Deeds: B.2601 - B.2700

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.2601 - B.2700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.2601 - B.2700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.2601 - B.2700". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.2601 - B.2700

[N'hamp.] B. 2601. Duplicate of B. 2600.
[Monm.] B. 2602. Grant in frank almoin by David ap Wronou and Eva his wife, to the abbot and convent of Dore, of land between the lands of Ivor ap Wronou and Walter de Traveleye, and extending to the water of Morles; and a release to the said abbot and monks of the grantor's right to the land granted to the said monks by Walter de Traveleye, bordering upon the road from Monmouth to Bergeveny (Abergavenny). 11 May, 11 Edward II. Seal, and fragment of seal.
[Staff.] B. 2603. Grant by Thomas Mason of Rowynton, to Roger Smyth and John Truman, of lands in Marugge (Morrage) in the tillage called 'Berlond' and in the field called 'Upper Marugge,' in Sondhulle, Garston, Twentihyden, and Avenham stretching towards Gristelmere. Kynggs Brome, 10 November, 39 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2604. Licence by William de Pynkeny, lord of Morton, to the prior and convent of Assheby Canons, to build a windmill in the field of Morton with right of way, multure, &c. Friday before SS. Simon and Jude, 6 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Monm.] B. 2605. Grant by Kenewricus son of Moredicus with the assent of Wladusa his wife, to the abbey of Dore, of a rent issuing out of land in the town of Moredicus between 'Le Coldewelle' and the land of the son of Kenewricus son of Morewith. Witnesses:—Griffin Goub, Lewelinus and Wen sons of Moredicus, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 2606. Demise by Joan Phelyp late the wife of John Halun of Atteneston, to John Mayn and Olive his wife of Morton, of lands in Morton at Gransladeforlong, Blakemor, Mulpathwey, Corntenhull and Lamcotesiche. Sunday after St. Augustine, 10 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] B. 2607. Bond of William Cosyn of Morton, for repayment to E. the prior of Esseby, of money borrowed upon the security of a rent issuing out of land in Morton. Vigil of St. Thomas, 4 Edward [I.]
Surrey. B. 2608. Grant by Robert de Pleysyngton, knight, to John de Burgherssh, knight, of the manor of Rasebury and of lands and tenements in Micham, Mordon and elsewhere in the county named. 16 June, 5 Richard II.
[Essex.] B. 2609. Letter of attorney by Robert Hethe, authorising John Neve, chaplain, to receive from Geoffrey Cokefeld, seisin of land called 'Gildeneacre' in the field called 'Horsecroft,' in Misteleye, with the advowson of the church of Misteleye, and of the chapel of the Holy Trinity, Manytre. 26 September, 19 Richard II.
[Essex.] B. 2610. Grant by Geoffrey Coweye of Clacton Parva, son and heir of William Coweye late of Great Brombelegh co. Essex, to John Wylegh of Ardelegh the younger, Alice his wife, and others, of lands and tenements, late John Lokke's, in Mystelegh (Mistley), which the grantor's father, with William Baret late rector of the church of Little Brombelegh and others, had of the feoffment of Geoffrey Estwode of Great Brombelegh and others. 1 April, 35 Henry VI.
[Essex.] B. 2611. Letter of attorney by Geoffrey Coweye of Little Clakton, son and heir of William Coweye, late of Great Brombelegh, authorising Simon Langton of Colchester and Geoffrey Lokke of Brombelegh aforesaid, to deliver to John Wylegh of Ardelegh the younger, Alice his wife, and others, seisin of lands and tenements in Mystelegh. 1 April, 35 Henry VI. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2612. Demise by John Galee and Thomas Galee of Little Bentlegh co. Essex, to John Lylylbery and others, of lands and tenements, with two crofts and the third part of an alder-grove called 'le heye,' formerly the property of William Cowey late of Great Brumlegh, and John Lokke of Mystlegh, in Mystlegh; also letter of attorney authorising William Hylpe of Little Bentlegh to deliver seisin of the same. 10 January, 18 Henry VII. Seal, and fragment of seal.
