Deeds: B.3001 - B.3100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3001 - B.3100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3001 - B.3100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3001 - B.3100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3001 - B.3100

[Hunt.] B. 3001. Release by Thomas de Elyngtone, clerk, to Robert le Ferow of Rameseye, and Joan his wife, of all his right to land in Rameseye, part lying near 'le Byggyngweye' and abutting on 'le Beterisstrate,' and part on 'le Pynefold.' Thursday the feast of St. Thomas in Christmas week, 11 Edward II. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3002. Release by Robert Beaufrere of Rameseye, to Sir Simon, the abbot, and the convent of Rameseye of his right to a messuage [by the bridge] in Rameseye. Friday, the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 14 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3003. Grant by John Baroun of Nyddingworth, to Eoger de Houcton, tailor (cissori) and Matilda his wife, of a messuage facing 'le Kolane,' in Raumeseye. Monday the morrow of SS. Tiburcius and Valerias, 18 Edward II. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3004. Grant by William Crane of Rammeseye, to Stephen le Parker of the same, of a messuage in 'le Briggestrate,' in Ramsey, by the great bridge. Sunday after Midsummer, 15 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3005. Release by Richard son of John de Mytone, deceased, to John son of Henry Rufus and to John son of Geoffrey Loby, of all his right in a messuage lying in 'la Whyte' in Ramsey, which he sold to them when a minor. Vigil of SS. Peter and Paul, 1 Edward III.
[Hunt.] B. 3006. Grant by Henry de Pavele, to Hugh de Arneboron and Alice his wife, of a messuage in Rammeseye lying in 'la Wyghte,' paying yearly ½d. at Easter to the altar of St. Mary, Rammeseye. Saturday before SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 2 Edward III.
[Hunt.] B. 3007. Mortgage by Stephen Provost and Agnes his wife, to William Chacede and Emma his wife, for a loan of 4l., of a tenement in Rameseye lying in 'le Briggistrate' next to the tenement of the almoner of Rameseye, for thirteen years and thirteen weeks from the present date. Thursday after St. Hilary, 5 Edward III. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 3008. Grant by Adam de Mepreshale, to John de Ravenesholm, of a messuage in Rameseye, in 'le Briggestrete' adjoining a tenement belonging to the chapel of St. Mary, Rameseye, abutting on the common 'lode' towards 'le Newefeldholt.' Tuesday in Whitsun week, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3009. Grant by William Tylere of Rameseye, to Thomas Wodeward the younger, of Rameseye, of a messuage in Rameseye lying in 'le Briggestrete.' 1 June, 15 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3010. Release by Christina, relict of William de Hale of Rammeseye, deceased, to Geoffrey de Pistrino and Katherine his wife, of all her right in that part of a messuage in Rammeseye which she and her late husband gave to the said Geoffrey and Katherine. Saturday the feast of the Annunciation, 11 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3011. Grant by Joan Smalwode of Rameseye, to Sir John Lincoln, rector of Craunfeld, Master William de Overton, rector of Wystowe, and Sir John de Welles, chaplain, of a messuage in Rameseye by the lane leading to Stokkyngfen. Octave of the Epiphany, 10 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3012. Grant by William Petefer of Rameseye, to John Welles, chaplain, of a messuage in 'le Briggestrate' in Rameseye, adjoining a messuage belonging to the chapel of St. Mary, and extending from the highway to the common 'lode.' 1 April, 15 Richard II. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3013. Release by Alice Loby of Rameseye, widow, to John Someresham of the same, of all her right in two parts of a messuage in 'le Whighte' in Rameseye. Sunday before St. John the Baptist, 4 Richard II. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3014. Indenture between Nicholas Ravele of the one part, and John Denys, Agnes his wife, and William their son of the other part, setting forth the condition of a deed of feoffment by the said Nicholas to the said John, Agnes and William, of a tenement in Rameseye, in a lane called 'Turvevslane' abutting on land called 'Wynseyfeld,' viz. that the said John, Agnes and William shall pay 6l. to the said Nicholas by yearly instalments of 20s. and shall provide him with necessary food and clothing &c. during his life; otherwise the said Nicholas to have power of re-entry into the said tenement. 29 December, 24 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Endorsed: Memorandum dated the feast of SS. Philip and James, A.D. 1451, that the said Nicholas has received from the said William 5l. 6s. 8d.
[Hunt.] B. 3015. Grant by Emma Pakerel the younger, of Rameseye, widow, to Nicholas de Eboraco, clerk, and John Lombe 'le Cook,' of two messuages in 'le Brigestrate' in Rameseye, one lying between the high street and the common ditch, and the other lying opposite 'le Koolane,' between the high road and Fesauntcroft; also of land in Upwode, adjoining the lands of the almoner of Rameseye and abutting on Fabyanespightil and Tunsted. Monday the morrow of St. Botulph, 26 Edward III.
