Deeds: B.2901 - B.3000

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.2901 - B.3000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.2901 - B.3000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.2901 - B.3000". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.2901 - B.3000

Angl. B. 2901. Grant by Geoffrey, abbot of Conwey, to John ap Gruff ap Grons, for fifty years, of a tenement called 'Tethyn Llwynocger' in Penmynythe, in the commote of Tyndaithew, and of all lands and tenements belonging thereto. 20 September, 17 Henry VIII.
[Worc.] B. 2902. Grant by Thomas de Walecote, to Sir William, abbot of Pershore, of land in Pershore in the tillage called 'Elbesham,' in exchange for land in the tillage called 'Depforou.' Witnesses:—Reginald le Porter, William le Drake, John de Ekintone, Henry Sauvage, Hugh Ywayn, and others (named). [A.D. 1290–1310.]
[N'hamp.] B. 2903. Demise by Margaret Redynges, prioress of St. Michael by Staunford, to Thomas Sadeler of the same, and Agnes his wife, for fifty years, of a tenement and land in the liberty of the abbot of Peterborough, the tenement being in the parish of St. Martin, Staunford, in the street called 'Webstergate,' and the land lying on this side of Lawmanesforthe. St. George's day, 3 Henry IV. and A.D. 1402. Two seals, one of arms.
[Pemb.] B. 2904. Conveyance by Joan le Blount, prioress of Accornebury, to Richard Daukyn and Agnes his wife, and their daughters, Joan and Isabella, for ninety years, of a messuage with a curtilage and lands in Penali (Penalley). Witnesses:—Sir William, vicar of Penali, Sir Roger de Morecote, vicar of Malmeshulle Lacy, and others (named). Sunday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 37 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2905. Release by John de Sutton the younger, and Richard de Sutton his brother, knights, to Richard Pakkard and Margaret his wife, of their right to a messuage, lands and rent in Peltyndon (Peldon), which they had of the feoffment of Lionel de Bradenham. Colchester, Tuesday the vigil of St. Mary Magdalen, 40 Edward III. Two seals of arms, broken.
[Essex.] B. 2906. Grant by Ralph Waryn, John Perys and John de Ocham, of Colchester, chaplains, to Margaret Packarde of the same, of a tenement called 'le Newhalle' in Peldon, with lands and rent, &c. thereto belonging, which they had of the feoffment of the said Margaret, with remainders to Edmund de la Mare of Bradewelle and his heirs, and to the said Margaret and her heirs. Monday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 49 Edward III. Three seals, two of arms, one broken.
[Essex.] B. 2907. Grant by Margaret, late the wife of Richard Packarde of Colchester, to Sir Ralph Waryn, priest, Sirs John Perys and John de Ocham, chaplains, of a tenement called 'le Newhalle' in Peldone, with rent and lands, &c. thereto belonging. 14 June, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 2908. Grant by Juliana, daughter of William Savari of Peltindon, to Robert le Taylur of the same, of land called 'Manefeld' in Peltindon, abutting upon land of the abbot of St. Asith called 'Longe Aker' and upon the street called 'Manefeldestrate.' Monday after the Epiphany, 20 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[Worc.] B. 2909. Release by Walter called. . . . . ., to Hugh . . . . Porter of Pershore and Elena his wife, of his right to land which Reginald father of the said Hugh had from the said Walter, in Pershore. Witnesses:—David fiz Warin, John de Loudr', Adam Aleiu, Adam Ywein and others (named). Wednesday, morrow of St. Matthew the Apostle, 4 Edward II. Injured.
[Essex.] B. 2910. Grant by Walter, son and heir of Richard de Peltindone, knight, to Robert, son of William le Taylur of Peltindone, of land in Peltindone in the field called 'Manefeld,' abutting upon the road called 'Manefeldestrate.' Witnesses:—Robert de Sevaunt, Luke de Aldholte, John de Ry, William de Samantone and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Cumb.] B. 2911. Grant by Ralph de Neville, 'gardeyn et fermor' of the hamlets of Penreth, to Ralph de Brantingham, of two shops with solers over them and over the hall of pleas in Penreth. Raby Manor, 10 January, 23 Edward III. French. Seal of arms.
[Kent.] B. 2912. Sale by William de Wycth, to the abbot of Boxley, of part of a wood in Pinenden, abutting upon the road from Detlyng to Meydestane, rendering yearly to the grantor one costard. Witnesses:— Alexander de Ecclesia, John Scoth, Walter and Andrew 'bi eastebroke,' William Barchnolle and others (named). Fourteenth century.