[Devon.] B. 2613. Grant by Joan late the wife of John Wenman called 'Prassele,' to Richard Wodeman and Joan his wife, of a moiety of a burgage in Modbury. Sunday after Easter, 9 Richard II. Seal.
[Suff.] B. 2614. Grant by Matilda daughter of Richard de Assenhane of Sutelmham, to Ralph son of Richard of the same, of land called 'Monespictel' [in South Elmham]. Witnesses:—Robert de Sancroft, James called 'le Kyng,' and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[York.] B. 2615. Letter of attorney by John Allewent, rector of the parish church of Wendeslay, authorising Robert Bernard and William Pikering to deliver to Joan, countess of Westmoreland, and Richard de Neville, earl of Salisbury, seisin of land in Moremonketon with the advowson of the church of that place. 28 September, 8 Henry VI. Seal.
[Monm.] B. 2616. Grant by Roger Baldecat, to Deonisia his daughter, of a share of a burgage in Monem'. Witnesses:—Robert Lefrere, Walter Botte and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[York.] B. 2617. Letter of attorney by John Fairfax, clerk, authorising John Hawthorn of Snap and William Godelad, to deliver to Robert de Coverh . . and John Allewent, chaplain, seisin of land in Moremonkton with the advowson of the church of that place. 6 September, 13 Richard II. Seal.
[Monm.] B. 2618. Release by William son of David de Rokeville, to Matilda de Grandisone, prioress of Acornbury, of his right to a burgage in Monemuta. Witnesses:—John de Lodelowe, steward, John de Andeure, bailiff, of Monemuta, and others (named). Saturday, the feast of SS. Philip and James, 18 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Monemouthe.'
[Monm.] B. 2619. Grant in frank almoin by Walter de Traveleye, lord of Landewy Rotherath in Wenth, to the monks of Dore, of land abutting on the road from Monmouth to Bergeveny. Witnesses:—Sirs John Paynel and Hugh de Seynion, knights, Thomas le Waleys, Robert de Heleye, steward of Bergeveny, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Montg.] B. 2620. Demise by Walter son of William de Hockleton, to Philip le Charter of Montergumery, of a burgage in Montergumery, for thirty-four years. Michaelmas, 7 Edward [I.] Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 2621. Grant by Walter le Dyhere of Woxebrugge, to Walter Leycestre of the same, and others, of all his messuages, lands, tenements, reversions, &c., in Morecote and Fennecote next Charleton. Octave of SS. Peter and Paul, July, 25 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2622. Confirmation in frank almoin by Osbert son of Iwo, to the abbey of Brummore, of the grant made to that house by Walter Noht of a messuage with curtilage in Miletona, and of land near Voxburgh, land called 'Havedacra' upon Witherslad and land upon 'La Mileweia,' which messuage and land were held from the said Osbert by the said Walter. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Pisers, Philip de Frithorn, John Ingelram, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Berks.] B. 2623. Grant by Matilda daughter of Walter Paddoc of North Mordun, widow, to the friars of Agnesheya (Anglesey), of land in North Mordun (North Moreton). Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Bancis, William Pichard and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Notts.] B. 2624. Grant by John Brunham of Kingston upon Hull, to John Penykok, esquire of the King's body, of the messuage, toft and tenements in Misterton, which the grantor had of the feoffment of John son of Robert de Misterton; also letter of attorney authorising Robert Wartenyng and Peter Beltoft to deliver seisin of the above. 20 June, 26 Henry VI.
[Glouc.] B. 2625. Grant by Matthew son of Roger de Munstreworth, to Nicholas son of Roger de Boyfeld, of land in Munstreworth (Minsterworth), in a place called 'Esteneye.' Hampton, Saturday before All Saints, 16 Edward II. Seal.