[Hunt.] B. 3016. Grant by Thomas Koe of Rameseye, to Master Thomas Wellis, licentiate in laws, Thomas Crosse a clerk in the King's Exchequer, John Halle and John Crosse, chaplains, William Fawnte, Richard Koe and John Horwode, of a messuage in Rameseye in 'magna le Wight,' adjoining the messuage of the almoner and the great common lode, and of one part of the same messuage called 'a poleyard.' Morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul, 36 Henry VI. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3017. Grant by John Wayte, chaplain, of Rameseye, to Walter Sporyour of Borogh, co. Northampton, and Thomas Skynner of Little Stevicle, of a messuage and one part of a messuage called 'a poleyard' in 'le Wight,' Rameseye. Morrow of 'Quasimodo' Sunday [Sunday after Easter day], 22 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3018. Grant by Adam le Lavender and John his son, to John le Barkere the younger, and Joan his wife, of a messuage in 'le Briggestrate' in Rameseye, adjoining the tenement of the sacristan, and of the reversion of part of the adjoining messuage held for life by Helias Predicas and Mariota his wife. Sunday after St. Hilary, 10 Edward III. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 3019. Grant by Thomas Skynner of Little Styvecle, to Thomas Cok of Rameseye, of a messuage and a part of the same messuage called 'a poleyard,' lying in 'le Wyght' in Rameseye. 10 March, 35 Henry VI. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3020. Demise by Agnes Denys, widow, late the wife of John Denys of Rameseye, and William Denys their son, to Sir John Cros, chaplain, John Shirwode, Richard Bexhill, 'gentilman,' and John Rydman, the elder, of a tenement in a lane called 'Turveres lane,' in Ramsey, abutting on Wynseymede, together with three feet adjoining the said tenement 'de la Kylnehous,' and land called 'Wynseyfelde.' 25 March, 38 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 3021. Grant by John le Tiweler, to William le Messager and Isolda his wife, of a messuage in 'la Wihte' in Ramsey, together with 6d. yearly rent, payable by Baldwin and Colina his wife for land next the said messuage; paying yearly 12d. to the cellarer of Ramesey, and 1d. yearly to the brotherhood of the Hospital of Jerusalem for the soul of the grantor, &c. Witnesses:—Richard Chasede, provost of Ramesey, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[York.] B. 3022. Grant by Alexander de Nevill and Matilda his wife, to William Bruys son of Matilda Bruys, of a messuage and all their lands and tenements, &c. in Raskelf. Witnesses:—Robert de Rowclif and Richard de Rowclif, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Luke, 34 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3023. Grant by Nicholas Ostreng with the assent of Alice his wife, to Nicholas Bretun of Ramesey, of land without the town of Ramsey, which the grantor bought of Sir Hugh the abbot, paying 8d. yearly to the cellarer of Ramesey, &c. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Wintonia, Thomas the provost, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Hunt.] B. 3024. Grant by William Chacede of Ramesey, with the assent of his wife Benigna, to Thomas de Cotherstok, clerk of the infirmary of Ramesey, of land and building thereon [in Ramsey]. Witnesses:—John de Sulegrave, Ralph de Winton', and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Hunt] B. 3025. Grant by Roger Ace and Walter de Kendale, to John le Stabler and Basilia his wife, of a tenement in 'le Briggestrate' in Rameseye, near the great bridge. Sunday after All Saints, 5 Edward III.