[Worc.] B. 2913. Bond by Adam Ferling of Pershore, to the abbot of Pershore, for a yearly rent due for a messuage formerly held by Richard Belle, in the market place of Pershore. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Wika, Roger de Persora, Richard de Barclive, Walter Fot, William de la Lowe, Osbert Turbery and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Worc.] B. 2914. Grant by William de Lega, steward of the abbot of Pershore, to William the clerk (clerico) of Bredona, of a messuage of laud with a meadow in Pershore. Witnesses:—Simon, abbot of Pershore, the lady Constantia, mother of the said William de Lega, Hugh and Alexander, chaplains of Pershore, Maurice the clerk (clerico), parson of Aldremonneston, William le Poher of Peritone, William de Kinefare, Hugh the porter (portario) and his son Reginald, and others (named). [End of twelfth or beginning of thirteenth century.]
[Worc.] B. 2915. Grant in frank almoin by Maurice do Thorendun, knight, to the monks of Pershore, of a yearly rent issuing out of tenements of certain tenants named, in Pershore. Witnesses:—Sir Adam de Wika, knight, Hugh the porter (portario), Roger de Walecote, Walter de Walecote, John son of Thomas de Persora, William Rikelot, Robert de Lega, and Thomas de Dorlega. St. Vincent's day, A.D. 1254. Injured.
[Chesh.] B. 2916. Grant by Vrian de Sancto Petro, to Ralph de Burgo, of a capital messuage and land with fisheries and mills, &c. in Pyketone. Witnesses:—Sirs Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester, Ralph de Vernun, and Richard de Mascy, knights, Sir Nicholas, prior of St. Thomas by Stafford, Sir Ralph de Hingham, the King's justice, William Bernard, and Robert le Grosvenor. [5 Edward I.]
[Dorset.] B. 2917. Grant in frank almoin, by Henry son of Thomas son of Hugh de Tarente Keynes, with the consent of Joan his wife, to the canons of Brommore, of a curtilage and lands in Pymperne, with pasture for fiftytwo sheep, paying 3s. yearly to the abbess and convent of Tarente. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Hulle and Ralph de Stoppeham, knights, Roger de la Hide, Roger Lone of Blaneford, Walter Pig of the same, John Aleyn of Acford, and Walter Gofayre. Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
[Glouc.] B. 2918. Agreement between the abbot of Pershore and John de Killecote, specifying the grant of money, corn, sheep, pigs, &c. to be received at the hands of the warden of Hauekbure by the said John for the term of his life, and by Margery his wife, should he pre-decease her, in return for which the said John has released all his land of Killecote to the said abbot. Feast of the Annunciation, 45 Henry III. Injured.
[N'hamp ?] B. 2919. Grant by Jueta de Pavelie, prioress of Seuuardelia (Sewardesley), to Richard 'the nuns' man' ('homini sanctimonialium'), of a house in Perie. Witnesses:—Henry de Perie, Adam Picorn, Robert Scarbet, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Injured.
[Kent.] B. 2920. Release by Stephen de Bedefunt and William and Richard his sons, to John Sterre of London, of their right to land, which the said John had of the demise of the said Stephen and Sexburga his wife, in the parish of Plumstede abutting upon the road leading towards the abbey of Lesnes. Monday after Michaelmas, 19 Edward II. Three seals, one broken.
[Warw.] B. 2921. Grant by John Nafford, lord of Berford, to William Wellesbourne, parson of the church of Berford, and to William Wellesburne, parson of the church of Kertling, of a tillage at Pleystowe called 'le Blakeforlong' in Berford, a tillage called 'Twelfacres' and land called 'Salteresdene,' lands lying in Lowehethefurlong, upon Heydonfurlong, at Pleystowe, 'atte Puttes,' a tillage called 'Middelpece' at Pleystowe, with the heath upon Cuttelfurlong next the spinny called 'Cutteleyron': grant also of license to hold the said lands at all times of the year separate and free from commonage. Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 19 Edward II.
Endorsed: Enrolled in the King's Exchequer at Warwick, 8 Henry VIII.
[Middx.] B. 2922. Grant by Edith, late the wife of Walter the tailor (parmentarii), to Robert le Norreys, of land near Purtespol. Witnesses:— Richard Richeman, Stephen de Abhomine, Richard de Clifford, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Somers.] B. 2923. Conveyance by Thomas de Pymperne, prior of Brommore, to John Bytheweye, of the land within the manor of Portburi, which his father Walter Bytheweye formerly held. Witnesses:—Robert Feolond, William de Carewelle, William Wale, and others (named). [Edward I.]