Glouc. B. 2626. Release by John Musard son and heir of Maculin Musard, to John, earl of Kent, of his right to the manors of Musarder and Sudyngton. London, 20 February, 25 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 2627. Release by Matthew son of Roger de Munstreworth, to Nicholas son of Roger de Boyfield, of his right to land within the manor of Munstreworth (Minsterworth). Wednesday after Michaelmas, 14 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 2628. Grant by Matthew son of Roger de Munstreworth, to Nicholas son of Roger de Boyfeld, of land in Munstreworth, in a place called 'Esteneye.' Hampton, Monday after St. Petronilla, 14 Edward II. Seal.
[Bucks.] B. 2629. Grant in frank almoin by Valentine son of William the clerk, (clerici), to the canons of Berencester (Burcester), of land in Little Mescenden (Missenden). Witnesses:—Sirs Alexander de Hamden, William de Swynesfo[r]d, Robert Mantel, Hugh de Mescenden, and John de Lapenne, knights, and others (named). Henry III.
Endorsed: Charter of Sir Valentine de Holemere.
Middx. B. 2630. Demise by William Staunford, to Thomas, lord Wryothesley, knight of the most noble order of the Garter, &c., of the rectory of Southmymes. 1 May, 37 Henry VIII.
Staff. Derby. B. 2631. Release by Robert Walsch son and heir of John Walsch, to Sir Hugh, earl of Stafford, of his right to lands, tenements, rents, &c., called 'Geryngshalgh,' lately called 'Grendoneshalle' in Melewich (Milwich) co. Stafford, and also to other lands, all formerly his father's. Friday the morrow of the Circumcision, A.D. 1376, and 50 Edward III. Seal.
Staff. Derby. B. 2632. Release by John Payn of Brustol and Christina his wife, to Sir Hugh, earl of Stafford, of their right to lands called 'Gerynghalgh,' lately called 'Grendoneshalle' in Melewych co. Stafford, the property of her late husband, John Walshe, and to other lands also her late husband's. Friday the morrow of the Circumcision, A.D. 1376, and 50 Edward III. Two seals.
[Oxford.] B. 2633. Release by Thomas son of Thomas Hykemon of Upton, to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, of his right to a messuage in Milton, and to land in Longgecrofte and elsewhere in Milton. Sunday before St. Gregory the Martyr, 14 Richard II. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 2634. Grant by John Swaleweclyve and Isabella his wife, to Sir Stephen de Gravisende, knight, and Amy his wife, of land in Melethone (Milton). Witnesses:—William atte Nobrihtte, Thomas de Rundale, William de Boloyne and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
Kent. B. 2635. Release by John Haryndon, John Doget and others, to Sir John, abbot of St. Mary Graces near the Tower of London, of their right to land in Melton next Gravesende. 20 May, 15 Henry VII.
[N'hamp.] B. 2636. Grant by Thomas le Rede of Maydeford, to Thomas le Warde of Atneston and Christina his wife, of land abutting on Smalyorn at Mulneslad [in Atneston]. Monday after St. Matthew, 22 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 2637. Grant in frank almoin by Nicholas son of Robert de Brummora, to the canons of Brummore, of a rent, service, and tenement in Muleton (Milton), and of land in Cloetfurglang. Witnesses:—Richard de Cardumvilla, Hugh de Godeshulla, William Huskal, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Salop.] B. 2638. Grant in frank almoin by Howel son of Madok of Mulliton, to the canons of Chirebury, of lands in Mulliton, extending towards Ketybroc. Witnesses:—Roger the chaplain, vicar of Chirebury, Howel de Brompton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Hants.] B. 2639. Sale by Adam Lumbard, to William de Burgate, of a tenement in 'la Muleton.' Witnesses:—Sir Roger, vicar of Ibeslehe (Ibsley), Henry de Sancto Samsone, Hugh Blundel, Hugh de la Pelot, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Salop.] B. 2640. Release by Maurice son of Cadogan de Muliton, to Sir Philip, the prior, and the canons of Chirbury, to hold in frank almoin, of the land bequeathed by the said Cadogan to the said canons, in Muliton extending to the bank of the Ketibroc. Feast of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, A.D. 1256. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2641. Grant in frank almoin by Walter Noht, to the abbey of Brummore, of all his tenement in Muletuna (Milton), and of land in Voxburgh, land called 'Havedacre' upon Witherslade, and extending beyond 'la Muleweia.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Puseris, John Ganefrai, Philip de Frithorn, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Hants.] B. 2642. Grant by Hel', abbot of Quarr, to Robert Hervys and Cicely his wife, of a messuage and buildings in Muleford (Milford), abutting on the way from Kyavene (Keyhaven) towards Christchurch. Witnesses:— William de Kyavene, Simon de Bruwel, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Endorsed: Mulneford.
