Deeds: B.3101 - B.3200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3101 - B.3200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3101 - B.3200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3101 - B.3200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3101 - B.3200

[I. of Wight.] B. 3101. Confirmation in frank almoin by Isabella, daughter of Hugh True, of the grant which Jordan Long made to the monks of Quarr, of all his land in Rugherigg' which he had of her gift. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Insula, William de Glamorgan, and others (named). Fragments of two seals.
[Heref.] B. 3102. Release by John de Lacu son of Hugh de Lacu, to the prioress and convent of Acornbury, of all his land and tenements in Rolvestone, which he had of the gift of Roger Codach, son of Wasteyl Codach, the deed of which grant he has delivered to the present grantees. Witnesses:—Thomas le Brutun, canon of Hereford, Griffin Daniel, and others (named). 14 kalends of November (19 Oct.), A.D. 1275.
[Heref.] B. 3103. Grant by Roger son of Wastylon Codahc of Rolveston, to Griffin Cut of Lanwarne, of land in Rolveston, adjoining Hendre Thomas and extending along the brook called 'Wenleys.' Witnesses:—Grifin ap Daniel and others (named).
[Heref.] B. 3104. Duplicate of B. 3099. Seal, broken.
I. of Wight. B. 3105. Demise by Richard the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to John Hardyng of Shorwelle, Joan his wife, and Richard Paslewe, for their joint lives, of the manor of Ruburghwe with a pasture called 'Rurygge,' paying certain rents and services; among which is the building of a house to contain in the middle a small hall, at one end thereof a small chamber, and at the other end space for eight oxen and four horses. Michaelmas, 1 Henry IV. Seal of arms, broken.
Surrey. B. 3106. Release by John Draper, citizen and skinner of London, to William Wykyng, skinner, and Edmund Rygon, clothier, citizens of London, of all his right in lands, cottages, and gardens, &c. in Retherhithe. 20 June, 18 Edward IV.
Surrey. B. 3107. Letter of attorney by Beatrice Wykyng, widow, late the wife of William Wykyng, citizen and alderman of London, authorising William Martyn, citizen and skinner of London, to receive from Edmund Rygon, citizen and clothier of London, seisin of lands, cottages, and gardens, &c. in Retherhithe. 21 November, 21 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Sussex.] B. 3108. Grant by Elias de Moene, to Sir John de Foxle, knight, of all his lands in Rumbaldeswyke near Cicestre, together with the reversion of the lands there which Agnes uppe Hulle holds as dower. Monday the morrow of St. Leonard, 11 Edward II. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3109. Grant by John Drivere of Gyllinham, to Hamo Cartere of Renham, of lands in Renham (Rainham) and Gyllinham. Monday after Easter, 7 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Reynham, Gyllyngham.
[Surrey ?] B. 3110. Grant by John Prodomme of Kyngeston, to Martin Flamyng of the same, of a curtilage in 'la Ryole.' Feast of St. Valentine the Martyr, 39 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] [Norf.] B. 3111. Release by John de Ginges, son and heir of Reginald de Ginges, knight, to Robert le Noreys, of yearly rents formerly paid by him for two tenements, one in Ronewell, and another in Dunham called 'Royslend.' Witnesses:—Sirs Hugh le Blund and Walter le Baud, knights, and others (named). Wickford, feast of St. Blasius in February, 25 Edward I.
[Linc.] B. 3112. Release by Agnes and Emma, daughters, and heiresses of Richard Gleys of Lounde, and Agnes his wife, to Thomas son of Thomas [T]yl of Lounde, of all their right as heiresses of Roger their brother in land at Rycroft in Est Lound. Haxey, St. Matthias' day, A.D. 1317. Two seals.
Surrey. B. 3113. Grant by John Crofft of Suthwerk, cordwainer, and William Crofft of Mortelakc, waterman, to Robert Edolff, citizen and clothier of London and Elizabeth his wife, and to John Talbot, citizen and wax-chandler of London, Henry Archer, rector of the church of Retherhithe, William Whetenhale of the king's household, John Shodbolt, gentleman, and Thomas Welles and Robert Spayne, citizens of London, of a tenement with garden in Retherhithe. 27 March, 31 Henry VI. Fragments of two seals.