[Middx.] B. 2924. Confirmation by Geoffrey son of Randulph de Purtepole, of the demise by his said father to Gladewin the carter (caretario), of land in the parish of St. Pancras. Witnesses:—William le Fruter, Hugh le Agulcr, Martin Brunig, Robert le Venur, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[N'hamp] B. 2925. Letters patent by William de Cauz in Plumpton, witnessing that he with the consent of Emma his wife, the relict of Sir Robert de Plumpton, knight, has released to the canons of Esseby, all demands which the said William had against them by reason of the dower of the said Emma from the said Sir Robert's tenements. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas, rector of the church of Helmed [on], William de Pinkeny in Morton, John the marshal (marescallo) of Esseby, Robert Surrey of Morton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Middx.] B. 2926. Demise by Ralph son of Sweyn de Purtepole, and by Sanson, Ralph's brother, to William de Purtepole, of land in the prebend of William de Lichesfeld, canon of St. Paul's, London. Witnesses:—Robert de Purtepole, Gamelin de Purtepole, Richard de Clifford, Martin Bruning, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
Hants. B. 2927. Confirmation by John Seymour of Wolfale co. Wilts, of the estate and title of John Vaus of' Odyham, in the messuage in Odyham called 'Mawndeviles,' held by him from the said John Seymour as of his manor of Pollyng, the rent of which had been unpaid for ten years. 30 November, 4 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Montg.] B. 2928. Grant by Madoc ap Ryryd, a burgess of Pola, and Sibil his wife, to Thomas Marchald, a burgess of the same, and Matilda his wife, for eight years, of land in Pola (Welshpool) extending from the high street to the rivulet called 'Lledyn.' Witnesses:—John Schery, steward of Powysya, John Gomound, constable of the castle of Pola, John le Yong, rector there, Roger Piers and Jevan Bayllez, chief bailiffs of Pola, and others (named). Michaelmas-day, 49 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
[York.] B. 2929. Grant by William Douke, vicar of the church of Pontefract, Roger de Acworth, John Harpeswelle, and John Marchand, of Feribrige, chaplains, to Robert Davy, vicar of the church of Birstalle and Richard Lyversege, chaplain, of a messuage in the new market of Pontefract, with its garden extending from 'le Frerelane' to 'le Malfagate.' Witnesses:—Peter Bayly and John Roller, bailiffs of the said town, and others (named). Morrow of the Annunciation, 16 Richard II. Injured.
[Montg.] B. 2930. Demise by William Vighan, to Peter Beupe, of half a burgage in Pola (Welshpool) extending from the high street to the rivulet called 'Lledyn.' Witnesses:—Howel ap Jevan ap Eynon and Jankyn Heer ap Llewellyn ap Eynon, bailiffs of Pola, and others (named). 16 July, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 2931. Demise by Agnes, late the wife of John Payn of Leddrede, widow, to Laurence Wizth of Chayham, of her right of dower in land in a field called 'Ponshustesfelde.' Friday after St. Martin, 10 Edward III. Seal.
[Montg.] B. 2932. Release by Thomas Gronow, rector of the church of Colborne, to John ap Cadr Fryc' and Gwenh his wife, of his right to half a burgage in Pola (Welshpool). 20 June, 22 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] B. 2933. Grant by Richard de Perrers, knight, to Edmund de Perrers his son, of the manor of Podelicote with its mill. Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 8 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Montg.] B. 2934. Conveyance by William Vichan of Pola, to Peter Beupe, of half a burgage in Pola (Welshpool), extending from the high street to the rivulet called 'Lledyn.' Witnesses:—Howel ap Jevan ap Eignon and Jankyn Hir ap Jevan ap Llewellyn, bailiffs of the town, and others (named). Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 2935. Grant by Thomas Baret of Kyngeston, to William Mylbrugge and Joan his wife, of land in Portesmuth in a field called 'Westfeld' lying next 'le Waterrene.' Witnesses:—Richard Robnyst and John Balchyf, bailiffs of Portesmuth, and others (named). 20 May, 48 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2936. Conveyance by Thomas Wynchester, prior of St. Denyg near Southampton, to Richard Salman and Joan his wife, of a tenement in Porteswode with a croft and grove extending from the rivulet bounding the land called 'above towne' belonging to that House. 10 June, 1 Henry VI. and A.D. 1423. Fragment of seal.