[Hants.] B. 2643. Demise by Andrew Sperlynge and Hugh Short, to William Mountagu, of lands, tenements, rents and services in Mylford, Kyaven (Keyhaven), Tylehurst and Lokkeslond, which they, with John, archbishop of York and others, had of the feoffment of Thomas, late earl of Salisbury; to hold to the said William Mountagu with remainders to John Mountagu, knight, and John Ferrers. 22 May, 14 Henry VI. Seal.
[Nthld.] B. 2644. Confirmation, in frank almoin, by Tomas de Diuelest, to the nuns of St. Bartholomew, Newcastle, of his father's grant of a rent issuing out of Milneburne. Witnesses:—Masters Gilebert the official and Henry the dean, Gilebert de Laval, Daniel de Novo Castro, and others (named). [Henry II.]
[Somers.] [Wilts.] B. 2645. Release by Edmund le Gulden, to John de Meyre, son and heir of Richard de Meyre of Mulebourne Pourt, of all his right in lands and tenements in Mulebourne (Milborne), Kyngeston, Wyke, Gothull (Goathill), Fontel Giffard and Nepred. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert, perpetual vicar of Mulebourne Pourt, Sir Robert Mapendre, restor of the chapel of Folke, and others (named). Shirbourne, Sunday before the Purification. 30 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Oxford.] B. 2646. Grant by William de Atgorsle, to Thomas Stapenhull and Christina his wife, of a tenement containing two parts of a burgage in Mydlynton.
Grant by Thomas de Stapenhull of Mydlynton, to Master John de Ratford and others, of all his lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Burncestre and Mydlynton. Copies on one sheet of paper. Fourteenth century.
Wilts. B. 2647. Grant by Richard Erley, late of the county of Wilts, to Richard Seymour, of a meadow called 'Wethyng' lying in in the parish of Mildenhale.
Letter of attorney authorising William Walcote and John Eston to deliver seisin of the said meadow. December, 49 Henry VI. Injured.
[Somers.] [Wilts.] B. 2648. Grant by Richard de Mere, to his son John de Mere and to Joan his wife, of all his lands and tenements, &c., in Mulleburn Port, Kyngeston, Wyke, and Gothull, and also of a rent and reversion of lands, tenements, and woods in Fontelgyffard, rendering yearly to the grantor sufficient support in food and drink and one robe, &c. Wednesday the vigil of St. Martin, 18 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Oxford ?] B. 2640. Release by John son of Richard de Muddelinton, to Thomas Sturdi of Muddelinton, of land in Muddelinton. Witnesses:— Simon Franch'l of Muddelinton, Philip le Hunte, Robert Stot, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 2650. Demise by Joan late the wife of Gilbert Wygayn of Kyngeston, to Simon son of Richard de Hutton, for three years, of land in 'la Middelmersb,' Feast of St. Juliana the Virgin, 21 Edward III.