Surrey. B. 3114. Demise by Thomas Wellys, clothier, and Richard Messanger, goldsmith, citizens of London, to Elizabeth Edolff, widow, of London, late the wife of Robert Edolff, clothier and citizen of London, of a cottage and garden in Retherhithe. 11 June, 2 Edward IV. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3115. Grant by Elizabeth Edolff of London, widow, late the wife of Robert Edolff, citizen and clothier of London, to William Brampton, William Felde, brewer, and Robert Spayne, scrivener, citizens of London, of a tenement with garden in Retherhithe. 5 January, 3 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
Surrey. B. 3116. Grant by Robert Shavelok, to John Leche, esquire, John Dey, citizen of London, Robert Langford, gentleman, and William Lettres, court hand writer (scriptori litere curialis), citizens of London, of all that parcel of his tenement and garden called 'Gerardishawe' in Retherhithe. 23 April, 5 Edward IV. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3117. Release by Roger Grauntoft, citizen and skinner of London, to John a Rowley of Retherhithe, co. Surrey, yeoman, Oliver Turner and John Whityngton, gentlemen, William Preston, Rowlande Birde and Richard Dobbys, citizens of London, of all his right in lands, tenements, and cottages, &c. in Retherhithe, to the use of the said John a Rowley. 16 October, 23 Henry VII.
Surrey. B. 3118. Demise by Edmund Rygon, citizen and clothier of London, to Beatrice Wykyng, widow, late the wife of William Wykyng, citizen and alderman of London, for her life, of all his lands, cottages, and gardens, &c. in Retherhithe, which he lately held with William Wykyng and John Draper, with remainder to Roger Grauntoft, John Pasmer, and Richard Swan, of London, executors of the said William Wykyng; also letter of attorney by the said Edmund, authorising Walter Smart to deliver seisin of the said premises. 21 November, 21 Edward IV.
Surrey. B. 3119. Duplicate of B. 3118.
Surrey. B. 3120. Grant by John Croft of Suthewark, cordwainer, and William Croft of Mortlake, waterman, to Robert Edolff of London, and Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Welles and Robert Spayne of London, of a tenement and garden in Retherhithe. 27 March, 31 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3121. Letter of attorney by John Courte and Joan his wife, authorising George Style, gentleman, and John Grove, to deliver seisin to Christopher Banastre, citizen and fishmonger of London, Margery his wife, William Lee, esquire, and Richard Danvers, gentleman, of a cottage and garden in Retherhithe adjoining land of the abbey of Bermondesey, 23 October, 27 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3122. Grant by Joan Burgate of the parish of St. Olave, Suthwerk, widow, to Christopher Banastre, citizen and fishmonger of London, Margery his wife, William Lee, esquire, and Richard Danvers, gentleman, of a cottage and garden in Retherithe adjoining land of the abbey of Bermondsey 10 June, 26 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3123. Release by John Burgate of Suthwerk, son and heir of William Burgate, brewer, deceased, late of Suthwerk, to Robert Edolf, citizen and clothier of London, and Isabel his wife, of all his right in a cottage and garden in Retherhithe, adjoining land of the abbey of Bermundeseye. 2 June, 21 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3124. Grant by Peter Fornham, son and heir of John Fornham of Retherhithe, to Robert Shavelock and Joan his wife, of all that parcel of a tenement and garden called 'Gerardishawe' in Rotherhithe, adjoining land of the abbey of Bermondesey. 24 February, 10 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 3125. Grant by Stephen Caunterbury and William Frotyngham, executors of the will of Sir Peter Fornham, late rector of Retherhithe, to Peter Fornham, son of John Fornham, deceased, of all that parcel of a tenement and garden called 'Gerardishawe' in Retherhithe adjoining land of the abbey of Bermoundeseye, which they had of Sir Peter by feoffment dated 20 October, A.D. 1422; the said premises having been granted to the said Sir Peter, John Fornham and Joan his wife, by Richard Glover of Retherhithe. 20 February, 1 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3126. Grant by Richard Glover of Retherhuthe, to John Ballard of the same and Alice his wife, of all his lands and tenements, &c. in Retherhuthe, with remainder, in default of issue, to the right heirs of the said Alice. Saturday after the invention of Holy Cross, 33 Edward III. Seal, broken.
Leic. B. 3127. Demise by Robert Burton, to John Popham, knight, of his manor of Rolleston, which he, with Stephen Popham, knight, William Graunt and William Stamford, now deceased, had of the grant of the said John. 3 June, 29 Henry VI. Seal.