[ ] B. 2937. Defeasance of the grant by Alisandre le Chamberlayn, to Sir John de Langeton, clerk, of a rent payable by John Bryche for a messuage in Fintestrate in the parish of Walkyn'. Box', Sunday after St. Hilary, 8 Edward [I.] French. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2938. Demise by brother A., called abbot of Quarr, to William Traygod of Portsmouth, of a house and piece of land in Portsmouth. Witnesses:—Richard Ryneld', provost of Portsmouth, William le Gol, War' Byachiff, William Gomes and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Lanc.] B. 2939. Confirmation in frank almoin by William le Gentyl, to the monks of St. Mary's, Lancaster, of a grange and land in Pultone, which had been granted to them by John de Paries; also a grant by the said William of pasture in his lands. Witnesses:—Edmund de Neville, sheriff of Lancaster, and others (named). Sunday after SS. Philip and James, 9 Edward II. Fragment of seal of arms.
[Middx.] B. 2940. Release by James de la Novele Rente, to Sir Adam de Basing of London, of land in Pourtepol, with two houses built thereon. Witnesses:—Hugh de Welleburne, Simon de Gardino, Geoffrey le Rour, Ralph Cloinche and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 2941. Grant in frank almoin by Peter Appelgard of Purston, to the canons of Chaucumbe, of land in Purston lying in Oldfeld, and extending beyond the road from Neubothle; confirmation also of land in Longedole of Purston, and of a messuage with a toft and croft in that town, which Ralph Balde of Purston granted to the said canons. Witnesses:— Richard de Fardingeston, William Abbe, Roger de Leonibus, Robert Wancy, Ralph Bulge, William le Bretun, James Mace of Brakele, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2942. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh Raggy of Portesmue (Portsmouth), to the monks of Quarr, of a house and land in Portesmue. Witnesses:—Sir Matthew, prior of Suwyk, Nicholas, prior of God's House (domus Dei), Adam Sunewine the provost, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Warw.] B. 2943. Release by John son of Robert Starel of Preston Bagot, to John son of John le Tayllour of Henleye, of his right to a croft in Preston Bagot, which the latter had of the feoffment of Thomas, the releasor's brother. Monday after Easter week, 19 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Somers.] B. 2944. Conveyance by Hawysia Popham and John Popham her son and heir, to Henry Mareis and Joan his wife, of a tenement with a curtilage and land. Postrigg', Friday after Michaelmas, 2 Richard II. Seal, broken.
[Lanc.] B. 2945. Grant by Ralph, prior of St. Mary's, Lancaster, to Sir Robert de Schirburne and lady Alice his wife, of land in Pulton, in Aumoundirnesse. Monday before St. George, A.D. 1334, and 8 Edward III. Fragment of seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 2946. Release by Hugh Raggi, burgess of Portesmue (Portsmouth), to Hel', abbot of Quarr, of his right to a house and soler in Portsmue, which the said abbot holds in frank almoin of Hugh's gift; for. which release the said abbot will give yearly to the said Hugh and Alice his wife, two pairs of red boots. Witnesses:—Peter Coporas the provost, Nicholas Raggy, Warin Beauchif, Peter Bacon and others (named). Advent. A.D. 1270.
[Kent.] B. 2947. Grant by John Bertyn of Alkham, to Richard Cosyn of the same, of all his lands and tenements in Postling, Saltewode, and Alkham. 3 August, 44 Edward III.