[Surrey.] B. 2651. Grant by William Croyser, esquire, of Stoke Daubernon co. Surrey and Edith his wife, to Adam Symond of the same and Alice his wife, of a tenement called 'Mangewelle' in Okshete (Ockshot), with lands in 'Le Estfeld,' Clayeroft, and Mondeneslond. Feast of the Annunciation, 11 Henry IV.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2652. Grant in frank almoin by Thomas Laurens, son and heir of Richard Laurens and of Avice his wife, to the abbot and convent of Ouarr, of a tenement in the street called 'Highestret' in Newport. Witnesses:—Robert de Cumpton and William Cunte, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Wednesday, morrow of St. Laurence, 18 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 2653. Grant by Roger de Cressewelle, to John his brother, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in Neubald, with the reversion of the said tenement, paying yearly to the grantor a pair of gloves. Witnesses:— Sirs William de Wofre and Phinchor', prior of Kirkeby, Roger de Craft, Richard de Goldeburgh, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2654. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Walter son of Herbert de Neubolt Pauntelf, widow, to her son Sir Nicholas, chaplain, of those lands which she had of the grant of Master William de la Stude her uncle, lying upon Fenhurst, Lallefordeshul, 'le Watrilond,' Coleyes Weye, 'le Mereforlong,' 'Le Shippe,' 'le Blindewelle,' Goseforde, Folewelle, 'le Gorbrode,' Wolmerescroft, Hofmereforlong, 'le Wonlond' and elsewhere in Neubolt. Witnesses:—Roger de Craft, Robert de Waltone, William Chaynel of Long Lalleford, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2655. Grant in frank almoin by John de Crassewelle, to the monks of Pipewell, of his right in lands and tenements, formerly Henry de Crassewelle's, in Neubold, Little Lalleford (Lawford), and Little Herdeberwe (Harborough). Release also by the said grantor of all claims against the said monks. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph, vicar of Neubold, William, lord of Chirchelalleford, William Purfey, John de Warewike and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 2656. Release by Roger de Crassewelle, to John his brother, of a rent and the reversion of a tenement in Neubaud, to hold from the abbot of Pippewell. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph, vicar of Neubaud, John de Pontefracto,William de Wavere of Chirchelalleford, John de Warewyke and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Linc.] B. 2657. Release by Emma, relict of Roger the cook (Coci) of Obthorpe, widow, to the lady Mabel le Venur, prioress of St. Michael's, Staunford, of her right to lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Obthorpe, which the said prioress had of the feoffment of the said Roger. Sunday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 11 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2658. Release by Thomas Schache of Neuport, to William Yrlond, of his right to a tenement in the street called 'Hygestret' in Neuport. Witnesses:—John de la Mare and John Unfray, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Monday after St. Giles the abbot, 10 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
[Glouc.] B. 2659. Grant in frank almoin by Richard de Boscho, to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, of land and a rent at Over Rindecumbe, which they had of William Ficke de Boscho, the grantor's brother, and which had been confirmed to them by Matilda de Solers his mother; also a release to a right of common in the wood of Maresden; and a grant of a right of way through his lands. Witnesses:—Walter le Houd, William Herun, Nicholas de Boscho and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2660. Grant by Thomas Pelote of Brommore, to John Femme his brother, of land in Outwyke (Weeke), abutting upon Shortecroft and 'le Mere,' rendering yearly to the grantor one rose. Witnesses:—Thomas Baudewyne, Peter Ingram, William le Frie, John Sarrazyn and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 2661. Grant by Nigel de Boclande, with the consent of Nigel his son and heir, to the monks of Quarr, of a salt-pit in a marsh called 'Oxiheye' in the manor of Limneton (Lymington), rendering yearly to the grantor one pound of cumin. Witnesses:—Eustace Fuicher, James de Badesle, William de Kyhaven and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Endorsed: Lymentone.
[Warw.] B. 2662. Grant in frank almoin by Geoffrey son of Geoffrey le Leuedisone of Oxesulve, to the monks of Bordesiey, of a yearly rent in Oxesulve (Oxhill). Witnesses:—John de Weston, Ralph Brittun, Luke, rector of the church of Oxesulve, and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 2663. Grant by Jordan le Frankelayn of Oxssulve, to the abbot and monks of Bordesiey, of a cottage with a curtilage in Oxssulve, and of lands there lying in Wluedon, abutting on Sortemede; in Sulf, abutting on 'la Slade'; and on Higher Blakemonesforlong. Witnesses:—Simon de Wilecote of Pilardinthon, Richard de Pilardinthon and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 2664. Grant by John Brown of Ouston, to William Brown his father, of land, part in Ouston, abutting upon land late of John Westhorpe, vicar of Ouston, and on land of the lord of Moubray, and part in Kynnardfery. Gunthorp, 25 October, A.D. 1427.