[York.] B. 3026. Grant by William de Penyton, to Sir John de Nevill, knight, son of Sir Ralph de Nevill, lord of Raby, of the reversion of all the lands, tenements, rents, and services with the villeins and their following, which John de Lamplw, knight, and Joan his wife hold, for the life of the said Joan, in Raskelfe; also the reversion of the lands which Sir Alexander de Nevill, knight, holds for the same term, and of all other lands accruing to the grantor in Raskelfe after her death. Monday after Whitsunday, 39 Edward III. Fragment of seal of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3027. Grant by Robert son of William le Moyne of Great Ravelee, to Sir John de Lovetot the elder, lady Julia de Subiria, late the wife of the said William le Moyne, and to William son of William le Moyne, Robert's brother, of the manor of Great Ravele. London, Monday before St. Barnabas, 21 Edward I. Seal of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3028. Grant by Alan the cook (cocus) and Emma his wife, to Peter, his nephew, son of John, his brother, of a messuage with a curtilage and buildings in Great Ravele, adjoining the field called 'Stotfolde,' and of land in the furlong (quarentena) called 'Ringewelle.' Monday before St. Gregory, 1 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3029. Grant by Alexander son of Alexander le Chaumberleyn of Rammeseye, to Sir William le Moigne of Ravele, knight, of land in Great Ravele in a place called 'le Schipenedole.' Sunday after St. James the Apostle, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3030. Grant by Mary, late the wife of William Moigne of Great Ravele, knight, to Roger Louthe and William Bernewell, of a messuage in Great Ravele, late Alexander le Chaumberleyn's of Ramesey, and also of land there, late Alexander's, son of Alexander le Chaumburleyn. Monday after Corpus Christi, 8 Henry IV. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3031. Demise by Richard Makeneye, Thomas Swyft, clerk, John Watterson, John Aspelon, the elder, John Bette, and Alan Pyk, to John Hore, esquire, and Margaret his wife, of the manor of Great Ravele with land and rent in Sawetre, and the advowson of the third part of the church of All Saints of Sawetre, with remainder to the heirs of the said John Hore. 20 June, 5 Henry VI. Four seals, one of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the within-mentioned Margaret was married to Robert Butvyleyn, knight, after whose death she married the within-mentioned John Hore. The said John and Margaret dying without issue, Gilbert Hore son and heir of John Hore by his first wife entered upon the within-mentioned premises and thereof enfeoffed Edmund Ingaldesthorp, knight, and others, Avhose estate therein the abbot and convent of Ramsey now have.
[Hunt.] B. 3032. Demise by John Burgoyne of Drayton, Thomas Hore, John Depyng and John Gillyng, clerks, Thomas Burgoyne and John Walter of Craweden, to John Hore of Childerley, esquire, cf their manor of Great Ravele, and of all their other lands and tenements, &c. in Great Ravele, Wenyngton and Sawtre, with the advowson of the church of All Saints in Sawtre, late the property of William Moigne, knight, except the lands held by Roger Banastre of Wakefeld, co. York, for life. 3 May, 5 Henry VI. Six seals, one of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3033. Letter of attorney by Richard Makeneye and others, authorising Gilbert Hore to deliver seisin to John Hore, esquire, and Margaret his wife, of the manor of Great Ravele and land in Sawetre with the advowson of the third part of the church of All Saints there. Childerley, 20 June, 5 Henry VI. Six seals, two of arms.
Hunt. Camb. B. 3034. Letter of attorney by Richard Makeneye, Alan Pyk, John Wattessone, John Aspelon the elder, and John Bette, authorising Thomas Swyft, clerk, to re-enter upon the manor of Great Ravelee, with land and rent in Sawetre, the advowson of the third part of the church of All Saints in Sawtre, and a several marsh in Marchforde, co. Cambridge, which John Hore of Childerlee had illegally granted to John Wodehows, esquire, William Lassels, John Burdet, and Thomas Pulter, clerks, Robert Large and John Eyre by a charter dated 5 May, 5 Henry VI., in contravention of a grant made by the said John Hore to the said Richard Makeney, Thomas Swyft, clerk, and others, on the 26 November, 1 Henry VI.; also authorising Thomas Swyft to deliver seisin of the said premises to John Hore and Margaret his wife with remainder to their lawful heirs, and in default of such to the right heirs of John Hore. 16 June, 5 Henry VI. Five seals, one of arms, broken.
[Hunt.] Camb. B. 3035. Grant by John Hore of Chyldirle, co. Cambridge, esquire, and Margaret his wife, to John Burdet and Thomas Pulter, clerks, John Bekeswell, Robert Large, John Eyr, and John Cheker, of their manor of Great Ravele, except John Attehill, their bondman, with his issue, also of land in Sawetre, the advowson of the third part of All Saints Church in Sawetre, the reversion of all lands in Ravele demised to Roger Banastre by the said John Hore, and a several marsh in Marcheforde, co. Cambridge; also grant of all their lands in Sawetre formerly granted to Robert Langeton by the said John Hore, which have now reverted to him. Witnesses:—Nicholas Styvecle, knight, and others (named). 28 July, 11 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 3036. Release by John son of Richard Snel of Great Ravele, to Sir William le Moigne, knight, and Joan his wife, of all his right in land in Great Ravele. Sunday after St. Matthias, 14 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3037. Demise by Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Rameseye, to Thomas Hotot, son and heir ot William Hotot of Woldweston, of a eotland in Little Ravele for his life, doing suit yearly at the leet at Wystowe. Thursday after the Annunciation, 26 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3038. Grant by Alexander le Chaunbreleyn of Rammesbeye, to Sir William le Moyne of Ravele, knight, of a messuage in Ravele abutting on 'le schipene dole.' Sunday after Michaelmas, 10 Edward II.