Leic. B. 3128. Demise by Thomas Cheyne and John Frank, clerk, to John Popham, knight, of their manor of Rolleston which they had of the grant of Roger Cheyne. 1 January, 11 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Leic.] B. 3129. Release by Robert de Rudestane, parson of Bottehale church, to Thomas Cheyne, of all his right in Rolleston manor, which he had of the feoffment of Sir Robert Bertram, knight. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Ravenser, provost of the church of Beverley, Sirs Hugh de Hastynges and Roger Belers, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after Whit Sunday, 39 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Leic. B. 3130. Letter of attorney by Robert de Ruddestane, rector of the church of Bothalle, authorising Thomas de Hertfordhyngbury and Sir Robert Ward, chaplain, to deliver seisin of Rolleston manor to Thomas Cheyne. 29 March, A.D. 1365. Seal of arms, broken.
Leic. B. 3131. Grant by Robert de Ruddestane, rector of Bothalle, to Thomas Cheyne, of his manor of Rolleston, and of lands and tenements with bondmen, &c. in Rolleston, which he had of the grant of Robert Bertram, lord of Bothall, and John de Hirbotyll, rector of Shipewash, who has released all his right therein to the said Robert de Ruddestane. Witnesses:— Sirs Ralph de Hastynges and Roger de Belere, knights, and others (named). 29 March, A.D. 1365.
[Leic.] B. 3132. Defeasance of a release by Sir John de Cobham 'fiz le Contesse le Maresshall,' to Robert Bartrem, lord of Bothall, of his manor of Rolveston. Dodyngdale, 19 September, 33 Edward III. French. Seal, imperfect.
[Leic.] B. 3133. Duplicate of B. 3132. Seal of arms.
[Warw.] B. 3134. Release by Gerard, called abbot of Pipwell, and by the convent there, to the prior and convent of Chaucumbe, of all right in their land upon which they have built in Rokeby (Rugby ?), on which an assize of novel disseisin was arraigned. Witnesses:—Sirs Henry de Rokeby and Robert de Verdon', and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3135. Grant by Philip de Panton, to the prior and canons of Chaucumbe, in frank almoin, of land in Rokeby extending 'del Suthbroke' to 'le Heythe' by Henry do Weston's land at Hareleswell. Witnesses:— Sir Henry de Rokeby, knight, Ranulph his son, and others (named).
[Notts.] B. 3136. Grant by William Pain of Rodinton, to the nuns of Langeley, in frank almoin, of a toft in Rodinton at the east end of the town. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Stanford, John de Leke, Roger Brien, Reginald de Wiveliston, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Warw.] B. 3137. Release by Henry Peytevin of Rokebi, to the canons of Chaucumbe, of all his right in common of pasture in their gardens and crofts in Rokeby. Witnesses:—Robert de Morton in Rokeby, Henry de Weston, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3138. Release by Simon de Ardena in Rokeby, to the prior and convent of Chaucumbe, of all his right in the gardens, crofts, and messuages, &c., which they have of the gift of Sir Henry de Rokeby in frank almoin, within and without Rokeby. Witnesses:—Robert de Morton in Rokeby, William de Grenburgh of the same, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3139. Release by Henry de Veston in Rokebi, Robert de Walton of the same, Robert de Morton and William de Fonte of the same, to the prior and convent of Chaucumbe, of all right in all gardens, crofts, and capital messuages, &c. in Rokebi. Witnesses:—Sirs Nicholas de Charnel, lord of Belton, and Thomas de Farendon, Henry de Foxton in Rokebi, and others (named).
[Kent.] B. 3140. Release by Richard Cardemew, John Presly, and Robert Rowe, to John Croyllebois, of all their right in five houses with gardens called 'Rothynges' in St. Clement's parish [in Rochester], bounded on the north by a lane from Medeweye water to Seynt Clementes lane, eastward by Seynt Clementes lane, and westward by Medeweye water. Rouchestre, feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 4 Henry IV. Three seals, one of arms.