[Line.] B. 2665. Grant by William Brown of Ouston, to Robert Mownbray and Katherine his wife of Kynnardfery, of land in Kynnardfery. 7 November, A.D. 1429.
[Leic.] B. 2666. Grant by Nicholas son of Roger, to Matilda daughter of . . . ., of his right to a toft in Osgodetorp (Osgathorpe). Witnesses:—William de Wodecote, John de Leys, clerk, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Endorsed: Osgothorpe.
[Worc.] B. 2667. Certificate of admission by Edward de Frome, prior, and the convent of Mayghdenebradelegh, into their confraternity, of Sir Walter Cokesey, knight, with a grant to him of a yearly rent out of their manor of Oldyngton. 12 January, 6 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Leic.] B. 2668. Acknowledgment by Roger le Sauer and Isabella his wife, that they are bound to Reginald, formerly servant to Richard de Wodecote, for his victuals, clothing, and support, in return for his toft and croft in Osgotthorpe (Osgathorpe), and also for the yearly payment of a silver penny to the light of St. Mary in the chapel of Osgotthorpe, &c. Witnesses:— William de Wodecote, Richard de Vodecote and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
[Leic.] B. 2669. Grant by John Reynold of Osgasthorp, to Henry del Steynes of the same, of land in Osgasthorp lying in the tillage called 'Stokwodeyate,' and abutting upon Bredonweye. Monday next St. Boniface, 11 Edward II.
[Leic.] B. 2670. Grant by William Lambert of Neuton Burgilon, to John Sumpter of Osgaresthorp and Alice bis wife, of a cottage, land, and garden, in Osgarsthorpe, lying at Wyrk Dyke, Potter Foord, Park Stoke, Stordonhulle and Lyputtes. Whit Sunday, 14 Richard II.
Endorsed: Osgothorpe.
[Worc.] B. 2671. Grant by Absolon de Bevereye, to Marjory his daughter, of that part of his weir of Ombersleye, which Thomas Gugun had given him, paying a yearly rent to the abbot of Evesham. Witnesses:—Adam le Botiler, steward of the abbot of Evesham, Osbert de Bereburne, bailiff of Ombersleye, William de Fothinton and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Leic.] B. 2672. Release by Richard son of William de Wodecote, chaplain, to his sister Isabella, of his right to land in 'Le Kynguscroft', and in the tillage called 'Cornthweyt' in Osegarthorpe. Sunday after All Saints' day, 41 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Worc.] B. 2673. Grant by Richard de Hausforde son and heir of Richard de Hausforde, to Sir William Rome of Ombresleye, chaplain, of a portion of his weir in Ombresleye(Ombersley), paying a yearly vent to the abbot of Evesham. 31 Edward III. Seal.
[Worc.] B. 2674. Demise by William, abbot of Evesham, to Stephen called 'le Mareschal' of Olbarwe, Joan his wife, and Roger son of the said Stephen, of two crofts in Olbarwe (Oldberrow). Wednesday after St. Lawrence, 14 Edward II. Seal.
Wore.] B. 2675. Grant by John Burnulf of Benytleye Streche, to Henry le Bercher of Benytleye, of land in the field called 'le Oldefelt' part extending to the water called 'Alrebroc' and part to the water called 'Humelbroc' Witnesses:—Thomas de Stoke, John le Koc, Richard de Borton and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2676. Release by William de Kaynes, to the monks of Bordesley in frank almoin, of his right to the rent and tenements in Outeselva (Oxhill)which they held of his fee, and to the tenements held by them from Geoffrey de Beningeworthe. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert Pinkeny, William de Waure, William de Bereford, knights, and others (named). [Henry III.]
