by Henry son of Reginald le clerk of Budiforde, to Roger the smith (fabro), son of John Basse, of his right to land in Twenty Hydes (Viginti Hydes) upon the tillage called 'Mosemar'.' Confirmation also of the grant by Sibyl, Henry's sister, to the said Roger. Witnesses:—Ernald Louelaunte, Nicholas de Kyngel', Robert le Bond of Berton, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 2587. Grant by Robert the butler (pincerna), to Richard . . . ., of land in Westmoleseye lying upon Keneswurth. Witnesses:—Ralph Est, John ad Ecclesiam and others (named). Thirteenth century. Injured. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2588. Release by Agnes daughter of Nicholas son of Mayn de Morton, to Margery and Joan, her sisters, of her right to the lands and tenements in Morton, which belonged to her late father. Witnesses:— William de Pinkeni, William de Morton, clerk, Robert de Stavertone, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 2589. Grant in frank almoin by Henry son of Richard de Morton, to the canons of Essebi, of land in Morton, viz. near that town at Witeheg, Muchelhol, Sulgrave, and Colewrh', in Cholewrh' Broc, Hundelond, beyond the Wedon road, and upon Holdewold. Witnesses:—Simon de Pinkeni, Robert de Surey, Alexander de Bosco and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Somers. B. 2590. Release by John White one of the King's sewers, to Edward, earl of Hertford and viscount Beauchamp, of his right to a corrody issuing out of the monastery of Mychelney. 26 December, 30 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2591. Grant in frank almoin by Matilda daughter of Alvred de Heyford, to the canons of Essebi, of a messuage with a curtilage and land in Morton. Witnesses:—William de Pinkeny of Morton, Robert de Surey, Henry le chevaler, Nicholas le Blunt, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 2592. Grant in frank almoin by Henry son of Richard de Morton, to the canons of Essebi, of a yearly payment issuing out of a tenement in Morton, and also of a tenement in the same, and of land upon Heggesforlong. Witnesses:—Robert de Sureia, Simon Malherbe, Thomas de Morton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Salop.] B. 2593. Grant by Isabella le Cator, to Sir John de Valecolore, rector of the church of Lodelaue, of land in the field called 'Margireweld.' Witnesses:—Edmund le Galeis, Stephen Wogan, John de Aula, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Worc.] B. 2594. Grant in frank almoin by Peter son of Walter de Frithe, to the monks of Bordesley, of land in Norhton lying upon Thorntenhulle, and in Rouacre &c. Witnesses:—Adam, parson of Northfeld, Walter de Catteshulle, Nicholas Kine, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Worc.] B. 2595. Confirmation by Richard de Mundesley of Norton, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of the grants by his ancestors of lands in Norton. Witnesses:—Richard de Felde, John de Cuteleye, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Worc.] B. 2596. Confirmation by Henry de la Wichalle of Norton, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of the grant made by Robert de Hales, of land in Norton. Witnesses:—Roger de Whiteford, Alvred Jurdan, John de la Felde, and others, (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 2597. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph de Morthona, esquire, to the canons of Essebi, of his right to land in Morthona, held by him from Henry de Pincheni. Witnesses:—Robert, parson of Morthona, Robert de Leia, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
N'hamp. B. 2598. Grant by Thomas Stalworthman of Gilden Morton, to John Stalworthman of Hampslap', his brother, of lands, tenements, &c., in Morton, Sulgrave, and Eydon. Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 2 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2599. Grant by John Eltonhede of Rothers Thrope, esquire, and others, to Thomas Gaywode of Assheby Canons and Emmot his wife, of messuages and gardens in Morton, and also of land there held by them of the grant of Thomas Scotlond, father of the said Emmot. 5 August, 34 Henry VI. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2600. Demise by Adam Stalewortheman of Morton, to Olyve Mayn of the same, of a messuage in Motion and of lands at Baggemulle, Aperdonehulle, Calenhul, Brecheslade, Foxolewey, Foxoledene, Eldurstub, Luttelholm, 'Le Leep,' Forryenhul, Forryenhulslade, Langgelond, Hanggyngelond, Langsladetherdes, Redewelle, Coleworthbroke, Curtenhul, Bruscroft, Smalthorntherdes, Smalthorn, Lambecotetherdes, Wythibedd, Ballende Mede, Ballendebroke, Wowelond, Waterfal, 'le Mere,' Astyke, Rondyche, Wedamwey, Wodewey, Byshopston, Housforlong, 'The Wold,' 'The Wowelond,' Elderforlong, Colputtes, and Doncombe in Morton. Sunday after St. Ambrose, 29 Edward III. Fragment of seal.