[Kent.] B. 3141. Demise by Margaret late the wife of William de Grean of Rochester, to Simon Potin of the same, for five years, of a tenement in Rochester that was the said William's, paying 5 marks yearly: the said Margaret is not to hinder the said Simon's enjoyment of the said term under pain of forfeiting 10l. in aid of the Holy Land. Easter, 5 Edward II. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3142. Release by Henry le Claver of Rochester, and by Richard and Gilbert his brothers, to William Poutyn and John his brother, of all their right in land in Rochester in the lane called 'Brodeye.' Witnesses:— Gilbert Elys, Richard de Gren, and others (named).
Kent. B. 3143. Grant by Walter Sexteyn, son and heir of John Sexteyn late of Wroteham parish, co. Kent, deceased, to John Crowche, living in Estgate in the suburb of Rochester, yeoman, of all his lands in St. Mary's parish, Cheteham, 28 July. 2 Henry VII. Seal.
Kent. B. 3144. Release by Walter Sexten of Wroteham, co. Kent, yeoman, to John Crowche, living in Estgatestrete, Rochester, of all his right in the lands in Chateham parish which the said Crowche has by demise of Robert Plommer and Thomas Rygby of London, gentlemen, and John Leveson of Berking, co. Essex, yeoman. 20 July, 1 Henry VII.
Kent. B. 3145. Grant by Katherine Pellham of Rochester, to Sir Reginald de Cobeham, parson of the parish church of St. James's, Coullyngg, and to Sir John Myllis, vicar of St. Nicholas's, Rochester, of all her lands and possessions in Rochester and in the parish of St. Margaret by Rochester, and in the county of Kent. 10 August, 43 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Kent. B. 3146. Release by John Wylkes of the parish of St. Mary Magdalene by Bermondsey, co. Surrey, gentleman, to John Crowche living in Estgatestrete, Rochester, of all his right in the lands and tenements in Chateham which the said Crowche had of the demise of Robert Plommer and John Leveson. 20 July, 1 Henry VII.
Kent. B. 3147. Demise by Robert Plommer and Thomas Rygby of London, gentlemen, and John Leveson of Berkyng, co. Essex, yeoman, to John Crowche of Estgatestrete, Rochester, of lands in Chateham late Simon Chercheward's, which the grantors, with Thomas Ledys, had of the demise of Walter and John Sexten of Wroteham, and Richard Hastelyn: also letter of attorney authorising John Hardell and Thomas Joce to deliver seisin of the said lands. 18 June, 1 Henry VII. Three seals.
Kent. B. 3148. Demise by Henry Hunte of Rochester, to Selvestra Bolour, late the wife of Thomas Bolour of Rochester, of five houses called 'Rothynges Rentes' with gardens in St. Clement's parish, Rochester, which the said Henry with Thomas Norays, deceased, had of the grant of Thomas Cotyng. 20 March, 2 Edward IV. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3149. Release by Edmund Chertesey, John Potager and Thomas Glover, to Thomas Cotyng, citizen and draper of Rochester, of all their right in five tenements with gardens called 'Rothingges rentes' in St. Clement's parish, Rochester, which they had of the grant of Roger Newbolt. All Saints' day, 20 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Kent.] B. 3150. Indenture whereby Thomas Bramston, in the name of the prior of the Charterhouse near London, permits Robert Hathelok, citizen and ironmonger of London, to appraise the goods of Richard Crowbergh in the said prior's house at Rochester and elsewhere, when Robert shall give to Thomas goods of the said Richard, valued at 3l. for arrears of rent of a house which Richard holds of the prior in Rochester. But if Richard, before Michaelmas next, shall render a true account to the prior of all his costs in repairing the prior's houses in Rochester, and pay the above arrears of rent, Thomas will deliver to Robert all the goods sold to him as above; and if Richard's goods be recovered by the king out of Robert's hands, the latter shall not be bound to warrant to Thomas the goods which he shall sell to him as above. 5 July, 15 Richard II. French: Seal of arms, broken.
[Kent.] B. 3151. Surrender by Joan, late the wife of Gilbert Gyldewyn of Rochester, widow, to John, the prior of the Charter House near London, of all her estate in the tenement called 'le Bole on the Hoop' in Rochester, the eighth part of which was assigned to her as dower on Gilbert's death. 18 November, 6 Richard II. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3152. Bond of John, the prior, and the convent of the Charterhouse, London, to pay to John de Barton and Beatrice his wife 40l. if they fail to receive a yearly rent of 16l. granted to them by William Waleworth and others (named) from their lands in Rochester and St. Margaret's parish by Rochester: the bond to be of no effect after the death of John and Beatrice. London, 23 June, 49 Edward III. Two seals.