Endorsed: Oxsulve.
Bucks. Linc. B. 2677. Grant by the abbot and convent of Bardenay in the diocese of Lincoln, to the King and to Sir Robert Braybroke, bishop of London, and others, of land in Osgodby upon Bromholme in the parish of Bardenaye, as glebe of the church of Edilesburgh (Edlesborough), with the advowson of the said church. Witnesses:—John, duke of Lancaster, Thomas, earl of Warwick, and Sirs William de Beuchaump, William Nevylle, Robert de Wylughby, and Ralph de Crumwelle, knights. 9 June, 8 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Linc.] B. 2678. Release by Roger called 'Ccok' (Cocus), of Obethorpe, and Emma his wife, to Amabel, the prioress, and the convent of St. Michael's, Stanford, of land in Obethorpe, with a house, and a quarter of corn which they were accustomed to receive yearly from the manor of the nuns of Stanford in Thurleby. Wednesday, the feast of the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 10 Edward II. Two seals.
[Warw.] B. 2679. Confirmation by Terricus son of Matthew de Duntona, to the monks of Bordesley, of the grant which Richard son of Hugh de Octusulva made to them in frank almoin, viz. of the land in Octeselva, which the grantor's father had conveyed to the said Richard, and which grant he had also confirmed to the said monks. Witnesses:—Eglin, the grantor's lord, Philip de Cumton, Nicholas, parson of Wathcot, William Cadomor and others (named). Twelfth century. Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2680. Demise by William, abbot of Quarr, to William Gilberd, of a tenement in the high street of Neuport, with remainder to Juliana Archir, and Joan, wife of the said Gilberd. Witnesses:—John Makerell and Henry Cardere, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Wednesday before the Purification, 32 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2681. Grant by William Fauel of Suthsandham and Agnes his wife, to John son of Geoffrey le Dragoner, the younger, of a tenement in the street called 'Hygestret' in Neuport. Witnesses:—John le Grompere and Henry le Meleward, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Saturday after St. Faith the Virgin, 20 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2682. Grant by John, abbot of Quarr, to Richard Touly and John White, of land in 'la Suthstret' of Neuport, rendering suit at the abbot's court of Arreton, &c. Feast of the Annunciation, 13 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
I. of Wight. B. 2683. Demise by Richard, abbot of Quarr, to John Hunte, of Nevport, for fifty years, of land next land of the prior of Holy Cross, lately held by John Whyte, and of all right in land lately held by William Derd. 1 April, 12 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
I. of Wight. B. 2684. Demise by John, abbot of Quarr, to Thomas Waryn and Alice his wife, and John, Thomas's son, of land in 'la Pilstret' in Newport, the said grantees to build a suitable house on the said land within a year from the date of the said demise. Christmas-day, 15 Richard II. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 2685. Release by Walter de Stanes, son of William de Stanes, to the abbot and monks of Bordesley in frank almoin, of a yearly rent payable to him by the said monks for his grange of Osmeresleg'. Witnesses:—Master Adam de Northfeld, Hugh de Fereres son of the earl of Derby, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 2686. Grant in frank almoin by Walter de Stanes, son of William de Stanes, to the monks of Bordesley, of a rent with homage &c., due from Robert Tirel for land held by him in Haisse-hide; and of another rent payable by Alvred Huleman for land in Ahisse-hide. Witnesses:— Richard de Mowirun, Robert de Parco, Philip de Hamburi and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Endorsed: Osemeresley. Rents at Asselmere next Ymeneye.