Hunt. B. 3039. Release by Thomas Hore of Childerlee, John Crabbe and William Herne, to William Martyn, of all their right in the manor of Ravelee, with land and 40s. rent in the manor of Sawtre, and the advowson of the third part of the church of All Saints in Sawtre, which they, with the said William Martyn, lately had of the gift of John Hore and Joan his wife. Vigil of St. John the Baptist, 9 Henry V. Three seals, one broken.
[Hunt.] Essex. B. 3040. Grant by John Hore of Childerley, esquire, to John Burgoyne of Drayton, Thomas Hore, John Depyng, John Gillyng, Thomas Burgoyne and John Walter of Craweden, of the manor of Great (Mechill) Ravele and of all other lands, &c. in Great Ravele, Wenyngton, co. Essex, and Sawtre, with the advowson of the church of All Saints in Sawtre, and the reversion of lands held by Roger Banastre from the said John Hore in Great Ravele for life, on condition that they shall re-grant the premises to the grantor if he require it during his life, and if he do not, they shall carry out the provisions of his will. If the will cannot be carried into effect, they are to sell the lands and deliver the proceeds to the abbot and convent of Rameseye, who shall then carry out the said will. Tuesday in Whitsun week, 4 Henry VI. English.
[Hunt.] Camb. B. 3041. Grant by John Hore of Childirle, co. Cambridge, esquire, and Margaret his wife, to John Burdet and Thomas Pulter, clerks, John Bekeswell, Robert Large, John Eyr and John Cheker, of the manor of Great Ravele, except John Attehill, bondman, and his issue; also of meadowland, and the advowson of the third part of the church of All Saints in Sawtre, of the reversion of all lands in Ravele held by John Banastre from the said John Hore, of a several marsh in Marcheforde, co. Cambridge, and of all lands in Sawtre which Robert Langeton had of the grant of the said John Hore; on condition that they carry into effect the will of the said John Hore. 28 July, 11 Henry VI. English. Two seals.
[Hunt.] B. 3042. Duplicate of B. 3041. English. Five seals, one broken.
Worc. B. 3043. Grant by William Colard, late of Rediche, and Isabel his wife, to John Vampage, the elder, Thomas Throgmorton, John Wode, John Rous, John Jonettes, and Persivale Wykyng, of lands and tenements, &c. in Rediche, and in the manor of Tardebigge. 'At the Rediche the furst day 'of August yer regnyng Kyng Harry the Sixte after the Conqueste the 'xxiiij twenti' (sic). English. Four seals, one broken.
[Hants ?] B. 3044. Grant by Humfrey de Bradelega, to the canons of Brumore, of his land of Redeulla. Witnesses:—Jordan de Laverchstoca, Alan the spenser (dispensario) and others (named) Twelfth century. Mutilated.
Endorsed: 'Radenhull.'
[Hants.] B. 3045. Grant in frank almoin by Geoffrey de Puser', to the canons of Bromore, of land in 'la Redegrave' and near Cherlewode. Witnesses:— John de Kernett', William the clerk of Cherdeford, Philip le Champiun and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Worc. ?] B. 3046. Grant in frank almoin by Fulk de la Lowe son of Edwi de la Lowe, to the monks of Bordesley, of three parts of a grove at Redlidgate; also confirmation of the grant of lands made to them by Edwi his father [in Norton]. Witnesses:—Richard de Brademede, Walter de Bissopeshull and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: . . . 'in Nortun.'
[Norf.] B. 3047. Conveyance by John Clerk of Hacford by Refham, and John Clerk late rector of Horstede, clerk, to John Cartere of Kerdeston, Godfrey Cartere of Salle, and Richard Hagon, of Refham, of land in Refham, adjoining land of the manor of Calthorp. 17 April, 30 Henry VI. Two seals, one broken.
[Norf.] B. 3048. Demise by Thomas Grene, chaplain, to John Carter of Kerdeston, Walter Carter his son, Simon Pekerell of Salle, and Robert Tytesshale of Causton, of two pieces of land in Refham, part abutting on laud of William Calthorp, knight, and part on land of John, duke of Suffolk, of his manor of Kerdeston. 9 November, 19 Edward IV. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3049. Demise by James Rightwyse, chaplain, of Salle, to Walter Carter of Salle, John Rightwyse of Norwich, merchant, John Shillyng, the elder, of Boton, Robert Brown of Salle, and Simon Pekerell of the same, of two pieces of land in Reffham. 1 August, 7 Henry VII. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3050. Demise by Walter Carter, Simon Pekerell and Robert Tytteshale, to James Rightwyse, chaplain, of two pieces of land in Reffham; also letter of attorney authorising Richard Burre of Heydon and Robert Isak of Salle, to deliver seisin of the said land. 30 July, 7 Henry VII. Three seals, one broken.