[Kent.] B. 3153. Letter of attorney by William de Spridlyngton, dean of St. Asaph in Wales, and William de Halden, authorising John de Lichfeld, clerk, Richard de Fylonglegh and William de Gylyngham to deliver seisin to William Walworth and others (named), of lands in St. Margaret's parish by Rochester and a messuage in Rochester, formerly Katherine Pelham's. 11 June, 49 Edward III. Two seals, one of arms.
[ ] B. 3154. Release by Sabina, late the wife of John Campenade, citizen and goldsmith of London, to Katherine de Pelham, of all actions and demands, &c. London, Friday, Midsummer eve, 42 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3155. Grant by Gilbert Gildewyne of Rouchestre, to Katherine Peleham, of all his share of a messuage in Rouchestre, abutting southward on the Castle moat. Thursday after the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 41 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3156. Release by John Campenade, kinsman and one of the heirs of Thomas Taverner of Rochester, to Katherine de Pelham of London, of all his right in a tenement with land in St. Nicholas' parish, Rochester, a moiety of which descended to himself and to Thomas Campenade, his late brother. Saturday the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 38 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3157. Grant by Thomas Godet and Richard Borghisaldre of Rochester, to Agnes Symon of the same, of all the lands and tenements which they had of the grant of Thomas son of John Campenade in Rochester, for her life; with remainders to the said Thomas son of John Campenade, and to Gregory son of John Symon. Sunday before Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 3158. Grant by John de Middelton, son and heir of Richard de Midelton of Rochester, to Katherine de Pelham of London, of all his share of a tenement in the parish of St. Nicholas, Rouchestre. London, 12 September, 35 Edward III. Seal.
[ ] B. 3159. Grant by Philip Broning, to John Selvy, of all his land in Sabinlond in the holding of St. Clare, for 18s. and an acre and a half of land in exchange. Witnesses:—John Mayor, John Hagernas, Richard Bachelas, then provosts, Leulin ab Griffut, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Seynt Clere.'
[Warw.] B. 3160. Grant by Roger son of Henry de Wolvardinton, to Nicholas le Spicer of Warwick, of all his messuage in Saltesford street in Warwick. Witnesses:—John de Porta, Robert de Hurst, William de Wolfreton, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3161. Release by Roger de Wulvarton of Warwick, weaver, to his daughter Agnes and Matilda her daughter, of all his right in a messuage in Saltesford street in Warwick. Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 13 Edward III.
[Warw.] B. 3162. Grant by William son of the late Reginald le Mercer of Warwick, to Roger le Shepeherde of Warwick and Alice his wife, of a toft in Saltisford street in Warwick. Sunday after St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, 6 Edward [III]. Injured.
[Warw.] B. 3163. Release by Nicholas le Spicer of Warwick, to Isabel, daughter of William ate Orchard, of all his right in a messuage in Saltesford street in Warwick.
Warw. B. 3164. Grant by John Swane of Alcestre and Elizabeth his wife, to William Hues of the Mourehall, of a close and pasture called 'Popehyll' in the lordship of Salford, for four years from the Invention of Holy Cross next. Wixlaxford, 16 November, 21 Henry VII. English. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3165. Grant by John called the shoemaker (sutor) of Salle, to Roger le Straunge and Matilda his wife, of a messuage with curtilage and land in Salle, part upon Donestalle, by land of the lord of Frethorne, part in Sondfelde, and part in the tillage called 'Wycheloude.' Witnesses:— Simon de Fromilode, Walter le Fraunceys of Frompton, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3166. Undertaking by Geoffrey de Camera and John Birun, to defend Henry, abbot of Evesham, from a plea which William le Fraunceis of Salford, is moving against him before the King's justices of the bench, London, concerning a virgate of land in Salford, and to cause the said abbot to have a deed of acquittance of the said land under William's seal before Ascension Day next. Evesham, the morrow of St. John ante Portam Latinam, A.D. 1259. Two seals.