[Warw.] B. 2687. Agreement between Matthew de Cantilupo, rector of the church of Alvithechir' (Alvechurch), and Philip, abbot of Bordesley, relative to the fishery in the water called 'Arewe' and common of pasture in the woods and fields in Osmerleg' and in the wood called 'Sortwode,' viz. the said Matthew to have the fishery from the bishop's park to the way under the bridge called 'Brantesford'; and pasturage for forty swine in the forest in all the abbot's woods along with his swine, from Michaelmas to Christmas, except in the park of Tuneshal, where the abbot has his stud. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas, rector of Haselouere (Haselor), Sir Peter, vicar of Alvithechir', Master William de Stoke, William de Bikerton, Hugh, the clerk of Uppesleg' (Ipsley), and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Worc.] B. 2688. Release by Nicholas son of Yvo de Oldinton, to Sir John, prior of Maydenebradeleg', of a messuage in Oldinton. Witnesses:—Henry de Ribesford, Thomas de Stanes, Henry de Caldewelle and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Leic.] B. 2689. Letters patent by Master Robert de Rademilde, rector of the same, discharging the abbot and convent of Osolveston from all debts, excepting six marks due for half a sack of wool. Monday after St. Denys, A.D. 1294.
[N'hamp.] B. 2690. Grant by Dyonisia, prioress of [Sewardesley], to the lady Joan, . . . ., of three villeins with their chattels and offspring (sequelis), &c., in Estneston and Hulecote. 28 July, . . . Edward III.
[Warw.] B. 2691. Release by Robert son of Walter de Ullenhale of Otteselve, to the monks of Bordesley, of his right to land in Qtteselve formerly held by his father; also a release of the yearly livery of corn, bread, or silver, which he had been accustomed to receive from the said monks. Witnesses:—Samson de Bremesgrave, clerk, Thomas de Stoke, John, vicar of Terdebigge, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
Endorsed: Oxsulve.
[Worc.] B. 2692. Grant by William the fisherman (piscator), of Ombresleye, to William ate Tolle of Salewarp, clerk, of all his lands and tenements with a rent and fishery in Ombresleye. Monday after Ascension day, 22 Edward III.
Endorsed: Proof of the yearly value of the said lands and tenements, &c.
[Linc.] B. 2693. Release by Agnes, late the wife of John son of Roger de Over Brunham, widow, to her children Henry and Diota, of her right to land in Ouston. Friday before Easter, A.D. 1365. Seal.
I. of Wight. B. 2694. Grant by John Dragenir of Neuport, to Adam Jordan and Robert de Twynham, of a tenement in the high street of Neuport. Witnesses:—Walter le Barbir and Edmund Tranchard, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Monday after Michaelmas, 16 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2695. Release by Thomas de Harslade, to the abbot of Quarr, of his right to a tenement in the high street (alta platea) in Neuport. Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, A.D. 1344, and 19 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2696. Grant by William son of Hugh Molton of Burgh, to William Willyngham the elder, William Person', parson of the church of Overton Lungvylle, and others, of all his lands and tenements in Overtonlungvylle. Monday after St. Hilary, 4 Henry IY. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 2697. Grant by William Ouling of Kynandefery, to Henry son of Walter de Ouston, of land in Ouston. Witnesses:—Thomas de Brunham, Geoffrey de Ros, William Cutwlf, Richard Faukes, and ethers (named). Thirteenth century.
[Somers.] B. 2698. Grant by John Bryan son of Baldewyn Bryan, to Roger Branche, of land in the manor of Ake, viz. lands in Snyffemor, Douchulla, and land called 'a le Walle,' with common of the pasture of 'la Lype' throughout 'la Hethfeld.' Witnesses:—Maurice de Boram, Robert de Wyrecestre, Richard de Forde, and others. [A copy, fourteenth century.]
Endorsed: Copia carte de Pulle apud Oke.
[Kent.] B. 2699. Agreement between Thomas Palmer, gentleman, and John Sedley one of the King's auditors in the Exchequer, relative to the rent payable by the latter for land in the parish of Otford. 14 January, 10 Henry VII.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2700. Grant by Roger atte Stone, to Adam Jordan, of a rent issuing out of a tenement in the street called 'Crockerestret' in Neuport. Witnesses:—Henry atte Hide and Robert atte Stone, bailiffs of that town, and others (named). Thursday after Midsummer. 15 Edward III. Seal.