[Norf.] B. 3051. Demise by John Ryghtwise, citizen and alderman of Norwich, at the instance of Marion Hoddys, late the wife of Walter Carter, and sole executrix of his will, to Henry Hoddys of Salle and Marion his wife, of two pieces of land in Reffeham. 18 October, 24 Henry VII. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3052. Grant by Maurice son of Thomas Burguyn of Fulburn, and Huelina his wife, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesey [co. Cambridge], in frank almoin, of land in Fulburn in a field called 'Smaleweye' at Retherdune. Witnesses:—Ralph Candos, Peter his son, William Vivien, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Norf.] B. 3053. Grant by Peter de Hauvil of Ridelinton, to Sir Ralph de Trehampton, of two tillages of his land called 'Blacwong' and 'Brigewong' in Ridelinton. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh Murdag', Ralph Malore, and others (named). Easter-eve, 13 Edward [I].
[Glouc.] B. 3054. Confirmation by William de Solers, to Matilda his sister, of two virgates of land in Upper Rindecumbe granted to her by his father on her marriage, paying 1 lb. of cumin yearly, in recognition whereof Matilda has given to him a buckle (firmaculum) worth half a mark. Witnesses:—Thomas de Mara, and others (named). Twelfth century Fragment of seal.
I. of Wight. Hants. Wilts. B. 3055. Demise by Robert Danby, justice of the Common Pleas, Nicholas Wimbish, clerk, Christopher Conyers, Robert Conestable, Thomas Stokdale and Richard Weltden, to Richard, earl of Salisbury and Alice his wife, for twelve years, of the manors of Ryngwode, Warblyngton, Hunton, Westovere, and Swayneston in the Isle of Wight, and of the hundred of Cristechurch and the castle and borough of Cristechurch Twynham co. Hants, and of the manor of Erlestok co. Wilts. 12 May, 32 Henry VI. One seal and a fragment.
[York.] B. 3056. Grant by Thomas de Brunhows of Rypon, to John de Nevill, lord of Raby, knight, of the reversion of five burgages with a garden and lands in Ripon, the burgages lying in. 'le Marketsted' opposite the cross, in Skelgate with the said garden and in Alhalowgate, and the lands lying in Skelmanwra, at Fasemyre, Blomelheved, Thorpgate, Thorpkeld, 'le Burghwage,' and Bisshoptonend. Witnesses:—Simon Warde, Thomas de Merkyngfeld, and Ranulph Pygot, knights, and others (named). 6 March, 1 Richard II. Seal.
[York.] B. 3057. Demise by Beatrice, lady of Roos, William Lamberd and John de Chilton, to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, John Alwent, clerk, Richard de Pykeryng, clerk, John Conyzers of Hornby, and Robert Coverham, of a toft and croft in Rys and land in Skeren, the advowson of the chantry of St. Germanus in the church of Aldeburgh, and a yearly rent of 12s. 8d. issuing out of a messuage and land in Seton near Hornse, with the homage and services of all free tenants in Seton of the fee of Whityk once belonging to Lady Isabel de Faucomberge. 6 October, 10 Henry IV. Fragments of three seals, one of arms.
[Nthld.?] B. 3058. Grant by Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Stanley, to William son of Richard Petun of Hurst, of a messuage in Riseburnesiche which they had of the gift of William's father; also release by the same to the same of a yearly rent payable in respect of the tenement of 'Longa mora.' Witnesses:—William Michel, Ernald and John de la Sale, and others (named). Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3059. Release by John son of Thomas called 'le Newe' of Wamberge, priest, to Richard called 'de Henor,' of Little Risindone, of all his right in a tenement in Little Risindon which Richard had of the gift of Sir John de Wamberge, then rector of Risindon. Friday after St. Valentine, 11 Edward II. Seal, broken.
Glouc. B. 3060. Release by Thomas Smyth of Wescote, co. Gloucester, husbandman, to Sir Ralph Boteler, lord of Suthleya, of all his right in a tenement in Great Rysendon. 20 May, 35 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3061. Grant by John Lisle and Margaret his wife, to Ralph Botiller, knight, lord of Sudeleye, and Elizabeth his wife, of their manor in Great Resyngdon, with the advowson of the church of that place, and all their other lands and tenements in Resyngdon in the hundred of Sloughtre and Nettegrove, for their lives, at a yearly rent of a red rose for the first two years and 10l. thereafter; with remainder to their representatives, in case they die within the first two years, of so much of that term as may be unexpired Monday after St. Hilary, 38 Henry VI. Two seals, one of arms.