[Lanc.] B. 2948. Grant in frank almoin by Walter son of William de la More of Pultone, to the monks of St. Mary's, Lancaster, of land in Pultone. Witnesses:—William de Singelton, Roger de Staynhole, Adam de Pultone and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Hants.] B. 2949. Release by William Treygod, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of a messuage and land which the releasor held in Portemute (Portsmouth), and which Hugh Raggy and Alan le Tannur formerly granted to the said House: release also to the same abbot and convent of the debt due by them to the said William. Witnesses:—John de la Berner, John Bacun, William Raggy and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 2950. Grant by William de Stobitone and Alice his wife, to William Trigaud, of land in Portesmue (Portsmouth) lying in 'La Metelonde,' in exchange for 40s., one messuage, and land in Porcestre (Porchester). Witnesses:—Warin le Mercir the provost, Peter Coperose, Hugh Beauchif, William Gomes, Philip Sonewyne, others (named), and the whole court (tota curia) of Portesmue. Thirteenth century. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2951. Grant by John Mounford of Preston Capes, to William and Thomas his sons, of a cottage in Preston with land there, lying upon Rydon next 'le balk' of the lord, upon Combeshulle, Smokfurlong, Alsebreche, Alespathe, Waterswolowe, Grenmore, at Sherborugh and Lisewete, under Shorthasell, at Myddelfold, above 'le Wodewey' and upon Longeshortlonde. Grant also to them of the reversion, upon the death of his wife Elizabeth, of a cottage and land in Preston. Monday after Easter, 33 Henry VI. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 2952. Grant in frank almoin by Walter son of Hugh de Purstone, to the canons of Chaucumbe, of land in Purstone, lying upon Wellesiche, Brigeforlong, Wellehulle, Redelinche, and le Dune, in Thorlonge, under Thorlonge, in Wester Wellesiche, upon Aldrediswelle, at Vuermore, upon the Mere, in Yendreslade, Sidelake, upon Thwentinacre, under 'La Linche,' upon Benforlonge and elsewhere. Witnesses:—Sirs Gilbert de Sedgrave, Richard de Torpe, Richard de Welinton, and Richard de Fardingeston, Roger de Leonibus and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2953. Grant in frank almoin by Simon Bagod of Preston, to the monks of Bordesley, of a court (curtem) with a croft and alder-grove, &c. in Preston towards Chele Wellesiche next the water, and of land between Povenhalesiche and Buruglei; also of land for a roadway from Povenhalesiche to Windgate. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger, abbot of Cumbe, and Osbert, abbot of Stanley, Sirs John Durvassel and Peter de Wlwardinton, knights, and others (named). [A.D. 1231-1258.] Seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 2954. Grant by Thomas Astrelle of Daventre, to John Waren of Grymmeschote, of lands, tenements, and reversions, &c., in Preston Capes, in the tenure of Elena Pulter, which the grantor, with John Asser, had of the feoffment of Thomas Pulter of Preston Capes. St. Ambrose's day, 4 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 2955. Release by Thomas son of Simon de Stok', to the monks of Bordesley, of his right to the meadow lying next the rivulet of Preston. Witnesses:—William de Burleye, John de Schrauel, Henry le Notte, William de Raggel' and Peter de la Lee. Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] B. 2956. Grant by John le Wethirhirde of Peldon, to Sarra, daughter of William Everard of Peldon, of a rent issuing out of a croft called 'Caponispictel' in Peldon. St. John the Baptist's day, 33 Edward [I]. Seal.
N'hamp. Warw. B. 2957. Letter of attorney by William Berkeswelle, dean of the collegiate church of Warwick, authorising John Hethe and William Chambre to receive from Richard Nevylle, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, and from Lady Anne his wife, daughter of Richard de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, and sister and heiress of Henry, late duke of Warwick, seisin of the manors of Preston Capes, co. Northampton, Bathekyngton and Wolverdyngton, co. Warwick, and of all lands there, with three tenements and a garden in Warwick. 16 December, 8 Edward IV.
[Bedf.] B. 2958. Demise by Elyas, prior of Esseby, to John de Podintone the miller, and Agnes his wife, daughter of Robert the shepherd (bercarii) of Podintone, of the mill called 'Tippemulne' at Podinton (Puddington). Innocents day, 4 Edward [I]. Seal, broken.
[Bedf.] B. 2959. Grant in frank almoin by John de Pabenham, to the church of St. Mary of Podentone, of land in Hynewyk in the parish of Podentpne, lying in 'le Estfeld' of Hynewyk in the tillage called 'Cochul' and abutting upon 'le Wodeweye' and in 'le Westfeld' of Hynewyk abutting upon the highway to Blacwelle Houereshende, to provide two wax candles before the altar of St. John in the said church. Witnesses:—Simon le Bray, Nicholas le Croyser, Robert Gleyne, Robert le Heyr and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
[Somers.] B. 2960. Conveyance by John Gamulle, parson of the church of Yevele, to Thomas Peryn and Joan his wife, of a cottage with close and land in Preston-Plokenet, lying in Morfurlange, Myddelfurlange, at Portwey, in Chyrchefurlange, Napfurlange, Westlanglonde and Denefurlange. Saturday before Michaelmas, 22 Richard II. Seal and portion of seal.