Linc. B. 3167. Grant by Robert Sutton, esquire, to Andrew Byllysby, knight, Robert Sheffeld and William Husey, son and heir apparent of John Husey, knight, esquires, Thomas Kylham and John Copuldyke, esquires, of his manors of Salmonby, Howneby, and Suthykham and all his lands, &c. therein, to the uses specified in certain indentures made between John Husey, knight, and the said Robert Sutton, esquire, dated 9 April, 7 Henry VIII. Also letter of attorney authorising Robert Swafeld, gentleman, and Alexander Tailor to deliver seisin of the said premises. 13 April, 7 Henry VIII.
[Salop.] B. 3168. Release by John Schory, chaplain, and Hugh his brother, to Osbert, the prior, and the canons of Chyrebury, of all their right in a messuage in Shrewsbury (Salop') sub Wyla, the canons remitting a fine of 50s. imposed on the releasors for violence committed in disseising them of the messuage. Witnesses:—John son of Hugh le Vilein and John Louthe, provosts of Salop, and others (named). Two seals.
[Warw.] B. 3169. Grant by William the clerk (clericus) of Drayton, to Richard, the abbot, and the monks of Evesham, in frank almoin, of land and a messuage with the coterelli, and a croft in Saltford, which he had of the gift of Robert le Franceys, against whom he afterwards recovered it by assize of novel disseisin before the King's Justices in Eyre at Coventry. Witnesses:—Robert de Lexinton, William de Culewrth, Robert de la Haye, Warner Engayne, and Ralph de Sutlegh, the King's Justices then in Eyre, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3170. Grant by Robert Franceis of Saltforde, to William the clerk (clerico) of Draiton, of a portion of his court towards the high street, with the coterelli living there, with a croft and half of his virgate of land at Saltforde; an acre of the land is in Morwrlung, part heading on 'la Den,' half an acre called 'Forshecar,' part on 'Calueulle le affeudlond,' in 'la Verniwrlung,' part next Huniwei in 'la Holulonde,' and Goren by Huniwei looking on Somerwei, part on Hothulle next land of the court of Saltford Priors, &c., &c. Witnesses:—Sir William de Luci, sheriff of Warwick, and others (named). [20–22 Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3171. Grant by Peter the palmer (palmarius) of Eccheslenz, son of the late Bond' son of Alexander, to Sir Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Evesham, of the land in Sanford which he had of Robert le Franceis of Sanford, part extending from the spring commonly called 'Carfwellesiche' by the moor, towards Herverton, part in Weleforlong by 'le Chirhacre.' Witnesses:—William the steward (senescallo) of Evesham, Peter son of Osbert de Eccheslenz, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3172. Grant by Robert le Fraunceys of Saltforde, to Roger Lossewit, of a messuage in Saltforde at the end of the town, and twelve acres in Saltford, part at Tun stall, part in Othull, in Hevedfurlong, by 'le Merwey,' in the upper part of the furlong called 'Somerweye,' at Cocesacre, in Calwenhull, upon Stifurlong, extending to 'la Dene' and to 'la Hethe,' part at the end of the mill road, at Leverichescroft, next 'la Longedole', and a portion of the meadow by Elmeforde. Witnesses:— Robert Grim, Henry Austin, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Kent. B. 3173. Demise by Thomas Hayward and Stephen Whyte of Saltwode by Hethe, to Thomas Fetell of the same, of two crofts iu Saltwood. Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 18 Henry VI.
[Somers.] B. 3174. Attornment of John Sydher, John Balle, John Caudron, John Langstele, Adam atte Style, and John Bademan, to their lords, viz. John Beket, John Hynton, vicar of Keynesham, William Brewer, vicar of Banewell, and Robert Peytefyn by payment of 1d. each for lands which they claim to hold of them in Sanford by Banewell. Wednesday before the Annunciation, 48 Edward III.
[Warw.] B. 3175. Grant by William Franceys of Sauford, to Geoffrey de Camera, of a moiety of all his right in one virgate of land in Sauford 'abbatis Evesham' (Salford-Abbot's), which came to William through Alice his mother, Geoffrey defraying the cost of the plea for acquiring the land by judgment or agreement. Witnesses:—Walter Grim, Henry Austin, and others (named). Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3176. Release by Richard Harpetre, chaplain, son and heir of Milisent Sharp daughter of Roger Sharp of Sapertone, to John Maurdyn of Cyrencestre, sou and heir of Agnes daughter of Mabel Sharp, of all his right in a messuage and land in Sapertone. Sunday before St. Laurence the Martyr, 11 Edward II.