[Salop.] B. 3062. Release by Llewellyn ap Goronow of Rystone, to Adam Grog his brother, of all right which he may have in lands and tenements, &c. coming to him by the decease of his father Goronow. Witnesses:— Hugh Barrach, Jornarth ap Zena, and others (named). Rystone, Saturday the feast of St. Oswald, 20 Edward III. Seal.
[Salop.] B. 3063. Release by William son of Adam son of Lewelin de Wartlowe, to Hugh Brusebon, of all his right to the lands which his father Adam gave to Wenhclian his daughter and Philip her husband. Witnesses:—Walter son of Hugh, Thomas de Wynesbury, and others (named).
[Salop.] Grant by William Pensam of Riston, to John son of Nicholas Brusebon and Joan his wife, of a messuage and land &c. in Ryston abutting on the high road from Kery to Chirbury, and extending to the bottom (profunditatem) of. 'Offediche.' Witnesses:—Philip de Middelton, Hugh de Syddenhale, and others (named). Two deeds sewn together. Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 3064. Letter of attorney by Simon Mason, chaplain, of Roode, authorising John Trot and William Frawnseys, chaplains, of the same, to act for him with regard to all his property in Roode, Aschen, and Hertewelle. Sunday before Christmas, 4 Henry IV. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3065. Grant by John Trot and William Fraunceys alias Warner, of Rode, chaplains, to John Machon of Rode, and William Hampslap of Norhampton, 'barker,' of all the lands, &c., in Rode, Hertwelle and Asshen which the grantors have of the feoffment of Simon Machon of Rode, chaplain. Saturday before the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 6 Henry IV. Two seals.
[N'hamp.] B. 3066. Grant by Ralph son of Reginald de Boseho, to Walrand Wolf (lupo), rector of the church of Hese, of lands in Rode and Hese, part lying on the furlong called 'Sorte crorrowe,' and abutting on Sepewelle broc, and on Corrowe weye, and part on Sepewellehul. Witnesses:—Sir Robert Wolf (lupo), of Hese, knight, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Kent.] B. 3067. Grant by Andrew Tondout, to Simon Potyn, citizen of Rochester, of land in the parish of St. Clement, Rochester, adjoining the lane called 'Peyntoreslane' on the west. Wednesday the feast of the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 33 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3068. Grant by Thomas atte Boure of Rochester, son of Thomas atte Boure, to Simon Potin of Rochester, for 20l., of a messuage in Rochester abutting westward on the lane called 'Peintureslane' and southward on the city causeway (calcetum). 6 March, 9 Edward II.
[Kent.] B. 3069. Release by Benet Potyn of Rochester, to Simon Potyn son of John Potyn and Cicely his wife, of 8s. yearly rent which Simon was wont to pay him for a messuage in Rochester. Witnesses:—John le Engleys, John de Hamptone, William de Rowe and others (named.) 24 Edward I. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3070. Grant by William Fykeys of Rochester, to John son of Luke de Horstede, and to Agnes his wife, of a tenement with a bakehouse in Rochester, in a place called 'Peyntoureslane.' Witnesses:—Simon Potyn, John English (Anglico), and others (named.) November, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3071. Grant by Robert de Rokwode, to Richard Freysel, of land in the meadow of Rochekeres, part called 'le Harewe,' lying within 'le Monemedwe.' Stanefeld, Sunday the feast of St. Boniface, 8 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Kent.] B. 3072. Grant by John Campenade, nephew and one of the heirs of Thomas Taverner of Rouchestre, to Katharine de Pelham of London, of all his share in a tenement and land in the parish of St. Nicholas of Rochester, which he inherited together with Thomas Campenade, on his uncle's death. 10 April, 34 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3073. Grant by William son of John le Deneclerk of Rochester, to Symon Potyn of Rochester, of a messuage in Rochester adjoining the place called 'Chathameshaghe' towards the east, and a lane leading from the highway to the town walls on the west. Wednesday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 12 Edward II. Seal of arms.
[Kent.] B. 3074. Release by John son and heir of the late William de Grean of Rochester, to Simon Potyn of Rochester, of all his claim to the tenements, rents, &c., left by his father, whether within or without the walls of the said city. Sunday, the morrow of St. George the Martyr, 16 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] B. 3075. Similar release by Edmund, son and heir of the late William de Grean of Rochester, to Simon Potyn of the same. Dated as above. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3076. Defeasance of B. 3072. London, 12 April, 34 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Kent.] B. 3077. Release by Agnes, late the wife of John Simon of Rochester, to John Potyn of the same, of all her right in a house in a lane called 'Peynturislane,' in Rochester. Tuesday before Michaelmas, 25 Edward III.