[Heref.] B. 2961. Acknowledgment by Matthew Pathelard that the tenement which he holds from Richard de Kynardesleg' in Puston (Puddlestone), is the right of Matilda daughter of Walter de Scudimor, for which a Welsh arrow ought to be rendered to her yearly, the said Matilda binding herself to give him yearly a seam of corn and one of oats. Witnesses:—Sir Henry, abbot of Dore, Master Richard de Terdebig' the official of the archdeacon of Hereford, and others (named). Saturday before St. Mary Magdalene, A.D. 1264.
[Bedf.] B. 2962. Demise by Thomas, prior of Assheby Canons, to John de Mitton and John his son, of a messuage in Podyngton (Puddington) called 'the clerk's messuage' (mesuagium clerici) and land there. Monday after All Saints, 29 Edward III.
[Bedf.] B. 2963. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh de Leia, to the canons of Essebv, of the mill of Pudinton with a messuage, land and pasture there, and also of the miller with his wife, children and chattels; for which grants the said canons have released to the said Hugh seven shillings which, by the grant of his father, they had in the mill of Snelleston. Further grant to them by the said Hugh of two shillings out of the said mill of Snelleston to buy fish in Lent. Witnesses:—Absalon the priest, Robert de Leia, Simon le Cruise, Hugh le Saluage and others (named). Twelfth century. Possibly a copy.
[N'hamp.] B. 2964. Grant by Peter son of Reginald Apilgard of Purstun, to Walter son of Hugh de Purstun, of land in Purstun in the Eastfield, in Timwell, towards Benforlong, and in Aldridiswelle, and Wester Wellesiche. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de . . . . . . . . Leonibus, Ralph son of Ralph de Purstun, William le Brutun and others (named). Thirteenth century. Injured.
[Sussex.] B. 2965. Agreement between Sir Reginald, abbot of Battle, and Sir Roger, abbot of Robertsbridge, whereby the former remits the suit claimed by him at his court of Battle for a tenement held by the latter in Prumhell, and also the oath of fealty for tenements held by the latter of the fee of Battle Church. Remission also of the suit claimed by him at his Court of 'Lagheday' from the tenants of the abbot cf Robertsbridge who are on the fee of the said abbot of Battle in Prumhell. Agreement as to procedure in cases of murder or other crown pleas on the land of the abbot of Robertsbridge of the fee of Battle. For which remission the abbot of Robertsbridge is to pay 12d. yearly to the abbot of Battle. Day before the Kalends of March, [28 Feb.] A.D. 1263.
[Somers.] B. 2966. Confirmation by Richard Fychet of his ancestors' gift to Robert son of Hugh, of half a furligg' of land, in which the said Robert's house stands, and grant to him by the said Richard of the other half furligg'. Witnesses:—Richard, dean of Spakeston (Spaxton), Robert the chaplain of Wethmedon, Hugh the chaplain of Durleg' and others (named). Copy.
Endorsed in French: Copy of the deed by which William Stapylton holds certain tenements in Pury Fychet from Robert Hull, lord there, &c.
[Herts.] B. 2967. Notification by Nicholas, archdeacon of Huntingdon, to the clergy of his archdeaconry, that at the presentation of Richard son of Galo, he had instituted the prior and canons of Assebi as parson of the church of Puteham (Puttenham) in the presence of Richard, parson of the same church, and that the said Richard should pay, in the name of the said church, twelve pence yearly to the said canons. Witnesses:—Adam de Ameri, Master Hamo de Winter, Ralph de Amblia, and others (named). [A.D. 1155–1184.]
[Bedf.] B. 2968. Grant in frank almoin by William son of Henry de Podenton, to the canons of Esseby, of land in Podenton (Puddington) lying in Wlnodescroft and Wrongelond. Witnesses:—Hugh de Pabham, Robert Gleive, Simon Malherbe and others (named). [Henry III.]
[N'hamp.] B. 2969. Grant in frank almoin by Walter son of Hugh de Purstona, to the canons of Chaucumbe, of land in Purston. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Fardingeston, William Abbe, Roger de Leonibus, William le Bretone of Middelton and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Somers.] B. 2970. Release by Gervase Malherbe, to the monks of Bruerne, of the rent payable by them to him for land at Pridia (Priddy); and grant of that land to them in frank almoin. Witnesses:—William Tylli, John de Chamflur, Laurence de Welle, Richard Morel, Nicholas de Duddesdene and Henry his son. Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Dorset.] B. 2971. Grant by John Glangvyle, Philip Mabank and Nicholas Touer, to William Latymer and Elizabeth his wife, of the manor of Estpulham and of all their lands and tenements in that town with homages and reliefs, &c., which they had of the grant of the said William. Tuesday after the Annunciation, 12 Richard II. Three seals, one broken.