[Warw.] B. 3177. Grant by Robert le Franceis of Sanford, to William son of Geoffrey de Ynceberg, of all his land in Sanford with the service of Roger Losewit, for 30 marks which William has lent to him for his great and urgent business, the said William paying 5s. yearly to the abbot of Evesham and giving to Robert for life a fourth of the wheat growing on the land; and if after his death Robert's heir repay the 30 marks he shall recover the land, otherwise William shall hold it till the money be repaid with the amount he has spent on the land. Witnesses:—Henry Austin of Sanford Robert Grim, and others (named).
[York.] B. 3178. Release by John Rudde of Hoveden, clerk, to Thomas, lord of Huck', of all his right in part of a moor with the soil which he had of the gift of Sir John de Huck', father of the said Thomas, beginning at Sandick and extending the length of the moor southwards. Witnesses:— William de Poulinton, Thomas de Meteham, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3179. Release by Roger Losewit, to Sir Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Evesham, of the messuage in Sanford which he had of Robert le Franceis, at the end of the town, and also of land there. Witnesses:—William the steward (senescallo) of Evesham, Simon de Cottone, knight, Robert Grym, Henry Austin, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Carte de Saltford.'
[Hants.] B. 3180. Release in frank almoin by Thomas Baldewyn and Matilda his wife, to the canons of Bromore, of three acres in Crikmede in the fee of Sandhulle, part by the canons' land in 'la Mulnefeld', which they will warrant on security of all their lands in Hardebruge and Sandhulle in the parish of Forde. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Wotton and Robert de Renchard, knights, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] B. 3181. Grant by Robert the merchant (mercator), to Andrew Bokerell son of Andrew Bokerell, of land at Sansomesslo, in a field called 'Vielescroft.' Witnesses:—Roger Duc (duce), mayor, Walter Hadrian and Robert son of John, sheriffs, of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). [14 Henry III.] Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3182. Grant by Adam son of Henry de Selfhulle, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of land in Siltwode. Witnesses:—Sampson de Bremesgrave, clerk, John de Mouirun, Simon de Stoke, and others (named). Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3183. Release by William Evysham, son and heir of John Evysham of Cirencestre and of Cristina his wife, to John Legge and Isabel his wife, of all his right in the lands which belonged to his said parents in Saperton. Tuesday before St. Vincent the Martyr, 5 Henry VI. Seal.
[Glouc] B. 3184. Grant by John Mawordyn of Cirencestre, to John Rothwell and Walter Sherman of the same, of a messuage with curtilage and land in Saperton. Witnesses:—Robert Selly, rector of Saperton, and others (named). Thursday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 14 Richard II. Seal.
Glouc. B. 3185. Grant by Thomas Legge, son and heir of John Legge late of Duntesborne co. Gloucester, to John Lane, son of Henry Lane late of Sapyrton, of all his lands in Sapyrton. 12 February, 5 Edward IV. Seal.
[Glouc] B. 3186. Grant by John Evysham and Cristina his wife, to John Paradys, chaplain, and William Hamme, skinner, of all their lands and tenements in Saperton by Cirencestre. The Translation of St. Edward, King and Martyr, 11 Henry IV. two seals.
Glouc. B. 3187. Letter of attorney by John Lane, son of Henry Lane late of Saperton, authorising John Halle and John Walkar to deliver seisin of his lands &c. in Saperton to William Notyngham. 12 January, 7 Edward IV. Seal.
Endorsed: 'De Legges place yn Saperton.'
Glouc. B. 3188. Release by John Lisle, esquire, to William Notyngham and Walter Brokehampton, esquire, of all his right in the manor, and advowson of the church, of Saperton. 6 March, 5 Edward IV. Seal.
Endorsed: Enrolled on the dorse of the Close Roll of the king within written, &c.
[Sussex.] B. 3189. Grant by John, bishop of Chichester, second [of that name], to the church of St. Martin, Seez (de Sag[io]), of land in Sapewyk which he had of the grant of Reiner, late the prior, and the convent of Tortinton. Witnesses:—Sir William, chancellor, and Sir Geoffrey, archdeacon of Chichester, Masters John de Toruleto and Robert de Hastinges, canons of Chichester, Walter, vicar of Climping, and others (named). [c. A.D. 1260.]