[Pembr.] B. 3078. Release by John Hogekyn, brother and heir of Robert Hogekyn, late rector of the church of St. Bridget, to John Don and John Eliot, of all his right in the manors of Robertiston and Nolton, the reversion of which Thomas Perrot, knight, and Alice his late wife had granted, by a fine levied in the court of Roland Leynthale, lord of Haverford, at Haverford in presence of Henry Wogan, knight, steward of Haverford, on Wednesday the least of Perpetua and Felicitas, the Martyrs, 20 Henry VI., to Robert Hogekyn aforesaid and the said John Don, rector of the church of Landegon, and John Eliot, vicar of St. Michael's, Castle Martin; of which manors John Picton of Carrewe, was then tenant for life. 20 October, 32 Henry VI.
[Hunt.] B. 3079. Grant by John Barkar of Rameseye, to John Colle of Broughton, the elder, son of Nicholas Schepherd of Wistowe, Henry Waleys of Walton, John Albyn of Rameseye, and William Clerk of the same, of a messuage and a portion of a messuage called 'a polyard' in 'le Wyth,' in Rameseye. Sunday after St. Felix, Bishop and Confessor, 4 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3080. Grant by John Malyns of Radewey, and Sibyl his wife, to Benet Medley of Whitnashe, of all their lands, rents, reversions, &c. in Radewey, lately belonging to William Malyns, John's father; paying 3s. 6d. yearly to the abbot of Stonle, and 12d. to the lords of Dercet. Witnesses:— Robert Worsley, bailiff of Kyngton, John Savage, and others (named). 25 April, 8 Henry VII. Two seals.
[Nthld.] B. 3081. Grant by Roger de Whytcestre, to the nuns of St. Bartholomew of Newcastle, in frank almoin, of land and a capital messuage in Shotton, they paying half a mark yearly, and undertaking to say one mass yearly for his soul after his decease on the day of his death, and to do as much for his soul on that day as they would for the soul of any nun. Witnesses:—Roger de Merleg', Eustace de Laval, William Heyrun, sheriff of Northumberland, and others (named). Morrow of the Annunciation, 38 Henry III. Fragments of seal.
[Nthld.] B. 3082. Grant in frank almoin by Roger de Whytcestre, to the nuns of St. Bartholomew of Newcastle, of 15s. rent from lands in Shotton, they keeping a lamp always burning by night in the cloister beyond (ultra) the tomb of his mother Isabell, and celebrating one mass for his soul yearly after his decease, on the day of his death. Witnesses:—William Heyrun, sheriff of Northumberland, Eustace and Henry de Laval, Henry de Karleolo, mayor of Newcastle, and others (named). Thursday after Mid-Lent, A.D. 1253. Fragments of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3083. Grant by Arnald Dyer, to Walter de Grendon and Edith his wife, of land in Shortlitilworth. Kyngeston, Sunday before St. Nicholas, 27 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Nthld.] B. 3084. Demise by Roger de Whytcestre, to Roger de Toggesden, of land and a capital messuage in Shotton for twenty years, paying one mark yearly. Witnesses:—Sirs Eustace and Henry de Laval, and others (named). St. Martin's day, A.D. 1253. Fragment of seal.
[Nthld.] B. 3085. Confirmation by Robert de Faudon, of the grant contained in B. 3082. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Swynebourn and Hugh Gubioun, knights, and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragments of seal.
[Oxford.] B. 3086. Confirmation by William son of William de la Le, of a grant by Sir William de la Le, late rector of Stotesbury, his ancestor, to the prior and canons of Chaucumbe, of 10s. 8d. yearly rent from land in Schutteforde. Witnesses:—Thomas de Sibbeford, Robert Danvers, Thomas de Brouton in Schutteforde, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] B. 3087. Grant by the prioress and convent of Sewardesleye, to . . . . . ., Agnes his wife and Alice their daughter, of a cottage in Schutellanger. Sunday before the feast of . . . . ., [Edward III. ?] Much mutilated and illegible.
[Essex.] B. 3088. Grant by Agnes Stainer, daughter of Henry Stainer of Ronewell, deceased, to Richard atte More of Southanyngfeld and Arnulph atte More of Wykford, of lands called 'Kekemere' in Ronewell and a croft called 'Bryonislond' in Suthaningfeld, lying under the wood called 'Nortwode' on the east, near Bryonisbregge on the south, by the high road from Scorebregge to Chelmerford. Tuesday after St. Luke, 39 Edward III. Seal.