[Leic.] B. 2972. Demise by Elena Bouden, late the wife of Richard Bouden of Querendon, to John Bouden of Louthborowe, of all the lands and tenements which she had of the feoffment of Richard Bouden in Querendon. Sunday after the Conception, 12 Henry IV.
[Derby.] B. 2973. Award by Nicholas Mongombere, knight, and John, abbot of Derley (Darley), in a dispute between William Souch of Morley, 'squier,' and Joan his wife of the one part, and Elizabeth Saucheverell, widow, William Saucheverell, Robert Saucheverell and Richard Saucheverell, her sons, of the other part, viz. the said William and Joan are to pay to the last-named parties twelve marks, and to be quit and discharged of all other payments claimed by the same parties before the date of this award, also to deliver to Robert Saucheverell all such writings, "as they have of v marcs of yerely rent in Quarndon," granted by the said Joan in her widowhood to the said William, Robert and Richard. 6 April, 5 Henry VII. English. Seal.
[Sussex.] B. 2974. Modification by the abbots of Battle and Robertsbridge, of the agreement entered into between Ralph, abbot of Battle, and William, abbot of Robertsbridge, dated at Nedrefeld, the vigil of the Epiphany 27 Henry III.; the abbot of Battle granting by the present deed that the abbot of Robertsbridge may inclose the marsh called 'Coumers' of the fee of Battle church, and may possess the lands of his tenants of Prumhell there, saving to the abbot of Battle the rents and services due, for which the abbot of Robertsbridge is to pay half a silver mark yearly to the abbot of Battle, the said payment to cease, if the said marsh is overflowed by the sea, until it is re-inclosed, &c. Fedelescumbe, 35 Henry III.
[Leic.] B. 2975. Demise by Payn son of Alla, to Walter his heir, of his great stone house, which he held from the abbot of St. Mary Pre (de prato) at the yearly rent of two and a half shillings and two capons, with all the land belonging to the said house. Witnesses:—Richard Taillur, Robert Cornes and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Leic.] B. 2976. Grant by John Barowe and Robert de Lokyntone, both of Querendoune (Quorndon), to Richard Boudonne and Elena his wife, of the same, of all lands and tenements in Querendoune, which they had of the feoffment of the said Richard. Monday before St. Laurence. 43 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
[Glouc.] B. 2977. Release by William Makehayt of Sewelle, to the abbot of Bruerne, of his right to the rent due to him from the said abbot by the grant of Alice, daughter of Robert de Cestria of Brodecaumpedene, out of the lands and tenements held by the said House in Overrindecombe. Feast of the Assumption, 7 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Glouc.] B. 2978. Release by John, son and heir of John de Cestria of Brodecaumpedene, to the monks of Bruerne, of his right to a rent which they had been accustomed to pay to his ancestors, for lands and tenements in Overrindecumbe. Witnesses:—Richard Dastyn of Sudlee, Hugh de Cokebur' and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 2979. Grant by Robert le Bret, to Roger de Cobynton (Cubbington), of one share (unam dolam) in the common meadow of Radeford, viz. in a meadow called 'Neudyche.' Tuesday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 3 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2980. Confirmation by Geoffrey le Hore, to William Constantine and Matilda his wife, of the grant made to them by Richard le Hethene, of a messuage and garden lying between the land of the said Richard and that of the monks of Quarr. Witnesses:—William de Aula, Geoffrey de Chilingewde, John de Blakelonda and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Warw.] B. 2981. Licence granted by Edward Bolknap, esquire, lord of Darset, to Thomas Kokesey, knight, John Smyth of Coventre, gentleman, Thomas Seman and Roger Greswold, to grant to Sir John Clerkenwelle, abbot of St. Mary's Stonley, messuages and lands in Radwey. 31 March, 12 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Bucks ?] B. 2982. Conveyance by Wastereilon Godah, to Sir John de Turbervile, for thirty years, of all his land of Raueston, with its buildings, meadows, mills, and men with their suits and services, &c. Michaelmas, A.D. 1254. Two seals.