Glouc. B. 3190. Release by John Lane, son of Henry Lane late of Saperton, to William Notyngham, of all his right in lands, &c. in Saperton, 20 January, 7 Edward IV. Seal.
Endorsed: 'De Legges place yn Saperton,' &c.
[Sussex.] B. 3191. Demise by Nicholas, son and heir of William de Stoghton, late citizen of Chichester, to Sirs Robert called 'Harang' and Gilbert de Effyngeham, chaplains, of a croft at Sapewyke for eleven years, &c. Nicholas submits to the jurisdiction of the dean and archdeacon of Chichester to compel performance hereof. Witnesses:—William de Hertham, and Godfrey called 'Bissoppe,' provosts of Chichester, and others (named). St. Gregory's day, A.D. 1279. Fragment of seal.
[Glouc] B. 3192. Grant by William de Insula, to Henry House, knight, that the bounds of his portion of Saperton Park may begin at the corner called 'Godefrayshurne,' thence to Ockewood by the old wall to the old gate, with free ingress and egress thereat with carts, thence to Hayle and Nicholas de Haya's corner, and thence to the rector of Saperton's wall, along by the wall of 'le Parkfeld' and so to Godfray's corner. For this Henry grants to William a boundary from Godefrayshurne to the 'West gate,' with free ingress and egress thereat, and thence to Haya's corner and so to Godfray's corner. Saturday the feast of St. Margaret, 2 Edward II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Glouc.] B. 3193. Release by Henry Lasswarde and Alice, daughter of Roger Sarep' of Sapirton, his wife, to Richard the weaver (textori) of Cyrencestre and Mabel his wife, daughter of the said Roger, for 38s., of all their right in land with a messuage in Sapirton formerly the said Roger's. Witnesses:—John le Eyr, Robert le Tote, and others (named). Seal.
[Rutl.] B. 3194. Grant by Richard Tubbe of Glaston and Christina his wife, to William son of John de Seyton and Emma his wife, of a portion of their messuage in Seyton, by Simon de Eyford's messuage. Witnesses:—Robert de Morcote, John de Eston, and others (named). Sunday after St. Chad the Bishop, 12 Edward II.
[Hunt.] B. 3195. Grant by John Lucas, parson of the church of All Saints of Sautre, John Bereford, the elder, and John Stodelee, to William Moigne, knight, and Mary his wife, of the manors of Sautre, Ravele, Giddyng, Ludyngton and Roweye, and the advowson of the church of All Saints of Sautre. Witnesses:—Nicholas Styvecle and Robert Stokes, knights, and others (named). All Saints' day, 11 Richard II. Three seals.
Endorsed: Enrolled on the dorse of the Close Roll in November of the year within written, &c.
[Sussex.] B. 3196. Grant by Reiner, the prior, and the convent of Tortintun, to Master John de Arundell, of land in Sapewike. Seal, injured.
Berks. B. 3197. Grant by Baldwin Aylmer, chaplain, to John de Stouford, of the advowson of the church of Schaghes (Shaw) by Neubyry, which Baldwin had of the gift of Sir Philip de Columbariis. Friday, 16 May, 17 Edward III. Seal.
Hunt. B. 3198. Grant by John Hore of Cbilderlee, to Richard Makeneye, John Wattessone, John Aspelon the elder, John Bette, Alan Pyk, and Thomas Swyft, clerks, of Ravelee manor, three acres of meadow, and 40s. yearly rent issuing from Sawtre manor and from the advowson of the third part of All Saints' church in Sawtre. Witnesses:—Nicholas Stewcle, knight, and others (named). 26 November, 1 Henry VI, Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3199. Demise by John Stodele, to Henry, bishop of Lincoln, John, earl of Somerset, Thomas Beaufort, Thomas Swynford, and John Daprichecourt, knights, Thomas Chaucer, John Rous, John de Boys, esquires, John Lucas, clerk, and Roger Louth, of all his estate in the manors of Sautre Ravele, Gyddyngg, Luddyngton, and Roweye and in the advowson of All Saints church in Sawtre. 22 May, 5 Henry IV. Seal.
[Rutl.] B. 3200. Grant by Thomas Hayde of Seyton, to Nicholas son of John of the same, of land in Seyton, part at Cotisgrene. Witnesses:—Roger ad Fontem, William le Blunt, the elder, William his brother, and others (named). Fragment of seal.