Durham.] B. 3089. Letter of attorney by Sir Ralph de Neifvill, earl of Westmorland and Marshal of England, authorising Richard Landinette of Shyrbone, and Richard Dowen of Rogthorppe, to receive seisin of land in Ryton in Rydall. Feast of St. Martin in winter, 5 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Salop.] B. 3090. Grant by William Jabet, lord of Stociford, to Hugh Large of Ruyton, and Isabel, his wife, for their joint lives, of lands in Ruyton, part extending from 'le Fildeneweye' to the highway at the end of Ruyton town, part lying upon Schertelond, at 'le Seveneroden,' and under 'le Hallehaueden.' On the death of the survivor the land shall revert to William, except the crop sown in the last year, which shall remain with the executors till Michaelmas. Friday, the feast of St. Barnabas, 15 Edward. Seal, broken.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3091. Confirmation by Henry de Botebrigge, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of the grant made by his ancestors in frank almoin, of part of his meadow called 'Ryedemede,' reaching from the road to Tidelingeham to the running water in the east part of the meadow, which land has been marked off by great stones fixed in the earth. Witnesses:— Sirs John de Insula, Theobald Roussel, and John de Glamorgan, knights, and others (named). Aretone, 26 May, A.D. 1328, 2 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Porcio de la Ryedemede apud Botebrigge.'
[I. of Wight.] B. 3092. Grant by Robert de Botebrigge, son and heir of Henry de Botebrigge, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of part of his meadow in 'la Rydemede,' in the north part of the road from Botebrigge to 'la Rydeforde,' adjoining the portion which the rector of Adherton holds in lieu of tithe. Witnesses:—Sirs Theobald Russel, John de Glamorgan, and John de Insula of Gatecumbe, knights, and others (named). Friday after St. James, A.D. 1332, 6 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 3093. Grant by Isabella, the sister of Richard Urri, widow, to Robert le Noreis, of land in the meadow which lies towards Runewelle, in Tunmanemed towards the west. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Bartune, Ralph de Gynges, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: Wickford.
Essex. B. 3094. Letter of attorney by Thomas Mongomery and Robert Chamberleyn, knights, authorising William Eleson and Edward Snoxhill to receive seisin of lands, &c.called 'Flemmynges,' 'Morelande,' 'Drangcourtes,' 'Bryans' and 'Stainers,' and of all other lands, &c. late belonging to Thomas Flemmyng, knight, in Runwell, Retyndon, Downham, and Southanfeld alias Southanyngfeld, and elsewhere in Essex, except the manor of Sutton and the advowson of the church there, a messuage in Pyrtwell, and a tenement called 'Stanbrigge,' in accordance with a grant made to them by John Flemyng, son and heir of the said Thomas Flemyng. 2 March, 11 Edward IV. Two seals.
Essex. B. 3095. Demise by Thomas Flemmyng, esquire, of Essex, to William Algor, husbandman, of Ronewell, of a mansion called 'le Deyrie' in Ronewell, and the following lands, viz. Piryfeld, Doune, Medereld, a croft at Millehacch with appurtenances as far as 'le Moreland,' Reyland, and Hyegrove, Yarleye, Gildereden, Frensshcroftes and Fermours Riden lying in Retendon, and other land in Wykford, Southhanfeld, and Dounham, for twelve years from Michaelmas last together with certain stock upon the said land of the quantity and value specified. 5 June, 3 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 3096. Demise by. Roger Grauntofte, citizen and skinner of London, to John a Rowley, of Retherhythe, yeoman, Oliver Tumor and John Whytyngton, gentlemen, William Preston, Rowland Byrde and Richard Dobbys, citizens of London, of lands and tenements, &c. in Retherhythe, to the use of the aforesaid John a Rowley; also letter of attorney authorising John Bandy and Richard Braytoft to deliver seisin of the premises. 16 September, 23 Henry VII. Seal.
Endorsed: Note of livery of seisin in presence of the witnesses named.
[Durham.] B. 3097. Grant by Thomas Hewlyn of Kirkely, Isabel his wife, and Agnes de Howden her sister, to John de Nevill, lord of Raby, and John de Hedlam, of the manor of Rowley by Esshe with the advowson of the church there. Thursday before St. Barnabas, A.D. 1372. Two seals.
[Heref.] B. 3098. Grant by John de la Le, to John son of Maurice, for 100s., of land and a messuage in Rolfeston. Witnesses:—Roger son of Wron, John le Leche, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Heref.] B. 3099. Grant by Roger Codauh son 'of Wasteyl Codauh, to John son of Hugh de la Lee, of all his land with tenements, &c. in Roulestone. Witnesses:—William de Essa, Philip de Skenefrid, and others (named) [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: 'Carta Rogeri Codau de Rolvestone quam fecit Johanni de Lacu.'
[Salop.] B. 3100. Grant by William Poyne of Rotinton, to Agnes his daughter of a toft in Rotinton at the east end of the town. Witnesses:—Robert the parson of Kynestan, John de Lek, and others (named).