[Bucks?] B. 2983. Conveyance by Walter called 'Wasteylon Codah,' with the consent of Eleanor his wife, to Sir John de Turbervile, for thirty years, of all his land in Ralfueston with its buildings, meadows, mills, and men with their suits and services. Michaelmas, 38 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2984. Grant by John le Messager, chaplain, to Sirs John Malger and Nicholas de Newark, chaplains, of all his lands and tenements in Rameseye, Heygthmundegrave, and Upwode. Monday after the Annunciation, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2985. Grant by John Tusseinz of Rameseye and Joan his wife, daughter of Nicholas le Acatur of the same, to Robert, son of the late William de Tannesouere of Peterborough, called 'de infirmaria in Ramesseye' of a third part of his messuage in Rameseye in 'le Briggestrate.' Saturday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 29 Edward I. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2986. Grant by Benet Wran of Rameseye, to Nicholas Thommesone, of Kyngriptone, of part of a messuage in Rameseye lying opposite to 'le Kolane.' Sunday after St. Agatha the Virgin. 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2987. Letter of attorney by John Odenham, chaplain, of Hirst, authorising Thomas Oky of Colne to deliver to Master Nicholas Roterwyk, physician, Thomas Olneye, chaplain, and John Palmer, clerk, seisin of two messuages in Rameseye and lands in Rameseye and Upwode. St. Ives, 18 March, 19 Richard II. Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 2988. Release by Stephen son of Adam Attedonne of Thoterno, and Agnes and Joan his sisters, to Thomas Attedonne, their brother, of their right to half an acre of land at Quarr, which they had of the grant of their father. Sunday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 11 Edward [I]. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2989. Grant by John le Messager, chaplain, to Sirs John le Manger, and Nicholas de Newewerk, chaplains, of all his goods and chattels in Rameseye, Heyghmundegrave and Upwode. Monday after the Annunciation, 8 Edward III.
[Warw.] B. 2990. Grant by William, abbot of Stonle, to the canons of Hurthbur' (Erdbury), of lands in Radeweye, in exchange for other land there granted by Sir Simon, the prior, and the convent of Horthbur'. Witnesses:—Bartholomew de Sudleye, John son of William de Uptune and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Wilts.] B. 2991. Letter of attorney by Robert Neville, authorising Robert Strangways to receive from Walter Luffe seisin of lands, tenements, rents, services, water-mills, ponds, &c. in Rammesbury and Aldeborn. 18 June, 13 Henry VI. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2992. Grant by John Clarivaus of Little Ravele, to Sirs Richard Fletton and Edmund Smyth, clerks, and Robert Gyfford, of a messuage and land in Ramesey abutting upon the road to 'le Byggyng' and upon 'le Beterestrete.' Feast of St. Bartholomew, 12 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2993. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Simon Pollard of Rameseye, widow, to Aselocus, son of Reginald Russel of Castre, of land in Rameseye. Morrow of St. Laurence, 32 Edward I. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2994. Grant by Margaret Horwod, widow, late the wife of John Horwod of Ramsey, to Sirs Robert Love and Thomas Bothcom, both of Ramsey, chaplains, and to Joan her daughter, of a messuage in 'le Whight Magna' of Ramsey. 13 August, 32 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2995. Grant by John Foreste son of Agnes Foreste of Ramesey, to John Lawrence, gentleman, and Robert Emmottes, of the same, of a messuage in 'le Wyght Magna' of Ramesey abutting on 'le Stockynsen.' 3 August, 21 Henry VIII. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2996. Grant by Emma, relict of Roger Heryng of Ramesey, widow, to John de Miton' and Mabel his wife, of a messuage in 'le Withe' of Ramesey. Feast of the Annunciation, 32 Edward I. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 2997. Grant by Robert son of William de Tannesouere of Peterborough, called 'de Infirmaria de Rammeseye' and Amice his wife, to Robert le Ferour of Muresle and Joan his wife, of a third part of a messuage in Rammeseye in 'le Bryggestrate,' with a third part of a 'Fenyard' adjacent thereto, and a way from the highway to a back door on the west side. Wednesday, Feast of St. Botolph the abbot, 3 Edward II. Fragments of two seals.
[Bucks ?] B. 2998. Duplicate of B. 2983. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 2999. Demise by John de Suttone, clerk, and Thomas de Norgrave, to Sir John, abbot of Rammeseye, for twenty years, of a croft in Heytmondegrave, abutting upon the highway opposite the Cross of Heytmondegrave, which croft they had of the feoffment of Nicholas son of Robert Russel, and Margaret his wife. Tuesday after St. Matthias, 4 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3000. Demise by William Brekespere of Stivecle and Joan his wife, to William Peytevin of Ramesey and Alice his wife, of the third part of a messuage in Ramesey, formerly the property of John Tusseynz the first husband of the said Joan. Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 8 Edward II. Portion of seal.